tv Board of Supervisors SFGTV October 5, 2021 2:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and the members of the ramaytush ohlone and recognizing their sovereign rights as first peoples. colleagues, please rise and recite with me the pledge of allegiance. ["pledge of allegiance"] >> president walton: and on behalf of the board, i'd like to thank the staff of sfgov. today, we have kalina mendoza,
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who recognize the meetings and make each of the scripts available on-line. madam clerk, are there any announcements? >> clerk: yes. the president of the board may call out of order item 64, the motion making findings to allow teleconference meetings. a public discussion and public comment shall be taken before any action by the board. additionally, this meeting is accessible remotely to the public seeking to access the telecast on cable t.v. or viewing on the most efficient way to make public comment is to listen on your public telephone system where you will be in synch to provide public comment.
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call 415-655-0001. when you hear the prompt, enter meeting i.d. 2498-328-1045, then press pound twice. you will hear the meeting discussion but will be muted. when you hear your item, press star, three, and listen carefully for the prompt, you have been unmuted, and begin your comments. there are five items, 35 through 38, on the pine street project. item 39 through 42 are the stevenson street project. items 43 through 46, this is a hearing of final mitigated
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you are permitted to speak to items within the general jurisdiction of the board of supervisors but are not on the agenda today, and the items 49 through 65. all other agenda items will have had its public comment fulfilled. the board of supervisors will accept public comment by mail using address san francisco board of supervisors, 1 carlton b. goodlett place, room 204, san francisco, california, 94102. you may also send an e-mail. use the e-mail there will be interpretation assistance provided to begin listeners with the public
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appeals beginning at 3:00, and finally, if the public is experiencing any trouble connecting to this meeting remotely, please call the clerk's office at 415-554-5184. we do have a live person standing by to assist you. thank you, mr. president. that concludes my communication. >> president walton: thank you, madam clerk, and colleagues, before we get started, just a friendly reminder to mute your microphones when you are not speaking. madam clerk, as you mentioned before, before we move forward with the consent calendar, i want to sever item 64 from the for adoption without committee reference calendar and call it out of order, would you please call item 64. >> clerk: item 64, this is a motion to allow teleconference meeting under california government code section 54953,
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subsection e. >> president walton: thank you. as you know, the governor previously declared a state of emergency from covid-19 in 2020. since then, we have our wonderful clerk of the board of supervisors and her entire staff to thank for their tireless efforts to support remote meetings. on september 16, the governor signed bill a.b. 61 that allows
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policy bodies to meet by teleconference as long as they make public policy decisions every 30-days. it is still the case that conducting all meetings this body and subcommittees in person will present imminent risk of safety to attendees. because the work of the board of supervisors is important, we need to have the flexibility to allow city staff to be able to not attend in person because they are sick or ill from
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covid-19. in passing this motion, the board is not committing to convening remotely forever. we are simply allowing to meet remotely for the next 30 days during covid-19. >> clerk: through the operations queue, do we have any members of the public who would like to speak specifically to the motion making findings to allow teleconference meetings for the next 30 days? let's hear -- >> operator: madam clerk, there are no callers in the queue. >> clerk: okay. thank you, mr. atkins. mr. president? >> president walton: thank you. there being no public comment, public comment is now closed. madam clerk, would you please call the roll on the motion?
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[roll call] >> clerk: there are 11 ayes. >> president walton: thank you, and without objection, this motion is approved unanimously. madam clerk, let's go to the consent agenda, items 1 through 10. >> clerk: items 1 through 10 are on consent. these items are considered to be routine. if a member objects, an item may be removed and considered separately. >> president walton: thank you. i don't see anyone on the roster. i believe we can take these
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same house, same call, and without objection, the consent calendar is passed unanimously. madam clerk, please call items 11 through 13 together. >> clerk: items 11 through 13 comprise the motions to either approve or disapprove plus the findings the planning commission's decision to approve a conditional use authorization for the proposed project located at 450 through 474 o'farrell street and 532 jones street. the requirements for these filed were satisfied on september 13, 2021. >> president walton: thank you, madam clerk. we are going to come back to items 11 through 13 a little later in the agenda, so would you please go to item number
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14. >> clerk: item 14 is an ordinance to authorize the san francisco municipal transportation agency or the sfmta to set parking rates at the kezar stadium parking lot and golden gate park underground parking facility in accordance with the park code provisions that authorize transmit rate selling on park property, making conforming edited to the park code, increasing parking rates for berth holders at the marina small craft harbor, and affirming the planning department's decision. >> president walton: supervisor peskin? >> supervisor peskin: thank you. colleagues, i'm sorry that this item drags on. we have a set of amendments that have been sent to the
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mayor's office. they have not been approved as to form. they've been deemed by the county attorney's office to be substantive. those amendments in section 12.08 and 12.35 would retain approval of the dynamic pricing model by this board initially, but as long as the board and the sfmta stayed within the confines would not come back before us unless there were substantial changes that would come back to this board during the annual budget process. additionally, as to 6.10 related to penalties, the city attorney's office is actually modifying some language that they originally proposed, which is not ready as a result of all of this. i think we have collectively
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determined that the best route, given that there is a duplicate file in committee, is to table item 14 today, make those amendments in committee, and then bring the item as amended in the form of duplicate file back to this board, and so i thereby make a motion to table item number 14. >> president walton: can you repeat all of that, supervisor peskin? >> supervisor peskin: i am making a motion to table item 14. >> president walton: thank you. motion to table item 14 made by supervisor peskin, seconded by supervisor chan. madam clerk, would you please call the roll on the motion. >> clerk: on the motion to table item 14 -- [roll call]
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>> clerk: there are 11 ayes. >> president walton: thank you. and without objection, motion to table carries unanimously. [indiscernible]. >> president walton: all right. we are going to take a ten-minute recess. there are some issues with sfgovtv in terms of streaming right now, and we need to make sure public access is available, so we will recess until 2:26 p.m. >> clerk: thank you, mr. president. sorry, members.
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>> president walton: on september 16, 2021. the governor signed ab361, a bill that amends the brown act to allow local policy bodies to continue to meet by teleconferencing during a state of emergency without complying with restrictions and state law that would otherwise apply. provided that the policy bodies make certain findings at least once every 30 days. we all hope that we will soon be
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able to hold all our meetings in person, health officials continue to recommend measures to promote physical distancing measures and it is still the case that conducting all meetings of this body and subcommittees in person will prevent imminent risk of safety to attendees. because of the work of the board of supervisors is necessary to allow city operations to continue, it is especially important that we have the flexibility to meet remotely in the even that members of this body or city staff are unable to attend in-person because they are sick or have been exposed to covid-19. under ab361, policy bodies must revisit these findings every 30 days. in passing this motion, the board is not committing to meet remotely forever.
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we are acting to authorize remote meetings for the next 30 days in light of the continued health risk presented by covid-19. madam clerk, we'll take public comment at this time. >> clerk: operations, do we have any callers in the queue who are available to speak very specifically on the findings that the board should continue to meet in teleconference just for the next 30 days? welcome caller. >> caller: can you hear me now? it's david pilpel. i reviewed this issue. i appreciate what president walton just reviewed.
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i appreciate that you recessed the meeting and fixed the problem. i appreciate the clerk and everybody. on the motion on page 3, the last two lines i had couple of minor suggestions. page 3 lines 24 and 25, i believe should read, the clerk of the board of supervisors is directed to place such a motion on the agenda of the next meeting of the board of supervisors. it would change the wording to such a motion and insert the word before board of supervisors. i support what you doing. thank you very much. >> clerk: thank you. do we have another caller in the queue? >> there are no further callers in the queue.
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>> clerk: thank you. >> president walton: seeing that we have no other speakers, public comment on item 64 is closed. please call the roll on the motion. >> clerk: on item 64. [roll call vote] there are 11 ayes. >> president walton: this motion carries unanimously. for our public, i wanted to announce that prior to our recess, we called the consent agenda items 1-10.
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they were voted on unanimously. we also took items 11-13, we're going to bring back later on. we did not address those items yet. they will come back towards later in the agenda. we did take a vote to table item number 14 which was passed unanimously and we are now on item number 15. >> clerk: an ordinance to authorize settlement of the $8 million lawsuit filed by maurice caldwell against the city alleging violation of the 14th amendment. >> president walton: i don't see anyone on the roster. we can take this item same house same house. this ordinance finally passed ordinancely. please call item number 16. >> clerk: an ordinance to
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de-appropriate funds from the general city responsibility and appropriate $250,000 to the department of children youth and families for safety implementation in district 10, $100,000 for children youth and family for informed services for youth in district 10. $200,000 to the off of economic and workforce development for an essential service bay view hub. and $50,000 to the human services agency for services for seniors and visitations for fiscal year 2021-2022. >> president walton: thank you. i don't see anyone on the roster. this ordinance is passed on first reading unanimously. before we go to item number 17,
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we are actually going to call the 2:30 special order. >> clerk: at this time, the board of supervisors is reinstating commendations and i believe we have two supervisors who have supported requests to present commendations. supervisor preston and supervisor ronen. >> president walton: thank you. i want to say after a 19-month hiatus, i'm excited that we're finally able to bring this portion of the meeting back to honor our community members at the board of supervisors. as are esteemed clerk stated, we have two honorees today one on behalf of supervisor preston and one on behalf of supervisor ronen. i want to remind everyone that pursuant to board rule 4.13, common -- commendations should
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require no more than five minutes at this board of supervisors meeting. i want to thank every one for making sure that we do what's right to keep this meeting flowing while we honor our most esteemed constituents. we're going to go by order of roll call. supervisor preston, you may proceed. >> supervisor preston: thank you mr. president. i'm absolutely thrilled that we are back to having commendations and look forward to we can have the folks we are commending in chamber with us. today, it is my pleasure to commend captain sherman tillman on the occasion of his retirement from serving as of the san francisco black firefighters association. i will confess when i heard from captain tillman of his retirement, i feared he was
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retired from the fire department. which thankfully he is not. he is stepping down after two terms as president of the san francisco black freighters association and in recognition of his service and leadership, we honor him today. captain sherman tillman grew up in the western edition. he attended george washington high school and graduated in 1985. a talented baseball player, he played little league and college baseball and advance to triple-a. hard worker, at age 12 he began with a paper route for the san francisco examiner. he worked for the mayor summer youth program where he later returned to become a counselor. captain tillman graduated from the university of california berkeley in 1992. with a degree in sociology. he worked for the san francisco rec and park department and as recreation director for the u.s.
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navy at treasure island. also worked as a u.s. customs agent. he joined the san francisco fire department in 1999. captain tillman is also chosen jobs that served the community with a special focus toward the city's youth. he helped create friday night fun through the hamilton recreation center. staying true to his love of baseball, he also coached the city's american legion baseball team which has the honor of being san francisco's and the american legions first all people of color baseball team. he served on the executive committee of the naacp san francisco chapter. captain tillman has been married to his wife mary for 16 years.
