tv Police Commission SFGTV October 25, 2021 7:00pm-12:01am PDT
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director paul henderson and chief. please call the roll. [ roll call ] commissioner hamasaki is in route. [ roll call ] you have a quorum. >> president cohen: let's start with the first item. that is the pledge of allegiance. please join me and repeating after me. [pledge of allegiance] thank you folks. let's go ahead and get started. please call the next item.
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>> clerk: first item is general public comment. at this time, the public is now welcome to address the commission for up to two minutes on items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but within the jurisdictions of the police commission. comments or opportunities to speak during the public comment period are available via phone. by calling (415)655-0001. enter access code 2484 599 3435 then press pound and pound again. detail star 3 -- dial star 3 if you wish to make a comment.
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best practices is to call from a quiet location. alternatively, you may submit public comment in either of the following ways. e-mail the secretary of the police commission at looks like we have a few in public comment here. good evening caller, you have two minutes. >> caller: hello i'm a resident of district 1. in the meeting materials is a
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presentation by sfpd which will highlight sfpd proceeds as a department success in fulfilling most of the 272 department of justice recommendations from 2016. the department reports that the recommendations are nearly complete. it bears remembering that the recommendations were meant to be completed far earlier than this. the rates of anti-black disparities and use of force remains unapproved to 2016 to this day. according to the most recent sfpd data is black san franciscan is more times to be stopped and more than 11 times likely to be arrested. the department of police accountability suggested a policy where officers will refrain from asking questions at routine traffic stops. we agree with the spirit of this
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recommendation, we feel that stops should be ended all together. there are many negative effects for black people being stopped so often. reinforced trauma, pain and suffering and sense of always being targeted through racial rl profiling. wealth disparities in the black community support elimination of all routine traffic stops. a track stop or broken tail light or turn signal is not worth of horrible consequences we have seen for black people across the country. thank you.
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>> caller: hi. i also volunteer with falisha jones. in the meeting material tonight is a presentation by sfpd which speaks to point out the department success. it's important to put this in context. more importantly, horrific rates of anti-black disparity in terms of arrest, use of force remain over unapproved over these years. black san franciscan is more
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this month, mission local reported on the police commission meeting and sfpd characterizing itself as collaborative partner of equality. those same groups, the department of police accountability and say they have been shunned aside and excluded all together. the collaborative nature of the police department's process is that they pick and choose who is at the table. police commission president cohen and commissioners elias and hamasaki are also mentioned in the article as being frustrated by sfpd's lack of proper communication and lack of transparency. one key area of discussion was situation of a serious incident
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review board. commissioner elias, who was specifically tasked overseeing the policy update is quoted say, it says currently in working group phase. there is no working group. because i don't know about it. considering sfpd's lack of communication and transparency around working groups, another key area which supposed to be collaborative, it is outrageous for sfpd to characterize itself as cooperative transparent partner. the comments highlighted from the police commission and department of public health shows culture of non-transparency and self-rule. it illustrates the importance of real outside oversight of sfpd.
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sfpd should not police itself. >> sergeant youngblood: good evening caller. >> caller: hi, good evening. my name is ms. brown. i'm calling concerning my son, aubrey who was murdered at 3:00 p.m. in broad daylight. i live in district 5 also where my son was murdered. still, the case isn't solved. the perpetrators that murdered my son are still running the streets. i'm keeping my son's memory alive and not let his memory go. i'm just hoping that some day i can have a day in court to
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confront the perpetrators this murdered my son. i still aggressive -- i still grieve for my son. my son is not old news. he's new news. until i i can get closure, even if i get closure, who's to say that my grief going to go away. it won't. i pray that i have that day that i can get some closure. little bit of closure. again, i don't have the names in front of me of the perpetrators we all know who they are. i want justice to keep the memory of unsolved homicide, my child is unsolved homicide. they say there's no statute of limitations for murder. i'm praying one day i won't have to call in this police commission anymore and bring up
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my son's name. until then, this is something i need to do. i have to do. let alone helping other mothers and fathers in their grief. this is my therapy. again, thank you for listening to me. >> sergeant youngblood: if you have any information regarding unsolved homicides please call the anonymous tip line, (415)575-4444 that concludes public comment. >> president cohen: i appreciate that. let's call the next item please. >> sergeant youngblood: item 2, adoption of minute, action for the meeting october 6, 2021.
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>> vice president elias: motion. >> commissioner yee: second. >> sergeant youngblood: anyone who like to make public comment please dial star 3. good evening, caller, you have two minutes regarding line item 2. >> caller: i think my hand was raised from the previous public comment. >> sergeant youngblood: enthusia stic. any callers who like to make a comment regarding line item 2, please dial star 3. >> president cohen: thank you. >> sergeant youngblood: regardin
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g the motion to accept the minutes. [roll call vote] minutes have been adopted. next line item, 3, consent calendar. receive and file action police commission report of disciplinary actions, third quarter 2021, sfpd monthly sb1421 report, department of public health monthly sb1421 report. consent items are items on calendar -- the items on consent calendar are considered routine and for information purpose only. if any commissioner would like to discuss any of the items
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under the consent calendar please advise president cohen that you like place the item on a future agenda for presentation and discussion. tonight, there will be no discussions or presentations on these items. >> president cohen: i realized there's no -- it's on consent. i do have question regarding senate bill 1421 report. chief, i will address this question to you and you can provide who on your staff with answer it. how is the department planning to discuss records release in accordance with senate bill 16? >> i'm going to be meeting with
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sergeant kilshaw who worked with me to get 1421 done. sergeant kilshaw and city attorney will be implementing the policy to make sure that we comply with the law. >> president cohen: will you be able to report back to the commission? >> yes. hopefully, we'll be meeting in november some time. >> president cohen: that's good. my question specifically to you, is this report out going to be part of the future report out on 1421? >> i assume we're going to add the additional categories so we can have the numbers. i think our first step is to create the policy and procedure portion. like we did with 1421 we need to figure out how the department is going to man this project. it's my understanding, it's
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going to be lot of work. they have to figure out how they will staff it and provide the record. >> president cohen: thank you. we can continue moving forward on the consent calendar. i can't recall, did we take public comment already? >> sergeant youngblood: we did not. president cohen, we need a motion before we go to public comment. >> president cohen: all right. i'll make a motion to accept consent calendar. is there a second. >> commissioner byrne: second. >> president cohen: let's go to public comment. >> sergeant youngblood: if you like to make public comment regarding line item 3, consent calendar, please dial star 3
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now. there is no public comment. >> president cohen: let's call >> sergeant youngblood: regardin g line item 3 consent calendar. [roll call vote]. you have all yeses. >> president cohen: unanimous support. let's move forward. >> sergeant youngblood: line item 4, chief's report, discussion. weekly crime trends providing an overview of offenses occurring in san francisco, major and significant incidents, provide a summary of planned activities and events. this will include a brief
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overview of any unplanned events or activities having an impact on public safety. commission discussion on unplanned events and activities and chief described will be limited to determining whether to calendar for a future meeting. chief scott. >> thank you vice president elias for the assistance there. commissioners and executive director henderson and the public. i will start my report off this week with item that has been a great public interest. that's the vaccination status. just to give you an update from last week. there's a total 126 employees who are not vaccinated.
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of that 25 are professional staff and 101 are sworn. 61 of our sworn employees are on some type of medical leave, fmla family leave, military and the like. there are two medical exemptions that have been approved. of the 101 employees that leaves 40 that are actually active officers. that is the real impact, you have 40 officer who are active who remain unvaccinated at this time. the process does not change from what i stated last week. also will be given due process. they all on administrative leave. they are not working in any department facility as of now. as of the deadline, which is
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october 13th midnight. with the city mandate and the health order and the city's policy on this, those that aren't exempted or unvaccinated will be discommissioned. that is where we are as of today. i will keep the public and the commission posted as this progresses. has gone down significantly from where it was three weeks ago. we'll see what happens next week. i'll keep the commission posted at the next meeting. in terms of crime. homicides we are up 7%. good news, the gap is closing as far as the year to date percentage increase. we had 44 year to date compared
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to 41 at this time last year. robbery down 4%, 17 neurorx 1794 andassaults are up 8%. that's 1862. human trafficking cases are up by 7%. there's a total overall increase violent crimes 1%. 3882 this year. in terms of property crime, there's continuing better news to report. burglaries are still on down
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tick. vehicle thefts are down 1%. which is good news. that's opposite of a trend a other major cities are seeing. we put out some strategies on those two particular areas. we're seeing some improvements at least less heart breaking. we had good outcomes as far as strategies that we put in place that we still have a lot of work to do to make that situation much better than what it is currently. we look at our auto burglaries
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compared to 2019 and 2018, we down 25% compared to 2019. we're down 28% compared to 2018. on burglary, we're down to 1% compared to last year, we're up 47% compared to 2019 and we're up 25% compared to 2018. majority of those burglaries are residential active burglaries. gun violence, the gap is closing which is a piece of good news. we're at 176 gun related violent incident this year compared to 125. that is 19% increase from this time last year. that is actually that's down
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from aggravated assault. that number was shrinking from a few months ago which is good news. our shooting, we have 143 this year compared to 100 last year. our homicides and firearms we have 33 this year compared to 25 last year, 32% increase. when we look at stations that are -- gun related with shooting. tenderloin had most significant increase.
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bayview number has decreased, which is good news compared to where we started the year and where we were this spring. in terms of homicides by district, the most significant increase the bayview district. in terms of decrease. the biggest demographic is ingle side who had eight homicides from last year. tenderloin are down from one from last year. in term -- ghost guns, that
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slowed down from where it was earlier in the year. we seen 115 year to date. that slowed down somewhat. we are still finding and seizing ghost guns from the street which is a problem. the significant incidents for the weak report. there are two shootings. one that i reported last week. it actually happened last week that monday, i believe. this was within the tenderloin and goldengate in the central district hyde. all of the injuries were
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non-life threatening. there was video evidence between the two groups. it was a shootout in the streets. two people would have been arrested and booked for this case and investigation still ongoing. there's another shooting at goldengate and market. this was october 16th at 3:22 p.m. victim, 29-year-old male and 16-year-old female was struck by a gunshot by an unknown person. our preliminary investigation basically revealed that the male victim was involved in some type of altercation with a potential suspect prior to the shooting. the victims have no relation to each other as far as we know. one victim multiple gunshot
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wounds to the lower extremities and upper areas. two of the victims were transported. a felony warrant from potential unrelated incident was discovered. that suspect is now in the hospital from his incident and is custody in the hospital. more to follow on that. there's a lot more to do on this investigation. other significant incident, the 911 with report of two men placing an assault rainfall in the truck trunk of a car. caller provided descriptions of the two individuals. the officers located the vehicle they discovered it was stolen.
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the video shows the suspect pulling the object out their pocket. the video was not clear enough to tell whether or not that item was a firearm. the victim told the school staff that the three subjects showed up at their house, the victim did not open the door. they believe it was people that assaulted the victim at the school. the school staff requested officer for the remainder week of the school.
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we did fulfill that request. there was no other incidents associated with this at this time. there's an assault at columbus and gibbs. the victim was a 71-year-old female who was hit in the face by a subpoena without provocation. the incident may be related to an incident earlier that day. the victim finished walking and resting when a person approached him with a knife and then eventually stabbed him in the chest. central district personnel working with -- [ indiscernible ] for follow-up. at this point no arrests have been made. these cases that have not been filed, we are looking for the public's help.
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last significant incident as far as crime, there was three incidents just occurred at 75 industrial, 1415 indiana and in the bayview. those are the locations of three marijuana dispensaries which were burglarized overnight on october 17th. review of surveillance videos indicate that it was the same individuals that's in the same vehicle that was involved in all three incidents. that information is being followed up on. we have not made an arrest. we do have evidence to follow up on this case. >> you said three dispensaries or rows? which are they? >> they were dispensaries.
