tv Redistricting Task Force SFGTV March 29, 2022 9:00am-12:31pm PDT
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>> thank you. mr. clerk, ladies and gentlemen, let me welcome you to the san francisco redistricting task force march 21 meeting. and at this time, the meeting is called to order. mr. clerk, could you take us to agenda item number 1, roll call. >> clerk: agenda item is 1, roll call. members, when you hear your name, please indicate that you are present. [roll call] >> clerk: mr. chair, we have all nine members present.
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>> thank you. do you have any announcements, mr. clerk? >> clerk: yes, thank you, mr. chair. we have numerous announcements. the redistricting task force is chairing hybrid meetings in person while still allowing public comment via telephone. the task force recognizes that public comment is essential, and we will be taking public comment as follows: first, we will be taking public comment in person first, and then we will take public comment by telephone. to do so, dial 415-655-0001,
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meeting i.d. 2481-061-5666, then press pound and pound again. when your item of interest is called, you should lineup on my left-hand side of the room and your right-hand side of the room. callers dialing in may dial star, three to enter the comment queue, and remember to turn down the speakers on your television, telephone, or live
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stream. alternatively, you may submit your public comment in writing. you can e-mail me at or you can send written comments to the care of our office. that is redistricting task force, the clerk's office, and the clerk's office is room 244, city hall, and the address is 1 carlton b. goodlett place, san francisco, california, 94102. we are joined by our partners in the office of the immigrant
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[speaking russian language] >> interpreter: thank you. >> clerk: i have one more announcement, mr. chair, which is firstly acknowledging that we have quite good turnouts today in the room, and people will notice -- [applause] >> clerk: please hold your applause, but you do deserve it. people will notice as you come in that the masking requirements in city hall have changed since friday. the signs when you come in the
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building says your masks are optional, but as you come into this building, it is required when you come in here. i just want to mention it because it has been a change since our previous two weeks of hybrid meetings. thanks for setting the record so far in rdtf so far, and mr. chair, those are all the announcements. >> thank you. let me second that, to see so many of you in the room, and since we have to be here, it's good to have company. it makes it more interesting, even though i like my colleagues. as we proceed, mr. clerk, we're going to call item 2. before we call it -- well, why
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don't i call it now, and then, before we go to public comment, mr. hernandez gil has a presentation that i think will be helpful in the room. seeing nothing further from the members, let's proceed with mr. hernandez gil. >> clerk: let me call the item first. >> clerk: item 2 is a discussion of districts 7 and 11 boundaries, neighborhoods, and communities of interest. public comment, those who are in person will go first, and then, those attending on-line may do so by calling 415-655-0001, meeting i.d.
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2481-061-5666, then press star, three or if you're joining us via webex, you can raise your hand via webex to comment on the item. of course, we'll be providing our interpretive services from o.c.s. to provide interpretation services for those who speak spanish, chinese, etc., but for now, mr. chair, the item is called. >> thank you. dear members of the public, both in person and on-line. i will start with an introduction on what redistricting is.
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as you know, san francisco has 11 districts used to elect supervisors. as you know, redistricting is a process to keep each district to roughly the same population, and it is an opportunity to bring existing districts in concurrence with all criteria. as you can see, district 7 is under 5% from the deviation, and district 11 is - 3.8%, so both of them need to gain population to come into compliance. what is redistricting? it must be in compliance with the u.s. and california constitution equal population. it preserves and aims to
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recognize neighborhoods. districts must also be contiguous and compact. neighborhood data may also be submitted by members of the public. neighbors will vary in size and definition depending on who is defining them. the it is up to those who live and work in a community to identify and establish the interests who unite them. communities of interest do not include relationships with political parties, incumbents,
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or political candidates. some examples of common interests include economic interest such as economic employment or lack thereof. some interests might be green spaces, parks, and public housing. what we would like to hear from you today is about your community of interest. what ties you together, what common interests you share. we also want to know where your community of interest is. we want to know what boundaries your community of interest is, we want to be able to map it, and we also would like to hear about what is different or the same about the areas around your community. we also want to near why it would be a problem. why should your community be
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kept together in one district, why it would be a problem. you may provide information about district 7 or district 11, other districts, if you would wait until public comment or you see the entire map. what do you like about the current districts? what would you like to change? there is also a redistricting mapping tool that you can use. you can draw your maps and then submit them to the task force.
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the website is redistrictingmaps. thank you. >> mr. chair? >> thank you. mr. clerk, we can take public comment. >> clerk: members of the public, it might make sense to lineup in batches. we can't block that door, and it's going to be a moment before we take public comment because we need to hear from
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interpretive services before we take public comment. >> mr. clerk, before we take public comment, i just want to let anyone know before we take public comment, if you have trouble standing, you may keep track of your place in line, and you can speak when your turn comes up. >> clerk: members of the public who wish to enter public comment by phone, dial 415-655-0001, meeting i.d. 2481-061-5666, then press pound
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and pound again. >> ladies and gentlemen, in this room, unfortunately, extra conversation is extremely interruptive both to the speaker and to the people listening, so if you could give us some assistance, that would be wonderful. >> clerk: thank you. and could we get the assistance of our interpreters to explain the order of today's proceedings.
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>> clerk: thank you all so much for being here. the time has come. could the first speaker come forward to the lectern. you have two minutes. >> thank you. i'm walter kaplan from forest knolls. i've been here before. i'll try to be brief. as you can see from the first map that we have here that's in the handout that i presented to you, you have moved forest knolls, mid town terrace, and the eastern part of our neighborhood back to district 7 where it belongs. if you look at the second map that i presented to you, that little bit of green is mount sutro woods. it contains about 50 homes, and
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i would urge you to consider moving ucsf to parnassas back into the district and changing the line from 7 avenue to 11 avenue between judah and lincoln, and that, i think, would solve your problem. thank you. >> clerk: thank you, mr. kaplan, for sharing your comments. could we get the next speaker, please. >> good afternoon. my name is dean [indiscernible] and last week, i was here as the president of twin peaks neighborhood council. right now, i'm supposed to be at a persian restaurant in north beach celebrating my
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share the neighborhood. that's where we meet each other, we exist together, we're happy there together, and we feel that's where we believe we belong. i believe that's where we properly should be, and that's the district that we believe we should be in, so thank you again. >> clerk: thank you, judy clark, for sharing your comments with the task force. could we get the next speaker, please? okay. hang on one moment once again. if we could bring up the graphic, please. speaker, please begin. >> good evening. my name is karen breslin, and
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[indiscernible] per policy changes and service improvements. >> thank you very much. a big thank you to the committee members for allowing all of us to speak here from district 7. also, if i may say a big thank you to clerk carroll, who's putting up the graphics for us. our neighborhoods representing
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on this graphic are really near and dear to our hearts, all part of twin peaks western council. i would urge you to keep two blocks of crestmont drive in district 7 there. obviously, hastily drawn is a kind word for it, but i really wanted to have graphics there to show that those two blocks are absolutely unacceptable for district 5. to leave them in district 5 is unacceptable, because the only way to access them is through
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district 7, and it wasn't meant to be like this. since we worked so well together in the past, we look forward to working together in the future. if i could call your attention to those last two blocks of crestmont, if they needed something, they would be the only voice in that island for district 5, and they would be better served in district 7. thank you for your work. >> clerk: thank you so much for your comments. could we have the next speaker? and it looks like we'll be bringing up the graphic again. >> yes. my name is hillary conway, and i'm representing the sherwood forest homeowners association.
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we're part of the [indiscernible] corporate council, and we're very happy to remain in district 7. we're kind of one of the luckier groups because we're right in the middle. we're at the foot of mt. davidson, right where it starts to go up. our homeowners association is only made up about 200 homes, and a lot of people don't even know that we're up there. this is also connected to the armenian council, and it's sort of a welcoming organization for the district 7 committee.
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people in my area, we shop in the twin peaks area, we go to west portal and south of market, so it's a very continuous organization, and i thank you for keeping us in district 7. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments. could we get the next speaker, please. and you don't want me to be displaying this, is that correct? >> clerk: thank you. i will cease my screen share, and you may begin your comments. >> i'm just going to speak from the heart. >> clerk: i love it. could you pull your mask up? cheers. >> i'm the former president of the sunnyside residential association. i also am a firefighter. i work at station 17 in the
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bayview. thank you for including [indiscernible] park into district 7. i want to call your attention to a couple of things. [indiscernible] that part is absolutely part of sunnyside, so it would be nice to have district 7 and the borders of sunnyside as defined by the planning department be coterminus, and i've been here before, that last block of crestmont drive. it's the longest dead end drive in san francisco, and i would like to see that be included in district 7. thank you.