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captain tillman decided to become a san francisco firefighter over 20 years ago. he currently serves in station 10, serving the richmond specific height, in hayes valley. in addition as his regular duty, he's focused on supporting the health and safety of his fellow firefighters. this includes serving on the san francisco firefighter cancer prevention foundation board for ten years. he was the first active firefighter to serve as member of that body. he became captain in 2016. captain tillman has been involved with the san francisco black firefighters association for 11 years became its president in 2017 and led the black firefighters association for two terms. with with his colleges in the black firefighters association, he has been an integral part of
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community outreach efforts including wellness checks and health screening for vulnerable community residents, especially in the african-american community. as a leader of the black firefighters association, captain tillman mentored and supported the success and advancement of black firefighters throughout the department. the black firefighters association also led the effort to name -- rename a street in san francisco in district 5 after the late earl gauge jr. captain tillman led a delegation which met with me and together undeterred by the pandemic, we move forward to rename a street in district 5 after the civil rights i con. as the mural gets closer to completion, we look forward to celebrating in person with captain tillman and the black firefighters association and the entire community.
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a project that truly would not have happened without captain tillman's leadership. thank you captain tillman for your service as the san francisco black firefighters association and for decades of service to the community of san francisco. today on the occasion of the end of your time as president of the black firefighters association, it's my pleasure and honor to present you the commendation from the san francisco board of supervisors and captain tillman, if you were here, we'll do this in person. instead we'll meet up after this meeting. i look forward to presenting this to you then. thank you, colleagues. >> president walton: thank you so much supervisor preston. i want to echo some of your comments just in terms of the mentorship that captain tillman has provided in the fire department particularly to other black members that wanted to become members of the fire
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department and mentorship of those young firefighters that come on. i want to appreciate him for his leadership and for his fight in that role. not only to provide a pathway for other black firefighters but also to take on issues that are important to the black community while serving in that role as president. thank you so much captain tillman. congratulations from this board of supervisors and the microphone is now yours. >> thank you president walton. i like to thank you supervisor dean preston for putting this forward. i like to thank aaron peskin, who i have known since he first started as a supervisor over 20 years ago now.
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i like to thank all the board of supervisors and other members of the black firefighters association as well as local 798 and other members of the department. without everybody, i wouldn't be receiving this honor today. it's truly an honor to give back to your city not only at work but in your spare time. i believe that you should give as much time when you have the badge off as when you have the badge on. that's always ban moniker of common. i try to preach to other firefighters that we need to give back. the city has given to us. i started another foundation called sf mission arts 415.
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you see the san francisco giant resilient mural project that's -- it's also on third and william street. this project that we're doing is all people of color. hispanic, asian and black artists who aren't getting may be the focus that they would or should. we started this project to help beautify san francisco. you can see it in the santana mural that's on 24th and mission. there will be a celebration for that santana mural on the 29th. while i've step down as president after two terms at the black firefighters association, i will continue to support the black community and other people who aren't getting the
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necessarily pathways and have the connections to further their careers and also for people working with the naacp, people who are being under utilized communities and discriminated against. having said that, i want to thank everyone for letting me be here today. also, to thank supervisor dean preston, president shamann walton. i like to thank my wife, mary tillman.
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without her support and away from home, i wouldn't be here without their support. i want to thank my family. i want to thank the board of supervisors. i like to thank the command staff and the black firefighters for entrusting me to help move the organization forward. thank you. >> president walton: thank you so much. [applause] supervisor peskin? >> supervisor peskin: i want to add my words of thanks to captain tillman who i remember h2 firefighter tillman when he was advocating on behalf of his fellow firefighters, relative to a cell tower installation on top of station 13. a station that actually is in front of us on today's agenda at 530 samson street as well as his leadership not only for the
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black firefighters but as the captain of station 2 in the heart of district 3. the chinatown station. thank you sherman for all your work, friendship and leadership. >> president walton: again cautions to captain sherman tillman. next supervisor ronen. >> supervisor ronen: thank you so much for bringing back this portion of our meeting that's so important to many of us. i'm very proud today to gather with supervisor myrna melgar to be honoring our dear friend our hero mel -- meldon maldonado.
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to put on the record today here in san francisco at the board of supervisors. for over 50 years, melba distinguished herself as rights for immigrants and women of the latinx. she began her political organizing work as a factory worker in newark, new jersey doing outreach to puerto rican and black community. for the past 25 years, until her well earned retirement this year, melba served as executive director -- it became one of san francisco's most well-known centers for the latinx with the repetition far culturally competent services. her work has been to help thousands undocumented people navigate through the complex
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system of family, daca and other programs. her list of accomplishments is long. she served as president, founding member of chicano family resource system, san francisco immigrant legal defense and director of mission neighborhood center. melba is most driven by people, community and building relationships. when she was preparing last week for a long deserved vacation, her grandchildren and babysitter came by to give her a homemade cake. under her leadership, there are hundreds of people lives that she has touched. through her work, people in the immigrant community are able to work, go to school and no longer live in the shadows. it's not just about her big heart that makes her so
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exceptional. it's how smart and practical and politically grounded that melba is. the food pantry started with few people going to safeway for bread to hand out to most vulnerable people they knew. she knew that there was a stigma about receiving food. she created a system so people can volunteer if they wanted to so community members would feel dignified when they got the resources they needed. her leadership has shown -- she helped other organizations to start and run their organizations. thank you, melba. you are someone i looked up to forever. the community is richer because of your unyielding, compassion and effective advocacy. we love you and congratulations on your retirement.
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>> president walton: supervisor melgar? >> supervisor melgar: thank you. thank you supervisor ronen for that wonderful tribute. i wanted to add my voice. there are two main things that i want to say about melba. melba, you're crystal-clear commitment and moral compass to justice and equality have always been such a beacon for those of us in the community. i appreciated that you're always on the right side of things. coupled with the commitment that you have to people. ensuring people were fed and clothed and housed and that immigrants, people like my family who came to this country, had dignity and equality. that is so appreciated. the second thing i would say
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about melba, her mentoring of people -- myself included -- so many women in the community who looked up to you and your leadership. you always took the time to mentor to counsel to support folks who were doing this kind of work. that is deeply appreciated. i'm so happy about this. thank you supervisor ronen. >> president walton: thank you so much. supervisor safai? >> supervisor safai: thank you for bringing this forward to honor such a titan in san francisco history. someone that's done so much for immigrant communities in san francisco. i want to share a story of when
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clerk calvillo and i first worked the first project that i worked on as someone here in san francisco was with melba. it had to do with helping undocumented immigrants living in public housing that lost their subsidy to be able to remain in public housing. melba was such a common force in those conversations. she helped guide calvillo and mites -- myself and others through the process. it was such a wonderful way to begin my career. i want to thank melba for being who she is and her amazing smile and always putting people at ease and being firm and strong and standing up for what's right and standing up for immigrants and those that don't have the voice to speak for themselves. she does it so selflessly. she does it without wanting any recognition or accolades. she's probably one of the most
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humble people i met in the city. just remaining grounded in doing what is right. thank you, melba for something someone that helped set me on track and helping mentor so many others. thank you supervisor ronen and supervisor melgar for bringing this forward today. thank you to you, melba for all that you done for the city. >> president walton: i want to add, not too many people that are so larger than life or humble as you are ms. melba. you've always provided an opportunity for young leaders to have faith and be able to vice their views and opinions. i want to thank you so much for
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how you lead. you're 100% class act. i want to thank supervisor ronen and supervisor melgar for honoring you this afternoon. we all appreciate the work you have continued to do for us here in san francisco. now the microphone is yours. >> i'm overwhelmed. i have no words. i must say thank you to supervisors. supervisor melgar and supervisor safai. i'm not used to this.
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>> supervisor ronen: i wanted to mention. there is another celebration in the community coming up to honor melba's work on october 14th at 5:30 p.m. at st. john's church. if you want to join us there, we will have the opportunity to celebrate in person as well. thank you so much. >> president walton: again, congratulations to a well deserved ms. maldonado. we appreciate everything you continue to do for us here in san francisco. this concludes our 2:30 p.m. special commendations. please call 3:00 p.m. special order. i believe at this point, we're going to call items 35-38.
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>> clerk: item 35-38, comprising hearing person's interested in the approval of fmnd under the california environmental quality act for the 1525 pine street project by the planning commission and issued on may 6, 2021. item 36 is the motion to affirm the commission's approval of the fmnd for the pine street project, item 37 conditionally reverses the approval and item 38 is the motion directing the preparation of findings. >> president walton: thank you so much. colleagues, we have before us a hearing on the appellant -- appeal of declaration under the california environmental quality act for 1525 pine street
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project. supervisor peskin? >> supervisor peskin: i like to make a motion to continue this item two weeks to october 19, 2021. >> president walton: do we have a second? seconded by supervisor peskin. on the motion to continue items 35-38 to the october 19th meeting. please call the roll. >> clerk: shall we take public comment? >> president walton: yes. my apologies. >> clerk: do we have callers in the queue interested speaking about the continuance of these items 35-38. welcome caller. >> there are no callers in the queue. >> president walton: thank you. seeing no callers in the queue, public comment for these items are now closed. on the motion to continue this
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>> clerk: items 39-42. comprising public hearing of persons interested in the certification of a final environmental impact report for the proposed 469 stevensson street project for proposed mixed use project to demolished existing surface parking lot and construct new 27-story mixed use residential building. that is 274 feet tall with the project would total includes 490 dwelling units on the ground floor and 25,000 square feet of private and common open space. three below grade parking levels with 166 vehicular parking spaces. and other amenities, items 40-42 comprised associated motion to affirm planning committee
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certification. motion to reverse the department's certification and item 42 is motion to direct preparation of findings. >> president walton: thank you. we have before us a hearing on the appeal of a final environmental report for the proposed 469 stephenson street project. supervisor haney? i can come back to you. madam clerk please call item number 51.
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>> clerk: this is a motion for the board of supervisors to convene a committee of the whole today tuesday october 5, 2021 as 3:00 p.m. for public hearing on the findings and the recommendations from the independent review by william b. gould iv professor of law. on the equal employment policy of the department of human resources, equal employment opportunity division. >> president walton: thank you so much. i want to appreciate everyone for checking the time and being here for this committee of the whole. for years we have continued to learn about workplace discrimination within the san
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francisco department of human resources and larger departments. there have been documented instances of racial bias in hiring of black people and people of color, promotions for black employees and people of color and a disproportionate number of black employees receiving disciplinary action. it's been mishandled or put on the back burner for years. prior to my election to the board of supervisors, on june 5, 2018, supervisor jane kemp introduced a hearing on african-american workforce hiring, tension discrimination complaints a the city and county of san francisco. and requested department of of human resources, department of public health, city attorney
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office, city administrator and other applicable departments report. on september 19, 2018, the government audit an oversight committee held a public hearing to consider this subject matter and continue the hearing to the call of the chair. as a result, the mayor issued directives for d.h.r. to address thesis disparities. supervisor cohen motioned for the item to be heard and scheduled at the board of supervisors to sit as a committee of the whole for the november 27, 2018 meeting. the public comment and presentations lasted for hours. the city set up the office of racial equity. we have focused on treatment of black employees and employees of color but there are so many areas that still need to be
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addressed. when i was first elected i agreed to carry this item forward. as a black man i understand the racial structure our employees are placed under. it is not clear that the decisions are made by people that look like me. i understand the systemic issues that our black workers face when it comes to discipline as well as other people of color. at our september 22, 2019 board of supervisors meeting, supervisor peskin and i made a request for a hearing to receive recommendations on restructuring and reforming the equal employment opportunity office and comparative analysis of the best practices of like urban jurisdictions with equal employment opportunity offices including core functions of the equal opportunity office within overall city government
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structures and general oversight requested that the department o human resources budget and legislative analyst and the controllers to present. as a result, in one response in regards to that request, mayor breed appointed a goal to serve as the independent reviewer and to lead a comprehensive and independent investigation and to the equal employment opportunity practices, policies and procedures of the city and county of san francisco. today, we are here to hear from professor gould and his finding and see what the department of human resources plans to do to address the findings and improve the equal employment opportunity office. the order will go as follows. professor gould will report his report and findings, the b.l.a.
