tv Recreation and Park Commission SFGTV January 2, 2022 9:00am-10:01am PST
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>> recreation and parks commission. will the secretary please call the roll. (roll call) >> the san francisco recreation and park commission acknowledges that we occupy the unseeded land of the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. we honor them for enduring commitment to mother earth. as the indigenous protectors of this land and in accordance, they have never forgotten their
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responsibilities as the care takers of this place. as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. we recognize our duty to honor through thoughtful preservation and interpretation of the land. we observe their sovereign rights. please note due to the covid-19 health emergency and to protect board members, city employees and public, the meeting rooms at city hall are closed. however, commissioners are participating remotely at the same extent as if they were present in person. public comment will be available for each item on the agenda. each speaker is allowed two minutes to speak. comments or opportunities to speak are available via phone by
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calling 415-655-0001. the access code is 2488 829 7758. when you hear the agenda item you would like to comment on called, dial star 3 to be added to the queue to speak. you will be lined up in the order you dialled star 3. the system will notify you when you are in line and waiting. all callers remain on mute until their line is open. everyone must account for the time delays between live coverage and streaming. you may submit public comment by e-mailing the commission. if you submit via e-mail, it will be included in the legislative file. and written comment may also be mailed in. please note this commission meeting is recorded and will be
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available on item 2, president's report. >> let me be brief. i want to first welcome lorraine. i wanted to acknowledge we'll mail her a resolution from the commission acknowledging her great service and thanking her for her service. welcome lorraine. and we have the celebration of the william hammond hall awards last week. 12 individuals from building trades were honored. the mayor honored us by her attendance in presenting and so we want to again say congratulations to all 12 individuals for this year's awards. and finally, let me just read an e-mail we received. i always enjoy passing on when we have employees that generate
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outside accolades. hello, we just wanted to show our appreciation for the san francisco rec and park, specifically the community garden coordinator. we have been members of the craigs court community garden for 12 years and each year the support from san francisco rec and park gets better and better. let me repeat that, it gets better and better. just last week, coming to our community garden to prune our 50 year old apple tree. beginning the session teaching us about how the trees grow and gave us pruning techniques depending on the season and goal for the tree. she challenged us to use her teachings to decide on the next cut and explained why. it was so informative. we have attended pruning seminars and read many books but
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her techniques were easy to grasp and memorable. she is truly a gifted teacher. she at some length goes on talking about what an absolute great representative she is to rec and park. that concludes my president's report. >> if there's anyone on the line who would like to comment on the president's report, dial star 3 to be added to the queue. david, does anyone have their hand raised? >> there are currently zero hands raised. >> okay. seeing no callers, public comment is closed. we're on item 3, general manager's report. >> good morning commissioners and greetings from historic mclaren lodge where we're spending more and more time these days. i want to wish everyone a happy holiday season, no matter what you celebrate, the season reminds us to be thankful and
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optimistic. it can only get better. i wish everyone a really joyous next week or two. really good news, this past week, our department received a generous gift totalling $11.6 million from the state's outdoor for all initiative. that enables all californians regardless of zip code and income to access parks easier. part of the more than 500 million in funding from governor newsom's push to deliver new or renovated parks to more than 100 communities in california. state wide the grants represent the single largest investment in expanded access to parks in underserved communities in california's history. a big shout out to governor
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newsom. shoreline park, the funding will construct two playgrounds for toddlers and older children. and buchanan street mall, to improve the two blocks between eddie street and golden gate avenue, including event plaza and memory walk highlighting the history of the neighborhood. the awards are funded by 153 million approved by the state legislature in the 21-22 state budget and 395 million from the california drought water parks climate for all act of 2018. president buell mentioned the awards. it was a great ceremony and the only thing i would add is to thank ashley summers for all of her great work organizing the
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event and making it as successful as it was despite covid and the rain, it was still a very, very special afternoon. thank you ashley. tomorrow, friday december 17th from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m., please join us for the marina yacht harbor annual celebration. we are not supposed to get rain. it is supposed to be clear and crisp. this year's event includes a visit from santa and live music and the bay area's largest lit boat parade starting at 6:00 p.m. it is fun and if you are inspired please bring a new unwrapped toy to support the san francisco fire department's toy drive. winter lights starting december 2nd with the lighting of the tree here right behind us, holiday season of lights in
