tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV October 28, 2021 4:35am-5:01am PDT
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this actual physical space used to be located where the asian art museum was and it was always so dark in that building and going through those on the second floor in that beautiful room now, the card catalog and most young people don't necessarily probably know what that is because of technology now adays and this library over many years has adapted to technology needs of this city with electronic books. in fact, i have the app in order to download books which also include audio books that you can borrow and can we extend that pass 21 days. i have to renew, download, you know, if no one's waiting on it, can i just extend and be given a new option? but anyway, it's great to be here. the great shake out all throughout california. and let me just take this moment to acknowledge and thank all of the people who work here
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at the main be folks who work here not only serve the public and deal with sometimes very challenging circumstances. they were the first to raise their hands and say i want to be a disaster service worker and help my city. so thank you all so much. i'm so glad to see you back at work and i can tell under these masks, you're really smiling, right. and, today, we talk about earthquakes. it's really in san francisco, this is earthquake territory and it's not a matter of if the next one happens. it's a matter of when. and in 1989, we remember the giants were playing the a's in the world series. i was in the community that day and it was unbelievable. like that, i still remember where i was, how it felt like
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the earth shook and the aftermath of it. right. the bay bridge. everyone was like the bay bridge fell. and part of the upper deck of the bay bridge did fall. the marina was absolutely devastated and our city suffered a tremendous loss and as a result we have continued to push and implement not only policies for soft story buildings and high-rises and ensuring that our buildings are seismically safe, but we also want to make sure that kids and families and people know what to do not only when an earth quake happens, but make sure we're prepared. we're not only here today with michael lambert as well as marry ellen carol of the department of emergency management who would be responsible if a disaster happens, not if, but when a
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disaster happens and she's been leading the way on our covid response here in our city. we also have deputy chief david lizard from the san francisco police department who's responsible for the entire city and does a tremendous job as well as our amazing fire chief jeanine nicholson. we're in a situation -- who? oh, i'm sorry, paul. our sheriff paul miamotto is here. thank you for joining us, sheriff. all of our public safety personnel, they will be the front line of any disaster that hits san francisco. they have been at the forefront of this pandemic as well doing everything they can to serve and protect the people of san francisco, but in case of an earthquake, we come ready and prepared to do what's necessary to help support and keep people
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safe. but here's what you can do, you can go to because, listen, there are going to be a lot of people who may be in trouble, who may need help and our program that chief nicholson is very familiar with where volunteers from san francisco are trained to help in case of a disaster will be a tremendous asset when an earthquake happens and there is help needed. our police, fire, and sheriff, they'll be out there doing everything they can to help support the public and many of the city's disaster service workers who as a result of covid though what it takes in order to get prepared to distribute food and resources and other things. but ultimately. there might be someone and some people in some communities that need to just be prepared to be on your own for some time. and so is a resource
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where you can know the kinds of things that you need to update in your kids so that you have water and i say canned goods. so you may not need a can opener. just in case, maybe a can opener. so make sure that the things that you have in your emergency kit, your band aids, all of the stuff, it's not expired and you do. this is the time to remind people because we want them to do an annual check. and, secondly, i know we have technology and cellphones and people think i'm just going to call someone on my cellphone, but cellphone towers may be out. and i know this is impossible to believe, but there was a time where there weren't any cellphones and we rely on landlords so let's go back to prehistoric days when we needed those things and think about other ways in which we can communicate with our family and friends and hear the latest of what's going on. you know, power may be down, so
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that's when you do need a battery powered radio where you can hear what's happening and finally because usually everyone is worried about where are their loved ones. when a disaster strikes, you want to make sure that even if you can't communicate with an electronic device or any other way, that you designate a meeting area and a specific timing after something occurs so that you can meet up and ensure everyone is safe. this today is a reminder for our state here in california that earthquakes happen, but we are prepared. we've been through this before. we're a resilient city. we bounced back and made san francisco even a better place as a result of the '89 earthquake. when you think about the freeway that was down at the embarcadero, many people may not remember that, but it was dark, dreary, it's not a place you went unless you were in a car. now, people are loving and enjoying our water fronts and
