tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV January 3, 2022 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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>> hi, everybody. i'm greg perloff, and what a pleasure it is to be involved in this celebration of metallica, and a metallica takeover of san francisco. >> that's right. that's right. that's right. >> you know, it all starts with the music, and the thing about metallica that makes them unique is their fan base and their fan club, and as the word of metallica has spread all
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these years, people from all over the world are coming to san francisco, staying in hotels, taking different forms of transportation, and it's a really wonderful economic boost to the city. and one thing about metallica is that they've always been involved with whatever cause is happening, whether it's supporting food banks all these years or when there were the major fires in california. they raised millions of dollars when we supported the people who were devastated up north, and i'm just so pleased to have been able to represent the -- metallica. and i think what makes them big is their authenticity.
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they are the real deal, and they do what feels right to them. one day, they did a stadium on the green, and the other, they did a concert in petaluma. whether they do the chase center, this amazing venue in san francisco, they've always been here for everybody. i know you don't want to hear me speak, so let me introduce our amazing mayor, mayor london breed. >> the hon. london breed: well, greg, thank you so much for all you do and what you do to bring entertainment and life to san francisco with so many great events. there is nothing more important to me than having a good time,
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as i'm sure some of you have noticed on occasion, and san francisco prides itself on being just this amazing space where incredible artists and incredible talent can come to life. and metallica, i feel they set the stage for that. they set the stage for not only what it means to be extraordinary musicians, extraordinary people, but also how you become embedded in a community where you feel that part of what you owe is to be a part of the fabric of the community by continuously giving back. and so this plan that lars and robert really have for making san francisco shine, i can't ask for anything more from just really revolutionary artists like them, people that are known not just all over the
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country but all over the world because they have touched people's lives with their music for generations. my aunt saw us on the t.v. one time, and she's, like, did you get a picture with lars? i've loved him for years? i've loved him since i was a kid. and that's just to say that this group has been just a part of the city of san francisco, and what they are doing not just here but all-around san francisco is going to be transformative. and i other thing i was going to say, i was on my home, taking the route of the
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divisadero, and i was, like, metallica was performing at the independent? i had to call my friend, mike, and say mike, was that really metallica playing at the independent? and yes, he said it was really metallica at the independent. as part of this metallica takeover of san francisco includes supporting small businesses in our city. it includes doing a cleanup at the beach and really calling attention to a number of environmental challenges that we have as a city and a country. it calls attention to the need to support city and night life. and in san francisco, i'm proud that we've waived $5 million in
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fees for night life to see our artists perform all over san francisco. but the attention that metallica brings that takes this up to the next level is what's going to really make this city shine. you know, we've been through a really tough time. it's been two years of wildfires, seeing the skies turn yellow, the protests and the skies for racial justice, the pandemic, kids who weren't in schools, people who couldn't see their family members. this global pandemic has tested us like nothing else, and what people need now more than ever is hope. hope for the future, hope for what we know is the very best of us, and today, we celebrate that with music, something that brought us together during the
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pandemic and will continue to bring us together and move forward. so i wanted to take the opportunity and thank metallica for everything that you've done, for your 40 years of being together, for your commitment and love for this city. you, from my perspective you -- when you talk about san francisco is, you talk about san francisco, you talk about cable cars, and then, you talk about metallica. and on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, i want to officially declare today metallica day in san francisco. [applause] >> metallica day in san francisco bleed breed that means free parking. >> that's right. that's right. >> the hon. london breed: come on, guys. >> follow that friday.
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okay. >> the hon. london breed: free parking, free muni rides, get into chase center free. >> that's right. >> the hon. london breed: just wear it on your chest. just tape it on your chest and say, it's my day today. >> that's right. >> the hon. london breed: and thank you so much for what you're going to do with us this weekend. valencia street will be closed this week for all the celebrations. cleanup on ocean beach. you'll have the location of all the festivities, but it is time for us to live. it is time for us to enjoy what i think is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and i can't think metallica enough for committing to san francisco and making this city shine, so thank you so much.
