tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV September 9, 2021 2:40pm-3:01pm PDT
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continuing on with the by-appointment basis. so we'll have online appointments schedule that will be coming out in the next few weeks. so to give you a landscape of the locations that we will be offering. you see we have a lot of similar from last year. this does say draft. i want to be clear that all of the locations that you do see on this page are actually confirmed. so, we do have at this point all of our clinics -- there is nothing open or pending. kaiser has been able to confirm that we can have clinics at all of these locations. some of the new clinics that we're having this year, we've had in the past, but adding back our hall of justice. i mentioned already the one at city hall. i believe those are the two big
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ones. go ahead, mitchell. and then this wraps up for the end of the food clinic. so the nice thing, we have opportunities to add more clinics. if we need to, we did reach out to all the locations we offered in 2019 and 2020 and were able to see who was interested. so we've -- we can always add more if something comes up later. so one of the things i wanted to cover and abbie covered this early on. now what about covid vaccines and boosters? so, really, what we're focusing on right now is getting people vaccinated in general. so priority is, if you're not vaccinated with the covid-19, go and get vaccinated. we also know that boosters are really going to be dependent on
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the approval system from the acip and f.d.a. so, we've also been partnering with dr. fiona wilson with the department of h.r., who is currently doing pop-up covid vaccine locations around the city. and as of right now, we have agreed that we will not be pairing a covid vaccine clinic in conjunction with a flu vaccine clinic. that is as of 9/2. as you know, lots of things have been changing over the course of these last, almost, two years, so it's a continual conversation that we'll be having. and that concludes flu updates. >> thanks. and i did mean to mention, and i saw this when listening to carrie here, that we will be following, myself and a representative of blue shield, will be following our team up
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there to hetch hetchy and the moccasin reservoir building on that day, october 6, for their flu shot clinic. so we could be physically there to answer questions in that community, about the change in the ppo. because as many are aware, that population relies on the ppo. so we will be physically there to answer questions and provide a presentation to them electronically, so they can virtually watch, or they can come in and ask questions after they get the flu shot at the clinic. so we'll be doing that this year. at this time, are there any questions for me or carrie on the presentation? >> president follansbee: thank you for really, an excellent presentation on all aspects of both the open enrollment. it really shows the work that goes along year round. we focus on the preparation now
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and october, but this really is a summary of all the work you've been doing throughout the year to try to meet this moment in time. we want to thank you both for that. and also to let members know, if they're getting their flu shots and qualify for a covid booster vaccine, that can happen at the same time. just not through sfhss or the city at this point, but there is no contra indication for adults to get both their seasonal flu shot and covid number 3 if they qualify at the same sitting, which would save people time in a visit. so i'll open it up for questions from board members. >> mr. president? >> yes. >> this is randy scott. i have a question of carrie. what -- do we have a sense of what percentage of our
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population gets flu shots annually? >> boy, we do. i don't have that number offhand. i just need to collect it between our work site locations and various health plans. it is data we do request. so we can take a look at that and report it out for 2020 and, again, 2021 once we have that. >> commissioner scott: that, i think, would be informative. as we all know, we're sitting at about 50% with covid vaccinations, fully vaccinated nationwide are a little bit more than that, 53, 54%. and a number of folks have said, well, with flu shots, it's less than 50% of the people get flu shots annually. and i find that to be a little strange, because the employers i work with, i know they were onsite clinics and so forth like you're doing and that seems to
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me that would drive the percentages up. i was wondering if we were tracking that. i look forward to hearing from you, carrie. thank you so much for all you're doing. >> thank you. >> president follansbee: any other questions or comments from board members? thank you for the presentation. >> commissioner zvanski: a couple of things. i want to confirm dr. followensby, that what we're saying is that we are setting up blue clinics and booster options, the city and the health services not providing them together, but it is possible through their providers to get those shots together? >> yes. and the reason i'm asking, i'm doing a report for the retired
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employees news. and my publishing deadline is tomorrow afternoon, so i'm working on this tonight and tomorrow. and i want to make sure, if i have any questions or want to clarify anything, that, carrie, i can probably get ahold of you or mitchell and get some clarification, because i want to make sure that the information we put in our newsletter -- and also we send out an e-blast to all of our several thousand members, reminding them of these things and letting them know the specific details. so, with regard to communications and the ppo and all of the locations, these are already confirmed and we can go forward with that. and lastly, our october meeting
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that is the day before what would have been our health service board meeting, the second wednesday, the program that i'm trying to put together will be an open enrollment program, so we're inviting mitchell and carrie. and i'd like to hear from representatives from our providers to e-mail me so that i can make sure all of you get the invitations to our program and that you are prepared in advance to make presentations at our program so that all of our members who now we meet remotely all on zoom and we have a good turnout, so that would be available with all of you participating. so, hopefully, we can make sure that happens. and we're only talking about the open enrollment program and the flu shot clinics and the
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vaccination clinics for those that have yet to receive their vaccination. i want to say that from what we can tell in our membership, we have an extremely high vaccination rate that almost -- there is a few of our members who are anti-vaxxers and have their issues with it, but the vast majority of members of the retired employees of the city and county are definitely vaccinated and looking forward to their flu shot information and the open enrollment information on -- what is it -- october 13 or 14th? i'll confirm that. >> send that to holly and she'll make sure we respond to it. and i just want to give with the caveat that there are no decisions on boosters right now. i would not be comfortable weighing in on that. i can, you know -- i will send you -- i think it's in my director's report, some of the
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url from the health department that is your source of truth on all things vaccine these days, so that's what i would refer people to. because as carrie mentioned, it's changing every day. >> sounds perfect to me. thank you for that, director. and i look forward to hearing from the rest of you as well. and i'll send it through. >> any other comments or questions from board members? -- before we open it up for public comment? okay. i think we can open up this agenda item for public comment. >> thank you, president.
