tv SFUSD Board Of Education SFGTV November 20, 2021 6:00am-12:01pm PST
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>> i know all of us are here to support students and want to ensure their safety and well being. we will continue to do that. we will ensure to communicate these acts to support our young people in these efforts and commend those who are exporting each other with this. on this note, there is also an attack during our first equity audit and action committee which caused harm to participants. this is not something we can allow to continue. we will remain leading with humanity and continue with this work. section b, opening item. item 1, our land acknowledgement. we the san francisco board of education acknowledge that we are on the assess tral homeland of the ohlone the inhabitants of
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the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land in accordance with our transition the ohlone have never ceded, or loft this people and for all people to reside in their original territory. as guests we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland and wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors and elders and affirming their sovereign rights as first people. item 2, approval of board minutes. the regular meeting of october 26, 2021. i need a motion and second. >> so moved. >> second. >> are there any corrections? seeing none, roll call, vote.
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[roll call] >> yes >> that's six ayes. >> item 3, superintendent's report. >> thank you. good evening everyone and everyone at home we are excited to announce children 5 to 11 can now safely receive a covid-19 vaccine and we know this is a decision to be made after conversations with families and students but as a district we encourage you and your child to get vaccinated but we know this is your decision.
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families will miss less school due to quarantine and can enjoy a safer winter break. make an employment for your child to visit your doctor or community vaccine site to get the first dose as soon as possible and due to high demand you must make an appointment make an appointment with your health care provider or go to the website to get appointments at community vaccine sites. san francisco united is releasing a new book called our history than what they tell us released this fall as this year's young author's book project by 826 valencia.
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the book features contributions from students from william brown middle school and dr. king luger jr. and mission high school and speaks on the black identity. student received a small stipend for their contribution to the book. let's support our young authors. november is american indian heritage month and we pay honor to the rich ancestry of native americans. the indian education program supports the unique educational and culturally related academic needs of american indian and alaskan native students as it connect to their culture and social well being in san francisco unified. the program officers academic support for k-12, tutoring, monthly family night and resources and curricula. finally, all san francisco unified schools and offices will be closed on thursday, november
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11 in observance of veterans day. our district schools will also be closed november 22 through november 26 for fall recess. some pre-kindergarten and out of school time will be open the 22 and 23rd of that week and the san francisco unified school districts offices will be closed november 25 and 26. that's the end of my announcements. >> great. i appreciate that. item 4, student delegate reports. i'd like to call on our student delegates. >> thank you, president lopez. be advised our student delegate report is in regard to sexual assault and harassment. we acknowledge this may be trigger this but would like to start by addressing the student
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walkouts that started at sot school of the arts and continued by gallio and mission. these are the following demands as students we echo as well as student delegates. number one, partner with community based organizations to the wellness student can be exasperated with high numbers of students. >> two, transparency within the reporting system. we need more transparency and with what happened after students have filed a claim and this can look like a tracking system. we also need to address students who come out about these traumatizing events whether it's happened in the past or off campus and for example if a student were to give a claim to their counselor, they should be receiving updates about their case. again, we need more transparency. we need more transparency with what happens after students have filed a claim and we need more transparency for the community
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as a whole. >> number 3, students are demanding we thoroughly investigate allegations making sure information to file the appropriate paperwork is filed and preventive measures are to come in place if they are to come in contact. for example, we need to make sure students are not in the same classes as their abusers and peer groups to escort. >> escort survivors. and in particular to sota we wanted to echo the demands read out at not only sota's walkout but across ucsfd and instead of getting rid of the survey sent out to sota students, they're asking for admin to collaborate to revise and distribute the survey with students. they're asking to protect and create a support system for victims of sexual assault and harassment, work on disciplinary
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action and protection on site even if it occurred off site and support reporting/documenting the assault without further traumatizing the victim. providing survivors access to physical and mental support. example, admin or staff student or staff member a student's comfortable with taking the student's statement opposed to student writing the report. avoiding victim blaming and avoiding thinking of sexual result as the result of a communication breakdown rather than information it as an act of power abuse and criminal action and . >> we want to express support for students and offer ourselves and we can help guide students to the proper processes so
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experiences get officially documented and reported. we also want to bring up concerning posters on sota's posters they outline title ix infrack -- infraction and claiming friendly behavior from slapping butts and students are calling for the admin to take them down. we echo this request. >> we want to acknowledge the survivors who have spoken out about their experience and see you and hear you but want to do more than just say that here today and act. our student delegates and us as the sac are looking to policies in place and the policies may be ineffective and want to look too the systems that no longer work for us and want it change them.
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thank you, president lopez. that concludes our student delegate report today. >> thank you for that and for your actions and support. item 5, recognition and resolutions of commendation. there are none today. item recognizing all valuable employees awards. i'd like to call on superintendent mathews for this item. >> i believe tonight is the celebration not a rave award. >> do you want to read it? >> sure. >> i apologize. it just dropped from my computer. mr. stihl is going to read the video we'll see this evening. >> yes, at sfusd we celebrate home languages and cultures and
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have many programs where students can develop in a multi-lingual, multi-cultural scholars. one is at the early education school. usa today recently featured a program and short video of what's believed to be the first dual-language pre school in the u.s. mainland to preserve samoan language and culture and some in samoa are even hearing about the program. i'll play the video now.
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>> we wanted to learn from other districts and communities and we didn't see anything. we looked on the internet and asked other districts we were connected to. [indiscernible] sounds look you will help you with your confidence in learning. >> i see the language and culture be lost and they're all english speakers first. not only our children but children of samoan heritage are
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learning. this is what it's all about, learning from each other. i feel like we're being seen and heard and no one is forgetting about us in the education system as well. >> when we have a connection with our culture and language i'm hopeful we can still stay connected though we're not back home we still have a piece of home that we're teaching our kids here. >> thank you. that concludes the video. >> that was beautiful. thank you for sharing that. >> section c, public comment on non-agenda items. please note that public comment
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is an opportunity for the board to hear from the community on matters within the board's jurisdiction. we ask that you refrain from using employee and student names. if you have a complaint about a district employee you may submit it to the person's supervisor. california law does not allow us to comment or respond to comments during the public comment and if appropriate the staff will follow with speakers. item 2, comments from sfusd students. we'll hear from students and they'll have up to 50 minutes of the general comment period and may also speak at any other public comment time. >> thank you. we'll begin with student public comment. please raise your hand if you're a student and care to speak on any item on the agenda or not on
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i'm calling over the sexual harassment and many have come forward with their experience at the hands of students and staff with many detailing the reason why they don't feel coming forward to a represent on site or in the central office. sexual violence plagues the district wide. the district can in the leaving punishment up to individual school sites or pretend it's a systematic issue. i demand they transfer assaulters out of classes or extracurricular activities and ensure the reporting process does not retraumatize victims them by sitting across from the assaulter. we are demanding change. please listen to students.
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>> i'm a student at lowell and echo what cal said. your support and empty promises are nice it read at first but mean nothing to people offended by this issue. survivors are depending on you to support them and i demand sfusd enter where it's a safe place for students to go and learn and can be a place of fear so we are demanding change. police listen to students and survivors. thank you. >> hello, jordan?
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>> i'm jordan and i'm from m.l.k. >> we to have two students speaking. >> thank you. >> go ahead. >> we heard the board is planning to [indiscernible] from the budget. [indiscernible] research is my favorite place to be in because i get to have friends. also we have a great home room teacher. her name is ms. tomar and is a fun teacher and knows how to communicate with students when they argue and taught us how to pay attention when someone is talking. she talks about having eye contact and not get distracted.
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>> my name is daryl and i go to m.l.k. peer resources gives opportunity to young leaders and helps kids learn responsibilities. also, it teaches how to help other peers in different situations even help yourself. also being in peers brings awareness to what's happening around the world. >> do you have others on the call with you? >> yes, two more. >> okay. >> my name is asante mcallister. peer resources is one of my classes and the brings my best friend in the same home room but [indiscernible] make your own decisions and being able to solve your own problems. also, we're able to mediate a
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conversation as well as learn to argue. and ms. tomar, a.k.a., one of the best teachers, taught us to make eye contact and don't turn your back and respond when they ask questions don't just say uh-huh all the time. >> i love to be in peer resources and it's about young kids learning to be a leader. peer resources all around middle school teachers pick out kids to be a peer leader and you can help out kids who need it or in meetings to make decisions to make your place a better one. and it makes your schools a
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better place and the heartbreaking news we heard last friday is people are trying to shut down the program. after hearing the news we stand to keep our peer resources up. this program is the only thing that can make kids turn into young adults. peer resources is one of my favorite classes ever student rights. >> amen. >> thank you, . >> all lives matter. >> okay. >> m.l.k. student i had to elevate you to panelist so your video will be shown but you can go ahead. m.l.k. student are you there?
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okay, astrid. >> we have diego, daryl, j.d., asante. thank you. >> thank you. same group? thank you. all right. astrid are you there? >> yes. my name is astrid -- >> ooh, you have a bad connection. can you correct that, astrid? >> can you hear me better now? >> perfect. go ahead. we can hear you. go ahead. >> can you hear me? >> yes. she can't hear us.
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one more time, can you hear me? >> yes, can you hear me? >> yes. >> sorry about that. i'm an sfusd and i want to urge cal's demand to address more to correct sexual violence and make sure the reporting process doesn't re-traumatize victims and mandating they transfer assaulters out of classes and extracurricular activities with their attackers. all students should feel safe at school. >> thank you. that concludes the student section. well move to general public comment. please raise your hand if you wish to speak on any matter not on the agenda this evening. can that be repeated in spanish and chinese, please.
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[speaking foreign language] >> seeing six hands so far, president lopez. hi, chris. >> i'm a special education teacher at washington high school and calling in to talk about a couple items not on your agenda. first and foremost i support the students advocating for safer school sites and the fact that staff members are sexually
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harassing are on site is unacceptable and the fact students are experiencing horrible management of these issues are atrocious and keep going and i could be this during the walkout i would and a want to talk about appropriate student placement as a managing teacher. there are students placed at school sites not appropriate for their i.e.p. and need to start consulting before students are placed. for example, students who do better an a setting like a non-public school would do better instead of being placed at a 200 plus students place like washington and --
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>> thank you, chris. >> okay. hello, shavon? >> hi. sexual assault and harassment will continue to be a virus in our district if it's not addressed. we need a better reporting system and need the games to end. people need to put their heads together, students lives, safety and bodies are at stake. what i witnessed on social media is the second wave. the first when i was a senior. my friend worked to remedy what was happening. all the emotions and experience but little to no progress was made and when it was, it was all from students. students advocates and advocating. now the second wave is one like no other. students are walking out,
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posting on social media and e-mailing just to be heard. their posters are being taken down by security guards and not getting what they demand, which is action. it's not just a lowell or sota issue but a district wide issue. change needs to happen. title ix, stop having kids do your job. >> thank you. hello, jesse? >> can you guys hear me? >> yes. >> my name is jesse. i graduate from lowell last year and here to talk about how disappointed and heartbroken i am seeing adults supposed to protect sturnts -- students from harm and how much they're expected to endure before enough is enough. action speak louder than words. saying you want to do right by
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students isn't the same as doing it and you need to hold responsible by the promises you made to keep students safe and keep yourself accountable. they're asking to feel safe and feel like we can rely on adults in our schools and need to want to make an impact on students' lives. thank you. >> thank you. hello, spria. >> hi, thank you for taking my call. there are a few things to discuss. one i encourage the board and district to get moving on getting outdoor education in place. now is the time to start acting starting with mobile outdoor classrooms and while longer term planning to get students outside as quickly as possible.
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second, i want to commend all the students who called in and recent graduates about the sexual assault issues raised. it is a super important issue and i'm glad to hear students speaking out and pressing the district to take action and third also related. i wanted to speak to zoom bombing. i understand from other parents they have also been zoom bombing incidents for classes including youngsters such as fourth and fifth grade. they're terrible no matter where they occur but we need to track and investigate the incidents wherever they occur. >> thank you. >> hello, gregory. >> hello, thank you. >> i'd like to ask the district to allow in-person school tours. sfusd are declining enrollment
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in school tours can help. students want to meet the schools and meet the principals where they're going to send their kids. that's all. thank you. >> thank you. hello, tomar? >> hi, thank you for being here tonight. i know the biggest pressing issue in our district is fighting sexual harassment in all of our schools. i also want to respond to the possible budget cuts that were proposed last week and advocate for peer resources to stay on the docket at all of our schools. it's a program to help our students advocate for their own safety, educate other youth and create transformational change in all of our communities by fighting systemic oppression. it's the only program in our district that does that. every school in san francisco should have a peer-resources program. right now i me of it's five high schools and six middle schools have it.
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so the proposal that we cut all peer resources is one that i'd hike to speak out against and i hope that instead of cutting it, we can expand it because this say program that can actually solve a lot of our district problems by having students take charge of their education and the changes needed in our communities. thank you. >> thank you. hello, jen? >> hi. my name is jen and i teach at washington high school. i would like to second the fact that peer resources is essential. i don't teach it. i teach u.s. history and women and gender studies. we've been talking about how we need to get information to students about what sexual harassment is, what sexual assault is. so that people don't have to
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scream on google docs and peer resources is such an important program to educate youth on things like sexual assault, sexual harassment and also being an activist. thank you very much. >> thank you. president lopez, that concludes public comment. >> thank you. section d, report from parent advisory committee. i'd like to call on michelle jackman. >> thank you, president lopez. good evening commissioners, student delegates, superintendent, staff and members of the community. i'm the coordinator for the parent advisory council for the san francisco board of education. i'm joined this evening by pac
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chair and co-vice chair would will introduce themselves. >> hello, aloha. i am a proud parent of a first grader of the pacific islander community leader and chair of the pacific islander parent advisory council and tonight i'm presenting as the chair of the parent advisory council. i'd like to introduce lina. >> hi, i'm selena chu of two parents enrolled in sfusd and i'm co-chair of the pac and great to see all of you here today. >> thank you. the role of the parent advisory council or pac is to inform board of education policy
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discussions and decisions. the is our report for the november 9, 2021 board of education meeting. >> the pac would like to talk about those who walked out to protest sexual harassment and assault and where's they feel unsafe that they have not been addressed as well as students at other schools including academy and lowell, who joined them in solidarity. if we as a district say we are [indiscernible] physical and emotional safety of all students. we must take them seriously and must report this and must make changes necessary to ensure all
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can fully and safely participate in their education and in all activities related to their educational experience. >> thank you, anna. we would also like to affirm and support the demands stated by the student advisory council members and echo the call to ac and the pac also condemns the acts of the committee and po appreciate the students, teamers and community members subjected to the attack and remain committed to doing this important work despite the opposition. clearly, the work, the work of actively structural racism in our education system and attacks highlight the importance of the work. thank you to everyone who works through this committee and on a
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daily work to dismantle the white supremacy in our system. >> the regular meeting thursday november 4, we were joined by a team for the district educational placement center doing a workshop on the concept for the new elementary school student assignment process. after a brief presentation by community engagement manager we submit into breakout sessions -- split into breakout sessions and her questions and comments from pac members and others who joined us for the discussion. the issues have potential impacts to title i funding.
