tv BOS Land Use Committee SFGTV March 13, 2021 6:00pm-8:11pm PST
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also, our small businesses along our commercial corridors. i know supervisor mar is going to introduce something to talk a bit about the status of things in our commercial core and we'll work together with this over all conversation. i can tell you last summer, when i witnesses firsthand adult and juveniles stealing out of wallgreens as seniors stood buy in shock, many of whom were leon this as a daily space for them to get the medications that they need, the things that they need, to survive and be healthy in our neighborhood as one of the districts with one of the highest, if not the highest number of elderly residents those aging in place, i can't continue to turn a blind eye to this rampant crime happening in our anchor institutions so this
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is something that struck me and we reached out to wallgreens and talked to our chief of police and victims involved and the only thing that they presented to us at the time was san francisco has one of the highest rates of theft in their stores and they weren't exactly sure what they can do about it. it's going to talk about in our hearing, we need to talk about it in a honest way and what was announced and supervisor peskin's district recently in the outskirts of the tenderloin area and one of the wall greens being shut down and i know other wall greens have shut down in san francisco and that's not something our communities can sustain. the idea that potentially some of our anchor grocery stores could shut down would be devastating and if this happened in an ex celebrated fashion during covid, we know it would
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have had, based on the heroes pay we approved for our grocery store and drugstore workers, many of whom i worked and talked to and listened to and said they feel helpless. they feel absolutely helpless and unsafe in their own place of work because people come in and are robbing on a consistent basis. did has a devastating impact for people that rely on them and the sur sounding businesses that rely on the foot traffic. we need to have a proactive conversation and rep sense from the major anchor institutions such as cvs, wall greens, safeway and our small business
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networks that are out there in those associations. we like the union representing the workers in these places to be a part of this conversation so we think this is an important conversation to have and we can't ignore it and we definitely want to move this conversation in an aggressive manner. secondly, today i'm submitting a resolution in support of sb299 that is also co-sponsored by our own assemblymen david chiu. last summer as the world saw and as our nation saw the death of george floyd and so many other individuals at the hands of police officers, it sparked a national conversation and in that conversation, one of the things that we did not want to be lost was a victim's
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compensation and to include space that there would be funding for victims' compensation and i want to thank my co-sponsor on this resolution and president walton for adding your name for this legislation at the state level and we believe having a victim compensation fund for those that died at the hands of officers, we think that this would allow for there could be a board at the state level and that funding would be provided and that we would remove the barriers for those families that have lost their loved ones and i can tell you that this is personally important to me and my office and i know that my staff are lost her brother at the hands of police officers years ago and
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this sparked her desire to be in public service and for many reasons i would not have met her to this day and many of us would not see the great work she's been able to do first in adult probation and now at this board of supervisors. so, we think that this is an important resolution and we hope this time around, it will have enough momentum to passat the state level and hopefully colleagues all of you will be in support of that. next i have asked our city attorney to draft an ordinance to deal with frontline workers our janitors. at the onset the pandemic colleagues, many of those janitors have never stopped working just like our grocery store workers they work to disinfect offices and commercial spaces and more than half of their workforce has been laid off due to the downturn in the
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economy and those that have remained have remained to ensure the safety of the workforce that continues to come in on a daily basis. we've recently discovered the ventilation systems is brought to our attention that they potentially would be shut off in the evenings when janitors are working putting those workers in danger and we believe that is as
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crafting budget requests and it's in the process of being reviewed both by the departments and administration and justice involved. people have been rearrested and a risk of rearrest that have a consistent underlying substance abuse and we believe this budget request is all offers and alternatives sentencing programs for individuals struggling with substance abuse and through a model of peer-based on black and brown individuals. this is in conjunction with the letter of inquiry we sent to look at the number of deaths and over and had been involved in the criminal-justice system. we believe that we're going to find that there's a strong correlation between those that
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were involved in the system and we're pushing the district attorney and we'll continue those conversations to push the appropriate levers to compel people and we'll keep pushing and asking our probation system to utilize the levers that are there. we no longer want people pointing the finger at one another rather than taking responsibilities. we believe that this proposal that we put forward and this budget request that we have is going to provide a wonderful alternative sentencing program and it will provide a good step forward and a model that can be scaled up on a level that could again to deal with the overdose and deal with the significant amount of the recidivism and some of the substance abuse of those that are justice involved. and lastly, colleagues, co-sponsoring a resolution supervisor melgar but i'm going
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to ask her to speak on that first. so madam clerk, if you could refer to me after supervisor melgar presents on resolutions. >> thank you, supervisor safai. supervisor stefani. >> thank you, madam clerk. i submit for today. thank you. >> clerk: thank you, supervisor. supervisor walton. >> thank you, so much, madam clerk. >> i like to be added as a co-sponsor to support janitors and i have nothing else to submit. >> clerk: thank you, mr. president, we'll make a note of that. supervisor chan. >> thank you, madam clerk. i will be submitting today. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. supervisor haney. >> thank you, madam clerk. colleagues, today i'm introducing a hearing request on our city's efforts to innovate and improve city services with a focus on human-centered and user-centered design.
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focusing on technological improvements for equitable access to city services and the collaboration across city departments to improve user experience and create intuitive pathways for residents. while covid-19 is fundamentally changed how all of us interact with the city and create a greater imperative for us to streamline and improve our digital systems, this is something that we should have already been prioritizing and focusing on. everyday all of our offices worked to help our constituents navigate the various web sites and portals and systems and departments, following up on 311 requests and often time connecting residents with a real person because the systems they tried to navigate were overlapping and at times confusing. they're also times when we ourselves have trouble finding the information we need. the purpose of our jobs and that of the various departments and our government is to serve the people of san francisco and we have to design our systems from the perspective of the user and
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change city services from what works for bureaucracy and residents. i'm requesting to hear from our office of innovation and office of digital services and department of technology, commission technology and the city administrator office and we are here in san francisco at the center of technology and design and our government should reflect that and our residents should experience that and i'm looking forward to learning more what we're doing to innovate our city services and that better reflect the needs and experiences of our residents. the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you, supervisor haney. supervisor mandelman. >> thank you, madam clerk. colleagues, today i am introducing a request for a hearing on the 2019-2020 proposition t annual report and requesting the department of public-health and department of
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homelessness and sheriff department and adult probation in implementing the treatment on demand model. in september 2019, i held a hearing at public safety and neighborhood services committee to redue the treatment on demand and better understand the remaining barriers to making effective substance use treatment available on demand many of it's the stated policy of the city and county of san francisco for a quarter century and since the passage of proposition t in 2008, the department of public-health has been required to submit an annual report to this board assessing the demand for substance use treatment proposing a plan to meat that demand and identifying funding needed to implement that plan. the annual prop t reports we reviewed at that 2019 hearing, painted a picture different from the experience of treatment providers, advocates, drug users and many members of the board whose districts are home to far too many people suffering from untreated mental illness and
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addictions. the fiscal year 2019-2020 prop t report stated that in 2018-2019, there were no wait for residential treatment or residential step down treatment and a wait for out patient treatment case management and tense i have care management and the alternate reality described in that report san francisco had enough treatment capacity to meet demand. plainly, something was wrong with that picture. we were and are far from meeting the demand for treatment for the most vulnerable people especially those with co occurring diagnosis, people in jail who are justice involved and supervisor safai discussed earlier and people with complex medical needs and unhoused people. pretending otherwise doesn't change that fact and doesn't help us get closer to the goals established by voters under proposition t. a lot has happened since that hearing in september of 2019 and several initiatives have since been launched to address access
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to treatment. in the fall of 2019, mayor breed launched an initiative to increase for unhoused people with the highest level of service needs. based on analysis completed by dr. anton planned, that initiative identified a population of 4,000 unhoused people with co occurring severe mental illnesses and substance use disorders which represents half of the unhoused population, 41% of whom are high users of emergent services and 95% of whom have an alcohol use disorder and in late 2019, the mental health reform team launched fine treatment for short term treatment and in 2019, this board passed mental healing sf and to reimagine and reorient the city's behavioral health response system to more effectively meet the behavior health needs including the sub fans use treatment needs of the most vulnerable san franciscans. as we explored in july 20th on
