tv Entertainment Commission SFGTV October 22, 2021 6:00pm-7:06pm PDT
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teach them to love the beautiful game. >> i want to tell everybody back home, i hope you all make it over here and join teams like this like street soccer u.s.a., and live your life. get a better life. >> right away, just be patient, and then, everything will be okay. . >> president: the virtual meeting of the san francisco entertainment commission. i am ben bleiman.
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due to the covid-19 emergency and to protect employers are the public, the city hall meeting rooms are closed. this precaution is taken pursuant to various local, state, and federal orders. commission members will attend the meeting to the same extent as if they were present. each speaker will be allowed two minutes to speak in public comment. opportunity to speak during public comment period are available via the zoom platform using meeting id 86549079874 or by calling 1 (800) 900-6833. if using the zoom platform, select the raise hand icon to
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raise your hand to speak. please call from a quiet location and turn down your television or radio. alternative, while we recommend that you use zoom audio or telephone for public comment, you may submit a written public comment on zoom. commissioners are not allowed to respond to public comment. thank you sfgov tv and sharing this services with the public. we'll start with a role call. >> clerk: okay. roll really okay. and then excused absences are for vice president caminong. >> president: do we have any public comment on items not listed on the agenda. >> good evening, president
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bleiman. i am checking. there's one hand raised right now. i'm going to -- mark, if you have public comment, you have two minutes. >> all right. real quick. i just wanted to congratulate president bleiman. he did some interesting appointments on polk street and on pacific. i was walking my dog for 10 minutes and i ended up staying two hours and he basically hired a friend of mine to get some acts down there, activated the street. he got lucky with a busy night. i think as a prototype, it would really help the entertainment business. anyway, kudos to i think it's the mid polk cbd and kudos to
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president bleiman because that was a fun night down there. >> president: is there any public comment? >> i am checking and there is none. >> president: all right. we will close public comment. the next agenda item is. i might get a motion in the next meeting agenda, the next scheduled meeting. >> commissioner: second. >> president: all right. is there any public comment on moving this vote until the next meeting? >> pardon me. i'm just checking. there is none. thank you.' >> president: all right. we'll close public comment and we can vote on this. >> clerk: okay. [roll call]
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>> president: all right. we will move minutes to the next meeting to approve. next agenda item is number three, which is a report from executive director wyland. >> director: thank you. so good to see all of you. it's been about a month. i'm happy to report i had a great vacation the last couple of weeks with the help of the amazing staff. and so big thanks to all of them for keeping everything moving and just had a few updates for you all tonight. so just regarding halloween as we're approaching the holiday
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for one time event permitting and that includes both the jam which covers the outdoor areas as well as our one-time indoor entertainment event permits which still exist. so we did send an eblast yesterday thanks to dylan for managing that and we also did some. i want to also provide an update to of you tonight about the music entertainment venue recovery funds. as you recall, we've been working hand in hand with the office of small business. we have a little bit of an update to provide approximately $2.5 million of the fund's total $3 million has been distributed so far with 70 venues receiving a grant of
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$35,720 each. and so the next step here is of the office of small business to distribute the leftover funds of $500,000 and some change. the 70 venues that receive the first round of funding will automatically be included which is great and other venues that didn't get accepted or didn't apply in that first round will be allowed to apply for the second round. the application portal for the second round will be open no later than january 2022 but we're hoping it's sooner. we'll keep you all apprised on that. just a little note for all of you about what happens when the funding runs out. there are a few variables that will impact and those include the sf page which will receive donation from the public which will be a big step forward in
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this project to go towards the venue. there could be additional funding available for distribution by the end of this year. another note on this is that the legislation requires that the venue recovery fund switch to a venue relocation fund in february 2022. that's in the language of the ledge. so this means that any moneys in the fund can only be use as the venue of san francisco has been forced to move to a different location in the city due to the pandemic or specific rent increase tied to gentrification. so this is scheduled to happen unless the board wishes to amended the legislation to potentially make the fund's uses more flexible to support
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various needs of our venues. so we'll keep notice on that and if you have any thoughts on that, we're definitely open to hearing them. right now, there are no plans in place to keep the funding eligibility the same after january. more are there plans in place for long-term sustainability of the funds. so definitely we can keep discussing or bring back an update on our next one or next hearing. finally, i'm just going to forego the staffing updates this evening and i'm really hoping i have something more substantial to provide to all of you on this topic next year. so let me know if you have any questions. >> president: any questions? all right. i don't have any. thank you for that report. is there any public comment on director weilland's report?
