tv Police Commission SFGTV April 13, 2022 5:30pm-10:31pm PDT
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under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. >> president: hello good evening. welcome to the april 13th, 2022, meeting. sergeant kimshaw, we're able to have you here again and welcome any future appearances by you as well. sergeant renolds, can you please call the first matter. >> secretary: first, can i take the roll. >> president: okay. we can do that too you have a
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quorum vice president elias. >> vice president elias: thank you. >> secretary: also present, we have the chief of police. the executive director of d.p.a. paul henderson. sorry. we have the first item is general public comment. at this time, the public is welcomed to address the commission for up to two minutes on items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but are within the subject matter of the police commission.
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during public comment d.p.a. nor commissioners are reply to the comments. please call or respond when that line item is read. comments or opportunities to speak during public comment are available via phone by calling (415) 655-0001. and enter access code 24896601455. then press pound and press pound again. and dial 3 to make a -- star 3 to make a comment. alternatively, you may submit public comment in either of the following ways. e-mail the secretary of the police commission at
5:44 pm or written comments may be sent via u.s. postal service to the public safety building located at 1245 third street san francisco 94158. so we'll take public comment first from those that are in the audience. >> vice president elias: thank you. good evening, ms. brown. >> good evening. i'd like to use the overhead concerning my son. it's ready. i need -- it's too big, can i bring it -- can you start me over, please yes, my son who was murdered august 14th, 2006.
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his case isn't solved yet. his birthday just passed april 6th and i am still on the battlefield concerning myologymented i've been doing this for too long. i bring these names with me. han bawl thomas, paris moffatt, jason thompson, anthony hunter and lamarcus carter these were the people that were out there and these are the people that were on my son's case that were out there involved with murdering my son. one of them is deceased. to this day, i have no justice. i just want to still thank everyone, the committee that helped me spearhead the
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information down at all the ten districts police stations, the videos are all up. there's a second phase too that we need to get implemented that it's going to be at the bart station and, again, this is what they're leaving me with, my son laying on a gurney. i wouldn't wish this of the people or the parentsover the perpetrators that murdered my son for their mother to go through this year after year after year, birthdays and holidays that i'm still dealing with his nieces and nephews are growing past his age and they didn't get to see their uncle alive for what do we do? i need help. i need more help. thank you. >> secretary: thank you, ms. brown.
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if you would like to make an anonymous tip clooez call (415) 575-4444. vice president elias, we have -- pardon me. good evening. you have two minutes. >> good evening. my name is rita larken and i was wondering where the community meetings where the police officers in the neighborhood would come to the neighborhood and have meetings because we used to do this in the tenderloin and i'm wondering when north beach is going to wake up and do it. we have a lot of businesses around there and we have a lot of crime that's come back to that area. thank you. >> vice president elias: chief, can you have someone give her the scheduled meetings. if you can hold on, somebody can give you that information. >> thank you. >> secretary: now we'll move to public comment on line.
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good evening, caller, you have two minutes. >> caller: good evening commissioners. my name is francisco de costa. one of the things is i hope you are going to focus on quality of life issues. and i also want ya'll to pay attention to the redistricting of san francisco. this is going to effect policing in many ways. and we have to be forward thinking. so, quality of life issues, action, redistricting of san francisco, the final math has
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not been drawn, but we have eleven districts and ten districts. so we need to who have been suffering because of politics. even on the police commission. i hope ya'll settle down and you back up the chief. don't gang up on him because if you gang up on him, then it's not going to be good. >> secretary: thank you, caller. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> caller: good evening, my name is kit hodge.