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>> thank you so much. [applause] >> san francisco's biggest export to the world, right here. god help us all. i want just to say thank you, mayor breed, thank you, greg, thank you everybody for showing up. the sun is shining, the storms have passed. it's a beautiful thursday. it is metallica day in san francisco. as i'm listening to your wonderful words, i'm thinking about the history. both of you said 40 years. of those who know metallica well, you hear me say this all the time, but we're just getting started, okay? and all our best years are still ahead of us, and we may even actually turn professional soon, so we've got that going for us. and i'm thinking back to those who now our story, and feel free to boo for one second at least.
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but we didn't start in san francisco, we started in southern california. we came up to san francisco for the first time in 1982, in september, and played at the stone, and subsequently played at the old waldorf a couple of times, and we had done six, nine months in los angeles, and we did not belong. the reason we all wanted to be in a band was to fit into something greater than ourselves, and we absolutely did not fit into anything in los angeles, the sunset strip, any of that. we felt like complete outsiders. when we came up here in september 1982, and we started playing, we played four shows that fall, like i said, at the stones, at the waldorf, and at the gardens. and we were taken in, and we felt so loved up here, and there was a sense of community, of music community for people
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like ourselves who felt like outsiders, things that were not in the mainstream, and that has obviously been a significant part of san francisco's history. so coming up here in 1982, standing on san francisco's culture, and the beat poets, and the hippy culture, and bill graham and everything that san francisco represented, we just felt so loved and, finally, like we belonged someplace. and it's been 39 years of feeling that sense of belonging, to not just a geographical place, san francisco, the bay area, whatever you want to call it, but it's also a state of mind. you belong to what san francisco represents, and to me, we often talk about this, you know, over a glass of wine at night or whoever you're sharing a good time or tall
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tales with, but, you know, san francisco also is significantly a state of mind. what it represents, as, you know, the most western city in america before you get out to the ocean and sort of the wild west mentality and independence and freedoms and equality and justice and everything that san francisco has been through since 1849, give or take. we have been so proud to be here, and we have just shouted it from the hill tops into every microphone and magazine through the years, that san francisco gave us a sense of belonging. we fly the flag of san
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francisco proud. on our t-shirts, made in san francisco, born in san francisco, metallica, whatever version it says, we are so proud of our connection to everything that san francisco represents and to all the wonderful people, to obviously the great physical and geographical elements here, and the history and the cable cars and the giants and the warriors, and the list goes on. but i just want to say, on behalf of the band, how proud i am for that connection and how much it's just really given us a sense of identity. and those of us who know our story know that we've been fortunate enough to travel all over the world. we've played all seven continents, and there are many, many wonderful places on this planet where music, compared to where we started -- latin america, southeast asia, places that you wouldn't expect 30, 40
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years ago that you can bring rock and roll to that have embraced us, but our hearts and our sense of belonging will always be san francisco, and metallica and san francisco will always be two words that are synonymous with each other. thank you for the two sides of this. and like i said, the important part, we're just getting started. all our best years are still ahead of us. [applause] >> before rob speaks, in true metallica takeover fashion, we've got these cards of just so many events that everyone out here has been working on, and mary, and so if you want to see all the things that are going on, they're not just
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playing in an arena, they're adding to every district of the city, night life and economic development, and being in the community, so i just want to know you know those. robert? >> thank you. it's an honor to be here, and thank you, mayor breed, and thank you, greg. metallica, for me, it's just totally surreal. to sit here where the warriors play -- when i used to see metallica, they played where the warriors played, and to actually be here in the venue when the team is doing so amazing is amazing for me as a warrior fan. and lars is right. the creative energy in the city is so important.