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the impact of covid-19, on the city's delivery of behavioral health services, it put many city efforts to expand that to drug treatment on the backburner including key comb phone ants of mental health s.f. and establishment of sobering center and task force i co chaired. how we will advance longstanding goal of achievements on demand. i will be asking the department of public-health to provide an update on the fiscal year 2019-2020 proposition t annual report and made to implement treatment on demand since the last hearing and charges to implementation brought on by the pandemic. i look forward to the conversation and i want to thank my co-sponsors, supervisor ronen, haney and stefani for
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joining in the request for this hearing and the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor mandelman. supervisor mar. >> thank you, madam clerk. colleagues, i have one hearing request today that compliments the hearing that supervisor safai just called for. public safety conditions to be an issue of great concern among residents and businesses through out or city. even as we've seen a shift in crime trends. our commercial quarters and business districts experience on going safety problems in particular as spike in burglar he's over the past year. in the sunset and park side districts, for example, at least 10 small family-owned businesses on irving and ter a bell have been burglarize and vandalized in the past few months and some targeted multiple times. impacted residents and businesses frequently call for more visible and responsive presence of public safety measures in our commercial
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corridors and so i'm calling for a hearing on public safety strategies in commercial corridors and their effectiveness on reducing crime. this includes examining the effectiveness and current status of sfpds foot and bicycle patrol policy strategy and plan as well as the office of civic engagement and immigrant affairs, community embassador program and street-based outreach programs of other city departments and publicly funded community based organizations. i'm also requesting the office of small business and oewd to report at this hearing. and through the hearing, i hope to better assess the role and value of those programs and to foster a more public safety and as one key part of the city's over all crime prevention work. so, thank you again supervisor
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safai for your hearing request and on the increase and theft from neighborhood anchor business and i look forward to coordinate our respective hearings in the neighborhood services committee. the rest i submit. >> thank you supervisor mar. supervisor melgar. >> thank you, so much, madam clerk. during the month of march, i'm going to be introducing things that support women's economic political and socially quality as it is women's history month. so i will be submitting today two resolutions in a fund project that we're all going to be involved in and so the first resolution that i am sponsoring along with supervisor safai, thank you so much supervisor safai, it is to strengthen the office of early care and citizen and the childcare planning advisory councilor owes role and helping build that early care and education system.
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we have also started working with the city attorney and first and foremost i want to appreciate the work of early care education. so many have been working nonstop since the shut down and words cannot express what they feel for this profoundly underpaid workforce and over 50% of those in the workforce have a college degree and yet early educators are those lowest paid of any profession with degree attainment and as you know, a scrappy but mighty movement of early care advocates providers and parents and leaders just like former president norman yee and jane kim passed proposition in june of 28 we call baby c to
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raise the salaries of early care educators and clear the waiting list for childcare and help low and moderate income families secure and affordable slots. we are still waiting for the final outcomes of the litigation and measure but there were able to release these funds because of prop f last november. our early case and education system evolving and we have an unprecedented opportunity to completely revolutionize how we do things in san francisco. hopefully the state and federal government will follow too. the office of early case and education and administer in recovery grants and loan programs to struggling childcare providers in recent weeks
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working with first five and in the department of public-health to distribute as many vaccines as possible to the hundreds of early care educators, risking their lives everyday. we also are going to with expanded effort we need to ensure we maintain a strong governance structure that offers oversight of baby c funding accountability and meaningful engagement with stakeholders. and it has come to our attention, that the advisory committee which is a nine-member board created by this board of supervisors when office was formed and it's over a year ago and so i wanted to commend the existing members of the oece pack who are volunteering pulled over especially given the challenging times right now and their service is greatly
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appreciated and they're unsustainable to rely on hold offers and so after learning with this information i want to thank chair peskin for working to expedite the new appointment to the board and we're also urging the mayor's office to expedite their appointments and we need to ensure that we're supporting these structures and we set up to advise and engage the mayor, the board, the office of early care and education this requires adequate staffing in coordination between the different advisory bodies, the oec, childcare planning and first five commission and our resolution calls on the office of early care and education to strengthen information sharing, training and support of new cast members and supervisor safai and i are also working and on going conversations with the stakeholders and evaluating the ordinance that formed the oece
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to see how we can expand the duties and the role. i want this board to continue being a partner and building out division that former president yee fought for and i rerefer this back to supervisor safai for his comments and thank you and ronen, channing walton, mar and haney for co-sponsor. i have a couple of more things. the second resolution i'm introducing is home opioid down payment assistance for early care educators and it is calling for home opioid is one of the few ways that working families are able to accumulate wasn't and not only benefits them in their long-term stability but it also an asset and leverage and pass down to their children and we can't rely on short term
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band-aid and we need to think out the box and help build community resiliency and san francisco has been offering home opioid down payment for decades and have been successful in helping families get into their first home and build equity and we have dedicated programs for sfusd teachers and first responders and now i would love to see a pilot for family childcare providers. when family childcare providers face displayment it's a triple whammy and the operator and their family loses their homes and their livelihoods and the family they serve are then left scrambling to find childcare and the community also loses the childcare slots permanently. every family childcare that we stabilize will help us bring together the system of support that folks need. thank you to my co-sponsors, supervisor safai, ronen, chan,
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walton and haney. this resolution is to bring together existing funding and existing programs to make it work for childcare education specifically and supervisor safai, ronen, chan, walton mar and haney are also supporting. thank you so now i'm going to get to the fun part. colleagues in the interest of advancing the gender analysis with political discusses on this board my office will be undertaking a time study in partnership with the san francisco women's political committee and to record and analyze the time and quality of political discourse during our meeting by gender. currently in our board we have male and female identifying members if we had greater diversity we would add that to the study as well. with what we have, we will be tracking for a one-week period
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during the month of march and how many minutes men or women speak during our board and committee meetings, we will be looking at our language patterns such as interruptions, women interrupting men or men interrupting women, asking to speak more than once on a particular item, when others have not spoken we will be tracking the total time per again ter and multiplying by the preportion of men and women on our board. since there is more guys than women, to make it mathematically accurate. we will share the results with all of you at our last meeting in march. my hope with this study is to have people engage in self-reflection and collectively work together towards a behavior that is again better equitable. take an opportunity to see how individually women included
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internalize and external eyes our interactions and additionally the study will not be naming any individual supervisors. it's not meant to be a call out but to provide data as a whole on how we engage. and i want to thank my staff meghan for gathering with san francisco women's political committee and as well as our volunteers and sarah, linda, lauren, den ice hyphenroader and jeb fer and amber, jasmine and gabrielle who service as board leaders and membership of the san francisco women's political committee and the rest i submit. thank you. >> thank you, supervisor melgar. also i love the candy neck less. if that is a candy necklace. supervisor safai, you asked to be rereferred. >> thank you. i just want to really appreciate supervisor melgar and those
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comments at the end and it's extremely important so i appreciate you putting that out there. on these two particular items that we're working on together, i'll just say we're going to try collectively supervisor melgar and i to fill the shoes of supervisor former supervisor yee who dedicated his professional career for two early childcare and as i said in the day, his last day on the board, i learned so much from him and his fierce advocacy for children and families. supervisor melgar and i and i think walton probably have, if you were to add them up, have the vast majority, i know i have the most but i know that they too have a significant amount of family childcare providers so i'm proud to be a co-sponsor of the down payment assistance. it's been one of the most wonderful ways for so many
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immigrant women and to stabilize themselves and provide generational wealth at the same time helping so many families with their education and getting them on the right track, preparing them for school and it's a very affordable ways for families to access childcare so for me, having two children of my own and having experienced it myself not that long ago, it's so important to support that infrastructure and so the down payment assistance is great and secondarily, the leadership and the oversight of the office of early childcare and the oversight. moving that forward, making that a priority and ensuring that we do the right thing by the voters is extremely important as we move the conversation of accessible affordable childcare for all forward. i'm proud to be co-sponsor with supervisor melgar on both items.
