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tv   BOS Rules Committee  SFGTV  November 8, 2021 6:00pm-8:01pm PST

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. >> chairman: good morning. and welcome to the rules committee of the san francisco board of supervisors for today, november 8th, 2021. i am the chair of the committee joined by supervisor mandelman and supervisor chan. our clerk is mr. victor young.
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mr. young, do you have any announcements? >> clerk: yes. members participating in the meeting. public access at city service is essential and invites public participation in the following ways. public comment will be available on each item on this agenda either channel 26, 78, 99 and each speaker will be allowed two minutes to speak. comments are opportunities to speak during public comment period by calling 4156550001. the meeting id is 2489202227 then press pound and pound again. you will be muted and in listening mode only. when your item of interest comes up, dial star three to be added to the speaker line. and turn down your television
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or radio. alternatively, you may submit public comment in either of the following ways. e-mailing myself, the rules committee clerk. if you submit public comment by e-mail, it will be forwarded to the supervisors and included in the file. written comments will be sent to us by a u.s. postal service, can be sent to us by a u.s. postal service that completes my initial comments. >> chairman: thank you, mr. clerk. can you please read item number one. >> clerk: yes. item number one. private entities to provide supplemental law enforcement services. there is a committee report.
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>> chairman: thank you, colleagues, we to this item last week. supervisor safai, the floor is yours. >> supervisor safai: thank you, chair peskin, i appreciate the opportunity to just say a few last words. i just want to emphasize to the public and also for the record, the main driving force behind this legislation has been the uptick in retail theft that we've seen in our city. this type of brazen theft has impacted the well being of our front line workers that work in a lot of these stores. it's impacted the well-being and the psychology of shoppers and people that frequent these
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stores, often neighborhood stores both small and big and it's impacted the perception of san francisco. so, for me, we wanted to put together a working group and i've called that working group out last week. it's co-chaired by police chief bill scott, but i want to make sure to thank all the members that participated and support this legislation. sheriff mianmotto police chief scott. san francisco chamber of commerce. the san francisco counsel of district merchants. many of our community benefits districts, particularly the union square, cbd as well as fisherman's wharf, the naacp, union local 5 as well as local 648. so i want to thank all of them
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for the in'put and the work that they've done to keep moving this conversation forward and also the deputy sheriff's association for giving us feedback along with sheriff miamoto and police chief scott. we might expand the scope seeing what we have in other areas of the city. i know. this is something that i think we need to really get our arms around and i'm hopeful that this legislation today will be a deterrent and a suppressant and also something we can work with our district attorney on to get a level of treatment rehabilitation. this is not about going back to the days of overincarceration.
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this is about being present and being able to see the individuals and look at what the appropriate types of rehabilitation are. so, thank you, chair, thank you committee members. thank you supervisor mandelman and your cosponsors and thank you supervisor chan for the amendments last week and many other supervisors have expressed their support for this legislation as well. so thank you, mr. chair. >> chairman: thank you. any comments from committee members. if not, why don't we go to public comment. >> clerk: yes. mr. chair, operations is checking to see if there are any callers in the queue. if you have not already done so, please dial star three to be added to the queue. for those on hold, please continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted. we currently have seven callers and two people in line to speak. >> chairman: first speaker,
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please. can we have the first caller, please. okay. the caller is silent. we can move on to the next caller. >> caller: can you hear me now? >> clerk: yes, you may proceed. >> caller: good morning. david pilpel. first of all on page 1 line 22, i believe in the middle there that should read in double underline 10a.5 not 10.5. i reviewed the amendments from last week and i'm concerned
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that the definition of a requester refers individuals and entities, so i'm wondering if that can be reasonably interpreted that i or anyone else can serve as sheriff's deputies as private security. that seems not like the intended concept if it's a business or entity with the intent to deter retail theft, then i think a requester should be limited to an entity and not an individual or maybe only an individual on behalf of some entity. i'm also concerned that the definition refers to occasional events -- how is that written? special events or occurrences that happened on occasional basis. so i'm not sure. there appear to be no findings
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in the legislation to explain the basis for the legislation including the discussion about retail theft which i think is important and would be important to include here. i hope my other comments from last week that i won't go into unless you need to hear again, i hope that those comments are still addressed. i support the concept, but i believe this legislation still needs a little more work. those are my thoughts at this time, thanks for listening. >> clerk: thank you. can we have the next caller, please. >> you have reached the maximum time for recording your message. if you're satisfied -- >> clerk: so i believe that caller. can we have the next caller.
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>> clerk: another silent caller. can you confirm if we have anybody else on the line, mr. atkins. >> mr. clerk, the other callers on the line are silent. >> clerk: okay. chair peskin, the other callers -- >> chairman: public comment is closed. supervisor safai, i believe the caller did make at least one good point which is that the capital letter a on page 1 at line 22. it should read 10a.5.
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i'm happy to make that amendment. do you have any final comments? if not, i will have -- >> supervisor safai: there is one last thing i did want to emphasize as well. much of this also was driven by retailers and were not able to hire officers currently under the 10b program. not enough officers were responding or available. and so this also has to do with demand and the supply not meeting demand. so we're trying to increase the pool to make more law enforcement available for the demand that's out there for that presence. just wanted to say that as a final comment. but, agains, thank you to the committee and thank you for the work that you've done with us. appreciate it. >> chairman: all right.
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thank you. so, with that, i will make a motion to amend as previously stated on that motion. mr. young, a roll call please. >> clerk: on the motion to amend, [roll call] the motion passes without objection. >> chairman: and then i'll make a motion to send the item -- >> chair peskin? i'm sorry to interrupt. may i be heard. >> chairman: yes. deputy city attorney peerson, the floor is yours. >> he did thought have a log-in for this meeting though he has asked for it. in light of his request to weigh in, i suggest that the
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committee takes pause on taking action on the final action to send this to the full board until you've heard from him. >> chairman: supervisor safai, you are on commute. >> supervisor safai: i just got a medication from director eisen. he's trying to get on to be able to speak -- to be able to give d.h.r.'s position. >> chairman: why don't we wait a minute until you get that individual onto this call. >> clerk: yes. give me a moment.