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golden gate park continues throughout the month and the month of january with several attractions, including wonderland of lights, psychedelic photosynthesis at the conservatory of flowers. and on jfk drive and of course our fabulous wheel of hope that is all lit up during the holidays and then the poetry, live music and lights in the music concourse that now includes the words on top of the temple "lift every voice." which is really special. for more information on these events and attractions, you can
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check out the website winter lights 2021. after a two year break, we are back. we are already making plans, the lottery for camp matter is open now. to enter the lottery, go to the website. camperships are available for low income families. rec park in partnership with other city agencies including the airport, fire, school district will be hosting a series of city job fairs in january and february. agencies will provide information on open positions, job resources and job training and assistance with the city's new application process. these job fairs will be on january 15th, the 22nd at the
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new fabulous bayview park that i'll highlight in a second. february 12th at hamilton rec center. more information can be found on our website. it is budget season and we got some positive news about the city's finances yesterday from the mayor. but nonetheless, we still must balance and prepare our budget for next year. our finance staff will be presenting the proposed budget for the next two fiscal years during a series of remote public meets starting in january. you can let us know what your priorities are for neighborhood parks january 24th and february 7th. both sessions start at 5:30. january 24th and february 7th, they are remote. the community meetings held over zoom. the budget will be presented
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before the full commission on january 20th and february 17th to the parks recreation open space advisory committee on february 1st and our own staff on january 5th. bayview park hosting the job fair on january 22nd marking the official opening of this beautifully newly renovated park. it just needs a little bit more time for full establishment, a ribbon cutting ceremony and community day on this new refresh of this super wonderful and important park in the bayview is scheduled for january 22nd. mr. president, last but certainly not least, we are so delighted to have lorraine joining us on the call today. i want to say a few words about lorraine, who recently retired
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after a long and distinguished career. here we go. although an early stent as a first grade teacher didn't turn out as she had planned, lorraine has never stopped teaching. throughout her career in her spare time she has been committed to serving the city's young people and preparing them for what lies ahead. from volunteering at the former youth guidance center to working in a group home, lorraine discovered her mission early on in her career to connect with teens, inspire them and give them the tools to not only survive but thrive. after joining the city in 1987 as an assistant director of a prevention and intervention project and later serving as a criminal justice specialist, lorraine joined the recreation and park department in 1989 with the directive to transform our youth program and make it
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accessible to all young people regardless of household income or academic achievement. although a career in recreation hadn't occurred to her before, she quickly fell in love seeing kids transform before her eyes, learning to ride a bike or succeeded on the ball fields. during her time at the city, she spearheaded projects for public housing residents and created the first ever partnership between rec and park and juvenile probation department serving as role models for incarcerated youth reentering the city and responsible for the first internship program and more recently, as superintendent of recreation, she led the team that transformed 35 centers into
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emergency child and youth care facility and hospital and essential workers in response to the covid pandemic. as if that wasn't enough, while doing all of that, lorraine served as the leader and certainly the heart and soul of our racial equity action planning efforts and led the team that produced our first ever racial equity action plan. her commitment extends beyond serving the public, a leader in our equity efforts externally and internally and encouraged many of her staff to become certified trainers with the childhood school age consortium and actively prepared her staff to take over and put their own stamp on the department as the next generation of leaders, which they are so effectively doing now as lorraine enjoys a
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well-deserved retirement that includes some travel, i don't know lorraine if you have yet joined your bike club. i know you expressed a desire to take up cooking and photography and write a book and maybe get your doctorate degree. while lorraine may not understand the definition of the word retirement, she incredible legacy in our city is well-rooted and has blossomed and bloomed and one of the reasons we are all so proud to have been her colleague at the recreation and park department and on a personal note, it has been a pleasure because of all you have taught me. i really appreciate that. you are a graceful, thoughtful, well-prepared leader and excellent facilitator and your
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conscious and moral compass are always point nothing the right direction. we miss you terribly but so excited to celebrate you today. cheers. (applause) >> thank you. most importantly, thank you to the rec and park staff. there's no way i could have done any of that without them. they are amazing people. what i really learned in retirement, a deeper appreciation for the work that the department does. you know, specifically the department and in general, the city and county. thank you all. it has been an honor to serve with each of you. >> thank you lorraine and with that, i conclude the general manager's report. >> thank you. >> if there's anyone on the line who wants to comment on the general manager's report, dial star 3 to be added to the queue to speak. david, does anyone have their hand raised? >> it looks like currently no hands raised. >> okay. seeing no callers, public comment is closed.
