tv Public Utilities Commission SFGTV April 6, 2022 1:30am-4:01am PDT
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find people to support you. keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep trying. you never know what door is going to open next. you really don't. you really don't. >> i will call the march 22, 202 2:00 p.m. uc meeting to order. please call the roll. >> moran. >> here. >> commissioner maxwell. >> here. >> paulson. >> here. >> we have a quorum. >> this is held in room 400 as authorized by the california government code section 54953e and the 45th supplement to the
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february 25, 2020 emergency proclamation. i would like to all present that all health and building rules must be adhered to including wearing a mask at all times. failure to add here may result in removal from the room. we appreciate your cooperation. hand sanitizers are available throughout the knowledge at each elevator. masks are available at city hall entrance. we welcome the public participation during public comment. for each item we will take two minutes from the people in person and then from people attending remotely. members of the public may provide comment by dialing 415-655-0001, meeting
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id24825957650. pound pound. press star 3 to speak. please note that you must limit comments to the agenda item discussed unless you are under general public comment. if you do not stay on the topic the chair can ask you to limit to the agenda item. address remarks to the commission as a hole, not individual commissioners. on behalf of the commission thank you to the sfgovtv staff and it staff for assistance. i would like to welcome mr. robert fuller commissioner manager joining us today. i would like to remind all speakers to please speak loudly and directly into the microphone. thank you. >> thank you, donna. before the first item i would like to announce the utilities commission acknowledges we are stewards of the unseated land in
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the ramaytush ohlone tribe and the alameda county. we recognize that every citizenry siding in the greater bay area continues to benefit from the use and occupation of the ramaytush ohlone land since before the commission founding in 1932. highly important that we not only recognize the history of the trouble lands on which we reside but also we acknowledge and honor the fact that the ramaytush ohlone people have a parking partnership with the sfpuc and are members within the many greater san francisco bay area communities today. would you call the next item. >> next item 3. adopt renewed findings understate urgency legislation to allow hybrid in-person
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meetings and direct the commission secretary to agendize a similar resolution at a commission meeting within the next 30-days. >> questions. we are going to try the on board requesting of time to speak. we will see how that works for us. madam secretary. would you open public comment. >> do we have any members in person who would like to comment on item 3? for those who wish to provide remote public comment press star 3 to speak. any public comment in the room? seeing none, do we have any callers? >> there are no callers wishing to be recognized at this time. >> public comment on item 3 is closed.
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>> thank you. any additional comments or questions? can i have a motion and second please. >> moved and seconded. roll call, please. >> maxwell, paulson. >> four ayes. >> the item passes. next item. 4. approval of the minutes of marc. >> any additions or corrections or comments on the minutes from the commissioners? seeing none. public comment, please. >> members of the public in the room to speak to item 4, the minutes please come to the podium. to provide remote comment press star 3 to raise your hand to speak. there are no members of the public present. any remote callers?
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>> there is one caller in the queue. >> thank you. >> i am calling regarding public comment. to clarify this is comment on the minutes not general public comment. >> sorry. general public comment. >> that will be called next. >> there are no more callers in the queue. >> public comment on item 4 is closed. >> any additional comments or questions for the commission? seeing none may i have a motion and second. >> motion to approve the minutes. >> second. >> roll call, please.
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(roll call). >> four ayes. >> the minutes are adopted. next item, please. >> item 5. general public comment. matters within the commission jurisdiction and not on today's agenda. do we have members of the public to speak to general public comment at this time? those wish to speak remotely press star 3 to speak. >> no in person public comment. do we have any callers? >> there are five callers in the queue. >> thank you. >> you have two minutes, caller. >> thank you. i saw an article over the weekends pointing out a large number of companies still operating in russia. one of the companies was emerson
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electric who does work with the san francisco p.u.c. i am hoping the p.u.c. is encouraging the vendors to comply with sanctions in russia. we need to make sure ratepayers money is not going to a company still working in russia. thank you. >> thank you for your comment. next caller. you have two minutes. >> thank you. good to be back with you. i speak again about the clean power s.f. that name is true. it is clean power s.f. san francisco. that is truth in advertising. i continue to emphasize the
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importance of. [indiscernable] i am thinking about it. i have watched a video of cooking on united states navy submarines. some of the greatest food that has been made and i have eaten has been prepared by the culinary specialists of the united states military. all of them are all electric. i ask you continue to advocate that we can have had kitchen electrification in homes and restaurants. if there is any resistance or push back because i will say this. i will take the meals prepared by the military over anybody
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else every day. enough about that. i think about transportation and muni is. [indiscernable] since you provide electricity for muni. i ask you help muni to overcome their hurdles to get that equipment put in. i want to enjoy cooking on emission free kitchen and transportation. i have it in my home and i want to enjoy it in san francisco. thank you very much. >> you have two minutes. we are unable to hear you.
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next caller. you have two minutes. >> norma wallace. [indiscernable] my family lived on this land for thousands of years. how? by being responsible to all future generations for their actions. stewards of their environment not by suggesting but by the ending. we acknowledge the land and water around us by caring for
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it. in the book capital colonization anthropologists wrote how ranching with the tools settlements used to make room for cows. it may similarly be made with the tools of the native people and wildlife from the landscape by nailing a piece of paper to a tree hammering are nail with first of 100 years of disrespectful actions against nature. a grew on my ancestors hunted and the state offers $5 per head. please focus on reducing past colonization by dropping the lawsuit against the bay delta plan. it is time to stop suing and start protecting. water is for all beings.
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thank you. >> next caller. two minutes. >> good evening or good afternoon. this is peter breck meyer. i was disappointed yet again the follow up to the workshop and the discussion about the design drop how prudent it is has yet to make it to the agenda. it is almost five months since the last workshop. we haven't heard anything. i really appreciate the fact the commissioner maxwell at the last meeting brought up the issue of staff responding to correspondence. we asked a number of questions about the vulnerability. we made a number of requests. we have not received anything. i found response from staff was inadequate. plus we were in a crisis
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situation. 578 salmonellas fall on the river that used to have over 100,000. this is not a priority of the commission. i hope we get an update on next steps because we have been waiting a long time for this. thank you very much. >> next caller. you have two minutes. >> david pill plow. i am calling to report i am not feeling well. i must have eaten something that didn't agree with me. leave it at that. i will absent myself from your meeting today. i hope you have a good and productive meeting. i just want to state for the record that i don't believe it was the water. i think the water is still good. i hope steve will report to
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andrew and his very capable staff that the water quality continues to not just meet but exceed appropriate standards. i appreciate the water quality and the work you are doing. until next time thanks for listening. >> your line is open. you have two minutes. >> commissioners, the river as well as the community benefits seeing no movement with the commission. they have attended the workshops and you are refused to listen to the people.
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when it comes to the bayview, and whatever the community benefits nobody wants to proceed with transparency and accountability. you should be ashamed of yourselves. i am going to beg of you to, you know, ask for a meeting even when we ask for a meeting you don't be put us on the calendar. are we going to come here to the public utilities commission and really express what we have on our minds? the change with the san francisco public utilities commission or business as usual? i would like to have a one-on-one meeting with whoever
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in the san francisco public utilities commission is in charge of community be benefits. i would like to have that meeting. thank you very much. >> no more comments. public comment is closed. >> item 6. communications. >> any questions or comments on communications. commissioner ajami. >> i want to acknowledge a couple thing in the list including the district scale of water use which was very informative.
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i found it very useful. the water heating system. thank you for both of those. >> any other comments or questions from the commission? seeing none. public comment, please. >> members of the public who wish to make two minutes of public comment be on item 6 communications please come to the podium or press star 3 to speak. any members present? any callers? >> there is one caller in the queue. >> you have two minutes. >> thank you, chair. i am going to talk about 6d-2.
