tv BOS Rules Committee SFGTV November 9, 2020 10:00am-1:31pm PST
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monday. the meeting will come to order. welcome to the november 9th, 2020 of the rules committee. i'm supervisor hillary ronen, chair of the committee. with me on the video conference is catherine stefani and rules committee member supervisor gordon mar. our i'd like to thank sfgov tv for staffing this meeting. mr. clerk, do you have any announcements? >> clerk: yes. due to the covid-19 health emergencier and to protect board members, city employees and the public, the board of the supervisor legislative chamber are closed. members will participate in the meeting remotely. public comment will be available on each item on this agenda on both channel 26 and they're streaming the number across the screen. comments are opportunities to speak are available via phone by
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calling (415)655-0001. again that's (415)655-0001. the meeting i.d. is 146 344 9722. press pound and up and down again. when connected, you will hear the meeting discussions and in listening mode only. best practices are to call prosecute a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly. and turn down your television or radio. i'l-- you may send comments at victor.young if you submit public comment via email, it will be included as part part of the official file. that completes my announcements.
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>> thank you very much. can you please read item number 1. >> clerk: hearing to consider appointing one member to the aging advisory council. >> paricia spaniak are you hear? >> yes. >> do you have any remarks? >> i have supervised on the advisory council for a number of years. i worked for the community living campaign, whose role in life is to fight isolation and loneliness with seniors across san francisco. we offer now over 200 programs a month on the zoom classes. we do regularly scheduled check-in calls, food delivery,
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we're very active in fighting loneliness and isolation in san francisco. >> supervisor ronen: thank you so much for your work. my colleagues have no questions or comments, we can open this up for public comment. >> clerk: yes. yes. members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call (415)655-0001. the meeting i.d. is 146 344 9722. then press pound and up and down again. if you haven't already done so, please dial star 3 to line up to speak. please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted and you may begin your comment. operations, do we have any members of the public? for public comment?
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[distorted audio] >> clerk: gives us a moment while we figure out what's going on. >> chair ronen: sure. >> maybe they could write it in the chat. >> clerk: actually we can't. we're not allowed to use the chat while we're in meeting. >> oh, sorry. >> clerk: they are working on it. yes. i received word that we have no
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one in the queue to speak at this time. >> chair ronen: okay. thank you so much. public comment is closed. and i'd like to make a motion to forward the appointment of paricia spaniak to seacliff 9, to the full board with positive recommendation. [roll call] >> clerk: the motion passes without objection. >> chair ronen: great. thank you so much for your service. >> it's been an honor to serve. thank you. >> chair ronen: thank you. congratulations. mr. clerk, can you please read item number 2. >> clerk: yes. item number 2 is a hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending february 1st, 2022, to the park, recreation and open space advisory committee. one seat, one applicant. >> chair ronen: thank you so much. similarly to item number 1, supervisors, this is a district
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11 appointee and supervisor safai couldn't be here, but sends his strong recommendation and support. steve currier, are you here? >> i am. how are you? >> chair ronen: i'm good. how are you? >> you know, i'm going to second what you said and supervisor safai said. it's a brand-new dawning. i couldn't be happier. yes. [laughter] >> chair ronen: well, thank you for your willingness to serve again. i know supervisor safai is very excited. did you have anything you wanted to share with us? >> well, no. thank you. thank you for supervisor safai's -- his re-election. so i'm very happy about that. it's been an honor for me to serve on, as we all say prozac, the park, rec, open space advisory committee. it's been a good two years. i've been on since march of 2018. a great group of people. i think the only underlying
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sorrow, regarding the 150th year of golden gate park, is that we couldn't support -- we couldn't be there to celebrate. we're all there in spirit. i think we have a great team. and i look forward to being that member for the next two years. and i thank you for your support. >> chair ronen: thank you so much. thank you. and there's no comment from my colleagues, we'll open this up for public comment. is there any member of the public who wishes to speak on this reappointment. >> clerk: yes. members of the public who wish to file public comment, call (415)655-0001. the meeting i.d. is 146 344 9722. and press pound and up and down again. if you haven't already done so, please dial star 3 to line up to speak. please wait until the system has been unmuted and you may begin your comment. do we have any members of the
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public for public comment today? there does not appear to be any callers in the queue at this time. >> chair ronen: okay. then public comment is closed. it sounds like r2d2 every time. supportive of your nomination. >> well, thank you. and i'd like to make a motion to forward the appointment of steve currier to seat 22 to the full board with positive recommendation. can we please have a roll call vote. >> clerk: on that motion, supervisor stefani. >> aye. >> clerk: supervisor mar. >> supervisor mar: aye. >> clerk: chair. >> supervisor ronen:. >> chair ronen: aye. >> clerk: the motion passes without objection. >> thank you so much. >> chair ronen: congratulations. have a wonderful rest of your day. mr. clerk, can you please read
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item number 3. >> clerk: a hearing to consider appointing one member, term ends december 31st, 2022, to the sugary drinks distributor tax advisory committee. one seat, one applicant. >> chair ronen: wonderful. and miss kiana sezawar keshavarz was nominated by the youth commission. and my understanding is that austin is here to speak on the nomination. austin, are you here? >> yes. that is correct. hello, supervisors. >> chair ronen: good morning. please feel free to go ahead, austin. >> good morning, supervisors. hopefully a better day. better for our anxiety. i'm austin with the youth commission and also the staff
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support for the sugary drinks distributor tax advisory committee. my role has been uplifting the youth word, supporting the youth leader with the adult leaders and the staff and the community, such as -- [indiscernible]. microsoft teams meeting and working with them on the outreach that you see. for the past two years, he's been -- youth staff has served for only one year at a time. and this year with kiana, we're hopeful she'll stay for a two-year term. and our process began in july starting this conversation at the youth clinic. and other folks within the eastern mission. and so because of the outreach, we doubled the number of applicants, which went from two to -- when we first started to five applicants. but kiana really stood out to
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our commissioners, growing up in the district 10 with how food deserts, food inequity and racial disparities interact. and kiana has demonstrated time and commitment to our community, her district. and as the youth tends to go into the community outreach work group, we wish to have a young person that has that experience in the community outreach. and has strong relationships with the community. and we know that within the community, to empower them away from big empowerment. so rather than treating the system or treating the cause. and she definitely demonstrates -- we look forward to working with her and that is our
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comments. >> chair ronen: thank you. thank you so much. what a lovely recommendation. appreciate you. and if there's no comments, let's open this up for public comment. >> kiana may be on the line. >> chair ronen: oh, sorry. yes, please. i believe i saw her name on the list. >> chair ronen: oh, yes, please. thank you so much. i'm so sorry. please. >> no problem. good morning. my name is kiana. i'm 16 years old and in 10th grade. i have gone to public schools for most of my life, i currently attend an independent school. i live in district 10. i'm really passionate about activism, nutrition and community organizing. and in terms of my ideas for this position, i'll start out with my experience. about student leadership and
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fundraising, i lead south asian students and activism program at my school. i was a part of the youth board for make-a-wish, helping to fundraise and distribute funds. and then about outreach, organizing and fundraising, i was the core district 11 youth -- [indiscernible] and i've belong to the youth community garden. and i helped organize. and in terms of public health and nutrition, i volunteer at the food -- [indiscernible]. thank you so much for that recommendation, by the way, austin. and everything living in district 10, how marginalized and access to health programs. and then also having on both sides going to public and private schools. how youth are often -- don't have access to quality food and health resources.
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and as somebody whose mom works for the education program, which was defunded, i have experience with health programs, to help marginalized communities. as you see, i hope to offer my perspective. and also passionate about this role for my experiences. [indiscernible] i really hope to help the program in marginalized communities, especially food deserts and communities of color, specifically black and asian. what i would like to do on the board and hopefully my role is to have more community outreach and although my job is to bring public perspective to this issue, having more community outreach and community input on the function.
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>> chair ronen: wonderful. thank you so much. for your willingness to serve. it's really exciting. and, you know, i just want to say the importance of your work is getting greater and greater every day because of the pandemic and because children are stuck inside at home learning with less exercise than normal. and so, you know, what i've been hearing from general hospital and the obesity clinic there, is that so much of the amazing work that they've been able to do, to stabilize young people that are struggling with obesity, has gone backwards during this time. and so i really think that you're coming into this work at one of the most important times that you possibly could. i'm really grateful that you're taking on this leadership role and willing to do this. thank you. thank you so much. and do any of my colleagues have
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any comments? yes, supervisor stefani. >> supervisor stefani: i want to say thank you so much for your service and willingness to serve. i have a son who is a 10th grader. and i know that this pandemic has been hard on teenagers and all kids, too. to see you taking an activist role in something that's so important, it's so impressive. i continue to be astounded by the next generation and the youth and i just thank you so much for your participation and trying to make a difference. thank you. >> thank you. >> chair ronen: supervisor mar, did you want to say anything? >> supervisor mar: also as a parent of a 10 st. grader, yeah, i just wanted to thank you so much, kiana, for all that you have already done. and for your -- yeah, your commitment to stepping up to this important role on this advisory committee. so we really, really appreciate it.
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and look forward to you doing great things. thank you so much. >> thank you so much. i look forward to this, too. >> chair ronen: wonderful. wonderful. can we please open this item up for public comment? >> clerk: yes. members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call (415)655-0001. the meeting i.d. is 146 344 9722. and press pound and pound again. if you haven't already done so, please dial star 3 to line up to speak. a system proprietor will indicate you have raised your hand. please wait until the system indicates that you are unmuted and you may begin your comment. i am just waiting to see if -- we have one caller in the queue. that's for public comment at this time. >> caller: good morning. my name is jackson morgan.
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i am the executive director of the youth center and clinic. and i am also on my third term as co-chair of the sugary beverage -- well, sdddtax. we've been working with the youth commission. austin, thank you so much for all of your great work and all of the youth commissioners. and we are really, really excited and ready to welcome kiana into our -- on our tax. so this work is super important and we've been really needing more youth voice. again really excited to support this candidate. >> chair ronen: thank you. >> clerk: that completes the members of the public in queue to speak at this time. >> chair ronen: thank you. then public comment is closed. and i am honored to make a motion to forward the
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appointment of kiana -- i'm so sorry is i'm mispronouncing your name. to the full forward with a positive recommendation. can we have a roll call vote. >> clerk: on that motion, supervisor stefani. [roll call]. >> clerk: the motion passes without objection. >> chair ronen: okay. wonderful. congratulations, kiana. we'll see you soon. >> thank you so much. austin, thank you for all of the comments and recommendations. it's very sweet. thank you. bye. >> chair ronen: thank you. mr. clerk, can you please read item number 4. >> clerk: item number 4 is a hearing to consider appointing three members, terms ending junt rights commission. three seats, three applicants. >> chair ronen: wonderful. and if we could hear from mario paz, one of my favorite immigrant rights leaders, in district 9. good morning.
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>> good morning, chair. >> superviso-- ronen.we've beena dark cloud for the last four years. we've witnessed -- insanity in the separation of children from their parents. and the one policy after another with anti-immigrant. the policy initiative that was promoted by this -- the outgoing administration. thank goodness. we now have an opportunity to reimagine the system and we are most excited at the commission to be at the forefront. san francisco has always been a beacon of light. during these four years, we standed for our sanctuary policy and we continued to stand to
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celebrate immigrants and continue to fight. and we are very, very proud of the work that we are highlighting all of the atrocities. again we continue to uphold san francisco values. i look forward to continuing that work. again i'm very excited about finally being able to pass comprehensive immigration reform, with citizenship from undocumented communities, that we can get rid of the rules that were impacting our immigrants. that they went as far as to really dismantle, [indiscernible] so i'm very excited and very humble. and really thank you for your consideration. i would like to also endorse my colleagues celine kennelly and nima rahimi. they're wonderful leaders for our immigrant communities. and again thank you. thank you, supervisor ronen.
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>> chair ronen: thank you so much. and i just have to say that you have been such a leader in our community, in the mission, serving so many latinx families. i just want to say how grateful i am for all of your work. thank you. >> no, thank you. thank you, supervisor. i'm grateful to you also for all of your support. and the other supervisors. thank you. >> chair ronen: thank you. and next we'll hear from celine kennelly. celine, are you here? >> i am. apologies. sorry. i had to figure out getting myself off of mute. >> chair ronen: no problem. good morning. how are you? it's good to hear from you. >> thank you. good morning. it's a pleasure to be with you all this morning. and, yes, i will echo new dawn, new day. and i think great relief, not
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only locally and nationally, but also globally. i can say with my hand on my heart that the entire eilis -- h -- they've watched the elections over the last week, as most of my family stayed up through the night following everything that was happening. so it is very exciting time. so i would like to thank you for the opportunity to be before you this morning. i am delighted to be reappointed to the immigrant rights commission. i have served on the commission since 2012. and it has been my pleasure to be part of the amazing work that the commission has done. for 22 years, we have fought for the rights and dignity of immigrants and other underserved and underrepresented communities. from rights to the sanctuary ordinance, we have worked with
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our community partners and fellow commissions to ensure inclusive, fair policies and conditions that make san francisco a safe and welcoming a place for all people to thrive. it has not been an easy road for immigrants in recent years especially. we've seen a steady stream of anti-immigrant policies, demeaning and hateful rhetoric and attempts to diminish the many,yes of hardworking, law-abiding immigrants and communities of color. we are thankful that we are moving towards a new dawn and a new day and we look forward to being able to be part of a move towards more humane, fair policies for our immigrant communities. there are many important issues facing us and the immigrant rights commission has been active as ever on major issues. we were very excited at the passage of prop c. and stand in support of the commission has partnered with the office of civic engagements
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and immigrant affairs to ensure that our commissioners have language access and assistance at every meeting and are able to participate in meaningful ways. we look forward to seeing the extension of our commission and other commissions within the city. as chair of the commission, i have been delighted to be in a position to work with and to support and to lead my fellow commissioners with, as always, undying support from vice chair paz, other members of the executive committee and, of course, the office of civic engagement. we have partnered with the recovery task force to hold special hearings on covid-19 impacts on immigrant in june of this year. a hearing which fed into the overall outcome of the economic recovery task force and their findings. we have also in the last 12 months had a special hearing on
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daca, as we hope to see a more positive move for daca with a new administration. a joint hearing with the human rights commission on the border crisis. and we had begun a series of neighborhood specialty hearings in district 10 at the end of last year, which unfortunately we ended up having to put on hold, our series, due to covid. we recently passed a resolution on the treatment of the immigrants, followed by a hearing early in the new year. we are excited at the board resolution declaring war on racism. as a result of this resolution, we have established a racial equity working group, which is dealing with the access of regional equity and the human rights commission to look at how we can support and make change around racial equity within our city. and we were, of course, very involved in census 2020. the vice chair and i were
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members of the complete count committee. and the commission as a whole, the office of civic engagement and immigrants in deliverance of a complete count. i would like to thank director paz, robert simpson, all members of the complete count committee and the entire staff of the office of civic engagement and immigrant affairs for all of the work that they have done -- in delivering as complete of a count as we could for the city and county, in what proved to be an extremely difficult year to find everybody. so i am -- as i say, i'm delighted to be given the opportunity to again serve on the commission. it is an honor. we have a wonderful commission. we have a very diverse commission. we have a few seats to fill. and we've got some great ideas as to how to continue and expand the diversity. i thank you for this opportunity. >> chair ronen: thank you so much, celine.
