tv Board of Supervisors SFGTV September 14, 2021 10:00pm-12:31am PDT
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>> clerk: we have -- oh, commissioner chan has noted she is present in the chat. and we have quorum. >> chairman: great. thank you, madam clerk. i believe you have some announcements for us. >> clerk: yes. i will make an announcement about public comment. public comment will be available for each item on this agenda via fell foe by calling 415-655-0001, and when prompted access code 1469580594 and then
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pound and pound again. once you join, you'll be able to listen to the meets as a participant. to make public comment, dial *3. when the line says you're line is unmuted, you will have two minutes to speak. calls will be taken in the order in which they are received. best practices are to speak slowly and to turn down the volume of any televisions or radios around you. and that concludes my announcement. >> chairman: thank you, madam clerk. >> clerk: and, also, i do note that chan and melgar are here. >> chairman: and ronen. >> clerk: and ronen. thank you. >> chairman: please call item 2. >> clerk: item 2: the
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report, and this is an information item. >> chairman: is vice chair klein here? it looks like we might not have vice chair klein yet. going once, going twice? all right. let's come back to item 2. madam clerk, please call item. >> clerk: item 3: approve the minutes of the july 27, 2021, meeting. this is an action item. >> chairman: i don't see any comments or questions from colleagues. we should open this item to public comment. >> there is no public comment comment. >> chairman: all right. public comment on item 3 is closed. is there a motion to approve the minutes, item 3? >> moved by melgar. >> chairman: thank you, commissioner melgar. is there a second? >> second. >> chairman: thank you, commissioner walton. seconded by walton.
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>> clerk: there are 11 ayes. the minutes are approved. >> chairman: it looks to me like vice chair klein has arrived. so let's go back to item 2. >> clerk: item 2: community advisory committee report. this is an information item. >> wonderful. well, number one, my apologies to all the staff, as well as the supervisors, for my tardiness, but these children must go to daycare. there are two meetings that occurred since the last, a july 28th and then september 1st. so i will review some of the highlights there for you. the july 28th meeting, we were really focused on a number of approvals, specifically like in support of the transaction youth task. i think that is something that everybody was really
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excited about seeing more research about, as well as investing. we went through, and in the subsequent meeting we had reviewed an authorization for the transaction of youth task records, extending the debit expenditure. that is just something that the committee had done -- excuse me, sfmta had done in the past and had good success, so we wanted to extend it. and they mentioned how they had a good relationship with the bank, so everyone felt comfortable with going into this financial transaction there. there was a healthy conversation around transit recovery plan. i think a lot of people, like myself, where even the offices haven't necessarily opened up, there are a lot of restaurants, bars, as well as like a half reduction
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to office time. so we really wanted to understand how sfmta is moving forward with their plans to encourage ridership and sow ideas, such as free for certain months or time periods, or indefinitely, if there is a way to absorb that, where some of the highlights of the conversation were occurring there. we were all for the adoption of the district 4 mobility study and the final report. we were really excited about capacity issues in certain corridors, as well as, you know, trying to get some more solutions towards that when it comes to frequency and capacity. i think if we look back prior to the pandemic, this was always a situation. and now that the resources, in terms of staff and running vehicles, have been pulled
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back a little bit, there was a concern when life perhaps get a little bit normal, especially if we get over this delta hurtle with the virus, what would that mean for sfmta? so we were looking to understand how priority bus lanes will enhance that, but also just literally the frequency of the buses, and will that be able to match, especially with the attrition of the staff that happened during covid. also, we really got into the conversation about vision zero and the strategies there. specifically in areas such as the tenderloin, that have been impacted significantly more than other areas when it comes to high capacity living areas. and people significantly more out and about in this
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neighborhood, and an increase in -- unfortunate circumstances of people being hit by vehicles, or more so, too, is the increase in electric vehicles and how they're able to use the bike lanes. so we were learning how segues are even allowed in some of these bicycle lanes, and scooters as well. so how are we working to ensure a vision zero safety plan, while knowing more electric vehicles are being utilized in these areas? also, the cal train monitorization program, it was wonderful to hear how everybody was collaborating, but i think there was some big concerns about grade crossings, and, also, just understanding the idea of carbon credits and how these are being used or offset to either help our
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ambitions for alleviating air quality, especially as we know there has been a lot of tremendous fires and things in this area. and there is, like, a new normal. i was just joking around about bringing my son to pre-school, but the idea they're literally measuring air quality if they can go outside. so now that we know there is essentially a fire season, do we have to be more restrictive with carbon credits? and then, later, the better market street update there, where they were showcasing the initiatives there. and i think a lot of people were kind of calling into question, you know, knowing that there is going to be a big retraction in commercial office space. does the current plan warrant the investment that is being made? and the idea was, like, hey, this is a moment in time. san francisco is an amazing city that has been through so much, that we
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really need to continue this. i think one thing that was asked is that there is very little quantitative data that is given in a lot of our meetings. i feel the staff does a great job of showcasing the plans that are being presented, but they're really not showing us the cost benefits or the tradeoffs or the improvements in a percentage form or a number. i feel that sfmta staff could do a much job of showing the data. i think they use a lot of qualitative ideas, as opposed to showcasing the quantitative. obviously that happens within their own offices. so that concludes the meeting that occurred on the 28th, in july. and i'm happy to jump into september 1st, unless there are any questions or comments. >> chairman: i don't see any questions or comments.
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so let's get us through september. >> thanks. so, um, september we were really excited about the adoption of authorizing a lot of funds in regards to the transit commission for caltrans, the receipt of the federal funds for this, and for the quick mobility strike program grant, just to believable to, like, really move forward because of the change in the administration and moved some of these initiatives ahead, which is something we all wholeheartedly agreed with. there is also -- also, there was some other items, such as conversations and allocating about prop "k" funds and prop "aa." funds. one of the ideas i wanted to highlight is the shift in citizen sentiment towards appropriating
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parking spots towards bike parking, as a opposed to car parking. and peter tenaman, who is a long-standing employee with the city, and for a few years now has been on the board, he said because he led bike initiatives in the past, he has really seen a big shift in people's acceptance of the shift towards allowing more parking spaces to go towards biking. and a lot of that, you know, we see with the electric bikes, the city bikes, the share bikes in the city. while businesses have always maintained a firm desire to maintain the parking spots. but the citizens of san francisco have really been shifting in that area, and moving more towards these electric or pedal-powered bicycles and scooters and so forth. so it is kind of wonderful to see the city evolving
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in that area there. i think, also, to go up here, we have gone ahead and also agreed that the ethics training that was given to us during that was wholeheartedly received. it is very rare for, like, a subcommittee to go through situations where we would need to be warranted, but it was nice to be a part of the process there and understand where we stand. in terms of new business, i think one area that is a hot debate and that we closed on was the great walkway. i know that the committee had gone ahead and made a ruling on that in terms of weekend versus weekday differences, in terms of how the great highway will be used, specifically cars versus purely for public access, like bicycles, walking, and so forth. so, you know, it was very split between districts.
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and i think that kind of reflects not necessarily how the voting went, but how a lot of the opinions are where, you know, locals or people who are commuting, they have a strong desire to have access to these roads monday through friday because of the significant congestion there occurs between the sunset and the richmond neighborhoods and just trying to access from the south bay, and to get downtown in their commutes. whereas people from other neighborhoods were objecting to restrictions to their ability to have free access to a lot of these areas. so that brought up a lot of public comment, as well as from the board. but in the end, how the greater board of yourselves voted was in alignment with where the subcommittee was, too. with that, that completes kind of the highlights of the meetings that we had before.
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but i'm happy to entertain any questions on any of the items that may be on your agenda that we have had conversations about that you wanted more feedback on. >> chairman: thank you, vice chair klein. i don't see any comments or questions. so we're going to open up this item to public comment. >> clerk: okay. there is no public comment. >> chairman: all right. public comment on item 2 is closed. thank you, vice chair klein. and we'll see you again. >> sure. looking forward to the next time. have a great rest of your meeting. i'll stick around and observe a little bit. >> chairman: great. madam clerk, can you please call item 4? >> clerk: item 4: it comprises a consent agenda. it is now before the board for final approval. staff is not planning to present but is available for questions. >> chairman: thank you, madam clerk. is there a motion to approve item 4?
