tv MLK Freedom Concert SFGTV February 2, 2022 12:00am-2:01am PST
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>> welcome to the first -- let me take my mask off. so you guys can see who we're talking about. my name is aaron. i'm the executive director of the northern california martin luther king, jr. community foundation and we're elated to inaugurate with our partners the san francisco human rights commission. and the university of san francisco. hope will spur a continuation year over year to launch our
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annual holiday celebrations. as we come to you tonight, there are several urgent issues and urgent matters that we as a community and as a country are faced with and need to come to grips with. 1965, in march of 1965, dr. king came to selma, alabama, to lead a march. that march was to bring light to the plight of the african-american citizen in the southern states. the major issue with that plight had to do with voting rights. jim crow laws in the south, as many of you know, curtailed the ability of black folk to be able to participate meaningfully in society writ large in the united states. so they created their own
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community behind the veil so to speak, to create a vibrancy that was able to bring out a personality and a personality such as martin luther king, jr. to be able to highlight the ills and the plight of this nation. and so on that journey in selma, dr. king began to negotiate with the white house and with congress to pass the 1965 voting rights act. there was in the congress and white house to do so. the marches were ensued. many of you know that the late john lewis as beaten brutally, josa williams and diane nash,
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beaten brutally, many were beaten brutally, just for seeking the right to vote. on march 21, after the protection of the united states marshalls took a five-day journey, 54 miles down from selma to montgomery to preach or to preach to the nation all 27,000 or so, to bring light to this issue of voting rights. in august, 1965, the voting rights act was passed. fast forward three days later on march 28 -- three days after dr. king had led that march, dr. king stood in the pulpit of san francisco's grace cathedral as part of their installation service of that new cathedral and stated that this issue, the issue of racism, was the negroes
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burden "and america's shame". after the voting rights act was passed, 50 years later, 2013 shelby county versus holder stripped from that voting rights act the provisions that safeguarded the voting safety of african-americans in the south. fast forward to today and we're finding a new assault, a more insidious assault on voting rights in our nation. so we're calling on all of this as we're here this evening and look out through this weekend to call a friend and to call their senators and to call their friend's friends and all of us to get out and push our congress and our senate to enact the voting right legislation that is
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before them. the freedom to vote act and the john lewis advancement act. voting advancement act. we want to make sure that those are passed. that's why our theme this year is toward justice. dr. king's -- one of dr. king's favorite sayings, the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice. it is that bending that is the hard work that we of goodwill must do. we must bend that arc toward justice. and i believe tonight, as you enjoy this inspirational program, my hope is that you will be edfied and empowered to bend that arc toward justice.
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thank you so much. [applause] >> please welcome to the stage, nationally renowned recording artist d1. >> thank you so much for having me, san francisco. looks good! my name is d1. i'm going to get straight to it you all. the motto i live by is three up. i need everybody to throw three fingers in the sky right now. these three right here. i'm from new orleans, louisiana and what i like to say when i throw them up is be real, be righteous, be relevant. that's the motto for everything in life. let's go, man. yeah, yeah, mic, check, one two.
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i'm so thankful. throw your threes up. in the middle, throw our threes up. come on. when you see the threes up. you know what they represent. be real, be righteous, be relevant. what? everybody, when you see the threes up, you know what they represent. what you say? come on. be real, be righteous -- up top. [ ♪♪♪ ] ♪ i could been rich, but that's
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another story] and bring my father honor ♪ ♪ they call me jeffrey dahmer. ♪ i mean your content sucks ♪ ♪ i can't cosign that ♪ ♪ look at these mean mugs ♪ ♪ every time i come around ♪ ♪ everybody got these mean mugs] you know how long it's been since i seen love net ♪ 10% of the people live the life they dreamed of ♪ sfloet i don't focus on the not ♪ ♪ i just focus on the top, san francisco. ♪ let's go be real, be righteous, be relevant ♪ ♪ what you say ♪ ♪ what you say ♪ ♪ dee 1 ♪
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♪ i didn't just get in the rap game to be another artist. i did not get in the rap game to be another rapper. i got in the rap game because i know that god has a plan for my life. and even if i didn't have it all figured out, i know if i use my gift to make god proud and help people, i would end up where i'm supposed to be. this is called i'm no god. for the hook, i need everybody to say, i know god got a plan for me, but i don't know what it is, i'm just out here trying to handle my biz. let's go. check.
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[ ♪♪♪ ] ♪ never know how long we got here ♪ ♪ that's why i'm in the rush snoetd ♪ people think they untouchable ♪ ♪ until they get touched. ♪ ♪ every day i be hustling ♪ ♪ i ain't trying to play the victim ♪ ♪ i never ask the question ♪ ♪ could you pray for me ♪ ♪ i know god got a plan for me ♪ ♪ but i don't know what it is ♪ ♪ i'm just trying to handle my biz ♪ ♪ san francisco! and you and you!
