tv Building Inspection Commission SFGTV February 12, 2021 2:00pm-4:01pm PST
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would result in expansion of the current policy to be implemented as a new streamlined administrative legislation program. this proposal is built on commissions policy which was approved by the commission in july 2013 and qualified for provisions incentivized accelerated settlement. subsequently staff advised the penalty policy in both substantive and procedural aspects with the goal to provide accountability for violations of city laws while reducing the amount of time and resources required for a more formal solution. this revision process was undertaken in seven parts. firstly investigators sought feedbackinternally from staff in each division and from colleagues in other jurisdictions . attention was paid to the efforts and processes that the
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fair political practices commission used to amend its streamlined settlement program which precededsomewhat in the process and proved helpful to review their process working on efforts . secondly staff then solicited and received focused input at two interested persons meetings regarding what members of the regulated community nonprofit groups thought of the review process might entail. drafted the streamlined administrative resolution program and hosted a further two interested persons meetings and received feedback in response to the draft provisions. staff revised the draft as appropriate. that brings us to staff presentations today and discussionshere with iterations as necessary . on final approval staff will implement the new program. if we turn to death proposed revisedpolicy and streamlined administrative resolution program documents located in agenda item 9 , let me go
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through that. on pages, pages one and two, staff identified general eligibility guidelines and considerations that provide staff with the flexibility to issue warning letters in lieu of administrative penalties or to exclude respondents from participating in the program. onindex one on pages three and four,staff proposes to expand from four provisions of law 241 provisions of law across article 123 , articles 12 and three in the campaign in governmental conduct code . from start to the one on page 5 through 25, staff tailor the program to the nuances of the different provisions of law and where applicable identified civic eligibility guidelines
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and discretionary considerations or warning letters or for exclusion from the program. additionally after the threshold that are informed by those included within the states streamlined settlement program and with that data gap gathered on activity level found in san francisco. table 2 on pages 26 through 36, staff reassess the penalty schedule and developed penalty amounts and discretionary modifiers are informed by those included with the state streamlinedsettlement program are scaled to reflect data gathered on the activity levels found within san francisco . overall matters resolved in this program will generally result in of the penalty that is less severe and a description of the violation in surrounding eventsthat is less detailed . in comparison to matters resolved through the regular administrative enforcement process . not withstanding processes require action by the commission in a publicly noticed meeting. it's ongoing efforts to reduce
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the effectiveness of the commissions enforcement program that proposes that option of the new line administrative resolution program implementation as an expansion of theexisting penalty policy . staff welcomes any question about further input from this commission on the program as proposed and look forward to implementing the program as adopted.chair ambrose, i will defer to you with regard to public comments received by the commission. >>chair ambrose: the public comments from esther marx was in support of the streamlined program. i think fortunately because you didn't do interested persons stakeholders meetings, we had a chance to hear her sort of questions and comments at greater length. the comments from the other individuals is i'm afraid i'm
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having trouble bringing it immediately to mind so if someone. >>eric willett: it's just in minardi. >>chair ambrose: 'scomment, i remember he works in the field and i think he said something about reducing low-level fines lower. and i'm not sure, i'm definitely not willing to take that at this time but it did occur to me when i saw that when i thought about what ms. marx said about the penalty on the stipulations, that a future agenda item maybe we should review what our fine level is. i don't know how often they are used for limiting or where we are seeing people behavior not
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being modified accordingly so if we can do that in the futur , are there any questions for commissioners? i know we all had achance to hear this presentation and the interested persons meetings with the exception of commissionerbell . i see 2 hands up . commissioner chiu. >>daina chiu: thank you chair ambrose. my questions derive from justin minardi's comments and i'm curious mister willett with regard to the fcp funding level that are lower than what the ethics commission haschosen for this new program , can you respond or share what the thinking was in terms of what factors you concerns in terms
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of starting the lineover there, i'm curious to how you would respond to that and if you can answer whether you think it should be higher . i just wanted to ask the question . >>eric willett: commissioner chiu, we established a penalty amount that were informed by the states program but then that was scaled up for consideration within san francisco's data , for instance thestate , the entire state not necessarily a major metropolitan areas discovering jurisdictions in all levels of government whereas ours is specifically san francisco so we used these state programs as a base and scaled it upwards based upon our own internal data that we have within the commission databases. and we feel that our program here has employed a generous warning system that would capture a vast number of
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respondentsenvisioned by just comments . furthermore the staff does not make a distinction between a warning letter and a $100 or $200 financial penalty whereas a $500 penalty is a turning point reflects the inference between the conduct of the respondents received a warning letter and one received a $500 penalty . and the financial penalty reflects both the different factors within the city and the amount of resources employed by the enforcement programto bring a matter of resolution before the commission . >>daina chiu: 'sother comments asked that the commission revisit the fine structure on down the road in the future and that it doesn't remain in place for decades. about that, that something you would want to about just as a practice going forward or something that you considered
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including in the overall program structure? >>eric willett: staff will be addressing the efficacy of the program before long so throughout the program life as a policy, we can assess the efficacy and make changes tothe process . as staff is recommending, this would be an amendment to the existing fixed penalty policies that wereadopted in 2013 . it would be a similar process in the future if they were extending the amendment to the policy. >>chair ambrose: if adopted whenwith the program go into effect ? >>eric willett: almost immediately.