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okay. the invitation has just been
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sent. >> chairman: mr. graham, good morning. >> i'm sorry. go ahead. >> just briefly, we had an opportunity to receive the legislation on wednesday. we forwarded that legislation to the affected unions and the p.o.a. asked to meet and confer. we're evaluating their request to do so. >> chairman: the p.o.a. is not a union. they're a bargaining unit. >> the bargaining unit of p.o.a. asked to meet and confer and we're considering their request and we're evaluating it. >> chairman: okay. so obviously if this panel recommends it, the full board can vote on it as a funl
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support. >> to meet and understand what their comments and concerns may be about the existing isolation and recommendation. >> supervisor safai: my vote would be to proceed out of committee. we'll give the d.h.r. the opportunity to review and make a final determination. but until that point, i think we should just proceed and move toward the full board. >> chairman: all right. mr. clerk on the vote of supervisor safai. >> supervisor mandelman: mandelman. would it make sense not to forward it as a committee report so d.h.r. has one day to
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look at this. >> remember, there's two votes respectfully. >> chairman: in so far as there's two readings of the board. is that what you're saying supervisor safai? >> there technically three votes. >> as you know, it sounds like they have not made their final determination. so our advice would be to forward this to the committee to pull things to committee and wait to the full board until we confer it is fully resolveded. we could instruct you at the full board not to vote on it until we've had confirmation. >> chairman: mr. graham. >> yes.
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i'm sorry. i disconnected. >> chairman: okay. good to have you back. has the poa in writing asserted a request to meet and confer. >> they have not done so. i don't have a written request for them to be confirmed. >> chairman: all right. so on the vote. >> clerk: yes. on that motion. [roll call] the motion passes without objection to recommend the matter as a committee report as amended. >> chairman: next item, please. >> clerk: next on the agenda
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is item number two, motion approving objecting the mayor's nomination for the appointment to the police commission for a term ending april 30th, 2022. >> chairman: thank yous, mr. young. mr. carter overstone, good morning. >> good mornings, chair peskin. >> chairman: and, colleagues, i had the opportunity to meet with mr. carter overstone, the week before last or was it last week? i can't remember which i appreciated do you want to regale the committee with your interest in serving on the xhis commission. the floor is yours. >> chair peskin, supervisor
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chan and supervisor mandelman, thank you for the opportunity to testify today before the rules committee and for the chance to address the committee with a brief opening statement. the cause of police reform captureded the nation's attention in the wake of george floyd's murder, but the public's attention as we've all come to know is finite. many have suggested that the public's interest in reform is already waiting. while others are more hopeful that it will sustain, but either way, i don't think we can afford to wait and see. we have an obligation to act now while the national focus on reform might still survive the necessary momentum to propel us forward. we also owe it to the citizens of our cities, my native city to enact policies that reflect
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our shared values and that will keep both residents and officers safe. these are precisely the types of policies i've been working on for the better part of the last year. the policing project is a nonprofit promoting accountability and policing. over the past year, i've led a number of the projects. i was the principal author of model legislation curtailing the use of traffic stops and co-wrote our model law on
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decertification. and before that in a private sector at the california department of justice where i was an associate deputy solicitor general. i have litigated dozens of appeals implicating a wide range of legal doctorings, environmental law, constitutional law and many others. which we litigating the night in the supreme court. and it changed the federal legislation that weakened the affordable care act conception. and i also challenged california's laws regarding
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child abuse. one of the most solemn obligations in the attorney's list of the general's office is to represent the people of california and defend appeals from criminal conviction. some of these cases involve very serious crimes for which the defendant is serving a long sentence. even though we were charged with defending conviction secured by the prosecution, our job was not to win at all cost. rather, our responsibility was to ensure that justice was served. in certain cases, that might mean forthrightly alerting the court that a conviction should be reversed because a defendant's constitutional rights were violated. to remind myself of this important obligation, i printed out a single page from a 1935 supreme court decision that describes the role of the federal prosecutor. i take this page above my desk and highlighted the following
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passage. the united states attorney is the representative not of an ordinary party to a controversy but of a sovereignty and whose interest therefore and a criminal prosecution is not that it shall win a case, but that justice shall be done. you may prosecute with earnestness and vigor. he is not at liberty to strike. it is as much his duty to fran from any proper method as it is to use every legitimate means to bring about a just one. if confirmed, i pledge to supply. i promise to pursue the cause of reform and vigor, but also with discernment to implement policy changes swiftly and aggressively, but also to ensure any policy we pursue
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gives clear guidance that can be followed by officers in the field reflects recognized best practices and is grounded in evidence. i pledge to sit impartially as an adjudicator and i pledge to both educate the public about the commission's work and to listen to the concerns and ideas expressed by communities. finally, police reform is personal to me. there is scarcely a black man in america these not felt the unchecked force of police power and i'm no exception. i recall for example being pulled over while in the passenger seat of my friend's car for going 5 miles an hour over the speed limit. my friend, the driver is also black. the officer instructed me to get out of the car and with one hand white knuckle gripping his gun began to pat me down. what's that? he barked as his hand pressed
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through my shorts and against my cellphone. before it was all over, there were four squad cars at the scene including a canine unit which did a drug sniff of the car. the officer lets go with a mere ticket but he was sure to remind us multiple times it was fully within his authority to take us boys as he called us to jail if he wanted to. it should go without saying that i'm incredibly lucky. this experience like other encounters i've had with police could of had a much more tragic ending. even these relatively minor occurrences are still unworthy of a nation founded by people who risk everything to rid themselves of arbitrary government intrusion into their lives. it confirms i hope to make a small contribution to the project of reimagine how police can play a productive role in
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our democracy. thank you, i look forward to answering the committee's questions. >> chairman: thank you, counselor carter overstone and thank you for taking the time to visit with me the week before last. i want to thank the mayor for finding you supervisors. i also note that you happen to be a district three constituent. which certainly doesn't hurt with that. i'll turn it over to my colleagues supervisor mandelman and supervisor chan if they have any comments. supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman: thank you, chair peskin. and i want to also thank mr. carter overstone for taking
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time to talk to me this weekend. i had heard good things about him from my constituent julie tron and i am confident that he will be an i think it's important that i do believe for the police commissioners of san francisco right now, there are multiple charges and one is to pursue reform and ensure we are doing what the department of justice is indicating we should and then going further to do the next steps. but also to make sure that our police department is effectively serving all the neighborhoods in san francisco and all the folks in san francisco and whether it is preventing and solving gun violence or property crime or
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any of the other issues that are impacting the community. i'm actually somebody who does believe in reform and i do believe we do need police officers and we need them to do their job excellently. so i think part of the job of the commissioners is to ensure that they're doing that. and get the resources they need to do that and hold them accountable. so i trust that mr. oberstone will do that. >> chairman: supervisor chan, any comments or questions? >> supervisor chan: thank you, chair peskin. i appreciate the time spent and having the conversation and i look forward to supporting this nomination. i think it is good to have. you know, we appointed both mr. larry e. and mr. jim byrnes
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to the police commission recently and those are the great two appointments who have been community advocates for a long time in san francisco, but it is also good to see the next generation of leaders to come and join the commission to provide a different perspective. so i look forward to supporting this nomination. thank you. >> chairman: thank you, supervisor chan. mr. clerk, why don't we go to public comment. >> clerk: yes. members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call (415) 655-0001. the meeting id is 24892024267 and then press pound and pound again. if you haven't already done so, please dial star three to line up to speak. a system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted