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>> we don't have any. >> director: i just want to make sure we flash the screen with the call-in number for at least 10 seconds. i just want to make sure we're capturing any other attendees. >> no. definitely. and i will check again and there is none. >> president: all right. we will move to the next agenda item which is number four which is a report from deputy director kaitlyn azevedo. >> good evening.
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we have 76 sound complaints. you'll see in your folder that the report looks a little different this time. it's a google docs spread sheet. i have gone and highlighted a few cases that i want to speak about to you this evening. so the first one i want to talk about is yazmine located at 7799 street. there are some key points i want to make you all aware of. so on friday, october 1ststs, inspector furintino responded to a complaint at yazmin's. the inspector observed they were playing prerecorded music from their outdoor speaker and it was louder than their jam permit allows. both he and the police officers asked the owners of yaz min to
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turn the volume down which they did not do. the inspector spoke about their permit conditions, but the owner was unwilling to turn their music band unless their neighboring business also turned their music down. inspector was then called an inappropriate name by the business owner and so he removed himself from the situation chlgt up until this date, we have received nine sound complaints about yazmin. six of which came in on two nights and we visited twice and never witnessed the violation. so in total, to date, we have received 15 complaints about the business. after this occurrence on october 1st, i reached out to etc. and yazmin, the owners and the owner of yazmin indicated they have launched numerous sound complaints about etc., but our records have only shown
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five complaints two of which from last year. i think that the owner of yazmin is being routed to sfpd emergency when. to date, we haven't received many of those. finally, over this last weekend, i received an e-mail from the owner of yazmin stating that a patron et cetera cut the power and it resulted in a physical altercation between the owners and this patron. for this juncture, it appears to be a contentious neighbor dispute and out of our purview. director weilland and i talked about and think we should bring mission statement into the conversation and assist in resolving the problem. we're open to hears the commissioners' thoughts tonight. so at the end of this report, you can let me know if you have any ideas or anything else on
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enforcement report. i know that's a lot of information. i'm going to go ahead and read the next one out. the next one hear is jackson. this is located at 3231 philmore street. the director was called to the location. he returneded later in the evening at 11:45 and the music was still playing. so we did go ahead and issue a citation for that. the following saturday, we received another sound complaint and the inspector appeared at 11:30 a.m. and so another citation was issued to the business. i've spoken to the own are at length, and he is very much aware of their permit conditions and has said that their outdoor amplified sound will be turned off at 10:00 p.m. moving forward. the next business to bring to your attention tonight is the
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located at california street. they have one neighbor who has been in contact with us about their live outdoor performances. we actually previously heard from this neighbor back in late 2020, early 2021 and then again this last june. so we had visited the business three times in response to these respective previous complaints and the business was in compliance at each visit. and then in september, we would begin hearing from this neighbor again and so we reprioritized responding to the complaints again. most recently, our inspectors have visited the business on saturday, september 25th, wednesday, september 29th, and friday, october 15th. there were live performances and the inspector took sound readings which showed the business in compliance both times. i mentioned this tonight because we feel the business is complying and we plan to
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deprioritize responding to these complaints at this time. lastly, the final business i'd like to speak about today is edenberg castle pub. edenberg castle has a place of entertainment permit. the business came on our radar back in august, and since then, we have received 37 sound complaints and visited the business seven times. of note, 29 of thooed complaints have been anonymous and the other complaints were lodged by four different people. during the inspector's first two site visits back in august, the music was quite loud and we learned they had recently installed a brand new sound am subpoena. so we set a new interior sound limit for at the point. and, since then, we visited five times and they have been in compliance at each visit. the most recent visit was just friday, october 8th, and this