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i'll be the administrator of the program and we've already done a walk-through of how many of our existing caseloads would be eligible for the program that would entail around 53 percent of our open investigation dockets would be directly eligible for the program. >>daina chiu: this is tremendous work, i have the opportunity to participate in the meeting and appreciated all the feedback from esther marx andfrom this thoughtful input . it was the product in the proposal are the better for it. and thank you to you and the team for the tremendous work. i think it will make a big difference in people who are
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doing the work load and is 50 percent be able to takethat off the table . it's taking everyone's time to pursue the digger features here, that's a greatoutcome . >>eric willett: thank you commissioner. >>chair ambrose: i want to thank jeff and eric and your team, i know commissioner chiu in your tenure that you urged this effort and analysis and i think we are better for it. i'm going to make a motion to adopt shall we call it the sars program or that streamlined? public comment, yes. >>ronald contreraz: commissioner bush had his hand. >>chair ambrose:commissioner bush before we make the motion,
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we will have a motion and asked for public comment . i guess i'm a little tired after sitting here. commissioner bush. >>larry bush: we are all tired. i had questions about whether or not this program encompasses two kinds of violations which i think are significant that i don't know if they're under a fixed staff, one is independent expenditurecommittees except prohibited contributions . that's an issue that comes up where people are not allowed to give contributions but they get money to an independent expenditure committee that is dedicated to a candidate. is that contemplated in the fixed penalty or without the outside that? >>chair ambrose:make it more clear what illegal activity you
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are referring to so i understand . >>james bell: they give money to an independent committee stating its purpose is to elect that candidate. but unless someone is going through the records, and determining that some of the donors are prohibited from making contributions, it escapes attention. and there have been no enforcement actions on that basis since this law into effect so i'm thinking that it may be that if you have a fixed penalty thing we will begin to track that betterthan we have so far . >>eric willett: if i may, unless i misunderstood the question i don't believe you conduct your describing commissioner bush is prohibited in law. the contribution to an
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independent expenditure committee is not a contribution to the candidate even if the committee is designed to support that candidate and under existing law and controlling judicial president that conduct is still out. >>larry bush: couldyou take a closer look at that because i believe it is illegal in existing law . >>eric willett: is it the case that contractor contributions areprohibited in the list ? >>eric willett: it's number three. >>larry bush: that's one to a candidate notlonger through a ie . >>chair ambrose: i think the legal question you're asking we will have to come back to that because i did tell the deputy city attorney shen he could
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leave early so we will have to clarify that we will come back to commissioner pierce and eric, your answer is that a violation of the contributions to an independent expenditure committee is or isn't something that could radically be eligible for streamlining if it made it through all the different conditions that are embedded in the program? >>eric willett: i would have to takea closer reading of the code section1.126 . 1.126 is included within the start program . and that is contributions from the contractors. we will bring up the applicable code60 revisions . the scenario that commissioner
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bush has put to us. one moment. section 1.126 is contribution prohibition without contractors doing business with the city. and. >>larry bush: if the prohibition exists in 1.26, isn't that provision applied only to the contributions to the candidate committee? i'm not familiar with your use of the law so we will have to get back to you. >>eric willett: it's hard to open up copies of the code at the same time i'm doing this on my screen. somebody must be able to teach mehow to do both one time but i don't know it right now .i will get back to you but that's just from eyes that this is a loophole. in which case as you've gone
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through this i hope you will identify loopholes and present them to the commission for action so that they are no longer loopholes becauseclearly , if pg and eve or ecology cannot give money to a candidate but can give money to the independentexpenditure committee for larry bush , then that would be a loophole that you would want to close. >>jeff pierce: you may have to take that up with the supreme court. >>eric willett: i can tell you what my opinion is. >>chair ambrose: timeout because we are getting into a substantive area that's actually not on the agenda and that's where we would benefit from some background analysis and presentations so we will take that as i do take into support that we know the answer to that question and if we don't precluded and why we are
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not precluding going back to the streamlined. >>larry bush: i have one other issue with streamlines which is the streamlined thing contemplates enforcement of lobbyists who failed to disclose fully what they are lobbying. >>jeff pierce: it does, commissioner bush. under the lobbyists provision and on page 4, it's under ... and multiple scenarios like non-failing or a failure to update registration records or i think what you're speaking towards is lobbyist monthly report omissions or a failure to update on that monthly report of lobbyist contacts and what the item favorite contact being city officials pertain t . and those specific revisions on
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number 26 of our lobbyist traditions. >>chair ambrose: however, a violation to one of those rules would still have to go through the various buckets before it could be dealt with essentially in the streamlined fashion as opposed to requiring a much narrower, in essence they would have to confess and pay off pretty much or prove to you that they didn't make the violation in the source pledge. all right, thank you commissioner bush. any other questions for staff before we go to public comment? actually i'm going to have you go ahead mister moderator and read the instructions for
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public comment and then i'm going to ask someone tomake a motion . >>ronald contreraz: we are checking tosee if there are colors in the queue . wait to see if you have been muted. we are currently on the public discussion of agenda items on revised fixed penalty policy and streamlined administrative resolutions programs. if you have not already done so these press á3 to be added to the public comment you. you will have three minutes, six minutes if you are online with an interpreter. you will have bill go off when you have 30 seconds. please stand by. madam chair, we have a color in the queue.welcome, caller. your three minutes begins now.
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welcome, caller. are you there? you might be experiencing if you have muted yourself okay, caller, weare going to come back to you . and then as we have a couple of other callers in the queue. i see yourname and it says you're speaking but i cannot hear you .we cannot hear you. okay. i'm going to put that calleron hold, please and by .
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okay, the next caller looks like it's actually the same caller that commented on the last public comment, she just never undid her raised hand so we'll see . welcome, caller. your three minutesbegins now . >>caller: i'm sorry, i didn't mean to raise my hand. >>ronald contreraz: i wanted to make sure because it remained raised up so inorder to lower you just hit áthree again . thank you.okay. let's set the timer your real quick. you have another caller in the queue.
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welcome, caller. your three minutes begins now. >>caller: can you hear me. >>ronald contreraz: yes. >>caller: this is alisa pittman and i believe the proposed dream line administrative resolution program is an improvement over the current program. it is morestraightforward , the fines are transparent and more importantly, it covers many more substantive areas than the currentprogram. i do have a few comments regarding specificitems . the first is item number 18 . the contractor contribution. the provision which is on page 13 of 36 and this item applies to a committee which is lawfully received a contribution for city contractor and one of the
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stated exclusions from the programs is evidence that the contributionthat a contributor tried to conceal unlawful contributions . hence the penalty is against the recipient committee, it seems unfair to block committee from participating in the start program due to the badbehavior of the contributor . it would be more appropriate that the exclusionary language provided, that the committee tried to conceal the unlawful contributions. the second item is item, sorry cable to item 3, the major donor of campaign statement nonfiling that is on page 26 of 36 and i have a technical comment related to column three, four and five. based onstaffs revisions to this section , the language quote, whichever is greater " no longer applies and should be
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deleted in all three columns. andfinally, item number nine , record-keeping on page 28 of 3 , if a respondent takes action in 30 days of contact being by the enforcement division to correct the campaign record than i think a fine of $1000 plus five percent of either undocumented contributions or expenditures, whichever is greater is an excessive fine. a simple fine of $500 would be more appropriate and is significant incentive to quickly resolve the matter to avoid a $1500 + at the next level. those are all of my comments. thank you. thank you caller. all right, that's actually
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thank you i need a. i appreciate you because it look like you're on here twice . that was the previous caller that we had we could not hear so please and by tosee if we have any more callers into . again, if youjoined this meeting we are currently on public discussion of item 9 . discussion of possible acts to revise penalty policy and streamline administrative resolutions . madam chair, we have a number of callers in the queue. >>chair ambrose: public comment on agenda item 9 is closed. i want to ask staff regarding the notes that our last caller had and assuming that i think it was item22 , what sounded
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like technical corrections are things that staffcan make on their own initiative . regarding the other two items, i'm prepared to go with staff recommendations but is there any comments by staff or any questions from commissioners about those two suggestions that the caller had. i will entertain them. >>jeff pierce: i'm happy to provide acouple of responses if that would be helpful . first of her concerns, and the conversations we had at that timewas the provision of law issue was there . it provides liabilityboth for the contributor and for the committee . mrs. mayo asked for clarification in the document about whether the contributors bad conduct would be held also
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against the committee. he didn't include clarifying language in the document itself but we would intend in implementation not to hold against the committee bad conduct on the part of the contributor so we hope by implementation we will be able to address those concerns. the other, the beginning penalty levels for record-keeping violations, i would note for the commission in the instance of a record-keeping violation are typically talking about a single count against the committee over the entire lifetime of that committee if it can committee or maybe an election cycle or calendar year as to the general-purpose committee, record-keeping violations are typically identified by on it and so in contrast to other provisions of law where the committee could be on the hook for multiple violations, multiple counts of
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the same conduct there is really only ever going to be one count of a record-keeping violation and for that reason we started at $1000instead of $500,000 . >>chair ambrose: okay. any other questions or comments from commissioners before i ask for a motion to adopt the motion, commissioner chiu. >>daina chiu: i would like to request that mister pierce come back to report on the implementation and how the resolution of the 52 percent of the current pending cases and application of the new framework worked out. >>chair ambrose: with that understanding, is that a motion to approve subject tothem giving us a report >>daina chiu:yes. >>chair ambrose: thank you, do i have a second ? my screen is not open so if you
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-- and just general public comment. for matters not on the agenda. >> agenda 11, the executive director's report. >> chair ambrose: i'm sorry. i guess that i looked and when i looked i didn't see that there was an executive director's report on my agenda. >> item number 10 was a discussion of policy (indiscernible). >> chair ambrose: i see. hmm. i'm going to ask the executive director -- i really was going to try hard to get us all out of here in four hours. i don't know how everyone is doing, but i'm going to ask the
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executive director if you're going to proceed if that item, if you can do the fast talking version of that. that would be much appreciated. because then that would -- that would leave us with just essentially the final public comment and adjournment. >> thank you, chair. and fast talking can be my specialty but there's only three items here. and acknowledging and welcoming the commission or his appointment. and i was able to reach out and to provide background information and the staff and i are looking forward to setting up informational questions to enable the commissioner and the staff (indiscernible) in the coming days. so i want to formally welcome you to the staff. and we do have all five positions that we talked about earlier, in recruitment and/or about to be in the interview phase across the board so we have made very good progress on that. and we look forward to having reports for you next month.
