tv Entertainment Commission SFGTV January 22, 2022 12:00pm-12:31pm PST
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. >> the city hall meeting rooms are called, however, this meeting will be taking place remotely. commissioners and participants will attend the meeting remotely and participate in the meeting to the same extent as if they were present. public comment will be available on each agenda item, and both sfgovtv and cable
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channel 26 are streaming the meeting live. members of the public will be able to participate in public comment by calling 669-900-6833. if calling in by phone, dial star, nine to be added to the speaker's line when your item of interest comes up. when your item of interest comes up, hit star, six to unmute yourself. please call from a quiet location, speak slowly and clearly and turn down your television or radio. please note that the commission or staff are not allowed to comment during public comment.
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thank you, sfgovtv staff for streaming this meeting, and we can start with a roll call. >> clerk: all right. [roll call] >> clerk: please note for the record that we have an excused absence for commissioner falzon, who may be arriving late. >> the first item is general public comment. >> operator: good evening, president bleiman and commissioners. there is no one in line for public comment, and no hands
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raised in the chat box. >> thank you. we will move onto item 2, which is approval of the minutes of the december 21, 2021 meeting. do we have a motion to approve the minutes from december 21, 2021. that's fine. >> so moved. >> i'll second. >> is there any public comment on the minutes? >> operator: there is none. >> all right. having no public comment, we will close it, and we can take a vote. >> clerk: okay. [roll call] >> well, isn't that nice? the minutes are approved. moving on, we have item number 3, which is a report from the executive director.
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>> all right. thank you, president bleiman. good evening again, commissioners. last week, we sent out a newsletter to you and all of our constituents that impact indoor and outdoor megaevents. these changes are in answer to the recent surge of the highly transmissible omicron variantum you'll see the letter in your folder. i want to go over some of the chief takeaways from the january 10 health order so you're all on the same page regarding the changes. beginning january 15, the city lowered the indoor attendance threshold at megaevents to 500 attendees from the previous 1,000, and outdoor megaevents are now at 5,000 or more attendees, and this is in line with the state's definition of
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megaevents. the state health commissioner recommends wherever possible, anyone in attendance wear a kn-95, an n95, or a surgical mask with a cloth mask over it. beginning february 1, patrons 16 and up will be required to show proof that they received a booster if they're eligible to do so, in addition to showing that they've been fully vaccinated. vaccinations are five months after the moderna or pfizer or two months after the johnson & johnson. staff must show this prove
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within eight days of being eligible for a booster. finally, indoor megaevents of 1,000 or more attendees continue to be required to submit a health and safety plan to the health officer. however, the new health order says that indoor megaevents between 501 and 999 attendees are not required to submit a health and safety plan. the proof of booster requirements still applies to those events, and that's a key distinction here that those events that are between 500 and 999 do not have to submit a health and safety plan. host and operators of outdoor megaevents, and again, this is 5,000-plus attendees, are asked to require attendees to show proof of vaccination in
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addition a booster. if you have any questions about any of these health order updates, please do let me know. both myself and senior analysts are here to answer any questions that we can. lastly, i just wanted to provide you all with a brief new year's eve recap. so new year's eve was pretty quiet this year. in your file for the director's report, you can see a list of the events that we pulled together that were advertised, and we sent all of those to our first responder agencies, and we had those in the field for those that were out, however, we did learn that a number of those were cancelled because of
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the omicron variant. on december 31, inspector fiorentino had a chance to meet with the harvard student who's been meeting with ben houghton to do his cap stone project in san francisco. what was fun that he was able to do a walk along, not a ride along, because he's not a city employee, but with inspector fiorentino in north beach on new year's eve, so they were able to go to several sites and events. in total, we did issue ten one-time event permits for new year's even weekends, and the evening was quiet and successful. however, you will see that there are several violations that came in for new year's
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eve, and we will discuss those in compliance reports. if you have any questions, let me know. >> questions? >> operator: check. and there's no public comment. >> the next item is a report from deputy director azevedo. >> good morning, president bleiman and commissioners. you'll see that we have prepared a report for you citing 55 complaints for you. the first business that i'd like to discuss is edinburgh
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castle pub. on january 15, i received a letter from the neighbor stating that edinburgh castle's music had been operating nearly 40 hours. inspector fiorentino reported back that he believed the base is not able to emanate into the complainants building as they are alleging that it is, and he noted that they are not even located directly adjacent to edinburgh castle pub, and it would have to travel through another building to reach them. i did visit the building on january 1 and speak with the owner about the complaint. the owner assured officer welsh
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that he would be taking care of the situation, and the neighbor has taken to yelp and google to disparage the business. the next item i wanted to discuss was the midway. over new year's eve, we received 24 complaints about the venue. inspector fiorentino responded in real-time to the complaints that were made on new year's eve and new year's day and showed that the business was operating in excess of their sound limit on both occasions. while he was on-site, inspector fiorentino worked with the owner to bring the volume down into compliance, which the owner was amenable to. on january 2, the complaint came in after inspector fiorentino's shift concluded, so he was not able to respond in person, but he did contact the owner.