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>> president cohen: three dispensaries by the same group of people? >> yes. based what's on the video. >> president cohen: thank you. >> there were no side shows to report this week. that is good news. there was very unfortunate traffic fatality at van ness and mcallister. a muni driver was traveling on van ness they saw a female throwing construction items in the street. the muni driver stopped. the driver pulled out into traffic and continue a short distance to avoid contact with the lady. the driver saw the lady lay down
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in the street and the driver contacted her dispatch regarding the incident. concerned about the welfare of the woman, the muni driver exited the bus, walked back to the woman, placed safety cones from the construction site around the woman to warn drivers that -- [ indiscernible ] after the cones were placed, a silver suv turned on to mcallister and sadly ran over the woman. muni driver was partially able to get -- [ indiscernible ] that investigation is ongoing as well.
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our deployment in the tenderloin we believe is helpful. that department will continue. we have officers in other districts at the goldengate and others where we were hit hard with car break-ins and the tenderloin deployment. we extended that coverage to 3:00 in the morning. we made some environmental requests to block ooff the area to make it harder for people to do some of the things they are
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doing. our officers are also deployed. it's effective when we're there. when we leave, we can have the problem reoccur. that's a challenge. we'll continue to deploy. other thing like to say with the tenderloin, long investigation on narcotics there. some of supplying the streets with significant amount of heroin and cocaine. there were 19 arrests on this felony charges. there will be federal indictments and that investigation is still ongoing. there's more work to be done on that. that happened within the past week.
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there's one other thing. i like to highlight, officers will be assigned to the business corridor. their task will be to engage with the merchants and residents and maintain visible presence. this is going to be three-month assessment or project. we'll see how we are done in terms of reducing time. this is a 3-month process. that is it for my report. thank you.
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>> president cohen: thank you. interesting report, chief. lot of stuff that's happening out there. still lot of news stories about break-ins. i was wondering if you had any interpretation of the data? what part of your strategy is working and where it needs to be augmented. >> i think what's working is the presence in areas where we had identifiable crime trend. the car break-ins in central district, northeast, really high traffic tourist areas.
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we also made -- good arrests. one of the things president cohen that's a struggle is even though we have increased our deployment, we can't everywhere at all times. sometimes when the shifts are over where there's officers on the street, we do see uptick in crimes. when there's nothing to steal -- we've seen some success with that. we'll continue to do that community engagement.
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burglar. we've been able to apprehend some people. we'll continue to do that. >> president cohen: great. i want to acknowledge the work that you're doing and the work that the p.o.a. doing to increase the number of officers vaccinated. fantastic. that's really good to hear. we were really nervous about the number of officers that not in compliance with the request to help mandate. i know that's a team effort.
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[ indiscernible ] >> that is quite bit of fentanyl we seized it doesn't take lot of fentanyl to be deadly. that amount of drugs gets on the street, people lives are at risk. that's our focus. we are seizing lot more fentanyl year to date. i think it helps. it's hard to quantify -- you don't know what you don't know. when it's not on the streets, we have much better chance of
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people not dying from it. we'll continue to work at that. >> president cohen: that's good to hear. appreciate that. >> that is correct. the d.e.a. along with the u.s. attorneys office. these types of investigations you really have to -- continue to address it. we have to stay at it and be consistent in our efforts to combat this problem. which is a huge problem inent tenderloin. but in the city.
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>> president cohen: i want to to dominate the commission. we have commissioner yee has a few remarks. >> commissioner yee: my first question regards to the officers off payroll for noncomplains for the vaccination. is that a suspension? what would that be classified as? >> as of now, they are on administrative leave, paid administrative leave. they have been removed from their assignments. they are not allowed to come in city facilities because they are unvaccinated. that tame will run out 30 days from the first day of deadline day. the officers will be given an opportunity for due process
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>> commissioner byrne: of the officers on leave how many are lieutenant? you have to. i believe there may be one. byrne mowed mill how does it affect officers how on patrol. were you able to compensate for it? >> we had to reassign officers naming some of their administrative signs. things are tight now. we've been able to officer we
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we've been looking at those type of assignments, we have to keep control of it. that's helping look at this. >> commissioner byrne: some of the reporting officers received at least one dose of the vaccine? >> not the 40. there's another group of officers who were partially vaccinated. they were not able to come back to work until they are fully vaccinated.
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>> commissioner byrne: how many are on partially vaccinated. there's 90 officers now that are no longer -- they're on administrative leave right now? >> that is correct. >> commissioner byrne: i noticed, they call mobile command centers. there was one of them on the corner of eddy and -- market. >> there was a reason for that.
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couple of things, it's basically it serves as a field command post. we had lineup there. officers are dispatched. they are given their instructions there. they go to wherever they will go in the tenderloin and union square as well. not all the time. the presence of that vehicle being there, along with officers either on foot beat in that area, tend to make a difference with people seeing that police are in the area. it's a determinant factor as well.
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>> commissioner byrne: why was corner of eddie and larkin chosen? >> between the captain and operational command, depending on what's happening, whether it's drug dealing or violent crime, we usually place it in areas where we have conditions we trying to make better. that's one of the locations where we have had some issues between some of the violent crimes that's happening in that area, community complaints >> commissioner byrne: isn't most of the drug dealing centered around turk and hyde? not that they are more
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advantageous. >> what we -- turk and hyde is ultimate with of the locations. we've had cars parked out there. we had officers parked there and the drug dealers go to the next slot why we are not. >> commissioner byrne: in your violent crime report, there was an assault at goldengate and hyde. there's been previous shooting there two weeks before. i understand the corner of eddie and larkin, i understand it's not safest part of san francisco, if you're going to put one of the them there, you indicated as a deterrent, wouldn't it be where the violent crime and drug dealing going on? i'm not saying there isn't going
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on. even in your own report, it's down around that goldengate turk and hyde street. that's your own report. i was just curious why it was placed there? seems to me if it was placed around goldengate or around or turk hyde it would have more deterrent effects. >> the thing that you have to consider, there are other thick going on. other strategies. lot of this is strategic. if you have a plane close operation going on, you get on
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your van now. wherever we put the van, we kind of know the corner where people go. there may be other operations going to deal with that corner while the van is on this corner. it's really strategic. it's not the one thing and other things going on. >> commissioner byrne: there's still open drug dealing going on on the area i just spoke about. >> there's drug dealing. the officers out there buying the drugs to make the arrest. it is strategic.
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there is a lot of moving parts what we're trying to do in tenderloin in plain clothes. there's visibility and you have to marry the two together. >> commissioner byrne: thank you. >> president cohen: thank you. i appreciate that robust discussion. no other names. we can move on. chief, good job. >> thank you. >> president cohen: please call the next item? >> sergeant youngblood: public comment regarding line item 4 chief's report. please dial star 3 if you like to make public comment. there's no public comment. we'll move forward to line item 5. department of public health director's report.
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discussion. report on recent department of public health activities and announcements department of public health's report will be limited to a brief description of department of public health activities and announcements. commission discussion will be limited to determining whether to calendar any of the issues raised for a future commission meeting. >> i want to you to feel needed and seen. thank you. let me give you some of the stats where we are with d.p.a. there's a lot going on right now. we are at 655 cases have been open so far this year.
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this by the way, is -- sorry, we're at 637 cases this year. in terms of cases that have been closed, it's 723 so far. we have 273 cases that are open and pending now. we have sustained 39 cases so far this year. that's up from 35 cases. at the same time last year. we have 23 cases who's investigations gone past nine months. there are 33 cases so far this year that have been mediated and of the 23 cases that are beyond the nine month investigation, 18 of those cases are --
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[ indiscernible ] we have number of cases that are still with the commission. that's 14. there are a number of cases still awaiting the chief's decision. that's 15. this week in d.p.a. we received 16 cases came through the department with a total of 38 separate allegations, 38% of them were for an officer alleging behaving or speaking inappropriately, 13% were involved in an officer making an arrest without cause, 13% for an officer engaged in an equal treatment. 14% for an officer alleging they detained without suspicion. 6% for an officer that failed to
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mirandize the suspect. in terms of the summaries that these allegations were surrounding, one of them a call for service for an assault. one of them involved a search of a resident. one involved a citation issued allegely and inaccurately. one of those incidents was broad neighborhood dispute. in terms of the audit, i'm trying to give you guys little more color about the audit. it is better to see from the public. i want people to understand the award-winning audit process. when the audit comes out, people know a little bit about what we're doing and how the process works which is why i'm talking g about it. the current audit, the police
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department in how they handled officer misconduct is in its survey phase. during the phase, the auditors conduct information gathering to obtain an overview. that part of the phase is being performed just by the staff but also in partnership with the office of controller, city service, auditor acquisition. some of the work that is being done and compiled by the d.p.a. is also in partnership with some of the outside offices within the city of san francisco. in terms of outreach, some of the expanded distribution took place this week. we delivered several hundred of the know your rights brochure. multiple languages through the main library on market street.
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some of that information is available. lot of people get a lot out of the know your rights brochure. that information includes information about how to work with d.p.a. and contact d.p.a. directly. if agencies are interested, feel free to reach out to d.p.a. the department is -- we maintain as the essential workers throughout the pandemic. but being consistent with the rest of the city family, opening up their doors, we are expanding our office active participation and glees are -- employees are coming back in the office starting on november 2nd. we are obviously in compliance with all of the city rules about
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vaccinations and office work. if folks want to get in contact with the office and our agency, it's on the website at the information from the consent file is filed available online both for the commission and on the website for d.p.a. that concludes my presentation. >> president cohen: thank you very much.
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do you have update on information sharing between departments and d.p.a.? >> some of the information coming from benchmark analytics. i'm extremely optimistic about what that process is going to look like and how that information is going to be shared. some of the sticks points now -- i met with benchmark analytics this week about what that process will look like. in terms of sharing the information, i'm excited about what's happening and how it's going to be available. the issue is always in the details. we need to drill down little bit further on what that bridge is going to look like. the bench analytics does not
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necessarily speak to our software. that really has been my focus this week. >> president cohen: we'll see a letter, written agreement between the departments. >> with benchmark analytics or generally? >> president cohen: information sharing between the department and d.p.a. i thought we were expecting to see letter of agreement at some point. >> that may be one in the process. if we alluded one in the past, it's probably being worked on by my team. i don't have an update on it offhand. >> sharon woo told us about it.
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i never seen an m.o.u. >> it was with the department on disciplinary matters? is the information about when decisions have been made in forming the d.p.a.? i know about that issue. part of the problem was -- i know about that issue. that was the issue about having our information when discipline takes place, often times it takes weeks and months sometimes not at all when decisions have been made as it relates to discipline. when we talked about it, we spoke about trig to drill down on how that information could be shared more effectively. part of the problem, that discipline sometimes take place -- the discipline that takes
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place isn't localized. spread out amongst divisions and individuals. i don't know what the solution is. the chief might be able to add more information on what the next steps are. i think that's what you're talking about. >> you guys made a presentation. it was about work being done to fix the issue. i thought it would be memorialized in document. i could be wrong. [ laughter ] >> that presentation that we brought up, the d.p.a. brought up. the accountability matrix so that didn't get lost or fall off our radar.
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i'm eager and would love at any point to reintroduce that on adoption. that whole measure was to make sure we aren't having conversations or raising issues we are not sure. we can track it on the matrix on what the status was. we can make that part of the commission. i think that's what it was. i'm happy to reintroduce that measurement or show the model again. i'm open to having it addressed to be as functional as the commission would like it to be. that's the model that they
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already use in alameda county. >> president cohen: i will have them follow-up with you directly. colleagues are any other questions. seeing none. >> i want to ask director henderson to include the issue of -- i think that it was part of that m.o.u. to ensure that the department is giving you the results of the cases. i know that in your report, there were several missing spots of information. because the department wasn't providing you with outcomes of discipline cases. second part is the fact that d.p.a. isn't receiving or sometimes not having access to
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prior discipline cases or officer's record when they have an open case. typically they ask for any priors so they can inspect whether or not those priors should be used in aggravation or mitigation. it's my understanding that information is not always readily available to your department or attorneys. i know a.c. moser was working on it. i don't know where we landed on that. if you can also include that in the conversation and get an answer and follow-up, i thinks that is important that your attorney who are bringing charges in these difficulties have access to that information. that information does nighed to be proud to the d.p.a.