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lastly, with mixed emotion i'm reporting that thomas mclean, one of our senior investigators for the last three years who had been on the disaster service work assignment over the -- nearly a year -- has been -- offered a position full time with the human services agency for the city. continuing on doing his d.s.w. work. the first day with them was this past monday, so we very much wish him the best but we're sad to see him go but his skills will be well used by the city going forward. that's all i wanted to report. >> clerk: (indiscernible) i wish -- >> i wish tommy all the best and i know that he'll make a huge impact but, yeah, i'm sad that he's not going to stay. but pass along my thanks for his stellar work.
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>> thank you. >> chair ambrose: thank you. and also i think we all extend our welcome to commissioner bell. thank you very much for joining us. okay, we need to ask for public comment on this item because that's what we do. so, moderator, if you could please ask for public comment. >> you're muted. >> chair ambrose: you're muted. >> clerk: chatting away like a champion here. excuse me, folks. [laughter] we are checking to see if there are callers in the queue. for those already on hold, please continue to wait until the system indicates that you have been unmuted if you have just joined this meeting we're on the motion of agenda item number 11. discussion of the executive director's report. and updated operational highlights much the staff activities since the commission's previous meeting.
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callers in the queue. you are muted, chair ambrose. you are muted, chair ambrose. >> chair ambrose: oh, sorry. there we go. i'm sorry. trying to say is that if -- unless the commissioner actually has an item that they want to propose for a future meeting, we could just take this item off the calendar and then we'll not have to wait for public comment when there won't be any. so unless i see somebody's hand go up and they want to put something on the calendar, i'm going to just take this off the calendar. i see two hands up because -- commissioner bush, your hand is up. please, go ahead. >> commissioner bush: thank you. i'd like to put on the calendar measures to implement the recommendations from the controller's report that we
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specifically take up each of the recommendations and vote on whether or not to implement them. thank you. >> chair ambrose: okay. thanks. any other recommendations for future calendar items on agenda item number 12? >> vice-chair lee: i would expect to explore a year-end annual certification from an elected official to affirmatively say under, you know, whatever penalty of perjury or whatever the right measure is, that they have complied with all of their obligations, whether it's form 700 or inappropriate conversations, something along those lines. >> chair ambrose: okay. and the idea -- i think that's the kind of thing that we could talk about when we meet in march and work on all of the
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ethics-related disclosures that the controller's office is taking up and that we're going to take up with them. so i think that both of those things in that context we can do what commissioner bush suggested which is to give it all to the controller's recommendations and decide which ones we're onboard with. any other items for future agenda? okay. moderator, if you could please see if we have any public comment on either -- either of those comments. thank you. you're muted. >> clerk: okay. here we go. we are checking to see if there are callers in the queue. for those already on hold, please continue to wait until the system indicates that you have been unmuted.
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if you are just joining this meeting we're on the agenda item number 12, the discussion and possible action on items for future meetings. if you have not already done so, please press star, 3, to be added to the public comment queue. you have three minutes to provide public comment, six minutes on the line with an interpreter. you will hear a bell go off when you have 30 seconds remaining. please stand by. madam chair, we have a caller in the queue. please stand by. >> caller: commissioners, what i wanted to say is that the ethics commission plays an important role to see that this city has
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some standards. right now the situation is very dangerous. it's affecting the contracts, and it's affecting essential workers. it's affecting all of the city departments. more so because of the pandemic. the city is always closed. and the city departments have been creating their own way of operating whatever they operate. and what the ethics commission must realize is that the most vulnerable are our elders. the most vulnerable are our children, our students.
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and our most vulnerable are small businesses that you all alluded to in a general way. and the ethics commission has a role to play. so don't be bullied by the mayor. and don't be bullied by some programs such as racial equity. i would say racial equity can be challenged by title 6. what about native americans? what about latinx? what about the pacific islanders? what about the asians? and i can go on. so this city is getting into areas in a pandemic where they're taking money from the sheriff's department, from the san francisco police department, and that's wrong.
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so the ethics commission, you commissioners must stand up and be the guiding light. the mayor's office is corrupt. thank you very much. >> thank you, caller. >> clerk: we are checking to see if there are any more callers on the line. please stand by. madam chair, there are no more callers in the queue. let me unmute you.
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you are unmuted now. >> chair ambrose: okay. closing public comment on agenda item number 12. and i'm required to call agenda item number 13, which is our standard additional opportunity for public comment on matters appearing or not appearing on the agenda pursuant to the by-laws, article 7, section 2. if any member of the public intend to offer public comment for this item they should dial in now and dial star, 3, to be added to the public comment queue. i don't know -- mr. moderator, if you could see if there's any commenters in the queue. >> clerk: madam chair, we are checking to see if there are callers in the queue. for those already on hold, please wait until the system indicates that you have been unmuted if you have just joined this meeting we're on the motion of agenda item number 13. additional opportunities for public comment on matters appearing or not appearing on the agenda pursuant to the
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ethics commission bylaws article 7, section 2. if you have not already done so, please press star, 3, to be added to the queue. you have three minutes to provide public comment and six minutes if online with an interpreter. you will hear bells go off when you have 30 seconds remaining. please stand by. madam chair, we have no callers in the queue. >> chair ambrose: all right. thank you, public comment on item 13 is closed. and now agenda item number 14, which is adjournment. commissioners, do we have a motion to adjourn the moving. >> vice-chair lee: i think that everyone's hands would go up. >> chair ambrose: and could you please call the roll and thank you all for your participation
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today. >> clerk: a motion has been made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. i will now call the roll. [roll call vote] and the vote is affirmative and zero votes opposed to the vote. the motion is approved. >> chair ambrose: the meeting ended at 2:45 p.m. thank you very much. and we'll see you back here on march 12th. bye. >> goodbye, everyone.