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and you may begin your comment. we currently have four people in line to speak on this matter. >> chairman: first speaker, please. >> caller: hello. my name is jason crocket. i'm calling in to speak in support of and on behalf of max carter-oberstone's appointment. i've known max for 18 years and it should be noted that i spent the last four and a half years working in city government for the mayor in the city of los angeles and so i understand intimately the role of commissioners and the important role they play in oversight. in the 18 years that i've known max, there are a number of qualities that i would say have struck out that have made him unique in my mind, but something that i think he excels at is preparation and
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anticipation. in everything he's ever done, he comes prepared and ready to work very hard, but you can say that about a lot of people and a lot of different disciplines. i think what he brings uniquely to everything he touches is anticipation. he thinks two, three, four steps ahead and understands how he will react. he is very conscious of the needs of others, the goals of others, and the positions that others are taking. and is able to think and i had a chance to visit san francisco during college with max. he invited me to join him during spring break and one of the things that i remember so fondly is how much he loves his
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city. never have i seen someone speak so passionately about the city they were born in and raised in as he has. so i think that this role of service is a natural fit. he will bring his eagerness to serve. his eye and passion for justice as well as a life long habit of preparation and anticipation to this role. he will come ready to make change and to fulfill his obligation and his duty to the city. and i'm excited for him to take this on. >> clerk: that's your time. thank you. >> chairman: thank you, sir. next speaker, please. >> caller: yes. good morning. thank you for your tomb. my name is erin lyota. i'm an attorney based in berkeley and i've known
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mr. oberstone since we worked together in san francisco. he's a person with a lot of integrity. max isn't afraid to speak up when he sees something that isn't right and he doesn't go along with the status quo. now, i don't want to imply that this makes max difficult to work with because it's quite the opposite. max is a delight to work with. i've learned so much from him about how to be a better lawyer and a better person. max grew up in san francisco and he is deeply committed to the city and to making it a better place for future generations. san francisco would be very lucky to have him on his police commission. i hope you all approve his nomination. thank you. >> chairman: thank you. next speaker, please. >> hello. i am calling in today in
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support of max carter-oberstone's nomination. i've known him for over seven years from the time we first clerked together in district court. i want to tell you what it's like to work with max as a colleague. you've heard many achievements and the accolades that come with his academic and professional background, but what you may not know yet is what a joy he is to share an office or a project with. he is incredibly thoughtful and account as a colleague. he will go above and beyond to ensure the success of the team and he is the kind of person that you want to go and talk through difficult issues with. he keeps an open mind. he is strategic in his thinking and he will always ask questions and push you to be more thoughtful and more precise in your own reasoning. for all of these reasons,
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including everything that the other people in public comment have said today, i am so enthusiastic to highly recommend him for this post and i'm excited for an opportunity for max. thank you. >> chairman: thank you. are there any other speakers? next speaker, please. >> clerk: i believe we do have one more caller. >> yes. good morning. my name is michael mongan. i currently serve as the solicitor general of california. in my individual capacity and not on behalf of the attorney general or the department of justice. i had the great privilege to work closely with max for two years in the office of solicitor general. i had a chance to observe him in close corridors as a colleague, working with him on some of the state's most pressing projects including
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defending the daca policy and reproductive freedoms. and i can't think of anybody who would be better suited for this position as max. he's one of the hardest working attorneys i've met. he cares deeply about fairness and justice and the rule of law. san francisco is where he grew up and i know that he loves the city and all of its communities and he's a kind and decent and generous person who works well with others. i can honestly say i've never had a better colleague than max carter-oberstone and san francisco would be lucky to have him as a member of the complicit commission. thank you. >> chairman: thank you. are there any members of the public who would like to testify on this item number two. >> clerk: and that was the last public commenter. >> chairman: okay. public comment is closed. and the one and i think most
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important in addition is qualifications question that i ask mr. carter-oberstone was his ability to put significant time into this time consuming position and he answered that he understood that and would carve necessary time out of his otherwise busy schedule. so thank you for that and thank you for your willingness to serve and, colleagues, if there are no further comments, i would like to make a motion to amend the subject resolution at line three by deleting the word rejecting and at line 14 by deleting the word reject. on that motion, a role call, please. >> clerk: on the motion to amend, [roll call]
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>> chairman: and then i would like to make a motion to send the item to the full board. on that motion. a roll call please. >> clerk: on that motion, [roll call] the motion passes without objection. >> chairman: thank you, and mr. carter-oberstone, i wanted to get this on tomorrow's agenda, so you will be a member of the police commission in about a week. thank you. next item, please. >> clerk: would you like me to read items three through five together? >> chairman: sure. >> clerk: yes. item number 3.
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item number 4 is for the appointment of julie soo to the sheriff's department and item number five is a motion approving rejecting the mayor's nomination of dion-jay brookter to the sheriff's department oversight board term ending march 1, 2025. >> chairman: all right. colleagues, this obviously was a result of the measure that was championed by the board of supervisors president walton who can unfortunately not join us today, but we have the mayor's nominees before us today in the form of mr. gonzalez, ms. soo, and mr. brookter who we will hear from momentarily. are there any opening comments
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from committee members? if not, why don't we start with a statement from mr. gonzalez and in conjunction with board president walton, i have a number of questions that i will ask identically or similarly to all three of the candidates. mr. gonzalez, good morning. >> good morning, supervisor peskin, good morning supervisors. thanks for hearing my responsibilities to the fire department and also i feel would be asked to the sheriff's department oversight review board. i retired may 2019 after 29 and a half years. 10 and a half years were in an admin position, positions. i was the deputy chief of operations to the second in command, general orders policies and procedures, memo randoms. i've reviewed most all of those
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before the chief's signature. i oversaw hundreds of disciplinary recommendations, made recommendations to the chief. also attended disciplinary hearings before the fire commission. represented the department in the m.l.u. negotiations. i attended monthly meetings. some of the responsibilities or my direct reports were the airport. the fire marshal, fire preventions, fire investigation. i worked on many projects with the d.m., department of emergency management. action plans and also workeded hand in hand with personnel
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office fire suppression scheduling. also, i took pride in creating programs and sustained objectives. i look forward if allowed the privilege to serve on this board and available for any questions. >> chairman: thank you, mr. gonzalez. let me start with some of the questions on behalf of president walton. normally, mr. gonzalez, we ask people if they've attended meetings of this body, in so
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far as this body has not existed. we can't ask you that question, but have you been involved with any of the issues surrounding sheriffs or public law enforcement reform? >> no i have not. >> chairman: any experience in advocating for somebody in custody? >> not in a formal process, no. >> chairman: any involvement around the city wide conversation with regard to jail closures particularly at the hall of justice? >> no. >> chairman: you may have some experience with this. in 2018, the board passed the transparency and oversight to craft policies about their use of surveillance technologies
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and mitigate potential harms and risks to civil liberties and because the sheriff while the sheriff has submitted written certification that is it exempt from this policy and doesn't need to craft policies to ensure the safe use of complex surveillance technologies. would you support a shift in that policy to require the sheriff to submit to this oversight to ensure the safe uses surveillance technology. >> i think surveillance can be a positive for both sides on that issue. i mean, it's for the victim and for the sheriff as well. so i would be in favor of that. yes. >> chairman: okay. are there any questions from committee members? seeing none. is there any public comment on this item?