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and we look forward to coming back with positive results both on the appointments as well as the actual coordinates to help families purchase their buildings to sustain and expand their businesses. the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you, supervisor safai. supervisor peskin. >> colleagues, mr. president, over a number of years i've made a number of reforms earlier today we met as the county transportation authority commission which supervisor mandelman presides over now. in the old days, we had committees and now we meet as a body of the whole. i do believe that was a constructive change that i made that will consist as we continue deliver row over a number of years or decades. and in that same notion, i would
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like to introduce a motion to amend our board rules and i think this will actually make us more deliberative and that would be a new board rule at 2.2, 1.1 which would allow this board of supervisors to make appointments to advisory committees by peace act and the prozac, which not a drug and the advisory committee and on the adoption without community reference calender and so, i want to be clear this would apply to individuals supervisor who is appointing someone under the code under individual ordinance to a specific position on a specific advisory body and rather than
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going through a rules committee and a board committee meeting we can do that on the adoption of the reference and i want to thank the clerk and her staff for having streamline that and my staff lee heppner for helping me figure it out. and colleagues, as we all know -- not only is recology and d.p.w. crooked, but there's ways to fix it. not only is the parks land crooked because they're crooked as heck, so we read all these articles in the paper and they don't say the parks alliance. but the parks alliance is crooked. i don't see stuff like that very often. the parks alliance is crooked.
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they longer mohammad nuru's money. that's a true fact. today i'm introducing a city attorney drafting request to establish a body to address the issues around changing our rev use regiment that would be garbage in san francisco. over the past year of my office has delved in the 1932 ordinance that was passed 90 years ago and there are many ways to fix that at a high level and it can be fixed by one in no particular order municipalizing it and number two, putting outcome pet tive bids and number three, as i kindly say putting some lipstick on the staying and making it better and let's be clear, it
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turns out if there are any members of the press who are watching and it turns out that not only did mohammad nuru new the 14.4% rate increase should have been 7% and members of his senior staff, including but not limited to and i will name names, and i've held her in heine seen julia dawson, allegedly and apparently new and senior department of the environment allegedly new that the rate was 100% higher than it should have been and they were informed and that would be miss debra rafael. this is a scandal.
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we cannot hold ourselves harmless. this is profoundly important colleagues. so, in that breath, i am convening a task force and that task force which as i propose consist of 15 members ranging from a pointies of labor and the mayor's office and the department of environment and the public works department and many other interested parties from commercial and residential impacted parties would be convened under this ordinance and madam clerk, the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you supervisor peskin. supervisor preston. >> thank you, madam clerk. colleagues today i have one resolution and inmemoriam.
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today with the support of the california nurses association i am introducing a resolution in support of ab1400 authored by assembly member ash culra would establish universal single payer healthcare and i want to thank my early co-sponsors president walton and supervisors mar, chan, ronen, peskin, haney and safai. also really want to thank c.n.a. and brandon of the san francisco bernie crass for working with my office on this resolution. guaranteed, healthcare for all has been so clearly needed as the covid-19 crisis. from saddling folks with incredible doubt just because they got a disease they have little ability to prevent to our inability to get folks tested rapidly and consistently and to have a transparent and
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comprehensive vaccine roll out plan that equitably reaches everyone how inadequate our system it. it has left too many people without adequate coverage and costs keeping going up for con simmers. working class people have lost their jobs and their healthcare in their pandemic-driven recession. here in california alone, 165 billionaire have seen their wealth increase by $175 billion in the last year during shelter in place. with single pairing in california everyone would be covered and people wouldn't lose coverage if their employment status changed and we can eliminate deductible cutting out insurance profits out of the equation. the san francisco board of supervisors have support for single payer in connection with
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previous bills including resolution dated april 11th in 2017 and march 19th and in 2019 we need to continue to challenge the cruelty of the health-care system and push for something better. i urge the board to stand with nurses and patients and struggling californians in saving our unambiguous support for ab1400. and i have an inmemoriam, i do i forgot to ask to be added as a co-sponsor to supervisor safai's resolution regarding janitors and please, add me as a co-sponsor supervisor. i would like to offer an inmemoriam for the late linda pettybone. linda was an artist with incredible talent and eye unique eye. a district 5 receipt department for over 42 years and a friend
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of the the entire district 5 office. linda was born in buffalo, new york, in 1948. and her family settled in lexington, massachusetts in 1950. as a child linda displayed an early talent for vis you'll art and design. after graduate north 1966 from high school, she worked as an architect actual draft man in cambridge, massachusetts. she was involved in the world with jazz, blues and early folk music and massachusetts and spent time at club 47 now club ha seem where joannie mitching, bob dylan, taj mahal began their careers and the early 1970s after studying early childhood development at the school in detroit, linda drove her old v.w. bug across the country to california exploring the state before deciding to plant roots and san francisco in the
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mid-70s. her love the i can, art and design never wavered throughout her life. after graduating from goodard college, she began work as a freelance sign painter and graphic designer and by night she sang at local clubs and a companied by rear friend j.c. tuck' and she took a interest in custom rug design creating and painting her original patterns directly on the side which were featured in arc tuck actual digest and the "new york times." she had a reputation for great exactitude and delicacy and perfection in her work. she also created her own business as a personal and home organizer and helped many grateful clients throughout the bay area. linda lived in her studio apartment on the avenue in coal valley for 42 years and during my first run for office in 2016,
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linda decorated the basement which was our war room of my campaign headquarters. it was a deexpressing, window less huge basement storage area until linda gotta hold of it and did the impossible transforming this space to look like a junkel. her unique style and creativity brought joy and life to the space. and made for some memorable phone banks and meetings with the pressures of a campaign set to the back drop of ex odd tick animals and palm. it became like the magnificent set of a broadway musical and yet she was so humble about it and claiming she just grabbed a little bit of this and that from other projects that she just had lying around her house and she create aid quiet room where volunteers can recharge after long hours of phone banking and voter outreach and a testament to linda thoughtfulness and care
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for the well-being of her and years later my staff and i still remember the jungle and talked about it fondly. so marveling at how linda transformed the space with vision and care and ours was just one of hundreds of spaces she filled with life and love during her amazing life. linda passed on july 31st, 2020 on her 72nd birthday and i would like to extend my condolences to linda's husband, my good friend roger, and to her sister nancy and her brother jim and thank you to them for saying their memories of linda with us. may she rest in peace and her member row will be a blessing. the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you. supervisor ronen. >> yes, thank you, colleagues, today i have one item i willing introducing in ordinance.
