tv Recreation and Park Commission SFGTV January 22, 2022 12:30pm-4:01pm PST
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it's your turn. >> president: will the secretary please call the roll. >> secretary: [roll call] okay. and it looks like commissioner griffin. commissioner hallisy. >> commissioner: i'm here. >> secretary: okay. commissioner griffin is here. commissioner hallisy was frozen. and commissioner louie does not have an excused absence so we'll check back to see if she joins as well. >> president: very good. let us commence.
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>> secretary: yeah. you'll have to just before i make my announcement note that especially for the public, i am joined today by safety white my colleague and r.p.d. expert who runs many of these meetings. so know there's two people running this meeting today so that if i need to deal with the small human, there will be another capable and competent person here to run the meeting here as well. so please excuse me if there is whining or crying or other things going on in the background. the san francisco recreation and park commission acknowledges that we occupy -- i took away the pictures of the people. okay. one more time. the san francisco recreation
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and park commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land, and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone. we ask for your patience if we
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experience any technical issues public comment will be available for each item on the agenda. comments or opportunities to speak during the public comment period are available via phone by calling (415) 655-0001. and the access code is 24889849339. when you hear the agenda item you 0 like to comment on, dial star three to be added to the queue to speak. while you're waiting, the system will be silent. the system will notify you when you're in line and waiting. all callers will remain on mute until their line is open. alternatively, you may submit public comment in either of the following ways. by e-mailing it will be included in the legislative file as part of the
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matter. written comments may also be sent to san francisco re-and park at 501 stanyan street, san francisco, california. i have a couple of announcements, but before i do that, do we have commissioner hallisy? >> commissioner: yes. >> secretary: great. you're here. and commissioner louie. okay. and commissioner louie is absent. okay. so for folks on the call and members of the public, we will be taking today's agenda out of order. we will try to announce this as we go. but please note if you're here for item twelve, it will now be heard after item seven. item number 14, the parks alliance will now be heard after item number twelve.
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item number nine and item number ten will be swapped. so the operational plan will go before the capital expenditure plan. the agenda will go item seven and then twelve, then eight 14. then i. eight and item nine and item ten. so for public comment, we're in the process of adjusting our i.t. support and so we may not have a two-minute timer up on the screen. so for those of you here for public comment, it might be a good idea to time yourself if you have a phone or timer nearby. if not, we will be trying to make a sound when the time is up so that i don't have to verbally cut you off just to make it a little bit easier for everyone. okay. we are now on item two, continuation of remote meetings. >> president: thank you.
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let me make an announcement that we passed this item in the fall of this year in october and it's going to be a continuing resolution on the agenda until we get out of the covid situation that we will continue to allow remote meetings. do you need a vote on this, then? >> secretary: first, all call for public comment. if there's any public comment on item number two, you can dial star three to be added to the queue to speak. do we have anyone with their hand raised? >> we have no raised hands. >> secretary: thank you. seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. so then we will need a vote on this. a motion and a vote. >> president: could you please call the roll. let's have a motion to approve this. is there a motion to approve continuation of remote
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meetings. [so moved]. >> president: all right. >> secretary: [roll call] okay. we are now on item three, the president's report. >> president: in consideration of the long meeting we anticipate today, i'm going to forego a president's report and wish you all simply a happy new year. >> secretary: okay. is there any public comment on the president's report? you can dial star three to be added to the queue to speak. any raised hands? >> we have no raised hands.
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>> secretary: seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. we are now on item four, general manager's report. >> good morning commissioners. happy 2022. because it's a long meeting, i will try to brief and move through a few updates rather quickly. we do want to share some of and highlight some of our accomplishments from the past year that were highlighted in our 2021 community report which can be done on our website i hope you've all had a chance to look through it. it's really a terrific summary of what was a challenging year. some of the capital highlights include the lisa and douglas goldman tennis field opening. willy woowoo wong water party re-opening. other program highlights included 38r.p.d. facilities
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that serve as community hubs and emergency care site in response to the pandemic. 58,000 hours of recreational programming were provided despite covid. over $300,000 in scholarships were provided to 740 people not including our free community hub and emergency child care operations and our free summer camp program which was part of the summer together initiative which served over 1,200 youth. over nearly 5,000 adults served through our community program and we had nearly 1, 500 volunteers. this was all done during covid and it's just terrific work done by our staff. so be sure to read the full report.
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last week commissioners mayor breed announced plan to make a mission to the conservatory of flowers and the japanese garden free. the proposal which will go before the board of supervisors would remove resident fees opening all three of golden gate park's specialty gardens otherwise known as the golden gate park. as you know, the san francisco botanical garden is already free to residents and i think in november and december, you recommended to the full board, the consolidation of the gardens so that the three gardens would operate more seamlessly as a campus and this is one of the benefits of that. we're really excited about it. this saturday, bayview casey
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jones playground officially opened. we're very excited for our first park opening of 2022. january 22nd from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. allowing you plenty of time to get home and watch the 9ers. a baseball exhibition at 3:15 and a city job fair throughout the day. the community opportunity fund and the outdoor recreation legacy partnership fund from
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california state parks along with a few of our other agency partners and community organizations and hamilton rec center from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. find the right job for you. for more information, visit or call 831-2726 or if that's all too confusing call 311 and they'll send you our way. speaking of hiring, work creation. youth hiring. we're currently accepting applications for our youth program. applications are being accepted for the summer of 2022. teens between 14 and 17 years
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old can work in our centers. gain valuable job skills bhiel making new friends and even earning a little bit of money. the application deadline is this friday, january 21st. this friday, january 21st, otherwise known as tomorrow. for more information and to apply, the application process is very easy. speaking of applications moving right along. we are accepting applications for our next cohort of "greenagers" we are looking for the next nineth or tenth graders living in southeast san francisco. this is a collaboration between rec and park and the port that runs from june through december. the program offers teens a chance to play an important role in the community by improving the green spaces,
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creating projects and more. they're paid a stiepen of up to $200 a month. for more information and to apply go to and visit our youth employment programs page. you'll hear a little bit more about this later on the agenda. but our annual budget meetings will occur virtually on monday, january 24th and monday, february 7th from 5:30 to 6:30. we invite the public to join us as we discuss preliminary plans. you can learn about our department's budget instructions over the next few years. for more information, please visit or stay tuned for the budget presentation later in the agenda. last, a really fun one, the united states postal service is going to release a fine arts
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stamp next month. so coming soon to a post office near you, you can keep an eye out for a beautiful palace which will be released to several other additions in mid february by our wonderful united states postal service. this priority mail express stamp celebrates this i conic architectural landmark and features a digital illustration. art director greg breeding designed the stamp. the stamp will be released in san francisco without a first day offish ceremony on valentine's day. if you love your city and your parks and your palace, you can buy a palace stamp on valentine's day. one final announcement, commissioners as we notified
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you a little earlier, are i'm very pleased to announce that we have a new park ranger chief, david murphy who started at the very beginning of the year. he is a very highly qualified law enforcement professional with an extensive san francisco background and a broader leadership experience as an accomplished military veteran. he was the commanding officer of the jail where he rose to the rank of captain and he has served 26 years rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel. he brings an exceptional depth in addition to his sterling professional dedication to all san franciscans. we're pleased we've got such a distinguished new chief. as you know our park security
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of our extensive parkland and rec facilities. dave is taking the reigns from marcus santiago who served as acting chief for almost an entire year while we went through this lengthy recruitment. so we're very appreciative and we're really excited to have dave aboard. and that concludes the general manager's report. happy new year. >> president: thank you. >> secretary: i see that commissioner mazzola has his hand raised. i also wanted to note that commissioner louie has joined the meeting so we now have all seven commissioners in the meeting. >> commissioner: sorry about that. technical difficulties. >> secretary: okay. and according to sfgov tv, we have no hands raised.
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but i'll make the announcement, we're taking public comment for the general manager's report. and sfgov tv just let me know if anyone raises their hand. >> we have no raised hands. >> secretary: okay. seeing no callers, public comment is closed. commissioner mazzola. >> commissioner: thank you. just a quick question for the general manager on his report. so i'm all for the free gardens, but i want to know how that affects our. >> we are not expecting a significant loss in revenues, commissioner. most of the visitors are
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nonresidents. we do get more residents that do pay admission to the conservatory of flowers, but we believe that the extra visitorship will allow us to be sustainable and as you know, this is a partnership with the san francisco botanical society and through the consolidation of the three gardens, we're also expecting to achieve some significant cost changes and includes some flex pricing for by offering san francisco residents to visit these beautiful treasures for free. >> commissioner: thank you. >> secretary: anything else, commissioners? thank you. we are now on item five. general public comment up to 15 minutes. this item will be continued to
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item 16. at this time, members of the public may address the commission on items that do not appear on the agenda. with respect to agenda items, you will have opportunity to address the commission when the item is reached in the meeting. if you're here for general public comment, press star three now to be added to the queue to speak. so it looks like we have one raised hand. so, stacy, if you want to start a two-minute timer when they begin speaking, that would be helpful. first caller. >> caller: good morning. my name's patricia eric. i'm a resident of d4 and i'm also a member of senior and disability action alliance. i'm calling about the two signs you've installed at heravail
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saying there is wheelchair access at rivera and pacheco. i request that you take these signs down. the asphalt ramps up to the bike path are not ada compliant in any way. in fact, they're very danger and invite another lawsuit. i use a walker. i would not be able to get up those ramps. they're too steep and they're
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in horrible condition. all of you should have a letter that i wrote that has some photographs and my letter has seven sections and one of the sections, i think it's number seven goes into more detail about how these ramps are dangerous and you need to take down those signs right now. thank you for listening. >> secretary: thank you. >> president: thank you. >> secretary: if anyone else would like to comment, you can dial star three? sfgov tv, did anyone else raise their hand in that time? >> we have no more raised hands. >> secretary: okay. seeing no further callers, public comment is now closed. we're now on item six, the consent calendar. commissioners, did you want to remove anything from consent? okay. we'll just need a motion and a
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vote. >> president: the chair would entertain a motion. >> commissioner: so moved. >> commissioner: second. >> president: then moved and seconded. of would the secretary please call the roll. >> secretary: [roll call] okay. so we are now on item seven, the san francisco zoo and i believe we have ingrid russel here doing a verbal presentation. so no visuals today. >> hi folks, can you hear me? >> president: yes. >> good morning. yes. this is ingrid russel. i'm the director of collections at the san francisco zoo. shall i move forward with my
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presentation? >> president: please do. >> thank you. okay. i'm giving an update about our mexican wolf exhibit. on saturday, january 15th, we received four female california -- excuse me mexican wolves from the california wolf center in southern california. these four are from the same litter, sisters, and will be exhibited together in the wolf canyon exhibit at the san francisco zoo. the wolf canyon open to the public on may 5th, 2016, as a renovation from a former bear exhibit. it's the exhibit that lies between the hearse grizzly gulch and the american black bear exhibit. when the exhibit opened in 2016, we had three male mexican
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wolves who were siblings and in the last couple of years, we've been down to just one animal and so in his best interest we moved him to an off exhibit area where we could closer manage him in his jerry at trick years and now we've received four females who are three and a half years old. so these female mexican wolves are not currently slated for breeding or released to the wild. we are just holding them for the species survival plan program. so a little background on mexican wolves. they are the smallest and southernmost occurring and rarest of the sub species of gray wolf in north america. the mexican wolf was listed as an endangered species in 1976.