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past friday, october 15th. i was able to connect the two of them and hoping they can resolve the problem themselves. the owner felt it would be best if he was able to enter in the neighbor's apartment so he can try and listen to pinpoint which speaker was causing it but the neighbor declined this offer. something to note here is that the inspector has witnessed vehicles parked on geary playing loud music with heavy base and so it's possible the sound is coming from an alternate source, but we just continue to receive sound complaints and the business continues to be in compliance with their sound level and other permit conditions. we're also suggesting deprioritizing responding to these complaints as well. so that's it for my report. i know that's a lot of information. i'd love to hear thoughts and
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i'm happy to answer any questions you have. >> president: questions. >> commissioner: i have a question. first of all, thanks for all this work responding to these complaints. it sounds like they are ramping up again. my question about yazmin's. with the way they responded and refused to comply, is there more than we can do beside working with mission statement in terms of their existing jam permit. it seems like it may call for a higher proportion of a response. >> so generally speaking, we move to a citation. so in this case and so it had escalated at that time. the idea is me reaching out to
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e-mail to inspector furintino's visit would be that verbal warning. since then, it just appears to be an extremely charged situation where director weilland fement like bringing in support is the best recourse. however, we are open to hearing your suggestions and director weilland, i see you might have something to add. >> director: yeah. i would just say i think in this instance, we did not want to take the escalation further. when we got there, there's obviously a heated dispute going on between the business owner of yazmin regarding their business next door and the mr. president was already involved. so that being said, we kind of want to go a little more high level especially since at this
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point, we've learned that the dispute between the two businesses has been going on for a long time and we feel as though the jam permit is a tool in which one or both are using to further their disputes quite honestly. so, yeah, i would love to hear from you, commissioner falzon. sorry i'm totally taking over, but i'm curious. >> commissioner: am i going, president bleiman? so i think starting with mission prudent. i think i agree that yet again inspector savino was wise in fulling back and being mindful of his role and he's not a cop and we certainly don't want him getting hurt and let the police do it. do we know if they wrote a police report?
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i'm not saying this meets the standard for a report, but that would be a great starting point. that would be helpful if they did. i have no idea if they did or not, but i think reaching out to mission and engaging their availability to help advocate and see if we can -- because, you know, this is that typical, you know, two licensees going head-to-head and they're both making complaints against each other. so i think you're on the right path. my only concern, i think everyone's been watching the news is the police department really has limited resources, but i know you have great relationships, director weilland so you'll get the advocacy you need. but if you can't, let me know, and i'll do what i can to help. i think you're on the right path for now. let's see where it takes us.
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i think it's unfortunately, mission just doesn't have the resources, then i think we should circle back and look at other options possibly, you know, either, i mean, i really want to get more involved, we can look at the city attorney code enforcement and check on their availability. >> that can actually be an interesting option. >> yeah. i have to say like i understand this is coming to us in the form of sound complaints, but it sounds like this is a long standing dispute between two business owners that are only sort of incidentally using sound complaints as a tool against each other. it does feel like this falls under the police or code enforcement purview especially if our staff are being threatened, that's not okay.
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>> commissioner: can i have an opinion? comment? so in industry, we're supposed to respect our inspectors and, you know, the thing is when we have -- i mean with these jam permits and these outdoor, it really gave a lot of people an opportunity to have these, you know, times that playing music and stuff so everybody can enjoy. when an inspector goes in there and tries to let him know what's happening and they're calling the inspector names, that's totally uncalled for. i think in my opinion in industry, it makes the rest of us look bad who are actually abiding by the law. and i don't mind even going in there where they shouldn't be using our permits to go against each other. either abide by the policies that we gave them or they don't. and if they start using it and
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they're calling our inspectors names. i would look into inspection or revocation of their jam permit because that's unexcusable in my opinion and it makes the rest of us in the industry look bad and it may give them an excuse to start doing that. >> you know, if i can just respond to that the stressors in our society are unprecedented and the great situation here is we have every opportunity to escalate this, but i do think the director's on the right path to try to approach this by bringing.