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>> clerk: we have 11 ayes. >> chairman: thank you, madam clerk. please call item 5. >> clerk: item 5 is the state and federal legislation update. this is an information item. >> chairman: great. i think we have mark watts. >> can good morning, chair and commissioners. i'm pleased to be here today and finally have a very stable presentation platform to work from. so it has been a long time coming. there is a lot to report on. i'll try to consolidate it and bring you through the updates for where the legislature is at this point in time. the legislature has been in summer recess until mid-august, and the workload after they returned in mid-august through last friday, september 10th, was intense, focusing both on
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additional budget modifications as well as passing legislation to the governor. the governor has now received 800 bills that are pending on his desk. so he will be very busy in the next month. he has until october 10th to dispense with the legislation, either approve or return. and once that is passed, the next step of the legislature would be they would return in january, unless there is some sort of special condition and the governor calls a special session. i'm not anticipating that. but it could happen. it has happened in previous years. in terms of the legislature table that is in your packet today, it reflects the 10 measures that your board acted upon this year. eight of the items were in support. and one was opposed unless submitted, and that bill was not successful. and finally there was one bill that was opposed and
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that bill was not successful. of the bills that you supported, probably two of the most interesting bills that were passing through the legislation this year was ab-43, which expands the authority for the state and local jurisdictions to reduce speed limits through a process they would have to follow that is outlined in the statute. the bill was passed to the governor, and the implementation of the measure is yet to be disclosed in terms of how to roll out the authority that has been granted. the other measure, the highlight, was ab-917, which deals with video imaging of parking violations. and that bill, too, is pending the governor's review. other measures i want to draw your attention to is ab-117. this bill initially would have provided electric
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bicycle programs within the air quality improvement program and allow for discounts to -- or vouchers to be made available. in the negotiations over the budget, in lieu of passing the statute, the author elected to see her measure move forward in the form of a budget appropriation, as well as a direction to the aqip program to apply the funds to electric bicycles. so the bill is dead for the year, and it is not necessary because she achieved her aims. ab-1499 will extend the authority for transportation agencies to use design bill contracting authority. and that bill is enrolled into the governor, and is expected to be approved. the final measure is
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sb-339, senator weiner's bill to extend the road user charge authority. it directs the california state transportation agency to undertake a pilot program to review how collections of revenues would be pursued, whether at the pump or through some other mechanism. so that is a measure that has enjoyed vast success. at that point, i'll pause and go on to budget issues. it is a very complicated state transportation budget. at one point we were buried in sacramento. and the transportation agency advocates were very excited because it looked like there would be a huge net investment of general funding in the budget. when the governor announced his revise back in may 14th, he sought
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$8 billion worth of high-interest elements. one was $4 billion for high speed rail authority to continue the work on the initial operating segment. and the funding there would come from the voter approved prop 1a. coupled that with that package perspective from the governor was another $4 billion in general fund spending that would have increased active transportation program by $500 million. it would have provided $400 million to state and regional agencies for climate change adaptation grants. and then there were appropriations for several different rail transit programs that would have been consolidated into the secretary's transportation -- im sorry, transit and inner city rail program, which has gone through the early stages of being untaken for a call for project.
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that would have added $2.5 billion to that program, which is a very popular program, and it often has been oversubscribed. however, the week before last, in negotiations between the leadership, particularly in the assembly, and with the governor's office, they were unable to come to an agreement on how much high speed rail funding should be provided from prop 1a, and for what purposes it should be. the discussions seem to have broken down over the issue of electrification versus more conventional high-speed steel on wheel propulsion. as a consequence, when they agreed to disagree and walk away for now, the fact of the matter is the $2.5 billion i just mentioned has language attached to it that diverts the money to the
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general fund on october 10th if there is now agreement for high speed rail. so putting a good face on a sad situation, from my perspective, the announcement they disagreed to make an appropriation for high speed rail was also coupled with the statement they will continue to have discussions leading up to the budget is announced in january. so there was a disappointment in that regard. and the upside there was one proposal that the governor put on the table that did not have any revisionnary language. and that was a $2 billion allocation relying on sb-1 interest earnings. until this proposal was on the table, the interest earnings accumulated and went to other programs, other transportation programs, but they had not spent it. so there is an accumulated mass of sb-1 interest
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earnings that have been collected to date. and they projected into the future a total of about a billion dollars over the next five years total. so all together add that to about $900 million of federal aid, and they had a $2 billion program for supplementing the state rehab program, with about 400 million being available to local agencies, and that did not have the revisionery revisionary language. with that, i'll bring my presentation to a close -- i just realize i omitted something. i will cover the item of high interest to your staff as this unfolded, which was the clean california program. for transportation, there was a commitment by the governor for about a billion and a half dollars, and the firstdown payment of $300 million.
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and your staff is well aware in tracking that grant program for opportunities to reduce waste and debris in public ride-aways. with that, i will bring my presentation to a close. thank you. >> and i think kim is prepared to discuss federal items when i'm finished. >> chairman: thank you, mr. watts. commissioner preston? >> i had a question about federal items. i will hold off. >> chairman: thank you. we'll come back to you, then. i guess, you know, if you want to put on your crystal ball for a minute, or look into your crystal ball, and do you have -- i mean -- this is sort of very disappointing that
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the potentially, kind of game changing investment in transportation in california, and particularly in high speed rail, looks to be off the rails. what is your sense, from your engagement with folks in sacramento, about appetite for actually trying to get this done? and are these issues ones that can get worked out? or is it really an impasse for the foreseeable future? i know this is crystal-ball-gazing, but what do you think? >> pardon me, chair. but there is kind of a legacy tale over the last couple of years that led up to this point in time, with displeasure in southern california over the plans of the high speed rail author, and the desire to provide more revenues from some source, including high speed rail, for a more regional rail approach, such as
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extending metro in the low corridors. so those discussions didn't progress anywhere. and now the focus of concern in southern california is largely amongst the state assembly members. and they have a new chair in that house, for transportation, laura friedman, who is a big fan of regional rail and has been a strong supporter down there and has bid been taking a deep dive with the new staff she has had on board, which is very well equipped, great history, and what they're looking at is the determination by the high speed rail authority to continue with the steel wheel propulsion rather than electric propulsion in the near time, which is the right decision. i don't know how you get around that. i'm a little disappointed there is no building block that can get you to that
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point. i think the state senate has been very, very helpful, up until this all came apart, under the leadership of their new chair, lena gonzalez from long beach. she and the pro tem has been work has been working very close with the industries to see if we can pull this all together. i think calmer heads will prevail over the next couple of months. and i think there is -- let me back up. there was one concern about what the effect of whatnot providing funding for the high speed rail would have beyond just the project they have under way, but to the authority itself? they have given some funding, a modest appropriation, and in addition the high speed rail authority receives a piece of the greenhouse gas reduction fund auction revenues on a flow basis. so they have enough money to continue operating and keep the lights on until the spring.
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so i think that becomes our new deadline to get to yes. so that's not a very good projection, but we do have time. >> and without going too deeply into the weeds, what is the electrification issue? >> i understand it, in the near term, they would like -- tn california folks are now saying there should be more of an emphasis on early electrification of the system. the system, as it is being developed now, would be available for conventional rail until such time as there was a connection to southern california. and it is a matter of sequencing and timing for the electrification to come on board. >> okay. >> chairman: all right. thank you, mr. watts. ms. crabb? >> good morning. amber crabb, public policy member, and i'll be pretty brief, but there is a lot happening at the federal level.
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the latest news is that the senate on august 10th passed the infrastructure investment in jobs act. it was $944 billion over five years. half of that is the reauthorization of the federal transportation dollars. about 56% higher than we saw before. plus some additional within that $150 billion in one-time similar funding for transportation. it would maintain investment in roads and bridges, but it is really -- the increase is requested by both the administration's priorities, including things like public transit and transformative rail investments, electrification, and reconnecting communities. however, the house must pass the bill either before the fast act expires on september 30th, or there will have to be a continuing resolution and continued discussion over the bill. we have heard that the
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infrastructure investment and jobs act may get held up pending discussion within the democratic caucus over the larger $3.5 trillion rel reconciliation bill. i haven't heard much, but we're crossing our fingers that this enormous investment will move forward in a timely manner. with that, i'm happy to answer questions. >> chairman: thank you, ms. crabb. commissioner preston? >> thank you, chair mandelman. i just wanted to make sure we were tracking the bill that was introduced this year -- i mean this week -- in the senate, the public transportation expansion act. and in addition to the funding issues that were raised in the update, this bill, my understanding is that it is the sort of first time in decades that
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would allow large transit operators to use federal funds for operating expenses as opposed to capital expenses, which would really be a game-changer for local transit agencies, including the m.t.a. i understand it has just been introduced, but i wanted to elevate that and see if there is any initial updates around that, but more importantly make sure it is on our agenda not just to track but to figure out how we as a body can really elevate that and work with our federal delegation to emphasize the importance of having that flexibility to our public transportation system. thank you. >> chairman: thank you, commissioner preston. ms. crabb, have you been following that? >> yeah. i just wanted to thank you for flagging it, and we definitely will follow up with our delegation and see what we can do to assist in supporting it.
