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tv   Health Commission  SFGTV  October 9, 2021 12:00am-2:01am PDT

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secretary, would you please call the roll. >> (roll call). >> our next item i will yield to commissioner dorado to read the land acknowledgement. >> the san francisco health commission acknowledges that we are on the unseeded ancestral
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home land of the ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the peninsula in accordance with their traditions, they have never seeded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the care takers of this place as the original peoples who reside in their territory. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders and relatives of the ohlone community and affirming their sovereign rights as first people's. >> thank you commissioner. our next item which is quickly becoming my favorite is the dph employee recognition awards
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where the health commission will recognize the contributions of a number of dph teams. not only an opportunity for us to express our gratitude for their great work but for members of the public to learn about the great work being done on their behalf. our first recognition will be presented by commissioner guillermo. >> it is my pleasure in being first up in this really great set of folks who no doubt answered the call and did tremendous work and continue to do so.
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this is the set of folks who are the single residence occupancy housing inspectors. the health department recognized that those particularly at risk for spread of the virus issued orders and asked the environmental health branch to enforce the order. the branch asked for volunteers and 21 staff stepped up. this was at the beginning of the pandemic and before the deployment of the vaccine. your willingness to put your own health risks aside, your hard work results in a reduction in covid positive cases as single occupancy cases may have saved
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lives, no doubt. director of the environmental health branch will read the names of the team members and make some comments. >> yes. thank you. it was just mentioned there. i want to reiterate the health orders was maybe march at a the beginning of the pandemic. there wasn't a whole lot known about the virus at that time. this was definitely prevaccine. the 21 volunteers were putting their own health and safety aside to help others. it shows really great public health work. these are the unsung heros. from a number of different programs in the branch.
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(reading names). i want to thank you all. very outstanding work. >> let's give everyone a round of applause. >> thank you, director. of the next employer recognition will be read by commissioner chow. >> thank you. it's my privilege to present the
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people nominated from the environmental health branch covid, health, and safety team. the environmental health branch provided the staff that filled key positions in the incident command structure. all of these staff were willing to leave their current assignments and in some cases continued to cover their assignments and work at the covid command. many of these employees work very long hours which included the weekends. these employees were stretched out side of their normal duties and comfort zones and helped flatten the curve and improve the lives of all san franciscans. we'll now read the name of the
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team members and make some comments and our congratulations to this team. >> thank you. as you just mentioned during the covid emergency response the environmental health branch played some major roles in the covid command structure. these employees had some very special skill sets that allowed them to serve. in no particular order. (reading names).
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it really was because of jonathan's hard work that tireless efforts were made to keep our branches open. jonathan does a health and safety talk every morning. it's now cut down to three days a week. it's a great way to get information. karen did this for most of the pandemic and was very valuable to us and to the covid response. she did a bunch of other things such as training the hotel staff at the hotel used to house dove
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house covidpositive patients. steven scott was the covid out
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break management unit. he was so well thought of that he would still be working there. we traded him for the el prado. he'll be serving there through the end of the year. all of these staff stepped up and showed real leader ability. we should give them a round of applause. >> thank you. our next employee recognition
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will be read by commissioner green. >> it's my privilege to honor the mobile food program team. there's impactful work that's going on that the public is often unaware of and continues to improve our public health even in the back drop surrounding covid 19. san francisco has experienced illegal food carts. they are prepared using unauthorized equipment and poses a food borne illness threat. the mayor asked that the city form a task force. terry and his team took the lead
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for ehb. they coordinated their inspections with the other city agencies. they encountered with angry owners an the public.
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>> the effort has led the court to pass its own ordinance, this team has gone above and beyond the typical call of duty. the mobile food truck team is made up of terry. he has been providing much to the team every weekend on his own dime.
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i'm sure i'll be reimbursing him for that. two senior inspectors. really great work and fun to be acknowledging behind the scenes that the general public isn't aware of and doesn't see. >> let's give a rown of after rf applause. >> it's my great pledge you're to offer my thanks to quite a large team. a health order enforcement team.
