tv Police Commission SFGTV March 20, 2021 12:50pm-1:46pm PDT
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migration, to have a culturally flourishing city. thank you. >> president bleiman: anyone else have questions? >> when all the tech people moved out, do you think that people will move into the city who are really into live music again into rock and roll and going out? >> i'm just joking sort of. it's a good question. san francisco obviously, has benefited traditionally from waves of young people moving in the city for no particular economic reason. there are times when that's hard and there are times when that's
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easier. this is one of those times. like i was suggesting before, i do think there could be a gold rush mentality about san francisco apartments in 2021. i don't know who's going to feel motivated to move to san francisco. people starting a band and san francisco feels like an affordable and more relaxed place at the moment compare to other places. we can have another moment for that cultural. i can see that happening. >> what's what i'm hoping. i was talking with bar owners, we were talking about how after the crash in 2008, even in 2003, 2004 and 2005 and in 2010, there's so many people who worked in service in the city. your entire staff lived in the
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city. they go out a lot and they spend a lot of money at restaurants and bars and nightlife then slowly they got priced out to the point where i had hundred something staff and fewer half of them were able to actually live in the city. they were commuting. it was a different scene. it will be interesting to see. >> we have seen during the 2010 sort of movement of low wage workers who work in san francisco to live there. it doesn't look like low-wage workers moving out the city.
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the people who have their jobs, the tech workers seem to be the ones leaving. obviously there are eviction moratoriums for folks who own their homes. there are mortgage forbearance programs. those keep getting rolled back. the good news is, people are keeping current on their debt. their rent debt. lot of low-wage workers are struggling to pay the rent. they are liquidating their savings. when the public health emergency is over and if the federal government draws the line in the stimulus and says it's time for eviction moratorium to end and start talking about a payment plan and that money is there for people. then you may start to see people saying, despite that san francisco rents are down 25%, i can't afford my place anymore. i'm worried about that.
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frankly, the service workers who live in san francisco, many of them can't afford an apartment. they really need to have income security around the place that they live now. if you still have elevated unemployment at restaurants and other low-wage industries, it's going to be difficult. i have concerns about that as much as i get the point that big rent reduction opens the door to new people moving in the city. >> any further questions? i'm going to open this up to public comment. >> clerk: there are no hands raised. >> president bleiman: we want to thank you so much for such a thoughtful presentation. it was really helpful.
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strangely helpful. fantastic. >> i think this is going to be the worse presentation i will share with you for a long time. >> president bleiman: thank you again for joining us. >> thank you. >> his slides are in the shared fouledder -- folder for you. >> all right everyone. >> president bleiman: the next agenda item is number 6. update on nightlife business assistance in response to covid-19. the legendary ben van houten.
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>> thank you. i truly do not deserve that level of introduction. dylan, you're going to bring up the slide deck? >> yes, let me do that. >> i have a short update on some of the federal state, local efforts that are ongoing and obviously happy to to field any questions. i wanted to start out with status updates. the governor signed legislative package that provides a number of different release measures including several for small businesses. first off on the california small business covid-19 relief grant program, that's the program grants up to $25,000 for small businesses impacted by the
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pandemic. application windows were in january and february and application period closed, there was significant amount of uncertainty among businesses about whether they were going to receive these grants and lot of folks got wait listed. the good news is that there has been $500 million allocated to that program and the new legislative package that the governor signed provides $2 billion for that relief grant program. there's some optimism that businesses who have not heard anything recently about their relief grant application that hopefully, those folks will get some relief through the additional money being provided. traditionally, the governor announced fee waivers for restaurant and bars for their liquor licenses. two years for liquor license businesses. the way that will work
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operationally has been after businesses receive their renewal notices, qualifying business can apply for a waiver with a.b.c. there's an f.a.q. page on the a.b.c. website. jumping on to the next slide. in addition to financial relief, there's really flurry of legislations happening now, beginning of the 2021 california legislative session. i highlighted two bills here that have been introduced. there are a number of bills that touch on nightlife, entertainment, outdoor activities, outdoor dining, there's a lot of ideas out there. this is not meant to suggest there are only twos but to highlight two that are on our
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radar. sb314 from sandra weiner does a lot. including establishing a permit program for a.b.c. so that businesses can continue to do alcohol service that they've been doing through the emergency relief. great to see that being proposed to be permanent. additionally, 314 will create new type of liquor license for entertainment venues especially in place like san francisco where we have a hard cap on restaurant and bar licenses. that's an exciting piece of the proposal.