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>> why don't i present on that on the next police commission? those are two important things. both on the outcome of discipline. part of issue was raised initial it will in a resolution from the henderson report that we created to inform the department about every open and ongoing case that we had that came in. not being able to receive reciprocity for that information to inform us how to proceed on our cases. i'll present on it at the very next -- diane will present on it on where we are at the next police commission. i welcome that opportunity. we can talk about the matrix that accountability matrix as well. if you're interested.
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you'll have guideline of everything that's kind of floating that we're waiting for response on as well. >> president cohen: thank you. any other questions? let's keep moving forward. >> sergeant youngblood: public comment regarding line item 5, d.p.a. director's report. dial star 3 to make public comment now. there's no public comment. we can move forward to line item 6, commission reports discussion. commission reports will be limited to a brief description of activities and announcements, commission discussions will be limited to determining whether to calendar any of the issues raised for future commission meetings.
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commission president's report, commissioner's reports, commissioner announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration at future commission meetings. action. >> president cohen: great. i don't have anything to report out on. other than the scheduling of chair of public safety is in process. that's the stept that i have to report out. i remember last week, commissioner elias indicated she'll have something for us this week. let's pivot to you. >> vice president elias: thank you commissioner cohen. we are still in the process of figuring out how to handle these discipline cases with respect to the vaccinations. unfortunately, we don't have enough data at this point.
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hopefully at the next meeting, we'll have more information. at this point, what i like to do is to ask to agendize few things. one of the things that i think was phenomenal that you did last time was ask pub for in-- public for input on certain aspects what we do and what they like to see on our agenda. what i like to do is ask the department to present to us on what they are doing it maintain or boost morale with respect to the officers within the organization. i like to know what the department is doing with the morale. i like to mow how -- know how the department is getting officers to buy into the reform efforts and the organizational
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changes that the department is currently going through. how is the command staff and management supporting officers, the rank and file, to ensure they are provided the resources and support they need. i know they have the b.s.u. unit, which is behavioral science university. what is management doing to further supplement what is needed from the officers? the other thank i would like to agendize, i would like to have the department come and give an update on the sparks report and address the misinformation that was presented in the report. i like the department to respond to questions that the community raised during public comment. i like to know what the department doing to ensure the accuracy of these reports moving forward. since we had several reports with various inaccuracies.
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like to know what the department is doing to ensure that the working groups are collaborative and inclusive. why or if d.p.a. is being excluded from the working groups what the department doing and what the rationale is for it. may be there is a good reason. i like to find out. i like to know what is doing in terms of making these working groups collaborative and inclusive to the public. and why there's a sense of excluding individuals. the last thing, last portion of that, how the department keeping working group members informed and updated? in the sparks report, it appeared the juvenile working group was on track when in fact, they hadn't met since march. it's now october. what the department doing to ensure people taking time out
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their day, are being informed and kept to date and the working groups are continuing to meet and progress. when the working group stalls, then it doesn't come to us. we got lot of problems that we need to figure out and find solutions for. those are the things i will ask to agendize. >> president cohen: that sounds great. i look forward to that. i'm excited about that. thank you. that's awesome. anyone else? mr. hamasaki. >> commissioner hamasaki: good evening. i brought a giant microphone to my work in l.a. just because of the -- i have a giant one now. >> president cohen: i love it.
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>> commissioner hamasaki: i brought it on my trip because of that. >> president cohen: do you have anything worthwhile to say on that microphone. >> commissioner hamasaki: worthw hile is strong. may be on that qualification, i will remain silent. on this item tonight. i'm in middle of ton of work. >> president cohen: let's see what mr. byrne has. >> commissioner byrne: thank you. i was texting commissioner yee, tentative date, to meet with chief scott concerning the
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tenderloin and the changes in tenderloin. krill talk to commissioner yee. i'm hopefully, things will get better. thank you. >> president cohen: perfect. commissioner yee? >> commissioner yee: i have nothing to report. there's some other things i can get ahead into next year. hopefully we can cut down on car break-ins. that's one of the sore spots for us in the city and how they have number of stops. we have here throughout
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california, there's some things that i will probably be working on. hopefully it's good news for everybody. that's my report. >> president cohen: thank you. let's continue moving forward. i don't think i missed anyone. >> sergeant youngblood: we can take public comment regarding line 6 commission report. please dial star 3.
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good evening caller. you have two minutes. >> caller: hi. this is jennifer wagner with the league of women voters of san francisco. we like to take up president cohen on her offer to speak with us. we sent e-mail and texted cindy elias. you'll find in your e-mail. thank you. >> president cohen: was that for me or commissioner elias? tweet me the answer. >> caller: they want to talk to both of us. >> president cohen: okay, thank you. >> sergeant youngblood: presiden t cohen, that concludes public comment. >> president cohen: okay. great. let's call the next item. >> sergeant youngblood: line item 7, presentation of the
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monthly collaborative reform initiative c.r.i. update discussion. >> good evening presence cohen and vice president elias and chief scott. i'll be presenting the c.r.i. collaborative reform initiative presentation. as you can see on the first slide during the month of september, we had 16 16 -- 16recommendations.
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this slide is an overview of where we are. there's 245 in compliance. we do have the recommendations left in progress that have been meir marked for phase 3. this is a breakdown. we do have -- we do have six recommendations that were external validation. they have been moved to in progress by the california department of justice. we have no more recommendations that are external review or external validation. use of force has completion percentage of 88%. they have 51 recommendations that are in substantial compliance. they have seven recommendations that have been identified as
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phase 3. community policing has 54 recommendations. they also have six recommendations remaining and in progress. accountability has 61 in substantial compliance with seven remaining in progress. recruitment and retention has completed 100%. all 32 recommendations are in substantial compliance. the recommendations that have been earmarked for phase 3 future, this is kind of a break down where the department
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believe it's at. the first months of that unidentified recommendations. that's the conclusion of the presentation. >> president cohen: okay. do we have any questions? chair elias? >> vice president elias: i appreciate precise and to the point. >> president cohen: okay, no problem. i have couple of questions. when do you expect the final report? >> we do have a draft to the final report. i know that hilliard heinz has finalized their version of the report. however, stilts in the draft
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version until we get the official letter from the california department of justice. i did have conversation today with a district attorney there. it's with supervisorring district attorney for review. >> president cohen: will the commission to have a chance to review the draft before it's leaked? >> yes. this is chief scott. >> president cohen: okay, thank you. >> vice president elias: sfpd is building out a system to monitor of a form. can you talk about that? >> that's a great question. in our uniting we have the 245 recommendations that are in substantial compliance. in those recommendations they are two fold.
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there's -- we have built that in. lot of the recommendations we have audited for compliance. we have a component that's considered improvement loop. the department doesn't necessarily have to change anything. is to make sure we're viewing that and improving. in order our unit to make sure that we're in compliance with our problem -- promises we made to the community and california department of justice, we ensure we track it. we have several tracking matrixes and what we've done, we've been able to identify all the recommendations and
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substantial compliance. exactly what we're required to do. and who's responsible for doing it. we've been able to take that data and we've been able to automate it using microsoft teams, using outlook and what not. good example is, if a quarter report is required from accountability recommendation and internal affairs division. what we've done to identify that, we've identified who's responsible for producing that report. we've identified the dates. we've automated it to give those individuals that are responsible for completing the assignment, 60, 30 and 10 day reminders as well as providing as much feedback and assistance and support for them to make sure. part of the sustainability is also documentation and organizing. we have built matrix to where we
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can keep the data. we can separate the date. >> vice president elias: it's when it's called upon i would imagine. regarding the remaining bias recommendations, could you discuss how the bias dashboard has come along? >> six of the recommendations that were return from the california department of justice are associated to the bias dashboard.
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the bias dashboard is bifurcated in three phases. since commander ewing had the project with the california department of justice, we presented it in three-phased structure. the department has completed the first phase. we are moving into the second phase. hilliard heinz and cal d.o.j. is implement -- complementary of our work. it's coming down how we're going to present individual office data. we're not there yet. although california department of justice and hilliard heinz approved of our theory, they think we need more time to move into phase 2 how we district that information.
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>> another part of this, it is our plan to actually have a unit through review the informationing that come from the dashboard. our plan call for several personalities to do that review. we have not yet formulated that unit. vaccination issue we're going through now actually has put a temporary pause on the person who we had eyes for that unit is not in control now because of what's going on. we plan to do that. we have it drawn up on paper. unless the dust settles on deployment and redeployment, we
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can go ahead with our plans on that. that's a big part of the work. i said this before, we want independent review. in other words, we want a level of review that's outside of the stations. >> vice president elias: the dashboard. where is it? when are we going to see it? i still don't have that clear picture in my mind. we discussed dashboard is coming along. >> the dashboard itself, there's a dashboard. the review process till needs to be built out. the individual officer information and what that information, how it's going to be used, there's still couple of questions to make sure that we are solid on not crossing the
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line between making information discipline that shouldn't be discipline. that's what we mean. the dashboard is in place, phase 1 is done. the next phase is the continuing to build out the infrastructure t the review unit. really solidifying how this information can and will be used. >> vice president elias: how to you plan to monitor patterns of behavior that may indicate bias? i'm particularly speaking about patterns that are manifesting through stop and search data. how do you monitor that behavior? >> the dashboard will pick up
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trends, aggregate data trend and individual data trend. it's evidence these stops are based on prejudice or race. that's not within policy and illegal. that would have to go through a disciplinary process. would go to internal affairs. >> vice president elias: okay. folks on twitter are asking that the c.r.i. presentation was slide and details. if you can post that somewhere
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so the public can consume it. that will be helpful. anyone else like to ask questions? >> follow-up question. i chief i know you're looking at data and trends i know that one of the solutions is disciplined. are you working on other solutions to create any aggregate trends that you have which is tied to the data that we have. >> that's part of it. our strategies might be driving some of these disparities. if we see the policies may be
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driving some of these strategies, we need a [ indiscernible ] those trends will inform those decisions to allow us to move this forward with some information will be helpful to make these decisions. it's part of the process. >> vice president elias: will this include the specialized unit? are they going to have that data and in terms of who is being arrested with support to specializes operation? >> we can build it out to include specialized units. basic dashboard is right now
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recognize what we have here. an opportunity to continue to be industry leaders. let's be bold and unafraid to continue to walk down this path. all right. let's go ahead -- i just got notification from sergeant youngblood that the c.r.i. slides is posted under supporting documents on our website. thank you. pleases call the next item. >> sergeant youngblood: public comment regarding line item 7. please dial star 3 now if you like to make public comment. there's no public comment. >> president cohen: what? no public comment? okay. let keep moving forward. what's next? >> sergeant youngblood: line
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item 8, public comment on all matters pertaining to item 10 below, closed session, including public comment on item 9, both whether to hold item 10 in closed session. >> president cohen: let's take public comment. >> sergeant youngblood: if you like to make public comment, star 3 now, please. no public comment. >> president cohen: thank you. is there a motion to go into closed session? >> motion. >> second. >> president cohen: all right. let's take that roll, please. >> sergeant youngblood: on the motion to go into closed session. [roll call vote] you have five
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>> (clapping.) >> in san francisco the medical examiner performs the function of investigating medical and legal that occurs with the city and county of san francisco from a variety of circumstances in san francisco there is approximately 5 thousand deaths annually i'm christopher director for the chief mr. chairman the chief my best testimony a at the hall of justice on 870 drooint street that is dramatically updated and not sufficient for the medical chairman facility i've charles program manager public works should a earthquake of a major are proportion occurs we'll not continue to perform the services or otherwise inhabit the
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building before the earthquake. >> we're in a facility that was designs for a department that functions and in the mid 60s and friends scientific has significantly changed we've had significant problems with storage capacity for evidence items of property and also personal protective if you're doing a job on a daily basis current little storage for prirjs are frirnlsz we're in an aging facility the total project cost forever ever commercial is $65 million the funding was brought by a vote of go bond approved by the voters and the locations is in the neighborhood the awarded contract in 2013 and the i'm the executive director
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we broke ground in november 2015 and that started with the demolition of existing facility we moved into the foundation and january so pile foundation and then with second construction of the new facility. >> one of the ways that we keep our project on time on budget and we're having quality to have regular meeting and the variety of meetings with construction process meeting as well as cost of control meeting and i'm a project manager for public works the office of chief commercial we want walk the project site when we sign up and also with a contractor insinuates for a change over we need to verify what or what was instead of. >> the building is 42 feet tall so it is two stories and 46
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thousand square feet roughly we're that's a great question to be on time and budget have the roof complete a the exterior moving with the site work. >> and as you can see we've got a lot of the interior finishes installed. >> in an effort of an differentiate the facility that designed to work for 72 hours. >> not taking into account there was a lot of structural updates made into this building not seen in other construction throughout san francisco or other barriers we have friday morning examiners from 8 to one public comment monday to friday because of air circulation we literally have to shut the doors and so the autopsy is done without staffing being able to come and go or exit the space and literally lock down the autopsy in the new facility we
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have bio build one door opens and closed behind you you can gown up and go through a second seizures of doors that has its own independent air supply and now in the exterior opt space having that middle space have greater flexibility of staff as they move in and out of the area. >> in the current facility investigative unit has small tiny, tiny place in the area of the new facility is almost doubled in all divisions from the current facility and the new facility. >> the planning we have here gives them the opportunity to have the pool needs to complete theirs jobs in a much more streamlined fashion.
