tv Fire Commission SFGTV January 26, 2022 5:00pm-9:01pm PST
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commission will convene remotely. you may watch live at to participate during public comment, please dial 1 (415) 655-0001. and use access code 24873368858. members of the public will have opportunities to participate during public comment. the public is asked to wait for the particular agenda item before making a comment on that item. comments will be addressed in the order they are received. when the moderator announces that the commission is taking public comment, members of the public can raise their hand by pressing star three and you will be queued. callers will hear silence when waiting for your turn to speak. operator will unmute you. when prompted, callers will have the standard three minutes
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to provide comment. please ensure you are in a quiet location, speak clearly, and turn off any tvs or radios around you. item one, roll call. [roll call] the president will now read the land acknowledgement. >> president: the san francisco fire commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of
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this land, and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. and we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. >> clerk: item two, resolution 2022-02. resolution making findings to allow tep conferenced meetings under california government code section 54953e.
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>> president: all right. and do we have any public comment, madam secretary? >> secretary: there is nobody on our public comment line. >> president: all right then. any questions or discussions from my fellow commissioners? yes, commissioner covington. >> commissioner: madam president, i'd like to move this item. >> president: all right. is there a second? >> commissioner: i'll second it. >> president: thank you, commissioner cleveland. we have a motion and a second. >> secretary: and i will take a roll call vote. [roll call] the resolution passes unanimously. item three, general public
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comment. members of the public may now call area code (415) 655-0001. and you may members of the public may address the commission for up to three minutes on any matter within the commission's jurisdiction that does not appear on the agenda. speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department personnel. commissioners are not to enter into debate or discussion with the speaker. the lack of a response by the commissioners or department personnel does not necessarily constitute agreement with or support a statement made during public comment and there is nobody on the public comment line. >> president: all right then. public comment shall be closed. thank you. >> secretary: item four, approval of the minutes. discussion and possible action
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to approve the january 12th, 2022, regular meeting. >> president: and do we have any public comment, madam secretary? >> secretary: there is nobody on the public comment line. >> president: all right. public comment on item four will be closed. any questions, comments, discussions from the commissioners? >> commissioner: i move to approve the minutes, madam president. >> president: thank you, commissioner cleaveland. is there a second? >> commissioner: i second, commissioner morgan. >> president: thank you, commissioner morgan. >> secretary: i'll take a roll call vote. [roll call] the minutes are approved unanimously. item five, report from chief of
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department jeanine nicholson on activities and events within the department since the fire commission meeting on january 12th, 2022, including budget, academies, special events, communications and outreach to other government agencies and the public and report from administration deputy chief tom o'connor on the administrative divisions fleet and facility status updates, finance, including an update on the grants committee, support services, and training within the department. >> president: all right. and do we have any public comment before we turn it over to chief o'connor? >> secretary: chief nicholson will go first. >> president: i'm sorry. thank you. forgive me. all right. chief nicholson. >> chief nicholson, chief of
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the department. commissioners covington, cleaveland, and morgan. command staff and assistant mar reen. this is my report for january 26th since our last commission meeting. so starting with good news that omicron has started to decline within the department and we still have members out with the omicron variant but considering we were upwards 160, today we only have 36 folks that have caught omicron in the last ten days. so that's pretty good. and we are still doing our best to, you know, to cover for our members who are out sick with mandatory overtime, unfortunately, but that's how it is right now. you may have received a press
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release yesterday regarding supplemental that mayor breed introduced at the board of supervisors. the amount of i believe it's $14.6 million, $14.7 million so we can continue to provide essential city services and work to not just maintain, but increase our staffing levels to have our classes. i am hopeful that we will get the two thirds votes that we need and i will be working with the mayor's office to facilitate that. we are experiencing -- we have experienced a significant increase in overtime pay due to staffing shortages and that is part of this supplemental that's part of what has caused this supplemental or all of what has caused it and the cost
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of overtime now is much greater than any salary savings from these unfilled positions. so it has caused the projected budget shortfall. and, you know, the staffing shortages are the result of, you know, high levels of retirement and limited hiring over the last few years as well as the increase use of sick and administrative leave due to covid-19 exposure, illness, and quarantine. and the supplemental will go to first to the budget and finance committee at the board of sups and on to the board of supervisors and i will be meeting with the board of supervisors over the next few weeks to answer any questions and concerns they have and, again, working with the mayor's office on that. over the past week, our
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interview panels took place for our next h2 academy which we hope to start in may as long as this supplemental passes and so i'm going to meet with some of these candidates starting tomorrow actually. thursday, friday, monday. so looking forward to seeing what these youngsters have to offer. and i know that chief tom and her staff have been participating in interviews for our next ems class which is going to be a paramedic class and as you know just last week, we graduated an e.m.t. class and they hit the streets right off the bat. so i want to thank chief tong and her team for the work. we're moving as fast as possible to train e.m.s. and
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suppression. we are deep in budget right now. you will be getting our report from marc corso tonight and i'm working on our priorities and what we can look for in this next budget realistically and get. and i want to welcome cd3 to the show. first, i'm happy to take any questions if there are any. >> president: all right. commissioners, questions for the chief of the department. vice president nakajo, please. >> vice president: thank you for much chief. i wanted to make a comment in
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terms of your report. i wanted to make reference to the point that the mayor submitted a supplemental budget for us not only for the police department, but particularly for us i believe it was $14.6 million supplement and a member of the commission in terms of but also in terms of the need. i just very much want to appreciate to the mayor and understand the process it still has to go through with the board of supervisors starting with the budget finance. but, indeed, the mayor supports us, but also understands the shortage that we have in terms of staff and there with covid and other related with mandatory overtime and now that we continue our services to the city and county. so i just wanted to make that acknowledgement as part of the
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commission in terms of support for our essential services that the fire department provide and all else. thank you. >> president: thank you, mr. vice president. any other commissioners have any questions or comments for the chief of the department? commissioner cleaveland, please. >> commissioner: thank you, madam president. chief, if you need any assistance, conversations with the supervisors, i think any of us on the commission would be happy to lend our support as best we can. i'd like to echo vice president nakajo's comments that we as a commission sincerely appreciate the leadership that the mayor has taken here to sort of back fill some of the needs of our
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department which is growing in needs not getting less in needs, so i appreciate the fact that this has become a priority for her office and we need to give every support we can to the appropriations request to the board of supervisors. thank you, madam president. >> president: thank you, commissioner cleaveland. any further comments? i would just like to echo both the comments of vice president nakajo and commissioner cleaveland in that, you know, just to remind the chief we are here to be advocates for the department and i'm not sure the best way that we can do that, but you should not hesitate to use us in any appropriate fashion because this is incredibly important given the
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staffing shortages that the department is now enduring and the mandatory overtime. so, you know, you have our support. i don't think that's in doubt and i encourage you if it will be helpful to use it. so i think both vice president nakajo and commissioner cleaveland for those comments and i would second or third them which ever is the appropriate thing to do. but, you know, i think you have all of us as backup to the extent you need us. >> thank you very much, president, vice president, commissioners, for your support. that means a lot and i will certainly be in touch to let you know if there's anything
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you can do and if i may just state something i left out, president feinstein. >> president: please. >> i notice i'm wearing a funeral tag on my badge today and it was for one of our members larry dean who retired six months ago and died of cancer and that was -- i went to a little service for him yesterday. so if we could possibly close the meeting in honor of larry dean and in honor of the three firefighters in baltimore who lost their lives this week, i would appreciate that very much. >> president: we certainly
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can. sorry. that's a lot. okay. and, chief, does that complete your report for this evening? >> that concludes my comments for right now, thank you. president feinstein. >> president: thank you. shall we turn it over to deputy chief o'connor. are you ready for this? >> i think i'm ready, president feinstein. good evening. chief department nicholson and command staff. this will be my administration report for the month of december, 2021. let's see if we can do this and off we go. we begin with assistant deputy chief shane tireloa. shane's been one of the busiest
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people in the fire department as we look to training opportunities in the month of december. public information class. instructor class and engine boss class. a task personal aviation detector. disaster initiative. vehicle training, combined space spanish for first responders in conjunction with our employee group. we can also see we participate in the yearly live burning training at the airport. deputy chief brown will speak more to that later if you have any questions. you can see here, we have the 128th class came to the rescue just in time for the holidays. they are participating in their physical training on the embarcadero and i believe that's the comm room on station four and there's the happy
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graduation day with all the smiles and we told them shortly thereafter we'd be working christmas day and new year's eve day. and here's a great photo. we can just see this screams pandemic, this photo with everybody with their masks on. it will be in the san francisco archives for years and years to come. we move on then to assistant deputy chief at the diversion and equity office. so for the month of december, academy briefing in a finance meeting. he sat in on a creative development work group. did some outreach and recruitment and development. convening of the racial equity leaders. engage in community outreach. he gave us updates on the 9910 city e.m.t. program. and some training and development community center
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meetings. our neighbor emergency response team is still at low capacity. delivering food to the needy for the holidays since there are volunteers up there. our health, safety, and wellness also had a very busy month with the outbreak in the omicron variant. the health and safety round table. she participated in behavioral health activities. she participated in our grants committee. she had a well being and work celebration. including our response team. we also had the health and resiliency and fire and e.m.s. webinar. we had another webinar consider matching risk. headquarters with the black firefighters association and united fire association of women. she also had a combined space awareness course and here's where she got really business, she was providing training. so we had the ability to test
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all of our members during the month and we really kind of tried to stop the spread of the omicron variant by testing our members when they're symptomatic. the she also prepared for this month which is firefighter cancer awareness month and we just recently lost another recently retired member to cancer and this has been our call to action to educate our members about the hazards that we face not just in fighting fires, but in the aftermath of the fires. so week one, the cancer firefighter awareness month, we had a mortality and cancer incident report and this was for the cancer foundation participated in and this was the study of roughly 30,000 firefighters and san francisco, philadelphia, and chicago, and we tracked the death certificates of those 30,000 firefighters to see what they had perished from and this was the biggest pool of firefighters ever studied regarding cancer in the fire
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service and it became the gold standard showing that firefighters are at much higher risk of exposure in the day-to-day work force. that was the first week of our cancer awareness month. and as we rolled through, there was a number of classes being offered. and dr. roka and stephanie phelps who helped us with omicron and they were the two busiest people in the fire department. and an absolute spike from the omicron variant which is three times more contagious than the delta variant. so as a result of this spike, the health officer of san francisco updated here order and we had to have a booster for all first responders or those who go to health care settings. but the booster vaccine is delivered by february 1st. today, that was just extended to march 1st because of the logistics of getting everyone in and getting them vaccinated.
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we set up a vaccine clinic thanks to the assistance of josh smith and assistant deputy chief and sheriff brown. set up two booster clinics. one at training and one at station 49 where we delivered the boosters to the employees ourselves and we had over 250 people boosted in the first two weeks of this. this is just incredible work with stephanie trying to process all these papers and getting quarantine dates set up. so we really owe them a debt of gratitude for getting them through this wave. and our numbers are way down with 36 people still in active quarantine. so we do have eleven long haulers that are having a hard time coming back. so our concerns and thoughts are with them as we go through this. our investigative services bureau. he took a victory lap. this was his last month at headquarters. we sent him to his fire house. as victory you can see here.
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he tested two members in the prior were both members. results were negative. we had four accident reports. all negative. all within limits and live fire training for reemergence and he also assisted with background information for candidates in the up coming classes and trained our new investigative services and gave them a shove under 25 service orders called ifs for minor plumbing issues. before the heavy rainfall. fire station 14.