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water heating systems. there is a lot. 22 pages. a lot of good things in it. i can't call myself a expert on water heater systems. i will relate the importance of it. water is precious. i have the idea of creating water systems that are saving our water for drinking and cooking and taking showers. i have found in my home it takes a gal on of watttor to my kitchen faucet when the hot water heater heats up. three gallons of water on my
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30-gallon electric hot water heater a half kilowatt hour to get back up to temperature. the energy. i am doing what i can to be more efficient. the technologies i see can help litigate that. the hot water is not about sooner. it takes energy because it takes water to get there. this is a good idea. hopefully you can pass something out of it. thank you. >> no more callers in the queue. >> thank you. public comment on item 6 closed. >> any additional comments? commissioner ajami. >> on my list of thank u.s. i appreciate the assessment you put together. one of the question i have.
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as part of this effort that we are having are there any sort of communications with the homeowners if they are interested to replace internal pipelines or concern about lead in them. do we have a hot line how to do that? where should they go or what should they do? >> assistant manager for water. we have very general communication with folks to lead fixtures. we provide replacement faucets that are lead free. as we test anywhere we find it we encourage them to look into the fixtures as well. the thing we have been communicating about are leaks in the system which we can see from
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the automated meter. if somebody has continuous consumption that never goes to zero after 18 hours or something like that we send them notice to say you have got a leak out there. we do that a lot lot. given why things are going with the rule making on lead in water and service lines. we will be stepping things up in a significant way to come back to the commission as part of the budget process for that. >> that would be through the infrastructure money available? yes. also the lead and copper rule itself making its way to be the final rule. >> thank you so much. >> commissioner maxwell. >> i got a notice because my water heater broke. i thank you. i think it works.
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>> that is what we like to hear the stories where it worked out. >> thank you. >> before you go. i don't be have the app on my phone to show how much water i i am using or anything like that. i have to go to the website and into my account. are we considering to work with someone to provide such an app? are there apps out there that -- i am sure you get knocks on your door every day on this thing. is this worth exploring? >> we will be exploring it. we found using the my account through the website works really well on the cell phone. if you have the ability to get to that quickly through the website that works. we have talked about an app at various times. it is falling to the lower end of the list of things that need to be done.
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>> thank you. >> anything else from the commission? >> next item, please. >> item 7. bay area water supply and conservation agency update presented by sand kulla. >> good afternoon. i just have to say it is exciting to see you in person after all of this time. my first public meeting. we can go through this together. 20 years ago in 2002, california legislature ordered city of san francisco to rebuild regional water system to protect water users who depend on it for water supply. violent earthquake could have eliminated delivery of water 60
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days. that $5 billion program is almost finished. lawmakers also created boska to protect the water interests of 40,000 businesses and residents in hundreds of communities. on december 12, 2018 the state board adopted the plan which when implemented will result in rationing up to 50% during drought years. this catastrophic loss of 90 million gallons of water is dangerous and unacceptable. there could be an alternative. agreed upon plan for the river. as provider of water the sfpc must resolve this issue with the state's resource agencies, state board and water providers with improvements for fish and environment. if you do not the california
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legislature will have to intervene to protect water users since governor newsom and the state bordwell come and support voluntarily agreements you must move forward for a plan for the river with state resource agencies to be submitted to the state board for analysis. i ask you what is your plan to deal with this issue now to meet the state requirements and those of the governor's office and protect water users? san francisco has perpetual obligation to water users in three cats to provide 184 million gallons of water per day with operational policies. they pay $270 million annually. for that we expect water users with a reliable supply of water.
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several legislatures are stepping up to stop the water shortage. there are mayors of three large cities high technology and vital businesses in silicone valley and labor uses. commission should act without further delay it is your responsibility to protect high-quality water. there is adequate protection for fish and wildlife and environment. we are ready to work with you. general manager will meet this challenge. success now requires action and responsibility of the state who has water rights on the river. that concludes my prepared remarks. i would be prepared to answer questions since i am here. >> thank you. commissioners, any questions or comments?
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>> next item, please. >> public comment. >> members of the public whorish to comment on this item press star 3 to speak. any members of the public in person who wish to make public comment approach the podium. >> one caller in the queue. >> pollty director. i want -- policy director. at the beginning of last year they sent a letter asking to use the contractual obligation as water supply for to use in the
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water management plan. they went on to then use that number to represent the demand of current water demand and came out with 55% rationing. we caught them doing this. they were instructed to change and use actual demand protections which were inflated. using close to honest numbers reduced rationing to 40%. we keep hearing 50% from bosca not from sfpuc staff. based on 255mpg, 36% higher than current demand. 8.5 year design drought. we want you to address these issues. it infuriates me to hear 50%. in a way i respect the tenacity
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in pushing for the volunteer agreement. it is a failure. not a single agency reports it, not a single environmental group and the fish models are flawed and the secretaries of the natural resources pulled interest in it in september and directed staff to move forward on the bay delta plan. it is the game in town. we think you can easily work within it. we have asked for information that will show that. we have received nothing. again, please make this a priority. thank you very much. >> there are no more callers in the queue. >> thank you. public comment on item 7 is closed. >> thank you. next item. >> item 8 report of general
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manager. >> thank you, madam secretary. drought condition update from steve richy. >> general manager for water. slides, please. we basically are in an ongoing drought. statewide drought conditions persist. we can state the reservoir is to fill but storage is unlikely to fill. in the 2013-16 drought we filled every year. since water bank time is not
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available we put a lot of stress ochery reservoir storage. we will see how that plays out. it creates uncertainty how much runoff we can store and drought may extend beyonds this year. state in language emphasizes this is a statewide problem. to date water use performance reduction is promising. summer will be the real test. >> governor newsom made the announcement on march 13th for reduced demand. in addition, the state water board just sent a letter to 2000 water rights holders indicates that with the persisting drought conditions additional action on their part may be forthcoming.
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get ready for it. that is something that we are looking at and taking seriously, which is also coupled with actions before the state board that are causing us to pay great attention there. next slide is california drought monitor. this one is dated. it goes back to march 10th. what is not shown is growing red blob in the southern san joaquin valley now in what is called extreme drought category. it touches on the southern county a little bit. message from the department of agriculture the grout is growing in persistence in california. hetchy is 3,000 feet. it is warm in the country as well as down here now. we expect runoff. in the coming week as much as
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10,000 acres in hetchy in the next few days and in cherry. curtailments are suspended. we have been accessing water bank and storing water in it. other california reservoirs. this is the upper left corner that is the one that the state is relying most heavily on which is at 38% of capacity right now. that is concerning. we have seen that from the state water project and central water project. deliveries will below. both projects applied to state water board. temporary use conditions. basically they are looking for suspension of delta outflow
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requirements that they have during the last three months of spring. april, may, june. that is the concern. they might say to refill the reservoirs we need to suspend obligations at the same time the state is telling everybody else get ready for more restrictions. putting those together is ominous for the rest of us having to pick up the obligations potentially. this is the precipitation curve. we are still above 2021 level. it is below the median right now for the total year. on the snowpack it is similar. again the up country snowpack is in good shape because it has been cool over time so we expect to start to see runoff from that. water available to the city. runoff is low because of cool
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temperatures. we have been holding steady at 127-acre feet of water available to the city which is still more than the drought years we experienced of late. looking at the monthly chart. again, you will see october and december were quite wet. others are dry. march .6 of an inch. the country about a quarter inch here in the bay area. looking out this week. you can see there through today we did get a little bit of snow up country over the weekends. a quarter to half inch of precipitation measured as water. better than a dusting. probably the most significant chart is totally delivery. green is this year.