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the environmental health branch was tasked with code enforcement. this was after normal work hours and on the weekends.
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>> they would refer problem cases and we would take enforcement action as needed. when they shut down last march, an after hours team was created. 311 monitored the complaints. as a result hundreds of complaints were inspected we
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were able to make sure that the health orders were maintained. really outstanding work. you're right. there's a lot of them here. let me get started. (reading names).
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that was a mouthful but those guys did a lot of work. really a fantastic job. it it's great to be recognizing theming this evening. >> thank you. your pride and admiration for your team is evident.
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thank you for bringing forward all of the teams and individuals to recognize their great work. i'd like to hand the floor over to director co lfax. >> thank you president. i would like to add my gat teud gratitudeto the teams that were acknowledged today. your work has been saving lives. almost two years as the virus arrived at our shores, we didn't know what the right things were to do. you helped us figure it out. you helped us with that first curve. you're pivotal in ensuring the city continues to reopen and protect everybody in our community.
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a note of attitude when deployed and helping to make san francisco the greatest place on earth. >> kudos to you for knowing the work and the team themselves. >> great team. >> thank you. thank you for your hard work in pulling together these rogueses meeting after meeting. the commission is grateful for your leadership here. the next iet sem an action eye emmy making findings foretell 'conference meetings.
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today the health commission is considering giving committees authority to meet remotely for the the next 30 days. commissioners, have you the rez resolution before you. i would like to read two of the operative clauses. a bill that amends the brown act. the the other clause i would like to read is the theth which states the mayor issued an
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emergency order that with limited exceptions other than the board of supervisors weren't meeting under any circumstances. i would ask if we have a motion to approve? >> so moved. >> second. >> before we move to a vote, secretary, do we have any public comments on this item. >> if you were here for the awards, please don't feel like you have to stay for the meeting. folks on comment line, please let us know if you have a comment by pressing star three to raise your hand. i don't see any hands,
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commissioners. >> any questions or comments before we move to a vote. i do not see any. would you please call the role. >> (roll call) item passes. thank you. >> thank you. our next item is approval of the minutes of the health commission meeting of september 21, 2021. you have received the minutes, i believe there was a small amendment to those indicating that commissioner guillermo was excused from the last meeting. otherwise i don't tblef were any
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changes from the ones you already receive pf pd. ed.>> so moved. >> so moved. any public comment. >> no hands commissioners. >> thank you. please proceed to a roll call vote. >> (roll call).
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>> i'm here with the director's report for october 5th, 2021. i'll provide -- mental health and substance abuse disorders. cooperative living with mental health program. the cooperative living model that is created under the city's
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mental health program is a key part of san francisco's work to help people with substance abuse disorders. live with community spaces. the model can assist in progress to independent living and purchasing these buildings shields these spaces from the all important market volitility. protecting clients to continue to offer much needed affordable housing. really excited to announce this in addition to the other work being done to expand our treatment beds for people across the city. i also wanted to spot light one
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of our star staff. she is our water quality manager. she has been nominated to serve as the environmental protection agency drinking water committee. in this role, she will oversee the currents contaminant candidate list. this is a list of water contaminants that are known to occur in public water systems. it's a well deserved honor. it's great to see her skills being applied at a national level. dph is helping to approve high
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quality committees. i wanted to give you some late breaking news. it's important. epic go live happened on saturday. the epic team along with staff really worked hard to make sure this happened. now we have epic as part of jail house services and coordinating our care across the city. this is a key tool that we have in being able to coordinate and stream line care. that summarizes my drekor's
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report. lacking forward to your questions. >> is there any public comment? >> no hands, commissioners. >> commissioners any comments on the director's report before we move into the covid 19 update? seeing none, we'll move into the next item which is the covid 19 update. director co lfax. >> thank you, commissioners. the covid 19 update for october 5th. things continue to move in the right direction with regard to coming down off of our fourth
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surge. it's considerably improved from our peak at the level we saw in the surge of the summer of 2020. next slide. in terms of cases and deaths. as you can see here we've had over 50,000 cases of covid 19. unfortunately we've had 639 deaths due to covid 19. our condolences go out to the families. the reproductive rate is bea low
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one. there are hot spots in parts of the country particularly those with low vaccination rates. our numbers rz below the peak of the last surge. we've been in the mid level of sixties overall. thm keas our health care system is not in danger of being overwhelmed. we've maintained good capacity throughout this recent surge.