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additionally the bill would adopt open consumption areas on public streets if they chose to do so under the terms that localities could adopt there. there are a number of different reforms and really innovative ideas to help businesses share premises or share a common consumption area also some reforms around the liquor license application process. sb389 from senator dodd. enables restaurants to continue sebbing to go alcohol beverages. as carbon drafted, it would enable restaurants to continue to serve to go alcohol and would allow to go mixed drink,
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cocktails with meal service. i highlighted here would not extend to bars. that's something i'm sure the bar community is already thinking about and i think it will be an important piece of extending that relief beyond as the pandemic continues and hopefully after it is done. next local relief efforts, update here i think it was couple of days after the last commission hearing i presented at. the mayor announced a commitment to allocate $1.5 million of the previously announced relief grant money for entertainment venues. our office o.w.d. is working hard to get a relief grant program up and running to get that money appropriated and to
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make that happen. in that process, there will be grant funding specifically for entertainment venues. more to come on that. the second box is about the venue recovery fund. that legislation was approved by the board of supervisors last week. there doing that in consultation with our office with the entertainment commission and industry stakeholders. there's forward momentum on the recovery fund. i'm sure more news in the future. finally, part update.
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this is the federal grant program that our entertainment industry worked really hard to advocate for. it's really has become all the more desperately needed in the months since the federal relief legislation was adopted end of december. there's no new information on when an application will be posted, what the application timeline will be like. i saw headline that some members of congress have reached out to the s.b.a. expressing concern about the time it's taking to get that program off the ground.
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these are core steps businesses can take now. really most importantly is to register with the federal government system for award management. which is a process that can, according to the s.b.a. take up to couple of weeks. really making sure that a business registered for that system in the business need dunn and bradstreet number. if they have one, they can request a dunn and bradstreet. in addition, business should be regularly check the frequently asked questions document. it can help inform people about where the program is heading. finally to gather any documents that will be needed in order to apply for a grant. documents showing number of employees that your business or had, showing the extent of the revenue loss, diagrams maybe
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applications. given in part urgency of the need and also i think industry members concerns that they are even $15 billion is not going to be enough for the scope of the need that's out there. i think that's the end of the slides. only other thing i would add is that the federally relief package currently being discussed in congress, has at present, a relief program of grants for restaurants and bars. there was a piece of legislation last year. the restaurant act that was as introduced this year.
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with that, i will stop talking and open for any questions, thoughts to assist. >> president bleiman: anybody have any questions? >> good report. do you know anybody that really got the grants? the state grants that we first applied for? have you heard of anybody getting those? >> i have heard of businesses getting the grant. i don't want to go off anecdotal. given the massive expansion of the funding, to wait and see about in terms of having any sort of final conclusions about where the money is going. i do know that lot of folks have been very frustrated by the lack of communication, or limited
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communication on that program. which, i think, on some level, it's unprecedented effort for the state to -- given number of businesses and number of sectors that have been impacted by the pandemic. >> the communication is better. we get an updated e-mail saying it's still on the wait list. i'm just curious. we got to be patient. >> yeah, i think so. >> president bleiman: questions? commissioner lee, i got one of the california grants. >> commissioner lee: you're one of the lucky ones. >> president bleiman: it was about 70 in our bar group that
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applied. i think two of us got it. >> commissioner lee: two out of 70. >> president bleiman: thank you ben. that was a good report. my question -- if i want to share this information with others -- i know said there's lot of places to go, is the slide show available? >> i don't know that it's posted anywhere. you're welcome to send it around. >> president bleiman: i love to. i think this is really helpful. >> clerk: i will post it. >> president bleiman: cool. thank you very much. appreciate it. looks we have some something to look forward to. is there any public comment on
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this agenda item? >> clerk: standby. there's nobody in the queue with their hand raised and no phone calls. >> president bleiman: thank you very much, ben. see you soon. we are getting to the final agenda item tonight. which is number 7. commissioner comments and questions/new business request for future agenda items. what you got everyone? >> commissioner lee: my only comment is based on these two reports. the industry got to figure it out for themselves. you can apply for all these grants and everything but in the meantime, just do what you got to do to survive out there.