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will present on their report, the department of human resources will present on the response to the finding and any updates on the recommendations. the board will have a time to ask questions to presenters and then we will call for public comment. we will now start this committee the whole with the presentation from professor gould. >> clerk: mr. president we are determining for professor gould is signed into the meeting. >> president walton: i believe i see him on my screen. professor gould, are you available?
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>> hello. whom am i speaking? >> president walton: this is supervisor walton. >> good to hear your voice. >> president walton: you have the floor to make your report on your review and your findings. i want to thank you so much for being with us this afternoon. >> sure. glad to do it. thank you for this opportunity to present an overview of my report issued in june -- actually released by the mayor in july. it's the result of literally hundreds of meetings that we have with department heads, unions that deal with the city of san francisco and individual employees who contacted us sometimes by a special telephone
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that we established. the areas of my recommendations forms three broad categories. first yielding with the complaint process, secondly dealing with dispute resolution both in arbitration and before the civil service commission and finally, recommendations dealing with most important, upward mobility. how can so many black employees who are frustrated by their inability to move upward both into the skill trade and other jobs more effectively accomplish this. with regard to the complaint process -- it is an internal procedure. it is as important perhaps more
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important than litigation. there are many problems in this area. let me sum them up quickly. one was lack of transparency and that employees just didn't know where and how their process work, the complaint was being handled in the process. while there are internal benchmarks, they are not known to the employees, the progress the complaint get within the machinery is not known as well. we have at the time that my report was completed in june, there was some cases pending since 2015. basically, we thought that we
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could attack the inefficiency and lack of confidence and faith in the process in a number of ways. one was to eliminate the extraordinary decentralization. you have too many cooks handling the pot. you have some departments that have separate barriers. they duplicate. they have different standards and d.h.r. this leads to inefficiency, confusion and delay. we think that -- i thought that in the report, i advocated that this be centralized in the hands of d.h.r. that is to say, they would have personnel in all of the departments but that was personnel will be directly responsive to d.h.r. so you have one unitary efficient chain of command. would eliminate great deal of the delay that takes place.
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we also advocated adequate infrastructure to permit employees to know where their complaints are and how quickly they are being handled. we also advocated that the agency, d.h.r. moved quickly to deal with problems that need to be addressed quickly. they take preventive action even though other aspects of the complaint may still be handling. we advocated a triage of complaints. there are many complaints involving sexual harassment, we felt that those cases, many of them should be placed at the
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given priority. more staff. you'll see -- i hope you all had an opportunity to read through the report. on page 21, we indicate what the raw numbers are which require the hiring of at least three additional people. finally, in this regard, we think that 180 days, which is the present period for handling the complaints is too long. we think reforms have been advocated in this report are adopted that complaints can be handled in 120 days as you all know. justice delayed and justice denied. part of the problem here, the lack of transparency, delay and
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inefficiency. i think these reforms and some others that we've advocated in the report will deal with this. the second area is dispute resolution. dispute resolution -- i said to the mayor, i met with her on july 1, complaint process was largely broken. we think the employee should be able to get advice and counsel and union officials. that should be mandated or
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encouraged. they don't have that at present. the dispute resolution procedure are too important to be waived by employees even though it may present theoretically more orderly procedure that these waivers are inconsistent with public policy promoting equal employment opportunity and the dispute resolution process. their ability to use public law.
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all these collective bargaining agreements, negotiated with the city, contain no discrimination clauses in them. it is my view and the view of many others i think that this allows arbitrators to use public law anti-discrimination standards in both interpreting the agreement and also fashioning remedy. part of the remedy machinery which is available, which damages. we think that should be said explicitly. one the big problems relates back to harassment cases in the report, i noted anita hill, clarence thomas testimony 1991, just 30 years ago, when the
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senators said to anita hill, well, if you had a complaint about sexual harassment, why didn't you complain to the eeoc, the answer there was no remedy. the civil rights act of 1991 amended the civil rights of 1964 and allowed for damages in employment discrimination cases which have not been available prior to 1991. the city and union could make it clear to negotiate procedures to implement those standards in public law. civil service commission, the hearing officers should be experts, representing diversity, which is -- all aspects of city
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of san francisco. they should use public law at the very same standards that arbitrators should use under collective bargaining agreements. i believe that the civil service commission takes its responsibility seriously. i don't think both the commission and parties that appear before it are operating with the kinds of standards that this report advocates. we would like to see the commission advise regulation. the numbers are set forth in my report. they aren't good. even where they are better than as they are with electricians and sheet metal workers and
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plummers, i heard in the zoom conferences that i have with workers in the department of public works and other departments frustrations about the inability workers, incumbent workers to upgrade themselves to and gain access. the city has adopted a new training program with the machinist. i would like to see -- the report advocates, similar innovations in the basic critical crafts. the skill trades, electricians, plumbers, sheet metal workers where black workers are virtually completely absent. i set forth a number of proposals with regard to the selection process generally.
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that in a nutshell is the report. you have it. it's detailed. it's as a result great deal of hard work and thought and care on my part and the part of -- i was really so lucky to have two very valuable stanford law students help me with it. we talked to a lot of people over a long period of time. this is the best that can be done. i would urge the city to adopt and implement the recommendations that have been set forth here. thank you very much. >> president walton: thank you so much professor gould. i appreciate all the time you took to do this independent review. unless my colleagues have any clarification questions, we're going to hear from the b.l.a. and hear from the department of
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human resources and then we'll ask questions. thank you for sticking within the time frame. now we'll hear from the b.l.a. on their report. >> thank you president walton. at the request of the board, we vary surveyed cities in california to understand the organizational placement of e.e.o. offices. they were generally located went human resource department. there were couple and city manager offices. one city, phoenix, arizona, had
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unless we have clarification questions with the department o human resources. thank you so much to director eisen for being here. we look forward to hearing from you. i want to thank you for your work. you have up to 20 minutes for your presentation. the floor is yours. >> president walton, members of the board of supervisors, thank you very much for calling this hearing and for allowing the department of human resources to present comments. on behalf of d.h.r., i like to thank professor william gould and his team for their excellent and thorough review. we hope he'll be available us to going forward as we implement his recommendations. as the report states, he spent
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substantial time with employees, union leadership and employee groups to hear directly from them about their day-to-day and career-long experiences as a city employee. i think that work infuses this report with a lot of energy and purpose that we are now having to take on. as professor gould stated in his conclusion, now comes the hard part. the independent review with the depth of the recommendations has gone a long way in encouraging our clarity of purpose at d.h.r. i'm please to report that the hard part under way.
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we're using the findings to launch our road map. the independent review teams report, the engagement with biracial equity labor management committee, our own d.h.r. and other racial task force forces around the city and engaging with city agencies and community partners. to advancing racial equity initiatives and persistent and seeing it come to fruition, our objective is stated simply. african-americans be well represented throughout the city's entire workforce. they have full opportunity to experience job satisfaction from their work as city employees. they are able to thrive over long careers with the city.
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as many of you know, d.h.r. is rebuilding its team in the process reforming our processes. i'm joined today by three members of our senior management team, all of us relatively new to the department of human resources including our latest, addition, who was named director in june of this year and our employee relations director who was appointed in july. our director of policy will provide a report. in address the backlog of
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complaints, our improved communication with complaints and other process improvement that are planned are under way. next, we will talk about expanding employee options to pursue grievances and e.e.o. claims simultaneously on complaints and the related recommendation from professor gould granting arbitrators. we'll talk about equity and fairness in the discipline process. finally the advancement of specific policy initiatives to gender greater respect and equitable workplaces. i want to comment on two significant recommendations that professor gould made. fundamental organizational change.
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first, is on sourcing e.e.o. units. the report recommends that be insourced with the d.h.r. e.e.o. division. i'm commit to work with the mayor's office to return these functions to the directly with d.h.r. of specific concern is the department of public health. it is a large department. nearly 8000 employees, multiple
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complaints over the course of any given year. generates significant workload even indirectly as a delegated unit. m.t.a. just by way -- just to call this issue, as separate charter authority to conduct its own e.e.o. investigations. however, in recent years, d.h.r. has been conducting investigations and making finding and relate -- recommendations to the director of transportation. d.h.r. will continue to provide services if needed. in addition, to construct and
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maintain the firewall between the investigation and the determination that the independent reviews recommend. right now, our investigators will both investigate and then defend their findings. professor gould recommended that we bifurcate those roles. i appreciate him pointing this out. i'm in favor of these recommendations. i believe that it will go a long way to maintaining the neutrality of investigators. now, i would like to turn this over to e.e.o. director to present the next portion of our presentation. >> good afternoon president walton and member of the board.
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it is a pleasure to be with you today to provide update on work being done at e.e.o. the system that i inherited was inefficient one. we are making changes to improve it. i'm working to lay a strong foundation to lay new efficient and equitable systems. we know that each complaint that is filed represent a workplace situation that has impacted an employee and needs to be addressed. we know that each complaint that is filed addresses issues that they have in the workplace and today, i will update you on how we are addressing this. how we're addressing our case loads, providing update on our work flow analysis and how we are improving transparency. with regards to e.e.o.'s case load, since stepping in the role of e.e.o. director, i've been conducting a top to bottom review of the e.e.o. division operation to identify methods and take assessment and improve
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the e.e.o. complaint process. this is what i learned thus far. i agree with professor gould that d.h.r. e.e.o. investigators are dedicated and deeply commit to conducting thorough investigations. however, the e.e.o. acquisitionn is seriously understaffed. the data shows that we get approximately 500 complaints a year. as professor gould pointed out, for a city that employs approximately 36,000 workers, this amounts to well over 2000 employees per e.e.o. investigator. the e.e.o. division has been underfunded for years and the backlog that we are working with is now a result of that understaffing. on on of that the e.e.o. division processes are dated and
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inefficient and in need of technological support and lancement to ensure we are operating more efficiently. the e.e.o. division does not have a centralized case management system. the e.e.o. division uses the combination of excel spreadsheets and web-based database to keep track and manage all the e.i.r. division . division work. thanks to the mayor and your support, we have funded for new staff at e.e.o. the addition of the six new staff mens will go a long way to support us moving quickly to address complaints. since stepping in my role,
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e.e.o. has closed 109 cases. unfortunately, we received additional 78 new complaints financial e.e.o. currently as 487 open cases. what this means, 47% or 229 are less than one year old, 37% or 181 are less than two years old and 50% or 77 are more than two years old. with regards to d.h.r. e.e.o.'s work flow analysis, d.h.r. has been working hard to increase transparency and efficiency and the e.e.o. complaint process by updating the website content part of which went live yesterday to making it more accessible and user friendly.