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the and the importance of community and cohesion. there's opportunities to participate and the workshops are available to everyone so everyone is interested to attend. the dates are friday november 12 from 12:00 to 1:30 and, monday november 13 co-hosted and conducted in cantonese. and on monday november 15 from 11:00 to 12:30 p.m. in person this event is co-hosted by the latino task force and conducted in spanish. thursday november 18 from 5:00
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to 6:30 p.m. co-host the samoan community development center and conducted in english and samoan interpretation and thursday december 1 the early education department and will be conducted in english. all events except the one on oakdale will be virtual and the information how to attend can be found at the website assignment and there'll be a meeting november 15 and the information can be found also at a different website the
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department and there were a good turnout of families they filled out applications and some were filled out online. there were groups for english, spanish and chinese and dinner and childcare were provided with mask and appropriate social distancing. the second event is tonight at monroe in excelsior. tomorrow wednesday attal va raddo and next tuesday november at gene parker elementary in
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[technical difficulties] on the assignment process and other issues attending these events as well as other over the course of the school year including a town hall on tuesday, november 30 where you can learn more about sfusd current budget balancing process and how to share questions and concerns and ideas about proposed balancing measures as well as ways to be involved to be involved at your school site. >> and there will be more and the pac is looking for new members. we acknowledge it's not the usual time line for appointment but we're working at half
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capacity having only eight of 18 positions filled and hope the board will grant us the exception. pac membership is comprised of 15 regular members and three alternates. currently we have only a lot regular members one of whom may be stepping down due it other commitments. this means we're seeking up to seven possibly eight members. that are eight volunteers who may serve up to two, two-year terms and parents, grandparents or foster parents or legal guardian of a student currently enrolled in sfusd. more information on the pac including an online application form can be found at
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and want to hear from families who may not have been represented in the past. we under there's concern and caution from many in the lined rabbit about the degree of scrutiny many have faced and sickened by the stifling effect it's had and would like to refine the appointment process in ways that could help protect parent and family personal privacy. a tricky thing but necessary nonetheless to support diverse representation. selena will now close us out. >> with everything said and all the information shared, i can feel the interest through the screens on zoom. what's a better way to help out
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the sfusd and have a voice by attending a pac meeting is a good way to get involved and get an idea of what we do. our next meeting will be thursday november 22 via zoom and joined by the direct of sfusd's art department to present an update on the district art master plan. i know everyone's interested in art and wants to come so join us. so the pac meeting are. to the public, everyone. everyone who is interested are welcome to attend and we encourage everyone who is interested to join us. meetings are conducted in english and translation can be provided with sufficient notice to find interpreters and interpretations. meeting can be found at
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>> thank you. please raise your hand if you wish to speak to the parent advisory report. can that be reported in chinese and spanish, please. [speaking foreign language] >> thank you. >> hello, cal. >> i'll read the statement of someone who cannot be here. i don't feel comfortable at lowell. i will not feel safe until administration solves these issues. students should feel safe and should thought have to be in the
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room with anyone they feel uncomfortable with. do not take down posters take -- calling out admin and if you want any more proof that sfusd you have those on the front line when all this came to light more than two years ago -- [no audio] >> cal, are you there? -- mandate punishments for schools to uphold so survivors can feel safe and focussed. how are they to learn in a class next to a person who sexually assaulted them. that's not a rhetorical question. you mean it because your not
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doing anything to stop it. >> hello, naomi. >> hi. i'm the former pac chair and i just wanted to send some support out to anna and michelle and selena for the report and great to hear you from guys and making a plug for those wondering should i join the pac. will this be public scrutiny. i think people should step up and i did it three years and it was an amazing experience and i want to lift up the voices of this kids with the sexual harassment and it's reverberated to all the kids in san francisco and it's an epidemic. whatever we can do to help would be great. thanks. >> thank you.
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>> hello, sherry. >> i'm a senior at lowell high school and wanted to echo the handling of all the sexual assault cases in the past two years. i understand there's legal processes involved but how can we as students report these incidents if we don't know what the processes are and what happened to all the resolutions we kept hearing about last year? we need clarity and we need transparency. i just wanted to echo what someone recently said up public comment that we need proper and standardized sex and health education starting from elementary school so students can learn from a young age about what consent is and the difference between right and wrong and disappointed how the entire situation is being handled and wanted to voice my
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concern. >> thank you. >> hello, justine. >> hi, i'm justine. i graduate from lowell last year and it's really disheartening to see a second wave of sexual assault after the movement for change last summer. now schools in the district have a unique opportunity it hear from students and protect them and try to ignore e-mails and take down signs but you can't ignore the fact the assaulters are making others feel unsafe. enough is enough. what will it take for students to feel heard. >> thank you. >> hello, shavon. >> i'd have a tagline on what sherry said. when i sat on the board, we
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brought sexual assault up and had students speak about their first-hand experiences but as soon as we mention writing a title ix republic and starting the conversation to implement writing staff hit us with let's meet with you and talk with you and tried to railroad our whole resolution an were successful. that's why a lot of people haven't heard about the title ix resolution every -- of since and when we talk to staff to change the title ix they told us, no, you can present it. isn't that your job to present the information to everyone who needs it so why don't you do so? >> >> thank you. that concludes public comment.
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>> thank you for that. i'd like to open it up to board discussion. are there any questions or comments from student delegates or commissioners? -- on the pac report? vice president moliga. >> thank you, president lopez. thank you to the pac i had a question on the outreach for the enrollment fairs and how is enrollment with the events that are happening? >> is that a question for the pac or staff? >> a question for staff. >> i've been working with others
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at epc. i may be able to help with some information. >> why don't we -- >> chief o'keefe if you're tuned in can you address vice president moliga's question? we can give her a second, s. -- commissioners.. -- commissioners. commissioners. commissioners. >> if it's okay can i text chief o'keefe and see if she'll come on in a moment. >> that's fine. >> in the meantime maybe if michelle wanted to share i saw you offered that. >> thank you, president lopez. i do know that i can't speak exactly to how things are
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getting out completely but i know they're doing a lot of the usual channels and we definitely have been partnering in terms of the in-person events with the different parent groups and we're trying to get somebody from at least one if not more of the parent advisory groups to go to each of the in person events. and also specifically trying to think strategically about for example if we have a high-percentage of families in that community of pacific island descent and think of which folks would be best to be present and be that and from our angle that was the idea of our involvement in the in-person events if we were doing the big fair, we would be the first people to be
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at the door greeting families as they come in and trying to do that from that angle. thank you. >> i believe chief o'keefe has joined. go ahead. >> good afternoon, commissioner. i apologies, i'm listening on the radio at the moment and apologize for not being on earlier but i had been listening. there's multiple strategies we are using for outreach and the enrollment around the development of the elementary zones and enrollment activities for next year and our community engagement manager is also on the call and she's available for more specific detail if that would be helpful but that is a high-level overview. we've been using all of the district communication channels
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to get information out about the event and we have been sending messages to families partnering with the early education and schools of pre-k programs and sending information to families and reaching out to current fifth and eight graders group and those target groups are those entering kindergarten and those transitioning to middle school and high school and using different strategies and diversifying and we have phenomenal partners and those helping get the word out to support the enrollment process last year and at the same time working to re-imagine how to do enrollment. i'll pause in case there's any questions but that's been
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generally to the approach we're taking. >> thank you. i appreciate the update. a quick follow-up. can you talk about the strategies with collaboration with the c.b.o.s and want it hear more about the effort and some populations i know our school district is not able to reach and so i just want to know how far we can expend in terms of our reach and the time the c.b.o.s are doing the work and 100% college prep and i get questions about how do i enroll my kid into a new school and what's the enrollment and when i was growing up we were waiting for the letter to come to know what school to sign up to.
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trying to make sure i'm not a technology expert but that attempts are made to lock out especially if the meetings where panelists are and where participants are to make sure that only the panelists have access to being able to do some of the things that have happened. unfortunately in some of the cases as you know this is not stopped or we know people who have been able to gain access either to be the host screenings.
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this is one of theconversations we've had repeatedly asked dot have reached out as a department but also to experts to put in all the protections they can to prevent these things from happening . >> so there's two thingsone there's zoom bombing. people that interrupt classrooms ormeetings but then there's the safety of participants . i heard from participants who participated in the mural . some of the students at washington and parents at washington said they felt personally targeted outside of the meeting and i know that i'm hearing reports of parents who are being doxxed and things like that so there's no real advice for support and i feel that we see what's happening nationally. things are escalating. i think how do we protect students in online environment ? there's cyber harassment which is an escalating issue feels
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like that there is nowour committees . i'm just wondering if we might be able to put this on the agenda just because like i said it's happeningnationally . this isn't just san francisco but as things escalate i want families and parents and students to feel safe and i think that includes even once people are anticipating in meetings, are they getting even advice on how to protect their personal privacy and things like that is there's no real information given. now that we're doing all our meetings online i think it opens it up to bad actors. we're seeing this in some peopleeven outside our district . and potentially putting people at risk whereas when we just had in person meetings people who showedup you knew who they were . but we are seeing that we are
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dealing with folks we don't know who are getting into the meetings because a lot of them are online. so i think that we need to do our due diligence andreally talk to professionals . the fbi is researching people zoom bombing and crashing meetings across the country so i want us to be safe. we should be doing our due diligence so i wonder if that would be something we can put on an agenda. >> i consulted with president lopez and we will consider the best steps for which meeting should beon the agenda . that was a long answer but the answer is yes. >> commissioner and doctor matthews if you would like to anything, she is available at i don't know if it's just been shared our decision. >> my question is about general
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practice and i'd love to hear an investigation of what happened last wednesday. that would be great if we could get a report and the public could be informed as we learned information we could share but my thinking is more towards what are things we can do proactively to bothprotect ourselvesand also the families and students . we have student delegates. those are all concerns i had last year . >> i second that and i wanted to bring up any work that's been done ininvestigation about what occurred on wednesday . >> i know that's ongoing and i would say it would be best to give ... i know they're not ready yet but iknow the investigation is going on right now . >> thank you. commissioner lam. >> i had a quick question
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related toenrollment . how are we engaging in social media or different kinds of in addition to the priority that's been set by this board as well as staff going into community and thrilled about the epc office opening, that's been many years in the making and i'm really excited for that work and really transitioning intothe combination of in person and offering the resources to families . i don't know if orlo is able to answer that. >> that evening commissioner lam. we are using all our power and various social media avenues for sharing information. trying to broadcast to everybody. we want to makesure the whole
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community is aware of the deadline . we've had to extend the deadline this year to february 4 so that's the date i'd like everybody to hold and be aware of. applications should be submitted for february 4 and we encourage families to do it earlier. now is that time of year for families to start exploring and the school thatwould like to put their applications on and we encourage families to list multiple schools on their application forms . that's an extension but yes, we are promoting to all of the social media applicantsare enrollment deadlines in the process . >> thank you. thank you to the pack for all your work and your report. one thing i think with all the
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protests around sexual assault, just figuring out how we as a board to be responsive and really to both address the issues at hand and address the culture and climate that exist in our schools and outside of it . that kind of creates these realities so i just think we have to be creative in how we figure out ways to create community conversations and discussions about these issues so people don't just know that we're working on this but they can see the process and be part of that change really encouraging us as a board and a district to be as proactive as possible with all the other priorities that we have to find a way to make sure that we're getting that is one of our top priorities and thefocal point of our medication with our families and our school communities . >> i just wanted, this is a discussion we should be having a reservoir so the way we have those conversations outside of
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a town hall is either a committee or as a whole board . i made a request to the president because i think it involves, its curriculum and its programs have to do with how we're supporting students and families but this is also a policy and a legal issue and that cameup at the beginning of the year when we had a discussion around improving the harassment policies so i've had a request that they are both connected . i'm hoping that we can do that and that president lopez can work with the superintendent to figure out when it fits into the agenda . >> anyother comments on the advisory council . >> i wanted to second the request and hopefully we can
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find time as a full board but also within the committees is where the workgets done and we can hash things out . about all these different things students have said about forming a task force and reevaluating our health curriculum and doing an audit of that. i hope that we can find time as a board but also in our communities to do that and thank you commissioner boggess for acknowledging that and also commissioner collins. >> president:thank you for your report and for all your work . good night. section e, discussion of other educational issues. we begin with item 1, update regarding implementation in support of equitable services and staff for hawaiian and pacific islander students resolution 183-1381. i like to callon superintendent
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matthews . >> thank you president lopez. this evening we are presenting thisupdate regarding implementation of in support of equitable services for staff . for hawaiian and pacific islander students. our policy analysts are ursula and ciapaga. >> good evening president lopez, vice chief boggess moliga. i like to say a few words in eskimo language.[speaking eskimo language ] my name is
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ursula and i am the new policy analyst for the initiative born and raised insan francisco , bayview district . and a parent guardian of a 12th grader, thank you for the opportunity for me to present tonight and get updates on the initiative. i'd like to start off with a proper. which means you cannot get a
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flow of cream from just one coconut. next slideplease . here is our overview of tonight'spresentation . we will take a look at a few highlights and areas of focus for this year. while being verymindful, very compassionate and supportive to list where the list is needed . next slide. so just doing a recount, this is different. so here is, so this means
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living the way of life. and here are a couple of initiative highlights . so in april 2018 the hawaiian revolution was passed in support of equitable services and staff for hawaiian infrastructure. and during that time there were two positions that stood out to help support from a recruitment and recruiting staff and also developing programs and support for both parents and our students. and so in september 2020 during the pandemic this resolution was then amended with a focus on adjusting
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>> as outlined in the graduate profile. within our early education portfolio schools ed has built out and continues to support 11 dual language learner preschoo classrooms. the samoan dual language learner is our 12th classroom . what has been most unique about the development of this classroom has been the intentional partnership between the samoan community. we've created a task force of districts and community partners that became our team to find resources, curriculum and classroom materials. it was no other model to learn from so we all leaned into research, collect artifacts and label the classrooms. it was a strong bridge between the samoan community development center on the early education department enrollment team to provide a handoff for
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families which helped to increase our enrollment in this classroom where we went from two students to 18 students within three months. you can see from this slide the testimonials from families and how worthwhile this endeavor was as well as the love they had for their classroom teacher. thank you. >> thank you slide . many things have contributed to the success of the pre-k samoan dual language. this is just an example of the use of samoan practice. this slide gives a snapshot visual on how embedded collectively we were in our samoan community and the utilization of the family community concept in moving things forward rather than individualism.