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>> commissioner lee: every year we have to do the sunshine training? >> every year, commissioner. [laughter] >> president bleiman: just pick the most restrictive option. it's always that one. any other comments? that's it for me. i don't have anything specifically. we are going to keep our eye on save the stages act because it
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will be nice to know how everybody is doing given the grants that they may or may not be producing. is there any public comment on this agenda item? >> clerk: there's nobody in there with hand raised and no call. >> president bleiman: all right. we'll close public comment. i will go ahead and adjourn this meeting at 6:47 p.m. thank you very much everyone. see you in couple of weeks.
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>> chairman: this meeting will come to order. this is the march 17th, 2021, budget and finance committee meeting. i'm matt haney. and i joined by ahsha safai and supervisor gordon clark. madam clerk, do you have any announcements? >> clerk: due to covid-19 health emergency, city employees and public, the board of supervisors and legislative chamber and committee room are closed. members will be participating in the meeting remotely. this is precaution is taken to the local state and federal orders and declarations and
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directives. members will participate in the meeting to the same extent as if they're physically present. public comment will be present on channel 26 and comments or opportunity to speak during public comment period will be by calling 415-655-0001, i.d. 1872518978, then ##, and when connected, you will hear the meeting discussion, but you will be muted. when you're item of interest comes up, dial *3 to be added to the speaker line. best practice are to call from a quiet location and turn down your television or radio. you may submit public comment in the following way, e-mail myself. if you submit public comment via e-mail, it
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will be forwarded to the supervisors and included during the official item. mr. chair, this concludes my announcements. >> chairman: thank you so much, madam clerk. we have a full budget and finance committee agenda, so thank you for being brief with your presentations, and thank you in advance for your patience. madam clerk, can you please call item one. >> clerk: yes. item one, resolution approving the amendments for the san francisco auto (indiscernable) for services related to the towing, stor is rage, and disposal of abandoned vehicles, for a total amount not to skeet 88.6 million, to commence on april 1, 2021. members of the public who wish to provide public comment should call
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415-655-0001, i.d. 1872518978, then press pound twice. if you have not already done so, dial *3 to line up to speak. please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted and you may begin your comments. >> chairman: thank you so much, madam clerk. i believe before we started, i know we do have steven lee from the sfmta to make a presentation. i did want to turn it over to vice chair safai, i know you had a request on this item, and we may be able to -- assuming that that happens, not have a presentation today. vice chair safai? >> thank you, chair haney. just with respect to time and the level of questions that i have, it was brought to my attention in the briefing with the b.l.a., there were a number of questions they could not answer, and, you
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know, with regard to many different aspects of this, particularly as it pertained to some of the real details of the overall contracts and of its history and so on, so i would request a two-week continuance so that we can work with the sfmta to dive deeper into these questions and the b.l.a., and to save some time based on our overall agenda today. so i would make a motion to just continue this for two weeks. >> chairman: thank you. i am good with that. mr. lee, i know you're here and prepared to make a presentation. is there anything that you want to say right now? are you going to be able to survive with two more
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weeks? >> good morning, supervisions, can you hear mow preparing. hearme? >> chairman: yes. >> i'm not familiar with any unanswered questions that they may have, and we've had long discussions about the contract itself and came to an agreed upon sort of recommendation in terms of providing the board with a comprehensive report by march 31st, 2023, reducing the not to exceed amount by 400,000. if there are any questions, i would like t' try to answer them now, if there are any concerns. i think extending the item and sort of -- well, actually approving the item today does not sort of, you know, lessen our desire to address any concerns as it relates to the contract itself. and just in terms of, i would say, anxiety on the
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part of people work on the contract, the union members, an extension doesn't help with that sort of anxiety about what could be their livelihood. so if possible, i would love to address any concerns you have at this time. >> chairman: i appreciate that and i understand why that would be your view. vice chair safai, you don't have to answer this, but is there anything you want to say in terms of clarifying why this is something that shouldn't -- >> i would just add, mr. chair, i speak to the representative groups that represent the employees, and they're fine with a continuance. this has less to do about the company itself, auto return -- i have no issues with how they're operating. it has more to do with the overall decisions and some
