tv Building Inspection Commission SFGTV January 21, 2022 6:00pm-7:11pm PST
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my name is i am rebel, thank you, guys, so much. have a good night! >> i am rebel. what an amazing journey toward freedom we are on tonight. now for a virtual performance, welcome bishop yvette flunder. moving from acceptance to advocacy. or from monument to movement. today we commemorate the life, ministry and power of the reverend dr. martin luther king. he wrote from a birmingham jail. i want to share from a passage
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of scripture. acts. about two young men also who were in prison wrongfully. their prison experience taught us. midnight, the fallen silent, praying and seeing him. the other prisoners were listening. suddenly there was an earthquake and the prison was shaken to its foundation. and all the doors flew open and the chains of every prisoner fell off. the prison was shaken to its foundation and all the doors flew open. and the chains of every prisoner fell off. i want to talk a minute about earthquakes. i'm from san francisco where earthquakes are a way of life. we're conscious of them and we build our buildings with them in
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mind. because we know what happens when we don't. our history tells us no matter how fabulous and magnificent we build our a buildings and monuments, because they are, in fact, structures on a living earth, they can be utterly destroyed in seconds by a seismic event. even our monuments have had to respect our movement or risk being destroyed. i remember in the san francisco unified school district, when we were taught to get under our desks or stand in the doorway to protect ourselves, because monuments in an earthquake can be dangerous. our monument has to be retrofitted in san francisco. built to mimic living, moving
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things. they have to move, sway with the living earth movement. if they can't flex, they will crack, crumble and come down. and some of the new buildings have rollers. some of them have these devices that look a little bit like bicycle pumps that are really, really big and they bounce. these things built into the foundations. just to survive. and even then some of them will fail because the earth is a living thing. one must know there is a difference between a monument and a movement. history is filled with monuments. i like to call them big
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formidable institutions. ideologies that divide, separate, diminish and destroy. often in the name of an angry and punitive god. thank god for shaking the reformations. reformations that reformed and re-inform. i'm grateful for earthquakes of change that shift political concepts and ideas. change that came along and brought an end to many monuments, many ideas, many positions that simply would not die on their own. some folks thought that a big fine old respected institution, a big fine old respected document, a big fine old respected way of life with outdated exclusionary clauses in its rules would be strong enough
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to hold back a movement, no matter how big and how structured. the justice shaking will bring every miserable monument down. why? because monuments are not built with movement in mind. monuments are not built with the wind as change in mind. it's movement that freed the slaves. movement that got women to vote. movements that brought justice to workers. and a movement that brought and is bringing equal rights to the same gender-loving community, trans-community, gender nonconforming community and all of us who were exiled. acceptance is good. there are those who accept, but there is little or no action in
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acceptance. people can do acceptance personally and privately. but movement requires action. advocacy is movement and often movement with risk. putting one's self in harm's way, putting one's neck out, risks assassination, taking the heat, getting in the fray, taking a public position, joining the movement, acting up, acting out. but we are not moving from a weak place, for the divine is able to do exceedingly abundantly all we can think. according to the power that is in us, all things are possible. all things. you see, god and good is about movement. much like a growing stream.
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water doesn't freeze when it's moving. monuments fall. therefore, movement every time. we see god and good is not privately owned by a party, by a president, not owned by one race or another race. god and good is not owned by the rich. god and good is not owned by those who live way out in neighborhoods where the housing insecure and the food insecure are not only not welcome, but are abused. you see, god is not a privately owned stagnate pond, but a fresh flowing river filled with truth and extravagant welcome. i say to my beloved, no matter what may be, the perfect storm that we are in now, in politics,
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in our environment, in our relationship to other nations, no matter what this day may bring, sickness, illness, frustration, anger. no matter how people are saying they will never see a bright day. there will be no sun. i want to say something to you today. stay in the movement. stay in the movement. continue to do your justice work. go up in the attic, get your signs and your birkenstocks down again. let's march, let's walk, let's declare that not only shall we move, but we shall prevail. why? because we are a movement that refuses to be a monument and we're in the midst of a love movement that will redefine the definition of our neighbor.