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with co-sponsors supervisor haney to temporarily suspend citations to business and property owners for graffiti. currently the graffiti abatement and removal ordinance and the public works code makes it unlawful for a person to damage or face and as well as or an owner to allow graffiti to remain on private property. it allows public works to issue a notice of violation to a business or property owner within short time lines. well for the first several months of the shelter in place, public works held off on the issuance citations to merchants and property owners and they have now reassumed. at this time, when these small businesses are struggle to go stay a float during the shut down, to adjust to quickly shifting guidelines of practices, and to rea actively promote new ways of doing business and outdoor spaces and it is demoralizing for the city to for merchants to take on the
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work of cleaning after after vandals or face fees and penalties and my staff and i hear from small businesses all the time and insure you all do as well. they are struggling inform hold on and they're tired and stressed and yet just when we should be offering help, giving them hope, they're handed a notice of a ticket and their shops are vandalize and the city sites them and honestly it must feel like a slap in the face. elizabeth vasquez owns t.o. g. and a mexican grill on 24th street in florida her outdoor pandemic park let has been tagged and she's repeatedly painted over the graffiti. nevertheless, a city inspector showed up for a quote unquote consultation visit which is the right of a citation to follow and michael mcnamara has a pub and the business has been cited three times including ones when the mural that he had painted to us in life to the plywood
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protecting his large window was tagged. he called the city to ask why he had been charged an inspection fee before the deadline foray basement and couldn't get a clearance on what was expected and several weeks after being told that the city had a hardship program he still has not got information on how to apply. my proposed legislation will suspend the portion of a graffiti ordinance that allows citations to be issued to private owners for the duration of the emergency order and wave any pending fees or fines back to january 1st, 2021. the city will continue to be responsible for removing graffiti and also be allowed to respond quickly to pain over offensive hate speech graffiti as a way to counter urban light it may be time to reconsider whether or not it's time to replace the burden on property owners and small businesses and as i understand it, public works felt pressure to resume graffiti abatement and 311 complaints.
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public works waved fees but it puts the onus or merchants to take that and i believe that public works wants to help but does it make to show up with a pad instead of a can of paint? saving small business is a top priority. most san franciscans agree and are stepping up to shop local and help keep mom and pop alive now is the time to walk that talk and make sure we are making it easier for them to keep going. that is the message that they should be hearing from us that we've got their backs and we're ready to give them a break many of let's think carefully and creatively about how we're spending city resources and let's find constructive weighs to deal with expecting our small businesses and the victims in these cases to shoulder that burden. thank you so much for my co-sponsors and matt haney and john and a fair draft north to
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the small business commissioner for flagging this issue and resolution they passed last month and small business commissioners william or tease and sharing his in sight and challenges they are facing and once again the amazing for shepherding this legislation to introductions and i look forward to discussing this at committee and i hope that you will be joining me in passing this in the near future. and the rest i submit. >> clerk: thank you, supervisor ronen. seeing no other names on the roster, mr. president that concludes the introduction of new business. >> thank you so much, madam clerk. now we are at public comment. >> it's time for the public to provide their general public comment. the telephone number is scrolling on your screen. (415)655-0001. and when you hear the prompt entering the meeting i.d. 187
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635 0207, listen from your touch phone and otherwise you may miss the unmuted queue from the system. press star 3 if you would like to provide your public comment now. there are several listeners and we have two people in the queue. i'll set the timer for two minutes. >> linda chapman. i feel blessed to hear all these rally important initiatives that i've been hearing tonight and i would like to tell you about the path that it took just to get information on the covid guidelines for contract and which i knew published by d.p.h. and maybe i'll just call supervisor haney's office and talk to an aid about that because we still have d.b.i. issues that i raised before so
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important and you did item 16 and then on the other hand we have the problem of the foxes in charge of the hen house and i want you to hear about throw really important things where they could have taken action and they either just didn't. in attention, you know, negligence, or complete malfeasance so i'm going back to my co-op. it may take me a couple times. the co-op was damaged in the earthquake of '89. when they had a structural engineer who examine thed one crack that they were aware of and said it should be cured with a poxy which meant it was sealed back together. when i moved in in '91 there were these little tiny plastic cracks around the window edges and who knew that when the
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painter removed the plaster interpret going to be massive cracks that went through the concrete walls and through which water came in and those were tracks that went from floor to floor and it turned out in across the plaster, across the concrete floor or ceiling and so fourth and so, i called, first of all, i had a couple of, i had structural engineers and myself and one was a member of the board and an expert work for the state and i hired one and paid them because they didn't have a vex actual engineer back then. >> thank you for your time. we are setting the time are for two minutes so i apologize for cutting anyone off. so, operations, let's hear from the next caller, please, i believe we have six callers in the queue. and about seven listening. >>
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>> i'm an executive member of the group called decreasing the distance where a parent collective family from across the district and first of all we wanted to appreciate supervisor walton for helping with the deal reached between the district and the unions to get our students back to spring and we're very appreciate tive of that and they have been waiting to get back into the classroom so we're appreciative and we also have been talking with you and many of have you been supportive making sure that our kids can get back to the classroom full time. our middle schoolers and high schoolers were left out of the plans for the spring and i want to read a couple stories, we are calling into read a few stories and i'll read one right now and some others will call in as well. my name is sew fee blaire and i live in san francisco and i attend marina middle school and thank you to president walton for stepping into help with our
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student and i've been waiting a full year for a date and a plan and however there's still no plan for me and my friends to rush. this year i've been able to interact with other students and kids my age and it's very important for me to go back to inperson and without interaction is difficult and not as effective and i still and i'm not learning and i'm falling behind and learning what i should be learning and i'm begging you to step in wish for a date and a plan for getting me back into the classroom where i do best and learn as i should be learning. thank you for your time, sew so. >> thank you for your comments. collisions, can we hear from the next caller, please. >> my name is kit hodge and i'm also a volunteer with decreasing the instant and i'm reading the letters from students.
