tv Redistricting Task Force SFGTV April 11, 2022 5:30pm-9:31pm PDT
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i think turning the rh1 into rh2 we can just get that out of committee today and send that to a full board as we tweak the rest of it and have part of mail right now. i just wanted to put that on the table because if we really are going to do the bonus unit concept correctly, i think it does call for some independent feasibility analysis so we actually can do what supervisor mar rightly wants to do which is maximum feasible, underscore, feasible value recapture. anyway, those are my not too well articulated thoughts. and i will note as i have noted in the past there has been quite a bit of evolution over time because i was sitting in these chambers a little less than 20
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years ago when i was not able to get a very basic a.d.u. legislation with the majority vote of the then board of supervisors so the world has indeed changed for the better. >> thank you, supervisor peskin. supervisor preston. >> thank you, chair. supervisor mandelman and mar for both your work on the items and the issue. i referenced the last two hearings and will surface it again because by my read of the ordinance as well as the proposed amendments i think we're taking from supervisor melgar today, while there is some limit around the use after by an affidavit of intent to
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always been a question of political will. and i think it's important. i think what none of us wants, at least on this body, think there's people out there very happy to have this be a mass demolition bill but i don't think there's many people here in these chambers or on this board that want to see large-scale demolition of housing in san francisco. and i think the strongest protection not short of additional demolition control is to require a period of time. i think multiple years, i think five years of ownership before one could avail themselves of this. and that would allow the property owners and residents to
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build these additional units. and make it not really as attractive to the board and i look forward to getting those amendments and i understand they'll be provided as soon as possible by city attorneys but understand there's work to do before that. thank you. >> supervisor mandelman. >> thank you, chair melgar and colleagues for your thoughts. it's a good conversation. i would ask folks to keep in mind i described this as modest and incremental. it's important to remember how modest and incremental it is
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especially if we enter into a conversation about value recapture. when we started down this path a year and a half ago which was pre-sb9, there was already -- the movement that had started in san francisco to try to modestly increase density through a.d.u.s had taken off. you can already guess additional units through statewide streamlined pathways and local pathways. so i think -- i have not abandoned this effort because i still think it continues to have some value. i think going up to potentially six units on corner lots does start looking like, oh, wow, we may have some small buildings with a number of small units and
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maybe they'll be rental and that could be good. i think that what i would say as i look at the a.d.u. program though i'm glad we have it, i don't think it's produced units at the scale that i would like to see it have and so that makes me wonder whether there is so much value to recapture and you know maybe there's some economic analysis that could help answer that question but people are voting with their pocket books and investment dollars and whether or not even home owners many decided whether to do these and for some it won't make financial sense to do it. i think allowing potentially for some more units and maybe some corner lots potentially allowing folks to condo-ize and not
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having to think of recapturing this over decades but eventually selling off the unit, i think a lot of a.d.u.s have been created due to a perceived response from the city and you have to add the unit to get your project approved but with no intention of renting it out or ever gets sold either and it just sits there. i understand the hesitance by some colleagues but i also worry about weighing down what is again a pretty small move and what i think we need to probably do about 20 or 30 more of these over the next year if we're going to actually rise to the moment. >> supervisor mar. >> thank you. just to respond to supervisor mandelman's points about the slow uptake in a.d.u. program in
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san francisco, i do think that's true. though i think we started to see it increase over the last few years. and i think the fee waiver helped and the pilot program i'm doing in my district has helped promote it and got interest from people who didn't consider it before and there's other cities in california further along in the a.d.u. and the incremental development strategy than we are. in los angeles in early 2021 they reported processing upwards of 80,000a.d.u.s and they make up nearly 40% of all housing permits in l.a. and similarly in san josé a.d.u.s make up 30% of all housing permits there as
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well. i think there's a lot of more we can do in san francisco to accelerate a.d.u.s and now with sb9 and whatever we pass locally with the legislative proposals, duplexes to quadplexes. that's why i've been focussed more on besides the land use and zoning changes themselves aren't going create the units and we need to look at ways to incentiize the development and for me it's looking at home owners as a primary target rather than developers. >> supervisor peskin. >> thank you, madame chair. i was just going to respond to supervisor mandelman in two ways. it depends on where you are as to whether or not this is a significant change.
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in the northeast corner of the city, it's not a significant change. in the sunset and richmond, it could be remarkably significant, i mean, if one equals four that's a quadrupling at a minimum but i don't want to nick pick that. i'd rather nit pick the second same which is there's going to be more to come. you said we'll need another 20 or 30 of these to meet the mandate and that may well be true and that gets me back to the notion of starting this conversation with the benefit of some real independent feasibility analysis. not because this one is particularly significant or less significant but because it really is creating a road map for us and future generations of supervisors to say, hey, would you folks actually look at
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feasibility studies that will be update from time to time and insofar as we've empowered in the case of section 415 of the code for the controller to do that and that was a very successful process. look, at the end, a bunch of folks got in a room and yelled and screamed at each other and pinned the tail to the donkey because all the reports have a margin of where things go in the red zone of feasibility and are you giving things away at the bottom end of the zone. that was a tough conversation. the analysis was there and we were all talk about the same thing and maybe an analysis that can be used in other venues and maybe this is totally pie in the sky but i think to the extent there's going to be other forms of this for other topologies and whether it's conversations yet to come around p.d.r. or over m1
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and m2 and the notion of feasibility i wanted to throw in there but i also had my consolation prize which is why don't we take step 1 and get half this thing out the door? today -- and this is probably like chris is going to flip out but i gave it -- i think we can duplicate the file and delete the first six pages and after page 15 and get out the door with recommendation today and vote out in next week. seems like that would work. >> thank you, supervisor peskin for that idea. so i will say this affects district 4 and district 7 more than it affects most districts. district 1 has already been rezoned higher though they're still single family homes they're higher than districts 11
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and 13. and i'd appreciate it if you would go over the spirit. supervisor mar, listening to your messaging, i agree with everything you said but i don't agree with that and there was an agreement that would add $2 billion in public investment at $1.3 billion of private investment from the private home owners. that's not real today. so i am -- i do want the units to be built. i think that one of the things that has really changed in district 7 is that 15 years ago
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people were still trying to wrap their heads around a.d.u.s as supervisor peskin pointed out and most folks will say we need housing in district 7 and all kinds. affordable housing for sure because we've not built our fair share but we have an aging population and lots of folks will have four and five bedroom houses and their kids have moved away and if they want stay in the communities that they love they have no place to go. those are not folks who are necessarily low income though there are folks who are low income house rich and cash poor who have no options. i do want to be able to meet the housing supply needs of the district and at the same time not exacerbate the speculation that we have seen in other
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places, for sure. and i think that nothing prevents us from continuing to work on a subsidy incentive program that pairs with this. what i do object to is the concept of creating a regulatory infrastructure that we don't currently have that is a requirement in order to build more units than two. and also that we don't quite yet have identified the sources of funding this would require. that being said, there is a lot of things that we may not necessarily agree on but i think there are some things that we do agree on. [please stand by] . looking at the
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screen from chair -- sorry. clerk. your comments were homo phobic. sexualy driven. degrating and you are right it is unbecoming of anyone given the privilege of serveingly the city of san francisco & in this important capacity. your comment was verbal abuse that would only come from a place of elite male mason-in-lawing neil.
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it is one thing to take verbal abu from people who don't know me and someone to be coming from someone who i worked with for 7 montes and hundreds of hours in situations never been contentious and only collegial. i don't take the degrating insults from men and you are not forgiven. i assume that is mr. cooper. >>
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>> saturday there were actions by the task force i feel were not in the spirit of the transparent process we have committed to up to that point. i came to the conconclusion i could not remain on the dias that evening. i did not coordinate my action it was a spontaneous reaction to my emotions to the events. i want to be clear my decision to leave saturday's noting like every action i have taken in my service have nothing to do with politics. i take this serious low and resent the extent the city's to beingic culture imposed itself on the process unsurprising of a development it may have been. not related the concept of the vote. i did in the agree with the plan to separate the site it is by moving potrero out of 10y nor the move of potrero in 9, and i
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have serious well documented issues with the rest of the map as it related to the tenderloin and so many a would have accepted it if it was in good faith as a resulting in an honest discussion. even though i'm disappointed by saturday's event i will continue my service on the redistricting task force i owe it at this time people to distribute and making the best final report possible and participate in likely the final vote on wednesday i hope we continue to do what we believe is in the best interests of san francisco. thank you. >> is there anyone else in >> mr. jeremy lee thank you. i certainly accept your arc approximately i don't and offer you my actions in any way offended you. it was a difficult time, a
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difficult moment. and there are times when many of us have done things and taken actions that we later regretted. i understand and -- i -- work with you any time. i know a lot of what happened here and i will have more to say later has been hurt and will difficult for all of us. at the same time i certainly think00 automajority of our work and event has been done with collegiality and good humor and i certainly appreciate the task force for that. i will apologize initially for my inability as a leadtory keep us from break down. i understand i understood when we started there would be
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agreements and disagreements. but i just feel i failed you all. are there any other members with commentses. mr. cooper you look anxious. >> no , i'm curious no one anyone from q2 is connected if there is matter related to the maps that are worth discussing before we go to public comment. i know we cannot make major changes to the map but changes to the map but. there is no one from q2 logod this evening. >> thank you. mr. hernandez gil. >> thank you. i don't --
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time we are giving san franciscos for public review of the map. right. i have heard -- a lot of folks say and it makes sense that some say that this is not necessary low a process. that has been in the limelight but i foal it is worthy reminding people that we started mote nothing september 17th. we are 42 meetings in. right. we published our first working map. back in march ninth. right. now i'm throwing out the dates but what i want everyone here and everybody who is. wag to remember that the last task force release well is back in january. right? we i think part of the reason why we are hearing all this what
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i can only categorize is the dignified rage. it is because -- we delayed. i don't know why we delayed so much. there were a pew of under the circumstances requested to expedite this process and heard it from the partial the end result is we find ourselves in a situation where we have our first and only draft formal draft map released 72 hours before the last schedule meeting. and as we have seen and will probably see today it is a deeply controversial, personal low, i find offensive of a map is the right term to use. right. so i didn't00 eye didn't join in body to make everybody happy i knew that would be impossible and i was very clear from the
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beginning to residents of district 6 where i live, there would have to be read cal change in that district but i do feel that it important to acknowledge that we had 40 meetings where the average meeting was less than 5 hours. heard a lot of public comment and basically delayed by almost 2 montes before we started this process. i think it is -- unfortunate. i knowledge that the process ended up hurting and dividing san front. i want to -- associate myself with member cooper's comments. it has aggravated the political divisions in the city. while i yoin third degree to ensure that we could get this fair and effective representation from the vulnerable communities.