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god bless you as we commemorate dr. martin luther king, who was taken to us in the middle of bringing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly before god. today we celebrate a movement warrior. god bless you. >> thank you for that message, bishop. now, please welcome to the stage, gospel recording artist,. the first song is about watching god work. do i have believers that believe that? this song says watch god work. [ ♪♪♪ ]
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♪ like the time i opened the sea, the god says, watch me ♪ ♪ like david and the giants, what a victory ♪ ♪ just like that, watch me ♪ ♪ stay right where you are, god says ♪ ♪ i will do great things ♪ ♪ watch me ♪ ♪ because i'm still able to do more than you can ask or think ♪ ♪ my child, watch me ♪ ♪ just watch me ♪
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♪ god says, i'm not through blessing all of you ♪ ♪ just wait and see ♪ ♪ i've got great things for you ♪ ♪ i'm going to come through ♪ ♪ all you have to do is bring your problems to me ♪ ♪ and let me handle them ♪ ♪ god said watch me ♪ ♪ watch me ♪ ♪ i'll fix anything ♪ ♪ i can change anything ♪ ♪ i can make everything better
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when you step back and ♪ ♪ watch me work ♪ ♪ as only i can do ♪ ♪ do the impossible ♪ ♪ ♪ a big 'ole blessing is on the way ♪ ♪ give me your worries and take my peace ♪ ♪ give me your pain and i will give you my joy ♪ ♪ give me your brokenness and let me make you whole ♪ ♪ looking up ♪ ♪ watch me work ♪ ♪ all you got to do is ♪ ♪ watch, watch, watch ♪ ♪ because god -- he's the one that's fighting for you ♪ ♪ cast every ♪ ♪ care you have ♪ ♪ he'll do it ♪
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♪ he'll change it ♪ ♪ he'll work it out ♪ ♪ he's not through ♪ ♪ he's not through blessing you ♪ ♪ there's still a victory ♪ ♪ watch him work ♪ ♪ god says work is what i'm doing ♪ ♪ watch me ♪ god has big things for us. i'm ready for him. come on, 2022. this next song says, in the midst of waiting for watching god, do big things in our lives. we have to be grateful for what he's already done. anybody grateful for what he's
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already done? yes. we're alive, breathing, even in the midst of this pandemic. we still can find some happy, at least i can. i'm thankful i'm not on a ventilator tonight, i'm not in a house enjoying this. i'm in the presence of you all. and i'm able to do all this on my own without any assistance. it's a blessing to breathe on your own, walk on your own. the things we call the small things are now very big things. that we, you know -- we don't take any longer for granted. so this is another song that says we're grateful. even if you're in the midst of the trial, god will see to it that you come out all right. [ ♪♪♪ ] [ ♪♪♪ ]
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♪ be grateful ♪ ♪ make sure that you're always grateful ♪ ♪ you have to be grateful ♪ ♪ be grateful ♪ ♪ someone else would love to stand in your shoes ♪ ♪ just be grateful, be grateful ♪ ♪ you're going to come out all right ♪ ♪ many are the afflictions of the righteous ♪ ♪ but god promised that he would bring us out of them all ♪
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♪ you got to be grateful ♪ ♪ ♪ through the life's heartaches ♪ ♪ and all of the pain ♪ ♪ be grateful ♪ ♪ he has a plan for it all ♪ ♪ he never, ever leave you ♪ ♪ he'll never forsake you, yeah ♪ ♪ all things work together ♪ ♪ for your good and my good, our good ♪ ♪ don't panic, don't have anxiety ♪ ♪ god promised that he'll always come through for you and me ♪ ♪ be, be, be, be ♪ ♪ you got to find a way to be
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the best is yet to come. yes, we have suffered loss, but i still feel that god has some great things on the way that will blow our socks off, blow our minds. this song just says, you ain't seen nothing yet. he's not finished pouring out. just us moving forward in society. i think he still has great things for even that. so we want to just encourage you that the best is yet to come. keep holding on. keep looking up. you can clap with me if you want. ♪ hold on, hold, on ♪
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♪ you say ♪ ♪ hold on, hold on, hold on ♪ ♪ hold on my brother don't give up ♪ ♪ hold on my sister just keep looking up ♪ ♪ there is a master plan in store for you ♪ ♪ if you can make it through ♪ ♪ god's going to really blow your mind ♪ ♪ he's going to make it work ♪ ♪ for all of the struggles you've been through ♪ ♪ the blessings are going to double just for you ♪ ♪ all the best is yet to come ♪ ♪ hold on my brother, don't give
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up ♪ ♪ don't give up ♪ ♪ hold on my sister, just look up ♪ ♪ because there is a master plan ♪ ♪ in store for you ♪ ♪ if you can make -- make it through ♪ ♪ god is going to make it worth all of your time ♪ ♪ for all of your struggle you get through ♪ ♪ the blessings they double and triple just for you ♪ ♪ the best is yet to come ♪ ♪ yes, it is ♪ ♪ the best is yet to come ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ today is the first day of the best days of our lives ♪ woo! ♪ today is the first day of the
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best days of your life ♪ ♪ today is the first day of the best days of your life ♪ ♪ the best ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ the best is yet to come ♪ ♪ the best ♪ we believe the best is yet to come ♪ ♪ today is the first day of the best days of our lives ♪ ♪ today is the first day of the best days of our lives ♪ today is the first day of the best day of your life. yeah, the best is yet to come.