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>> commissioner: you know, we have that opportunity to go back and escalate this and i would be more in line with you if this was two years ago or more and we were in a strong economy and every business was making plenty of money and i'm not -- my priority is always that the safety of our staff and the safety of the police, but i do think we're in really extraordinary times and people aren't acting as normal as they should be and i'm just saying, maybe we should just let out a little bit of rope in this situation and see if we can
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figure this out if first. again, just my thoughts. i don't know if i know how to lower my hand if it's still up. oh, it's down. >> commissioner: again, it's just my opinion. i think we should try to do the best we can. but there's no excuse calling the inspector names especially when we're also trying to help the public get along and, for me, you know, i don't want to give excuses why. >> i agree with you and just so you know, if we do it, engage mission station, there's going to be body cam footage that can be reviewed and that might be very telling and helpful and might help identify more
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information. i guess i'm just saying, we're not being weak. we can ask this at any point we want to. >> commissioner: right. that's fine. i'm just giving my opinion. >> commissioner: absolutely. as am i. i'm by no means an expert. we're all trying to level through these things. >> president: any other comments on this? i kind of agree with everybody. let's make sure we keep a long and detailed trail of all of our visits there and everything that happens. so if god forbid we end up having to take action going forward, we have it well documented reasons behind it other than conjecture. it does sound like there's some pretty unprofessional behavior going on and, you know, i hope
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that can end before this escalates. i also just wanted to point out my personal opinion on the other two items is that we should deprioritize both of the locations that the deputy director mentioned. at one point, we're just harassing the poor business and we literally have five visits in a row where somebody's in compliance while they're timely and alongside of sound complaints, then, clearly, our hands are -- we've done all we can and it seems like the business owner's doing all they can and that's what the law says. so i think we should use our strapped resources elsewhere. is there any public comment on this agenda item? >> i will flash the slide to be consistent. >> commissioner: i was thinking you could add the
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jeopardy music while it's up. >> good idea. >> i volunteer you to sing it. >> get a 10-second clip of it. >> i'm on it. don't worry, commissioner. >> i likey. >> i do not see any hands raised or any comments in the chat. >> president: we'll close public comment. i also want to mention i put on my wife's anti-glare glasses and it seemed to inspire dillan to put his on and he took them off for some reason. >> oh, he's back. >> president: much better. thank you senior analyst. all right. moving along. oh, no. the next agenda item is number five which is hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits under our jurisdiction and i will have deputy director introduce the consent agenda, please.
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>> thank you. for the two complaints on the agenda this evening are for limited live performance on along with the parlor permit. none of these locations had any opposition or issues to the staff recommendation for the commissioners. tonight is to vote to approve the full consent agenda with the staff recommendations which is listed below all the staff recommendations our approval with the good neighbor policy. >> president: all right. is there any public comment on this item? >> i can flash the slide again. >> director: yeah. i think we should probably be consistent. >> okay. no problem.
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>> president: all right. is there any public comment? >> there is none. >> president: all right. we will close public comment on this agenda item. and does anybody want to make a motion to approve the consent agenda? >> commissioner: so moved. >> president: okay. all right. we can vote. >> director: okay. one second. [roll call] >> president: all right. congratulations to any consent item members. follow up with our staff at your earliest convenience. the -- we also have one permit application on the regular agenda and i will have deputy
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director azevedo to announce that one. >> director: great. located at 515 broadway, le petit paris. the owner wants to bring in jazz and french musicians and possibly a d.j. or comedy act. the owner sent out a letter to his neighbors as well as signature support he collected. he also did in-person outreach and spoke with neighbors directly. here to speak to you this evening is the owner liam.
