tv Transportation Authority SFGTV October 13, 2021 12:00am-1:16am PDT
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>> meeting of thetransportation agency and the parking authority commission. secretary, can you please call the role ? >>. [rollcall] >> directorheminger is not expected at today's meeting . you havea quorum . >> chair: if we can go on to our next item. >> clerk: announcement of devices during the meeting, no announcements inour virtual meeting . item numberfour, approval of minutes for the september 21 regular meeting . >> chair: directors, any
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additions or subtractions before we open it to public comment toget their input . ca nine, moderator are there any calls on the line? remind people of the number four calling in. >> clerk: the numberfour members: public comment on the minutes is 888-808-6929 . theaccess code is 9961164 . to address the board dial 1, then zero. >> chair: moderator, are there any calls on the line for approval of minutes from the september 21 regular meeting ? >> you have one question remaining. >> chair: yes, mister philpell. >> caller: the only thing i saw on here is on page 9 in reference to my comment at the top which is recentboard of supervisor resolution , i believe it shouldbe board of supervisors .
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otherwise i thought the minutes were darned good and captured the colorand flavor of the comments made . my appreciation to miss silver for her work. >> chair: thank you very much mister philpell are thereadditional colors on the line? >> you have zero questions remaining . >> chair: with with that we willclose public comment . is there a motion . secretary , can you please call the role. >> clerk: [roll call vote] the minutes areapproved . place interview onitem 5, communications .
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>> chair: sadly i must adjourn in honor of marilyn golding who passedaway on september21 . for those who may not know she was a fierce civil rights advocate for people with disabilities . even though she slept in the bay area impact wasfelt across the nation and the world . she was instrumental in the hard-fought effort to develop passageof the american disabilities act and served as an expert advisor on drafting he held ada transportation regulations . with lists, ramps, announcements and rail stations and paratransit for people with disabilities can't take fixed routes to make federal requirements if this is the case. this was groundbreaking legislation . ms. goldin has been working at the state level in concert with sfmta staff to ensure services provided by uber and lyft include wheelchair
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accessibility and working towards autonomous vehicles. ouradvocacy and unsung work in the trenches to ensure transportation is available to all around the world we're so humbled to honor and advocate and be so fortunate she worked with us . we are happy to acknowledge the impact she had on so many lives and she will be greatly missed and it's alarge loss of the world is so much better for her work . we will adjournat the end of the meeting in her honor . now i give my perfunctory announcement of the covid-19 emergency.the meeting is being held virtually with all staff and our published notice on our website, we asked the public to participate remotely by writing to the board or leaving a voicemail message. for all comments in advance , we thank you and we've received
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those. we very much appreciate your continuing to honor our quest and invite you to write us at this technology allows us to meet and it's not seamless and there may be gaps between the different technologies, sfgov tv that you see us on an article line or three different services and it takes a team behind the scenesto make sure these things run in concert . no we get disrupted and lose the line we will recessed the meeting until weare able to make sure people are able to participate . thank you in advance for your patience and i want to thank our team who's been going through thisvery long process of our online meetings for quite some time now . >> clerk: this meeting is being televised by sfgov tv. for those of you watching the live stream the aware there is
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a time-lapse lapse between the meeting and what public members are seeing on sfgov tv. if you wish to comment call the number online. for thosewho wish to make public comment the phone number to use is 888-808-6929 the access code is 9961164 . to address the board dial 1 then zero. make sure you are in a quiet location and youmute your computer during the meeting . this will reduceany reverberations so the board can hear you . pursuant item number six introduction of newor unfinished business by board members . >> chair: are thereany items? director lai . >> can you me now? okay, my computer is slow toda . i wanted to ask for perhaps work on our hiring status and i know that ms. ackerman had in her last presentation up front about a bunch of basically
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improvements, strategies and i just want to update and see how it's going. obviously the latest news that chair borden and director tumlin issued were that service reservation also mentioned our persistent vacancy but i think what the conversation around that would be what is actually the hurdles and what we can do as a board to perhaps help us fill the remaining quarter vacancies that the agency has which is quite a task. >> thank you, any other, director. >> just quick, i imagine there in the board but the event, it seems likeit's been a little bit before . before i receive updates on both ofthese .