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to me that's -- it is regretful. and we will see in a couple of days where we are. i would appreciate and encourage us to consider looking at that time line. i know that there are challenges. related to the charter. i think we should explore options given the state of affair. i didn't will add that jane hood logod and is showing the map. should be seen there welcome, jane. >> anyone else? i have comments but i will save them for after public comment. i believe we can go to public
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comment. >> thank you. >> all right. members of public who wish to peek on this item and who are joining us in person, lineup against your right hand side. for those listening remote call 415-655-0001 enter 24918954286 and press pound twice. once connected you will node to press star 3 to enter the speak are line. continue to wait until the system indicates you have been unmoued. that will be your queue. just to begin your comments. you may join the meeting using the web exsoftware. raise your hand to be added to the queue of peeshgs and, wait a pair of soft beeps as mrs. carol
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right its beep, beep, this is the signal your microphone has been unmuted. remote comment will not be taken in the interpretation rommed. if there are callers in the rooms wish to participate they should call in the remote line. and the interceptors are giving instructions now on how to participate at this time. all right. former mfbt board of supervisors, welcome. >> mr. chairman. members of the task force. my name is amos brown. senior pastor of the historic third baptist church in san francisco and president of the san francisco branch of the national association for the advancement of colored people y. it was 164 years ago this
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wednesday night that over 800 black in this city gathered at first zion church. they gathered because life was so unbearable in san francisco for blacks. could not get jobs, no education for us. and they were mean as thol black folks. i come to you this evening to feel everyone of you to be fair to black people. >> yea. >> this city has reaped a wrong. historically against blacks. >> the third governor of the state peter barnet, sought to keep black people from residing in california at all. >> and also saw to send enslaved
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black young man 19 years old, back to mismichls thank god for the church! and others in the community. th church and others in the community. th church and others in the community.s t church s thank god for the church and others in the community.i t church s thank god for the church s thank god for the church i thank god for the church and others in the community.p t the church and others in the community.p tr the church and others in the community.i t for the church and others in the community. mruz mrauz it was in the fair. was in the just and in the words of the name meaning of my daughter. it was in the fair. was in the just and in the words of the name meaning of my daughter. the first black woman to serve on the supreme court. i could not go to washington for that ceremony. my daughter did go and [inaudible] was there representing her father her name means stay put. and i say to you let the black
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everybody but me. thank you reverend brown. change the vote vment >> time is concluded. >> have another caller, please. member. in the room. come on up. just a moment i'm walter i was here last saturday be never finished the job you did before you were in a rushes manner approved a map. now these people who sat her many of them for 19 hours listen the to you evaporate what you are standing for. everybody get a seat at the table. now -- there are 2 seats at the
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tiebl for the asian community. seat one and four. the richmond and the sunset. the chasel lee thinks the asia community should have 10 and 7. the asian community has every seat nobody else gets i seat. so we need to have an arc portion am of the districts of the city so everybody can have a piece of the action. commissioner reiner makes sure the people at the sequite ace and the developers next door and the people at the carlisle and the people of coventry. my friends many living in the assisted living they got a seat at the table and got a seat at seat two. when the board of supervisors convenes that's who they will look to. everybodiments a seat at the
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table. >> mrs. pierce had your back. reverend townsend and you turned your back to mrs. pierce and the things that she and hernandez gil and cooper and jeremy lee stood for. you gotta fix it. why thank you. >> thank you for your comment. >> thank you. thank you for your comments walter. >> before the next speaker i state when you make your comments address them to the task force as a whole. thank you kindly. all right. sir. >> good evening. i'm allen reverend townsend on march 10 you quoted in the sf standard saying i hope the district lines get drawn in a way that force people to win other people. now we know that the lines currently drawn have will force
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people to win over other people. and since can't win over others with sexuality and skin color and race, i'd like to say you all have given this city a gift here with the new districts people not be forced more afternoon win over one another with their ideas. the rust your extraordinary resolve is that for the coming 10 years can fran will be forced talk with and get to know people when may look different and may live different low and i think that we be finding that our surprise many of the folks who look and live different low will actually think much the same as one another and have similar ideas. and we never made that discovery at the status quo of the act of the status quo of the activists had succeeded with the
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monopoly they were pushing. but activists don't want us organizing around idea it ises an athlete to power structures people who focus straights they inherit like me being gay and instead of ideas that are easier, that's why the activists are white nubbingling to keep the status quo limp is w ahead for activists if the people have their own ideas. side of the activists stats quo organize around skin color and oppression the other side wants to organize around ideas and most importantly pope, pick sides careful low one side is in line with 500 years of enen am and the other is stumbling in the dark ages. >> thank you. why thank you for your comments. next speaker, please.
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hello i'm judy clark from what is currently district 7. i'm here on 2 points. one, i think can be a slight oversight that needs tweaking that is lake shore acres and merced manner were left out of district 7. than i have been part of district 7 for 75 years and belong there i hope that can be a tweak made and corrected. that's my first point. second is that i want top say that my parents and mother from texas and father from oregon they met in san francisco they lived here their lives and both died in the house they lived in. i grew up in they had many opportunity to move out of the city. my father worked at the health department director of health sxekz offered jobs to loaf the city they agreed they wanted their children to be raised in
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the city where was diversity they nevermented move. he turned down jobs to raise their children her in the city with the diversity that is here. i see a huge gap in what happened in the last map. i see that i believe that every group node to bes represented in the board of supervisors and i see a huge gam black community has been lost this needs to be corrected that is a right of the blacks in the city to be represented on the board of supervisors. and i see that was lost. i see one change that could happen is to move the potrero hill in district 7 that one thing can you do to help correct that. i deseep to you look at that and do that. that's all i have. thank you. >> thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please.
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>> good evening. all committee members i'm hazel lee, a president of sf shanghai association. since 1987, i live at the portrolla and san bruno. all communities meeting asia and caucasians were together. later on change to district 9. all community meeting were sprachlt caucasians only for caucasian and asia for asian. 20 year ago we fought and 10 years ago we fought we failed but this year i realliment to kroi i'm so happy in 2022. i am sick i give up.
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but i'm friend to all members in this area that i are here and the communities they fight for me. for us. finally. this time we are seen. san bruno avenue back to district 10 like we go become to our own memory and we can work and discuss together to serve to help this community together. i will say thank you to all this year volunteers for portrolla district become to district 10. thank you very much! thank you hazel lowe for your comments. next speaker, please. task force members i'm christine from the forest hills nishgd association. i was here. >> excuse me. can we keep it down, thank you. i was hoar at other meetings and
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i got out of bed and came here at 3:30 in the morning to see what was then sunday morning to hope that there might be the possibility of still pull thanksgiving together for all of our different communities the west side was neglected there was a focus on the east side there is an opportunity to resindz the map and extend ask for clarification on the time line so this can be reexamined. i was fwk going to make comments but without q2 to make tweaks that is irrelevant, without the courage that you could show here to reevaluate the situation and without q tw here to help i'm not sure what we are doing here. thank you. are thank you for sharing your comments next speaker, please we
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working so hard on this endeavour. the final map is a map that united committees. keeping neighborhoods whole and balance city health and growth. we thank you for your excellent work. and in our community for the city on the path on a better path the next 10 years, and say [inaudible] thank you very much. thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. >> yes. all right. next speaker in line. . >> good evening i'm chelsea lake it is noise to see you again. i'm here to again express support for the task forces a nonpartisan independent and legal process.
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the roast task force to create maps that comply with the federal voting right's act the u.s. constitution and california constitution. public input is considered but does not out way the legal requirements of the task force daoism i applaud the task force creating public input press more democratic than any in the san francisco history. >> it is documented that they have elevated and prioritized public input including holding meetings twice for each district. something that has not been done before i got to look at the draft map and call out things that are positive. since people focus on the negative. more communities of interests and cult roll districts remain whole. districts are legal and compact. balanced in population to remain
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trough to the 14th amendment does in the favor a political party or interest. createings a district to preserve the african-american community in d 5. reu notices portolla with d 10. and it legal low corrects the gerrymandering in the richmond. i want to thank you for all being hoar and showing your commit to the process and democratic process. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. thank you for this opportunity i'm bradley solmoni'm a residents of the richmond district and member of district 1. and i wanted to come to speak with you today about your considerations with regard to district one.