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really pleased to show that 75% of residents of all ages have now been fully vaccinated and among people who are eligible are at eighty threa percent. as you can see we continue to make progress. one of the highest rates in injures deckses eem aware of. -- latin x has the lowest ratesf vaccination in san francisco. compared to blacks vaccinated
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with at least one shot which as can you see there continue to improve. a complete vaccine series. we're looking at the johnson and johnson dose or two of the mrna. these numbers continue to improve. i did want to give an update on the vaccination status on all dph employees. the health officer order has gone into effect. we're looking at the numbers here by reported vaccination status. the vast majority are confirmed fully vaccinated.
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the vast imagine or of these employees will also get vaccinated it's a matter of getting that nooftion the numbee system. it's a bit of a cumbersome process. the vast majority of dph employees are fully vaccinated and available for additional details if the commissioners have questions about this. in terms of our booster team line just to have emphasize with regard to pfizer for the groups where a booster is required, a
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booster is available. by all accounts that is going well. with the potential boost perer recommendation for modern awe moderna and jand j, the fda is o discuss booster authorization. it's likely that more boosters will be recommended gooding ferg forward. in terms of vaccine for five to
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11 year olds. we know getting the first doses in arms is really where you get the biggest magnitude of protection. the communication strategy to reach out to people to get those five to eleven year olds vaccinated as soon as possible, this is driven by the dph community equity teams. a number of steps that will be launched as we move closer to and as five to eleven year old authorization happens. it's moaf likely that five to eleven year olds will be eligible sometime between
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halloween and thanksgiving. sometime in november. i wanted to update the commission on the schools data. we continue to do well with regard to supporting in person learning as a city. we worked very closely with the school districts in provoiding guidelines and technical advice. testing and snrow vaccine sites which will be pistol to providing vaccines to five to eleven years is key to getting to 90%. the private charter schools we've had less than five out breaks in each of those areas.
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relatively low transmissions in classrooms especially when you consider we have nearly five thousand students in those schools. to highlight this important piece. kids continue to stay in person lerping, we want to limit the pex getting covid 19. looking ahead, we are planning to sustain our efforts to respond to future surges recognizing now that we're in a state where covid 19 will be endemic. i talked about the boosters, the five to eleven year olds, the commission is aware of the many
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efforts we have going onto reach the dose hesitant. the most vulnerable due to poor health outcomes. we're doing everything we can to support the school nz staying open and addressing the inequities that covid 19 has highlighted. that is my update. happy to take any additional questions from the commissioners thank you. >> please press star three if you would like to raise your hand to make a comment on the covid 19 update.