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and i know we're kind of closing in on the status to so we love to figure out what's going on with those two projects . in the coming weeks. >> thank you. any other items under new and unfinished business by board members. see non-we will open it up to public comment period for members who would like to comment on the questions that are board members should ask please note this is not a discussion period. we cannot answer your questions because again this is not a question and answer session but we are able to have you get comments on the questions chosen by board members moderator, any , do you have a question. >> i'm sorry,i'm having a little technical difficulty . i'd love to raisean item . as we are with us today, that is just around the need to ensure that your delivering
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excellent service to our core service lines. we've had a lot of concern from the public about not bringing back lines and the full discussion around whether we bring back certain lines or whether we askedpeople to walk a little bit further to core service lines . having experienced this this past week quite a bit of traffic congestion is slowing down. i just want to raise the concept, the vision of our core service lines do not have traffic. we asked people to walk a little bit further to that line. i want to make sure we're living delivering excellent service along those lines so just as we come into this conversation about the transit scenarios for the future i just want us to be thinking about are there other streets, other purposes where we know from
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data that the majority of our writers are traveling in the system where we want to make an extra effort to ensure that those vehicles are not sitting in traffic.thank you . >> and i'll just close out this item by saying i had the great fortune of being the transit riders transit first awards this past weekend. director lai was there as well and it was nice to see so many operators honored but also many advocates in the community, who work for the back as well as her own team was honored for their work throughout this and has been nonstop throughout. so it's really exciting to see people from around the bay area involved in engaging transit and awards and commute some of the people that call into this meeting i haven't met before so i want to say that and we will move onto public comments so moderator are there any who would like to comment on unfinished business ? >> you have one question remaining . >> go ahead. >> can you hear me now.
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>> i can so to tag onto director eaken's request whenever that's addressed if staff could also address service reliability in transit with both or all three street supervision, control or tmc and use of radio and other technology. i think not just the feed of the trip or overall time for the trip starts to and including walking but it's a question ofreliability . if most of the time it takes 20 minutes to get somewhere but half of the time it takes for the five minutes, then it's no really a reliable service . and that drives down ridership so i'd ask if you'd address reliability as well.
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>> chair: thank you mister philpell. are there any additional color on the line ? >> you have zero questions remaining. >> chair: secretary if youcould call the next item please . >> clerk: item number seven, directorsreport . >> we have a lot going on in today's directors report but it will end with a great staff commendation so let me start there. the first and big news is related to the potential service impact as a result of the city's vaccination requirements. as you all know health and safety san francisco county workers and the public , the city's department of resources instituted a vaccination policy requiring all city employees show proof of being fully vaccinated by november 1 as a condition of employment. since the vaccines received
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emergency approval in 2020 we been educating staff about the safety and efficacy of the covid vaccine,encouraging them to get vaccinated and providing them with opportunities to get vaccinated over time . because of the pop up vaccination events we've held allstaff meetings, public health experts, we've been distributing questions and answer flyers , we've had posters that list vaccine myths and facts. we've done one on one outreach in every single person as either not reported their status or has reportedly developed as an vaccinated. that said as ofseptember 30 last week , we have 640 employees including people on leave who are either unvaccinated or haven't yet recorded their vaccination status. which represent about 11 percent ofour workforce . we're working with employees who requested a medical or religiousexemption from the
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requirement so that represents fewer than 50 employees as of the end of last week . we absolutely do not want any of our employees to lose their jobs for income are going to keep working to support our workforce in every way we can. but because the vaccines have been politicized there's an incredible amount of disinformation about the vaccines circulating on social media andalso which has made our job implementing the city difficult . if 640 are of our employees are stillunvaccinated as of november 1 , and put on leave are terminated will significantly impact transit operations and control throughout the city. up to four schools would be without crossing guards about eightschools would be a reduction of crossing guards serving them . continuity of operations currently underway using a variety of scenarios is now time to perform all of you as our board as well as the public of how this situation the