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>> clerk: thank you for your comments. may i have the next speaker, please. sfgov, if you can bring that farther. >> my name is bill chionsini, that's c-h-i-o-n-s-i-n-i. we're asking you to keep all of our neighborhood in district 7. we're compact, we're contiguous, and we have been a part of the western twin peaks
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community and working group for decades. we're a series of homes that were built post world war ii. we have a lot of interest together. every district supervisor that we've had, we like the working relationships that we have. we'd like to see district 7 kept together. i people some spoken to that issue, and i defer to their comments. but we have more in common with district 7 because we've been a part of them so long, and we have been working with them for a long time. thank you for your hard work. >> clerk: thank you so much for sharing your comments. could we have the next speaker, please, and we'll bring the
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graphic up once again, please. it's already there. let's begin. >> ready? >> clerk: yes, please. >> my name is barbara, and i'm a resident of lakeshore acres, as well. one of the things that our organization worked on is the boundary issues, and i helped work on the sloat boundary issue that we worked on for ten years. because we're boarded with lake
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merced, sloat boulevard, skyline, we work with these organizations. we had a community police officer assigned to our community for five years. he just recently retired, but it was nice, and one of the most accessible programs that we worked on in lakeshore acres. i'd be happy to show any of you around if you come out there. we want to continue to keep everybody together to continue
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. >> my name is joanne driscoll. >> clerk: speak louder, please. thank you. >> my name is joanne driscoll, and i've been a resident of lakeshore acres for 20 years. in previous drafts, it looked a little chopped up, but this draft tonight just looks very good, and i thank you for doing that and listening to us tonight, and i can you for keeping that intact and doing what you can for us.
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>> clerk: speaker, did you want this graphic up? >> no, i'm going to speak to district 11. >> clerk: okay. let's proceed with your comments. >> i just want to mention to you that i sent over to you, john carroll, a memo of the organizations that belong in -- that are members in district 11. there were nine of them, but i
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missed a couple of them, and i'd like to reiterate them now. one of them is mclaren in district 9, 11, and 6. which also have the [indiscernible] which is an umbrella group, and then, the [indiscernible] on the other side of 280, which a lot of people are here for. one of the things on the chris bowman map, it brings back the residences on geneva. below that, from silver to when
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they broke up tingley, we'd like to have that back in district 4. i'm really happy to be here. it's weird because we haven't been here for two years, but thank you for all of your work. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. mr. wooding, do you want us to bring the graphic back up? >> thank you hear me okay? >> clerk: we can. >> all right.
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i want to thank the task force. i think your reiteration is excellent, as it puts district 7 back together again with very minor adjustments. i thought it shows a lot of intelligence and a lot of good hard work on behalf of the committee. i'm especially happy because the residents of mid town terrace, which is originally in district 8, and frankly, i did not want to be in district 8. forest knolls did not want to be in district 8. none of the people that were put on the other side of sutro hill wanted to be in district 8. we look at the other side of
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that as the other side of town. i'm the former president of the west twin peaks central council. i worked with chris bowman to help put together the bowman map, which i believe is an excellent map, and it was adopted by the west of twin peaks central council. these are areas that are core communities, are symbolic, and that they help, and they have the very same attributes that everyone would need to cover the core area. thank you so much. >> clerk: thank you so much for sharing your comments with the task force. could we get the next speaker,
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please? >> good evening, task force members, and it is so nice to put faces with names. i am tonight honored to join my friends and d-11 family and invest black in joining with my colleagues to advocate for district 11. it's like oprah, right? you get a map, and you get a map. but the one thing that we are interested in is staying in district 11. that map putting us in d-7, we
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don't have a lot in common. like i told you guys the last time, the only time anyone goes into westwood park is halloween because they have the good candy. here's where my friends in d-7 and we agree, the current boundary precinct for 94109 make sense. i was heartened to hear members of the task force speak eloquently and reverently. we'll see you at the next
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meeting. advocates for 11 and invest black standing with you this evening. >> clerk: i should let everyone know that you are seeing a different map. these are the present boundaries as they were adopted in 2020. we have someone in the background who is able to move the cursor and see the areas move around, but could we have the next speaker at the lectern, please. >> good evening, task force. i'm glad to be here today. my name is leonard monroe, the director of invest black. i stand here today with the residents of the r.m.i., community leaders, business
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leaders. i've been in o.m.i., worked here for 25 years. we're here to endorse the map that you guys created to be. this will keep us whole as a community and also restore part of our district that was taken in 2012. we are looking for that to be endorsed, so when we talk about equity resources, we're intelligent to know that when one district pulls us apart, another district benefits. we just want to be kept whole and regain the parts that we lost. you're going to hear from community leaders today, but we're here to endorse the map of 2-b. thank you.
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>> clerk: task force, could we hear from the next speaker, please. i do have to mention, please refrain from applauding or giving any other kind of audible or any other kind of comment. may we have the next commenter, please. >> i endorse chris bowman's map and s.f. rising map. i support the 2008 map that was made that kept the lakeview o.m.i. with the excelsior, both working class districts. we do not belong in district 7,
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which would minimize the black and brown vote. we endorse the task force 2-b map, but we're not going to sit back because we know it isn't the final draft. please give us back ocean avenue corridor, ashton howard street, which caused us to lose two black churches. when the -- i mean, when they were doing black lives matter, we decided to do invest black for education of our children, to support black businesses, to support the community. that night or the very next
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night, someone called in and said there was graffiti in our neighborhood. at midnight, d.p.w. came out and started washing our invest black. that's the way our community has been treated. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments. sorry to cut you off. >> oh, one last thing, i have signatures -- >> clerk: thank you. i'll pass out your signatures. >> thank you. my name is mary ellen thomas, and i've been in o.m.i. lakeview d-11 for 61 years. i started in kindergarten.
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during the pandemic, we shows how we can work together. we started a new organization called african american educators. we belong to the o.m.i. community collaborative. we're here in unison to say that we want to continue o.m.i. lakeview to continue, and we thank you. >> clerk: thank you so much for sharing your comments. can we get the next speaker, please. >> good evening. my name is kwan [indiscernible] and this is my wife, monique. we live in the district 11
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invest black also endorses the rising community in d-11, and i must say that we were very surprised that we were out of that district. we just want to thank you for considering that 2-b map, and we're here to just say to continue to think about the needs of that community. thank you. >> clerk: thank you.
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11s bayview neighborhood, and i'm here with my six-year-old son, who is hiding in the back, and is probably embarrassed that i mentioned him. i don't know if you know much about district 11 politics, but we've got a very vocal moderate contingent, and we've got a very vocal progressive contingent, and we met on march 9, and i have never seen any subject align us in the way that the first redistricting map is. that was really impressive. we're also all very aligned in our passion for 2-b. thank you all for the hard work that you're doing.
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i can't imagine that there are nine more hard workers in san francisco. please keep map 2-b, and in particular, keep the lakeview hole. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. could we get the next speaker, please. >> good evening. my name is jeanette wright, and i am a member of invest black, lakeview coalition. i live in o.m.i., and i was born and raised in the home that my parents purchased in 1950, and o.m.i. was only communities back in that time they were able to purchase.
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for the excelsior and the mission and crocker-amazon, we have good relationships with, so as a member of invest black, i am extremely pleased and happy that you all are working tirelessly, and i also wanted to endorse the redistricting task force 2-b map. i'm advocating for that. thank you very much for your time. >> clerk: thank you so much for sharing your comments. could we get the next commenter, please. >> hello. my name is [indiscernible] and i'm the founder and director of the both sides community advocacy. as you all know, these
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communities communities across san francisco have been affected. i'm here to endorse the map, and please keep district 11 like it is on the map. >> clerk: thank you so much for your comments. could we please get the next speaker. >> hi. my name is [indiscernible] moray, and i've been in the lakeview on-line for about a decade. we want to restore ocean
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corridor, our walgreens, our several black businesses. we have no black businesses on the ocean corridor. that's been taken away. i also want to say we've had a meeting with supervisor safai to look at city investment in resources in 94112. your first map was a bomb, and i understand you didn't put it together, but if you know 94112, five out of ten of the population is on assistance. our small black by mighty powerful pocket is what we're fighting to keep whole and on the ocean avenue corridor.
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when you think about our community, it's really important, we actually started to become that [indiscernible] that would be a travesty. it is important to keep all the [indiscernible] but it's also important when we talk about the bayview, it's about keeping the bayview and potrero in the -- thank you. >> clerk: thank you so much for sharing your comments with the task force. can we get the next speaker, please.
