tv Police Commission SFGTV November 27, 2021 4:15am-6:01am PST
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>> this is the last noting of the month of november. if you would all stand for the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. >> thank you. also present with us tonight. actually, call the roll, please. commissioner hamasaki. >> here. >> commissioner yee. >> here. >> commissioner burns. >> here. >> vice president you have a quorum. we have the staff from the san francisco police department and
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paul henderson from the department of police accountability. >> welcome everyone. tonight we start off with general public comment. >> the pick lick is welcome to address up to two minutes on items not in the agenda but within the subject to the agenda. comments or opportunities to speak are available via phone by calling 415-655-0001. access code 24968656443. pound and pound again. star 3 if you wish to comment. you may submit public comment in the following ways. e-mail the secretary of the commission. sfgovtv or written comments may be sent to the public safety
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building. at the time if you would like to comment press star 3. >> good evening, caller, you have two minutes. >> i am francisco de costa. i would like to remind you, commissioners, that we should stop bringing people from the family to your meetings to tell us about things that they cannot achieve. in san francisco we now know that thousands of people are dying because of the opioids. we know that many of the tourists that come to our city have their cars broken into.
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it seems that you commissioners are not taking it serious. i think you need orientation what it means to have quality of life issues. the taxpayers are paying the various departments, including police department, to maintain law and order and to obtain a quality of life in san francisco which is going to the hogs. you commissioners, are busy inviting these people from the family to talk about stuff that cannot be implemented. in fact, it is a paradox that when we look at cops and the 272 recommendations, none of them have been fully implemented.
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people are fed up. fed up that quality of life issues are not held up. thank you very much. >> thank you, caller. good evening, caller, you have two minutes. >> hello i am david aaron son resident of district one and wealth and disparities in the black community. felicia jones is our founder. there is an urgency to address black san franciscans. i will call it anti-blackness. when it comes to the use of force, arrest and racial profiling or traffic stops of black san franciscans by the sfpd. i am tired of talking. where is the urgency? if the tables were turned on these statistics and they represented white folks there
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would be urgency. i agree with michelle obama when she stated that happens to us. when will you take responsibilities and address the unjust statistics for the love all san franciscans. it is truly your responsibilitity you took the oath to uphold the law. as i said, i am tired. not tired enough to quit. however, tired of beating a dead horse and our concerns foul falling on dead ears. we sought help from the attorney general. unquote. a black fridays can is six times as likely as white to be subject to traffic stop. nine times subject to use of force. 11 times as likely to be arrested. june 9, 2021 commission meeting the disparities in the black
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community made recommendations for eradicating these disparities. we will be meeting with the attorney general and discuss these. does the commission have plans to enact? have next steps occurred since june? thank you. >> thank you caller. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> good evening. i am the. [indiscernable] i am calling to introduce ourselves to the commission as proud member of the coalition. it is a base of community advocates committed to ending racially bias by police in san francisco. recommendations are in a letter submitted to vice president elias on november 10. ban pretext steps and searches. traffic stops are the most
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common way people come into contact with police. these encountersent in violent and deadly consequences. san francisco mirrors the state and nation in over policing communities of color. sfpd officers use these violations as pretext to search people inflicting financial and physical harm on black san franciscans. since 2018 they have stopped black six times the rate of white individuals and searched 10 times the rate of white individuals. they accounted for 27% of all stops and 37% of all searches from july 2020 through june 2021. research shows it has little impact on the crime, significant downside a waste of time and resources. stops are banned in other
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jurisdictions such as berkeley, los angeles, philadelphia and virginia. if you are serious about transforming the relationship with police we have to take on americans most common interaction with law enforcement pretext stops. we would like to work with you. together we can stop in san francisco and address the disparity in traffic enforcement that can lead to people of color losing that are lives. thank you. >> good evening, you have two minutes. >> hello, this is jennifer wagner, league of women voters. we sent an e-mail requesting to speak with commissioner yee and burn. we have not heard back. we have receive no response. i am calling to ask you to please check your e-mail. i have given you my contact information. we would like to speak with you. we are one of the members of the
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coalition to end bias stops and strong supporters of their efforts. thank you. >> thank you, caller. >> may we make it clear speaking for myself and another believe commissioner yee we have indicated we would like to meet with the league of women voters. in late november or early november. do you have anything to say? >> no, our coordinator sergeant stacy will do the arrangement there, commissioner burns. >> okay. thank you.
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>> i am the executive director of walk san francisco. we are working to make the streets safe. we are a member of the new coalition to end bias stops. this is the lead nonprofit organization in supporting vision zero ending traffic related fatalities and injuries by 2024. there were 30 traffic deaths in to 20 despite lower traffic due to the pandemic. this should put us on high alert. it was higher than our numbers in 2019. we receive the five year severe injury report last week and year after year over 500 people are severely injured in crashes. last week we mourned the 12 pedestrian killed. 30 year-old school teach you are outside of the school because a driver ran a red light. in san francisco speeding is number one cause of traffic related deaths and injuries.