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hi, my name is ben chan, i live in the sunset and i'm a sixth grader. i started and my first year at school without anyone meeting in-person and i feel as if i'm still in elementary school and thank you to supervisor walton for stepping into help our younger school students back in spring and i've been waiting a full year for a date in plan for my return to school however there's no plan for me and every kid should have a chance to do be their friends and had he limit the time for education and instead of six hours of education we're only getting three and you lack a shared social experience and do you have friends you can improve your social skills and virtual learning and isolating because you are staring into a computer and you get depressed. do you remember the people you met in middle. >> zahra: so i am begging you our leaders to step in again and push for a date and plan to get me back to the classroom where i
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do best, thank you. i will leave it at that. we have a number of more letters from students that i hope we can read. i will hang up now. >> thank you for your comments. each caller has two minutes to provide their comments and if they would like to provide the comment of another person that's fine too. operations, next caller, please. >> caller: hello. i would like to say and i think the board of supervisors needs to convene a safe and hearings on the unmentionable topics of homosexual sex crimes and everyone knows about the boy scouts of america and everybody knows about the catholic priest
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and i was brought to my attention today that well-known chinese fashion designer, alexander wang from san francisco supposedly and now based in new york city admitted involvement in the series of suspicious activities that was only brought to life when the victims hired notable attorneys. we found out about it today and i think homosexuals around the world need to be rewinded that just because you have a powerful lobby, you can't run around the world doing things like that and the pope should be censored for allowing those priested to still exist. the boys scouts of america have to face the truth and so does every homosexual around this world and homosexuals sex crimes
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will not be tolerate and i urge the f.b.i. to look into that too. after, after, they finish with city hall corruption and if you know anything about city hall, i would say contact the public corruption unit in san francisco and they'll get to the bottom of it and we want everybody in jail. even if your chinese, i know you guys out there, you guys should resign from the public positions, you are embarrassing the chinese race. thank you for your time. >> clerk: all right. before we go to the next caller, i'll just make a statement that the body does not tolerate harassing remarks and confers any privilege or protection for expression that constructor duties discriminatory or harassing remarks and i did not cut the caller off, he got his two minutes but he was very
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close to the line. operations, can we please -- >> thank you so much for reaffirming that, madam clerk. >> clerk: thank you, mr. president. operations, can we hear from the next caller, please. >> caller: hi, i'm also a volunteer with decreasing the distance and i'm going to continue reading a letter from the high school students. hi, my name is (inaudible) and i live in sunny side and i attend mission high school. thank you to president walton for stepping into help get our youngest school students back into school this spring. i have now been waiting a full year for a date and plan for my return to school. however there's still no plans for me. i am going to be a senior next year and online schooling has left me unprepared and unmotivated for my future. i'm not learning enough to prepare for the s.a.t.s and he wake up at a&e a.m. to study out of a and hope i get into college
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for the students who have been school for months. i sit in any bed or at a table and stair ought a computer via zoom. i participate so i am quote-unquote a success story. i mom has the means to perform for our home so i'm not like students who keep their computers off and working to survive for their families. i'm thankful for miss teacher to do their best and care about the students and do everything in their power to give us the education we deserve. but the district has shown us that politics and union contract negotiations surpass my constitutional right to an education. these are years i will never get back. high school is a faint memory because our leaders couldn't figure it out for us. the quote-unquote best years of any life will be years of depression, staring out a week wishing i could be in a classroom again so i beg you to step in and push for a date and plan for getting me back no a classroom where i do best. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. >> clerk: ok, we have eight
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listeners in the queue and there are three callers reed to make comments. if you are one of the eight and you would like to get in line to speak, press star 3. otherwise, we'll take these next throw callers to the very end. operations. next caller, please. >> caller: i'm also a member of decreasing the distance and i'm going to read another letter. hi, my name is max and i live in portola and my daughter attends begin brock middle school. i would like to thank president walton for fighting for our public school students. he and his family are proud products of our public school system but there's a huge issue, we have no plans returned date to school while the c.d.c. says it's fine to do so safely and privilege at schools in s.f. have been back ask in session and surrounding progress school districts as well. and in the meantime we can see there are teachers that are
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doing the best they can teaching through zoom and you it's a shaddest in-person learning experience. many aren't learning or present and the lesson they're learning is at school is not as important as every other area of life and we know we can do this so please, please, please, bring back in-person learning for all of our students as soon as possible. >> thank you to the caller for your comments. operations, let's hear from the next caller, please. >> good evening, supervisors, thank you for taking my call. my name is seth and i'm a member of decreasing the distance and i'm reading a letter. from a mom. my name is kim green. i'm relieved some of our
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traditionally students will get what they require and deserve. however, i remain deeply disturbed that our board, district and union have chosen to dismiss the plight of students who are suffering behind closed doors. as we enter year 2, of the crisis that closed our school sites, it doesn't matter what zip code you live in our how intersectional your identity is to outsiders, san francisco public school teams are suffering and increasingly that suffering is a choice made by empowered adults and made by you. in otherwise resource families the spiritual and psychological delay, caused by the closure can be obvious or subtle. we know kids who have stopped showering, who won't leave the house. who refuse to a ploy to college. who are now taking depression medications. who are terrified of everything. who play mind craft 17 hours a day and they haven't picked up their saxophone in 12 months. who are supervisorring younger
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siblings from morning to night and instead of attending school so their parents can work. who can't get out of bed. who log in and immediately go become to sleep. who have gained or lost 30 pounds. who know longer see friends. who watch private school students laughing outside their apartment windows. whose teachers have never not once spoken to them directly. at this point, for no reason other than politics. we know them all. dozens of them and now you do too so my question is, what are you going to do for them. it's not only your job and privilege, it's your imperative. now is the time to put aside cynical games. >> clerk: i want to apologize, we are setting the timer for two minutes but still just a poll apologiesfor cutting you off. operations, let's hear from the next caller.
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we have four in the queue and 10 who are listening. welcome, caller. >> hi, i'm a parent of a second grader at jefferson and sixth grader at apge middle school. i'm calling for us to thank president walton for his leadership and growth the district union to come together. we absolutely need the leadership of all the educational folks and supervisors in this city to get our kids become to school. every single one of them, a full five days a week by fall. we can be going back now and should be to the greatest possible extent the san francisco is just going to continue to hemorrhage students and families if we do not get and make a commitment to getting students back full five days by fall. please, doing everything you can to make that happen. every student in this district deserves and has the right to an
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appropriate quality education and right now, few if any are receiving such an education, this is learning cannot substitute for in-person experiences both whether academically or socially and we have the responsibility to our children, to our community, to get our kids back in school where they node to be and every single child and san francisco is suffering and essentially by this point and there is no go ahead reason not to be bringing them back. thank you so much for take my comments. >> clerk: thank you for bringing your comments. operations, do we have another caller, please. >> hello my name is (inaudible). can you hear me? >> if you speak up just a little bit, that would be best. >> my name is charles.
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i witnessed a security (inaudible) violently attack a person lying on the sidewalk and i'm requesting someone take this serious because the police came and then they gave me a number and left. it's (inaudible) all the stuff about different people pretexts. they violently attack and i am getting no response from the police department, from the board of supervisors, and no one and i don't think it's appropriate. our security, the private security have more regulations and running around with no
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(inaudible) and they received a (inaudible). they have less obligations as a police officer to identify him selves and it's -- san francisco should be better than this. they're allowed to carry weapons at police department doesn't have and i mean, i would appreciate it if i could get some word as to if this is acceptable to the board of supervisors. and i posted it several times on twitter and in facebook and no one has responded it happened across the street from sane anthony's. it's really starting to feel like the government is not going to help owe protect poor and
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plaque people in san francisco. it's really horrifying that we have of to live under this continuous abuse. >> clerk: if you contact the office of clerk the board tomorrow, we will take a note from you and we will do everything we can to assist you. 415 -- you know our office number. 554-5184. thank you, we look forward to talking to you tomorrow. operations, do we have another caller, please. >> caller: thank you. i'm a parent and i want to thank all the supervisors and supervisor walton for helping us get to this point where we might be able to see our children go become to school. i'm going to read a letter from a freshman who has never seen
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the inside of her high school. i don't just want totally open many of we as a city need school to be open. students are falling hyped and mental health problems are soaring and everyone is effected. it's much harder to get help hem the at home and only do students list their friends and teachers my whole class has never seen each other's faces and we deserve action and leadership and will fight until change is made and i know we can't go back tomorrow and it would mean the world to have a real plan for when we can all go back. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. there are 10 listeners and one person in the queue, if you are one of the 10 and you expect to make public comment, press star 3 otherwise we'll take it to the end. operations, can we have the next caller, please. >> hi, good evening. this is barrie toronto.