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fire station nine and 48 have roof leaks that have been repaired. now, i know it seems like we were going sideways at the speed of light, but we are making progress on station 35. as you can see here, the restoration is coming along lightning for sculptures is in and it looks like we have a march 1st opening date or possibly february 28th even. things are quite well. fire station 49 update. we had our enrichment part one with images put up on the wall. you can see the evolution of the ambulances there. looks like they used to drive the bread truck and kind of van ambulance there. now, support services of the
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fleet. our first aerials and mobile air and five new engines have been shipped in the fairfield factory in california. and we expect testing in late january. i know engine 25 was delivered and there was another engine delivered as well. our house tender is still in the and we had two one-ton cargo vans and an r.c. buggy. no e.t.a. due to the park shortage which was having a hard time getting vehicles. in the purchasing process and two ford explorers for the e.m.s. vision are having light packages put on them. you can see here, now we get to the fun stuff. november 30th, we had our
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rescue swimmers. station 14, we're giving an award where they state someone on the rocks in the clip house i believe or land's end. we also help and partner with the toy program and delivered over 2,000 toys to disadvantaged children throughout the bay area. and that is my report for decembe 2021. thank you. >> president: thank you. questions. commissioners. yes, i see commissioner cleaveland. i don't have a grid format to see yet so i can see -- there we go. so i saw commissioner cleaveland. he was one of the four in the top row. he gets to go first. >> thank you, madam president.
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thank you, chie o'connor for your comprehensive report. just a question on the d.n.i. portion, what is 99-10 program updates. what does that mean? >> that's part of our city e.m.t. program. chief peoples. >> hello president feinstein, vice president nakajo, commissionermore gan and commissioner cleaveland and commissioner covington as well. my name is brice peoples. assistant deputy chief. the 99-10 program is a program that is a developmental pipeline that we manage as a department. we take graduates in from another program that deals with developing youths, local youths
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who might be at risk and they have this particular program called city e.m.t. as a process of helping to detoxify these youths, help them to learn some adulting. and then helps them to get one of the minimum qualifications that's important to our on boarding which is the national industry e.m.t. certificate. so once they graduate that city e.m.t. program in conjunction with oewd and also drain keepers initiative which is out of h.r.c., those individuals have places in our department that allows them to continue their development as they are a rider on the ambulance. they do what's called ride-outs and those individuals accumulate 500 hours which is another minimum qualification that we have to be brought into our h3 level one position and that's something that's been started by chief nicholson and
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some others as a brain child and it's been a really good program. we have some successes already and we're looking to broaden that as well. so i'm here for your questions if you would like to ask more. >> it sounds like a great program and i'm 100% supportive of it. how many students do you have presently in the program and how many have bumped up to become actual e.m.t.s within the department at this point? >> great question. our initial onboarding, we had five students. four have already finished the 500 hours. we have one more remaining. these individuals, it's funny that you mentioned this. i just saw one yesterday taking the h3 level one test out of the hrtesting facility on caesar chavez. really good kid to use lack of a better word or a candidate.
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there has been right now we're looking to on board hopefully two have taken the test. the h3 level one. there's another one that wants to take the h2 test for firefighters and others are looking at some of our other developmental partners as well. so more to follow on that as the chief says, but they have taken these minimum qualifications tests, interests exam for the h3 level one and see what they do and hopefully we'll have some good reports for you later on in the spring. >> thank you. how many total would you say you have in the pipeline right now with the 99-10 program? >> there are five as we speak. one of those individuals we probably won't keep, they have greater aspirations to become a doctor. they're probably going to become a medical student, so they're going to pursue that, but the other ones are right on
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target. we're still maintaining contact with them to make sure that they still apply for our job as a permanent h3 level one. and we're looking to onboard many more of those individuals and we'll see as we start getting into the selection process. >> commissioner: how do you recruit for the program? >> the program is actually recruited by the city e.m.t.. we also make references as well. our recruitment office here in the fire department. we connect with job centers and also some other partners out there. but city e.m.t. does that recruiting. we refer individuals that fit that criteria, the age group and some of the at-risk criteria they have. the but the city e.m.t. takes care of that process themselves. >> so it's not something you would take to the high schools or something like that.
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maybe community centers, i think that kind of think. you wouldn't be broadcasting the program more broadly, it sounds like. >> it would be appropriate to broadcast that program. if we find someone who fits that criteria, we can definitely make a reference or as we've done in the past in the application process. the fire department has other programs existing in the high schools that are similar to a degree. they helped them get our e.m.t. certificate, the minimum qualifications, but we're looking to broaden all of these programs to make them more streamlined and work in harmony with each other. >> has there been any outreach to the juvenile detention. people in juvenile detention. >> great question. not that i'm aware of at the moment. it's something we can talk about and look at that. we just started an outreach and recruitment development office
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just in late november. their plate is very full, but that's one of the things we can possible look at. i'll offer that suggestion to them and we'll see how that fits in with that grand strategy. >> i'd like to see 50 people. >> president: if i may, commissioner cleaveland. so it's a nonprofit that runs city e.m.t. and we get money from the office of economic and workforce development and put five of them on our ambulances to get their 500 hours. and this 501c 3 is also responsible for community outreach and they work with different community groups to get people signed up for this. so that is sort of their task at this time. >> they don't really have to do the recruitment through the
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department. >> no. it's a city e.m.t. that does that with the office of economic and work force development as an assistant, but, you know, we just -- the city contracts with this nonprofit to handle all of that and we then choose five of the 15 young people to be brought in to do those hours on the ambulance. >> i just think it's a great program and i think the fire department so we can boost our numbers, i think it would be great. thank you. and thank you chief peoples. >> thank you, commissioner. >> president: thank you. further questions? anybody? commissioners? >> president: i'm sorry. vice president nakajo, please.
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>> vice president: thank you very much, madam president. thank you chief o'connor for a comprehensive report. i wanted to make a comment, but i wanted to touch on training and support services and i have a question of clarity on the physician's office out of your report. so what i wanted to do is just make a comment and i really appreciate the slide in terms of a graduation class, but i also wanted to acknowledge chief for all of the training staff to produce that graduation class. i personally am sorry that i wasn't able to attend physically, but during that time, we all had our different justifications and reasons and it looks like a very large
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group that as you say came to the rescue in the nick of time but also as i understand it, they're all signed out and immediately hit the ground running. so i very much appreciate that and the training staff to do that. so i wanted to at least make that comment. if i can, i'd like to move to a question on the physician's report, chief o'connor. above the graph, there's a description in terms of return to duty as dictated by the city and state department of health and cdc. currently, people who tested positive are given ten days off to isolate and may return after five days if they have those symptoms and the rapid -- and the negative rapid test.
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so, chief, just so i'm clear, they're given ten days off, but after during that ten days when it hits five days, if they test negative and they show no symptoms, they can return back to work. is that what i'm understanding? >> that's correct. they can come back to work after five. >> vice president: and who monitors that, chief? do they report to somebody and say i'm clean or i'm negative and check out with some structure to say i'm going back to station xyz. >> they report to their doctor's office for a test and they can report to duty if they come back negative. >> vice president: so then given the heads up in terms of the member to that. thank you for that clarification. if i may, i'd like to pull the
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support services and i have some questions before the next. this is an eight-page report and deputy chief serano, because you're in the position and stepped up, i took a little bit more interest beyond what we usually do in reviews with all the commissioners. there's a lot of material in here and that's always expensive and i know that other commissioners call out various things and i'm going to refer to something on page 40 and i hope my docket, your docket's the same. chief, on page 40 on your report, it says focus scope program. let me know when you're there. >> i am here.
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>> vice president: okay. so being a member of the commission for a period of time, it always amazed me through all the reports, again, with all the reading of exactly what a focus goal program means and finally through this scenario, i began to realize that this focus goal program refers to on your second line of nine scope categories comprising emergency generator replacement apparatus, exterior, envelope improvements, windows, showers, mechanical sidewalks, labs, security, access, it's comprehensive. and, are again, it just goes through again that i pick that all up and now i'm clear again in terms of what that definition means with that focus scope program and i just wanted to point that out. so i want to refer to page 41.
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i'm on the second paragraph which says easter bond 2020 update through december 2021. the new fire training facility chief, are you there with me? >> yes. >> vice president: and so it seems like the design, i'm going to paraphrase segment is on hold and it looks like the general contractor process is on hold. is that accurate at this particular point that both these are on hold. >> that is accurate at this time. they are still just received the environmental impact reports and discussing putting out the project manager position out, job description out for the actual division of training project and also the
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m.o.u. that goes along with that project. and also the other facets of the job, there's still some negotiation going back and forth between the two acres of port land that are in the transition in the process of being procured and also with the private property to speak to procure lodges so that is all in process in purchasing the property. so the decision was made to slow down on the actual construction and design phase until we got these other matters taken care of. >> vice president: okay. chief. that's a comprehensive answer. i appreciate that direct answer back. i just wanted to be clear. and then i'm just going to
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continue on this report that was written a key milestone ceqa process on december 30th, 2021, from again, my limited experience and i know that commissioner cleaveland and also commissioner covington understands development and building, but from my trade in terms of the community, ceqa is a big process, it's a big deal and i just wanted to kind of point that out because that eye balled me right away as a stand out and i wanted to give is that acknowledgement to you but also chief o'connor to the department itself on this phase, it's a major accomplishment. the only other question i have is as we talk about fire station seven, i know i can go to my trusty hand book and find out where the location of
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location seven is, but for point of entry, can you describe where station seven is located in terms of the replacement process. >> it's located at 19th and folsom. >> vice president: 19th and folsom. >> wow, chief. that's, you know, again the mind goes a little bit, but when you put it in that perspective it's wow. they've got some history over there. i'm looking forward to it. all right. i basically have that and then chief o'connor. thank you. chief o'connor. i know the two subject matters that came up and i don't know categorically if it's under your workload, but i understand that return it to the field and i don't know if that's your area is administration or operation. can you clarify that for me,
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chief? >> we did a little switch. he does answer to me now, we are looking for his replacement to advertise that position and we will be doing interviews very soon. >> vice president: okay. does that fall under your jurisdiction as administrative chief? >> yes, sir. >> vice president: okay. and i just wanted to acknowledge lieutenant johnson for all the work he's done. it's great work he's done and dedication and hard work and i'm excited that he's still with us. my last point and i'm not sure if it fits in here, chief o'connor, to the chief of the department, with all the news of the recent tsunami, you know, for us, tsunamis have great effects on our community homeland and so it became quite interesting to me that the newspaper has brought it out and the tvs have brought it out that our city, what do you call
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that emergency speaker system is not palpable and i think it's still in the planning stage. at some point or another, does that fall under your jurisdiction or perhaps the department of health maybe we can get an update on what that status is? >> i can speak to that right now, vice president nakajo through the president. so, yes. these emergency speakers/sirens were taken off line because they're such old technology that it was very easy to hack into and so it was not secure at all. the department of the head of m.i.s. for the city has been working with mary ellen carol from d.e.m. and supervisors and others on what they're going to
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do in place of that. so it's still in the planning phases and i don't have a time frame for that. >> thank you very much for that answer, chief. again, it was just part of the curiosity as to how that fits with the fire department. again, thank you for the clarity. i knew it was d.e.m., but also the department of technology is apart of that jurisdiction and responsibility and do we need the fire department. i assume you have a direct link on that as well. >> yes. we've been included in the discussion. >> thank you very much. madam president. >> president: thank you, mr. vice president. any commissioners have further -- commissioner covington.