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kam, i'm going to try to bring you in again manually. so stand by. all right. kam, i'm going to promote you to panelist one more time and see if that works this time. >> like you're an air traffic controller. >> i feel like i'm leading a sayaunce. >> hello everyone. i'm not sure if you all can hear me now. >> we got him. >> yes. thank you. >> hi. my name is liam kamel halliche
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and i'm here today applying for an entertainment permit at my place located at 515 broadway. and, we would like to -- our venue concept is like a french lounge bar and tapas, so we have a lot of french wines and wines from around the world. we have french appetizers like some sandwiches, desserts, and smaller tapas. and i would like to bring in some entertainment here, so like doing some live jazz, piano music during the week. maybe, i was thinking to do like a live comedy show or might be just like a drag queen
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bingo show. maybe some karaoke and then live d.j.s on fridays and saturday nights. that's the plan and then, you know, i would like to do that with respecting the neighborhood, so i would like to know what's the limit sound that i'm allowed to do and all that. yeah and that's it. >> president: all right. questions. commissioner lee, are you clearing your throat for a
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potential question? >> commissioner: i'm just reading. if i remember right, the size isn't huge. i don't think there's an issue. we do need entertainment to come back on broadway and this is a good way to start. i know that a couple of clubs right now haven't re-opened since covid. it's a sound system that you have, it's all in-house? it's all mounted on the ceiling or things like that or are you expecting the d.j.s and the bands to bring them in each time? >> we have two speakers mounted in the wall and then we also have -- i have a keyboard piano for the live music and i also have a small amplifier for the live music and some musicians also, they just like to bring
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in their own amplifier. but, yeah, also, our place is really small. it's less than a 1,000 square feet. our capacity is less than 50 people. so i usually -- i'm looking like to do either a solo, maybe a trio, but that's all i can really fit in here. >> okay. i mean, it's a small place. i mean, if you're blasting -- you're going to be blasting out your customers. >> exactly. >> commissioner: if you have anything big. i don't think there's any issues for me anyway on this particular space. broadway's a challenge right now. right. i don't have anything believe it or not -- i don't have
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anything on this one. i just wish you luck. >> thank you. i'm actually at the place, i can show you guys what it looks like. >> commissioner: now, this isn't the old -- was this -- was it the little joe's? right? >> i believe it used to be called 'the little joe's" years ago. but the previous owner was called 'knock knock' it used to be like a tap room, a beer bar. >> commissioner: yeah. i think it's half of the little joe's. >> yeah. little joe's used to be this and the next door restaurant. it's now, yeah, just half of it. >> president: so your next
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door neighbor, obviously they sub divided it somehow. i don't know what they put in the wall. but do they know -- obviously they know that you want to have entertainment. >> yeah. >> commissioner: what do they have next door? can you hear it through the wall? because it looks like you're going to place your entertainment kind of in the middle of your restaurant. >> they are actually an indian restaurant and actually the owner signed my petition and he's okay with me playing music and doing live music and d.j.s. >> commissioner: okay. >> and the speakers are on the other side. >> commissioner: i'm reading your yelp reviews now and i see a couple complaints about noise from a strip club next door. so i'm not too concerneded about your music level. sounds like you run a very busy corridor there with others
