tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV January 2, 2021 3:45am-4:16am PST
3:45 am, >> welcome everybody. i want to say thank you for catching this important moment. this is a really very critical issue that we're all here dealing with. this is a real nationwide effort to end senseless gun violence to get guns off the street. this is our ninth annual gun buyback. we have lot of people who are on here today who want to share some information about ending senseless gun violence. before i bring on the mayor, i want to say i'm not against the second amendment, but i am against senseless gun violence. with that said, i want to bring on our mayor, fierce leader, hard working committed, intelligent, beautiful, mayor
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breed. >> thank you so much for joining this press conference supporting the ninth gun buyback that will take place this saturday, december 12th between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. you don't center to get out your car no questions asked. rudy will provide the details. we want to get as many weapons as possible off the streets. many of us here have been affected by gun violence. sadly, i feel like it's been my entire life. so many of you know that i grew up in the western addition. we have lost friends, family members and this senseless violence continues. if we can get these guns off the streets, get the guns out of the hands anyone who will use them, it is in the best interest of our communities and it is in the best interest of our families and friends. whether it's a friend or family member or someone we know from
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the neighborhood, as we are addressing this global pandemic, we are seeing heart breaking news. there's an increase in gun related incidents in our nation. some of the victims being young kids, children. in san francisco, we saw an increase in firearm related incidents during the first seven months of this year compared to the same period last year. although, we don't know all of the reasons, there's likely a relationship between the isolation, absence of in-person support people usually get during normal times and gun violence. sadly, many of the critical in-person support systems are unavailable to do so in person. there are fewer opportunities for intervention. what we know is that the loss of a life from gun violence has to stop.
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we all need to work together to save lives and keep our community safe. many of you who are here today, who have been fighting to end gun violence for years. we need you. the gun buyback program provides people with the opportunities to get these guns out ever their hands, off the streets and out of our communities. thanks to the charitable giving and fundraising efforts of our community partner, we will be able to purchase firearms from anyone who would like to turn them in, no questions asked. this event has brought in 2000 firearms in the past, getting them off the streets. think about in. 2000 guns off the streets because of this program. that means lives saved. this year, we are still continuing this effort to make sure that we are doing everything we can to reduce the harm and the violence on our streets and in our communities as many people are struggling
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with so many different challenges. this is part of our broader effort both locally and nationally to end gun violence. we need to create common sense gun control legislation so these guns don't end up on the streets. we need to engage local university and residents is so they don't feel compelled to act violently in it first place. every year in we do this gun buyback, we go and do it at the united player's office and facility location. every year, when i look at those walls, surrounded with african-american men that i grew with, that i dated, that i went to school with, that i played in the playground with, these are men that that are my age that did not center to die. this is what this is about. to make sure there's not one
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more black man, lost at the hands of anyone. whether that be law enforcement or any other community member. this is about changing the future, especially because african-american men in san francisco and around this country continue to be victims of gun violence in this country at a young age. we can do better than that. it starts with each and every one of us. i don't want to see another photo go up on that wall. i don't want to see another life lost. help us change that. help us change that by turning in your guns. help us change that by making sure that you're a part of the solution and not part of the problem. thank you to rudy and the united
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playaz team. we appreciate george floyd brother and his friend who will be speaking with us today. we are so sorry for your loss. we are so grateful that you have taken the time to be here with us to share your words and your advocacy for ending gun violence, especially in the african-american community. thank you to all the community partners who are here to fight against violence every single day on the streets. i hope all you will continue to join this fight to end gun violence here in san francisco and across the nation. remember, this year's gun buyback event is between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. this saturday, no questions asked. thank you. >> thank you so much mayor
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london breed. this gun buyback is from different partners from music industry and mother who lost their kids to gun violence, to sfpd and to the private sector. there's so many people here to make this happen. it's not justs doing it. it takes lot of different people to make it happen. when a bullet comes out one of those chambers, it doesn't discriminate, it doesn't matter. that's what we're doing is to make sure we end senseless gun violence. it's my honor to have this brother coming on next. he's out there in louisiana, baton rouge, he fights all over the world to make sure we end senseless gun violence. he's a good friend of mine. our brother silky. >> thank you, rudy. i want to commend you on the work in you're doing and let you
