tv Mayors Disability Council SFGTV March 30, 2022 6:30pm-12:01am PDT
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>> and i'm the board chair for the mayor's disability commission. today is march 18th, 2022. the public meeting [indiscernible]. >> clerk: this meeting is broadcast to the public on sfgov-tv and it is open captioned and sign language interpreted. there's nine public meetings yearly and they're generally
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held on the third friday of the month. please call the mayor's office on disability for further information or to request accommodations at 415-554-6789. for voice or by email at our next meeting is on friday april 18th from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. >> at this time i would like to address what happened from last weekend. and i would ask the clerk to read the statement. >> clerk: okay, so i'm reading the statement on behalf of alex, co-chair madrid. as co-chair i would like to
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address the issue of civility during meetings. disagreement will always play a role in government. and the key is to focus on the strengths and the weaknesses of proposed solutions to community problems. not to engage in personal attacks against those who favor different solutions. we live in a city where diverse perspectives, and meetings are beneficial to hear all of these differing points of view while keeping the best interests of our community in mind. everyone is right to have their view heard as a central democratic value. mcd members request to treat each other and members of the public with respect and we expect the same from the public we thank you for joining us. >> co-chair madrid: thank you for that. now can you please read the roll call. >> clerk: okay [roll call]
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item 4 is an information item, a co-chair report. item 5 is an information item called "keep us connected 2022 campaign and empowered sf assessment" and the presentation by marie jobling and carla soumala from the san francisco tech council and the dignity fund coalition. and item 6 is the information item on updates on the disability cultural center and dignity fund. and item 7 is the report from the mayor's office of disability. and item 8 is correspondence, and item 9 is public comment. and item 10 is a discussion item for council member communities
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and announcements. and item 11 is adjournment. that's all for the agenda. >> i think that you are muted. >> co-chair madrid: sorry about that. are there any members [indiscernible] on the agenda. >> i approve. aye. >> tiffany, i approve. i second. >> co-chair madrid: thank you. public comment. can you please open up it up for public comment. >> clerk: yes. so we welcome the public's
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participation during public comment period. there will be an opportunity for public comment at the beginning and the end of the meeting, as well as after specific items on the agenda. each comment is limited to three minutes, although comments may be limited to two minutes when there's a long queue of people waiting to make comments. at the end of the comment period, we will move on to the next commenter. if you want the council to respond to your comment following the meeting, please provide your contact information by email message to with the subject "mcd comment reply request." you may also provide additional comments by email to this address or by calling 415-554-6789. members of the public can join
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the meeting as participants and can make public comment during the public comment period. members of the public can join the webinar by using the link provided in the agenda. to join the webinar using a telephone you can dial 1-(669)-900-6833. and the webinar i.d. is 854-1955-0368. if you join the webinar using your computer or tablet or smartphone zoom app you can click on the raised hand icon and you will be recognized when it's your turn to make public comment. you can also use the q&a feature in zoom webinar to be recognized or to make a comment.
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if you wish to be recognized type in the q&a box that you want to make a comment and hit send. and you can type it into the q&a box and the clerk can also read it for you. if you join by phone dial star, 9, when you want to be recognized and you'll be prompted when it's your turn to make comments. we welcome suggestions on how to make the meetings more accessible. send feedback to if you need assistance accessing the meeting call 415-919-9562. or send an email to at this time, members of the public may address the council on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the council that are not on this meeting agenda.
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with respect to agenda items, your opportunity to address the council will be afforded when the item is reached in the meeting. each member of the public may address the council for up to three minutes. the brown act forbids the council from taking action or discussing any items not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at public comment. so, with that announcement, i do see that we have at least one member of the public who is indicating they want to make public comment. >> co-chair madrid: all right. >> clerk: patricia, you have been permitted to unmute. >> caller: yes, can you hear me? >> clerk: yes. >> caller: yeah, i just wanted to convey to the mayor's disability council how disappointed i was and disheartened that you decided to ignore an almost unanimous response from the public at your
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last meeting about the closure of j.f.k. when you came out in favor of permanent closure of that mile and a half stretch of j.f.k., i really feel that you're letting down a significant number of members, residents and taxpayers and voters of san francisco. people like me. i'm disabled. it's very difficult for me to walk. i have a muscle disease that is incurable and progressive. i fatigue very easily. i'm in fear of falling down. i have to be extremely careful and i walk with a whirlator. the best and the safest manner for people like me to go to the
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park and enjoy the attractions along that length of j.f.k. is in a private car with someone. i don't see why we can't compromise instead of giving everything to the coalition that they want and the harassment and intimidate pedestrians all the time. and i think the letter that i think that your attorney wrote about how ada laws do not apply in this case, i think that is rather twisted logic and can be easily be refuted because there is still parking in golden gate park. able-bodied people just have to walk a little further, but they can still park in the park. disabled people can't walk a mile to get to the museum.
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they can't all park in the museum parking garage because it's too expensive. it's like a disability tax. so i just want to let you know that i really think you dropped the ball and for a disability council, it makes me wonder if you're really taking into account the people that you're supposed to support and represent. thank you very much. >> co-chair madrid: thank you for your comments. are there any public comments at this time? >> clerk: yes. anon, you have been permitted to unmute.
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>> caller: hi. i'm a civil rights activist and disability activist in san francisco and i publish videos of corruption and unethical corruption on youtube under activism and disability in san francisco. the previous comment i think that speaks to the widespread public opinion that this council and the mayor's office on disability have not supported and served the disabled public during the pandemic, especially, and for some time before as well. alex madrid and orkid sassouni demanded that i stop emailing them and asking questions about vaccine access or why these meetings were cancelled and rescheduled. for the first seven months of the pandemic these meetings were not even held and actually back in may 2020, there was a deletion of the public record of the emergency town hall meeting on covid response. that -- that deletion, that record, made it impossible for
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me to track and to find out where lifesaving ppe could be administered and supported and, in fact, the website last i checked still said that there was ppe available for disabled people and there is not. that website by the way is an inspiration -- it's disgusting and a vast misrepresentation of what this city has done or lack thereof for disabled people. i tried three times yesterday, and the mayor's office on disability doesn't even bother to check such things to make sure that they're accessible to the public. despite numerous, numerous requests, mod refuses to work with the city to publish the home vaccine program to let severely disabled people know that there's a vaccine program that you can actually access to your home. they refused to publish there, i have no idea why.
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that program was many months late and as a result i became one of the last people to actually get a vaccine. and one of the last people to get any kind of support around the covid-19 pandemic. additionally, this department -- the mayor's office on disability was found guilty of breaking the law and refusing to release my own disability records and lack thereof by the sunshine ordinance task force. they were found completely guilty by unanimous vote of 10 commissioners. and i think that speaks to the incompetence of the mayor's office on disability right now and the incompetence of the mayor's disability council. please do better, please make sure that people can access covid-19 data and publish the home vaccine program, and please respond to emails about these issues and, please keep these meetings active and let us video participate in these meetings, just like we would be able to if this was in person. there's no reason for you to
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force us to have our cameras off. that's it for my time. >> co-chair madrid: thank you. how many do we have for public comment? >> clerk: we have one more caller who wants to make public comment. >> co-chair madrid: okay. if we have more, public comment from three minutes to two minutes. >> clerk: okay. so, caller ending in 1003, you have been permitted to unmute. >> caller: hello, my name is will railing and i am -- and i have three minutes, correct? >> co-chair madrid: yes. co- >> caller: i'm speaking for
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accessible san francisco, an unincorporated non-profit association. i appreciate these general comment times as an opportunity to speak to you about things which are important for accessibility in san francisco. but which might not be the worst thing that's happening in the city right now. there are so many things going on, at any given time, so many different opportunities to improve accessibility in our community. and the most important of these is often on your agenda, like today, as full agenda items and for good reason, but i appreciate these general public comments and to remind you of issues and problems which aren't one of the major things agendized for today. so today i want to give a short update on the shared spaces program. shared spaces is the program which allowed thousands of additional businesses to use the streets and sidewalks beyond what was allowed before. now, this week on tuesday, two days ago, three days ago, the board of supervisors approved an
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ordinance which will eliminate any fines for violations by the shared spaces operators until 2023. now, it's very important to note that this will not apply to accessible violations. accessibility violations are not deferred. i do want to thank supervisor peskin for putting that exception into the legislation that he proposed. for that reason, we did not think that there was any reason to oppose the legislation. the city did not decide as a matter of law that accessibility violations by shared space operators can continue. now, that said, unfortunately, as a practical matter the barriers in the shared spaces program are being allowed to continue. i want to make sure that you are all aware of that. although, i think that you probably are all aware of that, because many of us as we go anywhere in the city where there are shared spaces in operation can't help but notice how many of them are not accessible.
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a great many do not even attempt to provide an accessible table for dining or drinking, even when an accessible table is attempted, the accessible table does not actually comply with the code standards which determine compliance. many shared spaces, especially the ones constructed of wood at the curb, have barriers right at the entrance. either a full step, and too high of a lip or no ramp at all -- with no ramp at all -- or there's an attempt at a ramp but one has been built which would not even be safe to use much less compliant with accessibility standards. so we have been concerned that many have been built a year and a half ago and still restaurants and bars still discriminate against people with disability. there's no exception to accessibility to a one-day street fair or an event in a park. many have now discriminated now for 500 days in a row and
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counting and we don't see any legitimacy for the bureaucratic type responses that we're hearing such as, you know, we don't have the resources to stop this discrimination, we're working on it, or that somehow it is okay to provide food and beverages in other ways. okay. these are public accommodations and they must be made accessible. there's no excuse. thank you. >> co-chair madrid: thank you for your comment. are there any other public comment at this time? >> clerk: there are no other public commenters at this time. >> co-chair madrid: thank you. therefore, i will proceed to the co-chair report. i want to acknowledge a member
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co-chair report. >> clerk: okay, for the co-chair report we have the february meeting, the mdc adopted a resolution about the proposed closure of j.f.k. drive and golden gate park. it can be found at the mcd website under "resolutions." the resolution was sent to the mayor and the board and the recreation and parks commission, the director tumlin and director ginsberg. and the resolution was referred to by mta board members, recreation and parks commissioners and public commenters during their joint meeting on march 10th. since then, the mcd has been asked by director ginsburg and the supervisor connie chan to provide additional feedback and the specifics about the specifics of the resolution and mcd will continue to actively address this matter.
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i just want to make sure -- i'm not sure that it was mentioned at the previous meeting, i know that the meeting went quite long. and i just want to remind folks to please be -- to please honor bob plantol who passed away. i don't have anything else on the report but i just know that our february meeting was quite intense in the discussion of the golden gate park access. it was quite a hot topic. so now that a resolution has been created, there are indeed other items within that that you can review. that doesn't mean anything to be opposed or in support of, mostly just items for the public to review and hope that we can work together successfully and keep golden gate park accessible for all. and that is it for me. no further reports.
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>> co-chair madrid: thank you, orkid. and we're moving to agenda item number 5 which is keep us connected 2022 campaign and empowered s.f. tech needs assessment. presented by marie jobling and carla soumala, san francisco tech council and the dignity fund coalition. welcome to both. >> all right, thank you very much, i think that karla will get us started here today. >> thank you very much for having us. we're so delighted to be here. i am karla soumala and i'm here with marie jobling, she's the
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co-chair of the dignity fund coalition and the co-executive director at community living campaign. we're joined by cecile peritt who is the lead author on the report that i'll talk about today and these days, she is the assistant director of disability access and inclusion with the ucff office of diversity and outreach. and so she will be here to field questions once i kind of go over the materials on the report. and so this -- we'll go ahead and get started. am i allowed to pull up the slides or can you enable me to do that? >> co-chair madrid: if you can -- to do it from our end. >> okay.
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>> i believe that john has that slide deck. >> co-chair madrid: one moment. while i share the screen. >> oh, perfect, i will pull it up right now. got it. all right. and i will make sure that everybody can see my screen here. and can you all see my screen? is that -- is that available to you? >> and you need to go to slide show. >> yeah, i'm just trying to move the things around to get me there. there we go. >> co-chair madrid: thank you. >> all right.
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so, thank you, everyone. this is the 2021 findings and policy recommendations from the empowered san francisco tech needs assessment survey. and as i mentioned, this is conducted by cecile puertz when she was working with "thriving in place" and she can answer further questions. this is also done in collaboration and for the mayor's office on disability as well as for the department of disability and aging services. and we appreciate all of their efforts. there are many, many, many more people, cecile would say, that need to be thanked, but we won't go into all of that today. we'll provide the website where you can see all of the collaborators there. >> karla? could you speak more slowly, please. for purposes of interpreting and for audiences watching on tv. >> perfect. all right. so as i said, marie jobling and i are here today, and we'll go
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over the key findings and recommendations from this report. why is this report so important? first of all, i would like to say that it is hot off the press. it is recent, and it is relevant, and it points to the key needs that emerged in the disability community, and in particular among older adults during the pandemic. and it also provides us with some of the data that we need to really continue to advance digital inclusion for older adults and people with disabilities. this powerpoint will be made available to you where you can find a p.d.f. report and you can also find a summary on the website as well as all of the raw data. so there's a lot of information that goes along with this. these links are live.
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so why is this issue so urgent? it's probably not something that you need to be convinced of today. but technology connects us with our health providers, with food, with housing, employment, family and friends. this has never been more so than during the pandemic. which we are still struggling with. without devices, internet access, assistive or adaptive technology and digital literacy support, so many people are left behind. what we've also learned is that this increases -- without these connections -- it increases social isolation and loneliness and barriers to tele-health are a public health issue. the methodology for this report -- this is a very, very
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brief overview. a total of 3,080 surveys were collected a year ago this spring. they were conducted in a number of different modes -- print, phone, digital, in-person, and braille. what the survey -- or what the study results are based on, however, is the survey pool of 1,529 participants with san francisco's zip codes. the other people who filled it out were not in that -- in that s.f. zip code. the approach was community driven and involved participation on the part of those who are surveyed, including in-focus groups. a couple of different things that i will point out with a few highlights here in terms of age and disability and demographics 55% of the survey respondents
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were older adults, 60 and over. 9% were transition-aged youth. by disability, you can see on your screen and some of these i will not be able to go through everything, but the top five disabilities indicated by those surveyed, mobility disabilities, chronic pain, deaf or hard-of-hearing, mental health, and blind or low vision. in terms of income and language demographics, 70% of the participants are from communities of color. 33% have household incomes of less than $20,000. and the top five languages include english, cantonese, american sign language, spanish and mandarin. in terms of housing and veteran status, about 88% of those
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surveyed lived or housed either in apartments, rentals, affordable housing, living with friends or family, supportive housing or rsos. about 5% of the respondents were responsing homelessness. in terms of veteran status, a very good sampling, 23% are veterans. these are the top 10 zip codes. we won't go through all of them today. but you will be able to look these up. 9%, the highest number came from western edition, tenderloin and mid-market. and as you can see, go into many of the neighborhoods in the city that do often lack access. so the key research questions -- what were the researchers trying to discover with this report?
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they wanted to know what are the tech barriers and unmeet needs of san francisco residents with disabilities, older adults and multipellly marginalized communities that had been most impacted during covid-19. the next question is -- let me move -- what are the links between digital and equality and income, race, ethnicity, disability, age, language, housing veteran status and patterns of digital red lining. what are the opportunities for targeted and strategic interventions to increase levels of digital connectedness? so some of this was discovering what the barriers were, what the links are, and where the opportunities are. so during the pandemic, this is a broad overview, 64% of the participants said that
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technology was a barrier to receiving vital services. and an interesting aside to this is that though the data indicated that there wasn't as much need for devices or internet access as perhaps they had anticipated, but the -- but technology itself was critical. so what were the top five barriers to internet access? the top was the unaffordable cost of high-speed internet. so, in other words, reliable internet that allows a person to go online and to conduct a tele-health visit or to do other kinds of important business. the cost of devices, insufficient smartphone data was yet another one. unreliable internet connections and concerns about safety and security online.
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so where were people getting -- were accessing the internet in those who are surveyed? the top sources include paid broadband internet in public, wifi hot spots. smartphone data, or smartphone internet data plans were the third. so this is really, really interesting. what were the top five service needs that people indicated? health, food, housing assistance, covid information, and computer literacy training. which is really important considering that it made it into that top five. what we also learned is that getting medical or receiving medical services through tele-health was both vital and challenging. 67% of respondents reported receiving medical services through tele-health. but, 57% reported missing
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important medical appointments either not able to do tele-health or get to their medical care centers. this was particularly urgent in the latinx older adult community where 50% reported not using internet -- or not being able to use tele-health. and so what were the top five barriers to accessing tele-health services? lack of devices, affordability, again, training, the need for assistive or adaptive technologies, things like screen readers and all of the things that come along with that to make a connection meaningful and possible. and language access. we learned also that public computer labs were essential. i won't go into all of the data here, but before the pandemic,
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the vast majority of those in the transition-aged youth, people residing in -- sorry about that -- in assisted living or experiencing homelessness, and 82% of veterans got their internet access at these public hubs. so libraries, community centers, that sort of thing. most of these -- actually all of these things closed down during the pandemic. and another thing that we learned is that free or low-cost tech assistive technology and training is critical. and so all of these kinds of things -- so what were those top needs -- low cost was the primary need and training on what was available and how to use it, all right, were the next two. and, finally, access to free or low-cost repairs.
