tv Redistricting Task Force SFGTV April 7, 2022 3:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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good afternoon welcome to the april 7, 2022 task force meeting i'm vice care reiner. mr. clerk do zee announcements. >> the task force is conducting hybrid meeting for in person attendance and remoteax sesz and public comment i have phone. recognized public access is essential and we will take public comments first will be taken on each item on the
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agenda. those attends nothing person will be arc loud to speak first and take public comment those arc waiting on the phone line or connect to the meeting from web ex. the public comment calling number is something i fordeposit to add to my script. hang on a moment. while a panic and call it up. i'm sorry, everyone. public comment calling number for today's meeting as for all of meetings is 415-655-0001
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>> meeting id for today's meet suggest 248483301358. after you entered the id press the pound symbol twice to connect. you will hear the meeting discussion and your line will be in listening mode only. when your item come up and public comment is called those in person here in rom 406 should come to the lectern we will hear from them first. those who are connect to the meeting throughout phone or web ex cost ware join the speak are line by raising hands. if you called raise your hand by dialing star 3 if you mean are connect friday within web ex you click an icon that it is a raise your hand i con. we indicated we will take public comment >> in person first and the
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lines. you may submit public comment in wroiting. can e mail them to the redistricting task force. if you submit it in e mill tell be forwarded to the task force. >> you can send your written commentsus postal to our office and city hall 1 doctor , goodlet place. we are joined by our partners in the office of the civic engagement. agnus lee and ray monboris hoar to provide assistance to people speak cantonese, spanish and filipino here until 7 p.m. introduce service now and access instructions forked meeting agnus first, please. [speaking cantonese for
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>> present. >> gill. >> present. >> pierce. >> present. >> towns towns absent. >> member ho. >> present. >> member cooper. >> present. >> member lee. >> present. >> vice chair reiner. >> madam there is a quorum. >> thank you, mr. clerk. call item 2. >> agenda item 2 is mapping. members of task force discussion maps developed and committed lie data and research at the task force direction and give further instructions by agreement may move to line drawing if they decide this is a discussion and action item will be taking public comment as part of this discussion. >> thank you. mr. clerk. mr. chasel lee.
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>> thank you. thank you. mad am chair >> can you bring up the presentation, please. >> thank you. i like to thank the public for participating in this process and look forward to continued participation this this process. before we get in mapping and public comment -- i will like to start with a small presentation. will basicings san francisco has 11 districts and redistricting is the process of adjusting the bound easier to be compliant with redistricts every 10 years after each census.
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and we use that data to balance the populations of the districts. >> what is criteria. compliance with the u.s. constitution to california constitution and the voting right's act. >> compactness, preservation of recognized neighborhoodses of communities of interest and they are bounds by social, cult roll and economic interests could be a wide range. they don't include relationships with local parties, candidates when you mentioned communities of interests -- try bring up social economic and cultural.
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population variations are allowed murder to keep recognize the communities in tact. general low we keep it plus or minus 1%. in san francisco that is 800 people. plus or minus 800 people. we are allowed deviationsum to plus or minus 5% or plus or minus 4,000 if need to keep recognized neighborhood in tact. the district map must comply with the voting right's act to protect racial and language minorities. the upon current situation if you take the 2020 census divide by 11, come out to be 79, 545.
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our job is to get us close to the mean as possible. with all the criteria that i laid out. so, the chart you see before you other current districts one passed in 2012 and the 2020 population. districts 1, 3, 4 and 7 are below the 5% mean and they are on the west side and 6 and 10 are over the 5% deviation and on the east side. >> districts contiguous and for areas separated by water they need to be connected boy a bridge, tunnel or ferry service or they are not contiguous.
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travel from any location to another location in the district without going outside that district to be contiguous. points of arc joining corns are not contiguous. districts compact it does not bypass areas of population in favor of more distant populations. so. what are next steps? so throughout the few meeting its has been a mapping process that the task force will create the official district map. the task force will exercise the legal responsibilities. creating the map knowing that yours must be changes to be legally compliant. each move on the map will necessary low impact one or more districts. task force meets the
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collaboration to complete the tasks. please, help the task force by bringing ideas and solutions to the table and last but not least, according to the city charter the task force must adopt the final map by next thursday, april 13th at 11:59 p.m. this it is a hard deadline. with that, madam vice chair. thank you very much j. we have a presentation from the dca. >> good afternoon deputy city attorney. not a presentation a reminder i don't want to over sell anything. i then and there this is bruto the task force's attention and i want to remoindz more for the public at this point.
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obviously member lee said we have a hard deadline by the end of april 14th and i want to mention this is noted in the agenda for our saturday meeting as well that it is a significant date in terms of completing and completing a final draft map. as specified in the agenda as of that meeting once we adopt a final draft map, the only further changes that can be made to the map by our last schedule meeting which is held on april 13th were technicality changes small changes in the nature of correction. perhaps during a live session well is a slight oversight or miscommunication we have room to make corrections. you would have rom to make minor clean up but not a chance to make substantive changes we are already decided and taken a motion on and you visited as a
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group. i than you are aware but you wanted to mention for the public as well. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> i don't00 >> i have a question on that what happens if we submit that final draft and something come up about that final draft map and we have to make -- if we do something major after that, the 72 hour clock starts over again? unfortunately we have very little wiggle rom with the skechld once we complete the final draft. okay. map we will generate with the lovely assistance of the qt folks generate a map publicly available on the task force's website by mid day april 10th sunday.
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hopeful low i'm not over promising and that will give us the minimum 72 hours before the april 13th meeting at 3 p.m. we have little wiggle room. i know the big and a big project let's endeavour in making sure that any changes are done by the end of the meeting saturday april ninth. thank you. >> terrific >> thank you. >> mr. cooper >> thank you. my question is -- i know we are obviously going to do everything we can in our power to get everything in on time. i know the charter is does in the give too much answer to the question. i'm curious if you have any thoughts of to what happens if we don't we -- have that final vote on the 14th and who knows what things will look like then what happens if we don't have that dead line from the
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functioning of city government? >> sure. okay. hand signals. member cooper in response, i will say now is that the charter sdrm not put president deadline or make provisions for extensions or changes to the date special does in the offer any sort of other ways to press the issue we should troast that as a hard and fast, no. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. mr. jeremy lee. >> thank you, vice chair. you said -- i wanted to ask about like if we having the very long meetings in the night i want to be clear on we just -- limits of these like the 72 hour period. so -- basically has to be 72 hours from the start of our
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meeting on wednesday? is that correct? the 13th >> yes, 3 p.m. that needs to be posted a full 72 hours before the start of that meeting. roughly mid day sunday. >> so if we need to on saturday we can potentially go past midnight as long as it is posted the next day. >> right. so00 eye don't want to guess meeting end times as long as we provide q2 time to get the map up hopefully in the mid day sunday we should be okay. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you mr. chen. >> can we go to public comment. >> we can go to public comment upon members who want to speak on the maps that are being drawn and joining us here in room 406
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line up to this side i will give access instructions for people remote who may wish to participate in the discussion. if you want to give comments you should call 415-655-0001. and enter id for today's meeting 24848301358. press the pound twice to connect to the meeting. you will hear the moting discussions through your phone. if you want to speak you dial star 3. when you dial star 3 you will hear you, you have raised your hand. if you dial star 3 again tell tell you you lowered your hand that is how you toggle the hand up and down feature. if you are connected to the meeting from web ex just click a
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raise your hand icon that will add you to the queue of speakers whom you will hear. people calling our meeting will know it is their opportunity to speak they will hear you have been unmuted. people who are connected to from within web ex will know it is time to peek they will here, beep, beep, over their computer connection. we still have agnus lee office of civic engagement to have interpretation assistance in cant 19~nies, span and i shall filipino and i would like them to say instructions observe public comment. speaking cantonese for instructions.
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you for being here. i want some things to mention before the speaker the first is that the access instructions for remote access to today's meeting can be consulted on the front page of our agenda if we spoke too quickly or you node to look back find a copy of the agenda xu will have the call in information you need for remote comments and one more bit of request, this is the mapping discussion and mapping discussion is your opportunity for public comment to provide comments about the shape of the future district lines the way you like them to look. we request we keep it civil and
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don't use it to call out other people who have may have provided comment or who may be waiting to provide comment to today's meeting. it is just in the productive and can blowup quickly in our faces. get the first speak are please for 2 minutes. >> good afternoon madam and vice chair. unstoppable [inaudible] city attorney. i think you know why i'm here and as a representative of the gateway association, and we support the d3 map, what i would like to say is i wish you fortitude, patience and calm and peace in the 3 days ahead including the 2 hearings tomorrow, which are rable to me.
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i hope that the members will continue their commenting as this goes for. i have seen and heard a lot of heart felt comments from everyone here and it has been impressing knowing how deeply people feel and the task you have which is not easy at all it makes me cry thinking about temperature i come out of a civil service backgrounds i had to listen provide analytical skills and dot numbers and based on the things you have also to do that is part of why i prosecute voided the spreadsheet yesterday's meeting about the analytical differences with maps b and d. it is a difficult choice to make and you know i was here when you made it and i oondz the
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challenges you face in going forward and trying to draw the lines for the map. i want to say i know that each of you individually will want to do the right thing. i hope you can be doing it together. i will be at the election's commission meeting tomorrow. >> okay for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. please come up to the microphone. >> i would prefer to wait. step back and let the next person speak. >> the next speaker, please. >> hello. >> you are good. >> yes. >> cool. hi, task force members good to see you. hope you had some sleep. direct 1 residents i'm hear to
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you know advocate for in this case thanking you for including and keeping sea cliff and north of like in district one i appreciate that decision and this vote. i know it is not easy. the other thing i want to bring to your attention among all of the other issues kirk laying now anom ed my friend mike chen put admit chronicle reenforce i have been saying the last many meeting. a snippet says when the maps came out some cried foul to district bound easier opponents accused members overruling concerns and splitting up neighborhood this is share the same rep centation. removal of appointee in pressure from organization. this is my point task force is doing what is required boy law
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drawing 11 districts that have population in 5% of the average as required boy the charter protect the voting strength of racial and language minors, avoid raise as a factor drewing lines under the 14th amendment equal protection clause, communities of interests. shifting districts may cause anxietist but it necessary due to desparities in the populations. the reason we are stuck with this problem i say is because the city law makers put the housing on the east side. your job is hard i know and advocating and pushing for you all to w to make sure the people that do this 10 years from now are not stuck with the same problem. >> thank you. >> >> good afternoon.