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i first want to say that i admire the clerk of the board angela for will way she communicates and public comment and how tactful she is in creating the rules regarding public comments. you ought to be admired and she should get a hearing room named after her and also, shaman walton should be commended for how he mediated the negotiations between the teachers' union and the school district administration and great job. on another note, i want to thank supervisor haney for raising the issue about the dig workers being able to get paid for cleaning the vehicles and for making sure they have enough p.p.e. and the thing is, the
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taxi drivers also deserve this and you can understand the type of passengers that we deal with particularly at late-night hours and the fact that it's very difficult to try and enforce the mass rule and the risk we take by taking these passengers and the work we have to do especially with seniors and disabled we only are allowed to get a 10% tip off of the paratransit and essential trip cards so it's important to take that into consideration considering the m.t.a. is making it harder and harder for us to get around the city and to help these seniors and disabled and the at extend of making sure that bikists are safe and at the same time we're not getting paid for our services, thank you for your time and have a good evening. >> clerk: thank you mr. toronto. operations do we have another caller on the line?
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>> caller: hi, there. my name is laura and i'm a parent of two children. i want to thank supervisor walton for his help in getting us to the point where we are this the tentative agreement with uasf return to school and call to support a full return in the fall meaning full five days for pre k through 12th grade. we really need this and it's not just about my children or other people's children it's about the whole city. if we don't have strong public schools on the city, it would be catastrophic so please, please support five full days in the fall. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your
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comments. there are nine listeners, two callers in the queue, operations, let's hear from the next caller, please. if you want to make public comment this evening press star 3 if you are one of the nine listeners. >> caller: my name is laura and i'm a constituent of the d11 and i have two kids at home and they are in elementary school so i am grateful for the good news and the work of president walton but there's so much work ahead. i beg of the board of supervisors who work with the berdych to work with us and continuing to move our kids and have a school day plan and in
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the fall there's a lot of work ahead and the summer is upon us and we continue to resources and continue to work as a community with families and sfuc and the union and whatever it takes. let's just get ready so we don't receive august 2019 and in august 2020, and august 2021 our kids are going to be back in school. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. operations, do we have another caller on the line, please? >> hi, my name is lisa and are you still taking comments on the observation and is that? >> no, we are not, ma'am, that item is in the rules committee now so i would recommend that you, what just talked to the chair of the rules committee and or watch the agenda, great. thank you. >> thank you. >> operations, do we have
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another caller on the line? >> madam clerk, that completes the queue. mr. president. >> thank you so much, madam clerk. seeing no more public comment, public comment is now closed. madam clerk, would you please call the items for adoption without committee reference, items 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, and 39. >> clerk: items as mentioned by the president, 32-40 without items 39 and 40 -- without 38 and 40, were introduced for adoption without reference to committee and unanimous vote is required for resolutions today and any supervisor may require a resolution to go to committee.
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>> without any reservation, these items should be adopted unanimously. madam clerk, please call item 37. >> clerk: item 37 is a resolution to recognize every march as endometrioses aware nice month in the city and county of san francisco. >> thank you so much. colleagues i have a minor amendment to item 37 on the clause on page 1 line 12 striking inflammatory condition where the tissue similar to the lining of the uterus but not the same goes outside of the uterus and instead adding endometrioses is a chronic inflammatory disease and characterized by the
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presence of endometrial owe like tissue found out the uterus and other areas of the body and these urn substantial but a clarifying definition. i would like to thank my colleagues supervisor ronen and haney and chan, president ton and mandelman for co-sponsoring and and would like to mick a motion to approve this amendment. >> i will make a motion. >> thank you so much, supervisor melgar. i did make a motion. >> i'll second. >> thank you. thank you so much. it is been moved and seconds to amend item 37. madam clerk, would you please call the roll. >> clerk: on the amendment to item 37, supervisor safai. >> mr. president, i believe supervisor mar is on the roster.
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this resolution a adopted unanimously. i'm sorry, the motion to amend is adopted unanimously. madam clerk, please call item 37 for roll call vote. >> clerk: on item 37 as amended -- [roll call vote] i believe supervisor peskin is on the roster. >> no, madam clerk, i'd like to reopen roll call and i'd like to add to roll call so after we deal with item 37, i would like to be rereferred. >> clerk: on item 37, as amende]
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>> clerk: there are 11 ayes. >> thank you so much and without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. supervisor peskin. >> thank you president walton, madam clerk, colleagues, i made some very serious allegations earlier in this meeting and i would like to speak to those allegations. as we all learned last week, based on the work of the city attorney, the rate payers of san francisco were over charged some
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94 and a half million dollars for rev use collection and as i spoke to earlier, i am undertaking a reform effort in that regard. >> supervisor peskin, did you want us to rescind a particular item to bring it back? >> no, ma'am. >> clerk: which item are you speaking of? >> i'mal roll call for productions, madam clerk. >> clerk: thank you. >> supervisor peskin is taking his time as a personal privilege to make a statement about his roll call. >> clerk: ok. >> that is correct. >> clerk: i will just make a notation that roll call for introductions were reopened bought objection, mr. president? >> that works, thank you. >> that's what i've asked for so i'd like to reiterate that i do not take these allegations lightly. in the matter of mohammad nuru,
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we were all befuddled that he could have done these things without any knowledge of higher ups in that department. in the matter of recology relative to the rate, we should all be befuddled that no one could have understood these things and i believe that higher ups in many departments actually knew or should have known these things that is what i attempted to explain earlier on. the criminal-justice system will do what it will do but i stick to those comments and i say that to the mayor and the mayor's chief-of-staff and i want to use this moment to double down on my colleagues. >> thank you supervisor peskin. madam clerk, i see that we have no imperative agenda items.
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would you please read the inmemoriam. >> today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following beloved individual on behalf of supervisor preston for the late ms. linda pettybone. >> thank you so much and do we have any further business before us today? >> clerk: that concludes our business for today, mr. president. >> seeing there's no more business, and to continue and honor of woman during this women's history month, i bring you words from vanessa macillo. at the heart of relentlessly pursuing the course for gender equity lies not the desire to give women the upper hand or bestowing matriarch at supremacy beyond the world on the contrary, this pursuit is about society undoing historical
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injustices for which have not only marginalized women but have also ham strung humanity as a whole. and ensuring the participation of women and all levels of key social institutions, is neither redemptive or charitable. it is an indispensable objective without which humanity is incapable of meaningful progress or events. and with that, we are adjourned.
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>> president cohen: wednesday, 539 tm p.m.,march 10th. we've got a full house and before we begin, i'd like to welcome our newest member, commissioner larry yee. sworn in just this morning. he's joining us today. welcome, commissioner yee. so, colleagues, let's go ahead and proceed. sergeant youngblood could you please call the role? >> clerk: yes, ma'am.