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>> mayor: thank you and good morning. thank you for joining us here today. i'm here with dr. co fax to talk about our case rate, our vaccination process, and specifically around the challenges with our vaccination process and supply, and also to provide an update on where we are with our schools. today the case rate is about 135 new cases per day. we have about 148 people who are hospitalized, and,
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sadly, we have had 346 people die in san francisco due to covid since the beginning of this pandemic. now, the case rate is down from its peak, but the virus is still in our community. so i just want to talk a little bit about what happened over the weekend. we know that in san francisco we were very excited we were in the purple tier, so as a result, we opened outdoor dining and a number of other amenities. and for the most part, there were a lot of people who were doing their part. and, unfortunately, there were some that weren't. the fact is, we are in a better place now based on what you all have been doing, especially over the holiday season. we are at a place where we were before thanksgiving last year. the last thing we want to do is go backwards. and so it is so important
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that we continue to do our part. i know you're tired of hearing it. i'm tired of saying it. but we're almost there. and the ability to access the vaccine we know is critical. we don't have control of the supply, but we do have control over the number of locations that we're able to open city wide, and i'm really proud of the efforts we put forward thus far. san francisco has a network of sites all around the city. we have the capacity of over 10,000 sites where we can do over 10,000 vaccines per day. and that's pretty remarkable, and it is really exciting, especially once we get the supply. we know that we can get them distributed quickly as possible. i really appreciate those who have been vaccinated and have gone to places like masconi center and ucsf, and the really nice notes and positive
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experiences that you have shared with us going to those sites, and how friendly the people have been, how comfortable they made you feel, and how, of course, how assured you feel knowing you have been vaccinated, and i'm looking forward to everyone in san francisco having that exact same experience. so thank you for sharing just your appreciation to the city, your appreciation to many of our health care workers, our volunteers, and a number of people that are out there helping to vaccinate people as quickly as possible. it definitely takes a village, and we've had a village of support with the department of public health, ucsf, kaiser permanente, and a number of other health care providers. there have been a lot of sites that you have been hearing about. the large sights at masconi and ucsf, have set up in their parking lots, and we're working with them. and we have one in the
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mission, the bayview hunter's point, the places where the case rates are higher. our goal is to try to meet people where they are, and to try to get to, of course, our health care workers, our in-home support service workers, and those 65 and older, who are, sadly, the most likely to die if they contract covid. so i want to go to a slide just to give you a little bit of information about where we are, increasing as supply -- the vaccines that we have administered, we're now average about 4,000 vaccines per day. and yesterday we basically reached a new high: 5,542 vaccines yesterday, which is pretty remarkable. it gives me hope we're getting there, and we're moving as fastly as we can. the next slide, vaccinating health care workers and people over 65
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has really been our focus, making good on progress. so what we see here is more than 30% of s.f. residents 65 and older have received their first dose. and we still, of course, have more to do because about 2.5% have received their second dose. and others are scheduled. city-wide, 13% of san francisco residents have received their first dose, and 3% have received their second dose. this includes health care workers. and to be clear, this is based on data that we have in san francisco. we know that there are a lot of san franciscan residents, as well as san francisco essential workers and health care workers that are most likely getting the vaccines in other counties. we are still struggling to get that data, so these numbers could potentially be hiring than what we're seeing.
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and once we have that data, we will share it with the public. the next slide. to be clear who is eligible now: health care workers, long-term care residents, people 65 and older. i have some good news: starting february 26th, san francisco will move to phase 1b, tier 1, and eligible people in that next phase include education and child care workers, our emergency services workers, including our police officers, our food and agricultural employees, and those -- that's a really exciting thing, that we're going to be able to expand the number of people who are eligible in the next two weeks, but to also reiterate that the vaccine supply is still limited. so for resources, on the next slide, you can sign
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up at s, and you can make an appointment at s vaccinated, or call 3-1-1. some of the systems, they don't have a cell phone to place a number. we ask that you call 3-1-1, and we will provide you assistance to get you through the process. if anyone has a neighbor that is a senior, or any one of our programs where we serve seniors, we're doing everything we can to
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get people vaccinated and signed up. but let's take some responsibility here and try to help our seniors through this process. we're going to be doing a lot more outreach to get to many of those seniors who may not have access to the appropriate language that they need, as well as a cell phone and e-mail, which i know can be a barrier to getting our elderly population. so i just want to talk a little bit about the schools. i want to have what has, you know, been a hard conversation. i know that it has been hard not just for the children and the parents, it has been hard for many of our educators as well. the distance learning, we all know, has been challenging, especially kids who are younger. but we know that every day those teachers still show up, they set up their class lessons, and they do everything they can to
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hold the attention span of sometimes five, six, and seven-year-olds through a computer. i know they miss the kids just as much as the kids miss them. and i know that this has been a bit of a challenging subject to talk about. and, sadly, very hurtful and emotional. i just want to be clear that i know this isn't easy for any of us. it isn't easy for us to go back and forth and to be at odds with one another during such a critical time. when we first made the decision last year to shut the city down, that wasn't easy for me. i did it because i knew that it would save lives. it was based on the information from the department of public health. i didn't understand completely how long we would be shut down or what it specifically meant.
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many of us were just finding out more and more information about covid, but we knew that we had to act fast. so we shut the city down. schools were shut down. a number of things had to occur, and none of us thought we would be adjusting our lives for the past year because of this pandemic. but i must say that what i appreciate about the department of public health is that they have been leaders, they have made hard decisions. i've had to support many of those hard decisions. they've made decisions based on science and based on data, and they have been probably one of of the most conservative around our policies to reopen our city, probably more than any other public health department in the country.
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so i don't take lightly the ability to begin a process of reopening with the schools. the fact is, our department of public health has put our public schools first. so when requested, because an application has to be submitted, we made analyzing the public schools our priority. in fact, in san francisco, we know that there are about 113 private and parochial schools that are currently open. our same department of public health had to go in and analyze those schools for safety measures. and when provided the opportunity to do that for the public schools, we did that. we have cleared at least, based on the application process, six schools that can open.
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six schools, including alvarado, glen park, john mere, sunset, and cobb. and we're prepared to do whatever it takes to support our school district, to support our school district with experts from the department of public health, who can help provide us with not only what we need to do for the actual physical buildings, but how we need to protect the students and the educators and the staff and the administrators. that has always been our goal. i think we share that same goal. we all want to be safe. and we all understand that there are some teachers who are concerned about -- they may have an underlying health condition, they may have an elderly parent or grandparent that they take care of, and there are concerns there. we have a responsibility to listen and to address
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that. and what we try to do, as a partner for the school district, at the very beginning of this pandemic we were told that in addition to the money that we already give them in our budget, that they were still short. and so the city stepped up. we stepped up and gave them an additional $15 million. i stepped up and put a ballot measure, proposition "j," that the voters, you all, supported, raises for teachers, proposition "j". we support our teachers. we support our educators. we want them to be safe, but we also know our children are broken. last week when i went to support a group of parents and students and teachers who were there as well, at a press conference, not one kid smiled. not one kid laughed.