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♪ i know god got a plan for me ♪ ♪ i know god got a plan for me ♪ ♪ come on, sing it loud! ♪ i know god got a plan for me ♪ yeah ♪ i know god got a plan for me ♪ ♪ too many people in my city found dead lately ♪ ♪ and my girl been leaving me on read lately ♪ ♪ i ain't even tripping ♪ ♪ i told you, i showed you, loved you, support you ♪ ♪ but you can't be trusted ♪ ♪ cut you off like i don't know what ♪ ♪ delivering that music that my family felt ♪ ♪ flow so hot it makes the butter on your pancakes melt ♪ ♪ i see people be complaining about the hand they dealt ♪ ♪ only getting one life and i
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know i'm too blessed ♪ ♪ i keep my 3's up ♪ ♪ i know god got a plan for me ♪ ♪ but i don't know what it is ♪ ♪ i see you! ♪ i know god got a plan for me ♪ i really mean that you all. ♪ and you and you and you ♪ ♪ i know god got a plan for me ♪ ♪ i know god got a plan for me ♪ ♪ yeah what's up ♪ [ ♪♪♪ ] ♪ i'm a strong black man ♪ ♪ i ain't got it all figured out, but god got a plan ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah ♪
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i appreciate you all, man. thank you all so much. yeah. you all make sure you all streaming all these songs. this next song is off my upcoming album that drops an february 10. it's called finding balance. you can preorder it on itunes. i'm asking you all to do that because as an independent artist it means we make a statement on the chart, with god-fearing music. this is called finding balance. preorder that and it drops on february 10. before i was a rapper, i was a teacher. i had to take a chance. ♪ see if it's meant to be ♪
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♪ i took a chance on me ♪ ♪ i did not compromise ♪ ♪ i used to want to be the president in 4th grade ♪ ♪ till my teacher said i wasn't smart enough that was wild ♪ ♪ from that day forward ♪ ♪ i no longer was dreaming big. ♪ i graduated college then i had a revelation ♪ ♪ my best friend got you areded ♪ ♪ can't live with hesitation ♪ ♪ i chose a path most people didn't approve of ♪ ♪ i stopped chasing security ♪ ♪ started chasing love ♪ ♪ nobody's entrepreneur in my family ♪ ♪ so when i quit my job to rap they didn't understand me ♪ ♪ this ain't just a hustle ♪ ♪ this is part of my purpose ♪ ♪ if i'm too scared to chase my own dreams then life is worthless ♪ ♪ i'm the underdog but my god
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keeps me strong ♪ ♪ taking a chance on me ♪ >> you all make noise for the band right quick. ♪ taking a chance on me ♪ ♪ i've got bleed these dreams ♪ ♪ even if it means i lose everything ♪ ♪ i had a job and a side hustle finding balance ♪ ♪ one paid me money the other helped me nurture my talents ♪ ♪ i used to sleep three hours a night that ain't healthy ♪ ♪ i made $40,000 a year that ain't wealthy ♪ ♪ through these lyrics inspiration i'm providing ♪ ♪ i made a promise to the students that i used to teach ♪ ♪ i'm going to be successful without xreemzing my beliefs ♪ ♪ just to prove that it's
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possible so you can see ♪ ♪ what happens when you put your talents in g.o.d. ♪ show people a better way ♪ ♪ i'm going to beat the odds with my hustle and my faith ♪ ♪ taking a chance on me ♪ ♪ born to be wild and free ♪ ♪ see if it's meant to be ♪ ♪ i took a chance on me and it worked. ♪ even if it means i lose everything ♪ finding balance, album, february 10, preorder it right now. you heard me. love. this next song for the ladies. at the end of the day, we don't need to be making songs about women if it's calling out their name and disrespecting them. we're going to show you love, that's when we make music about
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you. personally, the working women in here, i don't think the world is ready for you. so this song, let's go. we're going to say i don't think they ready for you. ♪ i know you got a mama ♪ ♪ i know you got a grandma ♪ ♪ i know you got a wife ♪ ♪ this for all the women ♪ ♪ you snap and go crazy you going to be doing jail time ♪ ♪ people throwing shade, but you don't forget ♪ ♪ nobody was around ♪ ♪ don't forget to treat yourself ♪ ♪ wear your crown ♪ ♪ every day look yourself in the
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mirror and know your worth ♪ ♪ you in church and it feel like the pastor talking to you ♪ ♪ world are trying to pull you down, but god pulling you through ♪ ♪ to all the ladies, all the queens. everybody put your hands up. and let me hear you sing. let me hear you sing. i don't think they ready for you ♪ what you say ♪ ♪ i don't think they ready for you ♪ ♪ what you say ♪ ♪ you got a head on your shoulders ♪ ♪ believe you don't care behind your baby ♪ ♪ be working double shifts all day behind your baby ♪ ♪ you pray behind your baby ♪ ♪ two parents in one ♪ ♪ you made a way ♪ ♪ do the mvp ♪ ♪ you my wce seven days out of
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the week ♪ ♪ but you ain't weak, you deep ♪ ♪ they might not know it now ♪ ♪ but soon as your kids get older ♪ ♪ they'll appreciate the weight you carry on your shoulders ♪ ♪ yeah, you the one i wrote it for ♪ ♪ you deserve a standing o ♪ ♪ okay, okay, all the ladies in the house ♪ everybody let me hear you say, let me hear you say. i don't think they ready for you. what you say? i don't think they ready for you. break it down. break it down. [ ♪♪♪ ] i hope you all enjoying this as
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much as i am. i hope you all enjoying this as much as i am. my name is dee 1. on streaming platform, that is dee 1. but on social media, it's dee 1 music. so make sure you all following, you heard me? this is my instagram and youtube. dee, the number 1, music. i only got a minute or so before i get out of here. so, look, i'm going to freestyle. i'm going to freestyle off the top of the dome ♪ i'm going to take this last minute ♪ ♪ i'm from new orleans but now i'm in atlanta, that's 404 snoetd ♪ i'm cool, i don't blink you see ♪ ♪ because i got my homey uncle steak with me ♪ ♪ people see i work so hard and
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they be really ♪ ♪ i going to do it until the devil try to kill me ♪ ♪ i ain't scared of nobody ♪ ♪ this is the story of a one-man army ♪ ♪ i don't care what comes against me ♪ ♪ nobody can harm me ♪ ♪ this is a story of a one-man army ♪ ♪ yeah. i love you all. i really love you all. martin luther king, jr., we love you, too, brother. it's because of you, that we get to do what we do. we're going to keep your legacy alive, man. san francisco! i'm out! i love you all. thank you so much. >> give it up for dee-1. come on, guys, one more time,
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dee-1. welcome to the stage, ms. cheryl davis. >> wow. all right. hello, hello. thank you, all, for being here. i enjoy listening to dee-1 and the idea and notion of like i'm going to be chanting that all night, be real, be righteous be relevant. i have to tell you, i know some of you have had heard this before. i was a kindergarten teacher and dee was the middle schoolteacher. and every time i hear dee-1 talk it reminds me of one of my poe pems and it says, the first line says i love a lot of things like my cousin comes to visit and you know he's from the south. because every word he says just kind of slides out of his mouth. i like the way he whistles and the way he walks, but i love the way he talks.