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impact the lives of san franciscans. the largest single job classification impacted by the city of san francisco policy i transit . as of last week, 15 percent of our operators remain either unvaccinated or out recorded their status and are presumed to be unvaccinated. these individuals will be terminated beginning november 1 unless they are fully vaccinated bythat time . our agency could lose over 300 operators, roughly the equivalent of the total number of operators training and hiring over the next 18 months. this adds 18 months to our timeline for restoring 100 percent humidity pre-pandemic services. it's basically an object to all of our may 2021 service. we're not just going to go back to where we were before the service plan but it's useful to
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point for understanding just how deep the impact of community service could be. the second largest classification is the affected by the policy is parking enforcement and traffic. 19 percent of our parking control officers have either not recorded their status or areunvaccinated . the loss of these workers have been would force the agency to fully or partly suspend. a enforcement including commuter shuttlebusenforcement , residential enforcement and some meterenforcement . it would also impact the single parking placard enforcement and reduce our chief detail. we are using every available option to urge our employees to get vaccinated or exercise our options for medical or a religious exemption if that is appropriate. continuing to have one-on-one conversations with each employee to make sure that all
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of their questions are addressed. we've trained managers and provided them with scripts and additional resources to prepare them for these conversations. unvaccinated employees and those that haven't recorded their status will be receiving letters in the mail, emails and text messages educatingabout what they need to do in order to avoid being terminated . also doctor bennett director of the office of health equity at the san francisco department of health is returning to the sf mta for a secondtime to answer questions of safety . we are a much hope that this situation will improve over the course of the next month. but as we hope and work for a better outcome, we're simultaneously planning for the worst. we're taking this very seriously and may need to update all of you on the pace of vaccinations. in happier news, we have a bunch of special events coming.
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fleet week began on sunday with activities that humility with theairshow . this friday and throughout the weekend there will be special service for fleet week saturday, sunday and friday saturday and sunday including extra service for the f line and as always we offer free rides to those carrying military id. we are trying to prepare forhalloween weekend . that weekend we got outside plans, a major events and likely two games of the world series. but we are less sure about halloween weekend because november 1 for a vaccination deadline is monday halloween weekend so we are starting to warn city leadership that we may be struggling to deliver needed service over halloween weekend and will likely have trouble with service following
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on that day. also, a news update fromlast weekend . as most of you know we have pretty significant radio issues throughout the weekend. some of those issues related to the october 1 schedule reloading for all transit vehicles. this caused radio and outages friday. and we've experienced again and again every time a new schedule is adopted, data has to be uploaded to every individual of the train in order for the sign, the announcement and operators assignment and predictions to work. this time the data uploaddidn't happen properly so the network was overloaded . this caused the radio to be placed into backup mode which continued the voice communication safety but using the code caused a data blackout or a whole prediction system. separately at the same time some great work was being done
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by our vehicle data system vendor that caused predictions on sunday. it didn't impact all lines but there were momentary problems that permeated throughout the system until the issue was resolved.each of these items is being addressed separately with short-termvictories . we're still working through the technical procedural recommendations which have long-term sustainable updates while we continue to work to replace our entire system. also , the friday evening the key line was disrupted for multiple broken drafts of vehicles. overhead lines, we substituted motor coaches and found a particular issue with the alignments of the overhead wire at third and none of you are in large wires going
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down but we did have broken pendergrass, rail service was restored on mondayand we're still investigating to understand the root cause of that problem and make sure it never happens again back into the good news category, as was reported during the chronicle yesterday , we failed in a lawsuit brought against us by the federal credit union in regards to taxi medallions and i just want to beclear with all of you and the public . this case was never about operators. it was always about back bailouts, plain and simple. none of the money would have ever gone to taximedallions holders . we are pleased that the they saw through the disinformation put out by the other side . the city and credit union after contract and the jury agreed the city had broken the contract. the taxpayer should not be forced to bail out the banks.
