tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV May 1, 2021 6:00am-6:31am PDT
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reparations and work on our community benefits. thank you so much. >> chair peskin, i would like to note that merchandise gray was an applicant. >> i did note that and she was an applicant for seat 5. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. i was born and raised in san francisco, a black african-american. housing rights activist. a human rights activist. i want to thank you for putting together this committee. we need to do more in-depth exploration on how this money is going to be allocated. being on the committee, my major
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concern is the mental health and well-being of our city and how we're going to turn it around and get folks prepared to be homeowners and business owners and property owners. so i applaud your efforts. i too have applied for a seat on this committee. i thank you thank you guys. have a good day. also i want to applaud toni and freddy martin to put forth efforts to be on this committee. they are a valuable asset and i think you will be doing good business whether i'm going to be on that committee or not. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker, please. >> clerk: we are circling back to one speaker who had an issue.
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>> okay. >> hello. you've been unmuted. >> [indiscernible] -- >> okay. thank you to all the members of the public who commented in public comment as well as the additional applicants who commented during public comment and public comment is now closed. president walton. >> thank you so much, chair. >> i think on behalf of this panel, we look to you for some advice. >> clerk: chair peskin, i don't know if toni hines has spoken. >> no. why don't we go to that applicant. >> can you hear me?
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>> yes, we can. >> my name is toni hines. i appreciate this time. i am applying for the reparations committee because i feel like i would instrumental to help [indiscernible] -- i moved to san francisco in my [indiscernible] social justice. even if it's not [indiscernible] i would like to help because since we've come here we've been suppressed. i would [indiscernible] -- any way i can and also ms. laticia, freddy, others already working
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on this. again, i would appreciate it. thank you so much and y'all have a great day. >> thank you. all right. with that, we've heard from the applicants and the members of the public. president walton, we look to you for a little bit of advice in this matter. >> thank you so much, for applying. obviously we have a hard decision to make. to have about 40 people show up, not just apply, but to represent how much we understand the importance of reparations in san francisco and what we need to do for back people in the city. we did have to look at everyone's expertise while making this decision. we have to look at the diversity of applicants to make sure we can reach all opportunities of
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applicants as well as looking at the presentation period today, the strength of applications of all candidates, and looking at specific seats everyone applied from. all of you wonderful candidates did not make this job easy. nevertheless, we have to do the work to get a reparations plan in place so we have something to move forward for the benefit of our committee. chair peskin, i know i'm not on this committee, but i would love to recommend the committee move forward with the following names with the following seats. for seat one, james lance taylor. seat 2 tinisch hollins.
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seat 14 laticia erving. and seat 15 yolanda harris. >> okay. why don't i now go to committee members. thank you, president walton, for that advice. very helpful. vice-chair or members, any comments? i can certainly restate what president walton said as a motion, but i'll turn it over to you. >> chair peskin, thank you. i just want to thank president walton for this work for him to make his recommendation today. i know there was a lot of hard work behind that.
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one of the first legislations that i worked on, in fact, you voted in support of was slavery era suppression. that was me learning about reparations and having mr. williams just school me all about it and start to recognize the fact that reparation has a much deeper meaning than simply money. it is the systemic racism that is deeply rooted in this country and how it was founded. reparation requires all sorts of expertise, diverse perspective to really, truly make this work happen and make meaningful progress. thank you, president walton, for
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putting this together. it does amazing to see your vision of this coming together, this vision of what reparation means and to make it meaningful, frankly for the black community in san francisco has been suffering way too long and to see how you brought all these people together from all walks of life, black community members, just really passionate about this. from the older generation to the younger generation and different kind of expertise and i find it amazing to see this. thank you so much. >> thank you, supervisor chan. i don't see supervisor mandelman's name on the list. >> i want to thank president
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walton and all of the applicants. i'm looking forward to receiving their work back and this is an important conversation for san francisco to be having and i hope we can come up with models that are along overdue national models for the country. it is going on 200 years late, but hoping that our reparations advisory committee can help us get to the right place. thank you, everyone. >> if you for those comments. i concur with everything said and i want to thank all of the applicants. i really appreciate president walton's advice here which i will now turn to move james lance taylor for seat 1, inisch
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>> chair melgar: good afternoon. this meeting will come to orde . welcome to the april 26 regular meeting of the land he was and transportation committee of the san francisco boardof supervisors . i am supervisor melgar, chairman of the committee joined by supervisor dean preston and erin peskin. the clerk is eric, major. i'd like to acknowledge jason for staffing this meeting and we are right now also joined by supervisor rafaela mandelman madam clerk, do you have any announcements ?