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i love the way dee-1 talks. i love the way he raps, speaks and provides encouraging words. as we are here tonight, thank you, all, watching online, those who are here in the audience and took the risk and joined us tonight in person. dee, you came to this space station, we talk about social justice, conscientious rappers, you know, you didn't talk about it tonight, but your students and the impact and this idea of justice. and fighting for this work. what is that for you? what caused you towards -- what is calling you towards justice? >> well, my spirit never seems at peace when i'm allowing people to be messed over or taken advantage of or when the underprivileged are not given a fair opportunity at winning in life. my spirit isn't at peace. my spirit isn't at peace if i'm
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using my god-given gifts to spread negativity and hatred. anything other than spreading love, knowledge and empowering people, doesn't feel right to me. you know that nothing in the world beats that inner peace feeling. that comes from knowing that i'm taking the road less traveled. i'm in the entertainment industry where social justice and activism is seen as something they want to push to the fringes. and i want to push it to the mainstream because as long as i'm on this earth, there is people worth fighting for. >> as you talk about justice, you talk about social justice, but you've also been advocating for financial justice, financial literacy and making sure folks understand from student loan debt to investments in terms of taking care of your community. i know you've been giving money out in your community. >> i have.
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i have. being from louisiana, you know, we're a hot bed for hurricanes, so we just got hit by hurricane ida in late august of 2021. so many thousands of louisiana residents were impacted, including my own family. my parents are still displaced. they lost their house. my sister was displaced. my grandpa, i had to move him in with me. with that said, i'm blessed that i have a fan base around this whole country that trusts my heart when it comes to doing work to help the people. so we started the mission vision. that's the name of my company. with the funds we were able to raise, we were able to take a bunch of families around new orleans and sponsor them for the holiday season. and literally, pulling up to people's jobs, houses, church, no matter where they were and
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people who were directly impacted, we were able to bless them financially. there is no better feeling. i'm always trying to find more ways to give back and be impactful. i can't do it by myself. people help water these seeds and bring them to fruition. >> so say a little bit about the financial justice in terms of student loan debt. are you still doing work with sally mae? >> i put out a song in 2016 called sally mae bank. i'm a proud college graduate and i did take out student loans. i didn't know what i was doing and i had to learn the hard way. yeah. you all feel me, yeah. that being said, when i signed a record deal and i got a big lump sum for money for the first time in my life, thankfully, i had shared all my desire to fit in
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and be cool and have a whole bunch of material possessions and name brands define me. being financially literate and debt-free defines me. so i paid all my student loans back. i did the song, sally mae and we've gone around the country and given out thousands of dollars this college scholarships so students don't have to take out as many loans. you hear me? we've been giving out fish and teaching them how to fish. i'm coming to the schools and doing the assembly. they say, dee-1, this is the most lit assembly we ever had. he performed for us and at the end of the day was able to bless students with scholarships, so that's amazing and i'm humbled by that.
