tv BOS Rules Committee SFGTV January 10, 2022 10:00am-1:01pm PST
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>> welcome to the rules committee of the san francisco board of supervisors for today monday january 10, our first meeting of the new year. i'm the chair of the committee, aaron peskin joined by vice chair supervisor rafael mandelman. our clerk is mr. young. >> clerk: the minutes will reflect the video conference. the board recognizes that public access to city services is essential and invites public participation. public comment will be available on each item on this agenda either channel 26, 78 or 99 at or streaming the public call in number across the
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screen. each speaker will be allowed two u.m.u.s -- two minutes to speak. you can call (415)655-0001, meeting i.d. is 24937467581. you will hear the meeting session. you will be muted and in listen mode only. when your item of interest comes up, dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. best practices are to call from a quiet location and turn down your television or radio. you can e-mail rules committee clerk
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comments maybe sent by u.s. mail to city hall, 1 dr. carlton b. goodlett place, san francisco, california, 94102. that completes my initial comments. >> supervisor peskin: please read the first item. we are joined by board president walton for items 2, 3 and 4. first item please. >> clerk: item number is hearing considering appointing five minutes term ending december 17, 2023 to the sweatfree procurement advisory group. anyone like to provide public comment call (415)655-0001. the meeting i.d. is 24937467581. then press pound and pound again. please dial star 3 to line up to
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speak. >> supervisor peskin: , we have three of five seats that are subject to applications. all of them individuals who want to continue to serve on this advisory group that was created during my second term as supervisor long time ago when then former state senator tom hayden was on a mission to get governments to reform their procurement behaviors. two of the three applicants are here today. david oringer like to continue to represent employees. there are still two seats that are vacant. so people who are serving on the
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sweatfree procurement advisory group should apply to board of supervisors for the two seats. why don't we hear from the applicants present, marin julienne fisher. >> i'm marin. i served on the committee for more than the past four years. i've been the vice chair. do you have any questions? >> supervisor peskin: i don't have any questions. thank you for your service and your willingness to continue to work on this important advisory group. if there are no questions from committee members, why don't we move on to julienne fisher. >> i'm working on my camera.
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i'm looking forward to the opportunity to continue as member of the sweatfree community advisory group. i look forward to helping with that and whatever other exactlies that come up in the coming years. >> chair peskin: thank you for your service and willingness to continue that work. i don't see any questions from members. why don't we open up to general public comment. any members of ther public like to comment on item number 1?
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>> clerk: we're checking to see if there's caller in the queue. please dial 3 to be added to the queue. for those on hold, continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted and you may begin your comments. we have seven people listening but nobody in line for public comment at this time. >> chair peskin: okay, we'll close public comment. colleagues, how about we vote. supervisor chan? >> supervisor chan: thank you. i want to thank all the applicants for submitting their applications and willing to commit their time and efforts in this critical issue. i want to give a shot out to julienne fisher who is a constituent of mine and neighbor of mine. i want to commend her work not just for the sweatfree committee
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but also living wage coalition and ensuring workers rights and really a fair wage as well as good working conditions for them. i look forward to seeing their work, especially during the pandemic. today i noted that there's some studies coming out that during pandemic, the ethical practice of these factories may have downgraded significantly. i really look forward to seeing your work and partner with your work. thank you. >> chair peskin: thank you supervisor chan for those comments. would you like to make a motion? >> supervisor chan: yes. it will be my privilege to make a motion to move forward three applicants with recommendation. >> chair peskin: on that motion mr. young. roll call please. >> clerk: yes. on the motion to appoint jason
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oringer to seat one, marin to seat 2 and julienne fisher to seat 4. [roll call vote]. the motion passes without objection. next item 2, ordinance amending the administrative code to provide members of the public and sanitation and streets commission with health insurance coverage to the san francisco health service system. members of the public wish to provide public comment on this item should call (415)655-0001. meeting i.d. is 24937467581.
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then press pound and pound again. if you haven't done so, please dial star 3 to line up to speak. >> chair peskin: thank you mr. young. we are joined by the author of this administrative code amendment. supervisor walton. the floor is yours. >> supervisor walton: this is to expand health service system. including public works commission, sanitation and street commission, and the sheriff's department oversight board so our new commissioners have the option of health insurance coverage through the san francisco health services system. i'm requesting that this ordinance is sent as a committee report tomorrow's meeting as we are very close to swearing in new members of the sheriff's
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department oversight board. thank you. >> chair peskin: thank you mr. president. one question for you. which is i don't see reference in the file before us which is what this will actually cost. relative to the in addition of these three bodies. >> supervisor walton: thank you, supervisor peskin. give me couple of minutes i will get that to you. >> chair peskin: any questions or comments from committee members? seeing none at the moment. we can item number 2 up for public comment. >> clerk: we are checking to see if there's callers in the queue. please dial star 3 to be added to the queue. for those on hold, please continue to wait until the
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system indicate you have been unmuted. it appears we have 9 people listening and one caller to speak. >> caller: yes. my name is denise mayfield. i'm coming to you about p.o.b., protect our benefit request. there's a supplemental cola that has been put aside for those that retire before 1996. >> chair peskin: i'm sorry, that is not germane to the issue before us. you can make that general public comment tomorrow at the board of supervisors. this is an item on an amendment to the administrative code to provide healthcare benefits to individuals on three public oversight bodies.
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are there any other members of the public who like to testify on this item number 2? >> clerk: that was our last public commenter for this item. one moment. that was our last caller. >> chair peskin: public comment on item 2 is closed. president walton? >> supervisor walton: thank you. why don't we move to item 3 and come back as i get a response. >> chair peskin: while we're awaiting to answer to item 2, mr. clerk, please skip over that for now and please call item 3. >> clerk: item number 3 is an ordinance many amending the elections code to submit information, documenting the city's intended open source pilot program to the california secretary of state on behalf of the board of supervisors and upon approval of the secretary
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of state to implement such a system for use at the november 8, 2022 election. members of the public who wish to provide public comment call (415)655-0001. meeting i.d. is 24937467581. if you haven't already done so, dial star 3 to line up to speak. just to note, there's a request that items 2 and 3 be sent -- [ indiscernible ] >> chair peskin: i'm aware. president walton this item has been brought to the committee. >> supervisor walton: again, i'm back. this one is another very simple item i have before you to authorize an open source voting pilot in san francisco.
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this legislation will allow the department of elections to submit a pilot for review with the secretary of state as you all know, the board has tried previously for over the past 15 years to push for an open source voting system and we're very close. we've been innovative leader when it comes to settling standards for fair and transparent elections. this will allow us to continue to do that. i'm requesting this item to be sent as a committee report and i like to thank elections director for moving forward with this project. elections commissioner chris and trent lang director of california clean money campaign for the advocacy organizing the community support throughout california system. deputy city attorney for helping us draft this legislation and my chief of staff. thank you. >> chair peskin: thank you.
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are there any questions or comments from committee members? this thing has been kicking around this institution as long as i've been kicking around in this institution. let's go to public comment. are there members of the public who like to comment on item number 3, related to open source voting? >> clerk: we are checking do see if there are any callers in the queue. please dial star 3 to be added to the queue to speak. we have 7 callers in line to speak at this time. please note that public comment is through call-in only.
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you should not be on microsoft teams for public comment. again, the public comment line to call for public comment is (415)655-0001. meeting i.d. is 24937467581. then press pound and pound again. you can press star 3 to be added to the line to speak. mr. atkins, can we have the first public comment? >> caller: good morning, my name is alec bash. i'm calling in support of this ordinance. i want to express my appreciation to the president of the board for sponsoring it and to the other cosponsors and to chair peskin for his having to
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continue this for so many years now. i've been involved with that issue from the outset. i want to tell you how important this is and how beneficial this is for san francisco to proceed with this. i want to thank you for going forward with this. which i believe the committee tends to do. thank you, that's all i had to say. >> chair peskin: thank you mr. bash. next speaker please. >> caller: thank you. good morning. my name is c.j. cole. i'm with the organization fair fight voting. national nonprofit to strength. democracy for all voters by promoting the responsible use of technology in elections. my comment are likewise. we support this legislation. we appreciate president walton for bringing this forward and
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others that have been involved in crafting this legislation and pushing for this for many years within san francisco. open source voting is a good idea for transparency. it is worthwhile mentioning that open source voting is not sufficient alone for security. there are other safeguards that should be in place including robust post-election auditing. restoring trust in instilling trust in elections and outcome of elections through piloting this open source voting project certainly will be paramount. we support this idea. we hope receive favorable report to the full board and fairable from the full board tomorrow. appreciate this coming forward and verifying voting support. thank you so much.
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>> chair peskin: next speaker please. >> caller: thank you to the members of the rules committee. my name is matt roe. i'm speaking on behalf voting works. nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that will be providing the hardware and software and services for the proposed open source voting pilot. voting works is the only nonprofit voting systems vendor deployed in the united states elections. i submitted a letter in september last year to the board of supervisors election commission and director of elections indicating we will be interested serving open source voting system pilot at no cost to san francisco. i worked with director of elections john partnership to
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- john arnst. most recently, i worked with the director to draft procedure for the pilot program to start the regulation process for open source voting system in california per the secretary of state november request. i'm coordinating with the mayor disability council to incorporate feedback. i want to thank the san francisco election commission for their support today, board of supervisors president walton for introducing this legislation and director of elections for his partnership finding pilot program. thank you for your consideration. i'm available to answer any questions regarding voting work and our technology. thank you. >> chair peskin: thank you. are there any questions for -- i see no questions.