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i wanted to also just point out one additional piece of good news is that the federal transit administration last week announced a $2.2 billion notice of funding availability for a competitive grant program that would provide pandemic-related assistance to transit operators above and beyond the current covid relief bills. so that was another piece of good news. i understand m.t.a. is currently working on what it is going to submit for that. >> chairman: thank you, ms. crabb. >> thank you. >> chairman: let's open this item to public comment. >> clerk: okay. we have one caller. hello, caller, your two minutes will begin now. >> caller: um, good morning, supervisors. with regard to mr. watts' report, i believe that i mentioned in the authority before that whatever it is that they're building in the central valley will never be a high speed line
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between l.a. and san francisco. and this was my concern -- but, actually, the chairman of the authority -- the average -- after spending $20 billion, the average speed would be 126 miles per hour. my recommendation is actually quite different from what they are proposing. it is that they follow the example of the rest of the world and start by electrofying -- first of all, double tracking central valley and then electrofying it. because that will take care of not only high speed rail, but also the greenhouse gas esessions by sfmta and the union specifically. and moving to us, i'm also
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recommending that l.a. do the same thing, which is to electrify between burbank and anaheim. it is exactly what we're doing right here up here in the north. thank you. >> clerk: thank you, caller. >> chairman: thank you. >> clerk: there are no more callers. >> chairman: okay. public comment on item 35 5 is closed. thank you, mr. watts and ms. crabb. madam clerk, please call item 6. >> clerk: item 6: allocates 885,777 of prop "k" funds, and 410,000 improper "h" funds. this is an action item. >> chairman: presenting we have anna laport our deputy director for policy and programming. >> good morning, commissioners. let me pull up my screen
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from my slide deck. mr. chair, can you see my presentation. >> chairman: i can. >> great. okay. so we have three prop "k" sales tax request (indiscernable). the first request is for the design phase of a new signal contract. this would be to install signals at 10 intersections where they currently are not controlled by signals, and also to install a rectangle flashing beacon at one intersection. the scope of work includes pedestrian countdown signals and other infrastructure related to the poles, as well as ramps. the full scope of work would be open for use by september of 2024. the next request is for the application based
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traffic calming program. m.t.a. has used prop "k" funds to evaluate the request over the past year, and these were the requests that were received in june of 2020. the m.t.a. has evaluated the requests and done speed surveys and various other measures to decipher which of these applications would be accepted into the program, and it is now requesting design phase funds to come up with the recommendations for which measures to be installed at the locations that have been accepted into the program. and, again, this is the application-based program with the intent of slowing vehicle speeds on residential streets. this next request from m.t.a. is for the active communities plan. and this is for m.t.a. to engage in a citywide planning process to update the 2005 bicycle master plan. this scope of work
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includes human-powered, and electric-powered devices. so all of the devices can operate legally on bike facilities. the implementation plans for disadvantaged communities will be part of the recommendations, as well as policies and programs related to bicycling. the final plan, which would be presented to the m.t.a. board in february of 2024, will include planning, cost estimates, analysis of funding options available, and potentially available, as well as the citywide bike network and design guidelines for the recommendations to be implemented. so -- and the prop "k" funds would be leveraging a state grant from caltrans for planning funds. >> chairman: vice chair preston, is your question about this item? >> i'm go at the end. >> this last request is to install three new street
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lights on joy and sally. there has been outreach conducted in the last -- between february and june and presenting the design to the community groups in chinatown community development center, and working with supervisor peskin's office. the project team has coordinated on a paving project on joy sally. it will provide a fully paved roadway after the project is completed. and with that, i'm happy to take any questions. >> chairman: thank you, director laport. vice chair preston? >> i just wanted to thank staff and public works and community for the consideration of the $410,000 improper double "a" funding to increase public safety on one of the oldest, coolest alleys in chinatown. it is three blocks that
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really change -- their community did a lovely job of writing about joyce alley. and it connects the lower part to the heart of chinatown. i really want to thank the community that worked hard to develop the chinatown alley master plan to preserve and improve the historic attributes of this vital pedestrian set of alleys that connects businesses and residences in chinatown. so thanks all around. and i commend it to you, colleagues, for its approval. >> chairman: commissioner mar? >> thank you, chair mandelman. and thank you, ms. laport, for the presentation. i had a question around the proposed signal lights, particularly the one at 41st and lincoln. i was pleased to see this on the list for a number
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of reasons. one of the key recommendations from the district 4 mobility study was traffic calming and pedestrian safety improvements on lincoln way, and also as a staff memo for this item noted, this intersection has been the location of 12 injuries over the past five years, and also traffic volume at this intersection has increased significantly. i think it said it doubled -- tc lines doubled since 2018. i think some of that is due to the closure of the great highway, where we have seen significant increases in traffic volume on lincoln way, between the great highway and sunset. and also on chain of lakes drive and golden gate park. it is really good to see this on the list. i guess i was concerned that there was an asterisk, and it said that
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this might be removed from the list if m.l.k. drive in golden gate park is reopened. so i just want to understand that. that concerns me, and i don't understand why this would be removed from the list and deprioritized. >> i'd like to ask brian wu, the project manager, program manager as well, to address your question. >> yes. good morning, commissioners, supervisor mar. i've been an almost five decades resident of the richmond or the outer sunset, so i travel through this area every day. i share your concerns about the issues over at the intersection and how traffic has been changing over the past, you know, year and a half, two years.
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the key issue in terms of the operation of this proposed signal is dependent upon how much we can serve between different directions. the reality is that this signal would not work very well if martin luther king is open to east/west traffic because the two intersections between martin luther king and lincoln way are only 60 feet apart. to draw an analogy to a nearby location, it would be similar to the operation over at 19th avenue and martin luther king. there is another always stop intersection to the west, but that one is 150 feet west. this is 90 feet closer. and the operation of one intersection versus another would not work
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very well, and it is dependent on what we do with m.l.k., in terms of making the two intersections work well together. that's why we put that asterisk in there because martin luther king is kind of an unknown right now. so we didn't want to promise you that the intersection would work well unless we could actually deliver on that promise. >> thank you. okay. i see the point about the close proximity between the intersection on m.l.k. and lincoln. i guess i don't understand because it is a four-way stop at that intersection at m.l.k. and chain of lakes. and that -- would that change whether it is a flow street versus open to vehicles? >> yes, very much so. the reason is: with 60 feet apart between the two intersections, i can only store about three cars in between.
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and so when i throw in a green light, for example, there is a rush for the traffic behind to try and make that green light, and we're concerned, naturally, about the cross safety of bicycles and pedestrians that would be on m.l.k. when they see a green light, for example, at 41st and lincoln. so there are some safety concerns, as well as the operation of the signal itself. so, for example, 60 feet, only being able to store three cars, you could only have traffic, say, on lincoln way turn on to chain of isolation, and lakes, and onlythree people woue to be stored in the middle. that is part of the confusing operation of the signals, should both intersections be open. likewise, we're required to leave the light green and have walking signals on for a certain amount of time, which is a function
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of the width of the intersection to allow enough time for slower-moving pedestrians, disability pedestrians, what have you, to be able to completely clear the intersection. there would be times when traffic would be seeing a green light, but they can't actually use it. so a lot of this is complicated if the intersections are too close. >> got it. thank you for that explanation, brian. i understand a little bit better that it is complicated to figure out these traffic management improvements. i and my staff look forward to working with you on the broader set of traffic calming and pedestrian safety measures on lincoln way. i think this proposed signal can be a key part of that. yeah, so i look forward to following up with you about this. thank you. >> absolutely. thank you. >> chairman: thank you, commissioner mar. let's open this item up to
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>> clerk: there are 11 aye. the motion passes. >> chairman: thank you, madam clerk. please call item 7. >> clerk: item and: authorize the executive director and other representatives to enter a credit agreement for $$125 million to execute legal documents relating thereto, and to take all necessary or appropriately related actions or connected there with. this is an action item. >> chairman: all right. and here to present is cynthia fong. >> thank you very much. i want to pull up the presentation. i just want to confirm
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everyone can see the presentation. >> chairman: we can. >> great. thank you very much. so as indicated back in may, when the board approved the fiscal year 2021 budget, we mentioned our $140 million revolving credit agreement with state street bank and union banks would be expired in 2021. it allows us to advance funds to support faster project delivery that we could not support on a pay-go basis with our monthly sales tax revenues. from time to time, we have been drawing down from this revolving credit agreement to fund peak capital expenditures. what we did was on april 14, 2021, we issued an r.m.p. to the banks for a loan up to $200 million. by a due date of may 14th, 2021, we were happy to receive five proposals from various financial institutions. here i can share with you
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the responses we received. on this slide, you'll see on the gray area we've highlighted the prior revolving credit agreement, or loan, we had with u.s. bank and state street bank. in the red box highlighted on the screen represents the current offer, which is also the best and lowest offer we received out of the five proposals. we -- the review panel consisted of our staff and financial advisors. and there is a representative here as well if you have any questions. we deemed four of the proposals to be responsive, in terms of the proposed terms, amount, and facility type. we evaluated the proposal space on the responsiveness, with a huge emphasis on the proposal speed. the duration of the commitment, which is approximately three years, and the credit ratings for each institution, alone
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with other various terms. on this slide, we have a summary of the terms and conditions. so based on this competitive review and selection, rear recommending that we enter into a new loan with u.s. bank for three years. now, u.s. bank offered us a commitment of up to $200 million, and offered us lower rates than what we're previously currently paying with state street bank and u.s. bank. however, given the expectations for the timing of project expenditure reimbursements from our sponsors in the next few years, an existing grant obligations, and anticipated future allocations, we're recommending that the loan amount be $125 million. the proposed fiscal year 2021, 2022 year assumes fees. we're expecting to have costs in a range from $750,000, if we were not to draw upon the loan at all during the three-year period. or up to 4.7 million if we
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were to fully uthe loan use then from day one. there was unanimous support to adopt the proposal for this item. as some of you may know, whenever we look to draw down funds, or draw down on the loan, we definitely come back to the board and indicate the amount, in addition to what we plan on funding with that loan, if drawn upon. with that, i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. thank you. >> chairman: thank you, director fong. i do not see any comments or questions from colleagues. so let's open this item up to public comment. >> clerk: there is no public comment. >> chairman: thank you. thank you. public comment on item 7 is approved. is there a motion to approve item 7? moved by peskin. is there a second? >> seconded by chan. >> chairman: seconded by
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ayes. the motion passes. >> chairman: thank you, madam clerk. please call item 8. >> clerk: item 8, accept the downtown rail extension and the final report. of the trans bay joint powers authority and release $2,644,507 with conditions for d.t.x. project developments. developme. this is an action item. >> chairman: thank you. we have jesse keller, the rail program manager. >> good morning. jesse keller. are you able to see the slide? >> >> chairman: we. >> i'd like to note at the top we are joined this morning by three colleagues from the trans bay joint powers authority, nila gonzalez, alfonso rodriguez, and mary pryor.