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>> president follansbee: it's calling for public comment, but it's not in slide presentation mode that it would be full screen. >> okay. i'm going to -- i'll give it a rest for a moment to read it aloud so callers can start calling in. and then i'll work on the visual. so we can get callers in. it will go blank for now, i'll read and post the instructions. public comment will available for each item on the agenda. the speaker is allowed three minutes to speak in length. all public comments that are made concerning the agenda items that has been presented. as a reminder, the caller may ask questions of the policy body, but there is no -- you'll be placed on mute and the
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moderator will unmute the next caller. remote viewing is on sfgovtv and channel 26. opportunities to speak are available by dialing the number op the screen. the number is not presented right now -- spoken, though. 1-415-655-0001. again, 1-415-655-0001. when prompted, use access code, 146 446 4192. again, 146 446 4192. then press pound and pound again. you will then enter the meeting as attendee on the call line and dial star 3 to be added to the queue. when the system says you're unmuted, this is your time to speak. for those already on hold, please wait until the system indicates you've been unmuted. sfgovtv has 30-second delay for viewers. we'll take a 30-second pause to allow the system to catch up and callers to dial in.
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that caller has specifically entered the public comment queue at this time. other callers may enter the queue as public comment continues. i will indicate when there are no more callers in the queue. then you will hear a brief silence as we transition between callers. i'll await host privileges to escalate that caller. host privileges received. unmuting the caller now. . >> hello. this is fred sanchez. i'm the president of protect our benefits. unfortunately, i had computer issues, so the first item i got to hear today was item number 9. i'm confident that all the items before were handled as professionally as well done as the presentation by mitchell and
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carrie. i'll take the opportunity to say i'm impressed with all the staff at the health service system. i'd like to take the chance to welcome supervisor chan, who, unfortunately, i haven't had the privilege of meeting yet, but i'm sure i will soon. you've got a great group of commissioners and trustees who really understand their fiduciary responsibilities to their membership. you have a wonderful organization, director yant has been very responsive whenever we've had communications or request from members who represents the 35,000 retired city workers. i have nothing but great praise for the retirement system. that's all i have to say. and because i had all these problems with my computer, this is going to be the only thing i'm going to comment, because
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i'm confident the rest of the things will be great, but i've got actually to get going. but i did want to take the time to just thank everybody at the health service system on how well they do and i'm very proud that a couple of your commissioners are actually members of protect our benefits and, clare, you serve in so many capacities. and for multiple retirement. my praise to you and to karen. and thank you, all, for the great job you do. goodbye. >> thank you, caller. moderator, elevate the next caller, if available. >> there are no other callers in the queue. a quick reminder to all callers on the line, you must dial star 3 now if you want to join public comment for the agenda items. we'll wait 5 seconds and then
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dr. follansbee had technical difficulties. >> in the absence of president, can we call the next vote, please. >> thank you, vice president canning. >> here's dr. follansbee. we see his face. >> president follansbee: i don't know. i got disconnected and my computer won't join webex any more. apologies. i think we'd like to take a 10-minute break. it's been two hours. and the last went a little long. so if we can take a 10-minute break and reconvene at 3:10 that would be great. >> thank you, president follansbee. back here at 3:10. >> president follansbee: and
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