tv SF Police Commission SFGTV February 3, 2021 5:30pm-7:31pm PST
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route. here with us tonight is chief william scott from the san francisco police department and director paul henderson from the department of police accountability. >> vice president elias: thank you, i will ask everyone to join me in the pledge of allegiance. please put your hand over your heart and say the pledge of allegiance. [pledge of allegiance] thank you. >> everything okay commissioner elias? >> vice president elias: yes, i'm getting a delay i apologize. few logistical items. line item number 6 on the agenda is being moved to another date.
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we will have that agendize at a later date. secondly, before we call item number one, i'm going to ask that we open public comment for about half hour and take as many calls as we can and come back to it at the end of the agenda. please call the first item. >> clerk: line item number. the public is welcome to address the commission for two minutes. under police rules of order during public comment neither police or d.p.a. personnel nor commissioners are required to respond to the questions presented by the public but may provide a brief importance. you can call by 415-655-0001 and
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enter access code 146 033 9858 you may submit public comment or written comments maybe sent poth public safety building located 1245 third street, san francisco, california. if you like to make public comment, please press star 3. we have a number of public comments. good evening caller, you have two minutes. >> good afternoon commissioners.
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my name is aaron. i live and work in san francisco. i'm calling today just to ask the police commission to one, consider massively reducing their budget and to support allocating a small part of that reduction, $4.8 million, to fund cart. the compassionate alternative response team. to move away from police response that led to death of too many people that experienced homelessness, the removal of homeless people where they are staying. implementing cart would take less than one-half of a percent of the police budget that has grown 58% from the last decade and begin to improve outcome for folks on the streets so we're able to work towards moving them off the streets permanently and
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address our housing crises with compassion. thank you. >> thank you, caller. good evening caller, you have two minutes. >> good evening commissioners. i'm calling today in support of the cart proposal that is before you. i very strongly think that the police are the long instrument attempting to address homelessness and drug use and drug sales. each of those has individually proven themselves to be counterproductive. the brand of police, the respect for policing, the ability for police to function, the budget in our city both in the police
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and outside of it whether it's jails for the police to be addressing these issues. we seen recognition from groups like sf311 that the police shouldn't be addressing homelessness. i'm calling on the police commission to support redirecting its funds to use programs that will address homelessness in the correct planner and reallocating the portions of the budget to address that towards cart that's a small allocation tonight. i would love to see less police in our system, less police in our society because the reality of our police is compared to other countries, they kill a greater portion of our civilians than any other first world country. tonight i'm calling for us to find a more peaceful solution and for san francisco to embrace the way of the future.
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this is being done elsewhere. thank you very much. >> good evening caller, you have two minutes. >> good evening. this is magic alderman. last year the people destroyed the myth that police are necessary. as well as the lie that people are here to protect the people. the truth is, that we all know the police were created to enforce slavery and destroy unions. the rest of their community service is window dress and propaganda, to hide the murders and oppression of black and brown people, and daily intimidation on the streets of our community. the crime went up. defund the police, refund the community.
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that is what will happen, mark my word. the government definition of safety to protect the rich who are defined as other. others living on the edge lost homes and jobs and so many have lost love ones. we the people feel safe when we share principles with food, shelter and healthcare and education. mayor breed feel safe, -- [indiscernible] the statutes that fallen, the flag torn down, the names of the oppressors are erased on the chalkboard at schools, anyone with forsight can see the system is broken. there's no reforming. it is working as intended to protect the oligarchs. you voted unanimously to --
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[indiscernible] what do you plan to do differently to actually change and defund the police and refund the community? that's all. >> thank you, caller. good evening caller, you have two minutes. >> good evening, i'm a lifelong district 1 resident. in january 2020, sfpd unanimously passed resolution to move away from police response to homelessness from the chief to sponsor stakeholder groups to design an alternative. one year later that a. has been developed called cart. the people homes are flown away. when i asked the resolution if items were bagged and tagged, i
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was told it was just trash. it proves that the operation center is not concerned about healthy streets. thank you. >> good evening, you have two minutes. >> my name is sarah, i live and work san francisco. i'm asking police commission massive reduction in their fund. this will not eliminate jobs. the result of which will be more efficient effective and humane. thank you. >> thank you, caller.
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good evening, you have two minutes. >> thank you. last police commission meeting i called and during public comment about the asset work. this is a practice whereby law enforcement agencies, police departments and others confiscate people's money when they're not charged with any crime. in respond to my comments that commissioner hamasaki asked the police chief whether the sfpd was doing this, chief said, it's not administered by us. he said sfpd was directly taking money but this will be federal government -- he said there's --i don't see on the agenda.
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i would like to hear chief scott say more about this. how much money are they getting from the feds? who is getting the money? who is being charged? what are they being charged with if anything? how much money has been taken, what property has been taken? to what extent this is going on in san francisco. it is a nationwide practice. there's been billions of dollars stolen from the public in this manner. i think we should have transparency at the local level to see what's going on with this. there's a report that i encourage members to look at called policing for profits. they put out a third one. this is a direct question for police chief to respond to. i ask for a response and from the commission.