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2019, 40% of traffic related deaths were from drivers not yielding in the crosswalk. who is hit and killed by the dangerous behaviors? old der adults and people of color. the coalition to end bias stops is a diverse group of coalition that come together to end low level traffic stops in san francisco. walk san francisco joined this coalition because we believe san francisco police should be focused on safety. i urge you to end pretext stops in san francisco. thank you. >> thank you, caller. good evening. you have two minutes, caller. >> i volunteer with disparities in the black community. this is a quote from our founder. there is an urgency to address black fridays scans. it is anti-blackness with the use of force and racial
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profiling of black san franciscans. [indiscernable] where is the urgency? tables were turned there would be a urgency. i agree with michelle obama when she stated. it happens to us. when will you take responsibility to address the harsh bias for the love of all in san francisco. not just the black which is your responsibility. you took an oath to seek for good for all in france. i am tired. not tire to quit tired concerns on deaf ears to look for anti-blackness in the chamber is urgency. therefore we sought help from the attorney general. a black person in san francisco is six times as likely as a white person to be subject to a traffic stop. 62% are for minor matters such
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as turn small. we recommend the cessation of routine traffic stops by sfpd. [indiscernable] we have not seen any sense of urgency. [indiscernable] we are meeting with the assistant attorney general to discuss this. thank you. >> thank you, caller. >> good evening caller. you have two minutes. >> hello, commissioners. i am janice lee representing the bicycle coalition. as a member of the coalition i want to voice my support today for ending low level traffic stops. we are in solidarity with glide,
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league of women voters and northern california and committee on civil rights calling for end of california vehicle code violations. why is the san francisco guy south carolina coalition -- why is the san francisco coalition involved? we historically supported vision zero commitment to ending all traffic fatalities by 2024. you heard from walk sf. it is an epidemic in san francisco. people are hit and killed at twice the rate that people are shot and killed due to guns. 2020 there were 30 traffic fatalities and 15 gun related homicides. there is a resolution offered many years ago. you get quarterly reports like today. you know there are five very specific driver behaviors that lead to the most serious and
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fatal car crashes on the streets. sfpd focus on five direct officers to focus five specific violations that are dangerous. first. speeding. second failing to yield to ped defense. [indiscernable] you can see that none of these five behaviors are included as the pretext traffic stop we want to end. data shows they are not making streets safer for those who bike, walk or drive. it shows pretext stops are a waste of resources. >> thank you, caller. >> you have two minutes. >> i am. [indiscernable] the senior government relations coordinator and board member for secure justice and support life
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foundation. i am speaking as a member of the coalition to end bias stops to ask the commission to be in favor of ending pretext stops. as you have heard today it is not at all helpful. it is more dangerous for the community and also it affects folks black and brown. you heard multiple statistics 11 out of everyone thousand blacks may be searched as compared to one out of every 1,000 san francisco whites. you have those who are black nine times for likely to use of force come paverred to white. we have seen time and time again excessive use of force by law enforcement of those who are black or people of color as opposed to those who are white.
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by ending pretext stops, we hope to end up less senning these numbers that are out of control. i urge the police commission to take this up, consider it, and to support ending the pretext stops. thank you so much. >> thank you, caller. good evening caller, you have two minutes. >> good evening. this is miss brown calling for my son and representing the circle for the support group of mothers and fathers who lost children to homicide. i come to the police commission and everyone stands up. when i was in school we would say i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of checker and to the republic for which it stands justice for all. i say that because i have been
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saying that since i was a little girl in school. i have a son here who was murdered with no justice. as i said before. my son was a little boy with blonde hair and blue eyes i wouldn't go through this. every wednesday i get on here my heart pounds what i am going to say. i am going to say the same thing every time i come on here. this is my child and i miss him so. we talk about justice. justice delayed is justice denied. my son has been denied justice. i am still seeking it. thanksgiving is coming up. christmas is coming up. new year's is coming up. another year with no justice. that is why i don't pledge
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allegiance to the flag. i don't have any justice for my child. i need this to happen. i am in district 5 where me son was gunned down saving someone else's life. i walk out of my house where i have to see where he laid with people walking around shooting in front of schools. what do we do? how do we solve these crimes. solve unsolved homicides for mothers like myself? i need this to happen. >> thank you, ms. brown. if you have any information call the tip line apartment (415)575-4444. >> good evening caller. you have two minutes. >> i am a member of the coalition to end bias stops. the civil rights of the san francisco bay area.
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here to support the letter sent to commissioners to end pretext stops. at our legal clinic we have seen dozens stopped by police for tinted windows or expired registration and were harmed and abused by police. that led to long lasting physical and psychological injuries and incarceration. they are tools of the police to incarcerate those of color and black communities and it must end. jaywalking which we attempted to end the criminalizing on the statewide level led to murders of two black californiaians the 2020 and 2018. police officers are five times more likely to stop a black person and black person. they are dangerous and deadly. we support ending the traffic
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stops to make all in san francisco safer. we hope to implement our recommendations in the letter sent to the commission. thanks so much. >> thank you, caller. >> good evening, caller, you have two minutes. >> good evening, commissioners. chief scott. i am a member of the coalition to end bias stops. i like the callers before me urge the commission to push to end the stops by engaging in a real dialogue. we are at a critical juncture. we need to disrupt the pipeline to prison for black and brown men. traffic stops are a good place to start. they can lead to violence. i look forward to working with the commission on this and the commission taking action. thank you.
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>> thank you, caller. vice president, that is the end of public comment. >> thank you, sergeant. please call the next matter. concept calendar. safe streets for all quarterly report, third quarter. sfpd monthly report. d.p.a. report. if you would like to discuss any item please advice vice president tonight you would like to place them on the future agenda. there will be no discussion or presentation on these items. >> would anyone like to agendize any matters consent calendar? i will take a motion. >> move to accept or adopt.