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purple is 2020. that is what we are measuring against. just to note that in february and march it was very dry in 2020. you can see a big spike in demand. we were starting to creep up on the line. we have stayed down below. good message. people did not respond to this drought condition as they did to that one. looking forward. demand starts to pick up around april 15th. the message the measure to keep demand below 200 million gals per day through the summer that would be a good condition to be in. that would be the best target for us. the update on how we are doing overall. san francisco is conserving more due to economy. wholesale customers are doing less. they have picked up a little bit
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in the last couple weeks not shown on this because it's is a dated set of data. the total demand reduction from january 1 through march 3 is closer to 7 than 5.5%. we are okay now. we need to do better in the summer. that is where we are. >> any questions for mr. richy? >> commissioner ajami. >> slide 11 and 12 is concerning to me. you can see the distribution of when we received snow and the precipitation happens. it is shifting compared to the historical average. are we reconsidering the way we
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manage hetchy? do we need to consider that today while i was driving here it was 76° in san francisco. i was thinking how much melt, notice melt are we going to get? it is not hot but hotter than normal? >> i would say we are not reconsidering how we can reconsider, frankly, on a daily basis. maybe we should invite you to it is through discussions of the number of scenarios we run at any given point in time to see what the possibilities and probabilities are. as i said, i think we expect from this warm spell about 10,000-acre feet coming down from the hetchy. we are pretty confident in that number given the conditions out there. we have staff both up country and in the bay area examining
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this on a daily basis. at the end of this week they go for another snow survey. we pay incredible attention to this and constantly adjust. one of the things we haven't presented we are doing power generation which is good. we are considering what about rafting this summer? we like to make sure we can provide for the rafting community. what we know is that we can afford a certain amount of water. we will sit down with the rafters we think we can use this amount of water under current conditions. how would you like it on holidays, in a month? how would you like that. we want to talk about a red line below which we will not have any flows for rafting. we have to conserve water supply. those are real conversations with real people about
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conditions on the ground. >> these early melts so far have not been a concern? >> we haven't gotten much early melts so far. this is beginning of snow melt for us this week. >> one other question i have for you is on the conservation numbers. is there like a target that we want to have on the sales? you mentioned it would be great if this summer we don't go above 200. >> yes. we established in november we are looking for 10% reduction from fiscal year 1920 demands over the year. that is where we are tracking against right now. in the winter period you just don't get as much opportunity to conserve, particularly because most of the opportunities are outdoor irrigation. that is why we are looking at
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the number we are looking for in total demand from the system is about 177 million gallons per day. if you look at 2015 line that is what i was referencing that was 175 million gallons per day. that line is where you come up with. if we keep it below 200 million gals per day during the summer we will meet the 177 million-gallon per day which is 10% reduction system wide. >> if the governor decides at some point to do mandatory reductions, do we have a number set to know where we are and where we are going? i assume -- i mean statewide we look the best out of everybody else for the statewide numbers right now.
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we average negative 2.7%. if they decide to go to the reduction 25% reduction, do you think that needs to be -- what else do we need to do? >> if i were the governor's adviser think a lot more before you put numbers out there than they did earlier by calling for 15% off calendar 2020. that was not well thought out given how much people conserved in the last drought and where demands are now. i would urge that the governor and his advisers communicate directly with water users what they think would be most appropriate thing to do rather than having the numbers show up one day over the weekend. that is not a good way to do it from my perspective. whatever they come up with, of course, if they say do
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something, the state water board has a hearing process. governor can't be pick a number to adopt. they have a process. we would say here are the things we can do. we are happy to do them. these are harder to do and there is a consequence to doing that. we can do what we can. let's have a conversation as opposed to a number out of the air. >> commissioner paulson requested to speak. >> you ventured to say a couple guesstimate about some reservoir level. just curious what do you expect in the next few days? >> i can't be hear you. >> i said you ventured to speculates about the next couple days in terms of reservoir level. i was wondering what you anticipated might happen in the next couple days? reservoir level are easy.
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do you expect it to rain? >> no. there is to be some little bit this weekend. i expect it not to be very much. >> commissioner maxwell. >> if we could give people 200 million. what is our plan? do we have a strategy? is there a way to get out the word? >> the emergency declaration the commission did in november to tell customers this is what you need to do. these are the targets you need to hit to get there. secondly, we have been working with customers on outreach campaign. there is a little bit about the outreach campaign later today. in the next presentation will be some of that. we have been working with basca to have that on electronic
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billboards throughout the wholesale customer area. they approved that contract. that message will take place. there are ways to message and our individual customers talk directly to their customers as we talk directly to ours. some of our customers are doing quite well now. others not so well. we always have a couple outliers. bring up alameda county water district getting nothing from the state water project. they will increase but take more from us. no, we have a communications plan we are executing with all of our customers. >> thank you. >> commissioner ajami. >> i think it was december that we had a conversation. i asked if i can get tutorial on the water bank. i would like to better
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understand how it functions and the limitations that we have on the drying and depositing and debiting from that system. i would love to have that conversation at some point. >> i think we should schedule something that in-depth conversation probably goes beyond what you can do in a commission meeting. i think commissioner maxwell as well. maybe the two of you could schedule something to go into that in detail. >> thank you. one last question. you mentioned that if the fact that shasta is lower than expected and they are trying to get some curtailment -- sorry
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easement. >> trying to remember the word. temporary emergency change. >> i had a feeling you were indicating that may impact us? >> i think reading the tea leaves. the state projects. state and federal projects want to refill reservoirs. they are asking to be releafed of delta outflow obligations to city more water in the reservoirs. i got the hard copy in the mail today. it will be distributed to commissioners. things are bad and getting worse. we have to do more. there could be more curtailments. look at the big picture. that to me seem to point in the direction of those guys may get
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off the hook. we may let them off the hook and ask everybody else to do more. that is a challenging position for us to be in. >> do you think we can coordinate that with some of the discussions you were having about the engagement with public for example rafting community to see how these efforts can be coordinated? or are they totally different. >> the rafting community asked who do we need to talk to? there are a whole raft of people to talk to. they have a vested interest in the economy as well. >> thank you. any other comments or questions for mr. richy? public comment, please. >> members of the public who wish to comment please press star 3 to speak.
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do you have any members of the public comment to speak? seeing none. are there any hands raised? >> there one caller in the queue. >> you have two minutes. >> thank you. peter trek meyer. i want to remire you the sfpuc has water in storage to last four and a half years. enviable position. i want to focus on worse case scenario. what if this drought continues and becomes the worst drought in the last 1100 years based on tree ring data? what the demand projections for 2045 which are 236mpg what if
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those materialize in the next few years and we were facing a situation where we got to figure something out? no one wanted to sell us water. i remind you of comments that were made shortly after the delta plan was released in 2016. he pointed out according to the economic impact projections cited for everyone thousand acre feet of water lost -- everyone acre foot of water that wasn't be available it would cost $400,000 in economic damage. you have to ask wouldn't someone sell us water for less than
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$400,000. it we have the highest rates. those projections are inflated. if they don't and the state doesn't say you shall follow that and sell water to a fair price. people would stop watering lawns and trees. we would lose lawns and trees. they would replant with climate appropriate. >> your time is expired. thank you. there are no more callers in the queue. >> public comment on 8a is closed. >> item 8b. droughtsure charge update by charles pearl. >> deputy cfo.