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last week sfpd internal affairs division final of racial sexual slurs and so future resolve cases. while still presing an officer's anonymity. how many cases on list are from the officers. how likely would these officers be designed. when it comes to reform and this is a much needed step. next step is tackling that reality. there's an urgency to address the justice of the black san franciscos. and use of force, the racial profiling and traffic stops by
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sfpd. i've grown tired of talking to sfpd. the tables were turning and new statistics. are you going to take responsibility and address the harsh bias on statistics. because an oath to uphold the law. most renewed sources to be an urgency. again, [ indiscernible ] thank you. >> secretary: thank you, caller. good evening, caller. . you have two minutes. >> hello, my name's jean bridges and i'm with wealth and
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disparages in the black community. per sfpd christine fountain in an e-mail quote you are correct that the quarter over quarter capita and to provide the report information being updated. we wonder did sfpd omit these q42021 because the disparities are worse. the following is a quote from wealth and disparities black community founder felicia jones. i'll call it what it is, anti-blackness. in terms of use of force, arrest, and racial profiling through traffic stops. i've grown tired of talking to the police commission, sfpd and the board of supervisors. where is the urgency. if the tables were turned, i know there would be an urgency. when are you going to take responsibility and address the unjust statistics.
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you took an oath to uphold the law. as i said, i'm tired, not tired enough to quit, tired of beating a dead horse and tired of our concerns falling on deaf ears. and therefore we sought help from attorney general bonta. we demand the commission read and require a report from sfpd. are we the only ones in the reporting. thank you. >> secretary: thank you, caller. vice president elias, that is public comment. >> vice president elias: thank you. next item, please. >> secretary: line item two, chief's report. discussion, weekly crime
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trends. major and significant incidents. provide a summary of planned activities and events. this will include a brief overview of any unplanned events or activities occurring in san francisco having an impact on public safety. commission discussion on unplanned events and activities. the chief describes will be limited to determining whether to calendar for future meetings. chief scott. >> police chief scott: good evening. i will start this week's chief's report with just a brief summary of this week's crime trends. i reported on the single homicide as it happened last week but there's just to remind the commission and the public this was a homicide that occurred at 24th and patrero
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during a street dice game. eventually, the suspect pulled out a knife and stabbed the victim and the victim succumbed to his injuries. at this point, no arrest has been made, the investigation is ongoing and not much to update the commission or the public on in this case, we are asking anyone with information with this or any other unsolved san francisco case, to please call our tip line at (415) 575-4444. and that information can be reported anonymously. we had two shooting incidents for the week to report. one was on the 100 block of fulton and the tenderloin on april 7th. in that particular case, officers responded to hide in fullton involving a shot
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spotter the victim provided a name and he was able to positively identify this person from a photo. witnesses were interviewed and this case based on the information we have is ongoing and we are seeking to locate the person who was identified by the victim. we have not located them at this time. the second shooting was in the 100 block of kisska on april 8th at 12:55. officers responded to a shooting report of a juvenile victim. the information provided indicated that the shooting may have occurred inside the residence and that it may have been accidental discharge. however, witnesses statements were conflicting and our victim statement has not allowed us at this point to have a clear understanding of what happened.