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i feel strong low as do a lot of my neighbors that our community should be brought together again. i live on the south side of lake street and of course the nerth sufficiented like was gerrymandered a decade ago to put in district 2 with sea cliff and presidio terrace and natural part of the richmond district neighborhood. i know there is tremendous pressure on the body and there is tremendous political pressure. i emplore you as much as you can -- to do what your bounds to do. not bow to the political pressure and do the right thing. that's the message you can sends to the community and nation if you do that i think with district one you will bring our community become together baby and sea cliff and north of clak and all the parts of our neighborhood where we go to the
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same schools and go to the same shops and live together as one where we can be together in district one. thank you for considering this in your deliberations. good evening >> thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. williams pedestrian office for justice. and one of the vice presidents of the naacp. i'm a pauled. i was here all night until 5 a.m. and the mannerism which you took that last vote this left us with this biaced -- map was questionable at best. from a commissioner to sit well and claim they did know after they were there what map they were voting on is unforgivable it is questionable. i question your ethices and question the fact thank you very
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muches a conspiracy you within, way from 20 minute and come become with a new e 55 neil. i don't know what you did those 20 minutes but it it is questionable. i think that all you have should be brought up on charges by the citizen of san front you have failed us. total low failed us. and for some of you to suddenly say you are concerned about certain cult urs then it is okay to forguest about the people who are my complexion. mine represents rejection. my complexion represents slif row and means we are supposed to turn other cheek and keep forgiving you for when you have done. i tell you i hate to be in your shoes and sleep with yourself at night youville to pay for this act you done and i hope that each one of you and the city is sued you deserve to be sued
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gerrymandering that's what this it of you and the city i you deserve to be sued gerrymandering that's what this it is.each one of you and the c sued you deserve to be sued gerrymandering that's what this it is. thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. >> good afternoon i'm cheryl and all of you know me i have been here upon since september participating in this process. and engaging the public. holding mapping sessions. doing the job of the out reach of the committee. is there are 3 people appointed by the mayor and 3 by the board of supervisors. you guys are supposed to come here and make a fair map. some of you came here with an agenda. an agenda of racism. you pollerized the map. if you look at every district there is no district that allows the black people to have i voice in this city. we have been diluted that is an
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i haveeration of the voting act's right of 1975. as far as portolla in 2000 part television was in district 10 and part was in 9. but you tried make us believe that all of portolla was there and you made some ridiculous excuse at 1 in the morning about a hair ball situation >> this is these are people's lives. we deserve equality and equity. we built this town! we died for this town! we deserve to have equity! we don't need another we need a black african-american cultural district we are scombon deserve to stay one. i cried all day yesterday i was so depressed knowing i was diminished in this city. i'm not a person i'm a whole
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like my community we will deserve to be represented! you resindz your vote! and do the right thing and vote your more conscious. >> thank you! >> thank you for sharing your comments. welcome. okay. [inaudible]. first of all i want to say mr. jeremy i headquarter for having the balls to go on and make your apology and i appreciate you young man. mr. lee you don't have to worry about things people bringing to you i'm telling you from me. the rest of y'all and you mrs. reiny you other than when you want to move your cars you guys had a meeting. they no way in hell you voted on the wrong map you know how i know you apologized to him.
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we have this monopoly and this is when we will do. you still have the option to give the move the lines and dot right thing example don't tell us we don't matter we matter no matter which way we are not going no damn wear i will be a thorn in your side for the rest of your life and you don't want mow to be a thorn in your side you, lilly ho. you excuse me mr. amos you are are an asz hole because you should not have disrespectd that young man with him giving the apology he did you are an asz hole and only you are an asz hole. and that it is on the record. for everything else i want to say this.
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reverend townsend i hope you come to your senses and do what you should have done a long time going. quit letting politics telling you how to vote and let the people tell you how to vote. do you think i need to come out my house 2 in the morning to come back in hoar to cuss and somebody to call my mother she said it was okay because she understood. thank you for your comments. >> the sorry ass excuse you voted on the wrong map. girl being please. don't thinking we stupid.
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>> hi. ladies and gentlemen and gentlemen of the task force i'm forest and i have been working over the last year in haight. i happened be here 3 o'clock on sunday and understood and heard many of the members in the black community upset their community was broken arc part and separated. and i heard some of the anger and frustration directed toward the asian community. i believe well is in reason for the black and asian communities to work against each other. work together we should work together i think that someone is trying to exploit and divide between our communities. i believe that this divide serves the agenda of 3 wealthy white property owning supervisors on the board of supervisors. and there is no reason for us to be separated. >> we are running out of time to
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change this map. but i'm here, to personally commit to all of you we should spends 10 years building black and asian solidarity. coming together so we don't have to fight over small details on a map. work and find representative for both of our community and chair townsend, i'm forest and i'm committing to you to work with you to make sure that we can do this. thank you. thank you for what you have done and meeting us and thank you all you task force members for your service and sacrifice and i want you all to go home and rest soon. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please.
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we are trying to go between map and speaker. we will show the map go back and forth >> i'm brenda barrels i was one of the people here early in the morning. and saw what happened. it was in the done correct low. there is no way anybody can convince me there is rishl bias in the committee because it is. and we see t. and we know it and feel it. so and i'm also a union member, right. i want to let the public and everybody else know 1021 is in the going to take this bullshit lying down. if we have to take legal action, to get this resolved then that is had we will do. we -- you have one of your own members that acknowledge the map
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system racist and see, i believe her. i believe you guys that's the honest person on the committee other than gemma. so -- please, please. rethink this -- fix the problem. we don't want to go through the legal rout. if you put us in the approximate suspicion where we have to do it that it is going to happen. thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please
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>> 1021 the largest union organization in stan fran and they are with us. we represent 30,000 members that serve this city and you have hurt them. and we will take all options for legal action arc availed to us. we will prevail you can add meetings and continue working for the people but one thing i know is that we are arc wake, we seat inyesterday and the corruption and we see you the players. we are together. united and we will not be
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divided. thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. welcome. >> i'm louisa irving. i thought when i came back when we would celebrate you did the right thing. i foal it and know it and see it, it is wrong. reverend townsend i sat with you at third baptist and listened you on the megablack calls and you said share our communities the black folks were not showingum. brother, we showed up and out this . is my fourth time speak and all the people here all the sooim time since september. they heard us when you did was wrong temperature is illegal and there is back door politics at play i'm requesting for to you do the right thing. reskindz resindz that crap ass
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map. we want a fair map. listen to the people you said you will serve. put potrero hill back in d 10. we belong together. >> you have the 4 to do right. you are here to represent the people. represent the people. rescind the maps. give us a fair map and you can't do it because of a time line, figure it out. fight harder for the people. you said were public servants, serve the public.
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>> thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. >> i'm richard i van ho. the process that created it the thought since public comment is most low ignored in creating your maps, that i could use my 2 minutes to show the mob scene from the franken stein movie with the pitch fork and torches. we are more civil then and there that. the charter does give an april 15th dead line. there is no criminal or civil penalty if you miss this dead
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line. there is in reason you can't rescind this map and vote on a map that -- recognizes. low and moderate income communities of interests. i urge you to do so. thank you. >> thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. >> hello i'm liz. a member of of 1021. i w at san francisco general hospital. i was on the front lines working for the city for the people of the city to save lives. i have been in san francisco for 20 years i'm a single parent and renter i can't ford to buy in the city and i live in the sunset an asian neighborhood. and everybody there is we are neighbors. we take care of each other the
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people i live with around are all renters. we are struggling to surverify in this city. black, white, asian the people around me are not millionaires or billion arias. if you change district 4 and you add rich people who do not have to deal with hawe deal with and not renters. whoa have homes that are 4 million dollars. i could not afford such a thing i live here because i want my daughter to grow up in a multicultural, beautiful city. my daughter who is queer i want to support her and her friends and it is trnz community my friends and brothers and sisters. separating us and keeping us arc part not allowing us to work together and surratify. and vote for things that are in
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our interests the not the billionaires or million arias. people like us that built this city. it was our backs the city was built. please, i ask of you rescind the vote and extend the dead lone and vote for the monopoly that the people neated the people of san francisco and people united will never be divide. don't divide us. thank you for your comments. next speaker, please i'm james chung the political director for 1021. you heard from members now this is a grave and person issue to them. and it is has been traumaticize to our workers as they deal with their lives and deal with you know -- a servitude where hay have a commune an hour plus to
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come in and work for the city and not to have a shot at owning or being a part of the community this they work in. had we want to make sure the commission delivers a map is that is scompll considered the communities of interest, public comment and the outrage that has been directed. i know this is a hardion and i think all of the members hoar for service. you have not and could in the have entered in thisup roar and conflict but -- the implications of the mapping decision system huge and we want to make sure hayou know it survives all the public scrutiny here the members have faith in this process. on saturday night. 4 members of the commission
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walked out. i than is an indication of their concerns over it is legality what happened here. that of making sure that all the comments are accounted for and you know look at the crowds that have shown up. you know i know all communities must be considered but there is a preponderance of the evidence of feb. opinion organizing of communities trying to fight for surverify andment it emphasize that you know we are a union. we fight for the lowest wage workers in the city. we fight for our communities. we fight for the many, many communities that are expressed here. thank you. for your comments. >> thank you. next speaker, please. good evening members i'm madison chan i'm here person and for the
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chinese-american democratic club. it breaks my heart to see the fighting going of you have done i great job it is in the perfect i proernlt the effort it breaks my heart to seat chinese and black community pitted against each other i hope what happens with the maps we come together in the 40 to work. i like to say on half of the chinese-american club. we like to commit to elevating black voices as well and become to my personal capacity. i want to thank members pierce be hearn bez gil and lowe coming back. our particular thrives when we have more voices in the room leads to a better outcome i'm glad you are hoar to share experiences to get this process right. thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please welcome.
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>> good evening. i'm you'llian a resident of sunset. you know really did lose the public's trust on sunday morning. but -- i will say manage this may seem unpopular i will thank you for giving mow more voting power not that people in the east a city that is a democracy and give their equal representation to all that is rep hencible it is disgusting you thought you could gift west side more representation than anyone on the east. but in a city that we have problem every where the problems out west are not the same as east. we on the west don't deserve the same time, attention and resources from our supervisors. than the people on the east get the bear minimum you could get, way with. i'm here i guess with the folks
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in the tenderloin and soma you decided to split up in the western edition and decided get bear minimum representation you could and splitting approximate trir from bay view. it is i don't know how you can slope at night knowing what you are doing to this city. but there is in financial or legal punishment for not make thanksgiving dead line i'm begging to you treasure this map and extend the dead line and draft a map that listens to the community they are begging you to keep their communities and give them fair rep centation as you are supposed to which have a good evening. thank you. >> i'm a residents of the mission district where i was upon scomborn raised.