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good to be here in person. our communications director and i are here to update on the pending 5% retail water and wastewater drought surcharge to be effective on april 1 this year. cup poll points before i -- o couple points. reminder it is temporary. it was connected to the water emergency this commission approved in november. the customer if they he'd the call to conservation the 5% increase would be reduced by reduction in water consumption. that is the intention of how it is meant to work. ultimately it would be cost neutral to the customer. we are in a multiyear long third year of precipitation below average. while we are speaking of drought
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emergency just declared and looking at loss of revenues in the current year. this is the third year we have been managing through this. not what is going on right now. it is a multiyear story. slides, please. as your budget director presented on march 8th. quarterly budget report showed water and wastewater volumes and revenues below budget. water conservation as being fairly large component of that shortfall. what you see here for water volumes and revenues. sales volumes at end of current year. it ends in june. volumes to be 9% below budget.
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that translates to $24 million of revenue reduction. on the retail side. volumes are 6% below our projected volume. budgeted volumes. that translates to $12 million of revenue lost. if you add those together that is $36 million for the water enterprise. now as we do it every economic shock drought recession we tighten the belt. we have cost savings. to offset the $6 million we have a -- $36 million we have $6 million in savings. that will ramp-up to the end of the fiscal year. drought surcharge will help. it will begin in april. it will offset $3 million in the current year in terms of shortfall that you see here. on the wastewater side, billable
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volumes projected to be under 4% or lower. as compared to the budget. that translates to $30 million of revenue shortfall. we have about in terms of $30 million we have cost savings. $6 million in cost savings. we will have $4 million to help with the drought surcharge revenues. the remainder of the shortfall is covered with fund balance, to be clear. that is the fund balance what it is for. you go to savings when you have these issues. this is a shared goal with our ratepayers. cost cutting from agency perspective, use of savings account where we can. some additional revenues from the drought surcharge. in terms of power revenues we
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aren't seeing any material impacts related to the shortfall related to the drought at this time. a little background on the surcharge, commissioners. this was connected to our rate package approved in 2018 for water and wastewater. reminder this is four year rate proposal that you approved for fiscal 19-72. -- 19-22. we are in the fourth year of that rate package. drought surcharge was connected to this. the commission in approving drought emergency enacted the drought surcharge. it was automatic. reminder that the surcharge will end once the drought emergency ends. once we get through this
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temporary surcharge will go away. november just noted here the drought surcharge was connected with the drought shortage emergency. what we have been doing since then is and we will elaborate on this in a moment working on outreach apimplementation of surcharge itself. as noted at the bottom of the slide the surcharge will commence on april 1. where that i will pass this on to john to provide more color on the outreach. >> thank you, charles. good afternoon, commissioners. john coat communications director. we do have in place a robust public outreach campaign about
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both thesure charge and the need for water conservation. this began in modest fashion shortly after this body voted later last year on the declaring the drought emergency declaration. it is gradually ramped up since then. our goal in this campaign is to reach people where they are and in their language. it is to reach them in multiple ways. we have a number of tools that we have at our disposal that we are using. we have a web portal that is full of information and resources including drought guides in english, spanish, chinese and filipino. it has information for individuals to stein sign up for water checkups and free devices
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to be delivered. both for residential and commercial customers about rebates for replacing a clothes washer, for example. it has information about rebates for commercial customers about equipment. in addition we have other resources on there including downloadable signage for building and businesses in english, spanish and chinese. people can download, print and post. additionally, we have a number of inserts that have been going out over the course of the last several months. we have information in both digital and hard copy newsletters that have gone out to all customers. we have included muni bus cards on the interior buses. we have engaged in a robust paid social media campaign which is
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included as on facebook, instagram. all running in san francisco. broader ads for those not on social media running through google throughout our entire service territory. both san francisco and our wholesale service territory. in addition, we have regional ad campaign be in chinese, pill piano and spanish. this is a combination of print, radio and social media ads tailored to the distinct community using the outlets. in addition we have, of course, reached out to our partners at
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the board of supervisors, neighborhood associations, business organizations as well as merchant associations and homeowner groups to provide this information to them so they can use it to reach their communities or clients through the channels they used like the news letters, for example. these are a couple of snip pits from the bill inserts going out to all customers. in addition, i would note that the way this campaign has been structured to provide flexibility. the building blocks are in place and then we see how things go over the course of the next several months we can ramp-up media and adjust.
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as we head to warmer months where we have seen more water use we can be nimble and push out messages in the areas most appropriate. i am happy to take any questions you may have. >> commissioner ajami. >> thank you for your presentation. i have multiple questions. one, are you tracking how many people are calling regards these media campaigns you are having? has the number of calls or requests for services in san francisco increased? how do you measure effectiveness of the media campaign? >> almost all of the ads direct traffic to the new web portal i mentioned earlier in the presentation. on that site we have seen the daily traffic more than double since january 1. in some cases it is come close
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to tripling. that is showing us that people are going to the site. one of the interesting things they are spending considerable time there. i don't have it on my fingertips right now. i would be happy to follow up and provide it to you. four times the amount of time they would typically engage on a page on our website. people are going there and spending time there which suggests that they are getting the information. as far as calls for customer service center, that is something that i believe has gone up. i don't have that specific information. again, i would be happy to follow up and provide that to the commission. >> it would be great to see the effectiveness of this campaign not only the fact people are spending four times more longer on the website but also are they
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requesting information about appliances or how to audit homes? good to know how this compares before and after the campaign. another question i have for you is have you guys sort of done any tracking of the google searches that people are due anything the bay area on conservation to see if it has increased or not? there is a way to get these numbers from google. it is super-easy. i am sure people on your team can do that in a quick second. it would be good to know if people are really searching for these things, paying attention?
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i am about it is great you are doing these things. i really want to know who is getting the message. who is doing what? are we effective rather than just a campaign. are people paying attention? >> absolutely. that is what we can come back to provide in depth analytics showing how the campaign is performing. >> any other questions? thank you. public comment, please. >> members of the public who wish to comment on item 8b surcharge update. press star 3 to speak. if we have members of the public in person approach the podium.
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no in person comment. >> i see one caller in the queue. >> peter direct mire. i appreciate your patience today. i was not planning on speaking. there are interesting items here. you are in a tough position. i don't envy you. you development want to have a big deficit, obviously. what happens is rates are going up in april. people are going to say why are we being penalized for conserving water when there is four and a half years worth of water in storage? that is a tough question to answer. what i want to focus on is if the changes in demand. we have been talking about this
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for a long time. to support the narrative san francisco can afford to leave more water in the river. they have conserved water and rates are gone up. it is a cycle. rates you. people pay more, they use less. i support water conservation because it could benefit the environment. i don't think it is a issue of water supply. i don't think there is a chance we will run out of water. the problem is water conservation doesn't benefit the tuolomne. all the water we conserved was in 2017.
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surveys including the sfpuc show protecting environment is the motivator to conserve water. you don't have that argument because it doesn't work with your system. thank you. >> no more comments. >> next is 8c capital improvement program quarterly report. >> companity miller -- katy miller to present the capital improvement program december 31, 2021. he t.c.h. hetchy.
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>> these piecharts show the status with 10 projects preconstruction and in multiple phases. $134 million spent for 24% completion. $13 million was spent during the quarter. lower than anticipated. this should increase in the next two quarters as construction activity takes place. this shows the summary of the project costs forecast compared to to 20 approved budgets. they are by funding sources. note there are no new cost variances this quarter. same as recorded last quarter. highlights of the reporting period.
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construct a spillway to increase spillway capacity. at the san joaquin pipeline 66-inch butterfly valve and the 24-inch butterfly valval arrived in time for the next quarter shut down. this is significant because of could video layers. we -- covid delays. we airfreighted it. environmental for the transmission line 7/8 up greats. 100% is anticipated in this quarter. for the mountain tunnel construction contract continued to prep for the shut down. excavation and construction of the retraining wall for control facility. shaft collar constructed. it was dug to the depth of
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35 feet deep. this will be 150 feet deep upon completion. at this point it is 70 feet deep. we are getting there. road access improvements continued. staff and contractor prepared for first outage in early january. this is a graphic that shows the schedule for the mountain tunnel shut downs. we successfully completed the first shut down after two months. this was a really significant accomplishment because we closed down the entire water system. regional system was held up by the local water treatment plan. kudos to operations staff for achieving that with no upsets. we got significant construction completed on several projects including r and r at the hetchy system.