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by creating a new and improved e.e.o. investigator work flow, which will implement triage of complaints of the complaint process. again, thanks to the mayor and your support. we have been funded for new staff at e.e.o. it will allow us to move quickly to address complaints. i plan to implement triaging at the front end of the complaint process. i plan to create a strike team of d.h.r., e.e.o. investigators to assist with the triaging of complaints to help avoid backlogs and delays in the investigation. d.h.r. will be procuring a new case management system that will allow us to track and manage e.i.r. complaints in one central location which we're aiming to roll out in early 2022. with regards to improving communications with employees, it is my goal to make sure that even if complaints do not rise to the level of violation of e.e.o. policy, requiring an
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investigation, employees have information about the various tools and resources available to them to resolve challenging workplace situations. as stated, we are in the process of updating the website and we have improving information including creating a what to expect document that e.e.o. provides complaints and this document will provide clarity to employee about what their restricts are an complaint resolution process. the types of questions they'll be asked and what information they will need to provide during a case intake and a time frame for completing the investigations. the drafted document will be circulated for comment. i want to share since comeing on board, implemented the following
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changes. revised tone an language in the closure letters. i'm having our investigators contact complainants within ten days filing a complaint, provide a status update and provide complainants courtesy calls to explain the findings require to releasing the finding. this concludes my update. thank you supervisors for your time. >> thank you. good afternoon president walton and members of the board. i'm the employee relations director. employer relations is responsible for negotiating with the labor unions. as professor gould mentioned, one of his recommendation is to change the election of remedy languages in our m.o.u.s. if they can file an e.e.o. complaint or grievance with their union. in the last five years only 6%
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grievances were discrimination-based. this chart shows details of those cases. implementing professor gould's recommendation will mean, bargaining with unions to change our m.o.u.s. it means we will partner with all our labor unions to integrate the unions to helping the city address discrimination. we believe outcomes will improve for the entire city family with labor as our partner in this endeavor. d.h.r. has limited authority when it comes to discipline, we are looking to establish recommendations for departments. these recommendations will be based on best practices which we identified by looking at what various city departments do and also how other jurisdictions including school districts have
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addressed disciplines based on race and other factors. once we have more discrimination cases go through to grievance process, we will need an expanded pool of arbitrators with knowledge and experience in discrimination. we are conducting a national search to expand our existing pool. this could allow experienced arbitrator to award damages as other remedy finance will require bargaining with unions before implementation. in the meantime, working in partnership with city attorney's office, department of public health, we have modernizing the training process to include increased awareness of implicit bias and discipline. that concludes my presentation.
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on how we're implementing some of the gould recommendation. now i will turn it over to director of policy. >> thank you artis. good afternoon president walton and members of the board of supervisors. we are eager to soon be releasing our new equitable, fair and respectful workplace policy. the existing respect in the workplace policy is a single sentence in our employee handbook. it does not effectively communicate our goals. our collective goal of being a welcoming and inclusive workplace. because we want to be an employer that promotes and maintains safe and healthy work environments, we felt it was necessary to outline our expectations of dignity and respect in our workplaces and also provide clear definitions for those expectations. in the new policy, we define behaviors and actions that we
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previously have not. terms and actions such as bullying, microaggression, sabotage and others are all defined as unacceptable behavior in this policy. the policy is additive to our existing policies that prohibit workplace harassment, discrimination, retaliation and we have shared this policy with departments and various partners including h.r.c. and union diversity committees for comment and have gotten really great feedback so far. we will soon be officially sending the policy to unions to begin the meet and confer process. once that process is complete, we will release the policy to all employees and accompany it with collateral and management. thank you for your time. i will hand it back to director
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eisen. >> members of the board, i have a few more comments. we're almost concluded with our formal presentation. i wanted to mention little bit about professor gould's findings. recruitment training, selection and advancement. i agree with his comments. i hope that the hallmark of my tenure is rebuilding the city from the ground up and generating the opportunities and to do that for our city employees. this is the photo of our last free pandemic class of san francisco fellows. many of whom we hope become big part of our future in san francisco. we have initiatives that i lettered. we hope to expand apprenticeship
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sf. this works in collaboration with our community and city partners to expand apprenticeship opportunities. we will provide single focus to lay the building blocks for promotion into the skilled trades as professor gould suggest. we've introduced implicit bias training for hiring panels as new applicant tracking system, which is now just come online. we'll be able to review the composition of hiring and best trends through that review. in all the categories here, these are some of the metrics that we watch and study. we are seeing the metrics improve slightly in all of these categories. we have not closed the gap in
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racial equity in the city. we're not near that. i don't think it's a box we can check. i think this is a work we'll always be doing. irrespective of trends that we can measure by looking at these areas. the less tangible experience being a city employee, feeling welcomed, feeling appreciated. this is at the core of our work and we need to keep constantly handing it. professor gould and his introduction and conclusion talked about outing. the foot on the gas. many are impatient that we do that and we do it quickly. i will conclude with something that i read recently from dr. marcell nunez-smith, she talked about the mistake and understanding that people have
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and here's her quote, we see racism. let's just fix that. it's not about that. it's about generational investment and fundamental change. we didn't get here overnight. this is our mission at d.h.r. to encourage those generational investments and be the leaders in advancing fundamental change. thank you and i'm happy to answer any questions. >> president walton: thank you so much director eisen. i want to thank your entire team for the presentation. colleagues, do you have any questions for either department of human resources, professor gold or b.l.a.? professor melgar? >> supervisor melgar: thank you very much president walton. also, just thank you for your attention to this issue. which i think is really important for our city.
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thank you professor gould for the report. i found it really helpful. i do have a couple of questions. my first question is that in your -- i will start with the last recommendation, which talked about the several positions that we have created throughout the city to address racial equity. i wasn't really clear about what the specific recommendation was. how do you see the interaction between the new office of racial equity and the effort we're making and role of h.r. and specifically the e.e.o.? whether the recommendations that you're making to that? >> i haven't made recommendations regard to the
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office of racial equity they collected data, reports which were helpful to our team. we did not say this explicitly, hope that kind of work will continue. it's an important job. one which we do not have any proposals about in terms of reform. i may not captured all your question up. mentioned something about d.h.r.? >> supervisor melgar: i wanted more specifity on the recommendation.
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it sound like we haven't quite got there yet. thank you. my other question was about finding number 8. you write that departments are presently under no obligation to enforce the corrective action recommended by d.h.r. against responding employees. there's no transparent method of tracking whether departments adequately discipline to employees. you have several recommendations. which i appreciate. my question was, i guess more d.h.r. or perhaps the budget and legislative analyst. do we have the data? are there departments that generate more e.e.o. complaints than others? is that something that we track? is that something that we pay attention to? second to that question, is
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there a budget implication for that? if our e.e.o. department has been understaffed and underfunded, doesn't that make sense to charge the departments that are generate more complaints? do we track that data? >> through the president, supervisor melgar, we didn't look at complaints by department. we looked at -- we varied other organizations. we can't answer that question. >> supervisor melgar: thank you. >> president walton: is that something the department has tracked? >> yes. going back to director martinez's comments from earlier, the case management system that we use at present is antiquated. we have funding in this year's budget to replace it which we're
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excited about that work is under way. we can now track all our cases, which is how she was able to count what she has open. i can provide you report of case data by departments. when we have a new case management system up, i can provide lot more analysis and details. >> supervisor melgar: that would be helpful. i'm wondering if you have that, is there an approach that you would pursue if you see a department that routinely has more e.e.o. complaints than others, what is different in your approach to that department proactively in terms of training of staff? what's different about that? >> i can provide only my impressions at this point.
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i'm new at this and so is my team. we appreciate everybody's willingness to let us work towards meeting these goals. i will say that in the hundred some odd findings that i have signed and reviewed in the last six months, i have noticed some trends. everything from serious finding where we have issued positive findings to employee complaints about experience at work. that will be best resolved directly in the workplace through existing or expanding structures within those departmental h.r. units to provide the types of services
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and support that workers and their supervisors need to have a professional compassionate at high functioning workplace. there's a section in the report that talk about triage of cases. that's an important thing about what important step we want to be able to take where i can do an intake and quick assessment and determine which of the cases do require a full-blown independent investigation and which are really better referred to mediation services, training and other types of support that can be offered. >> supervisor melgar: thank you very much. i have one last question. i guess this will be to
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dr. gould. you have several findings around recruitment hiring and advancement. you make recommendations about recruiting from historically black college and universities. i'm wondering if you work with the d.h.r. to get that data pain if that was the case across all departments. is it lack of applicants? is it that once folks are there, there's not opportunity? >> the report we got from the departments was that they weren't satisfied with the number of black applicants coming from traditionally black colleges throughout the united states.
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they felt one of the reasons was -- a number of people felt -- one of the reason was the inability to recruit directly at those colleges in those universities because of prohibition upon travel. this what led me to make this recommendation. i inquired with the city attorney with regard to the legal status of the ability to obtain a waiver for this purpose and was told that a waiver would not be obtained about. that is why i provided that recommendation. >> supervisor melgar: thank you. >> president walton: some of us may have tuned into yesterday's rules committee because supervisor mandelman and i are concerned that we have states that do everything that is against our morals and values
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but there are things like historically black colleges and universities that exist in those states. we are trying to figure out what possibilities may exist for us to be able to address some of those needs and concerns while we understand the need to not spend money and provide resources to those areas. but at the same time, what are we doing that is causing a negative effect on what we want to see happen. supervisor haney? >> supervisor haney: thank you. thank you for your leadership and bringing this forward. mayor breed and thank you director eisen and your team and professor goulder for this report. professor gould was a professor of mine when i was in law school. he does extraordinary work. grateful that you're part of this. i think that the findings in this report are disturbing and
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devastating. our responsible as a city to --r responsibility as a city to provide a safe workplace that is free of discrimination, free of bullying and harassment. there are couple of things here. the part of the report that focused on acting assignments and exempt assignments. folks is brought in a managerial role within the workplace and go around civil service rules.