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thank you very much. >> you have two minutes. >> thanks. i live and work san francisco. i'm also here to ask you to fund the cart program. i've been working flow a little bit. everyone including the mayor has been talking about moving the funds in the police department. it's really cool. i saw a lot more general talk about doing this kind of thing. there's a proposal for a real program that is designed to help the community. it not only address issues more humanely and efficiently it will help the community like not need to call the police as often. it's great in so many ways. it will be really cool to see what we can do for the community. please fund this program. it's a small percent of the
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budget. thank you. >> thank you. good evening, you have two minutes. >> yes, this is -- [indiscernible] i've become part of the cart working group that created this for the last year. ivy street with the one who came up with the acronym, compassionate, alternative response team. it was created by a community process that took input a large swath of our community. i also have a relative who worked for it san francisco police department for five years, including in the homeless unit. he's no longer in that position, he would have loved having like c.a.r.t. to do this job while sending people to do work to unhouse people. other police officers i spoken
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to, they too do not want to do social work. i think there's support from this within your department. i want to say, i do recognize the role of police as part of the safety solution for our city. police should not be doing mental health and prevention or social work. that should be done by mental health professionals, consumers, social workers by people commit to helping the community, c.a.r.t. is a very inexpensive and cost effective way to doing it. we're asking for $4.8 million. it's not expensive in terms of the overall goals and accomplishments. it's a good proposal. it will create jobs. i think it will make policing it safer as well as make the community safer. from the c.a.r.t committee, thank you very much.
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>> thank you, caller. good evening caller, you have two minutes. >> hi there, my name is carlos. i live and work in san francisco. i'm calling today to ask for the sfpd to cut their budget and recommend to the mayor that portion of that budget goes to funding c.a.r.t. last january, this body vote to unanimously approve. i recommend we move away from police response to homelessness. that proposal c.a.r.t has been done. now it's been before us. asking the police commission to approve it. cut their budget and support c.a.r.t. thank you. >> you have two minutes. >> hello. i'm also a member of the c.a.r.t
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advisory team and worked on the c.a.r.t proposal. we have now issued a report for a community plan for a compassionate alternative response to policing homeless population. this is in response to a resolution by sfpd. it passed unanimously to move away from police response to homelessness. it was supported by chief scott. the board of supervisors supported this as well. i'm calling to ask the police commission to please reduce sfpd budget, defund the police this year, at last and this time, you have a first alternative that can be funded that had some vast community support, that has a
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lot of research behind it. we would be very placed to be able to comment further because this is a true response that would move as a way from criminalizing populations that are already suffering, egregious human rights violations. please support c.a.r.t by defunding the police. also specifically, the funding required for c.a.r.t is a very tiny portion of sfpd's budget. we ask that this amount be allocated to the creation of compassionate alternative response team that will take on calls from 911 and redirect it to an alternative service providers in the community. thank you.
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>> that is the end of public comment. >> vice president elias: great, thank you very much. call the next line item please. >> clerk: sorry, there's one more. then we're done. you have two minutes. >> good evening commissioners. i'm carolyn gusen. i did want to also ask you to continue to shift resources from police to non-police responses. we can address the behavioral health and housing needs of the community and support c.a.r.t wholeheartedly. i want to bring up two things that the public defender has related to police accountability and transparency. i was shocked to learned that officer who resigned ongoing investigation of misconduct that the investigations suddenly end.
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this means there's never sustained d.p.a. complaint on their record. a police officer can go from one jurisdiction to another without any accountability. tonight under closed session, the commission was supposed to discuss disciplinary case. we understand that conveniently person resigns two months after the case opened. we urge you to adjudicate these cases and create a policy stating such. finally, there's an open question about whether everything that is put in the closed session portion of the agenda needs to be there. the commission hasn't changed their closed session policy and procedures since the passage of 1421. the state law that enables monthly transparency. because of 1421, we believe the items are no longer confidential. this something we know commissioners, such as
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commissioner dejesus raised in the past. thank you so much. >> if i can clarify the last caller. >> commissioner dejesus: the new policy of the police commission with regards to officers resaning or retiring with pending disciplinary cases, those cases remanded to the chief to make findings. we actually had a report on those findings a few meetings ago. now, those findings will allow the officer's file to be made public under 1421 and also that if they attempt to go to another jurisdiction with pending
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disciplinary cases, there will be a finding in their file of the policy violation and a another jurisdiction is . we have clarified and moving it forward. >> vice president elias: is that all the callers? >> clerk: no, there are two more callers. you have two minutes. >> hello. good evening police commissioners. i work for the community partnership. i've been on the c.a.r.t work group. i'm also calling today to ask the police commission to do a
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massive reduction to the police budget and that the mayor allocate small -- part of that to fund c.a.r.t which will care for the homeless on our street rather than criminalize them. one more urgent thing, to remove the police from escorting d.p.w. which can be done immediately and reduce sfpd costs. >> thank you. you have two minutes. >> hello, i live and work in san francisco. i'm calling to call for the police commission to identify radical reduction to the police budget as a part of a national reckoning on race and the need to move away from the over police and incarceration that has devastated black and brown communities. black and brown citizens of san
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francisco have disproportionately homeless in the city. i believe that supporting and funding the c.a.r.t initiative is one way that we can move towards these radical reductions. this is an ask to move away from p.r. politics to move away from making statements to save face and to move into caring for the community in humane ways that support life, that supports justice, that support really just honoring every single citizen in our city. i like to reiterate what my fellow citizens shared before, something that we can do immediately is just remove police from escorting d.p.w. now. that will keep people safer. thank you. >> thank you, caller.
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good evening, caller, you have two minutes. >> hello. i live in san francisco. i'm asking the police commission to fund c.a.r.t for $4.8 million. i'm asking the commission disband and defund the police department. c.a.r.t is a good way to start doing that. it's something that will move the city away from sending police response to homelessness. we've seen over the last five decades and possibly longer, homelessness in this city where police just move the homeless around. it's beyond past time that we get away from using the police to criminalize homelessness. i want to complete defunding of the sfpd. that's something that we need to prioritize.