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all right. why don't we -- we already dealt with ural item. you have been recommended to the full board. i see you trying to get in. we already discussed item number 1. we can move on to the next caller. >> caller: hello, supervisors. trent lang, president of california clean money campaign. nonpartisan, nonprofit organization with over 100,000 supporters in california. we've been very pleased to work with president walton on this pilot project as well as the commissioner and the secretary of state office to ensure that the regulations in place in time for this pilot project to go to help san francisco fulfill long-term goals to move to open source voting systems. the board of supervisors long taking leadership in the
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movement to have more secure and transparent elections with open source voting systems. it's been a very long road. you allocated funding to help develop the system. now it's extra exciting that voting works has come through and designed and built a very strong open source system so the county doesn't have to spend the millions of dollars to build its own. which is pilot project would help to approve and give more transparent elections that people want as well as huge cost savings for the city. we're also especially excited about this because once it's proven in san francisco and certified, then the whole state and the whole nation will be able to use this system. very excited about this opportunity. thank you all for your support. thank you supervisor mandelman for coming on as a co-sponsor.
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let's help california lead the nation for more transparent and less costly elections. thank you. >> chair peskin: next speaker. >> caller: hello, supervisors. my name is brent turner. i'm here today representing some folks -- i don't know if they'll be able to show up on the call. i've been speaking with former cia director as well as fellow by the name of dr. juan gilbert who is very well-known in this particular space and also i want -- just in case allen decker doesn't show up, i want to give our full support for this work and thank everybody involved. i do have to mention that back in 2004, when alan decker first demonstrated this kind of system with open source, we were soon
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to present in san francisco. i think around 2006 this work actually started out and then later was carried by others -- i have to thank trent lang for carrying the ball here in san francisco with the public and making sure this didn't go dark on us. obviously, it's important voting works is able to fill the role that we need right now of providing the trial system and it's a great day for the county and we look forward to seeing this more prevalent throughout the united states. thank you all.
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>> chair peskin: thank you. next speaker please. >> caller: hello. i'm with the national voting rights task force. i have been speaking of open source since 2005. we need this. some source code that has been used in california and across the country was written by mr. elder who had 23 convictions for embezzlement. we need to look at the source code. we need to know who wrote it. beyond that, there are data files, log files of who logged
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in. who used the password, who ahead this phone call from the machine. it's just a lot of files that we have not yet been able to get access to. by making it open source, we won't have a -- we'll have a much more transparent election and much better idea of what's going on. the final point is this, the pilot will impact election systems over decades across california. because it's open source across the country. our elections are really billion --being challenged. we need to make transparent possible. i urge your support for this legislation. thank you. >> chair peskin: next speaker.
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>> caller: hi, i'm marin, you just appointed me to the advisory group. it happened at my day job. i maintained open source project for 10 years. i want to say code is law. source code, it counts votes. it's making decisions and those decisions are properly in the hand of elected officials. for example in san francisco, we passed rank choice voting. we limited to three choices not because of the decisions by the public officials, because the vendor say they can do no more than three. that's endangering trusting code to handle something as voting to a private entity. i'm hoping this is a sea change how we think about government and software. we move more software that makes
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government decisions into open source and into the hands of the public. thank you. >> caller: hello, i'm david smith i'm long time volunteer for the california clean money campaign. i'm commenting in support of this legislation. i want to thank board president walton for introducing it. committee member mandelman for cosponsoring it. the pilot project from november is a great opportunity. san francisco won't need to spend millions of dollars to develop its own open source voting system. the nonprofit voting works has developed complete, open source system used in u.s. elections. we can use it. let do it. thank you.
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>> caller: good morning. i've been the board appointee for the past years. now i'm working closer with president walton's office on today's legislation. i want to thank president walton for their work, committee member mandelman for sponsoring it. i know chair peskin you presided over hearing. before today's legislation, the city is developing its own open source system.
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in 2018 the board allocated to start that development but that money was taken away during the pandemic and never restored. during that time, the nonprofit voting works was able to develop open source system on the own. i first discussed the idea mid-september and mid-october, the commission president and i met to discuss the pilot size and scope. the commission discussed the pilot at its september, october, november and december meetings an voting works was in attendance to answer questions. at our december meeting, the commission voting unanimously to support this legislation. we ask you to support it as well. thank you very much. >> chair peskin: thank you, commissioner for your continue work on this matter. are there any other members of the public for public comment on this item? >> clerk: i believe we have one more caller in the queue to
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speak. >> caller: hi. my name is carla. i'm a resident of san francisco and a volunteer with california clean money campaign. i worked years ago when we were out gathering signatures to get support for pilot project few years ago to do a trial open source voting process. one of the things really impressed me, whenever i approached someone who was in the tech industry, i hardly heard word of open source system. they more than general understood immediately the advantages and security involved in open source voting. it's more important now than ever that we can rebuild the trust that people have in our
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voting systems that we have secure voting systems and we have the transparency that will support that. thank you. >> chair peskin: are there any last speaker or speakers? >> clerk: one last check. that completes our caller list for public comment. >> chair peskin: public comment on item number 3 is closed. president walton? >> supervisor walton: thank you so much supervisor peskin. thank you to everyone who called in so we can move forward with this pilot and get to the transparency that we all see when it comes to voting. i appreciate everyone who worked on this with us and love for this to go in as a committee report. >> chair peskin: all right. on a motion made by myself to send this item with recommendation as a committee
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report. mr. young, a roll call please. >> clerk: on that motion. [roll call vote] the motion passes. the matter as a committee report. >> chair peskin: let's circle back to item number 2, president walton? >> supervisor walton: thank you. still, working on that per person amount. one thing we do know range on whether or not the individual decide to take advantage on the insurance or number. still waiting on exact number per person. >> chair peskin: all right. mr. clerk, call item number 4. >> clerk: a hearing to unlimited
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power of inquiry and of course on potential failure to expose conflict of interest in board of appeals member darryl honda. member was of the public who wish to provide public comment should call (415)655-0001. meeting i.d. is 24937467581. price pound and pound again. >> chair peskin: thank you. we are joined by president walton who i think in mid-october, october 19th, requested that the board of supervisors use unlimited power of inquiry with regard to board of appeals member darryl honda has it relates to allegations in the press with regards to
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potential failure to disclose conflicts of interest. that led to a letter that president walton sent to mr. honda about december 2nd, requesting the production of various documents. that letter is set forth in the file for this item. subsequently on december 13th, colleagues you will recall we had a brief hearing wherein mr. honda represented by counsel requested that we continue this item into early 2022 so that they can do more thorough research into the matter which spans a number of years. we are in receipts of the letter dated december 31st. that is part of the file that responds to many of the
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il--allegations and assertions n that article. we have the opportunity to explore that. i want to thank mr. honda for diving into thinks -- into his files and coming up with information that forms that 10-page letter. wish him beginning of 2022 year. i think there are a number of questions that i have and i know we are joined by presidential walton and thank you darryl for attending this morning. i will also point to the fact in along the way, a member of the public sent a letter with other allegations that is also part of the file that i will ask some of the questions about. as a threshold issue and i
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certainly understand and respect what was set forth in the letter namely, that many of the documents that president walton requested have not been furnished on the theory that these documents may contain proprietary information and financial information related to individuals not involved in the matter before the rules committee and therefore, have not been produced to inform this hearing. but that paragraph on page 2 ends with if the rules committee still wishes to review any of these documents after reviewing this letter, we mr. honda and his counsel, can work with city staff on a way to produce these documents while maintaining
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confidentiality. i have discussed that with the city attorney's office and city attorneys office will be working with mr. honda and his counsel to determine a method by which we can have access to those documents while maintaining confidentiality. the choices, options range from redactions to having people be able to review them but not keep them. i will let the attorneys for the city and the attorneys for mr. honda work that threshold issue out before we presumably hear this again. there are a number of things that i would like to explore
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that are in the letter. before i do that, i would like to start by offering president walton the opportunity to say anything or ask any questions he may wish to ask first. >> supervisor walton: thank you. i appreciate the time. i will defer to you for now. >> chair peskin: okay. i think one of the important issues that is raised in the letter -- i think i understand this -- i'm very pleased to hear that as set forth in the letter. mr. honda has recused himself on many occasions. numbers not jumping out at me. what i recall, i think 16 occasions in his tenure on the board of appeals.
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is that in recent time? i'm trying to find where that was in the letter. >> since 2015. since the first matter was called out in the article. >> chair peskin: and has disclosed relationships, business relationships or personal relationships on at least 34 occasions presumably in the same time period. that's very important to know that mr. honda takes his duties to disclose and to recuse seriously. he does as to the three matters that are raised in a mission local article, bernal heights apartment, the carolina matter and duncan matter discussed at some length that in two of the
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matters there was no legal requirement for recusal or disclosure given the fact that or the assertion that there has been no income received from the consulting party. not the ownership party sia consulting in the prior 12 months. in the duncan matter, i believe, there is sounds like some after the fact knowledge that was gained wherein it turns out that it was less than the one-year period for recusal by actually an hand full of days, i think it was 11 months and 17 days and there about. it sounds from the way it's
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portrayed that was an oversight. i'm summarizing the letter. i want to get to this notion that there is a difference between s.i.a. consulting and the principles of s.i.a. consulting. indeed, mr. honda asserts, i believe this to be true, he has in his role as a realtor, never sold property for s.i.a. consulting but has sold property for its principles. i think that's something that we need to understand a little bit. there is pursuant to the mission local article and this has to do with a lawsuit brought by former planning commissioner dennis richards, there is a deposition
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wherein mr. honda considers s.i.a. and its principles to be synonymous. whether it's s.i.a. that he had the business relationship well or the individuals, i think for the purposes of this conversation and our inquiry, that they should be treated as one and the same. let me get to a number of questions that i wanted to ask mr. honda. this may be a question for our legal counsel. the conflict rules or laws under fair political practices act in the state of california, are not just about receiving income in the last 12 months period.