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>> my name is cheryl blarton, and i'm currently a resident of district 10. i just want to say, when i first came to san francisco, the first neighborhood i engaged in was lakeview. i took piano lessons from mrs. scales. when i first moved there, it was a vibrant black community with 40% black population, and now, it's 7. o.m.i. needs to be whole again, because -- and that's my
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community of interest. i don't know, as many of you know, many of the people in district 11 were redeveloped out and came from the fillmore, and then to district 11, so we all want to be in this city, and this is an inclusive city. we can see from the task force. my son is in berkeley law school, and when he comes back, i want him to come back to an inclusive city where we can all live and flourish. 2-b, it is for me. thank you. >> clerk: thank you very much for sharing your comments. could we get the next speaker, please. >> my name is william walker,
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and i'm a district 11 resident, and i can't take credit for being a part of invest black, but i support any map that they support. i also want to say that i'm a member of the democratic club of district 11, and i live in district 11, the precinct that was going to move into district 7. the owner of my home foreclosed and he actually wasn't african american, he was an asian american, but i'm sure that the former owner was african american because i still get mail for the african american family that used to own the
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. >> -- in a lot of ways, redistricting may be setting aside trees can be one of the most contentious things that we do, only every ten years. thank you for stepping up and filling this important and really vital role. communities aren't just about hobbies and voting leagues. they're defined as groups that have a common political goal. it's important to keep them together, and as so many people said earlier, it used to be
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much, much more broken. it's amazingly quiet when you get it right, and really loud when you draw the line one block over. the west twin peaks council actually formed in 1937 as a community of interest. it wasn't 20 neighborhoods, but it has since grown to 20 neighborhoods. everybody, all the neighborhood associations in district 7 have a long history of working with their supervisors, with the mayor's office, with the planning commission, and it's that work that gives them strength, so i applaud the work that you've done keeping the core that's part of the twin
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peaks west council together. >> clerk: thank you so much for your comments. >> thank you. i think district 7 wants to keep their district -- i'm glad i can see the time so i know when to stop talking, and district 11 wants to keep their community intact, and it's a win-win. they both want the best for their communities. they both are historical, and as you can see with the o.m.i. community, they've got an organization called invest black, so that means they want a home, just like the district
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7 community. the o.m.i. used to have black businesses. there's a few left. my mama's picture in that building. literally, it's, like, part of the san francisco black history, right, so that should be in the o.m.i. community. and then, you pass that up with city college, which always had an urban flair to it -- i've got 30 seconds -- it should be part of the o.m.i. district 7 wants their community intact, district 11 wants theirs tract, and you could make some order out of chaos, and it would make the city feel good about you all. don't you want that? don't you want that?
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all right. i'm going to be smart and not run out of my time. i'll see you all. >> clerk: thank you so much for your comments. could we have the next speaker, please. >> good evening, members. can you hear me okay? >> clerk: yes, we can. >> i have been a resident of district 11 for the past 38 years of my life, but my family has been in the o.m.i. for over 60 years. i'm the grandson of robert harmon, one of the first five black deputy sheriffs in the city and county of san francisco. when you look at those lines on that map, most people don't see what i see. they don't see organizations
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and businesses like dream team and o.m.i. job center and inner city youth and youth first and our kids first and o.m.i. neighbors in action, jamaica africa, mahogany salon, reno's barber shop. those are number a few of the names that have been hallmarks in the lakeview community. i ask that you restore us what we were in 2000, a historically black neighborhood. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments. could we have the next speaker,
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please. >> hello. i'm going to do my own translation. [speaking spanish language] >> hello. i'm [indiscernible] d-11 represents a bipoc community, one that needs to be kept whole. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> good evening, task force members. can you hear me? >> clerk: we've got you. >> i am a member of the san francisco brown bombers, an
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organization providing leadership skills to youth in san francisco. i actually was educated in d-11, and i just wanted to say why we wanted to make certain that that district remains whole. when we get dressed in the morning, we don't wear mismatched shoes. we wear the same shoes because they go together. we're asking that you restore equity in san francisco, that you respect the historical culture and presence of african americans in this city, and please understand that by your act today you can send a
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message around the world that san francisco, the most progressive city in the world, actually supports and embraces the color and the culture that exists in our city, so we ask you to not only consider the 2-b map, but that you keep the district 11 together. >> clerk: thank you very much. can we have the next speaker, please. >> my name is delia fitzpatrick. i am with o.m.i. community collaborative. i run an after-school program, our kids first. i also run an innovation lab,
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and being in this room, remembering the history of the black community in san francisco, it's all noteworthy. it's very important that we retain the black faces and the black arms and the black muscle that has lifted up the city. and i think about when i was homeless. district 11 gave me a place to live, gave me job training, and it's the district that doesn't get the resources that we need. we have to argue and fight and come to city hall, advocating for services. fast forward to invest black
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and community collaborative, we have come together to make sure that the community has services, has p.p.e. when the city has forgotten about many of these members, i support invest black, and i support the redistricting map of 2-b. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments. can we have the next speaker, please. >> good evening. i'm kendall starling, communities advocate for district 11. i'm a 30-year product of district 11, and from my 30 years of living there, i've seen big changes, and a majority of them were, you know, not so good for the colored community, and i'm not just excluding african
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american, i mean latino and asian. if you go out to our district and get on foot and go face-to-face, you see the community. that's a majority of our thing, and over dozens of organizations that help out, we have job centers, we have after school programs, we have places where you can get housing assistance, we have newly restored recreational facilities. a lot of this isn't filters to help out, you know, just one community -- filtered to help out, you know, just one community. we're all in this together, but i would hope that you would keep this together because one community has not changed one bit as far as the culture.
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we would like to keep it the same, and yeah, that's it for me. >> hello. my name is gail, and i've been a member of o.m.i. lakeview community for over 60 years. i've raised daughters in the community who have grownup in the community, gone away to college, but have come back to the community. i support the 2-b map, but i was surprised by the comments
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of the members of d-7. even though we're advocating to keep our community strong, it didn't sound like we would be welcome in district 7. so i'm fine with staying in district 11. i just want the resources that we've been fighting for, that we've been advocating for for our residents that can be given to us so that we can rebuild the community that we had before we lost so many of our businesses. thank you. >> clerk: thank you so much for sharing your comments. do we have anyone in the room here, room 408, who hasn't yet spoken on the district 7 and 11 boundaries, neighborhoods, and communities of interests nearby who would like to be included in the discussion.
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if not, no one hear from whom we haven't heard, we can move onto phone listeners. i understand we have 50 listeners and 23 want to speak. could we be connected to the first listener, please. >> hello. can you hear me? >> clerk: we can, but you should still speak up. >> okay. my name is [indiscernible], a resident of district 11. i went to public school here, and i was born and raised in the community. i'm advocating for district 11 to remain and to be restored as a multiethnic, multigenerational, and multilingual district made up of diverse working communities, including black communities in the o.m.i. chinese communities
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throughout the district, filipino-filipina communities around the mission and excelsior, latino and latina communities along the mission street corridor and throughout the district as well as working class property owners and tenants, families, elders, and children. we want to keep our communities whole, up lift our struggles and solidarity, and that including maintaining our o.m.i. and lakeview communities in order to keep our community geographically and culturally
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connected. as someone who grew up here, it was mind boggling to see why they wanted to move the o.m.i. to district 7, so i'm glad that you guys came to your senses and changed that. thank you. >> clerk: thank you very much for sharing your comments with the task force. could we have the next caller, please. >> good evening, mr. chair and the redistricting task force. thank you so much for your hard work. this is reverend dr. carolyn scott, and i am a native of san francisco since the 40s, 75 years, and have lived in district 11 over 20 years, serving as a youth leader and working with many of the outreaches. i support and agree with the 2-b map for d-11.