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everyone contributes. everyone has a role in a successful launch of the pre-k dual language in a public school district incalifornia. next slide . here is a quick visual of what the samoan initiative is focusing on this first year. the population we are looking at this first year is our pre-k to second grade. our goal is to take a look at existing assessments, analyzing distinct data and collect a qualitative data. four goals identified are ways to improve student attendance by 10 percent. building out pre-k to 14 pathway efforts that we received, improving social emotional skills by 10 percent. improving literacy skills by10 percent .
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next slide. other areas of focus to help during this first year. stabilizing the language class, building a capacity of the samoan initiative team. identifying school sites for our samoan language pathways. transitioning from pre-k to kindergarten and adjusting and responding to our advisory councils recommendations. next slide. so many things uncovered in the fall. these are a few listed. the samoan initiative implemented another practice for fall. this cultural practice is called asi singha.
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in some all of its also used as a intervention to adjust immediate mental health needs of the samoan community following naturaldisasters . the initiative staff has conducted site visits to assess the needs of our mowing pacific islanders on site staff so we believe it is important to take care of our caregivers as they have that daily work. we also are working on launching a samoan initiative webpage for both our families and educators. finding ways to identify cross
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collaborations and alignments with departments initiatives and committees, base organizations andschool sites . also this year we also launched our first native born pacific islander affinity space for administrators so that is definitely an exciting piece a well . with our facilitators ms. castro and myself. this is just to name a few. last slide please. so in closing, i'll bring you all back to the samoan proverb from before. [speaking samoan] you cannot get a flow of coconut from one
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coconut. duringthese times in particular it's going to take a collective . holders and communities always tell me to vocalize which is helping one person every day also honoring our people every day. thankyou so much commissioners . colleagues, allies, advocates and students and families for creating policies that are a direct culture response to addressing barriers to equity. this concludes our presentatio . thank you. >> thank you very much for the update and information. i'd like to open it up to public comments before we begin ourdiscussion . >> please raise your hand if you care to the samoa initiative presentation you just heard. please repeat that in spanish and chinese.
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translation, are you there? [speaking chinese] >>. [speaking spanish] >> thank you. president lopez. >> marissa. >> good evening,marissa robinson . i wanted to give a shout out, thank you for this presentation ursula and we're so excited that the american parent advisory council seeing all the work is going to come forth through this initiative and the
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work that the supervisor is doing. we love the language pathways and cultural pathways that are coming up and hopefully we can get those expanded and get them going as well but we are here to support you as your brother and sisters in the advisory council and we appreciate all the work you do. and as a mom coming from the peninsula where i went to school in east palo alto with all kinds of different families just knowing what that means to have a culture and language represented at the school site issuper important congrats to you guys and we look forward to continued partnership . >> forgive me if i mispronounce your name. go ahead. >> good evening commissioners. i just wanted to say this movement has been a big
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blessing. and i wanted to definitely extend my gratefulness to superintendent, all you commissioners and especially commissioner moliga. i'm going to share a little bit of how this has impacted not just us locally but definitely around our nation and around our home and our island. thisresolution is being pushed to be adopted in many different areas . some in socal, some in utah and vegas so for me without trying to get emotional right now, thank you guys for making this happen. thank you for restoring hope and showing us that we do. we do exist and after 100 years it's amazing so thank you
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commissioners . >> thank you. hello, nani? >> caller: i want to say thank you to ursula for that awesome presentation. i am a san francisco unified school district alumni and i'm talking about from the 70s and 80s a graduate of balboa. for the last 80 years wetried to figure out how we can all pacific islander students to graduate . it is a step to the answer.we need to continue to push for this because you know, the bottom line is a culture is wellness and we needwellness . it takes a village to make this happen and i am so proud of all of you tonight and i'm proud of the youth who've been sharing their voice and we have to keep doingthat . we have to keep up lifting our voice so thank you for what you do . give yourself a pat on the
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shoulder . yourself a hug because it's not easy so thank youfrom all our community workers that are on the ground trying to make a difference >> thank you. forgive me if i mispronounce . selala. >> caller: i am the elementary representative for the matua advisory council and i want to thank the commissioners for that presentation for moving the samoan initiativefor our students, our community, our families . the matua advisory council is here to support this initiative and move it far along for our fall communities sothank you so much we really appreciate it . >> hello, m. >> hello.
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hi. my name is m and i'm on the parent advisory council of sf ust and i'm the vice cochair and i want to say i worked hard to see the presentation tonight and to hear so much of the comments coming out of the samoan language pathway and i just want to say i love, love pre-k within sf ust. i'm a huge early education childhood education advocate and in general even at the state this is amazing. i want to see this continue withkindergarten, with first grade . it would be amazing if students could havethis all the way up to 10th grade. i see you all . siblings and keep up the work that you are doing. it is amazing and thank you again to commissioner moliga
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for sponsoring the legislation. i'm sorry, resolutionand i've even read all eight pages of . >> hello, julie. >>. >> caller: my name is julie and iwant to thank the community members for this important work and also say that representation matters . i don't believe this would be possible without the pacific islander weremembers in history in san francisco and the work commissioner moliga has been doing on this . i want to say we benefited from our vietnamese language pathways and we know getting started is the first step in a long and challenging process . my question is in light of the budget balancing plan which would impact literacy these pathways andwe talked about cuts to 25 staff , how are we going to protect resources to
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keep the promises of the pacific islander pathway and ensure that we are growing and resourcing the potential of this particular path in a moment where there's so much pressure to make difficult cuts to our students? >> thank you. hello. >> hi everyone. i am the coordinator for the part of the san francisco do not community network that is on a sisterhood and i just want to give so much gratitude to ursula and also the commissioners for making sure this pathway goes through. as we know culture is integral to our health asindigenous people .in san francisco we are experiencing high rates of preterm birth of negative birth outcomes among the pacific islander community and that is
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a direct result of living with white supremacy anddiaspora . this integrating our children into their cultural heritage strengthens them not only individually but as a community making sure they can draw on the resources of our ancestors and be healthy driving people in this community so i strongly support the continuation of this and allocating resources with the specific program because it's these things that make us healthy, not the other says subjects. >> 1-669-900-6833. >> caller: can you hear me? [speaking samoan] i have served
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as a trustee on the jefferson elementary schoolboard right on the outskirts of san francisco . it's hard to contain the emotion contained in tonight's presentation being a native san franciscan , going to monroe and seeing this work live through a resolution coming off of the paper to breathe life into action and integrating our culture, our language into the classroom is a realization that has been a long time coming. i want to extend my gratitude to thesuperintendent , to the commissioners for providing us this template to learn from in san mateo county.
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i want to thank you for allowing me to speak for a little bit longerbecause this template is being modeled by what you do right. please sustain the funding for this pathway to ensure that many other indigenous communities have a model to embrace and to replicate . iq and a shout out to commissioner moliga for making this happen for his colleagues . >> iq. hello, john. >> evening superintendent and commissioners. i want to say from the bottom of my heart here from the samoan community relevance center we are honored that now we have a program that caters specifically to our samoan pre-k but also that we are honored to sit at the table to help build this beautiful initiative and i want to say thank you again and have a wonderful evening. >> thank you. teresa.
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>> caller: can you hear me? mine in the is teresa. i am part of the high school and i wanted to chime in and say thank you ursula, thank you commissioner moliga for a job well done. i've got so much ride asa parent . i see it's a long time coming. i just want to say thank you for ajob well done . thank you for the opportunity. >> thank you. >> williams. hello. >> can you hear me?>> go ahead.
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>> thank you. good evening ladies and gentlemen . it's i know it's going to take a whole minute to address all of you but according to the board i'm pastor sweeney williams and according to the board there's the season for everything and i believe this is the right season for this to come about but i want to talk about the season that i started thewilliams law. i don't know how many staff , i'm going to ask you to raise your hand how many are aware of the winnings law i started after retirement in the military in 2000 and gray davis went against it. he just didn't like the idea in california spent $20 million in the classroom but thank god that lawwas passed and it's now been 17 years .that was a
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contribution from a pacific islander to the schools of california and i'm proud to also address commissioner moliga and ursula and everyone that's all hands aboard to support this initiative and i know you folks are going to support it because we are allin this thing together. thank you very much and good evening . >> forgive me if i mispronounced tangi. >> caller: good evening board of education. this istonya , i am secretary for the matua advisory council and i'd like to extend my sincere thanks to professor ursula for such a detailed presentation. thank you for being a policy
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analyst. it's part of the initiative we have been involved in conversations regarding this project and to seeit happen in reality is a true blessing for our pi community . i speak fluent samoan and amateur believer that starting at a young age is the best way to learn a native language and even early childhood research has proven that so across commissioner moliga for leaving this project and in addition with efforts from every staff involved in this project we are leading the way in setting the trends for our neighboring school district and is comforting to say that our platform has a chance to survive. thank you and we will continue to support . >> nextone is an email . are you there?
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>> can you hear me?>> yes. >> my name is mary. i just want to say ursula, you did awonderful job . i'd like to thank sf usd for all the work you've done in supporting the samoan initiative and also i want to thank the commissioner and i am totally proud of everybody who had worked on this initiative andthat's all i haveto say . have a wonderful night everybody . >> hello, michelle. >> if you don't mind i'd be happy to let others go ahead o me . i know anna you would like to speak . >> go ahead. [speaking samoan]
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>> thank you for your hard work and amazing making history, walking pathways for our future. and i hope that continues and we can push and not ended here and continue that work in the future.a special shout out to vice president chief moliga and also to ursula and the policy analyst. thank you to all the community members and to you us fd for partnering in our work making sure that sf usd is ... [inaudible] >> thank you, michelle. >> i'd like to echo the comments of so many this evening you heard. you saw the video, you saw the joy and meaning in this language pathway. we're just excited to hear the
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impact that this program is having. not just locally but beyond expiring other programs and other districts and i want to appreciate the work of ursula and so many others who done work on this. we are grateful for the partnerships with the native hawaiian and pacificislander advisory council . the example that they set and i will hold onto these words and repeat them. culture is wellness. it shows in the video you saw and you hear itin these comments .just again as so many have said we can make sure we prioritize andcontinue this important work . >> that concludespublic comment . >> i'd like to open it up to student delegates or commissioners. if you havequestions or comments on this item . commissioner boggess.
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>> thank you for the presentation. i'm excited to hear about the work in progress and allthe exciting things going on . i think my question is to staff in regards to our balanced budgeting plan and just knowing that we're not in the level of specifics yet but like, what impact what it potentially have on this series of programs or is that something thatwe're not able to fully project right now ? >> i think a big part of the answer to that question is it's going to depend on part of the balancing plan is getting priorities so as we're going through what we're prioritizing is to prioritize tocontinue, what we're prioritizing to eliminate short-term or long-term . that's what the discussion is going to be having over the next five weeks sothat's going to determine how the program
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moves forward . >> it would be helpful as we move forward and i know we have this on the agenda but if any of those projected cuts would impact i guess how we would know as we're going through the process of what the intended consequences or unintended consequences would be . from what we've gone through i haven't seen where we that decision point is at and how we will know what that decision will lead to so just getting clarity for usthough we can be sure what the impact will be . >> i'm going to ask deputy superintendent lee to talk more aboutprojected , notprojected cuts but the projected process . from your perspective when we would getmore of that level of detail . >> thank you doctor matthews. i would just offer a couple of comments and these are actually excellent questions we can also
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regroup as the staff team and comment on in future meetings but we are aware that some of the items that you heard from staff in prior meetings, one or more prior meetings have been members of the public have commented on this relating to multimodal pathways i think that might be one of the questions thatmight be on people's minds . so to the extent that that is one of the areas that we didn't want to analyze, i would draw one distinction between the program that was featured in the presentation and in that reallywonderful video . and chief yes you are spoke to this as well. that program with 18students enrolled , that's quite different than the situation that we have in looking at with
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respect to the in some cases very significant under enrollment in some of our language pathways so that's really the context for us wanting to take a close look at those pathways and they are across multiple schools and in terms oftiming , any change that could affect the availability of a program for next school year would, we would want to identify those and spotlight those in time for the enrollment cycle to close for around one. that is in february and as i think the chief mentioned early part of february. that's the timeframe wewould
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want to work on for any program level changes but as i said , and this is not something that we talked about length as the staff team and if anybody else who's listening once the comment onthis that would be great . but i would just reiterate that this to me is a fully enrolled classroom and that is as i said difference than the situation we were thinking about before. >> i guess i just wanted to be back on the question because there's a specific classroom there's also programs associated with this . wehave a policy analyst supporting this work . that'svery important . so i don't want to reiterate i asked a similar question last time. i said there's all these resolutions we put forward to make sure communities extra services andrepresentation . that extends in some cases beyond the classroom. as i said there's a policy
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analyst for the latinx resolution, for the native american resolution. there is curriculum redesign so that might not be pacific classroom work its representation so i understand we might have to make specific cuts but what commissioner boggess is asking is we need to know when and how we are making decisions that might impact some of theseprograms . we were elected by the communities of color in large part because they want to see representation in their schools and want to see a shift in how we educatestudents and representation like this is really important . we need to be smart and make tough choices but i can't make those decisions if we are just looking at itprogram by program . this program is amazing and wonderful and i want to support it and i also want to see it in
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commendation with the native american resolution which ensures that we stop teaching false narratives about native americansand we start having more representation . there's equitable studies resolution. we have students wanting to acknowledge thatramadan happens in the school year . these are important resolutions and there maybe not representative of the entire community of all the small communities that we represent and so i guess the question i'm having is how are we going to make those decisions unless there's a process for us to look at all those resolutions and the potential impacts on the work that we you know, i believe is important. many of the resolutions thati'm mentioning were unanimously approved . that is a pretty strong mandate that this is work that we want to get done. we may not be able to do it to the scale that we want but those are the discussions i
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want us to be able to have but i don't want us to piecemeal it and commissioner boggess's questionis a good one which is more about process than any individual program . so is there a specific process where were going to be able to look at the impacts to various resolutions that relate to representation and equity? and pull populations because pacific islanders are in full the population but we have others as well like the latinx resolution and whenwill we get that kind of analysis . we can really wrestle with those.those conversations. >> commissioner, next wednesday's budget and business services committee there will beinformation shared about central , centrally budgeted programs, centrally budgeted
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departments so that will be one occasion and just to elaborate i think last week at the committee, that was lastweek . you asked the question a similar question at that meeting and i think what we one of the steps that we said we would take which we will is to the extent that there are any implications of group reduction or cuts that are included in the, in our recommendations for the budget balancing plan that would have an impact on all board resolution that we would flag that and make sure that's clear. makethat explicit . then looking ahead to what happens after december 14 heading into budget development
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that that would be the phase in which we would be able to take a more thorough view of all of the elements of resolutions that have not yet been launched or initiated and that would really be i think more opportunity for us to be able to have time and frankly more information to help facilitate the conversation among the board about the priorities mentioned for investments that have not yet been made. >> i appreciate that and if you could be specific about the timeline and let us all know i would like for the public to know because the public came out for this. the public comes out and is appreciative when they see this representative but there's a lot ofresolutions i think the
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public would want to know about and be part of that conversation and i guess i want tomake the request . it sounds like we've looked at school sites, looking at central office . some of these resolutions prattle both spaces. we have a classroom but then we also have workpolicy level that's going on with the policy analyst to support the work . i want to make sure when it comes to looking at from a lens of just the resolution that we're not , we're looking at it as some of it may live insights and some of it may live across thedistrict or in central office . does that make sense? i'd appreciateit if we could see that whole picture . >> that makes sense and we see this isthrough a number of the resolutions . >> commissioner leah. >> thank you to all the work that's going into the samoa
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initiative. it's so clear how it really truly means to the community. i wanted to thank staff, community, vice president moliga for all the work that's gone into it. my question is related to the focus areas and how we will report the timing or the progress is made through the samoa initiative but particularly improving student attendance because i know that's been a long-standing since i've been on the board something that is critical that we address. not just that we are addressing chronic absenteeism but how we are engaging students and families and how the engagement of their learningthese sites improves .
