tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV April 5, 2022 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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>> it seems that offering flexible options are often met with resistance and somehow these provisions would be abused. despite the surprise -- despite the great strides we have made in technology. these barriers inherently and disproportionally affect people with disabilities, women, and parents with young children. i have a minor amendment to offer to this resolution on page 3, line 15 through 18 to clarify the results of the law. to clarify that the law would be passed. it would read, the san francisco board of supervisors supports assembly built number 1944 which would amend the brown act and allow local legislative bodies to vote on allowing teleconferencing without the need to disclose a private location of members, provided that they livestream the meeting and offer opportunity for the public to participate remotely.
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with that, i hope that i can count on your support for this resolution and on ongoing efforts to make it family-friendly. mr. president, i would like to make a motion to adopt these amendments. >> thank you so much. do we have a second? thank you. motion to amend seconded by supervisor chan. now we can take that motion to amend same house, same call. without objection, the motion amend to item 39 has been passed. and on item 39, moved to take that item same house, same call. without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. please call item number 4. >> item 40 is a resolution to celebrate early care educators in declaring april 2nd 2022 through april 9th, 2022 and the first week of every april every year thereafter as the week of san francisco.
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>> thank you. supervisor melgar? >> happy weekend. i want to thank my cosponsors for this resolution, president walton. thank you for your support. i see the supervisor asking to be added. early care educators are often overlooked and undervalued workers in our society. mostly they are women in san francisco. mostly women of color and many immigrants. this must change. it is an issue of equity, racial and gender justice. we need them to be treated with dignity and wage parity with our
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kindergarten and educators. it breaks my heart that a third of family and chair care -- childcare providers receive such low wages that they require at least one form of public assistance just to make ends meet. let that sink in. we are in a pandemic. when it became obvious how essential this workforce is, they continue to face an uphill battle for recognition and equitable compensation. we have taken huge strides to make early care and education a priority with a goal of universal access to high-quality early childhood education for all families. this starts with uplifting the wages of early care educators so we can retain this essential workforce and recruit new people into this field, which we are currently unable to do. i want to express my deepest
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gratitude to our early care educator community for their work and for acknowledging the advocacy of the childcare planning advisory council, early care educators of san francisco, family child care association, office of early care and education, the community advisory committee and all other organizations that have been relentless in early universal care and education. thank you for your support. >> thank you. >> thank you, president walton. thank you supervisor melgar. please officially add me as a cosponsor. i want to think supervisor melgar for elevating this issue. one of the most vaccine issues that happen to us during the pandemic, particularly in my district as to proviso melgar pointed out, is so many of our family childcare providers and childcare institutions actually shut down.
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they could no longer sustain their businesses and they are often times small businesses and some of them nonprofits. a lot of it had to do with children staying home with their families and it has to do with families no longer being able to afford the cost of childcare. we have a crisis in childcare in this city. i know supervisor melgar has been dedicated to this. we want to continue to work in partnership on this with you, supervisor melgar, because we have to address this. we have put a lot of money and effort and energy. a lot of callers have called in and have provided a phenomenal funding stream that is yet to be fully implemented. we will spend a lot of time rebuilding. thank you for highlighting this issue and thank you for your
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leadership. i look forward to working with you on what is a true crisis that we need to address. thank you, mr. president. >> thank you. please add me as a cosponsor as well. >> noted. >> thank you. thank you so much. this resolution is important. not only that we celebrated, but we also put our resources in where our conversation lies. at the end of the day, we know we have done a lot in this city around this area particularly to support our childcare providers who, quite frankly, a lot of them were utilized and not receiving the support that they need now that the pandemic is over. the same people who are out in the trenches. we also need to make sure that
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we figure out a way to fund these childcare providers and fund the subsidy. even if they don't necessarily share some of the same strategies as other providers. it may have more means or have been in a better position. supervisor stefani? thank you. i don't see anyone else in the rosters. this resolution is adopted unanimously. madam clerk, do we have any imperative items. >> there are not to report, mr. president. >> please read the in memoriam. >> today's meeting will be adjourned in memory of the following beloved individuals, on behalf of president walton, gladys marie harris and brenda hall lopez. on behalf of supervisor chan, for the late devon warner, on
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behalf of supervisor more, for the late alice gates, on behalf of supervisor peskin, for the late robert marques, and the former secretary of state, first woman to hold the post, madelyn albright. >> thank you, madam clerk. do we have any further business before us today? >> that concludes our business for today. >> not one of us can rest and be happy, be at home, be at peace with ourselves until we end hatred and division. the late great congressman, john lewis. this meeting is adjourned.