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>> we're looking forward to have secured parking to minimize the egress of you know visiting and the members of the public but really to minimize the investigators remaining remains from our advancing and so the facility. >> we have a new visitors area we're building that is a little bit more friendly to families. >> one thing you may notice in the room no windows there is no natural light not good for most autopsy but in the new facility at new hall we made that an objective they want to insure we were able to look up in the middle of exam and see the sky and see natural lights. >> that's one of the things the architect did to draw in as
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much light as possible. >> we have staff here onsite we insure the design of the new design enables the investigators and other investigators skiefksz to consider to house on site this meant we needed to design and plan for locker room facilities and shower rooms the ability to sleep. >> third of the construction going into the building has been by contributions of small businesses. >> part of the project is also inclusive to the sidewalk have all new sidewalks and new curve cuts and landscaping around the building we'll have a syrup in front of the building and rain guardian. >> the medical examiner's office has been a several if in their contributions of the understanding the exception and needs. >> it's a building that the
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chief medical examiner has been looking forward to quite a few of the. >> it is extremely valuable contribution to the, neighborhood address san francisco as a whole. >> the building will allow is to have greater very much and serve the city and county of san francisco and the neighboring >> you know i've always wanted to do this job that drives my
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parents crazy we want to help people i wasn't i did not think twice about that. >> i currently work as cadet inform the san francisco sheriff's department i've been surprised 0 work within criminal justice system field i had an opportunity to grow within that career path. >> as i got into the department and through the years of problems and everything else that means a lot i can represent women and in order to make that change how people view us as a very important part of the vice president you have topanga you have to the first foot chase through the fight are you cable of getting that person whether large or small into captivity that is the test at times. >> as an agent worked undercover and prevent external
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and internal loss to the company it was basically like detective work but through the company from that experience and the people that i worked around law enforcement that gave me an action when i came to be a cadet i saw i was exploded to more people and the security he was able to build on that. >> unfortunately, we have a lot of women retire to recruiting right now is critical for us we gotten too low faster the percentage of women in the department and us connecting with the community trying to get people to realize this job is definitely for them our community relations group is out attempt all the time. >> in other words, to grow in the fields he capitalized any education and got my bachelors
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degree so i can current work at city hall i provide security for the front of the building and people are entering entering but within any security or control within the building and checking personal bags is having a awareness of the surrounded. >> there is so month people the brunet of breaking into this career that was every for easier for me had an on the with an before he cleared the path for laugh us. >> my people he actually looking at lucid up to poem like he joe and kim and merit made they're on the streets working redondo hard their cable of doing this job and textbook took the time to bring us along. >> women have going after their goals and departments line
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the san francisco sheriff's department provide a lot of training tools and inspiring you to go into the department. >> they gave me any work ethics she spider me to do whatever he wanted to do and work hard at the intersection. >> if you're going to make change you have to be part of change and becoming law enforcement i wanted to show women could do this job it is hard not easy. >> finds something our compassion about and follow roll models and the gets the necessary skeletals to get to that goal with education and sprirmz whatever gets you there. >> if this is what you want to do dream big and actually do
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>> shop and dine the 49 promotes loophole businesses and changes residents to do thirds shopping and diane within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services we help san francisco remain unique and successful where will you shop and dine shop and dine the 49. >> my name is neil the general manager for the book shop here on west portal avenue if san francisco this is a neighborhood bookstore
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and it is a wonderful neighborhood but it is an interesting community because the residents the neighborhood muni loves the neighborhood it is community and we as a book sincerely we see the same people here the shop all the time and you know to a certain degree this is part of their this is created the neighborhood a place where people come and subcontract it is in recent years we see a drop off of a lot of bookstores both national chains and neighborhoods by the neighborhood stores where coming you don't want to - one of the great things of san francisco it is neighborhood neighborhood
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have dentist corrosive are coffeehouses but 2, 3, 4 coffeehouses in month neighborhoods that are on their own- that's >> a hello, everyone. welcome to the october 25, regular meeting of the land use and transportation committee of the san francisco board of supervisors. i am supervisor melgar, chair of the committee joined by vice chair supervisor dean preston and supervisor aaron peskin. the committee clerk is erica major. i would like to acknowledge the staff at sfgov for staffing this meeting. madam clerk, do you have any
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announcements? >> the meeting note wills recognize that members participated via electronic participation and invite participation in the following ways and with the channel 26 and 78, or 99 and and in the public call-in number across the screen. each speaker will be allowed two minutes to speak. you can call the number on the screen 415-655-0001, meeting i.d. 2498 050 3583. that meeting i.d. number is 2498 050 3583 and press pound twice. and you will be muted and in listening mode only during discussion.
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when the item of interest comes up, please dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. best practices are to call from a quiet location and speak clearly and slowly and turn down the television and radio. you may submit public comment in either of the following ways. you can email myself the land use and transportation clerk and my email is erica.major at&t and it will be made part of the official file and comments may be sent via u.s. postal service and industrial calls and good let place and 94102 and items are expected to appear on the board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. madam chair? >> thank you very much, madam clerk. please call item number one.
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>> item one is an ordinance to amend the planning code to update inclusionary housing program requirements and affirming the planning department's determination under ceqa and making findings of consistency with the general plan. and the meeting idea is 2498 050 3583 and press pound twice. if you have not done so already, please hit star 3 to line up to speak. the system will prompt that you have raised your hand in confirmation. madam chair? >> thank you so much, madam clerk. and we have supervisor hillary ronen here with us today who is the sponsor of the legislation. thank you supervisor ronen, for introducing this to the land use committee, an and the floor is yours. >> thank you so much, president melgar. the legislation before you today is intended to close significant
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loopholes and gaps in our planning code requirements for affordable housing in mu market rate residential development. the planning code section 415 regulates the inclusionary housing program under which developers mitigate the impact of new market rate units and as has been shown in multiple settings including regularly updated next analysis and prepared for local requirements. the construction of new market rate housing stock increases the consumption of goods and services. and many of the workers who provide the good and services are in low or lower wage jobs and therefore need affordable housing. as a city we address the need for affordable housing in several ways by investing public dollars to build and preserve affordable housing and by requiring that market rate developers pick several options under the community housing to mitigate the impact and paying the affordable housing fee, building units on site, creating new units off site or dedicating land for affordable housing.
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for on site below market rate units or bmrs, the assumption is they match the tenure of the building. rental bmrs in a rental building. home ownership bmr in a condo building. the back story on what prompted me to work with planning and mohct to draft the code amendments is earl yer this year i became acare of several buildings, two in my district, where the developer wished to change from ownership to rental in order to maximize the current higher revenue potential of market rate rentals. one of the projects, a 2100 mission street, was approved with on site bmrs but is still pending final planning department sign off on the developer's request to fee out and another building. until the year the bmr units remained in limbo since completion in 2016. and require that the project
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fulfill the i inclusionary obligation with on site units. the project is approved with ownership affordable units in an all ownership building. after construction the developer had switched to renting the market rate units but was trying to retain the bmrs as ownership. the reality is having a small number of affordable condo ownership units in the market rate rental building isn't feasible because banks won't finance the purchase. with nothing in the code to guide the situation t planning commission had no other option than to allow the developer to fee out in april of this year despite the project having been approved in a committee meeting with the promise of affordable units on site. the upshot is that the developer received sign on from a completed project in july 2017 and has been renting out the market rate units and the bmr units sat empty. for nearly four year this is project failed to meet the obligation. this is very real impact on
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people who are struggling to stay in san francisco, the city, and my district lost out on this housing. i introduced this legislation before summer recess and substituted the version you see before you that includes some additional details that we worked on over is summer with the change of elected and inclusionary options after project approvals and sets a clear timeline and enforcement mechanism to ensure timely marketing and occupancy and with the cleanup and amendments. the amendment wills reinforce the housing obligation to amend the code to, one, require public hearing and planning commission approval for the subsequent
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change and to that are more onsite units and -- bhr units. number two, requires public hearing and planning commission approval in any change for rental and ownership to the principle project to ensure feasibility. and number four, requires project sponsors to submit time line for construction to planning and mohcd and set deadlines for recording notice special restrictions and the initial marketing plans. and finally, prohibit if you would to the occupancy until they have approved the marketing plan. and carley is here from planning with the presentation joined by her colleagues of the mayor's office and housing community development who are here to answer any questions. i am so grateful for the
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partnership and the expert advice in drafting this legislation and of course, my incredible chief of staff who has worked for a very long time with this entire team of excellent people to create this legislation before us today. supervisor channing is an early endorser and with the legislation and with that, if it is okay to turn it over to carley for a presentation, that would be great. >> thank you so much, supervisor ronen, for your hard work on this and for fixing something that needed to be fixed desperately. thank you for being here. please begin your presentation. >> thank you, supervisors.
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it looks like i don't have that capability to share my screen right now. >> we have you as presenter. >> the share button is grayed out. >> let me pop you back up. >> can everybody see the pdf in the screen? i am just maximizing it now. that was an excellent summary of the legislation. i will try to breeze through it and planning commission unanimously recommended the approval of the ordinance on october 14, 2021. and today i want to discuss three major components of the proposed amendments and the general overview of various clean up items included in the
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ordinance and a brief summary of the commission discussion of the item. first on tenure and whether it is an ownership or rental unit. project sponsors have sought to provide affordable units and are speaking to build and form four main problems are tribute with the ownership projects and from the first time home buyers and to require 50% of the building to be sold as ownership units. if they are sold as affordable ownership, they won't see conventional mortgages at competitive rates.