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yesterday i met with the little high school students from the black student union who, sadly, faced racial discrimination in their school, and they're not the first black students to experience this at lowell. it is something that we need to address, but they, too, are kids who wanted to go back to school. sadness in their eyes. i'm here to work to do everything possible to support the science and the data, to ask that we respect our public health department and the hard decisions they've had to make. there is no way that they would have cleared our ability to open public or private schools if it were not for the need to keep
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our students and our parents and our teachers and everyone safe. so i trust them. and i'm asking the school district to trust them. and i'm asking us to make some hard decisions. i'm worried that the tentative agreement proposed by the union will not get us to a place in this city where we will even open schools this year. i want us to be honest. honest about what we will and will not do, or what we can and cannot do. our children are suffering. there is no way i would have ever supported using the legal system to try and get our schools open.
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if we were on a path of moving it forward, and if it weren't for the department of public health telling us that it is safe to do so. we have to do better. we have to think about these children. and if nothing else, our elementary schools, kids who are in kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade -- and i just also want to say that i appreciate the fact that there are so many people who are reaching out, especially a lot of teachers, who are saying, i want to go back to school. i want to take care of my students. i'm worried about them. they're not showing up on the screen; i'm checking in with their parents. they're struggling;
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they're hurting. they want to be there for them. and this city is prepared to do whatever it takes to make sure that they can safely do that. we know this is hard. this is not about being divisive and choosing a side. this is about the leaders of this city choosing to work together, to put aside our differences, and do what is in the best interests of these children. i would not be pushing it if i were not advised by our department of public health that it is safe. and not to mention our community learning hubs, with staff from rec and park, with help from the department of children, youth, and family programs. they've been open for months now. no major outbreaks. 15,000 kids in our private
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schools are back in school. we have examples. we have data. we have information. and what we need to do is leave the excuses out of the way. we have the ability to do this and do this now. but what we don't have right now is a clear plan and a clear timeline and assurance to parents that these kids are returning to school on a date certain. we can do better than this. so i'm continuing to make my appeal to the school district that this is exactly what i'm here to do, to help, to support, to uplift, to bring together, and to stop -- let's stop pointing the fingers. let's just be better by doing better. these kids are counting on
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us. you know, this pandemic -- this pandemic has tested us like never before. we have tried to protect people's physical health, but it has tried to tear us apart because of our mental and emotional health. and we can't let it do that. so many of us are struggling. we have a real opportunity to make sure that our kids, who look sad, who miss their friends, who miss their teachers, who are ready to return to school -- we have an opportunity to at least make some of that possible before the end of this school year. i am hopeful that we can get to a better place. and i am grateful to the people of san francisco
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who continue to follow the health orders and to do your part in helping to make sure that people in this city are safe. with the vaccines, with our reopening efforts, with all that we're doing, the city is going to come alive again. let's continue to do our very best to make sure that we don't lose something precious in the process. process, the heart and the soul of our children. with that, for more information, please visit our website or call 3-1-1. and at this time, i'd ask dr. grant cofax to come forward and provide specific information from the department of public health. thank you so much.
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>> good morning. thank you for joining us today. and thank you, mayor breed, for your leadership and commitment to our city-wide covid-19 response. as you all know, as a city we've been responding to this virus for over a year now. and, mayor, your steadfast leadership and support continue to be invaluable. san francisco, we have
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made significant headway in containing the virus during this recent surge. but, as we are seeing nationally, there are still many unknowns, including new variants. we must continue to practice the safety precautions: mask-wearing, physical distancing, and limiting interactions with multiple households. please protect yourselves and those closest to you by following all of the precautions. together we can continue to move forward and make progress. the vaccines represent the light at the end of the tunnel. while sufficient supplies are preventing us from vaccinating as many people as possible as quickly as possible, we all have reasons to be hopeful. as the mayor just said, we
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have made great progress in vaccinating health care workers and those 65 years of age and older. and we continue to partner with health care systems across the city, to build a vaccine eco-system, vaccine sites, focused on equity, speed, and access to meet the needs of san francisco's diverse communities. today, right now, this city has the capacity to administer over 10,000 vaccines a day. we could get 10,000 vaccines into arms a day. right now we are averaging just 4,000 due to a lack of vaccine supply.
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we just need supply to meet the demands and the capability of our vaccine infrastructure. and now i'd like to bring you some data on where we stand with the virus. first slide, please. as you can see from this slide, the number of new covid cases in our city fell rapidly after the peak of our most recent third surge. however, what concerns me is that new cases of covid-19 have stopped declining, and there has been a trending up in the last several days. now we are averaging 135 new cases a day. now, that is certainly much better than than when we were at our peak surge,
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and averaging 373 new cases per day. and that was just one month ago. but our case rate still remains higher than any other previous surge. our current rate is 15.5 per 100,000 people is roughly the same as our peak summer surge. and, remember, our goal is for an average of new cases to decline to less than 1.8 per 100,000. next slide, please. as you can see in this slide, our hospitalizations continue to decrease from their peak just a few weeks ago. and this is certainly good news. as our ability to properly treat those affected with covid-19 is a top
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priority. additionally, our hospital rate is a key indicator of both the state and local health indicators for reopening decisions. right now, with regard to intensive unit care beds, our capacity is good. with 28% i.c.u. capacity, which represents over 90 i.c.u. beds available across our health care systems in the city. next slide, please. the mayor provided a significant update on the vaccines, but i wanted to share this map on the work of the department of public health, and what we're doing to vaccinate populations in our most impacted communities. through the san francisco health network, the health department's health care delivery system, we served
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more than 100,000 people each year, who are largely uninsured, underinsured, have medicaid, medi-cal, or are served by healthy san francisco, or other such programs. many of the people in our system are in the southeast sector of the city, which, as you know, has had a disproportionate number of covid-19 cases. this map shows where d.p.h., the department of public health, vaccines are being administered, and it shows that the majority of the approximately 1300 daily doses that we are administering is in the southeast sector of the city. next slide -- oh, sorry. that's it for slides. before closing, i want to say a few words about variants.
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now, variants are a natural part of how all viruses evolve. some of the covid-19 variants that have emerged worldwide, and some that have been detected in the bay area, have the potential to spread faster. now, across the nation, we have little laboratory capacity to detect variants. but studies do show that certain ones are spreading quickly in the united states and are likely to become common, if not the dominant strain. now, i know that this can be a scary idea. and there is reason for concern. but we know what to do to slow the spread of these variants. it's even more important to wear those masks, socially distance, and avoid gatherings outside of your household.