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>> mayor breed: i am san francisco mayor london breed. welcome to the state of the city address. [applause] >> mayor breed: i am happy to have all of you here today. it is really great to be outdoors in person. the mask mandates, vaccine mandates are all gone. if you take pictures answer post. make sure you put disclaimer we removed it in san francisco so i
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don't get beat up by folk on the internet. thank you and welcome. i want to start by thanking all workers who helped us navigate the latest surge. nurses, police officers, paramedics, educators, all incredible people who kept this city going. [applause] over the past two years and months, so many of them have been working over time to take care of the city. thank you, thank you, thank you. you know, sometimes the devastating impacts of the last two years of covid can be hard. this is in 1989 when freeways fell or 1906 when buildings and neighborhoods burned to the ground. they are deep. we see it in the struggles to simply get through the day.
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struggles with mental health. especially in kids, we see it in their eyes. empty downtown offices and for lease signs in union square. half filled hotels. we see it in those struggling with addiction on our streets. we cannot sugar coat it. we have work to do. our recovery will not be easy. it will not be quick. it is coming. it is coming. san francisco is coming back! (applause). as we look ahead to the decisions about where to take this city, we need to listen to our residents. last month voters of the city sent a very clear message. they sept a mess -- they sent a
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message we must do better by our children. they sent a message while big ideas are important. those must be built on a solid foundation. they must be built on the basics like a well-run school system that puts kids first. government that delivers on the essential services. basics like accountability and competence. during our covid response, we delivered on the basics. government, community and residents all came together to protect our collective health to save lives. we protected our hospitals, nursing homes. we quickly and efficiently popped up testing and vaccination sites. we delivered food to seniors. i want be to acknowledge jeff
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lawson who privately helped to deliver food to the seniors, thank you so much, jeff, for your work. [applause]. we did the basic and we did them well. we showed we could deliver on bigger ideas. we transformed the streets to outdoor dining. we helped guaranteed income with those impacted by the pandemic. we experimented to allow people to gather outdoors. some met neighbors for the first time ever. now those covid experiments are transforming our city. we made share spaces permanent for restaurants. we have six guaranteed income programs with more to come. in golden gate park, jfk is on
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the way to being a permanent car-free space. [applause]. that proofs we can work hard on the basics while pushing the big ideas. that is how we kept people healthy and safe this past two years. however, right now we are dealing with another kind of challenge. right now too many people across the city don't feel safe. asian seniors are fearful of leaving home. tenderloin families are living with random gun ideas. homeowners are fortifying garages after another break in. sweeping up broken glass and paints up graffiti on a regular
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basis. these are complicated problems with twisted roots reaching well below the surface level solutions. again, we have the tools to deliver both the basics and the big ideas. first, we need law enforcement to keep people safe, to make arrests to hold people accountable and to support victims. right now police staffs is at crisis level. over 1630 police officers at 250 fewer officers fewer than three years and 540 below what we need according to independent analysis based on a growing population as you can see right here. we do not have police staffing to meet needs of major city as we welcome back workers and visitors.
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fixing this starts with building the police academy classes. to those who say we don't need the police. i say listen to the residents. they are speaking louder than ever. no, not for return to the past like when i was growing up. there was a deep mistrust between the community and police. even then we needed police to protect victims of violence and help us live our lives, not undermine us in our own community. today we are in a different place. while we had more work to do, our police department has embraced reforms over the last five years. leading to fewer use of force incidents and police shootings and rapidly diversifying the department so it reflects the community it serves.
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[applause]. >> we have also made progress on big ideas. providing solid alternatives to policing through street crisis response team that didn't exist two years ago. it is now out on the streets 24/7 responding to calls to help those struggling with mental illness. we have community ambassadors program consisting every tired police officers in our downtown and tourist areas. we have multi-racial community guardian teams patrolling neighborhoods. we have the private sector helping. i want to thank chris larson for the work he has done to provide a lot of support around cameras and a number of neighborhood corridors to help small businesses. thank you so much, chris, for your work in the private sector to help make our city safe.
