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tv   BOS Rules Committee  SFGTV  February 15, 2021 6:00pm-6:41pm PST

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>> good morning, and welcome to the rules committee of the san francisco board of siewrvesz. supervisions. i am the char, aaron peskin, chained by mandelman and connie chan. our clerk is mr. young. mr. young, could you please make any announcements. >> members will be participating in the meeting remotely. committee members will attend the meeting by
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video conference, the same as if they were physically present. public comment will be available on each item on this agenda, both on channel 26, and i.d. 1464694909 you can call 415-655-0001, i.d. 1875186183. you may submit public comments by e-mail to myself, to the rules
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committee, and if you submit public comment by e-mail, it will be forwarded to the supervisions and it will be included as part of the file. that completes my initial comments. >> chairman: thank you. mr. young. >> item one is appointing seven members to the guaranteed income advisory group, indefinite terms. >> chairman: thank you, mr. clerk. colleagues, this is an item pursuant to an ordinance passed by the san francisco board of supervisions to make recommendations around a growing movement not only in this city and in this country, but around the world relative to virtual social security, if you will, guaranteed income for people of limited means. this is being done in conjunction with the treasure's office. i am delighted that we have eight remarkably
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qualifieds individuals. if you read their resumes and applications, as i did this weekend, it is quite an impressive group. eight individuals for eight seats, so not a lot of tough choices for us to make. i believe all of them are here to briefly testify, except for bena shimerali, who indicated he was unable to attend due to work commitments. three individuals need a residency waiver. and are there any questions or comments from committee members? seeing none, why don't we open this up to the applicants. and i bet if i press a button here -- i cannot,
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for some reason, i'm note sure why, find my participant button. why don't we just open this up to comments from applicants. first speaker, please. >> i'll call on the first applicant on the list, which would be shirley yee. >> can you hear me? >> chairman: we can hear you. and i might have to log off and log on because my computer is giving me trouble. but i can hear you now, so why don't we proceed. >> good morning, chair peskin and members of the rule committee. i'm the daughter of immigrant parents. my father was the mayor of detroit's chinatown. i have worked to address systemic inequities my
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entire adult life, and most of which is here in san francisco, focusing on wealth and inequity. i was with mayor breed's o.m.d. policies. i am an active member of a statewide group of g.i. pilots, currently diving deep into benefit waivers, and with g.i. policy advocates as well. i'm also here on behalf of norell knolls, for seat mr. five. not only is he proudly born and raised on treasure island, as a 28-year-old black gay man, he knows what it means to live in the city. he shared just before he was born, his mom was coming out of homelessness. because of programs like section 8, they were able to afford to live on treasure island, and now he wants to help shape programs that give back to
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other san francisco residents. thank you for your time. >> chairman: thank you, shirley, and i did just get a notification that norel, as well as roberto, will be unable to attend. so thank you for speaking to norel's qualifications. next speaker, please, and i believe that that would be jacob denny, who has applied to seats one, two, or three. >> thank you, chair peskin and supervisions mandelman and chan. throughout my life, i have experienced the ways in which our economy fails working people, and the ways our social safety net fails to meet all of our needs. i know what it is like to have to choice between fixing your car or paying
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your rent. as far as economic justice policy director, my goal is to identify interventions that make it so all people in san francisco are able to experience economic security and live lives of dignity. the uneven impacts of the pandemic, coupled with systemic racism and economic exclusion have made this a need more than ever. i want to better help the people who need it most. thank you for your consideration. >> chairman: thank you. next speaker, please. and i believe the next speaker would be james pugh for seats one, two, or three. and a residency waiver would be required for james. >> i would like to thank the committee for considering my application for seats one, two, or three. i'm really excited at the
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prospect of applying my experience in this space, designing and implementing and guaranteeing programs in san francisco. in my five years working on guaranteed income equity, focused on understanding how guaranteed income can be structured to have a transformative impact for low-income americans, particularly in communities of color. and ensuring that these programs don't jeopardize other programs, like heat. [inaudible] >> chairman: thank you. next speaker. and i believe that speaker would be gloria barry for seat four.