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you've done such incredible work over -- in the number of years on this commission. we're so grateful to you for it. and thanks for mentioning c yay! how immigrants are going to be able to serve on the immigrant rights commission. imagine that. so exciting. we're finally going to be able to take advantage of the talents of so many more people in the city and county of san francisco on our local leadership bodies. so another piece of fantastic news for our city and our country. so thank you, celine. did anybody else want to say anything? we're good? okay. okay. so next we will hear from our last, but not least candidate, nima rahimi. >> thank you, supervisor ronen. thank you, supervisor mar and stefani. it's been an honor serving on
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this commission. the board of supervisors first appointed me during the first year of the trump presidency. and i have worked with my fellow commissioners to resist the agenda from day one, leading special hearings on the muslim ban to a special hearing on the crimes against humanity he's committed at our southern border. to his attempt to break our promise to our daca brothers and sisters. when our yemeni community faced obstacles to send money to their families, caught in the middle of the civil war, i helped bring community members to our commission to help their stories on the record. we worked with our san francisco treasurer to provide advice and recommendations to our yemeni neighbors to navigate this issue. further, in collaboration with the economic recovery task force, we listened immigrant communities and leaders to advise the task force on how best to serve our immigrant families during this time of economic crisis. and most recently, and i'm very proud of this, especially because it just passed. i worked with community leaders
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say -- sarah souza. i'serve on the iranian-american bar association, after served on the board of the northern california chapter for seven years. i also serve on the board of a community nonprofit called the equality center generation plus, supporting the social, civic and economics. we have a lot of work to do. i'm so excited about president biden and kamala harris' election. i want our commission to support this administration's efforts on immigrant rights and help inform as san francisco goes, as california goes, so goes the nation. we have important work to do. i'd be honored to continue serving our city and county as an immigrant rights commissioner. thank you so much for your consideration.
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>> chair ronen: thank you. thank you. now we can open this item up for public comment. >> clerk: yes. members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item, should call (415)655-000(415)655-0001, the . is 146 344 9722. then press pound and up and down again. if you haven't already done so, please dial star 3 to line up to speak. a system prompt will indicate you have raised your happened. please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted and you may begin your comments. we are checking on if we have any members of the public in queue to speak at this time. we have zero callers in the queue to speak. that completes -- you're on mute, chair. >> chair ronen: thank you. before i close public comment, i wanted to give an opportunity
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for commissioner kennelly to speak on behalf of her -- in support of her colleagues. >> thank you, chair ronen. i will be brief. i am delighted that they're back up for re-appointment to the immigrant rights commission. they are both dedicated, passionate, informed, and big picture thinkers in terms of policies that affects the lives of immigrants. they have been -- they have been so active on the commission. they have been leaders and they are an absolutely phenomenal addition to our commission. i am delighted to speak in their support. and i hope that we can move to a positive recommendation for both of them. so commissioner rahimi, and commissioner paz, thank you for
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your dedication to the environment rights commission. ronen thank you so much. and with that, public comment is closed. and i am happy to make a motion to forward the appointment of mario paz to seat 6, with a residency waiver. celine kennelly to seat 7 and nima rahimi to seat 8. to the full board with positive recommendation. can we take a roll call. >> clerk: on that motion, supervisor stefani. >> supervisor stefani: aye. >> clerk: supervisor mar. >> supervisor mar: aye. >> clerk: chair ronen. >> chair ronen: aye. >> clerk: the motion passes without objection. >> chair ronen: fantastic. thank you to all three of you. keep up the amazing work and thanks for being willing to continue to serve. >> thank you, supervisor. >> chair ronen: thank you. mr. clerk, do we have any other items on the agenda? >> clerk: that's our agenda for
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today. >> chair ronen: okay. great. the meeting is adjourned. have a great day, everyone. bye. ok, well, remember last week when you hit vinny in the head with a shovel? [chuckling] i do not recall that. of course not. well, it was too graphic for the kids, so i'm going to have to block you. you know, i got to make this up to you. this is vinny's watch.
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i'm san francisco mayor london breed, and i'm joined by a number of folks who i'll introduce later to speak. but i wanted to take this opportunity to just start with, really, how far we've come. it's been a very, very challenging seven months in san francisco. when this pandemic first hit, we had to make some really hard decisions. and with those hard decisions, we knew it was not only going to hit our economy as a whole, but it was going to have a tremendous impact on our small businesses, especially businesses in the community. we saw, within the first time that we closed in the month of april, we saw unemployment go to over 60,000 people, and as of today, we have over 200,000 people who have filed for
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unemployment. we've seen businesses close, and some that we have gone to our entire lives, we've seen them close permanently. we've had to balance a $1.5 billion budget deficit in san francisco. it's been hard. our unemployment before the pandemic was less than 2%, and at its height, went to 12%, and today, it's 8%. so yes, from an economic standpoint, we have had some really challenges in our city, and the good news is that because we are a resilient city, there have been a lot of adjustments. we've adapted, we've improvised, and when movie theaters called, what was it
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call? >> oh, popcorn thursday. >> the hon. london breed: i remember the first movie you played was "clueless," and i was all excited about that. it was look, we can't have it inside, but let's particultake the streets. let's come together as a community to enjoy something that all of us have missed, and that's going to the movies. and in addition with that jazz permit that we provide, it allows them to provide jazz music. adapting is what we do best. do we want to do it? no. we want to maintain our businesses and serve the community, but in the course of this pandemic, i've got to tell you, i'm so proud to be a san
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franciscan. i'm so proud of what everyone has done to just say, you know what? we'll figure it out. we'll do the best we can. we'll make changes, like these parklets and some of the great ideas that came out of carmen chu and the economic recovery task force to say, let's make some adjustments. let's try and continue to support our businesses in a way that we didn't before. and even though it has been challenging, i don't know how you feel about these incredible pa parklets that are all over san francisco, but i feel like the city is alive again. and part of what we have to do in addition to some of the hard decisions we've had to make, we have to make decisions to get our economy going again, and that means making the right kinds of investments. today, i want to announce that
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we are making an additional $7.4 million investment into the jobsnow program. and some of you might be wondering, what is jobsnow? in 2009, when we had the previous economic recession in this country under president barack obama, we had programs like cal fresh and job assistance. i was the executive director of the african american art and culture complex, and there were people that qualified for the jobsnow program, they started to work for me at the african american art and culture complex, and our organization got money to pay their salary. now one time, they were late with the checks, trent. you remember that time, when i called you, wondering when is it coming? when is it coming? i've got to meet payroll.
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well, that program happened. over 26,000 people were served, and many of them still working today. and so carmen chu, what was head of -- who was head of this economic recovery task force, provided a lot of recommendations. and one of those recommendations was to get people back to work, we should look at investing more in the jobsnow program. to support small businesses, we should make it easier for them to get help from this jobsnow program, and that's exactly what we're doing here today, because what we want to make sure is when people reopen, that they are able to hire people, but they're not generating the revenue that they want to generate. so this is another way that we
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can support our small business community. i remember, i went to a coffee shop in my neighborhood. and i've been going there many, many years, but this was the first time i've met the owner of the coffee shop. he told me that he couldn't afford to bring his employees back right away. so that's why programs like jobsnow and making programs like that available, it's all about helping people. we want to get our economic going, we want to get people back to work, we want to support our small businesses. we want to make sure that we come back out of this pandemic more successful and stronger more than ever before, because this is san francisco. this is what we do, and this is
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one further step towards meeting that goal. i want to thank the san francisco chamber of commerce for their work and their support. i want to thank ucsf for being an incredible partner with the jobs now program, and i really want to express my appreciation to this community, to folks in the richmond, because i know that it's been hard, even before the pandemic, that this community sometimes feels neglected and forgotten. and as a native san franciscan, i want to make sure that so many outskirts of our city, that they receive the resources and help that they need to thrive. that is my goal, that is my hope, and that is my desire, and that's why it was important for me to come to this community. we've got a lot of work to do, folks, and that is why we need to do as a city is make sure that we are not creating policies in a bubble.
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we want to make sure that we understand what the needs are of the folks that have the businesses out here, and that we are able to respond to these needs in a way that makes it easier for you to do business in san francisco but also makes you a success in san francisco. that is my goal. that is why i'm excited about this incredible program. i've worked with this program directly, as i said, before, and because of my experience in the jobs now program and getting my check late, i made it clear to trent that we have to do better with not this reimbursement model. we've got to get folks their payroll. so at this time, i want to introduce trent rorrer who's going to talk a little bit about the program, how small
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businesses can connect to the program, and how quickly they're going to get reimbursed from the program. trent? >> thank you, mayor breed. as mayor breed said, i'm trent rhorer, executive director of the city's human services agency. the jobsnow was borne out of president barack obama's jobs program. we immediately in the city seized on the opportunity right after 2009, when it passed, which, in its first year under the stimulus act, placed over 5,000 people in subsidized
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jobs. this went to unemployed san franciscans, san franciscans on benefits, and impacted hundreds of thousands of san franciscans, businesses big and small, and it was able to make a big impact on the recession. so this time, mayor breed didn't wait to pass a stimulus packages to assist residents and the unemployed, and it's a good thing she didn't because we'd still be waiting. in it, she included $7 million to the human services agency to expand jobsnow to serve an additional 3,700 people as well as businesses looking to reopen, to expand, or to simply start a new business. this mayor's investment, as she said, is in line with the city
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investments programs. so what is jobsnow? it's the subsidized employment program that we at the human services agency operate that matches low-income unemployed or underplayed people with job opportunities in the public sector, the private sector, and also the nonprofit. what is subsidized employment? it is a job strategy that uses public dollars, in this case, over $7 million, to reimburse employers for the wages that they pay to workers that are hired through jobs now. the idea behind the program is very simple and straightforward. as businesses are thinking about opening for the first time or reopening or expanding, there's obviously a lot of uncertainty, given the pandemic, and given the local connect rig economy right now. things like what will be the
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customer base when it reopens? how immediate and how robust will the supply chain be? all of these thinks are what employers are thinking about when they're thinking about rehiring. so it's all about us saying say, let's lessen your risk and allowing you to pay for a large risk in your business, which is wages. the other benefit of jobsnow which isn't talked about a lot, but other people who participate in the program will talk about it, is it takes care of businesses' hiring needs. the human services agency does the job announcements, the outreach, resume screening based on the skills of the people that we're working with. rearrange all the incident -- we arrange all the interviews. it allows the employer to get
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all that work done by us rather than the employers who are thinking about other critical issues related to reopening and expansion and other things. time and time again, in 2009, we heard from employers who said this program is great. but even the best thing, above the wage replacement, is we are meeting their human resources needs. they wouldn't have to place a job announcement on craigslist, schedule interviews, and have one person show up. we do everything. so we are offering several tiers of wage reimbursement to meet the specific needs of businesses. i'm not going to go into the different tiers and the levels, but i want to talk more broadly about what our strategy is. we're offering the deepest subsidies to businesses that are trying to reopen and rehire staff that they had to layoff or businesses opening for the
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first time. for these situations, we're reimbursing 100% of the wages for the first three months and 50% of the wages for the next three months. [applause] >> i'll take that. we're also not excluding existing businesses, of course, we'll reimburse businesses $1500 a month for the first six months depending on the wages that they're offering and their ability to offer full time or part-time work. initially, the program is designed to meet san francisco's residents needs who are enrolled in benefit services. but this is going to allow us to open up this to any job
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seeker in san francisco. if they're unemployed, if they're underemployed -- and generally, someone who's unemployed is low-income. if they're unemployed or underemployed, they're eligible for jobsnow. so we'll be partnering with the office of workforce development, and doing a biggobig outreach campaign so that any san franciscan knows they can come to jobsnow, and we'll get them a job. right now, more than 270,000 san franciscans have filed for unemployment. at this time in 2009, about 44,000 san franciscans applied for unemployment. a year ago, the unemployment rate at this time was 1.8%.