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for years the credit union process that medallion loans generate and didn't share the profits with taxpayers and now under newmanagement the credit union was seeking to have taxpayers foot the bill for it investment choice .in the credit union had succeeded not a penny of that money would have gone . now with this case over we are looking forward to putting the case behind us to focus and return to meaningful improvement and that marketplace. preparing the tax statements to successfully compete against autonomous vehicles in part by taking advantage of the strength of taxi operators which is wisdom and customer service offered by real humans in realprofessional jobs . next up we've got a slope streetevaluation . i would ask that christine pull up the slides please. thank you. so this also follows in the new
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category over the last several months or actually the last 15 months we've been conducting a comprehensive evaluation of all of its programs looking at dat , text surveys, of residents and neighbors every single slow street that hasbeen out there . the results have been overwhelmingly positive. we've seen on average 37 percent decrease in traffic volume and 14 percent decrease in traffic on each street. we seen 27 percent increase in a 65 percent increase in peopl walking on the slow streets . most importantly we've seen a 36 percent decrease in collisions. this is extraordinary. almost nothing we've done as an agency has resulted in such dramaticimprovement in safety . so quickly as our slowstreet
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program. moreover , about 71 percent of respondents living on the street and in parallel streets, 71 percent support slow streets. now, despite these overwhelmingly positive number , we don't have variance between individual slow street and these results are goingto help warn us which slow streets should remain and that . which should remain necessary to help everywhere that remains. our biggest challenge is really in control tools to reduce the maintenance burden and effectively present through traffic while maintaining response time. the full report is available onlineand i heard you all to look at it ifyou search for slow streets evaluation . next up , there's a dashboard right there. next up, you can go off the slide presentation is budget
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related updates. so first up is that the sf cta is working on the new 30 year expenditure program and has been working with our staff on preventing its expenditure plan advisory committee, recommendations for the expenditure plan. we are advocating for maintaining sales tax levels for key capital programs as well as maintaining our 40 percent transportation sales tax contribution for the paratransit service and any reduction that would have long-term budget operating. however the prop k sales-tax is one of the most critical local sources for repair and advancement of our transportation systems . we're happy to ask the staff to come in and present on this proposed program towards the end of the year. also in the good news category, the federal transit administration has released a 2.2 alien dollar to be competitive grant opportunity
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for transit systems andis trading additional pandemic related enhancements . the proposals will be based on level of national means including projections of future financial need to maintain service as a percentage of the 20 18th operating cost . as a result of all this, the mtc metropolitan transportation will be quickly moving to allocate last allotment from the american recovery plan and we are working with other operators on a formula by which those will be distributed. i think you all also probably already know that a week ago the board of supervisors approved two very important pieces oflegislation for us . including parking metercontract . as well as our rv for current. i think you've been briefedon all those details so i'll go along to our next item .
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as you also know, we have been partnered closely with the parks department on the jfk access and safety program. the public process launched on september 22 asking the public to provide us advice on six different proposalsand for potential roadway alignments . that work of course is available in five languages. it received over 4000 program responses. going to continue collecting data until november 26. we're also doing a whole array of special outreach events for online forums, special outreach events for his ability and senior communities. we're coordinating special outreach events and equity priority communities doing in part walking hiking tours and hosting hearings at various advisory bodies in october and november.
