tv Special Building Inspection SFGTV March 15, 2022 6:30am-7:06am PDT
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cost, so are you getting double the work? >> we have three times as many systems in the contract. gary chang is here that can go through all that detail if you're interested. >> all right. thank you. this is gary chang with transit sfmta. yes, for the contract presenting in front of you, besides doing the propulsion units, that's the engines, traction motor, and also, on top of that, we're having a contractor working on door systems, axle systems, drive shaft, gear box and differentials, some of the work on the floors, as well, and also the battery systems, and we will be also providing some general operator area refurbishments, something like replacing the whole driver's
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seat, adding glare shield, and replacing the pedals, and we understand this is the perfect opportunity because we will have the vehicle wide open, and then, we will be adding some cable hoses and harnessing upgrade. and we will be addressing some work in the articulated joint sections, like the bellows, hosing, and bowels. and the racks on the bus, we will be upgrading them from a two-bike bike rack to a three-bike bike rack. >> supervisor safai: so one of the questions that i had for you and miss kirchbaum, some of the newer trolleys that were purchase when had we got into
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the conversation about the braking, does some of this also deal with the wear and tear on braking mechanism and how that's being dealt with? >> the issue that we had with the light rail vehicles related to the braking system is really, i think, unique to the heavy weight of the train. >> supervisor safai: it was also the manner in which they were being trained to use the emergency brake. not to cut you off, but you said the newer trolleys that were being purchased have a newer braking system. is this something that's different? >> no, they're unique to the trains. >> supervisor safai: thank you for that. i just wanted to say in follow up that i think this is an important part of the our
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infrastructure. i appreciate the sfmta getting answers to our questions. i think the majority of the sources are formula and state and federal funding, and i think it's important to understand when we do do these larger development projects, that there also is a very strong citywide impact. that this happens, this is a good example of that. certainly, all those developments will bring significantly more demand to our system, but then, the entire city is also benefiting, and this is a wonderful example of that. so appreciate that, and i am in full support of this proposal. thank you, mr. chair. >> chair haney: thank you, and thank you for those great questions and clarifications and answers. can we open this for public comment, please. >> clerk: yes, mr. chair. mobile home ber of the public who wish to speak on this item and have joined us here in the
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chamber, you can lineup now if you wish to speak. for those listening remotely please call 415-655-0001. meeting i.d. 2487-465-2715, then pound and pound again. when connected, you'll need to press star, three to enter the queue. for those that have already lined up in the queue, when you hear your line is unmuted, that is your signal to speak. can we have the first caller. >> okay. can you hear me now? >> clerk: please begin your comments. >> okay. if i ask if you can hear me,
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it's because i question if you can, so if you could just please tell me yes or no, and if you could give me a 30-second warning. i support the proposed contract work as was described. it is entirely consistent with state of good repair efforts to maintain the fleet and other assets. this should be common practice and the rule and not the exception and should not have just been required by sfmta as a condition of prior grant approvals but should be common practice at m.t.a. and throughout the city in terms of maintaining assets where there's a mid life overall where indicated. again, i support the resolution. thanks for listening. >> clerk: thank you much for
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your comments. mr. atkins, do we have anymore speakers? >> operator: mr. clerk, there are no further callers in the queue. >> clerk: thank you much. mr. chair? >> chair haney: public comment is now closed. i want to make a motion to move item 8 to the full board with a positive recommendation. can we have a roll call vote, please. >> clerk: yes. on that motion to recommend to the full board with a positive recommendation -- [roll call] >> clerk: we have three ayes. >> chair haney: thank you. before we go to the remaining
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items, i need to make a motion to excuse vice chair safai for the remainder of the meeting. >> clerk: on the motion to excuse vice chair safai for the remainder of the meeting -- [roll call] >> clerk: you have two ayes. >> chair haney: great. supervisor safai is excused for the rest of the meeting. can you please call item 2. >> clerk: item 2 is a resolution retroactively authorizing the department of technology, through its office of civic innovation's civic bridge program, to accept an in-kind gift of consulting services values at 1.49 million from various providers from march 2021 to february 2022.
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members of the public who wish to provide public comment by telephone, dial 415-655-0001, meeting i.d. 2487-465-2715, then press pound and pound again. press star, three to enter the queue, and when the system indicates you have been unmuted, that is the signal to begin your comments. mr. chair? >> chair haney: thank you. and i believe we have brian roberts here. >> yes. over the past six years, the office of civic innovation has addressed specific policy or operational challenges facing
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departments. under the civic bridge program, department identified service needs that could benefit from innovative solutions and private companies, nonprofit organizations and individuals offer to donate consulting services to help departments address those needs. this pro bono private sector support can increase the capacity to identify and analyze challenges, provide agile and innovative solutions and cross sector solutions. teams work together over a 16-week period for proposes solutions. the program would address gifts received over the last year. thank you so much. >> chair haney: thank you so much, and we appreciate the gifts and support of our city.