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the best is yet to come. [music playing] you guys ain't seen nothing yet. god is just getting started. but he's not through blessing you. he's not through blessing you! you ain't seen nothing, you ain't seen nothing yet. you ain't seen nothing. you ain't seen nothing yet. you ain't seen nothing. you ain't seen nothing yet. you ain't seen nothing.
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you ain't seen nothing yet. you ain't seen nothing. you ain't seen nothing yet. you ain't seen nothing. you ain't seen nothing yet. you ain't seen nothing. you ain't seen nothing yet. you ain't seen nothing. you ain't seen nothing -- i'm lena byrd miles, god bless you. thank you so much. [music playing]
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[music playing] >> one more time, for lena byrd miles! what a fantastic journey we've been on tonight. now, please welcome back to the stage to close us out tonight, mrs. cheryl davis. [applause] >> can you just give another round of applause for all of the folks who shared with us tonight. [applause] oh, man, i am as the old folks used to say when i was in church, i am so full of bright. what an incredible evening.
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what gratitude i have for everyone who made it all happen. special thanks to the stage crew and the staff here at the theater. give it up for them. i really just want to recognize because we made the decision to still kind of try to be live for the performers, even though we wanted to limit how many people were coming in. so i just want to give it up to the theater for opening up their doors and still letting us be safe with each other. for bringing this event to life in the midst of a challenging time. give it up to the folks that are helping us from s.f. gov tv. broadcasting live stream and making it all look great. we have heard amazing stories and voices through song and just the idea and notion of freedom. and freedom and moving towards justice, but the role of music in that. please, if you get the
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opportunity, re-share the link to this so folks can hear what we were able to witness in person tonight. so, again, give it up for s.f. gov to make it possible to share this. gratitude to the staff members at the m.l.k. north cal foundation, aaron and his team. thank you to derek brown. i want to give a special shoutout to the folks at the human rights commission. every time we come up with an idea, the team steps up to make it happen. give them a hand for their support. i want to give special thanks to those live streaming this on facebook. everybody has been hitting us online and saying, whose voice is that? give it up for josh. this is a term i hadn't heard. apparently it's called the voice
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of god, like in performance world. so when you don't see the person, but you hear them from the back, so josh has been the voice of god tonight. thank you, josh. i want to thank sarah and william. she was not able to be here, but i want to give her a huge shoutout, because when we had the vision of doing this, sara was ready, willing and able to bring together the amazing talent tonight. give a round of applause. i want to give another shoutout to marcus phillips and top of the mark for being here tonight. awesome job. maria and debbie. give it up for debbie who has been leading and touching hands with everyone. give her a round of applause. on behalf of aaron, derek, thank you to all who joined us, whether here in the theater or virtually online from home.