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we are now on item 4. general public comment up to 15 minutes. this item will be continued to item 9 as well. at this time, members of the public may address the commission on items within the subject matter, jurisdiction of the commission and do not appear on the agenda. with respect to agenda items, you will have opportunities to address that when the item is reached in the meeting. anyone who wants to make a general comment unrelated to today's agenda, dial star 3 to be added to the queue. anyone have their hand raised? >> one hand is raised. >> you'll have two minutes to speak. first callers. >> regarding lake mersed.
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any redistricting would have no impact on rec and park, operations, the expectation is that rec and park will take a neutral position on this issue. since it is jointly managed by rec and park and sf public utilities commission, the sfpuc was revised of speak's redistricting advocacy during general public comment. thank you. >> thank you. in the meantime david, did anyone else raise their hand? >> no, nobody else has raised hands. >> how many callers do we have on the line? >> we currently have four callers on the line. >> seeing no further callers, public comment is closed. if anyone wants to comment, we'll go back to general public comment on item 9. item 5, consent calendar. does anyone want to remove
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anything? now would be the time. okay. so if no one would like to take anything off consent, go ahead and have a motion to approve the consent calendar. >> so moved. >> second. >> moved and seconded. any further comments or questions? seeing none -- all those in favor. >> i have to call the roll. >> call the roll, please. of course you do. >> (roll call) item 6, the san francisco zoo. if you give me a moment, i'll
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director of the san francisco zoo and happy holidays and great to hear about so many lights going on in rec park areas. we this year decided not to host zoo lights due to the pandemic's uncertainty and last year's closure of the zoo during holidays. but we still have holiday joy here at the zoo and we're highlighting various animals through the zoo with various crafts for the younger visitors. an example in our children's zoo and riddles and fun facts about the animals. still decor and festivities at the zoo, just not zoo lights this year. then my second -- my next slide please. so as you may know, the zoo hosts the mexican gray wolf, a partnership with u.s. fish and wildlife, we take the rare and
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endangered mexican gray wolf and breed them and try to reintroduce them to the wild. recently the u.s. department of interior removed the gray wolf from the endangered species list. usually this is a cause for celebration but unfortunately it has allowed recent wolf hunts in parts of our country. wolf hunts that are showing to be cruel and inhumane. we are petitionle the u.s. department of interior and others to relist the gray wolf. it is one of the first times we have taken part in the relisting to hopefully save the wolf. we have four females ready to come from the wild. the wolf still seems to be in need of protection and we hope the federal government hears us. next, this is the south american
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condor on the endangered list and we have been honored with a pair and i think it's a beautiful bird and the spirit bird of many south american countries. we have decided at the next slide, you may remember, we had a rescued sea lion, this is one of our aging pools and we useit to house injured or blind sea lions from the marine -- we'll convert it to the condor exhibit and take advantage of the natural trees and landscapes and
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hopefully we'll have juvenile condors really soon. other news at the zoo in the next slide, as you know, we are starting and breaking way of our $7 million madagascar center and broken ground on the iconic image. this is a symbol of both deforestration and island of madagascar. and if i go to the next slide, not only will you see the scope of it, nearly three stories -- be able to go inside and see the insects of -- >> quickly, if everyone could make sure they are muted. i'm hearing some background noise that is preventing us from hearing. >> i'm almost done, i promise