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the d.a. p.a. is the lead delivery. the d.t.x. project will extend cal tran to the transit center to cervical train and future california high speed rail. in 2020, the transportation authority, the tjpaand four other agencies entered into a memorandum of understanding with the goal of preparing the d.t.x. project for preparamount. preparement. so far the past year, the d.t.x. study has studied projects that could be modified or deferred in order to save funds and deliver funds to the transit center as soon as possible. at the last board meeting, they approved the final report of the study which put forward three specific phases and recommendations.
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the first recommendation is to defer construction of the bart muni pedestrian connector. this will connect the transit center to the market street is subway. the connector will remain part of the tjp a capital program. deferring the connector will permit time to plan the facility in light of capacity complaints at embarcadero station, and to take into account the design of the future link 21 rail crossing project. the d.t.x. board directed that it includes funds for street level investment, until such time as the underground connection is built. the second phasing recommendation is to defer construction of the intercity bus facility. [please stand by]
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to complete the activities of the 2 phases of project development as specified by the fda. the in the upcoming fta project development phase will require an additional $30 million in funds in order to complete preliminary designand undertake related technical work . the engineering phase will follow and is expected to cost $20 million in order to undertake furtherdesign development and prepare the project for procurement . together the two faces represent a three-year program that will require approximately $50 million. originally the plan was to utilize bridge funds for this
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work but this funding source remains on hold pending the outcome of litigation in process . in order to keep the project advancing on schedule a planned approach to fund this work is to pursue local funds for the immediate project development phase in concert with advancing those funds to secure commitments from the partner agencies for subsequent engineering state of work. over the last month senior management from california high-speed rail has submitted letters indicating their intent to bring forward contributions to the engineering phase. the full mtc commission will consider a committee recommendation to make a $3 millioncommitment . funding for the immediate upcoming product development phase plans to come from a bond issuance and that's why revenues are in special tax. 83 percent of special tax revenues go to the program for
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delivery of programs including etf. consideration of legislation authorizing thisbond will be going before the board of supervisors this month . this morning at the transportation authority board where recommending the release of $6 million of funds to the t jca to complete the planning and design work thatwas supposed to be in april 2020 allocation as amended by the board . these funds have been unreserved due to the conditions shown on slide. conditions have been satisfied and as further described in your work. that concludesmy presentation and our recommendations are shown on this slide . i and staff are availableto address any questions . >> president: thank you mister koehler. colleagues, any questions? let's open this item up to public comment.
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>> clerk: okay. hello caller, your 2 minutes begins now. >> caller: i want to call to your attention that both your own cac as well as the transfer a joint powers authority recommended that you proceed with the reduced scope of prioritized construction while keeping some of the currently downsized item in their. i support that recommendation. i also asked you to follow through with therelease of the 2 and a half billion dollars requested .i think you've got to proceed with doing what you can do without hindering i will say the expansion in thefuture so please proceed asked staff have recommended . thank you thank you caller. >> clerk: caller, your 2 minutes willbegin now .
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i apologize. caller, your 2 minutes will begin now. >> caller: hello again supervisors i'm from san jose , briefly callingabout your packet .for your consideration a couple of changes to staff recommendation. number one, [inaudible]. number two is to defer the sign of the expansion and until the next crossing of elevations. the elevation is extremely important because they plan right now to carry out on a flat plane ignoring the fact that we have to gather a bunch of high-rise buildings not the least of which are the ...
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[inaudible] all this would come back to you for final approval. the last point i make is that we've got more event structures between the transit center than the entire 12miles of tunnels . and it basically shows complete lack of understanding of some of the designsand renovation in particular . i'll come back in the general public about how we need to revisit as we go about developing thisthing . thank you. >> clerk: thank you caller. there are no more callers at this time. >> president: public comment on this item isclosed, commissioner katie .
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>> if you could go back to one of the slides that has the summary of some of the reduced costs. for this one, if you could talk a bit about the reduced extension and what are some of the longer-term impacts of tha . could you explain that a bit more ? >> i'm happy to commissioner haney. the extension is to the existing train box that was built in conjunction with the transit center and that will extend that box to the aid in order to accommodate both caltran and high-speed rail trains. when the project was developed the lanes of that extension were rather significant . in order to ensurethat california high-speed rail
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double trains which is a technical term for a long train . so that's good trains could stop at the platform without interrupting any of the operation into the throat of the facility. through the design work that proceeded over the last while in conjunction with the study and arrangement was developed and agreed by the high-speed rail authority whereby certain train cars would not have tickets sold for passengers boarding the transit center which would permit some of those cars to hang off either end of the platform thereby allowing the train box extension to bereduced . the reason that reduction is a significant amount of money is we've seen on this slide past area as opposed to the dotted line in the full extension, the past area is below right of way so constructing these extensions not only save on the low grade excavation, it
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reduces the amountof right-of-way allowed for the project . >> president: thank you for that explanation. thatmakes more sense in terms of what the impact would be . i want to say the pedestrian connector is very much welcomed. i'm i heard from folks in the area and triedto make that connection and it's been a huge challenge . i think that will help improve the overall experience and activity ofwhat's happening at the transit center both in the short and long-term . thank you karen. >> i guess to continue on the question about the box, i think i understood there's uncertainty about what the ultimate ... if there's more movement to the right of our screen or high-speed rail for
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prostate connection if there's uncertainty about where exactly we might want that or how we might want that extension to have in terms of grade and that the firm that is probably in the longer-term interest of whatever project comes next under 10 years or 15 yearsfrom now . is that right? >> that's correct chair mandelman. reducing the extent of that train box will make the design more resilient for the alignments options and there will be further design coordination through what will get underway this year . >> one of thepublic commenters were saying we should defer th design of the box altogether . do you have any thoughts about that ? >> i'll call on my tgv a colleague but the short answer is it is in the preliminary design process that will get
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underway subject to the board of supervisors approval of the bond through which that design will be advanced and a key component of the design that side of the transit center will be consideration in coordination with the 20 1t through that design process that it can be revised. >> chair: if tga wants to add anything but they don't have t . >> thank you, i think he covered it pretty well. >> chair: there was a comment about not deferring the pedestrianconnector . we are being asked to do that and can you say alittle bit more about the rationale for deferring that connector ? >> we had submitted a letter to the t gpa. prior to the pandemic the embarcadero station and they face significant capacity
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constraints during the commute hours and expressed concern about delivering the connector before part managed those concerns and those constraints of the approaches that might be used to address those constraints would include structural modifications to the embarcaderostation which would need to be integrated into this pedestrian connector . over the long-term as the project develops we want to make sure the project is supported not just by the plant infrastructure butthe future changes to their regional rail network in the vicinity . >> chair: with that i do want to thank rta staff as well as dgca staff for all the work they've been doingover the summer , early in the summer i had said i was hoping we could get some commitments on our partners for this next phase of the project and i know it's been a lot of work but we do
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have caltran and high-speed rail. i'd like to see them coming in for more as we go forward but i know it's a lot of work for our staff to have those conversations with the different partners. thanks to everyone fordoing that and thanks for getting us here . this is an important moment and i know everyone is working really hard to get our application in for fta funding prior to the end of 2023and that'simportant . thanks everybody . with that, i will move item 8. is there asecond ? >> second, haney. >> chair: madam clerk, please call the role . >> clerk: before i call the
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>>. [roll call vote] >> clerk: that is 10 aye's. item 9, authorizedextension of tax records, this is an action item . >> chair: deputydirector , you are back. >> thank you, hello again. what i have before you is an administrative itemfor your approval .the california department of tax the administration known as the cf tga, they collect local sales and usetax on behalf of the transportation authority . with the economy caused by the pandemic it's made it difficult for our agency to have accurate sales tax revenue protection. back in may 2021 we entered into a professional service agreement with community services for sales tax revenue
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forecasting services and we like community services to examine more comprehensive data collected by the ctf a and as a result we're hoping to have better sales tax revenues data reports for our budget and planning purposes. in order for all this to happen the tgf-beta requires us to adopt a board resolution to designate individuals and or consultants permitted to access sales transactions and the use of tax data collected by our agency. in addition thisaction reaffirms and authorizes the staff allowed to have access to this data . there's no financial impact for this item and as ice chair client had mentioned he cdc unanimouslyadopted a motion that supports this . i'm happy to take any questions you may have on this item. >> chair: i don't see any comments or questions .