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cord nation and communications between the contractor, infrastructure and operations staff was excellent. significant work was completed. there will be four more shut downs over the next four winters. this is first one was important. we got a lot of initial work done. next shut down is critical for several other projects including mountain tunnel and mock son powerhouse and san joaquin pipelines. powerhouse rehabilitation project made significant progress. for the first project the generator step up transformer unit. gsu. we received the transformer. this is a picture of it outside of the tower house installed now
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as we speak. for the second project generator rewind this is design build contract you approved. 100% design completed for long lead items to arrive in time for next winter's shut down. third project long-term needs assessment report. this was completed and approved by the technical steering committee. for the san joaquin pipelines entry project, we progressed on two major construction contracts. these were critical improvements during the second shut down next year. phase 1a achieved 100% design. we advertised the contract and you approved in the last one or two commission meetings. phase 1b achieved 95% design. that will come for award in the
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next quarter. phase 1c and d are in planning. the variance before was due to rearranging the schedule to allow for shutting down one pipeline at a time to allow more work to get done while reducing the drift to water delivery. that completes my presentation. i will be happy to take questions. >> questions for ms. miller? >> thank you very much. public comment be, please. >> members of the public for two minutes of public comment on 8c report press star 3 to speak for remote. members of the public present to make in person comment, please approach the podium. seeing none. do we have caller on the line?
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>> there are no callers in the queue. >> public comment on 8c is closed. >> thank you, madam secretary. item 8d is wastewater enterprise quarterly report including southeast area major projects biosod ills and head works and 1550 evans southeast community center by robinson. >> it is wonderful to be in person again. it is real. good to see you. steve robinson quarter report for october through december 2021. it is an opportunity to share current updates. the three major projects. if we go to the slides please. this is the head works project.
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i point out this is our first quarterly report with the new executive story. we hope that is helpful. construction continues across the city. first image is rehabilitation and jackson improvements. 36-inch much dismantling joint final tie in with the jackson street box sewer. connected new section to the existing section january 2022. it is substantial completion. project now currently working on the punch list items. northshore improvement project. we had notice to proceed in april of last year. it is almost going for a year. photo illustrates drilling of 12 piles with rebar and concrete forms a firm foundation.
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ocean beach climate change adaptation project. you may be aware in partnership with the army corps of engineers 300,000 cubic yards of sand. the goal of the placement of sand was to continue the protect great highway and as sets, infrastructure along that area. long-term projects being designed through the environmental review. since placement we show we are monitoring the site weekly and identified the sleep slopes are as a result of wave anti dal action in the winter. in late december you can see the sewer continuing to monitor. the result of the monitoring is to inform the sand placement in the future.
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usual program status. 70 projects representing $3.65 billion. we closed 47.4% complete. this quarter 48. we highlight in blue. top is seven projects in preconstruction. no change from last quarter. green the construction forward to completion that was the infrastructure project. gray to the left 45 in completion. this is table 3 from the report. the costs for the entirety of the program. in two separate tables for phase one and other. the priorities are identified and initiated from what we call phase two and three back in 2018 and 2020. the columns summarize expenditures, approved budget
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and variance. the cost variance has not changed significantly since last quarter. we added this at the last column on the right. larger numbers were reported previously attributed to the biosolids projects. those were in the capital planning and budget that we talked about earlier this year. in you look at the five active projects in the infrastructure in the same way the ocean beach climate change project. no change from last quarter. forecasted budget showing increase $13.5 million add contributedded to change in escalation rate and business happening here. estimates for construction management. a few highlights on cross the programs. in terms of reaching 35% design completion milestone in the work. the large sewer assessment includes subprojects of expect e
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is the chinatown and north beach. f is castro district. terms of awarding construction projects sewer improvement be b was awarded. substantial completion the seismic improvement project got to this significant milestone. the intent of the project to retrofit the foundation of building 42 responsible for primary sedimentation treatment at the facility. rotating screen filter and compactor installation of that project. on to the three major projects in the southeast area. we will talk about the solids first. significant cost increase last quarter captured in the capital planning and budget process. no change. work continues. escalation is all underway.
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you can see in the photo more finished surface at the floor of that excavation. competitive procurement was undertaken. bids received. aligned or below estimates. that is good. we negotiated nine trade packages after a lull of work and the team is ramping up. they have a lot of work to do. they are working on a more detailed schedule to help forecast and right size the packages of work to promote the opportunities. for the new facility project. schedule we showed last quarter no change. it continues to work at the junction screen and handling distribution areas. you can see the removal basins and storage facilities. all of the piles underground.
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now we see work above ground we are building the structure which is great to see. continued award of the pumping rehabilitation unreviced facility packages last two changes redesigned because we went through the engineering exercise. that is why they are at the end. continuing fabrication and the utility tie in work and highlights as well. southeast community center on evans, cost unchanged. the buildings enclosed. it looks impressive from the street. completed interior and landscaping underway. last quarter resolving issues with energizing power. it is to be delivered on schedule not early. trying to be ahead of schedule
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that concludes my presentation. happy to take questions. >> commissioner ajami. >> thanks for your presentation. off topic question. related to this. obviously covid demonstrating how remoat control and digital access is so important to our operational capacity. i was wondering and i should ask this earlier. it crossed my mind. in this and all new projects online are we rethinking the way we are equipping this system or this sort of facility? have we rethought this process? what the remote control options
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available? >> if i could say there is a lot of thought and work going to the remote control to modernize the system way before my time. it continues to go on because technology changes so quickly. i would say, yes, there is a lot of thought put into that. we have our distributed control system that we use to operate the facilities. that is a project that is well underway looking at the priority facilities especially the new facilities like head works. build forward to integrate the right technology now. it is important to think about what we have in the system especially on the wastewater side. it all works together. think about the brain how we connect the nerve endings. that goes from monitoring what is happening to be able to control from a distance if we need to as well. >> the dcf is one of the
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significant projects that is underway. >> thank you. commissioner maxwell. >> i just wanted to the acronym. it is important not to use acronyms, you are waste watt, power, sewer. we don't know the language. you don't even know other people's language. it is important we get into the habits of saying it. on your written reports. maybe you put in very beginning. then when you turn the page you have to go all the way back up you don't remember what cb fc 2:00 p.m. means. it would be helpful to practice. it is a shortcut within your own. when you come outside, i would appreciate it if we used the words.
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>> we will do that. >> any other comments or questions from the commission? public comment please. >> do we have any speakers on the line? >> there are no callers in the queue. >> thank you. >> public comment on 8d is closed. >> that concludes my report. >> thank you. >> thank you. next item, please.
