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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  July 20, 2021 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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>> : i apologize to keep you all waiting. i want to thank for joining us today. the board of supervisors, the department of emergency management director. we're here at one of the first
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sites that opened, to not only provide testing for the community but also provide vaccinations. no appointment necessary. we knew that the disparities that existed with this virus were going to impact primarily the african american community but also the latino community. we're seeing those disparities play out in those vaccination process. why are we here today, san francisco is really proud of where we are and what we accomplished. when you think about the fact that we're one of the most dense cities in the country and have had one of the lowest death rates in the country. when we look at vaccination rates 75% of san franciscans are vaccinated and 83 percent have
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received at least their first dose of the vaccination. we should we should be proud. we're doing an incredible job. with this new delta variant we're seeing real concern. especially in the african american community and latino american community. we're seeing 60% of the vaccinations. in the latino community, although there are -- it's a larger percentage of the latino community that has been vaccinationed over 70%, they are two point two times more likely to be infected with the new variant. we're seeing the disparities play out in our hospitals. everyone in the hospital at san francisco general right now did not get the vaccine.
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dis opposed to propotiona disopd -- we knowwhat happened with te experiments in the country. we know that african americans were used for forty years not given penicillin in '47, it widely known that was a cure for syphilis. the share croppers who were used and suffered and discarded. african communities in my family my grandmother, one generation removed from slavely, concerned
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about trust in the vaccination process, we know that is real. but this is also real. we're in a different place now. the same people are experiencing some of the same challenges around concerns with trust, but more importantly what we will see what the data shows is with the delta variant we will see higher people who are not vaccinated and at least 250 more deaths and disproportionately those people will be african americans and latino. i understand people who are
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hesitant. i got the vaccine. i got the vaccine because not only did i want to protect myself but everybody i came in contact with. i wanted to protect the elderly people i came in contact with. i wanted to make sure they were going to be okay because they are the ones likely to die because of this. when i say it's a matter of life or death, this is serious. that's why we're here today. that's why we're in the bay view hunter's community. we understand the importance. we're not using rhetoric. we did our research on this. question asked the questions to our public health experts not only here in san francisco but all over the country because we knew people would be concerned. we knew especially african americans would be concerned and there would be issues around
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trust because of historical factors. what we're here to talk about is not what this means and how it relates to life and death but the importance of doing the right thing. doing our part whether we're uncomfortable with it or not. protecting our relatives, whether we're uncomfortable with it or not. protecting our community, whether we're uncomfortable with it or not. this is important. i want to thank you all for being here to get the word out. i want to thank my friends who are here that didn't want to get the vaccine. thank you jamal gregory for getting the vaccine. he was like, no, no, no. he got the vaccine. he was like, okay. mayor. that's what this is about,
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protecting one another. so we can get back to our lives that we know and love. i'm tired of wearing a mask, i'm tired of shutting down. tired of getting covid. how do we open up this city, we do our part and get the vaccine. without further adieu i want to introduce the supervisor who represents district ten who is here today. >> : first i just want to say good morning and thank you to our mayor. i'm here because i'm scared. i'm squared for the black community. i'm squared for people who are 25 to 40 years old. i'm scared for people who refuse
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to get the vaccine. we worked hard here in san francisco, we worked hard to get the vaccine in places and accessible, putting pop up sites in every area in the district. mobile sites that will come to your front door. we have done all of that not because it's something fun and exciting to do because we know it's important to get the vaccine. i have family members and friends who are not getting vaccinated because of the lack of trust with vaccines and history and what it has done with african americans. i have so many arguments at bbq's and family dinner he's.
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folks are getting information from so many places that are untrue. they are not listening to our medical professionals and looking at the data. here is the reality. the new delta variant. folks getting sick and ending up in the hospital are folks who are not vaccinated. we have more real life data in front of us that tells us how the vaccine is working in our communities and why it's so important. here is another fact, as we stood here at the beginning of the pandemic, did a press conference and said we knew how much district ten would be effected by the virus right here at this site. mayor talked about the elimination of barriers. the highest number of cases
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coming up now are 92124 and bay view hunter's point. there's a reason for that. we are not all doing everything we can to protect each other. for me, this is a cry to my community, a cry to everyone who has not gotten the vaccine to say, we need you to get vaccinated. it is important for to you keep yourself safe, for to you keep your family safe, and for to you keep the people around you safe. this is not information that we are making up. i had a meeting with dr. co lfax the other day. it really scared me. we're starting to see a rise in cases again. you can come here monday through friday, get the vaccine, no appointment necessary. we also have the same thing at the health center.