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of the way this program is implemented in the city. giving us a little more time to dive in deeper, this is an important contract, it impacts a lot of areas of san francisco. and when the b.l.a. says to me they're not able to answer, or they felt a bit rushed, it just would be better, i think, for all parties involved. i don't think this impacts the contract in any way. no employees will be impacted. it would be better to continue it and come back after the break, because we have a break in two weeks. if we could just come back to the mealing after that, meeting after that,i think thate more sense. >> chairman: okay. i know that b.l.a. has a report on this -- i'm seeing -- sorry, i don't know if somebody is raising their hand there. >> clerk: yes, mr. chair. that is mr. tom mcguire from m.t.a., and he would like to speak on this
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item. >> chairman: okay. mr. mcguire? >> yes. i wanted to clarify that we can continue to provide towing services, so we're not going to have a lack of continuity of operation if we were to continue to the item. i just -- i think what he is reflecting is the fact that we are eager to both talk about the particulars of the contract and also talk to you how there remains greater questions about the tow capacity, and how much it costs to get towed. and we can provide it for a minimum of two years, while we look at labor, equity, and the cost of living in san francisco. we certainly -- he's right, we would like to talk about it as soon as
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possible, but we can certainly operate without hearing the item today. what we will be talking about when we come back after the continuance, in some ways the stop-gap contract so we can continue to operate why while we have a deeper conversation about towing in san francisco. >> chairman: i appreciate that. i'm glad this will not disrupt operations, and i think that will all make sense. i personally am looking forward to the longer conversation, when we have it, and i think it will be a positive thing, and maybe even a less long conversation if mr. safai can have some of his questions answered and dive a bit deeper and i'm sure help get us all to a better place with all of this by then. with that, i'm going to -- i know there is a b.l.a. report, but i'm going to hold off on that. are there any members of the public who want to speak on this item? >> clerk: yes, mr. chair.
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mr. maria penna is checking to see if there are any callers in the cue. members of the public, who wish to provide public comment, please press *3. please continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. mr. chair, there are no callers in the cue. >> chairman: great. public comment is now closed. so vice chair safai, do you want to make a motion? >> yes, mr. chair. so i move that we continue this item to the meeting of april the 7th. >> chairman: all right. i will second that. madam clerk, this is moved to be continued to april 7th by supervisor safai, seconded by chair haney, and roll call vote. >> clerk: vice chair safai? >> aye. >> clerk: member mar?
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>> aye. >> clerk: chair haney? >> aye. >> clerk: there are three ayes. >> chairman: thank you. we'll see you in two weeks. thank you. >> chairman: madam clerk, can you please call items two and three together? >> clerk: item number two, resolution retroactively authorizing the office of the district attorney to expand a grant in the amount of 316,000 for the department of california insurance body automobile insurance fraud program for july 1st 2020 to june 30, 2021. item three, authorizing the office of district attorney to accept an extended grant (indiscernable) for the insurance fraud program for a period of july 1st, 2020, to june 30, 2021. members of the public who wish to provide public comment, call
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415-655-0001, i.d. 1872518978, then press pound twice. if you have not already done so, please dial *3. please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted and you may begin your comments. >> chairman: great. thank you. i believe we have -- do we have the district attorney himself here? and a.d.a. perry from the d.a.'s office. >> good morning. this is (indiscernable) from the san francisco district attorney's office. i'm the managing attorney of the economic crimes unit. we, by items two and three, seek authorization to accept and expand funds distributed by the california of insurance for purposes of investigating, deterring, and prosecuting workers
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compensation insurance fraud as well as automobile insurance fraud. >> chairman: great. thank you. is there a b.l.a. report on this item? >> chair haney, no, there is no b.l.a. report on this item. >> chairman: okay. and can you speak to why this is retroactive? >> yes. the california department of insurance, the grant period is from july 1st, 2020, through june 30th of 2021. the department does require us to seek resolution separate from what we did in previous years, which was to incorporate it within the regular budget process of the city.
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with that change, which occurred i believe two years ago, we have had to wait until we get the final signing of the grant funding, and then move forward with the process of seeking the authority. >> chairman: okay. colleagues, do you have any questions or comments? seeing none, are there members of the public who wish to speak on this item. >> clerk: we're checking to see if there are any callers in the cue. members of the public who wish to provide public comment on items two and three, please press *3. please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. mr. chair, there are no speakers who wish to comment on two and three.