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>> item 9. new commission business. >> any new business? commissioner ajami. >> not new business. i failed to say at the beginning of this meeting today is world water day. it would be a missed opportunity if we don't realize that. such a great day to fall on our commission and all of these discussions we very, verying about the water supplies, treatment plants, everything that goes on in this organization. i want to say i appreciate everything the staff are doing day in and out to make sure they are securing access to clean water to the community and to san francisco and the bay area and wastewater treatment and everything else we do under our roof. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> clerk: you have four ayes. >> and the consent item passes. next item, please. >> item 11 approval the plans and specifications in ww675 the amount of 1,998,336 with the duration of 150 consecutive calender days it's the responsible bidder pipe and plant solutions incorporated. good afternoon, commissioners. alan johan son acting assistant general manager for infrastructure and i'm here to request your approval towards contract number ww675 fifth 18th up you are larkin street sewer inspection to the
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responsible bidder pipe and plant solutions. the engineer estimate for this contract was $2.2 million and there are two bids received. the lowest bid was by red zone row bolt ticks incorporated and the second was by pipe and plant solutions and they were $100,000 apart and the low bid red zone robotics was based in a 12x state so they were deemed nonresponse i have and were requesting the award to pipe and plant. >> thank you, any comments or comments from the question. seeing none. thank you. public comment, place. >> those who wish to make public
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comment for two minutes on item 3 press star 3 to raise your hand to speak. do we have any members of the public in the room who would like to speak on item number 11? seeing none. do we have any callers? >> there are no callers in the queue? >> i have a motion and a second. >> move and approve. >> roll call, please. [roll call vote] >> item passes. >> the prove the san francisco green infrastructure grant program guidelines. >> good afternoon, greg nor bee from the wastewater enterprise and this item before you is one that you considered at the last
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meeting and the discussion narrowed down to one specific topic and that had to do with the allowance for workforce development as a factor in the ranking of the green infrastructure grant awards and i won't go back in the updates because there's substantial improvements to the grant programs but again we went through those at the prior meetings so i won't go back through those and the feedback was staff proposed removing considerations of workforce development and the logic was simple in the first couple of years of the grant program we hadn't seen applicants taking advantage of that criteria so it was responsive to what we saw as we were learning and based on the feedback from commission of
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course, we are keeping that criteria in the whole time, so i wanted to take a couple of minutes in response to that photographic us and give you a quick sense of what is going on the background because there's quite a bit of activity and so we've been building it with projects in the street and we're in the building phase and the green infrastructure projects typically come in three channels so one is our capitol projects and one is stormwater management
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ordinance and the biggest driver and then the grant program is the third way that we motivate projects right now and then all three of those we see different areas of workforce development depending on the specifics. the stormwater management ordinance is driven almost 400 projects across the city and they're part of large many cases sophisticated developments so the work itself follows the labor agreements and union applicable union jobs and so fourth that go with that and number one, as we were early participate in 2018 in the national effort with to establish graining and skills set standards for the design and
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maintenance of green infrastructure and fast forward to 2020, we updated those and they're a module of workforce training that covers design construction, maintenance of green infrastructure and so that is again these are the building blocks. in some of our early projects, as you may recall, we had the eips those were the ones that we used to beta test green infrastructure across the city and each of the water sheds. and we took advantage of those including the baker beach project and to test-drive approaches and they would expos entry level workers to green and connect them with career paths. we're going to continue that effort.
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we're not, none of this is in progress and within wastewater itself these are pog job classifications that we will higher for and and lastly, several years back we started what we called pre bid training for interested contractors who are pursuing work that involves green infrastructure and over 50 firms have taken advantage of that so it helps them get information ahead of time so that they can be responsive to bring workforce towards the green infrastructure progress as applicable and really that's it. i don't want to -- i just wanted
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to give you a general sense of what we have going on in the background in terms of how i'm happy to answer questions and sarah bloom one of our inhouse experts on the topic i'm happy to answer any questions. >> thank you. any questions or comments from mr. norby. >> thank you, very much. as one of the commissioners that pointed out, what i considered annie mission by leading that section and i have mostly weigh in on that and i'm not going to get into all the detailser and else na seems to be happening just in general overwork force development within the fabric of this commission and agency and i did have one the water
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environment federation and they're a national organization and they're the pre 'em inant national organization for. >> thank you for putting this back in this is despite the chatter around down. >> thank you, commissioner. commission maxwell. >> thank you so much for that. much appreciated and i'm so glad that we're on the cutting edge of so many things during with
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green infrastructure and getting back to the part we started all this you mentioned that your grantees were not, it didn't seem as if they were responding and so that was for me, that was a big deal because normally, if you are a grantee you will respond inform whatever the grant to be feels is important and so is there any anything you've done and what should be going on. is there anything that you will do to make it different? so they will respond and know it's important? >> absolutely. i'll answer briefly and as sarah wants to add anything but i think the absolute minimum that we've taken away and we want to communicate proactively to the grant applicants and the interested parties that that's an important consideration and
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it but we want them to understand how important it is to the puc and our goals across the community and so we can up our proactive outreach and the communication on the importance is there anything else on that. >> the other point i'll add, sarah bloom, is that one of the other changes that we're making -- >> please speak in the microphone. >> one of the other changes we're making in this program upstate we're switch to go a competitive cycle so right now the program is kind of continuously open and applicants are assessed against meeting the eligibility criteria and it only requires thaw select two co benefits from the whole list. we don't say you have to have do anything, he will us what you want to do and pick two of the minimum and so we were seeing projects only selecting two and moving through the program so now with this competitive cycle
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we're keeping the minimum two requirements and we're able to assess and rank applicants on how they address all of the co benefits so if an applicant is chose to go do more than two of the minimum co benefits we can score that in the proposal and that will lead to the rinking in the new competitive process so they can max mice all the list and selecting the two minute pum. [off mic] >> monitoring is very, very important so, how are we going to monitor that to make sure that with each cycle that it gets better or maybe we make changes? >> yeah, i think we can continue to assess how they're being used and what we're seeing from the applicants that come in we're monitoring and because they're
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requirement of the program. >> i was thinking about knowing whether our efforts and making this an important issue -- >> ok, very good. >> i think we can expect to continue to make changes to the program and. >> any other questions? >> seeing none. public comment, please. >> members of the public who wish to make two minutes of
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public comment on item 12 remotely, please press star 3 to raise your hand to speak. do we have any members of the public in the room who wish to address this idea? >> seeing none. do we have any callers. >> there are no callers in the queue at this time. >> public comment on item 12 is closed. >> thank you. >> i have a motion and a second. >> move to approve. >> moved. >> i'll second that. >> roll call, please. [roll call vote] >> you have four ayes. >> and next item, please. >> next item is item 13 authority the general manager to secure drinking water state row involving fund loan for the water enterprise mountain ten you will improvements project and not to exceed
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$238,000,000.218951 and authorized a general manager to execute a cost sharing agreement with the power enterprise. >> good afternoon. commissioners charles pearl deputy cfo and requesting approval of a $238 million state revolving fund loan and agreement to fund our mountain tunnel capitol project which is an asset within our water and power system country and i don't have a formal presentation and i just have a couple of comments to share with you and in addition to the packet that you have information in your packet. in terms of background commissioners, the puc has a long history of working with the state water resources control board to secure srf loan funding at very low rates to fund our capital needs. we heard loudly from you during the budget deliberation earlier that we need to work to secure more of these types of loans and
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so this is this action and it was totaling $587 million. most of these funds have gone to support our wastewater enter are prize in particular this sewer system improvement programs so this loan before you is somewhat unique and it's really drinking water and it's a water enterprise alone so this agreement before you, it provides a 30-year term and the state provides a interest rates that seeks one half of the most recent california general obligation bond rate and it's a lot of words but that translates
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into about 1.1% rate to give you a sense of what that means. compared to what we have issued there's a big difference between those numbers and the translates into about $130 million of rate payer savings so it's a good wait for our rate payers and we'll secure more of these loans in the future. this is a water enterprise loan, however, some of the project costs support power operations and so you might be familiar with this term called joint function in our water and portion and a portion of the tunnel assets provides power and operational support and so one of the authorizationses before you is to approve an mou between
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the water enterprise and the power enterprise in terms of this cost sharing and it is 65 million dollars. i want to make one last point sun like the other srf loans this requires an easterly year repayment it will commence repayment after we take funds and what is called a draw on the loan proceeds and so we will expect that to occur late in '23. fiscal 23° and the principle will be repaid or will entry payment once the project is completed and we've sent all the money which is standard for these types of loans. and all the other terms and conditions are similar to our loans and i'm happy to take any
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questions. >> thank you. any questions for mr. pearl? >> commissioner maxwell. >> yes, are you paying the interest up front then? >> so is that what you are saying? >> it's not up front. it's the state for the drinking water loan program the state requires repayment of interest within one year of you taking the money essentially. whereas. the other loans wait until the construction is completed for both principle in interest and this program requires that we pay a little bit of interest as we take the money? that's essentially. >> why do you think it is? >> i think the program needs resources and so the payment of the interest would help other loans to be provided to other agencies like ours. >> that makes sense, thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioner.