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man. i'm live and work in tenderloin district 6. you are tired. i'm tired. we were all here last night. this is not political. and the funny thing is i live off of the definition of politics everything you do this affects policy and gentleman. the decision this is you make here will affect that based on who will represent the people. equity is about recognizing the barriers that people from political equity competence voting ecniezing there are barriers for people to vote. we see this in a lot of communities. poor communities. we here comments keeping it in a certain population. i rarely here about marginalized community.
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tender line is an example of that. like on my comments these are why you are here you node to recognize these people. we are basing on population. what is the point of having human beings here and people peek and be emotional and spends time here. convenience and people being inknow convenienced. 4 have been inconvenienced. we are used for a political football when it is serves politicians interests. the poor people in the tenderloin gets forgotten that is your job. thank you. thank you for sharing your
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comments >> do we have 99 now in the room that would like to make comment. go over to the voice of the first call ar, please? first call a, pleaseer, please? i'm a member of unite local twot hotel and foodservice war's union i'm disturbed by proposal being considered. the goal of the committee should be to make minimum changes not recreate districts based on political agendas i believe the principles are an attack on
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working families and communities in san francisco. again, i urge the committee to make maps with minimum changes not for the purpose of advancing. not for the purpose of advancing personal or political agendas. i support map 4d this is the map that protects our communities and makes minimum change dms not an attack on families and communities. thank you. hang on a moment. thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker please. >> i'm case wet chinese [inaudible] association and unity map coalition i work in china town in district 3 for 6 years. and they share the same wing
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class struggles as district 3. [inaudible] am higher income residents are in the in the districts it would dilute the power of working class. i'm dis, pointed by this process [inaudible] the discussions shown you ignored the [inaudible] san francisco residents [inaudible]. you have ignored and disregarded the people [inaudible]. this is not about map its is our home, survival and future. have you time to protect the most vulnerable [inaudible]. your duty is not to those who have arc appointed you but neighbors who are counting on you. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments. we have someone who stood up who wants to give public comment. hear from that person forward at
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the lectern, please. i'm walter chaplin i bring you this every time. look at this it is about stones town. stones town proposed building in 30 acres 3,000 housing units 1 huh human per acre. 2-1/2 times the density of new york city and 4.million square feet. 160 thousand dollars of commercial. 200,000 feet of offices over 30 acres of parking lots. in 2011 near by park merced got an frufl redevelop 152 acres. and under ground the m streetcar urn 19th avenue to their door.
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who will watch an over see if not the neighbors? who are the neighbors? the neighbor live in lake shore acres and merced manner. arnold in 1967 came hoar i did in 1971 from beshg low we watched herman take up the western edition there was in the a community to stay on top of when was happening we are that neighborhood. i'm not just a round eyed lib roll from the west side we are part of the community. like shore acres, merced american belong in district 7. it is the solution to the problems. one for [inaudible] heights and one for al dea when the dot
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technical details to fix your problems. i will bring each one of you a book. read what is helping. why time conincluded. thank you for sharing your comments >> this is the speaker in the room now. we will return to the remote comment line after this speaker. >> possibly. >> hi. can you hear me? >> i'm peter, vahle. i want to make a brief comment i and all my neighborhood feel it was disgraceful we proceeded on the you proo seeded on the map 4b. even though it has problems passed 8 to one. and middle of the night that was
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changed. and so -- i feel like it is important you voted proceed on a map that should be the one under discussion and not the one voted on in the night. know that a lot of the city is paying attention to this doing that 3 in the morning hoping no one is. a lot are paying attention to this and. to know that more of us are paying attention as a result and that's all i have to say. >> thank you. >> thank you, you did spell your name. vahle? thank you. next speaker please? next speaker, please.
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you think i want you to dp back to map 4d and you understand why i will not go into ha. do something different i had the chance to been y'all in this process like i learned by showing with [inaudible] 7 and you were a 7 time homeowner and you were raised in d10. i did not probably have not told you about who i am. i -- would a long time tenderloin residents the decade and a half in a one room sro living on ssi. i was disabled and you know -- needed help. e specially when i first got there and the sro. i made a life living in the middle.
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tenderloin. i got support from the lbgtq community and glide church and other organizations. they help mead rebuild a life. got my health together. gave me purpose and meaning. 2 years ago i went become to work after live nothing that sro for almost a decade and a half. and now i live a middle class life in a polk street apartment i hope you will redistrict the hub to 5 i wanted tenderloin and soma in d6 i'm willing to give up my tenderloin vote and go to d5. tenderloin
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>> we no long are have anyone in the rom on agenda 2, mapping return to the remote queue. could you connect us to the next speaker? >> good evening i'm bethany chen i work at [inaudible]. the community coalition. [inaudible] i grew up in the sunset district neighborhoods largeim grant population. many of the families that live there are renters. growing up in district 4 i believe that should grow in thein are sunset rather than the south. someone who [inaudible] the sunset district is important. that we recognize the renters andim guarantee community, more housing in the community. >> the district [inaudible]
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affordable housing too few [inaudible] and moving this district south would dilute the voices of the working families and make it difficult for them to stay in that district. expanding district 4 to the east includes asian residents make up 50% of the d4 population and small believeses and maintain a portion of thein are sunset district 5. and so i urge you to understand it is important the final map driven by community input and design for upon communities of color and low income family, thank you. thank you for sharing your comments next speaker, please. hi i'm casey hole i work at the chinese progressive association in china town [inaudible] d3, 11
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and 10 or d fur for the map coalition supporting working families. we know in our work improve living and work conscience able to get for us in our future and [inaudible] guaranteeing all working families of colors,im fwrnl and lbgtq communities are protected and lifted up. [inaudible] from communities back and does in the live up to [inaudible] fighting for rishl equity. many are disheartened boy youring discussions the past couple days but we have time to change [inaudible] most vulnerable [inaudible] in district 3 [inaudible] we disagree with you unanimous support from china town [inaudible]. we [inaudible] we have among the
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lowest [inaudible] in the city and [inaudible] does not share the [inaudible] urge the task force to move the area bounds by the jones columbus and waterfront from 3 to d2 and allow the task force [inaudible]. including honoring the black and southeast asian neighbors need to [inaudible] others in the coalition from every neighborhood representing broad and diverse group. counting down the final days of the process. we heard you talking about increase to [inaudible] >> time is coninclude thank you for sharing your comments sorry to cut you off we reached the 2
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minutes next speaker, please. >> good afternoon task force members i'm president of the district neighborhood association. and you know in looking at the map today it is telling we are 1 district that it is about 20% under and over that is because splitting the established neighborhood social cult roll and economic enters of potrero hill of and dog patch does not work. we ask you reunite them together. we suggest you start at map 4d because it main tains the core of district 10 a district working together the last 20 yers to solve their issue around land use and pollution and the changes on the southeast side of town. industrialization of the water front an asset to our communities. things we share and working on. we want to you keep us together.
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so place -- candacel stick, tsdz hollywood. keep the public housing institutions potreroo and hunters view and sunnydale. we had a map last time you know you had one. it was done. it was good. we account focus on the otherless. and the playback and forth. move that in that direction and let's listen to people that live in this district about how we define our communities. thank you very much. >> thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. i'm karen chen. i'm a senior community organizer. we have 2sl family hoar whatment to speakil be the interpreter for them.
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[speaking cantonese] whatment to speakil be the interpreter for them. [speaking cantonese] whatment to speakil be the interpreter for them. [speaking cantonese] whatment to speakil be the interpreter for them. [speaking cantonese]er whatment to speakil be the interpreter for them. e whatment to speakil be the interpreter for them. [speaking cantonese] hi,
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everyone i'm a family of 4 live in district 3 in sro. there are a lot of sro unit and low income families we share the same goals to improve the living conscience of public housing and be more affordable housing. in that 4d it does not include low income attentives and under mines the voice of population or being ignored. don't take map 4b we don't like the idea to include us in district 3. many in russian hill are high income or wealth competence obviously we don't have the same
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demand and goals the result is we look for different. wement north beach and china town together in district 3. task force, listen and occur as your first prior when deciding the maps. make sure it is fair to everyone and the remaining population of the community should represent and reflect the needs of the community. please, don't dispurse us in china town this is a bad choice for san front we have another family here. [speaking cantonese]
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>> we are a family of 3 live nothing district 3. we live in a tiny sr oushgs unit the space is so tien tebrings a lot of inconvenience to our daily lives. here in china town we are tons of families living in a similar condition as me. we share the same goals of more affordable housing, improving our living environment. i oppose 4d it does not fit our community. don't include russian hill in district 3. higher income families. we advocate for different resource. listen to our opinion when deciding the map. group same like income tlefl is important for district 3.