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if they are a different tenure than the market rate unit and if the result is the imbalance in power and which favors the market rate ownership. and the planning code requires affordable units to be comparable and are not comparable. as described, they establish clearer definitions for rental projects and ownership and required the bmr tenure match the market rate and to change the tenure for the project and change from fee to on site or on site to fee and the method of significant delays with what is
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either sold or released at the same time as the market rate. the method of compliance and seeking the tco. and changing tenure would restart the seven-month process of pricing and marketing the affordable units. the department is put into the position while we told the tco on the project which also withholds the progress on much immediate needed housing and dwom in the city and to release tco fully knowing the project will not meet the code requirement for inclusionary housing delivery. in a few instances the sponsor has thought to modify after a lottery has already been completed. there is no sent process on a project after it is constructed. the project is different depending on the tenure of the project with the project completed and once the project
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is completed, they have to issue a letter to con forget and affordable housing laws are complex and a project may provide on site affordable units to satisfy the requirements for a variety of programs to meet obligations as well as meet transportation demand management point targets. under the inclusionary program, the below market rental ownership units and rental units range between 5 # a% ami and 110, while ownership is between 80 and 130% of ami. so by using on site to qualify for state program, you can qualify for a larger density bonus with the rental project or
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more points with a rental project than ownership project. changes to the tenure can have major implications on the approved project or the occupied building. the project would need to provide a different number of on site units to qualify for the same density bonus. and for example, and the 100 rental units to provide 15 units to qualify at the president and to qualify for the same bonus. this will require from fee to on site and nor will have projects that switch the fee and the frustration of the agenda items that have no discretion and the ordinance establishes objective criteria for the commission to
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anticipate the project will be out of compliance but until the market rate units are released or sold, we don't have a lot of teeth to initiate that request and this keeps housing off the market. so what this ordinance does is establish two deadlines. one for the project sponsor to complete the required notice and to submit the pricing determination and requires the sponsor to submit an estimated construction schedule so mohck and plan canning be proactive to reaching out to sponsors approaching the deadlines. and there are cleanup items in the ordinance and mainly that the ordinance requires regulatory agreements for from
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the planning code or state law require regulatory agreements. this is adding that the other density bonus and the ordinance replaces the references and makes the definitions throughout article 4. and finally, the commission wanted to provide a to recommend approval of the ordinance and the first was the protections for residents in bmr units when the project is converting off occupancy. the procedures manual does include certain protections for projects going from rental to ownership and we will continue to develop those in more detail as we continue to update the procedures manual. the commission wanted to make sure that implementing this
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ordinance would not create any further delays in the delivery of housing. and so that will be something that we'll be working on through implementation process and to and thank you for the time and thank you for the time today. thanks so much. >> thank you very much. and supervisor peskin. >> thank you, madam chair. i am happy to hear from other folks if supervisor ronen would like to hear the rest of the presentation. i was going to highlight the with the apt time to talkn't a them and to thank you supervisor
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ronen and folks of the planning department for modernizing and dealing with some of the issues around conversion and tenure. and i wanted to, as we enter this new world or emerging world of state density bonus and various state preemptions, i wanted to revisit the concept of in lieu payments, and i think historically and i didn't believe it to be true that the policy desires of this board and many boards of supervisors has been for onsite and to that when jane king was on the board, and we had a much higher percentage
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for an in lieu fee out and the lower percentage to onsite. and i am seeing to my mind way too many folks avail themselves of the in lieu and not on site. and i am wondering and this may require fancy foot work with the city attorney given the palmer decision and whether or not in ownership and with the revisit to get rid of in lieu payments all together. and to say you have one door to go through and that is on site or do it at another site. but not take the in lieu payment and doesn't meet the fundamental
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policy goal of diverse income strata on site. i wanted to throw that out there and look forward to working with supervisor ronen and her staff to explore that and with the planning department. but maybe it's time to say goodbye to in lieu payments. i wanted to use this as an opportunity to raise that. >> if there are no other questions to my colleagues, do we have a presentation? is she here for questions? great. >> an i have a question for miss benjamin about the marketing and the new marketing process with
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the capacity to do this within new datelines established. and two, whether you see this to open the doors to folks who have traditionally not participated in whether the new timelines give you greater opportunity in the path, marketing has been kind of hit or miss and with some developers. and particularly with the particular populations and like african-americans or mono lingual and i am wondering if you can tell us how you see this. you are muted. >> there we go. thank you. thank you, supervisor melgar. maria benjamin, mayor's office of housing and community
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beneficial and the second part of the question? >> so that works for you and your staff because you know, and i am wondering if you see this ls an as an opportunity for your partners in the home ownership counseling agency. they will also have time to market to the underserved. the expectation they know eight months in advance and if it's going to be a rental project or an ownership project helps everybody. it is a different group of people that you market to. and in a lot of cases and so having that expectation up front is absolutely going to be beneficial to having counselors and helps us with the pipeline and getting the marketing stuff out there for what is coming so that folks works towards homeowner v.i.p. an enough time to maybe address barriers they might have before it is right
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there on their face at capacity. we have so many people coming to them for assistance to prepare for home ownership and even to prepare for rental opportunities. so this will help them figure out the projects that are coming to help people apply. >> thank you very much. this is great improvements. so if there are no more questions or issues, colleagues, and to be added as a co-sponsor. there there are no more issues or questions, let's go to public
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comment please, madam clerk. >> confirming that with the callers in the queue. >> i'm sorry. i failed to acknowledge vice chair pes kin. >> you are muted, though. >> sorry about that. thank you, chair melgar. >> i wanted to be added as a co-sponsor as well and thank you, supervisor ronen, for all your work on this and to the staff. and these are comments and fixes but also kind of tricky ones to figure out how to get them right. i appreciate you digging in and doing the work on this. i also do want to echo the comments that supervisor peskin made around that sort of decision point.
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where in lieu and the incentive to go in lieu which is the opposite of what is the policy of the board and i would suggest that i don't know and would defer to the city attorney and we have quite a bit of latitude in the way the fees are set and the cost we assess to incentivize developers to do the affordable housing not on site. and that is something all of us have seen in projects in our district. so look forward to seeing what you come up with on ways to so since we are doing it now,
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please add me as a co-sponsor as well. thank you, supervisor ronen. madam clerk, let's go to public comment now please. >> yes. confirming that i also have supervisors peskin, melgar as sponsors. we are checking to see how many callers we have in the queue. if you have not done so already, press star three to be added to the queue. for those on hold, continue to wait and you may begin your comments and it looks like we have six listeners on the line and four in queue. unmute the first caller please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. peter papadaphilous and thank you for bringing forward this legislation and being so responsive to the growing problem in the community. and i want to especially thank
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with the housing and community development and reunderstand we are strong collaborative partners in that is very strong that the requirements are going to significantly improve the outcomes and also inthur that community voices that were incorporated into the initial planning approvals. and supervisor ronen said and everyone here firmly believes that every last unit of affordable housing is more
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critical than to move the low income families across the city and into the units as quickly as possible. thank you very much to everyone and i hope we all move this forward today together. thank you. >> thank you for your communities. next speaker please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. cory smith on behalf of the housing action coalition and to express our appreciation for supervisor ronen and her team on engaging in this issue. and three high level comments and first of all, the idea that we need to be bringing the affordable homes on the market at the exact the market rate units are brought on is a critical point. and it is not something that we should be comprising at all.
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to while the affordable units are vacant. and that piece is really critical. that the agnostic to which option is preferable. and the on site comes online faster. so those are always positive in the short-term and the fee is how we pay for 100% affordable housing. and while it does take longer to have those homes be realized, when the money is leveraged, we often get more homes at the end of the day. so it is a little bit of affordable housing today, better
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than more affordable housing later? and considering the fantastic developers that utilize that fee, we want to see both of those options realized along with the kind of the last point and number of different ways or resources that exist for affordable housing. the city has some levers and the state and the federal government -- >> thank you so much. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> linda chapman. i'm sorry. i was mistaken about the agenda order. so i missed the presentation today, but i was present for the planning commission's hearing.
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you have to terminate the practice of allowing the units to be provided on site in a mixed income development. in the and a woman wanted to confirm what i was saying. absolutely you must not do this. it is a disaster in waiting for the people who will buy the units and lose their homes. i have the experience of watching my other fellow homeowners lose their homes one after another and those are not in mixed and seven other buildings were undergoing the same situation and then after the bmr people lose their units, there's no way for the other owners to recover the money that they were supposed to pay for their special assessments. my dearest friends from my
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co-op, one game a renter in reno when she was forced from her home because she couldn't pay the special assessment. the other last her home and hat to live with the dearest friend living in palm springs where condos are cheaper. that is the special assessments and the regular assessments. and my go-to person is calvin welsh and people who live in 1170 don't have bmr units and can have round the clock attendance in the lobby. a building i know with the units and five full-time equivalents that the bmr payments are for. >> next speaker, please.
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>> good afternoon, chairman melgar and fellow supervisors. the pedestrian land use coalition. i am calling to thank supervisors ronen for bringing this ordinance or amendment. and also the fellow supervisors who are supporting this. this is a much needed change. i want to thank supervisor peskin for bringing up the issue of feeing out for developers. i was going to bring this up as part of the testimony before supervisor peskin brought it up. my problem is the fact that developers fee out and that money goes to a pod and if you look at the affluent districts
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like district eight where we just had a report about the housing inventory and our housing status, and we see that the majority of affordable housing, on site affordable housings are pushing and twin peak. shamefully nohe valley in my neighborhood has affordable housing. eureka valley, zero. mission delores, zero. and the reason is simple because developers have the option of feeing out. case in point is the latest development in the district at 1900 diamond street where the developer is proposing 24 units with seer roy affordable units on site. this is supposed to be the biggest development in the district in the neighborhood in the past 50 years and desperately need this law to be
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changed and to be eliminated and to hold the developers accountable and not going to see any affordable images in the city. >> thank you for your comments. we have one caller left in the queue. and want to remind and minimize if you would like to make public comment, press star 3. otherwise we will take the last caller. next caller, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i would like to thank supervisor ronen for bringing forward this with the district 8 and the developers should not be allowed to go back to planning or not even tell people when they want to change something and the plan is in improved and stick with
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the plan. don't be out. you can't do that. that is unfair to us. and i would like to align myself with the comments of peter who spoke earlier. >> public comment on this item is closed. may i have a motion to send this the board with a positive recommendation? >> so moved. >> madam clerk, call roll on this item please. >> on motion to recommend item one. supervisor peskin? >> aye. >> a supervisor preston? >> aye. >> supervisor melgar? >> aye. >> you have three aye's.
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>> thank you so much, supervisor ronen. that motion passes. madam clerk, please call item 2. >> ordinance amending the planning code to repeal article 12 which contains regulations, governing land use activities associated with oil and gas exploration, development, and processing. affirming the planning department's determination under ceqa and making appropriate findings. members of the pub lib who wish to provide public comment should call the ie number on the screen, 415-655-0001, meeting i.d. is 2498 050 3583 and press pound twice. if you have not done so already, press star 3 to line up to speak and the system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand to speak. >> thank you very much. this item was put on the agenda as a committee report, but the
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sponsor supervisor chan have amendments which are substantive, so here to speak about the amendments is kelly gross from supervisor chan's office. welcome. >> thank you, chair melgar. and hello, supervisors. thank you for having me today. a little bit of background on the ordinance and context for the amendments as well. and supervisor chan with the intent to prohibit any gas development and extraction and processing on land owned by the city and processing and created in 1990 to respond to federal pressure by making it nearly impossible. the ordinance seeks to remove the article to affirmatively prohibit any assignment of fossil fuels in the city and coincides with current state actions this past april.
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governor gavin new some announced he would stop issuing permits by january 2024 and the california air resources board with the oil extraction by no later than 2045. last week the administration propose they ban oil and gays drilling within 3200 feet of schools, homes and if this is the largest and voted unanimously in support. i want to thank planning staff for the work on this ordinance. and with the minor amendments and which has drofted and in legislative review and i wanted to ask city attorney kristin jensen if she knows if they are ready yet or substantive?