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mr. clerk. >> supervisor chan: chair peskin, we're calling all three items together, right? >> chairman: yes. good point, supervisor chan. we will hold public comment until we hear from all three, so why don't we go on to the next nominee. ms. soo, good morning. mr. clerk, is ms. soo with us? >> clerk: i'm checking right
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now. i will check on her if you want to move on. >> chairman: good morning. d.j. >> good morning chair peskin and vice chair mandelman. the last chance i got to see and everything that he's doing. but i also want to say, thank you to the mayor for having faith in my leadership and time on the police commission: i've been in the city and county for the last eleven years.
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i have been a public servant. i am the executive director of young community developers which is one of the leading workforce developments in district 10. i've been apart of that organization for over ten years where we've grown from nine folks and during that time was also able to really focus on violence prevention in the work that we do around community engagement in the southeast part of san francisco. i have serveded on the mayor's workforce development board. i have workeded on the controller's bond oversight committee and most recently one of our san francisco police commissioners where i want to say thank you to my colleagues.
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our vice president cindy elias and we've been able to push forward a lot of reform, a lot of department general orders, a lot of department bulletins during my 10 year on the police commission. i also want to share that as an organization, we've had an opportunity to work a lot with our sheriff's department. during my time at young community development, we've had a document series alongside the sheriff's department and the police department known as the chop shop where we work and set down with the police department and barbershops throughout the city and county of san francisco and had dialog about what law enforcement and policing looks like in our communities. we have been apart of the sheriff's department's garden project where we worked with young adults in community and actually took them to some of our sheriff's department sites, most notably the farm where we
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showed them how to do urban farming and we looked at ways in which they can be stewards in their community through our work with the sheriff's department. we now as an organization also have a very robust department in our organization where we're working with folks who have been justice involved. we have a great to chair peskin's question. we as an organization have set on the committee that looked at the closer of the juvenile justice halls that we have and we are in full support of closing down those facilities. i've spent time at 850 bryant. i've spent time in our jails and prison systems. before coming to san francisco, i worked for an organization which was apart of a re-entry
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initiative where i spent time up and down the state of california not only in our jails, but inside our prison system sitting down in jails with men and women who have been justice involved and helping them reenter back. with that, i just want to say, thank you again for an opportunity to be here. another opportunity to serve the city and county of san francisco. as we know, this body doesn't currently exist and that's one of the things that has me most excited about it is being able to put in those hard earned hours to really see this body being what some of our other commissions and bodies are here in the city and county of san francisco and also understanding of the police commission that, again, it's in good hands. it was great to see max carter-oberstone and my colleagues who are there. i hope to be confirmed, chair
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peskin. >> chairman: thank you, commissioner brookter, and you toucheded on most of the questions that i asked the previous nominee. but specifically, would you support a shift in the is a great way to be able to tell a full story. may not remember or may get to see things that might of occurred. that may have slipped the individuals' minds. >> chairman: any questions from colleagues?
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all right. thank you, d.j. and why don't we move on to ms. soo. is she available now? >> clerk: she should be. i just contacted her. she briefly appeared on our video. >> chairman: yeah. i saw her. maybe she's not hearing us. give me a moment. there we are. ms. soo, good morning. >> yes. i'm on my phone as well as on my laptop and the connection's a little off i think.
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>> supervisor mandelman: uh, oh. >> i can't hear the video. >> clerk: we can hear you okay, but we can go with just audio if that's okay. >> chairman: that's fine. ms. soo, why don't you tell us why you want to be on the sheriff's oversight board and give us some background and then i will ask you the same questions that the previous two speaker nominees spoke to. >> okay. well, thank you. i welcome this opportunity again to serve the city in a public capacity.
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i've been a public attorney for over two -- >> clerk: can you turn down the volume on your. >> chairman: julie, can you turn down the volume -- ms. soo, we can't really hear -- >> in place and taking public testimony to make sure that we are -- >> chairman: ms. soo. julie sue, can you hear me? >> are we having audio issues again? >> chairman: yes. we are definitely having audio issues for sure. we're having visual issues and audio issues. the clerk suggested that you turn the volume on your computer down. can you do that? >> are we still having audio issues or can you hear me now? >> chairman: you obviously
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can't hear me. let's do this. at the beginning, you were crystal clear visually and i could hear you. now we cannot hear you and we cannot see you. what i'm going to suggest, colleagues is that we continue these three to next monday and send them as committee reports, whatever this body decides and they will get to the board at the same time. we don't need to rehear them, but i will take public comment right now. is there any public comment on items three, four, or five? >> clerk: we are double checking. >> i'm sorry, are we still having audio issues? >> chairman: julie, we can't hear you. it's not working. we're going to do this next week when you are in a decent place with decent connectivity.
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all right. public comment. >> clerk: yes. members of the public who wish to provide public comment on this item should call (415) 655-0001. the meeting id is 24892024267 then press pound and pound again. if you haven't already done so -- give me a moment. >> chairman: thanks julie who has her mic on. julie, turn your mic off. >> clerk: if you haven't done so please press star to line up to speak. the system will indicate you have raised your hand. please wait until you have been unmuted and you may begin your comment when we get to public comment and we current lae have two people on the line and one person in line to speak.