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we continue to make historic investments in our dream keeper initiative and opportunities for all. these are programs that recognize the root causes of crime. the root causes of crime are driven by poverty. decades of disinvestment, by systematic racism. these are programs that will heal our communities with housing, mental health, education. job training and economic empowerment. that is how we get back to serving the community. let's be the national model for reform, for alternatives, and for safety. we can do it all and we don't have to choose. [applause]. you know, there is a lot of noise about what is happening in
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our city. you see it in the headlines, in the right wing media. they love to talk about san francisco. you see it on social media. one video takes off as if it is telling the whole truth about who we are. i know it is challenging with all of the noise to understand what is happening. it is easy to fixate on the problems. i am focused on the problems. today i want to talk about what is possible. hope. hope for a better future for our city. that is what i see right here on this water front. people all over the world. they know the story of the famous waterfront from the golden gate bridge to fisherman's wharf, embarcadero
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to the ferry buildings that welcomes commuters from across the bay and visitors from all over the world. under the bay bridge to the ballpark where bonds and buster posey became legends. today it stretches south to mission bay where they play in a beautiful new home built by the manneds of the holwork force -- by the hands of the local work force. [applause]. what is happening right here as we emerge from this pandemic is a sign of hope for san francisco. now, i want to take a moment to take us back. i talk a lot about my grandmother, what she did for me, how her spirit and body what this city is capable of doing for people. today i want to talk about my grandfather, willie brown. not that willie brown. he is not the grandfather. my grandfather was a world war
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ii veteran. when word got out to the south that jobs were available, he with so many others moved our families west. not because they believed that racism wouldn't follow. but because of what this city represents. a better opportunity. ny grandfather found a union job as longshoremen working alongside a generation of workers building ships and repairing machinery. they were good paying jobs that led to development of freedomnantly black working neighborhoods in bayview and filmore and lake view. the truth is this city and neighborhood where we are today always represented an opportunity for those seeking a better future. our waterfront has been a beacon
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to newcomers and immigrants for nearly two centuries. that is the spirit where we stand today, a place where hope grows and hard work. look around us. today's waterfront is a beacon for jobs, housing, economic opportunity. in this area in the coming years, 7,000 homes will be built as part of three water front projects alone. here at mission rock, pier 70 and at the power station. [applause]. these will be diverse neighborhoods with new housing and all income level including 2000 affordable homes. those are coming after 6,000 homes have been built in mission bay in just the last 20 years. new neighborhoods, new parks,
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open spaces all along the waterfront throughout the dogpatch. new offices and storefronts. this doesn't happen in a city that is dying. it happens in a city that is growing and thriving. as we grow we are building affordable homes for people who live right here in the southeast, thanks to the neighborhood preference policy. [applause]. we are creating jobs for the people who live next door in sunnydale and the bayview. thanks to city build and local hire. i see my girls right there. in september we announced we are doubling the size of city build, training twice as many people to get the good paying union jobs that are available. these are not just statistics. these are people. let me give you an example.
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right here in mission rock, thanks to women and families first initiative and partnership with the giants. thank you for being here today. we train the first all women construction class. (applause). and provide support for child care. okay? i attended the graduation at mission rock academy and seeing those women made me so proud. hearing those stories. that is why i do this job. today we have three women here from that class. they all started in different places. anna was a nanny and caregiver. militia was doing temp work.