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chief scott appeared in board of supervisors meeting last week and couldn't provide per capita data about use of force against people in the city. it's ridiculous because that data can be gotten just by going to the police dashboard and doing little bit of math. what that comes out to 40% of use of force by the police to the city is against black people. additional 25% is against latinx people. regardless of what this commission has been doing, nothing has worked. defund and abolish and disband sfpd and fund c.a.r.t. thank you so much. >> thank you caller. that is the end of general public comment. >> vice president elias: thank you. i like to close out that line item and we have our wonderful
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leader back. i will hand it over to her. >> president cohen: good evening everyone. thank you very much commissioner elias. i appreciate you stepping in. all right, i'm back into the meeting. please call the next item. >> clerk: line item 2, adoption of minutes, action for the meetings january 13, 20, 2021. >> president cohen: any comments or questions to the item? let's take public comment on this item. >> if you like make a comment on item 2 please press star now.
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president cohen, we have one caller. good evening, you have two minutes. >> yes, thank you commissioners. i spoke earlier, i also spoke during the last public comment. regarding the minutes, i wanted to say that i would like to see my comments and the responses to our comments any other members of the public included in the minutes as close to verbatim as possible. unless they express they don't want their remarks included. public comment is an official part of the meeting. we want our comments to be heard and put in the public record. i think jay meeting showed there's no harming in that.
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that should be reflected in the record. i ask for a response to this comment. thank you. >> thank you, caller. good evening caller, you have two minutes. >> i'm raising my hand to support mr. star child. i do think that public comment should be a more official part of the record. i note that it is still accessible that all these meetings are recorded. i would like to see the meeting minutes reflect the super majority of the public that is absolutely and completely dissatisfied with the brutalization by their militarized thuggery of a police force. yes, please, second on
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mr. starchild said. >> thank you, caller. president cohen, that is the end of public comment. >> president cohen: thank you very much. let's call the next item. >> item 3, reports to the commission, discussion. chief's report. weekly crime trends provide overview of offenses occurring in san francisco. major significant incidents provide summary of planned activities and events. it will include a brief overview of activities occurring in san francisco. >> do we need to have a motion for the adoption of the minutes? >> president cohen: you're right. i will take that as a motion made by you and is there a second to adopt the minute?
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>> second. >> president cohen: seconded by mr. hamasaki. if we can take that without objection. that motion passes unanimously. mr. brookter and chief, you're up. welcome back to the commission. >> thank you president cohen. i tart this -- i will start this week with the most significant events that happened. that was in term of crime. we had 205 last week, we had one homicide last week and one incident that turned into a homicide on monday and we had a homicide yesterday. this is concerning and alarming. the first two incidents were elderly individuals who were attacked and unprovoked attack. they both ended up succumbing to
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their wounds. both incidents turn to homicide. our first incident involve a 84-year-old man a victim. that was -- this incident arose after our individual who identified as a suspect, pushed the victim and violated on the ground and unprovoked. the bottom line is, victim died from his injuries. very sad event, very sad change of events. senseless death to everybody's account. we were able to make significant progress on that case throughout the weekend. that did result in arrest in two individuals. the person that he was with, who was a female and also arrested
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for being part to not the actual assault but accessory after the fact. there were two arrests. other incident involving 76-year-old man, victim with a well known private investigator. he was out in his community taking a photograph when our primary suspect got into a tussle over his camera and ended up knocking him to the ground. he also died as a result of those injuries. we also made a arrest. hats off to our team who workedk tirelessly through the weekend. lot of team work with the district attorney and his team keeping updated on the case. the result is we made arrests on both cases. the district attorney office is
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three last year. that's the trend we want to desperately turn around. other crimes statistics are violent crimes. we were down this week overall by eight crimes. 16% decrease. year to date, we're down 20%. we were down 28% compared to previous week, we were down 38% overall. we've seen alarming trends. biggest is burglaries which were up significantly compared to last year. it's not something we focus our attention on. the good news -- those are highlights on the crimes, as far as the district in terms of the shooting, we're in bayview seven
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compare to one. we're up in northern, three to compare to one last year. tenderloin five compared to two. rest of the districts are either down or up one or even. lastly, a brief update on the side show event, we put together a drive-in response unit. this goes in line that the legislation board of supervisors passed to put more teeth into the consequences who come to our city to engage in these events. we had a number of events over the past few weekend. last weekend, significant response by officers to take lot of resources. we were able to shut down a number of events. we impounded 11 cars. this past weekend, we cited a
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number of individuals. this past weekend we had at least three or four incidents around the city. we have a much better response. i want to thank the board for their coming out with that legislation. which i think sending the message that we don't want to have these events happen in our city. people have been hurt and killed. we have to put a handle on it and shut them down. one other thing, i know you asked for update on any type of domestic terrorism. we don't have anything to report.
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department homeland security put out bulletin to be on the lookout for violent extremist groups. describing groups that may have ideologies that may lead to violence. it's a big deal in our country now. we don't have anything in our state that indicates that we have anything like that. we will advise if we do. that concludes my report. >> vice president elias: thank you. are there any questions. >> vice president elias: i i was hoping you can report on the status of it foot patrol and frontline officers receiving
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vaccinations. >> yes, i apologize, i had it written in big letters. i missed it. just update on that in terms of vaccinations. there's a lot going on with vaccinations and the issue for us in the city is under the state guidelines and system, the group that we're included in, the first responders police, we are in tier 1b. san francisco has a very expansive healthcare system which have lead to community-based organizations that are included in that higher tier, 1a. the bottom line is, about 200,000 people that are tier 1. the city only received about little bit more than 100,000 vaccinations. remind you that the vaccinations
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you have to have two doses. our officers haven't been vaccinated. we're working hard to work with public health partners, mayor office and try to give our officers the opportunity to be vaccinated. there are some officers that live outside the city and county that have been vaccinated in their county and that number is very limited. there is a plan now is for all of us to go through our private healthcare provider. they will be part of the vaccination plan. they're working with our public health officials and they are part of that plan.