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and this need for a.t. was greater among older adults and people with chronic pain or mental health disability, low income, and sro residents and black, ladinx and aapi community and those who are monolingual. what came out of this report in terms of recommendations? what needs to happen? first, is expand free or low cost digital connectivity to residents with disabilities and older adults. absolutely necessary. there are a couple of different ways -- things that need to happen. this is not a simple recommendation. and there are different aspects of it from expanding fiber to housing pipelines, creating digital navigator hubs, and developing stronger outreach channels. another recommendation is to
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pilot initiatives aimed at lowering barriers to tele-health access. again, not a simple recommendation. many pieces involved. but people need -- first of all, internet access, tools and digital literacy skills to be able to able to hop on a tele-health visit, but -- so, you know, this means making sure that tele-health services are accessible to everybody who needs it. the other thing -- bilingual services. those are often difficult to access. and another recommendation is increase funding and distribution of free and low-cost assistive technology. there isn't enough available in the community labs, the community computer labs, and we need more resources in this area. and also in training staff -- how to use the assistive
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technologies so they can work with participants who enter the lab. so i'm going to turn this over right now to marie jobling, because we have painted a picture for you, and now we want to talk about what's happening on the ground right now. >> all right, thank you very much. well, i think that the first thing i want to do is to thank cecile and her team of people who put together this incredible piece of research and the organizations that funded it. you know, it will be a long time before we have anything as detailed, as specific, targeted to all of the communities that we want to know more about and want to be able to serve. so, a special thank you to cecile and folks who helped to make this report possible. and i think that one of the things that we're looking to do kind of all together is to figure out how to continue to take it on the road, so what you have learned today, some of which you probably already knew, there's a lot of communities who don't have a clue. a lot of policymakers who don't
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have a clue. so we do want to take this on the road. but as often happens, you know, you have a wonderful plan with recommendations, and in this case an incredible amount of data. but then where's the money to actually implement some of what is being asked for? so we are launching another equip keep us connected" campaign and we're calling it the pandemic edition well, because there's more reason now to be able to do it. >> marie, would you speak a little slower. >> sorry. i am so excited here. so you got the thank you part. so now as we go forward, we're looking to launch a new "keep us connected" campaign. and we're calling it the pandemic edition, because it is really the most needed of all of the campaigns that we've done around this issue. and we're targeting those things that were mentioned here as being critically important. free or low-cost internet.
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free or low-cost devices and assistive technology. tele-health. training and technical support in multiple languages. creating a clear pathway for people to find digital inclusion resources. and public technology hubs. and if we go to the next slide here, we will be able to see as a campaign we're trying to make the tools available on the dignity fund website, which is and when you go to that site you will see on the right-hand side that there's a menu of features that makes the website more accessible. so you can access a screen reader, increase the contrast, improve the text size and make a number of other adaptations to make it as accessible as possible. the first step in our campaign is an online petition that is
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now available on that website in english, chinese, spanish and tagalog. so if everyone that is watching this afterwards could go to that website and click the link and add one more signature, that would be fabulous. we also have a flyer that is available for download that details all of the money requests that we're building into the city's budget justice coalition's ask, and that we're working to sort of organize advocacy for over the next few months. and so for anybody who wants to get more involved in the advocacy portion of this, you can email or call 415-821-1003, extension 115. and so, again, thank you so much, and we're so pleased that cecile is here who can answer probably any question that you
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have about the data and the report. >> thank you, karla. this is cecile puertz who oversaw the city-wide need assessments and as karla mentioned i'm serving my role as the assistant director of disability access and inclusion at ucff. and i'm available if anybody has questions. >> co-chair madrid: thank you to of three of you. and we'll ask our fellow commissioners if there are any questions, please raise your hand and i will call you one by one.
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i see helen. >> thank you, alex. and thank you, marie, and cecile and karla, for the good work. i'm curious, were there any findings that surprised you? >> hi, helen, thank you, this is cecile. so i think when we set out to df by saying that when we set out to do this study it was really, really important for us to center the knowledge and expertise of those who are most impacted in the design of this study. so i think that really contributed to the diversity of folks that we were able to survey. so i think that that was always a surprise as well, is that we were able to reach -- i mean, even when we look at the language, aer is percentage of
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folks whose language is asl or american sign language, to see a good representative sample. of course, that means that there's a lot more work to do in how to reach the community. but i just wanted to thank orkid sassouni who served as a community advisor who helped to us reach the folks in the community. also, you know, surprising i think also during a pandemic how do we survey people about digital -- about their barriers to digital inclusion when only the main method is online survey? i think that really how do we adjust our community organizing strategies and serving strategies to reach people where they're at. and so that was alsoage important thing to think about, and how to work with organizers and going into neighborhoods
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that maybe have historically not been listened to or heard as much. and so i think that those were some important -- i think that the transition-aged youth, is that we heard from a lot of transition-aged youth and veterans. the only thing that i will add to that is the tele-health barriers. you know, when we further -- and part of the reason why we made this data publicly available as well on the thriving in place website is that we really want to encourage more -- more research into this data and to further look at the intersections of race, language, veteran status, housing, income, age, and digital inequality. so i think that, you know, when we looked at that data and saw that latinx community members were experiencing even higher disparities and higher barriers to tele-health, that was a real
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signal to us that we need to be looking at this as an intersectional issue. thank you for that question. >> commissioner smolinski: thank you. >> co-chair madrid: thank you. now i'll go to [indiscernible]. >> yes, i just want to say thank you to cecile for really starting this project and i know that it was not an easy one and i know that you had to gather quite a lot of people to get respondents. and i think that it is very interesting that there was an article recently regarding tele-health and the impact on people in diverse communities, bipoc folks and i think that it is true across the country that we are seeing disparities. in the deaf community, people
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are using video remote interpreting which is very different than the video relay service. and doctors typically want to contract very specifically with certain providers versus others, that may not know who the deaf consumers prefer. and another barrier is, for example, on treasure island, the continual lack of consistent electricity is causing a lot of issues for individuals with how to access whatever is provided to them through the internet or through other things. so especially for individuals who live in sros or otherwise low-income, access is such a big issue. and then, again, when it comes to big corporations and their technologies, i think that, for example, at&t is providing -- or transitioning to providing isps, and i can't be more specific, but there are local
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i.s.p.s here in san francisco that potentially could be looked into in terms of providing access on a more local basis. these larger companies, the walls that we hit with them, are quite challenging, especially for folks with low income. it is a real challenge to have that already small ssi check to go to cover such an essential service as internet. so there's really no way, right, for us to empower people to ask for a discount with these larger companies versus these more local companies, local isps that can help with that -- that might be a way -- something that we can invest in that would help to make more sense for our low-income residents. and then for deaf and blind individuals, often they're very underemployed and it's very difficult for them to even get
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the equipment that they need to access their computers to get it in working order and get it replaced when needed. iphones every few years need to be replaced. all of these things can also be considered when we are surveying individuals around technology. i know that there's a lot to cover so i did want to really first mention how much work i know that you did and what an impact this has had around people's access. so, thank you. it's really wonderful trying to keep it short. >> if i could just make a quick comment. thank you so much, orkid, and i think that sort of moving forward i think that it is absolutely critical that in our digital inclusion efforts in the city of san francisco, is to really to actively consult and include deaf and hard-of-hearing community members and deaf blind
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community members in the design of our programs. and sitting and being in leadership positions really is absolutely critical because being a person who is hearing did not always understand and i think that a lot of people who are designing these digital inclusion programs may not have the nuance and insight and lived experience that deaf and hard-of-hearing folks do have. so i thank you, orkid, for your leadership and to the connections that you made with the community to understand what barriers people are actually experiencing. >> co-chair sassouni: and one other thing that i would add is probably partnering -- what is it -- the california phone access program, and they have funding that you could potentially partner with them to see how it's used for seniors in particular who are losing their hearing and are no longer able to access a telephone without
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assistive technology. so that may be something that you might find useful. it's public funding. just something to keep in mind. okay, i'll wrap it up for the next person now. >> co-chair madrid: thank you. tiffany. >> commissioner yu: hello, hi, cecile. congratulations on your new role. and thank you, marie and karla and cecile for the presentation i know my involvement in the s.f. tech council, i've had access to see it come to fruition. so this question actually isn't as much about the report, but it's more about the outreach. and so i think one of the things that was really impressive about this, cecile, was the way that you were able to tap into not only the intersections that exist within the disability community, but also reach some parts of our community that are
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harder to reach. and so i was wondering if, like, that process of how you did the outreach was, like, documented anywhere so that we can use that as a model -- not only for us at mdc as we think about how we can do better with outreach as well >> thank you so much, tiffany, for that comment. and just sort of seeing sort of the power behind the methodology. i would say in terms of addressing your question around is it documented. in the report we talk about the role that our community advisors play and we also -- so that was sort of the first step is identifying a diverse cross-section of people that were all paid to be on our advisory committee to help to sort of guide and steer the outreach. through that, we also designed a number of different sort of multimodal approaches to distributing the survey. so that was a piece of it too as
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karla mentioned in braille and large print, digital, phone based. and then we also really prioritized language access. since we know that sort of there are a lot of existing barriers around language and digital inclusion. it also -- partnerships were huge as well. we partnered with one city -- a number of city agencies. one was the office of civic engagement and immigration affairs. ocea, and they have a community ambassador model where they train and pay community ambassadors who are from those communities to conduct public outreach, to connect people to resources. and so those folks were paid as well to help to support us in sros and a lot of our outreach to the unhoused population was conducted in that way. so that is definitely was a really informative model to help us start thinking about what a
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digital navigator's program might look like, and how outreach sort of during a crisis or a pandemic, and how we take those lessons and continue applying them moving forward. so also i just wanted to thank all of the housing organizers and people working in sros and people in the disability community who really help to connect us to areas of san francisco. one example is in visitacion valley, and at the simon community development center. and i think that a lot of our outreach allows us to go into the community safely to meet with community leaders who are trusted in those communities, so i really attribute the success of this project to those community leaders. so i hope that answered some of your questions. thank you, tiffany. >> co-chair madrid: thank you. are there any other questions?
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i go to the staff, are there any staff members that have question at this time? nicole? >> i wanted to direct our thanks to our presenters here and especially to cecile for all of your work on the survey itself and to marie and to karla for moving it through the next steps. for members of the public especially, i wonder -- i know that we have presented these, or you have presented these as kind of the top five aggregate issues. what did you see in the report that you would elevate as the most singular issue for people with disabilities? i wonder if you could reiterate
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that again. i know a lot of our community are also older adults, but when you specifically look at issues facing people with disabilities in terms of technology, was the greatest barrier the assistive technology access? or were there other things? i wonder if you could illuminate more specific to disability, to the degree that you're able to, and maybe a few of the things related to the disability community in particular that really didn't make it into the top five, but are still critically important that we look at as a city. >> that's a great question, thank you, nicole. sure. so, i mean, i could start by talking a little bit more about -- i mean, one thing that really stood out to me specific
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to transition-aged youth with disabilities is also, you know, when we're thinking about a lot of digital inclusion programs are geared or designed perhaps for older adults and -- i would say for older adults. i think that there's a large chunk of the population of transition-aged youth who are sort of left out of that conversation. especially as it relates to employment. so we did find that that is, you know, a significant piece of having access to technology -- consistent and high quality, you know, if that's not in place, then how are young transition-aged youth accessing employment, education? and digital literacy trainings that are really customized to their needs and to their lived experiences. so, you know, hearing from the street services and also, you know, of people who are chronically homeless or
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experience chronic homelessness, residents of sros with disabilities and veterans as well. so we learned quite a bit from justice involved, veterans with disabilities. so i think that really moving forward i think that it really highlights the importance of connecting with veterans services, connecting with transition-aged youth services, and then as you mentioned the assistive technology piece and i think, you know, as orkid sassouni was mentioning really the -- all of the different ways that assistive technology is a critical piece. so it's one thing to have a computer and internet connection, but if you don't have the a.t. hardware and software and then the training, and the knowledge that those options are available to you, then how can one maintain -- connect meaningfully and effectively with their community?
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so i think that -- and just sort of the incredible -- the last thing that i'll say on that is just the incredible wealth of knowledge that exists in the disability community around and organizing around mutual aid. how to access resources around technology. and there's tremendous knowledge there. and i know that the importance of continuing to tap into that and to employ people with disabilities in leadership positions to help to design these digital equity programs and potentially these labs, technology labs, in the future. >> can i jump in on that in terms of assistive technologies these s.f. tech council recently had a section with our access and learning work group, and we had someone from the white house jeffrey cologne, and another
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from irlc, and they did kind of like a quick overview of the kinds of assistive technologies that are available within their organizations. and we had tremendous participation in the work group that day. and a lot of interest in learning more. so this idea of training not just lab instructors and lab staff, but really helping a much wider group of people aware of assistive technologies and what's out there. i think that is a big piece of it, because there is some stuff there and people don't know how to -- how to refer or to get to it, or any of those things. >> that's great. i think that is fantastic. i just really encourage as community living campaign and the tech council continue to move forward with promoting the findings, that we really
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highlight the unique findings about people with disabilities. we did such excellent outreach and we really reached members of our community who we never reached before. and i'm so impressed by that. and we do a good job of highlighting that part. so i want to make sure that we do equally as good a job highlighting some of the disability specific findings that we -- what we have learned and continually use this model and this tool as a way to encourage everyone that this is the way that we should be doing research and outreach, and this is the way that we should be talking about and elevating disability specific concerns. so, thank you very much, for your work on this. i really appreciate it. >> co-chair madrid: thank you, nicole. are there other questions at
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[indiscernible]. >> thank you so much. marie, did you want to jump in and talk more about the budget campaign. >> it's just to say, you know, i have learned so much -- even on this conversation. you know, i think that the point is that raising this as an issue and being able to take the report raises consciousness everywhere and there has to be an advocacy piece and what will you do and involve the communities as being leaders and employees and folks who help to shape the solution. so through the dignity coalition we'll try to get as far as we can on that.
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and it is a grassroots campaign i will say that slower. it is a grassroots campaign. so we're hoping that if folks are interested they will let us know through the website. >> co-chair madrid: i'm not talking about the money aspect, i'm talking about giving access to people that possibly need it right now. that's what i'm saying to you. >> i mean, there are -- our organization and a number of others do have some ways to provide support now. we can hook people up with subsidized free internet. we have a device program, where you get new users and others access and they can keep the device if they're engaged. we have the abilities integrator
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whose job it is to keep us honest and make sure that we're doing everything that we can to provide equal access. so -- but it's a drop in the bucket compared to what is really needed here. so the city spends an incredible amount of money on its own technology every year, and we'll spend $54 million on the city's side of technology to reach the community, but there's nowhere near as much money being provided to the community to be able to connect from their end. >> co-chair madrid: with that -- >> through the chair, i just have one more question, marie said something that raised a concern that i have. so i know that we wanted to direct people to the website to participate in the campaign. where do we direct people who want to participate and do not have internet access? >> that is the issue, isn't it? so i think that we're working through a number of
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organizations to do the outreach in person. and looking for ways, you know, whether it's through, you know, government tv, or other things where people can connect and get information. as things begin to open up a little bit, i know that we're planning to hit every street fair that we can to be able to talk to folks. and, you know, the more organizations that help us to kind of reach folks and where there are resources now and hook them up, but, if not, to make this a big issue for the city. you know, i think that we just have to make it an issue. >> co-chair madrid: just one suggestion is that maybe we're trying to [indiscernible] who
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need devices and go from there. i know that cecile works right now to do that, and maybe you guys can talk more. and now we'll go to public comment. we'll take the opportunity for public comment at this time. >> clerk: okay, as a reminder to the public, if you want to make public comment and you're using the zoom webinar platform you can indicate your interest in making public comment by pressing on the raised hand icon. you can also make public comment over the phone, and call star 9 to raise your hand and you will be prompted when it's your turn
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to unmute. if you want to have your public comment read by the clerk, you can write your public comment in the q&a box, in the webinar platform. with that, i do see that we have a couple members of the public who want to make public comment so, we'll start with caller 4284. you have been permitted to unmute. caller ending in 4284, you can unmute by dialing star, 6 over the phone. >> caller: hello? >> clerk: hello. >> caller: yeah. so i have been listening to the
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presentation, and i appreciate that needs assessment done, but i want to talk about the infrastructure bill that has set aside a lot of money for high-speed internet, but we also need to impress upon the institutions like the hospitals, that they need to create space, centers, for people who are challenged can go and get help. and this also involves the banking system. there are a lot of things that are done digitally but people who are challenged are not given the opportunities to use the technology.
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we have a small group working on a digital platform, so we are open to helping anybody who needs help. and i think so that we do have some large companies who are willing to help, but they need a business plan. and i know that there are small companies that want to help the physically challenged, and here comes the outreach. and we need to impress on the city and the county of san francisco that they do spend a lot of money themselves, and there's one of your members who stated that they do not give sufficient resources to the community. so right now we are working on something that is going to not
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have to beg the city and waste our time, but i can tell you that there are modems now that can be used much more powerful than the old modems and there are companies willing to help. so i'm going to go on your website and please i can talk to somebody from one of your presenters, and we can work together to go to a better place. i'm here in san francisco, and my name is francesco da costa, and i'm the director of environmental justice advocacy. and once again i thank you for the needs assessment done, and now we need to have our goals, short-term goals and our long-term goals. thank you very much. >> co-chair madrid: thank you for your comments. are there any other public commenters at this time?