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and it's so important to emphasize that vaccines remain our ticket out, including with variants. and i can't emphasize enough, if and when you're eligible and offered a vaccine, take it. the variants add uncertainty to this ever-evolving situation. but i can't stress it enough: slow the spread of the virus. take those prevention activities seriously. and i know it has been a year now. i know we're tired. we need to dig a little deeper to get closer to our ticket out, to get the vaccines into arms, to get to those 10,000 vaccines a day so we can really turn this thing around. and our acting health
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officer, dr. susan phyllis, is here to answer specific questions about the variants. look, we are all in this together, and together we will get through this. the vaccines are affective; they are safe. and i am hopeful, and even optimistic, that our supply will increase in the coming months. there is truly reason for hope and optimism on the horizon. we will bring back our community and our economy the same way we continue to fight covid-19, by working together. thank you. >> thank you, mayor breed, and dr. cofax, for your remarks. before we begin the question and answer portion, we're going to take a moment to allow
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reporters to submit any final questions into webex chat. cameras off or on? >> we can begin. mayor breed, your first question comes from daniel terman. do you support the city attorney's lawsuit against the school district in terms of: is this the best course of action to get schools to reopen? >> mayor: i want to be clear that, yes, i support the lawsuit. and if the possibility of getting schools open sooner, without this lawsuit, were in sight, if we thought that that was possible, there is no way we would have pursued legal action. unfortunately, this is where we are, and that's where we're headed. >> thank you. and the follow-up question: even if san francisco moves to the red tier, schools cannot reopen until those teachers are vaccinated. is there a plan to
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prioritize teachers alongside those aged 65 and older? >> mayor: to be clear, schools are open. there are 113 schools in san francisco that are currently open, with over 15,000 kids, and they've been open for months. as it relates to the clarity on the plan and the vaccinations, on february 26th, we will move to tier 1b, and that will provide an opportunity for both educators, teachers, child care workers to be vaccinated at that time. >> thank you, mayor breed. your next question comes from joe fittipaldi. mayor breed, you spoke of the black student union, not to take away from the vaccine discussion, but can you talk about what support you've offered the black student union and what you think lowell high school should do to support them going forward? >> mayor: out of respect for the students, we had a lengthy conversation, and i want to make sure that
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they are comfortable with me sharing information from that conversation. but i did offer to help support them through this process, to help facilitate conversations with administrators and others. sadly, what they're enduring is something they should not be experiencing. and, unfortunately, this is not a new challenge at lowell. several years back, other african-american students had faced similar issues around race and discrimination. and it is definitely important that we respond to it. and, to be clear, respond to it in a way that provides an opportunity for these young people to have an environment where they can learn and thrive, just like any other student at lowell. >> thank you, mayor breed. your next question comes from trisha sadani, the san francisco chronicle.
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now that the federal government said it would reimburse san francisco for much of its homeless program, would you support s.f. h., bringing more people off of the streets, who may not be eligible for fema reembawrmts, and if not, how do you propose the city deal with the many people still out on the streets who may not qualify for fema reimbursement. >> mayor: just to be clear, they are already moving people who are not necessarily qualified for fema reimbursement. hopefully we'll get to a point where we're able to repopulate our shelter system. so this is not, like, frozen in time here. if you look around san francisco, even with the challenges we have around homelessness, h.s.h. has been doing an incredible job with helping to transition people off the streets and into either
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hotel rooms, if they're eligible, but some of the other options that we have. do we have enough to support everyone who is on the streets? no, sadly we don't. but we're moving forward with a strategy around homelessness, to try to transition people not just into hotel rooms, not just into our shelter system, but transition them into permanent, supportive housing units. and that's a part of our long-term homeless strategy in general. >> thank you, mayor breed. your next question comes from dan curman, cron 4 news. you said that you do not support the current agreement -- >> mayor: i did not say i do not support the current agreement. i want to be clear about that. >> how can you get a reopening date when the teachers have trouble getting a vaccination? >> mayor: well, again, i want to be clear. i never said that i don't support the current agreement. the current agreement is just not clear.
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it doesn't provide any timelines, and exactly what we're going to do. i have a lot of questions, just like a lot of parents have a lot of questions about the current proposed agreement. we have over 15,000 students in school, and have been for months, with the 113 schools that are currently open. and these are people who have not received the vaccine. and our department of public health says that without the vaccine, it is still safe to return to schools. but we do realize there are people who want that assurance. and so fortunately we're in a position where in the next few weeks, on february 26th, we will be able to move to the next tier 1b, so educators, teachers, and child care workers can actually get vaccinated, and i'm truly looking forward to that day. >> thank you, mayor breed.
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your next question comes from leslie mcclerick. given the tentative deal with labor unions, when do you foresee schools reopening? >> definitely not this school year. when you incorporate the vaccine into the requirement -- i understand this is something that is important to the union, but at the same time, we are doing everything we can, based on supplies, to get the vaccines to people in san francisco. and the fact is, based on the limited information that i have about the tentative proposal, i don't think it is realistic that we can expect schools to open this school year. >> thank you, mayor breed. the next question comes from christian captan, ktbu. san francisco city attorney has expanded the
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lawsuit to get kids back into school. one moment, please. we'll come back for that question. christian captan. the san francisco city attorney has expanded the lawsuit to get kids back into school. school board and union agree that the lawsuit is counterproductive. is this the right tool to incentivize both sides to reach an agreement? and what would constitute concrete details for reopening? >> mayor: if i didn't think that it was the right thing to do, i
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wouldn't be very supportive of doing it. the fact is that we have tried to be supportive. and you can look back in a number of press conferences that i've had to specifically talk about the support that we provided the school district, how we put aside, in many cases, many of the things that we were focused on in order to provide that support, in order to make our public schools a priority. we will continue to do that. but the fact is, it hasn't worked. and that's why i support our city attorney using the legal process to get to a place where, hopefully, it will make a difference. not necessarily, you know, if it makes a -- if it makes a difference with negotiations, great, but, more importantly, i just care about getting our kids back in school. so whatever that takes, whether it is the legal system or negotiation,
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that's fine. but i want to make sure at the end of the day, we're being honest with the public about what will happen. and, ultimately, all of the details don't matter if kids aren't back in school. i think that is the most important part. what is the first day we can expect to see a kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade kids return to school. that's the most important piece of what is missing here. >> thank you, mayor breed. next question comes from liz hillaman, bay area reporter. what will be the vaccine prioritization after phase 1? one moment. the next question is from abc news. in light of the recent crimes in san francisco, do you think prop 47 should be revisited?
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do you believe that it has played a role in crime in san francisco? >> mayor: i think, unfortunately, being in the midst of this pandemic, seeing, sadly, a lot of people lose their jobs has probably played a role in what we're seeing as it relates to crime. i do think when we talk about crime and accountability, i think the that there is -- you know, it is not an easy solution because specifically when you talk about someone who has committed a violent crime against another human being, you know, that's a different punishment versus someone who it may have been their first offense, they stole something, and they need to be held accountable, but at the same time jail may not be the best solution because ultimately we want rehabilitation or we want support or we want an option to try to get that person on the right path.