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>> erica major: due to the health emergency and toprotect board members the board of supervisorslegislative chamber and committee room are closed . members will be participating remotely . this precaution is taken pursuant with stay-at-home orders and directives. committee members will attend the meeting through videoconference and participate to the extent on each item on . either channel 2699 and sfgov tv are streaming the callin number across the screen. each speaker will be about two minutes .comments or opportunity to see are available by calling the number 415-655-0001. again, that number is 415-655-0001. the meeting id is187 724 4053 . again, that number is 187 724 4053. then press pound, pound.
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when connected you will hear the meeting discussion but you will be muted in listening mode only . when your item of interest comes dial star 3 to added to the speaker line. call from a quiet location, speak clearly and so turned on your television or radio. submit public comment by emailing myself the transportation clerk at the scene. if you submit public comment it will be made part of the official file . written comments may be sent by us postal service to city hall, room 244, san francisco california 94102. items: today are expected to appear on the board of supervisors agenda of may 4
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unless otherwise stated. madam chair. >> chair melgar: thank you madam clerk. would you please call item number one. >> erica major: item 1 is an ordinance omitting the fire code and existing buildingcode to extend the deadline for building owners to upgrade existing fire alarms . systems from july 1, 2021 to july 1, 2023 are making appropriate findings. members who wish to provide public comment should call the number 415-655-0001 . meeting id is 187 724 4053. then press pound, pound. if you have not done so already please dial star 3 to lineup to speak . thesystem will indicate you have raised your hand . madam chair. >> chair melgar: thank you madam clerk. we are joined by andy mullen from supervisor stephanie's
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office who is the sponsor of this legislation and later we will hear from lieutenant richard brown from the san francisco fire department so highandy, well . >> andy mullen: highchair melgar, supervisors preston and peskin . the legislation before you updates the current fire code requirement which for buildings thatare required to upgrade their fire alarm systems , by july 1, 2021, this would push up due date to july 1, 2023 so it is a two-year extension of this requirement. the reason to do that was because in certain circumstances it would require construction crews to enter dwelling units and during the
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past year a lot of people have felt uncomfortable from the constructionside and resident side to adding crews, and participate in this work . it's also my understanding that scheduling and accommodating this work can take up to a year just in terms of booking your team and having them in and giving your tenants proper notice about the destruction they face which is why we opted for a two-year extensioninstead of a one-year extension.i'm here and available to answer any other questions which you may have . i also understand that supervisor peskin will be introducing three minor amendments which we are in support of. >> chair melgar: thank you mister mullan we will now you're from lieutenant richard brown from the sanfrancisco firedepartment . welcome lieutenant . >> richard brown: good afternoon chair melgar, thank you for having me today.
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assisted fire marshal rich brown,. plan reviews the and pretty muchmister mullan as explained it quite well . it's just an administrative change to the code anytime using codes is to go through the process of legislating and again, this is just an administrative code to extend the deadline to upgrade certain fire alarm systems in residentialapartment buildings . if you need will more information i'm here for you and any questions i can answer. >> chair melgar:thank you very much lieutenant brown . colleagues, if there's no other questions or comments let's go the public comment where supervisor peskin, would you
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like to make your own now or after a moment ? >> supervisor peskin: i would like to them and the public could them as they desire. you're all in receipt of those minor amendments although they would not require referral to the building, especially commission would require a one-week continuance and then perhaps we could send it as a committee report but those changes are on page 5, lines 5 through seven wherein that paragraph would read upon either a, completion of work under a building permit with a cost of construction of 99,000 or more or be, july 1, 2023 which ever occurs first. we would remove the provision that subsection c of that clause that is for building
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september 1, 2017 and make the whole thing about july 1, 2023 with a $99,000 trickle in cost which given the cost of construction seems to be appropriate, particularly when we don't want displacement. so those would be the amendments which we can voteon after public comment . >> chair melgar: thank you so muchsupervisor . madam clerk, can we go to public commentsplease ? >> erica major: just checking to see the callers in queue. if you've not done so press star 3 to be added to the q4 item 1. you will onlyneed to press once . for those already on hold please wait until the system indicates you havebeen on muted . we have 11 listeners with seven inch you. if you can unmute the first caller please.