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they all wanted something more. we got all g for the city built graduate, too. anna wanted to learn how people work together to create big things. alisha wants to make her daughter proud. twin peaks looking out wondering how to be part of that big beautiful city. all three of them are building what is behind me with good union jobs and bright futures. [applause]. someday alisha's daughter will stand here and look at these
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buildings and say my mom and her friends built that. we are not just building homes and offices. we are building lives that is what is happening in san francisco. [applause]. the waterfront has so many stories. it has stories about environmental justice. the power plant, once stood a mile south from here. a gas power plant polluting the air that the residents of the southeast were breathing asthma, heart are disease. we don't the history. two generations of community activists and former leaders like the city attorney and supervisor maxwell and mayor willie brown. that is power plant that was shut down. now a new story. a whole new neighborhood is being built there with new
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parks, streets, homes. a stretch of water front open to the public for the first time in over 150 years. [applause]. where smoke once was all over the neighborhood, children will play. that is what is happening in san francisco. [applause]. you know, some love the chatter about businesses abandoning our city, leaving california. we have our challenges ahead. again, look around. historic investments in our city right here. just down at 16th street is the exchange. commercial office building purchased last year for over $1 billion. large companies are renewing and
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expanding leases in downtown and south of market. right now this month so many companies are returning to the office. because they are invested in this city. this is not a story about commerce fleeing the city. this is a story about confidence in what lies ahead. will it be different than it was? of course. this water front today is different than it once was, too. in fact, it is better. look behind me at what is being built right here. mission rock. one of those buildings will be affordable housing. another is dedicated to life sciences. the third is a future headquarters of visa on what used to be a parking lot. that is the nature of city. [applause]. we adore and we adapt.
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no, san francisco today is not san francisco 100 years ago or even 50 years ago. we maintain our values and we grow stronger by learning from the past not simply repeating it. our culture of innovation lives on the waterfront with u.c.s.f. and the world class research to help us navigate this pandemic. the reason be the first omicron case in the countries was identified in san francisco. it wasn't because we were first to get it. it is because the researchers at u.c.s.f. were the first to find it that is what is happening. tech companies making groundbreaking discoveries every day in san francisco. waterfront is a place for families.
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look at the san francisco bay trail, india basin. at mission rock there will soon be a playground for kids to play. [applause]. finally, the central subway will be better connected to the waterfront and the bayview with downtown and chinatown. the beautiful new station. strengthening the connections between long divided communities. that is what i see. housing, jobs, environmental justice, technology, investments, innovation and parks and open space is what is happening in san francisco. [applause]. that is the work we need to do all over this city. right now across the state cities are wrestling with the need for more housing. they are looking for ways to
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block new housing in-laws. in san francisco we should be leaders in housing. we should be the city california looks to. let's be like san francisco. two years ago i set a goal of building at least 5,000 new homes per year. 2020, 450000, 2021, we built 4600. the only housing built right now are large projects like mission rock and the pier 70. they need all houses sizes. not just south ease and soma but big neighborhoods across the entire city. to do that we have got to
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breakdown the obstructionism that blocks housing at every single turn. [applause]. now you know i tried. i am not giving up. i tried inside city hall. we made incremental progress. on the big ideas like my housing charter amendment we have been blocked. we are going to the voters. change will happen to come from outside city hall. i am confident that it will. this november. because over and over i have heard from residents. they want be to cut bureaucracy and build more housing. we want future generations like alisha's daughter to live here when she is an adult. san francisco has shown that we can lead. we do it every day with work on climate change. when united states set as goal
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of net zero emissions by 2050. california set the goal 2045. what do we do? we set the goal 2040. we don't play that. that is how we lead. with our climate action plan, we know how to get there. that is who we are. the climate policy isn't just about environmental programs. climate policy is also about housing policy and transportation. getting people out of their cars, creating dense walkable neighborhoods like we are believe right here -- we are building on this waterfront. that is climate action. completing bus rapid transit on van ness this month, finally. [applause]. it is going to open. as well as dozens of quick build projects to move buses faster. to create protected bike lanes
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across the city over the last three years. that is climate action. san francisco can also be the economic leader our state needs us to be. we have to work at it. for too long we have taken our economic success for granted. we assumed the offices would be built. conventions would come to town and taxes with strome in. i have been talking to business leaders across the city. they love this city. they want to invest. they want to support. they want san francisco to grow and to succeed. when i put out the call to businesses about committing to bring workers back into the offices. so many answers. they are investing and they are returning. what i have heard most from business leaders just as i have heard from residents and small
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business owners is that we need to continue to improve the conditions on our streets. our work in the tenderloin has attracted a lot of attention. supervisor haney was talking about the tl until we declared a state of emergency. it has fired a lot of debate. the main take away is that we cannot continue to accept things as they were. the families and the small businesses of the tenderloin deserve better. those on the streets deserve better. the people of the city deserve better. since 2018 we have added more safe shelter space in san francisco than we had at any time in the previous 20 years. two years ago we set an ambitious goal of adding 1500 new units of permanent
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supportive housing. not only are we going to meet that goal. we are going to exceed it by 70%. that means 2500 new units of permanent supportive housing. that by far is the largest influx of new housing from homelessness this city has ever seen. now we must focus on doing the work to fill those homes faster we made progress to move to permanent housing with 1,000 people from the hotels not back on the streets but safely housed. to address the challenges of mental health and addiction, we are adding hundreds of treatment beds. working with community partners we will launch an overdose prevention program and the first
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drug sobering center in the city's history. [applause]. but it can't just be about spending the resources. we have to balance it with accountability. i am done arguing if it is okay for people to remain on the streets when we have a place for them to go because it is not. it just isn't. to be honest, there are some folks who cannot or will not do what is safe for themselves or for others. we have to be honest about the need to deal with those struggling with mental illness. we need to make serious changes to our state law ifs. i am working with other mays across california and members of the legislature to reform mental health laws to better serve our city and entire state. this is not just happening in san francisco.