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>> second? >> i will second. >> thank you. sergeant. >> on the motion to accept. commissioner -- public comment. >> if you would like to comment on concept item 2, press star 3 now. we have no public comment. i will continue with the vote. >> commissioner yee. >> yes. >> commissioner burns. >> yes. >> vice president elias. >> yes. >> four questions. >> thank you. next item. >> 3. chief's report. discussion. weekly crime trends. provide overview of offenses occurring in san francisco. make or significant incidents. a brief overview of events in san francisco having an impact
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on public lake safety. commission discussion on unplanned events and activities will be limited to determining whether to calder for a future commission meeting. >> thank you. good evening, vice president elias, executive director and members of the public. i will start this week's chief's report with the crime trends for the week. we have violent crime starting off. we are 47 homicides year-to-date. 9% increase from 43 this time last year. 16% reduction in sexual assaults or rape. 169. robberies 5% reduction. 1964 compared to 2066. >> assaults up 9%. 2067 compared to 1902
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year-to-date. human trafficking up 36%. 30 for the year compared to 22 year-to-date. i want to take this opportunity to encourage members of the public to report crimes when they happen. we know that not all crime is reported. our committee engages in the meetings with the members of the communities often times the statistics don't tell the story. we need to have crime reported. we understand where to put our resources. also, it gives us an idea of the challenges in the city. fuller picture. please report if you are a victim of crime. property crimes we are down 2%. burglary are trending in if right direction. fewer crimes than in the first half of the year percentage wise.
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6289 compared to 6437 year-to-date. north vehicle thefts even. 516 3com paired to 5186 this time last year. arson up 8%. 291 compared to 270. larceny overall up 13%. 25506 compared to 22489. total prompt crimes 37249 compared to 34382. that is 8% increase. overall crime 8% increase. property crimes i just reported apshared with you. auto burglaries a challenge in the city. we are putting in some of the strategies we have seen some success with. up 32% year-to-date compared to last year. we look at 2019 down 23%.
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compared to 2018 down 25%. we have seen at least this week a trend in the central area. we saw downward trend. central area is one of our areas where we had a significant entries. central district fisherman's wharf is a high tourist area. a lot of what is happening with auto break-ins. we will tip with our extra patrols in the central area. fisherman's wharf, motor beach, embarcadero and southern part as well. firearm related crimes we are 51% -- sorry 15% change in the wrong direction. up 15% from last year.
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288 aggravated assaults compared to 250. 2019 and 2018, there are 66% increase from 2019, 51% in 2018. terms of other aggravated assaults including bodily aggravated assaults, hand, feet up 20% 598 compared to 599. >> 23% decrease in 2019. 25% decrease in 2018. aggravated assaults involving knives or cutting instruments down 11%. 251 compared to 283 last year. 3% decrease from 2019, 14% decrease from 2018. we are up 7%. 930 compared to 870.
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10% decrease from 2019 and 13% decrease in 2018. the trends on gun violence. 157 gun related incidents nonfatal this year compared to 115 this time last year. 37% increase. total homicide related firearm related homicides is 36 compared to 27 this year. 33% increase. total overall gun violence be fatal plus nonfatal 19 3com paired to 143, 36% increase. individual stations shootings tenderloin largest 39 compared to 22. followed by mission 28 compared to 16. northern 11 compared to 6. bayview 50 compared to 46.
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central down in shooting. two compared to three last year. park station up two. three compared to one last year. richmond had one last year no shooting i think department this year. inc. el side down 3. 17 this year compared to 20 last year. 4 compared to two last year. homicides by district. tenderloin has nine. bayview 12. northern seven. inc.ker side 8. southern five. largest decrease 8 last year. bayview 12 compared to 11. tenderloin nine compared to 10 last year. central zero compared to four. southern five compared to two
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last year. increase in southern. our gun seizures. we still remain steady at 1% increase in guns taken off the streets. 888 compared to 877 this time last year. 169 compared to 127. we have seen a pretty steady increase in ghost guns from year to year 2018 to 2021. major incidents to report. i talked about this last week. there was end a whole lot to report on this one. homicide incident on october 23rd. our victim was pronounced this past week. they occurred at buchanan in the
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northern district on october 23 at 9:11 p.m. the officers responded to the vehicle collision. driver was found in the driver's seat comped with blood. he had been shot and was transported to the hospital. he was pronounced from that particular shooting. we don't have a lot of leads. we need public help. if you know anything about this incident call us. we had another homicide during this reporting period to report. it occurred yesterday. this one was at third at lasalle. 19 year-old male who would have been celebrating a birthday today. suggestion stained a gunshot wound during a car to car shooting between the victim vehicle and another vehicle. the victim died at the hospital.
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we have some significant leads we are following on this particular case. i will report back as that investigation develops. we hope to resolve with an arrest with evidence to give the district tore for prosecution in the case. two other shootings to report for this week. one was in bayview at bonneville. this was on november 13 at 10:45 p.m. 22 year-old male shot in the foot. we were unable to locate where the shooting actually occurred. that is pending further investigation. at 12:15 a.m. on november 14th in the engle side district. the 29 year old male was walking
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in the air when the suspect approached and shot unknown amount of times at the victim. the individual suspect run away omission towards cesar chavez. no calls were received. the victim was self-transported to the hospital. is expected to survive injuries. that is also under investigation. we need help on that one as well including if you know of or heard of a shooting 3200 block of mission call (415)575-4444 if you can shed light on this. other incidents to report. vandalism islamic center. this event occurred when a
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person witnessed a subject walking with a beer bottle in his hand, appeared to be a beer bottle. as the person approached the subject broke the window of the center. no people inside at the time. no one was near the window. no one was injured. deputy chief and acting deputy chief and the investigations borough has reached out to the community. there were no injuries. it is vandalizing a religious facility is a great concern to us and the community. we don't have evidence to prove this was based on prejudice or hate. we are looking into that possibility as well. also, a 71-year-old woman was in the area of filmore and mcallister on november 14th.
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this is broad daylight when a subject stole her purse by force. during the struggle the woman was pushed to the ground and hit her head. she was transported to the hospital. she is expected to survive. again, this is the worst of the worst. somebody that would rob a member of our elderly community and hut putthem on the ground and take their purse. if you have information our investigators are looking for video to get evidence to bring this person to act for this crime. last incident robbery with a gun on november 14th at 10:25 a.m. 700 block of steiner. blood daylight. victim was 30 years old approached three suspects as they broke into his vehicle.