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>> my understanding is they have not been finalized and we can't make that determination until we have seen them finalized. i was just checking the email again and hoping they might have come in. we could either wait until the end of the hearing if you like or you can go ahead and continue the item. >> chair melgar, i defer to you if you would like to bring the item back after item 3 in case the amendments are ready by then. >> supervisor: why don't we take that at the end of the meeting. we can just go on to item 3. that way we can hear public comment on both the item and the amendments. so if they are not ready, we can hear them next week. is that okay? >> that work. thank you so much. >> great. we will put a pause on this item. and hang around. and we will go on to item number
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3. ms. major? >> clerk: item 3 is an ordinance amending the planning code to add land ro landromat as a defined term to require conditional use authorization for uses replacing landromats and to pribt accessory dwelling units that reduce on-site laundry services unless replaced. and call the number on the screen 415-655-0001, meeting i.d. is 2498 050 3583 and press star 3 to line up to speak. and the system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. madam chair? >> thank you, madam clerk. thank you supervisor, peskin, for your work on this item. and i will turn the floor to you. >> supervisor: thank you, madam chair and supervisor preston. the legislation before us which
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should have been obvious to me and many others a while ago, so maybe it's a little late in coming will start to address a problem that has existed iffer years and largely flown under the radar. i wanted to start by thanking my colleagues including supervisor preston, chan, ronen, mandelman, haney, walton, and mar for the co-sponsorship as well as the planning commission for their recommendation of the legislation with the small business commission because landromats are small businesses. and what this addresss is the precipitous decline in the number of landromats here in the city and county of san francisco. and i will delve into some of the numbers, but indeed over less than a decade, 1/3 of them have atrophied and with the
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interns that looked into this before the pandemic and like everything else, it got put on the shelf and is a matter of survival. this came as a landromat in a topographically challenged portion of the hill and tons of bubbles and face closure as the building's owner and the building owner and sought to convert the ground floor of the commercial space into another laudable use and accessory dwelling unit. the office received tons of emails from patrons of the landromat, testimony from
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seniors and long-term renters and people with disability who is can't go far distances about the importance of this particular landromat. and the lack of nearby alternatives if it were to close down. ultimately that fight was won on a 4-3 split decision at the planning commission that took discretionary review. and it's actually a story that ends well. the owner of the landromat tons of bubbles has re-invested in the facility and got a long-term lease, so that ended well, but during that time my staff and the interns i mentioned started researching landromats city wide, and i have included some of that research in the file for this item. it shows what one might expect landromats are disproportionately concentrated in the densest areas of the city where people tend to live in smaller homes without in-unit
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laundry services. they tend to concentrate in parts of the city and that is where land row mats exist and diverse communities and long-term renters that close down and that leaves huge gaps in social fabric of our communities. the planning commissioner put it dwight adeptly by calling landromats part of the social infrastructure and are functional to the communities. and i want to thank my staff here who did copious amounts of research which took to the public utilities fission and to
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learn the startling statistic that has decreased and 1-3 laundromats closed down, you would call that a crisis that is with the legislation by requiring planning commission and conditional use approval and any future change from the landromat. and the planning commission needs to make findings with other accessible landromats in the immediate vicinity and advisory the planning department to monitor the rate of closures in san francisco. with the data that is available
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to have the the inside and to have the permanent conversation and in my conversations with the case that i sited earlier, i can tell you they're not closing down for lack of need or business. and in fact, as a city gets denser, the need has never been greater. but i can speculate that if that it really has something to do with the ability to have laundromats to compete for rents with higher revenue businesses and tourist or office and in the case of 998 fulton and an adu. and ultimately this might be the with the higher and higher uses
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over critical community service uses and is worth noting that this body and the board of supervisors recently approved legislation that will provide this exact same protection tonighttime entertainment uses in the city. and while that speaks to the important part of community life in san francisco, as it relates to that is much different than those by land landromats with that overlap there. and thank you for saying they don't need to be re-referred and i want to go through them quickly to discuss them with the to discuss and on the colleagues
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and change shall to may to the conditions of the planning commission and to consider the conditional use authorization and with the equally or more accessible standard and replace it with an committee vicinity standard and equally or more accessible may be more difficult to interpret and with conditional uses are appealable to the board of supervisors. and so those are the amendments that are before you. and i do want to in addition to a party thank you to my staff and thank flores and from tons
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of bubbles and my great team of for their work in helping with the research and thank the deputy city attorney for her council and drafting and for their help in providing the data that led to this legislation. i am happy to answer any questions and look forward to hopefully to your support. >> thank you much from the planning department. are you going to provide a with either. >> i wanted to come on briefly to provide the commissioner
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report. so this and the two recommend modification were as follows. the first is the landromat definition to require washing and drying as part of the services and the second was to amend the ordinance to include more quantifiable findings. and as supervisor peskin mentioned, the ordinance incorporates a portion around i am available for any questions after. thank you. >> thank you very much, ms. flores. are there any questions from my colleagues? okay. supervisor peskin, i would appreciate being added a z a cosponsor please. >> thank you.
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>> thank you for all this hard work. madam clerk, let's go to public comment on this item please. >> thank you, madam chair. i have added you as a co-sponsor. carina is supporting us today is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. if you have not done so already, press star three to be added to the cue. for those on old, continue to wait and you will be unmuted and may begin your comments. you can unmute the first caller, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is george willing and i am in favor of supervisor peskin's landromat ordinance amending the planning code to add landromat as it is a fine term to require conditional use
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preston. and with san francisco land use coalition and i would like to thank supervisor peskin for introducing the ordinance that addresses the inequity in converting city services that are mostly used by low income and middle class residents for the benefit of the after influence of san franciscans. the landromats are used by tenants but it is not limited to affecting tenants. owners with in-use unit facilities also have to use the landromats for large size items from time to time. in my own neighborhood of nohe valley, i know of a couple, one within my own block that was closed and converted to god knows what because the windows were just covered with blinds and there is no signage. we all have a suspicion that the place has been converted to some sort of a start-up office space.
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from what i hear from fellow colleagues at san francisco land use coalition this, has also happened in other neighborhoods and this is a problem that affects most people of low mechanic and middle class who are tenants where 64% of reresidents are tenant, we have to be mind nfl what we are providing and what services we are cutting off. and will also add that we need to have a conditional use authorization form that when the projects come before the planning commission, they don't get overlooked. at this point we do have issues with projects that show up, projects that are contentious. projects that have issue, but still get approved. so i really urge the
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>> for san francisco residents and communities. unless the city acts to protect these high revenue use sites. onsite laundry services will continue to fail to compete for space in the densest parts of san francisco. thank you. >> next speaker. we have two in the queue. >> good afternoon. i'm a senior from district five. i'm here today very much in
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support of this ordinance. there's a good possibility in laundry services and rental housing. [indiscernible]. 25 percent pf sanfrancisco. it's a large neighborhood businesses and keeping the services in the neighborhood. the ability to wash our clothes may not seem an earth shaking issue. it's especially panter to seen toseniors with disabilities. lifting heavy loading againing loads trying toget on and off t.
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you wouldn't think it's necessary to write legislation about walking or clothes, but it is. laundry facilities in rental housing is scarce in a city of majority renters. even that is being threatened by new construction. i urge you to please pass this legislation it's crucial to maintain independence and quality of life for all residents of small businesses and our neighborhoods. thank you very much. >> thank you. next speaker, please. this is our last caller in the
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queue. >> linda chap man. i want to really express thanks for taking initiative on this. i was really surprised to see that laundry mats were expeer disappearing from san francisco. i'm glad to see that the ones i use are still there. they take over everything in our neighborhood and especially on polling street. i have a few other things that i want to suggest. one, is remember those districts there's only the neighborhood
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commercial districts. you have to have in those residential districts like the sun set where i grew up. that's what makes it possible for two thirds of the people to have no cars. it was mentioned also about people homeowners even needing a laundry mat. this is absolutely true. i take my big things over to the laundry mat on the corner. my aunt who owns three flats, that's how she did her laundry. i really want to suggest for condos and co-ops should have a laundry room. we had a laundry room with a
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number of machines. i would accumulate all the laundry for weeks. >> we have one more caller that popped up in the queue. let's take that caller. welcome. caller. >> hi. my name is jim rees. i would like to thank you for taking the time to talk about our laundry mat closures. i don't have a lawnd rip laundr. as a senior citizen on a fixed income, i cannot afford to have any laundry sent out. i'm lucky to have a local
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laundry mat close by. thank you very much for your time. >> thank you so much. that complete the queue, madam chair. >> thank you. this item is now closed. may i have a motion to move this item out to the full board with a positive recommendation. >> so moved. >> there's a motion on the floor for the amendments. >> yes i read those amendments in the record. all two of you are in receipt of those amendments that were e-mailed earlier this american. they are non substantive and do
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not require referral. >> can you include the amendments first. >> on the motion to move the amendments. (roll call). >> thank you. you also moved the legislation as amended. >> the motion as stated. (roll call). you have three ayes. >> thank you so much. that motion passes. let's go back madam clerk to
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item number two. planning code amendment repealing article 12. >> i'm still here. >> do we have amendments. >> i don't believe so. i haven't seen any come in my in box. before i ask for a continuance. i didn't mention the amendments first. i would like to ask staff to do a review of the planning amendments if available. >> let's do that. let's hear from him what the amendments are and let's take public comments since been agendized. our agenda for next monday is petty full. this will save us some time next week, if that's okay.
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this item. let's go to public comment then. >> it looks like we have two listeners but zero in the queue. let's see if anyone moves over? we have no callers in the queue. >> thank you very much, public comment is closed. colleagues may i have a motion to continue this item to next week, please. >> so moved. >> madam clerk, can we take roll on that. >> motion to continue item number two to the november first meeting date. (roll call).
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here. what makes it different is not only the people that live here, but the businesses, and without all these establishments, you wouldn't know one neighborhood from the other. el toreador is a unique restaurant. it's my favorite restaurant in san francisco, but when you look around, there's nowhere else that you'll see decorations like this, and it makes you feel like you're in a different world, which is very symbolic of west portal itself. >> well, the restaurant has been here since 1957, so we're going on 63 years in the neighborhood. my family came into it in 1987, with me coming in in 1988. >> my husband was a designer,
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and he knew a lot about art, and he loved color, so that's what inspired him to do the decorations. the few times we went to mexico, we tried to get as many things as we can, and we'd bring it in. even though we don't have no space, we try to make more space for everything else. >> president yee: juan of the reasons we came up with the legacy business concept, man eel businesses were closing down for a variety of reasons. it was a reaction to trying to keep our older businesses continuing in the city, and i think we've had some success, and i think this restaurant itself is probably proof that it works. >> having the legacy business experience has helped us a lot,
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too because it makes it good for us because we have been in business so long and stayed here so long. >> we get to know people by name, and they bring their children, so we get to know them, also. it's a great experience to get to know them. supervisor yee comes to eat at the restaurant, so he's a wonderful customer, and he's very loyal to us. >> president yee: my favorite dish is the chile rellenos. i almost never from the same things. my owner's son comes out, you want the same thing again? >> well, we are known for our mole, and we do three different types of mole.