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>> can you hear me? >> chairman: yes, we can. >> good morning, chair peskin. i'm running for -- i'm applying for this because seat four must be held by a person who has personally experienced poverty while living in san francisco. i've lived in and out of poverty in san francisco from 1969 to '75, and periodically from '87 to 2015. right now i only have veteran compensation, which is a third of what is deemed low income. i've worked for a commission which doesn't always yield a living wage. i also have been on welfare and food stamps before. when i was homeless, i was sent to shelters, and i lived in transitional housing on treasure island. i would not be able to live in san francisco now if it were not for the
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assistance i received from being a veteran. the demographics i reach out to is black, mexican, and white. i am 51 years old, and i'm a female and a disabled veteran. i served 13 years in the military. while in service, i went six months without being a dependent -- getting dependent benefits because (indiscernable). and at that time, i had to eat rahman every day because that is all i could afford. hopefully i will be recommended for this committee so my experiences realtime can get with people with the economic experience, and together we can crunch some numbers and do something for san francisco that has never been done before. because it is time that we do something about the great disparity in wealth in the city. thank you.
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>> chairman: thank you, ms. barry. next speaker, please. >> i believe the next speaker would be elaine chavez -- >> chairman: i'm having crazy problems with my computer. i may have to -- mr. clerk, can we take a one-minute break. i would need to leave this meeting and get back in. this is not -- my computer is not working. so we will recess for one minute. if i can get back on in one minute. >> clerk: we will take a one-minute recess. >> chairman: thank you. >> chairman: thank you. we will reconvene the rules committee meeting for today, february 8th. thank you. my technical difficulties
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seem to be better on relogging in. and the next applicant would be roberto vargas, who is not here. a residency waiver is required for said seat, and he has applied for seats four, five, six, seven or eight, and norel knolls was spoken to by ms. yee. and as i said, earlier, that will take us to our last applicant, elena chavez -- >> sorry, supervisor, i am actually here. >> chairman: we're delighted you are here this morning. please proceed. i apologies. >> thank you, supervisions. good morning, committee members. my apologies for being late. i had to rearrange some things. i just wanted to share
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that, you know, my family has been in san francisco since 1946, moving to hunter's point from nicaragua. and, you know, i'm second-generation graduate of mission high school. and my entire career has been in serving low-income communities in san francisco, primarily in the non-profit sector, but also in the san francisco unified school district. i currently work at ucsf, leveraging ucsf resources to help get at both health and economic equity leveraging, or economic and science resources to support getting equity in san francisco. that has included work on reducing diabetes and chronic disease disparities. but i've worked as a street outreach worker for the mayor's gang prevention program, at the
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real alternative's program "rap," and primarily served folks in the commission district and bayview hunter's point my entire life. i lived half of my life in bayview hunter's point before getting displaced there several years ago. so i would need a residency waiver. and i still have family members living in poverty, still have family members living in homelessness in san francisco, and family members recently out of homelessness by way of support through navigation centers, thankfully. so, you know, i would be happy to serve in any way i could serve san francisco. including in this capacity. to bring to bear evidence, whenever possible, but mostly to bring a voice of advocacy and support for low-income communities in san francisco, poor folks
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in san francisco, who are the folks i identify with most, who are the folks i will advocate for and stand alongside with most in this role and in any role that i serve san francisco. so thank you for your consideration. >> chairman: thank you, sir. and sorry, i did not realize that you had joined this meeting. and i think that takes us to our last applicant, who is present this morning, elena chavez casada. >> good morning. i would like to thank supervisions peskin, mandelman,and chan. i'm an s.f. resident with two young kids in this school district, in second and fourth grade, and i'm currently vice president of programs at the san francisco foundation, where we're singularly focused on economic inclusion in the bay area.
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while the foundation is the first place i've been in my career that explicitly holders racial equity as our north star, my entire career has been in advancing economic student for low income communities of color (indiscernable) and before then, in programatic work. as often is the case, as my career path is groundedin my personal backgrou, as a latin-american who has grown up in a mexican-american family. i watched my parents struggle so my four siblings could have opportunities that they literally have never dreamed of. and this is what grounds me. equity is such a big concept and can often feel nebulous and elusive, and i think that is okay.