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it's not zoo animals in the background. in lieu of a formal written year end report, we thought our graphics may show a better summary of the year we've had. of course the center box there, five months of closure of the san francisco zoo was significant to our operating revenues but i think we have come out of the storm. and there are a lot of other things the highlight from one snow leopard exhibit to 8 penguin chicks being hatched and other success stories like diversity and other programs growing at the zoo. all in all, a successful year despite some of the close ing /* -- >> anyone on the line who wants to comment on the zoo report can be added to the queue by
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dialling star 3. >> we have zero hands raised. >> seeing no commenters, public comment is closed. we're now on item 7 golden gate park mural design. >> good morning commissioners. i'm susan sun and i'm zooming in where my co-workers are busy milling around. hopefully you can hear me through my mask. i'm so very pleased to present item 7 today, a request of approval on a final art design to be installed at the 6th avenue skate park.
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the location of the proposed mural will be inside of the white oval circle depicted here in the photo. a deep rooted connection that started in 1891, a roller rink at the children's playground and more than a century later, the joy of rolling continues to be celebrated at skate and place. it is an area of self approval creating a strong community of skaters and supporters. earlier this year david myles junior approached rec and park with an idea of the community art mural to be installed at skate and place. the church of eight wheels has a mission to spread the joy of skating throughout the land. a supporter of free skating in golden gate park.
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the church of eight wheels commissioned a long time member of the skate and place community to create designs for the mural with community input and feedback. and this slide is just to share that our department has experienced success with art work on courts and working with the community on the design process and pictured here, the hayes valley playground basketball court installed in 2019. so we've been pretty busy the last few months leading up to the presentation today. i wanted to take a few moments to highlight where we are. the church of eight wheels and department hosted two community meetings earlier this year, one september 11th and one on november 17th via zoom to get feedback on design proposal. it was so encouraging that we received 20 letters of support from members of the skating community and neighbors about the design and excitement for
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the mural. we have received one anonymous letter opposed. the operations committee supported the proposed design earlier this month and here we are before you now, the full commission with rec and park commission support today, we hope to move forward with the approval of the sf arts commission in february of next year. if all goes well, the mural installation is estimated to begin in spring of 2022 and it will take about six to eight weeks to complete. early summer is when we hope to reopen the space with the new art mural in place. and our partnership is structured that the church of eight wheels proposes to give the department a grant values at approximately $2,500 for designs and park and rec will install
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the mural. while the repair and expansion project is separate from this project, i'll share a brief update at the end of my presentation on how that's going. now for the reveal of the proposed final design. here it is. this design is called psychedelic golden gate skate. it was presented at the november meeting and there was such great feedback we decided to propose it today. it honors san francisco, golden gate park and its history and reference to golden gate bridge and roller skate in the circle. it will be 15 feet longer than the original oval and approximately 2300 square feet in size. it reflects some of the community feedback, skaters the
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maintain balance and color pallet to reduce visual glare. the department has reviewed and approved the design for maintenance parameters, specialized paint with designs that can be touched up with ease. and as this grant, the mural design is under $10,000 and funding to install has been allocated by the commission, a request today is to seek approval of the final design, required as part of the san francisco arts commission application. and in closing, i just want to share a brief update on the other exciting project at skate and place. the commission allocated funds for repair and expansion project. that project entails that the existing rink's surface will be repaired and repaved and expanded north. so this image depicts the footprint for the project.