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>> chairman: first speaker, please. >> caller: good morning chair peskin and supervisor chan and supervisor mandelman. i'm sorry that julie's audio video isn't working. she lives in twin peaks which gets spotty, i believe. it's kind of a shortcoming in our city. regarding julie's appointment to this oversight committee, i really want to strongly recommend her appointment not only as a strong member and an excellent resource to assist in this newly formed oversight committee to be established. i have known julie for over 25 years. she has been serving on the commission of status of women for nine years, has been a senior staff attorney for the
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california state insurance commissioner and she also -- >> clerk: can you hang everything up and try again. we're taking public comment. >> chairman: go ahead. >> caller: hello? julie also served nine years for the st. francis hospital trustee board and she is currently the lead co-chair for the california democratic state parties platform committee. julie has as a native san franciscan, fourth generation to be exact has many years in relationship in san francisco chinatown and beyond in the asian community. i have known her to be not just smart about what she does, but quite thorough and transparent about her decision making and i believe that her number of
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years in the public process with government will add to the as an asset to this new oversight committee and i highly recommend your recommendation for appointment. thank you. >> chairman: thank you. next speaker, please. >> clerk: i am confirming that we -- that was our only speaker for today. >> chairman: okay. public comment is closed and colleagues, because of the audio and audio-visual impairment for ms. soo, why don't we continue these three items to our week, one week hence and ms. soo is leave twin peaks or something. on that a roll call, please. >> clerk: yes, on the motion to continue these matters to the next meeting of the rules committee, [roll call]
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the motion passes without objection. mr. chair, i just want to make one suggestion before we continue these matters. i believe there was a misspelling in mr. sponz's name. the information i received is incorrect. his name should end with an 's' and not a 'z'. >> chairman: noted please correct that. >> clerk: i will do so. >> chairman: all right. we are adjourned.
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i behalf of our partner bridge housing corporation it is my pleasure to welcome you all to the grand opening of broadway cove and 735
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davis. >> jack and i will be the co-emcees. we promise to keep things moving. thank you for the part you played in making this possible. as jack said, we also are sonnored to partner with john jn stewart. thank you for celebrating with us today. >> we are going to do tag teaming. bear with us. the mayor is a cup well minutes late. on the former site of the tom thefreeway we are reminded of te long histories of these sites. starting with the many generations of the ohlone people who lived here and on the bay that made up the site before
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filled in. by the 1980s these were on the edge of the embarcadero recoast red-light district. evidence of tobacco and drugs. the practice of kidnapping men were all found during the excavations of these sites. in fact, many historic artifacts unearthed have been preserved and will be on display in both building lobbies. that way was an empty glass case in an month or two it will be filled with interesting stuff. after filling in of the bay and commercial uses the site was developed part of the freeway until it was demolished in 1991. then, thanks to the advocacy of
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the community including the friends at chinatown community development center that ensured these newly surplus pieces of land would be dedicated to a critical public use here in san francisco affordable housing. [applause] >> to continue the story. in 2016 the mayor's office of housing issued request for proposals on behalf of the city and the port. for two parcels known as 322-1 and the dwp parcel where we are today. as is the mayor's office of housing custom they knew what they wanted, gave us a detailed program of rough sizes and affordability. there are unique things here as a result of that. we also had the benefit of community design workshop
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organized by the city and i think we were the beneficiary of drawings and input from the community as many of you know this community is very engaged. with that information in hand, we set about the task of trying to assemble a team to design, build, operate and finance and build the building. bridge housen and john stewart per successful on a project not far from here on bay street. north beach place. for 12 years before, we built senior housing, family housing, child care, neighborhood serving retail, all of the components that exist here. not a very big leap to say let's use what we learned there and recreate it here. state-of-the-art 2016 at the time. memorable for me.
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i have been doing this for about 25 years. i will never forget about a month of effort. that is how much time you have when the r.f.p. comes out to present the building to the city. i worked with jack and jon stewart was directly involved. i had known don for a long time. he was friends with don turner. i would see him in the office and say hi, never shoulder to shoulder with him. i made it memorable. he brought the standard humor and passion to this effort which included neighborhood serving restaurant here that was desired by the neighborhood and by us not a small decision. it basically was investment that bridge and john stewart were going to make in the
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neighborhood. i am excited. these buildings represent to me the physical manifestation of everything john was about. legions of san franciscans of all ages will live here with dignity for a long time. for myself i am grateful to participate in a small way alongside john steward. thank you. >> thank you, brad. it is mixed feelings we difficult the ribbon, of course. following our selection by the city and the neighborhood representatives as the developer of the site, the development team embarked upon intensive community outreach and design process involving multiple neighborhood groups that marie will talk to later. the port itself, city, historic preservation and many additional
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stakeholders. collaborative process that represents the best of san francisco i lot of give and take and serving the community and generating public benefit. leveraging public private partnership for public benefit. we put together the mother of mixed-use projects, as brad mentioned multigenerational affordable housing for low income seniors and families, first subsidized units for missing middle moderate income housing. permanent housing for homeless. neighborhoods targeting a coffee shop, family style restaurant in broadway cove. mixed income child care operated by the ymca of san francisco and
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robust resident services company from lutheran social services and ymca serving all residents of the two buildings. broad wage of sizes 24 studios. 65 one bedrooms, and income from homeless 30% medium up to 120% of medium and preference for households with certificates of parties operation preference who were displaced by redevelopment and households relocated from the city's dynamic hope sf redomprojects in potraro. this is for every type of san francisco needing a helping hand. we are very proud of that.
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[applause] this doesn't happen without political vision and fearlessness. it is a great pleasure for me. i mentioned earlier the land under broadway cove owned by the port of san francisco. the port graciously granted a long term lease for affordable housing. i am proud to introduce if executive director of the port of san francisco. one of on only 12 women in the ports of united states. there are 350 of them. welcome elaine forbes. >> welcome, jack. ports aren't doing that great on gender equality. we hope they move along. the story has been told as well as the details of the units.
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i will skip that in my remarks. first we are excited to see everyone today. this is an incredibly important project for the port. we hadn't always gotten development right in this part of town, but this project really came together for us. generally speaking, port property is not appropriate for housing because it is a private use. we really had to work with state lands commission to identify this was appropriate for housing. we found a 75 year ground lease to allow the project to happen. i want to thank my staff here today working so hard with the state lands commission, the community residents to get this right. as direct or i can't say how proud we are to bring affordable housing to a very high cost area in the waterfront. waterfront property for
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affordable housing for people in a welcoming in the neighborhood for diversity and -- diversity and equity. we are proud to be part of this. thank you for being here. we can't wait for the ribbon-cutting. thank you,. (applause). >> i will add thanks for the amazing partnership that allowed us to be here today. the next speaker is a fighter for affordable housing and true champion for the neighbors of district 3. this project was conceived in 2015-2016, supervisor peskin was running for his third term after a little time off. he took office just in time. really to be the force to get this beautiful complex built. join me in warmly welcoming supervisor aaron peskin.