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one of the subject pointed gun at the victim and took the victim's backpack and left the scene. there was $6,000 in property taken from the victim. no arrests at this time. we hope to locate the evidence to bring these folks to justice as well. we have seen more of these incidents resulting in violent encounters. this is something to get a handle be on. getting to our strategies on that. central district is focused on these types of auto thefts, break ins, particularly as i mentioned earlier in the fisherman's wharf, union square and chinatown. there will continue through december. we are ramping up a park smart education campaign. we are going to the holidays. a lot of people will be shopping.
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we want peep to have good experiences -- people to have good experiences when shopping in the city. you will see more flyers on parking meters, community engagement and promoting people to not leave property in the vehicle. our ambassadors are being assigned to the fisherman's wharf, chinatown, market streets, embarcadero, ferry building, along the muni lines in those locations as well. commission approved the department ambassadors last year. we have 23 ambassadors working. we started with eight. we are up to 23. retired sfpd members who go out to become the eyes and ears and work with on duty officers to report what they see and call us when we are needed to prevents
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things from happening. northern is focusing on the auto break-ins and burglaries in the northern commercial corridors. additional deploy man in japan town, palace of fine arts. there is a rise on robberies and increased complaints of traffic concerns in the northern district. we are employing a unit to abate robberies. we will have ongoing traffic enforcement needs measured against the northern district including japan town areas. park district is focusing on car break is with both on duty and increasing deployment with tourism that we talked about. we had extra patrols. including the golden gate park
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area where we have seen up and down with car break ins. folks in the commercial corridor to mitigate cars being broken into. we will keep those going. as traffic related incidents this past week. we had a fatal incident that occurred on november 10 at 7:55 a.m. at franklin and union in the northern district. our our officers responds and located the victim on the ground. life saving was unsuccessful. he worked at a local school. very sad when anybody loses their life. definitely huge impact to that school and the community
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at-large. >> community events. kaiser locations in the city. this is going on through tomorrow. we are monitoring that. the warriors are in town versus the 76ers on the 24th. the trailblazers on the 26th. we will be at that event. gabriel performing at chase center 27th of this month at 8:00 p.m. golden gate park has hey number of event -- has a number of events including concert series tonight. orchestra on the 20th. sunday performance on the 21st. turkey trot on the 25th.
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the last thing to report we are monitoring the trials going on in georgia and wisconsin. the ritten house trial in wisconsin and the trial of the defendants on the aubrey case in georgia. one case has gone to the jury and the other case is in the process. we are monitoring that. don't have any information that they will impact our city. we will keep monitoring to see how those events play out. that is my report. thank you. >> thank you, chief. a few questions. did you say that the decrease in autoburgs in the high tourists areas by the wharf were due to extra patrols? >> we think that is part of it. what we have seen, commissioner, and some is displaced.
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we arevis sable and patrol we see the auto burglaries go down. we are trying to arrest people there. we have made arrests on these individuals. when we see additional patrols typically it goes down and up in other areas. we keep an eye on displacement. we do think it is effective during some of that activity where we are patrolling. >> you mentioned increase in ghost guns. is the department working with the district attorney and his litigation against the ghost gun manufacturers? >> we have not had any movement on that. i think the legislation just happened. i don't know if it has passed yet. ghost guns and we have a gun related incident. if it is privately manufactured
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ghost gun or fire alarm, there are loopholes in the law for ghost guns that i hope will be shored up. i think some of them have. going after the manufacturers. we have to take the guns back to the manufacturers. we have not had a lot of that yet. hopefully we will have success. we had one or two cases that turned out to be federal cases. we are willing to work with the district attorney and do everything to impact the manufacturers to tie the guns back to the manufacturer. this is really what is happening in our state. this is an issue that goes beyond california. we do a better job than some jurisdictions outside of california in reporting the recovery of ghost guns. we have to go after the manufacturer. we appreciate the district attorney's efforts along with
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the federal partners to address this issue. >> that is great. thank you, chief. fellow commissioners, questions? >> thank you, vice president. good evening chief. >> good evening. the callers on the ending racially bias low level traffic stops had reached out to president and vice president. have they reached out to you or your office as well? >> no. definitely i would love for us to work with whoever is in those groups. we are in the process of our traffic stop policies that will come to the commission when we
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get a policy done. >> i have been working with them. i believe they are going to reach out to you at some points. it would be great if they could get a meeting to express a little bit more in detail what they were talking about this evening. it is something happening at the national level with a number of other major jurisdictions. i think it is important that we look into it and find a way to address this in a way that does maintain the safety for bicycles and pedestrians and everybody else in the city. look out for a letter or e-mail from them. the other thing i want to follow up on what commissioner will
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elias raised. is there -- we talked about a unit or units in the auto burglary section. i forget what it is call exactly. basically they go to areas by tourist hotspots or areas where there is indications that may be from past incidents that there is a high probability of them occurring. maybe that is something -- how is that going? you know, what i have been seeing people commenting about it. i was wondering how that is going from the department side?
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>> it's definitely we have had some good outcomes since we started to do that. it's not enough. we have seen a sharp rise in these over last year anyway. we have had good outcomes. i will use the term that we say it is. [indiscernable] to understand where these crimes are happening. we see spikes, crews coming in. 10, 15 cars in a short amount of time on a couple blocks. we would like to prevent that. the bottom line when they see officers they will go somewhere else. then we see -- a good example. fine arts we have a lot of break-ins.
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legion of honor. we put officers there. it went down dramatically. we saw it at lombar street. it is trying to catch them in progress. it is humbling work. we do see when we put officers there we can at least impact an area. the issue is we can't put officers on every possible where these could occur. >> is there anything -- i know your staff by going to where people are selling the items. what about with the back in way to investigate this or all a matter of getting lucky, being in the right place at the right time and getting a tip?