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i like the pin. it always gets my attention on the grid. thank you. >> commissioner: thank you for calling me. and thank you chief o'connor for your very first presentation. congratulations on your new position and your presentation was very good. i wanted you to just spend a few minutes talking about the assessments that are being done with the, what is it, 3,000 firefighters. 30,000 firefighters. and could you talk about the challenges, i mean, very briefly, the challenges that firefighters have in maintaining their good health and why those situations exist,
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you know, for instance building and also household furniture and that sort of thing just so that our new commissioner and the public has an idea of why this is so important and how we got to these tragic numbers. >> some time ago. we knew we were having a problem in the fire service, so we didn't have any definitive numbers. so we sent out a survey and we found out that there was an essential problem with our survey. we got lots of surveys back from spouses or widows or husbands who died saying. that's when we realized we had bigger problems. so we were kind of thumbing
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around and while we were doing all this different research regarding kidney and bladder cancer, we were approached by nyage who wanted to know about the work we were doing. to see how firefighters were dying. was it long and hard issues, was it cancer, was it a variety of things. so we partnered with joann hayes and as i said earlier, this became the definitive gold standard of research. this became a cohort study over a period of time. and it showed the increased linkage of various cancers to firefighters. and then that study was also picked up by the droga fund by
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congress which studied 9/11 firefighters. they picked it up in the con tin jensen of studies to figure out what we were exposed to and why they were collecting these cancers. and it all goes back to the primitive studies which was a study of chimney sweeps in the early 1900s. a chimney sweep in london was basically a hobo so to speak and they were given a broom and an outfit and they would sleep in their outfit and then they'd go back to work and chimney sweeps were dropping off the earth from cancer. and then you had the fresh clothing and the rate of cancers were far below that of the chimney sweeps in london. so looking at that study, we realized perhaps one of the biggest problem we had were our
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turn-outs were like sponges for toxins and the chemicals. then we learned, we need to clean our turn-outs all the time. we realized we were still having all these cancers and we were saying why do we still have all these cancers and how are we ingesting these chemicals and we found out a lot of it is through our eyes and our mucus membranes and necks and armpits, and groins when we get hot, we're absorbing the chemicals through our skin. so now we're looking to detoxing the firefighters right after the fires. but the studies are continuing. we're studying breast cancer in firefighters. kidney and bladder studies being done. we're taking heavy metal readings of our blood before and after fires. and we're tracking firefighters from wild land fires. cal fires and state
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firefighters and we're tracking those firefighters and getting their blood levels measured because as we're finding out now, they're not going off into the woods putting out campfires. you're having tens of thousands of homes burning and off gassing all of their toxins from the chemicals in those homes and these firefighters are ingestioning those chemicals over a longer period of time because that campaign can be a week to two weeks to three weeks. so the research of this little foundation that started twelve years ago has really been leading the nation. ourselves in boston and analyzing firefighters and trying to figure out how we can better protect them. >> commissioner: thank you for that summary. i think it's very important that everyone know that the dangers that are faced by firefighters are not just fires. you know, and the ability to
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put fires out that there is a great danger in ingesting all of the off gassing and all of the other things that come with a property being on fire or a car being on fire and i really want to thank everyone in the department who over the years have participated in this research and participated in an excellent documentary that i would encourage everyone to see. i think you can probably view it online and i also want to thank our physician's department because i know they have a great sensibility for these kinds of things. and making sure that the research includes san francisco
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firefighters. so these 30,000 firefighters and this study, when do you anticipate that it will conclude? >> that's already concluded. i believe it was in 2013 or 2015. >> commissioner: so we already have the figures for that one. >> now we're delving down deeper into the numbers and getting more information. we're breaking down, we had a sub sample of x number of firefighters getting this cancer in chicago, and this cancer in san francisco. now we're trying to track their work records to see what actual fires they went to, was it industrial, residential. so we're looking deep down into that. that's the ongoing study that's happening currently. >> commissioner: oh, okay. very, very good because i think a lot of progress has been made in terms of getting the
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information out and changing the culture in the fire house so that people don't these days that it's a wonderful badge to have a really [ indiscernible ] and now the coats are not taken into the dorm part of the stations, so bit by bit, real depth is being made in saving lives and this is so important for us to remember. i wanted to talk about the rapid testing. i think that's an excellent idea because it has been amazing that so many people have been lining up across the bay area to try to get a it test. so it's very helpful that our
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physician's department has that going with everyone who works for the department both on those people who are administrative staff. it's very important. i don't know for some reason, i thought that people were boosted, but you said that there were booster shots given to a large number? >> we boosted 250 people but a lot of people were already boosted and some people weren't eligible to get the booster because they had just either contracted covid so they had to wait or they just got their booster shot in october. so just compiling all the data. by march 1st, i think we'll be in a good position with our members. >> commissioner: very good. i encourage everyone to get boosted, get that shot because
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as i used to tell my son when he was small, the job of a virus is to stay alive. it will mutate every which way to sunday to stay alive and if we are not agile and keeping one step ahead of it, then that's when we have problems. so thank you again for your report and congratulations again on your new position. >> thank you. >> president: okay. further questions. i have a couple small questions. my colleagues have done a very good job in taking care of the bigger questions. so forgive what may seem like pettier questions. this is, chief, the first
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report that i have seen from -- i guess i'm in my third year now regarding the breathalyzer tests. and before every test has said, every report that i've read and i do read them have said that the results were negative. and this report says that there were 13 i don't know if they're breathalyzers and toxilizers, but i'm familiar with the science equipment from my time in the district attorney's office, you report that all were within limits. you didn't report that they were negatives and i would like to know what the limit is. >> the limit is .004, the same as a commercial driver's license. so if there was nobody that had
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any alcohol in their system during the month. >> president: all right. and these tests are all taken while somebody's on duty and they don't know that it's coming. >> and also taken right after an accident and on duty. >> president: any accidents? >> after accidents, we have a drug testing policy to ensure that there's no drugs or alcohol involved and all those tests were negative as well. >> president: and how many accidents did we have in the past 30 days let's say? you don't need -- i'm not trying to be, you know so specific, but i'm saying 30 days, but -- >> we had four accidents this month. >> president: okay. all right.
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thank you. and they were all below .04 or 00. >> they were 00. >> president: excellent. thank you. and then my second question again, a much smaller question then -- well, actually it's not it's an important question i think which is that from what i have read in different materials, there's concern about the lining of turn-out codes and that they may have chemicals that are carcinogenic. >> that would be pfas. >> president: yes. >> same thing you would find in water proofing of jackets. there's some concerns of pfas, but it's also in canned goods, bottles of water. pfas is everywhere. but we're trying to find a
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vendor that will provide us with jackets and pants that don't have the pfas chemicals in them. >> president: and right now, [ indiscernible ] and are there studies that suggest what the impact is of wearing these turn-outs with pfas and are there turn-outs that are available that aren't lined with material that contains this carcinogenic material. >> the whole industry is gearing up to get out of the pfas chemicals because it's on our radar. there's just evidence that pfas is a carcinogenic chemical. so we're just trying to minimize our exposure. >> president: i think that's excellent. i mean, i wouldn't know.
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i'm not a scientist. but at least it's been under suspicion. so i'm glad it's being studied because that shouldn't be an area of exposure although i understand the protection that it offers. i don't want to see our members falling because of their turn-outs. but if you're successful in getting everybody to clean them as appropriate when they're back from a fire, i bet that will make a big difference. so thank you. >> thank you. >> president: and welcome again officially. those were my only two questions. >> secretary: and there's nobody on the public comment line. >> president: thank you, madam secretary. >> secretary: shall we move on. >> president: yes, we should.
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>> secretary: item six. fire department operating budget. fiscal years 2022, 2023, and 2023-2024. presentation from mark corso deputy director of finance and planning on the fire department's operating budget for the commission review and discussion. overview of the city's budget process, mayor's office budget instructions, and fire department budget updates and priorities. and i don't think we gave director corso an opportunity to do a quick update on the grants committee. >> president: oh, you are correct and maybe he can incorporate that into his report. is that all right, madam secretary? >> secretary: i believe so. >> president: okay. and let me just first ask, is there any public comment?
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>> secretary: there is nobody on the public comment line. >> president: all right. then public comment will be closed and before you start mr. corso i really want to commend you on the materials that we received because as a person not -- well, that struggles sometimes with this finer points of budget, this is really a fine presentation for we civilians. i really want to commend you for it. so thank you. that's even before you give it. so that's good. >> thank you very much. a couple typos in there, but i have corrected them. >> i saw the typos, but i decided to ignore them because the overall presentation was clear. >> thank you very much. have you them corrected here.