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as it stands now, you can signed up through -- sign up through your health provider. let them know you want to be vaccinated and they will notify each individual when they get to us. it's really difficult right now. we're out there with the public. we're not medical personnel we do engage in life saving measures quite often. >> vice president elias: is there anything we can do to give those officers interacting with the public on a daily basis? it seems those will be the most important group within the department to get vaccinated
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since they're interact with the public. my second question is, if you could provide may be weekly or biweekly updates to the rank and file officers at various stations to make sure they're apprised what's going on and the status of when they'll receive the vaccine from the city. >> we made that known within the department. we are working with the police officer association on that messaging as well as getting the messaging out as to what steps to take to get registered for the vaccination. it's been a topic at our hands meeting and we're asking our captains to push that out to officers. our captains and management in the department to push that out
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to their members. we will continue to do that. that's a part of the frustration just the information changes, the state tier system changes. it might change again. we will continue to push. we appreciate the concern from the commission. >> vice president elias: there maybe some movement. the state is the one setting the order as to who can be vaccinated. as you know, january 19th, the chief and the president of the p.o.a. wrote a letter that dr. colfax to prioritize our officers and i checked in with president of the p.o.a. to find out if he got a response. he hasn't got an response.
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i put in a call to the department of public health to let them know that the commission and the department and the p.o.a. and united and desired to see the officers get their vaccinations quickly. i had a conversation with the mayor she's imploring that the governor release more vaccinations to the city. >> president cohen: we'll have more to report next week. any other questions that you have for the chief? >> vice president elias: to, that was it, thank you.
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>> president cohen: any other commissioners out there? >> i have couple of little questions. for c.a.r.t, you and the mayor talked about cutting the budget and giving money to the community. do you have input in terms where -- are you in discussions with the mayor? does the department have an input where in money is going to go. do you have the ability to make recommendations such as this c.a.r.t program that was discussed little earlier?
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>> input in terms of the decision, no. definitely will make the recommendation. >> that's good to know. i had two more questions. about the burglaries, talking to me, most people saying they given up trying to lock their garages. people are breaking in and getting in. i want to know if the burglaries include the home and garages? i assume they are both. i >> that's accurate commissioner. it does include the garages.
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>> one woman said they broke into her garage twice. it seems to be a problem. good, i'm glad you're on that. last thing i wanted to come up for agenda item. it will be good if we put something on about the forfeitures brought up twice. thank you. >> president cohen: thank you commissioner. does the police department provide a courtesy to do security audit for people personal home to make suggestions how to accuracy the -- safety of their home to
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prevent these break-ins? >> we do. we actually relay heavily on sf safe. that's what they are actually there for. they do a good job at it. we work collaboratively with safe executive order worthy and her team. we do lot of that. i would highly recommend that the public take advantage of that. >> president cohen: to the members of the public, kyra is the executive director of safe. it's an organization that will help you show you the ropes, show you how to fortify your home and protect your personal belongs so you're not a victim of crime. they make various suggestions like cutting back shrubs and
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hedges and fortify certain locks, making recommendations on camera and technology you can use. all of this is to bring protection to the individual and it's pretty significant helping us capture crime as well. any other questions for the chief? chief, i was wondering, i don't know if you said this in your report, i missed it in your crime report. i was wondering if there's any updates on the traffic attack on jack palladino? he was a journalist that was attacked on january 31st. >> yes, i did.
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i was repeat. i did mention and talk about that. that was the first item that i talked about. that was pretty brutal and horrific crime. we have made an arrest on it. we've been working with our newly formed community unit with mr. palladino's family to give them the support they need as well as other victims of violent crimes on the side as well. we were able to quickly make an arrest on that throughout the weekend. really good teamwork between our internal team and with the district attorney office on that. >> president cohen: thank you very much. does that complete your report? >> yes. thank you. >> president cohen: thank you very much. next is d.p.a. report.
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>> d.p.a. report will be limited to drinks. commission discussion will be limit to determining whether to issues raise forked future commission meeting and presentation will be december 2020 monthly statistical report. >> here's my update so far this year. we're up to 51 cases that have been open, at this time last year we were at 70 cases. we closed 51 cases not the same 51 cases. this time last year, we closed 115 cases. in terms of cases pending, we have 354 open cases.
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time last year, we had 384 open cases. we sustained five cases so far this year. this time last year we had sustained six cases. we have 36 cases that are still under investigation beyond the nine month mark. this time last year, we had 27 cases that were open at the same time. we haven't mediated any cases this year nor we mediated case at this time last year. in terms of the volume and in terms of cases pending for discipline, we have 14 cases that are pending with the commission directly. we have 38 cases that are with the chief. in terms of -- i will fold in the monthly statistics as well. all of this information is online as well at the d.p.a.'s
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website. from january through december 2020, we received 799 new cases versus 773 cases 2019. that was an increase of 3%. talk about the outreach event that the office participated in. i want to explain about it because i keep getting questions about what the outreach has looked like. because we've shifted during the pandemic and many of our outreach events are virtual now. most of them can be found on the community calendar on the
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website so people can track them and attend if they are interested. they are posted on twitter, facebook t instagram and on the d.h.r., department of human resources as well. most of these events are live stream. can be watched at the spdpa youtube channel as well. also, on the 21st, i spoke at jim's grills empowered motivated
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and strong agency focusing on young girls of color who are attending stem academies. on the 22nd d.p.a. 101 general information about how it operates as well as our budget operation. the presentation was open to the community and organizations to learn more about our agency. we give this presentation pretty frequently with various stakeholders. on the 27th, we hosted a stakeholder engagement informational series partnership with be magic talking about the agency's upcoming event and community resources as well as information about how to make the planes and how the process works. we continue to coordinate,
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participate and be engaged with the mega black meeting. where we are invited to participate. discussing areas of collaboration between private organizations relate to black issues here in san francisco. on the 29th, we participated in reforming police through changing labor relations. i did that all day in partnership with berkeley law school for police reform. this week, i spoke and had a lengthy meeting with wealth and disparities with the black community and sat down with falisha jones and her group addressing concerns they raised.