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so i think there are various layers of accountability that need to be implemented in our criminal justice system here in san francisco, regardless of a proposition. it is what we're working with, and it's what we are in a position to try and work within. and, mostly, the goal is to make sure that people understand that they will be held accountable when they commit crimes in san francisco. and i want to take this opportunity to just talk about some of the recent violent crimes. sadly, where people have been murdered in our city. elderly people have been murdered. and in those last three cases, our officers acted quickly and apprehended the suspects in those cases. and they are being prosecuted. we understand that after the fact doesn't matter. those people are no longer with us, but at the end of the day, here in san
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francisco we are going to take an aggressive stand to protect the citizens of this city against crime, and we'll continue to do everything we can to do that. not just with law enforcement, but with our criminal justice system as a whole. >> thank you, mayor breed. we will now continue with questions for dr. colfax. >> mayor: thank you. >> this is from a bay area reporter. what will be the vaccine prioritization after phase 1b. will the age group step down in 10-year
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increments? >> doctor: right now we are focused on vaccinating people -- health care workers and people over 65, and then on the 26th, as the mayor announced, we will move into phase 1b, which includes emergency service workers, food and agricultural workers, and educators. now we're still waiting for the state to finalize the next tiers of the vaccination priority. we're following the state guidelines. the bottom line is we need more vaccine to get it into arms as quickly as possible. our goal is to vaccinate everyone in san francisco as quickly as possible. >> thank you, dr. colfax. your next set of questions come from joshua sabitini. are the vaccines being equitably administered? or do you notice any disparities? and when will you release
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the race -- >> doctor: it will be updated regularly with regard to the race and ethnicity of people who received vaccinations. as i mentioned earlier, equity is a core value of our vaccine rollout. we want to ensure that people in those neighborhoods who are eligible for vaccine have ready access. we're building -- we have built a vaccine eco-system where every door is a right door to receive the vaccine. whether it is a mass site, whether it is one of your neighborhood clinics, whether it is a pharmacy, whether it is a mobile site team that we'll be launching to reach people who need to remain at home. so we're working on all of the above, and every door is the right door approach, to ensure there is equitable access to
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vaccine. we're very concerned about it. it needs to be a focus. and we're working to get it right as quickly as possible. >> thank you, dr. colfax. you're next question comes from multiple media outlets. on the question of equity, can you provide an update on how many residents within is zip codes 92134 and 92034 have been vaccinate? have there plans to make more appointments available for hard-hit zip codes. >> the doctor: as vaccine becomes more available, we will expand vaccines in those areas. the in other words and zip codes where covid-19 is most concentrated. right now at the southeast health center, we're able to do over 200 vaccines a day. we're also planning to launch, in collaboration with better health, a mass
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vaccine site at the produce market off of bay shore boulevard. so we hope to have that scaled up and ready to go within the next two weeks, so that people have access to vaccine there as well. we're also establishing the neighborhood access sites. last week at 24th and mission, in collaboration with the latino task force and ucsf, and we established a site there. and we're looking at establishing sites in the bay view so people have access there. and i want to emphasize these are not mutually exclusive sites. where people are lining up to get vaccine, thanks to the mayor's office, we arranged transportation for people to go to our vaccine clinic at san francisco general hospital, so people were able to access vaccine there, and not have to wait in line at 24th and cap. and at the mobile sites, these mobile teams are going to have capacity each to do 150 vaccines a
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day. we'll be launching these mobile teams very soon. so they can focus in neighborhoods where people have the greatest amount of disease, and don't necessarily have the capacity to get to other vaccine options. so really every door is the right door, with a focus very specifically in the health department on meeting the needs of people in the zip codes where covid-19 is most prevalent, where the rates are highest and people are most at risk. >> thank you, dr. colfax. your next question comes from michael barba. when should the san francisco police department officers expect to get vaccinated? >> doctor: emergency responders, emergency workers, service workers, including the police officers, are eligible in phase 1b, and that will be february 26th.
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>> thank you. your next set of questions comes from various media outlets. is the city now receiving a stable amount of vaccine from the state, or is it still unpredictable? >> doctor: let me emphasize that we are directly receiving -- the health department is directly receiving only somewhere between 10,000 and 1 1,000 vaccines a week -- a week. so, as i said, we can do over 10,000in' vaccines,000 vaco arms a day. we hope the supply increases dramatically in the next couple of weeks, especially so we can vaccine night the 1b essential workers, along with the people 65 and older who continue to need to get vaccinated. so we just need more right now as quickly as possible. i'm hopeful there is more on the horizon, but we're ready to go. if i can get 10,000 vaccines after this press conference, we will get it
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into arms in 24 hours. >> thank you, dr. colfax. your next question comes from mora dolan, l.a. times. any thoughts on why virus cases have stopped decreasing, and even rising, in recent days? >> doctor: so i think it is important to emphasize it is sort of a balance here. we are way below our peak during the holiday surge, where we went over 140p 140 per 100,000. i think we don't have exactly one reason as to why this has leveled off. i think we know as we gradually increase activity in the city, viral cases generally do go up somewhat, so it is really a matter of trying to mitigate that, and ensure that people still realize this is a very serious situation, and that we need to socially distance, and wear a mask over your face and nose
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whenever you are outside of the house, and avoid gatherings -- high-risk gatherings -- whenever possible. i think we also need to also understand that with some of these variants, especially the british variants, the research says that is predicted to become the dominant strain in many parts of the u.s. by march or april. we know that that virus spreads more quickly than what we call the wild site, the original type of the virus. so there are multiple possible reasons. the key thing is we know how to slow the spread. we know that the vaccines are coming. we can do this. we just have to dig a little deeper so we can all get the vaccine and get through this and reopen our city and have life go back to normal as quickly as possible. >> thank you, dr. colfax. your final question comes
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from robert rodriguez. will the effort to reopen schools change the prioritization or rollout of vaccines in phase 1b at all considering teachers' desires for vaccination before returning to the classroom? >> doctor: as the mayor said, we have 113 schools open right now. the schools can reopen without educators being vaccin vaccinated. and we share the priority that the kids need to get back into school for the health of the kids, for the health of the parents, and to close out learning gaps. when we reach phase 1b, teachers will be eligible for vaccine. we want to make sure we vaccinate teachers as quickly as possible. the bottom line is we need more supply of vaccine to make that possible. >> thank you, dr. col colfax. now for questions on coronavirus variants, we
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invite the acting county health officer for san francisco, dr. susan philips. dr. philips, your first question is: what is the status of the new variants in san francisco? have you identified any of the variants from the u.k., south africa, or brazil? >> doctor: thank you very much for the question. i wanted to take a moment to step back. i know many of us have been hearing about variants, but to give a quick primer, when we're talking about variants, what this really means is viruses, as dr. colfax said, normally mutate randomly. this happens all of the time. when the mutations sometimes cause them to be less fit, we don't hear about them. occasionally there can be a mutation or a grouping
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of mutations that causes the virus to become more fit, to be able to transmit more, make people more sick, and that is what we're talking about when we talk about variants. these are random occurrences that then spread in our populations. so in san francisco, we have not identified the variants of interest that have been nationally talked about. so these are the variants that started in the u.k., which is known as b117. it is a variant that began in south africa, which is b13151, and the variant that started in brazil, which is called p1. this is different than the testing that we all know and think about now for many, many months, where we'll go and get a swab in our nose and get that diagnostic test. that is done in very many labs across the city and the region. the sequencing is actually