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we have a vaccination site at 1800 oak dale. we have consistent pop ups in community. we're going to continue to do everything we can to get to every nook and krany for people who are not getting vaccinated. incentives. people are giving out groceries, gift cards. we're doing it and providing these incentives to save lives in our community. please do it and take the opportunity to save lives today. remember those folks that do not have the vaccine are getting hospitalize and the ones who are going to die for not taking that precaution.
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i would rather be caught with than without. please get vaccinated. thank you all for being here and helping us get the word out to our communities that need to know and get the right information to take the right steps to getting everyone healthy. thank you. >> : thank you for your great remarks. i think if we take a step back for a minute and realize for every person in the hospital right now and every person dying of covid 19. those hospitalizations and deaths are nearly 100% preventible. 100% preventible. there's very little in health where we can make that statement. these vaccines are so incredibly
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effective. people ask me, how do we avoid covid, what are we going to do? top ten answer, get vaccinated. until you are fully vaccinated wear that mask indoors to protect others. you've heard from others, i want to go through a few more. in the last 12 day as lone, we have seen a three folds increase in covid 19 cases in san francisco. it's a rapid increase in cases is due to the delta variant. covid on steroids. this virus is far more infect
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ows. if you didn't get covid before now, it's likely if you're taking risks that you could get infected. if we look at the case rates of code i had right now in the city, they are two and a half times higher amongst black a afn americans. those hospital haded in san francisco 28 percent are african american. this is not just about older people getting hospitalled now. we're seeing younger people getting hospitalized. the average age of people hospitalized in san francisco is 48. now it's people 35 and under. this is preventible.
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please get vaccinated. low barrier vaccination sites are available everywhere. we have done so well. three quarters of people are vaccinated but the delta is here. protect yourself and your family. let's get this done so we can continue to do the things we love and continue to emerge from covid. san francisco is a better place than most places in the country. we still have more to do. support your family, your community. we're here to support you. we'll get this done. thank you. >> : i'm the director of the department of emergency management for san francisco. the san francisco emergency operations center remains
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activated and committed to making vaccination convenient and available for all san franciscans. we're at the forefront of the equitable vaccine strategy. we have shifted our strategy to be more neighborhood centric. i want to be 100% clear here, we have many opportunities for folks to get their vaccines and tests throughout the city in their own community. here we're at the south center in the bay view. we are fully staffed. we have some folks that are go to go get their vaccine today. we're so grateful you are here to be an example to your community and family. the delta variant continues to be a very serious threat.
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as we move forward, i just want to say that to reiterate that the vaccine is safe and in san francisco it is extremely easy and convenient to get one. we will continue to work together with our partners to make that vaccine and testing available. we've done so well, 75% is great. we really have to focus on our most vulnerable populations and protect each other. thank you very much and if you haven't got a vaccine, please go to sf dot gov, get vaccinated to find all the locations. >> : thank you. i just want to thank a lot of our first responders and the folks who work here. they have been out and about from day one helping to get the community vaccinated. i've been told by so many people who live in this community when
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they come to this location, they are treated with a smile and so much love and respect. we truly appreciate you and all you have done and will continue to do to get us to a place where hopefully we'll see a 100% vaccination rate in san francisco. with that, i'll take a few questions and then me and my people are going to go in there and get vaccinated. i'm going to hold their hands and do this. any questions? the question centered around
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getting this message out in a different way. we started -- we knew sadly in low income communities and communities of color it has a significant impact. we embedded a equity response. a number of agencies we work with that have direct relationship with folks in this community. they have been the ones to help various campaigns to get people excited about getting a vaccination. unfortunately it has slowed down. we expected it to slow down. when you look at what san francisco is doing and even our communities of color compared to any other major city in this country, there no comparison. we did a really great job. we need to do more because what's important to me is saving lives as it has been since the beginning of this pandemic.