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>> thank you, all, so much. finding balance, the album, february 10. go on itunes and preorder it. we going to make a statement. peace and love. >> please welcome to the stage national recording artist the soul singer, accompanied by house band mark phillips and top of the mark. [ ♪♪♪ ] ♪ and you can find the fighter ♪
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♪ ♪ we going to work it out ♪ ♪ and move mountains ♪ ♪ we going to work it out ♪ ♪ and move mountains ♪ ♪ i'll rise up ♪ ♪ i'll rise like the day ♪ i'll rise up ♪ ♪ i'll rise unafraid ♪ ♪ i'll rise up ♪ ♪ and i'll do it a thousand times again ♪ ♪ ♪ i'll rise up ♪ ♪ high like the waves ♪ ♪ i'll rise up ♪ ♪ in spite of the ache ♪ ♪ i'll rise up ♪ ♪ and i'll do it a thousand times again ♪
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other ♪ ♪ and we will rise ♪ ♪ we will rise ♪ ♪ we'll rise ♪ ♪ i'll rise up ♪ ♪ i'll rise like the day ♪ ♪ i'll rise up ♪ i'll rise unafraid ♪ ♪ i'll rise up ♪ ♪ and i'll do it a thousand times again ♪ ♪ and we will rise up ♪ ♪ high like the wind ♪ ♪ rise up in spite of the ache ♪ ♪ we'll rise up and we'll do it a thousand times again ♪ ♪ for you ♪ ♪ for you ♪
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♪ all i want to do is take the chains off ♪ ♪ all i want to do is take break the chains off ♪ ♪ all i want to do be free ♪ ♪ all i want to do is be free ♪ ♪ all i want to do is break the chains off ♪ ♪ all i want to do is break the chains off ♪ ♪ all i want to do is be free ♪ ♪ all i want to do is be free ♪
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[ ♪♪♪ ] ♪ we shall overcome some day ♪ ♪ some day ♪ >> please welcome to the stage, derek brown. >> thank you, thank you, so much. derek brown. senior director of the leo t. mccarthy center at the great university of san francisco and it an honor and privilege to be here today. to all the crowds that are here right now, you all look fantastic. thank you so much for coming out, as well as everyone online tuning in. thank you so much for coming
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out. i hope you are all enjoying the show. i know i am. it has been a great honor to partner with some extraordinary organizations. like m.l.k. nor cow right here in san francisco, with m.l.k. with aaron and all the incredible work he's doing as well as dr. cheryl davis with the san francisco human rights commission. and myself, as i said before, i'm with the leo t. mccarthy center and for us, we're really focused on service learning, being in service to others and really preparing students for a successful life in public service. so that being said, as we honor m.l.k. day, i want to encourage you all -- i'm sure everyone is going to be doing this, it's a day of service, a week in the service, but i want to encourage you all to continue with your service throughout the year. continue to be in service with others.
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that's pretty much the work we do with the students. i'm about to take my seat now. but i want to say thank you so much for coming out. enjoy the rest of the show and look forward to seeing you next time. thank you. >> to continue our towards freedom, please welcome to the stage i am rebel. >> how you all doing tonight? good? everybody having a good night? my name is i am rebel and my music is special to me because i write not only about me, but the people who are marginalized and the people who are not normal, but everyday people struggling to get it together. so this music is for you. i hope you love it. i hope you're encouraged. and let's have some fun tonight.
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♪ i know what you're going through ♪ ♪ i am outcast too ♪ ♪ you can overcome the hatred and abuse ♪ ♪ it's not your fault ♪ ♪ because the pain you feel is burning ♪ ♪ pick up the pieces so you can carry on -- >> this is my favorite part -- ♪ you will make it out of this ♪ ♪ i know from my own experience ♪
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[ ♪♪♪ ] thank you, guys, so much. woo. my name is "i am rebel". you can fall all of my music -- i did drop a album last year, woo hoo, my first one. you can find it on all digital outlets. my name is i am rebel on all social media. this next hope, i wrote it in a dark place. and in those dark places there
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[ ♪♪♪ ] my name is i am rebel, thank you, guys, so much. have a good night! >> i am rebel. what an amazing journey toward freedom we are on tonight. now for a virtual performance, welcome bishop yvette flunder. moving from acceptance to advocacy. or from monument to movement. today we commemorate the life,
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ministry and power of the reverend dr. martin luther king. he wrote from a birmingham jail. i want to share from a passage of scripture. acts. about two young men also who were in prison wrongfully. their prison experience taught us. midnight, the fallen silent, praying and seeing him. the other prisoners were listening. suddenly there was an earthquake and the prison was shaken to its foundation. and all the doors flew open and the chains of every prisoner fell off. the prison was shaken to its foundation and all the doors flew open. and the chains of every prisoner
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fell off. i want to talk a minute about earthquakes. i'm from san francisco where earthquakes are a way of life. we're conscious of them and we build our buildings with them in mind. because we know what happens when we don't. our history tells us no matter how fabulous and magnificent we build our a buildings and monuments, because they are, in fact, structures on a living earth, they can be utterly destroyed in seconds by a seismic event. even our monuments have had to respect our movement or risk being destroyed. i remember in the san francisco unified school district, when we were taught to get under our desks or stand in the doorway to protect ourselves, because
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monuments in an earthquake can be dangerous. our monument has to be retrofitted in san francisco. built to mimic living, moving things. they have to move, sway with the living earth movement. if they can't flex, they will crack, crumble and come down. and some of the new buildings have rollers. some of them have these devices that look a little bit like bicycle pumps that are really, really big and they bounce. these things built into the foundations. just to survive. and even then some of them will fail because the earth is a living thing. one must know there is a