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they are also about the promise to receive income in it last 12 month period. this gets interesting. i have not -- i did ask for some legal research on this. which i am not in receipt of. it is an interesting thing as it relates to the role of real estate agent or a real estate broker. in so far as the listing agreement is kind of a promise to be paid but only if the transaction closes. if a realtor gets a listing agreement for say a period of one year and doesn't sell the property, the realtor doesn't get paid. the question that i'm asking, we'll have to wait for legal advice, does that constitute a promise to be paid? if not akin to when you have a
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contract to build something, which is a promise that can be enforced through a mechanics lien or lawsuit. you have this relationship with the party even though you may not be paid. that requires a little bit more exploration. with all of that background, ask a series of questions. one of them in so far there have been not allegations i think proof that other parties associated with s.i.a. consults that are not set forth in the
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he has any -- if you ever sold or had listing agreements with with him or whether for that matter, he's ever provided a loan or offered to provide a loan if you done any work for him or for that manner, anybody else affiliated with s.i.a. consulting? >> thank you chair peskin. good morning supervisors. supervisor chan, co-chair mandelman. i have never done transactions with him today. he's never been a party of s.i.a. consulting, period. not a principle, nor as a worker. i never marketed property for him. i never been approached by him to handle any property, nor have i done any transactions with
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him. >> chair peskin: thank you for that answer. one thing, i appreciate the forth rightness of this, the december 31st letter that mr. sutton provided this committee, does indicate that in you mr. honda, you have actually retained s.i.a. consulting to provide engineering or architectural services on some of the projects do you as a developer. my question there is -- this can be part of the exploration city attorney does -- did you pay the full rate for those services? were you given a discount or were any services performed for free? >> again, chair peskin, i've
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hired the llc, hired s.i.a. consulting on three separate occasions. no discount was offered to us. we paid the standard normal fee they would charge any client. as such with -- [ indiscernible ] >> chair peskin: then, in the letter where there is the admission of the oversight with regard to the duncan matter. may be this is a misstatement or may be i'm reading it incorrectly. this is on page 8 under the commissioner honda's legal duties on the third paragraph. i think this may be a question
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for mr. sutton, it says in the duncan matter, mr. honda was not aware at the time of the vote that s.i.a. consulting worked for the property owner in the past. he was not aware when he joined in the unanimous vote that he received income from an owner of 11.5 months earlier. the word owner there was confusing to me. as i tried to establish earlier, one of the responses that you have made in this is that regardless of the financial relationship between principles of s.i.a. and mr. honda n no event were the owners, the real parties in interest, have had
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paid mr. honda in the previous 12 months. here you used the word owner. can you explain that? >> thank you for pointing out too many clauses. we're referring to the owners at s.i.a. consulting. >> chair peskin: got it. that jumped out at me. let me jump a little bit to something that was raised in the unsolicited letter that was part of the file that comes from jerry dradler. , i have done fess, as to his allegations about the alleged improper issuance of a
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certificate of compliance or certificate of certificates of compliance, i frankly didn't really understand that. i'm not a lawyer or claim to be an expert. it did raise other issues around form 700 that led me to do some very cursory quick research on the form 700 that are available for everybody to see. i wanted to ask commissioner honda, a few questions with regard to his form 700.
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for each of those years, amended it to show a source of income in excess of $10,000 for a commission for the sale of real property. what i wanted to understand -- let me ask you this, mr. honda, you're a realtor. you done that for more than 20 years? >> correct. >> chair peskin: i know every year is different, how many properties do you sell in an average year? >> as i gotten older and in my late 70s and 50s, i'm down to about a dozen a year, myself personally. in the early 2000, it will be around 40 to 50 a year.
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>> chair peskin: i assume, given what property is worth in this town, that the average commission even when you split it with the other brokers involved is more than $10,000? >> correct. >> chair peskin: why you doing a dozen a year in your middle-age, less than you did when you were a younger? are you only listing four sales in four years. i don't understand that. >> i was unaware that i had to submit my form 700 transactions where i received more than $10,000. i believe what happened was after the jerry dradler case on 17th avenue, was reported to
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the ethics department. the ethics contacted me said that my form 700 incorrect. at that point, i retained counsel to go through all my transactions. >> chair peskin: i get that part. what i don't get why why you only reported 4 when you dozen or 40 a year. >> i haven't done 40 in a long time. i reduced my workload quite a bit. i have a team of six agents that pretty much i manage and help them do their products. as i gotten further down the road here, decided to not do as much real estate. >> chair peskin: what you are representing is that between 2017 and 2020, you only as set
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forth in the four amendments that you filed on october 14, 2021, you only had four real estate transactions in that period of time where were in excess of $10,000 of commission? >> it's five or six. it varies every year. >> that's per year. that's not for the total. i believe we made an amendment for that. for me to get that information, we went to the management of the broker that i work for. they pulled up all the information that was on file. then i handed that to my attorney jim sutton. then he at that point, completed the forms. >> -- supervisor peskin, i understand your question. the difference between a dozen deal than 5 or 6 on the form
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700. we'll follow-up with darryl. we'll make certain they contain all the commissions here and every year. >> chair peskin: okay. there other real estate brokers who serve on other commissions that require the filing of form 700s. they all -- i shouldn't say all, to my knowledge, they had several pages that would list out each and every year, every commission he received over $10,000. it's nice to know that after nine years commissioner honda has realized that this is information that has to be
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disclosed. the reason for disclosure -- this isn't a gotcha thing, that gives the public as well as the commissioner who claims to very carefully look at every one of his business relationships before votes at the quasi judicial body board of appeals, it gives them to know that. if you doing a dozen deals -- let me ask you this, commissioner honda. what is the standard industry practice for a real estate commission on sale of residential property?
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>> as far as what? 2.5%. >> chair peskin: to each broker? >> correct. >> chair peskin: 2.5% to the buyers broker and seller broker? >> 7% total. >> chair peskin: what's the average size of a deal? >> 1.7. >> chair peskin: what's 2.5% off 1.7? >> $40,000 i think. >> chair peskin: more than 10. assuming that you are doing 12 deals a year or 6 deals a year or 8 deals a year and the average is 1.7 and indeed, your own website in 2017 alone lists two sales in excess of
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$3 million that closed in that calendar year on your website. your commission at 2.5% was significantly more than $10,000. it's not good that you never listed these but you listed four of them for a period of four years three months ago. just basic logic tells me that you haven't listed dozens of them. i needed to say that for the record. the certificates of compliance are beyond me. i don't really understand that part of mr. dradler's letter. i think that's an important thing. i'm sorry to ask, i mean that sincerely, these questions publicly. i would be remised not to do so. talk about people's money, it is
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personal. mr. honda, are all of your financial investments only in real property? >> yes. >> chair peskin: you have no stocks? >> no stocks. no 401. >> chair peskin: i wanted to establish that you never filled out schedule-a. then, mr. dradler does point out that -- this may be well beyond the period that you would have to go back and file an amendment, he does point out that in 2015, a period where you filed your form 700s a year and approximately 4 months rate
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that you reported no reportable interest on any schedules. yet, the year before the 2014 year, you list half dozen ownership and half dozen properties in the year after in 2016. for the 2016 year you listed half dozen properties. what happened in 2015 that you listed no reportable schedule -- reportable interest on any schedules? >> what happened was, i got contacted. i thought i had submitted all the correct forms. i got contacted by the ethics commission that it was not filed. i believe that was the year that they switched from it being faxed to online. i'm the least i.t. compatible guy except for the iphone. i thought that was submitted correctly. when the ethics department
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contacted me and then my director contacted me, we submitted the form. >> chair peskin: there are other questions i could ask. one i wanted to point out, which is one of the things that the form 700s require that when you acquire reportable interest, real property, stocks, you must report when you acquire them and when you dispose of those financial interest, you have to report when you disposed of them. one can do the deduction -- in so far as real property is pretty easily trackable -- i will note that in 2020, 438
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ceases to show up on your form 700. clearly it will tell you why. you got to report that you sold it. it doesn't just disappear off your form 700s i'm sure that's an innocent reporting mistake. i wanted to point that oversight out. form 700s are important. the city attorney of san francisco will actually review your draft 700s before you file them.
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i don't know if colleagues, if you have any questions or comments. i will turn it over to you colleagues. president walton. >> supervisor walton: i have two questions. commissioner honda how long have you been serving on board of appeals? >> i was nominated and appointed in november 2011 for less than four-year term. when that term ended, i was renominated. i was nominated by mayor ed lee then i was renominated again by
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then mayor ed lee for an additional four terms. that term ended in 2000. i was then nominated by the board of supervisors then president norman yee to serve four years at that time. >> supervisor walton: i believe you mean 2020. >> sorry. yes. >> supervisor walton: when did this term end? >> i believe in 2024. >> supervisor walton: thank you. that's all i have. >> chair peskin: thank you president walton. supervisor mandelman? >> supervisor mandelman: thank you chair peskin. thank you president walton and chair peskin for convening this calling and having this hearing.