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the overall recommendations are expected to go before the board and park commission before going to the board of supervisors this winter for a final vote. and christine if you could bring up the slide again or other project updates which is our lombard street high occupancyvehicle lanes . last week, the sf nta implemented the first of their kind high occupancy vehicle lane on lombard street in the marina district. these streets are part of us highway 101 which is managed by caltrans of the project partnership of the district 4. other than a tiny little stretch in the hov lane leading to the bay bridge in the market, these lanes on city streets in california, this is
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a pilot project. it is authorized under our temporary emergency translator project so the evaluation is going to be conducted to gather with caltrans along with the hov lanes that must be struck soon on park city boulevard and the bypass which are also a part of state one in the richmond district and park. arche valuation criteria is to be asking the question do these lanes help the state highways move more people than the previous configuration? if they're stressful successful in moving more people on our state highway system that don't create unexpected unintended negative consequences, we will then move forward with a recommendation to make them permanent or if we find
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problems we maymake discussions along the way so the lanes are in effect from 5 am to 8 pm so all day long monday through friday . and they are very important parts of our line 28 as well as mostof the golden gate transit hub . and then the title prospect update we can go off the slide again. there's somebody you need to go on mute. there we go. so final project update is our color program which has generated some controversy las week . as most of you know, we currently have just over 300 shared space pickup and drop-off. they're mainly designed as part of a program to allow restaurants to have a quick drop off zone in front of their
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store. it's also used by retailers. the shared spaces pickup zone expired at the end of september as they transition to the new codified general loading zone established from board of supervisors and shared space legislation. thesf nta is trying to make a pickup and drop-off process more acceptable and durable for all customers . transitioning fromthe paper temporary sign to permanent signs and painted curves . the general loading zone supplies up to five minutes and they work best in areas with dense commercial activity that is used for pickup and delivery and commute and conserve shared loading needs among various businesses. the criteria for the program are different from the temporary pickup program. authors who reapply may be directed to more appropriate types of green curves so we've heard from small business
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partners that they're confused about the temporary program versus the current program and that they need some release on application fees for the general loading zones but as a result we the application fee for general loading zones in half from $775 to $87 to anyone who applies beforedecember 1 . the applications fee is still reduced and still nonrefundable and businesses can reach out to ccp which stands for color program at sf to assess whether or not they are eligible and now i'd like to turn things over to tom mcguire followed by joellen kirschbaum to provide some special recognition to some of our key teams. are you ready? >> can you hear me okay? okay. good afternoon director.great
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to be here and i'm joining you from our division shops on bankrupt. it's a few of our close friends and i'm here to recognize the team that brought you shared spaces so as many of you know shared spaces is a lifeline to the city's business community who been struggling with challenges over the last year and a half and in response to the epidemic, we committed over 1200 pickup and drop-off zones and over 100 locations to allow other businessactivity. these are all the people who made it happen . they shared spaces effort from the mta was a joint effort for planning, parking, engineering, all of our shots including every sign shop you see represented behind me and even this building.we thought it would be important to not just recognize those people who been
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so important to business recovery to carry out core policies but to do it on their own turf. these are people who go to work for you and they served the city every day. they keep it in a good state of repair. so i'm going to very quickly read the list behind me when i say their name. i'm going to take my place and she's going to do another presentation today.all right, nick cannon. ari hunter. one day he week. monica you much. francesca napolitano, gretchen rood derek marshall . coloma. >> josi costa january.
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dean coppola, jesse grady. dan and her. brian blew. rihanna cooper. amy john. monica easy. albert lamb. in ron and ken dooley. davidson down. andre wright. >> please join me in recognizing everyone watching here. [applause]. >> we cannot thank you enough for all your hard work. i don't know where we would be as a city without your tireless efforts and the sacrifice i know that you have family and maybe children at home and other things to deal with but it has made and francisco are
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far more livable city and for that everyone is forever indebted and grateful to you. know that your work matters . people around the world are talking about the changes we made and that's all because of your hard work so please know that you are so appreciated by all of us. thank you. do you want to say anything or does someone from the team want tospeak ? ? >> can you hear me?>> we can hear you. >> my name is monica, and deputy program manager and i'm on behalf of this team want to thank you very muchfor this very special recognition . this group of people developed this new program to allow our small businesses to continue to operate during the height of the pandemic.
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this recognition others not just the impressive scale of businesses that had a positive impact on comments in the thousands but the environment in which you are able to accomplish that. these represent the largest agency that is part of the shared spaces family team reflective of their group of people here today . we celebrate the impressive contributions from across the agency as regards planning, preservation and transit. and these contributions have been far from easy. we're working to find creative solutionsand a topless work at the time that is it is impossible to do our best work under immense pressure timelines work across the city to balance competing priorities . i'm inspired by the flexibility and to make an effort above and beyond themselves so thankyou
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for the recognition on behalf of the agency . >> congrats. >> good afternoon board. i want to thank you for recognizing us today and we were proud to serve the city and county of san francisco and provide services to the businesses and citizens of san francisco and last but not least i want to thank mister lai forpowering through the pandemic and making it happen . thank you. [inaudible] >> next up isjulie kirschbaum, director of transit .