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no hands commissioners. >> it appears with the delta variant that our reproductive rate was higher than any other time during the pandemic. i wondered if you could speak to that and other variants and the importance of vaccination. >> yes, i do. the reason the reproductive rate was so much higher was duh to a couple things. this delta variant is a whole new ball game in terms of covid. we still call it covid 19. delta was so much more infectious than we were dealing with when covid 19 first emerged. that's one of the key reasons that the reproductive rate was
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so high. the city activity increases just as delta was hitting. this created another memorize nism by which covid 19 could spread more easily. these vaccines are so much more effective in creating deaths in hospitals. the largest number of deaths that have occurred and hospitalizations have been from unvaccinated. >> i see a hand raised by commissioner. >> you alluded to in your last
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comment, do we have data on with the the number of current hospitalizations in san francisco, i believe it was 67, the number who have been hospitalized or who are hospitalled who are vaccinated versus unvaccinated. >> i can tell you that the rate -- we have so many people vaccinated in san francisco. the rate of people unvaccinated in terms of hospitalizations is eight times higher. we know that these vaccines protect against becoming infected against the delta variant. they are so protective against preventing a hospitalization
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risk. >> any other questions or comments. >> seeing none. we'll move to general public comment. >> please press star three to raise your hand so we can recognize you. no hands commissioners. >> thank you, secretary. >> our next item for action is discussing a request to establish a san francisco health care for the homeless co-a lick ant board to provide health care for the homeless program. this item was introduced at our last meeting, at this meeting approval of the resolution is
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requested. we have staff here to present. i'll hand it over to dr. hammer. >> thank you we're going to share slides. while we're getting the slides up, let me introduce myself. i'm director of ambulatory care for san francisco health network dph. thank you for having us back to discuss this important item. today we have just a few slide it give a very quick, brief summary of the resolution and other documents from our entrepreneuration last time. we didn't have the questions that were sent in after you
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reviewed -- very care friday reviewed t was great to see all the excellent questions from the number of commissioners p. we'll address those and answer any questions you have this afternoon. psm it's an hon yor to hand tp over to beth who is our health care director for our health care for the homeless. she'll run through some slides and eansz questions. the.
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>> we are restricted in what we can do and delegate. we have the option and are requesting to propose a health care for the homeless grant legislation option to have governance. this cooperative board --
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recommend a replacement by the
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same process described in article two. it was treading on the autonomy of the board and asked us to promove that. we are prepared to remove that if it helps commissioner green. the first point is how will dph support the board, we'll support if meals are needed at meeting times, dph will support that budget. all that ongoing work will continue additionally thrrks was
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a question about whether there would be an application process. there definitely will be an application process. we'll need information about demographics and expertise. in order to find people to apply, the initial plan right now and we're open to input is to recruit from among our existing council who have actively engaged patients. we'll start there to see if there are people who would like to share their data.
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just by two questions we're hoping for commission input today or later if preferred. what role the commission has in the future, right now the health commission resolution deer tails that we'll give update it's to the commission. that will happen in the director's report, it is essentially what the health commission already does and no new reporting currently is being created. we can create reporting as
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desired as part of the process. last, will there be a representative from the health commission on the board. it does not include a representative from the health commission. as i get into more explanation. there's nothing in the federal regulation or compliance manual that prohibits people from being appointed unless they are a city appointee.
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>> that concludes our presentation. we hope we addressed all of the preliminary questions that you all sent in after reviewing the materials. if you have any additional questions we're happy to address those as well. >> thank you dr. hammer. i believe we need a motion to approve the resolution since i see no questions or comment. before i move to public comment. >> motion to approve. >> second. >> do we have any public comment on this item. >> folks on the line, police
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press star three to be acknowledged. no hands, commissioners. >> commissioners any questions or comments before we proceed to a vote on this resolution. commissioner chow. >> it's mostly an observation, being that we have a number of other committees. the work that this committee actually goes through a budgetary process, is that the process for what is going to be the programs of homeless. there's a committee over it, it sounds like except for governmental agencies, they would be controlling the entire
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operation including budget. i just want to know, is there a budget request not touchable or is that still within realm of the department to make a suggestion as they see fit and present that to the commissioner. >> the federal regulation requires that the board at the very beginning and we would forward that as part of the budget phase and recommend to the board of supervisors. it would happen up front for the most part. each year as we reapply, they
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would look at it. there are some additional approvals but the hch grants go where these sites need to be reviewed by a co-applicant board and so forth. >> the underlying authority for the budget for the city lies in the charter which would be the proposal of the mayor's budget and the board's a prfal of the budget. that remain p mains unchearchged. unchanged.the underlying budget.