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i don't have anything particularly to ask. this case very much, i think, goes to kind of attention in having people who are intimately involved in development and real estate on these bodies that oversee real estate development. there's sort of baked into the chartered provisions around building commission. which i know chair peskin, you and i agree may be off change. there's still this notion we want to have people who have direct immediate experience, we know what's going on will know what -- will know the impact what they are doing. they live it and work it and see it every day. on the other hand, when we put people in these roles who are in their day-to-day work, doing
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real estate developments, we can move around what the lines are requiring -- we can do some of this at the state legislature. we can move the disclosure and require this or that, you can't have this kind of relationship. ultimately, there's going to be, i think a perception of potentially, perception of a problem in that folks are making money off of things that are very close to the things they are being asked to adjudicate on these bodies. i don't know what the right answer is. i know what the right answer is on the building commission. there's a real tension there between these two values.
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that's just a thought i'm having in morning. thanks. >> chair peskin: thank you. supervisor mandelman. yes, i think you are touching on something that's important for us to really think about. it does what you have those relationships actually create environment where in commissioner honda's case, if you add together the recusals and the disclosures, it's a huge number. i appreciate the fact that he is doing what required under the law. i will mention that as set forth in mr. sutton's letter, recusing himself in all situations is clearly the safest course of
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action. i would pause it, do so respectfully, commissioner honda has not always taken the safest course of action. what the letter lays out, mr. honda we're checking to see within 12 months. he missed one, kind of sort of. it's not like every time the rubin firm stands up or every time s.i.a. is involved, he does that. it says in the letter, it goes back and sees whether or not he has to disclose or whether he has to recuse. the advice about recusing itself in all situations as the safest course of action is not necessarily been respectfully honda's ammo. i want to ask one other uncomfortable question which has been the subject of some media attention. i believe it's the subject of some litigation which is
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allegations and whistleblower case that has become public by a former board of appeals staff, paralegal with regard to the allegation of removal of information from a file by the commissioner. can you shed some light on that matter mr. honda? >> sure. as far as that particular matter is concerned, i believe it happened in 2019. for the people that are watching as commissioners, we are not involved in the day-to-day hiring, firing a omicron varianr body. we are voluntary civil servant that show and do the brief. we have nothing to do with the employees of our particular boards. i was unaware of this matter
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until it got released to press that a member that worked as a legal aid of board of appeals was fired. i was not aware any of the allegations until it was in the papers. when i heard the allegations, i called my director who's on this zoom call now and asked her what was the situation. she said that a staff member had been fired. i was not a party to any of that information. i was not party to her firing. there was no need for them to let me know any of the particulars on the case. i read through the media she had accused me of removing a text that was, i believe, in the dennis richards case where it
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says, yo bro, what's going on. it's ridiculous. when dennis richards came --before us, that information ws released. nor could i have removed it from the files. i'm not involved with the day-to-day operations of the board of appeals. the fact that information was already released -- their attorneys had it. everyone had it. there will be no reason for me to remove it nor would i. that text, unfortunately is still on my phone to this day. >> chair peskin: i don't want to put words in your mouth, simple yes or no question, have you ever removed any file or information from any file at the
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board of appeals? >> absolutely not. >> chair peskin: thank you. uncomfortable question. i felt that it needed to be asked and answered. thank you for that candid response. colleagues, before we open this up to public comment and having consulted president walton who brought this item before this committee, it would be my suggestion that we give our counsel and counsel for mr. honda the opportunity to figure out how those documents that president walton asked to be produced be made available for us to see in some form or fashion. understanding that there is proprietary information and
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confidential information to be respected. i ask that we continue this item to the call of the chair while the attorneys are figuring that out. with that, why don't we open this up to public comment. >> clerk: mr. chair, operations checking to see if there's any callers in the queue. please call star 3 to be added to the queue. for those already on hold, please continue to wait until the system indicate you have been unmuted. it appears we have two callers with one person in line to speak. >> caller: supervisors, i think this corruption or kind of
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corruption appeared before mr. honda many times. given my comment on other cases. we need to fine tune the form 700 for everybody. i can name many people. kimberly blandin, lynnette suite, chris jackson -- even your president of the board. don't you think that we advocates are stupid. we have access to the freedom of information act. we collect documents and we know how this process works. my thing is, we need a person,
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we need somebody in the ethics commission to go beyond call of duty to put things on track. including with the board of supervisors. nitpicking like this is not good. we already lot of divisiveness in our community. like now, i know a person is creating divisiveness. when i worked for 40 years in the bay view. you supervisors don't know that chronologically. i wanted -- i do know mr. honda. i'm not saying he's a saint.
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>> clerk: speaker time has expired. >> chair peskin: any other members of the public on this item? >> clerk: one more person has jumped in. >> caller: can you hear me now? >> clerk: we can hear you. please proceed. >> caller: good morning, this is david pilpel. i'm choosing not to weigh in on this particular matter in substance at this time. although, i'm very fascinated by the concepts and the details here. i did want to observe that in my experience with d.b.i. and plan and to some extent board of appeals, various forms call for a signature of either an appellant project sponsor or agent. it's not consistent across the various departments as to an
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agent authorization where there's an agent on behalf of a property owner project sponsor and perhaps that's something that could be examined in connection with this or separately. it also doesn't always make clear where an owner or a representative is with a firm or an l.l.p. or l.l.c., who the principle is. so you have entities like 1000 market street associates or something like that. it's not clear who the people are involved. if there's a way to make that more transparent between those agencies, ethics form,eth, we
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might be better served. that's my thought on this at this time. i do not weigh in on the particulars with regard to commissioner honda at this point. thank you for listening. >> chair peskin: thank you. are there any other members of the public for public comment on this item? >> clerk: that completes our list of public commenters on this matter. >> chair peskin: public comment on this item is closed. president walton, any last words? >> supervisor walton: again, i want to thank you chair peskin for deliberating over this process. thank you commissioner honda for submitting a portion of the documents requested. i want to 100% agree with supervisor peskin, we need to find out from both parties attorney how we're going to furnish the rest of the
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documents that were requested so we can move forward and get all the information needed. i appreciate this hearing today and i stand by your motion. >> chair peskin: all right. thank you president walton. mr. sutton, our counsel will be in touch with you. you guys will figure out whatever the right path is for us to see what we need to see. namely all those listing agreements and things -- sound like, we're able to locate many of them. city attorney office will be in touch to figure that out. with that, like to make a motion to continue this item for the time being to the call of the chair pending resolution of that matter. on that motion, a roll call please. >> clerk: yes. [roll call vote].
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the motion passes without objection. >> chair peskin: all right. why don't we see mr. honda and mr. sutton, item number 2. >> like your suit there, chair peskin. >> chair peskin: thank you. it's an old jacket and old tie and trying impress. [ laughter ] item 2. president walton? >> supervisor walton: thank you. i do have an response for you. it may not be as crisp as you would like. the reason it did take a minute is because there's really no static number due to the fact that it would depend on what type of insurance plan a commissioner would like. the city allows a few options
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with several healthcare providers. i will say, going on the san francisco health services website, the cost for the city is at its lowest contribution from the city, $307.32. that's for the least expensive plan. it ranges up to $399.80 for the most expensive plan. city who partake in the insurance plan, pick a different type of insurance plan, costs will vary. those are the ranges. >> chair peskin: it sound like if you do the math, maximum if everybody close the most expensive health plan and everybody chose it's about $100 a year. thank you for that. sorry for not giving all heads up, i was going to ask the
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question. >> supervisor walton: that is perfectly good to know and have an answer for moving forward. >> chair peskin: may be it will come up tomorrow at the full board. on a motion made by this chair to send this item to the full board with recommendation as a committee report a roll call please. >> clerk: on the motion to recommend as committee report. [roll call vote] the motion passes without objection. >> chair peskin: we are adjourned.
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>> after my fire in my apartment and losing everything, the red cross gave us a list of agencies in the city to reach out to and i signed up for the below-market rate program. i got my certificate and started applying and won the housing lottery. [♪♪♪] >> the current lottery program began in 2016. but there have been lot rows that have happened for affordable housing in the city for much longer than that. it was -- there was no standard practice. for non-profit organizations that were providing affordable housing with low in the city, they all did their lotteries on their own.