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[roll call] >> clerk: we also have mrits chief paul scott. >> president cohen: all right. ladies and gentlemen, please join me in the pledge of allegiance. please rise and put our hand over your heart. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god with liberty and justice for all. okay. thank you. all right. ladies and gentlemen, i want to recognize international women's month. this is a time that we celebrate all the women of the world that are doing work that's seen and unseen. and, with that, i want to recognize our women that are in service within the department. we thank you for your service. we know that it is not easy.
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all right. sergeant youngblood, could you please call the first item. >> clerk: line item one, general public comment. at this time, the public is welcomed to address the commission for up to two minutes on items that do not appear within the agenda. under police nor commissioners are required to respond to questions by the public but may provide a brief response. comments or opportunities to speak during the public comment period are available via phone by calling 415-655-0001 with access code 1874391483. press pound and then pound again and press star 3 if you wish to make a comment. e-mail the secretary of the police commission at sfpd.commission sfdaurg. or via postal service locate.
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for members on the line, please press star 3 now if you would like to make public comment. and, commissioner, we have a number of public comments. good evening, caller, you have two minutes. >> hello, my name is ben paul. i volunteer with felicia jones with wealth and disparities in the black community. first, i want to invite members of the police commission and other community members and city officials at this plaza for a community meeting we've organized on violence in the community. as you know, there's been a number of shootings in bay view recently and, in 2016 reform effort coming from the doj,
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they pointed out that racially bias policing and a lack of community policing was a huge issue and we believe sfpd does not conduct community policing partnering with the community. instead, they put a troller, a mobile outpost as if sfpd is an outside military force occupying the community. we don't believe that's -- stands of empathy and mutual respect and we're reminded of dane's king's for those who preside in predominantly black neighborhoods in san francisco. so we hope that sfpd's unwilling to to enact community policing into account as the budget is reviewed and we hope the members of the police commission and other community members and officials will join us this friday at 1:00 p.m. at menzel plaza on this issue.
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thank you. >> thank you, caller. >> clerk: good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> hello, my name is gene bridges and i'm with the core team of wealth and disparities as well. california has prepared a presentation this evening addressing gun violence. the presentation talking points proclaim quote sf has achieved reduction in violence. we will seek to understand what has worked and continue to make progress. yet, the systemic issues within and around blacks in the san francisco say otherwise in a city where the black population is under 6%, a whopping 54% of the homicide victims since 2017 have been black. on a per capita basis, insatiable disparity and systemic racism endured by black san franciscoans is
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clear. district 10 service gaps include lack of training and employment opportunities, housing stability and inadequate access to mental health and medical treatment. gas and services are contributing factors to the violence experienced by d10 residents unquote. as at thelicia jones says blacks have been studied, yet there have been no real improvements. we hope there will be discussion about moving funds from the police and sheriff's department, but also other city departments. dph, hsa, dpya, toward funding quality of life for the black community. in terms of addressing the gun violence and safety issues in san francisco, we hope everyone will join us this friday at mendel plaza on this issue. thank you. >> my name is susan buckman.
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i live in district five and i am with wealth and disparities in the black community. we invite commissioners and others to join us this friday at 1:00 p.m. for a community meeting. there has been an alarming number of shootings in the bay view. we are dismaid that the city officials have not made this a top priority. residents are already dealing with the health and economic crisis now have to worry about their safety as well. the very real need the community has during this crisis are not being met. including employment training and opportunity, work force development, mental health, education, investment in black businesses, and homelessness. at the same time, the bay view continues to experience overpolicing in terms of arrests, traffic stops, and use of force incidents. a recent national news story
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using data. we want to see the police department's plan for reduction of violence. to enact unbiased and true community policing. we demand that the police and city officials make safety and well being in the bay view a top priority and we advocate for funds that currently go into overpolicing to go into quality of life programs. with the understanding that $60 million annually is not nearly enough to invest in the black community given the scope of these issues. and the fact that although the black san francisco community has been studied and reported on for 55 years, there has been no significant investment into the community's well being. once again, we invite
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commissioners and other officials to join us this friday at mendel plaza at 1:00 p.m. >> clerk: thank you, caller. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> hello. my name is kit hodge. i'm also with wealth and disparity. the pandemic crisis is resulting in enormous health and economic impact. disproportionately impacting black people. the bay view community has had to endure the effects of increased crime and gun violence. according to sfpd, quote, in district 10 as a whole, black and latino men are disproportionately affected by gun violence. and roughly 54% of the 143 homicides city wide january 1st, 2017. that was 1748 results as of
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march 31st, 2020. 80% were male. 41% are black. and 61% are hispanic . 54% black homicide victims in the city, the black population is under 6%. all in all, the bay view for instance is disproportionate over policing. [inaudible] ten times as less to use of force and more than five times as likely as the latinos. -- the community policing that was mandated by the department four years ago and more than four years and the devastating effects this has had on the black community and take into account. in closing, i hope all attendees will join us on friday. thank you.
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>> can we give out the dpa information for people who want reports? >> president cohen: let's just get through the public comment and then we'll pick it up then. >> thank you. >> clerk: good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> hi. my name is ben saunders i'm with the black community core teams as many of the other commentors have already talked about bay view is facing an absolute crisis right now. i know we have it on our agenda to discuss. just to make sure everyone's aware of the issues, district 10 accounted for. 25% of all violence. and 20% of all violent firearms crimes in 2019. it's getting worse there. i think we'll work to hear what sfpd has. i've looked through their
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california partnership community reports and it talks about diving into the cause of gun violence, it talks about what's the ethnic make up. and, you know, it's an interesting dive, but nothing pivotal. what are the fundamental interventions and changes that can be made for the community and partner together to really drive with changing the underlying conditions that is creating environments where the violent crimes can take place and is enabling that. children in the community are not only suffering from impoverished conditions. so [inaudible] -- anger post traumatic stress. we've been talking about this for a very long time. this issue hasn't changed. i think we're very much looking forward to hear what sfpd has. we need more radical change. because more of the same really
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hasn't seemed to be doing much to change things in the bay view. so looking forward to what you have to say. from radical some serious change and encourage you to join us at our event on friday at mendel plaza with the community and the police force with the community to build trust. thank you. >> clerk: thank you, caller. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> hi, good evening. my name is carolynn boousen. happy international women's month tow all as well. i just wanted to say that our office is looking forward to hearing more about the report being presented tonight on understanding serious violence in san francisco. we are excited to see new approaches being discussed. i do have questions about where the data comes from and also the methodology being used for
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the report. so we hope to learn more about that and what the concrete next steps are and also who is going to be involved in those next steps. we hope to see representation from all those stakeholders and hope that the public defender's office is included at the table as well. so thank you so much. good night. >> clerk: thank you, caller. good evening, miss brown. you have two minutes. >> good evening. hi. i'm calling concerning my son [inaudible] who was murdered august 14th, 2006. and, to this day, his case is unsolved and i'm concerned about unsolved homicide. african americans mothers still suffering from the murder of her son and the stereotype and the historical bias stereotyping that police officers and feds are putting on our african american people of color that they are in gangs
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just because they live in the same neighborhood is a gang member or are gang members. and that's not fair to our children. we have paid for them to go to school and they're getting labeled also and that was labeled on my son and it's not fair and i know it was labeled on my son and done to every african american or person of color. and i'm still bringing up that my son's case is not solved and the people that are responsible for murdering my son are names of thomas hanibal, paris maupit, jason thomas, anthony hunter, thomas hunter. these names are on my son's case down at homicide and these are the perpetrators that murdered my son and they have all the names of the
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perpetrators that murdered my son, but no witnesses. i don't understand that. how did you get the names but you can't get these people from murdering our children. the main culprit is hannibal thomas and paris maupit. so i'm worried about that. and my son is still at [inaudible] funeral home. his case number is 606862038 and as an african american mother i should not have to go through this again and it's not fair. >> clerk: thank you, miss brown. for members of the public that have information regarding the murder, you can call the tip line. good evening, caller, you have two minutes. >> hello, my name is david aaronson.