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that was my question. >> could you repeat the last part? personal or which staff members don't know which would be best to answer that. >> i think it was a broader question beyond the samoan initiative to improving student attendance.that's been a focus of the initiative also we've been talking about it more districtwide aswell it is year one as a focus area . >> i'm going to ask the deputy superintendent about some of these initiatives happening around improving attendance. >> this is not unique to the resolution. i think that's what you were saying . we work with sites to do a number ofthings to improve
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attendance . one of which is just the typical making sure families, making sure there's work. focusing on family engagement and making sure families understand the importance of attending and making sure families know how to track their students attendance and making sure there's regular communication between the families specifically to this program that is early education program a lot about typical for early education a lot of partnership including relationships with family from the beginning and letting familiessee the benefit of the program and levels of engagement of the students . i know we have regular periods attendance but i've talked to me not to get more answers and those are some of the efforts that principals are taking out and classrooms are taking as well. >> president: if we can have a conference submission it's been
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said already because i know we get our attendance reports trying to look back on them and i'd like to know what that would be given we are year one into distance-learningstandards . >> any other questions or comments on thisitem ? >> i'm going to say a few words in someon first . [speaking samoan] i remember
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when we first came here we were filled in the stands and our role, i was happy just to see that from the stands to from paper to action. from paper to action. and i really just creditto the community . the team that we have here in theschool district, our school board . for reallysupporting this type of work . it's all over the country and the pacific right now. just got a call from blom. guam wanted to be unique about the pre-k and the folks in new zealand werereaching out about it . so it's incredible work. that's to the school district in san francisco. so you know, i will make this
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long. there's a lot of happinessgoing on red all over . a lot of that happiness is its pre- happiness was a lot of hurt and anger and a lot of frustration. many people on the call tonight and in the community including myself have felt all of that. so this here today tonight in this effort it really isabout being acknowledged . it's kind of a healing process and folks really having faith in the system, in the system that says we are here and we see you and we wantto support you . so that's that. in terms of how do we move forward, with this work my only recommendation or a couple is you've just got to keep going. we have to keep going and don't stop because a lot of what
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happens and that's maybe some of the sentiments that have beencoming from my colleagues is if we're going to have a closing opportunity gap or marginalized community we have to keep going . it can be a hot topic one day and off-the-shelf the next day . if we're going to be meeting that goal we have to continue to go after it. that's one of my encouragements and then the other piece around this is you know, the enrollment piece. i do want to see what the enrollments looks like in terms of the programs. i want to see the outcomes. as much as i love my culture and my people we have to put out programs and efforts that are going to result in outcomes. where going to say that we see a 10 percent increase in literacy in a year or so and these are the benchmarks we needto hit and if they're not being hit we have to readjust, figure out what works and keep going . at the end of the day we have
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to continue doing things that's going to produceoutcomes. enrollments, decreased insurance, ada attendance, graduation ratesand what have you .not not being long-winded i appreciate the update . i love you all . we're here so you can see as the school district we are also trying to navigate through a difficult situation right now. difficult times but this is where we need the community support even more than ever thank you all again and thank you to our colleagues and school staff for being supportive of this effort . >> thank you for that presentation. we will be moving on to item number two, update on the implementation of our yelling and our hands resolution number 195 148 one.who will be presenting on this item ? >> chief willie locksmith.
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>> hello and good evening and thank you for this opportunity. i will do a brief introduction and i'm going to turn it over to christine who i think is on the panel list who will be the bulk of the presentation. thank you for this opportunity tobe here tonight and i wish you all well . and i have thenext slide please ?briefly, the presentation is going to be an overview of the resolution itself and we're going to talk about bright spots from the school year. talk about the progress that we are moving towards this school year and give a brief overview after a middle school wellness launch. as some of you may remember the feeling is in our hands resolution was approved by the board in 2019 and the resolution calls for increased
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funding to support preventative wellness services for students to extend the value of student voices and decision-makers and collectivized sponsor ability wellness and healing and part of that was developing and implementing ap or lead coaching program and integrating culturally responsive mental health curriculums in that program and that the curriculum addressed the root causes of racism, zeno phobia and sexism and in this work of correct adeveloping curriculum was done in connection with community-based agencies . and many others where some of theorganizations that we have been continuing to work closely with . can you give me the next slide please. i am going to turn this over to christine and then i'll come back at the end forthe last slide and questions . >> during our last update in december 22 or 2020 we shared the progress made in the areas
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of hiring 6.6 fteadditional therapists . we also shared progress made in the implementation of theperiod wellness program so today i wanted to share some ofthe bright spots from the 2021 school year . the wellness ambassadors at lincoln high school continue to be active during distance-learning in addition to continuing with training to these wellness doses coaches the students identified wellness needs in the school community and they've created outreach and educational videos on several topics including covid-19 and created them in different languages, spanish, english and mandarin and created a video on mental health during the pandemic. gaming addiction was an issue so they created a video on gaming addiction for students as well. they also created a video on
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vaccine promotion in collaboration with the school nurses. these videos were shared across multiple school communities giving the wellness team and also information about the vaccination campaign was shared with tony berryman, superintendent in partnership with sfp oc public relations office. next slide please. in the area of the resolution that called to collectivized responsibility for wellness an healing the student and family services division has taken the following steps to the capacity of the divisions. outreach and education program .and while we are working on integrating the program with the youth outreach worker program otherwise known as big out program which is an established program and every high school on this program.
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used governance and tier 1 coaching will be offered as skill building during the training for workers in the spring. the wellness ambassadors also partnered with the chinese progressiveassociation over the summer to develop training on youth adult partnerships, youth governance and pure coaching and these trainings were well all be integrated into outreach worker training . the student family services division is also partnering with the college and career readiness program and see and i to make the outreach program obtain internship program. let's see. and in addition the tier 1 wellness ambassadors and youth outreach also have continued to link to these wellness program services and we have seen wellness programs for more self referrals bystudents than ever. next slide please .
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as the student family services division works towards coordination and alignment across the division the team porting youth leadership and your outreach saw an opportunity tocreate more alignment several programs . these provide student opportunities to develop leadership skills . we are fortunate to be able to provide students for various grants. so we have three different programs.youth outreach workers looking at disparities on campus related to other areas of student health and creating campaigneducational presentations to address those disparities . we have outreach workers trained in all these areas and they create education to address that information and finally appear wellness approaches to provide one-on-one support in many areas of well-being. so these three programs as well
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as the career transit advisory council, student health advisory board and foster youth services also have wealth and wellness promotion and prepare students to participate in decision-making spaces . next slide please. in the resolution focus area of expanding on the value of studentvoice and skills of leaders and decision-makers , the students and family services divisions have youth outreach workers attend wellness team business meeting , coordinated care teams, parent teacher student associations or school council meetings to promotehealth and wellness and expand on the value of student voices as leaders and decision-makers
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across high school communities. this shift aligns with the focus of the coordinated care team model focuses on student and family partnerships . next slide please . in theresolution focus area of strengthening preventative resources to supply english language learners african-american and middle eastern asian pacific islanders students , the student populations during the 2020 2021 school year lincoln high school students created a podcast in partnership with the sf public press called her mental health support which is fortunate tonight. wellness ambassadors who represent cultural clubs across campus facilitated college readiness workshops during advisory to address areas or barriers to higher education for blackand african-american students . these ideas were generated by students . they also created a wellness ambassadors also created a video putting positive messages about gender identity and this idea was brought before us by a
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latinx student in the ambassador wellness program will work interested in addressing toxicmasculinity and howit affects family dynamics . next slide please . >> we have kind of talked about what we are doing with respect to the high school wellness program. we wanted to pull out and share that we're really working across the division to coordinate and collaborate better and to leverage other funding resources because the resources aren't enough to provide the student support and needs that are there so we are doing the most with what we have and that's why we're leveraging some of the prevention grants and nutrition grants and things like that so we have to be ascreative as possible to expand the services as much as we can . i definitely would say the school staff are working hard and doing amazing things and we
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continue to count on the central office level to support them as much as we would like to. one of the other exciting areas in terms of leveraging other resources that were fortunate enough to get a middle school wellness grant . it's a five-year grant which will have started with and cisco everett and valley middle school this year in the next four years we will expand to all of the middle schools and the k8 schools that have beacon centers. and the focus of the wellness middle school is going to be a little bit different than high school so we are taking some time and spending time working with school students, staff, families to understand what we want to do as webuild out a middle school wellness program . we want to draw on the focus areas of our resolutions. we extend those values of student work and focus on the strong coordinated care approach with student participation, continue to do
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close collaboration with the can and the xl afterschool programs at the site for whole child work and the children's activities and look at student led promotion as well and the healtheducation advisory . this is a work in progress and we will continue to provide updates about the wellness launch along with our human presentations. so with that i thank you for your attention and we will open it up to any questions. >> iq. let's open it up to public comments before we discuss . >> please raise your hand if you care to speak to our healing hands resolutionupdate . can we repeat it in spanish and chineseplease . [speaking spanish] [speaking
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chinese] two hands president lopez. >> hello. >> i wanted to express my continued support for our healing and our hands work . this is amazing work and i remember doing public comment and when all the communities came up and did so thank you for the update and also i want to really say thank you for the different images you showed us of posters. i was struck by pride and a queer parent that makes me feel warm inside to be able to see that also queer culture is seen as represented to . a big shout out to the lgbtq
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support services team, always doing amazing stuff serving the needs of queer students in our district and so many queer parents i know speak so highly of them and the work they do helping outat school sites . >> thank you. hello, julie . >> caller: my name is julie. i want to shout out to chinese progressive association not just for the creation of this program but also for the partnership and implementation in developing strong student voice in your coaching but also student government pilots. i'm surprised to see they were invited to be a co-presenter. in terms of outcomes i want to add to the highlights shared tonight but when many programs saw decreases i remember seein that more students showed up than expected for the year led coaching program in the spaces
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. in terms of the budget balancing impacts i'm wondering about how the cuts about staff to resources will impact this program and we're also having a hard time understanding the role of counselors middle and high schools. it appears the sites will get funding centrally funded staff whichis often a middle step to these positions being cut when difficult choices are forced down to the budget . i want to ask board and staff tocontinue this work to invest in this program and address how you see thebudget balancing plan adjusting these cuts and any other impacts . >> that concludes public comment >> thank you for that. i'd like to open it up for discussion . commissioner alexander. >> thank you president lopez. i agreewith folks in public comment who said this is amazing work so thanks to those who are doing it . i guess i just want to raise a
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bit of a challenge. during this presentation sounds really positive but contrasting it with the student voiceswe heard earlier tonight to me seems like we are not there yet . so when i see i guessi'm just curious from staff . how do you process that? this is a nice, i hear the goal this year is to have refocus on this meeting. that's wonderful but it seems like we have more urgent problems. i thinkyou have outreach workers attending meetings should be a no-brainer at every school . i'm interested in hearing the deeper strategy around we've got a lot of students raising their voices to where they even did a walk out recently. what's our thinking on how we incorporate that and that kind of student activismaround addressing some of these critical issues students are raising ? >> it's a very complex question and i think the answer, i would
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like to answer quickly. i completely get there is that ... i don't know what it is but the it's the juxtaposition of what we're striving for an what's happening at some schools with states that we are not striving for and things we have not been able toaddress in the midst of developing so i think all things are happening at the same time . and for the recent issues that came upin the past week , as we were preparing for this presentation of course started bubbling up after we had started preparing for the presentation and so we have to be flexible and we have to continue to iterate those needs. we are doing that as the division looking at what our resource is. we are working closely with pt williams in title ix office have been meeting with principals. it's hard.