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i am now a resident of d-10, and i know we need to keep the fellowship of our churches, our park and recs, and i know we need to keep our outreach services connected as african american and unity groups, and i also support the move for my d-10. thank you so much for everything you're doing for us and for listening to us. >> clerk: thank you so much for your comments. could we get the next speaker, please. >> hello. can you hear me? >> clerk: yes, we gotcha. >> hi. my name is randy geldstrap. i'm currently in district 9. only reason why i'm responding
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is i heard from residents that people in district 11 wanted to be part of st. mary's park, and so i wanted to reiterate that my community of interest is bernal heights glen park. it does look like you're either going to throw us to 8 or keep us in 9. i just don't want us to be in district 11 once again. the two ladies, like a big divide. i went last saturday to the market for maple syrup, realized it was the manila market, went, couldn't find it, and came back. my community of interest is
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bernal heights and glen park. so just keep us in d-9. i don't know how you do what you're doing, but keep doing it. thank you. >> clerk: thank you so much for sharing your comments. could we have the next speaker, please. >> good evening, members. my name is [indiscernible] thank you for considering some of the community's input in the reiteration of the map. i do not support certain boundary changes in maps
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[indiscernible] we have some of the lowest income and some of the highest members of low-income households. i urge the traffic force to incorporate the community of interest bound by san jose avenue, mission street, highway 280, and the [indiscernible] community of interest bound by [indiscernible] in d-11. this was specifically expressed by the filipino community in previous meetings. thank you for your time, and
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thank you for considering. >> clerk: thank you so much for your comments. could we have the next caller, please. >> i'm calling to advocate for keeping north of holloway in district 7. i think this neighborhood is part of my community. i spent a lot of time going to whole foods and walking my dog in the westwood park area, so, you know, with that understanding, i think it makes sense to keep the border on holloway. i think it makes sense to keep
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[indiscernible] as it is and rejecting the original map, so if there's a way to kind of thread that needle, i would really thank -- me and my neighbors would really appreciate that if you could take that into account. >> clerk: thank you so much for your comments. if we could have the next speaker, please. >> hi. my name is reuben damon white, and i have been a member of d-11 over 45 years. the redistricting that took place in 2012 has been a travesty to the black community. district 11 has been the one community that has embraced all ethnicities and cultures, but as you walk-through that neighborhood, it feels empty
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and forgotten. district 7 has no community relationship with o.m.i., ocean avenue, and the lakeview neighborhood. i agree with 2-b map or d-11. this is the community of interest. we're a fellowship of partnerships, churches, communities, and families, and i appreciate all the hard work that you're putting forward to get this ton. clerk -- get this done. >> clerk: thank you so much for your comments. could we have the next speaker, please.
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i'm the director of the filipino center in district 11. we've been around almost 18 years now, and i live in district 11. we want to keep district 11 multiracial, multigenerational. the many communities we've heard from here tonight, the african american, the latino, the hispanic communities, and we want to keep that in solidarity, so i appreciate the o.m.i., and keep our communities intact so we can preserve the integrity of our communities and the last remaining spot in the city where many of us can live and
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be together, kind of live, eat, work, pray in the community. we welcome the community members to the street and to some of the communities that we've gained over the last years. we want to make sure that our communities are kept intact. thank you. >> clerk: thank you so much for sharing your comments with the task force. could we have the next speaker, please. [please stand by]
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it's important for district 11 to keep that community together regainingeverything they lost in 2012 . i ask you please keep it together and consider district 11. it's an important part of the bipoc community and is a multiracialcommunity that needs to stay intact . please, please give the speakers who follow. i know there's at least for that speak spanish the opportunity to show their support as well. thank you and have a good night and thank youfor all your work .>> thank you for sharing your comments. it is 7:30. we have at this time it appear , sorry. 57 callers listening to the meeting and there are 18 who still want to provide public
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comment . i appreciate the reminder from the speaker from before. it would be a good idea to remind folks connecting remotely how they can accessthe meeting . ifyou have comments you wish to provide on district 7 and 11 boundaries , you have not yet provided your comments to the task force you can participate in the discussion by dialing 415-655-0001. you will be prompted toenter a meeting id . the id is 2492 061 5666 then you should press the pound symbol twice and press star followed by three to raise your hand to speak or if you're connected from within webx, that will add you to the queue of speakers. when it is your opportunity to speak you will hear a prompt. if you called us the prompt will be you have been unmuted. if you're connected from within
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webx and that includes connected through the app on webx you should hear two quick electronic beats and that means your line has been unmuted. if we could let's hear from agnes lee, raymond morris, dora fan and touch on a who are here to provide interpretation assistance to speakers of cantonese, mandarin chinese, filipino, vietnamese and russian who may be hoping to participate in the discussion of the district 7 and 11 boundaries. are you there? >>. [speaking cantonese] >>. [speaking cantonese]
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live in district 7 on qatar and 14th avenue. i own a couple of small businesses. one is a small antique business that i have in an antique shop in west portal and then my other is mercantile which is basically community-based markets kind of around the city in the outer sunset and inner sunset, our sunset farmers market, and a variety of other small events . i'm also representing the inner sunset merchants association and inner sunset park neighbors to say that we implore you to please keep the entire inner sunset and that would be our ask is our current plan from arguello to 19th avenue, lincoln tomorrow on the. very important to us to keep our communities intact whether
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we understand we might go somewhere whether it's staying in d5were moving to d4 or into d7 . we just implore you to keep the entire community intact and on that note i would like you to consider obviously keeping all these communities of interest intact and i know it seems impossible but it feels like there are so many that are so important to keep together. d11should be together . this community maps while it seems to serve so many of the communities of interest it's really reading a bit of in district 5. some of the other communities of interest around western japan town are very concerned about peace and how it divides some of our communities of interest. including the innersunset . so thank you very much.
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>> thank you for sharing your comments, could we have the next speaker please ? is there a caller on the line? >>. [speaking spanish] >> caller: i've been living in thedistrict for 20 years and i like my comments to be translated please .>>. [speaking spanish] >> we like thedistrict to remain together please . >>.
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african-american in the omi area. chinese-american,filipino in the missing district . around the mission itself and the latino community as well. >>. >> also for the older people, forthe working classpeople and the people who rent and people who are homeowners , thank you for your help .>> thank you for bringing yourcomments, thank you for providing interpretation . could we have the next please ? >> my name is frank dugger, could youplease show the map for the district 7 . i'm a person of the sunset
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community democrat club and a member of sharp. we oppose maps 2 a and 2b as it relates to the gerrymander's our neighborhood even worse than 10 years ago. don't split our neighborhood. i've lived here for 30 years, i'm on the board of sharp neighborhoodassociation . sharp represent this neighborhoodfor over 10 years . we were founded atthe 1906 earthquake . this is our community of interest and it has been the community of interest historically for more than 100 years . we support unifying the inner sunset according to its natural contiguous boundaries. including the areas east of 19th avenue and remember, 19th avenue highway one is a six lane through fair. and we also wantthe areas south of golden gate park in district 7. your mass split us into
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three different supervisor order districts . these maps divide the inner sunset byseparating the blocks north of curcumin from the surrounding neighborhood . that's wrong for three reasons. it's time to unify the inner sunset and into one district, not split it even worse. sharp provides community room for neighborhood meetings with all the monthly neighborhood forum in town. our form and include all that area. we have membersthroughout the inner sunset, the inner sunset is one organic community that should not be separated . the irving street merchant coroner and ninth avenue businesses serve our neighborhood residents as a place to shop, dine, go to the post office, we work closely with the merchants association and the neighborhood organizations past and our community rim serves all residents andbusinesses as a neighborhood . >> thank you forsharing your
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comments. could we have the next speaker please ? >> that evening, my name is charlie shauna, 30+ year resident of san francisco living and working in district 11 as a member of people organizing to demand environmental right. i want to reiterate earlier comments that interpretation is needed to hear all proceedings, not just to interpret individual comments. district 11 is a true gem. when you scroll down mission street you can't help but be struck by the cultural diversity present in every storefront. youcan smell pork buns and apples . you can breathe in the aroma of compound mixed in with italian delis. this district is as international as its street names. one year over 10 dialects in an eight block scroll where you see families that include
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grandparents and aunt and uncles, san francisco is the heart and soul this is where the heart beats. this is a district that loves on've heard from so many callers at district 11 should remain and be restored as a multiethnic multi generational and multilingualdistrict made up of working-class families. that means blackcommunities in lakeview , chinese communities throughout the district . filipinocommunities along the missions recorded are , latino communities along missions recorded or throughout the district as well as working-class party owners and children. and so many others. we want to keep ourcommunity whole , uplift the shared histories of struggle and solidarity and thatincludes retaining the omi and keeping our communitieshere graphically and culturally connected . in conclusion , i support the community map and want to mention in passports version to
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be there is a proposal to include thesunnydale neighborhood within the boundaries of district 11 . there are many meaningful connections between sunnydale and neighboring excelsior and ... >> thank you for sharing your comments, we haveto make sure everyone keeps their comments within 2 minutes . could we hear from the next caller please ? >> evening task force members and i want to thank the task force your time in service as you fulfill your responsibilities . my name is robert g. i'm a 23 year resident of district 7. i'm acting president of the menlo improvement club. we're a nonprofit neighborhood association that's been in existence since 1940 for the purpose of advocating for the needs of our community located in the seven. menlo park is a neighborhood of 2200 homes bordering mount
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davidson. our neighborhood began in the 1920s until world war ii. march 20 be an psc submitted to the ta force comprehensive community intereststatement which requests the neighborhood be recognized as acommunity of interest and be wholly retained in d7 . in addition to our comments i want to highlight a few points . first, i'm happy to see the redistricting map version to places menlo park in its entirety in district 7. it was previously split between d7 and the eight . menlo park is a specific neighborhood and community of interest as discussed but please note we have specific geographical boundaries as stated in ourbylaws and in our residential guidelines adopted by the planning commission in 1999 . lastly menlo park has a common community of interest with its long-established and acted neighborhoods and is homeowners associations in d7 .