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hello. are we opening item 9 for public comment? do we have any public comments? >> clerk: operator, can you give us? there is no public comment. >> chair: thank you for that. public comment on item 9is close . we need to have a motion to approve is there a motion to approveitem 9 ? thank you commissioner peskin. will you call the role. >> clerk: [roll call vote]
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>>. [roll call vote] the motion passes. >> chair: please call item 10. >> clerk: item 10, 2050 update on an information item. >> chair: i believe we have dave laughton frommta . >> good morning commissioners, i'm dave laughton with the metropolitan transportation commission andassociation of bay area governments and also a
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resident of san francisco . i'm pleased to be here to share draftplan 2050 and i will pull up the slides quickly . i've been asked to keep today' presentation relatively short given all the other items on your agenda . ebay area 2050 is available on plan bay area.for i'llprovide any highlights . as a quick recap of what area 2050 is, it's the regional long-range plan for transportation, housing, economic buyout development and environmental resilience slated for adoption this fall and is shaped by the community vision and values discussion that occurred in 2018 and 19 form guiding principle of a region that ismore affordable, connected, diverse , healthy and vibrant for all the area residents. the plan is designed by 35 prodigies and shaped by key geographiesthat are at the core
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of the long-range plan . area 2050 acknowledges we are in uncertain times and we all recognize the future will not follow a linear path. that's why the first phase of this planning process is the horizon initiative, with stress tested strategies against three divergent futures and prioritized on the resilience to uncertaintywhile advancing social equity . this process helps define the blueprint developedover the course of 20/20 which is now referred to as traffic area 2050 .2050 relied on a deep public engagement process with over 300meetings , 220,000 public comments and 19,000 participants this doesn't even include the additional comments received over the course of the summer that were added to the total. where most proud of using more diverse engagements to meet people where they are and
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focusing a majority of our events in equity priority communities and other low income committees for the bay area targeting underrepresented demographics including youth for on house population, low english speakers and more. while we evaluated our strategy against a wide range of different trajectories in the process we estimate the region can grow by 1.4 million new households 1.4 million new jobs through 2050. our growth geographies identify where we could grow and where we would prefer not to growas we seek to focus growth near transit area with high opportunity . the plan to protect areas outside the urban growth properties and high hazard areas prioritizes loosely nominated priority areas and priority production areas which constitute the vast majority of
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geographies in the city of san francisco as well as regionally identified transitrich areas and high resource areas . all these younger fees are shown on the map on the right . in addition to the growth geography on 35 strategies which are shown on the slide. the transportation element focuses on maintaining and optimizing our existing systems, creating healthier and safe streets and building a next-generation hundred billion dollar transitnetwork . the housing element of the plan includes entities to protect and preserve affordable housing or more housing production at all income levels and more inclusive committees as a pathway to our regions housing prices. the economy elders are seeking to improve economic mobility closing the income inequality gap and a shift location of jobs to greater job balance within the bay area.
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and last but not least the environment element of the strategies reduces risks from hazards and expands access to open space and importantly reduce climate emissions. i'm going to quickly walk through some of the key themes acrossthe five guiding principles of the plan . so first of all in regard to making the bay area more affordable the plan would reduce the extreme cost of living by focusing more than 1 million new homes near high-frequency public transportationacross all the counties in the region . it would help us produce and preserve much-needed affordable housing through action by a variety ofdifferent sectors in public nonprofit and private . and in the transportation space rater portability can be gained byproviding robust discounts for low income residents and transit . terms of making the bay area more connected, strategies include creating the next
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generation or last public transportation system and emphasizing both maintenanceand optimization as well as growing ridership through expansion . the plan includes strategies of standardized transit throughout the region to create seamless mobility hubs. and last but not least, the plan includes strategies to permanently reduce traffic congestion through a proven approach of corridors looking at how wecan chart freeways while making sure we mitigate any equities . in terms of making the bay area more diverse over time it all starts with renter protection and sharing the protection that exist in san francisco are expanded more broadly across the bay area. the plan includes prodigies to tackle racial inequities by enabling more housing to historically exclusionary placesand integrating those high resource areas growth locations for the first time in our regional planning .the plan includes strategies to
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reduce income inequality throughprograms like the universal basic income and mortgage assistance for first-time homebuyers . to make the bay area healthier plan area 2050 is an example of durables held by the region, building up to $10 million pedestrian network throughout the bay area. it also invests to protect tens of thousands of area homes with sea level riseimpact impacting 98 percent over the course of the next three decades . and private change through a variety of investments in electric vehicles,energy upgrades to residential and commercial buildings and travel demand management efforts . finally on the guiding principles the plan encourages more job growth and housing which areas and financial incentives and streamlining , the increase ready areas and industrial land developments to preserve our industrial lands and analyze job growth in many places and the need for
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high-speed internet and all communities across the region so everyone can participate in the digital economy. zooming into san francisco, we can't every one of the 35 strategies but i wanted to highlight 4 and how they can access the city. notably as discussed in your prior item some new rail expansion projects featured in what we call strategy the 11 expansion andmodernization of the regional rail networks . this includes investments that will improve access to regions within san francisco as well as in the east bay including a 21 projects that would connect for king with salesforce transit center and east bay destinations like n emeryville, berkeley for our region together. in the housing space we recognize the city and region are experiencing a housing crisis pushing household budgets to the limit and by building more housing and especiallyaffordable housing in the priority department areas
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nominated by the city , infusing federal and state monies in thislocation and help move us in the right direction . on the economic front, these universal basic income strategies that help lift up 125,000 low income san franciscans to close some of those income inequality gaps that existwithin our city . and lastly, strategy three energy upgrades to existing commercial and public buildings can augment existing city of san franciscoefforts with new regional resources recognizing that our city has many older and less energy efficient buildings . i'm going to pick up the pace here because thestrategies are really the core of the plan . suffice to say transforming our region is not a cheap and never the plan totals $1.4 trillion over a 30 year horizon and while most of the transportation monies are
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existing the remainder being reasonably anticipated during the parking revenues, funding gaps are much greater in the housing economic development and environmental spaces and the good news is that the money coming out of dc and san francisco can help us fill these significant gaps. statutorily we are required to forecast what these might yield in terms of agrowth pattern . the we anticipate one third of new housing and jobs would be in the south bay, one third in the east bay, 16 to 17 percent of new housing would be in san francisco . four out of five new homes and three out of five new jobs would be in within ablock of public transit . in terms of outcomes for a typical bay area residents we would anticipate that i share of household budgets and
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housing and transportation would decline by 13 percentage points, a decrease to the household with greater reductions for low income households. one in five workers would be dependent away from more sustainable modes, 10 percent of our low income households would be able to buy their first home and we would be able to achieve that injury greenhouse gas projects and protect all homes from sea level riseand as noted the plan would improve job housing balance . with a plan slated for adoption this fall we have been working to determine how we can partner to implement the plan with other public nonprofit and private entities including sf cta and other san francisco agencies. the implementation of the plan is featured as part of the draft plandocument and while we won't be diving into the implementation action , the 35 strategies translates into 70
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implementation actions which are shown on slide 17 and 18 which we will be skipping for time. all the documents related to draft area 2050 including the plan document itself an implementation plan, supplemental report and environmental impact report will be made publicly available at the end of may and the comments closed on july 20. we anticipate final plan area 2050 will be released in early october and it will take up the final plan and consider it for adoption in 21october. with that i'm happy to take any questions . >> you mister lawton. we will see if any of my colleagueshave comments or questions . i do want to thank you for coming. i have a voice in several occasions my frustration with the area process but in particular the relatively last-minute december doubling of san francisco's housing
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allocation over the time of plan bay area in a way that felt not collaborative. not interested in hearing from our planning department about whether the assumptions built into the mtc's model made sense and it seems to be based on the demolitionof a lot ofexisting affordable's , semi-affordable's .multiunit housing in the southern eastern part of thecity . so my concern about that were why i voted against the allocations that were based on plan bay area and i can see i can continue to have concerns about how this has gone down over the past period. i'm hoping going forward we can have a better relationship and i think part of that is to depend on the ability then to follow through on the assumptions that to help fund the assumption that more
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transportation investments in san francisco will allow us to develop the housing that the routine will depend on. i was told that the allocations relatively modest allocations for work on the new eva is on the west side and western edition were not funded and san francisco i think was the only county not to have that funding come through. i think was like $750,000 each but insofar as it might implementhow things are going to go , i think that would be a problem. there are many opportunities to collaborate and many regional projects but ithink we all care about . downtown extension , opportunity maintenance and repair work. our poor train control system. treasure island, westside bridges, there's a lot of stuff in the region to help fund if
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they expect us to be delivering so much housing which i think we need to do our fair share and maybe even though of step above that so far my experience with regionals has been poor and i'm hopingwe can do better going forward . those are my comments and commissioner cronin. >> thank you chair.i completely agree with everything yousaid . i think it's important that you hear it's not just from a representative mandelman but from your representative. that's where i stand and i'm disturbed about the last-minute radicalincrease in housing expectations for san francisco . about our input and that it seemed to be expected out of
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the east side neighborhood that has undergone extreme gentrification and something we could very carefully be fighting back for many many years. that undermines that. and i just want there to be an impression that supervisor mandelman doesn't go off on his own and is the only one expressing very deep concerns aboutthe process . but that he has my hacking as the mtc rep and i would ask the rest of the colleagues to agree to send that message. and really seek their leadership. >> thank you commissioner, vice chair.