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we're now well over 8%. in addition, the public assistance caseloads have sky rocketed. we're seeing thousands and tens of thousands of people applying for food stamps, and calfresh services to provide for their families. even as importantly, if not more importantly, the small business owner to my right, it's a benefit for small businesses and large businesses struggling in san francisco to stay open or who are trying to reopen. all the city's 311 line. they'll connect you or sla
10:59 am i want to thank our partners like the mayor, but also our other partners. office for workforce development, joaquin torres and joshua arce, and then, the cochairs of the city's economic recovery task force, rodney fong, the president of the chamber of commerce, as well as assessor carmen chu, for their vision and their leadership in crafting an economic recovery plan that's sure to make a difference for our citizens and our residents. so i'm really happy to introduce one of the cochairs, assessor carmen chu. [applause] >> thank you very much, trent. couldn't be more pleased to be here today, and i want to just start off by sharing my deep appreciation for the mayor's leadership in all of this. i know that many of you are
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aware that it's through her leadership and her vision that brought together businesses small and large, community leaders, and nonprofits to put forth ideas to assist in recovery. i'm joined by awe teen torres from eowd as -- oewd as well as -- joaquin torres from oewd as well as my cochair, rodney san francisco, from the chamber of commerce. through the partnership of our professionals at the department of public health, we've put forward a plan that has been thoughtful and measured, something that has put san
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francisco apart from the rest of this nation. we're one of the only counties in the state of california to have just recently hit the yellow tier, the least restrictive tier when it comes to the state tiering system. but not only that, we did it in a way that was responsible, in a way that didn't ping pong businesses back and forth to open and close, to open and close. these are really hard decisions, tough things to do, but i think that san francisco did it right. this doesn't mean that we don't have a lot to do, that we can let down our guards, but it shows that we can reopen and do it safely. but just because we say that we're opening businesses, that restaurants can open, that movie theaters can reopen, it doesn't mean that businesses can come back. through our conversations with folks in the neighbor, we've heard about how even with reopening, people are really
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worried about bringing back their memployees. do employees feel safe coming back to work? these are questions that many of our businesses do face. that's why a program like jobsnow and its $7.4 million is so incredibly important. it's a way for small businesses to be able to make those choices to bring people back in a responsible way that help them get through this time. if you're a small business, and you're wondering whether you're going to see customers coming in through your doors, you're going to have the ability to hire someone and get those wages reimbursed for the first three months and 50% for the three months afterwards. that's a big deal. i certainly would do that if i was a small business, and i think this jobsnow program creates the stage to get the help that all our businesses need to get in the right space. so again, i couldn't be more
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pleased as a member of the economic recovery task force, representing my cochairs and all the members of the community to see this investment come back and be made in san francisco. thank you, mayor breed, for your wonderful investment and for your wonderful leadership. [applaus [applause] >> and with that, i am really pleased to announce our next speaker, someone who i have come to know, and the owner of this wonderful establishment that we all know and love in the richmond district. adam is going to be coming up to say a few words on behalf of not only the richmond district but the balboa theater. >> hello. i'm adam bergeron of the balboa theat theater.
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we thought we had used this stimulus money and the p.p.p. and the loan money, but this has just gone on for so long, that even though strategically using it, we just ran out of our p.p.p. money last thursday, so now we're in a position where the rubber is hitting the road. it's time to make some pretty big decisions, and it was right at that moment that i was turned on by my friend to the possibility of jobsnow, and it really does seem like this could be a lifeline to get us from now to the end of the pandemic to keep some of the valuable staff that we have on board, right, and be able to bridge that gap until we're in a spot where we feel a little more kment about business, the ability to do business. you know, the theater business is a little unique in that i think we're all a little weary
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of being in a room with people for hours, and it's something we need to consider if we're allowed to reopen, what's going to be the financial viability of the business, and is it going to be safe? thanks, everybody, mayor breed, and thanks, everybody. [applause] >> the hon. london bree >> i want to join ucsf in thanking mayor breed for bringing us together, and putting san francisco back to work by expanding the jobsnow program. ucsf is the second largest employer in san francisco, and for us, ensuring that our workforce reflects the communities that we're in is part of a long-standing commitment and critical to our priorities. the health and science field is a huge job generator in san
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francisco. at a time when other parts of our economy are struggling to survive and recover from covid-19, ucsf is committed to doing our part in creating a skilled workforce, not just for our employees, but for the communities we serve. i served on mayor breed kazz task force, and i, too, want to thank the leadership for rodney fong and carmen chu, and thank you for the work that the economic recovery task force has done in the last few months. briefly, i just want to talk a little bit about our excel program. since 2010, ucsf has worked with the city to create jobs through our excellent community engagement learning or excel.
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it uses live virtual classroom training and on-the-job experience to prepare san franciscans for administrative jobs in health care. students participate ten weeks of training. next, they're placed in paid, four month clerical and administrative internships with ucsf's campus and our medical center. we provide ongoing internship support throughout the duration of the program as well as job placement assistance when our interns graduate. to be eligible, you must be a san francisco resident 18 years or older, with a high school diploma or g.e.d., proficient in english, able to pass a basic office skills assessment, and able to pass a criminal background check, occupational health check, and background health screen.
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ucsf interns earn $14.25 an hour during their trernship. we have recently increased our cycles per year. since we've started excel, we've graduated 230 interns, and just to let you know a little bit of who our graduates are, half our african american. almost 25% are latinx, and 92% are female. ucsf is offering well paying jobs for women of color in san francisco. our next cycle will start training on monday, november 9. i want to acknowledge josh arce and joaquin torres for the projects that we're doing in the construction field. we're working hard to increase our hires at impact in san francisco.
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thank you for your leadership, mayor breed, and thanks again for the work of the economic recovery task force. [applause] >> the hon. london breed: all right. thank you so much. as was said, ucsf has been an incredible partner, not just in the jobs program, but they have been incredible in helping to lead our response to covid, so we truly appreciate ucsf and the work that they continue to do. i want to take this opportunity to also acknowledge joaquin torres, who is right over here. he is the director of the office of economic and workforce development, and if any of you are small business owners, please call him directly for any -- any questions, any assistance. if you want to know what the city is doing or you want to ask some questions, joaquin is absolutely incredible. now if you are looking for a job, josh arce will give you
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his cell phone number because these are the two tag team folks who are really about making sure that we get to people and provide opportunities in this city. it is so important that we get people back to work, and we do so safely. i want to also just take this opportunity to acknowledge that there have been so many people helping in our economic recovery and our response. you know, i was telling adam how now, i feel bad, when i was here watching wonder woman, i got kicked out of the theater with my friends because we were talking. i had to explain, black people, we're talking in the movie theater. we're telling people what to do and whatnot not to do. but any way, i have so many incredible memories of this incredible neighborhood. i'm so lucky to be here with one of the local business
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owners who owns -- is it blue pottery? blue stone pottery. they don't just sell pottery, but they sell a lot of other items that are cute gift issues, and i want to introduce one of the owners, margel howard, who is here today [applause] >> thank you. thank you, mayor breed, for being here. we've got a lot of star power on balboa street today, which is really tlihrilling and amazg for us business owners. several years ago, i cofounded the balboa village merchants association, and our members, like adam bergeron who's done amazing things with the theater and has adapted so well at the movie theater, he's got these amazing bags. at least one of our family members is wearing a balboa
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theater t-shirt, and there's a cafe right down the street, according to my daughter, they have the best b.l.t. on the strip. you might want to try that out. these have been trying times as business owners. the pandemic, and the shock to the economy, it's caused us to be more closely knit. there's so much that we've seen mayor breed do, with the help of oewd and assess or carmen chu. i know we're going to get through this together, and i think how exactly is this going to happen? and then, i hear about this reinvestment in jobsnow, another way to make it easier for small business owners to
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emerge from this pandemic. galindo, another great place for lunch, stuck in permit purgatory for four years, is now in business. here in the richmond, tens of thousands of residents have filed for unemployment, are looking for jobs, where businesses are getting more and more creative in how they share spaces and how they attract business. we have so many good places to go for lunch, but -- i know, it's all good. but i am just so grateful. i know our fellow merchants are so grateful to be gathered here at this anchor of our community, one of our community
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hubs, to really represent what is going to happen here in the future. so thank you again for being here. it means so much to all of us. [applause] >> the hon. london breed: and i'll just wrap it up by saying it's halloween this weekend in san francisco, so look. i just want you to all remember that we are still in a pandemic, and i know you're wondering, well, mayor, what are you going to be for halloween? i'm going to dress up, but i'm going to wear my mask, and i'm going to abide by some of the recommendations of public health. i know that's boring, but at the end of the day, we are doing an incredible job, and we are in a good place. and because we know that many of those businesses depend on our recollection and how we react to remain open, and out of love and respect for our community spaces, we are going to follow the social distancing and all the guidelines that you're tired of me repeating. the balboa, in fact, as a
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number of activities planned, so you can always buy your ticket in advance. there's going to be music and jazz, and we should look at closing the street. there'll be some great things for us to do here in this community and all over san francisco, but i want everyone to just remember, we are in a pandemic, we can still wear our masks with our costumes, even though it may not be the same. we can get creative because that's what we do in san francisco. but we should all definitely make sure we are safe. thank you all so much for joining me for the announcement of these incredible programs. i'm going to one of those restaurants that marjan mentioned. thank you all so much for being here today, and have a wonderful day and a wonderful
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nickname is x usher my mom calls me i stuck out like a sore thumb for sure hey everybody i'm susan kitten on the keys from there, i working in vintage clothing and chris in the 30's and fosz and aesthetic. >> i think part of the what i did i could have put on my poa he focus on a lot of different musical eras. >> shirley temple is created as ahsha safai the nation with happens and light heartenness shirley temple my biggest influence i love david boo and el john and may i west coast their flamboyant and show people
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(singing) can't be unhappy as a dr. murase and it is so fun it is a joyful instrument i learned more about music by playing the piano it was interesting the way i was brought up the youth taught me about music he picked up the a correspond that was so hard my first performing experience happened as 3-year-old an age i did executive services and also thanks to the lord and sank in youth groups people will be powering grave over their turk i'll be playing better and better back la i worked as places where men make more money than me i was in bands i was
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treated as other the next thing i know i'm in grants performing for a huge protection with a few of my friends berry elect and new berry elect and can be ray was then and we kept getting invited back you are shows got better we made it to paris in 2005 a famous arc we ended up getting a months residencey other than an island and he came to our show and started writing a script based on our troop of 6 american burr elect performs in france we were woman of all this angels and shapes and sizes and it was very exciting to be part of the a few lettering elect scene at the
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time he here he was bay area born and breed braces and with glossaries all of a sudden walking 9 red carpet in i walgreens pedestrian care. >> land for best director that was backpack in 2010 the french love this music i come back here and because of film was not released in the united states nobody gave a rats ass let's say the music and berry elect and performing doesn't pay very much i definitely feel into a huge depression especially, when it ended i didn't feel kemgd to france anymore he definitely didn't feel connected to the scene i almost feel like i have
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to beg for tips i hey i'm from the bay area and an artist you don't make a living it changed my represent tar to appeal and the folks that are coming into the wars these days people are not listening they love the idea of having a live musician but don't really nurture it like having a potted plant if you don't warrant it it dizzy sort of feel like a potted plant (laughter) i'm going to give san francisco one more year i've been here since 1981 born and raised in the bay area i know that is not for me i'll keep on trying and if the struggle becomes too hard i'll have to move on i don't know where that will be but i love here so so much i used to
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dab he will in substances i don't do that i'm sober and part of the being is an and sober and happy to be able to play music and perform and express myself if i make. >> few people happy of all ages i've gone my job so i have so stay is an i feel like the piano and music in general with my voice together i feel really powerful and strong >> good morning, everyone, this is november 4th, 2020 budget and finance committee. i'm chairman fewer. and i'm joined by supervisor mandelman.
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i would like to thank sfgov for staffing this. >> the board of supervisors and the committee room are closed. however, members will be participating in this meeting remotely. [inaudible] >> public comments will be available on each item on this agenda, and we are streaming the number across the stream. each speaker will be allowed two minutes to speak. comments or opportunities to speak during the public comments are available by phone. meeting i.d. 146291707.
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then press pound twice. when connected, you will hear the meeting discussions, but you will be muted. when you're item of interest comes up, dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. best practices are to call from a quiet location, and turn down your television or radio. alternatively, you may submit public comment in the following way, e-mail to myself or the budget committee. icommittee. it will be forwarded to the supervisors and will included as part of the official items. items acted on today are expected to appear on the board of supervisors' agenda on november 10th, unless otherwise stated. >> chairwoman: can you call number one? >> authorizin
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[inaudible] members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item shall call 415-455, 0091. and then press pound twice. if you have not already done so, dial star 3. and please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted and you may begin your comments. >> chairwoman: today we have karea zee, and also
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available, rebecca benisini. the floor is yours. >> thank you so much, chair fewer. i'm elaine forbes, and thank you supervisor mandelman and supervisor walton. i just wanted to share a couple of words in perspective of how important it is for the porto consider our tenants during this period. and our team has done a lot of work with our variety of diverse tenants during this time. we have been in front of our commission four times on the tenant situation, and it started with rent deferral, and now rent forgiveness, which is in front of you today. our program is really designed to keep a commitment to our tenants, to provide a real maximum opportunity for our tenants to weather the storm. while we we're encouraging a safe reopening, but the opportunities for our retail stores and restaurants are not there
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during the pandemic. and we'll be stronger if we can recover today. the port has also supported rent relief for our maritime tenants and for our small business tenants. several of whom reside in district 10, for policy reasons, to keep us stronger and more resilient and equitable as a port organization and for mission purposes. i wanted to thank you again for looking at this ordinance, and understanding some of these old leases, this is the practical solution to provide rent forgiveness. i want to thank you for all of your work. she has been on the ground with all of the details. and rebecca and boris are also here to also answer questions, and they have provided a considerable support on this effort. i wanted to say how important this item is for the port. with that, i'll turn it over to kazia.