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after being terminated, how easy it would befor that person to be reinstated ? >> that is an excellent question. the guidance on that question has been changing regularly so we may refer to our director of people, kimberly ackerman. are you here? >> i was wondering if she was. >> she may not be available. i'll get an answer which is we do not want to permanently terminate anyone if they are willing to be vaccinated we will comply with the city of department of human resources guidelines about what happened . we will certainly be complying with city vaccination requirements for approved medical religious exemption
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requirement for employment starting november 1. >> were going to be having hr barriers that were imposed by the city but we will follow up online and connect with directorackerman about that . then we usually cover vision zero and i don't think i heard anything in this report so i was just curious. >> we did have a fatality i believeyesterday . we're still awaiting details on that soi'm reporting on that next week . >> thank you. >> thank you, director eaken. >> thank you madam chair. i have two questions for
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director tumlin related to vaccinations. you said they will be fully vaccinated, i just want to see what that means. it's thrown out quite a bit. i recall waiting three weeks for that second shot and it was two weeks after the second shot. is that possible? >> we are running out of time on pfizer but the johnson and johnson vaccine which is the one shot will still be available for a while longer but yes, one of the reasons why we are doing detailed contingency planning is because employees are in fact running out of time to be fully vaccinated by november 1 which isa requirement . >> so two weeks afterjohnson and johnson . that would be the most. >> thank you for that and obviously director hinze's help
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around retention. a second question i had was regarding the slow streets and thanks for the all interest and success they had. one area of concern i recall earlier in the process i recall one of the slow streets was removed from board consideration possibly due to concerns around fire department access. you mentioned response time but i'm curious if you have any data at this point to address that concern that had been posed about response time and if there's any concerns, are they similar, are they better and what can weexpect with the construction phase ? >> the data we have is on traffic. i've been struggling to get data from the fire mounted on all emergency response equipment. we've been trying to use that
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actual data to determine whether any of our investments during the yekutiel period have had any impact on response time but unfortunately the data is still in poor condition so we are working together with the fire department to try to make sense of the data. meanwhile these are livable streets, or streets director tom mcguire, they are available to the limited findings with regard to the potential for spillover traffic. janie or tom are you on? if i recall correctly, tom mcguire, streets director. >> ,mcguire, streets director. we done some limited analysis on the changes we made last year. you may recall we reduced, we
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put in a parking protected lane on the south side along the panhandle and worked with the fire department. it was a pretty rudimentary set of data. the fire department was a good partner and we were able to satisfy both agencies that there was no spillover traffic on parallel streets north of the panhandle or any congestion that affected their response times that was a pretty self-contained corridor from which we collected data. it's not just a parallel street but of course we want to make sure we are taking account of the ways in which the streets have changed but also the fire department is a complex operation and other operational parameters have changed so we wantto make sure we're checking all factors . >> thank you madam chair. >> chair: director yekutiel.
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>> three areas, first one is o vaccination . so director hinze asked about temporary termination, thatwas going to be a question i had . i think that would be important to iron out for your thinking about it. the question i have is about understanding why so many of the operators aren't vaccinated. do we know how much of it is information or disinformation and how much of it is exemptions. what do we understand about wh . >> we have spoken to all the individuals and the reasons very. my impression is that it is mainly fear and disinformation that is causingvaccine hesitancy at the sf mta .