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>> clerk: yes. anon, you have been permitted to unmute. >> caller: hi, i'm a disability and civil rights activist and i post videos of ethical misconduct and corruption in san francisco on a youtube page called disability and activism in san francisco. i appreciate the effort that was gone into the presentations today. i for one though am a little confused with the agenda item 6 was supposed to go over the disability cultural center. if somebody wants to clarify if that is coming up next, that is the overwhelmingly desired thing that people wanted with the dignity fund. for those that don't know, the dignity fund was passed in 2016 by san francisco voters to give millions and millions and millions of dollars to the city so that veterans and disabled people and seniors could live with dignity. i would love to slow down but unfortunately we don't get a lot of time to speak so i'll try to,
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but it's very difficult. the public is not prioritized at these meetings. and it's always been a bit of a shame that this council and the mayor's office on disability, which were created in the 90s to help to facilitate the communications between the community are primarily used for presentations. so, you know, mdc just sits in your high chairs and you just watch city departments talk about how great things are. and things are not great, things are really, really bad for disabled people. and these meetings give me a queasy feeling in my stomach because there's so much toxic positivity that happens in them and we are being displaced in massive droves, according to the 2022 census, 5.7% of san franciscans are people with disabilities. that is down drastically because now landlords are using covid to intimidate and harass us by coming into our homes without wearing ppe, and mdc and mod do
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nothing about this. and additionally, you know, you're supposed to have a disability cultural center. there are, fortunately, cultural centers for all other minority groups and there's a filipino cultural center and african-american cultural center, and there's a lot of senior community centers, there's nothing for disabled people. there is no place that we can go and get to know one another and communicate with each other. we have nothing for that. and voters gave millions and millions of dollars of taxpayer money to this city to create such a place called a disability cultural center. i have fought for public records requests to understand what is happening with that cultural center and why it's not done constructed, which should have happened many years ago. and the dignity fund was passed in 2016, and so i would really appreciate an update. because that's what we need. we need to stop living in isolation and stop being gentrified out of this city and we need to be able to meet each
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other and coordinate and organize. i want to thank the people that presented here for actually mentioning people in sros and low-income individuals and mod and mdc usually ignores and the rates of depression and suicide among our veterans and other disabled members. it's a real struggle out here, folks, and there's nothing wrong with being a little bit sad when you present at the condition of disabled people in this city. we don't always have to pretend to be positive and upbeat and happy because things are really, really hard right now. that's it for my time. >> co-chair madrid: thank you for calling. and i just want to clarify to the public that we are on item number 5, which is keep us connected 2022 campaign and empowered s.f. tech needs
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assessment. and after that we will have an update on the disability cultural center and the dignity fund. again, that would be after the council break. are there any other public comments at this time? >> clerk: i do not see any other public commenters at this time. >> co-chair madrid: thank you. i just want to thank marie and karla for coming back and to come to this body and giving us an update. i hope that this is the
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beginning of working together, and please come back. and help us to meet the many needs in the disability community again. thank you for coming. and with that, the council will take a 15-minute break. and after that we will have a presentation by kelly dearman, the director of department of disability and aging services. she will be talking to us regarding the disability cultural center and the dignity
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fund. with that, we'll take a break. , everybody. >> clerk: thank you, everyone. a reminder to return by 2:35. >> co-chair madrid: the -- and now we are continuing with our agenda with item number 6. the information item updates on disability cultural center and the dignity fund, presented by katie dearman, the department of disability and aging and
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services. good to see you again. >> nice to see you, alex. thank you. i appreciate being able to share with you the information around the cultural center and the dignity fund. i think that there are some slides. >> co-chair madrid: [indiscernible]. >> clerk: one moment. do you need presenter access, kelly? >> i do not. i spoke to john and he was going to advance the slides. >> clerk: let's wait for that, for the slides to go up. one moment.
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i can also speak to it, and just make sure that you all get the slides. either way. >> co-chair madrid: let's wait. [indiscernible] is that okay, kelly? >> yeah. >> co-chair madrid: i am sure john is working on it right now >> so i want to confirm that we have access to them. i can't see john, so i don't know -- if we're working on it or not. i would recommend --
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>> [indiscernible] access to the slides myself. just setting it up on my machine right now. >> thank you. okay, i believe they are showing. >> yes, thank you. okay, all right, so we can move to the next slide. i'm first going to speak on the disability cultural community center. and, yeah, so whenever you can move the slides that would be great. thank you. okay, so we are working with the mercy housing -- >> i'm sorry, kelly, one moment i wanted to make sure that we have full screen access and now we do. please continue. thank you so much. i'm sorry. >> it's totally fine. so we're working with the kelsey mercy housing and mov on various
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aspects of the project from the general foot print of the space and the request for proposals to identify service providers. and you can go back -- there's a comprehensive needs assessment which included analysis of literature, and resources and models available. and exploration of the existing community and cultural centers in san francisco and their external trends. in that focus group with the leaders from government and non-profit and community and advocacy organizations, and in addition longmore had a core committee of disabled leaders who worked collaboratively with them. so the goals of this cultural center is a place where people with disabilities can gather, access information and resources. information and input will be gathered through the community
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engagement process, and as part of their work with the community, longmore developed values and mission statements in order to guide the creation of this center. those values and mission statements were incorporated into the principles. so some of the principles include creating a space for diverse people with disables tos to come together, and advancing social and disability justice and celebrating disability culture and provide and providing information about and access to disability programs and services. and, like i said, the request for proposals is currently under review by the human services agency contract so i can't really speak to what is in that request of proposal until it comes out. but i know that there was a groundbreaking a couple of weeks ago to start the construction.
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and so it is finally after a very long time underway. so we're pleased with that. next slide, please. and in termings of the dignity fund, as was mentioned earlier, this is based on a proposition i, and that was passed in november 2016. and it does provide -- set aside protected funding for services for older adults, adults with disabilities and their caregivers. and so now here we are in the year 2022, next slide, please. so it established $38 million of funding that was set aside that grows by $33 million over 10 years. and the way that this -- the
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planning and funding cycle works, it's a four-year planning and funding cycle and as many of you know that we just completed the community needs assessment which happens every four years. and the goal of that is to see what we're doing and what we should be doing and what are the unmet needs among san francisco's older adults and adults with disabilities. after we do the -- after we do the needs assessment, after that is completed, then we do a service and allocation plan. and so the needs assessment identifies how the funding will be allocated over the next four years based on what we find in the needs assessment. there's also the oversight and advisory committee that advises in the administration of the dignity fund to ensure that we
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are using that money in the way that it is planned and designed next slide, please. so -- so in terms of some of the initiatives that we look at, and that we've been doing with the fund, some more community service centered programs. there's been a lot of talk about caregivers and caregiver support and need for respite, but also as you all know we're in a crisis in terms of the workforce. and so how do we reach them, and how do we get more people involved in the care giving process. then there's -- i have already spoken about the cultural center, and how can we expand services for adults with disabilities, including the cultural center, including food
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we do not provide housing, obviously, but we, you know, how can we ensure that we're providing all of the resources that we can so that people can get proper housing. and then also around nutrition and support for people with chronic health conditions, and also our department works with veterans and how are we making sure that we're meeting the needs of veterans as well. and as we all saw during the pandemic, isolation is -- is a real problem that i'm sure that we all knew about prior to the pandemic, but it became really visible during the pandemic so how are we combating that. and the programs for our transgender and gender non-conforming people. and, lastly, how do we ensure that we're doing enough outreach
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to strengthen our awareness of our existing services. and one of the things that we will be doing is coming out with an online service directory, and we've been talking about this for several years but it's really happening finally. and we understand that not everyone can reach us or has the ability to get online as we just heard. that that will be one additional way that people can find out about our services. in addition to the fact that we are going to be doing more training for our providers as well as internally for our staff to make sure that we are -- that everybody is clear on all of the different services that are operating throughout the city, so that we're not just acting in our own little silo. next slide, please. and i thought that i'd tell you a little bit about the needs assessment and how that went. so we kicked it off in
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september, between september and december, there was a fair amount of research and stakeholder engagement that was done. we also -- there's a big focus on equity and so we wanted to make sure that we are reaching out to the populations who -- who need us most, we had a community survey. we did community forums, and we had focus groups and key informant interviews. we understand that obviously we did not reach everyone. it's a really short time frame and, of course, there were peaks and valleys happening with the pandemic. and -- but i think that with it all we worked with a consultant and we did our best to reach as many people as we could to find out what people were thinking about and what issues were coming up. so we are just finishing the phase of completing the draft
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report, which offers findings and recommendations. and i know that there will be a meeting on monday to discuss the draft report and that's with the oversight and the advisory committee on monday. next slide, please. so we have already shared the report with the dignity fund service provider working group, and as i mentioned on monday we'll be sharing it with the oversight and the advisory committee. in april, we'll share the final report with stakeholders and that will be through a joint hearing of the commission and the advisory committee on april 6th. in may, the doss commission will be voting on this report and then in june we'll present it to the board of supervisors for their approval as well. and i think that is about all i
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have for now and i am happy to take questions. so if there are any questions, fire away. >> co-chair sassouni: , i have one, this is orkid. >> hi. >> co-chair sassouni: hi. so i am orkid here. and a great presentation. and a timeline. i am curious -- the dignity fund, does that include housing too? that's my first question. or is that separate for providing services? >> okay. so the answer to that first
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question is -- no. it does not include housing. my department of disability and aging services provides services and not housing. we recognize that housing is a key barrier for many people. and what we do is that we are working with other departments and trying to find out what is happening, we are in a severe housing crisis, among other things. but what we try to do is to make sure that once -- if people are housed, they're getting the proper supports they need to stay housed. >> co-chair sassouni: okay, so thank you for that, that's really good to know. i know that it's not -- it's not easy. part of the problem with this is
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that there is a gap in those services. so i'm hoping that the city can really work on collaborating on not fixing, but working and revamping the access, i should say, to all of that. and i know that it's a huge process for people with disabilities who are experiencing homelessness, obviously, there's a large population. so i hope that you can give them support and services, social workers, case managers, access to folks and they need to provide access as well. so hopefully you're setting up that type of program and i realize that is quite a problem and we will be able to collaborate with the other departments because we do need
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access, obviously. so there's another place maybe where you can bridge that gap, so people who are really, really familiar with access issues and people that aren't. so maybe they could bridge the gap in that area. >> yes, i so appreciate your comments. and i wanted to just mention that our department did just finish -- we completed a housing assessment -- which is a snapshot of where we are today in terms of older adults and people with disabilities. and it is -- it is upsetting as you can imagine. and from there there will be a full -- there's going to be a full assessment done that i think that just recently got kicked off and it will take the next several months, like -- so we know what the picture is, but what are we going to do to
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improve this dismal picture? and that's where we are now. and that is a collaboration with multiple departments. but the board of supervisors passed das to, you know, to hold everybody's hand and to get this -- get this project going. so i'm hoping that i will be able to come back in a few months and to let you know the results of that report as well. >> co-chair sassouni: that would be great. >> yeah. and i just want to add that it's not just that there are gaps in services, but there are gaps in what people know and what services are available. and that is something that we are really working on hard right now, because, you know, you don't know what you don't know. and it's not -- >> co-chair sassouni: right. >> right? and it's not just the users of the services who don't know, there are many people who are out there providing services
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that don't know what the person down the street who is also providing services -- what those services are. and through our online directory, through these trainings that we'll be doing, both internally and externally, we're hoping to list everybody up, so we can all see what everyone is doing and hopefully that will help a little bit. >> co-chair madrid: thank you. are there any other questions? don't be shy. all right. nicole, do you have a question? >> yes, i do. thank you so much, kelly, for coming today. and for presenting about the
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cultural center and the dignity fund. regarding the cultural center, thanks for outlining where we are with our rfp and i know that kelsey has just begun their ground breaking. do you have a sense that you're able to share around when we might be targeting a launch or an opening? so that's one question. and to what degree do you think that virtual connections will be a part of the cultural center? i'm wondering if you're able to speak to that at all. and the second question is if you could answer those first, that would be great. >> i'll answer the second question first. the idea of the cultural center is to be both in-person and
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virtual and the idea, and whoever is chosen as the vendor, is that people need to, yes, to meet in person. but also need to be able to meet in the virtual world because we understand that for many people that's the only way and the best way for them to meet. so, yes, to that. so there will be a lot of virtual opportunities as well. i cannot give you, unfortunately, an idea of -- i don't have a time frame yet and i will have that when the rfp is actually released. and then we'll get an idea as to how long it will take to actually open things up. so, i'm sorry, that i can't be more specific on that. >> thank you for clarifying the timeline. we appreciate it. and then towards the -- towards the das commission and the mayor's disability council, and
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have you been collaborating and working together on future projects or elevating concerns, what would you suggest that would be a good mechanism for that? what would be most helpful for -- in the way that the mayor's disability council might be able to support the das commission and vice versa? >> so, thank you for that question. so, you know, initially what is happening is that director bohn and i meet very regularly to make sure that we're on the same page about things that are happening. i also think that there is confusion and probably some concern around what the mayor's office on disability does, versus what das does. so i can see that in the future that a joint meeting would be really great for us all to know
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who is doing what. and i also think that it would be helpful for me or someone on my staff to come here on a quarterly basis to let you know what we are doing. and vice versa. someone from this council to come to ours. i do think that there is a lot of room for us to be doing things together and having each other's back, and that -- and these two departments have been working long before i got here, and that continues, but i do think it's a great idea for us to, you know, to put it more out in the open and to have some joint meetings so we can all be on the same page. >> we definitely support that and i hope that council would consider that level of participation as well. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> co-chair madrid: thank you. before i open up to the public, i have a question to you.
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begun yet because it's in contracts. that's the reason we can't be specific about dates yet, but as soon as they request a proposal is out and ready and has been approved by contracts for public desemination, we'll be able to provide more information. >> exactly. >> chairman: thank you. now i'm going to open it up to the public comment. clerk, please open public comment. >> clerk: okay. as a reminder to the public, if you are using zoom, you can press the raise hand icon to raise your hand and you can also write your comment in the q&a box to be read by the
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clerk. you can dial star nine to raise your hand and be prompted when it's your turn to comment. our first commenter, we have anon, you've been permitted to unmute. >> caller: hi, yes. i'm a civil rights and disability activist and i post youtube -- videos on youtube under 'disability and activism' in san francisco. of it's great to hear the disability cultural center ground is being broken and we're going to have a cultural center. that's a breath of fresh air because it was looking like it was in jeopardy for awhile. i'm hardened by the presentation that was given, but i'm a little concerned by who was giving it. kelly dearman used to be the executive director of the in-home support services. while she was there, she was incredibly oppressive to the disabled people that needed home service and needed care providers to help us.
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kelly dearman told me specifically, directly that she would refuse to have a community space for disabled people to organize and solve our own problems and own issues we are struggling with in the in-home support services system so the idea to lower the burden on staff and to give more agency to disabled people. kelly dearman told me this was not appropriate because the disabled people would not be able to be monitored. i repeat, kelly dearman said we could not have a community space because we would not be able to be monitored. i don't know what she meant by that, but it concerned me. additionally kelly dearman also refused to let me meet with the deputy director of the in-home support services department and i don't know why she refused that. i actually had an appointment and she blocked me from interacting with public
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officials. this really concerns me because the idea of a community space and a cultural center is exactly that, right. that disabled people can meet, share concerns, share ideas, have community, have culture. right. and if kelly dearman is still operating from that space as monitoring and sensorship and trying to make sure there's no criticism or any sort of analysis that doesn't fit in line with her world view, then that could be incredibly oppressive and could actually sabotage this cultural center. so i'm hoping in the years that have passed that kelly dearman has had a change of heart and maybe views this a little bit differently. i ask and encourage that this new space have community space for disabled people to not just be limited to organizations representing their own world view and their own services, but to actually have a space
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where people can get to know each other and have criticism. criticism is okay and part of being a good public official is being able to accept criticism with grace. i hope you're all willing to do that and i ask these things be added to the cultural center. thank you. >> chairman: thank you for your public comment. are there any other public comments at this time? >> clerk: yes. our next public commenter, caller ending in '4284' you've been permitted to unmute. >> caller: it's very important to know that this is san francisco. and here in san francisco, the
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disability movement is very strong. so it hurts me to hear from the previous caller that as he was trying to do something positive for the challenged community or the disability community, he was prevented and [ indiscernible ] put in his way. let me remind everybody that the federal government and we did have a president f.d.r. who put it in writing. so challenge people of that by federal laws, ordinances that have them. so we do not want people saying one thing in the presentation, talking about needs assessment,
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but failing to have in their heart, the right type of intention to have the challenge population. if your heart is not in the right place and if your heart is not in the right place, you cannot take anybody to a better place. now, my name is francisco de costa. i often go to city hall to fight for those who need help and i'm challenged and i do what i can. so i'm happy we have a disability cultural center through the dignity fund. whatever's happening within the dignity fund is taking a long time. we need more transparency and accountability and in the previous agenda, we spoke about
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communication, another needs assessment was done, but now we have two needs assessments. it's time for action. and the way you get action is by outreach, getting the disabled community together so that they can voice their opinion. they can tell you what they do need and what they do not need. also, we know we cannot address all the issues, but these are fact that many of the challenged people in san francisco are treated with disdain. many have no place to live. thank you very much. >> chairman: thank you for your comments. are there any other public commentors at this time?
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>> clerk: there are no other public commentors at this time. >> chairman: thank you. kelly, again, thank you for coming. it's good to see you. i hope that we will see you again and i'm looking forward to working with the commission in your department and we involve the community in san francisco. >> thank you so much. i really look forward to working with you all and i will definitely keep you informed on what is happening specifically around the disability cultural center and we'll figure out how soon we can get a joint meeting with your commission and the d.a.s. commission. >> chairman: thank you. >> thank you so much.