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>> thank you, director forbes. good morning chair fewer and supervisors walton and -- >> chairwoman: cues me onexcuse meone second. it seems as though we're having a problem displaying the power point. madam clerk, would you mind assisting. and supervisor walton is in the cue, and so if you don't mind, i would like to hear from him first. supervisor? >> i'm actually waiting to speak when they were done with their presentation. i have a question when they're finished. >> chairwoman: all right. are we able to assist with the power point. point? >> yes, good morning, madam chair. i do not have a problem viewing the power points. >> chairwoman: i'm sorry. i see on my screen the content -- there was a problem displaying the content.
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am i the only one that cannot access the power point? >> i can see it. >> chairwoman: you can? >> i can. >> chairwoman: all right. i guess i might be the only one that can't see it, and i don't know why. is that going to be an issue, or do you think you can just walk me through this? director forbes, we had previous conversations before about your rent relief, and i'm familiar a little bit about the program that through your rent release program before. i'm okay not seeing the power point if you're okay with me not seeing the power point? >> i'm okay with that. i think we'll be sure to get it to kelsey and your team, and if kazia can walk through the details for the public and other members, i think that would be very beneficial. >> chairwoman: kazia, my apologies. i don't know what is wrong with my screen. >> we're living in a new
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technical age. we can send a p.d.f. version of the power point after the presentation, so if you have any follow-up questions, we can answer that. okay. i will begin. my name is kazia tonalium, and i'm the manager of business strategy at the port of san francisco. as director forbes shared, i'm joined by my colleague rebecca benisini. and we've been working very tirelessly on the proposed ordinance that is in front of you today. and i apologize, i don't know why it says november 11th, but today is obviously not that date. so i will move on with the presentation. the proposed ordinance in front of you today authorizes the port division to amend certain leases that are subject to charter section 9118. in addition to that, the ordinance also waives
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administration codes and environmental codes that are typical requirements that have been enacted after most of our most recent modifications of each of the leases. many of the leases that are subject to this are retail leases that have -- that are primarily up in our fishman's wharf area. 10 of which date back as far as may 1st, 1970, so you can imagine there have been many code changes since then if we had to in corporate them would pose certain buena burdens on many of the businesses that are severely impacted by the covid-19 pandemic. we have been working on the ground with many of our tenants to understand their financial circumstances, and so we believe we are presenting a very thoughtful rent forgiveness package to you all today.
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so as an overview to our rent forgiveness program, we propose a sector-based approach to rent forgiveness at this time. we are focusing on our percentage rent tenants, those that are retail tenants, most of them restaurants, and other commercial operators throughout our portfolio. the second bucket of our tenants are maritime tenants, that as can imagine are fishers, our crabbers, our fish processors, and our other maritime operations along the waterfront. and the third bucket are local business enterprise tenants, and we have about 27 of those in our portfolio, which typically are very, very small operators, and need our assistance at this time. as an overview, we propose, for the
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percentage rent tenants, to forgive all base rents and require the payment of percentage rent as defined in their current lease agreement. the relief area would be from march 1st, 2020, through april 30th of 2021, next year. our maritime tenants in this particular case we will be forgiving all of their base rents for a period of march 1st to august 13st, and for our l.b.e.tenants, forgive their rents from march 1st to may 31st. for percentage rent tenants, it would give forgiveness for up to 14 months, and affects approximately 48 tenants, but for this particular ordinance, we are focusing in on about 32 leases. the estimated rent to be forgiven in this bucket is about $11.8 million, but this will be offset by
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percentage rents that are collected throughout this period of time. for maritime tenants, the rent forgiveness program is going to impact roughly 121 maritime tenants, and provide forgiveness of up to $1.5 million, and for our l.b.e. tenants, for the period, it will affect up to 27 tenants, and forgive about 150,000 dollars of rent. in total, this will approximately forgive $13.5 million and is a pretty significant package in light of all of the economic recovery efforts the port is deploying at this time. so for a rent forgiveness, or proposed conditions, generally, all of our tenants will have to supply all of their other responsibilities under the lease. they will have to maintain agreed upon hours of
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operation during this period of time. they will have to submit an online application with key data points to help us execute their lease amendments. and anyone who has outstanding balances will have to rectify that balance prior to march -- any balances prior to march 1st will have to be rectified to take advantage of the program. and they will have to pay their percentage rent due according to their lease agreement. for local business enterprise tenants, they will have had to maintain l.b.e. status during the forgiveness period. in addition to rent forgiveness, we are also proposing rent credits to apply. the two rent credits we are proposing are rent credits for anyone who has paid rent during the forgiveness period, and a
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start-up rent credit for tenants who may have made physical investments in order to open up operations. when shelter in place orders have allowed them to reopen. in terms of our program administration on the rent paid, any tenant who had paid rent during that period of time shall be able to take a rent credit in fiscal year 2021 through 2022. that rent will be equally divided over that period of the year, and can be taken against their rent, but not against any other fees or charges under their lease. if a tenant has a lease that has expired prior to that, we would allow for a lease extension to occur to cover that period of time. if a tenant were to terminate in advance of that extension, any -- forgive me -- rent credits would be extinguished at that time.
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for the start-up rent credit, many of our tenants in this particular sector have had to make investments in signage, other physical structures to separate and safely socially distance. and so our tenants -- we are requiring that our tenants provide proof of such expenditures. that rent credit can be taken immediately against any balance that they have. they will be required to rectify any outstanding balances that had occurred prior to march 1st. and the rent credit will expire if it is not exhausted prior to june 30th, 2021. again, any early termination in advance of the lease term, those rent credits would be extinguished. so i know the budget analyst will touch on this
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a little bit more, but our total base rent that we're going to be forgiving is about $13.5 million. our percentage rent at this time is very uncertain. we don't know how the market will react as reopening continues to improve, but our projections show either a range of $6.6 million up to $13 million of percentage rent that could be collected in the coming months. at this time, i just want to reiterate that our rent forgiveness package, and the ordinance in front of you, will really allow for port staff to streamline the rent forgiveness to our tenants. i know many of them are very much hurting in this time, and we want to do our best to get that relief to them as soon as possible. rebecca and i are here to answer any questions that you may have. thank you so much. >> chairwoman: thank you very much. supervisor walton, i am going on the recommendation of the clerk's office, to reboot
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my laptop because we have another presentation further along in our agenda. would you mind chairing this meeting while i am doing that? and i see you're in the cue also to speak. thank you very much. >> thank you so much, chair fewer. thank you so much for the presentation, director forbes. i do have one question, and my question is: i know that this is necessary, but as i look at some of our port tenants, i have concern and would like to know will we be forgiving rents for tenants like (indescernable)? >> no. a subtenant like jewel will not be forgiven. many of those office tenants are subleases to our master tenants. so our master tenants at this time aren't covered
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by this particular ordinance that is in front of you today. >> thank you so much. and supervisor mandelman, i don't see that you have any questions. i think this will be time for us to take public comments on item number one. >> can you check to see if there are any callers in the cue. operations, please let us know if there are callers that are ready. if you have not already done so, please press star 3 to be added into the cue. if therare there any callers who wish to comment on item number one? >> mr. chair, there are no callers in the cue. >> chairman: thank you so much. and i do not see any comments from supervisor mandelman. i am to a point where i do kind of want to at least see what is going on with
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chair fewer. so i'm going to ask that we recess for two minutes, just so that we can give chair fewer a chance to get back because i don't know if she has anything she wants to ask. let's recess for, let's say five minutes, and come back >> chairwoman: thank you, supervisor walton, for assisting me during this technical clich, and my apologies that i wasn't able to access it, but i did receive the e-mails, and i did see your power point, and thank you very much. i understand that public comment has been taken on this item. is that correct, madam clerk? >> that's correct, ma madam
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chair. >> chairwoman: so the public comment is now closed. >> this is nick bernard from the budget analyst committee. this would waive the lease modifications related to the ports rent forgiveness program, and also raise the administrative code and environmental code requirements enacted after the most recent requirement. this lease approval applies to 38 leases. at shown on page five of the report, the cost of the rent forgiveness program is approximately $13.5 million, which may be processed by ongoing payment for certain tenants. because this proposed ordinance needs the board of supervisor's approval, we consider approval to be a policy matter for the board. >> chairwoman: thank you very much, mr. bernard. colleagues, any comments or questions? supervisor walton, did you want to comment on this?
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>> thank you so much. [inaudible] >> chairwoman: thank you very much. actually, i just want to say that i wish that all landlords were as generous and thoughtful as our san francisco port. i'm assuming the san francisco port is actually in this rent forgiveness -- this rent forgiveness program has enough funds to actually do this. it is pretty costly. i mean, it is $13 million, but you can absorb the cost into the loss in your budget, is that correct, director? >> yes, it is. thank you for that question. we did put it in the budget that we are operating under now assumed reduction, and we're balanced and managing, yes. >> chairwoman: so we hope that we'll be up and running soon, and that all of our tenants can once
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again, you know, be profitable. and so i think that this is timely, and i think this is completely generous. and i think it is the right thing to do as a city and county of san francisco. with that, i would like to make a motion to move this to the board with a positive recommendation. may i have a roll call vote, please. >> yes. on the motion, supervisor walton? >> yea. >> supervisor mandelman? >> yea. >> chair fewer? >> yea. >> there are three yeas. >> chairwoman: my apologies for the technical clich. madam clerk, cu clerk can you pe call item number two. >> call to suspend imposition of th the cannabis (indescernable) to increase the exemption of gross from cannabis activities from the fires 500,000 to the first one
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million, and beginning january 1st, 2022, to increase the upper range of gross receipts attributable to the cities from cannabis business activities, subject to the 2.5% tax rates on gross receipts from retail service, and the 1% tax rate on gross receipt from other venues. it goes from 1 million to 1.5 million. member of the public who wish to provide public comment, call 415-655-0051. and then press pound twice. if you have not already done so, please dial star 3to speak. a system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. please wait until it indicates you have been admitted and you may begin your comments. >> chairwoman: thank you very much. supervisor mandelman? >> thank you, chair fewer and supervisor walton for considering this ordinance. a little bit of
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background, on the number 2618, the san francisco voters approved the cannabis business tax, proposition "d," which imposes a tax for cannabis business activities. it is currently to go into effect on january 2021, for the retail sale of cannabis products, 2.5 including $1 million, and 5% of gross receipts for over a $5 million. 1% up to and including a million, and 1.5% of gross receipts over a million. the first 500,000 dollars of gross receipts are exempt from the tax under the 2018 ballot measure. please stay with us. [please stand by]
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cannabis in california, established a 15% excise tax on retail cannabis sales at the state level. the california state legislative analyst's office completed that reducing the tax rates would expand the legal market and reduce the size of the illicit market. in addition, i.r.s. code section 280 e disallows the business incomes for cannabis businesses. businesses cannot write off payroll, marketing rent, utilities, et cetera, which results in a higher federal tax burden than for other industries. now god willing, over the next year, changes may come at the state and federal level that would reduce the tax burden on cannabis businesses, allowing for a local tax to be less impactful on the businesses. this relief may allow local tax to be assessed without the need to increase retail priceses and continue to drive the illicit market. as i mentioned, in addition to spending the cannabis business
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tax, through december 31st, 2021, the ordinance helping reliever the ongoing tax burden on smaller cannabis businesses, by increasing the exemptions for gross receipts from the first $500,000 to the first $1 million. and the -- the upper range of the gross receipts that are subject to the tax of 2.5% sales for non-retail sales from $1 million to $1.5 million as i said. the shifting of the tax burden upward is similar to what we're doing for all small businesses, as part of our larger business tax reform efforts. over the last month, correctly, san francisco has deferred a number of taxes and fees for small businesses, struggling to stay afloat during the pandemic. and in this climate, i believe it is now an appropriate -- i believe now is not an appropriate time to impose an entirely new tax on the cannabis industry. rather than assessing the tax on a newly informed and
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still-developing industry, we can allow these businesses and particular equity operators to recoup the significant start-up costs associated with cannabis businesses and continue to invest in their workforce and create good jobs for san francisco residents in need of work. i will say that we had put off hearing this item in this committee until after the election. last night we got the good news, which i think will stick, that propositions f, i and l all look like they have passed. so there is going to be new revenue coming into the city. and i think in light of that, in light of our efforts to support small businesses, you know, this is not a time to be imposing, as i said, a new tax on small businesses. so i hope this is something that we can -- we're all comfortable moving to the full board today,