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more i can't really disclose. due to the privacy considerations. we've also realized there are basically race, age and cultural issues at play one of the many tools we tried is to train people in all demographics with the health science to make sure that people can hear the vaccination stories from people they trust and who have cultural literacy in their demographic category. the details of exactly how terminations are rolled out and exactly what point in time are still being finalized . there obviously are as director eaken pointed out some overlapping dates around what happens if you've begun the
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process of getting vaccinated but arefully vaccinated . are you going to be terminated or put on administrativeleave ? those are all details that are being worked out. >> one quick follow-up, are we asking folks to get vaccinated or do we have. the city's vaccination team at our facilities? are they coming when the operators come in or their boarding schedule ?>> we have had mobile vaccination clinics at our facilities. unfortunately those have not netted very many new shots in arms. what we're finding quite clearly is it is not lack of access to the vaccine that's the is actually vaccine hesitancy and much of that seems to be rooted in prevailing misinformation that we have seen everywhere in the
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media. >> i believe this will be my eighth outside lens also understanding that it's gone for a year and now thatit's halloween weekend it will be extremely busy . i'm worried about potential layoffs there but even if that doesn't happen let's assume we don't have to worry about cuts in services. i wonder how the agency might be thinking about using the opportunity to win back customers and getting people excited about our system again because a lot of folks hate city buses that don't take them any othertime of the year just because of the nature of the event and what happens . how are we thinking about that and trying to use it to win back customers? >> as you might imagine given everything we've got going on our cruise are moretapped out than they have been in the last
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18 months . for other city departments there in full recovery mode now and for us all work has gotten a lot harder. there is likely not much of anything we can do in order to show off our awesomeness during that weekend. everyone will be completely overwhelmed coming through our current array of emergency. from likely in fact our service will be significantly worse during thatcritical weekend and normally . >> we don't double or triple of ourservice around the weekends ? >> we had no available service in order to be able to double up ortriple . struggling to get our existing overtime slots fill. on a normal week. >> moving on to the lead zone.
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sorry, in small business. for the loading zone stuff i want to commend tom mcguire. i know you've been seeking with the tgr a on this and i appreciate the follow-up question . i know that those who want to convert their emergency loading zones into a general zone can apply for it in december. my question is whatabout the folks who missed the memo . how is the sfmta making sure all businesses know about it and can apply for it. >> i can letstreets director tom mcguire answer that question . >> how are we letting them kno ? we will do a follow-up
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communication for folks who didn't get the most communication and one thing that i stressed with gdr a and other stakeholders is anybody who told us they want to continue to convert their zone before the end of the year we will work with them. we want to maintain operations and don't want to have a situation where we deemphasize or take away the loading zone while in theprocess of being considered or converted to a general loading zone . we're going to get a smooth continuity for those businesse and we will make sure to reach everybody . we haven't heard. >> thank you director and i'm concerned confirming for the small business owners that were reachingout to them again in the same language . >> we will use all language resourceswe have .
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>> the last pieces on the price, i know director tumlin you talk about reducing to standard something and the two things i would say is it feels unfortunate to me if you apply for it and get rejected that is nonrefundable. i know where giving people an email to make sure they apply if they'regoing to get it but what about those who missed the memoand still apply, get rejected ? do we need to make that be nonrefundable ? >> we will make sure anybody who tries to phone calls or apply on the website that we have a warm and off to try to get in touch with the person does thatconsultation to that case you're talking about doesn't happen . we don't want an application fee for something that doesn't get approved. we don't want toconfuse them with application fees that are not refundable .
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>> that is so great to hear. did i hear you're going to continue to survive the amount in perpetuity? >> that's through the end of the year director. >> any thoughts on that level? >> we want to see where we are at the end of the year. hopefully we goteverybody on the path to the right regulations for the business at that point . the staff that is being used here i'm sorry to say is not free. a lot of people who spent a lot of time making sure these tools get done right at this for as made clear they want to make sure we're not just talking to the individual businesscustomer but the neighborhood to make sure the rate is right for the
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neighborhood at one point we need to go back so that we can do that kind of robust outreach . >> i know the conversation about expansion is in the future but small businesses throughout the city with every which way, if there's an opportunity for usto send them some money while not unduly burdening our agency on all for it . i appreciate you letting me ask thequestion . >> chair: thank you director, directortumlin . >> keep this brief. just a follow-up question on thecontingency planning . director tumlin, i guess a little more color on what is the contingency plan towards the end of the month because already mentioned we obviously have had a hard time filling regular overtime slots which i know there's some confusion out there on this topic but what is our backup plan if we did lose operators due to the vaccine and we have those events at the end of the month.