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these wolves are part of a recovery plan and the ssp or species survival plan is part of the recovery plan. in 1976 when they were listed as endangered, there were only a total of seven animals and that was the start of the cap ittive breeding movement to get them rereleased to the wild. last year, excuse me, that was 2020. in 2021, there were almost 200 animals now in the population so that breeding and recovery plan has gone really well with releases that started in 1998 back to their native area. so they're found now in the southern united states and in northern mexico. so this is a big collaborative
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effort, the recovery plan and we're very proud and happy to be apart of it. so our senior male wolf, his name is david bowie, he was moved to a retirement habitat which is off exhibit and that space provides him a safe environment as he continues to age and so we're very happy and proud to have these four new girls. they are currently on exhibit. you may or may not see them if you come soon to the zoo as they're just getting used to their habitat. so they are given access to areas where they can't be viewed by the public if they're still not acclimated to their new space. so i think that's it in a nut shel for me, but i'm happy to take any questions you may
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have. >> if there's anyone on the call who would like to provide public comment on this item, you can dial star three to be added to the queue. and i think we have quite a few callers but no raised hands at the moment. is that right, sfgov? >> yes. we have no raised hands. >> secretary: okay. seeing no raiseded hands, public comment is closed. commissioners. >> president: i think we just have to accept that report. >> secretary: commissioner griffin has his hand raised. >> commissioner: yeah. i may not have heard you, but how old is david bowie? >> david bowie is 16 years old. >> commissioner: wow. thank you. >> you're welcome. yeah. he's living to a ripe old age. >> secretary: okay.
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great. >> it's a him. the pro noun is their or them not he because it's david bowie. >> oh, boy. >> president: moving right along. >> thank you. >> secretary: thank you, ingrid. as an announcement to the public in case you weren't here in the beginning, we're taking the agenda out of order. we were just on item seven. we'll be moving to item twelve, portsmouth square. and then we'll be moving to item 14, and then item eight and then item ten and then item nine. i'll try to say that again. the next item we're calling is portsmouth square. so if you're here from the public to speak on this item after the presentation, we will call for public comment.
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>> secretary: all right. cara, go for it. >> great. good morning, commissioners. can you hear me? >> secretary: yes. >> great. thank you. i'm the park manager with rec and park planning capital division. i have to start by saying i am so excited today. we have been planning for today's agenda item for a decade now. and specifically that agenda item is discussion and possible action to adopt findings of consistency with san francisco general plan in priority policies of san francisco planning code section 101.1 into approve a concept designed. the portsmouth square approval project. an approval by the commission is the approval designed by the san francisco administrative code chapter 31. i'm going to go ahead and share
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my screen. for today's presentation, bear with me, there's a lot to cover. it's a pretty complicated agenda item and they're wrapping a bunch of different things together. and i'll try to go as fast as i can though. the existing site and share the proposed project and the community engagement process will also give an overview of the environmental review process. to start, i just wanted to say it's really impossible to talk about portsmouth square and the importance of its history. it is also important to acknowledge that prior to the founding of the park, this loudoun is the ancestral home of the ramaytush ohlone people. portsmouth square is one of the san francisco's oldest public squares. it was established in the early 19th century and predates san francisco. it was originally just a plaza
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that served as a commercial hub of the early settlement of yerba buena. that settlement grew up around and adjacent to the yerba buena cove and i find this map just a really helpful visual way to understand why this plaza which was now a dozen blocks away from the water was essential to the early life of this early settlement. it originally was just one block from the edge of that cove. these early images from the 1840s should it's location in relationship to that wart. and just to note in these early images, you can also, and this happens across a lot of the earlier images. these early photographs show the square in 1861 and 1855.
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the square was sold to the city of san francisco at which time the land was developed into this more formal looking park on the right. it's very the finding of gold was first announced. it's very california was declared part of the union. and it was the site of the first city hall and california's first public school and it was also a refugee camp after the refugee earthquake and fire in 1906 portsmouth square kept that original lay out. the construction of the underground parking garage. a decade later, the
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redevelopment selected the group across the street designed by a chinese american architect clement chen. and members of the chinese community advocated to the hotel project to include a community space, a museum, and a ped privilege and portsmouth square to that building. also designed by clement chen. and the 1973, the chinese culture center opened. i want to call your attention to that image on the right. there's only a few years between the building of the garage and the openings of the park and the building of the bridge. and i feel like it's a little bit of a crystal ball now as one of the major elements that our proposed plan is re-opening the streets and the sidewalks around the park. for decades, the park has been both the symbolic heart of the
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bay area chinese american community as well as the locations of countless events, festivals, parades, and ceremonies. it all symbolically and regionally very important. portsmouth square is also significant in the day-to-day life. it is essential gatherings of chinatown or many people who consider portsmouth square as their living room. it's very common for chinatown residents to spend hours every day in the square. over the past couple of years during the pandemic, portsmouth square has been a place for free covid testing site, vaccination site, and also for the bay area as well as a gathering place to memorialize the victims of hate crimes. with that background, i want to move into the existing site. here is the plaza as it is
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today. turning to the bottom of the slide here and you can see the pedestrian bridge coming across canyon street and the entry to the garage is just right here off of kearny street. it spans the entire street and about half the park. and what i've dubbed into nooks and crannies some years ago. a small community clubhouse is currently located under the bridge right here. here's another view where you can clearly see the garage and tree along the bottom here and in this photo, you can see how the garage structure or you can start to see how the garage structure influences the park
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above it. when the garage was built, it was naturally built into the hillside of the neighborhood and it steps up the hill at the roof level creating two levels of the roof which then creates two levels of the park as the park sits on the roof top of the garage. just a couple quick existing images, this is the upper plaza on the upper terrace. it is just a big open plaza with a restroom building, childrens play area. lots of benches. it also includes the entry to that bridge and the garage elevator structure. on the park's lower level, here's the view of the clubhouse. here it is today with the bridge coming over it and across the street. and there's also a smaller children's play area on the lower level and a lot of smaller spaces, those nooks and cranny spaces i was talking
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about. starting into the proposed project now, the concept plan is a result of a long community outreach project that started back in 2015 with a feasibility analysis and stakeholder interviews. we continue to the project with a listening exercise in 2015 and continuing into a participatory design process. we did all of this outreach in both english and cantonese. it consisted of sitting down with key stakeholders and one-on-one interviews. we also interviewed park users which are on the ground conversations with park users while they were actively in the park and we also did an online survey. we reached over 500 individuals for initial information. during this phase, we asked a
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myriad of questions such as where do you feel safe and unsafe in the park? do you use the bridge? how do you approach the park? would you like more programming in the clubhouse? we also asked people to share which specific areas of the site they had positive and negative associations with. the image on the left is a heat map of sorts showing negative and positive feedback areas. we heard over and over that the bridge wasn't used by park users and that the clubhouse should be bigger. these were two of the top priorities that stood out in the feedback we received. our next up in the community outreach was to use all of the data we collected with the community over the course the
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feedback we heard continuing to be true and each time the message was very clear that a larger clubhouse and removing the bridge were top priorities. so on to the proposed plan. i'll now give you a quick tour around the project highlighting the main features as i go. in terms of an overall concept and inspiration for the project. the park was inspired by a traditional chinese jewel box. these boxes contain treasures and each space inside the box was a specific size designed specifically to that shape of the treasure and that size of the treasure. the park uses this concept to define the spaces in the park. this larger image is a bird's eye view of the park. from that same angle, you've just previously seen and you
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can continue to see the garage entries. you should also immediately notice that the bridge is no longer crossing kearney and we have a large clubhouse on that northeast corner. and the plan here is the same angle you had again with kieran street on the bottom. i'm going to go ahead and show you -- i'm going to go into detailed images and start here at the upper plaza and take you on a tour around the site. and the end. on the upper plaza, we were planning for a multi-use plaza. that also features the existing restroom building, a stage, and a light system above.
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it's anchored by a large structure on the eastern edge, but also provided for a more intimate gatherings below. the structure is contemporary, but also includes curbed roof lines from traditional chinese architecture. these are a few more images showing the space and all of the new seating opportunities here. each of the shade structures a ramp and grand stair where there is a more active zone with a children's play area and adult fitness area. the main playground sculptural element is the gold mountain. it's titled for san francisco given by early chinese immigrants. the design is the idea of a terrace hill which we imagine the memories of early chinese immigrants, homeland, and
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agricultural field. both levels of the park have direct entries into the clubhouse. the lighting inside the clubhouse is designed so the lighting will act as a lantern. the lower level is a large assembly level while the upper level has smaller meeting rooms, a reception area and smaller space. with mock-ups of how different events of programs could work inside. the upper side of the clubhouse which is right in the middle of the image attaches to the backside of the existing garage
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elevators. so it feels like a cohesive and single building. in these images, you can see the elevator doors over here against this building and the entry court into the park. these are beautiful images to share the concept of the planting design which also expresses the chinese culture with orient alpines, flowering magnolias and chinese french trees. the planting has been specifically selective for seasonal flowering to coincide with the annual lunar new year's celebration. following the community outreach process, rec and parks committed the concept to the planning department required under ceqa. it's considered a significant and unavoidable environmental impact.
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as the bridge is historically significant under ceqa. the loss of this resource requires that the environmental impact report be prepared. the e.i.r. was notified and publicly reviewed under ceqa guidelines and the planning commission certified the final e.i.r. and the rec and park commission is asked to adopt the and monitoring and reporting park grounds. all projects within e.i.r. level of environmental review of the commission adopts findings summarizing the ceqa determination. a statement of overriding considerations is only required where an impact cannot be reduced to a less than significant level through mitigations. ceqa ask that the decision makers consider this and make a statement stating that the benefits of the project outweigh its impacts.