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as the tax is set to occur in just a couple of months. i can endev tore answer any questions. tom -- i do want to thank tom, my staff, who has been working on this and can also ask questions and answer questions. and we also have ray law from the office of cannabis as well. >> chair fewer: okay. colleagues, any comments or questions? i had a few. supervisor mandelman, what's the projected revenue loss for this change? >> supervisor mandelman: so that is in the b.l.a. report. >> chair fewer: okay. let's hear the b.l.a. report first. would that be okay, supervisor, thank you? can we have the b.l.a. report, please. >> yes. nick menard from the budget legislative office. supervisor mandelman states this amends the tax recreation codes to dispense the business tax for calendar year 2021 for cannabis. the ordinance would also increase the gross receipts exemption by $500,000 and modify
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the tax structure. as we show on page 10 of our report, the estimated tax loss over this year and including next fiscal year, we estimate to be 7-point $1 million. we do this consider this a policy matter for the board, because of decreased revenues. >> chair fewer: okay. thank you very much, mr. menard. that answers my question. and then, you know, supervisor mandelman, because in 2018 this is a voter mandate, i am wondering -- so we're able to legally do this and not go back to the voters? >> we are. 2018 measure contemplated allowed the board of supervisors to reduce the rates. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. and then has this issue been brought before the cannabis oversight committee? >> i'm going to ask my staff to answer that. i do know that it has been before the small business
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commission. and i'm not sure if tom is on the line? >> i am. i'm here. is my camera on. >> chair fewer: hello. >> good morning. thank you, chair fewer for the question. as supervisor mandelman said, it's been before the small business commission and received recommendation there. but it was not assigned to the cannabis oversight commission. i don't believe it has been heard there yet. >> chair fewer: okay. so are there plans to bring it to further oversight committee? >> i think we'd be happy to. it has not been requested of this legislation yet. >> chair fewer: okay. so mr. law is on the line, is that correct? >> good morning, chair fewer. thank you. >> chair fewer: hi. when is the next cannabis oversight committee meeting? >> it will be in the next two weeks. >> chair fewer: okay. >> yeah. and on this piece of legislation, they've been made aware of the committee member. however, it has not been
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formally discussed during the meeting. during our meeting for the last 12 months, we do plot out time to bring up all pending legislation to the committee members. as i mentioned, this item has not been formally discussed and recommendations from the oversight committee. >> chair fewer: okay. and then -- [indiscernible] on behalf of the office of cannabis, i can imagine that you are in agreement with this proposed ordinance, is that correct? >> yes. and this is correct. we're continuing a racial equity meeting now. she apologized she cannot make it to this meeting. but she especially wants me to thank chair fewer for your support to the cannabis oversee the committee, -- oversight committee and they're contributors to this new industry. and to provide a status update
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on public process, under the leadership of director regan's office. they're pleased to report that we have the approximately 160 equity applications submitted since may of 2018. that processes our backlog and equity applications are currently being processed, which means all equity applicants actively engaging with the permitting process. as of today, we have permitted 11 businesses, with the 12th coming the end of this week. and a come more next week. we are looking forward to reaching a parity and this has been incredible to see true intention with equity coming to fruition. and we all know that opening any business can be a challenge, especially during a -- during these challenging times. therefore, this piece of legislation would greatly be appreciated by these equity operators, as they are
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navigating uncertainties during the current pandemic situation. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. mr. soprano, i'm wondering if i can request and, supervisor mandelman, that this item -- i am happy to pass this on to committee. but then i would really appreciate the -- that you would bring this before our cannabis oversight committee, just because i also think this is something, not only that we should -- that they should be made fully aware and have discussion about, but also that the breadth of sort of jurisdiction around cannabis, that i want them to also be aware that they would have a voice in this part, it's not just about the everyday logistics, you know, opening up and, blah, blah. it's really about this piece of it also that they can have a voice in. and so if you wouldn't mind, that's the one request that i would have going before this body, just so that they can have
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discussion. and i can't imagine not approving it. but just to get their approval. that would be great. supervisor mandelman, yes. >> supervisor mandelman: we are happy to do that. because we delayed in bringing this to this committee, because of, you know, trying to figure out -- wanted to see what happened yesterday. i think we are a little bit under the gun to get it to the full board. because i think we do need to have two readings of the full board this month, in order for it to take effect before januar. >> chair fewer: sure. >> supervisor mandelman: so we're happy to go to the commission with it and discussion it with them. and i'm grateful for your willingness to move this to the full board as well. >> chair fewer: i think then we would have sort of the answer before the second meeting, second final meeting of the board. i think it would fit in the timeline okay. i don't want to state that we made a discussion without
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consulting them first. i feel like our final decision also can also include their opinion, too. >> supervisor mandelman: great. >> chair fewer: thank you for that. and with that, madam clerk, could you please open this up for public comment. >> clerk: yes, madam chair. operations, please let us know if callers are ready. for those already on hold, please continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. please let us know if callers wish to comment on item number 2. >> i currently have five callers in the queue. >> chair fewer: okay. let's start public comment, please. >> caller: good afternoon, supervisors. can you hear me? >> chair fewer: yes, we can. >> caller: goo good morning, supervisors. can you hear me? >> chair fewer: yes. >> caller: thank you.
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my name is david goalman. i'm also on the board of california normal, statewide medical -- cannabis advocacy organization. i'ms on the board of directors of the green cross, a medical cannabis dispensariary, cannabis dispensary at 4218 mission near silver, in the excelsior district. i'm here in support of this legislation. we feel that, according to the accountants of the green cross, there would be a 7% to 11% increase for medical cannabis patients, because prop d not only taxes retail adult-use cannabis sales, but also taxes rental cannabis, cultivation, manufacturing and distribution. right now medical cannabis patients pay combined taxes of around 59%, including state sales tax, excise tax, cultivation fee of about 10% and about a 25% testing fee.
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that's passed down to medical cannabis patients. delaying the tax increase on medical cannabis, cultivation, manufacturing and distribution, as well as retail sales, many medical cannabis patients never renewed now under the adult-use prop 64. it would help tremendously for them. i'm a senior on fixed income. i understand what it means to not have much money for cannabis. and right now the illicit market is thriving. and the way that this legislation -- the increase will do a great deal to help the further increase in the illicit market. i urge you to support this legislation. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> caller: good morning. caitlin o'neill, director of government affairs. here to support this legislation.
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we appreciate supervisor mandelman bringing it forward today. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> caller: hi. can you hear me? >> chair fewer: yes. >> caller: okay. this is nina park calling and representing the equity trade certification, as well as i'm the chair of the oversight committee. so supervisor fewer, thank you for suggesting that we hear this at the oversight meeting. i know that there's an update about this. it seems like something that was moving along. so we didn't take it on as a conversation, because we had to get the take grants out first. we took that as priority. but we know this is important as equity operators. we definitely would benefit from
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seeing this tax suspended until 2022. however, there are some things that we would like to discuss further about cannabis tax with our cannabis equity businesses. moving forward we are in support of pushing it to the full board. and then being able to talk about it at the cannabis oversight committee for further discussion. thank you guys for taking the time to talk about it. >> clerk: thank you for your comment. next speaker, please. >> caller: hello. can you hear me? >> clerk: yes, we can hear you. >> you can hear me. yes. good morning. good morning, supervisors. my name is michael cohen. and i'm a 50-year resident of san francisco. i'm a senior in my 70s. and i strongly support this
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legislation, with the high taxes, extremely high taxes on cannabis in san francisco, and my being on a limited income, it would significantly impact me. so i ask you to please -- i support this legislation by supervisor mandelman. and i really want to continue to buy and use cannabis legally, with the system that has been set up and not purchase any cannabis on the illicit market. thank you so much for your support. bye-bye. >> clerk: thank you for your comment. next speaker, please. >> caller: good morning, commissioners. supervisor walton, fewer, mandelman, thank you for this item. happy wednesday, everybody. my name is rudy corpius.
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i'm a native of san francisco. i'm also the executive director of the united players, an organization that's been pushing to save lives and stop the violence for 26 years. i'm an equity partner also. i've been waiting to open my store for over a year now. the cannabis tax will take half of my projected profits before i even open my store. this tax hurts the equity program. and it needs to be delayed. it needs to be put on pause, or even eliminated. real equity is not possible without the chance to start strong without a head start. and so we need equity benefits to open before we get taxed. so please delay or eliminate, you know, us so we can thrive wet better in the future. i support this legislation that you guys put up. and one more thing. congratulations to tom soprano. thanks. >> clerk: thank you for your
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comments. next speaker, please. >> >> superviso madam chair, that s the queue. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. public comment is now closed. yes. so let's take a recommendation, supervisor mandelman, would you like to make a motion. >> supervisor mandelman: thank you, chair fewer. i'd like to move that we move this to the full board with poison recommendation. >> chair fewer: okay. roll call vote, please. >> clerk: on the motion, supervisor walton. >> supervisor walton: aye. >> clerk: supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman: aye. >> clerk: chair fewer. >> chair fewer: aye. >> clerk: there are three ayes. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. this is for the small business relief legislation, supervisor mandelman. madam clerk, can you please call item number 3. >> clerk: yes, item number 3. ordinance appropriating # $126 million of series 2020 d public health and safety general obligation.
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in fiscals 2022-2019 for facility upgrades in zuckerberg san francisco general hospital, southeast and other community health centers and neighborhoods fire stations. $260 million of series 2020c affordable housing general obligation bond proceeds to the mayor's office of housing and community development for public, low-income, preservation and middle-income and senior housing projects. $102.5 million of series 2020f affordable housing, preservation and seismic safety, general obligation bond to mohcd for preservation and seismic safety projects and making these funds on controller's reserve pending sale of the bonds. members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item, should call (415)655-0001. meeting i.d. 146 291 7707. then press pound twice. if you have not already done so, please dial star 3 to indicate you want to speak.
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>> chair fewer: thank you very much, madam clerk. i think we continued this item from the last meeting, right? madam clerk, can you remind me. did we have a b.l.a. report already? did we hear that already? >> clerk: yes. i believe you did. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. today we have lydia eli from mohcd to answer some questions. also whole slew of people to answer some questions. ms. eli, do you have a powerpoint? yes, there we go. >> yes. very brief today. since you all have seen this item in-depth, at the last meeting, we just wanted to take this opportunity to clarify some questions that came up from the committee around the geographic equity initiative. and the distribution of the project that is proposed for funding, with the bonds across the city.
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so you'll remember that this item is requests appropriation of funds. the first traunch of the 2019g.o. bonds for affordable housing. we wanted to show you a distribution map of the project, just to start. and we'll give you a little bit more information about the actual list of projects that are proposed to be funded from this first tranche. but did i want to call to your attention the blue circles, which is a project proposed for funding in this bond, compared to the distribution of purple circles, which is our first 2015g.o. bond. and you'll see that there is quite a difference in terms of the concentration of projects in 2015, primarily in the central city, as compared to the 2019 project that you'll see -- distributed across a wider
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geography of the city, specifically the western neighborhoods. next slide, please. so the definition of geographical diversity, this is a new concept for the bond, really identifies those neighborhoods that have historically had limited affordable housing production or -- and/or those neighborhoods that are facing a loss of affordable units. so that's really the framework that we're working in when we talk about geographical diversity. so for this first tranche, for the first batch of projects in the 2019 bond, you'll see we're proposing to fund projects in eight of the 11 districts. this is a much wider distribution of projects than i believe we ever funded before. so you'll see we have projects
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in every district except 2, 3, and 9. we have -- you'll at the bottom. -- of the list, a project for which we're requesting million dollars in funds, we have not yet identified what that project is. otherwise we have addressed that we have districts for all of the projects that are proposed to come out of this first traunch. next slide, please, thank you. it's a little early to say what the future traunchs will be asking. this is the list as we know it today. we're adding projects in district 3 and district 9. that leaves only district 2 as the only district that we're not going to be putting a project in. things are changing a lot.