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>> vice chair: i put my name on the roster just for the purpose of reinforcing what you and mta commissioner ronan just said. i mean, i think the mta really needs understand that this board of supervisors, this mayor, the previous board of supervisors, the previous mayor have successfully endeavored to do more than our part and this really feels like a screw san francisco situation and the resentment is profound and it has to be stated candidly for the record . if the mtc wants to really be our regional organization that is held in high regard and inspected, regionally behavior like this just really can't happen. i have always shunned san
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francisco's exceptionalism and have not been one of those elected officials who runs around thinking that san francisco is the crown jewel in the area counties but in the same breath, we can't be kicked around like this. when our arguments and the numbers balance what we are trying to express. it's just beyond me. thank you forallowing me to get that off my chest .>> chair: thank you vice chair peskin. we can open this item to public comment. >> operator, this is britney, can youhear me ? you want me to pause a few minutes to address those microphone issues.
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>> let's take a five minute recess. >> to those that are online . >> chair: public comment. >> clerk: okay. color, thank you for your patience. your 2 minutes begins now. your 2 minutes begins now. >> caller: helloagain supervisors , i'm from san jose. within the mission i would like to use slide 12 of the segway for conversation that will take place in the next month or so. in the prior century the high-speed rail operating plan was to connect san francisco to sacramento via gilroy and it is
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how we ended up with the san francisco somerset aar. fast forward 20 years and plan area 150 has a new crossing between the transit center . this allotment requires a complete rethink of dpx. which are no longer just a slow approach to whatessentially was a terminus . what these two components now are, they are the approach to the next transfer company. and we have got to rethink what we do in that light and i look forward to sharing more information with you. >> thank you there are no more colors on the line . >> public comment on item 10is closed .
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thanks to mister lawton and colleagues . and we will go on, madam clerk, please call item 11. >> item 11, developed a new process with a half settable sales tax for patient updates, this is aninformation item . >> so at long last he commanded by three committee have their inaugural meetings thursday evening and i was pleased to join them. i want to thank all our volunteers who stepped forward to participate in that process and i wantto thank all of you colleagues for your input . on areas potential candidates. and i think it's pretty great group that represents allthe districts of the city , many different interests and i think is going to come up with some really good stuff to guide our renewal of our sales tax and
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the next 30 years of transportation investments from this ta. so i'm going to give this over to michelle to present. but before that i also want to just spend great thanks to ms. beaulieu and director chang and all of the ta staff organizing the room. i'll give this over to ms. beaulieu. >> thank youchairman . i'm going to share my screen, can you see my screen okay mar . >> not yet. here it is. >> fantastic. so thank you again chairman and hello, i'm a fiscal planner for government affairs and i'm here to give you an update on the plan advisory committee which
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is meeting to discuss the new expenditure plan for the existing asset sales tax for transportation and also to provide a brief update on our plans. and i'll end this presentation on select steps and provide information about how people can stay up-to-date. as a reminder the builder approved expenditure plan for the half cent sales tax determine the eligibility of the funds and establishes eligible project sponsors, outlines leveraging of public funds and also includes policies for the programs administration . the current expenditure plan was approved by voters in 2003 and we are now working to bring a new expenditure plan to the ballot in 2022 to be ready for the june ballot that our schedule is slated to go to november so the new expenditure planwould supersede the proposition k plan without increasing the sales tax . given that we are currently targeting that june 2022 ballot
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for the board'sdirection this shows the overall schedule that was work backward from the board of supervisors action that would be required to place the measure on the ballot in june . so our expenditure plan advisory committee and outreach plan are all scheduled to be ready for that june 2022 election should the board decide to go to the ballot with a new expenditureplan at that time. and as a reminder in june the board approved the structure of the pack to convene this advisory group to help inform the overall process . and i'm going to reiterate thank you to all of your offices for what working with us to identify the facility seat. we have 26 of the 27 seats filled whichis great and as chairman mattbowman mentioned its really and engaged in thoughtful group . i won't read through the fall efforts included here . and again, i want to reiterate thank you to the members themselves for all of their time and energy on this process
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and i want to give a special shout out to rosa chan who will be doing several meetings here serving as our ta community advisory committee representative on the as well asrepresenting the chinatown community development center so thank you to rosa . page 2 of your roster, page 3, i want to acknowledge and thank the league of conservation voters and annie chung from the self-help for the elderly. they agreed to chair and vice chair respectively the pack and we really appreciate the additional time andenergy and commitment to the committee that they're making . slide 4 of the roster. so for the board's direction the goal of the pack is to recommend to the transportation authority board that they approve a new expenditure plan for the ongoing sales tax transportation and recommend a place it on the ballot in 2022. the committees are convened
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through public virtual meetings and all of the meetings and agenda materials are posted online both at our project sites listed here and at our main readings and agenda event page which is where members of the public can sign the board and find meeting material. anyoneinterested in getting updates can sign up online at the top of the project page here .there's also a place for folks to request a presentation to their organization or community stop so lots of stuff on our website. the committee has an ambitious agenda to get through in order to target that june 2010 and two ballot so as was mentioned the first initial official meeting was on september 9 and the agenda included an overview of the processes the committee will be following and we discussed an early preliminary
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draftof an expenditure plan and revenue forecast for the next 30 years. that's going to serve as the starting point for multiple iterations over the course of the upcoming meetings . what we did is we spent most of the time of the meeting talk about an equity analysis of the transportation system and sales tax and had an opportunity to break into smaller groups to discuss those findings inmore depth . equity is one of the key lenses that we want the committee to think about during each of the subsequent committee meetings which is why we want to focus on at the first meeting . upcoming meetings will include brief recaps of previous meetings and meetings to two through five are going to break the expenditure plan into segments for deeper dive and we've invited our agency partners at public works, to make brief presentations about the proposed investment types ofthe expenditure plan and each meeting will have breakout discussions to ensure we are
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hearing from every member . at the end of the process we will be looking for a vote of the committee to approve a recommendation to the board . thiscommittee is part of our broader outreach strategy and you seen versions of the slide before and there are more details in your packet so i will go through all these but we were continuing to work with all the elements of thisplan and in addition to having the committee on their way we've also been conducting community interviews , and working to set up our online tool on other events. these committee interviews have been cynically targeted to the equity priority communities around the city . and iwant to provide you with a partial summary of some of the feedback we've gotten today through those targeted interviews. we will come back to you with more information while we're hearing inthe future as they conduct more outreach and i
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wanted to highlight probably the most frequent comment we've gotten today has been about access and safety and the need for improvements and specifically permit improvements . but really the big finding here is that every community truly has different needs and that's why community-based planning is such an important part of developing the pipelines of transportation . as i mentioned another piece of the outreach plan is almost grade ago, it's an online survey where anyone can visit and provide feedback on the types of investments important to them and that's going to be posted on our website within probably the next week and we will share links withall the district offices and it will be available on ourproject website as well. the startup will be available in english, spanishand filipino. finally as i mentioned we encourage folks to sign up on our website to get presentations about the project, about our committee meetings and all of these opportunities to provide feedback . that concludes my presentation
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and i'll be happy to take any questions, thank you. >> thank you . i am looking to see if my colleagues have any questions . it looks like not so let's open up item 11 to public comment. >> let's take a look. there is one color now. >> your two minutes begins now. >> can you hear me? >> we can hear you. >> good morning. so my only question here is how does the planned outreach courtney with other ongoing efforts including and i have a longlist , the caltrans downtown extension that you have on your agenda earlier. the city's capital plan action plan information and communication technology plan, transit first policy, connect sf, major development projects like the hunters point shipyard, treasure island and mtas budget capital plan. capital improvement programs and facilities framework and new revenue measures that they may be considering major projects like better market street.