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playing music around you. so, yeah. i don't have any concerns. >> commissioner: it's a noisy street, you know. since he's putting entertainment and they built the wall i guess. it was always separate. so i don't think, you know -- it's no big deal. trust me, you know, you blow out your customers, you lose your customers, so you can't be that loud. >> right. yeah. >> commissioner: i'm good. yeah. well, good luck. >> thank you. >> president: any other questions? >> the only thing i just wanted to say, liam, i just want to wish you the best in success. we really need to bring businesses like yours back to broadway. broadway always had a great mix of fun restaurants and clubs and we lost that for a long time. so i hope you're the beginning of something new to come and i hope you attract a lot more
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cool little spaces and if you get the drag thing going, i'm coming. that sounds fun. i want to see it. >> yeah. thank you very much. you know, i opened the place like four months before covid and i was actually already about to shut down because i did not get any of the ppp and then at the last minute, i finally got some of the other funds, the r.f.f. and so that's why i'm like, okay, there's hope. so we got some of that and now we're trying to keep going and i've heard like broadway used to be a jazz street and all that so i'm wanting to bring that back. >> yeah. we need it back. >> commissioner: yeah. you're a living model that those funds can get people to
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muddle through and survive. that's a great story. good luck. >> thank you. >> commissioner: i'm going to come and patronize the place, kam. >> commissioner: i'll make a motion to approve the permit with staff conditions of the good neighbor policy. >> commissioner: i'll second. sorry. you can have it. >> president: is there any public comment on this item? >> right now, there is none. but i will flash the slide. >> director: the interesting advantage of doing these things online is you can actually -- you can get like a video tour of the place. >> commissioner: that was very cool. that was nice. >> yeah. we should do that more. >> all right.
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there's none. >> president: then we can have a vote. >> director: all right. [roll call] >> president: all right. congratulations, sir. please follow up with our staff at your earliest convenience and we wish you nothing but the best. excited that you're bringing some cool things to broadway. >> thank you very much. and i would like to invite everyone to come in here any time. >> i'm not too far from there. >> please come in any time. we have happy hour every day including the weekends.
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>> president: all right. the next application is for review and possible action to amend a 'just add music' permit and it's for the phoenix hotel at chambers eat and drink and we'll have senior analyst rice introduce this one. >> thank you, president bleiman and commissioners. tonight, we are hearing from chambers eat and drink that operates out of the phoenix hotel at 601 eddy street. requesting an amendment of chambers' jam permit to allow for extended hours and outdoor entertainment for special event this is coming new year's eve. the event is called mighty real new year's eve party and features a claim d. j. and
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other desk d.j.s. it goes from 9:00 p.m. and goes until 1:00 a.m. in the outdoor pool area as well as indoors of the phoenix hotel. this amended permit allows them to host the extended hours on friday night december 31st, to 1:00 a.m. on saturday morning january 1st. so in your folder, you will see their current jam permit. their current outreach to affected neighbors, including a list of neighbors, the outreach letters and a posting on the social media site next door. for this event, the owner told me they plan to have ten security guards on the property. there was no opposition to this permit and we did not hear back from tenderloin station within the response window and we assume they have no issues with
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the amendment. here to speak with you tonight and our recommendation is approval and the good neighbor policy. so i'm going to bring them in right now. all right. welcome isabell and carry. carry should be joining us. >> hi everyone. >> president: long time no see, isabell. >> long time. it's good to see you all. there's carry. >> so isabell and carry, you have three minutes if you want to present your request for the amendment. >> yes.