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it never moves as quickly as people want and i think i just wanted to be clear and transparent that we are working as hard as we can. where listening to it and we have meetings scheduledfor next week with some of the student delegates . all of that is happening and i do think it is always challenging to try to give a comprehensive picture of the things that aren'tgoing away and the things that are going the way we want them to . >> student delegates lam and commissioner lam. >> i want to say this is a both commissioner alexander said this presentation is wonderful. it's good to know this stuff is happening and we have this
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these programs. and i know that a lot of students do actually go to these wellness centers and get support these wellness centers and it's a great initiative but we also have the juxtaposition of students on public comment period and students advocating for more support and wellness . a lot of times are comingup to me saying what can wellness offer me besides tea and hot water ?my question is are there any like long-term plans? you went into detail about a five-year grant in partnership with dc yf but are there any long-term plans to improve our wellness centerslike that besides middle school stuff ? >> and i asked a couple clarifying questions. so i think what i'm hearing is thatthere are long-term plans to add more resources , financial resources to fund wellness centers more fully or to add more staff for to have more funds to fund community
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organizations to come into wellness centers and offer services . i think that that is going to have to be part of the budget discussion unfortunatelybecause of where we are and what we've been talking about in terms of limited resources and hard decisions to make .the wellnesscenters at the high schools have over i think they've been around for 20 years or more . they have evolved since they first started 20 years ago and have expanded and have more staff andhave more resources . do they have enough? no so that is always a goal of ours . it's too our resources asmuch as we can to expand services . the middle part we were fortunate to have private donations and allowed us to be able to start thinking about how do we expand service without that private donation in unity and talking about expansion in this role i would say yes, we always have long-term plans to expand services to meet the new needs arise as students student
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leadership and maybe even families. they need change to continue to be involved with that politics funding and resources and our conversation of priority to get started, that a long-term plan but i tell you what it is and how muchmoney is coming in , i don't have that information. >> i realized i could jump in quickly. we serve approximately 8000 students every year across the school district at the high school level. we provide individual and group counseling services and the wellness center and also gointo the classrooms . health promotion events so we're trying to all those teams are working hard and the programs are very well realized. and as i said, thanks. we can always use more resources. but we are leveraging. we do community-based
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organizations to provide on-site services so dhl is partnering with them. >> helpful, thank you. i think also i talked about the long-term but also now in response to events happening at school sites this week i'm wondering what immediate support is being given out to the wellness centers this week as well as the following week or in response to increase students coming out about thei experiences . >> this week alone we have an extra sinful social worker that is going to schools. the challenge where having is when we collect people from central office that the other students andfamilies don't get served because of the work that person needs over having to be. how we move people around . but for this week we have had a staff person at our economy since monday trying to find
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other people to come out to tomorrow and friday. but we are challenged and we need to be honest because when we do that that we are taking someone from other work that they'redoing . so we're being as responsive as we can in trying to deploy what central office staff we have to do that and we're also working with 30 fewer staff and we had before thepandemic as a central office . it is a challenge because were trying to get out there. >> i think you said academy but it's sort of. >> i just want to call it match your. i forget. i also just wanted to say delegates lam i think christine has said that there were 6.6 fte, 6.6 positions were added to the higher solution so there
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was funding connected to the resolution but again, that took us so far thatwe didn't take it far enough . >> if i could add 6.6 fte was helpful. we had sites that have zero therapists before. some of whom had zero, some of whom have five but every single high school wellness center as a therapist which has been extremely helpful especially with students returning after the lane. were also reaching out to cbo's to support with what's happeningright now . i expect we will work with them tooffer additional groups and also workshops . >> president: commissioner lam and commissioner collins .
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>> thank you to the staff. when us board members worked on the policy our killing and our hands and working with community we knew that this was going to be a real change, particularly when it came to the youth governance and the p are opportunities and program design. i'm just so proud and grateful for the work and engagement between staff working with our students and with our site leaders and community . i want to know for example there's also been the value when you have a site leader is committed to the success of the initiative and the program and tonight the bright spot that was highlighted atlincoln high school . i know we got to see it several times for vaccination clinics
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to just being on-site at i think i just really encouraged tonight to staff i know that you all are working at maximum hundred 10 percent and i think this is just a moment that we are hearing tonight from our student delegates . we're hearing from our students how critical it is moving forward that while we have this infrastructure of our wellness really leaning into our student leaders that we've invested in. and that we have the support and infrastructure and staff there already so that's just one thing like i know it's been a big week. it's been a heavy week but also to really acknowledge and recognize that our student leaders and our staff at the sites have been leading with the student voice and how we can really have that be part of our work continued work moving forward. my question was related to the
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wellness program particularly at the middle schools because i also know there's more coming from just again what our student delegates have raised tonight in their reports. i'm also very intrigued about understanding why i know we have strong curriculum working towards understanding what initiatives and programs how many students are getting to touch that learned that curriculum usually starting in middle school. because we know the research has shown that healthy relationships,'s overall risk behavior is starting much earlier now and i haven't seen what was covid-19 what that might look like.
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for future requests to be to remember that perhaps a more formalized staff reports around what those the health curriculum in particular what that dirty looks like or experienced starting for our adolescents in the school. >> i think you're right commissionerat a different presentation but absolutely we can get that information and share it . >> commissioner collins and vice president. >> iq for the presentation and i did want to piggyback on commissioner lam comments that i do appreciate this resolution and i think it's a model of several resolutions that we put forward that are not top-down that really i think when i first joined the district there was a lot of work done around equity but i think where we've
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made a shift in the last 10 years indefinitelyó was with so many of us involved in the community that we realized it we can't do this without community partnerships, parents voice and voice and i think this resolution really is an example of that. and i guess in the next update i would love to hear from students involved in this program when we're making the presentation . and also i want to give a shout out to chinese progressive association for a community partner helps to support student leadership and actually doingthe research . the efficacy of the writing of thisresolution . i would love to hear from them as well to see what their thoughts are on where we are at based on the vision that they had whenthey started . that would be a great assessment for me of where we are at. and the bright spots where they see themand also where they see the work ahead .
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and i also wanted to say i really appreciated both public comment and commissionerlamb's comments regarding curriculum . since my daughters went into middle school, i've been asking the district how do we talk to students about there's two things.there's consent and there's boundaries and there's you know, sexuality and relationships and things and some of those conversations happen within ourhealth curriculum .some of that relates to theprevention that students , i'm hearing from a lot of students and i for this over the years but i'm hearing it again in the last week. some students if they want more education so they can identify sexual harassment and assault andhave more skills to prevent it from happening . and we're clearly not doing
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enough. i was going to say that and the curriculum that we have in place i think you have some great curriculum but i'm wondering is it that we're not implementing it across the board. is it that the curriculum itself is not robust but in the presentation we were talking about the policy that is in our sexual harassment policy there is language that says we should be educating students and staff on what actual harassment is, what sexual assault is that moves us into healthy relationships in terms of prevention i'm hoping staff will address the curricular aspects within the presentation when they're talking about sexual harassment and assault but additionally ithink what came out for me this is something i've been working on . i started teaching as a career resource for native and very first thing they want to talk about a set we want to talk about sex andit was like okay what i realized is they didn't want to talk about having sex .
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they want to talk about actual relationships and some of the issues we're seeing rightnow. healthyrelationships , what happens if you like somebody and they do something that makes youuncomfortable . all those questions how you support your friends . how do you stand up for your friends in a way that's helpful or keep your community safe and i know as of your resource coordinator somebody was in youth development and many of us have on the board isthat we can talk as adults about what kids should be doing but the most powerful messagescome from students themselves . that's why our healing and our hands resolution is so important . we can talk about preventing diabetes if you want to help kids not to eat toomuch sugar and have healthy behaviors get kids talking about sugar . it can stocking up nutrition and thisis especially true when it comes to sensitive topics like relationships and sexual behavior . so i guess my question is how do how do students inform the education topics that are
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chosen for the youth outreach workers to take on in a year because i know consistently as i worked as if your resource coordinator happens will relationships and help life and protection, those were all things that came up all the time. that and racism. so i'm just wondering how you gatherinput from students on the topics that students choose to educate their peers on . and when we have incidents like this how can we help students be more involved in the response because i think as much as we can get students involved in the response i heard from students the presentations we did last week to try and be responsive as adults felt fell flat. i heard multiple times they said presentation felt really like powerpoint and even teachers said multiple times i heard from students that teachers said they didn't feel
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comfortable delivering the curriculum. i would like to build capacity for teachers. that is also in our administrative regulation that educators are trained to identify sexual harassment and assault and be able to listen to students reporting but i also know that if you are just an algebra teacher and you're met with this kind of a escalation of thiskind of a very sensitive conversation , we need all the help we can get and we ask students that are trained and can talk about these topics and talk about them with their peers and we know students don't always come to adults, they go to their peers first. that's where we need to be investing. i guess two questions. one is how do students inform the work that the youth outreach workers do.
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how do we involve. resource students and also the youth outreach workers in supporting the need that unclear he hearing . it sounds like we are understaffed when it comes to therapists . -30 staff members and now we're moving them aroundbut we're taking them away from other sites . we need all thehelp so those are my two questions . how can the students on the ground get involved in supporting their peers right now ? >> i can answer the first question. you the youth outreach workers at each site choose, get to choose the topics that they're interested in focusing on every year. in the past these outreach worker programs were supported by tobacco so there were some requirements around educating students but now that we are
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the youth out reach program is funded through college and through the internship they have more freedom to choose any topic that they're interested in focusing on. so depending on the school site sometimes there will be two students who focuson a particular topic another two so they can , they'll split up and work on multiple topics and projects every year. >> this question is there is there a way for students either. source students or the youth outreach workers, are there mechanisms for them to support staff in addressing needsaround education on these topics . >> when you say support staff, i'm not sure what you mean working with staff work can you say? >> i was at the protest at
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south school of the arts and i heard from multiple students that staff members it presentations that week to try to address the concerns that students have and they said they wanted to be involved in working on thosepresentations. they felt like they weren't responsive and were a little bit tone deaf . i think staff was trying to be as responsive as they can but just like the youth outreach workersare doing around other topics . for our kids are trained already to jump in and help. >> but i would say to that is we want to bring it back to the youth outreach workers and the p are counselors and talk with them about what are some strategies that they are considering and think about ho where they would be comfortable being part of that and things like that . i think what i will say is it's a good idea. we will consult with the students and we can come back and we can send thatduring the weekly board reports an update
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on that . >> are students actually want torespond. >> i'm not sure of likeevery youth outreach program every school . varies on what topics they cover .but i'm a youth outreach worker atmission high school and a project that were working on currently , we're talking about sexual harassment and sexual assault happening within sf usd and one of the projects i was actually a sound today is that we create a poster and also we format a type of outreach whether that's through our radio station, social media and in person training , a poster campaign. and partnering up with community partners that we would invite to work with so that's what we're doing at the youth outreach worker atmission high school. and then possibly presenting it to the board ofeducation . >> can i come and visit and see what you are doing . . sound like our students are leading the way again and i
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really appreciate for that work and want us to be building so it's not just students working but that would be great. >> just to add that we're trying to live in the direction of the youth outreach workers being a kind of an advisory group to the wellness team. at each school. we also have a health advisory board that's also is also informing some of our programming. >> thank you so much for that presentation and i'm sure we will be. sorry, vice president. >> it's been a long day for everyone. thank you president both as a shout out to the wellness health programs focus. so much of the work we're doing today like i was watching the presentation and i would like
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man. we're not even a health department and were doing a lot of work you know, we're a school district. and here we are social workers, everybody just hands on trying to support our kids. so i've just got somuch love for you all and i know how it feels to be out there . the tough thing about being a school social worker or health worker is your like one person. if you're a school social worker you have a school of like three or 400 kids. and it's not easy thing. and on top of that when you're talking about these areas, you're talking about folks have to like have specific skills around managing trauma. that is not an easy task and that is a lot to carry the same time. so i say that to say that the field needs for me to things.
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continuous funding. continuous funding.and then the other piece is we need bodies need peoplethat are going to be able to do the work . so this is for me a move fast and slow at the same time. fast because we need to address issues and slow because we need to make sure we're doing it correctly and it doesn't fall apart the foundation is built correctly. so i put this out a to do itemfor us here in the school district . because it's needed at the resolution there's a pathway forsocial services . that pathway was literally to address this question. how do we give more bodies into our school district and i'm not saying we need to do that now but just some of the this kind of tobe out there. more social workers. we need more workers .but we don't have a pathway. we have a teacher pathway but
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we don't have a pathway for social services so realistically it were going to be tracking and reporting into our school districts we have to be able to continuously, we have to be able to have these systems to be up to do that . and so i want to put that out there and the other part we have the resolution and i'm excited about the finding that the allocated to social servicesand also to the ohio resolution . so i'm looking forward to seeing the updates on that. and i do want to comment on the youth piece. this is exactly why thisyouth piece exists today . these moments that happened right now where students are suffering and voicing, this is where these youth, this is why eric created. youth wellness. at the same time, they need to be trainedcorrectly . the last thing we want to be doing is sticking youth in situations that they're not able to handle because the impact of vicarious trauma ripples.
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so we want to be able to do it in a way that makes sense and that is effective. so again moving fast and slow at the same time. that was a program launched out of burton high schoolin 2014, 15. student athletes . boys. in response to the stewing. i think it's in ohio. but with the rape incident that happened out there.the whole entire football team launched i think they extended it longer than that . in two years they ran a campaign around consent throughout the whole entire school district. they would sit in the middle of the football field after football games and talk about consent and they traveled through the colleges. i'm not sure if it exists but i would check in with. burton, miss thomas and those
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guys and seeif it still exists . it would be model to get a handle on some of this stuff but as a supporter and as an ally working in the tools much love toall you guys . and i've talked with social workers at school sites and their struggling. it's a hard job but at the same time they need support. i want to go buy them some lunch or something but i'm serious. we had lunch outings with, if anyone wants to donate lunches to social workers publicly you're more than welcome but they appreciate the little things. it's the little things that matter the most. i you again and i love the fact that again this is another resolution from policy to
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action is moving. i also want to acknowledge this resolution was the reason that balboa high school now has moments so i'm not sure how that'sgoing but they're happy to have jason and all those otherguys doing good work . thank you again chief smith . i appreciate you all and look forward to doing more work together.>> now thank you for that. now we will be moving on to our third item into section e which is fiscal year 20 2223 zero-based budgeting. >> thank you president lopez. once again our staff presenting will be our chief financial officer megan wallace and she will be presenting with your team.
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chief wallace. >> good evening doctor matthews, president lopez. let me go to the next slide please. this evening we're going to review continuing our conversations with fiscal year 2000 2223 budget balancing plan. first we're going to briefly review the balancing plan timeline. we're going to continue to develop a shared understanding of the proposed balancing plan particularly by responding to questions that came up at recent board meetings with regard to our current spending . so provide a breakdown of acceptance across funds. we will provide more details about various programs that are includedin indirect operations and administration .