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obviously, supportive of their acceptance retroactively. there's no b.l.a. report on this item. i don't have any questions. not seeing any from supervisor mar. can we open this to public comment, please. >> clerk: thank you, chair haney. members of the public who wish to speak to this item, you're welcome to lineup now. members of the public listening, dial 415-655-0001, meeting i.d. 2487-465-2715, then press pound twice. press star, three to enter the queue, and for those already in the queue, please wait until the system indicates you have been unmuted before you begin your comments. mr. atkins, do we have any callers on the line? >> operator: mr. clerk, there are no callers in the queue.
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>> clerk: thank you much. mr. chair? >> chair haney: thank you. supervisor mar? >> supervisor mar: i just wanted to thank the department for this important program that's really tapping the wealth of innovative talent that's really orring our city government. yeah, i think this is a great program. i know one example that i'm aware of is [indiscernible] that's really worked with the office of racial equity to create the dream keeper initiative dashboard, and i think that's important to capping the talent and support from the private sector in our city to make our city government work better, especially for equity outcomes. thank you. >> chair haney: absolutely, and thank you to all the folks who have donated their services. we definitely have a wealth of talent and expertise in our city and beyond, and so it's
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great to see how we are being able to tap into that to enhance our services and coordination and their delivery. with that, i want to make a motion to move item 2 to the full board with a positive recommendation. can we have a roll call vote, please? >> clerk: on this motion to forward this item to the full board with a positive recommendation -- [roll call] >> clerk: we have two ayes. we have vice chair safai excused. >> chair haney: great. thank you so much. mr. clerk, will you please call 3 and 4? >> clerk: yes. items 3 and 4 are resolutions approving a second modification of the grant between the city and county of san francisco and children's council of san francisco for the provision of early care and education integrated services to support the city's implementation of
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the san francisco citywide plan for early care and education. item 3 is to increase the amount by 17.6 million for a revised total grant amount not to exceed 393.7 million to commence following board approval, with no change to the term period of july 1, 2017 through june 30, 2022. item 4 increases the grant amount by 5.2 million, resulting in a revised total grant amount of 81 million to commence following board
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approval, with no changes to the grant period of july 1, 2017 through june 30, 2022. members of the public who wish to speak can lineup, or you can call 415-655-0001, meeting i.d. 2487-465-2715, then press pound and pound again. press star, three to enter the queue, and when the system indicates your line has been unmuted, that is your indication to begin your comments. mr. chair? >> chair haney: thank you. may we have the presentation? >> thank you, mr. chair. my name is ingrid, and i'm so sorry that supervisor safai had to leave because i know he is really in support of this program that supports children
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and child care amendments. if you have any questions, i'm happy to answer them. >> chair haney: yes. can we hear the b.l.a. report on this? >> file 220122 is a resolution that would amend the grant agreement, and file 220123 is an amendment that would increase the not to exceed amount by 5.2 million. both increases will be funded by proposition c revenues, which is a commercial tax approved by the voters in 2018. as we show on page six of our report, the increased funding will be used to fund child care subsidies for families at an average subsidy level of $23,000 and for teachers at an average subsidy level of $7700.
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-- the system prompt will indicate you have raised your hand. wait until we take public comment on the item and the system indicates you have been unmute and that will be your cue to begin your comment. >> we have the department of disability and aging service to present on the item. welcome. >> thank you. good afternoon, supervisors. my name is tiffany kearny. i'm a program analyst and lead nutritionist for dos. we are seeking your support for a resolution to amend the meals on wheels grant for
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home-delivered nutrition services for older adults. this amendment would extend the existing grant fund from july 1, 2022 through fiscal year 2025 and increases the grant funding not to exceed $31.4 million. meals on wheels is one of eight community nutrition partners that has a grant with dos to provide home delivered meals. they provide two meals a day seven days a week and offer a variety of cuisines and they meet dietary guidelines. it also offers modified texture meals for those who need it.
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like it has compliant and quality assurance requirements. they're straenl in ensuring the safety of our clients. they promode a high level of and they support positive outcomes and meet the needs of our complaints more completely. and this ensures they meet local, state and federal requirements. they include such things as in-home assessments, nutrition risk assessments and counselling and referrals and also include food safety and sanitation monitoring which is extremely important when providing meals to at-risk populations. the department conduct program evaluations for all nutrition grants in the spring and we will
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do that for the meals on wheels grant this year. there's an evaluation score has been 93% or higher and consistently met program outcome objectives. meals on wheels submits monthly and quarterly erl reports. there's been no concerns thus far and they're on track to meet the service objectives for the grant year. the amendment will enable dos in partnership with meals on wheels to continue to provide home-delivered nutrition to older adults who need meal support to live independently, safely and well nourished in our community. thank you. i'm happy to answer any questions you might have. >> a program i'm familiar with and supportive of and i know we lied on heavily more so during the pandemic and so grateful to see this in front of us.