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maureen, if you wouldn't mind passing me the ball for sharing. good evening, madam president. mr. vice president. commissioners, mark corso finance and planning to present on the next item here in one moment. there we go. all right. there was one item last meeting that unfortunately we ran out of time on and so i've combined that into this item here. i have some slides on the overall city budget process as well as some departmental specific information that i'll get into in a moment. so just an update from seems awhile ago from when we were closing out last budget. but mayor breed signed off on the fiscal year 21-22 budget back in july of last year and
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that kind of marked the return to standard budget process and timeline for the city after being interrupted by covid so that kind of replicates the standard schedule which i'll get into in a moment and returns to the normal budget process time lines. for the department, budgets were loaded into the budget system. there are however many uncertainties as everyone knows that have remained during the current fiscal year mainly stemming from covid both operation alley for the departments as well as economically for the division. the fire department has budget supplementals making its way through the budget process. one was for the e.m.s. supplemental for additional ambulance personnel. that was approved at the board and in the process of being implemented and the second one was for the salary budget supplemental that the chief had mentioned at the top of the
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meeting. happy to answer any questions about those. and in addition as they do annually and update throughout the year, the city joint report was just released earlier beginning this month and that's generally a report from a combination of the mayor's office, controller's office and budget and legislative analyst. they take a look at the city finances and provide an update and that projection, those projections fuel budget instructions that are given to departments. so on that note, there's actually good news for once. the city's actually projecting a budget surplus over the next two years. so at the time of budget instructions back in december, the city was looking at $108 million surplus over the next two years which are the two budget years we're going to be talking about here. we're currently in fiscal year 21-22. and 23-24 are the next two in
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the budget process. as you can see in this high level charge, i do not recall the last time we had a surplus. generally, we'll have a huge deficit that the city's trying to solve for. especially in the out years as well and as you can see here, years three and four, the relative projected deficit is much lower than in previous years when they've been looking at $400 million deficit in year four and five. obviously, that's very good news here. these projections will be taken into account any budget savings for departments in the current years as well as any additional supplementals that may be drawing on this funding or other funding and the controller's office will release an updated report usually in april that will fuel the mayor's office as far as what their proposed budget for
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june 1st will look like. so here's kind of a snapshot, a comparison over the past few years of what we're looking at at the same time as the past two years with two budget cycles in between and the fiscal year 21-22 budget, we were looking in december of 2019, pre-covid, obviously. we were looking at significant $420 million deficit. obviously with covid that increased to over $1.5 billion in that up updated and condensed fiscal project. we were looking at a $653 million project that the city was looking at in trying to solve. that's compared especially to previous years at the same time, that's a huge improvement. it's driven mainly by revenues. that has come in as part of
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relief funds as well as reduced pension costs which assumptions on those have improved and as personnel costs are a big driver, the savings on that side would be contributing to an improved overall fiscal outlook. if anyone's interested in any further detail, i'm happy to forward a report. it gives detail about what the city's looking at over the next few years. so, specifically, what does this mean for departments and instructions, as a result of the budget surplus departments are requested to provide a reduction of the 10% of their general commitments and this year that is not the case. departments are being emphasized to not request additional funds, but to make use of existing budgets, find deficiencies, stay within your
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budget and in addition, any initiatives or any changes should be aligned with mayoral priorities which are outlined here, restored vibrancy in san francisco. mainly as a result of covid. reprioration of existing funding. if you feel there are additional deficiencies, please do that but stay within your existing funding and it's always improving overall budget. just a few other minor notes. there is a new technical budget city the city is implementing this year. there hasn't been any hick ups yet. moving forward through the entire process on that and in addition, we're continuing, it was implemented last year and we're continuing this year budget process transparency legislation back in the end of
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2020. if there's a number of public meeting requirements, documentation transparency. so specifically it pertains to two public meetings to discuss departmental budgets. we are hearing that with our fire schedule and just providing documentation that's provided at the commission level. there's a central repository where members of the public can access all departmental budget materials from meetings, hearings, etc. and so we are obviously working with the commission secretary and the controller's office on making sure we're posting everything appropriately. i do not see any issues as we work through the process in meeting any of the requirements through the legislation. as i mentioned, the city's back on its kind of standard budget schedule. generally in december, budget instructions after the analysis from the joint report, budget
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instructions are given to departments. february 22nd is when the mayor's office, all budgets are due to the mayor's office from individual departments and then over the march, april, and may time frame, the department works closely with the mayor us office and puts together a comprehensive overall city budget that needs to be balanced and submitted to the board by june 1st and mid june, this is when we're over working with the board of supervisors and i'm not sure if they're going to be virtual or in person this year, but that's when the budget and finance committee hearings will be where we'll have an opportunity to present on our budget. highlight changes, enhancements and work with the budget and legislative analysts on any of the proposed budgets and combatting those. generally in july, the budget goes after that approval of that process, the budget's considered at the board of supervisors and based on the timing, it's generally signed
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off and approved by the board and signed off by the mayor in the very end of july or very early to august. this is the kind of standard schedule that we're back to. obviously anything can change with covid, but hopefully we're back on a more standard schedule going forward. specifically for the department, today's meeting, we have discussion of budget instructions, priorities, and just in general overview and discussion of the budget. february 9th which would be the next meeting where we would be submitting something for commission approval and discussion and possible action on that budget furthering that discussion and that serves as a second of two meetings required by the budget transparency legislation. in the past, maybe we've done it once or twice, but there is time for a special meeting if needed for a budget approval if there are outstanding issues that need to be answered, we can have a special meeting to deal with those issues, and
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then february 22nd as i mentioned, the department, all budgets are submitted to the controller's office and then submitted to the mayor us office and that's that deadline. so that's kind of the first part of the presentation, overall general processes, time lines etc., we'll get into our budget a little bit. so i just wanted to highlight a few things of what our base budget is and what the documents provide you and along with the presentation, you were provided there was a brief three page very high level summary of what our base budget is and so our base budget is what we're working off essentially. that's essentially approved last year and then rolled over to the next two years and that's what we're working on as we propose initiatives or move funding around etc. it includes anything known and then as well some assumptions on labor wage increases, health and dental, other benefit increases, etc. it assumes any new initiatives
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that were either started or was to be continued over the years and hiring a number of people for the paramedicines in the current year. it assumes the positions are hired and that level of service continues over the next two years. things like that. there's a few m.o.u.s that are up for negotiation city wide. so there are when wage increases are known, they're incorporated into the budget system. when those are not known and whether things for negotiation. any pension rates, health and benefit rates. those are all as much as they're known or assumed those are incorporated into the system as well. we're working on some structural updates of the budget. things like that are accounted
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for appropriately. it doesn't include anything that is approved during the current fiscal year. so we're working with the mayor's office on continuing that over the two years and there are no general assumptions in our department during the budget process related to covid and things like that. but that's something that's in the back of everybody's mind as we move forward through the so we're looking at a $465 million budget. there's some funding from the
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airport. obviously, that's paid for by the airport, but in general, most of our operations fall under a general report and that makes up the sources on our side. but this is for expenditure. so we have our general operating funds. we have some annual projects which are uniform turn-outs. we have some continuing projects where we have capital projects. we have our reward program. for the most part, this is for us providing services to the port as well as any other jurisdiction or other entity city department for which we get supplementally reimbursed for. and just looking at the type of expenditures. obviously, we're very much salary and personnel cost heavy.
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this has been consistent through the years for the department. these are the main categories. contracts, etc., materials and supplies, equipment. projects, work orders, where we're making use for other city departments and some technical transfers as well. so that equates to that $461 million. so if we're looking at revenues, you'll see here we rely on the general fund for the vast majority of our budget and that leads to some of the issues we have with regards to competing for limited general fund dollars with other city departments. that's just one of the realities we have. we have some fee revenues, from fire prevention. we get some recoveries from the departments and a few other minor revenues. so that's obviously one of the constraints we have and we're looking at expanding programs
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and things like that. there is a limited capacity in the general fund. so we're working very closely with the mayor's office for any funding initiatives in the department. so looking at the key budget challenges and changes as we move forward. obviously, covid continues to impact the city and the fire department specifically and that's probably related to the second item too. the staffing issues. the chief had mentioned the supplemental for some additional funds to offset some of these challenges. so staffing issues have definitely contributed to that budget deficit that we're looking at. as the pandemic hopefully winds down, but that's something we're actively looking at with the mayor's office over the next couple years is what is that lingering of covid via time off or staffing issues recovering and restaffing and bringing in additional people through hiring. those are issues we're continuing to work with the mayor's office on and we will continue through the june 1st
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budget. we're also working to incorporate approved academies that have been brought on to address the staffing short fall both on the e.m.s. side, but also on the fire suppression side whether it's equipment, whether it's those community paramedics, anything related to that. we're looking at impacts on revenues as the city recovers from the pandemic. so looking at how businesses recover that involves licenses, permits, you know we saw a number of businesses closed. those revenue impacts and on the e.m.s. side, as we ramp up our staffing and we anticipate call volume where does that impact our revenues as well.
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prevention is dealing with. about fee deferrals and local businesses. so we're very much involved in that process. improving core services and we're very much aligned with those priorities from the mayor's office. internally as well. a number of our priorities just kind of a general highlight. but just supporting front line e.m.s. and fire you expression services and also the community paramedics services that have been increasing on an annual basis and we're seeing the good work from those initiatives pay off, but just making sure we're sufficiently supporting the employees and those programs. supporting departmental employees through mental health initiatives, physical and other initiatives that just support the work force civilian and uniform. internal and external equity, you know, expanding diversity
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equity inclusion initiatives incorporating equity to all areas so expanding those equity efforts internally in the department. we talked about this this quite a bit at previous commission meetings which is supporting the infrastructure of the department which is facilities, equipment, basic systems that are needed and used on a day-to-day basis. infrastructure is not -- it's city wide and we have a very much deferred maintenance for deferred equipment needs. so trying to address those as best we can and hopefully given the relatively positive outlook on the budget side, hopefully we can address some of those needs going forward with all parties to do so there. what are we doing internally currently? as the chief mentioned previously, we're meeting to develop and prioritize needs for the department. meeting with the division heads, members in the field.
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all various subject matter experts to get an idea of needs and we'll be discussing how to prioritize those and we'll be having discussion with the mayor's office. we'll be reconvening the budget shortly to give an overview of what we're looking at as far as the overall city situation as far as departmental priorities as well. working with the mayor and controller's office on current year initiatives and resource allocations from initiatives approved in the budget but also related to any of the budget supplementals going through the process and incorporating current year changes into the budget via staffing and academies and things like that, are we want to make sure those are properly integrated and accounted for. projected revenue, that is a little tricky given some of the unknowns, but we do have based off of what we know, we are looking at revenues both on the prevention side and e.m.s. side
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and evaluating staffing models, taking a look at projected retirements, and projected new hires and kind of modelling those circumstances as we move forward out into the next two years. so that will be -- that's kind of where we're working now. we'll have obviously a more detailed update at the next meeting, but just to kind of give an overview of that. happy to answer any questions about that or if you like i can do that at the end of questions. whatever your preference is. >> president: well, if you don't mind if you're prepared at this time, why don't you address the grants committee and commissioners can address all topics. >> absolutely. not a problem. so we've been discussing for awhile putting together a grants commit. obviously covid through a little wrench in that, but now
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that we're hopefully getting a little bit back to normal. we had a kickoff meeting in early december. the intent of the grants committee is to better prepare and identify potential grant applications. so there's a number of programatic grant programs that come up every year that we're aware of. we know the projects and priorities they account for, so we want to be able to give ourselves as much time to fully vet project proposals and so the grants committee is a way to do that. in addition, the other way if we identify projects specifically, the grants committee will allow us to better seek out specific funding that may be tailored towards a specific project. and so far, working with our grants writer, we have one meeting where it's kind of an introductory meeting where we've brought together all the
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deputy chiefs and the command staff and kind of went over the overview of it. the intent we are now working to reach out with each different division to solicit feedback on their needs and priorities and make them aware of existing funding opportunities to see if they have projects that are aligned with those goals and priorities. we obviously will flush out those applications but getting that discussion going and working with those division heads will be helpful. in addition, the other way that projects and proposals may be coming through the -- to the grants committee would be through other committees in the department. so there's a committee for a variety of other subject matter areas. they can develop potential grant opportunities and then kind of for them to the grants committee to be reviewed elm betted and then at end of the day in conjunction with cd1, 2, and 3, we'll be able to prioritize various proposals,
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and projects ready and be more prepared for any grant applications that may come up or will assist us as well as targeting specific funding sources. so i'm happy to answer any questions on any of those. >> president: thank you, mr. corso. appreciate that. as i said, it's a very well-done report and demystifying what sometimes can be rather complex for those of us not in your line of work. so thank you. all right. commissioners questions? comments? commissioner cleaveland. hand up first, you go first, sir. i think you're muted. >> commissioner: thank you, madam president. and thank you, mr. corso for your excellent budget report as
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usual. you are the professional in the world and we are deeply indebted to you for keeping us on track in terms of budget. so thank you for that. you had mandatory staffing requirements. can you plain what that is and does it only apply to firefighters or does it also apply to paramedics and e.m.t.s and do we have any flexibility within those minimum staffing requirements to add more paramedics and e.m.t.s. and not as many firefighters. >> so generally on the mandatory minimum staffing levels, i know for example, the police department has a mandatory staffing level and that's a total in the department the prop f passed almost 20 years ago.