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take care everybody. >> chairman: bye. have a good weekend. >> you too. >> chairman: with that, we are going to item number seven. information item: report from the mayor's office on disability. >> i'm sorry, alex. go ahead. >> chairman: i think i heard recording stopped. do we need to hit record again? >> it's broadcast and recorded through sfgov tv. >> chairman: okay. >> okay. so hi everyone. so today i'm going to focus
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primarily on legislation that is is current and pending and some recommendations for what the mayor's disability council may want to consider at future meetings. for members of the public who are wishing to engage with aspects of this report, please contact m.o.d. by phone at (415) 554-6789 or m.o.d. via our e-mail address, our general e-mail address which is also, you may join our distribution list or find this report following the meeting at our web page which is so the legislative items i want to focus on today, there's several, one is j.f.k. drive
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which as you know we heard about in the last meeting. i wanted to announce the referral number for you and for members of the public who want to follow along with the proceeding. that referral number for j.f.k. drive park code golden gate park access and safety program, slow streets closures is 220261. that referral number is going to track the proceeding if you would choose to follow it. the proceeding is currently in referral status. it's been referred under the board of supervisors 30-day rule to the land use and transportation committee. as you know, from the last meeting, this legislation forwards the recommendations of
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sfmta and recreation and parks to the board of supervisors for a consideration. last thursday, the staff report was accepted unanimously by the sfmta board with recommendation to revisit taxi provisions and paratransit access and the recreation and parks commission also forwarded with a positive recommendation by a majority vote although it's not unanimous. the mayor's office on disability continues to advise sfmta, recreation and parks, and the mayor's office on architectural and programatic accessibility improvements. we continue to encourage all involved to provide improvements that exceed requirements and disability equity. and in addition, m.o.d. continues to elevate the individual concerns from the disability community from members who are both opposed to
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the continued closure to private vehicles and members of the disability community who support the closure. as the council knows, your resolution that you drafted is a conditional one. conditional upon additional accessibility improvements. so i really strongly urge you to help advance and keep monitoring the resolution and when you do have offers to consult and share your opinion and the opinions of the disability community that you continue to do so. thank you so much for that. i really appreciate your help. it's critically important. supervisor chan has also requested a consult as you know with both the mayor's office of disability and the council as was mentioned in the co-chair
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report earlier in this meeting. the next legislative referral item i want to address once more is the shared spaces referral number which is 211301, limits on fines for shared spaces violations. it is at the board of supervisors for a final consideration and it will maintain the ability to issue fines for access violations and it is expected to pass with full adoption. ment i do want to encourage the council to consider hearing an enforcement update at an up coming public meeting, however, so that i know that the disability community is concerned about the ability for the city to enforce the shared spaces program, access violations, so i would encourage you to keep that on
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your agenda. the next thing i wanted to mention is moving to some covid resources and there's one that's on a deadline, so i want to mention that and then finally, i'm going to move to some recommendations for future topics. so i just wanted to remind folks that the state covid rent hope and eviction program, the eviction protection program information is available at the deadline to apply for eviction protection is march 31st. we have mentioned this in previous reports, but it's time that we mention it again. so march 31st if you're interested in looking at state covid rent help and eviction
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protection information for yourself. again, that is posted at also, there is information available regarding the availability of the covid-19 vaccine and including the home vaccination program that's posted online and available by calling the covid resource center.' the covid resource center number once again is (628) 652-2700 and the home program vaccination program is at your home or work event. the link will be posted as part of the report, but you can also
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go to get vaccinated sf and there are links that provide more information. or, again, you can call (628) 652-2700. finally, i'm going to move to some items that you may want to consider for future agenda items along with a few other updates. i mentioned in detail, the proceeding around j.f.k. drive. i did want to elevate for the council that there is a concern also that we have heard through m.o.d. around the great highway and continuation of slow streets in general and so the council may want to consider this as a broader item for a future meeting. i have already mentioned shared spaces enforcement, we heard that in public comment also
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today. hybrid meetings -- hybrid public meeting participation has now begun and you may recall last fall the community alliance of disability advocates sent a letter to the mayor's office and the city administrator around maintaining access for public meetings. and now that they have launched, it would be good timing to consider hearing about how it's going so that we're making sure that we're ensuring disability access and appropriate civic participation for all. next, someone should recommend that the council should think about our city wide web accessibility policy which is currently just beginning a dissemination phase so they can learn about electronic policy
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and how to track the effort especially pertaining to accessibility remediation plans, training and city wide compliance. we've had, are the next topic i want to mention is the summer together program and summer camp programs in san francisco for kids and families of kids with disabilities. we have had a productive year in that regard in really being able to advance in partnership with the department of children, youth, and families. the san francisco school district and some of our colleagues and recreation and parks. a training program that helps summer camp providers understand how to provide access for kids with disabilities so that they can participate in summer camp is a series of trainings at which m.o.d. help to coordinate.
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one of them that was very well attended by all camp providers and we're hoping that this education and awareness although it needs to continue makes for a better camp to experience. finally, i just want to mention a few more things to keep an eye on and to consider the council previously tracked. you may want to and finally the better market street accessibility improvement
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update is something that we've heard interest from the public and wanting to know more about as well. and circling back to the very beginning of this meeting, i just wanted to support orchid's comments and urge the commission to reconsider the mayor's disability council speak in award for the member of a disability public. that concludes my report for today. >> chairman: thank you nicole. thank you. >> thank you. >> chairman: we are moving on to item number eight. correspondence. are there any correspondence?
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>> this is deborah caplan. there have been several letters received that we have forwarded to you regarding the closure of jfk drive. we're not going to read them verbatim because several of them are very long. they are consistent with many of the comments that you heard from members of the disability community at the last meeting and to some extent at this meeting. and they are all expressing concerns with the proposal for the permanent closure of jfk drive mostly focusing on
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parking issues and inadequacy of some of the measures that have been taken or discussed. and that's the correspondence that's been receiveded. >> chairman: thank you. >> through the chair, debbie has the correspondence been forwarded to the council co-chairs? >> yes. >> for a full review? >> yes. >> thank you. >> chairman: thank you for that. now we will go on to item number nine, general public comment. clerk, can you please open it up for general public comment. >> clerk: okay. at this time, members of the
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public may address the council on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the council that are not on this meeting agenda. each member of the public may address the council for up to three minutes. as mentioned before, the brown act forbids the council from taking action or discussing any items not appearing on the posted agenda, including those items raised at public comment. and to make public comment within the zoom webinar platform, can you click on the raise hand button to raise your hand. you can also raise your hand on the phone by dialling star nine and if you want to write your comment, you could type it into the q&a box and it will be read by the clerk.
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i do see one member of the public who would like to make public comment. alita, you've been permitted to unmute. >> caller: thank you very much. my name is alita fischer. i'm the advocacy assure chair for the san francisco community advisory and i would just like to commend the work of the mayor's office disability, rec and park, and san francisco unified school district to raise the issue of families of children with disabilities and finding a summer program. i cannot thank you enough for all the work that's being done to ensure we have inclusive camps. there's nothing more demoralizing than to sign your child up for a camp along with their nondisabled peers only to get that call midway through day one asking you to come pick them up because we're sorry, we just can't support your kid here and it's devastating for our children. so thank you for all the work that you are doing and obviously it continues.
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we've got plenty of private camps who still do this. we're excited that the commitment of rec and park is there to make all camps inclusive. and also there are many of our students who qualify for extended school year which is five to six weeks over the summer and that only runs until 1:00 p.m. so there are many families who still struggle with providing options for their students after extended school year programming ends at noon or 1:00. [please stand by]
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and i would like very briefly to comment on director bohn's presentation, on potential future agenda items. i'm very impressed with the list. it really underscores how much is going on at any given time in the city and county that affects accessibility and people with disabilities in general. and it's really -- i guess what they call a target rich environment for you, you know,
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these would all be great agenda items to consider. but it's also really great that director bohn gives you an update on pending legislation and including the reference numbers. i think that's also very -- that information isn't always so easy to find. so it's very helpful for all of us to get that as well. so i just wanted to speak in support of that item and i'm not exactly clear how you actually decide as a group what items you will hear and when, but, again, it's just a great list of really important agenda items. so i hope that you can get to as many of them as possible. thank you. >> co-chair madrid: thank you for your comment. are there other public comments
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at this time? >> clerk: there are no other public commenters at this time. >> co-chair madrid: thank you. and we are now on discussion item. >> co-chair sassouni: this is orkid. i have no announcements or comments. >> co-chair madrid: if i could thank for planning of this meeting, to discuss a virtual
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public meeting items. and decide which items for the next public meeting. i want to have the last public comment before i adjourn the meeting. with that i want to just say thank you, bye, orkid. >> co-chair sassouni: yes, this is orkid. yes, one very, very brief item just generally. i want -- really want to acknowledge the film "coda" that received some awards, really
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beautiful representation of the deaf community. so very thrilled that that has happened. and we hope that this win will help hollywood see that the disability community can be well represented in media and -- interpreter is asking for clarification -- and we are hoping they'll win an additional award this month little so clap your fingers, the movie is called "coda" and it's about a deaf family. so i wish you all a wonderful week and weekend. >> co-chair madrid: i will watch it, that's the next movie. before i adjourn i just want to give thanks, a big huge thanks to the staff, for speaking again
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participate in 12 athletics wheelchairs. they provide what is an expensive tool to facilitate basketball specifically. behind me are the amazing golden state road warriors, which are one of the most competitive adaptive basketball teams in the state led by its captain, chuck hill, who was a national paralympic and, and is now an assistant coach on the national big team. >> it is great to have this opportunity here in san francisco. we are the main hub of the bay area, which, you know, we should definitely have resources here. now that that is happening, you know, i i'm looking forward to that growing and spreading and helping spread the word that needs -- that these people are here for everyone. i think it is important for people with disabilities, as well as able-bodied, to be able to see and to try different
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sports, and to appreciate trying different things. >> people can come and check out this chairs and use them. but then also friday evening, from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m., it will be wheelchair basketball we will make sure it is available, and that way people can no that people will be coming to play at the same time. >> we offer a wide variety of adaptive and inclusion programming, but this is the first time we have had our own equipment. [♪♪♪]
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>> look at that beautiful jellyfish. the way to speak to students and motivate them to take action, to save the planet, they do, they care and my job is to speak to them in a way that they can understand that touches their heart and makes them feel powerful with simple actions to take every day. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ >> i was born and raised in the desert of palm springs, california. my dad was the rabbi in the community there. what i got from watching my father on stage talking to the community was learning how to be in the public.
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and learning how to do public speaking and i remember the first time i got up to give my first school assembly, i felt my dad over my shoulder saying pause for drama, deliver your words. when i was a kid, i wanted to be a teacher. and then when i got into high school, i decided i wanted to get into advertising and do graphic art and taglines and stuff like that. by the time i was in college, i decided i wanted to be a decorator. but as i did more work, i realized working my way up meant a lot of physical labor. i only had so much energy to work with for the rest of my life and i could use that energy towards making a lot of money, helping someone else make a lot of money or doing something meaningful. i found the nonprofit working to save the rainforest was looking for volunteers.
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i went, volunteered and my life changed. suddenly everything i was doing had meaning. stuffing envelopes had meaning, faxing out requests had meaning. i eventually moved up to san francisco to work out of the office here, given a lot of assembly through los angeles county and then came up here and doing assemblies to kids about rainforest. one of my jobs was to teach about recycle, teaching students to reduce, reuse, recycle and compost, i'm teaching them they have the power, and that motivates them. it was satisfying for me to work with for the department of environment to create a message that gets to the heart of the issue. the san francisco department of environment is the only agency that has a full time educational team, we go into the schools to
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help teach children how to protect nature and the environment. we realized we needed animal mascot to spark excitement with the students. the city during the gold rush days, the phoenix became part of the city feel and i love the symbolism of the phoenix, about transformation and the message that the theme of the phoenix provides, we all have the power to transform our world for the better. we have to provide teachers with curriculum online, our curriculum is in two different languages and whether it's lesson plans or student fact sheets, teachers can use them and we've had great feedback. we have helped public and private schools in san francisco increase their waste use and students are working hard to
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sort waste at the end of the lunch and understand the power of reusing, reducing, recycling and composting. >> great job. >> i've been with the department for 15 years and an environmental educator for more than 23 years and i'm grateful for the work that i get to do, especially on behalf of the city and county of san francisco. i try to use my voice as intentionally as possible to support, i think of my grandmother who had a positive attitude and looked at things positively. try to do that as well in my work and with my words to be an uplifting force for myself and others. think of entering the job force as a treasure hunt. you can only go to your next clue and more will be revealed.
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follow your instincts, listen to your gut, follow your heart, do what makes you happy and pragmatic and see where it takes you and get to the next place. trust if you want to do good in this world, thattttttttttttttttt >> good evening. this is a meeting of the san francisco commission on the environment. the date is tuesday, march 22nd. the time is 5:04p.m.
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the ringing in use of cellphones, pagers and similar devices are prohibited. the chair may order the removal of anyone using a phone or similar device. the ringing of cell phone with happen virtually. turn your devices off. due to the covid-19 health emergency, customers may participate remotely this exception is taken pursuant to the state wide stay-at-home order and all proceedings and proceedings local state and federal orders declarations and collectives. >> clerk: commissioners may attend the meeting through video conference and by telephone if the video fails and participate to the same extent as if they were present.
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commissioners, department staff and members of the public who are physically present are required to wear a mask or face covering while in city hall. may i interrupt. we do not hear anything? >> as of right now, i cannot hear anything although i do hear you. >> can you hear us? >> i can now hear you. if anyone else is speaking, i cannot hear you. >> dierdra, can you hear us? can you confirm if you can hear us, please. >> yes, we hear you now. >> ok. >> we can start with covid
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announcements, is that a good place to start? >> due to the covid-19 health emergency, and to protect commissioners, department staff and members of the public, commissioners and the department staff may participate in the meeting remotely. this is pursuant to the state wide stay-at-home order and all proceeding and proceeding local state and federal orders declarations and directives. commissioners may attend through video conference or by telephone if the video fails and participate in the meeting to the same extent as if they were physically present. commissioners, department staff and members of the public who are physically present are required to wear a mask or face covering while in city hall. public comment will be available on each item on this agenda. for comments and matters not in the agenda there's a opportunity
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for general public comment and participants who wish to comment in-person will be asked to come forward one by one and speak clearly into the mic. each speaker will be allowed three minutes to speak. members of the public who are participating remotely, make comments by calling into the meeting. comments are opportunities to speak during the public comment period are available via phone by calling 415-655-0001. access code 2458 107 1902. best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak slowly and clearly and silence any other devices. members of the public may submit public comment by e-mail.
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comments submitted via e-mail will be forwarded to the commissioners and will be included as part of the official file the mics will be on for the duration of the meeting and i will all the roll. [roll call] >> clerk: we have a quorum. >> thank you, kyle and next agenda item, please. >> clerk: the next agenda item is review and vote on whether to approve resolution files 2022-02-0ce resolution making findings to allow tell conference meetings under code section 54953e. the speaker is kyle wayneer commissioner affairs officer and the document is resolution file
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2022-02-coe this item is for discussion and action. the commission will discuss and consider adoption of a resolution making findings that the government code section 54953e requires in order to allow the commission to hold meetings renotely as currently required under local law without complying with certain brown act requirements. >> thank you, kyle. commissioners, any discussion on this item? do i hear a motion to a post resolution? >> so moved. >> a motion. is there a second. >> second. >> second from commissioner hunter and is there any discussion or changes beyond this motion? >> finance let's open this up for public comment, please. >> we will begin public comment here in the room. once in-person comments have concluded, we will proceed to remote public comment. are there any members of the public who are present in the
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room today who wish to speak? if so, please come forward one by one and speak clearly into the mic. are there any other members of the public wishing to speak? seeing none. we will proceed to remote public comment. members of the public who wish to make a public comment press star 3 to be added to the queue. those already on hold in the queue, wait until it is your turn to speak. >> give me a moment as i check the economy. >> we have a caller in the queue. go ahead and start the timer.
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>> clerk: if there are no remaining caller in the queue and hearing no public comment on this discussion, call the roll. [roll call vote] >> motion passes. >> the next item is the president welcome and this item is for discussion. >> thank you, kyle. and good evening, everyone. the commission on the environment first of all acknowledges that we occupy the unceded ancestorial homeland of the san francisco peninsula and we recognize that the they under the connectedness of all things and maintained harmony with nature for millennia and we honor the ramaytush oholone people as the indigenous
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protectors of the land and in accordance with the traditions the ramaytush oholone have never ceded as well as for all people who's reside in their traditional ter tier. we recognize that we benefit from living and work on their traditional homeland as you know invited guests we have their sovereign rights as first peoples and wish to pay our respects to the ancestors, elders and relatives of the ramaytush oholone community as environmentals we must embrace indigenous knowledge and how we care for san francisco and all its people. thank you for your attention during this important acknowledgment and this is our first in-person commission meeting since january 2020. we are excited to be here, commissioners. department staff, and members of the public who could join us in city hall tonight, it is a pleasure to be with you. commissioner walt is participating motelly and we're happy to have her as well and
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the format will be different from both previous in-person and virtual meetings and this is the hybrid meeting as you are know with in-person and virtual components and the commission zoosing new technology and meeting format is new to us and i ask for your patients as we go through it together and we will come through the pandemic. thank you to everyone who a special thank you to sfgovtv and city hall media services, and kyle and i also want to thank our city attorney sarah crawley joining us tonight for our return to in-person meetings. and as i just noted, joining us tonight is our new commission a areas office kyle winier and we're happy to have that on board and let's open up for this
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item. back to you, kyle. >> you will begin public comment here in the room. when in-person comment has concluded, we will proceed to remote public comment. are there any members who wish to speak f so speak clearly into the mic. any other members in the room today. seeing none. we will proceed to remote public comment. members of the public should now dial into 415-655-0001 and the access code is 2458 107 1092. you should have expressed star 3 to be added to the queue.
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>> the next agenda item is approval minutes of the februarn on the environment meeting. documents and are -- documents are february 7th, 2022 draft submitted this item is for discussion and action. do i hear a motion to approve the minutes. >> i move to approve. >> there's a motion from commissioner sullivan. a second. >> second from vice president stevenson is there any discussion or changes? skill, let's hope it up for public comment again. >> we will begin with public comment in the room when we have concluded we had proceed to remote public comment. are there any members of the public who are present in the room today who wish to speak? if so, please come forward one
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by one and speak clearly into the mic. seeing none, we will proceed to remote public comment. members of the public who wish to make public comment on this item, should dial into 415-655-0001 and the access code is 2485 107 1902. be sure to press star 3 to be added to the queue. for those already on hold in the queue, please continue to wait until it is your turn to speak. do we have any callers in the queue? >> we have a caller.