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know i and we appreciate you allowing us to be part of what's going on. due to covid, we have to do it virtually. it's better to do it virtually than not do it at all. you still thinking about those that lose their lives to the violence and senseless killing that take place in the community. that's one of the things that we're very, very, pushing and i'm tearing up because i lost my brother two years ago to senseless killing in louisiana. we're very, focused on getting these guns off the streets and you know like you say, we're not against the second amendment. we want to get the illegal guns off the streets and bring awareness to gun owners that you can take your gun to work and leave it in your car and it becomes illegal gun on the street. this is important for us to make
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sure that we get weapons out of the hands of the criminals that's committing senseless acts of violence in our communities. to have the police department to be part of this. even though what happenedly to george, is not something it turns either of us anti-police. we understand that we need the police and we can't let the action of one bad person turn our feelings toward the police to be negative. this is an important event this you're giving. i want to commend you on that. thanks to the mayor for her kind words to the family. we have to get the guns off the street to in order to stop the
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violence. rudy i commend you and thank you so much for what you're doing. >> neighboring, brother. usually around this time when we go the gun buyback, it's a nationwide effort. this year with the covid, i believe we're like the only organization that's doing the gun buyback. it's the actual anniversary sandy hook and mayor breed and our late mayor who appointed this gun buyback. make sure we acknowledge them. i want to bring on george floyd's brother. he's been so kind and been involved in the gun buyback helping us out and supporting us. for him to take his time. brother felonious. >> how you doing, i'm brother of george floyd. happy to speak with you guys today. the buyback program, this is something that -- this is my first time being part of one. it's great knowing that you can
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decrease violence by taking guns off the streets. many people out in the world don't understand just because you can go get a license, it still doesn't mean you should have a gun. they don't show when they look at your background that you have a mental problem. it's not showing certain things. just me growing up in a neighborhood where i feel -- i see my friends, it wasn't until covid didn't take them out. they died because somebody pulled the trigger, senseless violence killing young men, men that are growing up, wanting to be something in their life. me understanding that california had bad situations in the past. i look at lot of different things when it comes to the
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gangs and killing. i live in houston, i don't live see a lot but people are still doing it in different neighborhoods. we don't have lot of gangs and stuff. i commend you all for doing what you are doing. we need to have many more all across this nation. not just here in the united states, we need to see it everywhere. we need to take control of our neighborhood. we need to make sure that we will be here tomorrow. me, thank you all so much by having me here. i want to decrease violence everywhere across the nation. rudy, i can see the heart and your passion. i thank you all, the mayor for participating in this event. i wish i can be there.
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we're going to have a good time while we're here. thank you all so much. >> we can't never forget that. it takes a hood to save the hood. the hood-to-hood connect. >> if you turn in a thousands guns today, rudy agreed to cut it in half. [laughter] >> thank you so much. >> i appreciate you for joining us. >> rest in peace to your brother george floyd. i knew we had jamie foxx, i know he's a busy man. he provides support with us also. next, i want to bring on the ceo of empire records, one of the biggest record labels in the
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country. my brother who's also native of san francisco like me and mayor london breed. >> i wanted to say i appreciate everything that you're doing for the community. i've known you for over 20 years. it means a lot to me who you're doing for the community, what mayor london breed is doing for the community in helping to keep the streets safe and better place to raise our children and conduct business and run operation in the city. i wanted to say, i truly appreciate. it means a lot to me. i lost a lot of people that i love over the years to senseless gun violence. quite few in the last 60 days. i wanted to do my part to contribute and just be a battery in your back. thank you so much for everything that you do. >> thank you so much, brother
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godley. he's being really humble. this gentleman here was instrumental of actually contributing to this cause and making this happen. big respect to you. i know you're going through a lot because we lost a lot of good brothers in the music industry. thank you so much. i salute you man and look forward to working with you. >> i appreciate it. god bless you. >> i want to also bring one of our main partners to make this happen. we can't make this happen unless we got sfpd i agree with them. without them we couldn't do it. i want to bring on our captain of the southern district.
