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tv   Mayors Press Availability  SFGTV  February 17, 2022 1:00pm-1:31pm PST

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that discretion. you could if you are asking whether -- i believe you are asking if the board could adopt an ordinance to require the department to spend money ontic projects or particular areas within the permitted uses. the board could adopt an ordinance that sets those parameters. in general the board could adopt an ordinance saying rec park or whatever department shall execute this program with these parameters. >> thank you, deputy city attorney givner. in the interest of time, colleagues. i won't ask any more questions
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and turn it back to you for questions and to public comment. >> thank you, supervisor peskin. supervisor mandelman. >> i want to hear from her. >> she is in the roster as well. >> i didn't know that i would do that. i will say i was just putting together an e-mail. i wanted to let you know and especially supervisor peskin. i did look at the psa on my computer. there is no reference to the soma stabilization fund in 8.3. it does talk about specifically uses south of market area. that language doesn't prescrewed input from the -- preclude part of the soma stabilization fund. >> got it.
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>> thank you. >> supervisor mandelman other comments or questions or lagging that. >> making sure we heard from our heart working city attorney. >> thank you. >> seeing no one else on the roster, supervisor peskin any questions before we open up for public comment? >> no, sir. >> open up for public comment. >> thank you. we are checking for callers in the queue. we are working now with department of technology moderating the caller line. for those watching our meeting on cable channel 26 or via streaming or through sfgovtv or he wills where, if you wish to speak on this call in. reach us by dialing 415-655-0001. id for today 24910383205.
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pound twice and star followed by 3 to enter queue to speak. for those on hold i see there may be three of you. please continue to wait until you are prompted to begin. first caller for two minutes, please. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i am allen low to speak only be on three payments. soma open space payment. one-time open space fee payment and transfer payment. [please stand by]
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. >> -- i would really love to see a community process, because as supervisor mandelman said, this is a lot of money, and it's new money. it shouldn't just be absorbed into regular operations. and lastly, i want to say please adopt an ordinance around oversight, around developments and community benefit funds. there's a lot of money that comes into our communities, and it can get consumed. we want to see it go to the most vulnerable of our city,
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and there's times when organizations sign n.d.a.s, and that's not fair to the communities. we need to see how the money is spent. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. i'm sorry to cut you off. all speakers have to make their comments within two minutes. could we hear from the next caller. >> good afternoon, supervisors. my name is heather phillips, and i'm a long time of the friends and [indiscernible] and victoria manolo drake park, and i just want to thank you for calling to the surface this issue. it's been a long time not only to crack down the development -- track down the development agreement but how the funds are coming to the
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community. particularly, i want to draw attention to the fact that these are intended to be additional funds to mitigate displacement, to mitigate the effects of these projects, and they're meant to enhance what our open spaces have. we're already one of the neighborhoods with the fewest amount of open space, so for those funds to become substitutionary where our [indiscernible] budget uses these funds for what should be done any way is frustrating. the city should be paying for our parks throughout our community like they do throughout the city, and these private dollars should be enhancing that experience, and so we just really hope that we can take a look at how these funds can really make sure they go through a community process to be used not just in one narrow way but for all the uses
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it was intended for. thank you so much. >> chair peskin: thank you. >> clerk: thank you. do we have any further callers in the queue? >> operator: no more callers. >> clerk: thank you. mr. chair, that's the end of public comment. >> chair preston: thank you, mr. clerk. and supervisor peskin, do you have any closing comments? >> supervisor peskin: thank you. i think mr. clerk would like to know if you've closed public comment. his hand is raised. >> chair preston: thank you, and we'll close public comment. >> supervisor peskin: i think we've learned what we needed to during this hearing. i think we can file this hearing. i'm going to work with the
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community that was not consulted, and my team of staff who has a foot both in my district and district 6, and deputy city attorney givner or the city attorney, city attorney of choice, to draft something that i'll be bringing back to this or whatever is the appropriate committee that honors the intent of the agreement that represents the intent. rec and park, you're here by on notice that you probably don't want to spend that $1.8 million on gene friend just yet because i think we may have more ideas more consistent with the original intent of these dollars, so with that, you can certainly make a motion to file. >> chair preston: thank you, supervisor peskin, and thanks for your diligence and follow up on this item. i know it's been a long time, so thank you to you and your
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staff for making sure this money goes where it's promised. appreciate you bringing this to the committee, and i will go ahead and move to file this item. >> clerk: on the motion offered by chair preston that this hearing, now heard, be filed, on that motion -- [roll call] >> clerk: mr. chair, there's no opposition. >> chair preston: thank you. motion passes, and are there any other items or further business before us, mr. clerk? >> clerk: mr. chair, there is no further business. >> chair preston: right. then we are adjourned. thank you, all.
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shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do their shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of san francisco. by supporting local services within our neighborhoods, we help san francisco remain unique, successful, and vibrant. so where will you shop and dine in the 49? >> my name is ray behr. i am the owner of chief plus. it's a destination specialty
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foods store, and it's also a corner grocery store, as well. we call it cheese plus because there's a lot of additions in addition to cheese here. from fresh flowers, to wine, past a, chocolate, our dining area and espresso bar. you can have a casual meeting if you want to. it's a real community gathering place. what makes little polk unique, i think, first of all, it's a great pedestrian street. there's people out and about all day, meeting this neighbor and coming out and supporting the businesses. the businesses here are almost all exclusively independent owned small businesses. it harkens back to supporting local. polk street doesn't look like anywhere u.s.a. it has its own businesses and
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personality. we have clothing stores to gallerys, to personal service stores, where you can get your hsus repaired, luggage repaired. there's a music studio across the street. it's raily a diverse and unique offering on this really great street. i think san franciscans should shop local as much as they can because they can discover things that they may not be familiar with. again, the marketplace is changing, and, you know, you look at a screen, and you click a mouse, and you order something, and it shows up, but to have a tangible experience, to be able to come in to taste things, to see things, to smell things, all those things, it's very important that you do so.