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thank you for joining us in this journey towards justice and freedom and to remember and respect and celebrate the legacy of dr. king. so, thank you all again for being with us. and, please, if you have time, go back and look at this again, because it is beautiful. thank you and good night. [ ♪♪♪ ] [applause]
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>> hello every one. thank you so much for your patience. good morning i am san francisco mayor london breed with dr. colfax giving an update what is happening with omicron because we are anxious to know when is this going to start dying down? good things are starting to plateau. it doesn't mean we take our guard down. even though we are still seeing additional cases, even though our hospitalizations are very high, we have the capacity to handle what is coming our way, we are starting to see just a number of plateaus and trends from other parts of the country
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afternoon world show the people ahead of us and the cases skyrocketing. we are paying very close attention. it seems like san francisco is behind all of that. we are following a very similar pattern to other cities across this country. if that is any indication plus with san francisco being 82% vaccinated it is really hopeful for the future and hopeful that we will continue to move forward. we will see some additional improvements as the days go on. i know it has been a very challenging couple of weeks over the holiday season. as we continue to say one of the most consistent things through out the course of two year pandemic the light at the end of the tunnel is here. we may go through another tunnel
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but know there is hope and there is light. i am here just to also say because i know that many people are asking a lot of questions. what is going on with testing? what is going on with the tenderloin emergency plan? why are things not moving as quickly? many of us should understand the city and bureaucracy is challenging. keep in mind that we see these numbers of the omicron variant spike. we also see them spike with city employees. a lot of police officers, firefighters, muni drivers, department of public health workers and those at san francisco general are out with omicron. we are going to continue to experience this challenge for some time. we ask for people to be very patient with us, to know we are
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doing our best, working to backfill those positions when they are out with over time and the number of other resources. these are the times we are living in. as a result we just have to adjust to our environment. to talk more specifically about where we are with omicron, what to expect for the future and you know the hopefulness when doctor colfax is smiling and excited and hopeful and giving an indication things are going to get better. i know that is what is going to happen. we get to come outside and play, right, dr. colfax? please welcome for an update on the covid-19 omicron variant and what is happening in san francisco here is dr. grant colfax. >> good morning everybody. thank you, mayor breed for your
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leadership as we enter the third year of the pandemic. third year. we are seeing covid-19 cases drop relatively rapidly in the city. we can now say that we are on the beginning of the downward trajectory with regard to the surge. latest data showcases peaked on january 9 with seven day average of 2164 cases per day. it has steadily dropped each day since then to 1076 per day on january 12th. this is good news. it has been a rocky start to 2022. hang in there a little longer. the surge is not over yet. hospitalizations which trail the peak in cases will still continue to go up. fortunately, for now we expect to meet capacity within the healthcare system to take care of people with covid and other
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healthcare needs in the hospitals. we are urging people to remain particularly vigilant for a little bit longer. cases are still very high. cases are still very high especially compared to prior surges. we all need to get well past this peak. look, i know that everybody is exhausted. let's give gratitude to front line staff who as the mayor said have been working over time to patch together coverage as colleagues become infected and have to stay home. many of them became infected, too. tonight bely, for the vast majority of our cases in the city, cases are mild because people were fully vaccinated with the first series and for many people they were up-to-date on vaccinations with regard to boosters. at this point, it looks good
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with regard to making it through. we are likely to make it through the surge and come out in a much better place. it is important to emphasize with case rates so high what we see across the country, the state and locally we are in a far different place than a year ago with our prior surge. we are getting through omicron, the most transmissible yet. it is more transmissible than alpha and delta. we managed to keep hospitals, clinics and essential services open. most cases have been mild or asymptomatic especially for those up-to-date on vaccinations, especially for those who get the booster. we have proven covid doesn't have to upend our lives even if we have to be vigilant, smart and flexible to adapt to what is needed when needed.
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as your public health department i want to stress that our goal is not to prevent every case of covid. omicron proved that is not possible. our goal is to prevent the worst outcomes, severe disease. hospitalizations and deaths. with regard to that, i want to ground ourselves in comparison to last year. last year we lost 165 san franciscans to covid in january of 2021. this month to date we have lost five. now we don't know what covid has in store for us, but we do have great defenses against this virus. vaccinations and boosters and i expect in the relatively near future effective antiviral medication. we know how to layer defenses. during periods with high
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transmission when we must protect front line workers and vulnerable by masking, testing, improving ventilation. staying home when sick. omicron taught us we have vulnerabilities in the system of care. we need testing to be accessible, affordable and fast to truly use this tool together safely. we are working with our state and federal partners to make rapid over the counter tests easy to come by and requiring the healthcare system partners to step up and do their part with regard to testing as they have done with hospitalization. we anticipate new tools to become available soon such as retroviral medications to better protect people who are especially vulnerable to severe disease. as we come out of onl omicron we
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will drop restrictions when and where they may being sense. we acknowledge that individuals have different level of comfort with the risk of covid and because of certain medical conditions. your risk assessment may vary. what you are willing to do with yourself and family may change depending on your risk assessment. individuals may want to adapt to their own risk and comfort level within the conditions stipulated under our health orders. we ask you to be tolerant and work together to make each other feel comfortable and supported. it is certainly possible we will deal with other variants in the future, hopefully, we will be able to wait covid among the other infectious diseases we have to contend with by not
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letting them up end our lives. san francisco, thank you for all you have done and continue to do as a city and we will continue to get through this together. thank you. questions? >> i am confused. you are saying that the cases are beginning to fall rapidly downward. the surge is not over? >> well, the cases are still high. it depends if you depend surge as straight up. we are still in the surge. cases are higher than ever before. i just want to make sure that people understand that we are not out of the woods yet. cases are still extremely high. they plateaued and are going down. they are at a high level.