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this project will start in late february, early february of next year and take about three weeks to complete and then our intention is to install the approved mural in the spring. thank you commissioners and we request approval of the final community design. thanks. >> thank you susan. anyone on the line who wants to comment on item 7, dial star 3 to be added to the queue to speak. david, does anyone have their hand raised? >> we currently have three hands raised. >> great. you'll have two minutes per speaker. >> i have not been at the commission lately, partially because of covid and because you all have been doing a great job. i want to thank phil for the
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marvelous job on golden gate park. i have never seen it better. i want to support this project at jfk and 6th avenue. i have skated there for 42 years with my ups and downs. i first want to thank you for the resurfacing project moving forward and i want to support the mural entirely. thank you for the efforts and the park has never looked better and skating community has exploded partially because of the removal of traffic from jfk but particularly because of the work of david myles. he is the godfather of skating, all over the country now supporting our cause. thank you again. good day.
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>> hello. this is charlene ingram. i wanted to call in support of the mural. i think it is beautiful and i think it's just a lovely reflection of the very vibrant skating community in golden gate park. notably it was designed by one of the skaters in golden gate park, with the help of david myles and all he does. i think it is a beautiful addition on top of the much needed repair and renovations to the whole area. i think it just adds another pop of beauty to a beautiful park. thank you very much for your consideration and i am in full support of this. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> good morning i'm david myles and i have been hearing about
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the guy everyone has been talking about. this is a fantastic thing to do. i have been working skate patrol in 1979, i work with the park trainer at that time to create the area in the very beginning when the effort was to close off streets to car traffic that were not necessary. and a lot of the streets were closed, including 6th avenue. this place has turned into a fantastic oasis for people. in the times we live in right now, especially during the pandemic, it was shown how important the skate area has been for people just to improve their quality of life in the city and get through some of the hard times. it's a fantastic thing to be able to do. i want to thank phil especially, too. working with rec and park, a lot of people on the outside think it is so difficult and all, but when you engage them, the excitement that they have for your projects is so great and i
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really appreciate all of the excitement put towards this from everyone that has been involved. this is a fantastic thing. and this is something that reflects on the city of san francisco in giving its people fantastic places the have a funky good time. of course i'm in favor of this, and it's just an honor to be able to be at this point now with the people we work with, the work that's been done and all the research. and i think we hit the nail on the head with this one. this will be fantastic for everybody in san francisco. so thank you very, very, very much. >> thank you. if there's anyone who would like to comment, you can dial star 3 to be added to the queue. david, does anyone else have their hand raised? >> one more hand -- two more. >> okay.
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next speaker. >> hey there, i just wanted to call and voice my support of the mural. skating place is one of the great treasures and it is a great way to honor eight wheels and all the joy david myles has brought to the park. i think the concept art is beautiful and i have never seen this portion of the park so activated. it makes san francisco as a whole a better place and i hope you support it. thank you. >> thank you. next speaker. >> hi, i've been coming to golden gate park to skate since i was young teenager. and have always enjoyed the skating place. i now skate roller derby and we still come back and skate at the
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skating place whenever we get a chance. i think it would be a wonderful addition to the skating place and bring more attention to the golden gate park and the skating place. i'm currently being treated for breast cancer but once i'm well enough, i plan to be back there as soon as possible and i just think that, again, it is a wonderful way to recognize david myles, the church of eight wheels, all the wonderful things he does in the community and a wonderful addition to the park. >> thank you. david, does anyone else have their hand raised? >> one more hand raised. >> next speaker. >> hello. i'm a san francisco resident. i skate at the skate and place
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all the time and i wanted to lend my support for david's vision for the skate and place and the new mural as well. we love it out there, a great community. especially through the pandemic. i would love to see it and want to lend my support. thank you very much. >> thank you. any other hands? public comment is closed. commissioners? >> i'd like to make a motion