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we have established minimum daily staffing position that we adhere to and that keeps all the engines and trucks open and that equates to a little over 300 positions per day that we need to staff and in the field, our side, all of our staffing goes to meeting those minimum daily standards and so we really don't have -- >> 100 minimum daily is only for fire suppression. there's no minimum number of paramedics or e.m.t.s. >> correct. the prop f outlines the specific apparatus and location and the number of personnel on it. there is mention of ambulances in the legislation it is but it's very minor compared to the total focus of the legislation. but it does talk about
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mandatory daily staffing and it means that we don't have the flexibility if there's a project or something that we need to complete, we don't have the ability to move personnel off of the apparatus and complete that project because we need to meet those minimum daily staffing levels. >> that does point out to our need to get every one of our firefighters certified as a paramedic or e.m.t. does it not? >> i believe currently all. >> 300 firefighters on duty, on any one day, it would certainly behoove us, it's our greatest need these days, it's ambulances and medical assistants that really seem to be imperative for us to migrate all of our firefighters into having both skills as a firefighter and a paramedic or e.m.t. at minimum. >> so i do want to clarify,
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that's numbers of engines and trucks. part of that number of 300 is a number of paramedics that serve on the engines as well so our medical response is incorporated into that number as well. but that e.m.t. baseline minimum is represented across the department completely. >> thank you. so at this points we don't have the assistance at every fire house is that correct? >> that's correct. currently out of the 44 engines we run per day, we average around 32, 33 of those being with a paramedic on them. >> that seems like it would be something pretty important to pump up if you will. >> yeah. i will defer to the operational chiefs on that. we are looking at that. >> that seems to be our biggest
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need these days is dealing with the crisis on the streets. that's all my questions. thank you very much, mr. corso. excellent report. >> president: thank you, commissioner cleaveland. other questions, comments from the commissioners, please? i'm seeing -- commissioner covington. i think you just beat vice president nakajo by one slip of your pen. sorry, vice president nakajo. >> i'm fast on the pen. thank you, madam president and thank you, mr. corso for your report. there are so many good things happening in terms of being able to garner the support that we need and that we have from the city: i don't know if all
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of the members of the department are aware that at one time the mayor was the fire commission and i think that her care and notice of our needs is reflected in the kinds of fiscal support that we have been able to get. i did have just a couple of questions on page three. goodness, i have so much paper here. on page three, there was mention of the budget surplus of $108 million is such good news and just music to my ears
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and then there is a phrase that i love on page five. no mandatory reductions are being requested. i just love the sound of that. so many years it's been reduce your budget by 5% or reduce your budget by 3% and we just had no place to cut and so now we don't have to worry about that for this cycle which is very good. i wonder also on page five under concentrate of mayoral priorities. you have here bullet item number one restoring vibrancy in san francisco. what does that mean and how is that going to be accomplished?
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>> that's a great question. i believe that's generally just a lot of the mayoral initiatives that will be incorporated into the budget as well improving overall conditions in san francisco, improving arts and a lot of the impacted business, small businesses that have suffered during covid making use of open spaces just bringing back a lot of i think a return of events as well assuming that the ongoing recovery from the pandemic, but that life gets back to normal, but restoring a lot of that back into san francisco. >> commissioner: thank you. chief of the department, do you have anything to add to that since you attend the mayor's meetings weekly? >> yes. thank you, commissioner covington. it does have a lot to do with bringing small business back to
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liven up different neighborhood communities and reducing crime and bringing back tourism, that sort of thing. >> commissioner: okay. thank you. i also wanted to say that i appreciate your summary of the grants committee, but my question and my thrust to get grants on the agenda has to do with a report out regarding the grants that we receive and how much we receive for those grants. so to the president, i really would like to give mr. corso and his team a chance to come before us and to let us know, you know, the details regarding
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what grants have been applied for. what grants have come in and where grants are most needed just so that we're apprised of what's going on regarding that. i'm a great believer in finding money through grant applications and we have quite a few people and businesses in san francisco that if they were approached, i am sure they would give us some moneys for perhaps not as much as we would like or as much as we need, but a little here and a little there adds up to quite a bit. so thank you again for your report, mr. corso. >> thank you. >> president: thank you. and vice president nakajo.
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>> president: i apologize. >> vice president: no apologies necessary, madam president. before i make my comment and ask my questions, i also wanted to chime in with the rest of the commission about how fortunate and fortunate is a weak word in terms of your ability to skill level that you present to this department i remember the day when we brought you to a commission meeting back on administration building and staff and how fortunate we are in how you make something that's compleksz as a presentation on this high level with this many dollars is presented so comprehensively and so clearly to where we believe folks can understand. i wanted to make that statement as well as the appreciation for
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your comprehensive nature, but also how fortunate we are to have you on our team. >> thank you very much. >> vice president: having said that, i'm looking at page nine and there's bullet points down from page nine, i'm looking at bullet point four. it starts -- does not include additional initiatives approved during the current fiscal year. you got that component, director? >> yes. >> vice president: so am i to assume this example that we need to assume into our annual budget. is that a good interpretation? >> that's exactly correct. so the budget presented here as our base budget does not include the impacts of that
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like family room the e.m.s. supplemental that will bring 58 additional employees. so we are in the process, we will be incorporating those additional f.t.e.s into our budget with working with the mayor's office. >> vice president: and did you report that as a negotiation with the mayor's office? is that what i heard? >> it's not necessarily a negotiation per se. we've been working with them, but we've identified and alerted them to obviously the positions are only part-time in the current year because we're adding them as we get closer to the fiscal year, but they will be full positions for the entire two years, so we've communicated the cost and they're aware of them. it's just a matter of incorporating them into our budget going forward. >> vice president: so my bigger question is can you identify for us the source of those funds? >> that would be with the mayor's office, i think it will
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be coming out of our overall budget, but they've accounted for those costs because they know it's coming over the next two years and ongoing for sure. >> vice president: okay. i'm moving over to page high level budget overview. looks like page 10. general fund continuing projects. it says fiscal year 21-two hundred twenty-nine figure 22, 23 of the four figure. 23-24. my question in that continuing project scenario, there's quite a bit of reduction from fiscal year 23-24. you want to narrate a little bit as to why that is? >> absolutely.
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that's generally due to a one-time allocation we received in the fiscal year 22-23 budget and that was the allocation set aside for the department to purchase a parcel of land from the port, from the state, and from the port as part of the new fire training facility project. of there's obviously the big chunk of land that will be paid for out of the general obligation bond but that's crucial to the project. it's actually owned by the port and it was ruled we could not use general obligation funds. so it needed to be paid for out of the fund so there was a one time allocation given to our department to accommodate that. that's why it was being reduced in the subsequent years. >> vice president: reduced to a point where it's something bought and received.
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>> correct. so they care over from year to year so if that was a timing issue, it will continue over to the next fiscal year. it's not something we need to continue in the following year. >> vice president: okay. thank you for that. director corso, i'm moving to page 14 second paragraph among san francisco fire department priorities. the second line says supporting departmental employees, what does that mean? >> it means a variety of things. one is ensuring sufficient staffing levels by increasing our staffing levels. there's also a number of behavioral healths, mental health initiatives that we're working with. we're working with health services system on a city wide public safety mental health
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kind of insurance program, e.a.p. specifically for first responders, so trying to do some of those initiatives to provide additional resources for physical health, mental health, etc. just to support departmental employees, those are the priorities of taking care of employees from the department. >> vice president: thank you very much. that's all my specific questions. my comment was as you narrated on base budget and presentation went through my mind was a description i'm sure with our colleagues on the commission and definitely to the command force is every interpretation of a dollar i see us with the crisis team. i see us operating for vehicles. i see us building stations. every dollar, every cent is interpreted into the work we do. for me, i'm able to share what i call major league big city
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budget, particularly san francisco fire department in the city and county of san francisco, i have a tremendous amount of pride as a commissioner director corso in the sense that every dollar is accounted for in terms of what our needs are and then some. i think one of the experiences that you started off with and it was something about we've never been in a scenario where we're not asked to cut 10% to 15% for myself as well. to be able to have this kind of opportunity to have some supplemental resources of revenue for us to operate and then still build from that, the city with the demands are great and so i know that our demands are great and i particularly related to some of the mayor's priorities that you're describing restoring vibrancy in the city and county related to covid, recovery of economic
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climate commercial. everything we do in our fire department, every permit, shared space, everything we do contributes to that. so i think that we fit very well within the priorities of the mayor with also our charge in terms of responsibility to the city and county. thank you, director corso. >> president: thank you, vice president nakajo. commissioner cleaveland, yes, sir. >> commissioner: thank you, madam president. i just have one followup question for mr. corso. i like the rest of our commission am deeply appreciative of the 14.6 million supplemental for the staffing that's being put before the board presently. do you have a break-out for how that $14.6 million was arrived
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at? how do they arrive at that number that we need to supplement our staffing and do you have a break-out of it? >> yes. we've been working very closely with the controller's and the mayor's office as far as our year end projections and as we anticipate staffing impacts and overtime. generally, the entire allocation would be used to offset overtime expenses. but also partially due to additional leave with covid and things like that. so that allocation will be used to offset that. >> commissioner: okay. i was under the impression some of the money would go to keeping academies that we had on track. >> yeah. not directly, but overall. we've assumed obviously both
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the e.m.s. academies that have been approved as part of the supplemental, but in addition, the mayor's office has committed to additional firefighter academy that would start later this fiscal year that would help bring additional firefighters in more quickly. i think the issue we would have is that if the supplemental's not approved, those initiatives are in danger, but we're working with the mayor's office to make sure those will be moving forward. >> on the average, what would you say an academy class costs? each new class, what's the budget impact? >> it's very material, for sure, because the academy lasts about 20 weeks, the curriculum and then in addition to the staffing costs, you have instructor costs and logistical costs, etc. it's about $3 million i would say around 40 personnel. part of that's offset. if those employees graduate and
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start saving money on overtime because they're now in the field. so part of it's timing but there's definitely a material outlay to support that. >> thank you very much. that's very helpful. >> commissioner: those are all my questions. >> president: thank you, commissioner cleaveland. any further questions from mr. corso. seeing none. thank you again very much mr corso for your very hopeful and understandable report. we very much appreciate it. thank you. >> secretary: and there's nobody on the public comment line. >> president: thank you, madam secretary. so public comment will be closed. >> secretary: and we will move on to item seven. fire commission annual statement of purpose 2022 discussion and possible action to adopt the 2022 annual
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statement of purpose. >> president: all right. i assume everybody on the commission has had an opportunity to review the an july statement of purpose for the proposed an july statement. does anybody wish to offer any modifications to that statement? it seems pretty comprehensive to me and on track with what we're supposed to be doing. so i'm inclined unless anybody has anything they want to say to move that we adopt it. is there a second? >> commissioner: i'll second it, madam president. >> president: thank you, commissioner cleaveland. all right. it's been moved and seconded. >> secretary: and there's nobody on the public comment line. >> president: thank you, madam secretary. >> secretary: and i will do a
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roll call vote. [roll call] the 2022 annual statement of purpose has been approved unanimously. item seven, agenda for next and future fire commission meetings. >> president: yes, vice president nakajo. >> vice president: madam president, and colleagues, i didn't see a section where we have a committee report and so i'm going to take advantage of this line item in terms of this particular section, but i basically wanted to acknowledge publicly the reappointment of our colleague, commissioner francee covington as our san
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francisco fire commissioner and congratulate her into all of her years of dedication and hard work. congratulations. >> commissioner: thank you so much. >> president: and i think we were all -- we don't need a second, third, fourth, or fifth. so, yes, congratulations. and what would we do without you. >> commissioner: thank you. thank you so much. >> president: all right. any further business? i'm sorry. commissioner covington, yes. >> commissioner: okay. i'm sorry i got distracted. everything ran out of my head for that moment. thank you. there was one other item that i wanted on the agenda. i know, that would be for assistant chief brown to give
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us an overview of the security matters. i don't think we've heard from her. >> president: if she can tell us about security matters. we'll find out. >> commissioner: i mean, that's why i said overview. >> president: all right. we will work with her to see if she's available for our next meeting. i will state that the commissioners are going to be carrying a heavy load very soon. so i am going to make some effort to keep the agenda a little bit light given the number of meetings that we will be having starting the first week in february. so i don't want everybody to burn out, but we will get to
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chief brown and i'm sure she'll be more than willing to update us on that which we can know. right? yes, she says. okay. very good. vice president nakajo. >> vice president: for clarification, i thought i heard director corso say we're going to have the budget to be adopted. is that correct? >> yes, that would be the request before you, that would be the only meeting before our submittal deadline, so that would be the request before you. >> president: and i think that's a mandatory item and it will be calendared. i'm just trying to be respectful of everybody's time and a lot of it will be used in the next six weeks, eight weeks or so. so i just make note of that.