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private developers that include in their buildings affordable units, those are the city we've been monitoring for some time since 1992. we did it with something like this. where people were given circus tickets. we game into 291st century in 2016 and started doing electronic lotteries. at the same time, we started electronic applications systems. called dalia. the lottery is completely free. you can apply two ways. you can submit a paper application, which you can download from the listing itself. if you apply online, it will take five minutes. you can make it easier creating an account. to get to dalia, you log on to
11:31 am >> i have lived in san francisco for almost 42 years. i was born here in the hayes valley. >> i applied for the san francisco affordable housing lottery three times. >> since 2016, we've had about 265 electronic lotteries and almost 2,000 people have got their home through the lottery system. if you go into the listing, you can actually just press lottery results and you put in your lottery number and it will tell you exactly how you ranked. >> for some people, signing up for it was going to be a challenge. there is a digital divide here and especially when you are trying to help low and very low income people. so we began providing digital assistance for folks to go in and get help. >> along with the income and the
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residency requirements, we also required someone who is trying to buy the home to be a first time home buyer and there's also an educational component that consists of an orientation that they need to attend, a first-time home buyer workshop and a one-on-one counseling session with the housing councilor. >> sometimes we have to go through 10 applicants before they shouldn't be discouraged if they have a low lottery number. they still might get a value for an available, affordable housing unit. >> we have a variety of lottery programs. the four that you will most often see are what we call c.o.p., the certificate of preference program, the dthp which is the displaced penance housing preference program. the neighborhood resident
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housing program and the live worth preference. >> i moved in my new home february 25th and 2019. the neighborhood preference program really helped me achieve that goal and that dream was with eventually wind up staying in san francisco. >> the next steps, after finding out how well you did in the lottery and especially if you ranked really well you will be contacted by the leasing agent. you have to submit those document and income and asset qualify and you have to pass the credit and rental screening and the background and when you qualify for the unit, you can chose the unit and hopefully sign that lease. all city sponsored affordable housing comes through the system and has an electronic lottery. every week there's a listing on dalia. something that people can apply
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for. >> it's a bit hard to predict how long it will take for someone to be able to move into a unit. let's say the lottery has happened. several factors go into that and mainly how many units are in the project, right. and how well you ranked and what preference bucket you were in. >> this particular building was brand new and really this is the one that i wanted out of everything i applied for. in my mind, i was like how am i going to win this? i did and when you get that notice that you won, it's like at first, it's surreal and you don't believe it and it sinks in, yeah, it happened. >> some of our buildings are pretty spectacular. they have key less entry now. they have a court yard where they play movies during the weekends, they have another master kitchen and space where people can throw parties. >> mayor breed has a plan for
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over 10,000 new units between now and 2025. we will start construction on about 2,000 new units just in 2020. >> we also have a very big portfolio like over 25,000 units across the city. and life happens to people. people move. so we have a very large number of rerentals and resales of units every year. >> best thing about working for the affordable housing program is that we know that we're making a difference and we actually see that difference on a day-to-day basis. >> being back in the neighborhood i grew up in, it's a wonderful experience. >> it's a long process to get through. well worth it when you get to the other side. i could not be happier. [♪♪♪]
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prepare delicious, simple food. people are amazed that the library does things like that. biblio bistro is a food education program. it brings such joy to people. it teaches them life skills that they can apply anywhere, and it encourages them to take care of themselves. my name is leaf hillman, and i'm a librarian, and biblio bistro is my creation. i'm a former chef, and i have been incubating this idea for many years. we are challenged to come up with an idea that will move the library into the future.
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this inspired me to think, what can we do around cooking? what can i do around cooking? we were able to get a cart. the charlie cart is designed to bring cooking to students in elementary students that has enough gear on it to teach 30 students cooking. so when i saw that, i thought bingo, that's what we're missing. you can do cooking classes in the library, but without a kitchen, it's difficult. to have everything contained on wheels, that's it. i do cooking demonstrations out at the market every third wednesday. i feature a seafood, vegetable, and i show people how to cook the vegetable. >> a lot of our residents live in s.r.o.s, single resident occupancies, and they don't have access to full kitchens. you know, a lot of them just have a hot plate, a microwave,
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and the thing that biblio bistro does really well is cook food accessible in season and make it available that day. >> we handout brochures with the featured recipe on the back. this recipe features mushrooms, and this brochure will bring our public back to the library. >> libraries are about a good time. >> i hired a former chef. she's the tickle queen at the ramen shop in rockwood. we get all ages. we get adults and grandparents and babies, and, you know, school-age kids, and it's just
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been super terrific. >> i was a bit reluctant because i train teachers and adults. i don't train children. i don't work with children, and i find it very interesting and a bit scary, but working here really taught me a lot, you know, how easily you can influence by just showing them what we have, and it's not threatening, and it's tasty and fun. i make it really fun with kids because i don't look like a teacher. >> in the mix, which is our team center, we have programs for our kids who are age 13 to 18, and those are very hands on. the kids often design the menu. all of our programs are very interactive. >> today, we made pasta and
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garlic bread and some sauce. usually, i don't like bell pepper in my sauce, but i used bell pepper in my sauce, and it complemented the sauce really well. i also grated the garlic on my bread. i never thought about that technique before, but i did it, and it was so delicious. >> we try to teach them techniques where they can go home and tell their families, i made this thing today, and it was so delicious. >> they're kind of addicted to these foods, these processed foods, like many people are. i feel like we have to do what we can to educate people about that. the reality is we have to live in a world that has a lot of choices that aren't necessarily good for you all the time. >> this is interesting, but it's a reaction to how children
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are brought up. it is fast-food, and the apple is a fast-food, and so that sort of changes the way they think about convenience, how eating apple is convenient. >> one of the things that i love about my program out at the market is the surprise and delight on people's faces when they finally taste the vegetable. it's been transformative for some people. they had never eaten those vegetables before, but now, they eat them on a regular basis. >> all they require is a hot plate and a saute pan, and they realize that they're able to cook really healthy, and it's also tasty. >> they also understand the importance of the connection that we're making. these are our small business owners that are growing our food and bringing it fresh to the market for them to consume, and then, i'm helping them consume it by teaching them how to cook. >> it connects people to the
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food that they're buying. >> the magic of the classes in the children's center and the team center is that the participants are cooking the food themselves, and once they do that, they understand their connection to the food, to the tools, and it empowers them. >> we're brokering new experiences for them, so that is very much what's happening in the biblio bistro program. >> we are introducing kids many times to new vocabulary. names of seasonings, names of vegetables, names of what you call procedures. >> i had my little cooking experience. all i cooked back then was grilled cheese and scrambled eggs. now, i can actually cook curry and a few different thing zblz
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. >> and the parents are amazed that what we're showing them to cook is simple and inexpensive. i didn't know this was so easy to make. i've only bought it in the market. those comments have been amazing, and yeah, it's been really wonderful. >> we try to approach everything here with a well, just try it. just try it once, and then, before you know it, it's gone. >> a lot of people aren't sure how to cook cauliflower or kale or fennel or whatever it is, and leah is really helpful at doing that. >> i think having someone actually teaching you here is a great experience.
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and it's the art of making a meal for your family members and hope that they like it. >> i think they should come and have some good food, good produce that is healthy and actually very delicious. >> cooking is one of my biggest passions, to be able to share, like, my passion with others, and skills, to h h h h h h h hh
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too watch the news has been really helpful during this time where they are stuck inside and are not able to go outside. for families it is important to stay connected to go to school, to get connected so they can submit resumes to find jobs during the pandemic. [speaking foreign language] >> challenges that might seem for the fiber in chinatown is pretty congested. the fiber team found ways around that. they would have to do things such as overnight work in the manholes to get across through busy intersections, and i think the last challenge is a lot of
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buildings we worked on were built in the early 1900s and they are not fitted with the typical infrastructure you would put in a new building. we overcame that with creative ideas, and we continue to connect more sites like this. >> high-speed internet has become a lifesaver in the modern era. i am delighted that we completed three buildings or in the process of completing two more. i want to thank our department of technology that has done this by themselves. it is not contracted out. it is done by city employees. i am proud and i want to take a moment to celebrate what we are doing. >> for the first time in nearly
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two decades fishers have been granted the legal right to sell fish directly to the package right off their boat -- to the public right off their boats in san francisco. it's not only helping local fishers to stay afloat but it's evoking the spirit of the wharf by resurfacing the traditional methods of selling fish. but how is it regulated? and what does it take for a boat to be transported into a floating fish market? find out as we hop on board on this episode of "what's next sf." (♪♪♪) we're here with the owner and the captain of the vessel pioneer. it's no coincidence that your boat is called the pioneer because it's doing just that. it's the first boat in san francisco to sell fish directly from the boat. how did you establish your boat into such a floating fish market? >> well, you know, i always thought that it would be nice to be able to provide fresh fish to the locals because most of the
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fish markets, you would have to do a large amount of volume in order to bring in enough fish to cover the overhead. when you start selling to the public that volume is much less so it makes it hard to make enough money. so being able to do this is really -- it's a big positive thing i think for the entire community. >> a very positive thing. as a third-generation fisherman joe as his friends call him has been trawling the california waters for sustainably caught seafood since an early age. since obtaining a permit to sell fish directly to the public he is able to serve fish at an affordable price. >> right now we're just selling what a lot of the markets like, flat fish and rock fish and what the public likes. so we have been working for many, many years and putting cameras in them. there's the ability to short fish and we have panels that we open and close so we target the different species of fish by adjusting the net. and then not only that but then the net sort out the sizes which
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is really important. >> joe brings in a lot of fish, around 20,000 pounds per fishing trip to be exact. >> we had one day one time that we sold almost 18,000 pounds. >> it's incredible. >> i know, it's hard to imagine. >> but this wasn't always the case for joe. >> the markets that we have left in california, they're few and far between, and they really are restrictive. they'll let you fish for a couple months and shut you down. a lot of times it's rough weather and if you can't make your delivery you will lose your rotation. that's why there's hardly any boats left in california because of the market challenges. my boat was often sitting over here at the dock for years and i couldn't do anything with it because we had no market. the ability to go catch fish is fine, i had the permits, but you couldn't take them off your boat. >> that was until the port commission of san francisco rallied behind them and voted unanimously to approve a pilot program to allow the fish to be sold directly to consumers right
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off their boats. >> the purpose of the program is to allow commercial fishers to sell their fish directly from their boats to the end consumer in a safe and orderly manner for the benefit of the overall fishing community at the port of san francisco. we have limited the program to certain types of fish such as salmon, halibut, tuna and rock fish. crab is restricted from this program because we did not want to interfere with the existing crab sales on taylor street and jefferson street. so this is not meant to favor one aspect of the fishing industry more than another. it's to basically to lift up the whole industry together. >> and if joe the program has been doing just that. >> it was almost breathtaking whenever i woke up one morning and i got my federal receiver, my first receivers license in the mail. and that gave me permission to actually take fish off my boat. once we started to be able to sell, it opened things up a bit.