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there has been changes you know in the mission and now we are step nothing unknowns world of universe we're not heard. if it is about a political gain or about a vulnerable communities. than i don't lives at stake. when we talk about redistricting it goes with gentrification. do not pit one communities against each other. final map does not represent this community. it displaces we don't want to displace communities. not having a voice or heard don't take our voice away. don't split up our communities. don't invite peck laid to go after communities. and in our clinic we hear stories of tenants telling us.
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crying over the phone and saying they are being e victd and that a using vicious tactics to get get people out. we need transparency for this task pores to complin not look the other way. don't make this final the final map and invest in community. thank you. >> thank you for sharing your comments. welcome. >> good evening i'm ray and i spoken before i come with appropriated comments but i will speak from the heart. 27 year residents of san francisco. i'm a gay man and can that especially splitting tenderloin and soma will affect the queer community. i like to speak as an alli of transpeople and people of color. listen to them. don't split their communities up. please let them have their lives they have lived in this wonderful city of ours.
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and don't split the communities like that map does. please, rescind the map, extend your dead line. upon listen to the people. think about the marginalized people exit appreciate your effort and hope you go home at night and think and you sleep on this and you come become and say, yes, we will rescind this map and dot right thing. >> thank you. next speaker, please. hello i'm arc lita fisher the president of district 11 democratic club. homeowner in lake view and i was here to thank you on march 21st for moving the southern part of ocean and back in district 11. appreciate this. i'm here today to ask to you stand with black be communities
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the latin x community the lbgtq and arab and filipino community moving potrero back to 10 and the tenderloin and transgender district back in d 6. keep them whole. will i'm a white woman i'm married a white man. he makes a decent amount of money tech. but guess what, we stand with these communities our community and city is stronger because of our diversity not all of us in tech -- want gentrification not all of us what the gerrymandering. some of us appreciate everything that all of the communities are stand nothing alliship want. rescind this current map. and go become to the drawing burden. >> thank you. >> next speaker, please.
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good evening i'm andrew sun i want it look at a couple of sthings have you done with the map it is telling. i proernlt the comments what you did in district 10 is diminish the presence of the black community by 1.19%. you did increase the asian community by 7%. you diminish the population of the whites over 3.2% doing the actions that you have done. you increase the the ability of district 10 to have the same amount of voter representation. you -- you decreased the deviation from -- almost to.20. this means since 2020 newscasted
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plus 8.five they are legal represented in all elections i appreciate the comments of my fellow black san franciscos the fact is what this map did was preserve the black vote in district 10 and increase the number of black vote in 5 and spret well tino vote in fine. this map is more balanced for san front than any other monopoly i have seen. >> thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please >> i'm leah, i'm here on behalf of00 excuse me.
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y'all -- y'all can take that outside. and debate all you want this speaker deserves to be heard. thank you. >> thank you >> i'm leah and i'm here to provide support for the transgender district. i love the transgender district. it is important to myself and my transpartner it is where we feel comfort come supported. the floud cafe is wanderful to have them there. sudden front has the first and only thank you district in the country. break update transgender district would dillow their power and make you'll no better then and there g. o. p. passing antitransbill like in texas and alabama. where the hell will people be safe. it is important you keep the transgender community together. this map affects the next 10
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years of transpeople's representation. >> let this sink in. please. attempted coby the g. o. p. we have initial election and mid terms coming up. california working on making california a refugee haven for transgender people fleeing other states in the count row. if we can't keep the transgender district in san francisco united what hope do transpeople have in this country. if we can't keep our own first transgender district together. been that. this it is not just about you this . our nation. we don't live in a bubble as we like to think we do. okay. this is affecting everyone. transpeople are watch thanksgiving we are watching the bill and antitransbills pass every day. every week there is this new
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bill credited and if the g. o. p. wins in the next general election. i mine. i don't know trnz people who are not making plans, what do we do. do we need -- okay. thank you. it is concluded. thank you very much for listening i hope you take it to heart. where thank you for your comments. welcome. i'm jirmy and i lived hoar for 16 years which is my entire a dealt life i know how crazy politics can be. you have a thankless j.w. i'm sure 91 of you were expecting a lot of thanks. that. beinged i think the bhafsh exhibited during the process is beyond for us. between the insane rhetoric from
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some to enduring sleep deprivation never ending public comment you had a tough job. i don't think this monopoly is perfect you should be prud of what you accomplished and as a resident of western soma for most of my time here i like to thank you for not breaking soma up with east and west. all soma residents share common interests and most of my western soma neighborhood is more similar to eastern than to the tenderloin which it is a different neighborhood besides a few block in thes far north of soma. thank you for not criticing my neighborhood in 2 aside from being wrong on merits would have been a gerrymander. you are in the home stretch andeen though i don't think we deserve it after all of this i hope that you condition it pip in our democracy our city needs
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more with courage theory willing to do the right thing. >> thank you for sharing your comments. next speaker, please. i'm will and live in d 3 i am hoar to express support. the many teams to poison the well are worrying. ranging about late night bar conversations from half a decade going to remove members. and claims the task force is on knees for the mayor, quote, asking how deep, end quote. sustained in contrast to the work the particular force has done. since september the rtf held 40 meeting can opportunity for
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public comment prioritized public input at every opportunity. with this process i encouraged task force not give in by interest groups in an attempt to push a map keeping coalition in power. in consideration it is forbid from making. i'm not happy about the map. and i'm disappointed with the over representation of the west side which wealth and he home owning. i trust the decision the task force made are not about politics they are following a fair and legal process. thank you. why thank you for your comments. next speaker, please. >> anthony jones i have troyes to stay neutral.
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and trying to educate african americans. there is often no foundation under a fence exit felt it was fortunate come to talk about this -- dp i know people are often quoting the law and how maps are legal. i would reminds you the laws are low standard. jim credit was a law. japanese camps was a law. major inequality was luand sometimes you look at what is moral. and this smab not. shake my spirit to the core. i remember as a youth commissioner in 2008. i tell you at this point the next 30 days i intonight resign
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as a city employee. and -- the reason why is because i think we have to story a new politic in this town. that goes upon beyond one of dignity themap is not this. reverend townsend i love you and got respect for you in the work you did with my grandpa. you can't do this, uncle. you cannot do this. chasel. i'm a colleague with you. an outside political activities and encourage you, brothers to rescind this vote. i believe we can stand for morality. but i believe this starts with us for moving our pride.
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thank you for sharing your comments. before the next speaker, just want it say if there is a way you when you provide comments to provide them to the task force as a whole that would be appropriate and since i'm having your attention the agenda title for today is the discussion of the final draft map members will discuss and more from the public on the final draft map approved on april ninth. the reason why q2 is in the here today is because of the title that you have on your fwnd it in the they are not here and not paying attention it is was not expected they would be here today. okay. thank you. thank you. i stand before you as a black
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daughter of the city and proud resident. i'man cestors came here for opportunity. 3 generations later the map does in the have an opportunity for me. for believers john 10 the thief come to teal, kill special destroy. i come so they may have life. the map is 3ary and aiming to kill and destroy black and indigenous communities. rescind sunday's damaging antiblack and racist row the statement was made only minor changes can be made. what we saw at 2 a.m. on sunday steeling potrero to 10 took many minutes that was a minor change with a major impact. the minor changes we need to put
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the entirety of potrero and doll patch in 10. bring back the member pierce proposeded. black people are worth more. indigenous people are worth more. lbgtq relatives are are worth more. we are tired of love thanksgiving city and not getting love back we will prevail. than my black voice is loud. and i demand districts provide an equal opportunity for my black self. my mama, dadzy black niece and nest use. the only map that will do that is 4d and this is the map. blow this up and change the map!
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d5 resident in the tenderloin in d6. shout out to hernandez gil and pierce. cooper and commissioner lowe for standing up to communities and people under represented for long and fighting back my heart guess out to you. thank you very much and shout out, clerk john carol. down for us. there is nothing in the chart they're says won't can't go pedestrian the april 14th dead listen we can continue this xroesz continue working through the issue and bring back maps that work for the communities
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this work for the city. there is nothing we can do that legally this process has been disheartening and frustrating. but this process has been unifying as well. throughout this press we have seen district 10, 6, 5, 1 come together. and seen people fight i have been fight with all y'all here. we are going to continue to do it together. i hold hope this map will not go forward. i hold hope this process will be fair. how this should be the case. but if that does not happen and we fight for this we have built that to make that happen and continue fighting throughout this process and fight for the next six months make sure we got the map that represents the
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people in the city not rich mother-......:why i'm ti buckner we knew there would be give and take involved it is extraordinary considering the fact that we entrusted you to both respect communities of interests, keep them together and listen to the public. we had 3 parts of the city for among this is made it clear what their vision was and their ask to keep the district one below lake. keep the tenderloin and stouth of market together and bay view and visitation together. it is come least low fallen on deaf years. we have been proached for god
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knows how long about the importance of min taining a strong blk row the best opportunity would not adding port ola and giving away potrero. the only place voted out of was had the door shut on it. as a queer person i'm dimaid the cult roll districts have been split up i live in district 5 neighbor lived a few block lived in 4 district this is is out ridgeous. as i echo those before me that tldz is no nothing of the charter this prevents from continuing your work. no penalty or nothing this says don't meet and urge you to do so we need to represent the working class community. communities of color. kwoer issue renters that have the least voice and need to be
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heard as well. so. thank you. thank you for sharing your comments. >> withesment why useful cause evercasey and live in district 3. [inaudible] rush yen hub uncomfortable i'm here to remind you the map press is in the here to make the comfortable it it is to ensure people can live with dignity. >> one. language access inconsistent low offered or not at all. 2, significant. why can i ask you to slow down. >> we can hear you. offering opportunity for public input suchs last minute decisions to shift potrero to 9 and release of maps time before the start of communities hearings and take votes impossible for the public to
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criminality. a community to stand together, we refuse to be pitted against each other. our power will not be at the expense of another communities power. we can only be powerful together. community fight for representation for all. we want to celebrate the centament this membersment to be in relationship with the black community and at the same time we want to build long lasting communities we have to respect and honor what each other's needs. the black voices we heard over d 10 talk about how important it it is to keep poor communities in task and crucial to the surverify not for comfort. current monopoly does the opposite we would rather have a late map than a bad map. we want more meetings to bring forward a fair map. >> thank you.