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i remember, back in the day, i played in a band called suicidal tendencies, and we weren't allowed to play in l.a. for seven years because there was some violence there or whatever. and san francisco took us in and actually became our second family, and i know this also happened with a lot of the skate board community because they were also part of our tribe when i was a part of suicidal tendencies. so the skate boarders from san francisco would stay with the skate boarders from l.a. and vice versa, and in my mind, there's always been a connection. there's the outlaws, the creative types, this connection. and when i joined metallica, it was a perfect fit. the mindset, the level of creativity, everything about
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it, and it's just almost 20 years ago for me. i'm happy to sit here with lars and celebrate this moment with you all. thank you for having me. [applause] >> are we going to take questions? >> sure. just not from that guy. [indiscernible] so i work a lot with local musicians, and any time you talk about the music scene in the bay area was when metallica was coming up. what was the spark of magic
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that made that time so special, when all of these bands were big, and how can we bring that spark into now? >> that's a great question. actually, i came up here a couple of times before metallica came up here. my dad was a tennis player, and he would play over at the berkeley tennis club. we would stay at the former celli's, and i would go to tower records and rasputina and the people's park and was just fascinated with the energy of that spot. and i heard -- i was standing in front of tower records -- this was about 1979, and i heard something loud walking my way, and it was a guy with a boom box on his shoulder, and i
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people that were of the same breed as you, and at that time, i was introduced to dozens and dozens of kids, all 17 years old, who viewed the world the same as i did. i was an only child growing up, and it just gave me a sense of identity. and so when the band came up here -- and stayed in touch with all of these guys and girls. so when the band came up here a year later, that was the beginning of the scene, you knee, and all these kids, you know, most of them ended up in bands. you know, the exodus' of the world, the forbiddens, the lost rockets, and there was just a scene up here. now, that scene was rooted, i think, in acceptance, in tolerance, in open-mindedness,
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again, going back to everything you associate with san francisco. here, you don't have to apologize. you don't have to try to fit in. nobody's going to judge you, nobody's going to look down on you and all that kind of stuff. so we all just feel free up here, and we could just be ourselves, and we didn't have to apologize for who we were as 17, 18, 19-year-old disenfranchised kids. obviously, that's 38, 39 years ago. i can't tell you that same opportunity exists today. i would love to tell you, but the world is a different place that we don't need to get into. the sense of loving, the sense of mystery, the sense that all these bands belong to my group,
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and the internet, which has done countless amazing things has also turned some of that stuff upside down. so i don't know if all of those possibilities exist today, but i'm always hopeful, and i would encourage any 15-year-olds, ten-year-olds, eight-year-olds -- i can see it in my kids -- i would encourage them to be authentic and just be yourself, and there's no better place to be yourself than just the whole bay area. >> one of the great things that's happening this weekend is basically our kids, our sons have bands, and they're
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performing in the city. that's a dream come true as part of in experience. >> part of the takeover. >> yeah, and for us, it's celebrating the live music venues exactly how we came up, and that hasn't happened in a long time in this city, and hopefully, everybody will recognize that and go out and check the music out. i talked to james' son and his band, and i get so excited to see the look in their eyes when they're creating.
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>> hopefully your sons will be as successful as del curry's sons. >> the hon. london breed: and i'd just like to add, the city has made too things way too complicated for musicians to just be free to do exactly what we're talking about, which is one of the reasons why, you know, we in the city have made some changes to make it simple for live music at certain businesses. if you want to do a pop-up right here, the process that you have to go through is too extensive, and so we've cut that red tape. we're trying to make it as easy
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as possible, and i really appreciate your perspective, and also, what that reminds me of is we have to make it better for the next generation of artists in this city to showcase their talent in various ways. >> lars, if i may, let me speak as a fan [indiscernible] let me speak as a fan. back in the early 80s, when we watched these bands -- lars mentioned some of them. we understood two things occurred. one, metallica is a band, and they're great musicians. believe me, we put on so many bands that maybe are not the greatest musicians in the world, and the two things that you needed to separate yourself: great musicianship and passion and mania. you need leaders of the band that want it so bad and want to
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do the right thing, and, you know, there's a couple of bands in the world like that. so we'll take a few more questions. yes, sir. >> thanks. thanks. i think some of this was covered in your last answer, lars and rob. i'm with the s.f. standard, trying to drill down a little bit deeper into thrash metal specifically. i was wondering if you could, without making everybody's eyes glaze over, or maybe not, but why this area was so
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fundamental. you could come over here and see one of your shows, and then go across the bay and capture a g.b.h. show. why was there such a convergence of metal and punk in the area? >> it has to start with musical freedoms, and a license to be yourself, and a license to explore the things that turn you on without forfeiting who you are trying to fit in. so i think up here, i think everyone felt they were free enough to pursue their true calling. so if you want to get more technical about it, then obviously, you know, thrash metal was obviously a hybrid of
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the more extreme, the motorheads, and the british new wave metals, the iron maiden and the g.b.h. and all the punk bands that would come up from l.a. okay. l.a., the sunset strip, you're supposed to look like this, you're supposed to act like this if you want to fit in, and if you don't do that, you're not part of the scene. none of that existed up here, and that's why it not only felt so liberating but also so unique to this history.