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i'm a resident of district one and i am also with the corps team of black disparities. i hope everyone will join us this friday at mendel plaza. on working towards gun violence solutions. i'd like to call attention to the fact that the bay view is experiencing numerous crisis at once. at the same time, they're facing the fall-out from the pandemic which has resulted. there have also been a recent increase in crime, especially violent crime in the bay view especially several shootings. this crisis exacerbated by the systemic racism education, and income. an ongoing issue and contributes to violence and quality of life issues. according to the sf planning
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department statistic on poverty, in 2018, over 30% of district 10 households lived in poverty compared to 10% city wide. 70% of children lived in low income families. unemployment in district 10 was twice the city wide rate and only 42% of district 10 residents over the age of 25 graduated from if high school. this is unacceptable and these disparities have only worsened during the pandemic. i'd like to echo the previous caller and city processing continues, we hope there will be talks about the process. also workforce development, dcyf towards quality of life services in the black community. a $60 million annual reallocation from the funds in police and sheriff's department is nearly not enough.
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once again i'd like to invite everyone to join us. >> sir. if i may, is that meeting a zoom meeting? >> no. that is an in-person meeting at mendel plaza at 3rd & paloo. >> thank you. >> clerk: good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> good evening commissioners. this comment is directed to the police paul henderson. i have tried to reach police accountability for the last two months to schedule another media if needed as well as inquire about the follow up. in january of 2020, i had mediated by police accountability department with the sergeant as mediated by g green. based on an ongoing seven year
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dispute in my -- excuse me in my residency incited by an individual. according to the sergeant this individual is under investigation for a warrant of arrest for violating his second three year restraining order. the agreements obtained a letter from the san francisco police legal department which was to be forwarded to the da's office as quoted by the following e-mail i received on february 8th. i hope you remember me saying the letter will go through league, so this isn't going to be done quickly. i will promise you by the end of this week, i will talk and submit a copy of the letter to legal so we will be moving forward. it has been over a year and i will continue no results to the mediation. can you please advise me of my next steps i need to take to resolve this problem. i am perplexed by the e-mail i received on march 1st from sharon osley that once cases
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are closed, the cases or records are sealed. how can you close a case that's not solved at all by a legal binding agreement. >> clerk: thank you, caller. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> okay. good evening, commissioners. my name is cheryl thornton and i'm calling in regarding -- i work for the san francisco health department and black residents in san francisco are just disproportionately living 12 to 15 years less than any other group and a lot of this is related to the systemic racism. so the racial bias policing that's happening in the bay view, i think it's really causing harm, the health and harm to black residents. so i agree with other callers that there needs to be funds defunded from the police department and other departments like the health department, workforce
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development to reinvest in the black community so that we can close these health disparities. thank you. >> clerk: thank you, caller. and, president cohen, that is the end of public comment. >> president cohen: all right. thank you very much. i want to acknowledge commissioner hamasaki, did you have a question. >> commissioner hamasaki: generally i just had a question about reaching out to dpa. >> president cohen: i'm happy to do it if it's an appropriate time president cohen.
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>> vice president elias: if the caller who called in regarding the mediation asking for me, sarah hawkins they will get put through to my number and i will make sure to address the mediation situation. online complaints can also be filed. thank you. >> president cohen: thank you very much. i also want to acknowledge we have joining with us today supervisor -- excuse me. president shevon walton. we're grateful for your time. and i want to get to the meat of our meeting, but first, i want to go through the reports to the commission so, sergeant youngblood can you please call
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the next item. >> president, one other thing, i would ask that the public thank you for letting us know of this event on friday and, in the future, if there are any other events, please let the commission office know so that we can calendar these events and hopefully attend these events. >> clerk: line item 2. provide an overview of offenses occurring in san francisco. major/significant incidents. provide a summary of planned activities and events. this will include a brief overview of any unplanned events or activities occurring in san francisco. commission discussion on unplan pd events and activities the chief describes will be limited to determining whether to calendar for future meeting. >> okay.
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are we ready? >> president cohen: yes. chief please. >> okay. good evening. commissioners. and executive director -- i'm sorry. i just lost my point. executive director henderson and the public. i'll start this week's crime trend briefing just with the data. i know we have the california partnership presentation and an update on our status of the violence in bay view and our strategies on that. so i'll be brief with this part of the report so we can get to our more detailed reports on the strategies that we are working with the community and others to actually deal with some of what i'm about to report to you. so i'll start with part 1 crime. violent crime. overall, the violence is up 3% more than last year year to date. we solved four of those
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homicides and we still have work to do on three that still remain unsolved. in terms of other violent crimes, double digit decreases across the board rape, robbery, assault as well as human trafficking. the biggest -- robberies are our biggest number and our biggest increase. so that is good news, however, we know there's still a ton of work to do in terms of addressing that issue more effectively. in terms of property crimes, we are up and this is the most alarming news in this report. we're still up in burglaries significantly. we're up 567 burglaries from where we were this time last year. we were at 1,569 as opposed to just over 1,000 this time last year. motor vehicle thefts, arson, and we're significantly down in larceny and theft which includes auto burglary. that is a piece of good news.
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in terms of strategy, we're going to talk in detail about some of our gun violence reduction strategies and the analysis in terms of the findings of where we [inaudible] our areas. just the station by station breakdown. but what you will hear in the analysis and the strategy is that -- and this is not going to be new news to most people, but bay view, mission, northern, eagle side, tenderloin, those are our biggest jumps in gun violence in our district stations and the biggest of the group is in terms of percentages is bay view, which is double. mission five more shootings. tenderloin four more victims than last year. so being that the focus tonight is going to be on bay view and the other districts where gun violence is occurring, i'll talk a little bit about some of
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our strategies on burglaries and the property crime increases as i have reported, we are identifying or have identified a number of individuals who we believe to be involved, chronically involved in those types of crimes. we've had some success working with our district attorney and his staff and identifying these individuals and once they are arrested trying to deal with those individuals for effectively. we hope that's a strategy we continue to improve. it does make a difference to arrest an individual who is prolific in terms of the amount of crimes they have committed and we've had some success. we've identified, we had some people on our list who have been identified in crimes that occurred over the last week and week and a half. we have investigations in process and we believe that the evidence will lead to those cases being solved. so that is an ongoing strategy. also, as i reported in the last
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meeting, one of our community policing strategies to our police community division is our community safety walks where we partner with community volunteers, members of the respective community and our community and also deleting these walls and really it's about community engagement, getting everybody engaged because as many callers stated, we do believe that's necessary. we are in tune to engaging in community policing and getting members of the public involved in reducing crime, preventing crime, increasing awareness, and increasing resilience which is a big part of our community policing is set out to do. in an ideal situation, we want to address this without our jail population exploding, which is also one of our strategies that you will hear about tonight. in terms of other incidents that are happening, we had
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