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those will be ongoing meeting. both the d.p.a. annual report were the main focus of those conversations from that meeting. we had couple of training for the past few weeks. on tuesday, all of the staff at d.p.a. participated in the training. we participated in a virtual trans 101 training. two-part training. second session will take place on late friday. we have one case that i think is going to be forced resolution for the closed calendar for this evening. that completes my report for
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d.p.a. >> president cohen: thank you very much for that. let me see if there's callers that like to ask you some questions. any commissioners interested in asking director henderson few questions on his report? can you give a little context as to why there's an increase of cases this year versus last year? i can understand five or ten years ago why there's a change, why this year? >> i think lot of folks, because it's easier now to make the complaint and because a lot of the outreach that we're doing is virtual. i think it's that much easier for communities to reach out. specifically communities that has difficulty accessing transportation found find
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services available, the focus that we've had in making sure that we fold it in a partnership with language access so that communities are able to access our services. people can make complaints anonymously on their phone or through their computer. it's a combination of all of those things. commissioner elias reached out, i spoke with her this week, looking at, analyzing the complaints that are coming in with little bit of deeper dive. we're starting to look at that as well to see if there's more or better efficiencies we can
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have at the front end for people that are contacting our office. i should be able to give you a more thorough report. rather than just my speculation. i can tell you more exactly. will likely be able to tell you -- i'll be able to measure what that increase is based on the complaints that are coming in. >> president cohen: thank you. i don't know what your data, what you have in front of you, there's a complaint 045363-20. it came under 2020. one of the complaints that interest me was that officers performed retaliatory reaction to the complaint. >> i'm not clever enough to be able to do that in the moment.
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i wrote that down. my directors, i have staff on the call or this at the commission now participating that we'll follow up directly. do you want us to reach out to you or both? >> president cohen: thank you, not the individual behind the complaint. as i dive in little bit more, i went through the complaints. there are particular ones that spoke to me. these are really interesting
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complaints that we brush over because they are just numbers in the statistics. i'm trying to understand what you know and how you come to understand what these complaints are? >> i will reach out to you within the next 24 hours and give up an update. >> president cohen: i will e-mail the complaint number. i'm curious to know where things are. >> i think it was before you jumped on, we were talking about the race and hiring thing. i think that got taken off the calendar. we're going to hear it february 10th, next week. thank you for your presentation. anyone has any follow-up questions for director
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henderson? >> continuing on with item 3. commission reports. commission reports will be limit to brief description of activities and announcements. commission discussion will be limit to determining whether to calendar any of the issues raised to future commission meetings. >> president cohen: i want to speak directly to commissioner dejesus, you made a request to allow the youth commission come and join us.
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>> commissioner cohen, i want to ask if we can agendize -- i got an opportunity to speak with the officers for justice in lieu of of it being black history month, they've actually created masks with the kids they cloth. i love having them coming before the commission to present these masks. just have them come speak to us about the about black history month. that will be a great thing. >> president cohen: that will be a fantastic thing. good suggestion, thank you.
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seizures of property. people are asking how it works. it wouldn't hurt to have a small presentation how it works. >> president cohen: commissioner hamasaki anything from you? please continue. >> at this time the public is welcome to make public comment on line item 3. members of the public like to make public comment please call 415-655-0001. enter access code. 146 033 9858
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please press star 3 now if you like to make public comment. we have a number of callers. >> president cohen: let's begin. >> good evening, caller, you have two minutes. >> hi. can you hear me? >> yes. >> i was calling concerning my son who was murdered august 14, 2006, to this day no capture of the person who murdered my son. i'm a mother who is calling every wednesday and speaking about my son everyday concerning his homicide. i don't care if it's been 14 years, it's been yesterday to me. i miss my son. i want justice for my son. i want to thank again dejesus
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for writing that letter. i want to thank chief david lazar for helping me and chief scott for piggy backing off dejesus letter. that will help out a lot. a little closure for me for people portraying our african-american children as gang members in their death, while they are dead. i'm just still looking for justice for my son. his case number -- please, if you know anything about my son who was murdered, if you remember anything about my son's murder, please call in and let the homicide detectives know about what's going on or what
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has happen to my son. thank you. >> thank you, ms. brown. good evening caller, you have two minutes. >> this is david elliott lewis. just to draw attention to some areases that have not been reported upon in these items. which is what's going on in the civic center and tenderloin where i live. the civic center we have a weekly wednesday farmers market that's in danger of closing. business is down because of the
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covid pandemic. now with the riot of b-line plaza violence, we might lose our community farmers market. which is a loss for the community. there's a need for policing here. in the tenderloin, there is off the hook increase street level drug dealing. you know about this. it continues to get worse under the pandemic. we seek community solutions but we seek police solutions. it needs police presence on the street, to get to know the residents and forge connections and try to create a culture of safety. that's what i'm asking for. that's what i'm asking for reports on. reports on maybe more of a community policing approach to address these community safety needs. i support the police department
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i support alternatives to police like c.a.r.t. they are part of the safety solutions to make san francisco a safer place. thank you for your time and attention, david elliott lewis. >> thank you, caller. good evening caller, you have two minutes. >> thank you commissioners. i was the caller who brought up the forfeiture that commissioner dejesus brought up. i appreciate her putting that on the agenda. i wanted to ask director and the