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if we go to the next slide, i can tell you some strategies that we're continually using to pursue greater geographical diversity in our projects, like many city departments, we're undertaking a racial equity initiative, through which we'll be looking at how we procure developers, how we identify sites, with the goal of having -- of targeting underserved communities and also bringing a larger group of developers to the table to participate in this work. and we reckon that doing so will result in greater geographical diversity. and, secondly, as i mentioned with all of the unknowns in the community, additional opportunities may arise that we're not aware of now or adapt
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and reuse of other buildings. we're keeping a close eye out for the opportunities now. that is my presentation on this particular topic. i'm happy to take any questions. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. supervisor mandelman, i see you in the queue. >> supervisor mandelman: not so much for a question. just a quick statement. i mean, i do want to thank the staff of the mayor's office and the community development for their meeting with us over the last week. and frankly over the last couple of years. i know, supervisor. >> supervisor fewer:, you have engaged in similar conversations with them. you know, i'm prepared to vote for this item today. and i appreciate that mohcd
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understands that it is not good for san francisco to be concentrating all of our affordable housing in a few neighborhoods. and, of course, my particular concern is with the district that i represent, which has had among the highest levels of eviction and displacement and yet has not seen, you know, commensurate production of new affordable housing. we do have some, you know, former public housing and some affordable housing from past efforts, but certainly not keeping pace with the evictions that we've seen over the last 20 years. and so i am -- you know, i'm willing -- i'm comfortable, though, voting for this. i don't know comfortable might be overstating this. i will be voting for this. but i do expect that in the future that we will do better in figuring out ways to create a more affordable -- affordable
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housing in other districts that have experienced or are experiencing displacement and eviction. and have not historically seen significant preservation or production. >> chair fewer: yeah. thank you very much, supervisor. thank you for your presentation, ms. eli. what i intended to see in this presentation was not just about the sites, but really about how many units each is going to produce. and what is the allocation of the funds to each of the projects. and i think that also we get that type of information, this is -- this is drilling down i think also about an equity issue. i also want to say that i don't think that we're looking at geography equity. i think what we're looking at is geography balance. because there are neighborhoods that have been harder hit than others. and they were hit actually much
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earlier than some other districts. and so, of course, i advocate for my own district, which is getting hit now. and we're just maybe a little later in the game to experience this exstream gentrification and displacing many of my low-income tenants. but i will say that unless we have an accounting, and i think this is what would be requested at the last budget meeting, was sites, but also an accounting of the funds. and so how much is being allocated to each of these projects and are we seeing some balance in the allocation of the funds. and so where a project might be giving us 50 units of affordable housing and another district could be giving us 250 units of affordable housing. that in itself is actually an imbalance. so i think for us to actually see and drill down, is to see really those numbers and quite
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frankly that's a little bit of what i expected to see today. i see that we have a whole bunch of people that are available for questions. is there anyone in this lineup, joanne, benjamin, valerie, marissa, or any of these other folks that are able to answer those questions? >> well, supervisor, i can -- i apologize that we didn't prepare that information. we do have it available for each of the units. we do have an estimated number of units that will be yielded by the development. i do want to clarify that for most of these projects, if not all, we are very, very early stage. in fact, we're going to be issuing a nine-project r.f.q., a request for qualifications, within the next few weeks, to identify developer teams to lead these projects with us. and it's only then that we can start the design work and the
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entitlements and determine exactly how many units will be built at each site. so for the moment, as we develop the allocation plan for the bond, we're really assuming a very blanket number of city commitments per unit. and it doesn't vary by neighborhood. it really just assumes the certain number of units and then just plugs in in terms of what our commitment will be. >> chair fewer: so ms. eli, let me ask you this then. i think what we're looking for is sort of an accounting of it. we are not i think -- i mean, i think that you know we understand that it's by project, many things when you scope out the project, also the site of the project, what will it accommodate. the zoning, all of those kind of things we understand. and what kind of units you'll be building also, about that. but i do think that there should
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be a mechanism or a vehicle in which to actually analyze this information periodically and maybe on sort of a regular basis of reporting. so that not only when these issues come before the budget and finance committee for approval, but that actually supervisors are able to see in a clear, elusive and concise matter of where the funds are actually allocated geographically in the city. and the unit -- the amount of units would be super helpful too, so we can sort of see where the public dollars are actually going. and if we could -- if we could see sort of where the allocations are going. i just also want to say that, you know, i am leaving this committee and this board within a couple of weeks. well, more than a couple of weeks. but i kind of feel like it's a couple of weeks. so that is something that i am
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asking for future board members, or board members that continue to sit on this committee. supervisor mandelman, since we've had so many discussions together privately and publicly about this issue, would you mind working with mohcd on a sort of -- just sort of how we could get a report or be kept abreast of? because when we see these allocations, they come to this committee piecemeal. we're not able to see collectively. so today we approved this. but two weeks from now, we may be approving another set of funds. so the things that we don't ever see in the big picture, we only see it when it comes to us in a committee very piecemeal. it's hard to see sort of the collective impact quite frankly of the monies and the public monies. more than that it's very difficult and impossible for the public to see how these public
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funds, that they have voted for, actually are being put to use and geographically where. and so in a response to -- not only a responsibility of the board of supervisors to our public, actually who voted for these funds to be allocated, that i think that it's a responsibility of our city and county to actually have this accounting, you know, doesn't have -- it could be an an annual basis quite frankly. i know those things take some time. but if, supervisor mandelman, can you could work with mohcd on this. it's some information that you're very interested in. but whoever should take my place, would also i think be very interested and also i think many of the supervisors of the board would be interested inle this information, too. having said that, i am happy to pass this out of committee today. but i just wanted to ensure that there was some sort of mechanism and we could keep track
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collectively. having said that, madam clerk, can you please call for public comment. >> clerk: yes, madam chair. operation is checking to see if there's callers in the queue. if you have not already done so, please press star 3 to be added for the queue. for those on hold, please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. please let us know if callers wish to comment on item number 3. >> madam clerk, there are no callers in the. >> chair fewer: public comment for item number 3. i'd like to make a motion to move this to the board with a positive recommendation. may have a roll call vote, please. >> clerk: yes, madam clerk. also i just wanted to note that i believe i saw mr. confetti raise his hand. i'm not sure if he has any questions or would like to ask him. >> chair fewer: yes.
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is there something you'd like to add to this conversation? >> i wanted to chime in and say i believe the specific unit counts for the project that were intended to be funded, by this particular issuance of the bonds for the 2019 housing bond, the first issuance and the past bonds, they were listed in the project presentations that were heard on the 6th of october. originally. with the sale resolution. and so that was broken down by street address, that can be correlated to this. so we can definitely -- mohcd can follow up with information on this before it goes to the full board, if that's something you'd like. and also, of course, the project -- all g.o. bond makes quarterly reports to the committee and they'll be able to be -- present that information to the public in that form as well. >> chair fewer: okay. thank you very much. thank you very much. and miss eli, thank you very much for your presentation. and for joining us again for the
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passage of this item out of committee. so, madam clerk, roll call vote, please. >> clerk: yes. on the motion, supervisor walton. >> supervisor walton: aye. >> clerk: supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman: aye. >> clerk: chair fewer. >> chair fewer: aye. >> clerk: there are three ayes. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. can you please call item number 4. >> clerk: yes. item number 4, authorizing the department of public health to accept and expand the grant in the amount of $6.5 million from the center for disease control and prevention, through the california department of public health for participation in a program entitled coronavirus epidemiology and laboratory capacity enhancing the detection funding for the period of may 18th, 2020, through novembe. members of the public who wish to comment on this, should call (415)655-0001. meeting i.d. 146 291 7707.
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then press pound twice. if you have not already done so, please dial star 3 to line up to speak. a system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. please wait until the system indicates you been unmuted and you may begin your comment. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. so we have susan phil ils from the department of public health joining us today. >> good morning. thank you, chair fewer and supervisor walton and mandelman. so this is a request the department of public health to accept and expends $6,540,000. i'm susan phillips. i'm one of the deputy health officers here to speak about this item. so this is the result of funding from the congress, via the cares act, that went then to c.d.c. and then was distributed via the california department of public health to local health jurisdictions in california and san francisco's share of this funding is shown here.
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the reason that this is retroactive, even though the project period began may 18th, was because the award came to us from the california department of public health on august 11th. and then we were working with the department to propose what we would spend this funding on. there were six large strategy areas that were determined within the funding, that we had to work within. and then we had flexibility and availability to really tailor the proposals that will we have to match both what is already being propose and done within our covid command center it aligns with our city work to date and aligns with our efforts to address areas of heightened concern for outbreaks or for poor disease outcomes, if people become infected and also to move funding towards communities to enable them to have resources to
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do the work, as they know best. so just as an example, within this funding, $1.2 million of this funding is going to a partially fund some of the community wellness initiatives and request for applications that will be coming out shortly. another $275,000 is going to be allocated in partnership with ucsf and the latino task force to try to pilot of mobile testing and tracing, to allow people to actually go -- workers to go to homes, in order to do some of the follow-up that's needed for testing contacts. so this is -- these are some of the ways in which we are trying to use these resources for innovation. other large areas include improving our ability to do laboratory testing and there are multiple routes that we are taking to increase laboratory capacity, but also the speed with which people get their results. so within this amount of
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funding, one of the things that's being done is some remodeling of our laboratory, of our public health laboratory at 101 grove to allow the set-up of some machines that were given to us by the state at no cost. and allow more rapid handling of specimens. we are also looking to invest in some mobile testing vans, that would carry some rapid testing equipment that we could move throughout the city. then we are also looking to have a few additional public health nurses. and two physicians to work specifically with schools, with workplaces and other sites that could use additional resources to prevent infections and outbreaks. that's the general overview that i wanted to provide. i'm happy to answer any questions that you may have. thank you again for curing -- considering this, the item. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. colleagues, any comments or questions for ms. phillips.
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i have one. i wanted to know have you decided where you might do some of the mobile testing? because actually i would love a mobile testing site in my neighborhood. >> yes. we have not fully decided. but i think, supervisors, you've been hearing a dedicated group of experts that are devising a neighborhood strategy, in combination with community, looking at both of our data as a city, about where we continue to have disproportionate infections. but they're also looking at geographical allocation across city broadly. so i think that those conversations are still to come. and i think there is a desire to ensure that every san franciscan has access to testing when they need a test and to follow our recommendations. >> chair fewer: okay. yes. i only just mention it because i think that when we look at whether there are outbreaks, we are able to know the outbreaks, because actually people have
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been tested. so, for example, in my neighborhood i think we have detected a lot of outbreaks. but also we haven't had a lot of people tested. so i think -- so it's necessary all throughout san francisco, and just wanted to put a plug in there. all right. so we understand why it is retroactive. and just to let you know, supervisor peskin may be contacting you about that retroactive aspect of it. seeing no one in the queue, can we open this up for public comment, please. >> clerk: yes, madam chair, operation is checking to see if any >> caller: are -- callers are in the queue. if you have not already done, so please press star 3 to be added to the queue. for those on hold, please continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. mr. coup, please let us know if any callers wish to comment on item number 4. >> madam chair, there are no callers in the queue. >> chair fewer: public comment for item number 4 is closed.
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thank you, ms. phillips, for joining us. i'd like to make a motion to move to the board with a positive recommendation. could i please have a roll call vote. >> clerk: supervisor walton. >> supervisor walton: aye. >> clerk: supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman: aye. >> clerk: chair fewer. >> chair fewer: aye. >> clerk: there are three ayes. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. madam clerk, can you please item number 6. >> clerk: would you like to skip item number 5? >> chair fewer: oh, yes. so sorry. number 5. >> clerk: yes. item number 5. resolution approving amendment number 3 to the agreement between color girardins and the department of the public health for covid-19 testing services, to increase the agreement by $74.4 million for a total not to exceed amount of $84.3 million and to establish a specific term end date of march 31st, 2021,
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for a total agreement term of april 6th, 2020 through marc march 31st, 2021. >> chair fewer: thank you very much, madam clerk. so today we have with us a doctor for s.f. department of public health, and another member of public gallon, greg wagner from public health and carolyn and we also have available for questions, heather littleton from the controller's office. sir, we start with the dr. baba? >> good morning, chair fewer. this is drew morale, deputy finance officer. as you say, dr. baba, deputy
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director and greg wagner, chief operator officer are here today. i want to thank you for hearing this item today. it's retroactive, third amendment to the city's contract with color genomics, providing emergency covid testing services for san francisco. contract was entered into in emergency contract procedures on april 6th, 2020. it's subject to a 12-month term. it's explicit in this third amendment, which would end apri. however, d.p.h. intent is to end the contract, being managed by the controller's office. in this amendment, it includes a modifying the term to 12 months per mayor declaration number 13. increase the budget to cover the services that really were
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provided since, you know, going -- since august. and as projected through the end of march to april 5th. as well as adding capacity to embarcadero site and increasing employee testing for universal testing at laguna honda and adding two new mobile teams. and finally, it adds language explicitly to the scope of services. and includes language to have color, seek reimbursement from insurers, wherever possible. and happy to take additional questions on the amendment. >> chair fewer: okay. any comments or questions from my colleagues at all? i have a few questions. so i wanted to know what is the process on the ongoing r.f.p. and what is the timing on this? >> and i'll defer, chair fewer,
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if that's okay to the controller's office to speak to where we are in the r.f.p., to the extent possible. >> chair fewer: absolutely. >> good morning. this is reese sandler for the controller's office. what we can say about the r.f.p. is that it's in process. if you have other questions, we're happy to collect those and confer with the city attorney and then respond to those after the hearing. >> chair fewer: so you're in the process now, the r.f.p. is in the process now, is that correct? >> that is correct. >> chair fewer: and you can't give us any information about timing at all? >> i cannot. but i'm happy to collect your questions. >> chair fewer: okay. so i guess the question is what is the timing on the r.f.p.? what are we in the process. and and then there's modification number 3, this is
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about $9 million, is that correct? >> well, modification 3 explicitly adds about $75 million to the overall contract. the existing through amendment 2 had about $9.9 million in the not to exceed a budget. >> chair fewer: and, you know, before i ask my next question, i just realized that supervisor walton is in the queue. we have not heard from the b.l.a. would you mind, supervisor walton, if i called on the b.l.a. first and then we can ask questions? okay. >> supervisor walton: thank you. >> chair fewer: b.l.a. report, please. >> sure. this is nick menard from the budget legislative analyst's office. so this proposed resolution approves the third amendment to the city's agreement with color genomics for covid testing, which would increase the contract amount by $74.5 million. this amounts to approximately 22
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i#-- 22,700 covid tests per week through april 6th, 2021. as we discussed on page 24 of our report, the amendment would pay for $12.1 million of testing that has occurred since july 2020. and for testing through april 5th, 2021. the contract, as mr. mario said, was a sole-source contract procured on an emergency basis. there is an r.f.p. process underway to identify other covid testing. so we do have three recommendations. one is to amend the proposed resolution to correct the end date of the contract. we also recommend that the board of supervisors request an update to the r.f.p. process, prior to april 2021, when this amendment ends. finally, we recommend approval of the resolution, as amended. >> chair fewer: thank you so much, mr. menard.
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supervisor walton. >> supervisor walton: i did request the question already. [indiscernible] can you hear me? >> chair fewer: you are kind of breaking up a little bit. kim what about now? >> chair fewer: you're kind of going in and out. maybe turn off your camera. and then just speak? >> supervisor walton: is this working? >> chair fewer: that's better. >> supervisor walton: sorry about that. my apologies. i did ask the question about the potential for the third site. and -- the response i got was inadequate. it just said it's not determined. what's the timeline? why would we approve this if not knowing where the third site is going or have no idea of where the third site may go.
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i don't get how your answer is not determined and that was that. >> so i'm happy to take this question. so the third site -- we are looking at the southeast sector, because it is the most heavily impacted. i think people on the call know we're moving the soma site to allegheny. we want to do this in a mindful way. first, and see what kind of uptake we and improving testing rates there. and then determine where disease is still occurring in the southeast sector and where we might need to do coverage. >> i don't understand why that couldn't have been a response that we received when we asked the question. >> i apologize, supervisor walton, if it was confusing. if you got a confusing response. >> the response was very direct. it said that the third site has not been determined and that was that. it wasn't confusing at all.