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menlo park has been a member of the seven and $.20 1949. i urge you to keep district 7. thank you. >> task force,could we have the next speaker please ? >> good evening task force name is david huber and i live in district 1 . the first thing i want to do is thank all the people from district 11 who gone down to city hall this evening. i'm now disappointed in myself for not having made thesame effort . thank you mary,thank you maurice .i've lost, as for thedistrict 11 boundaries , i strongly support restoring district 11 and the omi from holloway to ocean between harold and ashton. i also asked that you consider strongly restoring the first
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several blocks of tioga avenue between alimony and to eat into district 11. i do not support the effort to put st. mary's park into district 11. neighbors asked to remain in district 9 and i guess that's all i want to say thisevening besides thank you mister carol for all your work . >> thank you david huber for sharing yourcomments . couldwe hear from the next caller please ? is there a caller on the line? we apparently have lost the audio from the line. we've got you. >> caller: on a san francisco native calling today in strong opposition to both maps 2 a and 2b.
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as the coronavirus restrictions ease many of us have considered walking around our neighborhoods to get fresh air and stuff like that but as we all have found out during transport, the environments are highlighted more than ever. both maps 2 a and 2b remove mclaren park access from d10 and put mclaren park between the nine of the 11. as well as that this also several challenges to that that now strips visitation valley from having access to mclaren park andtotally excludes d10 from having access . 10 years ago the redistricting committee met the entire mclaren park used to reside inside of d10 and to further marginalize d10 from even having access to the park is ridiculous at this time. we know that a lot of residents did not have access to outdoor marine spaces and in addition
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the area that was also taking out of d10 which is my neighborhood has greater affinity to d10 and any other neighborhood. which also includes the area around philip and halliburton where the largest percent of students who attend that school also reside in bayview as well as in visitation valley. currently because of their old redistricting map you have any percent of those students living inthe 10 traveling outside of their district into the nine . i think this committee should redraw the lines around the area and make sure the street from third street, san bruno to walk dwight to the park becomes re-included back into d10 and ensure d10 has access to open parks inspace. thank you .>> thank you for sharing yourcomments, could we hear from the next speaker please ? >>.
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>> caller: on a 42 year resident of district 11 and i've lived in excelsior and in the amazon. i've served as president of the filipino american arts exhibition where several community cultural events in downtown san francisco. blb 11 is a district with a larger concentration of filipino residents in all of san francisco with a total amount of 12,000 filipino residents . i have submitted a deal which shows there are 23 filipino owned businesses around mission corridor in the 11 from st. mary's park to the bay city border i'd like to encourage you to keep the filipino community in the 11 altogether . unified the residence in mission ferris, boxwood and st.
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mary's park to be part of the 11 these are precincts 901-7874 and 7943. i haven't have members who live in those neighborhoods who would like to be part of the 11 .i'd also like to advocate to keep the omi as part of the 11 up to ocean avenue. thank you.>> thank you for sharing your comments, could we hear from the next caller please ? >> caller: can you hear me? >> yes we can, please begin. >> caller: my name is victoria and i heard the task force to respectfully decline both maps 2 a and 2b because both prove poverty can be political agendas. over populated by 30 percent. d10 was a victim of gerrymandering by the redistricting of 212 and my own house on girard was moved from d10 to d9.
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the beginning of reparations for such an act should begin with moving the boundary line back because most of thecra utilizes afterschoolservices and there's a church in d10 . yes , redistricting must happen in the only solution is to give part of the spaceto d9 or the five or d10 . please do not attempt to continue to separate d10 for political gain at the expense of san francisco's most marginalizedresidents . i do not support either map and to move forward without engaging the 10 residents in the process was properly noted in the form of culturally successful mechanisms to move forward with either map would harm residents solely for the benefit ofpolitical gain at the expense of the people . as resident i strongly reject both maps 2a and 2b . >> thank you for your comments,
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could we have the next speaker please? >> my name is patty. i was raised in the 11 and i'm 42 of my 43 years of life i want to remind you making decisions without the community costs the city more. years ago a decision was made to put in a red line all the way down mission street without talking tocommunity . i actually live on the streets. shaved off six minutes of somebody's commuteand impact of the small businesses on mission street . i want to highlight the gates around napa i-4 right now.20 years ago that thing was put out without a community input and notallowed to bring down because it was going to cost more to bring down that it would to put up . these decisions were made without community and take a toll on the businesses and young people of district 11 i
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ask that you listen to the residents that live here and make decisions for ourselves. your responsibility as commission is to listen and do nothing without us.thank you. >> thank you patty for sharing your comments, could we hear from the next caller please ? >> caller: my name is micah kingston. i am a community leader for bayview hunters point district 10 and thank you all for listening today to all of us. i agree with this 2b map for the 11. that is my canadian interest. the whole fellowship of our churches, parks and family and for district 10 as well. also my family originally is from the 11. in fact i have uncles, a great
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uncle who has a church onbroad street , theknot zion community . so i thank you redistricting task force for your time and all of your hard work and i hope everythinggoes as planned. thank you . >> thank you for sharing your comments, could we hear from the next speaker please ? >> good evening task force membersthis is john avalos . thank you for your service. it is wonderful to see the 11 united and endorsing the map boundaries and i'm here to join all the speakers in solidarity with restoring the 11 and the omi historicboundaries. that includes the south side of both ocean avenue east of ashton . these boundaries encompass the
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11th historic communities of interest which includes working-class , labor household, multilingual, multiethnic and multi generational households. i ask that you keep in mind this disunity displaced here and ensure that communities of interest can be not divided by this redistricting process as they were in 2012. our neighborhoods have borne the brunt of san francisco's economic disparity.we're stronger in our unity and we need our unity to choose our representatives who will work to fight for the cities that served us better. the boundaries made in 2012 to the mission terrace neighborhood actually took out the northern part of cayuga avenue. restore back including the areas around geneva and carter street as well that were removed. this would restore the 11 back to the 2012 and even the 2000 boundaries and keep our neighborhood on divided by this
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process. you have difficult work ahead of you but i really appreciate all the time you'reputting into listening to our communities. i want to thank you for your service . >> thank you forsharing your comments, could we hear from the next caller please . >> my name is jiminez and i am a resident born and raised in san francisco. i am a resident ofdistrict 11 . i just want to say that district 11 has been cut up and divided in previous redistricting efforts. we would like to keep our neighborhoods and communities whole. protect ourneighborhoods, recover areas lostduring the last redistricting process such as the area of holloway up to the south and devotion and . that is all i would like to say . andthank you.
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>> thank you for sharing your comments, could we hear from the next caller please ? is there a caller on the line? hello, please begin. >>. >> caller: my name is neil hunt and i'm a board member of the more said thetension triangle neighborhood association . we're a rather small but feisty neighborhood association that is mostly encompassed and that triangle of land that is in the lower part of the map right of where the daily city and over the last 20 years we've forged a strong community of interest for our diverse neighborhoods . but we are currently and while both maps encompass our neighborhood, our neighborhood association extends over the way and we are interested in
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maintaining that united association that we have so while a lot of things are being traded around people are concerned about the orders of the area. we just want to remain in district 7. we feel like we have a lot in common with district 7. we participate in a lot of participatory budgeting and other activities and ongoing projects so we just would like to remain where we are. regardless of other boards. we have great relationshipswith our neighbors in district 11 . mine in particular but we would liketo stay where we are . and i just wanted to make note of that. >> thank you neil for sharing yourcomments.