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>> thank you, rudy. thank you everyone who's participating making this a successful event. gun buybacks are part of a proven strategy to address gun violence and help get firearms out of the wrong hands. we thank you, rudy for your partnership with the police thousand us to participate in providing the resources you need to make this a successful event. i like to thank mayor london breed for her leadership on this and public safety initiatives, programs like this, they are designed for the sole purpose of raising awareness about gun violence and reducing the likelihood of future gun violence by getting these firearms off the streets. that continued partnership and we at southern station are grateful for the opportunity to work with you and reach out to the community. it's not just one day. people hear about united playaz and they see the work you're doing and they start talking about gun violence. that's one of the things like to get people talking about gun
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buyback to make sure the word gets out. lot of people will be surprised to know how many of their friends and family members have firearms in their home. we want to make sure these guns are taken off the streets. some people maybe they had a relative passed away and they found a gun in the house and don't know how to get rid of it. please bring it back to the gun buyback. no questions asked. we don't want guns left carelessly in homes where there can be tragedies with children find guns or if burglars get in your home and they find homes that aren't properly stored. we're glad to be working with you, rudy, the staff at city hall who are helping us with this. we will bring the resources necessary to collect the firearm safely, to get them off the streets and we'll destroy them
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afterwards. please get the word out and look forward to seeing you there, rudy, little before 8:00 on saturday morning at 10:30 howard street. please everyone, get the word out, get the guns out the house and keep them out of the wrong hands. thank you. >> thank you, so much, captain. when we leave in the morning, we'll have some breakfast burritos. how about that? [laughter] thank you so much. we have one more speaker. i save the best for last you guys. before i bring the sister on, the outreach that's being done prior to our gun buyback is done by 15 people and everybody who's doing fliers or putting up the post of all ex-lifers. who did a life sentence behind murder but now they're giving life instead of taking life. when captain talked about the destroying the guns, these are
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the guns right here from the last gun buyback. we're actually invoicin -- destg them. with that said, my partner who actually helped destroy the guns and creates art out of them, is a mother who lost her son to gun violence and she's the founder of the robby foundation. i want to welcome you, patty. thank you. >> thank you so much. i wanted to thank the united playaz and mayor breed for bringing us together. i'm the founder of the foundation. it's an organization i found in honor of my son robby who was shot and killed who obtained a gun illegally after the weapon was used to kill my son, it was resold on the streets where it was used to commit some other crime. i believe in gun buyback because
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i know firsthand that one gun has the potential to commit numerous crime and take numerous lives. the week that my son was killed, he laid out his suit on the bed in preparation for a job interview that he was guaranteed to get the job. instead it was the suit that he was buried in. that's what gun violence does in a matter of second. it can rob someone of their life and change the life of everyone left behind and that includes the prethe perpertrator. now we're in covid-19 this existing health crises of gun violence. since the expand, we've seen sharp increase in gun sales in in june, there was 2.6 million additional sales. we now have more guns in circulation with i millions of children home from school, domestic abuse victims, we have
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people facing depression due to unemployment and isolation. when you add access to guns, you're facing a convergence of major health crises and more loss of life. i think we all know that low income black and brown community suffer the most when it comes to both gun violence and the pandemic. 2020 has been a challenging year but it has been a transformative year. it's a year of reckoning where people across the country have marched against systemic racism and injustice. i believe we have to be just as passionate about preventing gun violence which disproportionately exacts -- impacts communities of color. i can do whatever i can to make sure there are fewer mother who lose their children. i want to thank mayor breed. i want thank united playaz and family of george floyd for theiring their passion.
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so we can put an end to senseless gun violence. i want to encourage everyone to bring your unwanted guns to buyback saturday. you'll never know how many people lives you saved by doing so. thank you. >> real talk. thank you so much. may your son robby, prest in peace. i want to thank everyone for sharing their knowledge and experience. i'm a survivor gun violence, twice. last time i was shot at in 2012 in this neighborhood that i'm at with someone who got murdered yesterday three blocks up. one gun off the streets where people who say this doesn't work, one gun off the streets can destroy one person's life. that one person life can be the person who can save this whole planet. you never know who that can be, who that person will grow up to be. we want to make sure we get all
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the guns i can. i'm not against the second amendment, i'm against senseless gun violence. if shouldn't be little kids and innocent people, people going to work working hard for their families and get killed. i'm not trying to advocate violence, i understand the streets. i understand the world that we live in. i want to be real clear. i'm not against second amendment. one gun that you may turn in, will be the life you may save this world. how about that. thank you guys for all, everybody on here. mayor london breed, patty, captain, silky, all you guys for your effort for help us end senseless gun violence. we got to do it together.
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united we stand and divided we play. i'm a united player for real. bullets, they don't discriminate and no namessen them. don't wait somebody you love or you know get killed and for you to be involved. you want to be involved now. you play your part. by turning in your gun that's in your house. thank you guys, thank you mayor london breed for being the leader that you are. >> thank you rudy. can you remind people of the date, time and the location one more time? >> it's this saturday december 12th at 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 at my headquarters. i will give you a $100 for a handgun, shotgun or rifle. if it's a assault rifle, i'll give you $200. you bring me five handgunnings i will give you $500.
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>> you don't have to get out your car or do anything. drive up, keep your mask on and we'll get it out your trunk. you don't have to do anything. you don't center t -- to talk to anybody. >> we've been planning this for the last two or three months. we have a way where it's all covid free. it's all covid free. everybody masked up. everybody got chills on. our team with the captain, captain mcdonnell and damien has been together and planning it. we got a great plan to stay covid free and sucker free. thank you. any questions? i want to turn it over to maria valdez. >> thank you, rudy. i'm the san francisco covid command center.
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we're happy to address any questions that you may have. please e-mail us. >> this saturday, december 12th anniversary is sandy hook, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. $100 for your guns, $200 for assault rifles. 1038 howard street. if you want to contact me, get more details, my number is (415)716-4100.
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