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we will provide some funding comparisons withother california school districts . then finally i'll be going into more details about the $35 million on the source line which has been included in our balancing plan. next slide please. this is the timeline. as you can see her on november 9 we will be covering our funding sources and providing additional context but again i just wanted to share where we are in that our timeline. we're in this first set of understanding the plan and having ashared learning . then we will transition step to wear we will be diving deeper into the session discussing trade-offs with regard to how we will ultimately land when the plan as we hope to deliver it on the 14th. on the next slide i'm going to go ahead and handed over to executive directorof budget
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services and reported . >> you make in good evening everybody. we brought back this slide from last week's presentation as a guide for the rest of the tonight's presentation. this is outlined of sf usc's proposed 2022 183 budget balancing plan organized by rare budget expenditures list. in bowl budgets in top right green row and in central office budgets outline organized by categories of service to schools. on the next slide we have this this aggregated that information according to fund. the fund is one of the fields that we use when we go through the budget and spending process. and you can see along the top funds one first in our district operating budget.
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there's more details around fun one because that is the primary fund that we use for our budget each year. you then see other funds. fund five refers to our county office of education fund. fund 12 is early education or childdevelopment . on 13 cafeteria funds 14 to 67 are our capital funds which consists of a number of different scopes of work you can see particularly their large amount of funding for construction facilities etc. so i encourage everybody to take a look at this does help outline back 1.277 billion or just over one point almost $1.3 billion budget. across the various funds where these thingslive in our .
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next slide please. we also brought back the definitions of the major expenditure service categories for reference. although we're not sharing new details about the balancing plan proposal tonight, the details and analysis we are sharing will provide helpful backgrounds in preparation for next week's meeting when we are fish cheering proposals for balancing against indirect service operation and administration categories you seehere . next slide please so we disaggregated by funds on the prior slide, here we disaggregated instead by expenditurecategory . indirect on the left,
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operations in the center and administration on the right. all of the roads are either specific divisions or specific departments withina division . and the amounts that you see here include all funds and all funding sources or all resources. as a reminder the categories like indirect, operations and administration where these different divisions and departments fall, these different expenditures. they are based on specific codes in the budget. for example, function. there may be areas looking across these different categories where a particular division leader may actually say oh, we don't actually think
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that's administration. that's indirect or vice versa. but we wanted to use our coding structure so that we can help compare ourselves to other districts which we will do in a coupleof slides . one other helpful notes as you look through this is that you will see certain divisions or certain types of work are named in different columns because divisions do different types of work. and an entire department may not fall fully into indirect or administration. so where you see a division of multiple times that means the work theydo falls into these different categories of service . and i think one other final notes on this slide is next week when we share our proposal forbalancing across these different categories , we will be looking at a more holistic ... or we will be sharing proposals that span across
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stable. while some other bay area districts have lower than average reserves they are not as low as ours. and looking at their average is closer to 20%. sfusd does spend more per ada average daily attendance per daily groups. really across all of the different types of employee groups we do spend a higher amount on salary and benefits per student attending school each day. next slide, please. the one important note about
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saber the salary and benefits report, we realized looking at the numbers, it does not fully include the add ons. despite the fact those aren't included we did want to share one comparison piece here, regardless of the salary comparisons, we do see sfusd has a much lower ada to ftd ratio. there are many more adults to students than other places in the districts. other bay area distincts average
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19 students to every adult. sfda is 14 students per every adult. this is our final new piece f of analysis slide. this is something we developed after last week's discussions. when our senior manager in the budget office was able to extract expenditure information for all other districts in california and put together this analysis to see how other district's spending looks across direct services, indirect services compared to sfusd using that same method that we used to
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create the categories for our balancing plan proposal. on the table, we have the bay area averages along the top. also highlighting oakland and long beach as pier districts. what major take aways here are similar to the analysis we shared a few weeks ago are the functions within our budgets specifically. you can see that we spend less on direct services. a little bit less. more on indirect, also about three percent. similar amounts on operations and slightly less on administration compared to other
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bay area districts. as a reminder as a single district county hold some additional responsibilities deviation across counties. in addition to the breakdown of these percentages being able to share our ada we used 1920 as our source data to be consistent with our financial data and the number of sites that we support. that's what we can reflect on that can have an impact on the distribution of the different services that we provide. one final note here i think is an important one whereas our
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balancing plan proposal splits school site budgets from central budgets for the purposes of this report to create consistency everything is rolled into one. everything that's in school site budgets is coded to these categories as well. we can look at our entire budget in the same way we look at any of these other budgets and see everything it consists of how these categories apply. now i'm going to hand it back to megan. >> on the next slide i'll go into some more detail around the additional funding sources which are a critical part of that
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overall budgeting plan. staff proposes using a combination of fund balance which is is really a one time source. new state grants. the expanded learning opportunity program. and the educator effectiveness block grant. it begin actually in prior slides you'll see the focus is on fiscal year 22/23. it's an ongoing expenditure reduction. the school year 23/24 assumption -- some of the assumptions do change between the two years. just highlighting on fiscal year 22/23, we use 20 million of the
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existing funds. it's an improvement of how we would close out the school year in 21. there's $22 million of an improvement. we're proposing to use 21 million of those funds in the first year. it's actually five million dollars in the child development fund that can be drawn down that can be carried over from this year into next year. the combination of those two steps is $25 million of use of fund balance. in addition to that we propose shifting existing excesses onto the elo program. we currently spend $6 million on
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the equity access grant program saving and unrestrected general fund soft onto the elo program. the block grant is a very exciting new funding source. staff will be bringing a expenditure plan to the board. we will be shifting three million onto that block grant. that's $45 million in fiscal year 22/23. shifting into year 24 you see a
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fund balance. there's some important moves here that i really want to make sure that i highlight. looking at current year savings of $15 million. the commitment here is looking at our current budget and looking for savings that we can hold onto for budget stabilization. it is important important to close out the fiscal year and count them for fiscal year 23/24. that's why there's a delay and the use of their funds. the idea here is that we need to start belt tightening. additionally we are actually
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receiving elo prodpram program n that year and we can set aside reserves in that fund balance. from there you can see the ongoing application as well as the block grant. there is a place holder where staff is looking particularly at the state level where there may be additional opportunities off of the unrestricted general fund and onto those new sources. just in conclusion i want to remind everybody that this meeting as well as the upcoming budget meeting on the 17th are still part of that first step in
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the process. this is an opportunity for a shared understanding of the process in the plan. i should have mentioned at the beginning but staff is working with our engagement team to schedule a budget town hall. please mark your calendars we're looking at that as a great opportunity and release a survey not only with our current work but our ongoing work. we know this isn't the end, this is just the beginning. in conclusion, let's keep our eyes on the prize for december 15th. this is really important. great work. we're excited to talk with you tonight and answer your
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>> if you wanted to be sincere in how you are developing the budget, you have to align the fte. there's no shared understanding of what this plan means to families. especially considering how that interacts with the enrollment that's also on the chopping block. can you explain where and how you plan to cut the fte's from the world pathways. if you're not going to explain where these cuts are happening,
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you're not building a shared understanding. >> thank you. >> hey everybody. treasurer our students deserve the absolute best learning conditions. these budget cuts are going to impact our students in all kinds of ways. i've been meeting with our educators, i've visited to over one hundred educators. we know our students are coming in with a lot of needs. we just heard stories of students coming into our schools. we need our parents,
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substudents, custodians. we've been hearing about that need. there's a lot of concerns out there. educators are quitting on a daily basis. we need stable schools. we see there's a big gap. it's kind of scary that we're only cutting the biggest piece from our educator piece. those saber data has a lot of interesting information. if you actually look at it, there's 14 bay area districts where educators get paid more than educators in san francisco. >> thank you.
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>> i'm still very confused about the cuts being proposed. when students don't just dress up and play soldier, they learn leadership skills, develop relationships and do all of that while maintaining an amazing inclusive environment for all students. who decided to lift cuts to soar. it make it's looks to cuts to sped are smaller than they actually are. this cannot happen when sites are already overloaded as it is. there has to be other place it cut from.
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>> i'm a teacher in the district. why don't you go to sites. why don't you go and see what people need. see what the teacher's need. the custodian, seconds. someone said this is good news. this is not good news. it's disgusting because teachers and school staff don't make that much and they take the brunt. the para's being overworked.
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no one has mentioned it. everyone ignores when i say this is the problem. no one comes to the sites or visits the sites. please come and support students. >> i want to have some conversation about how is this proposal student centered when the proposal calls for a 90 million deficit but 60 million is being cut directly from school facilities. it's in this power point
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presented today that was posted last night that the direct service was clearly indicate that we spend significantly less. how is this student centered? thank you. >> thank you. that concludes public comment. >> okay. thank you for that. i know there will be more opportunities for the public to engage in these sessions. i will now open it up to our student delegates and commissioners. commissioner sanchez. >> thank you for the presentation. this is really difficult work for everybody. i want to refer to slide 12. i know we went over it last
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week. want a little more detail around the 50 million-dollar cuts, how much of that is related to the enrollment decline and how much that will effect school sites in terms of their core jobs of teaching students? >> of the $39 million of proposed reduction, 15 million of that is for declines and enrollment. the remaining amount would be a reduction of the equity of the
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totallal pool that goes out to other schools. it's not based on enrollment but based on narrowing and focusing on what mtss is starting next year. >> what mtss will be cut for - what's the math on that? >> it's 24. >> what does that look like for our schools and classrooms. potential layoffs and cuts to services?
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really look at what the updated allocations would mean for changes in classrooms. funding to cover above and beyond the base line. i can also pull up the deck. i think we had an estimated number of ftd's. >> essentially we'll have school by school what the cuts will look like? >> we will. >> okay. thank you. >> i had few questions. the first thing i need clarity on is where is the conversation about the vision for our classrooms and that experience
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for our students and naming what that is and naming what we want to protect and building from that. a lot of this felt like if we're starting from zero and we want a classroom for our students to feel joy in and teachers to feel supported in, i haven't been able to see that. a number of things can i share y will be a part of our core subject. all of these components that we say we want in our classrooms. i need to know what that is to ensure that we're protecting that and build from that. i'm having a lot of trouble understanding this process. i want to know when that process
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will begin? >> i would say that next week's presentation is the final piece of a three meeting presentation for the balancing plan. what i would say is in that vision of starting with the classroom, starting with the school. last week we did share the weighted student vision for the base line. that's the minimum level. the minimum guarantee that we want to make sure that every school can budget for. i can provide a quick summary of that. we also have the proposal in
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discussion that was presented last week about the different supports the direct services that are managed centrally that will continue to be funned. i think putting those together creates the picture of what this proposal really preserves in schools and for our students experiences in schools. i'll pause there. if it's helpful for me to reiterate any of the key piece sfrom last week, it carried through each of these meetings. >> even more than what you're
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naming is talking about what we need in the classroom. there seems to be a lot of confusion for the public and educators and how much these cuts are going to impact them. i'm think being the conversation of cuts in general, that's already impacting our school district. every program is wondering if they're going to be a part of that or not. i know the positions that are base lined. if we describe it better, maybe people will understand we're trying to go through a process that is informing the public and educators and families with being protected. at this level, that can't clear. moving forward, i want to talk about that vision and that experience. what will we ensure the
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classroom has throughout this process. >> we can make sure for next week's presentation before we go into the details for operations and administrative services we ground ourselves around what we have proposed in school investments to make sure that is where we start. >> thank you for that. i'll pause to open it up. >> something i'm wondering now as we start to think about how we look at how we want to frame our classrooms is the lcat. that has a lot of information for what we want our goals to
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look like. in the next slide deck some bits and pieces it include the lcap and we can talk about how we want to frame our classroom. >> we can do that. >> thank you. >> i have a question on slide 13 where we talked about the proposed cost savings. if you can talk through this slide a little more for me. i'm curious what happens to these items that's we're shifting funding from to either one time sources or other short
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term grants that we have. does these have a less certain and future out side of this current projection or is it not an indication of that. if that doesn't make sense, can i rephrase it. >> it makes sense. i'll start with answering that. when grants come up, it's important that we use them. in this case for the elo program and the stock grant, we do make investments that align well with those funding sources. it's particularly because we're
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facing budget challenges. identify new expenditures. i think the effect is that we have to keep a close watchful eye on the completion of term on the spending sources so the block grant ends in five years. when we're approaching the anne of that term and developing our budget we'll want to make sure that our financial projections account for that loss and it may require us to make changes in our budget to help us balance. it doesn't necessarily mean that that expenditure will be the thing that will be cut. there might be other expense nz our budget that are lower priority. as we move forward each year as we're going thraw budget balancing process, we have to go
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through and prioritize and juster because an expense is on a one time or shorter term funding course doesn't mean it's going to be the first thing to be deprioritized. >> i appreciate that clarity. i think it will be helpful in this process to flag which programs are having the funding shift and be on the verge to end when a grant will end. any reductions in services. the central office or school size end in the programming. flag that for us. i know we did highlight last time the cuts to peer resources and the fte's that are represented.
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something that would eliminate the program from existence in our district anymore. just to have clarity around that as we have a deeper conversation in the coming weeks. i have an additional question about slide five. on this slide where we break out the different funds and we list out the $12 million for expenditures for county, i'm curious, does that 12 million mean that it cost us $12 million to operate the county operations or is that reflective of the way that we're accounting for those funds out of the county budget line? >> i would say it's the latter.
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it's county related expenses that are currently in the county fund. everything related is in the office of education. we also carry county functions in our district. payroll and many districts are supported through their office of education. for us that function sits in the district. we have a convenient diagram of our county and district functions. there's an overlap lap of some function that's fall within the county district. with our work we're trying to dirnate between our district and county functions more and more. it's important to communicate for the board and to the public
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where we carry a higher burden because we're both a county and a office of education. >> thank you. just a bit more clarity of the funds that's are listed and the dollar amounts that are listed with them. we as the district selected the amounts that are listed in those categories. what's mandated by the state. what is our flexibility and discretion verse users what is money that's locked in for money and serve iseses and operations and all those categories. >> i think -- i would say it's a little bit of a mix of revenue
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that is specifically for the purposes of those fund ses and there are fund 12 and fund 13, we make a contribution from a general fund to increase the funding available for nutrition. it's really revenue specific for that purpose. particularly in fund -- where we want to propose changes to sesh is. changes to service.