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>> thank you very much. >> thank you poaj for this boths presentation and the detail in the way that you so subinstantly have answered our questions. from your perspective how this structure and lines of authority that you are proposing in the resolution, how that enables the health commission. how that enables us to perform our oversight duties as set forth in the charter. our oversite in the department and work in the department. can you outline what your thoughts were about that and how that works?
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the duties that it the health commission has to approve the budget and that sort of thing, the co-applicant board would advise on it, would review programmatic details and policies. but the final approval is in the hands of the health commission. is there anything you want to add. >> the city attorneys work closely with the governance governanceexperts as well. those are legal authorizes and
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requirements. they may turn out to make sure we do our best work with this grant and the best team dedicated to that. it's sort of a partnership. it doesn't look exactly that way in the document. >> thank you. i'm still now the commission. i'm still trying to understand our treep the comienity health centers in this new in addition to the community health centers. i'm wanting to understand if there were a situation where policy wise, the commission felt that will there was something
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-- there was -- something had gone a wry in this area. how would the commission be able to address that? >> the way that i would imagine that would happen and i'm trying to think of an example. so let's say that the -- okay. let's say that there was another public health emergency and we decided that our -- there's a very expensive vaccine to be given. we're in a budget crunch.
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they should start prioritizing getting ensured patients in so we can get reimbursement for this very expensive vaccine. if we propose that, the helming care for the homeless co-applicant board sees we have certain obligations, we're pushing them to be under the line because we need to pry orderrize a revenue generating vaccine administration. they might say we recommend you
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fot do that. that will would come to you as health commission to be the ultimate policy making body. their rule is to make sure we are fulfilling the intentions and guidelines with the health care for the homeless program. i'm not sure if that answers your question. that wasn't a great example.
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they're also responsible to meet legal requirements as well. >> that would be a terrible situation, agree. i guess i'm thinking about it from the hypothetical situation you proposed, there always will be and can be a number of different points of view on the correct policy to deal with special problems in the city, health problems in the city.
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given that under this framework the director of health, the department of public health after this initial board has no ability to have any impact on who the board members are. the board is going forward. it's a self perpetuating thing they choose each other for these terms. somebody could be on the commission for 12 years. in any event, under this framework there's no real avenue for the director of health or the department of public health as i understand it, my understanding is is incomplete and surely flawed. no avenue to have any impact on
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that. and that seems to be bha somewhat add odds with our requirement under the charter to provide oversight to the health -- the treatment that's provided to people in the city. of course, we never want to get into a scenario where a board has to get dissolved. maybe i'm thinking of worst case scenarios but it's always useful to think about what if we got into a situation if there's a huge disagreement about what should be happening. if the department agreed with
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the direction the members of the board were taking and certainly nem the community who have a history of being impacted by being unhoused or homeless, there's no way to effect what the board was doing. can you help me understand that. >> sure.
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>> create something that meets the goals for community involvement in a way that those two don't collide and allows us to meet the ultimate goal of being part of this system health care for the homeless program p. .i don't know if there's a perfect answer. we found the best balance that we can realize between us. >> i really appreciate all three of you and the answers. dr. hammer remembering that it's an advisory board gives a lot of help to me in seeing how the commission through our responsibility to oversee the
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department and through our work doing that through our director of health and the director of health has the responsibility for the department. the line is very clear and open lines for communication. it's incredibly important that the advisory board reflect the history and knowledge and recommendations of the people in the community who lived this experience, i appreciate the time you've take tone help me get my arms around how we will be able to continue to do the job that the charter requires us to do in the context of this very important program. thank you.