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d.p.a., mentioned that police oversight audit panel. i like to get the name and contact information for people on this panel and to know whether they are looking into asset forfeiture part of their audit. we don't have transparency. we don't know how much money being spent by the sfpd in cooperation with the feds and taking this money from people and these assets. we don't know how much they are profiting from the distribution of the asset. we don't know who the victims are. have they been given sufficient opportunities to get their property back, especially if they are poor and they can't afford lawyers. they are not being charged a crime and having their stuff taken. i think this is real social injustice. i like to ask director henderson what information do you have on
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forfeiture. can you direct them to do so and can you give us for the record, the contact info for the people on that panel? thank you. >> thank you, caller. good evening, caller, you have two minutes. president cohen, that is the end of public comment. >> president cohen: all right, thank you very much. i appreciate the public comment tonight. let's continue moving forward >> item 4, presentation of sfpd's 4th quarter 2020 safe streets for all report,
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discussion. >> president cohen: all right. good to see you. >> good evening president cohen. sergeant youngblood, can you put our presentation up on the screen please? president cohen, vice president elias, police commissioners, chief scott, members of the public, i'm the command for the m.t.a. division of the san francisco police department. i'm responsible for the coordination of traffic safety department wide and city wide. i have a presentation on the results for safe streets for all 4th quarter of 2020.
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strategy included engineering, police department engages in public education to raise awareness, our commitment to vision zero focused on violations which has been found to be the primary cause of fatal and serious injuries. those violations vehicle failure to yield, they fail to yield turning, speed and red light violations. san francisco police department works with our vision zero partners including walk sf. pedestrian advocacy stakeholder group in the city.
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this slade represents traffic violations for the 4th quarter. in comparison of the results between 2019 and 2024. total for 2020 is 1423 citations. although it's not on this screen the total for 2019 with 8899 citations. this slide offers a comparison of traffic violations, concentrates on the 4th quarter of 2019 and 2020. our department goals have 50% of our traffic violation focused on violations. this graph is for each of your ten district stations as well as
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the traffic violations. you can see in 2019, in -- 4th quarter we were above our goal. this slide provides department total for the calendar year 2020 for traffic violations and vision zero sf focused on the five totals. all of our figures i should mention, clarified on this presentation. from january 2020 to december 2020, our total traffic violations were 13,995. 7320 were for people with
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violations. which was a percentage of 52% of our traffic violations. this slide represents for the 4th quarter, the individuals who suffered fatality or collision, the blue represents 2020 and green represents 2019. we have a modes of travel of transportation listed. standup powered device, probably referred to as a scooter -- [indiscernible] [please stand by]
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>> next slide, please. >> this graph represents the age groups of fatalities of persons in 2020, 0 to 29 years old, we have five individuals in that group. 30 to 39, there were six. in the 40 to 49 group, there were four. in the gray, that represents 50 to 59-year-olds. the tan represents the 60 to 65
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years of age, and this represents the 66 to 80 years of age. further on this presentation, i've included the table on slide 13, which identifies each location and related collision data. all of these markers represent the different categories on the right and in the blue [inaudible] above that, you can see the total each category represents in our fatalities. the exterior passenger is a passenger that was riding on the rear coupler outside of a muni rail vehicle. the vehicle negotiated a turn, the individual fell off of the l.r.t. and was fatally injured as a result. next slide, please.
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this is a map of all of the collisions, and i apologize. i know it looks very busy. the blue highlighted lines represent streets are high fatality corridors that have been identified by the san francisco department of public works, department of public health, and san francisco police department. we had two collisions this year which occurred multiple victims. first, 25 at dakota, victims suffered injuries that were fatal, and then at 31st and mission, two pedestrians were killed after being struck by a vehicle. next slide, please. this slide is a representation
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of all of the collisions on the previous two maps. it includes the location where the collision occurred, the method of travel, and in the last box, the primary collision factor. so when any collision occurs, an investigation is conducts, and individuals who are trained to do so can determine the first action or the primary action that was responsible for the collision. the next slide has all of the codes, which are vehicle codes, with the exception of the last one, which is the health and safety code. and that is the presentation, and we're happy to answer any
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questions. thank you. >> president cohen: commissioner hamasaki? >> commissioner hamasaki: thank you, president cohen. you know, i think this issue of policing is a lot like some other ones that have been discussed in the sense that the problem that we're seeking to address is a problem that isn't necessarily one is that is solved by policing, right? and what i asked you before, i don't think it was last quarter, but is there any -- is there any actual evidence that any of these interventions lead
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to more positive outcomes, right? it seems that -- i would assume we spend a pretty significant amount of resources, you know, to have people out to do the enforcement actions in high injury corridors, but it seems to me all anecdotal or theory if there's any impact on public safety. do you have anything else that might kind of fill in my concern? >> well, commissioner, thank you for your question. [inaudible] with serious injury collisions on strategy, engineering, education, and enforcement. those are, you know, three of the primary tenets of this
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strategy, and, you know, it's a complex issue. it requires a lot of study and analysis. i know you asked that before -- the question that you asked before is relevant. can we point to any data that would point that our officers at certain locations have had an [inaudible] that have occurred more than three weeks ago? so we concentrate our efforts on that high corridor region because that data has been
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officers who have retired over the last year, so our numbers are not what they once were. we're -- i don't want to give you a number that sounds like a guess or speculating, but i can tell you that we've had a reduction in our staffing just primarily due to the fact that people have left the police department. >> commissioner hamasaki: i mean, you can't estimate how many -- like 10? 20? 50? >> oh, well, i'll give you the number, but part of that number is impacted by people who are out or on disability. we have a captain, three sergeants, and 26 officers on motorcycles. >> commissioner hamasaki: okay. and so those officers are -- do