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difference between a monument and a movement. history is filled with monuments. i like to call them big formidable institutions. ideologies that divide, separate, diminish and destroy. often in the name of an angry and punitive god. thank god for shaking the reformations. reformations that reformed and re-inform. i'm grateful for earthquakes of change that shift political concepts and ideas. change that came along and brought an end to many monuments, many ideas, many positions that simply would not die on their own. some folks thought that a big fine old respected institution,
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a big fine old respected document, a big fine old respected way of life with outdated exclusionary clauses in its rules would be strong enough to hold back a movement, no matter how big and how structured. the justice shaking will bring every miserable monument down. why? because monuments are not built with movement in mind. monuments are not built with the wind as change in mind. it's movement that freed the slaves. movement that got women to vote. movements that brought justice to workers. and a movement that brought and is bringing equal rights to the same gender-loving community,
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trans-community, gender nonconforming community and all of us who were exiled. acceptance is good. there are those who accept, but there is little or no action in acceptance. people can do acceptance personally and privately. but movement requires action. advocacy is movement and often movement with risk. putting one's self in harm's way, putting one's neck out, risks assassination, taking the heat, getting in the fray, taking a public position, joining the movement, acting up, acting out. but we are not moving from a weak place, for the divine is able to do exceedingly abundantly all we can think. according to the power that is
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in us, all things are possible. all things. you see, god and good is about movement. much like a growing stream. water doesn't freeze when it's moving. monuments fall. therefore, movement every time. we see god and good is not privately owned by a party, by a president, not owned by one race or another race. god and good is not owned by the rich. god and good is not owned by those who live way out in neighborhoods where the housing insecure and the food insecure are not only not welcome, but are abused. you see, god is not a privately owned stagnate pond, but a fresh
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flowing river filled with truth and extravagant welcome. i say to my beloved, no matter what may be, the perfect storm that we are in now, in politics, in our environment, in our relationship to other nations, no matter what this day may bring, sickness, illness, frustration, anger. no matter how people are saying they will never see a bright day. there will be no sun. i want to say something to you today. stay in the movement. stay in the movement. continue to do your justice work. go up in the attic, get your signs and your birkenstocks down again. let's march, let's walk, let's declare that not only shall we
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move, but we shall prevail. why? because we are a movement that refuses to be a monument and we're in the midst of a love movement that will redefine the definition of our neighbor. god bless you as we commemorate dr. martin luther king, who was taken to us in the middle of bringing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly before god. today we celebrate a movement warrior. god bless you. >> thank you for that message, bishop. now, please welcome to the stage, gospel recording artist,.
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the first song is about watching god work. do i have believers that believe that? this song says watch god work. [ ♪♪♪ ] ♪ like the time i opened the sea, the god says, watch me ♪ ♪ like david and the giants, what a victory ♪ ♪ just like that, watch me ♪ ♪ stay right where you are, god says ♪ ♪ i will do great things ♪ ♪ watch me ♪ ♪ because i'm still able to do
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♪ i'm the god of every miracle ♪ ♪ bigger than anything you've ever seen ♪ ♪ all you have to do is ♪ ♪ watch me, yeah ♪ ♪ god says, i'm not through blessing all of you ♪ ♪ just wait and see ♪ ♪ i've got great things for you ♪ ♪ i'm going to come through ♪ ♪ all you have to do is bring your problems to me ♪ ♪ and let me handle them ♪ ♪ god said watch me ♪
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♪ watch me ♪ ♪ i'll fix anything ♪ ♪ i can change anything ♪ ♪ i can make everything better when you step back and ♪ ♪ watch me work ♪ ♪ as only i can do ♪ ♪ do the impossible ♪ ♪ ♪ a big 'ole blessing is on the way ♪ ♪ give me your worries and take my peace ♪ ♪ give me your pain and i will give you my joy ♪ ♪ give me your brokenness and let me make you whole ♪ ♪ looking up ♪ ♪ watch me work ♪ ♪ all you got to do is ♪ ♪ watch, watch, watch ♪
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♪ because god -- he's the one that's fighting for you ♪ ♪ cast every ♪ ♪ care you have ♪ ♪ he'll do it ♪ ♪ he'll change it ♪ ♪ he'll work it out ♪ ♪ he's not through ♪ ♪ he's not through blessing you ♪ ♪ there's still a victory ♪ ♪ watch him work ♪ ♪ god says work is what i'm doing ♪ ♪ watch me ♪ god has big things for us. i'm ready for him. come on, 2022.
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this next song says, in the midst of waiting for watching god, do big things in our lives. we have to be grateful for what he's already done. anybody grateful for what he's already done? yes. we're alive, breathing, even in the midst of this pandemic. we still can find some happy, at least i can. i'm thankful i'm not on a ventilator tonight, i'm not in a house enjoying this. i'm in the presence of you all. and i'm able to do all this on my own without any assistance. it's a blessing to breathe on your own, walk on your own. the things we call the small things are now very big things. that we, you know -- we don't take any longer for granted. so this is another song that says we're grateful. even if you're in the midst of the trial, god will see to it that you come out all right. [ ♪♪♪ ]
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♪ you're going to come out all right ♪ ♪ many are the afflictions of the righteous ♪ ♪ but god promised that he would bring us out of them all ♪ ♪ you got to be grateful ♪ ♪ ♪ through the life's heartaches ♪ ♪ and all of the pain ♪ ♪ be grateful ♪ ♪ he has a plan for it all ♪ ♪ he never, ever leave you ♪ ♪ he'll never forsake you, yeah ♪ ♪ all things work together ♪ ♪ for your good and my good, our good ♪ ♪ don't panic, don't have
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anxiety ♪ ♪ god promised that he'll always come through for you and me ♪ ♪ be, be, be, be ♪ ♪ you got to find a way to be grateful ♪ ♪ oh ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ we may not have everything that we want, but god sees to it that we have ♪ ♪ everything that we need ♪ ♪ it will be all right ♪ [ ♪♪♪ ] it's going to be all right.