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>> thank you. welcome. >> i'm hoar i want to say that number one i'm in full support of the 4 task force members took the move to walk out yesterday. because of an ash contrary and inaccessible and complete low undemocratic process this task force set us up for failure from the beginning the process was supposed to be a clear system for electronic and one with a consistent crip tear why for mapping revisions and prioritize communities of color. the opposite happened this process was delayed from the start and language access my fellow colleague shared. i want to speak this is not about being negative this is about recognizing the account
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accountability dp responsibility you have it make the arc mends we would rather prosecute a late map than a bad map we can create more meetings. i want to make sure we are stopping at this moment any team this is to black versus asian conflict. this is not about black versus asians to vote for the sake of black community i heard people peek to this point that so not hasupporting black communities is. i do appreciate i know people to honor, respect the need to build communities with each other we have to let other communities speak for themselves. with each other so -- i will ends my time. thank you >> thank you. welcome.
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>> good evening. can you hear me. >> i'm veronica shepherd i'm from d 10. i want to start out by saying a house divided cannot stand that is biblical. it is difficult to stand here and look at men and women you want to believe have equity in eye and heart and minds when you make decisions about community. the black community is suffering here. i then and there because i do the data. for the health department. lockup the communities health needs assess am. it will tell you how sick. broken and wounded we are. divioleting my house makes me better. moving out of the way helps me. i don't mean to be disrespectful ref rendz townsend you are a
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let's stop this and do what is right by the people. >> thank you for your message. >> mr. chairman and members of the task force. i'm jonathan butler. i'm the second vice president for the national association of the advancement of colored people of san francisco branch. i'm also more importantly a minister. i sit here as a minister to ask the question what does it profit a man and woman to gain the whole world but lose his or her soul.
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it's a simple question we ask as leaders of public service i'm asking you that question extend the deadline and do the right thing so you didn't lose your sole. >> i was born and raised in san francisco three generations our family home is in hill. i ask you to listen to the people that have come here time and time and time again to be streeted with respect. i like to thank those who have
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been doing their jobs by collecting data and collecting information from community members and bringing them here and organizing them. i believe the tenderloin as a queer person, trans person. i'll echo that. please do the right thing. it's very simple what we are asking of you and you have everything in your power to do it. >> thank you for your comments. welcome. my name is don and i'm a resident of district one. i would like to thank the members that walked out of the last meeting. it's no coincidence the board of supervisor appointees are the members that walked out.
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i applaud cooper for finally coming to the realization that this farce of a redistricting process has been predetermined from the start. this has been very clear as ridiculous and absurd remarks about residents feeling like they have beloved to love longed belonged ta district. they shop or play in an area have held sway in connections. discrimination and exploitation. day after day the community has come to the room expressing concerns and endured gaslighting abuse from those who stand to gain by the gerrymandering they accuse their victims of perpetrating. the task force has pretended to listen but drawn maps that go against the testimony
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here. if any member of the public wishes to understand what happened here all they need to do is take the so-called final map of the progressive voter index. if you do it's apparent the map has been brought to split and fragment our communities to better pursue the mayor's prodevelopment policies. there is much at stake here. task force members, you have a chose, reckoning or redemption. i hope you chose wisely. extend the deadline. trash the map. do not divide us. >> thank you for your comments to the task force. next speaker please. >> good after noon task force members and reverent townsend. i'd like to commend you for the long hours you spent and commend the four members that did the right thing an walked out of a wrong process.
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>> yes. >> i was very involved last time around ten years ago and i did not see anything close to the kind of late night back room dealing we have seen. one of the proudest things i have worked with a broad range of community members black folks, brown folks, trans , and lgbtq folks. it's good to see communities coming together and how we all work together to see the future of san francisco we would like to see. what that means is right now at a time when the whole city, the whole country is talking about racial equity it means for you all to look at black
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and brown people and trans people and what self termination what they are telling you right now this is wrong and the deals made at the last minute are wrong. the vote needs to be rescinded. you need to give us more time and you need to listen to folks for a late map is better than the wrong map before you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker please. >> hi, i'm marie. i'm a mission resident. i see you are done pretending san francisco really cares about it's citizens when the reality is it's about money. this farce of a commission and the hard work that has been done has been a joke.
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the joke is on us. we have been showing up testifying saying keep our neighborhoods together when there wasn't a snow snowbas chance in hel l l that would happen. the plan was in motion set by the mayor and the mayor's middleman and billionaire friends that pull her strings. they didn't want a diverse city or culture. why have we waisted our time when this map was the ultimate goal. next stop lawsuits. please unite d, tenderloin, get sea cliff out of the richmond district. thank you for your time.
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>> thank you for your comments. next speaker please. >> good evening, i'm karen pierce. i'm a native san san franciscan. i'm a lifelong community activist. i handed out caught paper literature when i was in second grade. i have been involved in everyone of the redistricting processes you sit here and act like this is so hard and never been done before. when the cochair said we won't draw lines yet i said to my daughter who i'm very proud of. i'm proud she walked out when
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this became a farce. i said to her, the map is already been drawn. the reason we didn't start the lines earlier because they would have to show the maps they have already decided on too soon. they would have to wait until the last minute. that's exactly what you did. you did it so clumsily we awe all thought. you have run the table and done your game. this is now about making it right. look at the room. look at the people in the other room. this is san francisco. this is san francisco.
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sunday morning you broke our hearts but did not break our spirit. you need to do what you were appointed to do. that's to represent the city of san francisco. >> thank you karen pierce for your comments to the task force. welcome. >> thank you, hell hello tk force. i'm an writer and activist. i'm here to echo the concerns raised across the city you are seeing in three over flow rooms that you have seen before. i'm photo here to attack you or condemn you or urge you to do something or original and recognize the mistake that's burden of proof . listen to the people and not corporate powers it's about
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money, development, and corporate power. i read richy greenburg said coney chin is finished. he's already celebrating. the map you have approved republican leaders in san francisco are celebrating that map. that very map has away to defeat progressive supervisors that have been elected by the supervisors. i'm here with the communities that worked hard here today and the other day. you know, we are san francisco. they are san francisco. i urge you to reject any pressures you are getting and we know you are getting pressure, respectfully from the developer industry. do the right thing and take
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the time to revise the map. >> thank you for your comments christopher cook. next speaker please. >> hello, everyone. i'm a mission district resident. i have been in the missions since 18928. i just want to say i feel ashamed. i really feel ashamed being a citizen of san francisco right now. i didn't think the city could do this to the community. the mission district has suffered greatly in the last 20 years. we lost 11,000 latin x residents from 2000 to 2020. we had realtors that would walk-up and down 24th street and taking pictures without permission from the business owners. they would walk in groups. they did not identify themselves. they would get the information they could and go to their landlords and say look, we can find someone that will pay you
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more rent. how can we help you. this is about money. it's all about money. we need to make it about the people. the people here in san francisco. the people that built this city and marginalized people and people of color. we need to think about the people on the ground. you lift everybody up. please potrero hills. we can't play the blame game. >> thank you for your comments to the task force. next speaker please. >> good evening members. i'm a resident of district nine and the district of san francisco. i thank you for accepting me as i am. i come with my infant son. this is the only way i could come and participate in the
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political process. i came from work to come and speak in person to the task force. politics brings out the worst in people. i think we have seen a lot of that in the redistricting process. a woman in the over flow room oh, look, she brought her baby as a prop. it's distressing to hear. politics brings out the worst in people. i think, sometimes babies bring out the best in people because the people that i stood in line with on here have reflected different statements that i will make and different interests i will express and opinions. people asked if i wanted to go first. la vern has entertained my child as we waited in line for public comment. i know yo landa williams has
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been engaging with my son. what i'd like to say to the task force you have a very difficult child. i thank you for reunion nighing my community with the valley. i hope out of the process we have so much hateful discourse when it comes to politics but we can somehow come together and have a more fruitful and more respectful process than when we disagree with each other. we'll continue to work together, i hope, to uplift communities tonight in unison. >> thank you for sharing your comments. welcome. >> i'm lavon mcintosh. do you mind --
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>> speak directly into the microphone. >> i'm lavon mcintosh. i'm here along with everyone else who was here and it's about unity sand straight in numbers. you have demonstrated that today in the last week. we didn't care about the people i'm not the only one. i was price gouged. i'm dealing with john stewart a again. the man tried to shut me up last week when i was here. i shouldn't be moved.
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i was wrongfully price gouged. theresa is apart of aiding and abetting. i wasn't trying toe be. i'm asking you for social change. not only on the bases of intellectual process. when you put it on at the end of the day we put it on the same way. the constant is caring what god loves. >> thank you for your comments to the task force. welcome. >> good after noon. i'm suzanne mash. i'm a resident of district 6. really. i each here to ask you to
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rectify the path you are on right now. the map that this task force has approved is as unfair and antidemocratic assay shutting down a community rally, that's a really event that happened once as people might remember. it physically preempts any possibility of the black pop you lake of san francisco having representation on the board of supervisors. just reenacting the historic injustices of this society is as you heard over and over from the black people that have testified themselves. it gives more weight to the votes on the west side and dilutes the districts and breaks apart multiple
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communities the ones that have no political power other than through their vote and tenderloin as a community of interest in the transgender community. it's really not too late to do the right thing. you can get an extension. you are legally entitled to that. you can skip the two acts. please do so abdomen d work on a fair map that restores the community. thank you so much for your time. above all to those commissioners they walked up
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back room deals and a real and disstructive warfare. you have given us a gerrymandered map that distantials their collective voice and representation. i'm here in solidarity with the communities. as a person that loves the city ang -- an elite map is better than a bad map. protect the voters and not dilute the voting power of ethnic political and social myotorties. to those who walked out after sunday mornings enraging reversal i thank you for your courage. >> thank you for the
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comments. >> good evening, commissioners i'm christopher christianson. i was here saturday and sunday. what i witnessed was the grosses display of public corruption i ever witnessed in my 43 years born and raised in the city commission meeting. if i went back to my union as an officer and told my members of the black and latino their voices would be muscled that would be despicable. you took away the voices of the most marginalized
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community by approving that map at the last minute. i'm looking forward to whoever on the task force runs for office. not one single person than the four that walked out will actually have a chance. you do not care about the public here in san francisco. i encourage you to all do the right thing and resend the map and go back to the drawing board and put cathedral hill back in district five. put the tenderloin back in district six. put put potrero back in
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district 9. >> thank you for your comments. welcome. >> good evening, i'm with the democratic club. also a san francisco native. at this rate i'll be one of the last in san francisco. these maps continue to gentrify. i don't think i need to reiterate the numbers of the people displaced from the mission district since the last census. i shouldn't have to reiterate the fact that we have seen evictions ramped in the district. we have seen the communities continue to be widthled away.