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we still have 4 colors in the queue. could we be connected to the next caller please . >> my name is rosario cervantes and i live in district 11 and i'm calling, i've worked here for 38 years and i'm calling because district 11 is a great cultural multiethnic and working-class district. and i'm calling today to ask that you keep the omi in district 11.i am involved in care for the last 15 years in this community and i feel that you have leadership. we collaborate, we feel together so we have multi generational, multilingual districts made of diverse working-class communities so i'd ask that you keep the omi in district 11. i volunteer to with omi. i believe the cultural participation project and i am i know the leaders and we are working together and it's strong and we want to keep this
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filipinos, the chinese, african-american community together.and keep it whole and i approved the map 2b and also the sf rising communitymap . thank you for all your workand thank you district 11 . >> thank you for sharing your comments. could we hear from the next caller please . >> my name isfelicia thibodeau, southwest community corporation . i 100 percent support district 11 remaining with thelakeview omi and i support the map 2b as well as the san francisco rising map . with calling to keep our partnership and coalition building and became together through the pandemic to accomplish major feats with a
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lot of work doing during a pandemic but we have great synergy going and we hate to lose our moment. please keep us together and please keep our district hole. thank you. >> thank you felicia for sharingyour comments, could you hear from the next caller please ? >> i'm a san francisco native and long-time resident district 7. i'm a resident of sunset heights responsible people.we are 100 year old neighborhood association based on the northern part of a seven with a few of our members in the five and 11. sharp is also a neighborhood meeting room and we hold monthly meetings, these before cayega and four years we've got a great working relationship with supervisors and our other d7 neighborhood groups from the parks disaster planning budgeting, traffic and muni. i see a map that divides d7 has already divided into three's,
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45 and seven right in the middle of our inner sunset neighborhood. these lines seem to be arbitrary and should be drawn with a moresignificant street boundary . this would be a great place for our members and nearby neighbors to make it more difficult to get things done with threesupervisors . we suggest d7 be extended north to lincoln and include d5 in the urban shopping district area currently in the five and keep the d4 boundary of 19th avenue and move d4 east to 12th avenue. anything in d4 should be extending south but not least. a personal note i very much object to a map that shows changes near 11th avenue, to law which shows my neighborhood . my corner block divided into threedistricts . we want to get something as simpleas a stop sign where we have to petition three supervisors thank you for your time and yourefforts .
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>> thank you for sharing your comments, could we have the next caller please ? >>. >>. >> caller: my name is imperial lock on. and i work in district 11 and mychildren attended school in district 11 . i would like to ask for your support to keep areas like omi together and to revert changes that weremade during the last redistricting process . >>. [speaking spanish]
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>> what happened in the area fromholloway all the way to the south . >> caller: to maintain the omi connected geographically and culturally . thank you very much. >> thank you for sharing your comments. thankyou for providing interpretation . could we hear from the next caller please ? >> caller: good evening task force members. my name is penny mitchelland i live in district 9 . iappreciate you taking the time to hear all our comments . i lived in st. mary park 17 years and i urge you to consider theresidents of st. mary's park when assigning their community of interest .
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with the hard corner of the 283 wastesurrounding the southern border , it's clear that the easiest access to neighborhood services is one of the 280 freeway i would usually be disappointed if this is the only access i have businesses in mydistrict were crossing a major henley freeway . it's not easily access to go south from our neighborhood especially if you are on foot . and i do a lot of my visits around the city on foot. i love walking in our city. i walk through portland and will be park multiple times a week. we meet friends at restaurants and we had nearly 2 decades of birthdays, anniversaries and celebrations in district 9 i can't imagine beginning and ending mycommute to visit
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district businesses and have to cross 10 lanes of freeway each time at the beginning and ending of each of those walks . i've built a lot of relationships along the walk that we do when we walk north like to portland avenue to holly park. we've met so many neighbors and build relationships over time so i urge you to please st. mary park in district 9 but especially north of the freeway just because of the commute on foot that so many people not just myself but other neighbors doas well in ourneighborhood . thank you so much for staying late this evening to take all these comments . ireally genuinelyappreciate you taking this into consideration . have a good evening . >> thank you for sharing your comments. i understand we haveone more color left . >> . >> caller: my name is deanthony jones here to support their call to keep the omi together. it's very important this community has definitely grown and it's organized in strength.
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i've seen so many inspirational things happen in the trenches especially within the black community and omi late you so ask that you respect their needs. i used to live in the area and i used to be a youth counselor in inner-city youth. so i definitely know they've done a lot of hard work to build up their organizing and they've worked closely with the district 11 team on the board of supervisors. i ask that you elevate their concerns. elevate their needs, elevate their priorities in the proces . as it is important to hear from the voices of communities that live in these neighborhoods and i definitely think best black represents very well so i ask that you keep lakeview together and that you respect the needs of the community, especially as it relates to getting the map they deserve. the mapthey need and the map that they fought so hard to
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create . >> thankyou deanthony jonesfor sharing your comments . mister atkins, any further colors in the queue? >> there are no further colors in the queue . >> we have reached the end of publiccomment on the agenda item number two . >> public comment is closed on theagenda item number two . if there are no members, further member comments, then we can move to agenda item number three. >> agenda item number three update the mapping and community of interest tools provided through u2 consultant . this is a discussion and possible action item and we will be taking public comments as part of the discussion . members wish to provide comments on the agenda item number three may want to speak here in the room. or if you are joining us
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remotely, you can provide public comment through telephone by dialing 415-655-0001, enter the meeting id which is 2492 061 5666. plus pound twice and star followed by three to enter the speaker line or raise your hand and that will add youto the speaker line. mister chair, i see that seth neil and u2 consultants is ready to address the task force . >> thank you misterneil. do you have a report for us on tonight ? >> i can get some updates so that you chair townsend and members of the redistricting task force . first on the online tools since the last meeting there have been no new district plans submitted so we remain at 61 this plans fitted through the redistricting tool and there have been three new community of interest submitted through
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the online web for a so there are now 99 communities of interest submitted in that way. the other update i have is in response to a request from the last meeting from members guilt about having these services data for american indian and alaskan natives to the redistricting tool.we were not able to make that change in the application but we prepared a map that has the same data variables that would have been appeared there which is the citizen voting age population and that we put on the map with rtf online similar to the district map viewer and is not available thanks to the staff for hosting this on to the information maps page on the task force website . so those are my updates, thank you. >> thank you members. anymember comments ?
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member appears. >> member hernandez gill and myself. >> could youspeak into the microphone so everyone can hear you ? sorry you have to share my. >> i don't need a mic you guys. i know webx needed. i wanted to read request the information that i believe member lead. it might have been member of cooper requested last time that the actual percent deviation or population numbers be added into the second iteration of draft maps. so we can see how much wiggle room we have to play with these current lines that we are going to discuss onwednesday .
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i would like to have that demographic data by wednesday when we start potentially doing live line drawing. >> thank you. that's mister hernandez gill. >> thank you mister neil for that update. i greatly appreciate it and i took a few minutes to look at the map you put up . i appreciate your quick work on getting that ready. i did get a chance to check in with mister neil earlier. he gave me a heads up he was putting this up and i did want to highlight 2 members of the public that the information you see that's available is most probably a significant undercounting due to the way
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that is set up. so first of all, itgoes . we have access to the citizen voting age which does not necessarily include all people of indigenous dissent in san francisco and also only focuses on a single race non-latino community. of indigenous people which based on information provided to me by the american indian cultural district basically takes on the numbers from about 18,000 indigenous people to about 6500. so almost a third. so it is worthwhile to recognize that there are limits and constraints by the available census data. and as it pertains to other races as well. the latino does include lack latino so that means the data for blacks does not include the
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data for lack latinos. an unfortunate reality of how the census data is processed and provided to us by the federal government. >> thank you. it'spretty informative . seeing no other member comment , mister clark i believe we ca proceed to public comment . >> thank you mister chair and members who wish to see on the update to the mapping and community of interest tools that we just received from our u2 consultants may come forward on this side of theroom. if you have comments this seems to be potentially some comments . let's hear from speakers in the room and i will give instructions or folks who will connect from the remote access sorry, on the telephone or through muni . >> zachary morris with lakeview
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omi. can we get away to download by pdf. if it's super hard to even see the map on your phone . many of us do it that way so if it could be a download button for when the maps come where we can expand because it's super difficult. and the maps that we submitted today to you all if that can get your consulting because we want to make sure the links is a group of interests in the neighborhood of interest. more user-friendly, canwe get a focus group because it's horrible . >> we have the nextspeaker please ? >> that evening. my name is william walker and i'm of the 11 resident . again, thank you commissioners for providing the space. i learned to work with gis
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which is what i assume the consultant is using. i don't know where to get the data consultant is using that i can put it into my own software to make a map. i tried to use the tool and i've been staring at max for like 37 years and i've been making maps forprobably that long, long before there was rts and it's difficult to use the tool that you provided . so i couldn't imagine how challenging this is for people who don't work in this field . if i miss the website has the shape files that the consultant is using if someone can inform us on how to access it. if for some reason it's not accessible i would hope that this commission makes it so we're able to work with the same data that the consultant is working with because not their data, it's the people data. >> thank you for sharing your
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comments with the task force. anyone else is going in the room who wants to provide public comments on the mapping and dataconsultants presentation we received . seeing on could we go to folks for connecting remotely. if you want to participate in thediscussion dial 415-655-0001 . and for the meeting id which is 2492 061 5666. press the pound symbol twice and press star followed by three to enter the speaker line or if you're connected from within webx that will add you to the queue of speakers. we still have our interpreters but only until 8:30 i think it might be best if we go directly to any callers have remotely, could we be connected please? >> this is jen saying with the league of women voters . i wanted to agree with member pierces comment about having the deviation info by the next
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mapping meeting. i would recommend if possible on item 2 was a forum called map 2 a and 2b. i'd recommend to put that deviation info and an updated version of that in that file so that it would be easy for people, especially folks who might be lacking in digital literacy or just having difficulty viewing the mapping and the statisticson the map viewer itself . it would make it easier to view the deviation between maps 2 a and 2b because the pdf shows thedifferent maps and different districts . unfortunately i also see that forthe march 23 agenda , it doesn't list the map 2 a and two b file for march 21 today. i hope that you're
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recommending that you 2 with update maps 2a, 2b pdf file that was on today's item to to have that be included in the march 23 mapping meeting . with the recommendation from member appears to include the deviation thank you. >> i want to address one issue with the way the documents were delivered to the task force . the packet for today's meeting had to be prepared and posted online before the maps 2a 2 the were delivered from you 2 to the task force therefore i posted them as a supplement to the packet on today's agenda item. they do not appear as a supplement to the march 23 agenda item on because we had them on file and i was able to include them in the original packet i posted some time
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yesterday afternoon so it is included there, it's just not call outside the enlisted. the file is complete with the 2a 2 the mexican included. do we have caller wants update on q 2 consultants?>> there are no further colors in the queue. >> we may have one had one additional personon the agenda in three . we're presentlyhearing agenda item number three . thank you mister chair, we've reached the end of public comment on theagenda item 3 . >> you want to hear someone on item to? we can close public comment on item 3. if there are no objections we can reopen public comment on item 2. >> the speaker had previously
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spoken during agenda item to . we do not need to reopen it. >> president: i didn't recognizeher so let's move . >> i think i see member hernandez-gil. >> that's member hernandez-gil. >> thank you chair and i want to address the members of the public that were requesting a few items regarding the data, regarding the draft maps. it may be challenging to navigate our website. there are a lot of different links that may have to explore in order to find some of them i want to provide the direct url to find the shape files as well for the public to access on their own for the pdfs, they will flash resource /2022/draft maps.