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it is on each of us to grapple with that elusive elusiveness and make meaning of it. i would argue the power of this guaranteed income strategies and why i'm so excited to be part of this is its explicitity. "the solution to poverty is to abolish it directly with a governeded income." and finally i want to say that san francisco has a history of innovation and and leadership and a pilot that sets the tone for cities across the city, like the financial justice program and others, and i'm proud to say i've been involved in each of those programs and one way or another ocean over the years.
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it would be an honor to be part of this group, addressing those questions and informing the way forward. so thank you so much for the opportunity. >> chairman: thank you so much. as i said at the outset, this is the qualifications in any number of ways for these eight individuals is really remarkable. thank you, ms. casada for your applying and your work. are there any applicants i have missed? seeing none, are there any members of the public who would like to testify on item number one. i have been informed, after my computer glitch, that supervisor haney is also on. so maybe before we go to public comment, supervisor haney, is there anything you would like to say this morning? >> yes, and i'll be very brief. first of all, i wanted to make sure you called on me, chair peskin, because i got my lighting on point this morning for you.
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and i wanted to thank you for considering these applicants, and thank you to member chan and member mandelman as well. as you said, this is an extraordinary group of folks. i'm really excited to see what they're going to be able to bring forward for our city. we worked very closely with a number of organizations and departments in making sure that we really did outreach to get these great groups of folks in front of you. so i am fully supportive of all of the applicants. i also want to quickly acknowledge treasurer sincearos to create this advisory group. they will help lead efforts towards a great guaranteed income. and i want to thank you those from the human rights commission, and natalie foster and terry oli from the security
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project. and, this is part of a larger effort that is happening all over the country. there are dozens of cities, stockton, long beach, los angeles, new orleans, who are developing guaranteed income programs. so not only do we have these amazing people who will be serving on our advisory group, they will be sharing information with literally dozens of cities all across the country. and i think the outcome of this will be hugely important for our own efforts and our national efforts to attack poverty and economic insecurity. i want to thank you, chair peskin, and all of the committee members, and all of the applicants. we will take what you provide as part of this advisory group, and make sure it is implemented for our residents, who are especially now can benefit
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from guaranteed income. >> chairman: thank you for your leadership. thank you for your leadership locally. great lightly, and to all of the applicants to whom i assume will be forwarded to this committee to the full board, good luck on your next nine months of work as december approaches and that report will be forthcoming. and i also note that this group will stay together pursuant to the law that the board passed, until january of 2023. so you'll all be together for the next couple of years, and we look forward to your advice and your recommendations. with that, why don't we open item number one to public comment. >> clerk: yes, members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call
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415-655-0001, the meeting i.d. 1875186183. and then press pound and pound again. if you haven't already done so, dial star 3, and a system prompt will indicate to you to wave your hand. mr. coe, do we have any members of the public for public comment today? >> mr. chair, we have no callers in the cue. >> chairman: okay. public comment is closed. colleagues, i would like to make the following recommendation, that shirley yee be appointed to seat one, with a residency waiver. that jacob denny be appointed to seat two. that james pugh be appointed to seat three with a residency waiver. that gloria barry be appointed to seat four. that norel knolls be appointed to seat five.
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that roberto vargas be appointed to seat six. that vima shiraliz be ap appointed to seat seven, and elena chavez be appointed to seat eight. seeing nobody on the roster, mr. young, could you call the role on that motion. >> clerk: i believe that mr. vargas also needs a residency waiver. >> chairman: my apologies, mr. roberto needs a residency waiver. soize would like to add that to my previously stated motion. >> clerk: on that motion, supervisor mandelman? >> yea. >> clerk: supervisor chan? >> i.