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because now that we have that federal permit and i was able to petition the city council and getting permission from san francisco to actually use the dock and to sell fish here, it was a big turning point. because we really didn't think or know that we'd get such a positive response from the public. and so we're getting thousands of people coming down here buying fish every week and so that's pretty cool. they like the fish so much that they take pictures of it when they cook it and they send us all of these pictures and then they ask us, you know, constantly for certain types of fish now. and when they come down here the one thing that they say is that they're so amazed that the fish is so fresh they could eat a little bit during the week and it's still fresh all week in the refrigerator. so that's really cool. >> the fish is very fresh and the price is super. i don't think that you can get it anywhere in the bay area. i can see it, and i can stir fry
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it, wow, you can do anything you want. i just can say this is a good place to shop and you have a good experience. >> this program supports the strategic plan in terms of engagement, people being connected to the waterfront, and also economic vitality. because it's helping the fishermen to make ends meet. they have no guarantees in their businesses, not like some people, and we want to do everything that we can to help them to have a good and thriving business. >> how does it feel to be able to sell your fish locally kind of in the traditional way, like your grandfather probably did? >> when i was a kid and i used to work in my dad's fish market, a lot of the markets that we sell to now are second and third and fourth generation markets. so i remember as a kid putting their tags on the boxes of fish that we shipped out of monterey and ship down to l.a.
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so it's kind of cool that we're still dealing with the same families. and this is probably about the only way that anyone can really survive in california is to sell your own fish. >> one of the advantages of this program is the department people that pull in the fish, they can find out where they caught it and find out more about the fisherman and that adds to their experience. the feedback from the fishers has been very good and the feedback from the customers have very good. and there's a lot of people coming to the wharf now that might not have done so. in fact, there's people that go through the neighboring restaurants that are going to eat fish inside but before they go in they see the action on the dock and they want to kind of look at what's happening on the boat before they go in and they have a meal. so it's generated some conversation down at the wharf and that's a good thing. >> as you can see by the line forming behind me getting ready to buy fish, the pilot program has been a huge success. for more information visit
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>> everything is done in-house. i think it is done. i have always been passionate about gelato. every single slaver has its own recipe. we have our own -- we move on from there. so you have every time a unique experience because that slaver is the flavored we want to make. union street is unique because of the neighbors and the location itself. the people that live around here i love to see when the street is full of people. it is a little bit of italy that is happening around you can walk around and enjoy shopping with gelato in your hand. this is the move we are happy to provide to the people. i always love union street because it's not like another
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commercial street where you have big chains. here you have the neighbors. there is a lot of stories and the neighborhoods are essential. people have -- they enjoy having their daily or weekly gelato. i love this street itself. >> we created a move of an area where we will be visiting. we want to make sure that the area has the gelato that you like. what we give back as a shop owner is creating an ambient lifestyle. if you do it in your area and if you like it, then you can do it on the streets you like.
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>> first of all, thank you for coming to celebrate this incredible milestone. i am really excited that she accepted. because i know what you often times may see is the fights between kim and i. what you don't know is about the friendship and the amount of love and respect i truly have for her and her work ethic from the moment i met her actively engaged in labor in a way that brought the conversation to a different level around women and minorities and their role in leadership and labor. it is good to see more women step up and in fact, it is 125
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year history not one woman has ever led the san francisco labor council and kim is doing that, which is absolutely extraordinary. [applause] and you are the first executive director of the labor council to serve on this work force investment board because i didn't want to appoint the others. just kidding. but in fact, you know, this is so important. when i think about growing up in the western addition and the fights that we used to have to be included in the placements and job opportunities that exist in the city, i feel like we have come a long way but we still have a long way to go to make the real connections between people in many of the communities that many of you represent but himself the same
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people who want these opportunities, the new jobs that come to san francisco. not just the work related to construction and engineering but as you know there are even shortage of nurses. the work you have done with nuhw was extraordinary onever the years. how that played a role to make sure there is a real connection between people and the opportunities, through organized labor to make sure they get their fair share, the appropriate pay and benefits and the ability to take care of themselves and their families. you have been doing this work for a really long time. i know that you are going to bring a really strong voice to this body. in the process you are going to make a lot of folks upset what it is you have to say, but i wouldn't have wanted it any other way because some things need to be upset. some things need challenged. in fact, i am not afraid of a
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challenge and not afraid of the conversations that need to be had to get to a better place that is what we want. we want a better place so people have better lives. you have dedicated your lives to public service. organized labor but public service because of the people that you know you represent. the people that you know are counting on autophytes for them and make the right decisions that are going to have an impact onnary families and livelihood. regardless of disagreements at the end of the day the underlying message i know that is most important to much of you and i know is important to kill is the fact that we want to fight for better lives for the people we represent. that is why you are going to be serving on this board, and i appreciate and honor that you accepted this opportunity.
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i am looking forward to seeing something change for the better for workers throughout san francisco. with that let's debt you sworn in. (applause). >> i will put on my mask. covid is running rampant and we are close to each other. place raise your right hand and repeat. i say your name do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california against all enemies foreign and domestic that i bear true faith and allegiance to the same. that i take this obligation freely without any mental
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reservation or purpose of evasion and that i will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which i am about to enter and during such time as i serve as a member of the work force investment san francisco board for the city and county of san francisco. congratulations. [applause] >> here is a little city seal pen with my signature. i give this to all people i swear in to serve.
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ladies and gentlemen, the latest person for the board tackling work force in san francisco and making real change. [applause] >> thank you, mayor breed, for taking time-out of your schedule to do this. thank you to the leaders of labor here today, especially my board members, susan, mike, charlie, debra, and my good friend karen. i want to thank you for taking time for the swearing in. it means a lot to me because i have always been really challenged by the fact there rvs and have notes in the work force, and i really want to fight overcoming making sure that everyone becomes a very.
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everyone has an opportunity to get a job and a wealthy job and to join a union if they so choose. that is my mantra since i was little. it is my mantra to this day. i will fight to make sure. that is what the labor council is about making sure there are opportunities for people and career ladders. that has always been what i have been about. i want to make sure that happens. we have seen companies take advantage of people especially during strikes when they go into poor neighborhoods to try to recruit scabs. we knead to emphasize recruiting people to getting into them into construction and janitors and construction trades and up the ladder and nursing, healthcare. these are all opportunities they should all have. we want to make sure that the
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san franciscans that we all know and love have that opportunity and that is my goal for this. i really intend to implement a labor caucus to make sure that we are doing what we need to do to give every san franciscan the opportunity be to participate from our economic recovery from covid and overall economic recovery as we get on with opening up the city and making sure that people come to san francisco. those the obstacles before us. i hope we overcome them altogether as we move along. thank you. [applause].
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>> hi, everybody. i'm greg perloff, and what a pleasure it is to be involved in this celebration of metallica, and a metallica takeover of san francisco. >> that's right. that's right. that's right. >> you know, it all starts with the music, and the thing about metallica that makes them unique is their fan base and their fan club, and as the word of metallica has spread all these years, people from all over the world are coming to san francisco, staying in hotels, taking different forms of transportation, and it's a really wonderful economic boost to the city. and one thing about metallica is that they've always been
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involved with whatever cause is happening, whether it's supporting food banks all these years or when there were the major fires in california. they raised millions of dollars when we supported the people who were devastated up north, and i'm just so pleased to have been able to represent the -- metallica. and i think what makes them big is their authenticity. they are the real deal, and they do what feels right to them. one day, they did a stadium on the green, and the other, they did a concert in petaluma. whether they do the chase center, this amazing venue in
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san francisco, they've always been here for everybody. i know you don't want to hear me speak, so let me introduce our amazing mayor, mayor london breed. >> the hon. london breed: well, greg, thank you so much for all you do and what you do to bring entertainment and life to san francisco with so many great events. there is nothing more important to me than having a good time, as i'm sure some of you have noticed on occasion, and san francisco prides itself on being just this amazing space where incredible artists and incredible talent can come to life. and metallica, i feel they set the stage for that. they set the stage for not only what it means to be extraordinary musicians, extraordinary people, but also
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how you become embedded in a community where you feel that part of what you owe is to be a part of the fabric of the community by continuously giving back. and so this plan that lars and robert really have for making san francisco shine, i can't ask for anything more from just really revolutionary artists like them, people that are known not just all over the country but all over the world because they have touched people's lives with their music for generations. my aunt saw us on the t.v. one time, and she's, like, did you get a picture with lars? i've loved him for years? i've loved him since i was a
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kid. and that's just to say that this group has been just a part of the city of san francisco, and what they are doing not just here but all-around san francisco is going to be transformative. and i other thing i was going to say, i was on my home, taking the route of the divisadero, and i was, like, metallica was performing at the independent? i had to call my friend, mike, and say mike, was that really metallica playing at the independent? and yes, he said it was really
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metallica at the independent. as part of this metallica takeover of san francisco includes supporting small businesses in our city. it includes doing a cleanup at the beach and really calling attention to a number of environmental challenges that we have as a city and a country. it calls attention to the need to support city and night life. and in san francisco, i'm proud that we've waived $5 million in fees for night life to see our artists perform all over san francisco. but the attention that metallica brings that takes this up to the next level is what's going to really make this city shine. you know, we've been through a really tough time. it's been two years of wildfires, seeing the skies
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turn yellow, the protests and the skies for racial justice, the pandemic, kids who weren't in schools, people who couldn't see their family members. this global pandemic has tested us like nothing else, and what people need now more than ever is hope. hope for the future, hope for what we know is the very best of us, and today, we celebrate that with music, something that brought us together during the pandemic and will continue to bring us together and move forward. so i wanted to take the opportunity and thank metallica for everything that you've done, for your 40 years of being together, for your commitment and love for this city. you, from my perspective you -- when you talk about san francisco is, you talk about
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san francisco, you talk about cable cars, and then, you talk about metallica. and on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, i want to officially declare today metallica day in san francisco. [applause] >> metallica day in san francisco bleed breed that means free parking. >> that's right. that's right. >> the hon. london breed: come on, guys. >> follow that friday. okay. >> the hon. london breed: free parking, free muni rides, get into chase center free. >> that's right. >> the hon. london breed: just wear it on your chest. just tape it on your chest and say, it's my day today.