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now if you want to talk about all of the beat poets and everything that happened in 1968, and all of these people and why did that movement start here, the grateful dead and haight-ashbury, and this lineage has been talked about so much and all of that. but the one thing i want to remind people is when we talk about these types of questions is there always has to be the x factor, which is -- i call it the energy of the universe, and it's the aligning of the stars. so at that time, 1981, 1982, 1983, just because of what was going on in music because of, you know, a bunch of kids felt they had been given a voice and what was going on not just in the city but in the east bay
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and el cerrito, and all of that, there was a lot of stuff happening, but all of that couldn't have taken place without what i call the x-factor or the energy of the universe. a lot of that is -- our publicist, steve, can set up an interview, and we can talk more about that in depth at some point. >> i have to say something that's really important, and people should also recognize that there was a heavy funk movement coming out of the east bay. sly and the family stone influenced prince. you know, michael jackson, and then, you get into grand central station, tower of power. seriously, that's another whole ingredient in this city that needed to be recognized, too. whether it's pop, r&b or
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anything, that had a huge influence and impact on that, too, and that came out of the east bay, so that's something also to think about. >> well, we are running a little bit over at this point -- [indiscernible] oh, okay. one more question here. >> for lars and for robert. i just spoke with some fans outside, including a couple of guys, one's 25, one's 40. 25-year-old's from france, 40-year-old is from switzerland. they met at a metallica concert, and they travelled all over even with the pandemic, and now, they're connecting here. when you reflect over the course of 40 years and to hear generations that come together to travel the world to see your music, what does that mean to you? >> it's the reason we're here.
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it keeps us going. it fuels us, and it keeps us inspired and just invigorated. the main word that i use is the word connecting. you know, we connect to people through music, and the main thing that we try to do is to breakdown that barrier that exists between a band and an audience. we break that down, and we can try to share a similar state of mind. two years ago, when we were fortunate enough to be asked to open this incredible venue, there was an unexpected thing that happened in the wake of the metallica s&m concerts, as they were call.
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unbeknownst to us, metallica fans from 65 countries -- just take that in for a minute. 65 countries -- descended on san francisco for that three or four-day weekend, and to me, that is a culmination of what the metallica thing has reached in terms of a global thing that we touched upon earlier. it's not something we take ownership of, it's not something that we own, oh, look at how big we are, look at how great we are. it's something we want to facilitate, take you in, and we'll go all over the world and try to encourage that to happen. but we talked in the wake of the s&m concerts a couple of years ago about trying to do more things like that and bring
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people here to san francisco and bring that international audience to san francisco. and then, obviously, you know what happened for the next 1.5 years, so we're so appreciative and grateful for the fact that, now, 2.5 years later, we've had the opportunity to again bring people in from all over the world and to descend upon san francisco, to take the music in, but to take everything else that san francisco offers, not just fisherman's wharf, but everything that san francisco offers and represents, and it is so amazing to just hear these stories all the time. but i'm more proud of how international our community is than anything else because it really proves that with all the craziness that are going on in the world and all the division and everybody jumping at the opportunity to find something that separates us, that at least through music, that
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there's some -- here's where one thing that's refrained from infiltrating, and the fact that 65 countries can be represented in a city like this, in a building like this, and the fact that something like this can happen in the middle of the shitstorm of the last few years, that is great. >> the hon. london breed: so lars, i have one last question. does that mean that this will be an annual event? >> i don't know if you all have plans in ten years, but why don't we meet right here in 2031 for 50 years? you'll be on your fifth term? >> the hon. london breed: i
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won't be here. you've got to be here next year so i can come back. >> we'll keep it going, and i just want to thank mayor breed and greg and everybody involved in making this san francisco takeover, our friends at salesforce, and mary and vickie and everybody who's doing such an incredible job, dan, of getting this out and spreading the message of music and connectivity and hope. like i said, it's gotten a little nuttier in the last few days because of covid, and i know everybody's extra cautious. let's celebrate, let's be safe, but let's have an incredible four days, and metallica takeover of san francisco is in full effect. [applause] >> thank you all for coming.