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the test that we need to do to find the variants. what that is is looking at the genetic material of the virus, sequencing the virus genome to be able to see what the mutations are. that only occurs in a few specialized laboratories. and we're very fortunate in san francisco that we have strong collaborations with our colleagues at ucsf and the bio hub, both of whom are experts in doing this type of work. in context as a country, we do not have the robust infrastructure to do this very, very systematically. so we are, by necessity, not able to sequence the 6,000 plus ses men's that specit we are testing every day, and the 2% to 3% that are positive, not all of those can be sequenced because of the specialty issues. we don't have a complete
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picture across the world, across the country, in the bay area or in san francisco, but we can get a glimpse of what we think is happening by how frequently we find different variants in these specimens that are tested. so, where what we know, there has been the u.k. variant identified in california and in the bay area. in fact, california has the second highest number of cases in the united states right now. so we have to assume that there could be that virus circulating in the bay area and in san francisco, but we have not identified it. what dr. colfax said is so, so important. we know that the prevention methods that we've been talking about for a year are what will stop and slow the spread of these variants, even before we're able to access vaccine, which is, in fact, our ticket out because the vaccine in studies has still been shown to be affective against these variants, and particularly against
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preventing against severe disease. while vaccine is the ticket out, we have the ability in our hands right now to stop transmission of any virus, including variants, by masking, by distancing, by washing our happedz. hands. i want to add one additional wrinkle to this: the less virus that is transmitting and replicating, the less chance we have of having new variants emerge. we talked about how it is random mutation, but every time the virus replicates, there another chance for random mutation to end up resulting in a variant that would be a concern, for faster spread, making people sicker, or a concern with the vaccine. so we have the power in our hand to not only stop the variants that we know now, but also to prevent new ones from emerging. so i would really urge all of us to take the standard prevention methods that we have in public health, as
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a department, we're working to understand the types of distribution of variants, not only in san francisco, but reachly and regionly.but in the meantime, we asking for everyone's help in slowing the spread. >> the follow-up question is: what happens if the variant from the u.k. continues to spread in california and becomes the dominant variant down there? will that happen here, too? and what is the level of your concern about these west coast variants? >> doctor: so what we know from the models, and what we understand from science nationally, is that the u.k. variant, because it does spread more quickly, person to person, is likely to become the dominant strain in the united states by march. so we don't have any reason to think that that will be different in san francisco. but, again, we have t-e ability, as we have done time and again, to not
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necessarily let the models become our destiny, if we are distancing, washing our hands, wearing face coverings all the time, and particularly as we are reopening and coming into contact with each other more, it becomes so important to do those things. there was a second part of the question about the west coast variant. so this is a different strain of virus, which has been identified in california and in other areas on the west coast. and this is called cal.20c, and it has been identified in some outbreaks, not in san francisco, but it has been identified in individuals from san francisco and in the bay area. our colleagues at c.d.c. are still evaluating all of the data to understand if it is, in fact, more easy to transmit that variant and what all of the implications are. so we don't have a clear understanding yet of the implications. but we do know it is transmitted the same way.
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we have no reason to think that the vaccine would not be affective against this variant or any others. >> thank you, dr. philip. there are no additional questions. >> doctor: thank you. >> this concludes today's press conference. take mayor breed, dr. colfax, and dr. philip, for your time. for future questions, please e-mail dem press at thank you, and have a nice day.
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>> i'm san francisco mayor london breed. i'm so excite the to be here today to swear in the next assessor-recorder for the city and county of san francisco. joaquin torres. i want to say a few things about joaquin. i known him for so many years. we started off many years ago in city government in the mayor's office in neighborhood services, doing work to help support communities. he has really an incredible personality. he always focused on getting the job done for people who need it the most. it is not a surprise in he's been able to work his way up into numerous positions that has helped steer the city in the right direction. let me just give you an example. when the san francisco housing authority was in trouble, we were having numerous challenges. the federal government
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threatened to intervene. joaquin torres was appointmented to serve on the commission. at that time, he became the president of the commission and he helped move us in a direction that has allowed for us to get investments to rehab 3400 units to get us off the red with the federal government and to get us back on track to support the families of the san francisco housing authority. it was very personal for me as someone who lived over 20 years of my life in public housing that we did something that didn't display the resident and that recognized that they needed to make sure that the. conditions of public housing didn't continue down the wrong path. we appreciate his work. which was a volunteer job. not to mention his day job, when i became mayor, i appointed
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joaquin to be the director of the office of economic workforce development. i did it because my experience as a district supervisor and someone who worked in the community, he would always about the community. he could have sent staff members and his staff members were present and available. he was always on the ground facilitating conversation and making connections between what the community needed and what city hall needed to do to support them. his leadership style is really what helped to not only look at some of the disparities and issues around equity that we were dealing in covid, he worked tirelessly to make sure that grant moneys were going to small businesses. he helped create the african-american resolving loan fund. he helped address lot of the
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disparities with the latino community when we saw surges of cases in that community and a need to provide financial support to a number of agencies including those small businesses. his understanding of finance, his understanding of how economic development works, his work with small businesses, big businesses and all things san francisco, makes him just really the perfect candidate to be the next assessor-recorder for the city and county of san francisco. with that, i like to bring joaquin torres forward so i can
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swear him in and make it official. are you ready? >> okay. >> i, joaquin torres, do swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california against all enemies foreign and domestic that i bear true faith and allegiance to the same. that i take this obligation freely. without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion and that i will well and faithfully
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thank you very much. thank you to my family who was here with me today. to my mom, who's listening in from downtown south, to my two dads who i marry in this building to my sister, to my wife. to my aunt and uncle up north, to my friends aall of you who joining us online. the collection of billions of dollars, property tax dollars is essential to constantly and solvency of this city of san francisco. i'm honored, mayor breed, for the confidence you placed in me as i assume these responsibilities as the assessor-recorder for the city and county of san francisco. all of these depend on the financial foundation built
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from my grandfather, who has a butcher rose before work before dawn each day so he can buy a home for his family and help his three children become an artist, bilingual teacher and education leader and an amazing public servant. to my nana, who taught me the love of caring, that came in a file wrapped package that she packed for my flights back and forth between separated parents. to my grandmother, who has a seamstress steadily towards the purchase of a beautiful home. to my father, who broke barriers for latino politicians at a time when being a mexican-american was a significant hurdle for leadership. to my mom, who after career
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writer and journalist taught me true courage meaning and strength. i'm very proud of my family my mexican-american family. a family of teachers, artist, writers, journalist, butchers, caretakers, cooks, seamstresses and soon to be lawyers for what they strive so achieve and what they continue to give back to family and to society. i'm grateful for them raising me defined by resiliency and public service. i'm a very proud husband to an extraordinary artist.
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my wife, rebo who guide me through stresses of public service who shown what it means to be loved, to love to be wrong, to be compassionate and vulnerable. thank you for seeing me. thank you for seeing supporting my love for this work. i'm so fortunate to have these people in my life. who shaped my approach to public service, not all of us can be so lucky. not all of us can rest at night knowing that the love and care we hope for is part of successful life will be for us when we need it most. it's that awareness and those values principles and ethics that my family has instilled in me, carried with me the toughest times through the hardest of life challenges. when i called out for help, not knowing if it existed fore,
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