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>> it's david pillpal. i'm not sure that i have my public comment should be prior to the motion because public comment is taken prior to a vote on the same page item what second line amend the 1932 residential rev not budget and there were some other things that i don't understand the reference on page 3 to joseph joe i believe we were for to joe as just joe and there was some reference on page 4 to public
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comment or 11 public comments and received if there were specific people that identified themselves by telephone than i think they need to have their names indicated and i believe i spoke on the budget three callers expressed support and it's important names of those who gave public comment be included in the minutes i think that's about it if i find anything else again, i will communicate that to the new commission affairs officer or charles, if you for listening. >> thank you for your comment. are there any additional callers in the queue. >> please give me a moment to
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check the queue. >> there are no callers in the queue. >> thank you. >> thank you, kyle. and seeing that there's no more public comment or discussion call the roll. [roll call] >> excellent the motion passes and kyle next item, please. general public comment. members of the public may center the public on matters with the jurisdiction belbin with public
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comment here in the room. when in-person comment has concluded, we will proceed to remote public comment. are there any members of the public who are present in the room today who wish to speak? if so come forward one by one and speak clearly into the mic. seeing none, we will proceed to remote public comment. members of the public who wish to make a public comment on this item, should dial in if they have not already 415-655-0001 and the access code is 2485 107 1902. be sure to press star 3 to be added to the queue. for those already on hold in the queue please continue to wait until it is your turn to speak. do we have any callers in the
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queue? >> give me a moment as i check the queue. >> there is no callers in the queue. >> there's no public comment then. there is one. >> can you hear me now. >> yes, we can. >> david pillpal. to follow-up from the last meeting, i continued to be concerned about the ballot measure that was placed by the board of supervisors which will appear on the june ballot as proposition f which would substantially amend the 1932 residential collection and disposal cor dinnance and may impact the departments slice of the impound account funds and radically change how it's
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regulated and rates set in san francisco and i filed an opponent's argument to it which will appear in the voter information pamphlet and i believe the department cannot advocate for or against the measures since it is on the ballot some explanation from the department, some factual analysis and discussion of what it would or may mean i think would be helpful for the public and you might ask the director to provide that today future meeting and i think it's incredibly important there would be a serious public discussion about this matter in the next two and a half months and i understand that there are already impacts to how our residential and commercial
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collection is not doing it much good and i'm not sure how the public is being served by that continued scrutiny. he will leave it at that on that issue,. >> thank you for your comment. do we have any other callers in the queue? >> let me check the queue. >> >> there are no other callers in the queue. >> next item, please.
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>> clerk: presentation of the commission on the environment and environmental service awards to the san francisco public library accepting the award on behalf of the library and maureen individual ton chief operating officer. this item is for discussion. >> good evening, everyone, it's so good to see everyone here tonight. it's a real pleasure to present this environmental service award to the san francisco public library and this recognizes those whose work had had an outstanding impact on the environment and the health of our community.
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we have been leading on environmental action for 20 years. san francisco public library has long practiced zero waste, green purchasing and the use of non toxic supplies as part of its sustainability efforts, the library has installed energy meeters, distributed tens of thousands of led light bulbs and established a seed-lending library. the library's green stacks partnership has also inspired patrons about greener living for years and events book let's and sustainability resources. the san francisco library hosted 200 environmentally themed events each year and the library has continued to provide on-line programs throughout pandemic and i believe that we have one of our first ever joint meetings of the commission on the environment and the commission on the status of women that was a very historic event.
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11 of its 12 branch libraries are lead rated and the historic mission and chinatown branches will be all electric and the new ocean view branch will also be a model of sustainability. these achievementses do not happen by accident. they are passion, commitment and leadership. we have three leaders representing the library tonight. charles coleman, maureen singleton, chief operating officer, michelle jeffers, chief of community programs and partnerships. the commission is delighted to be able to recognize your leadership. we would not be able to reach the people that we need to reach if it were not with us on this journey. at this point, i'd like to turn this over to director rafael.
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>> thank you, it feels so good to be here in-person and to see you three here in person in full body not just from the neck up. so, it just feels really good and i want to -- commissioner said everything that you have accomplished and there's an ethos in the library of trying things out and not being so afraid of failure i don't know
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if it's because of the books and youth that come through your door that you are just more adventurous than many other departments but that sense of can-do and why not, is so infectious and so gratifying for me has been for all these years and i also just want to say that doesn't stop the library is saying how can we help and make sure that everyone is part of climate action month so you are our partners and i am so just stepful and that's my colleague so i'm go to ask you the three of you if you would just stand
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up and receive sean's comments. come closer to sean. >> i'm the manager of development community partnerships and the san francisco i lead the sf environment portion of this col an race and i can't tell you how this one is my favorite parts of my job and i know when they do a lot of it i shouldn't say it but seriously the sfpl staff or the most creative city staff without a doubt and i should whisper that and they're also really gracious and do you give that in school? maybe it's the result of answering random and obscure questions all day. the most gracious people they're open to anything and yes there's standard stuff we do. let's show a film and have a ban he will and let's give out
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150,000led light bulbs and it would be the san francisco and so the only thing i want to say bays think it got miss translated there are 28 branches now plus the main. >> 27 plus the main. >> 27 plus the main plus book mobile and plus one of the book mobiles and biking around with books how cool is that. every neighborhood in san francisco, most of the languages in san francisco, and who it's
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grateful for the continued opportunity to work with the department of environment and take on all the great goose and it's just been a great opportunity to work with you to try things out and it really started with a lot of great work around the green stacks program which also was an opportunity to partner with our friends at the san francisco public library and to help share the knowledge and the information about greener living and all the opportunities through great programming, look let's and everything that the commissioners said. i just want to take this moment to really not just thank you for this award but for being our partners and continuing to challenge us and call on us to take on different options and opportunities to help take care
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of our environment. so with that i want to overtime opportunity to charles who is one of your best champions on green cleaning and zero waste at the library and michelle to speak as well. >> thank you, marine. commissioners, thank you so very much. for this expression of your action knowledgement i appreciate this recognition. it could not have been achieved if not for the support of my senior management, ma maureen, michelle and the team and the awesome support from the office of environment. our montra is that we expect to enjoy our environment and each one do their part, however small it may be for it adds to the bigger picture for all of us. thank you again with your continuing support we will continue pressing forward towards the mark. thank you so very much.
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are there any members of the public who wish to speak? if so please come forward one by one and speak clearly into the mic. are there any other members of the public present today who wish to speak? seeing none. we will proceed to remote public comment. is members the public should press star 3 to be added to the queue. for those already on hold in the queue, continue to wait until the it's your turn to speak. do we have any callers in the queue? >> give me a moment as i check the queue.
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we have a caller in the queue. >> i'm assuming you can hear me ok, it's david pillpal i moved from the phone to the computer and i'm juggling two different meetings so i'll have to leave and come back and i want to speak in support of the award recipients as the library several of you indicated has been a long time supporters of the environment and i was going to say it goes back to when the library but i think it actually pre dates louis it really is the library and all the they do in in everything and across the street from the old apartment office and a little late now but not that far at all the and big supporters and couldn't be more pleased with the three recipients on behalf of the thousand or so staff and the
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library and main branch. that's all. >> thank you for your comments. do we have any other callers in the queue? >> give me a moment. there nor other callers in the queue. >> thank you, president. i just want to say that there's one person who isn't here tonight who i really wish was and that's michael lambert. he is at a conference so he is busy but he is such a phenomenal leaders, such a big champion of
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the environment and of the library when we launched our climate action plan he was there helping us along with all of you so i want to do a shout out to an amazing head of the library. thank you. >> any other discussion? >> seeing none. next item, please. and thank you again to the public library for your service? >> review and vote whether to approve resolution pile number 2022-03-coe mayor breed electricvehicle and the sponsord debra rafael and debra is sarah owens environmental policy adviser for san francisco london breed and erin star, and energy
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and clean transportation program manager and the documents are ordinance board of supervisors file number 220036 legislative digest 1 and dropped resolution file number 2022-03-coe this item is for discussion and action. >> can you introduce this item. >> thank you, president ahn. san francisco is a dense urban environment and 70% of our residents live in multi-family dwellings. we also know that our residents very much prefer to charge at home and we have a conundrum because we have got large number of people who live in multi family units and they don't have access to charging in their garages even if they have a garage and if we're going to decarbonize transportation we have to solve this publicly accessible charging station
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shortage. it's much easier to build a gas station than a ev charging station in san francisco and the solution is right in front of us in our planning code and so the mayor is sponsoring very wonderful common-sense legislation and i'm thrilled that today we have the mayor's environmental adviser sarah owens, who is absolutely a key partner to our department and all things leadership and environment and she will present on the mayor's plan along with others who are here. >> hello, good evening, commissioners. thank you director rafael and to members of the public as well. and my name is sarah owens and i am mayor breed's vinal policy adviser and i'm here today as director mentioned to provide an overview of the mayor's proposed legislation to update the san francisco planning code to
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accelerate permitting of public electric vehicles charging and so next slide, please. it's responsible for the greenhouse gas emissions which are primarily from private vehicles running on fossil fuel and a key strategy is to switch from being car dependent to using sustainable modes of transportation and however, to rapedly reduce eye missions, those car that do remain not ot road should be zero emission and the conversion is already happening and nearly all major able manufacturers committing to an all electric lineup by 2030 and over the next few years, and when be new and used car markets. for those with access to charging, at home or their
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workplace, not many of them have no access to home or workplace chargeing and they park their vehicles on the streets. so to convert from fossil fuel to electricity they must have access to convenience and affordable and safe public charging network. next slide, please. so thankfully we already have a really good idea of what that public network needs to look like and and san francisco needs by 2030 and the green shades if indicate projected ev stock and the sip codes with the darker shades will have higher electric vehicle stocks and vice versa. the number of public level 2 and fast chargers are shown respectively 350dc chargers by
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particularly for areas that have a lot of multi unit dwellings and next slide. they are experiencing delays and this is because the san planning code and its current form does not allow for these projects. ev charging projects are required to comply with regulations written for gas stations and our planning code does not provide an explicit category for ev charging locations and these applications require project legallers in the planning department to workout a permitting pathway off and on case by case basis and using planning code provisions designed for gas stations. next slide, please. they are an imperfect fit for ev chargeing and they have
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limitations more appropriate for dirty fools facility and therefore mayor breed's legislation modernizes san francisco's planning code to expedite the creation of a more robust ev charging network for san francisco residents and businesses and visitors. they have the land from by creating clear zoning pathways and existing ought motive uses such as gas stations or parking lots and to convert to an ev charging location. specifically, the legislation allows existing auto uses in certain zoning districts to convert to ev charging by right and a by right approval also known as of right approval, can the gold standard of zoning permitting processes and it granted when the development proposal confirms to the zoning and building codes and qualifies
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charging location and up to one-third of that ev charging location could be dedicated to fleet charging. fleet charging have know retail electric vehicle charging stations that are open to the general public could only be permitted by right and certain pdr with conditional use authorization in downtown commissioner districts and eastern neighborhoods mixed use districts. throughout the rest of the city, fleet charging as a use would not be permitted. next slide, please. it's going in front of the commission and it will be scheduled by the board of supervisors land use committee and go to the full board of supervisors and if approved the legislation is written to take effect 30 days after the mayor science the ordinance and ev
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charging providers and other mar, melgar and haney for supporting this ordinance. next slide, please. so in closing we know that evs are coming and san francisco needs more charging in order to increase adoption and drive downemissions to get ready for 0 charging demand and the billions of dollars from the state and federal government san francisco needs to update our planning codes to accommodate public vehicle charging and we believe this legislation cuts the red tape by defining the location allowing auto by right and
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informs project developers where to fight them and identifies clear pathways to permitting. passage of this legislation will extend san francisco's public charging network and help us reach our 2040 net-zero emissions goals. last slide, please. thank you for your time and i am joined here this evening by my colleagues erin star at planning and and we would be happy to take any questions that we may have. >> thank you, there other staff presentations as well. >> no, just available for questions. >> any discussion sorry questions from commissioners? we'll begin there? >> yes. >> we would see the amount of ev
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charging stations we need to build happen as a result of this change? >> yes, so this change we think will help us get to where we need to go by 2030 but by itself it's not enough to get us to our 2030 goals which is why the department of environment has been working on concurrent because this legislation is just make it possible but by itself it doesn't, that's a fairly spur the type of adoption that we really need so that's why the state and federal funding allows us to support the creation of additional ev charging locations that's really going to be key for helping us get where we need
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to go. >> if this passes and changes the code, when will it go into effect? >> they'll sign it and go into effect 30 days after her significant? and then that gives the ev service providers that assurance when they go to the planning commission, and planning department submit their permits they will be treated under the new code. >> yes, commissioner hunter. >> just a quick question about slide 7 or a series of questions. what percentage of the city is actually zoned for production distribution repair and pdr? >> yes, thank you for the question. i will have my colleague aaron star answer that. >> it's about 5% of the city is pdr. it's small. >> so, we need over 700 charging stations it sounds like. so i'm curious, why did we just
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chose to limit it to 5% of the city by right when we should be building charging stations throughout the city? >> well, we actually are allowing us throughout city by right if you take an existing garage, our parking lot, gas station or automobile service stations and all of those auto uses can be converted to ev charging without and all i have to do is submit a change of use and automobile repair. >> i'm going to phrase this question poorly so entertain me here. generally speaking, based off of those dots throughout city could you go over the counter approval for, would there be enough space
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for us to put 100 charging stations? >> yes, there's a lot of space for it, yes. >> fantastic. thank you. >> you made a great point. and i have additional information to add that ev stations like individual plugs can also be installed as they are right now as an accessory use to a lot of other primary uses so, this when we talk about ev charging locations here we're really talking about the gas station equivalent for ev charging and this by in means gets in the way of what already exists of a parking lot adding in a few ev charging stations. [applause] [please stand by]
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class we asked if this goes through and it passes and becomes law 30 days after the mayor signs, do we expect that there is pent-up demand for this? will organizations actually the asking to put these ez systems in and if so, who is likely to do that? you must have some sense of talking to stakeholders . is it ev companies, i sort of doubt it's the chevron station that will help so who do we expectwill be the first adopters here ? >> we have heard from a few ev service providers that are watching this legislation because they really do want
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this change to make it more streamlined, simpler. to be able to look through the process so they are closely tracking it to be able to put in their application once this legislation goes into effect and i wonder if, i don't know if he would have any additional information to add about who we think is taking advantage of it the most and whose been the closest contact with but it really is a lot of the major ev service providers including folks like ev go. i will turn it over for more detailed . >> i think to add to seras answer i think in addition to charging providers some of the parking garage operators would potentially take advantage of this because as they've seen not their profits but the number of vehicles going to a parking garage decline because
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of.people working from home more they are looking for ways to supplement this business model so there's ev charging andamenities in addition to ev charging providers,parking garageoperators also stand to benefit . >> thank you . other questions or comments ? and i also want to actually recognize commissioner wall perhaps. without teams or zoom it'shard because we're not in title format anymore and i don't have the screen up anywhere near me but i'll be happy to see commissioner wall raising her hand . did you have a question commissioner wall? >> i just had a brief comment, thank you president on the comment briefly that i believe this is really an elegant and practical solution to one part
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of the problem that the city is facing in terms of spurring ev adoption and i am really hopeful that the board of supervisors will pass this and that we will have this kind of regulation on the books, enabling us to move forward to achieve our ambitious goal of spending. >> any other discussion, comments? i think this is an action item i'll need a motion to move this forward. is there a motion ? >> i move. >> perhaps we can have a motion from commissioner walls and second by vice president stevenson and discussions or changes . if not kyle let's open it up to public comment on this motion.
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>> we will begin with public comment in the room. once in person, and has concluded we will receive proceed to remote public comment. any members in the roowho wish to speak ?if so please come forward one by one and speak clearly into the mic . seeing none we will proceed to remote public comment. members who wish to make a publiccomment on this item should pressá3 to be added to the queue . for those already on holdplease continue to wait until it is your turn to speak . do we have anycolors in the queue ? >> let me check the queue.
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there are no colorsin the queue . >> if no other colors in the queue the final comment i would make is i enjoyed the last slide sarah about the child steps contemplating how long of a journeythis will be . you know, and hopefully it's not that many steps. it looked like there was 50 of them but essentially i do see this as an important first step and i hope commissioners will join me in the vote ahead so please call the role. >>. [roll call vote] >> motion passes, thank you again for your work. goodseeing you . next item please.