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>> that's right. >> the hon. london breed: and thank you so much for what you're going to do with us this weekend. valencia street will be closed this week for all the celebrations. cleanup on ocean beach. you'll have the location of all the festivities, but it is time for us to live. it is time for us to enjoy what i think is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and i can't think metallica enough for committing to san francisco and making this city shine, so thank you so much. >> thank you so much. [applause] >> san francisco's biggest export to the world, right here. god help us all. i want just to say thank you, mayor breed, thank you, greg, thank you everybody for showing up. the sun is shining, the storms have passed. it's a beautiful thursday. it is metallica day in san francisco. as i'm listening to your
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wonderful words, i'm thinking about the history. both of you said 40 years. of those who know metallica well, you hear me say this all the time, but we're just getting started, okay? and all our best years are still ahead of us, and we may even actually turn professional soon, so we've got that going for us. and i'm thinking back to those who now our story, and feel free to boo for one second at least. but we didn't start in san francisco, we started in southern california. we came up to san francisco for the first time in 1982, in september, and played at the stone, and subsequently played at the old waldorf a couple of times, and we had done six, nine months in los angeles, and we did not belong. the reason we all wanted to be in a band was to fit into
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something greater than ourselves, and we absolutely did not fit into anything in los angeles, the sunset strip, any of that. we felt like complete outsiders. when we came up here in september 1982, and we started playing, we played four shows that fall, like i said, at the stones, at the waldorf, and at the gardens. and we were taken in, and we felt so loved up here, and there was a sense of community, of music community for people like ourselves who felt like outsiders, things that were not in the mainstream, and that has obviously been a significant part of san francisco's history. so coming up here in 1982, standing on san francisco's culture, and the beat poets, and the hippy culture, and bill graham and everything that san
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francisco represented, we just felt so loved and, finally, like we belonged someplace. and it's been 39 years of feeling that sense of belonging, to not just a geographical place, san francisco, the bay area, whatever you want to call it, but it's also a state of mind. you belong to what san francisco represents, and to me, we often talk about this, you know, over a glass of wine at night or whoever you're sharing a good time or tall tales with, but, you know, san francisco also is significantly a state of mind. what it represents, as, you know, the most western city in america before you get out to the ocean and sort of the wild west mentality and independence and freedoms and equality and
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justice and everything that san francisco has been through since 1849, give or take. we have been so proud to be here, and we have just shouted it from the hill tops into every microphone and magazine through the years, that san francisco gave us a sense of belonging. we fly the flag of san francisco proud. on our t-shirts, made in san francisco, born in san francisco, metallica, whatever version it says, we are so proud of our connection to everything that san francisco represents and to all the wonderful people, to obviously the great physical and geographical elements here, and the history and the cable cars and the giants and the warriors, and the list goes on.
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but i just want to say, on behalf of the band, how proud i am for that connection and how much it's just really given us a sense of identity. and those of us who know our story know that we've been fortunate enough to travel all over the world. we've played all seven continents, and there are many, many wonderful places on this planet where music, compared to where we started -- latin america, southeast asia, places that you wouldn't expect 30, 40 years ago that you can bring rock and roll to that have embraced us, but our hearts and our sense of belonging will always be san francisco, and metallica and san francisco will always be two words that are synonymous with each other.
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thank you for the two sides of this. and like i said, the important part, we're just getting started. all our best years are still ahead of us. [applause] >> before rob speaks, in true metallica takeover fashion, we've got these cards of just so many events that everyone out here has been working on, and mary, and so if you want to see all the things that are going on, they're not just playing in an arena, they're adding to every district of the city, night life and economic development, and being in the community, so i just want to know you know those. robert? >> thank you. it's an honor to be here, and thank you, mayor breed, and thank you, greg.
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metallica, for me, it's just totally surreal. to sit here where the warriors play -- when i used to see metallica, they played where the warriors played, and to actually be here in the venue when the team is doing so amazing is amazing for me as a warrior fan. and lars is right. the creative energy in the city is so important. i remember, back in the day, i played in a band called suicidal tendencies, and we weren't allowed to play in l.a. for seven years because there was some violence there or whatever. and san francisco took us in and actually became our second family, and i know this also happened with a lot of the skate board community because
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they were also part of our tribe when i was a part of suicidal tendencies. so the skate boarders from san francisco would stay with the skate boarders from l.a. and vice versa, and in my mind, there's always been a connection. there's the outlaws, the creative types, this connection. and when i joined metallica, it was a perfect fit. the mindset, the level of creativity, everything about it, and it's just almost 20 years ago for me. i'm happy to sit here with lars and celebrate this moment with you all. thank you for having me. [applause] >> are we going to take questions? >> sure. just not from that guy.
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[indiscernible] so i work a lot with local musicians, and any time you talk about the music scene in the bay area was when metallica was coming up. what was the spark of magic that made that time so special, when all of these bands were big, and how can we bring that spark into now? >> that's a great question. actually, i came up here a couple of times before metallica came up here. my dad was a tennis player, and he would play over at the
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berkeley tennis club. we would stay at the former celli's, and i would go to tower records and rasputina and the people's park and was just fascinated with the energy of that spot. and i heard -- i was standing in front of tower records -- this was about 1979, and i heard something loud walking my way, and it was a guy with a boom box on his shoulder, and i recognized, he was playing a motorhead song. so he -- i asked him, you're playing the song. it's incredible, and we became best friends, and he -- his name was richard birch, and he ended up with the coat on the back of "kill them all."
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he was kind of in the gateway, you really had to dig for people that were of the same breed as you, and at that time, i was introduced to dozens and dozens of kids, all 17 years old, who viewed the world the same as i did. i was an only child growing up, and it just gave me a sense of identity. and so when the band came up
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here -- and stayed in touch with all of these guys and girls. so when the band came up here a year later, that was the beginning of the scene, you knee, and all these kids, you know, most of them ended up in bands. you know, the exodus' of the world, the forbiddens, the lost rockets, and there was just a scene up here. now, that scene was rooted, i think, in acceptance, in tolerance, in open-mindedness, again, going back to everything you associate with san francisco. here, you don't have to apologize. you don't have to try to fit in. nobody's going to judge you, nobody's going to look down on you and all that kind of stuff. so we all just feel free up here, and we could just be ourselves, and we didn't have to apologize for who we were as
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17, 18, 19-year-old disenfranchised kids. obviously, that's 38, 39 years ago. i can't tell you that same opportunity exists today. i would love to tell you, but the world is a different place that we don't need to get into. the sense of loving, the sense of mystery, the sense that all these bands belong to my group, and the internet, which has done countless amazing things has also turned some of that stuff upside down. so i don't know if all of those possibilities exist today, but i'm always hopeful, and i would encourage any 15-year-olds,
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ten-year-olds, eight-year-olds -- i can see it in my kids -- i would encourage them to be authentic and just be yourself, and there's no better place to be yourself than just the whole bay area. >> one of the great things that's happening this weekend is basically our kids, our sons have bands, and they're performing in the city. that's a dream come true as part of in experience. >> part of the takeover. >> yeah, and for us, it's celebrating the live music venues exactly how we came up, and that hasn't happened in a
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long time in this city, and hopefully, everybody will recognize that and go out and check the music out. i talked to james' son and his band, and i get so excited to see the look in their eyes when they're creating. >> hopefully your sons will be as successful as del curry's sons. >> the hon. london breed: and i'd just like to add, the city has made too things way too complicated for musicians to just be free to do exactly what we're talking about, which is one of the reasons why, you know, we in the city have made
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some changes to make it simple for live music at certain businesses. if you want to do a pop-up right here, the process that you have to go through is too extensive, and so we've cut that red tape. we're trying to make it as easy as possible, and i really appreciate your perspective, and also, what that reminds me of is we have to make it better for the next generation of artists in this city to showcase their talent in various ways. >> lars, if i may, let me speak as a fan [indiscernible] let me
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speak as a fan. back in the early 80s, when we watched these bands -- lars mentioned some of them. we understood two things occurred. one, metallica is a band, and they're great musicians. believe me, we put on so many bands that maybe are not the greatest musicians in the world, and the two things that you needed to separate yourself: great musicianship and passion and mania. you need leaders of the band that want it so bad and want to do the right thing, and, you know, there's a couple of bands in the world like that. so we'll take a few more questions. yes, sir. >> thanks. thanks. i think some of this was covered in your last answer,
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lars and rob. i'm with the s.f. standard, trying to drill down a little bit deeper into thrash metal specifically. i was wondering if you could, without making everybody's eyes glaze over, or maybe not, but why this area was so fundamental. you could come over here and see one of your shows, and then go across the bay and capture a g.b.h. show. why was there such a convergence of metal and punk in the area?