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keep our sro family in one family. don't move to district 2. this will weeken our voice. we want north beach and china town together and please, consider our opinionful thank you this is all for our family. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments thank you for cordinating the interpretation. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon task force members this is alice rogers residence denial of south park the last 29 years. i did not comment yesterday your maps were seen so much in progress. this is seems premature to comment. however, at this point i'm basicalliment to support the w this you are doing and to reity rit what was said earlier i think each of you have an incredible level of attention to
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detail as you are doing map drawing. 4b is you are working on now, obviously, is a very good map for our south beach, mission bay neighborhood. and it has an added advantage this it would be launching united states going forward the next 10 years at a negative deviation. not in an on the right not there is, lot of development and region map 4d, already at the max. and divoids our neighborhood. it does seem that 4b has an advantage of not setting us up for kick the condition down the read in terms of moving out the population. and i think it it is a role thing that the this is disrupted
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and absorbing 30,000 people at this point, it is going to have not affects all over the city. but tell be worse in 10 years. when there are many more than that. please, keep up the good work. and so appreciate how mineful you are of the voices you hear. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> hi, i'm clarellow i live in potreroo hill in district 10. district 10 is diverse it has been a major black district with a significant asian population, immigrant and working families i'm a staffer at the chinese progressive association. our members include workers and
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immigrant families especially in district 3, 10, 11, within and 4. we are part of the unity map coalition and working families and immigrant and people of color and youth in san francisco. we have 5 decades of experience fighting for justice and improving conditions in san front for working families of colorim grant and law students any map for the privileged in the city instead of vulnerable populations and communities puts us backing and does in the live up to san francisco's value fighting for racial equity competence equality. many of us has been hardened by the to whichic we ignored major majority of the san francisco
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residence denial there is is time. your duty is not to choose who appointed you but the neighbors and are countingow. until district 10, this monies that i ask you to keep it in tact. sunny valley. bay vow issue hunter's point expect potreroo hill temperature is neglect. time is completed thank you for sharing your comments we reached the 2 minute limits. next speaker, please can we be connected to the speaker please? >> good afternoon task force this is david eliot lewis
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elliott. lewis is lewis. a long time resident of the city. . 4 decades. also long time resident of district 6 the tenderloin in specific. i believe and many believe and the rowels say you have a responsibility and obligation to listen to and respond to community input. regarding that community input over the past few months you heard a lot of talk and a lot of asking for consider the community unity monopoly and consider map 4d. d as in democratic, deserving, decent and desirable. sadly instead you picked map 4b as in betrayal, bungled and biassed. so many asked you to keep the tenderloin and south of market soma neighborhoods together and
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district 6. and if possible with treasure island. but you have a map that ensures the election of more mod rit prodeveloper supervisors and as a result over the next decade, i think you will see more disaccomplice am of poor people and people of color and they will be few are black or african-americans living hoar in a decade if you go with map 4b. please, listen to the community and those who are asking you to consider map 4d. daved eliot lewis. thank you very much. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> hello i'm -- please, begin y. i'm caroline i live in district
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5. i think this process has been undemocratic. very hard not to view the actions of the task force on my district not to mention others lead by progressive supervisors. the switch and taken by the task force is a front and demand you go back to map 4d as you agreed on before the committee on meeting last week. the hate ashbury has more in common with thein sunset than richmond. 4d is not perfect but better than the others this is nothing than a grab and attempt to arc line the supervisors with the agenda of our mayor. i urge you to sweep d dealts to the sdrifrnth lines, thank you very much for your time. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please.
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>> hi. good afternoon. i like to start by saying how much i appreciate the task force and applaud every one of you work tireless low on this. i attended a lot of meetings at this point and i think now it is important to say again from the beginning the task force is elevated and prioritized public comment and i have heard on so many occasions you have been respectful and 39 when people had to say. cheering people is different than agreeing you have an important j.w. to do to come up with a map equal for all citizen in san francisco and not just those in i few districts that are vocal and demanding. nothing but committed time and
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time again excuse meing communities of interests together. it does not money they will be in the same district necessarily. i like to support the evolution of map 4b. especially in regards to these neighborhoods. of please preserve sea cliff in d 1. in are sunset and mcgonigleden gate heights in d7. thank you all for unwaivering commitment to democracy and shepherding the process. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. do we have a caller.
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if you hear beep, beep it is your time to give your comments. yes, please begin. i did not hear your line unmuted. so far i'm sing why gomez analyst for local 2 a lot of work involves politics we have 13,000 members or did at the height of the pandemic. half live in san francisco are members knocked on the dooshs of every district in the city to build their power and build power of the people of now there is a grave concern because the process for redrawing the maps seem it have taken the turn tht majority of the comments on saturday previous you heard hour upon hour of testimony voted 8 to 1 to go with map 4 d.
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that the bulk of the commentors grade with the [inaudible] and most interest of working people in the city. then come the 3 a.m. switch and now we are faced with a very tight deadline and need to go back not maps that most for the interest of working people. again, that would be map 4d. that was the map that had the clear and overwhelming support of. al ice of working people and progressive organizations and community based organizations. and we are saying you node to return to that. that is the problems but it was the majority of support and that's what wore asking you to revert to. that is the will and necessary now. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please.
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hello. thank you for the student to speak and thank you for the job you have before you. i'm a resident of d4 i'm an educator i work in the sunset. i'm asking you to listen. you had 8-1 vote and 6-3 vote. there was more from the sense agreement and after you keep considering the 4d. for consideration and us looking here in the sunset moving us in the i believe are sunset. i lived here 20 years. and have more i think we as a group in the community interest have more east than south.
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like to make sure and thank you for what you are doing but this it is a consideration to act upon. just listen and act to dp become to your original decision more grem in your group for 4d. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. someone in rom 406. and that person can come forward. if there is anyone in the recommend this wants to give comment lineup on the left side and we will get them next. speaker, come forward for your 2 minutes. good afternoon. i need an interpret, please. raymond, are you there? hang on a mobile home, please.
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we are helping each other one another like if worn of us is sick we help one another find resources and help because that is how we are as a filipino community. we help each other. and if about to be evicted we work together to go hoar to present to you our situation so we can help each other like have one resolution.
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we have anyone in the recommend now that would like to comment on mapping. return to the remote comment call are line. next speaker, please? >> eileen sunset p side education action committee. said that the 2 driving force in san francisco are tech and rolls royce. if tech and rolls royce are not hoar in person who are their surrogate and what are their surrogate's advocating for. unlikely they are sit thanksgiving one out. the current task force maps for the outside land south of goalen gate park seem to represent the district 7 version. whether it is the inner sunset had is the district 7 vision and the vision only. we submitted for one q2 map or
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hand drawn maps. attended 97% of the task force meeting and prosecute voided numerous public comments. it is unclear what if any impact this advocacy has had. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. sgr i'm caroline i'm a resident in lower hate. i'm not affiliated with a political organization >> i'm a resident of the neighborhood who got an e mail from a friend it alarm mode i was remove friday district 5. i'm not sure why only certain parts of my neighborhood were cut out and switched with glen park which is in the near us.
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and looks like be district ahead. gerrymandering and gets us out of district 5. i'm not map dp advocate for map 4d and please don't loaf me left from district 5 and the lower hate we share values and incomes and culture and definitely neighborhood organizations and festivals and art shows. and putting us in with district 8 does not make sense to me. i'm happy top shop in those neighborhoods. i'm happy to visit the neighborhoods but those neighborhoodses don't share a community of interest. my interest and where i hang out
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in my neighborhood where the neighboring gather and discuss, we have a neighborhood and you are trying to split us to different districts and it seems obvious to somebody who is in the this active and not involved. upon if it is obvious to me then is obvious to many other people in the town and what really set me off was seeing a comment from one of the commissioners who said that the complaints were only coming from one district. >> thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> hello, can you hear me. why we can. >> okay. great. thank you very much to the task force this is i tough job you are under a lot of political pressure. resist the inappropriate attempts to influence what you are required by law to do which
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is be neutral. continue to the a political and follow equal representation in communities in your deliberations. from when i have seen i have full confidence you will be able to do this. thank you for using map 4b. as a starting point for listening to the communities and keeping sea cliff and presidio in district 1. b keeps the tenderloin and soma together. unify the visitation aggravate task force has to dole with body in the stay like the board of supervisors population growth in district 6 and 10. the anger with change being directored is unfair low place. lines not set in stone and have
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not guilty changed much since 2000. arguments that higher and low are income teem people should not be in the same districts your new lines won't change the fact that quality in san francisco. with now population growth the new pop population growth and future will happen in district 6 and 10. prebl makes the most sense to have a negative deviation in the 2 districts future residents will not be under represented relative to the west side. things will change. sf has a massive bias and some are asking to you dot impossible. thank you for sharing your comments next speaker, please. >> hi. i'm jessica [inaudible] i'm live
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in d10 a real estate agent. thank you for your hard work. with upon redistrict the entire area. [inaudible] put [inaudible] in d 1 and so it should be in d 1. of [inaudible] and i know you have a task trying to split up d 10 with potrero hill. i don't [inaudible] envy the task you have to [inaudible] in and out [echo] >> thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please
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thank you i'm joe demento a residents of d8. and i want to thank you all members for what you are doing. i irrelevant impressive job you are with standing super long meetings, painstaking work and being unfair low mischaractered. thanks for your hard work. i want to e emphasize what a caller was talking about the fact you are real mandate is to make sure there is equal rep centation in the districts in san francisco you in this is in the the case. d6 is over weighted by 30 percent. 10 boy 10%. what means the votes of the people in the districts matter less than the votes of people in d4 or 1 or 3 and the callers who call in the expressed concerns with marginalized communities, i
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think they would agree that it is in the good. i don't think we or you think that west side voterings and counts more. this is obvious conclusion. and many of the maps proposed the community map, continue the problem of over weighting the east side and under weighting the west side. my view is in the dprau a line that puts this community interests in that district or the other. that is hard to balance the needs. i think the most important thing is we don't disenfranchise voters because of the status quo. communities have been over and under represented. that's a huge problem. you have a unique opportunity to rekt foil that please, focus most low on the proportion of under and over representation in the various districts now and
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account for future population growth will continue in d6 and 10 and not -- thank you for sharing your comments, i understand now we have 8112 callers and of them 29ments to speak could we connected next speaker, please. >> eye i'm paulina fay are with an f. im grited san front 30 years ago will most of my life. i have been participating in the motings for arc while. some call for minimal changes to districts but the fact is that significant population shifts have occurred. this process is not about drawing lines that benefit. preston and al ice by any means it is being in compliance. map 4d is property but there
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might be a bit of room for modifications. again, again, again, map 4d is not workable. yesterday the argument was made that disenfranchised groups need representation. this is saying that the candidates like dean preston is removed from the people he claimed represent are best for the group they consider disenfranchise and elect them all the time this is absurd as to the call to the task force commissioners. task force commissioners last minute the political group is going off the radar. the happily gerrymandered in the favor before export to condition the power grb for the next decade. i want to thank the task force.