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and i thank you all for agreeing to participate. >> secretary: and there's nobody on the public comment line. >> president: thank you. so public comment will be closed. >> secretary: shall i move on to adjournment. >> commissioner: so moved. >> president: let's do that. all right. it's been moved and seconded. and i would simply ask that we adjourn this meeting in memory of firefighter inspector larry dean. you know, just life is a funny thing and how certain things happen, you know, there's joy
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and there's tragedy and he was a real tragic loss in the way that he passed and i know we all share in extending our deepest sympathies to his family and it just isn't how it's supposed to be, but as you all know that sometimes what happens in this world and, you know, we as a commission i know all unanimously and without doubt thank him for his service and, yeah, really just feel heart felt condolences and express those sympathies to his
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family. also, i think to mention and adjourn in memory of the three baltimore firefighters who lost their lives, lieutenant paul butrom firefighter paramedic, kelsey saddler, and e.m.t. firefighter, kenny akallo. it's dangerous work and they gave the ultimate sacrifice although it not be in our city, it sure could have been and, yeah, let's, you know, recognize and acknowledge and also extend our sympathies and condolences to their families be they on the other side of the country or wherever such tragedies occur.
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today we are going to talk about fire safety. we are here at the urban center on mission street in san francisco. it's a wonderful display. a little house in the urban center exhibition center that shows what it's like in a home in san francisco after an earthquake. one of the major issues that we are going to face after earthquakes are fire hazard. we are happy to have the fire marshall join us today. >> thank you. my pleasure. >> we talk about the san francisco earthquake that was a fire that mostly devastated the city. how do we avoid that kind of problem. how can we reduce fire hazard? >> the construction was a lot
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different. we don't expect what we had then. we want to make sure with the gas heaters that the gas is shut off. >> if you shut it off you are going to have no hot water or heat. be careful not to shut it off unless you smell gas. >> absolutely because once you do shut it off you should have the utility company come in and turn it back on. here is a mock up of a gas hear the on a house. where would we find the gas meter? >> it should be in your garage. everyone should be familiar with where the gas meter is. >> one of the tools is a wrench, a crescent wrench. >> yes. the crescent wrench is
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good and this is a perfect example of how to have it so you can loosen it up and use it when you need it. >> okay. let's go inside to talk about fire safety. many of the issues here relate to fire, for example, we have a little smoke detector and i see you brought one here, a carbon monoxide smoke detector. >> this is a combination of smoke and carbon monoxide detector. they are required in single homes now and in apartment buildings. if gas appliance is not burning properly this will alert you before the fumes buildup and will affect you negatively. >> this is a battery powered? >> this is a battery powered
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and it has a 10 year battery life. a lot of times you may have one or the other. if you put in just a carbon monoxide detector, it's important to have one of these too. every house should have a fire extinguisher, yes. >> one thing people expect to do when the power goes out after an earthquake about using candles. what would you recommend? >> if you have a battery operated candle would be better to use. this kind of a candle, you wouldn't want it in an area where it can cause a fire or aftershock that it doesn't
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rollover. you definitely want to have this in a non-combustible surface. >> now, here we have our stove. after a significant earthquake we expect that we may have gas disrupted and so without gas in your home, how are you going to cook? >> well, i wouldn't recommend cooking inside of the house. you have to go outside and use a portable stove or something else. >> so it wouldn't be safe to use your fireplace to cook? >> not at first. you should check it by a professional first. >> outside should be a safe place to cook as long as you stay away from buildings and
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doors and windows. >> yes. that will be fine. >> here we have some alternative cooking areas. >> you can barbecue and if you have a regular propane bark could barbecue. >> thank you for joining us. and thanks for this terrific space that you have in this exhibition space and thanks for helping san francisco stay
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san francisco is surrounded on three sides by water, the fire boat station is intergal to maritime rescue and preparedness, not only for san francisco, but for all of the bay area. [sirens] >> fire station 35 was built in 1915. so it is over 100 years old. and helped it, we're going to build fire boat station 35. >> so the finished capital planning committee, i think about three years ago, issued a guidance that all city facilities
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must exist on sea level rise. >> the station 35, construction cost is approximately $30 million. and the schedule was complicated because of what you call a float. it is being fabricated in china, and will be brought to treasure island, where the building site efficient will be constructed on top of it, and then brought to pier 22 and a half for installation. >> we're looking at late 2020 for final completion of the fire boat float. the historic firehouse will remain on the embarcadero, and we will still respond out of the historic firehouse with our fire engine, and respond to medical calls and other incidences in the district. >> this totally has to incorporate between three to six feet of sea level
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rise over the next 100 years. that's what the city's guidance is requiring. it is built on the float, that can move up and down as the water level rises, and sits on four fixed guide piles. so if the seas go up, it can move up and down with that. >> it does have a full range of travel, from low tide to high tide of about 16 feet. so that allows for current tidal movements and sea lisle rises in the coming decades. >> the fire boat station float will also incorporate a ramp for ambulance deployment and access. >> the access ramp is rigidly connected to the land side, with more of a pivot or hinge connection, and then it is sliding over the top of the float. in that way the ramp can flex up and down like a hinge, and also allow for
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a slight few inches of lateral motion of the float. both the access ramps, which there is two, and the utility's only flexible connection connecting from the float to the back of the building. so electrical power, water, sewage, it all has flexible connection to the boat. >> high boat station number 35 will provide mooring for three fire boats and one rescue boat. >> currently we're staffed with seven members per day, but the fire department would like to establish a new dedicated marine unit that would be able to respond to multiple incidences. looking into the future, we have not only at&t park, where we have a lot of kayakers, but we have a lot of developments in the southeast side, including the stadium, and we want to have the ability to respond to any marine or maritime incident along
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these new developments. >> there are very few designs for people sleeping on the water. we're looking at cruiseships, which are larger structures, several times the size of harbor station 35, but they're the only good reference point. we look to the cruiseship industry who has kind of an index for how much acceleration they were accommodate. >> it is very unique. i don't know that any other fire station built on the water is in the united states. >> the fire boat is a regional asset that can be used for water rescue, but we also do environmental cleanup. we have special rigging that we carry that will contain oil spills until an environmental unit can come out. this is a job for us, but it is also a way of life and a lifestyle. we're proud to serve our
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>> the city has undertaken a pilot program to hook up private privately -- owned hotels. >> the community members say this is helpful for them especially for the seniors and families with kids from seniors being able to connect with the family during the pandemic and too watch the news has been really helpful during this time where they are stuck inside and are not able to go outside. for families it is important to stay connected to go to school, to get connected so they can submit resumes to find jobs
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during the pandemic. [speaking foreign language] >> challenges that might seem for the fiber in chinatown is pretty congested. the fiber team found ways around that. they would have to do things such as overnight work in the manholes to get across through busy intersections, and i think the last challenge is a lot of buildings we worked on were built in the early 1900s and they are not fitted with the typical infrastructure you would put in a new building. we overcame that with creative ideas, and we continue to connect more sites like this.
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>> high-speed internet has become a lifesaver in the modern era. i am delighted that we completed three buildings or in the process of completing two more. i want to thank our department of technology that has done this by themselves. it is not contracted out. it is done by city employees. i am proud and i want to take a moment to celebrate what we are doing.
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i want to thank sfgovtv for broadcasting this meeting. mr. clerk, any announcements? >> clerk: the minutes will reflect committee members reflected through video conference as though present. public access to city services is essential. we invite public participation on each item on the agenda. channel 26, 78, 99 and sfgovtv. they are streaming the call-in number on the screen. each speaker is allowed two minutes to speak. comments or opportunities to speak are available by a phone call by calling 415-655-0001. meeting id24825009585. press pound twice. when connected you will hear the discussions you will be muted in listening mode only. when your item comes up dale
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star 3 to be added to the speaker line. call from quiet location and turn down your device. alternatively you may submit by e-mailing myself, budget and finance committee clerk at sfgovtv. if you submit by e-mail it will be included as part of the official file. written comments may be sent by the u.s. postal service to city hall. items today are expected to appear on the board of supervisors agenda of february 1, 2022 unless otherwise stated. mr. chair. >> chair haney: thank you. all right. we have a full budget and
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finance committee meeting agenda. thank you for being brief with your presentations. item 1. >> resolution approving and authorizing the execution of a no-fee license with the city of daily city for the operation and maintenance of two ground water project wells on land owned by the city of daily located at 377 and 370 south park plaza drive to take certain actions in furtherance of the resolution. to economics upon execution of the license through june 30, 2034. if you wish to comment on this item call 415-655-0001. meeting id24825009585.
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pound twice. if you haven't done so dial star 3 to line up to speak. the system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. wait until you are unmuted to begin your comments. mr. chair. >> i will turn it over to -- [indiscernable] >> good morning, chair haney and members of the committee. thank you for hearing this item. i am the program monger for the
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planning division. the resolution before you is approval of this no-fee license agreement for the city of daily city authorized for two new production wells we installed on land owned by the city of san francisco in accordance with the recovery project and associated agreements. i have a few slides to give you a little background. then going forward. >> some background. they approved implementation of the regional recovery project in august of 2014. the project is based on in use storage of ground water. what that is going to do during normal and wet years they will advance surface water to our partner agencies and they will
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reduce their pumping of ground water and would allow us to story deduction and also through additional presentation from additional storage in the basin. during dry years it is activated and the wells will get turned on and the partner agencies will pump additional ground water and provide additional supplies. as i mentioned project provides a supply. increases capacity and reliability. it also will provide us drinking water for emergency supply during earthquakes and any major catastrophes and for this project to have the partner
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agencies including daily city and the water supply agency for the city of san francisco come together for this project. this just shows briefly the location where these are. i am not sure if you can see this. the two wells in daily city on south plaza drive. one is right next to the west side of the golf course and across the field from the school. both are in the city. the main map here on the far left shows in green the location of all of the new wells that the p.u.c. has installed in cord nation with our partner agencies as part of this program.
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as i mentioned. the recovery project agreement involves partner agencies, sanbruno and daly city to help us during dry years. during normal and wet years we provide additional water for storage in the basin. we have availability to access that during dry years. the two wells were constructed in daily city. these produce 400 gals per minute. those will be connected to the west pump station. daly city will treat the water at the west lake pump station.