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hi. great to see everyone. carry and i would like to ask for an extension for new year's eve this year. we would like to throw a d.j. party, well, it's a new year's eve party with david harness who we host often at the phoenix hotel and just integrate sort of the hotel and chambers just to sort of one large party kind of in our courtyard and to do that, we would just like to have an extended d.j. permit until 1:00 a.m. that's the basics. 30 seconds. >> president: questions for them? >> commissioner: sounds great. >> commissioner: yep. >> it's nothing different from what you've done before? it's just formality. >> yeah. exactly. i'm just doing what we need to do. >> we'd just like to give people an alternative for new
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year's eve to be outside opposed to inside a club is all. >> great. >> how's it going down there? i know it's been rough. >> that is a good question. it has been rough. it has been super rough. you know, we go through waves where there are day that is are good days and then there are days that are really bad days. so, you know, we're just moving through it. larkin street is moving through from time to time. causing some problems, but we're just hanging on trying to get through. we are getting some help now from the tenderloin station which is great and from the m.m.b.a. and the tenderloin, the l.c.b.d. and so things are looking up right now these last few weeks, but it's been rough. >> commissioner: yeah. for me, i have nothing to say. actually, you've been there so long and i'm sure nothing's
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really changed much. so, i mean, i have no problems with anything. >> thank you. yeah. the only thing that's changed is the neighborhood. that's it. >> commissioner: right. and we're hoping that we bring -- that it comes back up again, you know. >> for sure. >> commissioner: this is a great space. >> thank you. >> commissioner: yeah. you guys run a tight ship. no concerns from me either. >> great. thanks everyone. we've got to get you back in here for brunch. throw you a big brunch party. >> i would love to. >> it's been a minute. >> yeah. i could have brunch right now. >> if i could get up. i can't even get up anymore. i'm getting old. >> you're still on maui time. what can i say? >> there you go. >> president: all right. is there any public comment on this agenda item?
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>> we'll flash the public comment slide all right. i'm checking and there is none in the attendee list and, there's one comment for mark rene in the chat that says bravo chamberses, great business and we all wish you well. >> thank you. >> president: okay. then we can go ahead and vote. >> do we have a motion yet? >> president: that's a good idea. we should motion first. >> commissioner: i'll raise a motion to approve the amendment to what's the time? >> 1:00 a.m. >> commissioner: 1:00 a.m. on new year's eve. >> president: with the staff recommendation. somebody want to second? >> commissioner: second.
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>> president: all right. now we can vote. >> director: okay. roll really [roll call] okay. >> president: all right. thank you for coming in. it's been approved. i know how hard it's been in the tenderloin. my heart goes out to you for the work you're doing down there so keep at it. it will come back eventually, but, man, that place has gotten rough. >> thank all of you and special thanks. >> stay safe. >> thank you. >> president: all right. the next agenda item is number seven which is consideration and possible action to adopt a resolution making findings to allow teleconferenced meetings under the california government code section 54953 and director weilland is going to tell us
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what this is all about. >> director: i'm not exactly prepared to go fully into this, but this is essentially covering us in the local emergency to be able to host these hearings virtually. so we need to vote on this item to ensure that we're doing this by the word of the law. let me know if i missed anything or if you can elaborate. >> you got it. we're going to have to re-vote on this every 30 days or within we actually meet. so if we have to postpone a hearing, we'll have to vote the next one. >> president: i should have explained. i got a little confused. so this is from the governor to effect the brown act emergency declarations. so if we want to meet every month, we have to take a vote every single mote to meet remotely basic.
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>> director: right. while we're allowed to locally. >> president: got it. so that's less conversation than i personally thought was necessary. does anybody else have any questions about this? >> just a quick question and we're probably not prepared to get into it at much detail. but at some point when it's approved and city hall is fully open and the hearing rooms are open, are we going to go back to doing some meetings on site? is that the goal? >> director: once they're on site, they're on site. they're not going to be able to be hybrid and they will still be at city hall and not in our new building, but we have a little surprise to bring you guys back to the in-person mode. we're going to make it as tech-savvy as possible. >> got us new chairs?