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that we pass this. >> is there a second to the motion? >> second. >> so moved and seconded. secretary, do we have another hand up? >> just a quick comment before you take the vote on this, which is to thank david myles and skating community and special shout-out to susan sun who managed this project beautifully. well done. >> secretary, would you please call the roll. >> (roll call) okay. it is unanimous. >> thank you commissioners, i'm grinning from ear to ear behind
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my mask. thank you. >> thank you susan. >> you skated right through that one, susan. >> susan, the wheels never came off. >> okay. let's roll on to number 8 then. okay. so we're on item 8 by-law amendments. do you want me to go through the same points as last time? >> i would appreciate it. >> this item was heard at operations committee. it is a commission item. i'm going to briefly present some of the reasons behind the by-laws changes. the commission's last approved updates to the by-laws in 2010 when they added the capital and operations meeting to the structure and reduced the monthly commission meetings from two to one. the changes today are a result of various recommendations, the
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first is that voters approved prop c in 2020 amending the city charter to remove the requirement that those serving must be u.s. citizens and registered voters. the by-laws are being amended to reflect that change. and next, equitable decision making, we have included more in inclusive language. we removed gendered language from the entire document. lastly, we have made changes the follow through with recommendations made by the controllers office report titled public integrity review preliminary assessment. we amended the by-laws to state no member of the commission may talk to a bidder to make sure they are operating ethically and then minor edits for clarity. if commissioners or anyone has
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questions, let me know. but i will first take public comment. if there's any public comment on item 8, you can dial star 3 to be added to the queue to speak. >> currently no raised hands. >> public comment is closed. commissioners? >> actually i want to compliment you on initiating this action and putting it together and presenting it. it keeps us operating with a clean slate following all of the rules. you have my gratitude. >> you're welcome. any other commissioner questions? >> i'd like to move approval. >> okay. >> is there a second? >> second. >> secretary, please call the roll. (roll call)
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thank you commissioners. we're on item 9 general public comment. at this time, members of the public who were not able to address the commission on item 4 may address the commission within matters that do not appear on the agenda. anyone who wants to make a comment, dial star 3 to be added to the queue. does anyone have their hand raised? >> there are currently no hands raised. >> okay. public comment is closed. we are now on item 10, commissioner matters. >> one comment ashley, if i
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might, phil's report today was full of great information but i wanted to mention the greenagers graduation, november 20th since our november meeting. phil, i'm telling you, that has become -- last year i attended virtually, this year able to be there in person and it may be my most favorite event in my year as a commissioner. i think the commission louie and commissioner griffin who joined me on that day will agree with me. teenagers sometimes get left behind. this is a program that specifically targets teenagers. i was so impressed with the young people that were honored that day. most especially the mentors, the people that had gone through the
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program and came back to help the others. i mention that day how they all were paying it forward. it just -- it is such a great program. it was a great day. and i just wanted to send out congratulations to you and all the organizers of that program because it is targeting a demographic that we need to target and tremendously successful. great job phil and all the people that organized that greenagers program. >> thank you commissioner hallisy and thank you for highlighting that. it was omitted from my report and it shouldn't have been. it -- greenagers is one of the programs that makes me most proud. i'm very grateful to the amazing staff that administers the program and leads it. we have two classes. we have a greenagers out of the
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bayview and one out of the northeast section of the city, mostly focused on chinatown and we will be expanding to a class in the tenderloin next. our hope and plan is only to grow this fabulous program. thank you commissioner louie and commissioner griffin for taking the time to be there that day. it meant the world to the kids to see all these city leaders be present for them. thank you. >> i would just like to add one thing and that was that we got to handout the certificates and the presents to the graduates and that was really fun. you could see the excitement in their eyes close up. so, it is a wonderful program and i thank ashley for getting us invited to it. >> thank you commissioners. >> any other commissioners want to make a comment?