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they do patrolling as well as general enforcement actions? basically, the guy that pulls up behind you and hits the lights, and we all flip out and get a ticket? >> so that is a large part of their responsibility. they are also called out when large numbers of people take to the streets. there's events where they are required for crowd prevention, auto burglaries, that kind of thing. and over the past six or seven months, they have been part of the required response to [inaudible] in the city, so the majority of officers have volunteered to change their hours on the nights that they will be deployed, and we have
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on numerous nights. i'd rather not get into the specifics of that, but that is a large part of their responsibility. when they're out at night, the events that we encounter, we can have anywhere from 75 to 100 to 200 vehicles in the ingleside, the bayview, the mission, central as part of our strategy to address that, and they are also the experts when it comes to vehicle code violation and collision investigation. and collision investigation is something that they can be called out to assist a traffic collision investigation unit. they're out there doing measurements, diagrams, interviews, collecting evidence because not every serious -- while every serious injury collision requires an investigation, it might not rise to the level where it would involve tciu, so that
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means that the traffic control officers are responsible for those investigations, and those investigations can be conducted citywide. >> commissioner hamasaki: one other valid point -- so when i'm looking at data, it's all fatalities, right, and that -- i know that we don't necessarily track just, like, regular accidents caused by additional vehicle code violations, like, fender benders or even more serious ones. is that accurate? i've always been told just contact your insurance and take care of it that way. >> so part of our commitment to vision zero is the department has to be in this position andly anson with the m.t.a., department of public health, bicycle coalition. so whenever there's a serious
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injury collision, all of these things take place. so when there's a serious injury collision, we're looking at was this collision preventible? one of the things that they offer with their expertise is being able to communicate with m.t.a., department of public health, to see at this intersection or this location, we see a possible issue to be addressed by public engineering that could prevent possible collisions in the future. that's part of what we address in prevention, and i think some of those things might be hard to quantify, but i'd have to look at it to get you a number.
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>> commissioner hamasaki: yes. but if we're looking at fatalities, shouldn't we be also looking at serious injuries to emergency room did the safety of our streets? is that not part of what we track as part of this -- >> i don't know that we track that specifically, but i know that we have that data because all of those investigations are done. and again, we have -- >> commissioner hamasaki: that might be interesting to see in the future because that might help us to understand the difference between a serious injury and a fatality. a fatality might not be indicative of a certain problem, but if you see a number of serious accidents in an area, that might be helpful, as well. >> thank you, commissioner hamasaki. >> commissioner hamasaki, there are published articles out there on the impact of serious
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injuries that are close to home. i think it was published in fresno in 2010. national library of medicine did some research, and basically, it's dialed in on speed and the enforcement of speed violation on fatalities and speed reductions in fatalities. the wagner school of public service, they listed about 200 municipalities on the east coast. i think that was published in 2015, i believe, but again, there were some correlations to enforcement, traffic enforcements and certain types of violations and fatalities. there were articles out there -- >> commissioner hamasaki: maybe you can send those to me, and i can take a look. i don't want to take up everybody's time on them. >> great. thank you. >> president cohen: thank you.
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commissioner brookter, i think i saw your name? >> commissioner brookter: yeah, thank you for that, president cohen. >> president cohen: you're welcome. >> commissioner brookter: i think a lot of my questions were similar to commissioner hamasaki, and some of them have been answered. one of the things, the organizations that i don't see on here is the san francisco transportation authority, and then, as we always have this conversation around big data, i'm just wondering if we're having any conversations with autonomous driving in san francisco, and if they're seeing anything that they can share with the department that would assist us with our vision zero program? >> thank you, commissioner. prepandemic, i appeared before the c.t.a. with supervisor
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mandelman and supervisor stefani to point out our results that vision zero offers enforcement, and i keep them updated -- or the -- our effort internally is to keep all of the commissions apprised of all the serious injury collisions, fatalities that happen in their district, because we know they're going to get asked those questions. so our reports are provided to the c.t.a. and then, in terms of companies -- are you speaking about companies like -- let me answer that in a better way. so cruze, wemo, and waze, we've been in conversation with the mayor's office and the sfmta as
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well as different members of the board of supervisors to discuss the impacts and also the testing and the safety of their vehicles and, like, you know, what -- we have a line of communication open with them so that we've been able to identify and provide training to officers in the police department and members of the fire department so that if we respond to a collision involving their vehicles, although the majority of them, 99%, probably greater than that, are being operated by human beings, there are some that are just like cruising and doing some limited testing in two very small areas of san francisco. so i've given that information out to the district captain and then the mayor's office and the m.t.a., as well. so i guess the short answer to your question is yes, we're having this communication so that can potentially have a -- it could very well have a growing impact on traffic in san francisco. >> commissioner brookter: got
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it. thank you very much, commander. >> thank you. >> president cohen: thank you, commander. i see no other questions in the queue. we appreciate your presentations. >> thank you. >> president cohen: yes. >> thank you, chief. >> president cohen: sergeant youngblood, what's next on the agenda? >> clerk: public comment on-line item number 4. at this time, public is welcome to make public comment on the presentation of safe streets. for those on the line, please press star, three now. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> thank you. this is david elliott lewis, long time tenderloin resident, who continues to have my fellow neighbors suffer from really unsafe streets due to what i believe is insufficient enforcement. anyone who hangs out for any amount of time in this area will see egregious traffic
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violations that go unpunished, and it's really made the streets very treacherous since many of the buses or bus lines aren't running adequately. so i understand that engineering, m.t.a., we need all of those solutions, but it really feels like our neighbor continues to be underserved in all of those areas. the problem persists, and i hope you can look at the problems in these neighborhoods. this is david, and thank you for your time and attention. >> clerk: thank you, caller. >> president cohen: thank you, mr. lewis. next speaker.