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is there another way to address this? >> that is a great question. thanks for asking. we are involved in several investigations of that nature. we have had some success on investigations in the past where we have gotten search warrants to prove to the courts and conducted them offensing operations, and we recovered laptops and those items taken from car burglaries in quite a few of them. there is that side of the work happening as well. we have a team of investigators doing that. district attorney's office is working with us doing some of their own of that type of work. dia and we are working together to make sure we are coordinated to attack this issue.
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>> it is ongoing and things, the tough issues. i don't think it is fair to beat up on the department when it is so hard to investigate if it happens. all you have is a pile of broken glass and in the right place at the right time. reporting on the square miles. i thought i would check in. thank you, chief. >> thank you. >> commissioner yee. >> thank you, madam vice president. chief, i am trying to get a holed of the data for car break-ins to get it from sergeant stacy. i would like to look into on the car rental cars that are coming
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without of state license plates, that is not with the department of consumers affairs. maybe the rental cars be held accountable for out of state vehicles to consumers to be harder to id the perpetrators that break into cars a tend to target out of state vehicles. knowing they are out of state. two, they are probably visiting with luggage and items inside the vehicles. a lot of times that can be an additional car break in step. our visitors and resident in the city are subject to it.
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maybe we can cut that down. i was going to see if we can get that data out on the car break-ins from out of state license plates. i will probably circle back with stacy on that. number two, thank you, chief, for the opportunity to meet with commissioner jim burns and myself on the tenderloin issues. i know you have been working hard on it. commissioner jim burns is pushing it. there is changes that i see. i drive through there not every day but when i do go by downtown, i usually make it a point to swing around there. i don't know that there are dramatic changes. there are changes on hyde and
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>> we kick off the traffic safety and pedestrian safety event and we have the director superintendent school officials. last year we didn't do it because the schools are closed. this year, we didn't do it and i don't know why. it's really important not only the patrols and our officers and the schools and the
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crossing guards are at risk to their health. we do still patrol around schools, do traffic operations around schools. and those traffic messages are important. paying attention to signs and that kind of thing. i meet with the superintendent on a pretty regular basis. it's not too late and it's never too late and so i'll keep you posted the next time i meet with the superintendent. we'll revisit that because it's never too late to put that type of messaging out there. >> thank you very much, chief.
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>> vice president elias: thank you, commissioner yee. commissioner byrne, did you have anything to add? >> commissioner byrne: no. >> vice president elias: can we take public comment. >> clerk: yes, ma'am. if you'd like to make public comment, please press star three now. vice president elias, we have no public comment. >> vice president elias: thank you. director henderson. actually. sergeant, can you call the next line and we can hear from director henderson. >> clerk: line item four, dpa director's report. discussion. commission discussion will be limited to determining whether
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to calendar any of the issues raised for future meetings. >> director: good evening. i have a brief report this evening. we have currently 684 cases that have been opened so far this year. at this time last year, we had 702. we've closed 776 cases this year. this time last year, we closed 782. we have currently pending 267 open cases. we have sustained 41 cases so far this year. that's a small uptake from last year when we sustained 38 cases. and we have 21 cases through investigations are taking longer than nine months so far which is down from 33 which is where we were this time last year. of those 21 cases that have taken longer than nine months,
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18 of the cases are cold cases. we mediated 36 cases so far this year which is uptick from last year at this time. since the last time we met, we have received six new cases with a total of seven different allegations. 29 of the allegations are for officers behaving or speaking in a manner unbecoming of an officer. 14% of the allegations are split evenly amongst officers preparing an incomplete or inaccurate citation and 14% for alleging that officers were discourteous relating to
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ethnicity or race. the issues relating to ethnicity or race. the commissioners asked me to highlight this and articulate that in the weekly breakdown of the cases that came in. in the cases, it involved various issues. one would call for a traffic citation and another one when an officer was encountered and asked to provide information to a complainant. one of the cases came from northern station. one of the cases came from the airport and one case came from mission. three of the cases have not -- we have not determined from the investigation which precinct took place yet. in terms of the audit, i have nothing new beyond the breakdown that i gave last week, but as i indicated, the
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letter and the outline of the audit was sent to the department and that did take place this week and foreshadowed that last week. in terms of outreach, on the 15th, dpa hosted a long justice reform international presentation that involved interns as well and several california universities and law schools were invited to come. we're really committed to trying to keep our internship program up and running specifically while folks and students are transitioning back into school. for today's agenda, we have no cases that are on the closed session involving dpa and the senior investigated tonight on the call in case an issue comes up is chris chisnell. the contact information if people want to contact dpa
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directly. the phone number is 241-7741. and i will note, we have nothing else on today's agenda, but there is information that is contained on the calendar involving more of our records and more of our reports. and susan gray is here from my office in case there are questions related to any of that information. i believe that that concludes my report, but i may have a followup later. >> vice president elias: thank you, director henderson. a couple of questions for you. of you said that 14% of the complaints you received were failure to take required action. what does that mean exactly? is that failure to investigate? failure of an officer to take a police report? >> director: it could be any or both of those things. i try not to get too very
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specific especially because when i speak at this weekly thing, these are just the allegations, so i try to take not a 5,000' level but just a general category without being too specific. also because and i hesitate to drill down too deeply because this is at the stage where they're still allegations and so, i do a little more investigation and you'll get more of the details in the monthly, quarterly, and annual report from all of these things. this is just to give you a direction and what kind of complaints based on what the public is saying. >> vice president elias: is there a certain particular area that these are coming? are you seeing any trends or patterns in terms of they're coming out of certain district station or is that too -- >> director: not really. at this macro level where i'm doing it weekly like this, it's kind of just all over. so you'll get some of that analysis in the monthly reports. you'll get more of it in the
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quarterly reports and then you get a really thorough analysis in the annual reports where it's all broken down and highlighted and you can look precinct to precinct to see where the majority are going. but it's hard for me to gage it week to week other than wow something happened this week. typically, when i notice something like that, it's people involved in the same incident. three people were in the car and they all called and it looks like there's a certain spike in the precinct, but it's more reflective of that. i'd rather give information week to week. >> vice president elias: fair enough. i appreciate that. the other thing i'm going to ask you to do is the next meeting or the meeting after before the end of the year, if you can update us on dpa's plan of action with respect to the new law and the expansion of 1421? i'm working with the department on updating the policies and procedures, but i think it's important just to give the
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public an idea of what dpa plans to do in terms of when the new law takes effect in january. >> director: i'd love to and i actually have stuff i can talk about. the other thing that i was just going to say in terms of these allegations, one of the ways that you can look at them and correlate them is maybe to look at what internal affairs cases are and so if there's a context. if it feels kind of like an asilo. because if you're able to examine the correlation, you're able to see trends just from the cases and some of the cases translating into the case that is are going into internal affairs because we still don't really have a good tracking mechanism to know what these numbers are as they're building. >> vice president elias: right. thank you, director henderson. i'm going to turn it over to my fellow commissioners.