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>> i have the same question and i'm just thinking, but this is going to be slowly sort of building up since you are not going to draw on this. whatever amounts you are drawing, the interest on that amount will be -- >> that's right. now we've already begun to spend some of this money. we have commercial paper funds which is our sort of interim borrowing program and we've already begun spending on this project and we'll work with our infrastructure team and submit a reimbursement request to the state and that's when the clock begins for the interest repayment. >> thank you. >> >> any other question for us mr. pearl? >> seeing none. public comment, please.
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>> members of the public who wish to make public comment on this item press star to raise your hand to speak if we have any members of the public who wish to speak on this item come to the podium. >> seeing none. mr. moderator, do we have any callers? >> there are no caller in the queue. >> thank you public comment is closed on item 13. >> thank you. may i have a motion and a second, please. >> move to approve. >> i'll second. >> moved and seconded. roll call, please. [roll call vote] >> clerk: you have four ayes. >> the item passes. next item, place. >> clerk: item 14. authorization the general manager to negotiate with qualified contractors for contract number pw009r as needed electrical distribution installation and construction support and accordance with san
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francisco administrative code 6.23c1 upon successfully completing negotiations the general manager will return to the commission to recommend a ward of the contract. good afternoon. i'm smiling. it's nice to see you all. during our budget hearings, we discussed a workforce shortage for journey level line workers. these staff perform regular work connecting new customers and responding to we went out to bid to augment our staff capabilities twice and twice we
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received no bids. and the admin code provides that when the department receives no bids and no further changes in the contract requirements would result in contractors submitting bids, the department head may, with the approval of the commission, negotiate with any qualified contractor. the item before you would provide that needed approval. i ask for your support. >> commissioner maxwell. >> thank you. so, why do you think that there were no bids? it seems as if you did confer with some other contractors and still no yesterday's. >> we're working with infrastructure and with the contract admin bureau if the puc and we did reach out to a number of contractors after the first bid. opportunity when we received no bids and we were told the
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general conditions were trouble to go some so when we revised we modified the general conditions and tried to take that feedback in and make adjustments that still would work for us to encourage a bid. we still didn't get bids. we're hearing from some contractors that their capacity is tapped and we're hearing from some contractors -- this is new and different work with this city here and so there might be some hesitancy. we're hoping by sitting down across the table and working things out we'll get a better outcome? >> what are general conditions? >> you said that the general conditions were different. >> i'm going to turn to anne johan son who modified to respond to these questions? >> thank you. >> thank you, allen. >> so the general conditions are
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part of the contract that specifies the contractors obligated to do in terms of having staff that supports the contract and how we'll handle time extensions and how we would handle liquidated damages. it is a contract so we took out that portion. it was pretty onerous and it didn't apply when we looked for trade workers to do the work so we tried to pull out sections and better fit it for the type of contracts that it was. >> that still didn't help? >> no, it didn't help. >> so, when that happens, do yot anything else? i mean, it just seems like nobody bidding on something would be rather troubling. >> i did, like years back, i reached out to one of the
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contractors, michaels that is doing the mountain tunnel and they had a division that does this work across the country and i was work ong a joc-type contract with them and i got to a certain point and then i said ok we'll put it out to competitive bid and they don't do competitive bid we directly negotiate with utilities and so part of that might be the model that contractors are expecting for this kind of work. >> so for us, did we not do thaa reason? do we feel we would get a better price? >> with competitive bidding? yes. we did outreach and we tried to get but they didn't follow through and we did hear from one of the bidders that you know,
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the amount of tradespeople the line workers were in short supply and that could be too. >> commissioner. >> i don't know, maybe mr. johan son can answer this. i'm just wondering, is this uncommon in the power sector? is that why we're facing this versus the water sector just because there are less publicly owned power as alan mentioned
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and as we experience as a utility, there's a workforce capacity issue and we're coming up against that. i also think we don't have much of a presence or a practice of doing this kind of work at puc through contractors and this is the first time we've done and a contract like this and so we may have kind of surprised the market and they need a little more time to think about it and we don't have the time to spare. so we need to move forward. we have customers who need to get connected and when we have an outage, the one crew we have has to respond to the outage so if we were scheduled, to connect to customers that day we're interrupting their schedule, we're interrupting their construction progress and we can't do that to our customers. we've got to keep things going. >> are we going to go back to the contractor that mr. johan johansson was mentioning? is there a pool that you are
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going to -- >> so there are contractors who we're familiar with working in san francisco and for example, on treasure island, the redevelopment work there. we've worked with that contractor quite a bit. we've reached out to local 6, they've identified a couple that they're aware of working and of course, the infrastructure bureau has a long list of folks that we could continue to reach out to. all of those resources were tapped for the original two bids as well. >> is this happening along the same time they're trying to hire people to do the work? >> correct. >> correct. >> and just i'm always very curious about this bidding process because obviously it's always great to get low cost bids and make sure we can save money for the city but does
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there need to be rethinking about this bidding process if there's something some we have to do to. >> we work in the requirements that the city implement as it does its infrastructure work. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you commissioner paulson. >> so, some of the comments that i'm looking at here and i am putting in in the context it's difficult right now during a so-called, i don't know what it is today but we've been in a boom time in which people have
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had fulfilling jobs and i know at least from is that people are during this boom time these are good times right now and this is the perfect chance to put yourself in your trade and in your industry no matter if it's that is of value. and, and i am seeing that moving forward and obviously again i'm talking about this in terms of the inability to get contractors and folks into the business so i
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know that this urgency and i think all the commissioners if i'm correct in looking at this but it still does you know, point out that there is a failure to be able toll do things and i don't say that with a capitol f but i'm saying this is a problem like everybody does in infrastructure and in construction it's like sometimes, you are having trouble getting thing done so i'm taking that in this particular context it's not a final-final. so, so i'm going to be conflicted about asking to do something oust ordinary as a commissioner moving forward because i do think there are probably is a position, i don't know what it is, i don't like
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that we're maybe going outside the norm just because of necessity right now so that being said, i'm just probably signaling that i might be the only person that says no and i know you are working with ibw local 6 and others to do this stuff so this is not because of lack of effort or a major ability to say that as a commissioner, i don't want to get things done. so i'm just putting this in the context of what is presented to me and the other commissioners right now. thank you. >> to be clear, we are bringing this item back to you assuming, if we are successful, in negotiations and a separate item will come before you for any award. thank you. >> thank you. any other questions from ms.