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in addition, we did receive 15 complaints on sunday, in addition to three phone calls and three e-mails that came in to me. i did ask that midway submit a statement via e-mail on behalf of their venue. additionally, i made the following requests. i suggested a person walk out with a sound limit every 30 minutes during a show, and record their findings, and three, install a meter if they're unable to monitor the music in real-time. in addition, i learned some really good ideas had come from their conversations, and that everyone was worked with them
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to find their solution. he'd like to come before you all to share the details. i will be reaching out to invite them to attend our first hearing in february, and will also discuss the status of the implementation of our staff recommendations listed above. the next business i'd like to share with you is gestalt. they hold an l.l.p. permit, which allows indoor entertainment until 11:00 p.m. on november 15, inspector fiorentino arrived at the business and found them playing music after 11:00 p.m. and issued a violation over a sound complaint. this last thursday, january 13, i corresponded with the owner about paying for the outstanding citations, and i requested that they submit a compliance plan detailing how
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they would address compliance moving forward. the owner told me that in order to ensure compliance, he'd do the following: not allow deejays to come in randomly when he hasn't approved it, measure sound levels, and that he'd have an instrument going into the q.f.c. speakers, and that he have a mixing board so that he can control the main volume. i confirmed the plan, offered to send an inspector out to review the plans. the following day, inspector fiorentino responded to a complaint at 11:15 p.m. and observed a jazz trio playing inside. he spoke with the owner about the violation and said he'd have the trio stop performing, and then, he became agitated
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with inspector fiorentino, accusing him of disrupting the music scene in our city. to deescalate the situation, inspector fiorentino stepped outside. our main priority here is getting this permit holder to follow their current permit conditions and abide by the rules. if you have any suggestions or comments, please let us know. the last item to discuss this evening is about park lab gardens and park social, which are located on mission bay boulevard, directly across from one another. as a reminder, park lab gardens holds a j.a.m. permit, and spark social holds an outdoor l.l.p. since the last hearing, we've
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received four complaints about the food trucks playing music and disrupting the tenants in the area. since both clients have food trucks, and the complaints are anonymous and never indicate which premises are causing the problem, inspector fiorentino always visits both when he responds to a complaint. so far in january, he has visited three times. the first on january 1, when he arrived, there was no amplified sound playing. the second was january 8, and the businesses were operating within sound compliance during his last visit, and the last visit was on sunday, january 9, and while he was on-site, a complaint came in alleging music was blasting throughout several blocks in the area. inspector fiorentino was able to discredit the complaints as he measured the music as no longer than any other music
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coming from other venues in the area, and that concludes my report this evening. >> questions? comments? >> quick question. with the midway, other than that weekend, have we had other issues? >> yes -- oh, i saw a different -- none that we haven't already reported on, but yeah, go for it. >> i think it's possible, commissioner wang, you weren't here at the previous meeting. it was all condensed in two weekends. one that occurred in november and one that occurred in late december, and we have discussed those with the midway owners. >> yeah, they came to the -- staff had them come virtually
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in person, and we asked them a bunch of questions, and they assured us that there were not going to be any sound concerns, but it sounds like that didn't happen. >> they promised, but, you know, that happens. >> is there any chance that the food truck complaints are, at least for the first weekend, were actually the midway sound instead? just given that we know the midway sound travels sort of oddly? >> i think it's hard to pinpoint what is actually going on down in mission bay. you know, i also just want to mention that food trucks park in the area because people patronize them because of the