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(applause). >> thank you, brad. it is really a pleasure to be back with the team i started with 20 years ago, bridge and jon stewart company at north beach place, which gave me the opportunity to work with john on a project that was impossible. so many people to thank. let me join jack in thanking the community. this is the same progressive community that supported more density and more affordability at north beach place over on bay street. same community that came together, barbary coast neighbors to support this project. it was great to be here when we turned the first shovel full of dirt. it seems like yesterday. this project was a long time in
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the making. let me start by thanking god for the earthquake. then move to mayor agnes who made the tough command decision to tear that freeway that separated northeast corner of san francisco from the waterfront. let me fill in the history between 1991 when that freeway came down and 2016 when that r.f.p. went out. it wasn't an easy history. it long pre-dates the desire for affordable housing at this location. the original bill from the senator required all of these former freeway parcels to be disposed of for cash to pair for the embarcadero roadway structure. we overcame that. in 1996, the chinese chamber of
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commerce wrote a series of memoranda which i have unearthed that are remarkable in the vision for reuniting chinatown for the embarcadero freeway that led to improvements along the embarcadero and the one and only affordable housing project. remember mayor brown at that point. there were four parcels. 1-a ford ability housing, sevenral please, third class a hotel and the fourth the park down the street. were it not for pushing from the community. broadway would have been a police station and not affordable housing. this would have been a hotel and not affordable housing. i want to thank everybody who made that dream a reality.
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our newest city attorney david chu for carrying that and making sure we turn car pace to people space. congratulations one and all. [applause] >> thanks, supervisor. yeah, that actually made the development the easy part of the project, i think. that is the not usually the case. you practically introduced the next leader. this project requires state and local leadership. we had a champion in sacramento for many years even if he recently returned to his hometown. it is my privilege and honor to introduce former board president, assemblyman, chair of
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the state housing and community development committee and san francisco's current and first asian-american city attorney david chu. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, jack. it is so good to be home. let me say that i have been following the weather the week. it was supposed to rain today. i think it is fitting that the sun is shining on broadway cove. my predecessor the great aaron peskin started sharing some of the background. i think we could write a book what it took to bring the community together. let me fill in a couple moments because i realized this project did really occupy time of former supervisors, my time on the board of supervisors and legislature and where we are
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today. this area was really collaboration between chinatown community and the neighborhoods around it. as former board chair of shinena town community development center we are so much better for it. i want to go back to meetings i remember when i was on the board of supervisors when the barbary coast and north beach neighbors came together and said, how do we envision this place? initially we were thinking it was going to be just low income affordable. there was a decision made to not just mix up the moderate and low income affordable. think about family housing which as father of five-year-old is relevant to what we need to be as city. i thank the neighborhood associations for one of the best examples how community collaborates with developers to get things done.
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fast forward to 2018. i remember conversations with bridge, with the jon stewart company. they wanted me to carry this bill. it involved amending the burton act. i was talking to john burton last night with his colorful language. i explained we want to make a little change to allow a surface parking lot to become family housing and child care. that is what we had to do. we had to get state change to get it. it took us nine votes in the legislature to get it done. that is one time nechapter how we move this. this project really came about because it takes the village of the public sector led by the mayor and the leadership from the city working with nonprofit bridge housing and so many instrumental to this.
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working with the private sector from bank of america to the architects to builders to really make this happen. i just want to thank you on behalf of all of us from the elected family for that. let me end with one final thing. we are here. the sun is shining because jon stewart is looking upon us. [applause] i want to say to the family, john was literally larger than life. i think brad was talking about being shoulder to shoulder. aaron and i would maybe reach his chest. he was not only renaissance man, he was a true visionary. his heart was in this community. he sacrificed so much. i remember the brain damage deals. this was probably one of those deals, right, jack?
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where we are today is full of the spirit of so many but certainly the spirit of the stewart family and the spirits of john. i will say we miss him, we love him, we know he is here today. with that the last thing i will say keep doing this over and over again. keep building projects that reflect the very best who we are. have a great morning. thank you. [applause] >> thank you so much, mr. city attorney. it is going to take me awhile to get that into it. we know you as such a housing warrior. thank you. as jack said. we had to build complicated mixed income, mixed use site on some toxic land in the middle of a pandemic. nothing to it. our next speaker, i think, reflects the neighborhood
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passion that residents here in district three have. bruno cantor is a local architect and neighborhood advocate. president of the board of north beach neighbors on the northern advisory committee of the port. probably well-known to our friend elaine. with that i also in talking about this with the rest of our team learned that mr. cantor was also highly regarded by our friend jon stewart. please welcome bruno cantor. [applause] >> good morning everybody. some of you may remember me saying a few words at the ground breaking a couple years ago where i brought my five-year-old daughter with me. i remember john pulled me aside to say, bruno, don't bring your child up to the podium.
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she will up stage you. well, i did, and she certainly did up stage me. i am fortunate she is in school today. definitely working with john was such a pleasure, and he is sorely missed by all. fortunately, i was able to share this process of bringing affordable housing to my daughter and her native san francisco making it possible for families like ours to continue to live in the city. i am an architect by trade as brad had suggested. i am so impressed by the architectural merits of these buildings. the architect and his team did a wonderful job in design of this complex. it is open, it is outward looking. this courtyard is inviting to the neighborhood, and it is spectacular. the commercial spaces here
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activate the street front and it is truly a place where -- worthy of being called gateway to north beach. what is more impressive is how we got here. the partnership between the public and private sectors and community to bring much needed affordable housing, i believe, is unsurpassed in this case. the process was started early with extensive outreach to the community even before the architect was selected. the massing studies done with direct community input facilitated by architect not invited to see through the design. that made the residents of the neighborhood feel hurt and included in the process. we saw our input incorporated at a very early stage. i would like to thank former
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supervisor julie christian son who brought in senior housing and supervisor aaron peskin foreseeing the project through to its successful completion. of course, the leadership of the mayor's office of housing and community development just incredible what they have done here and, of course, bridge housing and the jon stewart company. i am a process guy. it was amazing process to be involved with. the jon stewart company and leadership was again unsurpassed. of course, the port and the northern advisory committee members who contributed early in the process and bringing the stakeholder participation. i will end with saying that this is truly a city that my children will be proud to continue to live in. thank you.
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[applause] >> thanks, bruno. well, it takes a lot of community spirit and collaboration. it takes a load of leadership from elected officials at every level. since it is san francisco, it takes a lot of money. to paraphrase willy sutton. why do we go to bank of america? that is where the money is. i thank and introduce or next speaker, her institution, the source of two key pieces of project financing. sizable construction loan and $25 million in needed capital. thank you, bank of america. [applause] >> good morning, everyone.