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early education and childhood development, nutrition, we continue to get funds for that purpose. those services will obviously remain based on the revenue that we have. i think i have one maybe two more questions. in regards to the reduction to kent ral office support specifically related to special educated that is projected to the incoming school year. what if there is not an increase how will that be adjusted in our plan and prospect. how are we taking that into
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consideration if that becomes something that season an option or doesn't merit out to be true that there is a decrease? >> that means we need to look at other savings options. we are working with staff to understand how we would roll forward with that reduction. we do hope to provide clarity in the come willing meeting. this is a plan and we'll have to get into the implementation
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stage as we get to formalization of our budget. >> if i could build on what she just shared. basically just as we discussed as some leng ng last tuesday, this is part of a series of mile stones through next june. in some ways this represents a blue principle for a balancing plan that cbd has required the district to provide and the work
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continues. the functions continue to evolume. there will be many many develops through december 14th through the ultimate adoption of the budget in judge and to your question, commissioner, with respect to more specific ale nal sis and updated information about all of our students with iep's, respecting staffing levels all of that will become much clearer, some of the information is being analyzed now. it will be clearer in detail in the spring and ultimately if there are changes to those assumptions they would need to be updated in the budget itself. >> i appreciate that. that's helpful. i'm going to retate it to make
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sure i have it clear. the budget balancing process we're going to be identifying the larger areas, examining for cuts and structural practices not just for one year but over the course of a series of years. we won't have a level of specificity with a nuanced detail for what's happening to school sites and employees until we get to the bumminget process in the spring. in december people will get a certain element of that news over the course of the spring semester. is that basically right?
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is. >> correct. >> i think it's important for the public to know that really be aware of how these decisions will play out and how we prioritize our resources as we reassess everything as we move forward. that's helpful for me and hopefully helpful for the public. thank you. >> i have lots of questions. i'll try to keep it brief.
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the budget balancing plan. my question is have we talked with our fiscal expert about what potential risks that might provide given i know cd e is very caution about using one time sources. this is why we're in this situation now, we continue to use one time sources. any indication from him about utilizing all of that prior and current year savings. >> i spoke recently about this very question for years in
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particular, there is some risk there in the out years. that's why i think it's so important to have savings inning the first year and not spend it in the second year to ensure those funds are there. if for some reason we don't meet those targets, we can take other step it identify balancing solutions. >> maybe tagging onto that another thing that puts the caution if we are fall below.
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the minimum two reserves. that's another measurement that cd e has. how is the district building back up the reserves. if we're going to be able to make progress beyond the 2% minimum of 22 percent or beyond 24. >> i'm fully aware that the balancing for next year it dependent on some one time revenues as well as fund balances. let me just go back one step of what you node to accomplish by
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mid december. you need to turn in your interim report with assumptions that you can meet your financial obligations for the next three years. part thaf a framework of commitments really that the board is saying we'll make the cuts. for example, if you continue to decline enrollment that you true up staff. i think that's an important concept. the issue that is very difficult to grapple with today what that means when next year's budget comes out. your commitment has to be a die hard exphitment if next year funs come out, you meet the
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needs to true up the staff, i think the question was asked earlier what is mandated by the state. it's codified by your agreements. a sheering in the context of those, you don't have a whole lot of classes with 12 children in them. a question that came out earlier. there may be a class of 18. you won't have thirty quarters of a teacher in there but a base allocation per school. the department of education will
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the budgeting is changing and will require at the classroom level but what funds are left after these funds run out. i think what you're looking for is an ongoing commitment as you meet your ongoing obligations. >> i think i'll make a comment. what i've seen is that the feedback or the escalation now there's one particular district i'm thinking of it was acknowledged that continuing to have low reserves and continue to go use one time funds. i don't want any surprises and we get dinged for not setting aside more resources that we
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absolutely need to so that we're not running on so tight if we miss mark. making sure we have a cushion. that's all i had at least with those questions and comments related to one time sources. from my perspective i would like to ensure that we're going beyond that minimum of 2%. it's not very much for a district to be planning for. i think it's essential that ultimately we understand what
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these reductions mean at school site. until we're able to mean that it's not going to be solvable. staff is going to reveal that throughout this process. more so once we go into our budget planning but also to state that the other piece is to really understand, if we aren't noding it look at consolid eation, number of students, it's
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imperative that we share that with students and staff the sooner the better. we know there's things we can certainly learn from from colleagues a considers the currently an the steat. as saneful and fifl that transparency that our constituents are calling for and deserve. another thing for future presentations rk as part of that as we get more and more details for what it means for reductions for school sites whasm are our
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mp. i think we're all asking for the same thing. i understand that we're forking to get some information in the spreng. puj hing is a dean am he can process. at 'very basic level we're not tbetting what we're asking for. if schools are expecting to have art or expecting to have a social worker or we want to focus on literacy will there be let ras ri coaches frerm when
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doesn't tell me what the site impacts are. i feel like we need to be honest with the pib lek, with disals, where we're going to be. where are we go to go find savings, that's another way of saying where are we going to cut programs and services. as a district we're doing some amazing work. we're doing more than many districts do.
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that helpful for me right now? it's like looking at a map and i want to see a neighborhood. i'm looking at north america. people want to know -- teachers and parents and students want to know how is my life going to be different? how are schools going to be different. put it at that level. folks in the community, they want to know, how does this effect our school. we keep having a conversation at this level. maybe we're not going to be able to pay for as many librarians or
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arts programs. we'll be able to implement at latin x resolution but it's going to take five years instead of three. that's the kind of level detail that is is really helpful. we have to weigh in from people. we can't touch this one thvment. that one is really important to our community. we're not going to have those conversations if can keep staying at that high level. >> we'll be talking being it at every meeting for the rest of the year. to name and give the direction in order to make the decisions you need to make.
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i need something -- i need this conversation to keep moving and they need clear direction so that we feel confident about the process. what i'm hearing is this isn't clear enough. we can't do anything right now. >> if we each pipe in with i like resources, i like english pro grams. >> that's not what i'm saying. >> but is sounds like that's what we're left with. >> we are taking your feedback and we'll adjust course as needed for the next couple of meetings. this slide in particular that highlights the components in each -- last week was the
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first week that we shared the high level blue print and proposal for the balancing plan. what do you mean by indirect service and what in our budget qualifies. what do you mean by operations and what in our budget qualifies. this does not have the line by line level details. it's not intended to be -- to build out the level of detail we are sharing. we started with the 125 million-dollar target. we're breaking it down to thedifferent categories. we're working to move to site by
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site. we couldn't begin the conversation with fte he increments because we would have five slide decks. we wanted to start with high level with feedback from last week and move toward the level of gran layerity that you all were asking for. >> thank you. >> thank you. i agree. i appreciate i really appreciate the budget staff for your responsiveness to our requests thus far and continuing this process of continuing the level of detail and transparency that's available.
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i really appreciate the information i requested last time and found it really helpful. i wanted to follow-up around another question i had. this 29 million-dollar figure that has been cut from central office. when i asked for rational, the answer i got was because we already cut central office as much as we can. we're still cutting a little bit. i appreciate pd last week i got a link from staff around some of the history of that. when i looked at it it more carefully last friday i was
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confused. i sent an e-mail over the weekend which i guess. hopefully staff has been prepared to answer this. there was a slide that staff gave us talking about that, trying to explain that 29 million. back in fiscal year 2018 we cut from central office and put back to increased spending. if you add those numbers up.
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to know what happened before i came on board. i welcome folk it go back to prior presentations. i tried to create bread crumb trails. if you look at the information about the $20 million that was added in fiscal year 18/19 it was clear that the majority of those expenses call on meeting addition demands for supports for students. transportation, professional development. everything on that list is in service of our students. it was clear that there were
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needs identifies. keep the lights on type needs. utilities and waste management that had significant growth. to investments that would have been identitied by the lcap task force. the increase in budget would have been ten million dollars greater. that represents staff being more efficient and allowing for growth. that on top of the reduction was not offset. those were true cuts.
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we did absorb those. for us to be able to provide those core supports for business services, payroll are really at a bare minimum right now. i know that hr are in the same boat. it's harder to find the pockets of opportunity to find budget reduction. i know that we need to cut from central services and we will do it. as a result of the belt tightening that has been done over the prior three fiscal years. there's less opportunity. once you take into account the reduction in spending for school sites just based upon enrollment. you'll see that they are pretty
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comparable -- >> i want to get into that. so you're standing by your assessment that we've cut $29 million over the past three years? is that correct? >> i would want to go through an do the math more in terms of actual reductions. >> i think you're right. they're offset by increases. there were trade offs made to allow for investments. >> when the school site budget gets reduced, we cut 10 million
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behind it. i'm looking at the evidence an i'm skeptical and i'm trying to hear you say that there's $29 million in cuts. i want us to be on the same page as the facts. we can still debate whether we cut central anymore. we just need to be clear on what the truth is. >> i apologize. i think the context wasn't meant to mean that they were pure cuts. i think that there were cuts made in order to allow for additional investments. it would have been offset by additional investment.
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>> do you understand the nuance in order to cut -- >> absolutely. i just explained it. it got cut from 10%, it looked like it was standard maybe 5% in every department. it was reinvested. the rest of the 20 million was reinvested. that's fine. there's nothing wrong with doing that. it sounded strategic but it's not a central office cut. if we're claiming we have to cut sixty million from central
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office schools, that seems false and misleading. what's our rational for not cutting more from central. if we haven't cut 29 million. why does sixty million need to come -- >> the rational that she was giving earlier was that many of those cuts were position cuts from payroll, hr, from places that we know we are operating at a lower level than expectations from our sites to services that we can provide from sites. looking at where we are
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especially fta wise. it's very difficult to make additional fte cuts. the bottom line though if the thought process is in the add backs, they weren't fte places. they were keep the lights on kind of additions. at the end of the day whatever areas this board eventually decides to makes the cuts, we'll make the needs. >> the reason i was using long
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beach, it has 18,000 more students than us. it's a little bigger but not that far off. higher achievement results especially for latin x and black students. they seem to restructure their district a lot differently. they spend a lot more on direct service. they spend a lot less on indirect service. they spend a 11 percent on administration. those percentages seem small but 7 percent of our budget is
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$90 million which is a deficit. i cross-references with comparable departments in long beach. another thing that's interesting about long beach is that every central department has a staff list. administrative staff. names, job responsibilities, phone number and e-mail to contact them. we were asking for in the spending resolution a long time owing. you know who to call. you know who is responsible. people keep mentioning hr and payroll. there's three departments in long beach that are roughly the same size at sfusd.
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here is a district that's highly effective that seems to have a much smaller central office. why can't we align with what long beach is doing and ensure that we don't make massive cuts to schools. that would be a sensible approach. i'm going to try to work on trying to develop an alternative plan. i hear what you're saying. i don't hear staff saying
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they're willing. i'm going to do it myself. i'm happy to work with staff on it. we as board members have to create an alternative and put it out there. i would ask if i create something could we consider it at the committee as a whole and really look at it as. >> i hope you would take into account that 50 fewer schools.
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>> i would make the counter argument that that's why we need to have more spending at schools. >> as you're making that comparison, the comparison was all central. >> i appreciate that. i did notice that. i'm sure there are other ways they are different. i'm not trying to suggest we become long beach. what i'm try to go say in the bigger picture, we need to be
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bold and have rational that is rooted in students. i just want something that is rooted in rational in our priorities. that doesn't feel like something i can defend to families. we're going to cut 10% of school based staff, i don't have the ability to defend that. if we went through a thoughtful process and maybe we still do need to make some school based cuts. i feel like there needs to be a strategic rational behind it.
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>> thank you. i just want to name -- i think you hear the passion an commitment. we know this is a complex process. we know that there are going to be really difficult decisions to be made. the budget services worked with the team closely. i hope my colleagues here felt tonight that the team has been responsive. questions that we've brought forward that they're answering to, i think certainly we still have quite a bit of work to do. that is what is being raised tonight. i want to level set and
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acknowledge the expertise that we have in the room right now between our budget team, our fiscal expert, our superintendent giving direction and working with us to get us to the finish line and submitting and approving a budget plan. i hope from tonight there will be some follow-up conversations between the budget team with board members for us to have our discussions with dr. matthews. i wanted to at least acknowledge in the coming weeks what we know is going to be the sprint. i also want to name certainly slide 11 does give more data
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point for us for consideration. commissioner alexander's comments and questions an ult qd ultimately when you have 50 less buildings, that's when my comments that i was raising. what does this look like at the school site level. ultimately if we're proposing consolidations what is the rational for what that means for us addressing the structural deficit that this is not just a one or two year, but expended period knowing our declining student enrollment. >> i see commissioner san commi.
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>> we have sites embedded in elementary schools. if staff can come back with what are actually schools and not joint sites. it's not a separate site. if we can get an accurate count. i don't think we have 130 sites. >> i was really excited by the resolution you both introduced. this idea that my understanding and maybe i'm off, my understanding is let's envision
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a school. what does a school look like. we don't have to constantly fight year to year to get the basic needs. i want to feed my kids and make sure we have clothes. maybe we don't need hbo but there are certain things we need. let's start with what we need and build from there. i want it to be transparent. when you wrote that resolution what was the process that you envisioned.
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you know how to build a budget for a school. >> that's been my frustration too. we passed that resolution unanimously. i love our budget staff and i think they are working incredibly hard. i would encourage my colleagues to spend time with them. i've gotten all my questions answered. i love that. what i'm frustrated with is that at a senior level there needs to be an alignment to our district priorities.
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after we do all this work, we're still not going to get to the root of the problem. which is our schools are not fully funded the way they serve to be. we reached a place in our district where the structures that we have have led us to this deficit. this has been years and years of these choices. we have an opportunity to have these conversations and fix the errors that got us here an build on what we want to see happen in our schools. what that means is that the number that that vision will bring up will never be what we bring in.