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>> chairman: great. public comment is now closed. with that, i want to move items two and three to the full board with a positive recommendation. can we have a roll call vote, please. >> clerk: on that motion, vice chair safai? >> aye. >> clerk: mr. mar? >> aye. >> clerk: chair haney? >> aye. >> clerk: there are three ayes. >> chairman: thank you. thank you so much. thank you for your time and your work. and this will go to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> thank you so much. >> chairman: madam clerk, please call item four. >> clerk: resolution authorizing the airport solution to accept or expand grants (indiscernable) that may be offered from the federal aviation
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administration, including up to 40.5 million for certain general airport purposes and up to 5.9 million for the purpose of providing financial relief to eligible airport (indiscernable) on receipt by the airport commission of one or more grant authizations. authorizati. members of the public who wish to provide public comment, please dial 415-655-0001, i.d. i.d. 1872518978, then pound twice, and *3. >> chairman: all right. we have reached the regular airport portion of our committee meeting. welcome back. we should make you an honorary member of the committee.
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>> good morning. good to see you you all again. thank you for hearing this item. the airport is seeking your approval to accept and expand $46,543,901 in federal grants from the federal aviation administration airport coronavirus response grant program. with no local match required. the coronavirus response and relief supplemental appropriation act was enacted in december 2020 to provide the financial relief to eligible u.s. airports and eligible concessions at those airports, affected by the public covid-19 emergency. they established it as a mechanism to distribute these funds. the funding has two components. one portion in the amount of 40.6 million, will reimburse the airport for operating expenses, including cleaning and sanitation, in the prevention of the spread
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of covid. the second portion will are used to provide airport rent relief. the requirement for receiving funds, the airport need todd have employed through february 15th, 2021, at least 90% of its workforce at the airport as of march 27, 2020. the airport is currently in compliance with this requirement. the b.l.a. has requested approval of the proposed revolution, but i'm happy to answer any questions, along with several members of our government affairs and financing. thank you. >> chairman: thank you. is there a b.l.a. report on this item? >> thank you. chair. the proposed resolution would authorize the airport to accept a grant from the federal aviation administration in the amount of 46.5 million on
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page eight of our report -- excuse me, on page nine of our report -- we show the grant funding sources, 40.6 is million millionwould be for general airport operation, and 5.9 million would provide relief for concessions. and we recommend approval. >> chairman: thank you. supervisor safai? >> thank you, mr. chair. i just wanted to make a couple of comments about this. i did talk to some of the representative labor groups. i think this is a real positive. thank you, ms. gizone, for being here and providing information. obviously, we want to do everything we can to help operations. i just want to highlight something. i know supervisor mar cares deeply about this as well. as we have been in the
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pandemic, many employers are in negotiations regarding their employees. and one aspect of that is worker retention and the right for employees to return to their job. i know that two of the airport rental companies have been very resistant to hiring back employees who were laid off, many of whom have seniority, be andmany who have worked for avis and hertz for a long time. we should also make sure that these companies know when we're working with them and helping them in this process, particularly companies on the scale of
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an avis and hertz, they should be very open and willing to have a conversation about rehiring employees that were laid off, and not trying to let go of their most senior employees and bring them back at a starting salary, as though they were resetting their entire career. i think that is wrong. i think that is unjust. i know that we're going to have a larger stimulus package conversation that will come down as part of this 1.9 trillion dollar bailout. and i did have a conversation with director satero and representative laborer, and they committed to sitting down on how that money will go forward. i'm fine with this today. i wouldn't want to hold it up and harm any concessions or businesses in the airport, or the
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airport itself. i just wanted to say on the record that i think it is really important that the companies that are being given additional bailout money need to be really receptive to the conversation about being respectful to their workers. thank you, mr. chair. >> chairman: thank you, supervisor safai, and i absolutely agree with those remarks and sentiment. with that, are there any members of the public who would like to speak on this item? >> clerk: yes. d.t. is checking to see if there are awe callers in the cue. members of the public who wish to provide public comment, please dial 415-655-0001 and then i.d. 1872518978, and press pound twice and then star
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3. there is one caller in the cue. can you please unmute the caller. >> caller: hello, supervisors. this is joe with teamsters local 665. i hope you all are doing well, and thank you forgiving me the time here to make a few comments. as i think you're aware, we represent about 1500 workers in and around the airport. among those are workers for the rental car companies, specifically avis and hertz. this is a conversation for another day, but there are other non-union companies working there and shouldn't be. back on track here, i understand that as part of this relief package, avis and hertz are going to be receiving over a million in rent relief from the airport, in addition to the three plus million they already received in 2020. everyone, obviously, has been hit really hard by the pandemic at the airport, and everywhere, for that matter.