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in the beginning, i wasn't too familiar with the whole legacy program, but san francisco, being committed to preserve a lot of the old-time businesses, it's important to preserve a lot of the old time flavor of these neighborhoods, and in that capacity, it was great to be recognized by the city and county of san francisco. >> i've been here 40 years, and i hope it will be another 40
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>> this is a huge catalyst for change. >> it will be over 530,000 gross square feet plus two levels of basement. >> now the departments are across so many locations it is hard for them to work together and collaborate and hard for the customers to figure out the different locations and hours of operation. >> one of the main drivers is a one stopper mitt center for -- permit center. >> special events. we are a one stop shop for those three things. >> this has many different uses throughout if years. >> in 1940s it was coca-cola and the flagship as part of the construction project we are retaining the clock tower. the permit center is little working closely with the digital services team on how can we
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modernize and move away from the paper we use right now to move to a more digital world. >> the digital services team was created in 2017. it is 2.5 years. our job is to make it possible to get things done with the city online. >> one of the reasons permitting is so difficult in this city and county is really about the scale. we have 58 different department in the city and 18 of them involve permitting. >> we are expecting the residents to understand how the departments are structured to navigate through the permitting processes. it is difficult and we have heard that from many people we interviewed. our goal is you don't have to know the department. you are dealing with the city. >> now if you are trying to get construction or special events permit you might go to 13 locations to get the permit. here we are taking 13 locations
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into one floor of one location which is a huge improvement for the customer and staff trying to work together to make it easy to comply with the rules. >> there are more than 300 permitting processes in the city. there is a huge to do list that we are possessing digital. the first project is allowing people to apply online for the a.d.u. it is an accessory dwelling unit, away for people to add extra living space to their home, to convert a garage or add something to the back of the house. it is a very complicated permit. you have to speak to different departments to get it approved. we are trying to consolidate to one easy to due process. some of the next ones are windows and roofing. those are high volume permits. they are simple to issue. another one is restaurant
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permitting. while the overall volume is lower it is long and complicated business process. people struggle to open restaurants because the permitting process is hard to navigate. >> the city is going to roll out a digital curing system one that is being tested. >> when people arrive they canshay what they are here to. it helps them workout which cue they neat to be in. if they rant to run anker rapid she can do that. we say you are next in line make sure you are back ready for your appointment. >> we want it all-in-one location across the many departments involved. it is clear where customers go to play. >> on june 5, 2019 the ceremony was held to celebrate the placement of the last beam on top of the structures. six months later construction is
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complete. >> we will be moving next summer. >> the flu building -- the new building will be building. it was designed with light in mind. employees will appreciate these amenities. >> solar panels on the roof, electric vehicle chargers in the basement levels, benefiting from gray watery use and secured bicycle parking for 300 bicycles. when you are on the higher floors of the building you might catch the tip of the golden gate bridge on a clear day and good view of soma. >> it is so exciting for the team. it is a fiscal manifestation what we are trying to do. it is allowing the different departments to come together to issue permits to the residents. we hope people can digitally
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come to one website for permits. we are trying to make it digital so when they come into the center they have a high-quality interaction with experts to guide then rather than filling in forms. they will have good conversations with our staff. >> how i really started my . advocacy was through my own personal experiences with discrimination as a trans person. and when i came out as trans, you know, i experienced discrimination in the workplace. they refused to let me use the
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women's bathroom and fired me. there were so many barriers that other trans folks had in the workplace. and so when i finished college, i moved out to san francisco in the hopes of finding a safer community. >> and also, i want to recognize our amazing trans advisory committee who advises our office as well as the mayor, so our transadvisory community members, if they could raise their hands and you could give a little love to them. [applause] >> thank you so much for your help. my leadership here at the office is engaging the mayor
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and leadership with our lgbt community. we also get to support, like, local policy and make sure that that is implemented, from all-gender bathrooms to making sure that there's lgbt data collection across the city. get to do a lot of great events in trans awareness month. >> transgender people really need representation in politics of all kinds, and i'm so grateful for clair farley because she represents us so intelligently. >> i would like to take a moment of silence to honor all those folks that nicky mentioned that we've lost this year. >> i came out when i was 18 as trans and grew up as gay in
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missoula, montana. so as you can imagine, it wasn't the safest environment for lgbt folks. i had a pretty supportive family. i have an identical twin, and so we really were able to support each other. once i moved away from home and started college, i was really able to recognize my own value and what i had to offer, and i think that for me was one of the biggest challenges is kind of facing so many barriers, even with all the privilege and access that i had. it was how can i make sure that i transform those challenges into really helping other people. we're celebrating transgender awareness month, and within that, we recognize transgender day of remembrance, which is a memorial of those that we have lost due to transgender violence, which within the last
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year, 2019, we've lost 22 transgender folks. think all but one are transgender women of color who have been murdered across the country. i think it's important because we get to lift up their stories, and bring attention to the attacks and violence that are still taking place. we push back against washington. that kind of impact is starting to impact trans black folks, so it's important for our office to advocate and recognize, and come together and really remember our strength and resilience. as the only acting director of a city department in the country, i feel like there's a
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lot of pressure, but working through my own challenges and barriers and even my own self-doubt, i think i've been try to remember that the action is about helping our community, whether that's making sure the community is housed, making sure they have access to health care, and using kind of my access and privilege to make change. >> i would like to say something about clair farley. she has really inspired me. i was a nurse and became disabled. before i transitioned and after i transitioned, i didn't know what i wanted to do. i'm back at college, and clair farley has really impressed on me to have a voice and to have agency, you have to have an education. >> mayor breed has led this effort. she made a $2.3 million investment into trans homes, and she spear headed this
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effort in partnership with my office and tony, and we're so proud to have a mayor who continues to commit and really make sure that everyone in this city can thrive. >> our community has the most resources, and i'm very happy to be here and to have a place finally to call home. thank you. [applause] >> one, two, three. [applause] >> even in those moments when i do feel kind of alone or unseen or doubt myself, i take a look at the community and the power of the supportive allies that are at the table that really help me to push past that. being yourself, it's the word of wisdom i would give anyone. surely be patient with yourself and your dream. knowing that love, you may not
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thank you for coming. also for those joining us virtually. october is a month full of celebration. not only are we celebrating the birthday of our labor leader. we're also accept braiting celeo heritage month, national coming out day. we understand that we have to have strong relationships with other communities to truly make a difference. we celebrate with you. we also appreciate you celebrating with us. now to kick off tonight's celebration, it is my honor to introduce our national anthem performers. performing the philippine national anthem and performing
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history, know self. tonight we give tribute not only to those who paved the way to achieve our american dreams but also those who are making history today. tonight we'll honor outstanding individuals who are continuing to fight for our advisability >> hi everybody. welcome to philippino american history month. welcome to city hall. so happy to be back again and see each other in person. it's my pleasure to introduce
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someone who needs no introduction. she always hears our community's voice. when mayor london breed first took office she took a broad coalition to meet with her inside city hall to talk about how we can support philippino representation. our mayor, someone who experienced all the good as well as challenges we face as san sanfranciscans embodies hope for our city. our traditions and rich history is the reason our city continues to be bright and resilient. as we focus on san francisco we
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must focus on our own history. it's with deep gratitude and honor that i introduce to you our mayor of san francisco, mayor london breed. >> thank you so much commissioner peres and your leadership and this actual in person to celebrate philippino history month in person. this is extraordinary. you better act like you're happier than that. it's been two years since we've been able to celebrate. it's been very challenging.
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i want to take the opportunity to thank you council general for being here with us. it's almost like i didn't recognize you. the last time i saw you it was probably two years ago in person here in city hall. we have members of the board of supervisors joining us as well. thank you all so much. you all should be incredibly proud of this response to the covid pandemic. because, yes, it was managed and run by extraordinary women including mary carol who led thissest. this effort. but one of the leaders in the philippino community who led the response. we saw the very best of the people in san francisco. we saw so many folks rise to the
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occasion in our essential work force. so many people stepped up and were essential workers and lead our city out of this global pandemic. although we have challenges, we are in a better place. eighty three percent of san franciscans are vaccinated. today we recognize the deep and rich history of the philippino community. we often talk about the history of this community many people know and you can tell your story better than anyone else. so many folks who immigrated here and in particular a lot of philippino americans immigrated to the soma tender loin community and the excelsior
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communities. your community is resilient. the cultural significance has everything to do with you all coming together to recognize your pride and culture and prepare the next generation to carry on that legacy. we talk about san francisco as a diverse city and diverse place. but you are the most important part of that diversity. our diversity is our strength and having various backgrounds makes a difference. it helps us learn and grow. we have to talk about the past and challenges that exist in order to not repeat the mistakes
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of the past. that we grow from that together as one community and one san francisco. i'm honored to be here today. i can't wait until we get rid of these masks so we can really see one another. when we're able to celebrate at the events, some amazing events and performances. even though this celebration happens once a year, i want to continue to be a resource, the city wants to be a resource to be a part of those events that happen in the community, for the community. for the philippino community. i'm looking forward to the performances and celebrations
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and speeches. commissioner perez i want you to come forward as you accept the official proclamation from the city of san francisco declaring it philippino american history month in the city of san francisco. thank you all so much. >> we would like to ask our san francisco supervisors to join us. as well as our consul. daily city counselor. and sheriff paul. as well as the members of the host committee and other elected
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>> thank you so much. thank you so much mayor breed for championing our community and continuing to champion diversity. what would a philippino celebration be without our traditional photo op. our next speaker is our consul general neil who just started his posting here in san francisco in 2021. >> thank you very much.
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i am joined this evening by my wife and colleagues from the philippine consulate in san francisco. our distinguished awardees tonight. members of the philippino community. a pleasant evening to everyone. it's an honor to join you this evening, mayor breed. your efforts in combating covid 19 allowed us together once again together at city hall to celebrate philippino american history month.
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on behalf of the community thank you very much for all the work you do to keep san francisco safe and the covid 19 relief from the pandemic. please allow me to thank our essential workers. especially the philippino doctors, nurses, front liners for everything they have done over the course of this pandemic. for everything that you have done that led us to celebrating philippino american history month in person this night. (speaking foreign language) i also wish to express my
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gratitude to the arts organization for organizing this celebration. promoting philippino culture in the arts in the san francisco bay area a mid the challenges brought about by a global pandemic. during this time of the year we recall arrival in october 18 of philippino sailors in morrow bay california. a ship as part of the trade. their arrival in california 434 years ago is considered the first recorded presence of philippinos in continental united states. this year's philippino history month is is the 75th year when
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the united states gave its recognition of philippine independence on july 4th 1946. our independence happened not too far from here at the theater inside the veterans building when future united nations president signed in june 1945 on behalf of the philippine government. even if we didn't fully achieve independence at the time, to become one of the founding members of the united nations. the san francisco hall is beautifully illuminated tonight.
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the san francisco public library system houses around 4,000 books on philippine history and literature, we thank the city government for its continued support to the center. at the opulent palace hotel in the course of the united states. in the soma area streets were named after philippino heros. at the corner of powell and market street a street marker
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for the last 60 years. the memory of philippino american history month drive us to ensure that the history before us will never be forgotten by philippinos and philippino americans. build a community from the unique diversity of its people. i wish to close by quoting from house resolution which was introduced last tuesday and cosponsored by 32 members of house representatives. the celebration of philippino american history months a time to reflect on and remember the many notable contributions that philippino americans have made to the united states at a time to renew efforts towards the research and examination of
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history and culture all people of the united states to learn more about philippino americans and to appreciate the story contributions of philippino american it the united states. happy philippino american history month. thank you. >> thank you. now we have a special treat for you. here to perform a poem called, because of you. please welcome juniper and alexandra.
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foot body. you are the immediate response when someone asks me what's the history month. celebration of resistance, claiming your place in this kun country, i selfishly ask is this even my history to claim. >> the past is alive. a living thing. you own it. owe it. you have a sacred legacy. a birthright. >> there were no sacred legacies, no birthrights given to me. of the history i learned in school there was nothing that was mine. hands empty because how can i own something that i don't know.
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how can i truly own my sacred birthright when i doan even know don't evenknow what is supposede mine. >> time. searching for you through you. these years set foot on dirt. what does it mean to die here? again, on the page restless. when you fall off the precipice of you. this history that has bent to fit inside convenience and how it digs at my root. >> if i could build a time machine i would. instead i search for you and me. live with the burden that i must
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do better than those who came before us. i must fulfill the dreams that dangle above your head. i don't want to disappoint you. i do not wish to defy you. i do not even know what would make you proud. to claim, to own, because you of i breathe, i wonder, i dream. i live to be what you have pushed me to be. do you think they think about me wherever they rest. even though i don't know their names. how do i live for them, live for me. what does it mean to know something. do i belong to this history and does it belong to me. the story i keep writing and rewriting like am i supposed to be in this. >> because of you. i do it because of you.