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>> clerk: chair peskin? >> i. >> clerk: the motion passes without objection. >> chairman: congratulations. we'll hear that at the next meeting. thank you for your willingness to serve. with that, mr. clerk, could you please read the next item? >> clerk: just to be absolutely clear, i am getting questions. we have shirley yee who has a residency waiver, james pugh has a residency waiver, and mr. vargas, who has received a residency waiver. i wanted to state that for clarity. would you like to make a motion to excuse? >> chairman: i think -- don't you have to read it before i make that motion. >> clerk: yes. i will read it. item two, motion appointing supervisor connie chan, term ending february 4, 2023, to the san francisco local agency
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formation commission. >> chairman: thank you, mr. young, and is our practice. we don't vote for ourselves on appointments, with the exception of internal racist present, where you can vote for yourself. with that, i would like to make a motion to excuse supervisor chan, who is the subject of this matter. can i take that without objection, victor? >> clerk: i will defer to ms. pearson on that. >> department city attorney ann pearson, all votes taken in this remote world need to be done with each member casting a vote. >> yea. >> chairman: on the motion to excuse? >> on the motion to excuse, supervisor mandelman? >> i. >> clerk: supervisor chan? >> yea.
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>> clerk: chair peskin? >> chairman: yea. >> chairman: supervisor chan, you have to leave for about one minute. can you please see if there are any members of the public who would like to comment, mr. clerk. >> clerk: if you have not already done so, please press star 3 to be added to the cue to speak. if you haven't already done so, a system prompt will indicate that you have raised your hand. wait until it says you have been unmuted, and you may begin your comment. mr. coe, do we have any members of the public for public comment? >> mr. chair, we have no callers in the cue. >> chairman: okay. we'll close public comment, and i would like to make a motion to forward this item to the full board with recommendation. >> clerk: yes, on that
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motion, supervisor mandelman? >> yea. >> clerk: supervisor chan excused. chair peskin? >> chairman: yea. >> clerk: the motion passes, without objection, with supervisor chan being excused. >> chairman: okay. why don't we let supervisor chan back into the meeting. that item is passed. and then, mr. clerk, please read the next item. >> clerk: yes. i just want to -- supervisor chan, are you back in the room at this time? >> i am, thank you, victor. >> clerk: thank you. next item is item 3: "motion appointing supervisor hillary ronan, term ending june 30th, 2021, to the alternative member of the bay area executive board."
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>> chairman: once again, my computer is acting weirdly, but is ms. ronan here? i am not able to access the participant button. i don't see her. is there any public comment on this item? >> clerk: yes. members of the public who wish to provide public comment should call 415-655-0001, i.d. 1875186183. and press pound and pound again. you may press star 3 to be added to the cue to speak. mr. coe, do we have any members of the public for public comment on item number three? >> mr. chair, we have no callers in the cue. >> chairman: okay. public comment is closed. i would like to make a motion to send item number three to the full board with recommendation on that motion. a role.
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>> >> clerk: supervisor mandelman? >> i. >> clerk: supervisor chan? >> yea. >> clerk: chair peskin? >> chairman: yea. >> next on the agenda is a (indiscernable). members of the public who wish to comment on this item, please press star 3. please wait until the system in cades you have been unmuted. mr. coe, do we have any members of the public for public comment on this item.