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>> i had a break when i was on a major label for my musical career. i took a seven year break. and then i came back. i worked in the library for a long time. when i started working the san francisco history centre, i noticed they had the hippie collection. i thought, if they have a hippie collection, they really need to have a punk collection as well. so i talked to the city archivist who is my boss. she was very interested. one of the things that i wanted to get to the library was the avengers collection. this is definitely a valuable poster. because it is petty bone. it has that weird look because it was framed. it had something acid on it and something not acid framing it. we had to bring all of this stuff that had been piling up in my life here and make sure that the important parts of it got
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archived. it wasn't a big stretch for them to start collecting in the area of punk. we have a lot of great photos and flyers from that area and that. that i could donate myself. from they're, i decided, you know, why not pursue other people and other bands and get them to donate as well? the historic moments in san francisco, punk history, is the sex pistols concert which was at winterland. [♪♪♪] it brought all of the punks on the web -- west coast to san francisco to see this show. the sex pistols played the east coast and then they play texas and a few places in the south and then they came directly to san francisco. they skipped l.a. and they skipped most of the media centres. san francisco was really the biggest show for them pick it was their biggest show ever. their tour manager was interested in managing the adventures, my band. we were asked to open to support the pistols way to that show. and the nuns were also asked to
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open the show. it was certainly the biggest crowd that we had ever played to. it was kind of terrifying but it did bring people all the way from vancouver, tee seattle, portland, san diego, all up and down the coast, and l.a., obviously. to san francisco to see this show. there are a lot of people who say that after they saw this show they thought they would start their own band. it was a great jumping off point for a lot of west coast punk. it was also, the pistols' last show. in a way, it was the end of one era of punk and the beginning of a new one. the city of san francisco didn't necessarily support punk rock. [♪♪♪] >> last, but certainly not least is a jell-o be opera. they are the punk rock candidate of the lead singer called the dead kennedys.
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>> if we are blaming anybody in san francisco, we will just blame the dead kennedys. >> there you go. >> we had situations where concerts were cancelled due to flyers, obscene flyers that the city was thought -- that he thought was obscene that had been put up. the city of san francisco has come around to embrace it's musicians. when they have the centennial for city hall, they brought in all kinds of local musicians and i got to perform at that. that was, at -- in a way, and appreciation from the city of san francisco for the musical legends. i feel like a lot of people in san francisco don't realize what resources there are at the library. we had a film series, the s.f. punk film series that i put together. it was nearly sold out every single night. people were so appreciative that someone was bringing this for them. it is free. everything in the library is free. >> it it is also a film producer
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who has a film coming out. maybe in 2018 about crime. what is the title of it? >> it is called san francisco first and only rock 'n' roll movie. crime, 1978. [laughter] >> when i first went to the art institute before the adventures were formed in 77, i was going to be a painter. i did not know i would turn into a punk singer. i got back into painting and i mostly do portraiture and figurative painting. one of the things about this job here is i discovered some great resources for images for my painting. i was looking through these mug shot books that we have here that are from the 1920s. i did a whole series of a mug shot paintings from those books. they are in the san francisco history centre's s.f. police department records. there are so many different
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things that the library provides for san franciscans that i feel like a lot of people are like, oh, i don't have a library card. i've never been there. they need to come down and check it out and find out what we have. the people who are hiding stuff in their sellers and wondering what to do with these old photos or old junk, whether it is hippie stuff or punk stuff, or stuff from their grandparents, if they bring it here to us, we can preserve it and archive it and make it available to the public in the future. >> roughly five years, i was working as a high school teacher, and i decided to take my students on a surfing field trip. the light bulb went off in my head, and i realized i could do much more for my students taking them surfing than i could as their classroom