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>> the next item is presentation on measures expected to appear november 8, 2022 general election ballot that would institute six state regulations toreduce plastic waste, tax producers of single-use plastics and fund recycling and environmental programs . this fosters the speakeralexa chavez, policy associate at californians against waste . this item is for discussion . >> i believe this is for director rafael to introduce this item. >> i am excitedabout this agenda item because i don't know a lot about it myself . so i'm very excited to learn. this is really, truly an educational itemand i'm going to come back to why that's important that i emphasize that . we all know we have serious pollution problems.that's not
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news to us. a study shows the average person in just a credit card worth of plastic each week. it's horrifying. the numbers that we hear about how much plastic is in the ocean versus sea life and we know that that's plasticis coming from manufactured plastic . it's coming from the use of plastic goods and it's coming from the fact that we just keep generating more and more plastic and that plastic doesn't have anywhere to go. so while san francisco is a leader on zero waste initiatives including plastics reduction we know that leadership can't stop at our borders . we need statewide solutions. and this november's general election ballot will include a measure that's called the california recycling and plastic pollution reduction ac . and it's thatact we're going to hear about today . going to hear from alexa chavez who is with californiansagainst waste . it's a wonderful nonprofit
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based in san francisco. we work with them on zero waste initiatives but before alexa begins and explains what's going to be on the ballot i just need toremind the commission about a couple of rules related to presentations on ballot initiatives. this commission like any other city commission cannot take a position on ballot initiatives . therefore tonight we're going to hear a factual presentation. it's to inform us from alexa about whatthe ballot measure would do . it's aimed at, what the impacts would be but our response needs to be factual in terms of questioning and observation, not anything our opinion on the quality of the initiative. so i'm just going to caution us to make sure we are not advocating to express our position of support or
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opposition. this is a way topublicly educate ourselves and our listeners about this initiative so with that i'll turnit over to alexa . >> thank you . >> we can hear you. >> should i present onmy own screen ? >> we can now see your slide. >> hello, thank you for that greatintroduction . my name is alexa suarez. and i will be breaking down explaining to you all california recycling and pollution reduction act. next slide. and just a little bit of intro. we're california safe space, environmental nonprofit and our mission is to protect communities by better elimination of pollution
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extraction and disposal of naturalresources and we believe in preventing waste and holding producers responsible we've done so much work educating about this ballot measure and we think it's great for california so next slide . and so this ballot measure was certified in the summer of 2021 and will appear in the november 2022 ballot eight months from now. next slide. and this again was a great introduction on the plastics issue. it's something we cannot keep up with them and this ballot measuretries to adjust that . in fact they're kind of an encompassing the plastics issue in california and training teamsreferred to global analysis . and we feel that if present
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trends continue by 2050 there will be 12 billion metric tons of plastic in landfills and that amount is 35,000 times the empire state building. in addition to that according to account risk cycle every day californiansdiscard enough plastic to fill more than 200 olympic size swimming pools and that's over 12,000 tons . a report from beyond plastics revealed if plastic were a country it would produce the six most in the world falling behind china and the united states, india and russia so plastics are something that cannot really be avoided in the future unless we address that now and this ballot measure again aims to do that. next slide. so with the issue of plastics we have a choice. we can do better than plastics. we can discuss stronger regulation among plastics and shift the market away from petrochemicals to make
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materials that arecompostable and this is a choice that addresses the issue of plastic pollution on all levels . a report produced on behalf of the natural resources defense council by associate back as 2013 revealed california cities towns and taxpayers are shouldering around $428 million per year in costs to stop letter from becoming pollution. that's on environment tourism and economic activity so this is a choice that would hold producers accountable towards the cost of mitigating plastic pollution. and in asufficient way so next slide . and in summary what the ballot measure does is it would reduce the amount of single-use plastics in california, ensure they are making truly recyclable and compostable and helping fund the state recyclingand construction . next slide.
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and it does this in two main ways. the first is through regulations and these types of regulations are things that local governments across the state have adopted and are not very hard to achieve and this to accept these regulations would put california on and even fast-forward with plastic solutions. for example the ban on stone is something that's been passed by local governments, the first one back in 1998 and it does things like standardized labeling and marketing and eventual reuse and improving consumer access to recycling programs and requires transition to reusable
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recyclablecompostable packaging . and footwear by 2023 and requires to reduce more use packaging by 25 percent . so these regulations are aimed at really letting solid staffing so that our recycling infrastructure in california can keep up with plastics and actually take in the plastics use. next slide. the second big thing about this ballot measure is that it would be targeting producers up to one point per item or component of packaging based on the net costs for cycling. a good example is capri sunday it has a plastics sleeveon a plastic straw and is attached to a plastic . that would be three cents charge for producing one capri sunday this type of fee is estimated to produce about or bring in about 110 $2 billion
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annually. the ballot measure is broken into three differentfundings which would be 30 percent for natural resources and that would go towards restoration and protection of the states waterways . and funding in part 50 percent of that, it would go towards investing and recycling, composting and reuse infrastructure as well as funding for regenerative funding processes and food waste prevention and 20 percent would be going to local government and that would be towards protecting local drinking water, preventing toxic pollution and improving local recycling and composting programs and providing education and outreach and this is great because it holds producers responsible for those costs of plastic pollution and
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it gives these efforts continual annual funding. a lot of times in thebudget it's kind of short in california. but it's often times the first to get cut off . and we constantly have to be funding infrastructure in california as well as 33 recently have gone into effect so this funding could go towards funding those efforts across california which pays for itself. next slide. next slide. >> next slideplease . just one moment, thank you for yourpatience .
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just having a minortechnical issue, thank you for your patience . >> this is a list of examples of what these funds will support. it can help keep our parks and openspaces healthy and the climate change . it can go towards healthy communities that have been disproportionatelyimpacted by toxics to cover economies making it possible for farmers to grow more nutrition . without more cost to consumers. so this again holds producers accountable and puts these funds towards those issues of plastic pollution that asof right now falls on california taxpayers . next slide.
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>> just waiting for the next slide toload . >> i guess that's my breakdown of the ballot measure. if you'd like to email me or call mei'm willing to take any more questions . to the best of my ability. >> thank you alexa. any clarifying questions from other commissioners on the ballot measure ? >> thank you foryour presentation. i wanted to ask how did the ballot initiative get on the ballot ? >> so back in the logistical question is back in 2020 the legislature had just failed to pass the legislation which now
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currently is known as b 54 which tackles these same issues and a lot of that was because of opposing it. that barrier got a lot of public attention and environmental groups wanted to run with that public attention and bring it to the public to be able to pass this legislation but covid hit and the ballot measure was granted anextension to the 2022 ballot which is why we are here now . the reason we're bringing this to the people again is because we realize the public is beyond the legislature with these issues and it's become popular and people behind the ballot want to make sure we go through it even after covid in californiawhere a big state . it takes paid petition gatherers to get somethinglike
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this on the ballot. who were the major supporters ? >> the major supporters, i was not around when they were signature gathering. i can't say for myself but i'm pretty sure itwas environmental groups that wanted to see this on the ballot measure >> thank you and last question . is this ballot initiative needs to be changed in the future how doesthat work ? do we have to go back to the voters or is there a way that legislature or others could amend ? >> i would say granting ability to start regulations allows this ballot measure to be flexible. and that the ballot measure gives them this kind of list of things that need to be done and
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calgary cycle as of the ready to hash down what regulations to put in place that will make those things happen. and in terms of thefunding , the awarding is broad to allow the major conservancy is one of the big profits that arehelping us pass this ballot measure . as an actual resource, i have to say calgary cycle for example that funding is up to them and it allows flexibility for them to continue to adjust issues as they change as well as the local government one. that's kind of a list of things that need to beaddressed but i doesn't hold it to such a specific way where it might not work in the future . that kind offunding is continual. there's no need to change with
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plastic pollution they're able to kind of adapt to that . >> thanks very much. other commissioner comments, questions ? yes, director. >> thank you so much alexa. that was really interesting and you have the one slide that has that whole long list of things that calgary cycle is going to have the authority to now regulate. one of the things i've heard people say when they talk about this and i'm not sure which one of those boxes would accomplish this is that it would enable us as a state to get ridof materials that are truly recyclable . so that's really the challenge that we have here in san francisco is that film plastic isvery hard to recycle and there are other kinds of plastics . number six or seven that aren't reallyrecyclable because there are no markets for them .
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. >> this is a chart from the conservationcooler. it was purchased with money from recycle and they have wrapped it with our logo and putting their employees in it . and going to sites around the city which, nextslide. this is what the bottlenecks look like, these are barcoded at the bottom . this is a mixed blessing once again here we are talking about plastic bags . if you look at any recycling center in california to the first cycling center. this is something as a culture we got to rethink and i think they're rethinking is about reuse and goingback to returnable bottles which is what i was using . next slide i canshow you how the bottle back works .
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there's a simple registration process, you can do it from your phone. and sign up there, it takes a few minutes. you don't have to have requirementson where you live . these containers are entitled to gettheir money back . it's not a citizenshipquestion, it's a symbol you want it,you deserve it back . it's easy for you to sign up ,, you get the bags, and they're free. . we're distributing themto folks and then you fill them with your containers . bring it back to one of the trucks at the site and there's a little barcode on the bottom of the bag the staff cans in and it is credited to your
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account. then you can access that fund through ... you can link it to your bank account, venmo or paypal or go to the recycler i mentioned and get cash there. we're working hard to get more cash options which is what they have in otherstates . there's only about three states that have this system and in those other states, maine and oregon the grocers provide the cash dispensaryor cash disbursement . what's nice is that it's an account but there's cost involved inmastercard . and you can get your cash back. next slide. this is a picture of this mark
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out ai which is a electronic counting system that the state oforegon has developed in their model that program . it takes pictures as you can see onthat screen . this is the picture in the center of photographing the center of this picture is photographic image of what's inside, underneath the camera there and it counts the pictures. it counts thecontainers and you can see the picture . if there's anydispute you can call off the picture . this is an advanced technology that oregon has had our system was not to invent this again but to take the best existing technology, break it down here anduse that to assure folks we can give them the accurate count . if there's any dispute you can call this customer center from
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oregonthat's already set up and they can contest it . they can call and take a look at your account and go over it together. the customer isalways right in the system. that's how we'll do it here because we want to build trust with the consumer. next slide . this isthe conservation corps staff helping us at the sites . the been just an excellent contributor and really collaborator fromthe very first stage as i said with their trucks ,with their staff with their offices, their warehouse . they have been the father of the whole program and they see it as a way to equity play. they can make a difference in neighborhoods. the point of the pilot is not just to get bottles and cans but see how much it costs to do it well. one of the problems with with
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the old system and it's true around the world is a race to thebottom. how canyou do it cheapest which is not good for the environment or the people who do the work and it's not really good for , is not good for the material because he gets treated sloppy . this way the conservation corps statewide islooking at taking our model and using it in the other 11 or stick so state conservation cores that exist around california . next slide . and here's just a list of the different partners.our recycler is the certified recycler by thestate of california . the conservation corps, i've worked with them over 25 years in the city and this is one of the best objects we've done in all that time and their super excited about the kind of level of skills and things that we're teaching the young folks and the young folks are rising to it as well because they see it as a mix of the hard work part of it and cool work part of it by using electronic systems and
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telling theirfriends about it . getting on tiktok. how recycle is the agency that oversees and they been extremely excited about the program as well. next slide . >> this is the project timeline. i think the first day she got on the job which i think was in 2015 if i'm not mistaken was a bottle dale question and we've been at it ever since. it's taken a lot of time but we had to build this from the ground up. we had to get regulations put in place. then we had to work through with cal recycle to get the thing up and running. there's been criticism on our speed but as i said we wanted to build this is a partnership
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with people who have experience, who are experts at this so that we're not inventing ourselves. we can build trust that way. as you see here we actually got certified back in august 2019 after the bill passed in 2017. it took another two years from august 20 19th to june 2021, just six months ago for cal recycle to formally adopt our program as approved pilot and six months later is when we got our first sites open which were january of this year . and i think this is the highlight of how we've been doing. so far we've been opened 65 days with 1000 peoplethat have signed up, 742 people have turned different accounts and brought a bag in . we've redeemed 90,000 containers over almost $5000 we've returned to folks . this is the modest growth of a very new program that is not
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elon musk or apple or facebook. we're doing it on our feet with our hands and legs. it has been really gratifying. folks have been working on it really like it andthe folks that use it find it to be convenient . next slide. and here's the sites that we're using right now. we havefive sites and we've used two of the moment because they were seen to be the most convenient . one was stone town and the other was on 15th street that helped serve the downtown area. we have some space down south of market that we are adding those sites in the next month to increase the number of places where people can go. we also have soda, you can't see it on the map doesthe subtitles but it's up in the center of the city obviously . we're working with the principal there as well as the principal of john o'connell high school in mission to have a special event kind of a
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one-off pop-up event where people can organize the kids, students and parents to bring their containersdown for one particular day we're trying to learn how to build an audience essentially . this is new for us and we have to feed back to who we are. they have tofind us and use us to get that positive feedback . next slide . this is actually believe it or not we're really on our first outreach year we've not done a lot of outreach because we want to because it's about how we started and we didn't know we could do the job . it's where we've got overwhelmed. on the left-handside is where the qr code is socialmedia. that's a sandwich board and it's going to be out in front of our sites on the street . we didn't have that before this . we're going to have that long teardrop thing that stands up
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in front of used car dealerships. it's one of the things i always wanted to be is a used car dealer no, it's ways of people noticing who we are and where we are. thus far it's been mostly electronic and have been effective but now we need to get out there and compete on the ground with the regular retail folks . the other part of the outreach has been a major play with social media. all the partner organizations you see have their own social media platforms . thelibrary who we just saw is going to have a blurb in each of their newsletters and branch libraries and many other steps like that areones that we are taking right now. next slide . i think that's about it. i'd love to answer any questions you might have . >> i want to thank you so much kevin for the greatsummary and i want to say this kevin o'connell model, the high school . what they're going to do is
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have a day event so they're asking all the students of the high schoolbring your bottles and cans and then the monies go to the fundraiser to the school . so it's just such an easier way to use this, these deposits to raise money and what we want to do is show this toeveryone else. show it to the boys and girls club, showing to the church . you just take the bags andmaybe if you contract with the conservation corps,they will be there on that day . they will take the bags from you . it's not messy, if notnoisy and they go away and you get money in the account of the school . so it's a really well policed system and we think it's going to expand the opportunities and benefits of this redemption throughout the city. very very exciting. >> vice president stevenson.