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that would have the pdf files for the maps. and for this she files, those are going to be toward at redistricting task force. you'll be able to use those same files if you're using our gis oranything like that . feel free to reach out to the task forces youhave questions . >>. [please stand by]
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>> thank you. yeah, i -- my question is about the deviation, but it isn't on the pdfs, so i'm wondering if we would be able to get the same data feed or pop ups on the pdfs, as well. >> we're good. miss pierce? >> thank you. so just as a shortcut, if you guys go to the redistricting task force website, as clerk carroll stated, number one, if you want pdfs that you can print for these maps, they are
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included in wednesday's packet, so if you go to wednesday's meeting and pull up the agenda, they are included in that agenda as downloadable files. and in the same meetings, if you go to the bottom of the page of the redistricting website, and you go to resources, you can find the shape files for all of our maps, 1-a, 2-a, and 2-b, so if you can go there, it's one click away really quickly. i like typing in the whole address, you about if you're not that teksavvy, you can go in -- that tech savvy, you can
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go in, click, click. >> okay. i believe we can go to the next item, mr. carroll, when you're ready. >> clerk: item 4, task force member reports and city department representative public official reports. mr. chair, i'll give the public comment directions at the appropriate time. the item is called. >> thank you. >> i went over a community map site with cheryl burton on saturday. i also finally finished my plans of posting around the city the streetlight locations around the city the 179 locations in total. i did not get to treasure island because i have not been able to get in touch with anyone from the treasure island
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development authority to give me permission, so if anyone has any information, let me know. the last final frontier on that front. thank you. >> thank you. are there any -- oh, i see. i'm sorry. vice chair reiner? >> thank you so much, chair thompson. i just want to report that i've had conversations with people from the russian hill community, from anza vista, from mission bay, and from the japantown community. >> thank you. mr. hernandez gil? >> thank you. so since the last meeting, i also participated in the same community map workshop in
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potrero hill. i have had conversations with residents of the south of market, mission bay, the east cut, tenderloin, and i also had a conversation with the american indian cultural district. >> thank you. >> oh, and labor groups, unions. >> thank you. mr. castillon? >> thank you, mr. chair. i just wanted to report that i have had conversations with residents of north beach and tenderloin residents on their perspectives of map 2-a and 2-b. >> thank you. i see nothing else. i believe we can go to public comment. >> clerk: thank you, mr. chair. members of the public who wish
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to make public on this task force member report, you can lineup on this side of the room to speak. going once -- we have no one in the room who wishes to make public comments. if you're listening on-line, dial 415-655-0001, meeting i.d. 2481-061-5666, then press pound and pound again. press star, three to enter the queue, and i understand we have one caller who wants to provide public comment. may we have that caller, please. >> oh, hi. cheryl thornton.
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i just wanted to say thank you for making yourselves available to all the communities and residents in san francisco because this is how you make a map that we can live with for the next ten years. thank you for what you do and continue meeting for the public, the broad public of san francisco. >> clerk: thank you, cheryl thornton. i should note that you have connected to this meeting both in person and remotely, which is very impressive. operations, do we have another caller on the line? >> operator: mr. clerk, there are no further callers on the line. >> clerk: thank you. >> thank you. public comment is closed, and i see no pending requests, so i believe this item can be filed, and we can move to item 5 when
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the clerk is ready. >> clerk: i am ready, mr. chair. item 5 is the approval of the minutes from the march 14, 2022 special meeting. this is a discussion and possible action item, and we will be taking public comment on this item. >> thank you. mr. chasel lee? >> page 5, under item 2, third bullet point, including visitacion valley and sunnydale in d-10. it was the instruction. and then, matter of taste, ocean view, two words, one word, whatever. >> clerk: if you'd like me to change it, tell me what way would you like it to be?
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>> two. >> one word for ocean view. >> clerk: oceanview, one word. >> you didn't want to keep going? well, might i have a motion from someone? >> i move to approve the minutes. >> may i have a second? >> second. >> mr. chasel lee. it's been moved and properly seconded with the suggested corrections. public comment. >> clerk: do we have anyone in the room who wants to arrive public comment in the form of the minutes? i was hoping you'd come up and tell me how to spell somebody's name. okay. does anyone remotely connected to this meeting want to provide public comment? if you do, you can call
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415-655-0001, and then enter the meeting i.d. 2482-061-5666, then press pound and pound again, then press star, three to lineup for comments. mr. atkins, do we have any public callers wanting to provide comment on the approval of the minutes? >> operator: there are no callers on the line. >> okay. public comment is closed. we can close and move to item 6. >> clerk: mr. chair, there is a motion on the floor. >> oh, we have to -- i'll call the roll at this time. >> clerk: on the motion and second to approve the minutes
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from the march 14 meeting with a few corrections -- [roll call] >> clerk: mr. chair, there are nine ayes. >> thank you. now we can move to agenda item number 6, i believe. >> clerk: yes, agenda item number 6 is general public comment. this is the opportunity for members of the public to provide public comment on matters that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the task force but are not on today's agenda. folks who are in the room will come forward to the lectern first to speak, and then after we hear from them, we will hear from people who are participating in our meeting remotely. if you are participating remotely, and you wish to provide general public comment,
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dial 415-655-0001, enter the meeting i.d., which is 2482-061-5666, press pound twice and then star, three to enter the speaker line. we have one speaker in the room who wants to provide public comment, so let's hear from that speaker. >> hi. in the interest of time, i didn't come up to thank you for coming out to the community meetings. i definitely saw chair townsend -- >> hernandez gil. >> i know your first name. that's why. member hernandez gil and thompson, but i'm also here to speak just generally to the
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redistricting process. it's really challenging being from the black diaspora in san francisco. my mom's two aunts moved here in the late 50s and early 60s. one of them lived in lakeview for over 40 years, maybe a quarter of that being my life, and i actually lived three blocks from where she lived. like i said earlier, i'm under threat of eviction, and so these discussions are really important in maintaining our community. the district 5 discussion, it's interesting because district 7 wants to grow north from a lot of the comments that i've heard here. a lot of the folks have migrated east to the tenderloin, and it's creating a process where the black community are no longer whole -- i'm hoping -- it may
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not be something that we can handle -- i'm hoping that it can be something that we can handle on the west side so that you can maintain an african american district. i know this isn't supposed to be about people who run for office, but i've run for office, and i know it's important for a place to call home. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. do we have anyone else in the room who wants to provide public comment? could we hear from the first caller on the line for public comment? >> during agenda item 5, meeting scheduled discussions at the march 18 task force
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meeting, chair townsend posed the question if q-2 should be in the room or remote. i would strongly urge q-2 to be in the room for the march 23 meeting. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. could we have the next caller, please. >> thank you. good evening again. my name is la toya pitcher, and i'm calling, number one, to say thank you to everyone who serves on this task force, but i'm giving a special thank you for chairman townsend for coming into the community and talking to us so we can understand it about the redistricting task force and leaving us with documents, and even after he left, making
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himself personally available for phone calls and follow-up e-mails, so thank you. but even so, he's only one person. there's 11 districts and only nine seats. so i don't know if this is a matter for this task force or the body that governs this task force, so maybe take it back to where one member for each district on the task force. i also want to say please make sure that all people are represented. >> clerk: thank you for sharing your comments with the task force. could we hear from the next caller, please. >> hi. my name is [indiscernible] daniels, and i'm a resident of district 10. my public comment is in support of map district 3. this version that's represented
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preserves the community ties, it acknowledges the community resources and allows for growth for the next ten years with each ethnic group residing within the boundaries. now, i realize that things can't be perfect, but i would [indiscernible] i can't really pronounce the word what i need to, if it's possible to keep things flowing with the map to bring back maybe some of mclaren park and thinking of open spaces into district 10. i do understand we have to keep the deviation in mind, so if that can't be done, i am definitely still all in support of enforcing that, but thank you to everyone on the task force for your dedication to
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the community. thank you for your time, and i yield my time. >> clerk: thank you for your comments to the task force. do we have another caller, please. >> hi. this is cheryl thornton from district 10, and i am in support of map 2-b to district 10. i would like to add [indiscernible] school back into district 10 because it can touch district 10 on the side of manzell. there are 400 kids that go to school out of 1160, so it may be beneficial to put that school back in district 10, but
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otherwise, i support the map three for district 10. it keeps the communities whol. so i hope to keep the community whole, and thank you for all the work you're doing, task force members. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments. could we have the next caller, please. >> hi. hello? >> clerk: hello. please begin. >> hi. my name is marvin reader, and i'm -- and i'm from sunnydale community. my interest is lakeview o.m.i., and i support map 2-b, to keep
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district 10 together, and this map makes lakeview whole again. also support for d-10. map 2-b keeps d-10 and d-11 whole. and that's it. >> clerk: okay. thank you. do we have any further callers in the queue? >> operator: mr. clerk, there are no further callers in the queue. >> thank you. public comment on this item is now closed under item number 6, and seeing no other member requests, colleagues, i believe it's proper to move -- close and move this file and move this item -- to move to item number 7. mr. clerk? >> clerk: yes, mr. chair. item 7 is future agenda items.