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teacher, and that is when the idea for the city surf project was born. >> working with kids in the ocean that aren't familiar with this space is really special because you're dealing with a lot of fear and apprehension but at the same time, a lot of excitement. >> when i first did it, i was, like, really scared, but then, i did it again, and i liked it. >> we'll get a group of kids who have just never been to the beach, are terrified of the idea, who don't like the beach. it's too cold out, and it's those kid that are impossible to get back out of the water at the end of the day. >> over the last few years, i
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think we've had at least 40 of our students participate in the city surf project. >> surfing helped me with, like, how to swim. >> we've start off with about two to four sessions in the pool before actually going out and surfing. >> swimming at the pool just helps us with, like, being, like, comfortable in the water and being calm and not being all -- not being anxious. >> so when we started the city surf project, one of the things we did was to say hey, this is the way to earn your p.e. credits. just getting kids to go try it was one of our initial challenges for the first year or two. but now that we've been doing it three or four years, we have a group of kids that's consistent, and the word has spread, that it's super fun, that you learn about the ocean.
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>> starting in the morning, you know, i get the vehicles ready, and then, i get all the gear together, and then, i drive and go get the kids, and we take them to a local beach. >> we usually go to linda mar, and then occasionally ocean beach. we once did a special trip. we were in capitola last year, and it was really fun. >> we get in a circle and group stretch, and we talk about specific safety for the day, and then, we go down to the water. >> once we go to the beach, i don't want to go home. i can't change my circumstances at home, but i can change the way i approach them. >> our program has definitely been a way for our students to find community and build friends. >> i don't really talk to friends, so i guess when i started doing city surf, i started to, like, get to know
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people more than i did before, and people that i didn't think i'd like, like, ended up being my best friends. >> it's a group sport the way we do it, and with, like, close camaraderie, but everybody's doing it for themselves. >> it's great, surfing around, finding new people and making new friendships with people throughout surfing. >> it can be highly developmental for students to have this time where they can learn a lot about themselves while negotiating the waves. >> i feel significantly, like, calmer. it definitely helps if i'm, like, feeling really stressed or, like, feeling really anxious about surfing, and i go surfing, and then, i just feel, like, i'm going to be okay. >> it gives them resiliency skills and helps them build self-confidence. and with that, they can use
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that in other parts of their lives. >> i went to bring my family to the beach and tell them what i did. >> i saw kids open up in the ocean, and i got to see them connect with other students, and i got to see them fail, you know, and get up and get back on the board and experience success, and really enjoy themselves and make a connection to nature at the same time. >> for some kids that are, like, resistant to, like, being in a mentorship program like this, it's they want to surf, and then later, they'll find out that they've, like, made this community connection. >> i think they provided level playing fields for kids to be themselves in an open environment. >> for kids to feel like i can go for it and take a chance that i might not have been
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willing to do on my own is really special. >> we go on 150 surf outings a year. that's year-round programming. we've seen a tremendous amount of youth face their fears through surfing, and that has translated to growth in other facets of their lives. >> i just think the biggest thing is, like, that they feel like that they have something that is really cool, that they're engaged in, and that we, like, care about them and how they're doing, like, in general. >> what i like best is they really care about me, like, i'm not alone, and i have a group of people that i can go to, and, also, surfing is fun. >> we're creating surfers, and we're changing the face of surfing. >> the feeling is definitely akin to being on a roller coaster. it's definitely faster than i think you expect it to be, but
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it's definitely fun. >> it leaves you feeling really, really positive about what that kid's going to go out and do. >> i think it's really magical almost. at least it was for me. >> it was really exciting when i caught my first wave. >> i felt like i was, like -- it was, like, magical, really. >> when they catch that first wave, and their first lights up, you know -- their face lights up, you know you have them hooked. >> i was on top of the world. it's amazing. i felt like i was on top of the world even though i was probably going two miles an hour. it was, like, the scariest thing i'd ever done, and i think it was when i got hooked on surfing after