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we are looking at data from other places where it had been ahead of us and it showed that cases could go up fast, come down fast. we are on the downward trend. they could go back up. we hope that is not the case. given where we have been for over two years now, i think the point is cases are starting to come down. hospitalizations are still going up. the rate of increase is starting to slow down. the important news is that hospital capacity still remains robust. we still have capacity to take care of people if they have covid or other medical conditions in the hospital system that is a key metric going forward. >> what type of restrictions are you talking about? >> well, it will be combination of factors we are looking at. it is too premature to speculate the order they would be lifted.
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we would look at similar processes by which we have lifted restrictions after the prior surges. it is the layered defenses we required. you know we have had the indoor masking back into place. that is something we would look at in other similar restrictions. i don't want to jump too far ahead. we are still at high rates. hospitalizations are going up. they will level off we expect soon. important thing is after having been through the surges we want to be responsive in a way that reflects that we need to live with this virus. we don't want to hold onto restrictions waiting for omicron or covid to go away. that is not going to happen any more. we will reach a place where covid is endemic. we will live with the virus.
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our lifting of restrictions will reflect that new reality. [indiscernable] >> the prior boosters is that going to help us? >> i refer you to the healthcare orders with regard to where people are required to have boosters. our point is that omicron has shown that people need to be up-to-date on vaccinations to be as protected as possible from omicron with regard to hospitalizations which is our goal here. getting people access to boosters is key. one of the reasons we have been so successful with the surge is because we have a high booster rate. 61% of people vaccinated in the city have received a booster and are up-to-date on vaccinations. that is far higher than the
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national or state average. we want people to continue to get boosters. we will make them available in the healthcare systems including health department and pharmacy partners. [indiscernable] >> it is clearly important that we have testing capabilities throughout san francisco that people can trust. unfortunately we have had challenges with bad operators. i really applaud the city
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attorney's office and the city attorney for taking action and paying close attention to challenges that could arise for people taking the situation for granted. >> it is not unchecked power for the police department. the fact is we want to address the challenges of crime in our city. in facts, you know, everyone is now carrying around all of these gadgets, phones, some someone's face in the public. anyone not law enforcement can see everything going on. people from all over the city and when you talk about a situation for example what happened in union square. the fact that there was a lot of online chatter, our officers were aware and needed another resource through video to observe the behavior and because of our ordinance could not,
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there are a lot of things that could have been prevented based on information we get. we are not only asking to allow this to happen based on evidence. part of my ordinance is to say we have to also report this information like when this is accessed by the san francisco police department it will be made public, it will be provided to the board of supervisors. if there is a need to do an investigation or anything about why they chose to do it and it t wasn't necessary, that will be dealt with. the goal is to address public safety. the fact we need the tool. responsible use of this tool to do so. [indiscernable] >> my response is that the
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voters will decide because we are talking about the fact that, you know, we have major challenges with public safety. when i say public safety not just about theft. it is about assault and the number of people who have been attacked on our streets, the number of people who have been robbed and as salted. we want to make sure that we are using every tool at our disposable responsibly to keep people from san francisco safe. i don't think what i propose in my ordinance is unreasonable in light of everything that has been happening in san francisco. >> the voters of san francisco support you. go forward with it. >> thank you very much. from the mouths of citizens. >> mayor, could you address the businesses and restaurants in san francisco that have had a lousy christmas. >> everyone had a lousy
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christmas. >> what words do you have for them for some of the restrictions to be lifted? >> my hope is that yes, as dr. colfax said. we also have a responsibility to follow the state orders. mostly when we look at the data, hospitalization rates, number of people who sadly passed away, it makes it possible for us to potentially remove a significant number of restrictions. i think ultimately regardless of the restrictions that is not keeping people away from these places. it is really not wanting to contract omicron. that is really what people are focused on is keeping distance to not get it. it is highly infectious and challenging, people are getting it. the good news is that people for the most part are not ending up in the hospitalizations and dying in numbers we experienced
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this last year before we had access to the vaccine. i am hopeful and optimistic for the future and sadly so many small businesses and restaurants and families and people not able to get together is very, very challenging. my hope is as we begin to reopen and see numbers decline we are careful and go out and support our restaurants. we order pick up from the restaurants and support our small businesses. it is going to take all of us to get through this. part of that is san franciscans doing more to support our businesses. my drycleaner i have been going to the same drycleaner since i had a drycleaner. i am not getting as many clothes cleaned as before.