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[inaudible] being down there, and it may not be associated with the partial social or park lab gardens at all, and unfortunately, i think it just continues to be pinned on that premises specifically, and they've demonstrated on going compliance but also working closely with me to ensure that their j.a.m. permit hours are updated. the owner is really responsive, but we've never found them being in violation of allegations like their sound. the complaints are also anonymous, too, so it makes it difficult while the person is saying -- you can see in the complaint that it's saying that it's traveling down numerous corridors, but we don't actually know where the complaint is located. >> this sound seems to bounce around so much, and yeah, we know the midway sound travels, and it's -- i don't know. as for the edinburgh castle, i
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don't want venue owners being accused of violations if they're having violations that come into compliance. >> there has to be some kind of end game. we've gone out there so many times, and the police have been out there so many times, and we can only do so much. >> yeah, it seems that the person who's complaining is responding to something else
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entirely, and not to anything coming from the edinburgh castle. >> and that particular neighbor is not letting us go inside their unit, right? >> correct. >> so, i mean, without really knowing which wall it's coming from, you know, it could be coming from the back wall, you know, which is on the other side. you know, if they're not cooperating, there's only so much we can do. >> the owner of the business also asked to gain entry, as well, so it came -- there was a recommendation that our inspector visit as well as the business owner, and that was not something the resident was willing to do. >> any other questions or comments? all right. yeah, i mean, one at a time here. i think, you know, i do think
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we -- that in terms of the midway and some of the other venues, i think -- you know, i think we -- i'm proud that we erred on the side of, like, being -- trying to get people in compliance during times like these, and covid is going to be with us and we have to get back into regular life, we can't have venues that are consistently out of compliance over and over and over again,
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so we -- clearly, there's never been an issue that we've been able to find since the first very time we went in there, i think, long, long, long ago. and then, with gestalt, this was a concern when they came in, asking for their permit. the concern was are they going to follow the rules, and it seems like they're not. we're going to have to have a conversation with them and see if we can get them to follow the law. any other comments? all right. is there any public comment on this agenda item?
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>> operator: just going to flash the slide a few seconds as a courtesy. >> all right. let's go ahead and close public comment and move onto the next agenda item. i believe it's actually number 5, not 6, which is hearing and possible action regarding fluxes for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission, and i'll ask deputy director azevedo to introduce the matter, on the agenda, and i believe that's all we have. >> that's correct, president bleiman. we only have one item on the consent agenda this evening, and it's a limited live performance permit for gentilly, which is located at
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4826 mission street. there are no added conditions and no recommendations from the police department, so we are recommending to approve the permit with the good neighbor policy. and just as a reminder, this is on consent, so we were not even going to be pulling the applicant in. >> i move approve of the item on consent -- i move approval of the consent calendar. >> second. >> is there any public comment on this agenda item? >> operator: checking, and there is none. >> all right. we'll close public comment, and we can have a vote. >> clerk: okay. [roll call] >> all right. congratulations to the
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applicant, whoever they are. please follow up with our staff at your earliest convenience for your next steps, and oh, man, the next agenda item is number 6, which is consideration and possible action to adopt a resolution making findings to allow teleconferenced meetings under the california government code since -- section 54953-e. do we have a motion to approval this resolution to allow it? >> -- to make the motion. >> second. >> is there any public comment on this agenda item? >> operator: there is none. >> all right. let's go ahead and have a vote. [roll call]
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>> all right. we did it again. we can have a teleconference meeting. all right. the final agenda item are commissioner comments and questions and new business requests for future agenda items. what have we got? nothing. all right. well, neither do i, so let's go to public comment on this agenda item. is there any? >> operator: president bleiman and commissioners, there are none. >> well, it's been a pleasure, everyone. enjoyable meeting. we will adjourn it at 5:59 p.m. this evening, and we'll see you
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