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>> director: no. that's a little over our budget. maybe something else that could be helpful at the hearing. >> president: they have robots with ipads for heads and they come into the hearing room. >> alexa's going to run the meeting. >> director: you wish. >> president: all right. so is there any public comment on this item? did we do that yet? we haven't yet, right. did i have a stroke? sorry. >> we have not done it yet and i'm going to do my due diligence. okay. i am checking and no hands raised and there's no comments in the chat: do we need some kind of motion? >> president: yeah. we need to vote on this every month. somebody needs to vote -- let's see what the language is here,
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sorry. to allow teleconference meetings for this month. >> commissioner: okay venlgt i'll raise the motion to allow teleconference meetings for this month. >> commissioner: second. >> president: all right. we can have a vote. >> director: [roll call] >> president: all right. congratulations everyone. we can have teleconference meetings. all right, the final agenda item is number eight and new business requests for future agenda items. >> commissioner: i have. i think this is just a question for maggie. for example, the jam extension that we just voted on, are we going to be needing to vote on
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all jam extensions given the holiday party season coming up which of those are going to be available by staff as opposed to coming to us. >> yeah. so i think what you have to think about is the fact that these are actually one-time outdoor events because of the jams and we would only ever bring where there are residents nearby and there's no precedent from years past of the commission issuing a permit that goes later at that location. so we actually haven't for those -- for isabell at chambers. like, they've been within 10:00 p.m. in their outdoor and they've always taken it inside. so they're trying to spread out this year. so i'm happy to bring any to
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you all i feel need additional oversight, but that might be more of an easy approval we can put on consent, but for the most part, when they are nonproblematic requests to extend the jam beyond six hours a day, i do approve them administratively wherever possible. like, for example a place in union square. like, easy. even if there's nothing nearby. so that's kind of how we'll handle it. i'm hoping we don't have some big slew. a lot of them will have precedence. >> yeah. i'm justice pating that this year, because things are open again and there's a strong desire to do things outdoors, you know, we may get a bunch of things for new year's eve, for example, or just around the holidays trying to make that as
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streamlined and easy as possible for staff, for the people applying for us. >> director: right. i think that's a good point for us to consider and for dillon to kind of craft in our messaging for the winter holiday season that we can get around thanksgiving maybe because most of it we can do administratively, i think. >> and, if i can just add, i am a big fan of the consent calendar because any commissioner can pull it off if they want to talk about it. if it does come to us. >> director: great thank you. >> president: okay. i don't have anything -- well, i did want to just thank
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mr. renny for coming to visit and i just want to say what i did and i think it was what we did as a group. i basically planned it myself. we had the honor of having one of the military bands stationed in our district for fleet week and i was expecting like them to play 'you're a grand ole flag' on repeat and it turned out the coolest most incredible brass band i've ever seen in my life, they were over the top incredible and that night, separate from that event, we -- i contracted with one of mark renny's friends and she was able to get me four solo acts and a juggler and a belly
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dancer and they were in existing jam permit parklites ute doors and from about 6:00 to 10:00 if you went up and down the polk neighborhood, you would find pretty much music on every block and activity going on and i can't tell you how many people reached out after that and just said, this was incredible for the neighborhood and it just showed me how a little bit of music can make such a difference in the neighborhood and, i want to just encourage other neighborhood groups and districts to consider doing similar things in the future. not always hire a musician and musicians and pay them well, but all of the people visiting really enjoyed themselves. it's just really fun. it was really pretty incredible to be apart of. anyway, we're going to be doing it more and more definitely. but, for now, we'll just have that one. but it was really cool. so thanks for bringing that up, mr. renny. and, i wanted to just ask once
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again, director weilland -- i'm sorry if you said this, but what's the time line on the jam permits having to convert to permitted permits and do we know when we're going to be handling that and what we need to do etc.? >> director: yeah. i do not have a public update on that. i was in a meeting today in a much larger group of city agencies that are managing the shared spaces program and roll-out and i want to kind of take their lead on messaging, but let's just say there is no big push or rush right now for us to be moving those into the permanent permit program, but we are gearing up to be able to do that and streamline that roll-out and what you'll be hearing from us as staff and probably by the end of november is an update on how we're implementing all of the s.t.r.a. and how that coincides
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the shared spaces in order to prepare for that transition. >> president: got it. i imagine the goal is to make sure that there's no gap between the jam permit. so we can assure them that at least we're trying to make sure. >> director: that's correct. as best as possible. yes. >> president: awesome. okay. other comments? anything? anybody want to say anything? okay. is there any public comment on this agenda item? >> 30 seconds. there is none. >> president: okay. then we'll go ahead and close the agenda item and we will adjourn the meeting at
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