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i see commissioner yee. >> commissioner yee: first of all, i want to thank director henderson for inviting me over to his office at dpa and it was great to go down there and meet the staff and see how the operations happen. my question probably will be going forward and knowing that there will be a sheriff oversight that you'll be working on. i'm just wondering what impact it will have on us here and the police department. so i know he's got everything. he's always got it. he's always sort of one step ahead of me. three steps ahead of me and one step ahead of cindy. >> director: i think it's premature to talk about it. we should schedule it sooner
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just so we're clear, we just had a brief presentation about some of the pillars with folks in the dpa and folks from the audit department, and the chief of investigation giving an overview of how the day-to day cases work and the kind of work that we do in correlation to where we do the way it works thank you so much for raising that issue and maybe we can schedule the -- i'll let you guys when there's something to be said about sheriffs. thank you very much. and thanks for coming down. my staff was happy to see you down there and be able to share
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with you what was going on. >> vice president elias: yeah. i haven't been able to see the new digs. >> director: yeah. it's really fancy and government at it the finest. >> vice president elias: okay. commissioner byrne, commissioner hamasaki, anything? public comment. >> clerk: if you'd like to make public comment, please press star three now. and, vice president elias, we have no public comment. >> vice president elias: great. next item, please. >> clerk: line item five, commission reports will be limited to a brief discussion of announcements. to determine whether to calendar any of the future issues raised in a future
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meeting action. >> vice president elias: thank you. nothing major for me to report this week. we will be getting a new commissioner. he was confirmed by the board yesterday. max carter-oberstone. he will be joining us at our next meeting and we look forward to welcoming him to our family. we'll start with commissioner yee. i know you've been really busy. anything else to report. >> commissioner yee: thank you, vice president elias. i have nothing else to report. >> vice president elias: thank you. commissioner hamasaki. >> commissioner hamasaki: no ma'am. >> vice president elias: okay. all right. you're up commissioner byrne.
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>> commissioner byrne: just to reiterate what commissioner yee said, we had a meeting last friday with staff that was very informative. other people that commented online, commented on changes as commissioner yee did. there's still lots of work to be done there, but it's nice to see things getting better. i look forward to swearing in the commissioner this friday at city hall and i hope i'm able to attend and see some of my fellow commissioners. >> vice president elias: thank you. one thing i did want to mention, i received a letter from glide regarding pretext stops. if you could resend the letter.
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>> i believe that commissioner hamasaki was working on these. >> commissioner hamasaki: yeah. i think the letter was supposed to be on behalf of the coalition, but i'm not certain. i haven't seen it, but i can check in with them and connect with you and figure out the best way to move this forward. okay. can we take public comment, sergeant. >> clerk: for members of the public regarding line item five, commission reports, please press star three now. vice president elias, we have no public comment. >> vice president elias: great. thank you. next item, please. >> clerk: line item six. presentation of the early
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intervention system 2nd quarter 2021 report. discussion. >> vice president elias: all right. who do we have up? >> we have commissioner paul yett. >> vice president elias: commander, congratulations. >> thank you very much. i'll get started. good evening commissioners and vice president elias, police commissioners. good evening, director henderson and chief scott. i'm with the risk management office and i'm here today to present to you our early intervention system, the summary for the second quarter of 2021. thank you, sergeant youngblood.
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we have a presentation on our screen. let's start with the early intervention system. i'm going to refer to that as 'eis' going forward. but the san francisco police department preevengs system of individual sfpd members. the intent of the system is to provide nondisciplinary measures to provide the highest level of satisfaction to the public. this is a very comprehensive report. i will be focusing on the highlights. next slide, please. i'd like to give full credit for this report to the team at our legal divisions. this is one of the many projects they've worked on and we have two preventional staff.
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thank you for putting this presentation together. okay. what is the early intervention system. we'll get into the details further in this presentation. it provides officers with resources and tools. what the early intervention is not, it's not about warning supervisors or officers. rather it's a way to help officers before they experience adverse events. let's talk about an e.i.s. alert. we'll get into those in a predefining time period.
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and that's reviewed alerts are reviewed. the validated alerts are. every other month for review. all right. let's talk about the intervention. let me go ahead and describe what those are. so use of force, department of public accountability complaints, officer-involved shootings, officer-involved discharges. e.e.o. complaints, internal division affairs complaints and vehicle pursuits. so if an e.i.s. is triggered, if an alert is triggered by these indicators, then we will dig deeper and look at associated factors and those associated factors are citizen compliments. there are 14 of them.