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>> there is a change happen inning the public health world. really redefining what patient center need. meeting patients where they are. allowing the most impacted lead those conversations. it's still the department itself making the final decisions. i think that's a really great and very -- it's a promising practice. how well it works for the most impacted to lead the development of some of these programs. we'll see. in the past some of these have
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seen some really great success. there's another program called special projects of national significance. this is along the same lines. thank you for asking those questions. i think those are really important. >> thank you commissioner. ive completely agree. one of the really amazing accomplishments we've had in the last i would say five to six years have been establishing community advisory boards at all of our primary care health centers and training those boards so they have a voice in a lot of operations and care experience issues that come up at the clinics. i think we have a lot of
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learning and good experience from those boards as well at the hospital and training them and really learning how to hear their voice and use it to improve our services. especially for people experiencing homelessness. >> thank you for your comments. i agree, this is really porn to dive into what patient centered means and what community centered work means. to be leads by what people tell us that they need. it's exciting in a fundamental way. thank you so much. >> thank you very much. i see no other comments from commissioners. that means we have a resolution with a motion to approve and a
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second. the resolution is before you. can we go to a roll call vote, please. >> of course. (roll call). the item passes. >> all right. thank you dr. hammer and greg
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wag ner. we'll move onto our next item which is a dph human resources item. >> hello commissioners nice to see you all again. i'm before you this evening on an overall hr update. thank you so much for your time.
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>> i've been asked for specifically what are you doing. what areas you have heard about
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-- it currently takes months to hire. it really is about collaborating with other city partners to be able to hire in a day. i'm pleased to let you know that we had an onboarding event, we onboarded about 44 nurses last weekend. they came -- having clear and
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consistent guidelines as opposed to having bias free related hiring. pathways we talked a little about. dph partnered with and we'll be providing our information and serving them as speakers and other ways we can partner. looking at apprenticeship programs, technicians, nurses. we talk about them in some of the trades. there's a growing interest in growing availability in modern
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programs, career ladders. the racial equity plans talk about meeting more diversity in more levels of our organization. we have conversations about mentorships and fostering relationships and perhaps we should also look at informal fellowship, leadership as well. looking at pay. are we having equity as we establish salary. making sure that we have an racial equity lens available. and also supervisor academy. inclusion occurs at the supervisor level. we want to work on creating that and having tools for our supervisors. great employees become supervisors but we don't provide training and skills.
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we want to work on that. the informs of new experience really bridging the gap between hr functions. it makes total and perfect sense to hr. unfortunately not so much for everyone else. it's really about for everyone else and not for us. we want to work on bridging the gap so people can come to any one of us and have answers and receive assistance and also about increasing employee voice. one thing we hear if employees have issues or concerns is they don't know where to go and get issues resolved. it come it a complaint process. a complaint process is not the best way to get together as a community here and solve them together. upcoming projects that we'll be working on. they are based on feedback i've received from you, from the unions, and other places in
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trying to address real issue it real concerns. and have the most impact. thank you for allowing me to provide this presentation. i'm happy to answer any questions you may have. >> thank you for your excellent presentation, certainly which you have provided align with the priorities that the commission has set out, we're pleased to see both the priorities and project that's are under way. commissioners do we have any questions or comments for chief kim? commissioner chung. >> thank you for the whole presentation.
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especially the hire in a day. that's phenomenal if achieved. it took nine months for the process to good through. there are so many time that's i wanted to give up. >> thank you so much. >> i want to echo that. you hit all the high points and points of concern an all the progress that's been made. that is truly remarkable. helping your employees figure out how they can participate and
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work through problems not just end up in a complaint arena. it's incredibly important. that's what we hear at the jcc and the county. it's such an important preemptive way, you have the scaffolding that have really been frustrating over the years. >> thank you. i have received a lot of questions from the union about the vaccine mandate. i met everyday with members of the union to provide answer it their questions. one way we'll establish a more
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collaborative relationship, we have a shared interest. i just want to make sure we continue to have that conversation. >> thank you. commissioner chow. >> thank you director kim for this wonderful explanation as to the status of human resources. it covers the whole wide range. i think as many of us follow human resources, a blossom has matured. it looks at how we have retention. employees really need to feel more comfortable. how can they give us a better mark on the scoring and feel
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better about working here in the departments. i just would like to be somewhat cautious from our expectations because on the hiring process. we have talked about this for years. we have attempted to work different work arounds basically and working with the unions try to find different ways in which we can actually hire. you know better than i do some of those limitations. in the course of these years, we have not, it seem it me, from our perspective, those of us who sat through this, have not been able toll get that competence that is so important with the unions to understand that a good example might be that covid
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actually did harm the unions. we actually got more employees. seniority has a place. if it takes nine months to hire somebody, we don't need ems that seniority. your average to them might well we be the turning key to that issue where i see one of the big impediments is to try to screen qualified potential employees and be able toll recognize that everything being equal, seniority is really porn. i'm not envious and i don't intend top do your job.