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struggles are temporary. god is eternal. this last song, just says -- i'm an optimist. the best is yet to come. yes, we have suffered loss, but i still feel that god has some great things on the way that will blow our socks off, blow our minds. this song just says, you ain't seen nothing yet. he's not finished pouring out. just us moving forward in society. i think he still has great things for even that. so we want to just encourage you that the best is yet to come. keep holding on. keep looking up. you can clap with me if you want.
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♪ hold on, hold, on ♪ ♪ you say ♪ ♪ hold on, hold on, hold on ♪ ♪ hold on my brother don't give up ♪ ♪ hold on my sister just keep looking up ♪ ♪ there is a master plan in store for you ♪ ♪ if you can make it through ♪ ♪ god's going to really blow your mind ♪ ♪ he's going to make it work ♪ ♪ for all of the struggles you've been through ♪ ♪ the blessings are going to double just for you ♪ ♪ all the best is yet to come ♪
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♪ hold on my brother, don't give up ♪ ♪ don't give up ♪ ♪ hold on my sister, just look up ♪ ♪ because there is a master plan ♪ ♪ in store for you ♪ ♪ if you can make -- make it through ♪ ♪ god is going to make it worth all of your time ♪ ♪ for all of your struggle you get through ♪ ♪ the blessings they double and triple just for you ♪ ♪ the best is yet to come ♪ ♪ yes, it is ♪
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♪ the best is yet to come ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ today is the first day of the best days of our lives ♪ woo! ♪ today is the first day of the best days of your life ♪ ♪ today is the first day of the best days of your life ♪ ♪ the best ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ the best is yet to come ♪ ♪ the best ♪ we believe the best is yet to come ♪ ♪ today is the first day of the best days of our lives ♪ ♪ today is the first day of the best days of our lives ♪
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today is the first day of the best day of your life. yeah, the best is yet to come. the best is yet to come. [music playing] you guys ain't seen nothing yet. god is just getting started. but he's not through blessing you. he's not through blessing you! you ain't seen nothing, you ain't seen nothing yet. you ain't seen nothing. you ain't seen nothing yet.
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you ain't seen nothing. you ain't seen nothing yet. you ain't seen nothing. you ain't seen nothing yet. you ain't seen nothing. you ain't seen nothing yet. you ain't seen nothing. you ain't seen nothing yet. you ain't seen nothing. you ain't seen nothing yet. you ain't seen nothing. you ain't seen nothing -- i'm lena byrd miles, god bless you. thank you so much. [music playing]
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tonight. [applause] oh, man, i am as the old folks used to say when i was in church, i am so full of bright. what an incredible evening. what gratitude i have for everyone who made it all happen. special thanks to the stage crew and the staff here at the theater. give it up for them. i really just want to recognize because we made the decision to still kind of try to be live for the performers, even though we wanted to limit how many people were coming in. so i just want to give it up to the theater for opening up their doors and still letting us be safe with each other. for bringing this event to life in the midst of a challenging time. give it up to the folks that are helping us from s.f. gov tv. broadcasting live stream and making it all look great.
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we have heard amazing stories and voices through song and just the idea and notion of freedom. and freedom and moving towards justice, but the role of music in that. please, if you get the opportunity, re-share the link to this so folks can hear what we were able to witness in person tonight. so, again, give it up for s.f. gov to make it possible to share this. gratitude to the staff members at the m.l.k. north cal foundation, aaron and his team. thank you to derek brown. i want to give a special shoutout to the folks at the human rights commission. every time we come up with an idea, the team steps up to make it happen. give them a hand for their support. i want to give special thanks to those live streaming this on
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facebook. everybody has been hitting us online and saying, whose voice is that? give it up for josh. this is a term i hadn't heard. apparently it's called the voice of god, like in performance world. so when you don't see the person, but you hear them from the back, so josh has been the voice of god tonight. thank you, josh. i want to thank sarah and william. she was not able to be here, but i want to give her a huge shoutout, because when we had the vision of doing this, sara was ready, willing and able to bring together the amazing talent tonight. give a round of applause. i want to give another shoutout to marcus phillips and top of the mark for being here tonight. awesome job. maria and debbie. give it up for debbie who has
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been leading and touching hands with everyone. give her a round of applause. on behalf of aaron, derek, thank you to all who joined us, whether here in the theater or virtually online from home. thank you for joining us in this journey towards justice and freedom and to remember and respect and celebrate the legacy of dr. king. so, thank you all again for being with us. and, please, if you have time, go back and look at this again, because it is beautiful. thank you and good night. [ ♪♪♪ ] [applause]
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>> i am so happy. african-americans in the military from the revolutionary war to the present, even though they have not had the basic civil rights in america. they don't know their history. in the military the most sacrifice as anyone in this country to be willing to lay down your blood and fight. i believe that all african-americans have served because they love this country and the hope that the citizens.
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will. >> good morning. welcome to the january 20th 2022 meeting of if board of supervisors. i am chair of the committee joined by vice chair director co n nie and soon to be joined by supervisor mandelman. the committee clerk is john carroll. thanks to sfgovtv for staffing this meeting. we also have supervisor ronan with us for item 1.