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after today's hearing, the project team will be finalizing the construction documents and we will submit the plans to d.b.i. in the spring. we hope to start bids for the project end of the year and start construction in 2023. we estimate construction will last approximately two years. and transit center developer impact fees. we also received a generous donation to plan the project's sustainability features. prior to concluding, i just want to recognize that i know there's a lot of people to speak about the project. i want to thank them for coming today, but also their partnership over the past decade without these amazing advocates and community members who have been a true prayer to us. we would have not had such an incredible outreach project
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that was inclusive and thorough. and to conclude, staff does recommend adoption of ceqa findings, and the approval of the concept design for the portsmouth square improvement project. thank you, commissioners for your time today, i'm happy to answer any questions that you have. >> secretary: thank you, cara, i know we have a few people with raised hands. but if you're here to speak on the portsmouth square item, dial star three to enter the queue. you'll have two minutes to speak. and we'll take the first caller now. >> caller: hello. am i on? >> president: you are. >> caller: oh, good. i'm lucky. this is reverend norman fong, a
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long time advocate and supporter of rec and park and their love and care for portsmouth square. i'm here to represent the presbyterian church in chinatown. i hope you receive from pastor don ham hammon, our record. anyway. do the right thing. we love portsmouth square. and i'm looking forward to don't erase it now, there's supposed to a stage in there. it is our living room. it is all our main events. yeah. and so power to you guys. let's get it done. amen. >> thank you, norman. >> secretary: thank you.
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next speaker. >> caller: good morning, commissioners. this is allen lowe on behalf of the committee for better parks and recreation for chinatown. cbprc wholeheartedly supports the portsmouth square improvement project. thank you for this long torturous project. this is the final lap of a ten year journey. the concept before you is the product of two community needs assessment reports, environmental impact report, over 100 stakeholder meetings, over five community workshops. each were attended by over 100 community members. we have spent over $2 million in soft costs. this concept plan is made by the community, will be an essential space for the community and will be the centerpiece for chinatown.
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now, there are some out there who might hold on to the brutalist architecture and save it for the kierany street pedestrian bridge. one of the biggest planning mistakes is to build the pedestrian bridge. by removing this pedestrian bridge, you will create an urban vista. you'll bring sunlight in a dark space. you'll open up an additional 10,000 open feet. will create a 9,000 community center that will provide expanded services. a place to breathe during bad air quality days, a center to combat food insecurity and a place for voters to exercise the right to vote. commissioners, this is an opportunity to build a better
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portsmouth square that serve and be a trophy centerpiece for the community. please improve the portsmouth square project. >> president: let me make a comment that i want to thank former commissioner lowe. i think portsmouth square would not be where it is today without former commissioner lowe's active participation. so thank you for your testimony. >> commissioner: here here. >> secretary: thank you. next speaker. >> caller: hi. good morning, commissioners. i'm the director of social services with self-help for. i over see the programs we
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operate at the clubhouse. we have been attending rec and park for over ten years now and it was a huge barrier to allowing us to use the clubhouse for much needed programses. and we are very excited about the near portsmouth square with increase much larger and much more functional clubhouse. and portsmouth square is one of the most important landmarks for chinatown and we had many important community events that were held there and during the pandemic, it was used as testing and vaccination sites, food distribution sites and also community events like stop
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anti-asian hate rallies, walkathons, sfpd night out. and we can't imagine chinatown without a functional resilient park that improves the community center and workers who live, work, and play there. and please approve the portsmouth square improvement project and our community has been waiting for portsmouth square for many years for additional outdoor spaces that are essential for community mentally and also spiritually. portsmouth square is crucial for chinatown and the entire community and we will be able to enjoy the benefit officer the new portsmouth square. and thank you, supervisor peskin, rec, park, and planning, department staff for working so closely with the community. thank you very much.
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>> secretary: thank you. next speaker. >> caller: good morning commissioners. i'm a senior community organizer from the chinatown community development center. i'm speaking on behalf of a thousand families in chinatown. for the past decade, our family participated in each one of the improvement workshops for portsmouth square. we input our opinion. we actually voted for our favorite design. although this was not an election, it was a democratic process for us. our community agreed to tear down the bridge and let more sunshine shine through the area and also we want more space and sunlight and fresh air to that neighborhood and in order to provide a safer space. the space off the bridge to extend the gracious bright
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community room to host different activities. portsmouth square is a landmark of san francisco, it's also our living room. we can't wait to see the improved renovated portsmouth square. commissionerses, this project is our project. it's something that belongs to our community. please certify the concept eventual design and we can proudly let the community know it was developed by each one of us. thank you so much. special shout out to all the rec and park staff that were involved in this project. thank you so much. >> secretary: thank you. next speaker. >> caller: good morning, commissioners. i'm the executive director of the chinese culture center and chinese foundation san francisco. our mission is to elevate underserved communities and be a voice for quality through providing access to arts and education.
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and we are also located across from portsmouth square inside the hudson hotel on the third floor. and the access point to our galleries and programming sites and i'm calling here today with the foundation support of the portsmouth square redesign and removal of the bridge and joining many of our community voices and leaders here today. because of the project is so vitally important for the community and the redesign will be transformative because it will open up portsmouth square, create greater access and we are excited about the increased opportunities for arts and culture programming through a larger out door space for our community. and portsmouth square is a hub for the communities residents and visitors and is a starting point for the chinatown history and heart work which wants students to be immersed in the history and has the site for
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>> like many chinatown residents, we love hanging out with family and friends at portsmouth square and bringing our kids and grandchildren to the playground and participating in community meetings and events like the portsmouth square. portsmouth square is the go to location for the chinatown residents to receive essential services. currently one of the covid testing sites is operating in this park. as a living resident of
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chinatown, portsmouth square can do more than what it's providing for the community. furthermore, our community needs a bigger indoor space. so we have a safe space to stay during rainy days. we strongly urge the commission to uphold the portsmouth square project. thank you. >> if there's anyone else on the call who didn't raise their hand to speak on item 12, dial star 3 to be added to the queue. next speaker. >> caller: good morning, commissioners. i'm a planner at chinatown
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community development center. we helped thousands of residents. provides resident services and supports tenant organizing. we strongly support portsmouth square improvement project and removal of the private pedestrian bridge over kearney street. i'm asking the commission to certify the e.i.r. you heard from many of the portsmouth square -- residents in chinatown, who are seniors who live in tiny s.r.o. units rely on this space. the covid-19 shutdown where we saw so many residents shifted to small living spaces are examples
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of why portsmouth square is important. a new square is important because of indoor facility which has the potential for both shelter and community activation. this process has taken an entire decade. in the last 10 years, the community played a large role in advocacy and designing and planning of our living room from one-on-one interviews and fighting for a $64 million fund for the implementation i wanted to thank the supervisor peskin's office and the parks department staff who supported the process and worked closely with the community. we implore the commission to certify the e.i.r. and the design.
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>> caller: good morning commissioners. i strongly support the portsmouth square improvement project. we've worked in the chinatown community on air quality, food insecurity and worked with development. portsmouth square is an important green space for the community. chinatown -- portsmouth square is a critical space for community resilience in cases of extreme cold as well as poor air quality days. portsmouth square improvement project would help support the environmental equity in chinatown. the chinatown community has been engaged in extensive process with public workshops and strong
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support for the improvement project. we urge the commission to adopt the funding for the funding from the environmental impact report. >> clerk: i want to double check. anyone else on the call who like to comment you can dial star 3. seeing no further callers, public comment is closed. commissioners?
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>> president buell: is there a series of votes we need to take? >> clerk: i don't think there's a series of votes -- >> president buell: one resolution will do it? >> clerk: any discussion? >> i like so say something. i want to -- i'm so excited that -- i want to thank all the callers. the community has spoken. i want to give a special thanks to former commissioner allen lowe. he's been a leader as well as supervisor peskin. this is long awaited by the community. i don't think we waited for anything longer. that took 10 years. the only thing that will miss that bridge is the pigeons that
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stood on the bridge. i'm excited for the community. played in that park. my parents or grandparents sent us there. we had nowhere else to be sent. i can't sit here -- it's so exciting for are the community. thank you rec and park, thank you everyone for making this become real. >> president buell: mr. general manager? >> thank you commissioner louie for acknowledging tara. i wanted to tara as well. tara has worked on the playground and now portsmouth square and just has given so much of her career to really important space in chinatown and does it so gracefully and
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thoughtfully. i want to thank her. i want to thank lot of rec and park colleagues who were involve in this project. it wasn't just kara, or just me, there was a lot of work that goes into a project as challenging as this one. i want to also really thank you for the community for sticking with us for being patient for offering so much constructive input in what you want out of portsmouth square and willing to fight take this bridge down to create a better community space for everyone. to that end. special tip to the hat commissioner for guidance along the way. we're excited for the project that we have. we're thrilled to begin working on it. thank you. >> president buell: thank you. any other comments from
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commissioners? commissioner anderson? >> vice president anderson: i wanted to make the motion. >> commissioner griffin: i recently read a book about the black plague of 1918. portsmouth square was dead center this book that square was used for testing and just a lot of stuff. this was throughout the entire book. i wanted to thank kara for the presentation. obviously, all your work that went into it. the enthusiasm that came from the community is special for me. this is the first time as a commissioner on this commission, that i've seen public input like that. congratulations to the community. >> president buell: thank you, commissioner. i don't see any other hands up. commissioner anderson, did i
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want to make that motion? commissioner louie seconded that motion. >> vice president anderson: i was hoping she would join in. i want to give kudos to the community. the people have spoken. it's one of the most impressive community surveys and participation activation, innovation i've ever seen. in honor of the community and the community stakeholders that were listed as sponsors and supporters and by the way, no opposition and our colleagues, former commissioner allen lowe, i like to move adoption of the findings under ceqa, adoption findings of consistency with the san francisco general plan and priority policies of san francisco planning code section 101.1 and approval of the
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portsmouth square improvement project conceptual plan and approval of award of construction on track. kara, i think that covers the bases right? i see a smile. >> president buell: thank you commissioner anderson. >> i like to second that motion. >> president buell: it's been moved and seconded. please call the roll. >> clerk: yes. [roll call vote] thank you. that's unanimous. before we move on to the next item, which is the san francisco park alliance item 14, i like to announce that my colleague,
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stacy white will be taking over for a little white why i attend to a nap. my computer will stay on but stacy will be handling the meeting until i return. thank you very much, stacy. >> clerk: we're on item 14, san francisco parks alliance fy 21-22 annual support, accept and expend. >> good morning commissioners. i'm lisa bransten. i'm here to present an item on the annual support on the san francisco parks alliance for year 21-22. before i get into the presentation, i wanted to correct a typo in the agenda language and note that the approval is actually for $90,000 as noted in the staff report.