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i can look from the out side and see these problems continue. your really good efforts describing that if it works dorks. help work employees but i'm still very concerned with b the initial hiring process. i thought we were in the the course of doving better. this was before covid. we began to slip, you would know, people became more p wetted to the old system. rp the objective should be within days, we're giving you
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your proposal. i fully support that have you articulated a wonnerful vision. if you continue to find impediments, this should be reported back so we can see what we can do. so you don't feel like you were left alone. we're the voice of the public who can then try and make sure we get the right employees at the right time. if you for listening to me. i'm looking forward to productive work here. >> thank you. i think it's going to take all
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of us together in different ways wayssome areas are more ready to move forward. it will be harder for some to trust the pros pes. we'll have to manage that as well. even after working 19 yo 19 yeah the city, i still remain really optimistic. we have tom push and do things a little bit different. the city was really moved -- being worried about the complaints, being worried about
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that patient has built a system around that. we'll keep you in the loop and you'll hear about it. thanks for that. >> thank you commissioner show. i'd like to recognize dr. co lfax. >> i want to thank drek yar kim director kim.i'm optimistic abo. evidence of how we can onboard over forty nurse nz one day. the concept of hiring in a day is a bold one and one yet i
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think director kim's key part of the defendant improve. i see this improvement having profound effects across the department. director kim has my full support and we'll receive in what she needs in order to further the goals that she just articulated. >> thank you director. i do not see any other comments or questions from commissioners. thank you so much director kim for your presentation. again, everything that you showed us aligns with the priorities of the commission. we're grateful for the steps
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you're taking and bringing to the role. >> thank you so much. they have afforded me ep couragement to think in way. >> our next item is item ten. the finance and planning committee update. >> good evening, commissioners. the finance and planning committee met right before the commission meeting. we had recommending contract reports. three contracts that are related
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to meeting the city's needs in a covid emergency. we would appreciate it if you would approve all these contracts under the report. one other thing that we -- one other business we conducted during the meeting is to share the prept aightses for health a assessments. a glide contract. i have to say that work we've done on equity has been quite impressive. let the quality of this presentation as well as forms
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that were shared with users. >> thank you, commissioner chung. that was our update. do we have any public comment on that item. >> i don't think we have comment for either. if you would like to make public comment for item nine or ten, please press star three.