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>> we are participating through video conference to the same extent as if physically present. the board recognizes that public access is essential. public comment is available on each item on the agenda channel opportunities to speak are available by dealing 415-655-0001. you should enter the meeting id24928385397. after the id press pound twice. you will hear the discussions and your line will be muted.
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when your item comes up dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. best practices call from quiet location, speak clearly and slowly. turn down your streaming device or whatever you are using to access today's proceedings. you may submit in writing. you may do so by e-mailing your written comments to me. or southbound r send to the clerk of the board office. room 244 city hall's address 1 this is reviewed on the front page of the agenda. mr. chair, items today are to
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appear on the agenda february 1, 2022 unless otherwise stated. >> we have been joined by director mandelman. i will turn the floor over to call item 1. >> agenda item 1. hearing on the report on the implementation of mental health sf including fiscal years 2020-21 and 21-22 budget, when the hiring process started for each position, when each position was filled and how many positions continue to be vacant. call 415-655-0001 id24928385397.
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press pound twice to connect to the meeting. star followed by 3 to enter the queue to speak. the message will be unmuted and you will have the opportunity to comment. mr. chair. >> thank you, mr. clerk. supervisor roman is the sponsor of this item. thank you for all of your leadership and diligence on this crucial issue. looking forward to this update we were joined by dr. cummings. we will have 15 minute presentations. i will turn it over to you for
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introduction. >> supervisor ronen: thank you so much. chair preston. today we will hear about behavioral health positions to fully implement mental health sf over two years ago we passed it. by providing universal low barrier access to mental health and substance abuse treatment. this is to create a comprehensive system of care by bringing together not only the resources but investing in additional programming beds and staff. the four components are as follows. i start to remind be people what the law is it is a big system change law. 24 hour seven day each week mental health service center for
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a central access point for people looking for treatment, medication, services and linkage to long-term healthcare plans. second. office of coordinated care to oversee the delivery of mental healthcare and substance abuse services across the behavioral health service system to maintain a time case management program to incur quality at proper level of case manager for every patientna needs one. to ensure mental health sf is proactive in delivering care. three. increase in beds to serve anyone needing any level of care on demand. finally, a street crisis response team to address people that are living or in the
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streets having a mental illness or drug addiction episode in the streets. we hope that all of -- we hoped when we wrote the law all comepone nets would be implemented within two years of it being signed into law. there was a worldwide pandemic after the law came into effect which has drastically delayed implementation. from addition to the pandemic every time i talk to dph and the relatively new although getting less new each day director of mental health sf what are the main drivers of the delay in implementation, staffs is always an issue that has come up. in fact, it was such an issue i
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introduced this hearing request quite a long time ago. in the interim there was an emergency order in the tenderloin. one of the major reasons i supported that order was because it would lead to the staffing of 200 empty positions in 90 days. that is something we are going to concentrate on in today's hearing. as far as i know, we still don't be have a director of the office of coordinated care. we do not have near the amount of case managers we need to serve the desperate needs. there are long wait times to get a case manager in the system. we know that the civil service hiring process involves a lot of red tape and can take up more than a year to hire one single employee in san francisco. this is across departments. this is not just a problem in
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dph, it is throughout san francisco and something that as soon as i come up for air i would love to work on fixing. now the focus is on dph and mental health sf. now that under the mayors emergency order dph can hire behavioral healthcare workers. i am very much looking today forward to hearing the status of how we are going to hire 200 positions quickly. i want to understand the timeline. i want to understand outside of those two positions what positions are still outstanding to fill. i want to understand if there are difficulties hiring people and why. if there is a labor shortage for any position.
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[indiscernable] two years out i understand why the pandemic threw everything into haywire. i want that report and understand when we are going to get it, and what the new timeline for receiving that report is. we cannot allow delays in hiring due to an archaic process. it is too big of crisis mental illness and addiction in our city to delay for something like bureaucratic red tape. i won't stand for it. today we will hear what is happening and how we can move through it to get this full program up and running as soon as possible. i do want to say that the four components of mental health sf
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no one component works at maximum capacity if outline other three components are up and running. this is a system of care piece of legislation. it is created all four components work together to hold people with mental illness pan addiction in the system. understanding the illnesses are hard to beat. people sometimes go in and out of treatment. we want a system of care to pick them back up if they fall out. put them back into the system of care and get them back in a routine of services to get them healthy to be productive members of society again. we believe everyone can live a productive life. even if living with mental illness and addiction. that is what mental health sf is designed to help people get back
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to. i want to talk about who is here. we will hear a presentation from dr. hillary cummings, mental health director and the chief financial officer. we also have here to answer questions heather littleton from the controller's office who oversees mental health sf working group meetings and deadlines. from the department of human services. ana from the department of human resources. dara from dph and karen from dph. with that unless any of my colleagues have opening statements we will turn it over to doctor cummings and greg
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wagner. >> thank you, supervisor ronan. >> good morning, committee members and supervisors. i am joined as supervisor ronan just mentioned by mr. greg wagner, chief operating officer of the department of public health. as you heard i am the director of the behavioral health services and mental health sf. we are pleased to be here to share with you both our hiring updates as well as our plans over the next two months.