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the report of the mtc blue ribbon transit recovery task forceand planned bay area that you also had on today . community forward, the 2022 transit network and efforts to store all service to three covid-19 levels. the railyard benefits study and your ongoing congestion pricing study. the state of good repair efforts, the transit center and transportationsustainability program. there are a lot of other things going on . there's a compressed timeframe here and i hope staff can either address today or in the future how the outreach for the sales tax expenditure plan coordinates with those outreach and planning efforts. thanks. >> clerk: thank you caller. chair, there are no more color .
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>> chair: thank you, public comment on the item 11 is closed. does staff wantto try to address the feedback process as it relates to everything ? >> thank you for the question. i understand the color has tremendous knowledge in the recent past.we will do our best to keep the pack relevant, particularly with things like the connect sf planning program which does include the forthcoming san francisco transportation plan update. that's our own transportation plan as well as relevant efforts by other agencies, our partner agencies at the planning department including transportationelements, housing elements updates and sf mta itself with its own planning process . there's a lot of really good planning work being going on
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and as michelle and marie have been doing with the epac we will bring the most relevant updates forward but inviting departments and members who highlight the coordination opportunitiesthrough parallel processes . >> chair: thank you director shannon and ms. beaulieu and we're looking forward to hearing back from all of you going forward. madam clerk, please call item 12. >> clerk: adoption of new items, this is aninformation item . >> chair: does anyone have anything ? not seeing anything. so we will move on to item 13, madamclerk . >> clerk: item 13 as public comment and i'd like to acknowledge we received 4 public comments and they are on
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our page. >> clerk: color, your 2 minutes begins now. >> caller: i just want to share with you that the public participation experience in these meetings is suboptimal. specifically i'm working with you real-time over my phone. thevideo is bad, about one minute and the closed captioning is somewhere in between . moving forward i'm wondering if your company would consider the following example used by mtc, caltran and other agencies. and enhance the public participation.
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>> thank you caller. hello, your two minutes begins now. can you hear me >> yes . >> thank you. good morning. wait just a second.sorry. this is patricia eric. >> clerk: we can hear you. >> i wanted to make a comment about the major ways. only three percent of according to your data only three percent of residents ride bikes.
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but your spending over $1 million for this three percent. on the other hand, 49 percent or 10 times more than the bikers are walkers but i see nothing for them. in the proposal. so i'm just wondering about the wisdom of that. perhaps we could do something for the walkers. we do reduce the number of priorities from nine to about four or five and use the remaining funds that are freed up to put in more crosswalks. or fix the sidewalks which are in terriblecondition . let'sdo something for the walkers , 29 percent of people
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in the district use walking as their way to get around. only three percentof bikers . so that's my suggestion for that. thank you. hello caller, your 2 minutes begins now. >> this is judy gorski from district 4. i am also wanting to comment as the last caller did to object to the funding of the neighbor ways. supervisor mar said seven avenue is the model for a neighbor way and 20th avenue has parking on 2 sides of the street allalong it . the bicycle lane on one side of
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it and one lane for vehicles going north and one lanefor vehicles going south . it has not been disclosed exactly how many working spaces may have been removed for this model. if it was none and these conditions are the same for every single future neighbor way street there appears to be room for everyone. however neither supervisor mark nora sf mta will confirm this is the definition and condition ofall their planned neighbor ways . we have reason for concern they might decide to take away one out of 2 lanes for traffic or remove existing parking spaces for lanes on both sides of the street. since they will not do find their neighbor away i don't believe any money should be approved at this time to be spent on a reconfigured street to become a neighbor way without full transparency
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first.we voters and residents deserve to understand what must be given up in deference to few bicycles in theneighborhood compared to the many drivers before funding is approved for this project so we need to find plans to be able to accept them regarding the new conditions of the neighbor ways . there has not beensufficient publicoutreach on this matter . so many of my friends have never even heard of it . on another matter, i just wanted to take a moment to complement and support my supervisor for his questions on item 6 about itching for a solution to the dangerous conditions exacerbated by the highway at 41st avenue and i hope the transportation agency will meet him to fix this as soon as possible because it's a problem with iturgently needed solution. >> iq .
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what a pleasure. what a great thing for us to be together in person to celebrate the start of construction of affordable housing in san francisco. there is much -- there is much to learn. much to celebrate. much to understand about the meaning behind the housing here and to begin that, please join me in welcoming our reader, our mayor, london breed.
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thank you. >> i just got comfortable in my seat, don. hi everybody and welcome. first, let me say happy women's equality day today. that's why i'm wearing pink to recognize the contributions of women and the need to make sure that we are at the table. we are apart of this amazing economy and we're seeing more women and industries and places that we deserve to be. i'm mayor, we see all these women who are actively engaged in the construction industry. it's so great to see lori here and so many wonderful amazing women. happy women's equality day in san francisco. speaking of women, women are usually the head of house holds, the ones taking care of
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the families, taking care of the husbands, the wives, the children, and everything in between the moms and the dads and it's so fitting we're here today. 203 units that will serve families in san francisco. and, one of the things that was so important to me even before i was mayor is making sure that we are creating communities that are for people who are apart of these amazing communities. it has a lot to do with my experience of growing up in the western edition where when i lived in public housing, there were 300 units, there were promises made, there was tear down and rebuild and only a replacement of those 300 units. so we knew a lot of people from that community. a lot of the people that i grew up with weren't returning home. that really changed the western edition community and it didn't just happen at plaza east.
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it happened in other places across the city. when i became a member of the san francisco redevelopment agency commission, one of the things that was most important to me when we were talking about hope sf and we were transitioning from the federal hope program to one of local public and private partnerships, it was important that as we go in and we talk about rebuilding communities that we make sure that we allow those communities to participate in the process and really help drive the process, but most importantly, when that housing is done, the people from that community deserve right of first refusal and what is most inspirational about these 302 units that will be home to 203 families.
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40% neighborhood for this project, for the people in district six. for the people within one square mile of this project and, rudy, i want to get all your employees. all your kids who are now grown. i want all of them to apply for this housing. i want to see more applications for united players than anyone else in the city because i want to make sure that the community you helped to build, repair, stabilize, that they have a safe, affordable place to call home because that's what they should be about when we talk about equity. when we talk about community. we have to make sure that the reason why we're doing this translates to the people who need it the most because we know that having an affordable place to call home matters. 203 units over a thousand labor
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jobs of people that are working, that are putting their heart and soul into making this project happen. every nail that's hammered, every pipe that's brought in. how these places are brought together. it comes from a place of love, it comes from a place of knowing there will be families and people here to enjoy it. so i'm always happy to be in not just district six, but anywhere where we are breaking ground on housing, but it's particular affordable housing because i know what it means and, don, you and the family at t.n.d.c. who do incredible work for our city, you understand the value because you don't just help to build and create the housing. you help to work with the community. you help to serve the community with services that ensure that they are able to stay housed. that they are stable because that's what building and maintaining a community is all about. so i want to thank each and
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every one of you for being here today to break ground on this incredible project and i am hopeful that it's finished on time and under budget so i can come back and hand over the first key with a gift basket to the first family that's moving in because we're going to see a lot of smiles. yes, we see smiles today, but there's nothing like seeing those kids walk into their own bedrooms and seeing just their bed made up with smurf bedding. we like the little mermaid and smurfs and that kind of stuff back in the day. i don't know what these kids see today, but it's going to put a smile on their faces and everybody that's here working on this project, you are contributing to those smiles and i want to thank each and every one of you for being here today and i'll turn it back over to don folk. i was thinking about ken folk.
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maybe we can get here him to come in and design every room. >> thank you mayor breed. especially for reminding us that this is about much more than structures and buildings. it's about people and community and families. please join me in welcoming tbc senior director of housing development. >> good morning everyone. thank you so much for being here. thank you, don, and thank you mayor breed. thank you also to the san francisco voters who supported the 2019 affordable housing bond which is paying for this project. i want to thank mocd, eric shaw and his whole team is here for their partnership over the years. as they explore options for what we might do here. i want to thank the central
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soma plan advocates to serve a broad spectrum of income levels here. we look forward to partnering to connect residents with this housing. i also want to thank our acquisition and bridge lenders. from the local industry to support corporation, we have cindy woo. we also benefited from the state's housing program and finally from our local housing accelerate fund. i also want to thank at some point, this was considered an inclusionary housing development. and, finally, i want to introduce and thank charmine curtis or curtis development.