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spending time down there at restaurants. it's a part of keeping you and your family healthy and safe and to protect our amazing city when an earth quake occurs. i want to introduce the department of public health, mary ellen carol. [ applause ] sorry. it's hard. go ahead. >> dr. colfax is on vacation. i'm mary ellen carol and the director of the department of emergency management. and, mayor, you can have my job. she really laid out exactly everything to every detail
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about what to do to be prepared and we are really lucky to have the leadership of this mayor who takes emergencies seriously. i'm happy that we're all here in person again on 10/21. we got distracted for a bit by this global pandemic, but now we're able to refocus on other things and i want to echo the mayor's words about the library staff and i know many of you are here. we could not have responded the way we did and safe the live that is we did without the hundreds of incredible library staff and so we'll all incredibly grateful. and i just want to say to my partner over here your leader is incredible and never says no to anything and is always willing to step up. and, finally, these distinguished looking partners behind me from fire and police
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and sheriff. these folks really are going to be the front line in an earthquake to save lives and to, you know, come to serve the public. so we're super grateful that they're here. you know, it is a matter of if not if, but when an earthquake happens and the mayor did such a great job of running through a lot of the things that you can do. going to is a great place to start. it's also my dad's birthday, so it always makes me remember. but i have big gallons of water in my garage and so twice a year, i change those out, once in april during the 1906 and once during this. so there's just different things that you can be thinking of. i really can't see very well,
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so i always really -- so for me having my extra set of glasses in a safe place especially next to my bed because otherwise i'm literally flying blind. having medication. all those little things that are important to your own family. finally, i just want to say that we as a city came together during the pandemic and the crisis that we went through and it was more than a second and it was really about community. and san francisco saves san francisco. i wasn't just standing here. it was about every single person here who did what they needed to do. they sacrificed. they got vaccinated. and in an event like an earthquake, it's going to be the same thing. we're really going to need to come together. what we learned during covid is that the most vulnerable among us become exponentially more vulnerable and for those of us that don't have that
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vulnerability, that we're safely housed and we have the means, we really need to look out for our neighbors who aren't in the same situation and i know that we will. so, again, it's so great to be here. i'm so proud to serve under this mayor and with these colleagues. and, with that, i'm going to turn it over to our city librarian, michael lambert. [ applause ] >> thank you, madam mayor, and thank you director carol. thank you for choosing the san francisco public library for hosting this event today. i want to thank mayor breed and all of our special guests today. chief nicholson. deputy chief lizar. pete wong is here. i want to thank all of them for their strong leadership throughout this pandemic. their steady leadership is
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proof that we are in the most capable hands in san francisco. and the library's been proud to partner throughout. we've been helping to keep our community safe, informed, and connected with high quality programming and collections. i want to echo the mayor and director carol and thank all of the library staff for their phenomenal service during covid. whether deployed as disaster service workers or holding down the fort to make sure that we can continue to deliver library services. i'm so proud of their extraordinary contributions. at the library, getting prepared for the next big one is something that we take very seriously. we've actually lost two libraries to earthquakes in the past. the old main library in 1906 and the mccreery branch in eureka valley in the 1960s. so i'm pleased to report that this main library is one of the safest buildings in the entire
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city now. this building has an innovative seismic design that can withstand an 8.3 magnitude earthquake. so the library's always the place to be, but particularly during the next 'big one.' so thank you again for coming and participating in 'the great shake out.' [ applause ] >> thank you. that's it. >> all right.
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you're watching san francisco rising with chris manors. today's special guest is dr. steven zutnick. >> hello. the show is focused on restarting, rebuilding, and reimagining our city. the director of the therapy center of san francisco and he's a professor in counseling psychology at usf. he's here today to talk to us about resocializing, and returning to the office. welcome to the show. >>. >> thanks, chris. good to be back. >> as we re-open, people are having different reactions. some are embracing the recent shifts while others are having a hard time readjusting.