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finally going back to where we started today. we have to do better for families in the city. we have to give back to putting our kids first. soon i will announce the new members of the board of education. as part of this decision which is really one of the hardest decisions i have ever had to make. i have been meeting with families to hear what they want for their children, what they need from our schools. i got to tell you. it was heart breaking to hear their stories and what they have been through. kids who once were vibrant and eager learners withdrawn. learning loss and mental illness, challenges that they are all experiencing. our public school kids getting
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less behind -- left behind as private schools begin to rebound. i know no single appointment to an elected body is going to fix all of that. it is going to take years of work. that is why we recently announced our children and family recovery plan. the long-term strategy to improve access to the services we do have and expand the programs that are working to make a difference for families. it is really important that we support and protect our children because when we better serve our young people, when we invest in them, take care of them, treat all kids like they are our kids, we create a better future for all of us and for them, too. (applause).
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for two years, we have had to think about our lives and our city in a totally different way. getting back won't be easy. this shift won't be immediate. we are moving forward. we lifted the indoor mask mandate. today we announced we are ending vaccine mandates for businesses. you guys all seem very enthusiasm about that. i look forward to going to a club to have a good time without my mask. [applause]. it is time. it is time to open up our eyes. it is time to open up our city. it is time to enjoy our lives after everything we have experienced to see not just the challenges we faced but the opportunities before us.
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to feel pride in what our city has done and can do. the first in the country to shut down. we saw one of the lowest death rates in the country and highest vaccination rates. we did that. san francisco did that. [applause]. now it is up to each of us to harness that pride, to be motivated to make important change and decisions in city hall to take action in our communities. to tell our stories. just the other day we got an e-mail from a visitor named brittany who had a lay over at sfo and wanted to explore san francisco. her friends told her san francisco is not a safe place for you. brittany said, girl, i am going to party in san francisco. she found out that her friends
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were wrong. she met two of our welcome ambassadors terrence and joel. she found out what the best cable car routes were to see lombard street. she was recommended to places to eat that were great san francisco restaurants and given directions to the golden gate bridge. they helped give her an experience that inspired her and left a lasting memory. they helped create her own story, a true story of san francisco. that is who we can be. a city that tells our own story. we are a city that reaches into our own communities to connect people to incredible opportunities. we are a city that proudly draws dreamers and seekers from everywhere. people come for love, opportunity, escape the past, build a better future. they come to make a difference in their lives and in the world.
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they come even briefly for a moment of magic. they come because when voting rights are under attack across the country, we deliver ballot to every single voter that is registered. with paid postage. they come because we would never ever accept the law like don't say gay. unbelievable. in this city we not only say gay. we sing it loud and proud all year long. [applause]. they come because when abortion rights are under attack. san francisco says we not only protect women's rights but with a woman mayor, speaker, vice
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president we put them in charge. [applause]. so next time when someone asks what is happening in san francisco, you tell them that. you tell them that this city will rise to meet our challenges day after day, relentless in our effort and unyielding in our values. that is who we are. we are san francisco! we are loud. we are proud. we are hopeful. we are resilient, san francisco. let's tell them that. thank you.