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it is so wonderful to be here on this beautiful sunnydale to see so many faces we are all here with three years ago when we did shovel that first bit of dirt as supervisor peskin said as well. this is a glorious, glorious development building. we are honored to be part of it. inst last year bank of america provided $5.9 billion in financing for affordable developments across united states. this led to 13,000 affordable units, 6,000 green units, 2400 for seniors and 1600 units for veterans and people with stable needs and formerly homeless individuals. bank of america is proud to call san francisco our founding city from rebuilding after the 1904 earthquakes, financing two great
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brings and developments like this. proud of our $2.2 billion commitment through the san francisco process as well which redeveloped over 3500 units at 29 different properties. we would like to continue to thank our partners bridge housing and the jon stewart company, mayor breed and her team at the mayor's office of community housing, housing authority, hud, port of san francisco and everyone who worked to make this development possible including our team at bank of america. thank you everyone. >> thank you. i have been at a number of these events and followed bank of america representative. we couldn't be here without the long history. these are complicated projects. you know, our partners at the
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mayor's office of housing are experts of helping us structure. we rely on lenders to bend on a variety of issues, some came up today. thank you bank of america for on wavering support. we are a little off script. we have the pinch-hitter in a minute. before i introduce her, a rare opportunity for people like me deeply involved in the development. i get to meet neighbors and elected officials. i am one step removed from the people we are doing the work for. i relish the chance when there is a resident who has courage to step up to tell their story what this means to them. there is a resident of broadway
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cove who will share her thoughts about her new home. [applause] >> hi. i am a mother. we are thankful to be part of this community with multiple backgrounds. our journey seemed long in the beginning. the transition happened in less than a year. in pandemic times accounting for the approval possessing times it was quick to the new complex. i am thankful that cheryl, chris, alyssa, my adult sons and myself stuck to the paperwork.
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we have never felt as safe and comfortable as we do now. i am thankful for my worker that encouraged me to follow-through with positive mind set. that is hard to maintain. this is our home. we can move on to other essential building blocks of our lives. the building is essential. i load dishes in the dish washer as i wash laundry down the hall so i can graduate as aeners in the future -- as a nurse. we hope to move out and this unit shall open up for another need de family this will help with fancy electronic disposesible. [indiscernable] thank you for everybody that came together to make this possible for all of us.
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thank you. (applause). >> thank you so much. i would love to see you blossom. i hope you take advantage of all of the opportunities on your doorstep. a little drama today. it is my pleasure to introduce mayor london breed. before i do. i wanted to share a little story i heard from a little bird about the mayor's weekend. as a group of fourth graders were trick-or-treating. they knocked on the door as out was carmen miranda from full fruit rig gallia. she was having as much fun as she was. san francisco kids knew who the
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elected officials were. i have it on great authority that they had a good time that night, you made that evening very memorable. please join me in welcoming our always fun, housing warrior, mayor london breed. [applause] >> mayor breed: thank you, brad. it is great to be here today with all of you. just to celebrate this incredible project she and her boys and what this means for their life this. is so important to us as a city and why i know many of us here do this work. i know it is why for over 50 years jon stewart did this work. i remember in 2019 when we broke ground on this property completely empty lot we had a number of festivities and john, who retired many years ago but
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continued to work. often times jack was like i thought i was the boss. no, you are not the boss. john said i am retired. he was instrumental in the jon stewart company not just starting it but making it to what it became for affordable housing for 50 years from in san francisco. i met him in treasure island right out of college. what was amazing why he stood out to me is because at the time we had -- jon stewart had taken over the property management of military housing provided to formerly homeless veterans and families and people. john said, wait a minute. these are people who were formerly homeless. when they move in how will they get furniture, a coffee maker?
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he helped work on a program that was developed in treasure island that allowed many of those families to go shopping at the warehouse where staging furniture existing for realtors to make the great properties look good and people got to go and pick out everything they wanted. i remember when i went on one of those trips i was in my own little notes that i wanted on my place. that is the kind of person he was. that is why this project was important. it is going to serve a wide spectrum in san francisco which we talked about before i had a chance to get here. when thinking about affordable housing in san francisco and the challenges that exist with various families, people come from all backgrounds, all incomes, all challenges. folks formerly homeless live
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here. people who have incomes that may seem like a lot of money but not for san francisco are going to live here. we even in the city and county of san francisco fought down affordable so seniors extremely low income and may not have been able to qualify will be able to live here. section 8 vouchers will be helpful to afford this place. making sure that we have mixed income level of people that build on the strong diversity that exists in our city. this is a community. it is not just housing. it is a home for those families who are moving in and who are going to be enjoying not just the amenities and ground floor retail and child care and community space, but each other. if this pandemic has not taught us anything, it definitely
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should have taught us how important the value is of being around one another, spending time together, developing partnerships and relationships and building community. the kids here are going to be hanging out with some of the seniors and hearing about stories of their lives. spending time with one another, developing those relationships. this is really an incredible milestone for our city. really, even though it pretty much started many, many years ago, i think david chu was on the board of supervisors. the fact we broke ground in 2019 and it is 2021 and people are moving in, that is incredible. i want to thank so many of our city work force, the mayor's office of housing. eric shaw, elaine forbes right in the front row. elaine with the port had to do
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some maneuvering to get the property. as you remember before the 1989 earthquake when the freeway was here. actually it shut down before that. i can't remember. a long, long time ago this used to be a freeway. now it is housing. that is amazing. we are so grateful that bridge and jon stewart got together to create this wonderful community and just a step further in meeting our housing goals in san francisco to ensure that people are housing, that they are living in affordable safe spaces in our city with dignity. thank you all so much for being here today to celebrate. [applause] >> thank you very much, mayor breed. it is clear to me why you and john were such kindred spirits. i think he dressed up as carmen miranda once for halloween, too.
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he gave me the mentoring this is so hard and takes a lot of hard work. you have to enjoy yourself along the way. you have to stop, smell the roses, have a laugh, bond with the people you are working next to, shoulder to shoulder with as you persevere through the challenges. then have some fun. enjoy yourself. i think you have got that down. well-done. anyway, in terms of anecdotes, i appreciate your comments. the things we are experiencing as property managers we get to really wonderful to be the wantings who hand the keys to people, get first dishwasher.