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but to be clear, they have not used those funds to benefit their workers and our members. in fact -- and this is very important -- avis and hertz both refuse to bargain with us on recall rights. they both have a clause in their contracts that state that if someone is laid off for 12 months, they lose all their seniority. they may call them back, but they want to start them with lower wages, lost vacation weeks, and no medical. all of the other employers were happen to extend the recall rights so that this worldwide pandemic would not impact their employees anymore it already has. with all of that said, we're fine with this item moving forward, but we want to be clear on the record that this wasn't to benefit or members. we were not part of this
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discussion or previous discussions. the become line is we want a seat at the table, and we want to be heard when the biden administration rolls ot the money to s.f.o. to make sure our members are being helped as well. thank you very much for hearing our position. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. mr. chair, this completes the cue. >> chairman: great. thank you. public comment is now closed. i do want to thank the representative who called in and really echo that point, which is that i really hope that the labor partner, the workers are at the table always, particularly when there are funds that are directed to support them and to support the recovery. and that, as we're looking at recall rights and basic
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worker protections and rights that we have extended in many other areas in our city, that that, obviously, is also central and extended to employees at the airport. supervisor mar, did you want to add anything? >> supervisor: yes. thanks, chair haney. briefly i wanted to thank teamsters 665 for raising these important issues around so far the lack of the rental companies at s.f.o. being willing to negotiate over a fair right to return for the hundreds of laidoff workers, and thank you, supervisor safai, for also raising this issue. and i think this is very concerning to all of us as we see so many workers being laid off, not just at s.f.o., but throughout the city, and wanting to ensure they all have a fair process to get their jobs back when their
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employers start rehiring. and we're also, as a board, considering the right to re-employment, coming up in the next weeks, that would provide this right to non-union workers across the city at large employers. i'm glad to hear there is a commitment from s.f.o. to make sure that the rental car agency workers are able to get a fair right to re-employment. this is something we'll continue to monitor very closely, so thank you. >> chairman: thank you. absolutely. i don't know, ms. gizone, if there is anything you wanted to add to any of these points. >> thank you for the comments. we'll definitely take them into account. >> chairman: great. all right. so i want to move this item to the full board
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with a positive recommendation. roll call, please. >> clerk: on that motion, vice chair safai. >> aye. >> clerk: member mar? >> aye. >> clerk: chair haney? >> aye. >> clerk: there are three ayes. >> chairman: great. it will go to the full board on positive recommendations. thank you, again, for your work. madam clerk, can you please call items five and six together. >> clerk: item five, ordinance appropriating 220 million from the issuance of one of more series of refunding obligation bonds. items six, resolution approving the issuance and sale of not to exceed 220 million of the general obligation refunding bonds (indiscernable) to refund certain outstanding general obligation bonds of the city and approving and authorizing various
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documents. members of the public who wish to provide public comment, call 415-655-0001, i.d. 1872518978, then press pound twice. if you have not already done so, please dial *3. please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted and you may begin your comments. thank you, mr. chair. >> chairman: great. thank you so much, madam clerk. we have luke brewer and anna nandegma from the office of the controller to present. >> thank you, supervisor. my name is luke brewer, and i'm with the controller's office of public finance. i'm here to speak on items five and six. this is for the general obligation refunding bonds, authorizing in two series not to exceed 220 million, as well as the supplemental appropriation
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ordinance. back in march of last year, we approved a master resolution authorizing 1. 4 billion, and another for $225 million, and fulfilled those bonds last spring. we're before you with the next two periods of general refunding bonds, not to exceed 220 million for outstanding series of general obligation bonds, as shown in this table. they are cullable on june 2021, and they can be begin refinancing 90 days before that date. we're looking at approximately 25.2 million over a 12-year period based on estimated industry rates of
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