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there are no hands raised for public comment. >> i move that we approve the consent calendar as stated. >> second. >> thank you. do we have public comment on those items. >> folks on the line if would you like to make public comment please press star three to raise your hand. joom i don't see any questions or comments either please do roll call vote. >> (roll call) pp item passes, thank you. our next item is other business. commissioners do we have any
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other business? seeing none there is nothing to comment on. we can move onto our next item which is the joint conference committee and other committee reports we'll have a brief summary of the jcc meeting. >> thank you. at this particular meeting, we actually received the reports, one being the quality data reporting update which described status of many of the required regulatory reporting metrics and the quality measured score card. we reviewed the true north score card from the hospital which was another set of metrics and that measured how well the hospital was doing in equity, safety,
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quality, and care experience and developing our people and financial stewardship. in all of these they were able to mark their scores as being in the green or in the red and describe what they were doing for those who were in the red. there was also a presentation in developing our strategic plan in human resources as they had an a3 document for thriving at work and trying to answer surveys that the city had had done in regard it satisfaction. the committee then also review the standard open session reports, regulatory affairs, the ceo report. we approved the form si
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standardized procedures. they approved the addition of the pronouncing of cardiac by death by nurses in certain protocol privilegeless. i'm happy to answer any questions or have any of my fellow commissioners add to that. >> any persons on the line if you'd like to make comment please press star three. there are no hands commissioners. >> commissioners, any comments
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commentsor questions seeing non. the next item is closed session. any public comment on this item. >> there is no one on the line. >> can we go to roll call then. >> (roll call). all right. please give me about a minute >> second. >> clerk: all right. [roll call]
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i can't hear you, commissioner, even though i saw you. >> commissioner: yes. >> clerk: okay. great. [roll call] yeah. i think everyone gets muted when you go back into open session. [roll call] all right. >> president: and then our last item is adjournment. do we have a motion to adjourn? >> commissioner: so moved. >> commissioner: second. >> clerk: roll call vote. [roll call]
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>> commissioner: that sounded like a dissent for a moment. >> clerk: thank you. >> president: thank you commissioners. thank you, director. . >> i just feel like this is what i was born to do when i was a little kid i would make up performances and daydream it was always performing and doing something i feel if i can't do that than i can't be
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me. >> i just get excited and my nickname is x usher my mom calls me i stuck out like a sore thumb for sure hey everybody i'm susan kitten on the keys from there, i working in vintage clothing and chris in the 30's and fosz and aesthetic. >> i think part of the what i did i could have put on my poa he focus on a lot of different musical eras. >> shirley temple is created as ahsha safai the nation with happens and light heartenness
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shirley temple my biggest influence i love david boo and el john and may i west coast their flamboyant and show people (singing) can't be unhappy as a dr. murase and it is so fun it is a joyful instrument i learned more about music by playing the piano it was interesting the way i was brought up the youth taught me about music he picked up the a correspond that was so hard my first performing experience happened as 3-year-old an age i did executive services and also thanks to the lord and sank in
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youth groups people will be powering grave over their turk i'll be playing better and better back la i worked as places where men make more money than me i was in bands i was treated as other the next thing i know i'm in grants performing for a huge protection with a few of my friends berry elect and new berry elect and can be ray was then and we kept getting invited back you are shows got better we made it to paris in 2005 a famous arc we ended up getting a months residencey other than an island and he came to our show and started writing a script based
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on our troop of 6 american burr elect performs in france we were woman of all this angels and shapes and sizes and it was very exciting to be part of the a few lettering elect scene at the time he here he was bay area born and breed braces and with glossaries all of a sudden walking 9 red carpet in i walgreens pedestrian care. >> land for best director that was backpack in 2010 the french love this music i come back here and because of film was not released in the united states nobody gave a rats ass let's say the music and berry elect and
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performing doesn't pay very much i definitely feel into a huge depression especially, when it ended i didn't feel kemgd to france anymore he definitely didn't feel connected to the scene i almost feel like i have to beg for tips i hey i'm from the bay area and an artist you don't make a living it changed my represent tar to appeal and the folks that are coming into the wars these days people are not listening they love the idea of having a live musician but don't really nurture it like having a potted plant if you don't warrant it it dizzy sort of feel like a potted plant (laughter) i'm going to give san francisco one more year i've been here
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since 1981 born and raised in the bay area i know that is not for me i'll keep on trying and if the struggle becomes too hard i'll have to move on i don't know where that will be but i love here so so much i used to dab he will in substances i don't do that i'm sober and part of the being is an and sober and happy to be able to play music and perform and express myself if i make. >> few people happy of all ages i've gone my job so i have so stay is an i feel like the piano and music in general with my voice together i feel really powerful and strong
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. >> chairman: good morning: this meeting will come to order. this is the october 7th, 2021, government audits and oversight committee. i'm supervisor dean preston joined by supervisor chan and supervisor mandelman. thanks to corwin from sfgov tv for staffing this meeting. mr. clerk, do you have any announcements. >> clerk: yes. mr. chair. participants will be participating in this meeting to the same extent as