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this license agreement would allow daly city access to two wells, to operate during recovery or dry year period and maintain the wells during regular periods. that is it for my presentation. i will take any questions you might have. >> good morning. we did not report on this item. >> chair haney: any questions or comments? supervisor mar. you are on mute. >> supervsor mar: i just had a question. i appreciate all of the work the pc is doing to coordinate with
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the other agencies on managing this ground water basin resource that spans multiple jurisdictions. this agreement would allow daly city to tap the ground water, is that the purpose of the wells? >> yes daly city pumps ground water as supply to customers. between what they pump already and what we sell to them that makes the supply. the project as designed would help them during wet and normal years when we have excess water we provide to daly city to allow them to pump less ground water and we are allowed to store more in the basin. when we need the additional
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supply during drought we have daly city pump the wells they normally pump and in addition they turn on these two wells we have installed to provide us 400 gals per minute, 900 gals per minute. 1.3mgd bottle of additional applies that we don't have to provide to them. that frees up the water that we can use for other things and provides drought benefits. >> i appreciate all of the work in coordinating this. i have a general question. i don't know if you can answer or follow-up. the state of the background ground water basin. is this west side? >> yes west side basin. >> what is the states of that basin currently given the
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drought years that we have been going through recently and how does it compare to what it has been historically? >> just in general, the basin will typically lag behind in impact from the drought. right now based on the project and what we have been able to store we are probably at about 35% of where we were hoping to be at the end of the storage period. we are doing pretty well. the basin considering the drought is doing pretty well. we haven't seen any major impact to the water level in the basin due to the current drought that we have been dealing with. >> you said it is at 35% where we hoped or expected it to be? >> no, 35% where we wanted it to
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be after several years. we haven't had seven years of storage yet. our progress goes we are doing very well. >> i have heard a lot of concerns from the environmental community about the state of the west side basin and the need for more efforts to support recharge and conservation on the west side. does the coordination with the other cities or jurisdictions include things like that? efforts to recharge the basin through stormwater diversion and conservation? looking at the golf courses in daly city? >> yes, it does. that is one of the major things we looked at as part of the
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project in coordination. the golf courses in the vicinity of the area most of those golf courses, all three are now on mostly recycled water. for the last year of 2020daly city had issues. it is back online. historically the golf courses have used 80% of the irrigation supplied from the recycled water plant. that is very good and allows them to not use as much ground water. we have the program for the entire west side basin going since about 2001. we have the monitoring wells on the course, all the way down. based on the work we do, we go out and collect samples from there every quarter, monitor water level in the wells and
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look at historically to help us manage the basin with the partner agencys. we also have the model which helps us with what we need and all of that is worked with daly city and san bruno. we are trying to be very holistic how we look at managing this resource and the regional project, i think, is a good way for us to store during good years and have something to fall back on when it is not so good. >> thanks for all of your work. i would like to get maybe a follow-up briefing on the important work around the regional ground water in the west side basin.
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>> i would be glad to do so. >> thanks, chair haney. >> chair haney: public comment please. >> clerk: operations is checking to see if there are callers in the queue. members who wish to comment bless star 3 to speak. for those on hold continue to wait until the system indicates you are unmuted to begin your comments. do we have callers to comment be on this item? >> mr. clerk, we have no callers in the queue. >> chair haney: public comment is closed. i want to make a motion to move item 1 to the full board with a positive -- how do we do this? yes move to the full board with positive recommendation. if we can have a roll call vote, please. >> clerk: on the motion to full board with positive
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recommendation. vice chair safai. >> aye. >> member mar. >> aye. >> chair haney. >> aye. >> we have three ayes. >> chair haney: thank you. item 2. >> clerk: hearing to consider the release every served fundings to the public utilities commission, placed on the budget and finance committee reserve by ordinance 114-17 in the amount of $865,000 to fund the wastewater enterprise flood claims. members of the public to comment call 415-655-0001. id24825009585. pound twice. if you haven't done so dial star 3 to speak. system prompt will indicate you raised your hand. wait until you are unmuted to begin your comments.
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mr. chair. >> chair haney: thank you. we have the p.u.c. welcome. >> welcome. good morning, chair haney and supervisors. i am greg norby. assistant general manager of wastewater enterprise. we are responsible for the elements of stormwater management across the city. thank you, chair haney for scheduling the meeting on release of $865,000 on budget and finance committee reserve for the wastewater enterprise flood claims. back to the background on this briefly. in october 2015, at the p.u.c. request, the board of supervisors appropriated $5 million from the wastewater enterprise general reserve to take claims and settlements, legal expenses and related costs
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from extraordinary expenses incurred as a result of the september 2014 stormy events. in may of 2017, again at the p.u.c. request, the board appropriated another $5 million from the wastewater enterprise general fund reserve due to similar large volume of claims out of events from the 206--- 2016-17 storms. $2 million was of that $5 million was made immediately available. $3 million was placed on budget and finance committee reserve. that is the moneys we are speaking about today on this item. in june of 2020, the committee released $2,135,000 from that $3 million reserve to pay claims
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arising from the stormy vents, combination of 2014 and the 2016-17 event. that left $865,000 still placed on reserve. then in fall of 2021, the board of supervisors approved 12 additional settlements from the same storm event 4. 981-21 through 192-21. those settlements were paid by the san francisco public utility commission wastewater enterprise fund balance under the budget and appropriation ordinance 165-20. before you today is a request to
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the committee to release the remaining $865,000 on reserve to partially reimburse the waste water enterprise fund balance for these ongoing flood damage payouts. briefly, just to give you a sense what has been happening, over the years these flood damage payouts have been occurring. this item before you the p.u.c. has been making progress and taking substantial action on resiliency. some examples include floodwater grant plan which makes grants up to $100,000 available to individual property owners for flood resiliency improvements to their property. we have three major capital projects. one under construction now on the 15th area and two in design,
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one in folsom 17th area and one in the other area. those projects total $600 million in construction costs. those are totally funded at this point in the p.u.c. budget. we also have in the advanced stages of application for low interest wifia water financing innovation act loans. we are waiting for word on those. they are funded in our current capital budget. in april of 2021 the p.u.c. commission hosted the multi city workshop on flood resiliency and green infrastructure with participation with staff from new york city and philadelphia and washington, d.c. and oregon to share progress and compare lessons learned on flood resiliency.
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we faced similar challenges to the other centers across the country. there is also an ongoing effort to in cord nation with the city administrator and department of building inspection and planning department to advance a building code amendment that would apply to properties within the 100 year flood risk zone of the city to require new building and substantial renovation to incorporate standard level of improved flood resiliency for that part of the city. lastly we have an active public outreach campaign call rain ready sf. we ramp it up ahead of the wet weather season and during and after storms to help homeowners and business owners to understand what resources are available to them and what they can do to improve flood
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resiliency of properties and cleanup in a safe manner in terms of public health and safety. we share those with you this morning to let you know the p.u.c. takes the flood resiliency efforts seriously and look forward to continuing partnership to reduce future flood related claims and improve flood resiliency. i am happy to answer any questions on the item. >> chair haney: thank you. any questions? >> clerk: we do have a report. this proposed hearing would release $855,000 from budget and finance committee reserve to the
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p.u.c. waste water enterprise as noted by the department. in december 2021 the board of supervisors approved 12 settlement payments totaling $4.9 million related to damage from 2014 storms. it is on page three of the report. these payments were made from the wastewater fund balance which is why the department is now requesting the $855,000 be released from reserve. this is the remaining portion of the original appropriation for this purpose. on reserve for this purpose. according to the city attorney's office there are no other cases pending related to these storms. we recommend approval. i am happy to answer any questions. >> chair haney: thank you. public comment on this, please. >> clerk: operations is checking to see if there are any callers
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in the queue. members of the public to comment press star 3. if you are on hold wait until you have been unmuted. that will be your queue to comment. do we have any callers? >> there are no callers in the queue. >> chair haney: public comment is closed. with that i do not have any questions or comments. i want be to make a motion to release the funds in the amount requested by the wastewater enterprise floodplain and that there hearing be filed. can we take a vote on that, please? >> clerk: on the motion to release the reserve funds and that this hearing be heard and
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filed. vice chair safai. >> mr. chair, i am sorry. i was trying to hit the button. did i say a couple of things before we vote on this real quick? >> chair haney: sure. >> i will be real fast. as a supervisor from the district that has had significant flooding right on the border and also in supervisor mandelman's district, it is important the families impacted by flood claims all over the city including other parts of the city that we take this seriously, that the impacted parties are made whole and the system itself is dressing the back up and issues in flooding. i know there are major projects coming down to pike to allow for
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pressure to be taken off. i want to say a lot of people in my district, a lot of families and in other parts of the city definitely have had to live in fear as we have flash flooding and their homes are impacted. i am sorry to see the city payout but i am happy to see the claims have been taken seriously and have been resolved and now there are additional funds to address backup in the system and hopefully we will be able to resolve this going forward once and for all. thank you, mr. chair. >> chair haney: thank you for that statement. vote on the motion now. >> clerk: again. on the motion to release reserve funds and that this hearing be heard and filed. vice chair safai.
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>> aye. >> member mar. >> aye. >> chair haney. >> aye. >> clerk: we have three ayes. >> chair haney: thank you. funds will be released and the hearing will be filed. we are trying to move to items 5 in the next 10 minutes. why don't we go to item 3 and see if we can do that. >> clerk: 3. hearing to consider the release every served funds to the juvenile probation department placed on the budget and finance committee reserve by ordinance 108-21 in the amount of approximately $469,000 to fund the overtime activities in
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juvenile hall and the building and grounds unit. members of the public to comment on this item call 415-655-0001 meeting id24824009585. press pound twice. dial star 3 to speak. system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. mr. chair. >> chair haney: we have the chief from jpd to present on this item. >> i would love to get through the next item, too, in the few minutes that we have. we will see what we can do. we will try to be quick. supervisors good morning. great to be with you. we have one slide to share only on this item. this item is about the half of the jpd budgeted over time put on reserve by the board last
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summer during the budget process. i think at that time the money was put there because of the legislation to close the hall by december. it seemed like a prudent way to hold the funds to be used in the future. we come back to you to seek release of the funds from reserve used in the department for operations. they come to these two critical things right now. we rely on the over time this year because we are handling covid in the hall and having to cover shifts of staff who have to be home isolating. we are drawing on over time as well as having to open additional units in the house when we need to separate out as well as building and maintenance staff called upon over time for
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emergency sanitation in the halls or the probation building with any of the partners in the knowledge have left, exposure to covid and the staff that have called in to do that immediate work. we are spending our budgeted over time this year and we come to you to remain for the remaining half to be taken off every serve so we continue to spend with in the budget line item. thank you. >> chair haney: i do want to flag for this that this is important to president walton. if you have had any
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conversations with him about this supervisor ronan as well. supervisor walton wanted these funds on reserve for the budget process. >> i had the opportunity to speak with president walton and supervisor ronan on monday. they are comfortable with these funds being taken off reserve. >> chair haney: thank you. is there a report on this item? >> we have a report. the next hearing would release $469,000 from budget and finance committee reserve to juvenile probation department to continue top fund over time activities. as chief miller noted the committee placed this reserve on the department over time this year in anticipation of juvenile hall being closed at the end of 2021. as we show on page 7 the
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department projected $1.4 million over time spending. $650,000 over the budget. juvenile hall is operational. the staffing requirement by the state remain in effect and staff working those hours must be paid. there is not a projected salary surplus at this time we recommend approval of the release every serve. happy to answer any questions. >> any questions? >> chair haney: public comment, please. >> clerk: members of the public to comment on this item press star 3 to speak. for those on hold continue to wait until the system indicates
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you are unmuted and that is your queue to comment. do we have any callers? >> there are no callers in the queue. >> chair: public hearing is closed. any questions or comments from colleagues? i want to move to release the funds in the amount requested by the juvenile justice. there are two sets of funds being released. the amount requested for the department of juvenile probation staff over time and that this hearing be filed. >> clerk: on the motion to release the funds to the juvenile probation and this hearing be heard and filed.