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you have been through a lot. please do what makes sense. don't [inaudible] and i yield time. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> hi. thank you so much, task force members for putting up with everything you have recently. i think i would like to just -- ask that you add all of [inaudible] comments to my comments i think her comments were awesome and hit the nail on the head in many ways. i will touch on a few more things. people people referring to disadvantaged community the map they seek ensure to actively seek to disenfranchise the community. community map did not reach out
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to the african-american community for their input. african-american leaders came to public comment saying we can speak for ourselves. it is ironic the progressive map does in the have the support black community. this is i believe they are seek to disenfranchise in a name of a raw, political power grab. we are seeing that play out in outrageous ways with dean and others rallying support at the election's commission to remove task force members at 11th hour. outrageous. and should be absolutely put down immediately. and -- if what i want to say to the people who call in or speaking, what you are advocating for is illegal. no aim of upon community public
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comment with over come that that it is an important point that people forget. what you are advocating for is illegal i don't care if you have 10,000 show up it is in the legal. and cannot be adopted. and points about -- thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please this is a time for me to reminds speakers that public comment is not a great opportunity for calling out other speakers others from we heard or those we may hear from later on in this discussion. it it is your opportunity to tell the task force your views about the when you would like to see as the future shape for the district maps. next speaker, please. >> hello this is chelsea wake. thank you very much for the opportunity to speak. i wanted to dredge my public
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comment at the task force and voice my support. each measure working tireless low on this for months. i'm with the task force and the decisionmaking they have been chosen to do. you have been fair, open mindd and committed to keeping communities together. there has been a lot of noise. if you look they have been coming from one or 2 districts and the loudets don't represent the majority. the effort to under mine democracy not unlike the january 6, tax on the capitol is shocking. the heavy burden you have been sharing is a city wide 11s it this recall should not be something this distracts us from the job at hand it ensure everyone's vote counts. i would like to reity rit
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support for the evolution of map 4b as in boy. especially in regards to the neighborhoodless. preserve sea cliff in d1. golden date and inner sunset with 7. thank you for your commitment. thank you for sharing your comments, we have a speaker who has joined us in person in rom 406 we bring that speaker forward and another after. beginful >> chair townsend, members of the task force. i'm doctor emilee [inaudible] executive director of the japantown task force and board member of the american citizen's log. i want to thank you task force member jeremy lowe, gill, rein
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and pierce for supporting the motion to keep jeopardy an town whole. it was devastating to here it was voted down after midnight. however, we have identified specific blocks within the japantown district that do not have identified cultural neighborhood assets and submit for your consideration. we understand that the sequoias, senior living facilities wish to move to district 2. photocopy this is the case, we will not object to moving them out of district 5 as we believe in self determination. we fully know the bind you are in. and would like to contribute to a solution. but not at the expense of identified cult roll and neighborhood asset in the jeopardy pan town district i submit maps. thank you.
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have the commission to understand. i'm a 38 year residence denial of the castro i do not vote to remove the redistricting members you appointed do so would be a breech of public test and likely illegal. having this vote is a complete disrespect for this press that we are in. you should send out press statements for the selection of the task force and their role. their role is to listen to the public and use their judgment to make a difficult decision. activist members of the public seem to think the role of this task porsches force is to complin do as they say. this task force is making
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decisions for all of san francisco. all of them. please provide leadership. thank you i hope that who made the motion i think a quick condemnation needs to come for that motion the second of motion and who voted to forward the motion. thank you for sharing your comments, get about to remote callers. i will look what we have with our queue. 116 listening and 27. we heard from 31 speakers. could we get the next speaker, please. >> good afternoon board. i'm sarah bancroft a resident of
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district 5 i'm here with the map coalition. i was raised in so cal. and i was drawn to san francisco and the bay your because of the people. the culture i found it to be collective and progressive then and there where i grew xup people here understanding the importance of strong communities and celebrate differences whether ethnic and racial it it is concerning to see the gentleman work to undermine the very thing that make san front a fantastic accomplice to live, this ch is this community. i was shocked to here the board voted for map 4b in support for map 4 d. within 48 hours you are versed and unanimous decision it protect the vulnerable communities in the city. and frank low you can hard low
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call yourself public officialless if you make major policy decision in a back room deal. at 3 in the morning. the unity map coalition strengthen historically marginalized communities. it is harm to feel see district sick on the chopping block. i wanted address about making the fewest changes public. i knowledge when we have a strong raft of housing settle gigz the lines are not neutral and it is important this we make the necessary changes. and protect the communities displace said. thank you i'm in support of map 4 d. thank you for sharing your comments, i was mis10 when i
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said we were -- no audio. i may have left my heart in rom 40 sick. next speaker, please i live in district 4 exactly keep it brief i'm driving. i want to thank the committee rudone an arc mazing job and got abuse and i upon to apologize for that. i want to say, i -- support the evolution of map 4 b. b as in boy it is important to -- stay with that. you have to listen to -- everyone and not just a mall group. of peoplism support keeping sea cliff in d 1. i support keepingin are sunset
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and golden gate height in d 7. and i support reushg nighting visitationvilley. thank you very much. thank you for sharing your comments, drive safe, next speaker, please. >> hi. i'm looking at this situation and i want to share my understanding. the knowing the goal of this entire effort is to represent the citizens than i have accurate rep centation inure gentleman. as it happened, the eastern part of the community where we built most of the houses. it is natural we change the boarders. we wanted keep the same we should have built housing every
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where. that's not the case. when we are and what we have. do we need to remap. and remap according to the future. where are the new residents going on live. most likely in the eastern side of the city. when i see map 5ba the one riin front of me i see the work of the commission has been not true to the purpose. when i want is for this decision to work on their duty, there has been external vises that are trying to meddel in the process boy trying to call and sabotage mechanically honest w the externals have done. i want to encourage to you thank you for your work and poke to this goal after presentation.
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thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please >> good evening task force i want to keep it brief. recognizing the public comment you are getting. i want to thank you for this arc mazing job and diligent jobbure doing in the face of opposition and organized support from different groups for different ideas. i would ask you to prioritize the man dates and keep creating districts that is equal population and represent the city of san francisco and may be can you go a step beyond and appropriate the map in a way that is in the just provides representatives now in the year of 2022 and also for the coming
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years where the map will be relevant accounting for population growth and where it will happen in the city. the city now are under represented compared to others. i urge to you keep that make that mandate seriously. make sure well is a map that is buffer representing all ecstasy of san francisco. thank you. >> thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> a.m. a residence den of district 2 i want to peek up in spchlt traffic force the work you have done is really instrumental and i think in will light of a lot of opposition you face i'm impressed for none mowingal w you have done. i want to reiterate my support for map 4b, regard to the
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neighborhood preserving sea cliff in district one. keeping thein are sunset and golden gate in 7 and portoma and visitation valley. take a city lens not woj this benefits one more than the other or responded to the [inaudible] of a few specific groups and districts. you know that seeks specific writing of grievances rather addressing the needs of the city. thank you very much. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. i'm here.
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california street apartments. and -- my community interest is different and here is my input regarding what i heard recently from different callers. and some of the callers mentioned this they think that -- think i should -- belong to -- district 2 or district one and the reason why is because they think that there is a lot of million arias living in secret. but i live in secret. and i think this there are a lot of wing families live nothing this neighborhood. and it is the ridiculous and the hope that members can hear the
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facts and can hear our neighborhood input and like to recommend to the included in district one not 2, thank you. >> thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please i live in district 6 in city hall. i like to praise the task force for rejecting map 4d i know it was a change and it was tough after a long day. only way to draw district 6 even separate low the way to make a district 5 that is diverse in japantown in a 60% white district. today i will 3 percentages at you. now in district 410% due to underpopulation and district 6
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gets 30% less. 100 minus 40 is 60 my vote in district 6 is worth 50% of machine's vote in district 4. population growth will continue. it is wrong to confine the neighborhoods in district one, 2 and 4 for 2 decades. i urge the task force to approve the map where they are zer over deviation the maps have them below the target. district 4 will include iner sunnet and lake shore. district one should grow north and east. will put rush written hill in d 2. i know people have preferences this should be secondary draught map to have fair rep 7tation.