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>> clerk: and president cohen, that is the end of public comment. >> president cohen: okay. i appreciate that. thank you. i see no other names in the chat, so let's continue moving forward. >> clerk: line item 5, discussion and possible action to approve department budget for fiscal year 2022-2023, discussion and action. >> president cohen: all right. thank you. c.j., commissioner brookter, would you like to kick this one off? >> commissioner brookter: yeah, no. >> president cohen: say a few opening remarks? >> commissioner brookter: yeah. and i kind of gave the update in the commissioner's reports, but i really want to thank the commission for allowing us to sit down and dive into the process, the budget process, and also now beginning to do a deep dive into the proposed
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budget itself. there was a lot of callers that called in today, speaking about this budget, and i wanted to make sure that, as the commission, we had some teeth around what was going on with the budget and to ensure when we have presentations that it was much more palatable, that we can see much more of the numbers. i think we are definitely headed in that direction. i've heard from some of my colleagues that today's presentation seems much more accountable, so i just want to turn it over to president cohen and director mcguire in the fiscal division to briefly take us through this. >> president cohen: thank you. i just wanted to say that i
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enjoyed an opportunity to get up close and somewhat personal with the budget as it begins to take shape. we've actually got a talents team of folks that are helping us shape this budget and reenvision what it's going to look like. i'm grateful for the public that are adding their voice to this public process. i doubt that we're going to be taking any action tonight. this is just a discussion to bring forth to the public what we have been discussing with the department in terms of budget, budget priorities, more importantly, where the budget needs are so that we are all on the same page when it comes to advocating and supporting the sfpds budget. so with that, i will pivot and go to director mcguire. good to see you, and let you
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take it away. >> thank you, president cohen, vice president elias, director henderson, and chief. i have very little to say. i'm going to defer to patrick leung, who is our c.f.o., for the rest of it. >> president cohen: all right. mr. leon, you're up. >> patrick, i believe you're on mute. >> sorry. can you hear me?
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>> clerk: yes. >> okay. good evening, president cohen, vice president elias, commissioners, chief scott, director henderson, members of the public. my name is patrick leung, and i am the chief financial officer for the police department. tonight, we will be going over our proposed budget for fiscal year 22 and 23. and next slide, please. i want to begin with the agenda. tonight, we will be covering the following areas: the department needs for the upcoming budget cycle, a review of budget reductions from the last budget cycle, the base details for our fiscal year 22 budget, and the mayor's requested department reduction. next slide, please. i want to begin by following up on several questions from our first presentation, questions
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on our technology needs, the revenue breakdown, the impact of cultural diversity. these questions are answered later in the presentation. with respect to the question, what's the budget allocation for litigation expenditure, there's no specific allocation for department lawsuits. it would be part of the litigation expenditures that's managed by the city attorney's office. next slide, please. in the last presentation, we also discussed the strategic priorities for fiscal year 22 and fiscal year 23. they are gun violence response, improving efficiency through technology, and [inaudible] included are some examples of these projects in each of these areas. next slide, please. department budgetary needs.
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we recognize that the city is facing financial difficulties, and with the on going pandemic and recession, budgetary resources are constrained, but we do want to highlight what the department needs are, and even though they're not included, it's important to acknowledge them. these are academy classes, civilian positions to move positions to the field. in addition, there will be some requests that we will be adding as enhancement requests. these include technology funding to advance i.d.
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initiatives. next slide, please. some of our technology needs are tied to reform recommendations, and this graphic helps show examples of i.t. projects with anticipated implementation timeline to help us address some gaps that exist in our i.t. capablities. next slide, please. and this slide represents reductions from our budget cycle that were approved last year. these improve cutting all vacant positions, cutting all funding for replacement vehicles, cutting amounts of significant overtime, no funding for capital or improvement projects, and cutting three out of the four academy classes that would have replaced retiring officers. next slide, please. in this slide, we provide a comparison between what the base budget is for fiscal year
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22 and fiscal year 23 as compared to the current budget year. next slide, please. if we take a closer look at the general fund comparison, the existing cuts for fiscal year 22 total $17 million. these include items such as cuts to your academy classes and cuts to overtime. the $21 million increase that you see in the fiscal year 23 base is attributable to cost of living adjustments that take an effect in fiscal year 23 that's defined within the revised m.o.u. agreement that the city has with the police officers association and that was approved by the city last year. next slide, please. in this graph, we show the different sources of funding. as shown, we're mostly dependent on general fund
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sources. next slide, please. here, we see the different uses of funding. as shown, personnel costs represent the vast majority of expenditures. next slide, please. we've shown this chart in the past, and it includes the total sworn and civilian budgeted positioned. next slide, please. this chart provides a breakdown of four positions by group. attrition numbers reduce the total number of budget positions, and it's not tied to any specific class. and as important note it for the fiscal year # 2 base budget, it already includes a reduction of 55 positions. next slide, please. in this chart, we provide a similar breakdown for civilian positions by group. next slide, please. in this chart, we're providing a comparison of overtime actuals
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