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>> thatwas an awesome presentation and i want to give a big shout out towhoever did the design . it's fantastic, it looks amazing . a lot of times when you talk about recycling or rolling out equity programs it feels like design is an afterthought and i think that making this beautiful and like something thatyou're proud to take part in is amazing so kudos for that . and my other question was going to be collaboration with schools. do we think that this overtime is going to increase recycling or is it going to simply bea vehicle to make sure people are getting this money back ? >> we hope it will do both. one of the thing about the build is against materialback separate . it's clean streamsof aluminum, plastic, glass and when their cleaned they have higher value in the marketplace . something that was kind of not mentioned but i mentioned our
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member here has been offering legislation that drives the marketplace towards these better materials at a higher value and then you're going to create jobs in california as well . he's making the requirements of recycled content incontainers in the future. you need to have clean materials to do that so it's kind of under thebuilding block of a better economy . we , but our goal here is we've seen a huge decline in the amount of containers that are redeemed in san francisco over the past couple of decades as you see by the reduction of sites . our goal is to bring back million containers, one percent of our container consumption in san francisco so we want to go after a one after another. our goal is to get about 10, that will be 80 million containers but that's going to take 3 to 4 years. that would get us back towards an 80 percent redemption rate which is where we were once
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upon a time. we're down in 60 to 50 percent and every one of those percentage points of non-redemption even though it may end up in curbside does not go into thepockets of the people who pay for that . each one percent is , actually i know this. once it's like a half $1 million. it's a significant amount of money that is being left on the table if we're going back to cal recycle and not going into the pockets of schools or low income people who need itor anybody who wants to get the money back and there's a thing about this . oregon raised their redemption numbersfrom five cents a bottle to $.10 a bottle and that got the attention of people. people pay attention to the containers again . we've all just become thoughtless about it. it's too hard to do. i let somebody else get it. it's that race to the bottom kind of thing. there's a real respect that you have for the environment when you take care of any particular
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material and we've lost that connection . they discovered that in oregon in this last two years ago and their numbers are up over 90 percent so it's funny how we seem to have ceded the caring for containers to someone else whether it's a homeless person or a neighborhood. we're just not paying attention and i think that'sa mistake from a philosophical or emotionally for us to not feel that way . >> what happens tothe money that isn't recouped ? >> that's a big issue with cal recycle, it's sitting in a recycled fund. they've got a $600 million surplus there, it's a bit of an embarrassment but ithink it's a resource . we need to find a way to make good use of it so it's building backa renewable regenerative economy is one of those things . where the pilot is is supposed to establish the cost of the seven pie-in-the-sky dreams but
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i don't think that pie in the sky tastes goodto everybody . i think there is a value to that and that's part ofwhat i like to come back and report on on a continuing basis . >> follow-up back to that, that is what i was most worried about was the scale of this problem is so astonishing that the state level there's policy being pushed forward to address it and hundreds of millions of dollars and right now we're working with thousands of dollars in sanfrancisco but i guess given all that what do yousee as the mosteffective way to try to increase . is it about increasing the number of locations or is it about increasing our marketing efforts ?what do we need to push on more heavily ? >> this is the experimentation that we're going for right now and we will see howthis advertising works . i think raising the price will
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get everybody's attention and you'll see people start to care. the trick is now we have inflation going on and that's going to be harder push to get that nickel up to adime. the single best thing we can do is try to be everywhere and eventually be , our goal is to have 30 sites which is approximately three per supervisors district by the end of next year, bythe end of 2023 but i don't see anyreason why we couldn't have ifthe pop-ups work like debbie was talking about , it's like foodtrucks. you didn't know you needed food trucks but now they're everywhere . that's , why can't it be like that ? there is no reason why it can't. you can get up a rito delivered in that direction so why can't you get your bottles and cans picked up?oregon is amazing. i think more than 50 percent of all households in oregon are members of the bottle drop system and they've grown way faster than they ever thought
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they were going to grow and it's so convenient that's the other thingabout that is their big enough they're starting to drive the plastics market . their bags and our bags are made out of recycledcontent . you can only get to 50 percent recycledcontent in a plastic bag before it starts to degrade . that's a technology thing but there collecting them alland then sending them back to the same manufacturer and saying make our bags into new backs . i have enough power but enough of the same product coming to their singular producer in a contractedfashion that they can drive the marketplace. california is 10 times bigger than oregon so we can drive a much biggermarketplace . >> are there questions or comments? commissioner . >>i want to ask about the statistic you gave . you said 60 percent of the beverage containers are going to the system which is down
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from80 . >> in san francisco is around 50 to 60 percent. >> i assume mostof the recycling of aluminum cans happens by people throwing their cans in the blue bin and not getting them back at all . >> yes, it counts towards the 60 percent. the ecology debts and all service parts of the state can access the funds from the value of the material because they count it separately. they sell glassseparately and they know the code mangled percentage . it's not 100 percent crv but it's 70 or 80 percent so they get like four cents acontainer as opposed to five cents. recall a g does get that money. it's all part of the process and it's calculated . so i think you are driving a specific question in their area like, how much the consumers are getting or how much is the splitbetween the crv versus
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their curbside . >> i started out with skepticism that anywhere near that percentage would be achieved by people bringing their cans because just like you are number when i was 10 years old i would scavenge the downtown area in upstate new yorkto find those balls because it was five cents and that was a lot in 1971 . and like you said, it's not five cents is not what used to be. it makes a lot more sense that the blue bin recycling is counted towards that. >> that's very common perception but we have this reinforced recently statewide about 80 percent of
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redemption value comes from the recycling centersand 20 percent comes from curbside. curbside is still relatively rare and in san francisco where there's one recycling center is the busiest recycling center in the state of california on bayshore . that's our partner in this project , to hungary and brothers who've been doing an amazing job working hard and serving our people that san francisco is proud to have a part of it. those are the folks i've known pretty much my whole career here who are working hard to keep the city clean and make a living. and it's really the salt of the earth kind of thing that we mustremember as we get more flighty in our teslas and whatnot else. you can make a difference at this very basic level. i grew up in upstate new york and did the samething you did . i think that's what oregon found was being reinvented when the price went up a little bit . i think we can reignite that . >> mission or wan. >> i was really excited when you first presented theprogram a couple of years ago . i remember recently i see
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sometimes pulling their cart with cans all the way from downtown to third street. this is not an easy route so i'm glad to see that's more of the sites. i'm very interested in a follow-up with president ahn's comments. hopefully there will be more neighborhoods in the underserved communities. even though the income might not be major it could be major for some of the residents in san francisco and i'm interested to see how you move forward with different marketing plans or communication plans to non-english-speaking communities so that they understand or even like so that people could could not be as savvy technology wise, how it could redeem the money or cash from the car. i think from educational or informational targets to them, togo step-by-step those would be crucial . >> that's why we had the
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conservation board at the site sit down and talk with people. we have folks with language skills there. everything is in three languages currently but we need more help cutting sites. it's hard for us to get these first up is sadly people remember the old-fashioned recycling centers which were like thunder dome compared to the ecology thing commissioner sullivan and i used to do as kids. to get your money back 10 years ago was aninteresting experience . so no one wanted to have one of these trucks show up at their yard or their parking lot but it comes and goes. it's staffed by kids who look like they care what they're doing. we really need help finding more places to do this. i want to get into see cdc, i want to get intothe churches and neighborhoodsbecause they can use this as a fundraiser . we pay for the parking spaces, it's not free . as well as you being able to get the money from say your
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parishioners who come to drop off a bag in their church parking lot. i would , i reallyneed your help in that respect . in terms of marketing again, that's something we're learning as we go. where using a lotof electronic means . social media is everything these days but i know good old-fashioned sandwich board on the street will make a huge difference when you don't know where to go. i would like to work with you more and i apologize for that i haven't got more spaces but we're still at it and we are growing smoothly and slowly and i appreciatethat we haven't been overrun by people which could happen . >> i saw the little thing on the bag that it can't be crushed because you keep the quality. >> so for instance, i've worked with folks who've walked from chinatown to bayshore, to the bayshore site and they crushed
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it and they're very efficient. super efficient and we don't want them to stop doing that. we'd like to help them figure out a way to do it better and by bringing the site closer to them that will be better but the problem is they can't rush them. i see it as people will still do what they currently do but augment that by doing dropping in containers remotely and having them electronically show up in their bank accounts and then getting the other stuff to . i think my experience of working in this with redemption folks for 30 yearsis there incrediblycagey and they're just not, we're not thinking ahead of them . they're way ahead of us . >> one quick follow-up, you mentioned three languages, was cantonese levels languages ? that's good. i mean commissioner wan brings up memories of the old san francisco op-ed. nonprofit executive directors essentially around an
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anti-asian attack that happened in hunter!before thepandemic went down.if you remember there's infamous video coverage . to me if we can provide more access and more opportunity for particularly san francisco that would be really meaningful. any other comments or questions? correctioncommissionerbermejo . >> just a comment on the marketing and outreach . small businesses, bars and restaurants would be helpful to that effort, especially those in a church. those are easy places for folks to get to so i think there's so many ways for us to work with you on that. >> once we get into penetration in more neighborhoods i think you will see those partnerships arise because right now people have forgotten about it because they didn't have an easier way
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to do it or there was nobody theyknew who would benefit . one of the biggest things in oregon is the donation system to nonprofits and people also the organ system allows it to copy to your college fund so you can put into yourkid's college fund and get a tax writeoff . avoid the tax cost . there's a lot of creative ways that i think you can use this that get us back to the place where commissionersullivan and i were 50 years ago . >> commissioner hunter. >> i want to say thank you for delivering such a high quality presentation . i feel like you know your stuff or than anyone i've seen befor . being able to clearly articulate what you've accomplished today and the benchmarks you laid out for the future is something we as a commissioner have asked presenterspreviously and as you can tell you meet everyone
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appear excited about the bottle recycling program .thank you for all your hard work. >> commissioner wald, we will go to you as well. >> i too want to commend kevin on his terrific presentation and i want to commend my fellow commissioners because probably as a function of his knowledge for the subject matter i saw all of your comments were really terrific and it helped expand you know, our knowledge of this program. first, i just have to say i really think it's a shame and kind of embarrassing. not kinda, really embarrassing what's happened to the redemption program in san francisco. so i'm personally very gratified tosee that we are making such a great effort to turn that around . i would like to think yes kevin
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that if you haven't already that you think about partnering with some of our most heavily used parks and other recreatio facilities . i don't know if the trust can fit in one parking space along the street i bet if you had that park near the loris park on the weekend, you find a lot of people who wanted to gather bottles. and bring them. to the trucks. similarly i think the same thing would end up in that other venues like golden gate park, particularly when there's some kind of event there and that would enable ... i used to call it bottles but withmy
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children, that would be an outlet for lots of kids . as well as a host of other people who could benefit from this program. i would just suggest that we not limit it at all in terms of thinking about the kinds of places where having access to this program would make a big difference in terms of achieving its goals. thank you. >> wreck and park is one of the places. we had a proposal with them two years ago and they said we don't think we want another recycling center and i think it's because theycouldn't imagine what it was going to be like they only had a bad taste from pastexperience . so i'm happy , i'mlooking forward togoing back to talk with them and see what we can do . again, we're paying rent . the parking lot is empty a lot
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and i don't want to go there when there's a lot ofpeople. i want to go where nobody is and use that space effectively because the recyclers will come . >> thankyou . >> mrs. stevenson. >> i know that you've got a grant,how does this get paid for going forward ? >> there's a variety of different funds.there's a i think we mentioned at the beginning we applied for a grant cal recycle for their regularnonprofit or city jurisdiction grant . that was acompetitive grant . we got half $1 million which wespent on this . that's what's been spent to this point for getting the project off the ground. we also have every year, every city in the state gets a per capita allocation of unredeemed funds both city and county
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payment funds, we get about 200,000 from that fund every year. it can only be used for city activity which we didn't have any of . frankly you have to make this up to figure out how we spent that money and we spent three or so rounds of that $200,000 getting this program up and running. the next chunk of money is $1 million that goes from assembly member king provided funding for five pilots. there's only five pilots in states and we are one of them and there's a $5 million fund $1million just started to spend that fund . and just last year the legislature extended the pilot and increased it to 10 more pilots and added another $5 million so we expect them to get another chunk . i'm spending money here, a lot of money on this project but i feel like it's important to learn how to do this so we can do it well in the future.
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that's what we're keeping track of all those costs and we're getting the participatio of the conservation corps who again is spending california redemption money . so it's really interesting to think about this is what gets you to think about producer responsibility and what is the cost to a producer of a beverage to get that beverage to the list of if a person wants to drink it and what is the right cost and what are the right set of things that need to happen to have and itdoesn't turn out to be much. it might be a penny container, half a sense of container to pay for all these things i'm talking about . i don't have the answer yet but that's what we're intending to find out . >> commissioner stevenson, that's an important pointyou raise which is what does the long game? we're right now very involved in this pilot . the long game is not to have
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the city running this program. that is not the long game so kevin, why don't you talk about the long game? >> that's a good point. trying to help people understand how much it costs and realize if you spread the costs out it really isn't significant and if everybody's playing ball that becomes a lot easier for those of us who used too like safeties at all the sites and that was an unfair burden. whole foods, trader joe's didn't have anything so that's not right. the long game is to help get like a plastics initiative that was discussed either there's different efforts out there to figure out how to develop funding. it's not a tax, more like ause . everybody pays and if you use it you don't have to. it's paying for a full range. real jobs, really good work out in the community with where there's a facility that does like a smelter or a plastics
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recycling . it's not a race to the bottom, it's a race to the top to get those paid for. what is really shared economic cost and shared social value, cultural value. it doesn't seem to be that hard of an equation and we're talking about the penny apenny . people say it's going to break the bank. it might make a tiny bit less money or budweiser or some of those folks because a lot of the excess costs are in addition to costs at that high level. honestly we need to provide a model for how to kind of attack that in a positive way. everything we talked about here is pretty positive and i think that even the beverage folks understand that at some point would come along to help us make this system work. it's just absurd to me that we can have all the things we have fromthe internet to tesla and we don't think through aproblem like this to solve it . in what i think is actually a
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pretty straightforward way . so the long game is to get the stores, get the producers to get the brands and it really and the game. and they listen, theydon't want to have a one off in san francisco and a one off in los angeles . they want tohave the system . >> so what our goal is to show what's possible here and that will drive legislation to mandate it statewide so this is a problem right now is the bottle really not working, there's which version of it needs to happen. they are talking about reforming it foryears, nothing happens so we're stuck in this any current of nothing going forward insan francisco we're saying okay, that's ridiculous . give us permission to do something different . give us funding to show you how it's done. let us figure it out anduse our experienceas a model for statewide legislation.
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that's the longgame . the long game is we showit's possible . the state adopted .they use it, they legislate it and we step . >> i also see mister wald as her hand up. >> thank you very much. we couldprobably go on all night on this . i am just wondering in terms of the long game, it's been really an intention here between getting this program, getting an effective redemption program up and running across the state of california and the fundamental problem of people buying single use beverages and single use beverage containers. and surely the goal is to not have people dothat . while at the same time making sure that those people who do
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do that and the bottles they buy are disposed of properly but sometimes i would like to hear, probably not tonight but how we feel like the first half of that equation how do we minimize the production purchase and consumption of these kinds of products rather than just deal with them efficiently once they have been produced? >> thank you commissioner wald. you're right about that part of the initiative that was discussed previously gets that putting costs onto those kinds of containers so that you push them out of the marketplace so they don't compete as effectively as some of the
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others and some of the other ideas there are that it's going back to reused bills. refillable are more efficient. it still is true and it's proven over and over againand europe does it and many other countries do it . those are ways to still allow us because we weren't doing what commissioner wald suggested. we were getting these ridiculous containers out there for kids. these flimsy things that throw away in the tide and other laundry detergents in third world countries ,in these ridiculous packages because they get away with that . that just doesn't make sense. i think you're right on how to go after both prompts of the problem. there's the consumption and production piece . i'm inevitablygoing to work forever so i would just bring up the idea .
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>> if there's no other comments on deck we should goto public comment .>> i do want to note that commissioner wan had to leave the meeting but we still do have a quorum. we will begin public comment i the room. once in person, and has concluded we will risk proceed to remote publiccomment. any members in the room who wish to speak ?if so please come forward one by one and speak into the mic . seeing none, we will proceed t remote public comment. members who wish to make a comment should pressá3 to be added to the queue . for those already onhold wait until it is your turn to speak . deirdre, do we have any colors in the queue ? >> can you? >> yes. >> david pilpel, slightly ahead
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of dhs butnot by much . i'd like to addmore to your great discussion . i know that debbie and kevin reached out to things exceedingly well to commissioner walton. yes reduce reuse recycle and rock also increase participation andreduce contamination . make it accessible and in people, in communities, in language, it's about nickels and dimes. ultimately it'sabout banking the unbacked . yes, we need to fix prp statewide and the cal recycle but we have to pilot what works and demonstrate that we can do this in san francisco with all its complications and we can do it herethat we can scale it up,
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scale it down . againcanadian language,whatever . it works here and workin fresno . it can work in arcata . so we're trying tofigure it out . kevin is absolutely the sort with all the craziness around us and you can be sure it is absolutely 1million moving parts at all times . and lots of people trying to do the right thing and sorting through that requires akevin kind of attention . and at the same time, unfortunately you've got somebody in the media and somebody in an advocacy group in southern california that is making this into some kind of issue that they can use for their own purposes and i believe that is getting in the way of a successful program implementation and fine tuning so i would hope that we will do
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what we have to do to comply with what they make that keep our eye on the ball here and fine tune it and have a successful pilot and continue as this process moves through tomake it work. i'm certainly doing my part . i hope those thoughts are helpful. thanks again to debbie, kevin and the rest of the folks at conservation corps . >> thank you for your comment. do we have any other callers i the queue ? >> just a moment, i will check thequeue . ... there are no other callers in thequeue . >> thanks again kevin for your
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longtime work on this. next item please. >> next item is directors report. speaker is deborah rochelle. debra explanatorydocument is the directors report, this item is for discussion . >> so every commission meeting you get a very detailed directors report from the department of all the work we've been doing and it's really a fun opportunity for me to reflect back on our work on the last two months and i just want to say that our department continues to evolve so we close down programs, first new programs, we mature programs are essential worker arrival program which we created during the pandemic that essential workers could get a taxi ride home covered when transit wasn't available to that. that program is not sunsetting
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so we started it up and now it's sunsetting in february we had almost 382 out of 400 applications approved over 6000 taxi rides. a lot of essential workers benefited from this program i want to thank my staff, alex bogden and 13 for all the work they did in the cdafor being such a great partner . at the same time we sunset that we create a number of other programs. as of january 1 of this year we launched our cmd ordinance construction and demolition ordinance enforcement program where we are permitting our transporters and already we have permitted 41 of these transporters.we're starting to collect seed moneyworking with the sheriff's office . with the public works department and figuring out what this enforcement means for our department. you're going to hear a lot more of that in the next year as we
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figure out how we transition from the apartment of carrots to more sticks. we've done a lot of work asking people to do the right thing because it's the right thing now we need to level the playing field and go after the people who not enough for them. the need formore encouragement , to put it mildly.and that's unusual for us and we will be thinking very strategically and hard about what it means to end up enforcement in our department. to commissioner wall! about going at the source and not just getting better and better at recycling we've been focusing a lot of attentionon reusable's is the focus of our outreach program . our department now program reached up to 75 food and restaurant businesses on behalf of their rethink disposables program so environment now, rethink disposables as a contractor where all working
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together to help restaurants with reusable's the green business program you haven't heard about them in a while but theycontinue to certified new businesses , really focusing on by pot owned businesses. i don't know how many of you heard commissioner bermejo and i were at the state of the city speech. shetalked a lot about the environment . she talked about what her frame was this is whatclimate action looks like . building housing,that's climat action . supporting transit, that's climate action . so she really have that wonderful refrain of helping people understand for this mayor what climate action looks like. i just want to give a couple of heads up in terms of climate action month. so april climate action month. there's going to be a number of events, to that i want to put on your radar on saturdays.
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one is saturday, april 23 so the day after birthday going to a family-friendly bike ride. will start in golden gate park and then to the beach it's all very safe family-friendly. will be stopping at various sites along the way with kid friendly adults interesting speakers andactivities . so more information on back but it's 10:30 start time on saturday april 23, i hope you'll join me there on the next weekend saturday, april 30 there's the first ever climate action youth service day. we will be doing in language use programming for sites around the city in partnership with bracken park and children in nature. doing stamp activities, science activities at these locations as well as restoration activities so that's going to befun . and then there's the whole website full of activities that are going on throughout the
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city in april. and i just want to give a huge shout out to our outreach program fordeciding their beautiful website and kyle will send all this information . you'll get all of this including the link to the website so you can take a look at it because it's beautiful and if any of your organizations you're involved with activities or things that arehappening , please let us know. letkyle know so we can get them up on the website . so with that now one of my favorite parts of every meeting that is to introduce you to the newest members of ourdepartment . and not everyone could be here tonight. but we've got several members of our environment now team. so if you the four of you who are in the room could come up to the dais and introduce yourself, tell us your name. tell uswhere you were
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beforehand . and what you're excitedabout doing in your new role . >> hello everyone, my name is alexandra and she's her pronouns.i am in the environment now team doing outreach . of the programs and projects we're working on getting already mentioned, one of them for sure is rethinkdisposables. clean water action fund .this encompassesgrassroots outreach , hopefully our team members and i are going outinto the city in different districts . we are visiting a small business and offering them the transition from plastic and paperfood where items to reusable ones . completely free . they're just click on this complete shock and i've spoken to different business owners who are just completely grateful for what we are offering them.