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i appreciate you is what i'm saying. i just wish -- i wouldn't had to ask you that question right now. that would have been the answer when we inquired on the email. >> got it. >> supervisor walton: thank you. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. so i'm wondering -- i think my question is also -- so other vendors that can do this work. and i know this was a sole-source and we have an r.f.p. out. can you give me sort of an idea of the scope of vendors that could accurately do this work? are there many of them and -- [indiscernible] generally agree that color has been a good service. anyone can answer that, that would be great. >> i can say that there are other vendors and part of the thinking on doing an r.f.p. in the first place is based on the assumption that we will be able to find other vendors.
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that being said, these services have already started by virtue of medical necessity. so in some sense the services in this amendment, there are no other vendors, because they've already been provided, to some extent. >> chair fewer: yes. so we had never had covid contracts that had a term of the duration -- i mean, did not have a fixed date, is that correct, in we just said during -- 60 days, right. why in this case do we have a fixed date? >> i think the -- in the budget legislative analyst may speak to this as well. with the mayor's declaration in may, that covid plus 60 or the term of the emergency plus 60, changed to be 12 months and not longer than 12 months, if it was entered into pursuant to the emergency clause 2115. >> chair fewer: okay. and i wanted to know is there a
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time constraint on this? >> as far as approving the amendment? >> yes. >> yes. to our mind, d.p.h. is actively pursue being deployment and as dr. baba said trying to find areas of the city most impacted by covid, given what we know currently, which changes day-to-day. passing this amendment will continue to provide testing resources, that really need to be able to change deployment and redeploy on a pretty frequent basis. so we do view it as urgent. >> chair fewer: so we're doing it already, right, retroactivively? we are doing it already. we have been engaged in this since july, right. we can continue what we've been doing for another week or to, if
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i continue this agreement back to committee with more information from the controller's office, is that correct? >> i can say that we worry about the impact that the further delay would have on our ability to continue making the necessary changes to testing. and that it is absolutely true that this amendment covers services that have been provided since august. >> chair fewer: sure. okay. supervisor walton, did you have another question or comment? >> supervisor walton: i do real quick. you stated that you -- this gives you the ability to deploy or redeploy on a pretty frequent basis. can you define that frequency? >> i may ask dr. baba to talk more about the ways that we deploy the mobile teams in
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particular. >> supervisor walton: yeah. i would love for our definitions of frequent. and i haven't seen the frequency from the department. >> it's bically a mobile team. we're in conversation on a regular basis with community partners, as well as internally with the c.c.b. to see census tracks and areas that we're seeing a lot of disease. and we are constantly updating our community testing sites based on that. so, for example, you know, recently in chinatown and in portola, we're looking at testing in another place. that's just the ability to move the tales around, as we're seeing disease and as the community is manufacturing us about the -- informing us about the needs. >> supervisor walton: dr. baba, you've been moving the sites, been able to move them weekly, biweekly, monthly?
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what's the frequency? >> the current goal is to at least have a site be in place for a couple of weeks to ensure that we've gotten out adequate outreach and we've made the right, you know, attempts to get people to the testing sites, before moving it. and the testing site actually ends up being a very high-functioning testing site or i should say a place where a lot of people go, we tend to try to extend that time. but it's at least for a couple of weeks. >> supervisor walton: thank you. >> chair fewer: so are you saying to me that if this -- that the non-approval of this contract now, would prohibit you from continuing the work that you've been doing since august? >> i don't think we would draw that firm of a line.
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but it would impair our ability to continue to deploy, as dr. baba said, the pop-up resources and then continue to plan for the anticipated november 17th go live on the almaney site. >> chair fewer: okay. you could continue to plan for this and you've been doing this since august. so if we were do delay this for a week or two, you could still do these functions, is that correct? are you telling me that if we don't approve this today or take it out of committee today, that you would actually not -- that you would have to cease the operation or extension? is that what you're telling me? >> i think i would clarify in that in just that, chair fewer, it's not so much d.p.h. as color has performed these services for
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three months without being paid. and at some point their ability to continue to engage proactively with the new needs for the city is where we're as d.p.h. are leery of continuing without this amendment. >> chair fewer: so is carolyn here from color? >> yes. hi, everybody. thank you for hearing this this morning. >> chair fewer: yes. hello. so so what i'm hearing is that d.p.h., the concern is that if we don't do this, that there may be a -- i guess a non-continuance of a service from color. is that true? if we were to continue this for a week or two, to have another
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discuss about the r.f.p. with the controller. are you telling me today that color would actually not perform for us? >> i appreciate the question. and just taking a step back, you know, we've been really grateful to have the opportunity to work with the department of public health, the mayor's office and the city over, you know, these many months in april and performing this work and we consider it to be a great privilege to be involved in this. as it relates to currently, we are in a position, as a company, where we have been performing an extensive amount and actually expanded amount of testing on behalf of the city. and really refocusing a lot of those efforts in communities across the city as well since july. and unfortunately because this is out of contract, we have not been paid for those services over that three months. as you can probably appreciate, that presents a number of challenges from a cash flow perspective, et cetera, to our business. and so we've been trying to work pretty diligently withdrew and others in d.p.h. to figure out a
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path to resolution of that. my concern is just that we have -- the more that the weeks go on and expanded services come into play, and we're outside of contract, it does present legal and business challenges for us. but we have continued to perform in good faith throughout, including with the planning of the relocation to almaney, which is currently targeted for the week after next. we continued to do that as we go through the process. >> chair fewer: sure. so you'd continue to work in good faith with the city if we were to delay this decision by a week or two? i think that's my question. >> yeah. i'd love to discuss that further withdrew as well. and i think one consideration and question is if there's any questions currently, that i could be helpful in answering, that would support not delaying for further discussion, if there's any question that i can help answer now as well. >> chair fewer: i think that is the only question i have before you today.
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and apparently you're the only one that can answer that. so i guess my question to you is could you still partner with us in good faith, if we were to delay this decision by a week or two? , considering that we've had a working relationship with the city and county. i think that the city and county has been very pleased with the work. but also i think that the specific time of a pandemic and that actually human lives are at stake here. >> of course. >> chair fewer: and we appreciate that color has been assisting us in such an efficient manner, but i guess my question to you, if we didn't approve this today, is color telling me and this board of supervisors that you will not act in good faith? >> i don't think -- i think throughout this program, we've continued to act in good faith throughout.
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and again continue to expand services. we'd just appreciate the ability to have the dialogue i have giving us the confidence that we'll be compensated for the three months, plus the work that we've continued to perform, particularly as, you know, we've actually also made enhancements and improvements in our actual operations. just within the last month alone, we've been returning 98% of all of the test results in under 33 hours from the time of sample collection. we continue to actually expand services, as well as really expand and improve the way that the results are being returned to individuals. so we're -- we're -- we will continue to operate in good faith, but we also appreciate confidence that, you know, that operating outside of contract for this significant period of time, given the nature of it being a public emergency, that that will be appropriately dealt with at some point. >> chair fewer: sure. okay. that's great. that's great to know. could we open this up for public comment, please.
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>> clerk: yes, madam chair. operation is checking to see if any callers in the queue. operations, please let us know if any > callers are ready. >> madam chair, there are no callers in the queue. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. i think personally -- yes. >> oh, sorry. i wanted, chair fewer, thank you. i wanted to make sure to add explicitly we agree with the budget and legislative analysts' report, with the proposed amendment to the resolution. just to make sure that's on record. thank you. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. so, colleagues, i actually -- this is a very expensive amendment. i think i am personally
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uncomfortable without having, first, more information from the controller's office and what we've heard from the controller's office is that they need to confer actually with our city attorney before they're able to give me any answers. so, colleagues, i would like to continue this item into the next meeting of the budget and finance committee. i understand there is -- i think we heard from a representative from color and from d.p.h. this is very -- this is necessary work that needs to be done in light of our current situation. and i understand the urgency of this. but what i also am hearing is color is willing to actually work -- continue to work in good faith with us, as they have for a couple of months and that if we were to delay this by two weeks, that actually, because we're not meeting next week, that it -- that they would still work with us in good faith.
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although it does delay the payment. so i am -- i am happy to approve the amendments from the b.l.a. i would like to continue this until the -- to the next meeting of the budget and finance committee. i would love to get your opinion and have discussion about, because we do have some options. we can pass this out of committee, without recommendation, which means that this committee has not given their approval. or would -- someone could also make a motion to move this out of committee. so i think committee members at this point, let us approve the amendment first, while you think about this for a minute. and with that, madam clerk, i'd like to make a motion to approve the proposed amendment from our budget legislative analyst.
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>> clerk: yes. on the motion -- yes. on the motion, supervisor walton. >> supervisor walton: aye. >> clerk: supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman: aye. >> clerk: chair fewer. >> chair fewer: aye. >> clerk: there are three ayes. >> chair fewer: colleagues, what say you? supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman: you know, i share -- chair fewer, i shared some of the concerns i think you have and other concerns about this contract. i also do take the anxiety that the department of public health has about continuing to be working with this company that they're not under contract with. i think that it might, in light of that, makes sense to move without recommendation, so we're not slowing it down, but we are indicating that we have concerns that will be need to be addressed, prior to the board vote.
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>> chair fewer: okay. so seeing no one else in the queue -- supervisor walton. >> supervisor walton: thank you, chair fewer. and i do appreciate supervisor mandelman's statements. but i think from the conversation and from the fact that you asked the question a few times and it looks like that if we did continue this, services would continue. the planning from the department of public health would continue. and there are some things that obviously we need to have conversations about. so i think it would be wise to continue this to our next budget meeting. so that we can get some of that ironed out and have the detailed information that we need to move forward. >> chair fewer: thank you, supervisors. so i see that we have a couple of opinions here. i actually would like to continue this item to the next meeting of the budget and finance committee meeting. i think this is the appropriate place to have the conversation. and also the appropriate place
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to have public comment. and as you know, public comment is to be facilitated before it -- the commitment needs to be fulfilled before it goes to the full board for a vote. and so with that, madam clerk, i'd like to make a motion to continue this item, as amended, to the next meeting of the budget and finance committee. >> clerk: yes. on the motion to continue the item to the next budget and finance committee on november 18th, supervisor walton. >> supervisor walton:. aye. >> clerk: as amended. >> chair fewer: miss savelo, i want to express our appreciation for color being patient in this process. and also indulging us a couple of weeks and to continue to service to the citizens and residents of san francisco. and i just want to really thank color and, and and i got tested by color. and i thought it was fabulous.
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i just wanted to extend my appreciation of the board of supervisors to color for their partnership in this and their commitment to serve awe residents in san francisco to keep them safe and healthy. thank you very much. i appreciate it. madam clerk, can you please call item number 6. >> clerk: yes. item number 6 resolution authorizing the department of homebridge and support -- homelessness and supportive housing for homekey. 130-room hotel at 440 geary street for use as proposed future permanent supportive housing, approving and authorizing h.s.h. to commit approximately $27.4 million in city funds to satisfy local match and operational subsidy requirements for five years, to commence following board approval and upon the final award and affirming the planning department's determination under
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the california environmental quality act. members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call (415)655-0001, meeting i.d. 146 291 7707. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. we have the department of homelessness and supportive housing. hi. and audrey from planning. the floor is yours. we have a powerpoint presentation i see. >> goo good morning, chair fewe, supervisors walton and mandelman. i'm the deputy director of administration and finance for the department of homelessness and supportive housing. i'm here to provide an authorizing resolution for the city's project homekey award to fund the acquisition of a tourist hotel, located at 440
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geary street. if approved, the site would provide 130 units of permanent supportive housing for formally homeless individuals. and thank you to the b.l.a. for their expedited review. >> chair fewer: miss whitley, would you mind sizing up your presentation? >> i'll ask my colleague dylan to support me on that. dylan. >> chair fewer: for those of us over 60. [laughter] >> oh, sizing up. >> chair fewer: making it full size. >> yes. i think i can. give me -- technical difficulties. let's try this again. >> chair fewer: yes. >> is that better? >> chair fewer: wonderful. thank you. >> of course. >> thank you, chair fewer.
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so the authorizing resolution before you would authorize h.s.h. to execute a standard agreement with the california department of housing and community development. to release up to $30 million in homekey emergency grant funds to our co-applicant obis co pal communit--episcopal. a matching contribution for both capital costs and a five-year commitment for ongoing subsidies to the project. the resolution authorizes h.s.h. to commit $27.4 million in city funds, as well as commit to that ongoing local ongoing subsidy for at least five years. in addition to these matching funds, as i will discuss later in my presentation, there are some factors that may increase the city's financial obligation to the project. the final city obligation to the project will be scrutinized by staff and come back to the board of supervisors for final
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approval in 2021. next slide, please. a little reminder about project homekey. in july, the governor's office announced the availability of approximately $600 million in federal homekey funds. these are emergency cares act funds, that would be used by communities to permanently house people experiencing homelessness, that are also impacted by covid-19. funds are provided through the federal cares act and required to be spent by december 30th, 2020, or the funds revert to the u.s. treasury. on october 23rd, h.c.d. awarded san francisco and its co-applicant episcopal community services a second project, which is historic, to provide 130 units of permanent supportive housing. next slide, please. the site itself is currently home to the hotel diva. it's located at 440 geary between taylor and mason street. it's 130-room tourist hotel, and
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the city will be -- with e.c.s. undergoing a change in use with the planning department to convert it to permanent supportive housing. however, currently the site is being used through a contract with the human services agency, as a shelter-in-place hotel. so it is currently occupied by covid-vulnerable people experiencing homelessness. next slide. a little reminder about the project homekey timeline. as you heard me present at our last hearing, this is a very aggressive program to try to maximize these covid relief funds by december 30th. as you can see, we had to move very quickly to both identify projects, select a site, and we have until december 2nd, 2020, to close on this acquisition. e.c.s., our co-applicant, then has 90 days from closing to reach a 50% occupancy goal, for the building, under the requirements of this day.