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you take the hill out of district nine and you make it under 50% white. you are erasing the voice by doing that. you want to make sure there is no more latinos in the mission as a culture al district and keep it preserved. why are the realtors speaking here today? why are they here? are you being pressured? are there calls being made. i ask you to make the right decision and make sure communities didn't get split up any farther. potrero folks will come up and say they want them in d10. black allies will do the same thing. listen to communities overwhelmingly telling you
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this. no one talked about this happening. didn't split up the transgender communities. didn't destroy the last black representative being elected to district 10. >> thank you for your comments. >> thank you. i appreciate you as a clerk. >> thank you for your comments. >> next speaker please. >> good evening, members of the task force. you have risen to a level of infammy. we have worked with you uphold the same democratic values.
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we breathed the same air. we are san san fran kiss -- san fan sis franciscanst heart. you made me realize not all implants share the same reality. it becomes a life less vessel without black and brown power. as of now, you are accomplissed in setting up the city to die. we are asking for your timothy. you have shown us you didn't have any any memnents left
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within you i put the map you put forth. create a map you are proud of. recycle the experience into something honorable you can use to the legacy and equitible san francisco. it's not for you or us at least for the children and their future. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. >> hello. i'd like to thank you for bringing our community together. we will cherish this opportunity to work with the community and continue to raise the forces e voices of black people. thank you. >> thank you for your
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comments. >> good evening, currently severing a life term. they were recently released from a 10 year service. the last chair of the chc. there is shock and disappointment of the map that came out the other evening and how it seems to ignore communities of interest. i find it shocking how much the black voice is being diminished by separating potrero from bay view. putting potrero with district
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heights separating dog patch is something close to me. i help sent an organize for merchants. we represent them in both districts. the green benefits district is the only one in the country and has two neighborhoods. one in dog patch and one in potrero. dog patch dna and the potrero for the last few years of their communications it says two neighborhoods and one community. keep us together as one community. resend your most resent map. thank you.
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i wouldn't irish this on my worst enemy. >> thank you for your comments. let's hear from the next speaker. >> i'm a resident of dog patch and d10. a member of the booster association and on the board of the dog patch green benefit district. our district i love seaing the wonderful people here. it's really flustering anddition turbing. many have expressed a clear message that dog patch and the
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it's unacceptable have the courage to make the change i i implore you. keep us in d10 with bay view and hunters point. >> thank you for your comments. >> the potrero annex is all one. i almost didn't want to talk because i can't say the words that the people who came before me and those after me will do to their communities. it will do damage to my community also. the damage to our community
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that cascaded all of the rest of the damage assuming how it didn't matter. you are suppose to respect neighborhoods and community of interest and that didn't happen here. my question is why. why at the end of every night is it the map falls apart and we end up split. why is it, that's the last step what is it that we did to deserve what feels like something punitive. we have done what we are suppose to. we are welcoming our new neighbors and we want to fight together for this things our neighbor need to live.
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good, whole, complete community lives. this hurts that. this damages that. it's not just for the people now but those coming. i do know it can be fixed it takes one of you to fix this. that would be great. please, fix this. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker. >> good, my name is eleanor. i was raised in the soty of friends from a few speakers. we have a meeting house on ninth in selma. we make all of our decisions by consensus. i'm no stranger to marathon meetings. we have a saying to move those
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meetings along. we say this friend speaks for me when we agree with someone that has spoken. i'm here to say member cooper, lee, member gill, and member pierce spoke for me on sunday morning. they spoke for a lot of people on sunday morning. we are here asking for a fair map. i live on the west side and see no justification for the changes you have made to district 5, 4, and 7. that pails in comparison to what's on the east side. the emerging communities over everybody else. so, as another person said tonight. this map is not moral. take courage and resend your vote. thank you. >> thank you eleanor for your
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comments. welcome, next caller. member of the public, please. >> hello. thank you for the mem before hers to helping us ensure our voices are heard. it's been 20 years we had to wait and i'm lucky the two districts can create a new district 10. this opportunity will allow us to work together with the comminated bring our people together and raise voices of asian americans and the african-american community. work with us to continue to let city counselors. thank you. >> thank you for your comments to the task force. >> we have a cantonese speaker. >> we'll do 2 minutes for the cantonese speaker and the
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>> hello hem meres of task forces. thank you for all members of the task force to continue keeping us banded together for the community. we have waited for 20 years to be united tonight. we are glad to see the two neighbor who is can be together to review a brand-new district 10. [ speaking non-english ]
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hello members of the task force. thank you for all the members to consider keeping the station running together. our community waited 20 years to see the two neighborhoods to be reunion nighted. they can be together with the brand-new district 10. we will work together and other communities to intergrade community resources and continue to uphold black communities and support our african-american supervisor. thank you you all and we hope to see west of 14th avenue can be in district four. thank you. >> thank you so much, agnus for your interpretation and
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>> my name is changyenwong. thank you for running together. our community has waited for 20 years to be are united together. i'm so glad to see that. they can be collected together to be the brand-new district 10. we work together with all of the communities to intergrade community resources and continue to raise voices of the black community and support our african-american supervisor. thank you you all. we also hope to see that 14th avenue can be in the sunset district. thank you.
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>> hello members of the task force. i'm may jung. thank you for keeping our communities together. we waited for 20 years to see the two neighborhoods to be united together. we are glad we can be together to view a brand-new district 10. we work together with other communities to intergrade community resources and continue to uphold african-american communities and support our african-american supervisors. thank you you all. we hope to see west of 14th avenue can be in the sunset district. >> thank you for your
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comments. thank you. >> [speaking off mic] >> okay, thank you. understood. >> [speaking off mic ]. >> everybody in the audience, please. it's very difficult for any of us to hear anybody. i think people online might be doing better. i would appreciate that too. if we could hold the volume down. excuse me ma'am. you as wellment hold the volume down so everybody can hear each other. >> [speaking off mic. ]. >> i'll check on that.
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>> turn up the speakers in the room. >> [speaking off mic. ] >> we are working on that. thank you. >> [speaking off mic] >> come on. please. >> [speaking off mic ]. >> this situation is what the city will look like for ten years as a result of the map. the panel should be accountable for that. i apologize to everybody in the audience. i would like us to recognize this is our fault. we created this. i would like it on the record recreated this. please, everybody respect each other and hold the volume down. if you need to talk on the audience go out in the
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task force. our community has waited for 20 years to see these communities reunion nighted together. we are glad to see these two neighborhoods can be collected to get to be a brand-new district 10. we will work together with other communities to intergrade community resources and continue to support our african-american supervisor. thank you all. we would like to see west of front avenue and 14th avenue can be included in district 4. >> thank you for your comments. [ speaking non-english ]
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hello members of task force. i would like you to keep the community together. we are so glad you see the two neighborhoods along with bay view can be together. we have worked together with other communities with community resources. support our african-american supervisor. thank you you all. we hope to see west of 14th avenue. >> thank you for your comments. all right, let's hear from our
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african-american supervisors. my second wish is i would like to see west of 14th avenue can be included in the district because this area has a lot of small businesses. a lot of small chinese businesses. we hope to see that west of 14th avenue can be included in district. that's my recommendation. thank you so much. >> thank you, jessica for your comments. [ speaking non-english ]
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district. thank you. >> thank you for your comments to the task force. is there a member of the public that would like to speak. >> we have with us sam richard sam who is providing interpretation. in chinese and cantonese. welcome. >> i'm a cofounder along with gwen brown. it's a tradition in the african-american community to ask your elders to speak. do we have your permission? >> yes, we do. we are here tonight because as we sit-in line we heard
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members of the community from the asian community calling the stay together. their idea together in this example is moving one neighborhood and joining it. the black community has come before this committee and just about every other committee in the city for decades to call for the opportunity to stay together for the same reasons the api community and any other community would advocate for it. they have representation. they have a chance to buy a home and they didn't have to worry about their safety and children can go to school safely. for some reason when the black community does it they have a favor in sometime of way. we have african-american
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reparations advisory community that took recess so they can speak to you that the masses excused my language, dr. brown. you had enough urgents to come up with the right version but regardless of the outcome we would like you to know you have exposed your hand and what your really agenda is and make no mistake we are watching your asses, we are watching your relationships and political motivations. which wouldn't let our community or neighborhoods be another coin to put-on the table and run a gamble with. you are deadass wrong. this will go on the record for the city and communities. we will not forget it. >> thank you. >> we will hold you accountable forgetting this
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shit right. >> welcome. >> sorry, i'm tiffany carter. i'm a lifelong resident of bay view. i would just like toe get on the record so hear the asian community speak of a new d10 is very, very, offensive to me as a lifetime second generation, my daughter is now third generation and we are homeowners in bay view and district 10. that's very offensive. >> thank you for your comments. >> good evening, task force. i'm gwen brown. i'm a member of lake view d11. when the process started we had our skin in the game. we made sure we got our message across early. it was for this tape of
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reason. you neutralize the black voting power. d10, black voting power has been neutralized with the hill being taken out of d10. this is a travesty against black san francisco. it's so acceptable. this is the culture. this is the culture in san francisco. the last black man in san francisco. this is our everyday existence. these types of votes. these types of policies have worked to assassinate economic development in the black community. history is watching. as you know, netflix puts out documents every week. every week. make no mistake, san francisco
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is a profound city the entire nation is watching. they are watching us on the reparations task force. we make no mistake about that impact because it's time to set a different precedent. it's time san francisco is a sanctuary city for black people and everyone else. [ applause ] >> because it's not. this is not a sanctuary city for black people. how do i know, i'm looking at your data. i walk to the tenderloin and step over bodies. our bodies. this is not a sanctionry city for black people. these policies and actions are the reason why. thank you. >> thank you for your comments to the task force. next speaker please.