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do we have kind of like substitutes, teachers? what is our plan the? >> the plans assume drastic transit service reductions. we do not have surplus operators available. so all options are about drastically reducing the service and the question is how. the challenge of course will be a lot of uncertainty as is last-minute about which operators will needto be terminated . so we will not know who is missing on which lines but what the expectation is that the initial week after november 1 will be rather chaotic service reductions.we're working with other city agencies to find out all the things we might do in order to minimize harm that has
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maximized unpredictability but the impacts will be severe and rather unpredictable. transit director may be available toprovide more detail if you'd like . and we can certainly update you in 2 weeks as we know more about potential resources and rule changes that might be available to us to minimize th negative impact . >> thank you for that response. an update in two weeks next sense because at this point it's too far out for us to understand how many staff members would be precluded from the vaccine option at this point. but i would definitely encourage the team to think very carefully about how we can disseminate service change information because i know that staff and the community
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organizations have been setting up during the pandemic to help share service changes it hasn't been super great especially for staff so we could be very clear at the next hearing what the plan to share information is so that if anyone who's paying attention can perhaps help us spread that information that would be helpful. thank you. >> chair: director hinze. >> a quick follow-up to director yekutiel's line of questioning around the color curve and the currentsituation . i would wait for director mcguire. this may not be our agency that does this but are you aware of any kind of, you mentioned $300 fines, were you aware of any kind of relief for that financial assistance program
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for small businesses? >> director tom mcguire. tom may not be available. i director hinze and not available but we can talk to our partners at the mayor's office of economic and workforce development. >> they do a program i know they set aside $500,000 my understanding is but depending on some of the new things that have come out they meet need as much as $5 million so will go into that i do know that there is a response. >> are there any additional questions before i open it up to public comments ? seeing not, moderator or their colors on the line?
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an opportunity for anyone listening in the may like to comment on the directors report, item number seven . all the questions and comments we made, if you are on the line and would like to this item press 1, zero. if you do bless one, zero. moderator on acolors in the line ? >> you have seven questions remaining. >> clerk: first speaker please. >> caller: this is joe, can everyone hear me? >> clerk: yes we can. >> caller: i appreciate director tumlin standing strong on this vaccine mandate. ihave a pal who is a transit director in washington state and because i don't know this board knows yet , i can't specify too much but i know how
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hard it is to get the vaccine mandate i emphasized with director tumlin . i'm getting to the bay area the 14th and 15th and will have that scheduling but really i'm pulling for director tumlin on this vaccine mandate thing because we need to have safe rides have a safe ride if the number one person you have to walk past is a transit operator is not vaccinated from covid-19 so for true public safety, for true return to ridership please stand strong on this mandate. it's great for employees waking upand vaccinatingplease . that's my message . we should all getvaccinated please and defeat covid-19 before next year . >> clerk: next speaker please. >> you have any questions remaining. >> clerk: next speaker.
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>> caller: i, my name is mark bloomberg and i'm a san francisco taxi driver and a member of the san francisco taxiworkers alliance . as director tumlin reported a jury decided yesterday the mta is not responsible to the san francisco federal credit union for the disaster that is the medallion sales program. this may have been good news for the agency but it's not for the real life comes of this fiasco, the 700 something taxi drivers who bought medallions, almost 300 of them have alread defaulted on their loans . many of the rest are facing financial ruin. while the jury decided the mta has no legal obligation to the credit union i submit there is a moral obligation to these drivers. most of them spent many years on the waiting listfor a
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medallion . you snatched it away before they reached the finish line for a mere $250,000. place the rest on the driver and gain tens of millions of dollars in the parking then when uber and lyft camein you abandon them to their fate . even if you refuse your moral obligation there are practical reasons why they need to act. this is a broken system. you need to fix it in a way that brings justice to medallion purchasers and respects the health of the industry and livelihood of all its drivers . if you can't or won't do that you should and taxi services, pay off the medallion holders and become the first major city in the world to hand the whole thing over to uber and lyft . >> clerk:thank you mister
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