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she's our partner who's been with us from the beginning. she pulled out all the stops last year. she and i were working hard, hustling to secure the state funding that brought us to this point in time. thanks to her efforts, we can finally see that this building will be built and in two years, we will welcome residents to their new homes. i'd like to introduce charmine curtis. >> good morning everybody. it's so great to see everybody here and thank you so much for those kind words. we have worked so long and worked so hard to get to this moment. and i'm here to tell you how sweet it is. it took us a minute but we ade it. and it's important to acknowledge all the love and
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sweat that brought us to this moment. a testament to perseverance and down right doggedness. largely on the part of kb and myself who would never say die. but, also, we owe a huge debt to the maul army of people who performed above and beyond the call of duty to meet some deadlines over the last year and a half. we closed the financing and got this project under construction in lightning speed in record time for san francisco and we are so proud of that and the team that. >> affordable housing development will always be a big part of my life's work. for one thing, i believe in the transformative power and affordable roof over your head and without it, you cannot be a
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stable person living in one of the most expensive cities in the world. we have got to change our housing delivery system to make it so so that no one is left behind and unhoused in a world where there is so much in the city. i had to do my little soap box bit and i'm done with that part. we are here to celebrate this achievement and i want to extend a heart felt thanks to that small army of people i mentioned who helped to get us here. many of them are here. some are not. there are way too many individual names of folks to go through and i'm afraid i'll leave somebody out. i'm going to keep it high level and thank the organizations. and the one that i was thinking about on the way over here is the san francisco planning
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department. the women who do all the affordable housing processing are amazing and they worked above and beyond to submit financial applications last year. truly remarkable and without them, we wouldn't have made it. so thank you to those women who helped so much in the beginning. i mean, you all see the site. it's pretty organized and i really think it's one of the best general contractors in the country and just really know the business. our construction manager is wade point consulting the team from b of a is lending over
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$100 million and investing over $70 million in tax credit equity in this project and they're a big bank. that's still a huge investment even for them and their team has been really great, super flexible and even fun to work with through a really stressful process. >> the mayor's office has been a great partner in every way. and we miss them. but we're looking forward to working with the new project manager and construction manager from m.o.c.d.. thank you to california financing agency. they are a permanent lender and they were like the final piece to putting the financing together to make this happen, so we're grateful to them.
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the attorneys don't ever get enough credit because you would not believe but the city attorney's office is great. representing bank of america. they were great. housing developers, representing the partnership and they are amazing and are the bond council on behalf. and last but not least, the officers who are unsung. i want to thank over public title for everyone in their living rooms and bedrooms. it's pretty amazing. this work requires so much dedication. there are a lot of people doing this especially in the nonprofit world to go out and get jobs. but people do it because
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they're down with the cause. they want to get people housed and are just amazing, remarkable partners and i really want to just honor them for the work they do every day for all the work they give. thanks a lot. >> charmine curtis is an amazing developer and an amazing person. thanks, charmine. please, join me is welcoming lori dungone from swinderton. >> good morning. my name is lori dunngyen i am the vice president manager for swinerton builders here in the bay area. i will tell you that today is a
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special day because i don't have my steel toe boots on today which is very unusual, but trust me, they are in the trunk of my car because i believe in being ready at all times. on this amazing project, swinerton is grateful and thankful to be partnering with curtis development and t.n.t. architects. we are really excited to bringing these affordable projects to san francisco. we recognize housing is a significant issue and i'm really proud of the fact that over the past ten years, swinerton has delivered over 5,000 units which is just amazing. we really consider ourselves a community builder. we were founded in 1888 here in the city of san francisco and we truly believe it's part of our core values, that when we go to build in a neighborhood, we want to leave that neighborhood better than we found it.
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that is super important to us. one other amazing thing about this project is that we're really looking forward to working with our small and local businesses. so i saw earlier jeron. michael spencer. we're going to be working with spencer masonry and then tanna harris. we know this is a significant contract and we're going to do everything we can to support this process. so thank you to our small and local businesses. in closing, on behalf of swinerton builders, you have our commitment that we're going to be a good community partner on this project and we look forward to delivering this much needed affordable housing project to the city of san francisco. thank you.
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>> thank you so much, lori. we will conclude now and i just want to offer a few reflections. t.n.d.c. and citizen's housing came together in i think it was 2008 to undertake a joint venture. we outbid two market rate developers to get control of the site, the city, the mayor's office of housing and community development at the time had virtually no money, but they had the vision and the understanding to realize how important -- i'm so sorry. rudy! thank you for forgiving me. rudy, you're on. >> i'm a forgiving guy. thank you, don folk. first off, i want to say thank
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you, mayor london breed, for your leadership during these amazing times how you step with a lot of courage and as a san franciscan, the step forward during this pandemic and to make things happen, respect and solute to you. you know, i'm born and raised in san francisco, but i'm not only born and raised in san francisco, i'm born on this block. four blocks up. my family came from the philippines in the '60s. this neighborhood right here has a 100 year history of filipinos and this is actually famed after the cultural philippine zone. i'm one of them. i run my organization united players and another organization that's been running for over 50 years west
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bay and it's neighborhood serving our current filipino families and immigrants. project right here is a win-win here in san francisco. but, if you look at now. and it wasn't built overnight. if you look now for our people to be stable, for our people to not be moved to be placed in a place where not only in san francisco, but where we were born and raised. to me. that's how you stabilize and leave san francisco. we want the phillip piano residents where we live and we die. and so my motto is it takes the hood to save the hood. what does that mean? you ain't got to be from the hood to save the hood.
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it just meanses, you've got to have love in your heart from the people to take care of the people. so all the building, all the relationship buildings that we did with t.n.d.c., what my man mick who works, all our partners here from curtis development charmine, thank you. the construction workers, the people who built this, don't forget about them, the labor that they put to make this happen. thank you, guys. it takes a joint effort for all of us to do this together. that's all it means. all it means is us coming together working together. we may not see eye to eye all the time, but what we do is for the betterment of our people of san francisco. so thank you to everybody who made this project happen. over 200 affordable housing. come on, man. you know it's needed here in san francisco. and so thank you. i'm a frisco cat just like
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you're a frisco cat, mayor london breed. me and you go back like a hot bowl of grits. that's my sister right there. so lastly, i just want to say this, there's a lot of shovels here. there's a shovel at the end that's symbolic. that shovel was made from gun buy backs that we've been doing, mayor. right, mayor london breed, getting thousands of guns off the streets. that was made out of guns. that planted a tree for martin luther king in atlanta. we built that mohogany tree by city hall. we used that to break ground for that building right here. and the bible says swords will be turned into plow shares. i'm honored that you allow us to use that shovel to help break ground for over 200 affordable 100% housing in our
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community. thank you once again for having me. thank you for letting me speak. it wouldn't be right if you didn't have nobody from this neighborhood up here on the podium speaking. thank you, mayor london breed for your leadership. continue to do what you do because you know we've got your back like a backpack. thank you. >> thank you, rudy. you are an inspiration really and truly. and, i just want to make that comment rudy referenced mick. mick, can you raise your hand? there. mick was a t.b.c. resident at the yosemite apartments. we're all proud of that. now, thank you for forgiving me, rudy.
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i'll conclude by noting that it was in 2008 that citizens got control of the site. the city did not have virtually any money and so they had the foresight to lend us just enough to acquire the property and there was no more money in sight. and so for years and years, we struggled to try to find ways to come up with non-city money to complete the financing. and during that period of time, the site had originally been zoned for only 80' and because of our work with the city department, we were able to rezone it and sub divide it. so this is now actually two sites. what's behind us will be 18 stories and where you all are sitting now is zoned for 30 stories and another 230 units that some day we hope to be able to finance as affordable housing. and so, if there is something to learn from this, it is the
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before that the excel see your district. 20 years a resident of the city and county of san francisco. i am the executive director of a local art space nonprofit that showcases work that relate to the latino community and i have been in this building for seven years and some of my neighbors have been here 30 year. we were notified from the landlord he was going to sell the building. when we realized it was happening it was no longer a thought for the landlord and i sort of had a moment of panic. i heard about the small sites program through my work with the
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mission economic agency and at met with folks from the mayor's housing program because they wanted to utilize the program. we are dealing with families with different needs and capacities. conversations were had early in the morning because that is the only time that all the tenants were in the building and finally when we realized that meda did have the resources to buy the building we went on a letter writing campaign to the landlord and said to him we understand you want to sell your building, we understand what you are asking for and you are entitled to it, it's your land, but please work with us. what i love about ber nell height it represents the diversity that made me fall in
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love with san francisco. we have a lot of mom and pop shops and you can get all your resources within walking distance. my favorite area of my home is my little small patio where i can start my morning and have my coffee is a sweet spot for me and i in this san francisco office, there are about 1400 employees. and they're working in roughly 400,000 square feet. we were especially pleased that cleanpowersf offers the super green 100% clean energy, not only for commercial entities like ours, but also for
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residents of the city of san francisco. we were pleased with the package of services they offered and we're now encouraging our employees who have residence in san francisco to sign on as well. we didn't have any interruption of service or any problems with the switch over to cleanpowersf. this clean power opportunity reflects that. i would encourage any large business in san francisco to seriously consider converting and upgrading to the cleanpowersf service. it's good for the environment, it's good for business and it's good for the community.
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>> board members are -- [inaudible] to make public comments. the phone number is 415-655-0001. the access code is 24850312180. then press pound and then press pound again. when your item of interest is called, dial star 3 to be added to the queue to speak. you may be address the board once per agenda item for up to two minutes. item number 1, call to order. [roll call]
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