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>> yes. i think it's an excellent question. my basic bias on this i think to give you a general overview is we ought to be following cdc suggestions and requirements, what they say, because that's where a lot of the things come. should i wear a mask. should i not wear a mask. my answer is, yes, absolutely. i think we should wear a mask. i think we should social distance. it not only makes an impact on covid, it makes an impact on other diseases as well. as you and i were chatting, the deaths from flu usually average 30,000 a year. we've had 2,500 deaths from the flu so far this year, but at the very least, you need to be vaccinated. >> going back to the office is
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also an issue. there are some people are thrilled returning to work, others are nervous about it and there's a group of people who've been working onsite all along. let's start with those who are worried about returning to the office. what can be done to relieve their concerns? >> i think identifying a cohort of colleagues, fellow workers who you can just talk to and share experiences with. you know, when you look at the advantages of groups, the major one is when we sit and talk to other people, we suddenly discover, oh, this isn't just me, i'm not some strange guy here. so everybody else i'm talking to is worried about the same thing. i think that will raise awareness among people. to say, oh, i don't know, what are we going to do? do we have fresh air in here? can we open some windows? does the boss care if i wear a mask? >> how about those who've been
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going to work all along. possibly the most traumatized. how would you talk to them about managing the possible stress and resentment they may have been feeling. >> the most at-risk population is the essential worker who because they are also one of the lowest paid populations, have taken the biggest hits and the most risks. they're still at high risk. so they're dealing with a lot. they're dealing with depression, anxiety, insomnia quite a bit. and you've got a lot of ptsd by the way one last point on the health care workers. that's the tip of the iceberg. these are also the people who often have the least access to therapy. so we've got all these people out of there who've been in the
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trenches the entire time, never had a break, suffering a lot of trauma, and there are no services available for them. >> lastly, let's talk about management. with varying attitudes towards the lifting of restrictions, there may be some struggles in the work place. how would you advise management to ease the transition? >> management can encourage vaccination or require it. they can keep masks, physical distance, hand washing, all of these things. and hopefully management will be responsive. i think, you know, given the title that the series, this is all new. we're all just moving in to a whole new phase. we haven't begun to see the research that's going to come out of what we've just been through. we've been through a terrible pandemic. there's been a huge toll and i don't think we've seen the tip of the iceberg on the impact. >> do you have any final thoughts to share?
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>> yeah. i think this pandemic has highlighted a lot of things. for me, certainly, is mental health professional and a behavioral scientist. it's clear to me, we need to educate people about science. this is not unknowable to people. the basic of science is constant questioning. when you ask a question in research, you get one answer and about five new questions. things evolve continuously. so, yeah, when the cdc first came out a year and a half ago, they said, no, we don't need masks and then they said oh, we do and then everybody went crazy. oh, look how bad the sciencetists are. that's exactly what science does. we thought we didn't need it. then we discovered it was air
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born. i think we're seeing we have huge holes in the health care system and conversely, i think we're finding with the vaccination, what it means for everyone to have access to health care without worrying about how am i going to pay for it. so i think this is really forcing us to look at everything. it's been a very difficult time. it's going to continue to be a difficult time for people, but i think that's also getting us to look at some really critical issues in health care. >> well, thank you so much for coming on the show dr. zlotnick. well, thanks again. we'll be back with another episode of san francisco rising shortly. for sfgov tv i'm chris manors. thanks for watching. [♪♪♪]
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small town. so small, that my dad's brother is married to one of my mom's sisters. it's that small. a lot of folks from that town are here in the city. like most immigrant families, my parents wanted a better life for us. my dad came out here first. i think i was almost two-years-old when he sent for us. my mom and myself came out here. we moved to san francisco early on. in the mission district and moved out to daily city and bounced back to san francisco. we lived across the street from the ups building. for me, when my earliest memories were the big brown trucks driving up and down the street keeping us awake at night. when i was seven-years-old and i'm in charge of making sure we get on the bus on time to get to school. i have to make sure that we do our homework. it's a lot of responsibility for a kid. the weekends were always for family. we used to get together and whether we used to go watch a
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movie at the new mission theater and then afterwards going to kentucky fried chicken. that was big for us. we get kentucky fried chicken on sunday. whoa! go crazy! so for me, home is having something where you are all together. whether it's just together for dinner or whether it's together for breakfast or sharing a special moment at the holidays. whether it's thanksgiving or christmas or birthdays. that is home. being so close to berkley and oakland and san francisco, there's a line. here you don't see a line. even though you see someone that's different from you, they're equal. you've always seen that. a rainbow of colors, a ryan bow of personalities. when you think about it you are supposed to be protecting the
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kids. they have dreams. they have aspirations. they have goals. and you are take that away from them. right now, the price is a hard fight. they're determined. i mean, these kids, you have to applaud them. their heart is in the right place. there's hope. i mean, out here with the things changing everyday, you just hope the next administration makes a change that makes things right. right now there's a lot of changes on a lot of different levels. the only thing you hope for is for the future of these young kids and young folks that are getting into politics to make the right move and for the folks who can't speak. >> dy mind motion. >> even though we have a lot of fighters, there's a lot of voice less folks and their voiceless because they're scared.
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