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vice chair safai. >> aye. >> member mar. >> aye. >> chair haney aye. >> clerk: we have three ayes. >> chair haney: please call item 4. >> hearing to consider release of reserve funds to the juvenile probation department placed on the budget and finance committee reserve by ordinance 108-21 in the amount of $794,000 to fund the juvenile justice realignment block grant. to comment call 415-655-0001. press pound twice. dial star 3 to speak. the prompts will indicate you raised your hand. wait until unmuted to comment. mr. chair.
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>> chair haney: chief. >> thank you. if you could please share. we will quickly go over what we are here for today on this. during the budget process last summer president walton put on reserve the juvenile justice realignment block grant funds. a new funding source from the state. we are developing the plans from last summer. they are on reserve. quick background. in the fall of 2020, governor newsom filed legislation to close the prison was and realign back to the counties the responsibilities for supervisors young people. the less serious. that brings new responsibilities back to us locally including
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caring for young people to older ages. we have more young adults in the facility. figuring out what the continuing services will be. this is the first year of the ongoing funding. in future years it will be wrapped up in the budget. the process for the funds is also dictated by the state of legislation. each county needs a local subcommittee chaired by the chief probation officer. the committee with a lot of youth advocacy at the table. that committee actually develops the local county plan and identifies all of the ways the funds will be spent. that was done in the fall and resubmitted at the end of 2021 as required by the legislation. quickly indicating what our committee decided to spend the
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money on. i will run through fast. this realignment of responsibility to the county envisions a secure place for any young people who the court does commit to those long-term spays. that is happening. we have a couple young people in that situation. some funding will be used to to give out what they may need in custody. we have allocated funding to do that. the desire among the subcommittee to allocate funding for training for all of us collectively, everybody working with these young people. this was highly with labor. spending the money now to make sure the young people have what they need we are setting aside money for this training. there are a couple other categories where the committee
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allocated funds. these are not for those in custody across the continuum on probation or in group home or secure setting. we will work with people across the continuum and family support. funding to better support the families of the young people in the juvenile justice including funding for basic needs of families. those are the categories designated by the subcommittees. at this time we seek release of funds to start r.f.p. to get the funding out to the services and minor infrastructure costs within the city. that is my presentation. we seek your support in releasing the funds. thank you.
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>> chair haney: there there a report on this item? >> this proposed hearing would release approximately $795,000 from the juvenile justice realignment block grant program in the juvenile probation budget. pending more information about the final programming. the purpose of this state grant is to fund realignments of responsibility for justice involved youth for offenses previously supervised by juvenile justice. on page 10 of our report the probation department are planning to use the grant funding to procure services for the population. some of the services will be provided in juvenile hall to be repurposed to accommodates court ordered placement to secure
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facility. it is a policy matter. i am happy to answer any questions. >> i should add that i spoke to supervisor ronan and president walton on this matter to make sure they were comfortable with the funds being released and they indicated that they were. >> chair haney: thank you. colleagues, any questions or comments? i know that we have spoken about these issues. supervisors ronen and walton. check for public comment please. >> clerk: members of the comment press star 3 to speak. for those on hold continue to wait until the system indicates you are unmuted. that is your key to comment. do we have any callers?
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>> mr. clerk, we have no caller in the queue. >> chair haney: public comment is now closed. i want to make a motion to release the reserve funds in the amount requested for juvenile justice realignment block grant program and this hearing be filed. roll call vote, please. >> clerk: on the motion to release the funds and this hearing be heard and filed vice chair safai. member mar. >> aye. >> chair haney. >> aye. >> vice chair safai. absent. we have two ayes with vice chair safai absent.
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>> chair haney: thank you. mr. clerk. please call item 5. >> item 5. resolution apologizing on behalf of the board of supervisors of the city and county of san francisco to chinese immigrants and descendents for systematic and structural discrimination, targeted acts of violence and atrocities and committing to the recty fiction and redress of past policies and misdeeds. call 415-655-0001. 24825009585 and press pound twice. the system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. wait until unmuted to comment. mr. chair. >> chair haney: thank you. i am going to provide brief
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comments we have a few presenters. this is a resolution we introduced to offer a formal apology to the chinese community foreign during a painful centuries long history of discrimination and violence committed by the city. it is important though our board of supervisors issue this apology in part because much of this history took plays with the active support and legislation that was passed by the body we currently serve on. this resolution was drafted in partnership with three former and current s.f.u.s.d. student, george, drew and dennis. they spent time and effort researching and drafting this resolution and reached out for me asking it to be introduced for the board.
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i acknowledge their leadership and thank them for commitment to helping us taking this step to redressing past wrongs. it is very appropriate this came from young people who understand the history and are going to help usury dress it in the future. i want to acknowledge the efforts taken by our board in the past specifically former president norman yee, supervisors chu and our current city attorney david chu who was supervisor at the time who also addressed these issues in the actions taken by the board. i want to thank supervisor mar and chanfor their partnership and leadership on this and supervisor chan wanted to be here. the rules committee was rescheduled for today.
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anti-asian sentiment has existed over a century. covid-19 exacerbated it. it is critical we take action against that violence but rerecognize that this is not new. this discrimination, this racism and acts of violence have been with us for some time and is what we have facing today we have to confront the history. this follows similar actions taken by cities such as los angeles, san jose who have all issued formal apologies over the last few months and called out racist policies and attacks targeted at the chinese committee and 150 years of anti-chinese laws that denied access to education, housing employment and a companied by physical violence against
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chinese residents. the discriminatory policies all of which were eventually overturned by state and federal courts continue to have lingering impacts on our city and particularly on this community. this resolution also acknowledges the tremendous resilience and leadership of the chinese committee we assisting those policies and advancing civil rights. san francisco tragically was a place where much of this racism was kept for support in city government and was replicated in other places. it was also the hub everysy stance. a place where we have the oldest and largest chinatown that came
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together in resistance and also to fight for the civil rights and human rights of people across the country. san francisco is known for the rich culture and history and without the chinese community and cultural significance san francisco would not be the city it is today. we should treat everyone with respect and fairness regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion. this formal apology is long overdue. forward the healing reconciliation and justice. as part of this apology and the reason we are here today. we are asked to make a commitment to take collective action beyond simply apologizing. we must use our power and voice to create change through legislation and budget investments to ensure greater support and resources to address
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the legacy of the decisions reflected in this resolution. i want to acknowledge and this is something that many have brought forward to us. this formal apology should not be viewed as diminishing the experiences of any other community. it is intended to build solidarity. there are many communities in our city who have experienced wrongs, discrimination, including the latin x and black and api, japanese. filipino community and the attacks and laws passed targeting the chinese community affected and impacted the entire api community in particular. we recognize that in this resolution. i want to thank all of the folks who provided feedback on this resolution especially my
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colleague supervisor mar and chanand the presenters we will hear from this morning. i hope this is something to bring collective healing and bring the city closer together but also spur more sustained comprehensive action to address the lingering affect. i will turn this over to the first speaker, dennis wu. george and drew could not be here. i thank dennis for speaking today on behalf of the students. dennis, are you here? >> hello, i am dennis, i am here. you will see me with my mask on. i am in school right now. >> that is fine. >> good morning, supervisors
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haney, mar, safai and other board of supervisors in attendance. i am dennis casey wu. proud student of the public school system. i thank you for giving me the opportunity to share why i decided to help craft the resolution with the berkeley and stan ford students for the past injustices towards the chinese community in san francisco. i remember watching the news about los angeles apologizes. why not san francisco? why not the city with the deep history of chinese americans with a vibrant population of us today, 23% of the population today. i started researching and was shocked to discover numerous instances of discrimination by the government.
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two stood out. first was the fact that not just chinese but asians in general were forced to at tend inferior schools over the 19th sent tree. it was identical to crow segregation in the south. i thought it was southern not in my hometown of san francisco. i was learning about the intobonnic playing out break of 1904 and ordinance number 85 empowered the board of health to quarantine anyone. they racially profiled chinese descent and quarantined them in chinatown. i couldn't believe it. same thing is happening again. chinese for the covid-19
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pandemic when it was called the flu and the assault on the asian elderly. the board of supervisors and help my fellow collaborators. the board received the proposed resolution, it was humbling. i never would have imagined playing an active role in a proposal sent to the board. it is helpful to be on the front page of the chronicle and the local tv news. the instances of discrimination against chinese were spotlighted. i feel this is history that people need to learn. an official apology is activism. i feel the apology would be an
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important step to advocate formal justice and equity. thank you. >> chair haney: thank you so much, dennis. thank you for your leadership and for joining us. i know you are at school right now so we appreciate it. we don't want to keep you too long. i know you have to rejoin your classes. i want to give the opportunity, colleagues. i think dennis has to leave. if there is anything that you want to share or ask of him before we move to the next presenter. he has to go back to school. supervisor mar. >> supervsor mar: briefly, i want to thank dennis andrew and george for initiating this important effort and resolution. dennis, my daughter is a classmate of yours at school.
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really this is extremely powerful for high school and college students to bring this word right now at this moment. really sort of pushing all of us to acknowledge and recognize the long and troubling history of institutional racism and systematic racism against chinese and people of color in our state and country. thank you, dennis. thanks for the young people in our community for pushing us. >> thank you for those kind wars, supervisor mar. -- kind words, supervisor mar. >> chair haney: i don't know if supervisor safai is raising his hand. i can't see.
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dennis, thank you for your work and leadership. this will have a tremendous impact on our city. we take responsibility that you have given us and the mandate to really confront this history and its impact, to be honest about it and take action. this is meaningful to people as you saw from the response whether it was first announced. also the actions that we take will be meaningful and it was all because of your work and your colleagues for bringing this forward. i will say we need your help. this is not something that is going to be solved in the city in one year or in one budget cycle. we are all going to need to work together and in partnership with our young people and our next
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generation all leaders to address these issues. supervisor safai, anything to share? >> i will just say this and wait for the rest of the presentation. some of the best thing as in our history when it comes to civil rights and reform are driven by students. when we look at history that has played itself out over and over again. for casey and george and others to have been really the drivers of this, i think that is powerful. thank you for your voice on your moat this timevation in moat this timevating us to talk about this important history and apologizing to such an important part of san francisco's fiber, the chinese american community. i will reserve my remarks. thank you to the students.
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>> thank you for those words, supervisors. >> chair haney: anything, dennis, anything else you want to say or is it all right to move on? >> no, you just do what you were planning on doing. do you need me for anything else? >> chair haney: you need to get back to class. we don't want to get you in trouble. >> i will head out now. thank you supervisors haney and mar and safai and all of the supervisors for this wonderful opportunity. >> chair haney: thank you. next i am going to turn it over to justin whoever from the chinese historical society who
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is a leader in our city to understand and know our history. important amendments i will turn it over to you, justin. >> thank you. i would like to say can we have a precocious teenager at all meetings. i want to say thank you for taking the time and having that, the will and desire to make this resolution. thank you, supervisor haney and the supervisor committee members, mar, chan, safai and the attorney and so many more. this apology is long overdue and comes at a time of increased hate against the api committee.
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