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>> the city has undertaken a pilot program to hook up private privately -- owned hotels. >> the community members say this is helpful for them especially for the seniors and families with kids from seniors being able to connect with the family during the pandemic and too watch the news has been really helpful during this time where they are stuck inside and are not able to go outside. for families it is important to stay connected to go to school, to get connected so they can submit resumes to find jobs during the pandemic.
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[speaking foreign language] >> challenges that might seem for the fiber in chinatown is pretty congested. the fiber team found ways around that. they would have to do things such as overnight work in the manholes to get across through busy intersections, and i think the last challenge is a lot of buildings we worked on were built in the early 1900s and they are not fitted with the typical infrastructure you would put in a new building. we overcame that with creative ideas, and we continue to connect more sites like this. >> high-speed internet has become a lifesaver in the modern era. i am delighted that we completed
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three buildings or in the process of completing two more. i want to thank our department of technology that has done this by themselves. it is not contracted out. it is done by city employees. i am proud and i want to take a moment to celebrate what we are doing. >> first of all, thank you for coming to celebrate this incredible milestone. i am really excited that she accepted. because i know what you often times may see is the fights
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between kim and i. what you don't know is about the friendship and the amount of love and respect i truly have for her and her work ethic from the moment i met her actively engaged in labor in a way that brought the conversation to a different level around women and minorities and their role in leadership and labor. it is good to see more women step up and in fact, it is 125 year history not one woman has ever led the san francisco labor council and kim is doing that, which is absolutely extraordinary. [applause] and you are the first executive director of the labor council to serve on this work force investment board because i didn't want to appoint the others.
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just kidding. but in fact, you know, this is so important. when i think about growing up in the western addition and the fights that we used to have to be included in the placements and job opportunities that exist in the city, i feel like we have come a long way but we still have a long way to go to make the real connections between people in many of the communities that many of you represent but himself the same people who want these opportunities, the new jobs that come to san francisco. not just the work related to construction and engineering but as you know there are even shortage of nurses. the work you have done with nuhw was extraordinary onever the years. how that played a role to make sure there is a real connection between people and the opportunities, through organized labor to make sure they get
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their fair share, the appropriate pay and benefits and the ability to take care of themselves and their families. you have been doing this work for a really long time. i know that you are going to bring a really strong voice to this body. in the process you are going to make a lot of folks upset what it is you have to say, but i wouldn't have wanted it any other way because some things need to be upset. some things need challenged. in fact, i am not afraid of a challenge and not afraid of the conversations that need to be had to get to a better place that is what we want. we want a better place so people have better lives. you have dedicated your lives to public service. organized labor but public service because of the people that you know you represent. the people that you know are counting on autophytes for them and make the right decisions
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that are going to have an impact onnary families and livelihood. regardless of disagreements at the end of the day the underlying message i know that is most important to much of you and i know is important to kill is the fact that we want to fight for better lives for the people we represent. that is why you are going to be serving on this board, and i appreciate and honor that you accepted this opportunity. i am looking forward to seeing something change for the better for workers throughout san francisco. with that let's debt you sworn in. (applause). >> i will put on my mask. covid is running rampant and we are close to each other. place raise your right hand and repeat. i say your name do solemnly
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swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california against all enemies foreign and domestic that i bear true faith and allegiance to the same. that i take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion and that i will well and faithfully discharge the duties upon which i am about to enter and during such time as i serve as a member of the work force
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investment san francisco board for the city and county of san francisco. congratulations. [applause] >> here is a little city seal pen with my signature. i give this to all people i swear in to serve. ladies and gentlemen, the latest person for the board tackling work force in san francisco and making real change. [applause] >> thank you, mayor breed, for taking time-out of your schedule to do this. thank you to the leaders of labor here today, especially my
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board members, susan, mike, charlie, debra, and my good friend karen. i want to thank you for taking time for the swearing in. it means a lot to me because i have always been really challenged by the fact there rvs and have notes in the work force, and i really want to fight overcoming making sure that everyone becomes a very. everyone has an opportunity to get a job and a wealthy job and to join a union if they so choose. that is my mantra since i was little. it is my mantra to this day. i will fight to make sure. that is what the labor council is about making sure there are opportunities for people and career ladders. that has always been what i have
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been about. i want to make sure that happens. we have seen companies take advantage of people especially during strikes when they go into poor neighborhoods to try to recruit scabs. we knead to emphasize recruiting people to getting into them into construction and janitors and construction trades and up the ladder and nursing, healthcare. these are all opportunities they should all have. we want to make sure that the san franciscans that we all know and love have that opportunity and that is my goal for this. i really intend to implement a labor caucus to make sure that we are doing what we need to do to give every san franciscan the opportunity be to participate from our economic recovery from covid and overall economic recovery as we get on with
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opening up the city and making sure that people come to san francisco. those the obstacles before us. i hope we overcome them altogether as we move along. thank you. [applause].
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>> clerk: this meeting is being held by webex, pursuant to governor's executive orders and mayoral declarations declaring a local emergency. during the covid-19 emergency, the commission's regular meeting room is closed, and meetings of the fire commission will convene remotely. you may watch live at, and to participate in public comment