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several years. i think the more significant recommendation that the professor -- professor gould has made in this area is exempt appointments and how they're made. because they're not covered by our merit system, the rules of the road are less regulated and this is an area of concern for me. he's called it out in the report, and we will be working on this, whether or not it makes sense to have some regulated standards that come from d.h.r. >> supervisor haney: great, thank you. i don't know if, professor gould, you wanted to add anything more there? >> well, i think the report speaks for itself. the major concern -- a major concern here was the lack of a clear policy, and in the absence of a lack of a clear
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departments. i also had something to ask, and i know president walton has brought this up a number of times, as well, about this issue of the right structure to ensure independence. i think that our -- the folks who are doing the investigations and all of the staff that you have, director eisen, i have great respect for them. i know that they work very hard and do so with integrity. i think the question is what is the best structure when you have widespread -- the folks that are doing the investigations or the process itself may be one that is not independent from the perspective of the employee? i know that is something that came up in a number of areas, and there are some specific recommendations here to try to address that, but i wonder,
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professor gould, of not making a recommendation in terms of a more structural form in terms of who would be doing the investigations and handling the complaints? i know that was something we were exploring in terms of a more fundamental restructuring in terms of how these are handled? . >> well, the major reform that i advocated here stems from the kind of dual role that the investigators are required to undertake now that, on the one hand, they present themselves as independent parties, and once a determination is made, then that same person who proclaims independence turns around and, you know, pursues a
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more adversa adversarial role. in terms of structural reform, you'll have to help me a little bit about what you're thinking about. the question was who has jurisdiction over the subject matter? d.h.r. -- there's been many complaints of the d.h.r. of the past, but d.h.r., if these reforms are instituted, can be the most effective branch of government to implement this
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because just transferring it elsewhere, you're kind of reinventing the wheel. these are people -- and i spoke to them individually. these are people that know about the process, and the people that i spoke with were quite dedicated, and i felt committed to e.e.o. principles. i think they're operating under severe limitations and handicap, and we tried to address that in the report. >> supervisor haney: yeah, and just to be clear, i'm not questioning the integrity and the independence and the hard work of the investigators themselves, who i definitely very much respect. i'm wondering around some of the things that you raised here about the dual or more than dual roles that they're asked to play, and particularly if they're asked to do the investigation, and playing that role and defending the
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department and their position. i think for an employee, as you said, that creates some questions or concern around the independence. i wonder, director eisen, if i could address any of the reforms there to sort of address -- really, i'm looking at recommendation number 3, finding number 3, how we can restore trust in the investigation and neutrality of the process. it's not in any way casting negative light on the people that are doing the work. they do great work, but how do we address this perception that is very widespread? >> well, the two immediate findings that professor gould has made, the first that the investigator -- if the -- once the finding is made, and -- i'm
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very much interested in creating fire walls around the investigators and not having them become advocates. really, what they should be doing is doing neutral investigations, follow sound investigative practices, and arrive at their conclusions and present them to me for review and significant. so i think we need a separate team that deals with the appellate work, and this will happen fairly routinely if a complainant decides to pursue both an e.e.o. complaint within the city system and at the same time, pursue a complaint at the department of fair housing or the federal e.e.o. commission.
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our investigators will also advise from time to time in that process, and i want to remove them from that and have a separate group that does appellate work. i think that'll go a long way towards creating the fire wall around the investigation. the other thing i want to make sure is i know there's been no incursion that we -- within the city attorney's office, the labor employment team, our e.e.o. investigators are advised by specific designated deputy city attorneys and the appellate work is done separately, and i want to make sure we have clear agreements about that, that we keep those separate and distinct. but otherwise, you know, we're recruiting, we're in the process of hiring. these are difficult jobs to
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fill. the people out in the world are in great demand. we're probably going to be promoting some people internally. we've been there for a while and done our best to rebuild from the bottom up. we're also restructuring the way -- the process of complainting, relying in port on the controller's review but also on professor gould's report and our own assessment with greater efficiency, which is also -- i believe that the fact that these reviews and findings takes so long generates on its own the sense that we're really not committed to the work, so i think just simply becoming more efficient is going to help quite a bit. >> supervisor haney: definitely. thank you, director eisen, and you certainly have your work cut out for you, and thank you
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for stepping up to this. i think this report is detailed in terms of its findings and we are committed to ensure that dignity at the workplace and that it is free from discrimination here. the last thing i want to see is how do we see this through? from the hiring to the conditions in the workplace to -- for filing complaints to how they're dealt with, there's just a lot here, and i really do appreciate the additional staff and the changing in processes so that things can move quicker, but what is -- maybe from professor gould's standpoint, what is the best practices that you can see as to how we make sure we get all this done? >> well, i think the
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sine qua non, that is the first step, and i think that the city and the statement has been made that they'll be sitting down with the unions in the new year, really has to inform this process. employees -- the process has to be made transparent. the employees have to be in a position to make good judgments about what to do and have to have confidence in fairness. i think that's the basic step forward and the other step that i would like to see
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accomplished in this broad attempt to really upgrade and give all peoples in the employ of the city an opportunity to progress to fulfill their aspirations. >> supervisor haney: thank you. well, i'm sure there'll be further conversation around this, and president walton and others who are supporting the next steps, and thank you, director eisen, for your team and your commitment to resolving these many important issues. thank you. >> president walton: thank you, supervisor haney. supervisor chan? >> supervisor chan: thank you, president walton. i think this is more as a comment. i first thank professor gould for his independent report and analysis and recommendation. what i would love to see is, you know, for the next steps from director eisen and her team is to have a better
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understanding and really an outline of effort -- i mean, i do understand that it's a newly formed team, so what i would love to see is some kind of report for what effort have you put in education and outreach. i do think that there is the lack of transparent or understanding of what the e.e.o. process is for your everyday workers, and i think that's critical for some investment in education and outreach. what i would also love to see is once you really start going back to your backlog and figure out your caseload, as well as implementing this new system, that you could come back and tell us, you know, be more specific about the trends that you're seeing and timeline for the resolution and just what the results are; really, what are the actions and discipline
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action that h.r. has taken in the next few months, you know, and as a result of clearing out the caseload. so i really appreciate everybody's work. we have 36,000 city workers in city government. that's a lot of people, so i think this is really going to change the way the system works, and it's going to work better, and i think if we really committed to socioeconomic and racial justice in this city, we need to start with our city government, so thank you. >> president walton: thank you, supervisor chan, and i have a few questions, definitely. i want to thank supervisors melgar and haney because i did touch on a lot of the things that i was going to ask, and i 100% agree with supervisor haney in terms of the fact that this report is extremely
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disheartening. what we have seen happen to black employees and quite frankly employees of color isn't something that should be accepted or tolerated. so i know the report found a lot of things that have been reported to us, but we have to make some changes, and these changes that need to be made are changes that actually have to happen sooner rather than later, and i know d.h.r. is working on it, but there's some things that we're going to have to see happen pretty quickly. i do have a question for the -- for the b.l.a., and this question may actually also be for deputy city attorney pearson. but just for everybody's clarification and understanding, i know the recommendation or advice the b.l.a. gave is to possibly amend the admin code to give the h.r.c. a role in e.e.o.
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complaints. and my question is, does that require a charter amendment? >> deputy city attorney an pearson. as i think was pointed out in the report, the charter addresses these issues in a couple of different places. first, by giving the body procedural authority to investigate these types of discriminations, and it assigns to human resources the authority to make these findings. i do think that any of these recommendations would be to change the structure of that process that exists now, we would need to look at to see if it would conform to the charter, and if not, of course, we would need a charter amendment. >> president walton: okay. so i guess what we're seeing is we would have to really look at specifically what we're trying to do before we can say whether or not it would require legislation from this board of supervisors or an actual
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charter amendment. >> that's right. i think we would need to see the specific details of a proposal. that said, i think it's clear about those functions relying on the service the human resources. >> president walton: thank you. miss campbell? >> yes. severin campbell from the budget and legislative analyst office. i want to point out that our position was taking the information from the investigation processes and reporting to the board of supervisors and publicly, because right now, the only thing that's required to be publicly forwarded is sexual harassment to the e.e.o.
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>> president walton: thank you, severin, and your report definitely provided terms to think outside the box in terms of what we could do, and i thank you. director eisen, i do have a couple of questions for d.h.r. the first question has to do with regulations. would that regulation be across the board? right now, we know that e.e.o. and quite frankly d.h.r. is not centralized, but how would you be able to make sure these regulations went throughout the entire city? >> well, we'd have to look at it and look at the data. i can report to you the demographics and i can post on
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our website [indiscernible] so they do not have the same rights or processes for appointments in those positions. but if d.h.r. were to issue guidance and work closely with our departments, we would ultimately get widespread compliance with any guidance that we provide in this area. >> president walton: thank you. and just real quick for professor gould, i know we
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talked about the civil service commission and their role, in your honest opinion, do you think the civil service commission has enough authority within their role when it comes to -- to d.h.r.? >> i think the civil service commission has to explicitly adopt the kind of proposals that i've made, both for them and the arbitration machinery. my understanding is they do have this authority presently to appoint hearing officers, which would be presented with
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special officers who possess special expertise, and i think that the -- again, what has to be made explicit is the authority of the investigators to issue damage remedies where appropriate. i'm not sure, where this juncture, that's been explicitly addressed by the commission. i think that that has to be altered, as well, so i -- i think that something much more akin to fair employment practice standards that exist in the courts as well as the specialized administrative agencies has to be adopted by
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the commission as well as arbitrators. >> president walton: thank you, professor gould. and director eisen, who besides the e.e.o. office has the authority to monitor discrimination complaints and do any other departments monitor these complaints? >> no. the discrimination complaints come directly to either my office or to one of the delegated units, and they are handles and independently, and the complainant is protected from any backlash from the filing of the complaint it's
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limited to our specifically designated e.e.o. staff. >> president walton: and since you brought up retaliation, is there reports of retaliation? do you keep that data and information? >> if it's brought to our attention, a claim of retaliation would either expand an existing claim or generate a new one, because in and of itself, it could constitute a violation of our regulation or statute? >> president walton: if i reached out, you would be able to tell me how many retaliation reports are made, as well? >> i would be able to tell you how many retaliation reports were made over a period, and it could show a trend. it may be more challenging to
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tell you when an employee files a complaint, do they then also file a retaliation based on a complaint, but i can look in our records and do my best to provide you with that information. and our new case management system is going to be able to track and count a lot of these issues much more easily. >> president walton: and i do want to appreciate you for hiring a director to be over e.e.o. one thing i want not excited -- i was not excited when director martinez talked about her report, and she talked about making findings and not making changes to the system with 19 findings, and i was disheartened by that. however, i also want to say
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that i do appreciate some of the other steps that have been taken. are all of your e.e.o. positions filled right now? >> no, but we are actively in the process of interviewing, making offers. we have interviewees from our units, people who miraculously want to come back and be a part of our campaign to rebuild the entire practice area in the city, and we hope to generate that type of momentum, especially with the statue of professor gould and the recommendations he's made, to rebuild our staff and to expand our capacity, and most importantly, to rationalize or process, provide that transparency to people who engage with it, and to get the departments much more deeply involved on the front end when
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the cases walk in the door about issues directly in the workplace that need immediate redress and not a year of investigation before a finding is made. >> president walton: you did discuss [indiscernible] for lack of a better term, but what is meant concretely by committed to working with them to change that? >> well, i would have to talk with those department heads,
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look at the resources that have been committed to that work, and essentially just bring them back under our authority and make sure that sufficient resources are able to do the work. the p.u.c. is in the process of seating a new department head at the beginning of next month, and i believe it's reasonable and fair that that department head at least have the courtesy of having that conversation before we cancel delegation agreements. that is a very significant change for them. i would have to speak with the department head and with their h.r. director to talk about the steps that we put in place, and then, that would involve the
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mayor's budget office being involved to make that organizational change. >> president walton: i'm going to ask one other question and i know we have a lot of work to do immediately, sooner rather than later, but if i asked you what would be the timelines to see improvement, increase in black people promoted within the department, and an increase of retaliation over black employees, how long would that take? >> i believe in the last slide that we looked at, we can make improvements in these metrics.