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>> it's great to see everyone kind of get together and prove, that you know, building our culture is something that can be reckoned with. >> i am desi, chair of economic development for soma filipinos. so that -- [ inaudible ] know that soma filipino exists, and it's also our economic platform, so we can start to build filipino businesses so we can start to build the cultural district. >> i studied the bok chase choy
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heritage, and i discovered this awesome bok choy. working at i-market is amazing. you've got all these amazing people coming out here to share one culture. >> when i heard that there was a market with, like, a lot of filipino food, it was like oh, wow, that's the closest thing i've got to home, so, like, i'm going to try everything. >> fried rice, and wings, and three different cliefz sliders. i haven't tried the adobe yet, but just smelling it yet brings back home and a ton of
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memories. >> the binca is made out of different ingredients, including cheese. but here, we put a twist on it. why not have nutella, rocky road, we have blue berry. we're not just limiting it to just the classic with salted egg and cheese. >> we try to cook food that you don't normally find from filipino food vendors, like the lichon, for example. it's something that it took years to come up with, to perfect, to get the skin just right, the flavor, and it's one of our most popular dishes, and people love it.
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this, it's kind of me trying to chase a dream that i had for a long time. when i got tired of the corporate world, i decided that i wanted to give it a try and see if people would actually like our food. i think it's a wonderful opportunity for the filipino culture to shine. everybody keeps saying filipino food is the next big thing. i think it's already big, and to have all of us here together, it's just -- it just blows my mind sometimes that there's so many of us bringing -- bringing filipino food to the city finally. >> i'm alex, the owner of the lumpia company. the food that i create is basically the filipino-american experience. i wasn't a chef to start with, but i literally love lumpia,
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but my food is my favorite foods i like to eat, put into my favorite filipino foods, put together. it's not based off of recipes i learned from my mom. maybe i learned the rolling technique from my mom, but the different things that i put in are just the different things that i like, and i like to think that i have good taste. well, the very first lumpia that i came out with that really build the lumpia -- it wasn't the poerk and shrimp shanghai, but my favorite thing after partying is that bakon cheese burger lumpia.
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there was a time in our generation where we didn't have our own place, our own feed to eat. before, i used to promote filipino gatherings to share the love. now, i'm taking the most exciting filipino appetizer and sharing it with other filipinos. >> it can happen in the san francisco mint, it can happen in a park, it can happen in a street park, it can happen in a tech campus. it's basically where we bring the hardware, the culture, the operating system. >> so right now, i'm eating something that brings me back to every filipino party from my childhood. it's really cool to be part of the community and reconnect
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with the neighborhood. >> one of our largest challenges in creating this cultural district when we compare ourselves to chinatown, japantown or little saigon, there's little communities there that act as place makers. when you enter into little philippines, you're like where are the businesses, and that's one of the challenges we're trying to solve.
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>> undercover love wouldn't be possible without the help of the mayor and all of our community partnerships out there. it costs approximately $60,000 for every event. undiscovered is a great tool for the cultural district to bring awareness by bringing the best parts of our culture which is food, music, the arts and being ativism all under one roof, and by seeing it all in this way, what it allows san franciscans to see is the dynamics of the filipino-american culture. i think in san francisco, we've
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kind of lost track of one of our values that makes san francisco unique with just empathy, love, of being acceptable of different people, the out liers, the crazy ones. we've become so focused onic maing money that we forgot about those that make our city and community unique. when people come to discover, i want them to rediscover the magic of what diversity and empathy can create. when you're positive and committed to using that energy,
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