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the concern population balance means d6 have i faction of the voting power of wealthy residentials 1, 2 and 4. please don't have the previous task force mistakes wrchl can we get the next speaker please. jury room hi i'm ken shale a childim fwrant and live nothing d2. i'm arc paul [inaudible] i [inaudible] uncanny i know a lot of people have grievances and don't want change. task force i understand your job is to normalize districts to new census data so people ideals are maintained. bring our opposition unlike
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callers i don't claim to know how to do your job. i want to thank you for the hard work you are doing to redistrict. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. thank you for your work as you navigate this process. i'm betty major staff assistance and board member of the chamber of commerce. i stood before you as a represent of the china town merchant's association. stands with the united neighborhood group comprises 21 organizations. we support map b. we should suggest that the western boundary. we submitted 1100 letters on wednesday evening. we are suffering.
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we can't climate out of pandemic until we fill the store fronts and bring vitality back. because my grandfather and father lived in sro's in china town i sympathize with the "power for life" low income residents our family supports the group this is advocate for them and so dwo many other family in our community. i was also the one arc wake at 3 amwhen the vote was taken to change the map. i saw how long you worked when you realized you might have to reassess the situation. for those who protest it i look at the recording for this evening ump might understands and appreciation how the task forbes arrived at their decision. meetings begin with public comment takes hours before you can work. thank you again for maintaining courtesy and patience as you
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listen to the members of the public. as a member i should go back and tell conny chen i want to join her. a joke. funny. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. this is jodi crawlford i limp immediate san francisco for 30 years. raised my children here. i love san (and volunteer in my community i believe that all of san front deserve an equal voice. i want to comment against dean preston's move to recall 3 of our of the redistricting members. they are all very competent and decision makers and they have worked irrelevant hard and tirelessly to be fair to the
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difficult process. i want to thank them. i want to reity rit my support for the evolution of 4b in regards to the neighborhoods. preserve sea cliff and d 1. keep thein are sunset and golden gate heights d7. i like to see us all live as neighbors. everyone gets one vote and i really appreciate this work and hope you will move forward with 4b. thank you. why thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. i'm denise i have been a residents of san francisco for over 33 years. living in the same plot in the hate ash burref neighborhood north of the opinion handlism know have you a difficult task if you try to keep communities together as much as possible how
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are you keeping the community together when using the map 4b you separated the western half and moved them to 4 different districts. north of the panhandle is will will separated in 2 districts. the upper hate into 8 andin are sunset in 7. map 4 b tierce up the hate ash burref community. please return to map 4d. which will keep the community together. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please >> thank you i was grateful for left nut you conducted yourself
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in honor in the face of improper, taxes the leaders and other groups in san francisco churned up the anxiety and based on their misunderstanding of your raw and the laws concerning redistricting the goals from the constitution and are clear. equality numbers create number representation and compactness communities are one of consideration but it it is to fine tune include. there is a fifth factor the only legal bases to repart of equal numbers to ensure that racial minors are not the in the opportunity to be elect a representative. we can jerry -- so many are lips lead you can for other groups
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that it is in the true it relate its redistricting the term is defined. and these leaders are doing a disserve to african-americans i racial group had fits i minor racial group in the voter right's act and prevent friday electing its own representatives. disregard the noise. finalize your work by constitution and appreciate all your work. i request that you proceed with using map 4b with only remaining changes as necessary, thank you. >> thanks. next speaker, please. i'm jackie i will interpreter
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itch want to mention this wants north beach and china town to stay together. move mission bay this district 3. more ford annual how does to low are income in district 3. district 6 once again weepment the tenderloin back in district 6u nighted as one. won't don't want our lower income voice to be unheard and the colored people to ushg noticeed speak. they were tiebl get their beg your pardon and needed in the end, all commissioners please, lynch. don't ignore our voice. if our voice got hurt we be disappointed with every commissioner, thank you. why thank you for sharing your comments and bringing the interpreter next speaker, please.
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good afternoon i'm wilitem owen a 37 year resident of the [inaudible] i support map 4b. unfortunately the map 4ba developed this morning is a disaster for our per of the city it splits off po trevor hill from dog patch creates i deficit of 18% in d6. much has changed. potrero hill and dog pitcher more reline to the now neighborhoods north of us. we live in potrero hill and dog patch many of us w in soma and issues are like those of soma residents. increasing crime and security and encroaching homelessness and the expansion of ucsf traffic and ping issues by the sports
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complex and transportation. dot right thing. keep the hill and dog pitcher whole. support 4b. maps 4d is compact and ethnic low diverse and population in the parameters. thank you to the members for your work and to the moderator keeping your cool and for the opportunity to testify this afternoon. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. hello i'm with the barber neighborhood association in d 3 we support the plan for district 3 on vaness and market. for the evening >> the most important we believe
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this map 4b in boy is the best and the easiest for drawing district lines. at this point i think everybody recognizes the growth is grirt on the east side. map 4b provides better chance. the discussion early 30 week is difficult to work watch i want to emphasize that 4b is not final, of course and changes dramatic in some cases will be made and so for those who are unhappy with the situation today about working off 4 b i will point out it is too premature to draw a conclusion what will happen with a neighborhood at this point. finally, i want to thank the
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task force for your diligence, integ ratey, consideration of all points of view. ive have been impress said boy the cord yellity you have shown with each other even when opinions on a topic can differ. you have my wishes for the best luck ignorring the external noise and continue nothing your personal task. thank you. thanks thanks, next speaker, please woeful have at this time 118 listeners and there are 23 who indicated they have comments for the task force. next speaker, please. i have been living on sect street in district successes for
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20 years i participated in local -- neighborhoods and pole work in the 2020 census i want to thank you you on the task force for your time as you listen to the community feedback. also taking in consideration the legal requirements of your mission. i support task force map 4c. especially for district 6 this version is going in the right direction. times change and we are new data from the 2020 census and need to plan accordingly and not by how people want to keep thingless the same as that is not progressive at all. most change in district 6 with 30% growth account for transportation, the seaport. sea wall and port and climate
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change. 4b for enable district 6 to build the community and ensure health and safety. thank you very much. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please my name is lowis scott and i'm a retired city planner like alec barb. i lived both in the tenderloin and i present low live and have lived in the western edition for about 30 years. my issue today is preservation of residential hotels in san francisco. i don't know how many of you remember the hotel battle in the late 70s it was very bringing public, wearness to the importance as a type of housing
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and the impact that the destruction in china town it is now. some legislation had preserved hotels and i would tell the deputy city attorney that a very cranks city attorney puts out of his job for developing legislation. 2 yeesh in city planning i worked on the legislation and monitoring of the impelementation of the residential holing legislation.
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time is concluded. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> i work at the china progressive location we work with family in d 3, 11, 10 and 1 and 4. we are a part of the community map and represent those who have redistricting process. we know we request a the city when every drives when we cross
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people of color and queer and transpeople. decision to flip to i monopoly that ignores resident and wars who are impacted boy redistricting. the decisions have implications for our homes, jobs, education you have time for community00 i urge to you return it 4 d as in democracy as another speak are called it the most democratic support. want to see the tenderloin and soma district whole in district 6. russian hill whole in d2. the core commune of 10 in tact. we want a map to preserve the communities we need a map that is scombruft. map 4 d keeps the marginalized people whole make san francisco that works for everyone. working people can afford to live and stay for the rights of workers respected and public
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services and education. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> i'm christine with the forest neighborhoods association. and organizations, i am also with the west of central and coalition of san francisco neighbors. you missed a meeting and everything changes. [laughter] it is -- ironic that when i thought oui were headed toward in terms of group mass that people are less than thrilled with but represented a deal of the communities input become and forth i thought was close to finish as a dynamic
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element. anxious to look out for the rest of the city as well as the own district. hearing from district 5 and from district 10 this they want to stay with the district maps we had with d4. d devoted to the plan we had well for our team. things have to change. we are aware of that but to think that anup heavel where a group is putting information inlet to derail the plans that a lot of communities of interest including the west side and the omi and the tenderloin advocating for in front of the group is dismaying.
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if i may use another, d, word. return to the 4d map because we are deserving of finding a dedicated plan. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. i'm lounge i'm a residents of district 6. i will start by [inaudible] those of you from the department of elections under an inappropriate amount of political pressure and attacks. i think that theed narrative that map 4d had overwhelm public support has been revolted be a sham. underestimated the voices in the city. we are out organized but we are on the ball now. i want to support 4d.
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as in boy. negative 4 opinion 99 if you can it give one pressing example. my area either than a hub founded by fwoth and 11th between market and mission. it counted in the census having 407 people. the new developments on south vaness are filling in it is old mazda dealership replaced by a building. we will annex in 5 years. and it obvious that 4d is not equiped help us arc just to the future unfair. and i'm dimayd that so called lbgtq leaders are using my
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community to marginalize my district and i'm livid. good support 4b is fine just go with it and power through. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please >> i'm calling to support your work you have a difficult job to do. by definition many will be unhappy with your decision and that is to be expected. don't be swayed by anyone including politicians do what you believe is right and don't let anyone intimidate you. lastly i hope that the elections commission does not remove anyone from the task force. it would be a very bad dead.
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a negative ramifications for san francisco and illegal trump power play. thank you and good luck. i have been we think about the issues and occurrence at hand and there are concerned family and community out there that need solutions. and that's what we will get. i came up with this idea to submit which would be redistricting protection plans. which would allow for individuals to have additional protection in place. and if -- is the district in
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when they live in would -- specifically no longer -- they would not be in the d line or lines issued. and so i will speak on that now. the relocation of the residence den in original district prior to the changes allowed vote in the original district for races and existing conditionaledidates have up to 2 years to relocate with the opgdz to file extension. do you to the rising cost of house and fees due to the inconvenience in the rights to request extensions rise in cost of affordable housing. this would include resources that pertain to the district. they can remain eligible for the benefits.