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we'll continue to push messages and get people engaged. nothing is better than a direct conversation with someone you know and love. not an argument, a conversation. not necessarily making people feel guilty or bad but helping them understand. it's really about a relationship of trust. a lot of people i contacted and talked to in my family, a lot of times it turned into an argument. the fact is i love them and want to keep them safe. i get someone on the phone and explain that variant thing you talked about. it's doing our part to get our relatives vaccinated and protect our community.
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any data about what? >> : the question was about are we seeing any vaccinated people testing positive for covid 19. the bottom line is if you're vaccinated, the vaccines are very powerful in preventing hospitalizations and protecting you from covid. there are going to be what we call break through infections. with all this attention of break through infections, the difference between getting covid if you're fully vaccinated and
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not could be the difference between sniffles and suffocation. i want to make that very clear. if you do get covid 19 if you're fully vaccinated. the vast majority will have only mild symptoms. i think it's really important to emphasize the fact that people need to get vaccinated. there will be some people who become infected that are are vaccinated. but my god, such a better outcome if you're vaccinated. the mayor said already at the disuker berg hospital with covid, all of them are unvaccinated. you see the deaths. everybody who died in maryland
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who had covid were unvaccinated. we should be focusing on access to vaccines particularly in the african american community right here today. thank you. >> : the question was are we considering reinstituting mask mandates. we're considering basically providing guidance on suggested mask wearing in certain instances. we do ask that people who are not vaccinated when they go indoors wear a mask. for those vaccinated we don't have a mask requirement further than that. we're looking at a change to the
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policy but not necessarily a mandate. all right. thank you. and now let's go get vaccinated.
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>> my name is angela wilson and i'm an owner of the market i worked at a butcher for about 10 years and became a butcher you i was a restaurant cook started in sxos and went to uc; isn't that so and opened a cafe we have produce from small farms without small butcher shops hard for small farms to survive we have a been a butcher shop since 1901 in the heights floor and the case are about from 1955 and it is only been a butcher shot not a lot of businesses if san francisco that have only been
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one thing. >> i'm all for vegetarians if you eat meat eat meat for quality and if we care of we're in a losing battle we need to support butcher shops eat less we sell the chickens with the head and feet open somebody has to make money when you pay $25 for a chicken i guarantee if you go to save way half of the chicken goes in the enlarge but we started affordable housing depends on it occurred to us this is a male field people said good job even for a girl the interesting thing it is a women's field in most of world just here in united states it is that pay a man's job i'm an encountered woman and raise a
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son and teach i am who respect woman i consider all women's who work here to be impoverished and strong in san francisco labor is high our cost of good ideas we seal the best good ideas the profit margin that low but everything that is a laboring and that's a challenge in the town so many people chasing money and not i can guarantee everybody this is their passion. >> i'm the - i've been cooking mile whole life this is a really, really strong presence of women heading up kitchens in the bay area it is really why i moved out here i think that we are really strong in the destroy and really off the pages kind of thing i feel like women befrp helps us
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to get back up i'm definitely the only female here i fell in love i love setting up and love knowing were any food comes from i do the lamb and that's how i got here today something special to have a female here a male dominated field so i think that it is very special to have women and especially like it is going at it you know i'm a tiny girl but makes me feel good for sure. >> the sad thing the building is sold i'm renegotiating my
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lease the neighborhood wants us to be here with that said, this is a very difficult business it is a constant struggle to maintain freshness and deal with what we have to everyday it is a very high labor of business but something i'm proud of if you want to get a job at affordable housing done nasal you need a good attitude and the jobs on the bottom you take care of all the produce and the fish and computer ferry terminal and work your way up employing people with a passion for this and empowering them to learn
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good morning and welcome to the rules committee of the san francisco board of supervisors for today, monday, july 12th, 2021. i am the chair of the committee aaron peskin joining by supervisor mandelman and committee member supervisor chan. our clerk is mr. victor young. mr. young, do you have any announcements? >> clerk: yes. due to the covid-19 health emergency and to protect board members, city employees, and the public, the committee rooms are closed. however, members will be participating in the meetings remotely. committee members will attend the meetings through video conference and participate in the meeting to the same extent as if they were