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citizen citations by officers, the training spops. discretionary time off. so looking at their line of work. criminal cases dismissed. department of works and negative attributes. reports by the officer. charges of assault on an officer and charges of resisting an officer. so quite a comprehensive list. let's go ahead and talk about what those thresholds are. it just takes one officer involved shooting or one officer involved discharge. three or more use of force incidents in a three-month period. three or more dpa complaints in
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a 6-month period. four or more dpa complaints in a 12-month period and any six or more indicators in a 12-month period. so there are several thresholds that can be met to trigger an e.i.s. alert. let's talk a little bit about trends. so we have a lot of data to cover. we're in quarter two and the indicators are that there's a 25% decrease in total number of indicator points from year to year. so we went from 485 in quarter two in 2020. there's a decrease of 60% from quarter two. there is a decrease of 30% of
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total number of uses of force indicators covering the same time periods and then there is a decrease of 31% of dpa cases of comparison to 2020. so if we want this to trend, we want it to trend down and the numbers support that. the total is broken down by what is triggering the alerts. officer involved discharge will trigger the alert. 27 alerts were triggered by use of force. eight by a combination of
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factors. 0 with four or more dpa complaints. 0 is a good number. so by far the largest portion. the team really outdid themselves. there's a lot of data to go over. by far, it's specifically one alert and that's 34 members. five members triggered two alerts. we also break down the alerts by our you know what's
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triggering these alerts. mission station has ten alerts and i'll go to the screen. northern richmond has one alert in quarter two of 2020. not only the patrol force, but specialized units. two of those units had triggered alerts and one each is investigative detail and our tactical detail which is part of our special operations. so what happens to these alerts that are triggered. i was recently the captain of the northern station and i've read as a station captain many
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station and by the actual indicators. as i said this is classified by indicator points in this chart, central station in 2021. we'll just go to the other bart station which has twelve indicator points. the bar chart on top is just the bar chart with the same data. the bar graph on the lower portion of this chart i'm sorry is the count, so it's comparing year to year. and if you draw a trend line through that graph, you would see it's also trending down which is a good trend down. calls for service data by
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station for the last twelve months. so we are looking at the percentage of stations, the percentage of alerts, the indicator points and the percentage of all calls for service for the stations in san francisco. as you see, mission station, tenderloin station, the central station, northern station, many calls for service and we're just looking at if the correlations if any with alerts. so we also look at that too. not only calls for service, but part one. violent crimes for the last four months. also, broken down by station alerts and indicator points and in this particular chart, 680 are part one violent crimes. 68 alerts and a total 341.
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all right. let's talk about interventions. so an outcome that could come from an alert as an intervention or two there are no open interventions. no new interventions. one intervention was completed and closed and 0 interventions that remain open. and what that means is if, you know, if we reviewed this report, we might as a supervisor put the officer on what we call an intervention. what that means is we'll provide them with resources and training, education, mentorship, whatever it takes in our power to take any sign of corrective steps. not only is there an e.i.s. report, but outside of e.i.s., we have engagements with officers. this is not the only tool that we use. we use many tools for
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performance improvements. that will include formal counseling. in the same quarter, there's 55 informal counseling sessions and three officers were put on performance improvement plans by their supervisors. that concludes my presentation to you. this was compiled by sergeant naval who is also on this call and we are both available for questions. >> vice president elias: thank you, commander. i'm going to ask a few questions and then turn it over to my fellow commissioners. on page six, you indicate the decreases in the e.i.s. reporting data and i'm wondering what you're attributing the decreases to. is it the pandemic or something else? >> yeah. i think it's many factors. we're in a time where we've just went through a pandemic. so, you know, that's always going to be a factor in pretty much everything we do. i also think there's a lot of
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good leadership going on at the stations. where we are looking out for officers outside of e.i.s. and we are doing more training and more counseling and we don't need an e.i.s. to tell us to do that. so i'm going to just credit our department and the people in our department for the work they did and then additionally, you know all the officers know about the e.i.s. system too and, you know, they take note of that and they know what indicators are. they're very mindful of these types of, you know, whether it's a complaint or any of the indicators and they're mindful of their actions that they take every day. >> vice president elias: well, that's good to hear. the other question i had is on pages 24, 33 of the bigger report. it indicates that the airport bureau is up by 71.4% and that the tax force went from 0 to 6.
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what is that attributed to? >> i really can't speak to the airport. i'd really have to look into a deeper dive of that data in order to give you a good answer. i can tell you from being on patrol that the gang task force because of a lot of violence i know the chief has talked about in these meetings that they have been very active and proactive in a patrol function in high-risk situations where they want to take high-risk suspects into custody. so that is my anecdotal answer to you. i did not research that and i don't have the exact data to speak to it. >> vice president elias: okay. my final question is aren't we moving to a more databased or data driven type of system rather than what we currently have and when can we expect
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that? >> absolutely. so i was informed as i took my post for my new assignment and this was the lieutenant who came into my office and said i need to tell you about benchmarks and benchmarks is a system that we want to move to. i have scheduled a meeting next week with our i.t. division and we are going to talk about the nuts and bolts of how -- what's it going to take to go from a.i.m. to benchmark. and i envision future working groups to discuss how this is going to happen and do it in a very strategic way. so it is moving forward. i don't have a time frame for you, but i will tell you that it is very high on my priority list and i know a lot of folks already have been doing it on the back end and i want to carry that through. >> vice president elias: i'm really happy. go ahead, chief. >> i was just going to say if i
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could add to it. of the process, some of the things that have to be done. now that we are doing business with benchmark which is great because we've been waiting on this a long time to get a vendor in. the transfer of data, those types of things, we still have to work out some of that. we're in the process of doing that. there's also -- we want to make sure where it's also about a system that really works for, you know, for us, for the commission, for the public. and we had some visions as to what that is if there is some details that have to be worked out. so the good thing is that we're on our way and as commander's transition, you'll be part of these meetings and we'll definitely, if you want to have a commissioner be apart of these discussions, that would be great as well. but what the commission i know we've had many discussions on what the commission would like to see what some of the answers
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you want to get. so it would be great to have that apart of how we architect this system that we're trying to develop. >> vice president elias: yeah. i think -- yeah. definitely. i'm excited about benchmark. i've heard great things and i think that the new system is going to give us a more accurate picture of what's going on and allow the department to track things that really do need to be tracked. the other thing is i'm hoping that obviously, i know commissioner dejesus was happy about fixing the flaws. i know she'll be happy to hear that benchmark is being brought in. ful i do think commissioners should be involved as well as dpa in this process. we will circle back with you to get someone assigned and get that ball rolling. but great job, commander. congratulations on the promotion. fellow commissioners?