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. >> the city hall meeting rooms are called, however, this meeting will be taking place remotely. commissioners and participants will attend the meeting remotely and participate in the meeting to the same extent as if they were present. public comment will be available on each agenda item, and both sfgovtv and cable
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channel 26 are streaming the meeting live. members of the public will be able to participate in public comment by calling 669-900-6833. if calling in by phone, dial star, nine to be added to the speaker's line when your item of interest comes up. when your item of interest comes up, hit star, six to unmute yourself. please call from a quiet location, speak slowly and clearly and turn down your television or radio. please note that the commission or staff are not allowed to comment during public comment. thank you, sfgovtv staff for
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streaming this meeting, and we can start with a roll call. >> clerk: all right. [roll call] >> clerk: please note for the record that we have an excused absence for commissioner falzon, who may be arriving late. >> the first item is general public comment. >> operator: good evening, president bleiman and commissioners. there is no one in line for public comment, and no hands raised in the chat box. >> thank you. we will move onto item 2, which
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is approval of the minutes of the december 21, 2021 meeting. do we have a motion to approve the minutes from december 21, 2021. that's fine. >> so moved. >> i'll second. >> is there any public comment on the minutes? >> operator: there is none. >> all right. having no public comment, we will close it, and we can take a vote. >> clerk: okay. [roll call] >> well, isn't that nice? the minutes are approved. moving on, we have item number 3, which is a report from the executive director. >> all right. thank you, president bleiman.
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good evening again, commissioners. last week, we sent out a newsletter to you and all of our constituents that impact indoor and outdoor megaevents. these changes are in answer to the recent surge of the highly transmissible omicron variantum you'll see the letter in your folder. i want to go over some of the chief takeaways from the january 10 health order so you're all on the same page regarding the changes. beginning january 15, the city lowered the indoor attendance threshold at megaevents to 500 attendees from the previous 1,000, and outdoor megaevents are now at 5,000 or more attendees, and this is in line with the state's definition of megaevents.
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the state health commissioner recommends wherever possible, anyone in attendance wear a kn-95, an n95, or a surgical mask with a cloth mask over it. beginning february 1, patrons 16 and up will be required to show proof that they received a booster if they're eligible to do so, in addition to showing that they've been fully vaccinated. vaccinations are five months after the moderna or pfizer or two months after the johnson & johnson. staff must show this prove within eight days of being
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eligible for a booster. finally, indoor megaevents of 1,000 or more attendees continue to be required to submit a health and safety plan to the health officer. however, the new health order says that indoor megaevents between 501 and 999 attendees are not required to submit a health and safety plan. the proof of booster requirements still applies to those events, and that's a key distinction here that those events that are between 500 and 999 do not have to submit a health and safety plan. host and operators of outdoor megaevents, and again, this is 5,000-plus attendees, are asked to require attendees to show proof of vaccination in addition a booster.
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if you have any questions about any of these health order updates, please do let me know. both myself and senior analysts are here to answer any questions that we can. lastly, i just wanted to provide you all with a brief new year's eve recap. so new year's eve was pretty quiet this year. in your file for the director's report, you can see a list of the events that we pulled together that were advertised, and we sent all of those to our first responder agencies, and we had those in the field for those that were out, however, we did learn that a number of those were cancelled because of the omicron variant.
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on december 31, inspector fiorentino had a chance to meet with the harvard student who's been meeting with ben houghton to do his cap stone project in san francisco. what was fun that he was able to do a walk along, not a ride along, because he's not a city employee, but with inspector fiorentino in north beach on new year's eve, so they were able to go to several sites and events. in total, we did issue ten one-time event permits for new year's even weekends, and the evening was quiet and successful. however, you will see that there are several violations that came in for new year's eve, and we will discuss those
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in compliance reports. if you have any questions, let me know. >> questions? >> operator: check. and there's no public comment. >> the next item is a report from deputy director azevedo. >> good morning, president bleiman and commissioners. you'll see that we have prepared a report for you citing 55 complaints for you. the first business that i'd like to discuss is edinburgh castle pub. on january 15, i received a
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letter from the neighbor stating that edinburgh castle's music had been operating nearly 40 hours. inspector fiorentino reported back that he believed the base is not able to emanate into the complainants building as they are alleging that it is, and he noted that they are not even located directly adjacent to edinburgh castle pub, and it would have to travel through another building to reach them. i did visit the building on january 1 and speak with the owner about the complaint. the owner assured officer welsh th
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