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not $70,000 which mistakenly got put in the agenda language. i would ask that you amend that part of the language when you take the action item at the conclusion of my presentation. the action item today is discussion and possible action to authorize the san francisco recreation and park commission to accept and expend up to $90,000 of cash or in-kind grants for annual support for community events, staff development and appreciation, recreation, programming and other activities. from the parks alliance for fiscal year 21-22. let me share my screen. i will move quickly through this presentation. i wanted to give a little bit of background because this is
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something that the commission has seen before. i wanted to give a little explanation why. i thought it's helpful to give a quick timeline. as most of you will recall, in may of 2021, the commission approved an m.o.u. between department and the san francisco park alliance that requires quarterly reporting and budgeting. as soon as that m.o.u. was approved, we then came to commission to ask for recommendations to the board of supervisors but the board accept $118,000 in annual support from the parks alliance. as you know, any grant of ohed more than $10 million requires 10000 -- hundred$100,000.
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in park we came back. because the budget process and the august recess. the department very much needed the $25,000 to pay the green acreage program. we asked for a $25,000 advance on the support in order to pay the stipend. in november 2021 the item was board at the board of supervisors audit and oversight committee. the item was tabled at the call of the chair. we worked closely to our commitment to not take any retroactive funding.
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we have not expended any funds out of the support. we have paused several important department programs. today, we're here because given that we are nearly seven month into the fiscal year and we didn't expect this year for covid to have the quite the impact it has had. there's no possible way that we're going to spend over $100,000 out of this funding. we've come back to the commission for approval to spend $90,000 of this fund. i'll take you through what exactly that's for in a second. i wanted to do two things. i wanted to also flag for this commission that we're in process with the much more robust budgeting process around these funds. we do expect to come back in the
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next couple of months for approval to -- this would go back to the board for approval to spend annual support funding from the parks alliance for fiscal year 22-23. that will require your approval and then the board of supervisors' approval. before i get to line item budget, i will very quickly go through the main items that this will support. you see lot of this before. one very important project that this support is our bench program. i don't know if it has to do with covid or that both organizations are robustly staffing this program, but the bench program is going like gang busters. we continue to run this partnership which i think is an important public service during
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covid. our carpenter shop is very much in need of the funding that is used not just to repair and refurbish commemorative benches but all park benches in the city. the funding supports community events. we didn't have the funding to support the tree lighting. we had a little less funding. we fully intend to runnel extravaganza this year. this funding will be important to do what we call philanthropy.
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we've not been using the rockwall for several months because we haven't had access to funds to do that safety inspection. the green ages provided funding for. there's small amount of money in this request for staff development and employee appreciation. which is really an important way we celebrate our team. now i will go quickly through a line item budget. you'll see that because the commission already approved the green acres request, this is really a request for $65,000 in new funding. the bulk of that funding will go towards the bench maintenance. go to carpenter and maintenance
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yard to allow them to purchase materials and supplies for bench maintenance. we'll use $15,000 for extravaganza and community events. then $15,000 for the rockwall and mclaren park that i mentioned before. very small amounts of funds for the other bunts which are employee recognition and appreciation, staff development, volunteer programs and park programs and operations. that is the presentation for today. i'm happy to take any questions. thank you so much. >> clerk: thank you lisa. sfgov tv, do you have any callers on the line? >> we have one.
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>> caller: greetings commissioners and rec and park staff. this is kyrsten from park alliance. i'm a staffer and parent of two young kid in the city. i'm calling in to say how proud i am of our 50-year partnership. partnership includes the annual fund support that you just heard about from staff it's important events and community programming like the extravaganza coming up soon and the green acres program and youth employment program. that keeps kids all across the city engaged and doing great work. not only for our city but for themselves and their families. i wanted to encourage you to vote today to accept these funds and put this money to work to make our fantastic parks and programming even better. thank you very much for all that you do. we're proud to be partners with
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you. >> president buell: thank you. >> clerk: any callers on the line, if you like to comment on this item, please star 3. >> we have no new raised hands. >> clerk: seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. commissioners, any questions? >> president buell: go ahead larry. you're on mute commissioner griffin. >> commissioner griffin: i did have one question. where is the carpenter shop does the work on the benches? >> the carpenter shop is in the structural maintenance yard in golden gate park. if you haven't seen it, i'm sure they would love for you to have a look. it is amazing hidden park of
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golden gate. >> commissioner griffin: i have to get direction. >> commissioners we're happy to arrange that. some of you been there many times. for those who haven't, we'll be happy to arrange a tour of our structural park. it's an incredible sight. >> president buell: the chair would entertain a motion which modifies the stated motion on the agenda to approve and accept and expend up to $90,000 of cash. >> so moved. >> second. >> president buell: moved and seconded. would the secretary please call the roll.
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>> clerk: yes. [roll call vote] >> president buell: thank you. >> clerk: we are on item 8, recreational and park department budget. >> good morning commissioners. i'm antonio guerra. some of you might remember me from my previous role as the capital finance manager for the department. i am excited to talk about this upcoming year's budget process for fiscal year 22-23 and 23-24. i know we have a packed agenda today but i will keep it brief.
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i will take you through four specific items. on proposition b, the city's fiscal outlook and mayoral direction and fiscal outlook as well as budget planning for the next month and the outreach schedule. the purpose of the budget cycle is to accomplish the goals and objectives for the fiscal year. there's three phases. we're in phase one. we're developing the proposed budget. this will come back to you as part of february commission. february 22nd we will submit a balanced budget to mayor breed. if this was a relay race, we'll pass the baton for mayor breed and her staff. they will review it, they will
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come up with proposed changes. the budget will be enacted some time in july and it will be signed in august and that is the completion of this cycle. we are in phase one, planning it all out. the other thing you can hear when we talk about the budget and the department is proposition b. what proposition b states rec park receives minimum amount. $3 million annually through fiscal year 2025-26. the baseline is adjusted by the increase and decrease and aggregate city revenues. the other item that really helps the department is part of proposition b, it extended the open space fund until 2046.
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open space fund essentially captures 2.5 cents for every assessed property value in san francisco. we're going to be talking about these later on in the meeting. prop b mandated equity metrics and long-term plan that guide the budget process. they establish a baseline. existing reck park services and disadvantaged communities compared to services and resources available in the city as a whole. we have a five-year strategic plan and operational plan and capital expenditure plan in are adopted every budget cycle. the department uses the following commission approved budget principles to guide budget development. we make budget choices over the next 24 hours that after covid-19 public health guidance and align with department strategic man and commitment to
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equity. we will continue the essential role parks play during the pandemic by ensuring spaces remain safe, clean and accessible. we will preserve programs and services that support equitable park access, recreation and youth development and vulnerable populations. we'll honor voter investment in parks and facilities by minimizing cuts for maintenance. we will uphold our responsibility as stewards. we'll pursue new ideas and improved service delivery, operational efficiency. let's talk about the fiscal outlook and direction for mayor breed. the take away from this slide is that on the whole, things look good. if you look at the green section in the city's joint report, the
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projected cumulative surplus in fiscal year 22-23 is $26.2 million. the following year is $81.9 million. that's $108.1 million over the next two budget years. i've been working for the city for over a decade. it's been 20 years since we started off as a surplus. there's been overall growth in revenue. we had lot of strength in real property transfer taxes. there have been weaknesses in business taxes due to the softening of the economy. we have received new sources that make up some of these tax losses including federal relief for pandemic response as well as new taxes. the big one that really helps is that there have been significant ongoing savings due are record return in the san francisco retirement system.
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reduced pension cost equaling $46 million, represent the largest change in expected cost growth. that's $46 million if we were just level on retirement, fiscal year 22-23, we will be starting the year in deficit overall in the city. finally, there's been constrain on ongoing cost growth. the last budget they made lot of significant one-time investments. they were able it limit new ongoing cost growth. the things to look out for when it comes to these projections, there are risks in uncertainty. covid-19 variants and costs, public health response, the case of recovery continue to impact on the local economy as well as market volatility. we have been told by the mayor these are the four priorities for her budget. she wants to restore vibrant icy
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in san francisco. she wants to focus on the recovery of the local economy driven by the return of residents, tourists and office workers to downtown and public spaces, small businesses and housing production. reprioritize funding to improve delivery. she wants accountability and equity in programming, services and spending. as a department, we were instructed to deliver a budget that has no mandatory reduction. i underlined this phrase. we're always asked if there's potential for layoffs. we don't anticipate. there shouldn't be layoffs. we've been asked not to increase general fund support. we've been told to get back to basics. utilize existing budget and fill current funding vacancies.
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focus on programs that produce meaningful and equitable results. we have open space fund as well as general fund support from the city. let's talk about our own budget overview. take away from this slide, this is an overview of our budget base end on what we spend it on. it's $223 million to start. but the key is, the biggest slice is 59% of our budget that's $131 million, that's salaries, the cost of retirement, that's the cost of healthcare, people provide our services in this department. the other two large slices are non-personnel in the supplies budget which are used for itemss that make this department run as well as services of other departments which is $31 million and the big cost driver there is
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work orders or interdepartmental service agreements, san francisco public utilities commission, wastewater and power. will speak more about that later. this slide shows the distribution of staffing by f.t.e. we have 968 full-time equivalent positions, which essentially means how many positions work 40 hours a week. on average. park maintenance, 49% of our staffing followed by the other big two recreation 20% and instructional maintenance 11%. this slide is a focus on our big three revenues. general fund baseline, and our earned program revenues. you can see my mouse if i will
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attempt to perform tell traitors work. there's five lines here. this was the last pre-pandemic year. this is our actual revenue this that year, fiscal year 19-20. fiscal year 2021 actual revenues, which is a year that was fully affected by the pandemic. current budgeted number and what we have in the base budget. if i can walk you through this. general fund baseline is in green. for the most part, this is steady. we get an additional $3 million a year, it was flat this year in 2021 because the deficit was larger than $200 million. this is a steady rise and same with the open space fund. our property taxes have been seeing consistent increases in the city and county of san francisco. but the variability in our
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budget and the big change that we have to plan for has been earned in program revenue. $51.8 million in 18-19. we seen a slow and steady decline. if you look at last year, we only received $29.6 million. that is a major drop off. in the current budget, we have budgeted $49 million of earned in program revenue that is roughly comparable to fiscal year 18-19. pretty similar. we've assumed this year that we're coming back relatively close to where we were prior to covid-19 and then in 22-23 in the base, we've assumed a larger increase in revenue base on assumption we'll provide more programming and that revenue would return to normal. this is the big revenue number.