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transportation. the city has an ordinance that we worked with them on back in 2014 that requires city agency goes to give organizations like the san francisco bicycle organization a chance to take bicycles abandoned and put them to good use or find new homes for them. the partnerships with organizations generally with organizations that are working with low income individuals or families or people who are transportation dependent. we ask them to identify individuals who would greatly benefit from a bicycle. we make a list of people and their heights to match them to a bicycle that would suit their lifestyle and age and height. >> bicycle i received has impacted my life so greatly. it is not only a form of recreation. it is also a means of getting connected with the community
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through bike rides and it is also just a feeling of freedom. i really appreciate it. i am very thankful. >> we teach a class. they have to attend a one hour class. things like how to change lanes, how to make a left turn, right turn, how to ride around cars. after that class, then we would give everyone a test chance -- chance to test ride. >> we are giving them as a way to get around the city. >> just the joy of like seeing people test drive the bicycles in the small area, there is no real word. i guess enjoyable is a word i could use. that doesn't describe the kind
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of warm feelings you feel in your heart giving someone that sense of freedom and maybe they haven't ridden a bike in years. these folks are older than the normal crowd of people we give bicycles away to. take my picture on my bike. that was a great experience. there were smiles all around. the recipients, myself, supervisor, everyone was happy to be a part of this joyous occasion. at the end we normally do a group ride to see people ride off with these huge smiles on their faces is a great experience. >> if someone is interested in volunteering, we have a special section on the website sf you can sign up for both events. we have given away 855 bicycles,
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376 last year. we are growing each and every year. i hope to top that 376 this year. we frequently do events in bayview. the spaces are for people to come and work on their own bikes or learn skills and give them access to something that they may not have had access to. >> for me this is a fun way to get outside and be active. most of the time the kids will be in the house. this is a fun way to do something. >> you get fresh air and you don't just stay in the house all day. it is a good way to exercise. >> the bicycle coalition has a bicycle program for every community in san francisco. it is connecting the young, older community. it is a wonderful outlet for the community to come together to
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shop and dine on the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of san francisco by supporting local services within neighborhood. we help san francisco remain unique, successful and vibrant. where will you shop and dine in the 49? san francisco owes the charm to the unique character of the neighborhood comer hall district. each corridor has its own personality. our neighborhoods are the engine of the city. >> you are putting money and support back to the community you live in and you are helping small businesses grow. >> it is more environmentally friendly.
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>> shopping local is very important. i have had relationships with my local growers for 30 years. by shopping here and supporting us locally, you are also supporting the growers of the flowers, they are fresh and they have a price point that is not imported. it is really good for everybody. >> shopping locally is crucial. without that support, small business can't survive, and if we lose small business, that diversity goes away, and, you know, it would be a shame to see that become a thing of the past. >> it is important to dine and shop locally. it allows us to maintain traditions. it makes the neighborhood. >> i think san francisco should
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shop local as much as they can. the retail marketplace is changes. we are trying to have people on the floor who can talk to you and help you with products you are interested in buying, and help you with exploration to try things you have never had before. >> the fish business, you think it is a piece of fish and fisherman. there are a lot of people working in the fish business, between wholesalers and fishermen and bait and tackle. at the retail end, we about a lot of people and it is good for everybody. >> shopping and dining locally is so important to the community because it brings a tighter fabric to the community and allows the business owners to thrive in the community.
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we see more small businesses going away. we need to shop locally to keep the small business alive in san francisco. >> shop and dine in the 49 is a cool initiative. you can see the banners in the streets around town. it is great. anything that can showcase and legitimize small businesses is a wonderful thing. i worked on the it for 16+ years and i workeded an endless
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cycle of people going to the emergency room. i wanted to address those unmet needs. i have a satisfaction when we make a real difference in our clients' lives. we were getting people housed, connecting them to treatment, and seeing them through sobriety. don't be afraid of failure. i have failed at things in my career and they are opportunities to continue on. it's important for women and women and people of color to see representation matters. when i first started my career 25 years ago, there were not that many other women. so it is amazing to respond to meetings and go to meetings and see other female leaders and learn from each other. this career is my dream job from working on [ indiscernible ] to being the chief and overseeing a division. it's been challenging and
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