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i've spoken with is this owners who are on the verge of shutting down their businesses because they can't afford it so the fact that the city is providing such a wonderful opportunity for them to the money as well as send less waste to the landfill to improve their dining experience is so grateful for so very rewarding. definitely by far one of my favorite projects. on top of that energy access sf is where we offer different energy programs to different communities around here in san francisco . and we have offered different things for low income residents as well as residents and families from all types of backgrounds . and we just provide different opportunities to save energy, to save costs, things of that sort. and last but not least as many have heard we are doing outreach on that bottle program as well. currently we are reaching out
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to different community-based organizations in san francisco to partner with them and reach their different audiences they work with and table them and provide information in different languages. we are trying to do outreach to people of all different backgrounds whether they have access totechnology, whether they don't . inspanishcommunities, all of that info . those are things we are looking forward to . as kevin mentions this is a pilot so we are just beginning but so far we're very excited to move forward with that. i have been here in the apartment for justa year , completely the highlights of my post graduation. i was hired just a year after graduating and i graduated at the time where covid had just started so so many hiring
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freezes. i was excited to take off and apply everything i have in college to the real world but unfortunately things did not turn out that way so it was a pessimistic time for me but working alongside so many people who are equally as driven to help the environment and community spirit is just amazing and amazing to work for a city that's so progressive as san francisco and forward thinkingand all the time they put intohelping communities and doing equitablework . i want tothank you for your hard work , especially you, debbie . thank you so much . >> my name is eileen wong and i am pronounced she /her and working in the environment team. i joined the team a month ago and amlooking at the environmental outreach . before this i worked in anothe hotel district for 4 years . so the environment is a very new for me, a brand-new concept
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for me. i'm very excited to learn more about the different programs and the team. and now i'm working with my colleague here i'll hundred two different's a program to help businesses. the other one is the bottleneck program. i'm very happy to reach out to different organizations and the residents to help them learn more about that program. to get them involved and to have more people participate in the program. and now we're going to have the presentation in cantonese to one of the senior centers in the city next week. i'm so excited for that. .
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>> my name ispatrice. i do like she her . i joined with my colleague eileen about a month ago . i'm on the environment now team and we've been doing work as you have heard in a couple times on the recent disposables. i'm focusing on that and crv, not too much but still a great program. and i'm just really excited to be here . i just graduated or just finish up my last classes atuc davis. literally last week . so i'm just like really excited to be right on out of college working on such agreat team doing such great work. and yes . >> my name is tonya ramirez. and i joined the environment now team about a monthago . currently working on all the great outreach programs.
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alhambra spoke to and i'm most excited to be out in communities being grassroots work. on the outreach programs especially able to engage with the spanish-speakingcommunities in san francisco . that's the most exciting part of this tradition and yes, i'm just looking forward to all that is to come. thank you. >> thank you so much at least, welcome. you're also superstars and thank you for that wonderful explanation of what you're working on and we had one person remotely . johnny, are you there? >> hi everybody, i'm in the virtual stage right now. good to seeeverybody. i'mjohnny , i've been with the
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department for also a year now. and like everybody's mentioned , i think what i'm specifically looking forward to is the rethink program. i feel like as a san francisco native of giving back to the community especially by my half led restaurants is really meaningful work. and again, very happy to be on the team because everybody's so collaborative and supportive and before working for the department of the environment, i worked for the sf parks in golden gate park. but yes, thank you for having me. >> thanks johnny and welcomed. our last new employee is actually sitting right up here with you. mister kyle whether what you just say hello.
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>> director my name is paul kyle letter, new commission of their policy director. previously i work for a group called homebase, sensor for common concerns. nonprofit focusedon developing solutions to homelessness . and it really is a pleasure to be with you and i look forward to getting to know you and helping you in any way i can and supporting your work in the department's work over the course of the next year and if i may, thank you very much for your patience and grace with our technological issues tonight, especially commissioner waldso thank you very much . >> that concludes my report. >> again, welcome to the new employees and you're doing a great job so far with this meeting .any commissioner comments or questions . >> i guess i just have one, on
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page 4. you are elected to the board of directors of the northerncalifornia recycling ? >> not me, i don't know who wa elected to that or if i was, maybe not graduation . >> it might be nice to hear about which staff member it wa . >> i will get back to you on that. i do not know how who got elected but i'm glad it wasn't me .>> if there are no other commissioner comments or questions. >> we will begin with public comment in the room. once inperson, and is concluded we will proceed to remote public comment . any members of the public who wish to speak, so come forward oneby one and speak into the mic . seeing none we will proceed to remote public comment. members of the public who wish to make a remote comment
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pressá3 to be added to the queue. forthose already on hold wait until it is your turn tospeak . deirdre, do we have any colors in the queue ? >> david pilpel, canyou hear me now ? so i to read the directors report. as usual very comprehensive . it's a way out of all that's going on. i too was concerned about who was elected to the board in the bottom of page 4, thank you for catching that. i just checked their website and it looks like is currently on the staff and environment. i apologize for that but al and freddie coronado appeared to be on there so it's juliet may not
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bewith the department . i apologize, i can't remember. but that may look against her next question. again, i don't want to get much i had a good director but i do understand that after this report closed and is at least one other member of staff has left the apartment that will probably get reported in the next directors report and i'm very glad that you are about that person leaving who i think was a great and contributor to the part of that. perhaps more on that in the futurebut again , great work on all of the various and sundry programs and parts of the department and i'm glad the
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letterof that group was elected to meet that . i like to spend some time on the background of the connection between the apartment and that organization and its continued relevance to the work. okay,thanks for listening . >> we have anyother colors in the queue ? >> can you on respect the queu ? >> if there are colorsin the queue . there's a board member who just joined. it's betty coronado. who just joined the california recycling association on their board and i just want to make
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sure it's there. >> thank you. kyle, next item. >> excited ascommittee reports this item is for discussion . >> commissioner sullivan give us a report on the polity committee. >> policy committee met on march mark 14. we heard two presentations including one onthe san francisco surplus building product reduction and redistribution study . that's a mouthful. we heardfrom brockman, james slattery and kevin reese . we also heard a presentation on a very exciting electric vehicle community grant the department got. $2 million plus to augment the department. that's efforts over a two-year period we reviewed and voted to recommend to the commission that approved the dv ordinance we voted on tonight. the mayors electric vehicle charging slot ordinance.
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our next meeting is monday april 11. the policy committee like both of ourcommittees is meeting virtually .and that ends our report. >> thank you commissioner sullivan. i believe we move on to operations now. >> the committee has not met since january so there's nothing to currently report. our next meeting is monday, april 20 at 5 pm being held virtually. >> anydiscussion on those commissioners ? if not let's go to public comment. >> we will begin with public commentin the room. once in person comment has concluded we were was perceived to remote public comment. any members who are present in the room today who wish to speak . if soplease come forward and speak clearly into the month.
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and seeing none we will proceed toremote public comment . members of the public who wish to make acomment should pressáthree to be added to the queue . for those on hold please continue to wait until it is your turn to speak . deirdre do we have any colors in the queue. >> give me a minute to check the queue. there are no other colors in the queue. >> next item then please. >> next item is announcements items fordiscussion . are there any announcements. >> if not let's open this up for public comment. >> we begin with public comment in the room. once in person comment has concluded we will proceed to remote comment . any members of thepublic
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present in the room today who wish to speak . if so please come forward one by one and speak clearly. and seeing none we will proceed to remote public comment. membersof the public who wish to make a public comment on this item should now press far 3 to be added to the queue . for those already on holdleast continue to wait until it is your turn to speak.deirdre, do you have any colors in the queue ? >> let me check with you. there are no colors in the queue? >> we're getting closeto the end of our agenda which is item 13 . >> next item is new business, speakers charles she had, teeth policy and public affairs. this item is for discussion.
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>> i'll be brief. next policy meeting is april 1 . next commission meeting is may 24. for that next commission meeting and potentially for future commission meetings we're bringing you an update on how our public engagement is goingfor our climate action plan limitation and future implementation . we may also be bringing to you acomprehensive look at the entire av program . you've heard about our grants, you've heard aboutordinances . there's a lot going on obviously. transportation sector is 40 percent of our mission so our ed is something we're working on and ofcourse we're still trying to bring record retention to you as well hopefully at the next meeting . i'll take any questions . >> seeing none public comment please.
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>> we will begin with public comment in the room. we will proceed to remote public comments, are there members who are present in the room who wish to speak? if so pleasecome forward one by one and speak clearly into the mic . seeing none we will proceed to remote public comment. members who wish to make a public comment on thisitem should pressá3 to be added to the queue . for those already in whole continue to wait until it is your turn to speak . and do we have anycolors in the queue ? >> let me check the queue. there are no colors in the queue. >> thank you charles for that item now that brings us to the
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. >> the san francisco carbon fund was started in 2009. it's basically legislation that was passed by the board of supervisors and the mayor's office for the city of san francisco. they passed legislation that said okay, 13% of the cost of the city air travel is going to go into a fund and we're going to use the money in that fund to do local projects that are going to mitigate and sequester greenhouse gas emission. the grants that we're giving, they're anywhere from 15,000 to, say, $80,000 for a two year grant. i'm shawn rosenmoss. i'm the development of community partnerships and carbon fund for the san
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francisco department of environment. we have an advisory committee that meets once or twice a year to talk about, okay, what are we going to fund? because we want to look at things like equity and innovative projects. >> i heard about the carbon fund because i used to work for the department of environment. i'm a school education team. my name is marcus major. i'm a founding member of climate action now. we started in 2011. our main goal it to remove carbon in the public right-of-way on sidewalks to build educational gardens that teach people with climate change. >> if it's a greening grant, 75% of the grant has to go for greening. it has to go for planting trees, it has to go for greening up the pavement, because again, this is about permanent carbon savings.
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>> the dinosaur vegetable gardens was chosen because the garden was covered in is afault since 1932. it was the seed funding for this whole project. the whole garden,ible was about 84,000 square feet, and our project, we removed 3,126 square feet of cement. >> we usually issue a greening rft every other year, and that's for projects that are going to dig up pavement, plant trees, community garden, school garden. >> we were awarded $43,000 for this project. the produce that's grown here is consumed all right at large by the school community. in this garden we're growing all kinds of organic vegetables from lettuce, and artichokes.
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we'll be planting apples and loquats, all kinds of great fruit and veggies. >> the first project was the dipatch biodiesel producing facility. the reason for that is a lot of people in san francisco have diesel cars that they were operating on biodiesel, and they were having to go over to berkeley. we kind of the dog batch preferentials in the difference between diesel and biodiesel. one of the gardens i love is the pomeroy rec center. >> pomeroy has its roots back to 1952. my name is david, and i'm the chamber and ceo of the pomeroy rehabilitation and recreation
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center. we were a center for people with intellectual and development cal disabilities in san francisco san francisco. we also have a program for individuals that have acquired brain injury or traumatic brain injury, and we also have one of the larger after school programs for children with special needs that serves the public school system. the sf carbon fund for us has been the launching pad for an entire program here at the pomeroy center. we received about $15,000. the money was really designed to help us improve our garden by buying plants and material and also some infrastructure like a drip system for plants. we have wine barrels that we repurposed to collect rain water. we actually had removed over 1,000 square feet of concrete so that we could expand the
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garden. this is where our participants, they come to learn about gardening. they learn about our work in the greenhouse. we have plants that we actually harvest, and eggs from our chickens that we take up and use in cooking classes so that our participants learn as much as anybody else where food comes from. we have two kitchens here at the pomeroy center. one is more of a commercial kitchen and one is more setup like a home kitchen would be, and in the home kitchen, we do a lot of cooking classes, how to make lasagna, how to comsome eggs, so this grant that we received has tremendous value, not only for our center, for our participants, but the entire community. >> the thing about climate, climate overlaps with everything, and so when we start looking at how we're going to solve climate
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programs, we solve a lot of other problems, too. this is a radical project, and to be a part of it has been a real honor and a privilege to work with those administrators with the sf carbon fund at the department of environment. >> san francisco carbon grant to -- for us, opened the door to a new -- a new world that we didn't really have before; that the result is this beautiful garden. >> when you look at the community gardens we planted in schools and in neighborhoods, how many thousands of people now have a fabulous place to walk around and feel safe going outside and are growing their own food. that's a huge impact, and we're just going to keep rolling that out and keep rolling that
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development for soma filipinos. so that -- [ inaudible ] know that soma filipino exists, and it's also our economic platform, so we can start to build filipino businesses so we can start to build the cultural district. >> i studied the bok chase choy heritage, and i discovered this awesome bok choy. working at i-market is amazing. you've got all these amazing people coming out here to share
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one culture. >> when i heard that there was a market with, like, a lot of filipino food, it was like oh, wow, that's the closest thing i've got to home, so, like, i'm going to try everything. >> fried rice, and wings, and three different cliefz sliders. i haven't tried the adobe yet, but just smelling it yet brings back home and a ton of memories. >> the binca is made out of different ingredients, including cheese. but here, we put a twist on it. why not have nutella, rocky road, we have blue berry. we're not just limiting it to
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just the classic with salted egg and cheese. >> we try to cook food that you don't normally find from filipino food vendors, like the lichon, for example. it's something that it took years to come up with, to perfect, to get the skin just right, the flavor, and it's one of our most popular dishes, and people love it. this, it's kind of me trying to chase a dream that i had for a long time. when i got tired of the corporate world, i decided that i wanted to give it a try and see if people would actually like our food. i think it's a wonderful opportunity for the filipino culture to shine. everybody keeps saying filipino food is the next big thing. i think it's already big, and
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to have all of us here together, it's just -- it just blows my mind sometimes that there's so many of us bringing -- bringing filipino food to the city finally. >> i'm alex, the owner of the lumpia company. the food that i create is basically the filipino-american experience. i wasn't a chef to start with, but i literally love lumpia, but my food is my favorite foods i like to eat, put into my favorite filipino foods, put together. it's not based off of recipes i learned from my mom. maybe i learned the rolling technique from my mom, but the different things that i put in are just the different things that i like, and i like to think that i have good taste. well, the very first lumpia
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that i came out with that really build the lumpia -- it wasn't the poerk and shrimp shanghai, but my favorite thing after partying is that bakon cheese burger lumpia. there was a time in our generation where we didn't have our own place, our own feed to eat. before, i used to promote filipino gatherings to share the love. now, i'm taking the most exciting filipino appetizer and sharing it with other
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filipinos. >> it can happen in the san francisco mint, it can happen in a park, it can happen in a street park, it can happen in a tech campus. it's basically where we bring the hardware, the culture, the operating system. >> so right now, i'm eating something that brings me back to every filipino party from my childhood. it's really cool to be part of the community and reconnect with the neighborhood. >> one of our largest challenges in creating this cultural district when we compare ourselves to chinatown, japantown or little saigon, there's little communities there that act as place makers. when you enter into little
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undiscovered is a great tool for the cultural district to bring awareness by bringing the best parts of our culture which is food, music, the arts and being ativism all under one roof, and by seeing it all in this way, what it allows san franciscans to see is the dynamics of the filipino-american culture. i think in san francisco, we've kind of lost track of one of our values that makes san francisco unique with just empathy, love, of being acceptable of different people, the out liers, the crazy ones. we've become so focused onic maing money that we forgot about those that make our city
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shop and dine on the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services within neighborhood. we help san francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant. where will you shop and dine in the 49? san francisco owes the charm to the unique character of the neighborhood comer hall district. each corridor has its own personality. our neighborhoods are the engine of the city. >> you are putting money and support back to the community you live in and you are helping small businesses grow. >> it is more environmentally
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friendly. >> shopping local is very important. i have had relationships with my local growers for 30 years. by shopping here and supporting us locally, you are also supporting the growers of the flowers, they are fresh and they have a price point that is not imported. it is really good for everybody. >> shopping locally is crucial. without that support, small business can't survive, and if we lose small business, that diversity goes away, and, you know, it would be a shame to see that become a thing of the past. >> it is important to dine and shop locally. it allows us to maintain
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traditions. it makes the neighborhood. >> i think san francisco should shop local as much as they can. the retail marketplace is changes. we are trying to have people on the floor who can talk to you and help you with products you are interested in buying, and help you with exploration to try things you have never had before. >> the fish business, you think it is a piece of fish and fisherman. there are a lot of people working in the fish business, between wholesalers and fishermen and bait and tackle. at the retail end, we about a lot of people and it is good for everybody. >> shopping and dining locally is so important to the community because it brings a tighter
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fabric to the community and allows the business owners to thrive in the community. we see more small businesses going away. we need to shop locally to keep the small business alive in san francisco. >> shop and dine in the 49 is a cool initiative. you can see the banners in the streets around town. it is great. anything that can showcase and legitimize small businesses is a wonderful thing. >> everything we do in the tenderloin, we urban outfit. here, this gives us an opportunity to collaborate with other agencies and we become familiar with how other agencies operate and allow us
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to be more flexible and get better at what we depo in the line of work in this task. >> sometimes you go down and it's hard to get up. so we see ourselves as providing an opportunity for the unhoused to get up. and so i really believe that when they come here and they've said it, this right here is absolutely needed. you can't ask for nothing better. >> the tenderloin is the stuff that ain't on the list of remedies, liked the spiritual connection to recovery and why would i? why would i recover? what have i got to live for? things like that. and sharing the stories. like i was homeless and just the team. and some people need that extra connection on why they can change their life or how they could. >> we have a lot of guests that will come in and say i would like -- you know, i need help with shelter, food, and primary care doctor. and so here, that's three rooms down the hall.
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>> president bernal:good afternoon, commissioners and dphs staff and members of the public and welcome to our first hybrid meeting of the san francisco health commission of tuesday, march 15th, 2022. secretary, will you call the role. >> clerk: yes, before i do that i have a statement to read. welcome to the health commission meeting, being held in hybrid format, in person here at 101 grove street, and broadcast live on sfgov-tv, and viewing via webex or calling, and with the access code 24578016709. that information is all on the agenda posted online. before i begin i remind all
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