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how much money in earned in program reverend -- revenue money. details pretty much across the board, when you look at all those categories, there's been a reduction. $51.8 million in 18-19, down to $29.6 million in 20-21, there's a loss of $22 million. the one bright spot has been golf. golf is a port you can play covid-19 and not worry too much about the potentially getting sick. that was an increase, $3 million. everything else was pretty much big hit. our program fees went down, $5 million. this is a major issue for us to be concerned about.
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let talk about the budget planning for the department and the schedule. changes to the original 22-23 budget, we've seen savings due to pension fund returns. we will see an increase in open space fund revenue beyond who was included in the base. to the negative, we have city departmental service costs increases including sfpuc power rates. we're also going to need to pay for recycled water in golden gate park. actually starting this year. we have to start accounting for that in the budget next year. still to be determined, how much we'll see in earned in program revenue in fiscal year 22-23. next steps in development, we'll analyze all those potential revenue changes we have solicited program enhancement and efficiency proposals from the rest of the department we
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will complete budget outreach and the commission approval process. we'll submit to the mayor balanced budget proposal on february 27th. outreach schedule, we completed budget brown bag. we'll have our first community budget meeting next week. we will update the operation committee february 3rd, have another committee budget meeting. full commission will consider the budget february 17th. then we will submit a budget june 1st. i like to thank you and take any questions that you might have. >> clerk: if there's anyone listening on line and you like to comment on the department budget presentation, please dial star 3.
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>> we have no raised hands. >> clerk: item number 8 is closed for public comment. this was for discussion only. >> president buell: any comments from the commissioners. commissioner mazzola, go ahead. >> commissioner mazzola: thank you for that presentation about the budget. i had question and may be i missed the answer or you don't have it at this point. may be the general manager has it. it's about filling current vacancies. that's been a problem across-the-board in the city with not back filling positions. it may be less of a problem rec
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and park. you say there's 968 full-time positions. how many are vacant? >> it's a really -- i can give little bit of context for what's really a good question. during covid, lot of the hr function in the city slowed down a little bit because there was more focus on emergency response. sort of training and administering our essential workers and first responder program that the city was required to implement due to covid. that certainly had an impact on the city's hr function. another thing that contributed about number of vacancies is the
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budget that antonio presented. part of the way we were able to avoid, this is draw in many departments -- having to lay people off. we kept vacant positions, vacant little bit longer and dialed up what is called our attrition savings. we are very hopeful given some good news that we've gotten in this budget that we're going to be able to lower air attrition targets with covid subsiding and our very tired, beleaguered excellent hr division to shift from making sure people are vaccinated, making sure that they are fulfilling their covid command center jobs and disaster service worker jobs, where they can go back to normal business of recruitment and hiring. you'll see some of those
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vacancies. that was part of the mayor's budget instruction when antonio put up the slide that said return to core basic functions. i think that's what he was alluded to. she is signaling that it is time to get back to work and time to fill the vacant positions you got. we are very -- we're working hard on that. >> commissioner mazzola: i appreciate that answer. i think it's important for the public to know, we are going to back fill those positions so they can get those services they deserve in rec and park. i'm happy to hear that. if you do find out those numbers how many 968, can you shoot me an e-mail later? >> you got it.
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antonio, do you think what our attrition was during covid? >> i have to look at the back fill. i know our attrition rate was around 12% in the current budget. >> you can start -- we'll get out more specific numbers, you can start with that figure. that's the amount of salary savings we're expected to basically -- even though we were given a budget, we're expected to save 12% of our salary budget through attrition. part of this is natural because when somebody leaves, given civil service system, it does take some time to hire a replacement position. sometimes they leave and don't actually separate or retire. they are no longer coming to work and using up their vacation or various approved leaves. that keeps us from essentially
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filling the position too. we're pretty confident. we've been working hard this year just in case you haven't heard specifically commissioner mazzola. we filled our -- [ indiscernible ] there's some good news on the horizon on that front. we'll get you a specific number. >> commissioner mazzola: thank you guys. >> vice president anderson: nice to see you there, antonio. i don't want do get into long discussion on this. i wonder if you might say couple of things about this for the listening public. i was particularly interested in the item of about basically paying for water and things like that. my understanding is that water usage by city hall supposed to be free to the city.
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i may be wrong about that. is there some -- it seem like a pretty significant number. >> antonio will try to provide the technical context and i can offer commentary. >> i don't know the answer regarding city hall. we pay for water for almost everywhere except for shar park which is not part of the sfpuc commission. we pay the water we're -- wastewater and power. the costs has gone up. hickly -- historically we used to have interruptible rate that we would pay because water service can be interrupted during drought conditions. that rate has gone away and there's been a steady increase
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converting golden gate park and others to recycled water. we will not be issuing portable water anymore. this is one of the main areas. >> vice president anderson: than k you for that information. i'm proponent of p.u.c. decreasing rates to s.f. rec and park. >> president buell: any other comments or questions? seeing none, that was an information item only. thank you very much. >> just quickly, i didn't
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realize this was antonio's first presentation. antonio has been with the department for a long time as our capital finance manager and before that actually worked on our operations budget for a while. he has a breath of experience and came from the mayor's office back in the day and was selected after a quite competitive process to be our next director of finance and administration. in addition to preparing our budget, antonio receives our hr division purchasing i.t. and administrative functions.
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>> clerk: thank you thank you, i'm back. as a reminder to those watching and listening, we are taking agenda out of order. we finished up item 8. we will move to item 10 and then item 9. we are on item 10, operational plan. >> good morning everyone. thank you so much for hanging in on this long meeting. i am going to share my screen now. can you see it?
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that is a 5-year look ahead. then prop b says, in that five years, what are we really going to do commence or complete, in the next midterm. then the capital plan in january and all of that planning feeds into the budget. we shall repeat this annually for 30 years. this year, however, when we went to do the equity there was a lot of activity around the equity space.
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our methodology is founded on definition of census tracks. that was complicated for us. they released an undate that included what the census was. that was another complication. controller conducted an audit of the strategic plan and equity. this was planned. it said and the fourth year that they should come in and evaluate the degree to which we said we done we will do. we complied with the deadlines and in overall assessment of our progress. that came out.
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there were recommendations of how to improve our analysis that we want to implement. the fifth year of our five-year strategic plan, we have ongoing covid uncertainty and resource strain and some staffing shortages in the planning division. all together, i googled an image of perfect storm, all of these forces all together resulted in a decision to take the current year to reflect, report and prepare for the next 5-year strategic plan cycle. as such, i will be reporting on -- as of today, we are still have an active relevant time strategic plan here in fy '22.
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we are proceeding with the equity analysis commission last year. we have an operational plan and capital plan that are relevant for this period. i want to remind everyone that the charter says every budget cycle we shall report on the operational plan give an assessment of progress on the last one. that is what i do do today. as of the end of december, which is just six months into our current approved operational plan, we had about 41 of the initiatives that were in the strategic plan were excited to be in that midterm period.
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13 were completed and 8 are in progress. that is just about half that we were able to commence or complete during this period. the charter also indicates there should be reporting on equity related initiatives in the operational plan and there were 12 equity related initiatives of which forward complete. as you can see here, for example, in play, there are five initiatives that are still pending. that makes sense because so much play, so much of our regular work in play was distorted by the pandemic. i want to hit one thing that we did in each of the strategies
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that that we were able to accomplish to supplier in places. we have implemented a strategy to recognize and separate native american culture. there's even more than that. we're working with the american indian cultural center on francisco and built a relationship with them to partnership on other projects as well. we completed the tennis center, we have a classroom for the t.l.c. program. home grown program that provides tennis instruction and tutoring. we're excited to extend that to middle school.
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despite all the economic challenges, our partnership division has been able to close fundraising on let's play and 150. that's been a success. stewardship, we were able to -- we're am done. operations wanted to count it as done in the implementation of our recycled water project, which you heard about today. we're looking forward to this environmental pivot.
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that's it, very short and sweet. i'm happy to take questions and right after this item, we will do the capital plan. >> clerk: before discussion, i will take public comment on this item. if there's anyone on the line who like to comment, dial star 3 to be added to the queue to speak. >> there's no raised hands. >> clerk: seeing no one with their hands raised, public comment is closed. >> president buell: any comments or questions? commissioner louie?
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>> commissioner louis: i was to thank you very much, taylor. it's so inspiring that inspiring investment piece. you're investing back in our youth. >> president buell: any other comments or questions? i don't see any. taylor, thank you very much. on ward and upward. >> clerk: item 9, capital expenditure plan. >> hello commissioners. i'm just getting my screen up. i'm stacy bradley. i'm the acting director of capital and planning. i'm pleased to bring you our capital expenditure plan today.
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are you able to see the presentation? >> clerk: there's a strange -- there was a strange clicking sound in the background. make sure you're on mute. >> since taylor and antonio both gave you an excellent overview, i'm going to be pretty quick on this piece and dive right into our plan. the plan is comprised of forum different attachments. they were all part of the staff report. the presentation highlights many
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of our projects and accomplishments over the past year. we're planning on for the next two years. these are some of our strategic plan initiatives that we are focused on in the division. we are working on completing all named project for the 2012 bond. we are almost there. rossi is about to open. we're working on implementing the $239 million bond funds that was approved in 2020. we have our first bond sale and we're working on all of the named projects and some of the programs as well. you just heard the approval for portsmouth square. a huge milestone. i want to thank kara and the community. we're in the midst of
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remediation. we're very close opublishing equitable development plan in completing the m.o.u. these will be complete next time i'm here. we have kicked off 11th and natoma. which is our new park in selma. we're working on a developer and pool in gene friend annex. we have designed and constructed two nature play areas in nature division areas of equity zone. we have one opened up. it's a lovely new space. we also have one that's part of our bayview playground to renovation that's in bayview in the same areas at mlk pool.
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we are currently looking for locations for senior center in the southeast. we're actively working on our next acquisition opportunity. we have a few more initiatives here that are complete opening of the g.d.p. tennis center. we are breaking ground on middle lake this coming year. we have been working very closely on looking at traffic and safety with ways we could not have anticipated pre-pandemic. we're excited to bring that forward this year. we are working on opening san francisco park. that closed to completion. we are almost complete with the let's play program. we have three mur projects. one will be before you shortly.