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how quickly can i change the climate in the city? it's going to be an alternate hands effort that involves d.h.r. encouraging and leading all of our city agencies, really embracing these issues as we see their commitment through our racial equity action plans and really engaging them in the issue of climate. we do have funding to conduct a climate survey this year, so we're going to be able to get a much more scientific assessment of the state of our afterri can american workforce. we have close to about 15% of our workforce is african american, and there are many african americans at all level of government that have not engaged with us in that way, and we very much want to know
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their experience and how we can improve on that on climate, on work, on opportunities, and all the metrics that we -- that we lay out in our presentation. >> president walton: thank you, director eisen. i do want to say that a big directorate of you reaching your timeline is in terms of climate change. that's a big piece of being able to accomplish some of what you're proposing and some of the things we may be proposing, as well. climate change is a big piece of that, and i know it's hard to put a timeline on that, but i do also believe that there are things that we can do in our role as the board of supervisors and of course your role in leadership to assist some of that climate change, and i look forward to working with you on that. and thank you, again, for being
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here this afternoon. i do know it's a lot of work to do to make improvements in the city, but that's why we are all here, to make those changes for the better, and for equity here in city and county government. so appreciate you, and madam clerk, i believe we are at the time for public comment on this item. >> yes, mr. press. the board will now hear public comment on this item, specifically to item 51, the equal independent opportunity report. the number is scrolling on your screen.
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it's 415-655-0001. enter the meeting i.d. it's 2498-328-1045. press pound twice, and you'll be in the meeting. to enter the queue, press star, three. when you hear, you have been unmuted, just begin your comments. with us are three interpreters from the office of immigrant affairs. welcome. [speaking tagalog language]
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>> clerk: we hear you, yes. >> okay. yes, hi. my name is brenda barrows, and i'm a long-term city employee, and i work with carol and a bunch of people on this issue. this is a major issue. i just have a few comments related to the report. i support everything that he's saying. i don't know how the department cannot be tracked. the employees, we all know who's the worst department, and i don't know how they cannot. the d.p.h., the public accountability on it, it's almost like asking the police to do oversight on themselves. we just don't know how that's
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going to work. the currently policies that they have, they have them on-line, but they don't follow them, so how do we know that there's going to be anymore accountability when there's no accountability on the things that are already in place? >> clerk: thank you for your comments. all right. operations, do we have another caller in the queue, please? >> supervisors. >> clerk: yes, sir, we can hear you. >> -- i've been listening attentively, and i think we should begin with the
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departments. we should begin with the departments and then find out if the recommendations have been done. you don't take work arbitrarily unless your department is working on evaluation. how many of your employees have been evaluated, how many of the managers have been evaluated? can you give me that answer? it's as simple as that. you have dysfunctional managers, and when you have dysfunctional managers, like when you have dysfunctional supervisors -- not all of them,
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but some -- you're going to have a whole host of problems. i hope i'm very clear in pointing out to you one key here. thank you very much. >> clerk: thank you very much. operations, let's hear from the next caller. >> my name is [indiscernible] and i'm president of local [indiscernible] 21. i've been a city employee for 22 years. it seems like only yesterday, so i want to thanks professor gould for his report that shows the current state of the investigation process. [indiscernible] in independence and neutrality of the
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investigative process. city departments need to prioritize employees by implementing the recommendations of the gould report. specifically, the d.h.r. should make the complaint process timeline steps more transparent with limited steps for extensions and concluding investigations within 120 days or less. we should provide adequate staffing levels for all d.h.r. e.e.o. employees to handle complaints expeditiously. more important, d.h.s. and city employees must establish standards for managers with respect to training, mentoring, and releasing employees that are within training periods. [indiscernible] about the
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responsibility [indiscernible] of their employees. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comment, sir. we have ten individuals who are listening, and there are three callers in the queue. if you're one of the ten, and you'd like to provide testimony this afternoon, this is the opportunity you should press star, three now. otherwise, we're going to take these last three callers to the end. okay. operations, let's hear from our next caller, please. >> hello, supervisors. my name is jamie lee, and i've been with the department of [indiscernible] and department policies provided wide latitude to hiring managers and
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potentially allow for implicit bias. it's led to an inefficient and truly demoralizing process for candidates. d.h.r. needs toic at that these recommendations seriously. hiring managers should abide by the hiring recommendations of the panel, and there should be limits on how often hiring individuals can serving on hiring panels each year. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. all right, operations, let's hear from our next caller,
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please. >> good afternoon, board of supervisors. my name is cheryl thornton, and i'm a long-term employee for the san francisco health department, and i agree with the findings of professor gould. we talked about the e.e.o., but we haven't talked about the workplace investigations that go on that aren't race-based complaints. and often when these investigations go on, they don't check with the witnesses, there's no follow up, and i found that to be true also with the e.e.o. process. when people file complaints, they don't do a thorough investigation. a lot of people get
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discriminated on appraisals, and then, there is no electronic employee records -- i mean, electronic employee files where all the information is stored so that it's transparent. and lastly, i want to say that we need change now because the long that -- the document that carol and [indiscernible] brought up today, in the department of public health, we have a code of conduct, and the employees sign it every year when there's a performance appraisal. yet, no manager is ever held accountable when there's a violation, so just creating a new document for people to sign is not going to hold these people accountable, and it's not going to work. we don't need more language, we need accountability and transparency because workers are being harmed at the bottom, and we have very little voice, so thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your
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one recommendation from the gould report states that d.h.r. should develop more forms of corrective action that create action to create a greater emphasis on training employees, managers, and supervisors and also openness to discipline. basically, accountability. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments this evening. all right. i understand there are about ten callers who are listening. if you would like to make public testimony on this committee as a whole for the independent equal opportunity
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report, you should press star, three now. otherwise, operations, please, let's hear from our next caller. >> operator: madam clerk, there are no further callers in the queue. >> clerk: okay. thank you, mr. atkins. mr. president? >> president walton: thank you so much, and [indiscernible]. >> supervisor melgar: i just had a question, president
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walton, because being a newbie on this body, i'm not sure if we file this. it seems that there are so many outstanding issues that are going to need follow up, and director eisen and her crew are fairly new to their roles, and i'm just -- i'm unclear about the mechanics of what happens if we file and if part of this goes to g.a.o. i wonder if you could really explain it because i think there are several issues that we need to follow up on. >> president walton: yes, ma'am, and thank you so much for your question, supervisor melgar. we decided to have this hearing as a committee of the whole because when supervisor peskin and i called for a hearing, the mayor's office responded by having an independent audit and an audit on command, so this hearing was specific to the findings of this report. we still have a hearing that we
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have not set a date for that addressed all of the issues in this that we can put on the calendar at any time for, and also a matter that has not gone before committee to address this, so we have ample opportunities to bring this back for discussion as a body when need be. and thank you for your question because i think that's important for everybody to hear that. and i do just want to thank director eisen and all of her team, professor gould and all the employees that spoke during public comment, as well as the public and my colleagues for participating in today's hearing at a whole. i think it's time for action. we've heard so many recommendations from affected employees, other city leaders, and, of course, our independent reviewer. and although d.h.r. is making some changes as a result of the
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report, our office is not completely so fared with what is being proposed, and that real employees are actually always being heard. we will go to the ballot to create the following [indiscernible] office of racial equity on all workplace discrimination cases, legislate the creation of an independent investigator to oversee d.h.r. claims of discrimination or legislate the creation of a completely separate e.e.o. department, and of course, we're going to continue to do our work to find out what may be best for us as a city. i also want to work with d.h.r. to create a working group specifically for black employees on city employment that will be appointed by this
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mayor and the board of supervisors. i want to ensure that all e.e.o. complaints are properly investigated with adequate support and oversight, and that all employees are created equitably. it's hard enough being a person of color in today's society, and the last thing anyone needs is to be discriminated against and mistreated in the very place where they earn a living for their families. we are the best city in the world, and our black employees and employees of color deserve to feel that way. again, i want to thank everyone presented -- who presented and participated in today's committee of the whole so that we could realize equitable treatment for all in the workplace. madam clerk, i do believe we are now back to our 3:00 p.m. special order items, 39 through 42. >> clerk: mr. president, i will state for the record that you did close public comment.
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operations informed me that maybe that your mic wasn't picking up, that you actually did close public comment. >> president walton: i did close public comment. i apologize, and i did file this committee of the whole. maybe my microphone wasn't on, that is correct. >> clerk: i and believe that the motion has been heard after you gavelled down. >> president walton: correct. >> clerk: all right. items 39 through 42 were initially called, to be heard for the proposed 469 stevenson street project. >> president walton: supervisor haney? >> supervisor haney: i want to make sure we got the correct date. i want to make a motion to continue items 39 to 42 to october 26. >> president walton: thank you. motion made by supervisor haney
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to continue items 39 to 42 to our october 26 meeting. seconded by supervisor peskin, and before we vote, we need to take public comment from the public on the motion to continue. >> clerk: thank you, mr. president. operations, do we have any callers in the queue? i believe there are six who are listening and zero who are queued up to speak. i will just state that the board of supervisors is taking public comment specifically on items 39 through 42. this is the stevenson street project, the appeal of the final e.i.r. for that project. welcome, caller.