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hail? >> seeing none. public comment, please. >> members of the public who wish to make two minutes of remote public comment on item number 14 please press star 3 to raise your hand to speak and if anyone in the room wishes to speak, please come to the podium. seeing none. do we have any callers? >> madam secretary, there are no callers in the queue. >> thank you, public comment and item 14 is closed. >> thank you, any other questions. seeing none. motion and a second, please. >> i'll move. >> i'll second. >> moved and seconds. roll call. [roll call vote] >> thank you and the item passes. next item, please. >> next item is public comment on matters to be heard during
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closed session. and your closed session item the will be heard and conference with council and litigation and as plaintiff in the manner of initial order imposing water rights, curtailment and reporting requirements in the delta watershed and on water rights number s002635-s002636, 37, so01585 and so18734 and san jaoquin versus the state water resources role board and city and county of san francisco versus california state water recess control board at all and san jaoquin tributary versus california state water resources control board and if you wish to make two minutes of remote public comment on this item
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press star 3 to raise your hand to speak and do we have any members of the public in the room who wish to make public comment on this item? seeing none. do we have any callers? >> madam secretary, there are no callers. >> public comment is closed. >> thank you. can i have a motion as to whether to assert a attorney-client plaintiff? >> move to assert. >> move to assert. >> second. >> roll call, please. [roll call vote] you have four ayes. >> thank you. >> we will go into closed session. thank you. we are back from closed session. the commission took no action during closed session.
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can i have a motion whether to disclose discussions during closed session. >> commissioner: move to not close. >> commissioner: second. >> chairman: moved and seconded not to close. roll call, please. >> clerk: [roll call] you have five ayes. >> chairman: thank you and there being no further business before the commission, this meeting is adjourned.
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>> it had been rain for several days. at 12:30 there was a notice of large amount of input into the reservoir. we opened up the incident command and started working the incident to make sure employees and the public were kept were safe there is what we call diversion dam upstream of moccasin. the water floods the drinking water reservoir. we couldn't leave work.
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if the dam fails what is going to happen. >> we had three objectives. evacuate and keep the community and employees safe. second was to monitor the dam. third objective was to activate emergency action plan and call the agencies that needed contacted. >> the time was implement failure of the dam. we needed to set up for an extended incident. we got people evacuated downstream. they came back to say it is clear downstream, start issuing problems and create work orders as problems come in. >> powerhouse was flooded. water was so high it came through the basement floor plate, mud and debris were there. it was a survey where are we?
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>> what are we going to do to get the drinking water back in. >> we have had several emergencies. with each incident we all ways operate withins dent command open. process works without headache. when we do it right it makes it easier for the next one. >> we may experience working as a team in the different format. always the team comes together. they work together. >> our staff i feel does take a lot of pride of ownership of the projects that they work on for the city. we are a small organization that helps to service the water for 2.7 million people. >> the diversity of the group makes us successful. the best description we are a big family. it is an honor to have my team recognized. i consider my team as a small
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part of what we do here, but it makes you proud to see people come together in a disaster. >> safety is number one through the whole city of san francisco. we want people to go home at the end of the day to see their loved ones. we don't want them hurt. we want them back the next day to do their work. >> there is a lot of responsibility the team members take on. they word very -- they work hard. they are proud of what they do. i am proud they are recognized.
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>> this is a huge catalyst for change. >> it will be over 530,000 gross square feet plus two levels of basement. >> now the departments are across so many locations it is hard for them to work together and collaborate and hard for the customers to figure out the different locations and hours of operation. >> one of the main drivers is a one stopper mitt center for -- permit center. >> special events. we are a one stop shop for those three things. >> this has many different uses throughout if years. >> in 1940s it was coca-cola and the flagship as part of the construction project we are retaining the clock tower. the permit center is little working closely with the digital
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services team on how can we modernize and move away from the paper we use right now to move to a more digital world. >> the digital services team was created in 2017. it is 2.5 years. our job is to make it possible to get things done with the city online. >> one of the reasons permitting is so difficult in this city and county is really about the scale. we have 58 different department in the city and 18 of them involve permitting. >> we are expecting the residents to understand how the departments are structured to navigate through the permitting processes. it is difficult and we have heard that from many people we interviewed. our goal is you don't have to know the department. you are dealing with the city. >> now if you are trying to get construction or special events permit you might go to 13 locations to get the permit. here we are taking 13 locations
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into one floor of one location which is a huge improvement for the customer and staff trying to work together to make it easy to comply with the rules. >> there are more than 300 permitting processes in the city. there is a huge to do list that we are possessing digital. the first project is allowing people to apply online for the a.d.u. it is an accessory dwelling unit, away for people to add extra living space to their home, to convert a garage or add something to the back of the house. it is a very complicated permit. you have to speak to different departments to get it approved. we are trying to consolidate to one easy to due process. some of the next ones are windows and roofing. those are high volume permits. they are simple to issue. another one is restaurant
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permitting. while the overall volume is lower it is long and complicated business process. people struggle to open restaurants because the permitting process is hard to navigate. >> the city is going to roll out a digital curing system one that is being tested. >> when people arrive they canshay what they are here to. it helps them workout which cue they neat to be in. if they rant to run anker rapid she can do that. we say you are next in line make sure you are back ready for your appointment. >> we want it all-in-one location across the many departments involved. it is clear where customers go to play. >> on june 5, 2019 the ceremony was held to celebrate the placement of the last beam on top of the structures. six months later construction is
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complete. >> we will be moving next summer. >> the flu building -- the new building will be building. it was designed with light in mind. employees will appreciate these amenities. >> solar panels on the roof, electric vehicle chargers in the basement levels, benefiting from gray watery use and secured bicycle parking for 300 bicycles. when you are on the higher floors of the building you might catch the tip of the golden gate bridge on a clear day and good view of soma. >> it is so exciting for the team. it is a fiscal manifestation what we are trying to do. it is allowing the different departments to come together to issue permits to the residents. we hope people can digitally
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i am excited to be here today because nothing brings the community together like food. having amazing food options for and by the people of this community is critical to the success, the long-term success and stability of the bayview-hunters point community. >> i am nima romney. this is a mobile cafe. we do soul food with a latin twist.
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i wanted to open a truck to son nor the soul food, my african heritage as well as mylas as my latindescent. >> i have been at this for 15 years. i have been cooking all my life pretty much, you know. i like cooking ribs, chicken, links. my favorite is oysters on the grill. >> i am the owner. it all started with banana pudding, the mother of them all. now what i do is take on traditional desserts and pair them with pudding so that is my ultimate goal of the business. >> our goal with the bayview bristow is to bring in businesses so they can really
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use this as a launching off point to grow as a single business. we want to use this as the opportunity to support business owners of color and those who have contributed a lot to the community and are looking for opportunities to grow their business. >> these are the things that the san francisco public utilities commission is doing. they are doing it because they feel they have a responsibility to san franciscans and to people in this community. >> i had a grandmother who lived in bayview. she never moved, never wavered. it was a house of security answer entity where we went for holidays. i was a part of bayview most of my life. i can't remember not being a part of bayview. >> i have been here for several years. this space used to be
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unoccupied. it was used as a dump. to repurpose it for something like this with the bistro to give an opportunity for the local vendors and food people to come out and showcase their work. that is a great way to give back to the community. >> this is a great example of a public-private community partnership. they have been supporting this including the san francisco public utilities commission and mayor's office of workforce department. >> working with the joint venture partners we got resources for the space, that the businesses were able to thrive because of all of the opportunities on the way to this community. >> bayview has changed. it is growing. a lot of things is different from when i was a kid. you have the t train.
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you have a lot of new business. i am looking forward to being a business owner in my neighborhood. >> i love my city. you know, i went to city college and fourth and mission in san francisco under the chefs ria, marlene and betsy. they are proud of me. i don't want to leave them out of the journey. everyone works hard. they are very supportive and passionate about what they do, and they all have one goal in mind for the bayview to survive. >> all right. it is time to eat, people.
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>> good afternoon, everyone. thank you for joining us today. we're happy to host this event with mayor breed and our iconic downtown partners to show our support and commitment to the economic recovery of the city. we are committed to this effort and are thrilled to welcome back people to downtown. i'm honored to introduce our steadfast leader during a challenging time, but we're turning the corner. mayor breed, we look forward to the continued partnership of the downtown recovery plan, and welcome back to s.f. [applause]
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