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one that will be before you shortly for construction contract. we have some new outdoor fitness planning on opening up. we have new outdoor equipment in bayview. we're getting closer to publishing the environmental document for lake merced west. we are complete for assessment marina east and getting an environmental contractor on board to the the environmental review. here are some of our general obligation bond process. 2008 is done. 2012 is really close to being done. as i noted, gene and rossi is
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the last one. it's getting close to completion. we also have our -- we are doing the work for the 2020 bond. you can see, we have the 72% of the allocated funding within our equity zone and with five named parks and eight programs. here's some accomplishments over the past year. george give opened, garfield opened, bayview opened, lake merced have all opened. in construction, our francisco south sunset and rossi. you can see the water is now in the pool at rossi and the field is now nearing completion. within our equity zones -- these
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images got messed up -- merced heights, amphitheater, bayview, playground renovation, and shoreview playground that we wanted to highlight among others. our general fund set aside, has been keeping our operations very busy. you can see on the right, george christopher where they redid the tennis court and complimented the playgrounds. the playground that we renovated it's good that we're able to connect million of these projects so we can expand our project scope as a campaign project scope. that needs to be completed. this one with the resurface.
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we done four others. they refinished five gymnasium floors and saw new pump stations from golden gate park and amazon and alamo square. these images on the bottom of the screen shows sharp park. it's really special. it has great views of the ocean and some great habitat out there as well. this is our plan and recent acquisitions. these have all gone through the commission. we're also working on a couple one in the tenderloin, one in
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soma that we hope to move forward with some project details in the coming months. we also have transbay block three. that's an ocii park that's likely come to the city and the departments. that will be before you shortly on that project as well. in closing, i did want to share a couple of things that we're still struggling with. we still have impacts from covid-19. with staffing challenges, construction challenge, material, the supply chain issues, labor availability. we are moving as fast as we can on our projects.
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everything is -- we're still impacted. things do take little bit more time these days. we are moving. i think we've been making great progress over the last year. we are planning omaking really good progress over the next two years i'm here if you have any questions. >> clerk: anybody on the call that like to comment, dial star 3 to be added to the queue to speak. we have zero raised hands. public comment is closed. commissioners this is discussion only. >> president buell: questions or comments by commissioners?
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i don't see any, stacy. we appreciate your report. thank you. >> one point of clarification, doesn't the commission take action on the capital plan? >> it was -- >> clerk: it was submitted as discussion only item. >> we followed what we typically done in the past. we present to the commission and we deliver this report with any modifications to the board. >> president buell: sounds great to me. thank you, stacy. thank you taylor. >> clerk: reminder to those watching and listening. that was item 9.
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we are on item 11, rossi pool renovation contract amendment. >> hi. good afternoon commissioners. my name is noah levy. i'm a project manager in the rec and park capital planning division. i'm here to request project amendment for the rossi pool renovation project, approximately $131,000 an increase in contract duration of 364 days. for bit of background, the rossi pool project is located at the corner of -- district 1.
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this is, i believe it's the last project of the 2012 clean and safe neighborhood parks bond. it's an exciting project. number of respects. nobly the pool has underbone renovations. the project is updating the building to be current seismic in structural requirements. a.d.a. accessibility standards, with locker rooms, bathrooms, mechanical plumbing and electrical systems. some of you might remember, the concept plan was approved by this commission in july 2017. the contract with the general contractor was approved and
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awarded in may 2019. construction of the rossi renovation kicked off in the fall of 2019. i'm happy to say that we are nearing the finish line with all construction activities. public opening is scheduled upcoming weeks in early february. i described in the staff report, several factors have led to project delays and additional costs and during construction, it became apparent that additional work was required to address all the required pool, mechanical operations and maintenance needs and to address existing conditions. the project improvements will be suitable for ongoing use without risk to the rec and park maintenance staff as well as to the general public. change order items listed in the staff report are the final outstanding items required to complete this important project. all of this is for the safety
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and appearance of rossi pool. with your approval today, the contract amendment, we'll able to complete and do a final push of the construction item and open the project to the eagerly awaiting community members. due to the current situation with covid, we are limiting indoor gatherings and playing it safe. we will not be having official ribbon cutting ceremony. we will be making a celebratory video. hopefully we can gather at the newly open project. thank you for your time. i'm happy to answer any questions. >> clerk: anyone on the call who like to call comment, dial star 3 to be added to the queue to speak.
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seeing no callers, public comment is closed. >> president buell: any comments or questions commissioners? i don't see any. commissioner griffin. >> commissioner griffin: i wanted to say to noah, we take special care with this place. that's where i learned how to swim. [ laughter ] >> president buell: looked like it worked. i don't see any other comments. the chair would entertain a motion to amend the rossi contract by $131,794. >> like to make that motion. >> president buell: moved by commissioner griffin. >> second. >> president buell: second the by commissioner hallisy.
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[roll call vote]. it's unanimous. thank you. >> clerk: we are now on item 13. 600 mcallister street project shadow on mark -- margaret hayward playground. we have folks from planning on our team call as well as some of the folks involved in the project. i'm going to call on the people within the team first and then move to the folks on the phone.
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chris, take it away. >> thank you. good afternoon commissioners. my name is chris townes. i'm a planner with the recreation and park commission capital planning division. my presentation will provide you with a summary of the shadow effects from the proposed 600 mcallister street project. for shared policy, i want to tart -- start with prop k. protecting park properties from
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the negative shadow impacts by new development. this was approved by voters in 1984, which led to the adoption of planning code section 295. in 1985. which prohibits the city from issuing building permits for structures greater than 40 feet in height. that would shadow a park under the jurisdiction of rec and park. unless, the planning commission after consultation with the rec and park commission, finds that the shadow would not have a significant adverse impacts on the use of the park property. in 1989, the rec and park commission and planning commission, adopted the 1989 memo. which identified quantitative and qualitative criteria for determination of significant shadows. at this time, i like to pass it to linda with the planning department.
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>> the project before you includes the demolition of the existing service parking lot and 14-story basement, 145-foot mixed use building. the project will include 196 dwelling units, approximately 8031 square feet of retail commercial, art space, 160 class 1 and 14 class 2 bicycle parking spaces, 43 off street parking spaces and 6746 square feet of useable open says. the project will emerge two lots to create one approximately 19,443-foot lot.
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the project is providing 12% or 17 of the dwelling units at 50% of the area median income to garner a 35% density bonus which results an additional 50 units. the public benefits include the creation of 29 on site affordable housing units, 4% of the units available to low income households and the remaining 4% of the units affordable to moderate income households. approximately 8031 square feet of ground floor commercial retail and art activity spaces which will activate the street frontages along mcallister, franklin and redwood streets supporting both feature, building tenants as well as the neighborhood. redevelopment of a site to provide 196 new dwelling units
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to the city's housing stock and to provide an additional 50 units over the base density through the individually requested bonus program. according to the project sponsor, community engagement included the pre-application neighborhood meeting on may 13, 2019 a presentation to the hayes neighborhood committee on june 7, 2019. at that time they were supportive of the project height and encouraged the highest feasible percentage of on site affordability. they were okayed with proposed level of parking, they would preferred no parking. the project sponsor has informed the supervisor's office of the project via the preapplication meeting notice that went out on
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april 25, 2019. no comments have been received to date. the project team will also be presenting to the housing action coalition design review committee -- [ indiscernible ] regarding the ceqa determination, the community plan exemption was published yesterday on january 29, 2022. in closing the project is on balance and the objectives and policies of the general plan. the project is an project and transit rich area in close proximity to parks and neighborhoods. this concludes my part of the presentation. i will like to hand it back over to chris. thank you.
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it's currently occupied by surface parking lot. margaret hayward playground is an existing 5-acre park. located within the western neighborhood down by the turk street to the north the park is relatively flat accommodating budding sports fieldings of different sizes including a multiuse soccer field, base field, tennis and basketball courts. with primary park entrances centrally located at the north and south frontages. you can see in the plan view. there's community building and children's play area towards the central north edge of the park.
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quantitatively there's a shadow low load on the park. the proposed park will add 0-point 0 -- 0.06% had doe increase. the diagram on the right depicts the full year shadow. shadow footprint in blue where the lighter blue represents less frequent shadows and darker blue represents more frequent shadows. qualitatively, the project shadows occurred from september 21st to march 21st. up to 182 days a year. however, only during the early morning hours beginning around 7:30 and no later than 8:00 a.m.
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the park area. just in closing, the 1989 memo provides quantitative and qualitative criteria for determining the significance of the shadow upon the park. qualitatively establishes that parks greater than 2 acres, experiencing less than or equal to 20% you see in shading. memo guidance is up to 1% increase in shadow. this park would experience .06% increase. qualitatively. the criteria to consider includes time of day of new shadow, time of year shadow size, shadow duration and the public benefits of the project
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itself. i want to leave you with some images of the park to give you sense of the overall view of the park programming. the areas in red are where the shadow falls. the top right image along the northern edge where you see the children's playground and community building. just for overall context. that concludes my presentation. both linda and i are available for any questions. thank you. >> clerk: thank you, chris. all right, i'm going to start public comment now. for those of you on the line who like to comment on it item, you can dial star 3 to raise your hand to speak. first, if there's anyone that is within our ms team call would like to speak, you can raise your hand. you'll have two minutes. [please stand by]
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which is a core community benefit. because the shadow is minor and allows housing by local zoning and state law we ask the council find no significant impact and the shadow consultant is on the line if you have any questions and the team. thank you. >> and we actually did a shadow fan volume to make sure and we built the building to minimize shadowing on the park on the computer and think it was successful to restrict it before 8:00 a.m. thanks. >> thank you.
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>> is there anyone on the ms team line that would like to speak as part of the sponsor? i don't think we have anyone else so we'll move to public comment. sf gov tv do we have any public comment? >> no raised hands. >> okay. seeing no public comment, public comment is closed. commissioners. >> maybe i can ask chris, has there been any letters of opposition or anyone opposed to this? >> no letters of opposition i've received. i want to check with linda. as of yesterday there was none to any -- my knowledge.