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first locking door or first roof over their head in decades. if you aren't on the streets because you are traumatized, by the time you are on the streets you are traumatized. helping people back into conventional units andsive vit society is rewarding. it takes work. i don't want to take stuff away from them they are guarding on the corner for 20 years. we have found ways to hang on to stuff, make sure it doesn't bring unfortunate very min into the project. bake it in our oven. no bedbugs. we have learned a lot along the way. that is where the rubber hits the road when you hand the key or welcome basket or go through the furniture warehouse on treasure island and they become housed or rejoin society in a way to be part of it. thank you for that. we have examples of a
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95-year-old certificate of preference holder who has moved into 735 davis. we said you have had the cop a long time. she said you finally built something i wanted to move into. fair enough. we have multigenerational households where the grandparents live at 735 davis. the kids and grandkids live in the broadway cove. exactly what the mayor was talking about. inter generational coming together right here in the center of the walkway is what john had in mind when he said we have got to have this crossroads in the middle of this thing, invited neighborhood partners to the property so it is not standoffish fortress. it is a welcoming and includes i
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place. i never met a mic i didn't like. on-line. i wrote a lot of his good stuff. final step or close to final step. thank you for being here. we will ask our project managers from bridge and jon stewart company. the director of housing ann marie devore, some grand title at bridge housing. congratulations. if you could come up and recognize the many unsung heroes. thank you. [applause] >> hello, two years ago we stood here and it was a sunnydale as everybody was mentioning. it was empty parking lot and these two buildings went up within credible speed. we wanted to take time and thank
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the firms involved and staff in doing so. at bridge housing many people touched this project. one of the first i will thank the communications department for providing this event today, planning it and with the weather and everything. our services department who has helped bring together the services including child care. susan and her team. i also wanted to thank the former c.e.o. cynthia parker who had the vision and support for this project. last but not least the project manager who is here today. raise your hand. [applause] >> brought this in on budget and on time. with the jon stewart company we
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thank the folks at jon stewart company. i wanted to mention it was a privilege to work with the jon stewart company like brad and jack said. even on the staff level. it was a perfect joint venture. we enjoyed it. it was difficult but we had some fun along the way. >> thanks, marie. it is great working with this project. i want to thank them for the hard work. we had fun along the way. i want to thank the property management staff in leasing up the projects. it is a complicated process and during the pandemic they are amazing and have done a good job. we also want to thank the city partners. they truly have been colleagues and partners on this project and especially faith kirkpatrick
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long time project manager. >> thanks, don. >> the port of san francisco was also instrumental. at staff level we worked with rebecca and i am sorry. michael martin. without them we wouldn't have come to this place. they were instrumental to donate the land with the ground lease to this project. staff was really incredible to work with. we wanted to mention our architect for the site. they were more than an architect. as you heard earlier from brad and from jack they were involved early on in the project in the community outreach effort. they worked with community with the neighbors, with bruno from north beach neighbors and the
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barberry coast association to provide input early on and all of their visions and their support was implemented in this project. bill letty, close friend of jon stewart that led the community outreach and this project. it was really a great partnership with our architect and the two project managers that i wanted to mention. aaron. mario who worked on the project. during construction. it was an incredible piece. thank you, guys. [applause] >> i want to acknowledge the design work on the open spaces
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and design of the breezeway that john was passionate about and fought hard to maintain. i will step over here. i want to thank cahill and matt irwin and the whole a team. cahill was amazing. they were always willing to work with us and collaborate and brought both projects in under budget and on time. [applause] >> thank you, cahill for all of your work. in addition to a great contractor rehad a great construction manager instrumental to get the project started. larry couldn't be here today. sheparded through this on cost and schedule basis. we are grateful for their time. >> we often say these projects
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are so complicated only attorneys could love them. it is really nice when you have attorneys smart that you like to work with. thank you heather and amy and charles olson who worked out the pieces for this. >> we also want to thank the staff that worked to provide the necessary funding. the construction debt and the equity and bearings provided permanent financing. thank you, staff, for your help on getting this project closed. seeing it through construction and completion. [applause] >> we will turn this over to jack to finish this. >> appreciate it. >> thanks very much.
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it has been a sunny morning clouding up. it is running long. we are going to hit the gas pedal here. after devoting decades of life to developing and managing affordable housing throughout california and the country and years of his life to broadway cove and 735 davis, as many people mentioned we are saddened that john passed last year before he could see it completed. as mentioned earlier, john started making presentations at the port on seawall lot 322-1 years before the project started and working through with the neighborhood groups to think about what could be done. he attended numerous community association meetings. he contributed to affordable housing in the city and state and at broadway cove and 735. he was overjoyed to see the project starting construction
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last year. honestly, i think i do feel his presence with us here today, especially in the hearts of everyone who has spoken about him. they say people live on in what they leave behind in the hearts of the people they interacted with. if that is true, john is living on in a way few of us have any hope of doing given how he touched so many people so sincere really and honestly in affordable housing in his hometown and his neighborhood. is it an honor to carry on his legacy. we are proud of this beautiful project which he contributed so much to bring to fruition. that is why we have dedicated a big rock with a plaque for john. he was the big guy. that is the big rock. to help me unveil this plaque
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honoring john i would love to ask gus see stewart to join me at the rock. >> welcome to the the rock. >> brad, you want a hand on this? we are going to ceremonially. okay. i think simply reading the plaque will do it and john the most justice. if you would just bear with me. >> memory of john k stewart 1934 to 2020. husband, father, friend, founder of the jon stewart company. his lifelong commitment was building well designed high-quality affordable housing
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throughout california. he was a giant of a man in every way. he used his great intelligence, humor and business skills to bring people together to make housing like this a reality. thank you, john. [applause] >> can i ask you to say a couple words? >> we are hiding behind the bush. here we go. >> i want to continue the thanks. this means the world to me. this is the first and only memorial of its kind for john. it is hard to have a person die in the middle of a pandemic. at last we can celebrate him and i can't thank all of the team that made this project possible for allowing this plaque to be
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here to celebrate this wonderful passage way and this absolutely beautiful project. thank you all, thank you, jack, particularly, and everyone who was part of this. [applause] >> thanks. while i know you would kill me for saying this, i would also like to thank you and john for the very significant personal contribution that you made to the construction costs of our child care center at the end. it wasn't just talk, it wasn't just time. it was work, wisdom and wealth they devotessed. thank you so much for that. thank you. [applause] >> that is it for this morning. many thanks to my co-emcee brad. no. it is not. okay. thanks to co-emcee.
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partner bridge. all of you for attending. let's cut this ribbon. thank you everyone. five, four, three, two, one. (applause).
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>> shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do their business in the 49 square files of san francisco. we help san francisco remain unique, successful and right vi. so where will you shop and dine in the 49? >> i'm one of three owners here in san francisco and we provide mostly live music entertainment and we have food, the type of food that we have a mexican food and it's not a big menu, but we did it with love. like ribeye tacos and
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quesadillas and fries. for latinos, it brings families together and if we can bring that family to your business, you're gold. tonight we have russelling for e community. >> we have a ten-person limb elimination match. we have a full-size ring with barside food and drink. we ended up getting wrestling here with puoillo del mar. we're hope og get families to join us. we've done a drag queen bingo and we're trying to be a diverse kind of club, trying different things. this is a great part of town and
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there's a bunch of shops, a variety of stores and ethnic restaurants. there's a popular little shop that all of the kids like to hang out at. we have a great breakfast spot call brick fast at tiffanies. some of the older businesses are refurbished and newer businesses are coming in and it's exciting. >> we even have our own brewery for fdr, ferment, drink repeat. it's in the san francisco garden district and four beautiful murals. >> it's important to shop local because it's kind of like a circle of life, if you will. we hire local people. local people spend their money at our businesses and those local people will spend their money as well. i hope people shop locally.
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>> chair bustos: good afternoon. this is regular meeting on community investment and infrastructure for tuesday no