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this is a discussion and possible action item, and we'll be taking public comment when you call for it. >> yes. members, after discussion with city attorney's office, i've come to the conclusion it's -- the best course of action is as soon as possible to agenda the memo that we requested from the city attorney's office to agenda it for a discussion on whether or not the task force wants to make it public. while it is -- oh, i'm sorry. while it is privileged communication, attorney-client privileged communication, we can, if we so desire, release it or release a conclusion of it, if not release the whole item from the conclusion from the city attorney's office.
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we want to agendize that so we can discuss it and not discuss it now, which i'm almost about to do, so let me stop right now and put that before you that we want to agenda that if there are no major objections. and i see mr. jeremy lee, and we're not going to discuss it now. we're going to discuss something else, so now, let's go to mr. jeremy lee. >> thank you, chairman thompson. i'm not sure if this is the right place, but i have a somewhat selfish request that the chair and task force would be amenable to. given that the rest of the meetings will be map meetings and potentially contentious role, i would ask that i'm seat
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one, so i'm typically called first, out of fairness, i would like to rotate the roll. >> clerk: in response to member jeremy lee, i have been rotating the role from meeting to meeting. it might be challenging to keep up with how it's rotated, because we might not have a rotating roll call throughout the meeting, so you might not notice, but i am rotating as we go. >> thank you. >> well, typically, in these meetings, the chair goes last so everyone can wait with tip toe anticipation to see what i'm going to do.
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i'm glad to go first, but i'm proud to be the hammer. we'll see how that goes going forward. >> clerk: if i can offer one note to this, the rotate happens from meeting to meeting, not vote to vote. so if there's a contentious discussion, the order will happen between them for the same meeting. >> got it. now, goes to mr. hernandez gil. >> i would like that we agendize as quickly as possible, given that we only have ten meetings left, this question of language access. i anticipate we're going to have a busy, busy two weeks, and if today is any indication that we're going to have a lot more public input, both
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in-person and over the phone, so i would like to ensure that we are able to provide monolingual services to other language speakers. >> thank you. i agree. vice chair? >> clerk: if you could use the microphone, please. >> no problem. i would like the d.c.a. to clarify for us as soon as possible on the agenda when we actually have to have the last map? because we talked about that a whole back, and it was kind of confusing to me because i thought that the last map needs to be commented on on the 14, but the last month needs to be posted a few days before. >> thank you. i was thinking we had to vote by the 9, which gives us six
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days, i guess, that it would be posted, so if you could help us. >> is this on? >> clerk: it should be on. hang on one moment. try it again one more time. >> is this on? >> clerk: it doesn't appear to be on. >> you want to use ours? >> clerk: my apologies, everyone. i was under the impression that the microphone was going to work out, but it doesn't appear that it's working. >> okay. there are a few dates that you should know about. april 15, the map must be done before april 15. in addition to that, the state elections code requires that a final draft map be posted three days prior for everyone to see and the public to see it, so based on the timeline you have right now, i anticipate that you will have a final draft map voted on for preliminary on april 9. i think that's the last
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meeting, and then, three days afterwards, you can do a final adoption. >> thank you. >> we actually -- i have a question. we actually have a meeting on the 11, and we have a meeting on the 13, so is there any adjustment to the draft map of the 9 that can be done on those meetings or is that final on the 9? because we didn't know that we had to [indiscernible] on the 9. >> that's a good question? the law is a little ambiguous. i think if you had minor changes to the draft map between the 9 and 11, for instance, this street is here and it should be here, but any changes, you have to let the public see it for three days. it's also part of the transparency for the public. i would love for you guys to have a map on the 9, 11, and
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then, on the 13, you can do a final adoption. >> okay. members, and i believe we'll shoot for the next. get that done, and then, that gives two more meetings -- well -- well, like, two more meetings for the public to express their ire, but whatever comes with the territory, but thank you. members, is there any public comment on future agenda items? >> clerk: thank you, mr. chair. this'll be the last time that we take public comment as a part of today's proceedings. the discussion item right now is future agenda items. do we have anyone present in the room -- no one appears to be here who wants to comment on
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future agenda items. if you are connected remotely or you can be connected remotely in the next few moments, and you want to participate in the discussion, you can do so. if you haven't called us yet, please dial 415-655-0001, enter the meeting i.d., which is 2482-061-0666. press the pound symbol twice to connect to the meeting, and then press star, three to raise your hand to speak. or if you're connected in webex, you can raise your hand in webex, and you can be placed in the queue. i understand we have one caller who wants to provide public comment. >> hi. this is jen [indiscernible] from the league of women voters. i want to thank chair thompson for agendizing the memo to discuss releasing the memo
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fully or just a portion. i understand that is privileged client information, so appreciate the honest industry and the transparency. i also want to support member hernandez gil's comments about monolingual language translation. other, like, meetings from before, i think i have mentioned that the los angeles city redistricting commission has held an all-city spanish meeting that was done fully in spanish? so it might be something for the task force to look into the los angeles redistricting commission meeting. i think it took place, like, in august of last year. sorry. i don't have the date in front of me, but that might be good to look at the reporting to see how it was conducted. but yeah, given the comments on
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item 2 today, i think it's good to make an effort on monolanguage translation. and thank you so much for tonight. >> clerk: thank you so much for your comments. do we have anyone else who wants to provide public comment? >> operator: mr. clerk, there are no further callers in the queue. >> thank you. public comment is on this item is closed? -- is closed. mr. clerk, do you have anything? >> clerk: yes, i just want to ask the chair of the clerk of the board. were you requesting a future agenda item to discuss access in simultaneous interpretation at the next several meetings? you'd like to have that as its own independent agenda item to
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be discussed at a future meeting? >> whatever's easiest so we can have simultaneous interpretation of the deliberations. so whatever we need to discuss it, whether it's a budgetary issue, i think we need to discuss it. if it's a matter of making the request and that's it -- >> and if we can get it done without discussion, fine, and in light of that, we will put our trust in your abilities, mr. clerk, hopefully get it done. members, if there is nothing further from you all, i believe we can move to item number 8. once again, before we go there, i just want to thank staff and the public, the great turnout that we've had tonight.
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. >> supervisor chan: welcome to the march 18, 2022 meeting of the san francisco local agency formation commission. madam clerk, do you have any announcements? >> clerk: yes, i do, madam chair. today's lafco meeting is being held through video conference, and the members will participate in the meeting to the same extent as if they were physically present. public comment will be available on each item, and opportunities to speak are available byon
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