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>> none. >> first, chris, linda and melinda, thank you for the presentation this morning. now, chris, i am trying to picture margaret hayward and this shadow would after the diamond opposite the clubhouse? that's my first question. second, is the park even open from 7:30 a.m.? >> i will do a share screen to show you the particular area we're talking about. it's further from the community building in the southeast corner
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from the park. >> from the old clubhouse? >> right. the one much further away, yes. hours of operation, great question. i had it handy. let me see if i can find that for you. one moment. >> this is the deputy director of planning. the park is open that early in the morning and following the standard rec park hours of operation so it is open at 7:30 a.m. >> still appears to me to have very little impact on the park itself but thank you, chris, i appreciate the information. >> you're welcome. thank you. >> any other comments or questions and i don't have the full screen with this graphic up so i can't see if there are --
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>> commissioner griffen. >> i'm very familiar with the area also and this shadow impact is really minimal. it's right across the street from the board of education building and the only thing that's going to happen -- i'm sorry, that's where the project is going up is across the street from the board of education but the shadow on the park is really -- i don't want to talk about how much money probably went into figuring out how much of a shadow there was but i don't see any problem with this at all. >> thank you, commissioner. commissioner anderson. >> i like the questions and thought i'd add that though the park might be open, games may
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not be slated at 7:30 a.m. yes. >> is that your question or comment? >> that was my comment. >> i'd like it weigh in on that, mr. president. we often don't have the shadows on the structure athletic field and while they're open for play, as you can imagine, most often don't have competitive athletic events that early. >> thank you. >> and i guess i'd make the comment given the shadow is between the fall and spring, at that hour of the morning and that percentage of coverage of one particular portion i would concur there's not significant adverse impact on the mark. with that, not seeing -- park, with that not seeing any other questions, the chair would
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entertain a motion. >> so moved. >> the motion would be there's not an adverse impact on the park. >> correct. >> all right. >> is there a second to that motion? >> second. >> thank you. would the secretary please call the roll. >> commissioner hill. >> aye. >> commissioner anderson. >> aye. >> commissioner griffen. >> aye. >> commissioner jupiter-jones. >> aye. >> commissioner luis. >> aye. >> thank you very much. for those who are on the team call that do not have to be here any longer you're welcome to hop off. we're now going to be going into a closed session but before we go offline, on item 15 the closed session we're now going
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to hold public comment on all matters pertaining to item 15 in closed for anyone on the line who would like to comment on the closed session the time to do so is now. you'll have two minutes. so please dial start 3 to be added to the queue. is there anyone with their hands raised? no hands raised. seeing no callers, public comment is closed. >> sorry, president, for item 12, the square, i would like to add -- i don't know if this is a stand alone sentence or amending the motion but i wanted to add that the benefits of this project outweigh any impacts. it was requested that we do that and i forgot it and i guess we all sort of forgot.
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>> hmm, okay. it seems to me that i'm going to defer to the secretary about how we go back and deal with that issue and modify the approval. >> i believe that we can rescind the vote but luckily, we can hear the official process. >> i think that's fine. i think you should call the item again formally, explain what you're doing, re-open it to public comment and then that the point you can take a vote on that proposed modification. >> okay. you need to make a motion to rescind the vote once we get back to that. >> is there a motion to rescind the vote on item 12? >> one second, commissioner. i think we need to go back to the item first and then take public comment. >> all right, is there a motion to go back to the item? >> so moved. >> is there a second?
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would the secretary please call the roll. commissioner griffen. >> aye. >> commissioner haluci. >> you're on mute. >> apologies. aye. >> commissioner jupiter-jones. >> aye. >> commissioner luis. >> aye. >> commissioner mazola. >> aye. >> we're now on item 12 portsmith square and i think first, we'll into a motion to rescind the vote and then public comment or -- >> first explain what is going
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on, clearly, make a motion to resund the vote and then redo it. >> would you mind restating why we're back on item 12? >> i wanted to return to item 12 to add the following sentence to the speaking motion and that is the benefits of our project outweigh an impact. >> now that we had that do we have any public comment. dial star 3. >> we have one hand raised. >> okay. speaker, you'll have two minutes to speak.
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>> hello, i pressed star 3 to make public comment regarding what you're going to talk about in private session. >> okay. we'll call you again and you can re-raise your hand. >> can you leave it now? >> i don't think so once you've been unmuted. once i call item 15 the closed session again you can press star 3 once more. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. is there anyone that would like to comment on item 12, portsmith square, raise your hand. >> we have no new raised hands. >> okay. seeing no comment, public comment is closed. commissioners. >> commissioner anderson do you want to make a motion then? >> i would like it make a motion
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with respect to item 12 move adoption of the findings under ceqa that the benefits of the project outweigh any impact and find the adoption of the findings of consistency with the san francisco general plan and policies of san francisco planning code section 101.1 and move approval of the portsmith square project plan and award of the construction tract. >> let me ask a question, did we officially vote to rescind or officially vote to revisit? >> do you want to make a motion to rescind the vote? >> i do believe we need a lot to rescind the vote before we go to the new language.
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>> i'm not sure if i heard reference to a construction contract. i don't think that's part of the agenda. >> oh. >> is tara or stasy still on the call? >> i'm here. that wasn't part of the approval >> i saw it on draft motion page 109 sorry. i'll appropriately, state it. >> can you appropriately make a motion to rescind the vote. >> i thought we did that but vote to rescind. >> i thought we revisit the issue. we have a motion to rescind the
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earlier vote on item 12. is there a second? >> second. >> would the secretary please call the roll. >> commissioner buell. >> aye. >> commissioner griffin. >> aye. >> commissioner hallicy. >> aye. >> commissioner jupiter-jones. >> unanimous to rescind the vote and now make your new motion. >> i would like to move the commission adopt the findings with respect to ceqa with sports smith square and the benefits outweigh impacts with the plan and policies of san francisco planning code session 101.1 and
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approve the portsmith square improvement project conceptual plan. >> i'll second that. >> thank you. >> it's been and seconded. would the secretary please call the roll. >> commissioner buell. >> aye. >> commissioner anderson. >> aye. >> commissioner griffin. >> aye. >> commissioner hallisy. >> i'm not voting. >> commissioner jupiter-jones. >> commissioner louie. >> aye. >> commissioner mazzola. >> aye. >> it's unanimous. now moving to item 15 the closed session. i would just like to remind the public that first we'll take comment on all matters pertaining to the closed session go to closed session and i'll announce the calling number in just a moment. for those who want to comment on
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item 15, dial star 3 to be added to the queue. i know we have one person already. you can speak as soon as you're unmuted and you'll have two minutes. thank you. >> >> hello, can you hear me? >> we can. >> congratulations on your baby. i want to ask you commissioners to keep in mind that the recreation and park department is supposed to proved joy and happiness to san franciscans and the road calendar of j.f.k. drive is causing great pain. i'm an elder and disabled and cannot access the amenities along j.f.k. drive anymore and you're causing thousands and thousands of elders and people with disabilities and families
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with multi-generations denying all of us access to the park and so please do not be cruel. i'm sure this lawsuit wouldn't be needed if the agreement of 2007 weren't being violated. closing the park at night is gratuitous cruelty. you're not teaching kids to ride a bicycle at night when it's dark so why close the road seven days a week. the voters voted twice and down a proposal to close the road on saturdays from 6:00 in the morning to 6:00 p.m. and now we have it closed 24/7. so all the night activities being advertised are denied to all of us who cannot walk and so please, please re-open j.f.k. drive immediately, permanently and honor the agreement we came to in 2007 that was implemented
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in april of 2007. the compromise agreement we were all at the table and phil was at the table and nose darn well by forcing this road closure he's violating an agreement he was a negotiator of. please revisit and keep in your conscious you're supposed to be providing joy to everyone not just the able-bodied elite who live near the park. there's san franciscans and all people from the area for the asset we all paid for. >> you're -- your time is up. is there anyone else with their hands raised? >> no more raised hands. >> seeing no other callers, public comment is closed. for those listening in on the dial-in number we'll be back after closed session for general public comment as well as the remainder of the agenda.
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please watch us live on and the number is 1-415-655-0001 and the access code is 2488 984 9339. okay. at this time we would ask all staff who are not pertinent to this item so please leave the meeting. and commissioners, we will need a motion and a second to go into closed session. >> is there a motion? >> thank you. moved and seconded. will the secretary please call the roll. >> commissioner buell. >> aye. >> commissioner anderson. >> aye. >> commissioner griffin. >> aye. >> commissioner hallisy. >> aye.
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>> commissioner jupiter-jones. >> aye. >> commissioner louie. >> aye. >> commissioner . >> secretary: okay. thank you so much sfgov tv. really appreciate it. for members of the public who are tuning in on sfgov tv, if you'd like to call back into the meeting, the number is (415) 655-0001 and the access code is 24889849339. so we are now out of closed session and commissioners, we did not take any action and there's no requirement to report on action if we do not take one, so you'll need to make a motion on whether to disclose any or all discussions held in closed session.