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>> them give folk the opportunity to receive services. include small businesses, parks, and spiritual practice bellings in which they could opt in the option of individual district choice allows individuals lan nothing new lives opt to stay in districts, thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. we don't have anyone in the rom. the topic of mapping return to the remote public comment queue. i will give an update we appear to have 122 speakerings in the line and of them 22 who want to give comments. from whom we have not heard. next speaker, please. i'm george footing i limp in
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district 7. i'm calling regarding district 4 stopping at flow boulevard. this was requested -- that believe they were wonderful starting points for the committee. but for whatever reason the committee abandoned it. it important district 7 gets back merced manner, like shore acres and lake shore. here is my last suggestion. as long as the russian hill in
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d3 the task force will not be able to draw a plan to include 4 b, 4d, 3a and b which does in the do great damage at this time character of the rest of d5 and district 1, 2, 4, 7 and 8. as we have seen, in the iteration 4b. i think that the redistricting board has done a lot of harm to their original good intention. and i wanted to hopeful low get this as guidance. thank you, have i good day. why thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> good afternoon i'm ken more a lifelong residents of district 1.
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immigrants live in the sunset district. i want to thank you for your inspect public service. i'm calling to support the w you have done and advocate for maps 4 b as in bravo. those who call in the to support d are often doing so it is the closest to the existing monopolies and they want to preserve the status quo. unfortunately for them that map poorly reflects populations and barely stay in thresholds eastern neighborhoods far less represents and the west side over representatived that would worsen over 10 years. condition to sea cliff to d 1.
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arguments that one neighborhood is full of rent ands one of millionaries is disingenuous. do you to house and surge in costs there are millionaire in every zip codes of the city. that is no justification for breaking you know a compact and contiguous your full of diverse people. keeping them in d 1 would rebalance to reflect population changes thein are sunset and golden gate in d sxen both expressed they want to stay together. ip want to express my horror at partisan 11th hour attempts to remove appointees from the task force. it would be undemocratic power grab. thanks to you for your service and forge on. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. hi.
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i'm a d6 residents and i moved san francisco 11 years ago. i live in d6 for my time here today and mission bay. my parents immigrateed america believe in democracy. more excite to celebrate yell fourth east year they legible in opportunity. vent cent roll is a person, one vote. i ask the commission to pang the pol lagz distribution as even as possible especially counselling for growth in d6 and 10. 4d is closest to that. grow up in a beautiful way but issues get short [inaudible] not a school in our neighborhood vacant store front this is is admit one person, one vote. thank you for your service and pay no heed to those trying to
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intimidate. thank you for taking public comment and preserving democratic principles. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. hello i'm a resident in japantown. keep tenderloin and soma together. at this point base on the public comment it should be an anchor on any map it is clear if you break up them we have not learned from what happened in black and brown communities. also as a queer person and worked in direct service in tenderloin i tell you it is 2 neighborhood its is one community keep tenderloin and soma together. i was concerned watching the proposal to take away the northeast corner moving golf hate that takes away 1531
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sutter. keep japantown hole there are only 3 in the country that means a lot. restore the whole cultural district to jap pan town put russian hill in district 2. i think it is a lot if you and neighborhoods at the costs and continued to marginalized community. support d and the community map. something positive thank you it is hot you are listen to public comment. you are dog a better job than intrierzs thank you for your patience. get ice cream and have this while you are mapping. thank you and keep tl and soma together. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, ice cream sounds delicious.
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apartments. and -- i heard a lot of callers saying the love of sea cliff a lot of -- rich and wealthy live nothing sea cliff and did one -- but that is the truth. actually this area does a lot of low income. and renters and working fells in this area. and -- we hope that -- you can see there are 2. it could sea cliff and d1. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> hello? >> yes, begin. >> great. >> i'm julie i'm a residents of
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d1 i'm here because i'm a gluten for punish am i sat here yesterday and heard myself and my friends insulted called people who stood in the way of affordable house nothing our district. the implication being that we are racist. that we did not want black and brown neighbors. nothing is further from the truth the people in city hall are long time affordable housing activists and working to keep people housed during the pandemic. i will tell you i organizationed an among low launld row day. 99 of them from sea cliff or from presidio heights or west
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play park. instead they have lead homeless sweeps and gone on to social mead why to brag about activities. i'm looking at a group of people who our folks of color i don't presume to know your background. but by gentifiying my neighborhood you are silencing other people of color and ensuring affordable housing will never be built on the west end of town. i -- would not have thursday before yesterday. i will be one of the people calling for the ouster of members of this commission. and i have never met gene preston. thank you for your time. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> hello? please, begin y. on this line we
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is tht same speaker. they have 20 seconds. and support other >> reporter:s of the map collision. thank you for you should comments. thank you. provide us with the last comments and remind the speaker if there are others on the line that the speaker should pass the phone to the next commenter. >> hopeed represent the voices from other districts and
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>> i grew up in tenderloin and i also have family who live and w newscast tenderloin and china town. i am a staff chinese progressive association our members you just heard from and leader include low age class workers. those who live in d 3 and 11. we are also member of the community map coalition i support the requests. and i will repeat. keep the tenderloin with soma all 3 cultural districts in d 6. russian hill whole and district 11 where i live d 11 can and should remain as multiethnic and multiling waldistrict made of diverse working class communities. 11 has been cut up in previously
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redistricting of theses is important that we touch ocean queue view, merced and the yours lost in the now redistricting process areas noeth and south side of ocean avenue to keep it culturally connected this is in the about vote its is know rep 7ation i will pass it to the person next to me. >> hi task force i'm joyce lamb i'm a worker at the chinese progress itch association. place i will caw home is in the richmond district. i have wed for over a decade with working families in the communities in the city. in my experiences as anim grant youth a childhood immigrant and work in organizing work classim grant families i know how difficult it is it feel like we
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belong and matter and have a part and a voice in deciding and creating a community for us and by us the talk of one person one vote is right in theory but marginalized urn represents communities it disregards the history of oppression that immigrants face. this is in the just about politics it is whether communities share resources to be accessing different programseen though they live cross the street and share interests. it breaks my heart to think about people like myself. my auntees and grantys from the working communities. to black and filipino communities in soma who will
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have less rep centtation and less incentive to engage. i know you know that i have been following the press there are less people in the room today. i feel this shows you know the lack of confidence in the process. which i don't believe any of you want but prosecute mote. go become to the drawing board the map 4 d for democracy. many of us in the public are happy to w with you and druing the line and making the work. >> thank you. is there anyone on the line giving comments through your phone? i think this is it. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. thank you joyce, winny and 2 speakers of cantonese and agnus for interpretation. we are joined by speaker in room 408 inviting to the lectern on the topic of mapping.
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>> thank you. good afternoon and good evening, thank you for having me i'm john mccormick. i'm here to request you what is the purpose of your appointments and why are you here and sit nothing the chairs. what is it this the communities you know why are you sitting hoar today. and i ask this because for the left week and a half we have heard from literally every district in san francisco pleading for to you keep their districts together and needing to keep their communities together. and on for some of you that is met request deaf ear dps some reason it does in the sink in and has me confuse how why we are here and why you are here. and it is strikes me if this body was formed to represent the interests of san francisco this body was formed to represent the
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needs of the marginalized communities who need you are more then and there they did before. and you don't hear them i'm just curious what it is you are doing? why are you here? why are you in this chirp if in the to lynch to those most marginalized and need you here more than ever. >> communities you are in -- understanding of the this some reason it continues to falls on deaf earings. i care about san francisco i'm sure you do care. it strikes me you i'm john mccormick i live in district 5.
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thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, checking to see if anyone is in the rom who wants to give public comment we have not heard. if so come forward to the lectern >> we have a speaker approaching. good afternoon. i like to say thank you very much. i have been following and you have been working until 2 and 3 in the morning. i appreciate all you have done toward this goal. 1 point i want to raise on the resident special district 6 we than district sick expanded its diminished the votes of the people that reside in district 6. concern i have is that if the mapping in the redistricting is done or still leaves 10% desparity that will grow in 10
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years special diminish the value. i encourage the burden to stay as close as you can it i one % when possible. keeping communities of interests in tact. i think this sack filing, trying to diminish that or sacrificing trying to keep the votes even upon in exchange for other interested that groups might have would be a mistake. again, thank you very much for all you are doing it is appreciated. thank you. >> thank you for sharing your comments do we have anyone in the room who wants provide public comments on the topic of mapping. we can return to the remote public comment queue. we will have our lines unmuted i remind everyone not reminds update everyone we have 123 people lynch and at this time there are 17 line representing
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people. and we usually will shop at commence farmer market and i don't -- think that we -- got i should -- ton -- district 1 richmond and i kind of don't understand why i belong to district 2 marina. the place i live should belong to district 1. thank you. why thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please.
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>> hello? please, begin. why my gosh, okay. um -- i'm so sorry i was not red. my name is [inaudible] i am a 22 year residents of san francisco. i live in district 11. and i w in the tenderloin. and i wanted advocate for -- map 4d and advocate keeping west soma and central soma and the tenderloin together for cultural support in terms of the lbgtq and learner communities as well as the communities of the black,
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well latino and filipino communities. thank you for the work you are dog on this process. and appreciate you all and -- and that is all i want to say. >> thank you. for sharing your comments with the task force the next speaker, please. there are 17 callers we have not heard. we will try to keep ridiculous and bring them in the to the meeting later on. reminder if you are waiting to speak reminded this is your
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opportunity. if you have called us when your line unmuted you will hear you have been unmuted if within web ex you will hear a pair of beeps. beep, beep. and this means your line is unmuted. of >> can we get the next speaker, please. i live in d6. just after the turn of the century. the plan focus develop in d6 and 10 concentrating population diminishing the voices. currently work less than others. seeing the afternoonings of this in so many southeast of i80 and mission bay.