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did you do it because of me and will they do it for me just as i've done it for you. >> who is this for? this space room blank on the page still learning how i'm supposed to deal with this. marks left on the paper i can't erase. evidence of myself, ugly. >> i craved whiteness. i craved long legs, green eyes, a button nose. sandwiches with the crusts cut off. my lunch left uneaten not because i wasn't hungry. i craved whiteness. i don't think i was thinking exactly that but that's what it was. i craved whiteness so i shoved down everything else. down a little lower into a box
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below the surface. i left it there. watched it stay there. forgot it was there. i decided to open it up again, this box that was meant for me. given to me. >> but maybe it's not that i was given something to own. maybe it's more like a gift of knowledge was placed in my hands. the power to cherish and hold. the knowledge that i have belonging. my hands should be filled. overflowing to the finger tips and palms through my body. healing forgotten parts. beginning to remember this body again. this outward movement reaching through the ether. maybe this is a part of healing. maybe i will always be healing
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and learn how to just be here, present. i dare to struggle. i've learned what it means to live in this skin, with these roots that haven't reached their center. that are slowly watered by the tears that run unapologyeticly from my face. philippino accents remind me of warm hugs, good food, and laughing at your own jokes. i love loving. i love loving you. i know that brown women have a certain strength and power that no one else does. i am a brown woman. i have a certain strength and power that no one else does. you taught me that. you never said it straight to my
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face but you didn't have to. i think that you are beautiful. your brown skin, crinkling almond eyes and the way you smile. i think that you are beautiful. your grit, your ferociousness. the way you plant your feet. >> i love myself because i love you. i see myself in you and i see you in me. i think that i am beautiful. i think that i am a beautiful, powerful, strong brown woman. >> the way i tell this history. her story, their story. we breathe it in and out like
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insict. instinct. runs through this blood. this body. the story we write and claim and create. to read and own. to fill in the blanks and write in these margins. to be continued. [applause.] >> another round of applause for our young poets. because of you. we move onto the next part of our program. it's the philippino american history month community legacy awards. philippinos have been in the
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u.s. for so long. the soldiers who fought in world war ii. the professionals who came in the 1960's. i moved to the u.s. in 2000 to get my masters. all of us have our own stories. all of us have our own american dreams. many of us have struggled and succeeded. many have made their mark and paved the way for the younger generation. there are those who continue to make an impact especially in this year when we've been suffering so much because of the pandemic. tonight we honor the trail blazers. the essential workers, the
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student leaders and their educators. to present our first awards, please welcome jennifer and raymond. >> good evening everybody. i'm the president of the philippino bar association of northern california. what better way to celebrate know history, know self than to bring together two change makers in the fight for justice. bill retired last july as a community lawyer. rob was appointed justice last march as a first philippino american attorney general for the state of california.
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listen to how their shared histories inspired them to rise in government leadership and remedy wrongs against the philippino american community and communities at large. >> i could probably start. i've known rob's mother since the early days of marshall law. he worked doing work here in san francisco bay area. when her family moved to sacramento, i was going to law school add uc davis and got a chance to interact with a then
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rambunctious young boy named robe who had a lot of energy. it was part of our helping cynthia and other families we would do child care and watch the kids. >> nobody wanted to baby sit me, i was such a handful. i had the opportunity to share with those who had the pleasure of baby sitting me. i've known bill as long as i can remember. growing up as a child of a mom activist who was in the movement pushing back against marshall law. i spent a lot of my youth as a boy at rallies and demonstrations and people's backyards at pot lucks.
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i always remember bill being there. >> i always wanted to ask you. i was in public service for 20 years. the community has a lot of expectations. expectations are high. people don't want to be disappointed. in government, change doesn't happen overnight. how do you approach these questions. >> i try to lead with my values and i came into the doj with the perspective we should be asking ourselves what is the right way, not what is the way we should be doing it. bureaucracy takes a life of its own. i wanted to take a fresh look an continue with the values and the fights for justice and righting
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wrongs as a legislature. that means making some changes and doing things differently. >> i think just to share some similar views. my goal was to make the eeoc relevant meaningful and helpful to these under served communities. i think people were open, there was still a little bit of reluctance of not being aware of the cultures they had to serve. we had had not enough bilingual services to serve people. the challenge of going up against major growers and companies was something -- while there was expectation in the community. there was not necessarily expectation within my organization. in terms of the philippino community, a lot has been said
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about you being the first philippino american in the office of the attorney general. what do you find in terms of your unique role and background what can be done for the philippino community at this time and particularly for asian communities? >> your role, you being a first. my role, i being a first. it's important for philippino americans to take their rightful seats at the table in all areas of leadership. whether it be the law or corporate board rooms or legislative chambers. the list goes on. until you're the first and you
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breakdown a barrier, it's not real to others. it inspires others to know it's possible. if someone says it's not your time. your time is now. >> in our limited time left, you're going to have a lot of young law students wanting to figure out their careers. help the community. maybe it's in public service or something else, they have some doubts. man, change is so hard to make. how do we do this. what advice would you give them. i'll share mine too. >> do what you love. you'll be good at it. it won't feel like you're working. we need you. we have so many challenges we're facing. whether it's the rise of hate or lack of housing affordability. the racial justice reckoning
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that we're in. wild fires. access to health care. attacks on our voting rights. attorneys and young leaders, you can make change now. you are change makers today. you don't need a title, certain age, certain amount of experience. some of the most powerful movements that we're experiencing right now are being led by young leaders. black lives matter, climate walk outs in schools by our young leaders. the students in park land march marching for our lives. they are owning their power. they are being the change makers that we need in this moment.
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if someone is telling you wait your turn or it's not your time. i say, your time is now. you are the leaders of tomorrow. but you're the leaders that we need today in all of these fights to right wrongs and fight for more justice and tackle some of the more pressing issues in our community. >> it's important to fully understand the history not only of the philippines but in particular philippino american history. every person has made a mistake in his or her life. you have to take the risk to make it all happen. work well with others. respect everybody else. even your opponents. they are not your enemy. they are your opponents in an issue. you have to work with them so
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my name is rob. i have the honor today of presenting you with a new part of our program which is very apt as we're celebrating our history. know history, know self. a big shout out to this amazing team of competent professionals who put together this celebration. when i think of philippino american history we have to highlight and uplift both. philippino and american. our histories are intrinsically tied in so many ways. we don't know ourself unless we know the things that got us here. it's one of the most beautiful stories. i'm a little biased. let's start off with a little
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here to accept this recognition on behalf of the thousands of philippino nurses is the nursing association of northern california. >> we would also like to thank our first responders. approximately 15 percent of sfdem employees are philippinos serving in all levels of the agency. philippinos make up almost 20 percent of 911 dispatch. they have been recognized multiple times as 911 dispatcher of the year.
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uc sf student. >> i once heard a quote that went our ancestors paved the way so we can walk the way. look back at those that came before me and made it possible for me to dream. these people teach us that history doesn't necessarily have to define us. but history will repeat itself unless we learn from it. it opens space for us to tell our stories. fight for our visibility. inclusion. because of all these people who came before us we have the awed audacity to ask for me.
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celebrate our wins and honor our past resilience. rest is an active form of resistance. it is reparation that we are owed. students involved in the community these people made history in our story. one that we continue to write for ourselves. >> we celebrate 50 years since the philippino far west convention. the philippino movement and conversations about philippine american studies. issues including identify, the anti marshall law movement, the student leaders an educators. >> a bridge between college
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[applause.] >> in the year of the department's 50th anniversary the students at san francisco fought to keep a position vital to the department's growth. the actions were born out of community action and engagement. as department chair she endeavors to continue putting students at the forefront and supports their position as leaders, organizers, and advocates.
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[applause.] we would like to thank all of our student leaders an educators who work so hard to strength current and future generations. let's give everyone a round of applause. >> thank you all so much. truly inspiring entrepreneuration. inspiring presentation.we have l question of the evening. some of you, i don't want you to
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thank you all very much. that concludes our quiz portion of the evening. >> thank you. a big round of applause for our last awardees. city college of san francisco. congratulations to all our trail blazers, essential workers, educators and leaders. we are honored and challenged by you. are you ready to see some
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them. >> hi. i'm here at the long crow eatery and beer garden right across from the middle school asking young philippino americans what it means to them to be philippino american. >> pride. >> very proud. >> hard working. >> it means being part of a family and supporting one another. >> it feels good. as a philippino american, you grow up with both sides. i grew up in the philippines and over here. humbleness and not having very much. doing with what you have. >> it means a lot. i think there's a lot of history here in the united states in
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being philippino and first generation philippino here. i feel there's a lot of history. >> it means i get to eat good food and have culture here in the united states. >> i like that. when is philippino american history month? >> in october. >> october. >> october. >> it's this month. >> what do you think philippino americans have contributed to our society today. >> joe coy. >> dj. >> food. >> lots of food. >> philippinos are behind the scenes of a lot of crazy stuff. film, fashion, and music. they've done a lot.
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in any work force. we have the food here. our culture, our hard working style. the way we help everyone around and just being friendly. >> i think our culture is getting more popular in food and style. everyone wanting to visit the philippines being such a beautiful place. it's getting the recognition it deserves. >> fine arts, science, technology. >> definitely a lot of strength to break barriers to cross over. >> a lot. the fact that there's a beer garden here. you get a lot of it here in california. >> as a philippino american business owner how does it feel to be a philippino american today.
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>> super proud. especially from our ancestors who came here and worked their butts off. they worked really hard for us to achieve our dreams and goals. one of mine is being a cook and bringing something to the community that's different. making sure there's something special here. >> before we go, we would like to acknowledge the people who have made this event possible tonight. our host committee members who put this together.
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sfgovtv. golden state warriors. many thanks to the community partners who helped make tonight's event possible as well. thank you to our host, san francisco mayor london breed. as we wrap up tonight's event, i would lake to remind everyone of the importance of this year that we have been through so much. we have struggled so much. but despite all of that we have come together and continued to stay strong. we continue to honor our community's incredible history, our achievements, how we are continuing that work today. let us continue to honor the legacy of philippinos in america, the history and make sure it gets passed on.
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kind of get together and prove, that you know, building our culture is something that can be reckoned with. >> i am desi, chair of economic development for soma filipinos. so that -- [ inaudible ] know that soma filipino exists, and it's also our economic platform, so we can start to build filipino businesses so we can start to build the cultural district. >> i studied the bok chase choy
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heritage, and i discovered this awesome bok choy. working at i-market is amazing. you've got all these amazing people coming out here to share one culture. >> when i heard that there was a market with, like, a lot of filipino food, it was like oh, wow, that's the closest thing i've got to home, so, like, i'm going to try everything. >> fried rice, and wings, and three different cliefz sliders. i haven't tried the adobe yet, but just smelling it yet brings back home and a ton of memories. >> the binca is made out of
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different ingredients, including cheese. but here, we put a twist on it. why not have nutella, rocky road, we have blue berry. we're not just limiting it to just the classic with salted egg and cheese. >> we try to cook food that you don't normally find from filipino food vendors, like the lichon, for example. it's something that it took years to come up with, to perfect, to get the skin just right, the flavor, and it's one of our most popular dishes, and people love it. this, it's kind of me trying to chase a dream that i had for a long time. when i got tired of the corporate world, i decided that
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i wanted to give it a try and see if people would actually like our food. i think it's a wonderful opportunity for the filipino culture to shine. everybody keeps saying filipino food is the next big thing. i think it's already big, and to have all of us here together, it's just -- it just blows my mind sometimes that there's so many of us bringing -- bringing filipino food to the city finally. >> i'm alex, the owner of the lumpia company. the food that i create is basically the filipino-american experience. i wasn't a chef to start with, but i literally love lumpia, but my food is my favorite foods i like to eat, put into my favorite filipino foods, put
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together. it's not based off of recipes i learned from my mom. maybe i learned the rolling technique from my mom, but the different things that i put in are just the different things that i like, and i like to think that i have good taste. well, the very first lumpia that i came out with that really build the lumpia -- it wasn't the poerk and shrimp shanghai, but my favorite thing after partying is that bakon cheese burger lumpia. there was a time in our generation where we didn't have our own place, our own feed to eat. before, i used to promote
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filipino gatherings to share the love. now, i'm taking the most exciting filipino appetizer and sharing it with other filipinos. >> it can happen in the san francisco mint, it can happen in a park, it can happen in a street park, it can happen in a tech campus. it's basically where we bring the hardware, the culture, the operating system. >> so right now, i'm eating something that brings me back to every filipino party from my childhood. it's really cool to be part of the community and reconnect with the neighborhood. >> one of our largest challenges in creating this cultural district when we compare ourselves to chinatown,
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possible without the help of the mayor and all of our community partnerships out there. it costs approximately $60,000 for every event. undiscovered is a great tool for the cultural district to bring awareness by bringing the best parts of our culture which is food, music, the arts and being ativism all under one roof, and by seeing it all in this way, what it allows san franciscans to see is the dynamics of the filipino-american culture. i think in san francisco, we've kind of lost track of one of our values that makes san francisco unique with just
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empathy, love, of being acceptable of different people, the out liers, the crazy ones. we've become so focused onic maing money that we forgot about those that make our city and community unique. when people come to discover, i want them to rediscover the magic of what diversity and empathy can create. when you're positive and committed to using that energy,
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