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is there a bla report? >> this would amend the grant aimprovement between hsa and meals on wheels in san francisco extending through 2025 and increasing the not to exceed amount to $31.5 million. we show the budget for the contract on page 13 of our report which does assume a decrease in the number of clients served from 3600 to 3200 during the extended period of the agreement. as we show on page 13 of our report, the agreement will be funded by a mix of federal, state and local funding and we recommend approval and i'm happy to answer any questions. >> great. thank you. supervisor mar. >> thank you, and thanks to has and dos for this tremendously
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important program. a few questions. i noticed in the bla report for the rfp in march of 2021 there was an another organization that scored higher on the review so i was curious why the decision was made to go with meals on wheels. >> well, all of the respondents were awarded grants. the way the funding is divide up depends on sort of i have to look -- let me see who it is. it depends on the capacity of that particular provider. meals on wheels is the only meal provider able to deliver across the city there's other ones that may be specific like self-help
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for the elderly who may not be able to even if they got a higher score in terms of being able to do city wide they were awarded for chinese cuisine in all their districts and the same thing like with russian american for example. they have their specific districts and they deliver russian type cuisine. no one wasn't funded and funded on what they bid on and their capacity. it's helpful to understand that and the other question is as a bla report notes there's an ex tense of a reduced number of clients to be served looks like from 3600 to 3200 and i was
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wondering how you came up with that figure if you expect -- >> i can answer. so we were lucky. this fiscal year the department we received i want to say $5.4 million or $4.5 million i'm having trouble but we received extra funding from the mayor's budget and because the demand was so great we were able to add funding to almost all of our new trigs grants this year because there's such a high demand across the board. the next year we don't have that additional funding. the nutrition grants are reduced
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next fiscal year was at this time we don't have the additional funding. i suspect the demand will be similar. we'll see what happens. >> supervisor: what was the number assisted? >> hundreds in years past. >> that's what you're planning for with the extension 3200? >> the 3200 is sort of what it was baseline. all the nutrition grants did go back to baseline funding. >> supervisor: thank you.
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>> supervisor: can we open this up for public comment, please. >> clerk: thank you, chair haney. for those present in the chamber if you wish to speak on this item please line up along the windows. for those remotely call 1-415-655-0001 enter the meeting i.d. of 2487 465 2715 and press pound twice. once connected press 3 to enter the speaker line. those in the queue continue to wait until the system indicates have you been unmute and that will be your cue to begin your comments. seeing no in-person speakers, mr. atkins, do we have callers in the queue. >> mr. clerk, there's no callers in the queue. >> clerk: mr. chair. >> supervisor: public comment is closed. i'd like to make a motion to move item 5 to the full board with a positive recommendation and can i have a roll call vote,
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please. >> clerk: on that motion to forward the resolution to the full board with a positive recommendation. [roll call] we have two ayes with vice chair safai excused. >> supervisor: mr. clerk call item 6 and 7 together. >> clerk: an ordinance approximating $38.5 million to the human services agency for various programs including shelter in place housing and demobilization, adult protective services and housing and advocacy program, cal works housing support and the transitional housing program and housing and navigator program support for former foster youth in fiscal year 2021 to 2022. this ordinance requires a two-thirds vote of all members of the board and supervisors according to the charter. item 7 is an ordinance amending
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the salary ordinance for fiscal years 2021 to 2022 and 2022 to 2023. to reflect the addition of 16 positions in human services agency in fiscal years 2021 to 2022. members of the public who wish to provide public comment on these ordinances if remote join the number 1-415-655-0001 and enter the meeting i.d. of 2487 465 2715 and press pound twice. once connected press star 3 to en their the speaker line. a system prompt will indicate you raised your hand and wait until we take public comment and when you have been unmuted that is is your queue to be unmuted. >> this must be an important one. >> supervisor: we have director orr to present.
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>> nice to see you two in person. it's been a while. and happy to request expansion of agency programs specifically several housing programs the state department of social services that serves hsa clients and a budget expansion of last june. the request is before you is fully funded by state and federal dollars. i think we have a slide deck that should be popping up.
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supplemental is state revenue through project room key that was added through the state budget from the department of social services subsequent to our budget presentation at the board last june. as you know and they were brought on board under the human services agency and the project room key dollars constitute $32.3 million basically the way we're using these dollars is to fund the non-fema eligible portion of the shelter in place hotels. this would be the population who are in the hotels not fema eligible due to age or vulnerability which is about 9% of the residents and the winter shelter to the extent we convert the hotel to or hsh did and
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demobilization costs including damages to hotels the city is on the hook to repair. behavioral health staff through the department of public health that's not fema supported and lastly of course any extension of the hotel operations post-fema reimbursement. this $32 million will cover that and rather than using city general funds. so assembly bill 135 that past the legislature and signed by the governor and omnibus social services bill and they state expanded state adult protective services in a couple ways. aps is the program we administer that respond to calls and referrals of older adults or disabled adults victims of abuse or neglect or self-neglect or financ
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