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communities organizations north of the freeway have partnered with developers to support unneeded office space on the freeway instead of affordable housing space our communities wanted they got benefits. it was their benefits at our expense. mission bay sidewalked in the grounds this is in the something that soma and tenderloin worry b. i support map ba as a base this map reflects communities interest this is exist from i80 and so manyasm southeastern mission bay and the dog patch wore new on eastern shore and local organizations have an arc lobement on foordzable housing and open space. we arc line those with potrero hill we know the numbers other numbers. we have seen from public comment
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4d was decisive because it benefited power brokeers at the expense of those who spent the left decade with diminished voices. there is a reason why most of the voices focussed on exclouding neighborhoods those of us who support 4b focus the on the neighborhoods we want to keep together. regardless of the number districts we end up in do police stick with map 4b. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> i'm phil chain a 10 year residents of b6. i want to thank you for your hard work. you have been patient and thoughtful in your work and i appreciate all you do if i may i will emphasize it created a legal map. preserve one person one vote.
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not to bow down to public comment. it is one of many to consider. without concern of political parties i finds it outrageous that an effort to recall 3 members by the commission. i'm in support and want to encourage your current 4b. highlight support for the following. inner sunnet with golden gate heights and vision valley. i want to emphasize the south beach mission bay must remain in tact as a high density neighborhood. they include the highest projected percentage of afford okay housing in the city after 35%. done the w. building the housing needed boy all of san francisco the last dkdz this may be newer than
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others that has worked to address our challenges of new, grow and diverse neighborhoods. i ask you continue the mapping process even though communes are new are than others this it is not diminish their right to be a prioritized as a [inaudible]. thank you for your hard work in shepherding this fair process. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> hi. i'm a city planner and calling i want it'd have kit a map that anticipates growth all districts follows in the process the next 10 years. and hopefully they would account better for greg after the census. thank you for your service to
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our democracy. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> hello. hi. i'm kim and i'm calling on behalf of the san francisco labor council we are disappointed in the movement by the redistricting commission. and the -- direction that it is going. we were not happy with 4d but we are willing to live with it. you know part of this should be tweaking the current maps. chopping it up for political outcome is helping it is blatant we see it all over the country. i'm appall today is happening here in san francisco. and we are going to fight this,
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you know. as hard as we can. we don't believe you should be destroying immunity that built this city. and you should be trying to keep them united. i don't see why we have to destroy the communities. they're important. that's why people come here and want to be a part of the community. you chopping them up leads to no good out come. so -- i urge you to rethink and go become to 4b and do tweaks to 4 d. we are urging it. we have been watching not happy at all at what is happening there is bad stuff happening and it is apparent and we are working families deserve better. thank you. why thank you. next speaker, please.
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i'm even chan i live in the lake shore neighborhood. i'm a san francisco native and i have 2 young children. i want to thank the commission for the current draft maps that -- plays the lake shore neighborhood in sdrishth 4. ooem driving now but -- don't get disheartened by political pressure. keep the current draft maps having lake shore in district 4. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> i'm seth jane a staff member at chinese progressive association. our members include low wage
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workers and immigrant workers. we are part of the unit map collision we represent working families, people of color and it is youth of san francisco. i'm requesting we keep tenderloin and soma together in d6 we heart support for. we established our cultural districts to strengthen marginalized communities against gentrification. in this redistricting process all to take advantage of b6 for more arc flount makereds. we are counselling down the hours of the process at stake is whether our communal will win record protection and affordable house to stay in the city. movement away risk marginalization of our members that makes this city what it is.
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thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, we have someone new in rom 408 to provide comment to the topic of mapping. 2 minutes begins now. >> good evening members of the redistricting task force i'm john paul torres. i'm a tenant in district 5. and i wanted to voice my support for the map 4d. i believe that map preserves the representation of our marginalized communities in san francisco. i urge that you consider that in as you look forward to your redistricting goals. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, looking out in the rom to see if we have anyone who wants public comment from room
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408. not seeing anyone. let's turn it remote there are 113 listens and 15 or 17 or so have not provided comments we would like to hear from them. next speaker, please. >> hello i'm adam brack a rent and physician and d6 i take care of the homeless and low income. i will not talk about a plan. i will say i'm confused at the number of people who think that in the name of equity it makes sense to have a map or districts close by and minus 5 with 10% success i live in d6 the idea the next 10 yers i will have 10% less voting power than others in the name of preserving the status quo does not i foal like
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i guess it is a cliche now saying one person but this statute primary reason of redistrict is to balance the population so each district has the same number of people. any effort this goes up to the lineseen divoiding communities. the 4d plan. i don't know it seems we have get close to seems like the obvious thing. i'm in shock that obvious more people like we should have the same amount in each district. the same time keeping communities together i'm in support that. thank you for your work and focus on the point which is the same number of people. thank you very much. >> thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> i'm francisco decosta i have
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been listening to most of your meetings. and some of your meetings i have commented and, lot of people are very angry. and anxiety row because they voice opinions and what you have chosen to do is what we call gerrymandering. so -- why do we want to divide the people from the tenderloin and soma in why? how many people have put it to you not to do that? why are y'all taking your instructions from some very corrupt people? for this reason some of y'all
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are taking the dictation from the corrupt removed from the task force. believe me. don't shout a sorted concepts [inaudible]. stop wood winking us in broad daylight. there are people in district 10. who are want to speak to you will hear from them loud and clear. thank you very much. >> thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> hello. >> please issue begin. why good evening i'm cheryl thornton a residents of district 10 i work in district 6 i'm
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going from 4d. more than 20 years hen in the southeast neighborhoods of bay view, hunter avenue point. show place, sunnydale and visitation valley [inaudible] it also includes [inaudible] bay you view shore view. we are the most diverse neighborhood in san francisco and the learningest black population in the city. we have latino, asians and island are populations. the addresses the many health and encome desparities we developed relationships across color and socioeconomic lines we live and work and play together we want to stay together.
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our communities are at risk. concern redistricting draft cut of potrero hill from our communal. this was the your where the most disaccomplicement seen the last 10 yers. families still live there and fight to stay. we need to stand with them and ensure our historical strong voices stay united. add dog patch back, please. and remove the valtehas no correlation with bay view and potrero and did not fit in the community. don't add that community and gerrymander district 10. [inaudible] thank you for sharing your comments, speakers
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who are providing comments will hear sequence of bells from the system this will tell you how much time have you left. first a soft chime that means you got 30 seconds to give your comments. and you will hear a loud are chime this means your comments 2 minutes are up and we mead to move of i want to make sure people don't get thrown by the first soft chime. next speaker, please. >> hi. can you hear me >> yes, begin. why i'm teresa palmer and i'm really discouraged and i think -- um tool is unusual it is the right thing to do um --
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to challenge 3 of the concern members on your traffic force and get rid of them. there is no reason on earth why d5 needs to be cannibalizing d6. and doing a bunch other weird, unnecessary stuff. to people that are under served. i am a 60 year residents of san francisco. i grew up here. and this whole redistricting is shocks and improper. the people are not representing special interests they are people when live here and love the city and want to stay here. but i have lost all trust about who is acting like it is a [inaudible] the district 5 and
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district 6 have to be messed up and displaced. i encourage you and -- may be i'm simple minded i have no idea why you can't look at the community unity map which was intelligent low done, meets the legal requirement. and keeps communities in tact. and you refuse toeen mention it or refer to it. when it has done your job for you the way you should do it. and i hope that the process as it stands changes. or that the whole thing is stopped and you have to go back to the drawing board this it is unacceptable and ridiculous. am thank you. >> thank you for chairingior comments. looks like we have -- 108
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listening and 10 we have not heard. >> i'm peter vandyke a residents of district 5 i waited a few thundershowers comment and i'm back to support the way the marginalized of the communities are an assumption of allowing 5% variance and the commotion maintaining one percent feels like a false flag. [inaudible] i don't think is a reasonable path forward. we need to be kept together and less affluent communities so they vote and affect alpha~casion of resources and funding. i ushg unity map [inaudible]. based on the public support should be an ancientor of any map going forward. i'm back today i was listen
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nothing i can i have the agency to do that because of my jobbive hear others with the agency did not work to advocate to make themselves. they are voice louder. the affluent communes call nothing this afternoon in numbers that have in the been present they have not been heard or ignored. you know as they are recalls well funded correspondidates [inaudible] and every election sit down and let communities that are under represented ignored or less appreciated during the processes which have less access to time dp money enable to wit for thundershowers give a public comment. working class families who don't have the flexibility in schedule are silent. am you know take a back seat and let people who don't have a voice speak you know.
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thanks. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> good evening ushg i'm analyze daniels i'm a proud resident on arkansas proudly a part of district 10. bay view and sunny hill all of the communities in between i want to remind us of the sentiments shared boy all members of the task force. [inaudible] keep us together. if d6 over growth is an issue others should absorb growth not cut. and possible shedding minimaly toeen out the deviateiens san frap will not stop growing the planning committee is not here speak or think for them is not realistic it you want to change diversity
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change policy. if you want to anticipate growth participate in plan and zoning. othersment to be concern about the weight of our vote. we can speak for ourselves. we know what we want. keep d10 whole. don't make potrero hill for the harm done supporting it in the last process. power to the people. people are the power we trusted to you hear us and hope you will. thank you. thank you next, someone now in the rom who wants comment on the topic of mapping. >> thank you all >> >> good evening i'm jennifer parks a 21 year resident of hyde street in d3. i'm a board member of russian home neighbors and support map
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4b. and vaness western boundary. i appreciate your time and commitment. a single mother of 2 teen boys i hear the names this is a long-term process. and i hope this remember remember its is long-term not just about today and what happened the last vote t. is the future. and i think that is important. so, for all of our kids and the next generations, thank you for your time. thank you for your commitment i hope this turns out well for all of us. thank you. >> thank you.