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h.s.h. rehabilitation work to begins in december and to be completed in time to reach the 50% occupancy goal. next slide. so services and referrals. we conducted a process right after the -- h.s.h. to idaho tells and other sites that were immediately available for sale, especially those being used as shelter-in-place hotels. the seller responded to the r.f.i. and additionally e.c.s. was selected through a separate r.f.q. for covid-19 operators, in anticipation that some of those sites may be converted to permanent supportive housing. h.s.h. plans to execute an agreement later this year with e.c.s. for ongoing operating subsidies and services, in order to meet that 50% occupancy goal i mentioned. permanently placed at the site
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through housing it referrals process of the city's coordinated entry system. this system provides equitable access to resources and targets those who most need -- who are most vulnerable and chronically homeless to the highest and most service-intensive resolution that we have in the city, permanent supportive housing. coordinated entry assesses people experiencing homelessness for housing faced on their vulnerability, and other barriers to housing, to maximize participation of historically excluded groups. next slide. so a little bit about the fiscal impact of the project. the table before you reflects the permanent sources of funding for the project. however, no city funds will go into the project until acquisition and rehabilitation are complete. the total acquisition and rehab costs is currently anticipated to be around $53 million. the san francisco housing
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accelerator fund, which is partnering with e.c.s., plans to provide a bridge loan to cover the gap until city funds are added to the project. h.c.d. fund funds will go in ate close of escrow. h.s.h. is working with the community development and the mayor's office to finalize the permanent sources and amounts for the permanent loan through the citywide affordable housing loan, in order to bring loan commitment before the board of supervisors in 2021. acquisition of the hotel diva is currently estimated to be about $48 million. funded by the homekey program funds and eventually city funds. the total budget, as i mentioned, is approximately $53.47 million. however, e.c.s., our partner, conducting a seismic evaluation of the building, so there may be additional capital cost for renovation, related to the structural improvements and other physical needs. these costs would be at the
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city's expense. i want to give you more information about where we are in negotiating a final purchase agreement with the seller. the purchase agreement is not yet finaliz finalized. any further changes will not affect the matching funds to the state, i want to be transparent. the cafe space lease was originally excluded from the purchase price by the seller. the $48 million acquisition cost, at this time does not include that portion of the commercial space. however, the city and e.c.s. are hopeful that this space will be included in the final purchase price. that will increase the acquisition cost by about $2 million, or a total acquisition price of $50 million. however, that cost will be predominantly offset by projected revenue from that cafe space lease, which will be
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approximately $1.6 million to $1.7 million. again all of those details will be back to the board for final approval when a final purchase and sale agreement is negotiated. and the city completes its due diligence in a final loan amount to the project. in addition, the standard agreement requires the city to provide operating subsidies for at least five years. the estimated cost of these subsidies is approximately $13.3 million. however, the city and its partner were also awarded about $3.12 million in state funds to cover the first two years of operating costs. although the homekey grant requires the city to maintain an operating subsidy for five years, as all of you know, the department is committed to supportive housing and intends to make a long-term commit to both the project itself permanent supportive housing.
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i'd like to introduce an amendment, explain an amendment that we're proposing to the resolution and appreciate the partnership of the planning department and city attorney in helping to draft that. this project is not subject to environmental review, under the california environmental quality act, ceqa. under senate bill 35. s.b.35 allows a streamlined approval process for certain housing projects, which are, therefore, not subject to environmental review under ceqa. assembly bill 168, effective september 25th, 2020, requires the local government to engage in scoping consultations with california native american tribes, traditionally and culturally affiliated with the geographic proposed development before a project may be submitted for this type of streamlined review and approval by the planning department. the required tribal notification is under way and will be completed before the board takes final action on this resolution. the planning department issued a
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formal notification to the affected native american tribes on october 15th, 2020. the planning department does not expect to receive a written request to engage in additional scoping consultation within the 30-day notice period or by november 16th, 2020. at that point the project is then eligible for ministerial approval, under s.b.35. therefore, ceqa determination would not be required. the planning department, as i mentions, does not anticipate any inquiries from this notice, as there are no proposed disturbances to the soil, as part of this project. however, while waiting for the notice period to conclude, the planning department has additionally executed the categorical exemption, as it is not proposing any major work to the exterior of the building. the exemption not needed on top of the s.b.35 approval process. however, to ensure the
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resolution qualified to move through this committee and on to the full board, the planning department, in consultation with the city's attorney's office, issued this additional ceqa clearance. we are requesting the committee, amend the resolution today, to reflect the additional ceqa clearance through the categorical exemption. i'm joined by our colleague from the planning department, our principal environmenter environmental planner is on the line. i thank you for your time. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. could we have a b.l.a. report, please. >> yes. it is nick menard from the b.l.a. this proposed resolution would approve -- the california department of housing and community development for up to $30 million to acquire a hotel at 4440 geary street. and would also authorize the department to commit at least $27 million in matching funds for the grant.
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as we detail on page 29 of our report, the cost of the acquisition is expected to be $53.5 million, excluding that commercial space that miss whitley referenced. of that $26 million funded by the grant. grant would also provide $3.12 million to partially cover the required operating subsidy of this project. the remaining cost to the acquisition, and their operating subsidies going forward would ultimately have to be paid for by the city. we do recommend approval of this resolution. >> chair fewer: thank you very much, mr. menard. any comments or questions from my colleagues? madam city attorney, does this amendment, is it substantive? >> no, madam chair, it's not. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. let's open this up for public comment, please, madam clerk. >> clerk: yes, madam chair, operation is checking to see if any callers in the queue. operations, please let us know
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if callers are ready. >> yes. i have two callers in the queue. >> chair fewer: okay. thank you. >> caller: hi. this rebecca foster calling. i'm the c.e.o. of the san francisco housing accelerator fund. thank you all to the committee and to mayor breed, h.s.h., mohcd and episcopal community services for your work on this important acquisition. and we are proud to be partnering again with the city and e.c.s. on these second homekey projects. and leveraging private and philanthropic funds to assist
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the city in reaching its ambitious and incredibly time-sensitive goals to provide more permanent housing access from the shelter-in-place hotels in particular. and we're planning to provide approximately $30 million bridge loan to finance the remaining portion as was mentioned of the acquisition and rehab costs, but will not be covered of the state homekey award for 440 geary , the diva. and just couldn't be happier to be part of this important part of this resolution and providing housing for another 130 individuals in record time. and a quality hotel that when we need it so much. and moving -- moving the needle towards the 1500 units as part of the homeless recovery plan.
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thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comment. next speaker, please. >> caller: hi, everyone. my name is rebecca gigi. i'm on the development team for episcopal community services on this project. e.c.s. is very excited and grateful to be in partnership once again with h.s.h., mohcd and the san francisco housing accelerator fund, for what feels like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with the state to acquire permanent supportive housinin this way,especially dul pandemic. ewent end homelessnessin our su. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> madam chair, that completes the queue. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. public comment on item number 6
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is now closed. so mr. whitley, would you please read the amendment, the full amendment so our listening public can understand what we're adding to this legislation. >> of course. chair fewer, starting on line -- excuse me, starting on line 16. after the word "quality at," after the words "quality act ceqa," california government code 65400, 6582.1 and 69591. new language. and is cat goreically and is otherwise categorically exempt and ceqa guidelines 1530, in a
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copy of these determinations are on file with the clerk of the board of supervisors in file number blank and are incorporated herein by reference. now, therefore, be it -- [audio cutting in and out] >> chair fewer: i'm sorry to interrupt you. >> no problem. resolved -- this board affirms the planning department's determination that actions contemplated by this resolution are not subject to new language or are exempt from environmental review from ceqa. that completes the amended language. >> chair fewer: yeah. colleagues, are you okay with that? i thought the amendment would actually say that it has been determined by the planning department that -- versus that we don't make that determination, that it is the
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planning department that makes that determination. is that correct, ms. whitley? >> i believe my colleague from city planning is on. and i'd like to turn it over to her to answer your ceqa questions. joy. >> hi. >> chair fewer: are you on mute? i think you're muted. >> . sorry. joy from planning staff. yes. it does say that in the whereas the planning department has determined that the 440 geary project is not subject to ceqa, under s.b.35, but we've otherwise categorically exempted from environmental review under category 1. >> chair fewer: okay. okay. i just want to say, you know, as a city member on the board of supervisors, anything that's appealed, we're very cautious about actually saying that we
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have approved one thing or another around -- i mean, just being cautious. just f.y.i. having said that, supervisor mandelman, you look a little -- no. okay. good. you look good. okay. here we go then. i'd like to make a motion to approve the amendment. roll call vote, please. >> clerk: on the motion, supervisor walton. >> supervisor walton: aye. >> clerk: supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman: aye. >> clerk: chair fewer. >> chair fewer: aye. >> clerk: there are three ayes. >> chair fewer: and then before they take the money away from the homekey grant, let's move this to the board with a positive recommendation, as amended. >> clerk: yes. on the motion, supervisor walton. >> supervisor walton: aye. >> clerk: supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman: aye. >> clerk: chair fewer. >> chair fewer: aye. >> clerk: there are three ayes. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. madam clerk, can you please call item number 7. >> a resolution authorizing the
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office of the district attorney to accept and expand an in-kind gift estimated at $250,000 from the university of san francisco school of law's racial justice clinic, to hire two staff attorneys to support the district attorney's efforts to evaluate and remedy cases involving a claim or excessive sentence or wrongful conviction. members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item, should call (415)655-0001, meeting i.d. 146 291 7707. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. we have tara anderson from the district attorney's office. the floor is yours. >> thank you so much. i'm tara anderson, director of policy for the san francisco district attorney's office. thank you, turkish, for your support.
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-- thank you, chair fewer, for your support. as was stated, the resolution is for in-kind support from the university of san francisco's school of law racial justice clinic. university of san francisco law school will hire two staff attorneys to support the district attorney's efforts to evaluate and remedy cases involving a claim of excessive sentence or wrongful conviction. there are thousands of people in prisons across california, who no longer bear a danger to public safety, who continued incarceration provide no public safety benefit. to address this reality, the california legislature passed two laws that allow certain incarcerated persons to have their sentences reviewed and modified, if appropriate. s.b.1437 amended what is commonly referred to as the flown murder rule. this change allows individuals to petition the district attorney for sentencing, if they
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were not a major participant in the underlying felony. the review of these cases requires reopening the entire case file to determine eligibility. additionally, a.b.2942 permits the district attorney to recommend people to receive a reduced sentence, if they have shown adequate efforts that rehabilitation during their incarceration. these reviews require extensive documentation from the california department of corrections and rehabilitation and many other sources. well, authority was granted to prosecutor's offices to enga imin the review -- engage in the review, no funds have been provided to do this support. it will enhance the sfda's office the act to conduct the time and labor-intensive reviews. i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. seeing no one in the queue, can we open this up for public comment, please.
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>> clerk: yes, madam chair, operations, please let us know if the callers are ready. if you have not already done so, please press star 3 to be added to the queue. for those on hold, please continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. mr. coup, any callers wishing to comment on item number 7? >> madam chair, there are no callers in the queue. >> chair fewer: public comment for item 7 is now closed. thank you very much to the university of san francisco for this in-kind gift. i'd like to make a motion to move it to the board with a positive recommendation. could i have a roll call vote, please. >> clerk: yes. on the motion, supervisor walton. >> supervisor walton: aye. >> clerk: supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman: aye. >> clerk: chair fewer. >> chair fewer: aye. thank you very much. madam clerk, can you please call item number 8. >> clerk: yes. a resolution approving a please between minute suites travelers retreat s.f.o. and the city at
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the terminal one retail concession for a term of 12 years, a minimum annual guarantees of 150,000th if the first year of the lease. to commence upon board approval. members of the public who wish to provide public comment should call (415)655-0001, meeting i.d. 146 291 7707. then press pound twice. a system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand, please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted and you may begin your comments. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. we have deannea kizon from the san francisco international airport. hi, good to see you. >> chair fewer: thank you, chair fewer. >> the approval for a concession lead in harvey milk terminal 1, minute suites travelers retreat. a minimum annual guarantee of $150,000. however, the lease contains a provision that suspends if drops
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below 80%. i want to note it's 2019 levels for three consecutive months, it was erroneously reported as 2017 levels. if that occurs, minute suites would pay percentage rent, which may be lowerren that the mag. the mag is reinstated if they get back to 80% of the 2019 levels for two consecutive months. the budget analyst reviewed the concession lease and recommends approval. but i'm happy to answer any questions. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. can we hear from the b.l.a., please. >> yes. i'm nick menard from the b.l.a. so this proposed resolution would approve a 12-year concession lease between the travelers retreat s.f.o.l.l.c. for spa services at harvey milk terminal one, with a minimum annual rent of $150,000. we detailed the provisions and we recommend to the board. >> chair fewer: thank you very much. open this up for public comment.
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>> clerk: yes, madam chair. operations is checking to see if there's any callers the queue. o.[reading instructions] mr. consumer, any > callers this wish to comment on ite item numr 8. > no comments in the queue. >> chair fewer: i'd like to make a motion to move this to the board. could i have a roll caught, vote. >> clerk: yes. supervisor walton. >> supervisor walton: aye. >> clerk: supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman: aye. >> clerk: chair fewer. >> chair fewer: aye. >> clerk: there are three ayes. >> chair fewer: is there -- any more business before us today? >> clerk: there's no further business. >> chair fewer: we are adjourned. thank you, everyone.
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