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okay. is there any public comment on commissioners matters. you can dial star 3. david, does anyone have their hand raised? >> ashley, there are currently zero hands raised. >> no callers, public comment is closed. item 11, new business agenda setting. anyone wants to bring anything forward? okay. if there's anyone on the line who would like to comment, dial star 3. do we have anyone with their hand raised? >> no, ashley, there are zero hands raised. >> seeing no callers, public comment is closed. item 12, communications. is there anyone who wants to comment on item 12? you can dial star 3. david? >> no, ashley, there are zero hands raised. >> thank you. commissioners, did you want to comment on anything on this
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item? yes commissioner griffin. >> yes, i believe there were two items submitted by the neighborhood association. and i'm on the board of the north of panhandle neighborhood association and when the board took up these matters, i recused myself from the discussion, so as not to create a conflict of interest. and i just wanted that on the record. >> thank you. >> thank you commissioner. >> anything else commissioners? okay. we are now on item 13, adjournment. this is the last meeting of the year. so thank you for everything before we adjourn. >> thank you, ashley. >> thank you, ashley. >> and thank you all commissioners, it has been a tough but rewarding year. we have welcomed new commissioners. i think we're in great shape
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moving forward. i wish you all a very happy holiday and happy new year. >> thank you for the memories. >> i would like to move adjournment in honor of our dear friend and one of the wisest persons i know, someone that has an amazing history of san francisco and this commission, my friend mark buell. thank you for your service. >> i second that. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. >> i'll third that. >> secretary call the roll before i start to cry. >> yes, i will call the roll on adjourning the last meeting in 2021 in honor of president buell. (roll call)
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volunteering is really important because we can't do this. it's important to understand and a concept of learning how to take care of this park. we have almost a 160 acres in the district 10 area. >> it's fun to come out here. >> we have a park. it's better to take some of the stuff off the fences so people can look at the park. >> the street, every time, our friends. >> i think everybody should give back. we are very fortunate. we are successful with the company and it's time to give back. it's a great place for us. the weather is
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nice. no rain. beautiful san francisco. >> it's a great way to be able to have fun and give back and walk away with a great feeling. for more opportunities we have volunteering every single day of the week. get in touch with the parks and recreation center >> i went through a lot of struggles in my life, and i am blessed to be part of this. i am familiar with what people are going through to relate and empathy and compassion to their struggle so they can see i came out of the struggle, it gives them hope to come up and do
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up at hotspots to let people see visibility. they ask you questions, ask you directions, they might have a question about what services are available. checking in, you guys. >> wellness check. we walk by to see any individual, you know may be sitting on the sidewalk, we make sure they are okay, alive. you never know. somebody might walk by and they are laying there for hours. you never know if they are alive. we let them know we are in the area and we are here to promote safety, and if they have somebody that is, you know, hanging around that they don't want to call the police on, they don't have to call the police. they can call us. we can direct them to the services they might need. >> we do the three one one to keep the city neighborhoods
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clean. there are people dumping, waste on the ground and needles on the ground. it is unsafe for children and adults to commute through the streets. when we see them we take a picture dispatch to 311. they give us a tracking number and they come later on to pick it up. we take pride. when we come back later in the day and we see the loose trash or debris is picked up it makes you feel good about what you are doing. >> it makes you feel did about escorting kids and having them feel safe walking to the play area and back. the stuff we do as ambassadors makes us feel proud to help keep the city clean, helping the residents. >> you can see the community ambassadors. i used to be on the streets.
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i didn't think i could become a community ambassador. it was too far out there for me to grab, you know. doing this job makes me feel good. because i came from where a lot of them are, homeless and on the street, i feel like i can give them hope because i was once there. i am not afraid to tell them i used to be here. i used to be like this, you know. i have compassion for people that are on the streets like the homeless and people that are caught up with their addiction because now, i feel like i can give them hope. it reminds you every day of where i used to be and where i am at now.
10:00 am
>> clerk: good afternoon and welcome to the san francisco historic preservation commission remote hearing for wednesday, december 1, 2021. remote hearings require everyone's attention and, most of all, your patience. if you are not speaking, please mute your microphone. to enable public participation, sfgov is streaming and airing this hearing live. comments to comment on the item are available by calling
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