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>> hello? >> clerk: yes. >> yes. i just want to say in reference to the last item, e.e.o., that the board makes sure that there is another hearing regarding this. i didn't get an opportunity to speak, but i wanted to say i don't know if i need to e-mail supervisor walton and c.c. supervisor haney and answer the questions that they had during the meeting? but please make sure there is another hearing for the e.e.o. department so i can make sure that i can say what i need to say. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. i just want to make it clear for the commenters that we are only taking public comment for items 39 through 42, the
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stevenson street project. comments may be made on only that item. operations, do we have any further callers? >> operator: madam clerk, there are no callers in the queue. >> clerk: thank you. mr. president? >> president walton: seeing no further public comment, public comment on this item is now closed. madam clerk, there's been a motion to continue this hearing to october 26 made by supervisor haney, seconded by supervisor peskin. can we have a roll call on the motion, please. >> clerk: on the motion to continue items 39 through 42 to october 26, 2021 -- [roll call]
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>> clerk: there are 11 ayes. >> president walton: thank you, madam clerk. motion to continue item 39 through 42 carries unanimously. madam clerk, would you call our next special order, items 43 through 46. >> clerk: items 43 through 46 comprise the items for the hearing of persons interested in or objecting to the approval of a final mitigated negative declaration for 530 sansome street. item 44 is the motion to approve, item 45 is the motion to conditionally reverse, and item 46 is the motion directing
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the preparation of findings. >> president walton: colleagues, before us, we have a hearing on the final mitigated declaration hearing. after the hearing, we will vote on the approval of a mitigated declaration hearing at 530 sansome street. we will proceed as follows: up to ten minutes for the presentation of the appellant. up to two minutes for public comment, and up to three minutes for a rebuttal by the
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appellant or their representatives. i don't see any objections to proceeding in this way, so seeing no objections, the public hearing will proceed as indicated and is now open. supervisor peskin, do you have any opening comments? >> supervisor peskin: i will reserve my comments until after the public hearing unless i have any questions of the project sponsor, the planning department, or the appellant during the proceeding. >> president walton: thank you, supervisor peskin. seeing no one else on the roster, we will ask the appellant to come forward and present their case. you will have up to ten minutes, and i believe the appellants are ryan patterson, brian o'neal, eddie lau, and
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[indiscernible]. >> good afternoon, supervisors. can you hear me? >> president walton: yeah. >> first of all, our group has never been against or opposed to the new fire house for station 13. if you heard something differently, then it is not true, and it did not come from any of us on our current team. we were told by planning to conduct formal public outreach to our downtown neighbors, which we professionally completed for anyone to see and discuss with zero opposition. planning made us send out the sign-up sheets for everyone who attended. we sent that to them. we were very transparent about our project, but our neighbors did not afford all of us the same consideration as we had to endure. since we are held to the
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highest degree and letter of the law in forming our ceqa determination, others should be, as well. we also have some serious concerns about the construction impacts to our building which wasn't fully investigated. just so you know, we're a small san francisco company, trying to do our best to survive in this town we were both born in and have always been successful, even through these trying times by working with others and compromising on conflicting issues. thank you, and i'd like to turn it over to ryan patterson. >> good afternoon, supervisors. can you hear me? >> clerk: yes. >> president walton: yes.
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>> thank you. i'm going to share my screen, please. it's -- if that can be enabled. it's not letting me do that -- oh, there we go. thanks. okay. thank you. this is ryan patterson, attorney for 447 partners in this appeal. under ceqa, a mitigated negative declaration is proper only where clearly no significant effects on the environment will occur. otherwise, an e.i.r. is required. as a threshold issue, an accurate, stable, and finite project description is an essential component of an essential document.
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both the planning commission and the public were confused about the m.i.d. the two different projects here have very different environmental impacts, and the lack of an adequate, stable, and finite project description has led to a legally deficient m.m.d. and misleading ceqa analysis. a landmarking designation for 447 battery street was initiated earlier this year, which means that assumption can no longer be relied upon. although the appellants disagree that their building is historic or landmark eligible, the fact remains that a landmarking designation has been initiated and must be accounted for in the environmental review. due to this basic flaw, the m&d fails to recognize historic resources in addition to traffic and safety.
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it also inappropriately defers the implementation of specific mitigation measures. like all of the studies for 530 sansome, the historic resource evaluation did not recognize the potential landmark status of 447 battery. 442 and 445 washington retain original brick work, ensure similar architect -- and share similar architectural features as the similar apartment building. these features can only be finalized through the landmarking resolution process which has not yet been
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provide information before it's approved and not to defer until after. >> the m.n.d. found that construction vibration may cause damage to the 447 building by inappropriately stated that impacts will be mitigated by [indiscernible] project sponsor's consultant without input from the public. the m.n.d. identified the maximum vibration levels to avoid impacts to a historic structure at .25 p.p.v. yet
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every single piece of construction equipment identified in the m.n.d. will create vibrations far above that threshold. even the use of loaded trucks would cause .4 p.p.b., almost twice the recommended level to protect historic structures. the m.n.d. will not explain how the 430 sansome structures will demolish two structures, excavate 40 feet below the ground, and use heavy equipment and trucks without these effects. additionally, the geotechnical analysis does not ensure that the 447 battery building will be protected during excavation and construction. geotechnical engineer eddie lau
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reviewed the project and determined if the 447 battery building is on timber piles, dewatering would cause rot and down dry loading. the plan to address these impacts were not specified in the m.n.d. and will be developed at some point in the future. the conclusions were confirmed by a second architect, robert pike. we also note once again that the transportation study relies on a final feature program that fails to identify items that
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will create hazardous conditions. the m.n.d. violates the ceqa requirements. the m.n.d.s analysis and conclusions are all premised on the assumption that the building at 447 battery will be demolished which can no longer be assured to the initiation of a landmark building at 447 battery. with the necessary preconstruction testing, surveys, and information gathering must be done prior to final approval and the specific mitigation measures and alternatives must be identified first. without additional investigation, the m.n.d. is
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inadequate to specifically inform the public and does not allow the public to observe the mitigation measures. >> clerk: thank you. that concludes your time. >> president walton: thank you. colleagues, do you have any questions for the appellant? i don't see anyone on the roster. madam clerk, we will go to public comment specifically for those who would like to speak in support of the appeal. >> clerk: thank you, mr. president. the board will hear public testimony from those in support of the appeal of the mitigated negative declaration project on 430 sansome street. speakers will have two minutes to state their comment.
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there will be a separate hearing for those who are in support of the project. we will hear that in a moment, but first, if you're in this listening queue, and you'd like to make public comment, please press star, three now. the telephone number is streaming across your screen. for those just joining us, it's 415-655-0001, and when you hear the prompt, enter the meeting i.d. 2498-328-1045. press pound twice, and you'll hear the meeting discussion but you'll be muted. press star, three to enter the queue, and listen for the prompt that you have been unmuted. we do have interpreters standing by, and they know to jump in to assist callers with their presentation this
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afternoon. all right. so operations, let's hear from our first caller, please. [indiscernible]. >> clerk: all right. so ma'am, are you in support of the project? >> i wanted to speak in the next round [indiscernible]. >> clerk: what you need to do is wait for the next round, and when you hear that, press star, three to enter the queue after the presentation. thank you for your patience. mr. atkins, do we have another caller in the queue. >> i pressed the star, three
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prematurely, and i wish to defer and speak later in support of the project. my name's alec bash. >> clerk: thank you, sir, for your patience. if you're able to wait, press star, three now. that'll put you back into listening mode, and when we take public testimony in support of the project, that's when you'll press star, three again to make your presentation. all right. operations, do we have another caller in the queue? we are specifically taking testimony from the public in support of the appellant. welcome, caller. all right. perhaps that's an unattended line. operations, let's go to the next caller, please. welcome, caller. >> operator: madam clerk, that completes the queue. >> clerk: all right.
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thank you. mr. president? >> president walton: thank you. seeing no other members of the public that want to comment on behalf of the appeal, public comment is now closed. we will now have up to ten minutes for representatives of the planning department. [names read] >> good afternoon. i'd like to request presentation. >> clerk: thank you. do we have your slides? >> i have some, and you have mine, too. >> clerk: thank you. we'll assist if you need it. >> thank you.
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good afternoon, president walton, members of the board of supervisors. i am alana callaghi, planning department staff. i will begin with a brief project overview. the project site is located on the western portion of the block bounded by sansome, washington, and three vacant office buildings. the project proposed to demolish the three existing
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structures and construct a four-story replacement fire station and an approximately 218-foot tall building, which would be 236 feet total, including rooftop equipment, three below grade levels. in this project, the 218-foot tall building would contain either a hotel with 200 rooms, ground floor retail restaurant, and approximately 40,000 square feet of office use and 30,000 square feet of gym use or it would contain 256 residential units, so the tower would have the same size, it would have the same envelope. it would merely have two different uses, one primarily hotel, and the other primarily residential. the environmental review process, our primm mitigated negative declaration was published on april 28, 2021, and it found no significant impacts. an appeal was filed on may 18, 2021, and the planning
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commission affirmed the m.n.d. on july 29, 2021. the fmnd, final mitigated negative declaration, was filed on august 30, and today, we are before you. the follow items the appellant claims, which i will summarize our appeal response. regarding public notice, you can see that, on the right side of your screen, we have an affidavit of mailing, showing that the -- you can see the appellant's address 447 battery street in question. they did receive the public comment. the public comment period ran for 28 days. the appellant received the notice and had an opportunity to file an appeal before the end of the public comment period. there has been no comment to the appellant that they received their notice at the end of the public comment period. again, regarding the public description. ceqa my describe multiple options or variants.
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on your screen, you will see san francisco administrative code, chapter 31, section 20, which talks about multiple projects. the fmnd concludes that either the hotel or residential use, the environmental impacts are the same. this avoids duplicative environmental review. on your screen, you'll see some of the reports that were prepared as part of our records to analyze the potential of the 520 sansome project.
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>> this is mistaken. the historic research evaluation prepared for the two buildings and the analysis under taken by planning department preservation staff did evaluate these properties within the same historic context. however, as stated in the historic resource evaluation and included an appendix to the fmnd, the washington street building lacks integrity for the period before 1967. because these two buildings were
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found to lack or have low integrity, they are not considered potentially eligible for either california -- article 10 landmark status. the appellant has not provided a fair argument to diffuse the determination that the proposed 530 samson street project after implementation of measures. in response to traffic circulation or pedestrian safety, the appellant con tends that the department err by --
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the department did not project the project as being existing for removed in the future. if you look into the fmnd under the project specific analysis contained review for the project such that it continued and operation under the accumulate active analysis review, it looked at the condition that it was removed. the fmnd measures contain standards to ensure effective of any required action. this is contrary to the claims made by the appellant. the vibration impact measures it contains common standards in the existing building at 447 battery
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street remain. this mitigation monitoring will be performed by the department. in conclusion the fmnd analyzes all required topics. recommendation here is to reject the appeal and uphold the final mitigated negative declaration for the 530 sansome street project. thank you. >> president walton: thank you so much for your presentation. any questions for planning? i don't see any questions. we are now to call up the project sponsor to speak to us for 10 minutes. i believe we have jim abrams.
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>> good evening president walton and interviews. i'm land use council. co-sponsor of the 550 sansome project. we like to thank the san francisco planning department and for the work on this project. the fire department has submitted a letter describing the importance of this project which would construct much needed replacement fire station three. we request that you deny the appeal of the project and the appellant has not argued that the project would have a significant impact on environment. the letter and their presentation this evening with are filled with misstatements of fact and provide no evidence and substantial evidence that is required under ceqa for this appeal. we know that the appellant is the owner of 447 battery street.
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demolished. this is incorrect. this is a clear misstatement of fact and appellant's presentation underscores their misstatement. second, the 445 and 439 properties as they indicated are clearly scribed in the m.n.d. the first 26 feet was demolished when washington street was expanded and the demolition of a building, especially the first 23 feet, is substantial evidence why hick building may have lost its integrity. there's a significant historic resources report that is in the administrative record and
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describes why these two buildings are no longer considered to be eligible for the california register. third, the transportation improvements, appellant attempts to undermine the transportation analysis by arguing improperly relies on assumption that the project would be constructed if 447 battery moved forward. the appellant project. appellant assertion is incorrect. it provides that the project will construct the improvements adjacent to the project.
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if the project is approved it will be responsible for implementing the streets changes at 447 battery street. the appellant provided letters from two technical consult constants that they critique the geotech -- the letter restate the conclusion of the report rather than critiquing the analysis. the report is 109-page geotechnical report. section 7 of the report addresses what type of showing systems already required to prevent ground water drawdown from adjacent properties including 447 battery. that concludes our presentation. we're here for questions. thank you.