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>> president: commissioner mazzola. >> commissioner: motion to not disclose. >> president: is there a second. >> commissioner: second. >> president: would the secretary please call the roll. >> secretary: [roll call] motion is unanimous. we are now on item 16, general public comment continued from item five. members of the public who were not able to address the commission on item four within the i believe there's no one on the call, but there are no hands raised. i just want to give people a second. are there still 0 listeners? a
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2, 1 you innovation on or was on over 200 years they went through extensive innovations to the existing green new metal gates were installed our the perimeter 9 project is funded inform there are no 9 community opportunity and our capital improvement plan to the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood it allows the residents and park advocates like san franciscans to make the matching of the few minutes through the philanthropic
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dungeons and finished and finally able to pull on play on the number one green a celebration on october 7, 1901, a skoovlt for the st. anthony's formed a club and john then the superintendent the golden gate park laid out the bowling green are here sharing meditates a permanent green now and then was opened in 1902 during the course the 1906 san francisco earthquake that citywide much the city the greens were left that with an ellen surface and not readers necessarily 1911 it had the blowing e bowling that was formed in 1912 the parks commission paid laying down down
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green number 2 the san francisco lawn club was the first opened in the united states and the oldest on the west their registered as san francisco lark one 101 and ti it is not all fierce competition food and good ole friend of mine drive it members les lecturely challenge the stories some may be true some not memories of past winners is reversed presbyterian on the wall of champions. >> make sure you see the one in to the corner that's me and. >> no? not bingo or scrabble but the pare of today's competition two doreen and christen and beginninger against robert and others easing our opponents for the
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stair down is a pregame strategy even in lawn bowling. >> play ball. >> yes. >> almost. >> (clapping). >> the size of tennis ball the object of the game our control to so when the players on both sides are bold at any rate the complete ends you do do scoring it is you'll get within point lead for this bonus first of all, a jack can be moved and a or picked up to some other point
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or move the jack with i have a goal behind the just a second a lot of elements to the game. >> we're about a yard long. >> aim a were not player i'll play any weighed see on the inside in the goal is a minimum the latter side will make that arc in i'm right-hand side i play my for hand and to my left if i wanted to acre my respect i extend so it is arced to the right have to be able to pray both hands. >> (clapping.) who one. >> nice try and hi, i'm been play lawn bowling affair 10 years after he retired i needed something to do so i picked up this paper and in this paper i
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see in there play lawn bowling in san francisco golden gate park ever since then i've been trying to bowl i enjoy bowling a very good support and good experience most of you have of of all love the people's and have a lot of have a lot of few minutes in mr. mayor the san francisco play lawn bowling is in golden gate park we're sharing meadow for more information about the club including free lessons log [♪♪♪] >> i just wanted to say a few words. one is to the parents and to all of the kids. thank you for supporting this
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program and for trusting us to create a soccer program in the bayview. >> soccer is the world's game, and everybody plays, but in the united states, this is a sport that struggles with access for certain communities. >> i coached basketball in a coached football for years, it is the same thing. it is about motivating kids and keeping them together, and giving them new opportunities. >> when the kids came out, they had no idea really what the game was. only one or two of them had played soccer before. we gave the kids very simple lessons every day and made sure that they had fun while they were doing it, and you really could see them evolve into a team over the course of the season. >> i think this is a great opportunity to be part of the community and be part of programs like this. >> i get to run around with my other teammates and pass the ball. >> this is new to me. i've always played basketball or football. i am adjusting to be a soccer mom. >> the bayview is like my
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favorite team. even though we lose it is still fine. >> right on. >> i have lots of favorite memories, but i think one of them is just watching the kids enjoy themselves. >> my favorite memory was just having fun and playing. >> bayview united will be in soccer camp all summer long. they are going to be at civic centre for two different weeklong sessions with america scores, then they will will have their own soccer camp later in the summer right here, and then they will be back on the pitch next fall. >> now we know a little bit more about soccer, we are learning more, and the kids are really enjoying the program. >> we want to be united in the bayview. that is why this was appropriate >> this guy is the limit. the kids are already athletic, you know, they just need to learn the game. we have some potential college-bound kids, definitely. >> today was the last practice of the season, and the sweetest moment was coming out here while , you know, we were setting up the barbecue and folding
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their uniforms, and looking out onto the field, and seven or eight of the kids were playing. >> this year we have first and second grade. we are going to expand to third, forth, and fifth grade next year bring them out and if you have middle school kids, we are starting a team for middle school. >> you know why? >> why? because we are? >> bayview united. >> that's right. >> once i got the hang of it a little bit, you know, like the first time, i never left the court. i just fell in love with it and any opportunity i had to get out there, you know, they didn't have to ask twice. you can always find me on the court. [♪♪♪]
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>> we have been able to participate in 12 athletics wheelchairs. they provide what is an expensive tool to facilitate basketball specifically. behind me are the amazing golden state road warriors, which are one of the most competitive adaptive basketball teams in the state led by its captain, chuck hill, who was a national paralympic and, and is now an assistant coach on the national big team. >> it is great to have this opportunity here in san francisco. we are the main hub of the bay area, which, you know, we should definitely have resources here. now that that is happening, you know, i i'm looking forward to that growing and spreading and helping spread the word that needs -- that these people are here for everyone.
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i think it is important for people with disabilities, as well as able-bodied, to be able to see and to try different sports, and to appreciate trying different things. >> people can come and check out this chairs and use them. but then also friday evening, from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., it will be wheelchair basketball we will make sure it is available, and that way people can no that people will be coming to play at the same time. >> we offer a wide variety of adaptive and inclusion programming, but this is the first time we have had our own equipment. [♪♪♪]
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>> the market is one of our vehicles for reaching out to public and showing them how to prepare delicious, simple food. people are amazed that the library does things like that. biblio bistro is a food education program. it brings such joy to people. it teaches them life skills that they can apply anywhere, and it encourages them to take care of themselves. my name is leaf hillman, and
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i'm a librarian, and biblio bistro is my creation. i'm a former chef, and i have been incubating this idea for many years. we are challenged to come up with an idea that will move the library into the future. this inspired me to think, what can we do around cooking? what can i do around cooking? we were able to get a cart. the charlie cart is designed to bring cooking to students in elementary students that has enough gear on it to teach 30 students cooking. so when i saw that, i thought bingo, that's what we're missing. you can do cooking classes in the library, but without a kitchen, it's difficult. to have everything contained on wheels, that's it. i do cooking demonstrations out
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at the market every third wednesday. i feature a seafood, vegetable, and i show people how to cook the vegetable. >> a lot of our residents live in s.r.o.s, single resident occupancies, and they don't have access to full kitchens. you know, a lot of them just have a hot plate, a microwave, and the thing that biblio bistro does really well is cook food accessible in season and make it available that day. >> we handout brochures with the featured recipe on the back. this recipe features mushrooms, and this brochure will bring our public back to the library. >> libraries are about a good
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time. >> i hired a former chef. she's the tickle queen at the ramen shop in rockwood. we get all ages. we get adults and grandparents and babies, and, you know, school-age kids, and it's just been super terrific. >> i was a bit reluctant because i train teachers and adults. i don't train children. i don't work with children, and i find it very interesting and a bit scary, but working here really taught me a lot, you know, how easily you can influence by just showing them what we have, and it's not threatening, and it's tasty and fun. i make it really fun with kids because i don't look like a teacher. >> in the mix, which is our team center, we have programs
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for our kids who are age 13 to 18, and those are very hands on. the kids often design the menu. all of our programs are very interactive. >> today, we made pasta and garlic bread and some sauce. usually, i don't like bell pepper in my sauce, but i used bell pepper in my sauce, and it complemented the sauce really well. i also grated the garlic on my bread. i never thought about that technique before, but i did it, and it was so delicious. >> we try to teach them techniques where they can go home and tell their families, i made this thing today, and it was so delicious.
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>> they're kind of addicted to these foods, these processed foods, like many people are. i feel like we have to do what we can to educate people about that. the reality is we have to live in a world that has a lot of choices that aren't necessarily good for you all the time. >> this is interesting, but it's a reaction to how children are brought up. it is fast-food, and the apple is a fast-food, and so that sort of changes the way they think about convenience, how eating apple is convenient. >> one of the things that i love about my program out at the market is the surprise and delight on people's faces when they finally taste the vegetable. it's been transformative for some people. they had never eaten those vegetables before, but now, they eat them on a regular basis. >> all they require is a hot plate and a saute pan, and they
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realize that they're able to cook really healthy, and it's also tasty. >> they also understand the importance of the connection that we're making. these are our small business owners that are growing our food and bringing it fresh to the market for them to consume, and then, i'm helping them consume it by teaching them how to cook. >> it connects people to the food that they're buying. >> the magic of the classes in the children's center and the team center is that the participants are cooking the food themselves, and once they do that, they understand their connection to the food, to the tools, and it empowers them. >> we're brokering new experiences for them, so that is very much what's happening in the biblio bistro program. >> we are introducing kids many times to new vocabulary. names of seasonings, names of
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vegetables, names of what you call procedures. >> i had my little cooking experience. all i cooked back then was grilled cheese and scrambled eggs. now, i can actually cook curry and a few different thing zblz . >> and the parents are amazed that what we're showing them to cook is simple and inexpensive. i didn't know this was so easy to make. i've only bought it in the market. those comments have been amazing, and yeah, it's been really wonderful. >> we try to approach everything here with a well, just try it. just try it once, and then, before you know it, it's gone. >> a lot of people aren't sure
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how to cook cauliflower or kale or fennel or whatever it is, and leah is really helpful at doing that. >> i think having someone actually teaching you here is a great experience. and it's the art of making a meal for your family members and hope that they like it. >> i think they should come and have some good food, good produce that is healthy and actually very delicious. >> cooking is one of my biggest passions, to be able to share, like, my passion with others, and skills, to h h h h h h h hh
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so having the lights come on with clean energy is important to us as well. we heard about cleanpowersf and learned they had commercial rates and signed up for that. it was super easy to sign up. our bookkeeper signed up online, it was like 15 minutes. nothing has changed, except now we have cleaner energy. it's an easy way to align your environmental proclivities and goals around climate change and it's so easy that it's hard to not want to do it, and it doesn't really add anything to the bill. >> my name is alan schumer. i am a fourth generation san franciscan. in december, this building will be 103 years of age.
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it is an incredibly rich, rich history. [♪♪♪] >> my core responsibility as city hall historian is to keep the history of this building alive. i am also the tour program manager, and i chair the city advisory commission. i have two ways of looking at my life. i want it to be -- i wanted to be a fashion designer for the movies, and the other one, a political figure because i had some force from family members,
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so it was a constant battle between both. i ended up, for many years, doing the fashion, not for the movies, but for for san franciscan his and then in turn, big changes, and now i am here. the work that i do at city hall makes my life a broader, a richer, more fulfilling than if i was doing something in the garment industry. i had the opportunity to develop relationships with my docents. it is almost like an extended family. i have formed incredible relationships with them, and also some of the people that come to take a tour. she was a dressmaker of the
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first order. i would go visit her, and it was a special treat. i was a tiny little girl. i would go with my wool coat on and my special little dress because at that period in time, girls did not wear pants. the garment industry had the -- at the time that i was in it and i was a retailer, as well as the designer, was not particularly favourable to women. you will see the predominant designers, owners of huge complexes are huge stores were all male. women were sort of relegated to a lesser position, so that, you reached a point where it was a difficult to survive and survive financially. there was a woman by the name of diana. she was editor of the bazaar,
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and evoke, and went on and she was a miraculous individual, but she had something that was a very unique. she classified it as a third i. will lewis brown junior, who was mayor of san francisco, and was the champion of reopening this building on january 5th of 1999. i believe he has not a third eye , but some kind of antenna attached to his head because he had the ability to go through this building almost on a daily basis during the restoration and corrects everything so that it would appear as it was when it opened in december of 1915. >> the board of supervisors approved that, i signed it into
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law. jeffrey heller, the city and county of san francisco oh, and and your band of architects a great thing, just a great thing. >> to impart to the history of this building is remarkable. to see a person who comes in with a gloomy look on their face , and all of a sudden you start talking about this building, the gloomy look disappears and a smile registers across their face. with children, and i do mainly all of the children's tours, that is a totally different feeling because you are imparting knowledge that they have no idea where it came from, how it was developed, and you can start talking about how things were before we had computer screens, cell phones,
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lake in 1915, the mayor of san francisco used to answer the telephone and he would say, good morning, this is the mayor. >> at times, my clothes make me feel powerful. powerful in a different sense. i am not the biggest person in the world, so therefore, i have to have something that would draw your eye to me. usually i do that through color, or just the simplicity of the look, or sometimes the complication of the look. i have had people say, do those shoes really match that outfit? retirement to me is a very strange words. i don't really ever want to
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retire because i would like to be able to impart the knowledge that i have, the knowledge that i have learned and the ongoing honor of working in the people's palace. you want a long-term career, and you truly want to give something to do whatever you do, so long as you know that you are giving to someone or something you're then yourself. follow your passion and learn how to enrich the feelings along the way.
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