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>> i'm dennis and testified here a number of times. i'd like you to know the way i see the map lays out very clearly the strategy of future political alliances in the city now that will in fact endorse the development and displacement of a lot of people as well as tech and finance and real estate. right now, developer nick is extremely happy in his last e-mail he was ecstatic with the direction you have taken
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the map an organize designed to organizize districts is ecstatic and leaders spoke together. they encouraged you all with the maps. developers demolish and display for-profits. what do they do wrong. they oppose displacement. shame on them. they fight for affordable housing. shame on them. this doesn't work for the majority. shame on them, they are stupid. they oppose the racism of gennification. your map is a political landscaper for devetch loppers
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and tech. this lays out where they are going. ize hope you change the map. >> thank you for your comments. the president of the chair did indicate hold your applause so we can hear from everyone and get through the number of individuals that are still waiting outside and would like to be heard next he wouldn't be long but my message is clear. this is a really messed up map. i spoke to lawyers on the east coast and we are talking to our lawyers to file a lawsuit against ever getting the map done i have seen republicans
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in the map it's better and more fair i put that politics in front of everybody. this city runs on travel you are making this worst. how do you make it worst. if you didn't listen to the community you didn't belong in san francisco. this community makes us worst. not the sales force community. they didn't come to san francisco to go to freaken drive an uber and go to chipotle. they come for the neighborhoods. the distinct neighborhoods and communities that's around it. people say i'd like to go to hate ashbury and d5.
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you are breaking that up. i need you to know you are destroying the economy. destroying the travel industry and everything great about san francisco. the labor council won't watch this. we will file a lawsuit and stop you from doing what you are doing. thank you. >> thank you kim for your comments. >> good evening u i'm the president of local 87. we represent discuss custodial and janitors. the lights flickering are our janitors turning on the lights own the floor. in the city if you were black, brown, or asian. they have made it so unaffordable many families had to move out of the city.
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those who have remained are holding on by the very thin skin of their nose to stay in the city. for those appointed by the major and from the elections office. i'd like to tell you you probably thought when you were appointed you thought this was a great thing. you have been on facebook and social media. you have a really raw deal for all of you. you will have to deal with the entire community. not just from one aspect of the city but it's on your shoulders. how the city looks and reflects. the city that prides itself on democracy and we are at the forefront of being able to make sure what happens in san francisco reigns throughout the rest of the gosh-darn country. the injustices you a about to chop up the city and the way you have and proposing.
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it's nothing more than an injustice against every single one community. if you call it st. francis, i can tell you right now, st. francis was about bringing the community together. if i was hungry, poor, if i needed a roof over my head. this was the city to do it in. the organized labor didn't take it lightly. we just came from the labor council meeting tonight. i can tell you, this message must be heard by every single one of you. get off your twitter and facebook and your foreigns. i can tell you, these types of division and the way you chop up the city. i heard you. the way you chop up the city your name will go down in history. whether if you are a man of faith or woman. we want to make sure that you understand and you are hearing
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us. what is about to happen and why the city must remain the way it is. >> thank you olga. >> you can't make those decisions to represent our decision. [ applause ] >> [speaking off mic] >> we were under the impression they were showing map speaker map, speaker. >> okay. will double-check that. welcome. >> good evening, i'm a mission resident of san francisco. i'm here in solidarity with the communities you have heard from that asked you not to divide up and split their
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communities. you were working on an alternate map. it wasn't anything that people wanted but it was reasonable it kept tenderloin and selma together. it kept potrero neighborhoods together. that map was abandoned because the majority of the body didn't want to, abdomen i quote, keep russian hill whole in d2. that was used as an excuse to split up cities that have given you consistent feedback they want to be kept together. i would like to thank the four members that walked out. member cooper and jeremy lee.
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i'd like to note only have the four people criticized the process but member lee said we have lost the publics trust and townsend said earlier in the meeting he failed as a lead ir. leader. i appreciate that. that's six out of the nine of you. two-thirds of you recognize something was done wrong. take more time to produce a map that takes the community input. it's better to be late than have a terrible sham map. >> thank you for your comments. next speaker please. >> good evening, i live-in district two. i was sadden by the vote by this committee to adopt this map. i understand why they call this a warfare map.
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the communities most impacted have had representation here time and time again to make comments in defense of their communities. time is a justice issue. we know black and brown community members have to constantly advocate for their basic mu man rights. you have to fight to be seen. they are not seen because the map would like different. to me, the map is inmu inhumane. it's consolidating power. it's clear to me we want to live-in a san francisco with a strong culture alcommunity. we like a strong black voice in the community and advocate for affordable housing and rights. i would like to live-in a san san that look at restoration of repair of community. not keep the same white
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supremecy power structures. the task force can take accountability and repair the harm that has been done. please investigate the procedures that lead to the bias. prioritize and maintain powers to community that face the most racism and disempowerment. thank you. >> thank you for your comments. >> good evening, task force members. i'd like to say thank you. thank you for the countless hours you put in the process. i realize it has been imperfect fect. . i don't love the map but you got to it by way of thousands of hours of community imput
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and trying to come up with a legal map. the map you came up where moved asians into district 10 unifying that community. it keeps the black community the same. they are only off by one%. it reduces the white population by 7%. excuse me. >> speaking off mic. >> no. >> come on. >> it reduces the white population by 7.72%. it increases the latino population by 2%. theos are arguing for maintaining. are they advocating for having more white population in d10. it seems there are certain
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people who are trying to manipulate minority communities to get what they want i think steady of what is best for those populations. i have a lot more that i can say. >> you guys in the audience. please quiet down. >> you have 39 seconds left. >> go ahead, i'm sorry. >> thank you so much. i don't love the map however i believe it was arrived at legally and you took more input than for example -- >> i'm sorry. seriously. >> speaking off mic. >> you have 28 seconds left to finish up. >> you have allowed for so much more input than for example a former board of ed allowed for discussions around school reopening where they limited public comment for 1 hour to all people who wanted to speak.
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>> it took five of you to slap the faces and ignore multiple communities. they are significant and kept san francisco the greatest city in the world. we are dissipating. we can no longer afford to live here any more. our voices are ignored and this taking the cake what you did on sunday. to really make us feel
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invisible. you know how hurtful or low that is when people are not listening to you. think about that time. i know one of you escaped oppression in hungry. think about how your people were treated. that's how we feel now. our voices didn't count. that's how we are feeling. take that to heart. it's not too late. it's not illegal to extend the deadline. you have more work to do. this is hard work. do the right thing. thank you. >> thank you for your comments to the task force. hi y'all. tinder line resident. long time fro resident. gay male making it in san
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francisco thank you to those who had the courage and stand up for what they believe in. the defense of the community after recognizing this sort of travisty occurring here. i applaud your courage. i'd like to say a special thank you to jeremy lee that endured unfair attacks yes, his words were inflammatoriry but i'd like to say on that he was very gracious and offering a gracious exceptance. you insulted me. >> i stand by that. >> you are not allow to speak back. you were rude and insulted
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us. you hurt our feelings. as a gay man. i need you all to consider what you have done and fix it. it's not too late to fix it. there is no hard fast rule. it says that but there is no penalty. many jurisdictions have gone over the limit including oakland just this year. it's far better to get a better map you have shoved it down. it was a set up. this is where you planned on being. i don't expect you to change. i'd like to say you could change. prove me wrong. extend the timeline. have an open and fair democratic process and see where we end up. i'll ask that you consider since you apologized --
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[speaking off mic ]. >> your time has expired. thank you for your time. first i'd like to thank the commission. i met so many people that made san francisco great of after saturday night's vote one of the task force members who voted for the map said let's be really. any map we pass might be legally legitimate. why do you think that is. you want your legacy for the next ten years to be publicly
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ill . at the expense of the last black representative and division of the city's transgender culture al district. do you want people to remember you for making the cur courageous choice to stop the process. listen to people that have come up with a community driven map that keeps communities whole. i know all of you are smart.
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we have distinguished careers. what is in your heart? >> thank you for your comments to the task force. next speaker please. >> hi, i'm here because, well, for one i also didn't, i'm not a big fan of the map but i'd like to talk about honor and integrity something that's been brought up again and again in the audience. how does one have the audacity to question the honor and integrity of others when they themselves didn't respect the boundaries and didn't respect the time of our asian elders. the audacity to say they made their comments just because a speech was prepared for them. they didn't think on their
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own. when was the last time d10 had an asian supervisor. 50% of visitation ra valley is asian. to return to d10 is something we have been waiting for for 20 years. you want to talk about a disappearing culture andst. my culture disappeared overnight. for 20 years that's been happening to the comply niece community and asian community as a whole. especially to d10. nothing, nothing was said when the korean culture was disappeared. knots was said now. you say you have solidarity with us when our elders come up here and call us nazi's and racist and corporate shields. oh, no. i heard it in that room.
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address your comments to the task. >> when the elders came up here. didn't deny some of you growned and moaned and said they didn't have thoughts of their own. solidarity. solidarity. when we speak, just like this, you deny all of the actions. you deny all of it. you didn't have the guts to speak up for our people. when your people say something. >> no. no. no. no. no. no no. no. no sheriff. [gavel banging] no.