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seeking additional resources, we didn't include comments tonight along those lines but absolutely are busy on a couple different fronts. have focused a little less on educational revenue augmentation fund of late. agree with you it's a good time to revive that conversation a bit more. the two priorities that we are focusing on are increasing base line funding which could include provisions to account for declining enrollment. and trying to pursue additional revenues for students with
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disability, programs for special education. that is a program that we said has been under funded more many many years by the state and federal government. we look forward to sharing more information and engaging. commissioners we've had great conversations about this. that's a parallel track that we definitely want to continue to be strategic about. we're preparing this worse case scenario that's been the focus of tonight's conversation. if i can expand away from advocacy. these are hard conversations. they are necessary conversations. if there wasn't some passion an heat an scrutiny, it would seem
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odd, frankly. given the gravity of the subject and context. it seems fitting. we may not see perfectly eye to eye on every aspect on this but we're listening. thank you commissioners for acknowledging that we're trying to be responsive and attuned to all of your feedback and will continue to try to do that. we appreciate the deep level of engagement that has been expressed tonight. if i can squeeze in one caution about the references to long beach. a number of us are intrigued to
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look under the hood and we have some questions. if they do have some helpful comparisons which they seem to offer, it's in our interest to learn more. are we comparing apples to apples. she is already working to get the full org chart. we welcome support from cd e that's another helpful aspect of this context and was called for in the instructional spending resolution. in fairness, i think we also would be interested in looking at the resolutions, the board
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resolutions that district board there passes. we expect a big unique. most resolutions have an aspect that calls for resources at school sites and fair resources that call for strategies and test courses et cetera thatend that endup in the central bucke. if we're going to do a little bit of studying with long beach and other areas. that was discussed in the board's consideration of the resolution as well. >> i just want to recognize that. that is one of the reasons i love sfusd.
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we're doing a lot of innovative work. it's unique to our district. but that costs money and adds positions to cni or family partnership or a lot of the unique thing that's we do. i want us to be honest bf thoset those decisions and be clear on them. we can do things in an innovative way. they built out a language program. we can be creative. they had hired teachers to build out the program while teaching students. it wasn't centrally based it was site based. we wanted to decentralize a lot
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of the work that was going on. just because we say we're going to cut central office positions. psa's. i've been a psa. the work doesn't necessarily have to happen the way it's happening now in order for it to continue. we might be better off instead of pooling our resources essentially how they are diversified across the sites. we might find we're more efficient and leveraging amazing work across the district. this could also be an opportunity to think
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>> it's really regards to the process and time line that you had coming from the out side whether or not you feel like we're equipped with everything we're needed to do what the state is requesting us to do and if there is any information really around the specifics that you feel like we should have before we're making these decisions in december --
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you've made a commitment to a five year plan which is really good. for three years have you to show how you're going to meet your obligations. that doesn't necessarily mean you're going to move all your tsa's to a school or vice versa or make cuts to make the budget work. hopefully the state will add on some things and help you but you will not know that in january and december. you may not know that until july. that's our budget cycle and it's statutory. i think commissioner, the answer is what you have to do as a board is make some commitments that as you go through this process you will make cuts so
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when you see a projection, even the way you staff right now, hypothetically you're staffed x number, it could be at any level. janitor's, principals, teachers. you're going to match that to the means you have. i'm not trying to be vague about it, you just don't have all the answers but have you to make the commitments. that's the process of budgeting in the state. that's what cd e will look for in your report an the budget stabilization plan. is the board treully -- i could name any of the budgets. how viable would it be at the
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operating costs. it's going to take a while to do but you need to commit to. i can't emphasize enough how important it is for you both to question, that's part of my job is to scrutinize the work that the staff is doing and i'm do kg that. there's a lot of data points in san francisco. cost associationed. that's going to have to be a discussion on. everything that's beyond your basic requirements which mrs. gourdon was trying to do in a straight forward fashion.
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we're doing that too. that's going to be an ongoing process. because of the state requirements you have to take some actions by december. i've already held a meeting with both cd e and staff, they certainly do not expect you're go to go make all these cuts in december. it's more than a good faith commitment. you're signing off on your interim report which is your commitment to the state that you're going to follow through with these actions. i hope that helps. i know it doesn't answer everything you need and want it know right now. >> the december process is us indicating to the state and the public our willingness to make
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decisions but the specifics are going to be made a little later. for the places where we don't have access to full information or clear data, we're being asked to fill in the gaps and make decisions as we move forward. thank you so much for that clarity. i appreciate it. >> thank you staff for the presentation. i really appreciate it. i've been meeting with staff also of line just to learn more about the details about the budget. i've been really supportive of the work. i know it hasn't been easy. i wanted to comment on some of
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the things that were mentioned tonight. i appreciate everybody's input. just for clarification this is a report we have to turn in on at 15th, correct and we can aller it as the year moves on? >> we do have opportunities to modify. to the extent that there are layoffs we do have notification data requirements in march and staff has to prepare for that prove he is.
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having a plan in place in december and then waiting to see how the governor's proposed budget in january will lead out that will all lead to a plan that we need to act on quielt qe quickly in the interim months. >> for me the most important thing is there's the long term -- i really do appreciate what commissioner alexander was saying earlier how do we do this -- sorry. i really do respect that of you. i'd be curious to hear from staff. what would be the time line to execute that.
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trying to execute that deadline. i'm not sure we're going to be able to do that and some of these asks of the school board. what is something realist something we can carry out that's doable. the other main piece for me that's important is overcommunication. how is our relationships and communication processes with our labor partners, parent coalitions, families. i feel like those areas are dwoing to be really important to know that we're talking to the community to provide us
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feedback. thank you so much for this hard work. not easy. it's going to hard in a lot of ways. at the same time we're going to we're not taken over by the state. that is for god damn sure. i want to make sure of that. >> i wanted to respond the the reason the state said they want you to work with a fiscal expert is because they're watching the district and the governance team
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to get a plan in place so that we're living within our means. if we don't meet the december 14th elevation plan, the state is going to come in with a much heavier hand. you're not going to get to a place with where there's an administrator here. that is a few years down the road. we're not close to that at this point. that would signal that we're headed in that direction. tonight we heard clarily, i heard staff say that we need to accelerate the process for making sure that the
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stabilization plan is much more detailed in terms of what is going to happen at sites. that's one area that's going to assist. the bottom shrine the more feedback we're go to go tbet, the more we can give you what you need so you can hit that december 14th date. i will say this, it's he said earlier, you may not have every single piece of information you need, we're going to try to giving everything you asked for, it might be a decision you have to make and hold your nose while making it but at the end of the day one way or the other you'll
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have to take objection on the plan. it could be that the board says we're not going to do that. as i said, i have no doubts having been through this process the state will step in with a much heavier hand. >> i agree. we have to vote for a balancing plan. my understanding was we were trying to vote on how to allocate that 130 million and 90 of cuts.
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i do not think i'm capable of writing out a district plan. i was going to come forward with a different way to get to 90 for consideration. i really appreciate it. it's just in the interest of having that conversation. i just want to let my colleagues know a different way of adding up to ninety in those categories. we're not going to have all the information. we can imagine 10% to schools, schools will have decisions to make smght.
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i think that's a conversation we can have. >> i think this is the last comment. >> for the feedback and guidance to staff, i appreciate slide number seven. it talks about proposed reductions. all the categories within them. and operations. that to me means we need to hold tow the current proposal. maybe some other contexts. i would love to have hear from the superintendents or teams.
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we're at the moment where we have to make hard decisions. some of the that context to be able to both inform this board but also to the public is really important. >> one thing i can share that's a starting point is the work that we begin around budgeting now is a little over a year ago. we began that process of building out the inventory for the framework of all of the tasks and responsibilities and seven ises and programs that we offer as a district an as a
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county. we began that process last year and really did intensive work to build out a first draft of that inventory. we referred back to that to develop the numbers that you see for the proposed reductions. where there were already identified enhanced services or priorities or magnified sales within the kalgts. categories. as we finalize the plan we're sharing next week, it's likely that the numbers will fluctuate
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a little bit it's helpful for the way we do all of our work and the function of what our work is. the way we scale back a service enhancement may not be perfectly enhanced by the numbers you see. proposals are holistic across the three. we'll have an update next week on where these numbers flexed a little bit. they were from the zero based budgeting from the zero based work that began last year. >> thank you. okay. thank you everyone for this lively discussion. we'll actually continue next week on wednesday at 4:00 p.m. and every week after.
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i'm super excited with the superintendent search. the public is very interested with the schedule going forward. i'll be real quick with that. thanks. >> thank you. that conclaweds public comment.. >> thank you. any items removed by the board? any items severed by the board? seeing none. roll call vote on consent calendar. >> (roll call). >> section g.
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there are none today. if i hear no objection all four items were previously moved and seconded on october 12th. independent study. board stuly five one four eight child care and development. three, board role and procedure, meetings and notices. four, board role and procedure, board member electronic communications. i'll call on the report for the rules committee of november first. >> all of these items were
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agreement -- >> i'm sorry. i can't spell that fast. >> to approve the agree between our district and four these unions. fciu1021, uesf, and uasf regarding health and safety standards and this is a second addendum to our memorandum of understanding. >> thank you for that. let's check for public comment.
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seeing none. >> any comments from the board. roll call vote on the motion. >> (roll call). >> item three under section i. this is coming to us because we will not have a regular board meeting at the end of the month, we'll be bringing it up now. resolution finding that as a result of the state of emergency declared by california governor it is necessary to continue to
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conduct virtual meetings. i need a motion and a second. >> so moved. >> second. >> this item is necessary to meet virtually every thirty days. it's coming a little earlier to you because we'll not have a regular meeting in november. >> thank you. let's check for public comment >> please raise your hand if you wish to speak to special item three. we do have one.
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>> i just had a clarifying questions. does this apply to site meetings or just school board meetings. >> thank you. that concludes public comment. >> this is just for school board. >> it's for school board and any of our committees that have to comply with the brown act. committees. >> any possible of getting this room open so we can do both virtual an in person joovment person.>> the department of pubc
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health has said we could have a meeting. we could have up to 136 people in the room. i will add that the fact that we are still doing virtual -- as soon as our meetings went virtual they became a lot longer. it could be -- the answer is yes. they have to wear masks. they have to be vaccinated. >> one addition appoint i want to make. we still do not have the
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regular meetings. we definitely don't have the technology for the meetings out side of the regular meetings. >> to clarify, if we wanted to do an in person meeting but didn't have the technology to do the virtual like the committee meetings, we would be in violation. we still have to have this rule in place. >> i think if you wanted to do a committee meeting in american,
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it wouldn't be a hybrid. it would have to be 100% in person. >> the technology issue is everybody can be here in person but we don't have the technology for the public to participate in public comment for zoom community members. >> we would have to use the system and the system won't allow us to use the system and
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zoom too. sfgovtv does something when they will here. >> they can only come to the regular meetings. >> i do believe we are still confused. but unless there are more questions. what we're voting on tonight is continuing virtual meetings. >> can i request at some point we get a report from somebody to have a larger conversation. when do have that conversation and get information from people that have that technology. >> thumbs up.
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requiring a plan to accomplish the goals of the resolution and programming for 2lgbtqia students. i would like to see if there are any speakers for the resolution. there's a total of five minutes for public comment. >> please raise your hand if you care to speak to the resolution this evening. can that please be repeated in spanish and chinese.
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it is really really important. especially now during this time with so much anti trans coming out in other states. look over the legislation. a proud to be a part of this whole process. this has been many many years coming. the parent advisory council already introduced this idea over ten years ago. i'm proud to see it coming to fruition on this pored. board.thank you. >> hello.
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>> thank you. i'm a parent to two in the district. i'm a transparent myself. my wife and i are also buy sexual and we're not alone. our rights as parents and our childrens rights have been attacked. queer and transparents need to find our voice and speak up. the qd pack will assist them with that voice.
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thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> i want to speak in support of this resolution an also in considering what the previous speaker said in cost saving. currently -- this could be one way you could have the community support those efforts. i believe this is one of those vital services that was mentioned earlier. this could help out with students and staff and representation within the
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district. >> thank you. >> hello everyone. on behalf of the community for early education. i request you to have more comment time to hear more voices. with that i seed my time. >> i'm going to speak in support of this resolution. our district has passed many resolutions that in theory support queer and trans sites those are not always put into action. the emergency forms have been out of compliance.
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we've had had important initiatives pushed off. >> that's time and that was also the final speaker. >> great. thank you. any comments from the board or superintendent. >> just there is i typo in the -- it stood out to me. >> thank you. okay. if i do not hear otherwise from legal council, i'll refer this
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item to the budget and curriculum committee. since our last regular board meeting on october 26th we've had a rules committee meeting which we've heard from. >> you already voted for some of our business. we had item on translation an interpretation. we had about a dozen parents made public comment about their experience with translation and interpretation services. we're going to bring that iet im
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back. what's the cost. what's working and not. some ideas around improving services as well. staff is working on that for the next meeting. >> thank you. we also had a committee of the whole meeting and a budget meeting on wednesday. in case you want to add, you can share now. >> thank you. we had three informational items that were pretty hefty as well. there was some really important discussion there, some findings from the audit that was critical that staff is going to be working to ensure that we
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incorporate from this coming year having the staff peace team working more closely with the peace tack for any findings from the audit for review and discussion. we got a great progress report in learning about the work that has gone in as the district to be able to ensure that we're leveraging and billing as much as we can for the medical reimbursement and totaling up to
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five billion dollars over the next couple of years and increase our infrastructure work. lastly we had a really important discussion and background around the other post employment benefits. the background and what the long term liability costs that we have and importantly how as a district we're planning to fulfill those financial commitments. thank you. >> moving onto item two, board member --
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members. this is a good place for you guys to report on krchtion f co. i'll start opening up that space and hear more about what you're learning. >> : the rise ordinance commit he ee. committee. if that would fall into any reports. >> they can. this would be the space for it. if we want other city staff or other members to attend it might mean an agendized item. >> the rise ordinance is doing work as a committee.
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it would be great for them to come and share the work that they are doing supporting education. that was the initial intent. i know their interest is in supporting students and families. that would be information that would be useful and maybe we can rely on supporting families out side of our schools. >> i can see if i can get someone from the staff to come an share a little bit as well as share some of the preliminary reports to make sure we all have access to that. >> okay. item four, calendar of committee
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>> i just want to clarify the dates. there's a special meeting for the superintendent search planning meeting with the hya on tuesday at 5:00 p.m. that's good for the public to know. >> can that be listed on the calendar, please. >> : they are as of today. >> one more which is the buildings and grounds committee meeting which is november 22. monday. section l other informational
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items. the quarterly report. section m. >> are we allowed to ask questions about those or no? >> go ahead. >> i know we were so close to adjourning. i just had had a question around the annual reports and the facilities ratings. we went through this whole thing. it was odd to me, i didn't understand why all of the schools were rated exemplary and good and there was some comment about other schools in challenging situations. i don't know. can we get copies of these reports to see how they are
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being assessed? >> to be able to see the actual report and assessment and looking at the the different areas and charts. the thing i was most curious about is how do the issues and complaints that we've had come up from school site staff when things that have been issues before. seeing the work that was done that got us to these results. not having clarity around what these words actually mean. seeing the general overview of
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