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>> no problem. >> caller: my name is michelle churchy and i want to thank the city for extending the deadline toupgrade the fire alarm panel . this has been a big worry for our family as owners of small residential apartment building . primarily because our tenants are currently reluctant to allow any workers into their units for repairs and maintenance and any work that interferes with their work-at-home schedule is not what they want to have at this time and are asking us to minimize all disruptions. extending the deadline for two years will help us plan and complete the work without disrupting our tenants now. and also, from the contexts
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that i've had with the fire alarm panel, they are pretty overwhelmed and unable to schedule in a timely fashion so that wouldreally help us plan this . also, my building has experienced high turnover and revolving vacancies and this extension would allow us more time to budget for this very expensive and very important work. it would be much appreciated if there were two small changes to bemade to the amendment . i believe it's supervisor peskin who referredto these as well . as far as the threshold for permanence, the $99,000 for the trigger mandated upgrade. we recently had a through line backup and the ensuing damage
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required us to do a renovation and i saw just howquickly these costs can rise . we're also asking at the deadline be realigned to july 2023 for any building that were sold after 2017. so i want to thank the land use committee for taking this important issue into account and for listeningto our point of view. thank you . >> chair melgar:next speaker please . >> good afternoonto the land use committee and all those on this call . my name is jean novak and i'm an owner of an apartment building in san francisco and i appreciate it ifthe city would extend the deadline to upgrade the fire alarm system . i've been working hard with my
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renters to address all the covid rules and regulations and as a result have had to postpone various projects to ensure the safety and protection of my renters as well as to minimally disrupt their personal lives due to covid.some of my renters fall into the category of elderly and fragile with severe medical conditions whereas others have had to work from home during the past year. many voiced their about having strangers come into their unit due to the fear of covid while others as they were havingto work at home did not want disruptions in their apartment during the daytime . taking into consideration my renters i decided to postpone the alarm upgrade. i would like to appeal to the land use committee to extend the deadline for at least two years so this requirement can be completed without major disruption to the tenants who still are saying to me they do not want contractors in their apartment even though they may
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be wearing masks or ppe. the cdc and fda are reporting data even though individuals have had vaccines are not safe andcould be infected with the virus and spread the virus to others . therefore my tenants are even more concerned about having strangers in their units . i know my apartment owner colleagues and i are concerned about our tenants and we want to be in compliance with city requirements. yet none of us could have foreseen a pandemic that hit us over a year ago and we would appreciate your consideration and extension of the fire alarm in addition to other upgrade requirements for buildings sold after december 2017 and in conclusion i'd like to thank the land use committee members for giving me thistime to access my concerns and taking this importanmatter into consideration on behalf of all the residents . thank you . >> chair melgar: next speaker please . speak. >> caller: my name is brenda and i'm an owner of a few
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buildings in san francisco and as the others have spoken about the amendment to the current fire alarm upgrade, we are definitely in support of it. we too as the previous public speaker mentioned several senior citizens as well as a few tenants with young children or compromised immune systems who have been extremely hesitant to have anybody come into units to do any type of work unless it's an absolute emergency such as a flooding toilet or in need of replacement of anappliance . there's also been forced as have been hit by so many property owners andexcessive amount of turnover , renegotiating our rent for much lower rents and i'm glad that's also taking quite a financial hit as well as maintaining other capital improvements on our buildings in order to
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provide a safe and well accommodatedbuilding for our tenants to live in and reside . we do also have some tenants who been concerned saying it's great vaccine is out and so many people are being vaccinated but of course the fact that there's still a concern that covid could be contracted by various workers coming in twoapartment buildings . additionally although it may not sound so intense of a reason there are with these seniors in particular having additional people, not just workers but someone come in and help them and our company who was going to do this work to empty out closets and create a large space for the work to be completed over a day or two in each unit and that would require more workers to come in toindividual units where a tenant may need help in doing
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