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>> we have no callers in the cue. >> chairman: i would like to move this item forward on full recommendations. >> supervisor mandelman? >> yea. >> clerk: supervisor chan? >> yea. >> clerk: chair peskin? >> chairman: yea. >> clerk: the motion passes without agenda. next on the agenda is item five, motion appointing supervisor safai, term ending january 1, 2024, to the behavioral health commission. >> chairman: my understanding is we need to change it to the correct expiration date, to january 1, 2023. >> clerk: that is correct. members of the public who wish to provide public
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comment on this item should call 415-655-0001, i.d. 1875186183, and then press pounds and pound again. if you haven't already done so, please press star 3to line up to three. mr. coe, do we have any members of the public to comment on this item? >> yes, i have one caller in the cue. >> chairman: first speaker, please. >> thank, mr. chair. in 2019, supervisor safai was appointed to this commission. when she resigned, she never had attended a single one of the meetings of the commission, sending staff to participate in her place. this is not acceptable. and supervisor safai should not continue this. [inaudible] and that resource,
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paragraph 45: 70, "it is not permitted in ordinary assembly, unless the laws of the state require it or the charter or bylaws of the organization provide for it. it is incompatible with the characters" (indiscernable). if the law under which the organization is incorporated allows proxy voting, the adoption of this vote as parliamentary authority should be treated as sufficient provision." my research shows that the state and local law and bylaws are silent on the issue. therefore proxy voting is prohibited in meetings of the san francisco behavioral health committee. section 1513d requires
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removal of commissioner after four unexcused absences in a 12-month period. i will ask for enforcement of this provision if supervisor safai does not attend the meetings of the commission in person. thank you, mr. chair. >> chairman: thank you for that comment and for letting us know. i will endeavor to reach out to supervisor safai to ensure he will attend personally. are there any any other members of the public for public comment on this item number five? >> mr. chair, that completes the cue. >> chairman: public comment is closed, and i would like to formally offer the amendment to put in the proper ending date of the term of january 1, 2023. on that motion, a roll call, please. >> clerk: on the motion to amendment, supervisor
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mandelman? >> yea. >> clerk: supervisor chan? >> yea. >> clerk: chair peskin? >> chairman: yea. >> clerk: the motion to amend passes without objection. >> chairman: and then i would like to make a motion to send the item, as amended, with recommendation to the full board. on that motion, a roll call please. >> clerk: on that motion, supervisor mandelman? >> yea. >> clerk: supervisor chan? >> yea. >> clerk: chair peskin? >> chairman: yea. >> clerk: the motion passes without objection. >> chairman: mr. clerk, read items six through nine together. >> item six is a motion appointing supervisor morguard, term ending june 30thn alternative to the bay area executive board. item seven is a motion appointing him to a term ending february 1, 2025.
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item eight is a motion appointing him to january. [inaudible] p. >> chairman: thank you, mr. young. i thought we should take these all together, because concerns the same supervisor have to augment the goldengate bridge board, and thank you, supervisor melgard for jumping in, into these various important regional rhodes. roles. i don't know if you're there because my computer is giving me a fit. if you are there,
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supervisor melgard, you are welcome to say a couple of words. >> supervisor melgard is not currently on the call. >> chairman: i can't pull up the button, and i'll have to take my laptop to my incredible people and figure out what is going on. let's open up items six through nine. >> clerk: members of the public who wish to provide comment, call 415-655-0001, i.d. 1875186183, and then press pound and pound again. if you haven't already done so, please dial star 3 to line up to speak. mr. coe, do you have any members of the public for comment at this time? >> mr. chair, we have no callers in the cue. >> chairman: okay. public comment is closed. colleagues, if there is no
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objection, i would like to make a motion to send items six through nine with recommendation to the full board of supervisors. >> clerk: chair peskin, regarding item number eight, i believe i sent a proposal to delete the executive director from the motion, because i believe that the goldengate bridge does not have such a director. >> chairman: we can do that. the official title is general manager, and his name is dennis mulligan, which is virtually the same as executive director. i served on that body for a period of time. we can find -- if you'd like, i can look up what the exact proper title is. >> clerk: i don't believe we need to name a specific person. it is a direction to send a certified copy. we can send it to the goldengate bridge, and we don't need to address it to a specific person. >> chairman: and they have a clerk on their board as well, so relative to the amendments
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suggested to item number eight by clerk young, i would like to make a motion to strike the executive director, and we will just send it to the goldengate bridge board. a roll call, please. >> clerk: supervisor mandelman? >> yea. >> clerk: supervisor chan? >> yea. >> clerk: chair peskin? >> chairman: yea. >> clerk: the motion passes without objection. >> chairman: and then, mr. clerk, i would like to restate my earlier motion, which is to send items six, seven, and nine to the full board. and item eight, as amended to the full board with positive recommendation on that restated motion. a roll call, please. >> clerk: on that motion, supervisor mandelman? >> yea. >> clerk: supervisor chan?
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>> yea. >> clerk: chair peskin? >> chairman: yea. >> clerk: the motion passes without objection. >> chairman: thank you. i believe that concludes our business this morning. we are adjourned. [meeting adjourned at 10:43]