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>> [yelling ]. >> excuse me a minute. just one minute. listen, everybody has a right to talk. everybody has a right to not like it. you have to let everybody speak like you had a chance to speak. that's just a fact. i understand if you didn't like it. that's why we are here to have dialog. certainly, it can't be one-sided. it can't be one-sided. everybody must have a chance to talk. we can't get through this any other way. >> welcome, next speaker please.
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>> hi, my name is amalia. i'd like to start with an antidote. my mom is a mexican immigrant and mother is a immigrant from vietnam. they worked at the mcdonalds when they were living in their car. my family has loved the city and i'm constantly disappointed by the city. i'm constantly disappointed in seeing my communities are never listened to and votes will be cut out. a late map is not a bad map. i'm so flustered with the fact i had to read two hours worth of materials to understand all of the things going on in the room and understand it's just quiet literally everything the city is doing over and other and over again to my communities. i'm flustered with the red d
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rick. she's living with $3,000 worth of rent because the city is so unaffordable. an 86-year-old woman has to work her butt off to live here. i'm advocating for them and we are barely surviving. none of my family lives in san francisco any more. just me and my grandmother paying $4,000 worth of rent. a late map is not a bad map. listen to our communities and do better. >> thank you for your comments to the task force. next speaker please. >> hello, task force members.
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i'm bob in the outer richmond. i told you that a lot. i told you why i keep coming here. thank you for the changes on the d1 map. i don't have an opinion. i know a lot of people have other opinions about potrero. i have not commented about those because it's not my place. u keep i keep coming to ret a few other things. i'll comment on the events because i was here. i jumped off a bus halfway home to come back here because i was alarmed about what my friends were texting me about the ranker that was happening in the room. you had an impossible problem and you known it. frankly, everyone in the city should know it because of the awful housing is put all
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housing developments in district 6 and 10 and 9 too. it lead to the difficult problem you have where you have to make hard choices. what i was disappointed in on sunday is the extremist on the left that have badgering the body for months but really in the last few weeks have been save save save taging thin. they should have known that. still, they pressed on. i don't know why you walked out. i'm under the opinion you planned it ahead of time. i don't have proof of this. i'm under the impression that you walked out to shred the public trust rather than lose
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votes. i find that sad. >> thank you for your comments. welcome. good evening, i work in the tenderloin. democracy is not suppose to be easy. you have to take care of the most marginalized and you must do. they need to be protected because we need each other in the democratic process. we use this process to be heard and still ignored. you say you have hard choices and expect anger but the choses you made is to prevent anger from the wealthy from da diluting the voices from the
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marginalized. here in sf they support a map that dilute the black vote. join us now and fight this unjust map. work together to keep marginalized communities together. i trusted the process over two weeks ago. after majority of the task forces and the red rick they have shown it's clear who it's for. it's not for us. you support russian hills and potrero hills. our community is a coalition. a rainbow coalition that provided input and tried to make it work for us. you chose to protect the folks of privilege, resources, and wealth. they have voices that will be helped.
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we saw that in the process. thank you to those who chose to protect marginalized groups. the rest of you. restore confidence in the democratic process. resend this map. we would rather have a late map. this is a just map. do not divide us. >> thank you for your comments to the task force. welcome. >> good evening, i'm cheryl jackson. i come together as a private citizen. some of you know me for my activism. today i'm looking and seeing a commission that has failed at it's job. you are to represent the people of san francisco. the seniors, the disabled, the
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communities and lbg2 tq communities. anything less than that is unjust. for anybody to come up here and accuse mullets pal communities are pitted against each other. you are adding fire to a flame that's been put out initially. i stand before the body to ask you to resend the map because they demand it. their voices need to be heard today. our marginalized communities are just hanging on. they have come up here and spoke out and you still are
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not listening to their voices. they are here. look at them. they are in the room crying and begging. you have much more work together. you have to represent the city of san francisco. anything else i don't know what you are doing. do not let the voice be define issued by special interest. >> thank you for your comments to the task force. please come to the lectern, sir. >> my name is richard. i'll only speak briefly because i have had two of my colleagues speak on behalf which is the labor council. so, i'm just here to say that,
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you know, the labor council will not stand, you know, for for this redistricting scheme. i'll leave it at that and give others a chance to speak. honestly. i'm just coming up to speed and being out raged at the map i saw. thank you for your time. >> thank you for your comments to the task force. welcome. >> yeah, we such port the four task force members for walking out this past weekend when it was clear the process was unfair. a lot of community organizes working with communitying every single day have been here providing public comment.
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taking time-out of their day from work and taking care of their families. what i have heard is selective listening when they say things like the chinese community want russian hills to be part of d3. they have been coming out and the community members most impacted by the current map have said no. i'm confused when i hear that. i hope the task force members that are telling the stories really perk your ears up. all of our communities. i'm talking renters, working-class homeowners, queer communities where not giving up. we refuse to be pitted against each other. it shouldn't be at the expense of another. that's why we stand together as communities of color to fight for fair rip sensation for our under resource
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communities. we have a great sentiment that many would like to be in a relationship with the black community. we would like long lasting communities. we have to honor and respect our needs and ask for themselves. that needs to happen now not when we have the full-time draft of a map. the truth is we have heard talked about this being crucial to their survive al. this did the exact op opposite. takeback your map. we'd rather have a late map than bad map. have more meetings. >> thank you for your comments.
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welcome. my name is steve lee the map you voted is a travisty. thanks to the members that walked out we would be here all night long. your map is typical of a republican gerrymandering and disen fan chinese -- disinfan disenfranchised. it will impress the power of the wealthy, ol gashing, and mayor and political donors. it has a long history of
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engaging in. where is your conscience. extend the timeline an listen to the people abdomen here it people in the days before this we voted on sunday morning. thank you for your comments. if there are any of the members of the public that would like to address the task force if you are in 406 that i think is closed down or in the hallway before we get to the last speaker come to this room. we are in 408. we will take this caller and then we'll move to the remote system. welcome, sir.
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i'm will jarred and reporter with the district. it's a pleasure to meet you in the flesh. i wanted to just let you know i'm here because i'd love to talk to a few of you especially member townsend and -- >> speak directly into the microphone. >> i'll be at the back. you should have my number if you would like to talk. it would be great to clear up what happened on sunday if at all possible. thank you so much. >> thank you for your comments to the task force. all right, next speaker please. >> good evening, task force members. a lot of gratitude and respect for those who had to follow
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their moral compass. it was a hard decision and it was really validating to the community. we saw a process that wasn't fair. when you made the decision to walkout or expose is process they felt validated and felt like there were four people that saw and heard everything i just want to thank you guys and really urge that as folks were saying it's not too late. any time you think you come to a meeting and come to a meeting to do public comment i have been surprised every 48 hours. all of us have. i'm holding out for hope there is a fifth vote in the room
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that will say that's right. it's not legitimate in the eyes of the public and they deserve another vote and another map. it deserves a few options on the table. when you go to the final vote you can pass something the public can say, okay, it's not perfect but we can get behind that it's not too late. we spoke to a lat of lawyers law -- a lot of lawyers to see what the options are. go one or two days so we can actually have a map that people can get behind. you can do it. you have done a lot it's important and recognize your service. >> thank you for your comments
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to the task force. i'm mike chin. i'm here to echo what the elections commission said. they found no wrongdoing. -- that's not what they said. they affirmed the task force and it should be independent and make decisions. i have not found a legal argument from the u.s. staff or from the other group that they provide a legal argument. it's what was strong with the conduct of the task force. i'm here to say that we should respect the decisions from the task force and hope to produce
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methods and legal requirements. >> thank you for your comments. welcome. >> good evening, jill. my heart is racing and coming to talk to you. i'm so full of i motions and sadness and rage at the process. this is at the demonization of what the community has been able to come together to do for the democracy. we anticipated redistricting can be an opportunity for a communities to have tension and have to fight each other about what livens. we started a community unity mapping process last october to avoid that kind of tension
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and division we succeeded in a balanced legal option of a map that over 85 organizes representing tens of thousands or hundreds of thousand of people in the city came together and aligned on. you haven't given it a look. the tension you are seeing is what you created through the process. what will exist in san francisco even more it's allowed and really upsets me and scares me. our communities deserve better. we shouldn't be pitted against each other. talk the time you need to do better for san francisco. >> thank you for your
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comments. jill. >> hi, this is the sixth time i'm speaking. i don't have faith you will do the right thing. i feel like the map will go because once it's final we can file a lawsuit. as for i have heard stream -- extremist and left. it sounds like fox news. the reality is this. the map you created. i was just looking at the number. d1 is 40% asian and 47% white. d270% white. d340% white, 40% asian. d5 53% white. d6, 40% asian, 40% white.
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d8 68% white. d10 49% asian. d11 46% white. listen, this city is white and asian. no one as white and asian can say they will get good representation on the board. the numbers didn't lie. the highest concentration is in the bay view and that's 18%. you say you only lose 1%. we have lost 1% for the last 20 years until you gone. when you talk about latinos you turned mission into a white district. that was the highest concentration of latinos at 25%. this is true diversity. i have seen the recall people there here and the power moves
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happening here. it will be exposed. >> thank you for your comments to the task force. >> i'm david wu. this redistricting process and another e-mail in my inbox. from the san francisco 2022 redistricting task force e-mail. it's funny at this point. let your voice be heard at the redistricting mapping meeting to hear updates and provide feedbacks on where the lines should be drawn. they might effect your district. they will say why it's important. i'd like to know before you make a decision on the map.
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as for the population shifting and grows the city is legally to redraw supervisor between district lines and equitible representation. redistricting impact and community there are ideals and government officials for the process that helps ensure that are kept insure. i don't know if you know that because what has been going on has nothing to do with that. it doesn't say anything about the stay at home and there is a map. you will reject everything the public will say. that's what is been happening. i'm joking because it's that depressing and that obvious and sad. you know, almost
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