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>> it has to start with musical freedoms, and a license to be yourself, and a license to explore the things that turn you on without forfeiting who you are trying to fit in. so i think up here, i think everyone felt they were free enough to pursue their true calling. so if you want to get more technical about it, then obviously, you know, thrash metal was obviously a hybrid of the more extreme, the motorheads, and the british new wave metals, the iron maiden and the g.b.h. and all the punk
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bands that would come up from l.a. okay. l.a., the sunset strip, you're supposed to look like this, you're supposed to act like this if you want to fit in, and if you don't do that, you're not part of the scene. none of that existed up here, and that's why it not only felt so liberating but also so unique to this history. now if you want to talk about all of the beat poets and everything that happened in 1968, and all of these people and why did that movement start here, the grateful dead and haight-ashbury, and this lineage has been talked about so much and all of that. but the one thing i want to
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remind people is when we talk about these types of questions is there always has to be the x factor, which is -- i call it the energy of the universe, and it's the aligning of the stars. so at that time, 1981, 1982, 1983, just because of what was going on in music because of, you know, a bunch of kids felt they had been given a voice and what was going on not just in the city but in the east bay and el cerrito, and all of that, there was a lot of stuff happening, but all of that couldn't have taken place without what i call the x-factor or the energy of the universe. a lot of that is -- our publicist, steve, can set up an interview, and we can talk more
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about that in depth at some point. >> i have to say something that's really important, and people should also recognize that there was a heavy funk movement coming out of the east bay. sly and the family stone influenced prince. you know, michael jackson, and then, you get into grand central station, tower of power. seriously, that's another whole ingredient in this city that needed to be recognized, too. whether it's pop, r&b or anything, that had a huge influence and impact on that, too, and that came out of the east bay, so that's something also to think about. >> well, we are running a little bit over at this point -- [indiscernible] oh, okay. one more question here. >> for lars and for robert. i just spoke with some fans outside, including a couple of
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guys, one's 25, one's 40. 25-year-old's from france, 40-year-old is from switzerland. they met at a metallica concert, and they travelled all over even with the pandemic, and now, they're connecting here. when you reflect over the course of 40 years and to hear generations that come together to travel the world to see your music, what does that mean to you? >> it's the reason we're here. it keeps us going. it fuels us, and it keeps us inspired and just invigorated. the main word that i use is the word connecting. you know, we connect to people through music, and the main
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thing that we try to do is to breakdown that barrier that exists between a band and an audience. we break that down, and we can try to share a similar state of mind. two years ago, when we were fortunate enough to be asked to open this incredible venue, there was an unexpected thing that happened in the wake of the metallica s&m concerts, as they were call. unbeknownst to us, metallica fans from 65 countries -- just take that in for a minute. 65 countries -- descended on san francisco for that three or four-day weekend, and to me, that is a culmination of what the metallica thing has reached in terms of a global thing that we touched upon earlier.
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it's not something we take ownership of, it's not something that we own, oh, look at how big we are, look at how great we are. it's something we want to facilitate, take you in, and we'll go all over the world and try to encourage that to happen. but we talked in the wake of the s&m concerts a couple of years ago about trying to do more things like that and bring people here to san francisco and bring that international audience to san francisco. and then, obviously, you know what happened for the next 1.5 years, so we're so appreciative and grateful for the fact that, now, 2.5 years later, we've had the opportunity to again bring people in from all over the world and to descend upon san francisco, to take the music
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in, but to take everything else that san francisco offers, not just fisherman's wharf, but everything that san francisco offers and represents, and it is so amazing to just hear these stories all the time. but i'm more proud of how international our community is than anything else because it really proves that with all the craziness that are going on in the world and all the division and everybody jumping at the opportunity to find something that separates us, that at least through music, that there's some -- here's where one thing that's refrained from infiltrating, and the fact that 65 countries can be represented in a city like this, in a building like this, and the fact that something like this
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can happen in the middle of the shitstorm of the last few years, that is great. >> the hon. london breed: so lars, i have one last question. does that mean that this will be an annual event? >> i don't know if you all have plans in ten years, but why don't we meet right here in 2031 for 50 years? you'll be on your fifth term? >> the hon. london breed: i won't be here. you've got to be here next year so i can come back. >> we'll keep it going, and i just want to thank mayor breed and greg and everybody involved in making this san francisco takeover, our friends at salesforce, and mary and vickie and everybody who's doing such an incredible job, dan, of getting this out and spreading
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the message of music and connectivity and hope. like i said, it's gotten a little nuttier in the last few days because of covid, and i know everybody's extra cautious. let's celebrate, let's be safe, but let's have an incredible four days, and metallica takeover of san francisco is in full effect. [applause] >> thank you all for coming.
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>> san francisco parks, golden gate park transforms into one of the greatest music festivals of all time, let's journey, inside, outside land. ♪♪ >> to this, our 6th year doing the outside lands and our relationship with san francisco, rec and park. and we work very closely with them in the planning and working very closely with the neighborhood organizations and with the city supervisors and with the city organizations and with the local police department, and i think that the outside lands is one of the unique festivals in the world and we have san francisco and we have golden gate park and we have the greatest oasis, in the world. and it has the people hiking up hills and down hills and a lot of people between stages. >> i love that it is all outside, the fresh air is great.
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>> they have the providers out here that are 72 local restaurants out here. >> celebrating, and that is really hot. >> 36 local winerries in northern california and 16 brewers out here. >> and you have seen a lot of people out here having a good time and we have no idea, how much work and planning has gone into this to make it the most sustainable festival in the united states. >> and literally, in the force, and yeah, unlike any other concept. and come and follow, and the field make-up the blueprint of the outside land here in golden
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gate park and in the future events and please visit sffresh . >> i just feel like this is what i was born to do when i was a little kid i would make up performances and daydream it was always performing and doing something i feel if i can't do that than i can't be me. >> i just get excited and my nickname is x usher my mom calls
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me i stuck out like a sore thumb for sure hey everybody i'm susan kitten on the keys from there, i working in vintage clothing and chris in the 30's and fosz and aesthetic. >> i think part of the what i did i could have put on my poa he focus on a lot of different musical eras. >> shirley temple is created as ahsha safai the nation with happens and light heartenness shirley temple my biggest influence i love david boo and el john and may i west coast their flamboyant and show people (singing)
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can't be unhappy as a dr. murase and it is so fun it is a joyful instrument i learned more about music by playing the piano it was interesting the way i was brought up the youth taught me about music he picked up the a correspond that was so hard my first performing experience happened as 3-year-old an age i did executive services and also thanks to the lord and sank in youth groups people will be powering grave over their turk i'll be playing better and better back la i worked as places where men make more money than me i was in bands i was treated as other the next thing
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i know i'm in grants performing for a huge protection with a few of my friends berry elect and new berry elect and can be ray was then and we kept getting invited back you are shows got better we made it to paris in 2005 a famous arc we ended up getting a months residencey other than an island and he came to our show and started writing a script based on our troop of 6 american burr elect performs in france we were woman of all this angels and shapes and sizes and it was very exciting to be part of the a few lettering elect scene at the time he here he was bay area
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born and breed braces and with glossaries all of a sudden walking 9 red carpet in i walgreens pedestrian care. >> land for best director that was backpack in 2010 the french love this music i come back here and because of film was not released in the united states nobody gave a rats ass let's say the music and berry elect and performing doesn't pay very much i definitely feel into a huge depression especially, when it ended i didn't feel kemgd to france anymore he definitely didn't feel connected to the scene i almost feel like i have to beg for tips i hey i'm from
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the bay area and an artist you don't make a living it changed my represent tar to appeal and the folks that are coming into the wars these days people are not listening they love the idea of having a live musician but don't really nurture it like having a potted plant if you don't warrant it it dizzy sort of feel like a potted plant (laughter) i'm going to give san francisco one more year i've been here since 1981 born and raised in the bay area i know that is not for me i'll keep on trying and if the struggle becomes too hard i'll have to move on i don't know where that will be but i love here so so much i used to
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dab he will in substances i don't do that i'm sober and part of the being is an and sober and happy to be able to play music and perform and express myself if i make. >> few people happy of all ages i've gone my job so i have so stay is an i feel like the piano and music in general with my voice together i >> i went through a lot of struggles in my life, and i am blessed to be part of this. i am familiar with what people are going through to relate and empathy and compassion to their struggle so they can see i came
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area. >> what i like doing is posting up at hotspots to let people see visibility. they ask you questions, ask you directions, they might have a question about what services are available. checking in, you guys. >> wellness check. we walk by to see any individual, you know may be sitting on the sidewalk, we make sure they are okay, alive. you never know. somebody might walk by and they are laying there for hours. you never know if they are alive. we let them know we are in the area and we are here to promote safety, and if they have somebody that is, you know, hanging around that they don't want to call the police on, they don't have to call the police. they can call us. we can direct them to the services they might need.
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>> we do the three one one to keep the city neighborhoods clean. there are people dumping, waste on the ground and needles on the ground. it is unsafe for children and adults to commute through the streets. when we see them we take a picture dispatch to 311. they give us a tracking number and they come later on to pick it up. we take pride. when we come back later in the day and we see the loose trash or debris is picked up it makes you feel good about what you are doing. >> it makes you feel did about escorting kids and having them feel safe walking to the play area and back. the stuff we do as ambassadors makes us feel proud to help keep the city clean, helping the residents. >> you can see the community
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ambassadors. i used to be on the streets. i didn't think i could become a community ambassador. it was too far out there for me to grab, you know. doing this job makes me feel good. because i came from where a lot of them are, homeless and on the street, i feel like i can give them hope because i was once there. i am not afraid to tell them i used to be here. i used to be like this, you know. i have compassion for people that are on the streets like the homeless and people that are caught up with their addiction because now, i feel like i can give them hope. it reminds you every day of where i used to be and where i am at now.
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good afternoon everyone. thank you for joining us here today. i'm san francisco mayor london breed and i'm joined today by supervisor matt haney as well as the director of the department of emergency management mary ellen carol. the department of public health behavioral health director dr. hillary kunis and we are also joined by our police chief bill scott. i am here with our various leaders in san francisco to officially declare a state of emergency in the
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