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>> president walton: thank you mr. abrams. any questions? i don't see any questions from the colleagues. madam clerk, we will now invite members of the public who wish to speak in opposition of the appeal. >> clerk: thank you mr. president. we are now taking testimony for those in opposition to the appeal or in support of the project project. the number is 415-655-0001. when you hear the prompt enter the meeting i.d., 2498 328 1045.
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to be added to the speaker queue to provide testimony, press star 3 and when it is your turn the system will send you a prompt. we do have intenters -- interpreters on standby to assist speakers with interpretation needs. do -- do we have callers in the queue? >> caller: mr. president, i'm speaking today on behalf of the gateway association. we are place to submit our support of this project. we are part of the former redevelopment area golden gateway lower embarcadero.
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our complex is comprised of 1254 townhomes. we really support this public private partnership between the city and county of san francisco to create a 19-story mixed use building. it's also our sincing that -- understanding it will provide affordable housing fees to which could add approximately 30 low income affordable housing units to the
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that gives them the path to have kind of jobs that will make a difference to live and thrive in the city. we understand that there is an agreement in place that will guarantee construction for the construction of the hotel. it will eventually lead to having much improved conditions for the firefighters who live out of that region. we ask that you support the project as approved. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. do we have another caller in the queue? >> there are no further callers in the queue. >> clerk: thank you. >> president walton: thank you. seeing there are no further public speakers in the queue. public comment for this item is now closed. we want to thank you all for
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your comments. lastly, i will invite the appellant up to present a rebuttal argument. you'll have up to three minutes. >> few quick points with regard to historic resources. impact to the immediate surrounding area could be significant impact under ceqa. only impacts were for from vibration. the potential character features of the 447 building were not identify. because the landmarking process is not yet concluded. the department response confirms that the details of the mitigation will be figured out future time and future plan.
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regarding geotech analysis the project sponsor point to similarities in the analysis which further proves our point. the 447 battery assume that the project would move forward. that the 447 building will be reinforced with a modern foundation system. that no longer is the case. the program will need to be redesigned with a transition zone. several safety measures in the 447 battery building were specifically identified and relied upon in the traffic analysis. the popos would need to be
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designed. there are serious potential impacts to the 447 battery building that have not been addressed. therefore, we respectfully request additional environmental review. i will note that geotechnical engineer eddie lough is available for questions. thank you. >> i will briefly add to direct the board's attention to stop the millennium hollywood city of los angeles. it's the otherly -- millennium. if mr. lowe like to speak, you have 30 seconds.
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>> the issue here at the 530 sansome project moving lady. the question how do you trying to underpin the 447 -- building. the question whether the foundation of 447 is supportive. i observed the construction of the fire house -- because my office -- >> clerk: your speaker time has concluded. >> president walton: thank you so much for your public comment and for your rebuttal.
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this public hearing has been held and it is now filed. as previously discussed, we will now consider whether to affirm or conditionally reverse the approval of a final mitigated negative declaration at 530 sansome street. supervisor peskin? >> supervisor peskin: thank you. i would like to say what i always say at the beginning of these hearings, which is that regardless of what i think about the merits of the project itself, in ceqa appeals i judge them on the merits of the pleadings and the testimony. i have to say respectfully that this is thoroughly a meritless appeal. the argument around the lack of
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stable finite project description is incorrect. as set forth by the planning department. you can analyze multiple variants as provided for and admin code section 31.20. frankly, the appellant consistently conflates the 447 battery project with the 530 sansome street project. that battery was long ago determined to be individually eligible for listing in the california register. it has been deemed to be a significant historic resource as the planning department said since 1968 and here today. the fact that it is been recommended unanimously by the historic preservation commission as an individual landmark pursuant to article 10, has no bearing on the ceqa matter. it was analyzed as a historic resource and appropriately so.
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the fmnd does that adequately. the declaration also correctly analyzes the -- and correctly concludes that they are not historic resources and are not eligible. the list goes on. as far as the appellant was able to appeal through the planning commission timely to appeal to this body timely. there was no impact there. they didn't bring it up in their verbal pleadings, they have a section here about inadequacy due it a historic relocation. the issues around the
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geotechnical matter that the appellant brought up were quite well answered by the project sponsor at page 6 of their brief as well as by planning. i would like to move item 44 to approve the mitigated negative declaration and table items 45 and 46. >> president walton: we have a second on the motion? seconded by supervisor mandelman. we have a motion to approve item 44 and table items 45 and 46 made by supervisor peskin. seconded by supervisor mandelman. please call the roll. >> clerk: on the motion to approve item 44 tabling items 45 and 46. [roll call vote]
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there are 11 ayes. >> president walton: item 44 is approved and items 45 and 46 are tabled. please call go special order items 47-50. >> clerk: comprised public hearing of persons interested in the determination of exemption from environmental review under the california environmental quality act. issued as a categorical exemption by the planning
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department for the proposed project at 35 ventura avenue for the proposed property that would consist of approximately 30-foot tall, 3000 square foot single family home. item 48 is motion to affirm the determination by the commission that the project is exempt. item 49 is the conditional reverse of the department's determination. >> president walton: thank you. we have before us a hearing on the appeal of the determination of exemption from environmental review for the proposed 35 ventura avenue project. supervisor melgar? >> supervisor melgar: thank you very much. i would like to make a motion to continue item 47-50 to the meeting on tuesday
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october 26th please. >> president walton: thank you so much. supervisor melgar. we have a motion to continue, seconded by supervisor stefani. >> clerk: mr. president, you are asking me to invite the public to make their testimony on the continuance? >> president walton: thank you, madam clerk. >> clerk: can we hear if there's any callers if the queue. let's hear from the first caller who like to provide testimony to the continuation of items 47-50. >> there are in callers in the queue. >> president walton: seeing no callers, public comment on these items are now closed. on the motion to continue these items to the october 26th meeting, made by supervisor melgar, seconded by supervisor stefani. >> clerk: on the motion to
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>> clerk: item 17 is an ordinance to de-appropriate funds $43,000 to the recreation and park department, $32,000 to the general services agency city administrator, $70,000 to the department of children youth and their families to department district 7 community grants initiative under participatory project. >> supervisor melgar: i wanted to explain little bit for my colleague who are not on the budget committee. this item is for the participatory budgeting process that district 7 engages in. i made a commitment to keep is going for former president
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norman yee. there was discontinuity in the shortened budget year, we had to do it differently. that's what this is. i would appreciate your support. it goes to beautification project and community projects all over district 7. that is mostly volunteer-led. thank you so much for considering it. >> president walton: thank you supervisor melgar. seeing no one on the roster, we can take this item same house same call. without objection, this ordinance is passed on the first reading unanimously. please call item number 18. >> clerk: a resolution to authorize telecommunication lease for emergency radio telecommunication tower and associated equipment with the california state university for the department of emergency management and the department o technology at 1600 hollowaway
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avenue. for a yearly initial base rent $92,000 with annual adjustments for term of 20 years to begin on october 1, 2021. >> president walton: i don't see anyone on the roster. we can take this item same house same call. this resolution is adopted unanimously. >> clerk: item 19 is a resolution to approve no fee permit to enter and use portion of log cabin ranch by the conservation district for the creek fish passage project to help protect federally threatened trout. for a term of 25 years, finding purpose and determination that the competitive bidding procedures are not required and to adopt the appropriate findings. >> president walton: thank you. i do not see anyone on the roster. we can take this item same house
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same call. this resolution is adopted unanimously. call item number 20. >> clerk: a resolution to authorize an approve lease of telecommunication facility on a portion of the roof at 375 laguna honda boulevard. ten-year term at an initial annual rent of $120,000 with 3% annual adjustment. >> president walton: thank you. i don't see anyone on the roster. we can take this item same house same call. this resolution is adopted unanimously. >> clerk: item 21 is a
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resolution to retroactively approve a fifth amendment between the adult probation apartment and northpoint software inc. to extend the performance period by 12 months for a total term of 11 years through march 7, 2022 and not exceed amount from $770,000 to $300,000. >> president walton: thank you. supervisor preston? >> supervisor preston: thank you. i want to thank the probation department for taking some time with with our office to discuss this item and bring up some clarity on the contract amendment here, the process and particularly on the compass tool that's at issue. i want to thank budget committee and supervisor safai for raising
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issue. the reporting shows that the compass return bias results against black defendants. to their credit, probation department has stated they will not be seeking further extensions or amendments of this contract due to their own concerns about the compass tool. i want to urge the department to move that process along as quickly as possible. i have serious concerns about the continued use of a tool with documented racially biased results. i share adult probation concerns regarding the tool heavy emphasis on arrest intelligender
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related disparities. i understand that the requested amendment is limited in scope and length. i understand this is a retroactive request. i think this raises pretty significant policy issues that i wish had been brought to the board sooner. based on these, i can't support further use of the compas tool. >> president walton: i don't see anyone early on the -- else on the roster. please call the roll on item 21. >> clerk: on item 21. [roll call vote]
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there are 9 ayes and 2 nos. with supervisors melgar and preston in dissent. >> president walton: this resolution is adopted. please call item number 23. >> clerk: is a resolution to authorize participation in the california housing finance agency's private activity bond volume cap recycling program for multi-family housing revenue bonds and notes amendments volume cap recycling. >> president walton: thank you. please call the roll on item 22. [roll call vote]
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there are 11 ayes. >> president walton: thank you. without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. please call item number 23. >> clerk: a resolution for purchase of real property for jamna investments smolinski in e amount of $17.34 million. >> supervisor safai: i want to underscore the importance of this item for our district and our city in particular.
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as you know, we had a hearing on the conversation about moving aggressively in this particular market and taking advantage in a positive way of something that covid has handed to us in the downturn in our real estate market. this particular hotel has 52 units in my district in the outer mission. it has served the district in many ways in an official way housing people on short-term basis that need assistance in housing. over the last year, many of our veterans that needed supportive housing were moved into this location with the partnership of source of plowshare with little to zero incidents. this opportunity also allows us to purchase this property with the prop c oversight committee recommended direction if youth purchase funds to acquire
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properties around the city. i think this the moral obligation of our time to move as aggressively as we can to house people that need supportive housing in a way we have not been able to do in the past. the ability to purchase this building will be less than half of cost what it would take to construct new housing for a similar population. these will be affordable apartments. residents will be paying rent. we have have supportive services on sight. and cherry on top. the pursuit of happiness was filmed at this location. even hollywood saw the value of using this location to underscore how important it could be in the future for our city. i'm very excited. we've worked with our safe parking working group oversight committee. wholeheartedly the neighborhood leaders that have been involved in this process and working
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together to show the district 11 can do its share of the excelsior mission. this is something that's super important for our city and community. i ask for your full support. as a budget committee member, we are bringing a whole number of these through our committee as much as we can to make advantage of the opportunity to create more supportive housing options in every part of san francisco as much as possible. thank you. >> president walton: thank you so much supervisor safai. seeing no one else on the roster. this resolution is adopted unanimously. please call item number 24. >> clerk: a resolution to authorize department of public health to accept grant from the hellman p
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