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>> first, i want to share the backdrop without repeating everything that we have just said. as you all now know and knew. mental health sf outlines a vision and set of strategies that fundamentally represent a reform in the way the city will be able to deliver care and keep people in care who have behavioral health needs. the primary focus of this set of initiatives is to help people with serious mental illness and/or substance abuse disorders experiencing homelessness. as you just heard the key core elements of nhsf which build upon the backbone and important backbone of behavioral health services include the four elements supervisor ronan just mentioned office of coordinated
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care, street crisis response team, new beds and facilities group and mental health service center. as we all know, we need staff to achieve this vision. without staff, we cannot provide the direct care nor support the considerable and necessary infrastructure. i will turn over the presentation to mr. wagnerian then we will come back at the end of the presentation to close. >> sorry on to interrupt. i am pausing your time this. is the clerk of the committee. this committee meeting has been noticed as potential special quorum of the board of supervisors. it appears we are presently joined bicycles members of the board of supervisors with guests supervisor ronan, peskin and stefani all present at this
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time. i just want to make sure i jumped in for that notification to the members of the public interested in the proceeding and before mr. wagner begins again i will let you know. >> thank you, mr. carol. the floor is yours. >> thank you, chair preston. members of the committee and board. greg wagner, department of public health. i am sure there will be questions and discussion, but i want to go through a few slides to answer the questions that supervisor ronan mentioned in her remarks. as supervisor ronan described, we have a naming or hiring challenges to meet the goal of mental health sf. those are related to similar challenges with staffing in the
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core behavioral health system. the two are related and build off each other. so we see them as one challenge that we need to address together to make the system as a whole work. we are in a naming or push right now to hire at least 200 behavioral health positions by march 30th this year. over the next 70 or so days, the goal is to reduce the backlog in hiring. we have come to a point to describe the reasons where we have this large backlog that exceeds our ongoing ability to hire and fill those positions. reduce that backlog, get back to where we are in a place where the hiring demand matches our capacity and we can be more
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sustainable. statement we are working on changes to our process to speed things up and make things operate more efficiently. we see that as one of the other key goals here. supervisor ronan mentioned of these 200 positions and what we talk about the positions, 90 of these lack a civil service list. that is the reason that we ask for the authorization to hire under the emergency order. because some of the back logs we have not been able to keep current with the less, many we have. this will give us a way to get caught up to get into a sustainable position. i want be to briefly note that part of the vision of mental health sf is partnership with cbo partners. a lot of work requires contracted staffing, servicers.
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one component is to hire the team that is needed to bring those contracted cbo services online, bring new facilities online as part of that partnership. barriers. i think we understand a lot of these, but the city hiring process was not certainly far from perfect prior to the pandemic. it does take as supervisor ronan noted significant time to hire. that has been compounded by the fact we are in a period of historic growth in the behavioral health system -- behavioral health system due to support from this body and mayor through the budget. by the fact that on top of these challenges in our city process,
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we did experience an additional set back during the pandemic. essentially a halt on service examinations at the beginning of the pandemic and staffing challenges discussed and documented in healthcare and behavioral health in particular. across the city. supervisor ronan, you asked particularly where those challenges are. in many cases we are able when we have recruit meant to get applicants. there are challenging points. we have had challenges recruiting psychiatrists where we have vacant positions, clinical psychologists is another. clinicians where we have linguistic requirements based on the population we serve. those are the challenges points
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with recruitment we are focused on. you mentioned the wage analysis. we are behind on that, as you pointed out. we have this work in the controller's office to assist us with and these next two quarters of the work. we are working with them on scoping that and developing how we are going to approach that. a key piece is really around the community-based organizations and the relationship between our civil service positions and cbos with salaries where the target areas where we need to close gaps for both the city and the cbo partners to recruit. that work is behind but it is starting again and we hope to have more for you on that over the coming months.
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quickly. on history on the emergency declaration. we had a hearing on january 4th at the full board on supplement regarding hiring. we are working with dhr for a process of approvals where we request positions under the ordinance and they are verified based on our ask. they are within the emergency ordinance. we submitted the memo january 7th to dhr requesting authority to hire 7 -- 79 positions. that is approved. we are working on moving forward with those positions. we will probably have further discussions and add to that list but the remaining positions where possible we will hire from
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civil service eligible lists. we have a number of positions to do that through the regular process where we have been creating those lists as we go. it will be combination approach of using emergency order and regular process. we have a project team between behavioral health team which is really ramped up to do this big hiring project with hr from dph and hr to smooth the process. we are also working with changes to the process to make it go faster. to your question, supervisor ronan about the positions we are talking about. we have 276 vacant positions that are in the dph pipeline. you can see on the left the
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categories by program area. we tried to take a cut at this to give you a sense of where they are. a lot are in the clinical services and add adult services being largest. also cyf youth and families program. you can see the office of coordinated care is another area where we have a lot of need and a lot of focus. one of the areas we are struggling with is the central management and control of this program, which is program development. this includes management and analytics data, a key component for the staff to collect and organize and present the data. oversight and administration of the programs. those are key also.
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whole person integrated care which is organizationally under the dph ambulatory care program including staffing and permanent supportive housing and the programs that are integrated into this mental health sf effort. this is the same slide. to give you a sense within that universe where our focus is. you can see that in these columns we have categorized where they are in the process. position approval have just come in the system we are still approving. then we have the two next categories which are the programs that are in the selection process. that is the largest group 154 positions that are in the selection process. that means they have been
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