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commissioner byrne. >> commissioner byrne: who came up with the indicators? >> thanks for the question, commissioner. so i know that the e.i.s. system is not a new system. so it's been in play. i don't know the exact amount of years, but i want to say roughly something like ten years. go ahead. >> commissioner byrne: go on. i'm sorry. >> yeah. so these are -- those indicators were chosen at that time and i wasn't part of the group that chose them, but i can speak to my experience in this department and i can say those are very valid indicators. but to commissioner elias's point, that was ten years ago and we're going to have a discussion about other indicators and things we might be missing and things we might change to improve on the
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system. >> commissioner byrne: is there any way when officers subsequently, you know, are getting to i'll just say pop warner, that these indicators were present prior to them getting into the hot water? in other words, a correlation this officer is in trouble, we're going to terminate him? is there a correlation between that and these indicators as a predictor of future problems. >> sure. i think we would need to do an analysis to really give you the direct answer to your question.
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then i can speak and say that the indicators that were chosen are chosen for a reason and that's because they are expected. if you have multiple uses of force, that is something that we need to intervene. that's a reason to intervene and to have a discussion on what's going on and take a deep dive into each case. they're very well and i would need to get back to you to see what the data says. >> commissioner byrne: and, finally, as you brought up. most of the people that are indicators are related to use of force if i understood the statistics. >> i'm sorry, commissioner. i couldn't quite hear the question. >> commissioner byrne: okay. it won't be the first time. when i looked at the data, it appeared to me most of the people that ended up in this e.i.s. system related to use of force as opposed to some of the
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other indicators. if i understand the statistics. >> use of force was the top indicator. >> commissioner byrne: okay. and i understand because there's a use of force and there's a concern of there being an over use of force hence the deep dives. thank you, commander. >> thank you, commissioner. >> vice president elias: commissioner byrne i would encourage you to speak to our every so talented sergeant youngblood and i'm sure he can give you the historical knowledge that you're speaking on this program. >> commissioner byrne: you know, just a cross b and does b cross c? and that appears to be the tenate of the thing is and some of it makes sense to me, but
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it'd be nice if there's a way of tracking the officers that are disciplined as to where those early indicators there because that would be a way of saying the useful benchmark and future trouble. that's all. that was my only thing. i'm new and i'm trying to understand. >> vice president elias: oh, no. believe me. it's very confusing. it took me awhile to get it. any other commissioners? commissioner yee? commissioner hamasaki? no. okay. sergeant youngblood, can we have public comment, please. thank you, commander. >> clerk: for members of the public who would like to make public comment regarding line item six, please press star three now. good evening, caller, you have two minutes. >> caller: good evening,
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commissioners. in hopes of hearing the call tonight, i wanted to reiterate the iron wall prohibition which explains if i have done several times previously that the pursuit of specific substances or substances in general tends to cause more potent substances and we as a society are causing our own problems. where we can see this emphasized is with teenagers. so our teenagers consume hard liquor versus european teenagers consume beer and wine. if we want to make a change in our city and i think we do about substances, i hope that we might consider one that has
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comment. >> vice president elias: thank you, next item, please. >> clerk: line item seven, vote on whether to hold item ten in closed session. if you'd like to make public comment, please press star three now. and vice president elias, we have no public comment. >> vice president elias: great. thank you. can i get a motion? i'm sorry, is it the next item, sergeant. >> clerk: yes, ma'am. line item eight. vote on whether to hold closed session 67.10. action. >> commissioner: i'll motion. >> vice president elias: thank you. a second? >> commissioner: second. >> vice president elias: thank you, commissioner yee. >> clerk: on the motion, [roll call]
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>> do we need comment? >> comment was before. >> oh, sorry. >> clerk: [roll call] you have four yeses. >> vice president elias: great thank you. >> clerk: all right. i will take us into closed . >> clerk: item nine held in closed session. action. >> vice president elias: sorry. can i get a motion. >> commissioner: so moved not to disclose any of the items in closed session. >> vice president elias: second. >> clerk: on the motion not to disclose, [roll call]
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>> everything is done in-house. i think it is done. i have always been passionate about gelato. every single slaver has its own recipe. we have our own -- we move on from there. so you have every time a unique experience because that slaver is the flavored we want to make. union street is unique because of the neighbors and the location itself. the people that live around here
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i love to see when the street is full of people. it is a little bit of italy that is happening around you can walk around and enjoy shopping with gelato in your hand. this is the move we are happy to provide to the people. i always love union street because it's not like another commercial street where you have big chains. here you have the neighbors. there is a lot of stories and the neighborhoods are essential. people have -- they enjoy having their daily or weekly gelato. i love this street itself. >> we created a move of an area where we will be visiting. we want to make sure that the area has the gelato that you like. what we give back as a shop owner is creating an ambient
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