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jennifer for sharing your comments we don't have anyone in the rom who wants give comment. we turn to the remote public comment queue. next speaker, please. >> i'm edward write. you abandon map 4 d after hours of looking you had population variations beyond the limit of the your map now has 18% population deviation in 2 districts. most of you on the crip tear i can't recall to quote your guidance travel from any location to another location without crossing a district boundary. compactness. you can't look at democracy 2 or 5 or 6 on that map and tell me that you are prioritizing compactness. what about recognized neighborhood in tact? there are 30 from your map and [inaudible] somewhere codified into law. your map [inaudible] the japantown cultural district.
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am those actions are unified condemnation of the cultural districts of california the asian alliance and [inaudible] the democratic club and the [inaudible] club. violates your final crip tear traaia deleting the voting power of minorities well bgtq is a minority and you are divoiding us. is your am map balanced boy population. contiguous, compact and preserve recognized neighborhoods prevent power of minorities and reflect public input and hearings. no, no, no, and no. upon please correct course you are running out of time. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please.
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an unattended line? you heard your line is unmuted or hear beep, beep, it is your time to speak provide your comments next speaker, please. >> hi. i'm allison a twine year residents of potrero hill and booster neighborhood association. i mentioned not a means of identification. i'm a voice in my community and don't need people from other parts of the city speaking for me. my neighbors sent in community interests statements and public comment explaining the historic connections with the bay view potrero being show place, dog patch. rainedian basin. candle stick point. little hollywood and public house and communities from potrero in the north to
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sunnydale. have you gone with map 4 d met the environments that had community support cross the city we would not work on small are boundary tweaks the matchmaking adjustments to keep communities in the established neighborhood in tact. offers us the best tounts for rep 7ation. i then and there is difficult, but please mick it easy on yourself. do right thing and go back to map 4 d. >> thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please.
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we will return at this time lines several timeless >> can you hear me >> please, begin. >> 2 speakers here. i'm william walker 23 year residence denial of d 8 and 10 year of d11 i don't have the privilege of saying i stayed in one place forever. i'm the threat of eviction now. i will tell you this the 4d match and community union map are not conspiracies we are not paid i took comments driving an uber driver i have been coming to so many meetings i don't are
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money to subsist. i'm sure that is the same for many of you, thank you. the were d10 no audio. >> and western edition split and collect 3 neighborhoods that hate issue bury is in 3 different districts. this map is not right. so0000 you need to go back to the drawing board. it is dividing other neighborhoods at the to save the affluent neighborhood that are
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not vulnerable. what does mroint ain't have to do with the marina district. this map needs to go. we need to look at 4d and think about contacting the aclu on common cause they are organizations that understand voting right and hopeful low we can help people understand this is in the about political power it it is preserving neighborhoods that have been voting together and working on community improve ams. traffic calming and, thank you for sharing your comments, you will pass the phone to the next speaker. >> yes, i'm micah pinkston i'm from the bay view hunter's point. thank you for everybody stick nothing. you know with this crisp buzz in my eye this is is crap. i want to just address with
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issue, the past 70 years the goal of the redevelopment is to identify and place back residence dens from black neighborhoods. redevelopment made our environment hostile to maintenance to homes ignoring safety hazzards and continuing the racism against blacks that stems from the [inaudible]. and i ask this you ensure that the black community is not divoid when redrawing lines. evereffort efforts have you under establish this includes but in the limited to anything. i will say it all black communities. so i will start with sunnydale. alec griffin -- potrero hill and
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bay view that i will giving to the black community by the tribe which no one wants to recognize. you know buzz they don't want to yous have it. however, there is proof and written documents. i ask this you all you know -- stop bothering things. i'm for d 4. which saves us all from being separated. and -- we need that. we don't need no one to come in and try to -- step on us thank you for sharing the 2 minutes concluded. next speaker, please william walker did not say if there are were more that 2 speakers.
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>> >> i'm michelle member of better husband and policy and i'm very help to see this you guys can include us in direct 4 and it benefit us for the students of no high school. because it also [inaudible] atg and middle school special can help the students can -- get -- the summer camp -- summer school and the -- and -- and -- the
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mass of summer school programs. and also -- on the other subject we also like to seat the rest of 47 avenue admissible to be included in district 4 and another thing is we -- number 3 we want to keep [inaudible] valley in district 10. and we really think that your recommendations and your proposal is irrelevant equal and -- and -- and -- i'm hope that you can continue this opportunity and recommendations to arc terrorism our goal and enters as well. thank you. why thank you for providing your comments and thank you agnus for interpretation. next speaker, please.
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school or high school and study the math and also summer programs there. and -- we also hope that you can consider to incure west of 14th and fulton in -- district 4 and also to consider to preserve the -- the visitation and [inaudible] in district 10 and then and there in the many of our [inaudible] can be -- come trough but we believe and we trust your redistrict progress as equal. and it can be done in an equal wachl thank you. thank you for sharing your comments thank you for interpretation. next speaker, please. there is about 10 speakers remaining in the kwou.
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district 4 so the students can go to abg middle school and for them to continue to study math and we think that -- once high school can be included in sunset district it is kind of shape a good school district in this yours and it irrelevant benefit for education. and we hope that -- you consider to to include west 14th and and fulton in district 4 because it can help to have a fully development in this foreign especially allocation islamic and society. and also will we hope that you consider to put [inaudible] in
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district 10 because a lot of my family member and parents live in district 10. that's why we hope that you can consider to put them together in 10. and we also thankful for your time and effort to continue this equal redistrict process. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments and thank you to agnus for the interpretation was comments. i'm going to look at the queue. we have 112 folks listening of them there are 47 from whom we have not heard and one unattended line. we will try to bring back we give them another chance. next speaker, please.
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can attends ap gashing middle school the 1s and or programs and also the city college and we hope to continue us for west of 14 or west of fulton to be the district 4 district. and hope to keep and visitation and -- we really loved our labors of african-american and the residents of bay view. and -- we all thank you for what
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you have done special hope you condition to have a quick process. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> good evening this is tray north beach committee. i'm calling to say that i'm when we robbery hearing a lot about and from people who actually have the least in terms of choices that have listened to communities for a time working together with other organizations to make sure they got the services they needed. i than was also one reason this many we are talking about the fur d map. that it was the only map that kept the tl and so many together. having known and worked with men in that community, i understood
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that andmented respect that. and at the same time it was a matter of -- when i thought one a.m. on tuesday morning the -- task force going ahead and custodying out the whatever from north beach and in district 2. i had a visceral reaction i was sick to my stomach and extreme low fearful because what i thought in that act was not recognizing and may be not knowing that just a tourist place of restaurants and a attractions we are a solid community. i wanted to be sure that you respect and honor the community that have worked together it make sure that they have
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services for all especially those who need the most. and as well as to00 eye than we in district 3 need to absorb number and people. and people with shared rauls from those in district 6. i hope you will continue to cheap in minds as guforward. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please i'm a d5 resident i work in d6 and live in d6 in the past. i'm calling to keep the tenderloin and soma in b6 the harvest is realtime we are not take this community out. the top of market to mission bay was abandon it was considered
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too industrial and became a working class community of color. redevelopment suppressed fillmore and others cross the city also the same thing to south of market and mission bay. bulldoze south park and the filipino community. and suppressed economic growth offer the last 40 years for the people who are hear today. so to say that the people are here today are under represented is a false hood. because our government all it take for them to be here was born. and so come dpr other places that live here. it is the soma and organizations that make up the neighborhood that facilitated the twitter tax and the six companies and community benefit its benefit the healthy greg and the
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community and creating jobs for people in the tenderloin and around the city people coming to the your. tech companies south of market and the high rise towers and the community benefits that is part of the tenderloin soma community. the reason well is rom for the [inaudible] sacrifice has to happen. we share the areas. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> good evening members i want to thank you for under take thanksgiving difficult task i know it is a lot of hard work and a lot of comments so i appreciate all the work. i'm the donovan lacy a member of
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the potrero boostersorption and cochair of dog patch and potrero hill look to making our streets safer working on street scapes i'm not here to tell other neighborhoods when they should want or look like i am here to voice support for the 4 d map splits potrero and dog patch neighborhoods. restore and maintain the district 10 boundaries. last callers talking neighborhood schools in the neighborhoods they serve. only public neighborhood public school for dog patch is daniel webster in potrero it would not be in our district. fur d map main tains continuity and crucially maintains potrero
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and small business owner on the board of the merchant's association i have been call nothing since friday and heard res this our neighborhood continues to be between multiple districts. i heard a lot of discussion about keeping me a single community and understanding why -- our communities is not as important as the russian hill neighbors. >> i was feeling disrespect i heard someone say they felt too many call in the from one neighborhood i don't understand how we convey our ask into the good feedback that is too much or little but nothing we said has resulted in a change.
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i'm not a paid activist i'm calling for myself and i'm a busy person exit am trying to carve out my day to talk with you. so i irrelevant appreciate if i were heard. thanks. thank you for sharing your comments, next speaker, please. >> can you more me. >> yes, >> yes. i'm calling in to support use of the map 4d. >> i have been on a number of calls and i'm sorry i'm tired now. i will do my best. i feel that i live in district 5 and i feel that -- the other maps you are considering for b is completelyes
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