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so that investigation is still under way and we have not determined whether this was an accidental or a crime as of this time. the general crime trends for the week are remain as they were last week. 13 homicides compared to ten this year. our violent crimes are 2% up. last year 1,300 and 1,800 this year. burglaries are down significantly by almost 800. however, larceny and theft is going to be our most difficult and stubborn crime category year to date. we're up 29% and that is about 1900 crimes from this time last year. that category does include car break-ins which we are up 29% last year. compared to 2019, and 2020, there's a 17% decrease that's
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covid related as far as this time last year or in 2021, we were actually much lower compared to 2020. i'm sorry. so over time, we expect that to level out, but we still have a lot of work to do to continue to drive those types of crimes down. in terms of our overall violent crimes, our shootings are still down year to date by 28% in terms of our shooting deaths that are nonfatal and our total homicide shootings are up from five last year to eight this year. so that's a total of 60% as far as a percentage, 60% increase. there were no fatal traffic collisions thankfully to report, actually, there was one fatal. that was at evans and mendelll in the bayview. that occurred on april 9th. the vehicle ran a red light, struck a scooter with a rider
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on it and that person unfortunately succumb today their injuries. at this time, there was an arrest made, but the investigation's still ongoing and charges have not been filed at this point. of national notoriety was the new york city incident in the subway tunnels yesterday. we did receive information, this is national news that new york p.d. arrested an individual for that particular incident. our response in san francisco, we definitely increased our patrol along our rail lines. it puts people a little bit more at ease and there's no information to indicate that this was a planned event at least from what we know right now nor is there no connections to our city, but when these
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events do occur, we do typically increase control to ease anxiety and tensions and make sure that we have a presence in those types of locations. i do want to note, there are no significant events to report, but i want to note some events that happened over the past week that are notable. one event that i would like to talk about is an event that was put on at john's grill and this was in conjunction with macy's and this was the suit-up initiative and i want to give thanks to our director, tiffany sutton and assistant chief mike redman. tiffany actually helped organize this event along with spip, macy's, and john grill and the short of this is 15 young men and these are all men who are the type of men that we've been working with to try to get them out of harm's way
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in terms of violence either perpetrating or being victims of gun violence and the program consisted of this partnership, these individuals through spip and rob news leadership were given business suits by macy's and really for the purpose of transforming the mind set, seeing themselves as, you know, positive individuals and positive role models and also when people go out for job interviewses, if they're not dressed appropriately, they don't have a good time. this is a lot of encouragement including some acknowledgement of some of the difficulties in the past that the san francisco has had in engaging in positive relationships with that particular demographic and i think that was very powerful.
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the event was very positive. they had dinner afterward and they stayed and had dinner with these young men and the folks and all the collaborative partners and it was a really powerful event, but this is the type of work to this ongoing questions about what we're doing to engage. we address violence in a different type of way. we're trying to place the at risk behavior with something we hope will end up being a positive boost to helping people get themselves out of harm's way. so really good event. another event that i want to talk about just before the police commission meeting i went to visit our department of emergency management. this week is national
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dispatchers week. i want to thank all of our dispatchers not only in san francisco but across the country for all the work they do for a number of years in a variety of capacities. they keep us going and keep us calm in the midst of chaos and they really are partners whose work is unsung. i want to publicly recognize the work that our dispatchers do and it was great to be on the floor and to say thank you to them. and the last thing i want to report, just an update on the pandemic and the vaccination booster. the recent health order mandated that certain departments have mandated booster implementation and the police department was one of them. we worked with our partners, dr. colfax and our health officer dr. susan phillips for the police department and we're
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actually able to work through that and they were able to lift the booster mandate for the police department. i think that went a long way and they can ensure that a couple of things, we're already challenged staffing wise and the doctors would not have done this if it was not safe for our department to do it. they approved it. and the department, we still have vaccination mandates, but we do not have the booster mandates. so we won't have any cases coming to the commission for that reason. so i think that was -- i appreciate, we appreciate the public health officers working with us and working through this particular thing, but i just wanted to update the commission on that and that concludes my report for this week. >> vice president elias: thank you, chief. i also wanted to give a huge congratulations to director sutton and a huge thank you to the department, director sutton and president walton for this event. i heard really great things
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about it. it's obviously an inspiring and well worthy i think event and in the future, please feel free to pass along the invitation to the entire commission so that we can obviously be there to support because as you know, we don't often hear about the positive stories. so i wanted to thank you and director sutton for the hard work and d.c. redman as well. >> police chief scott: thank you. i really appreciate that. >> vice president elias: okay. i'm going to open it up to commissioners. commissioner yee. >> commissioner yee: thank you vice president elias. i just want to ask the chief -- well, first of all i just want to thank outreach to i guess for macy's and the assistant
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chief for the work you've done in the community. i guess they're models. they're great on social media. but i just want to touch bases on some of the pointed out. we're looking in the mission district. you're looking at comparative. well, you've got five comparative year to date for 2021 versus 2022. also on the english side too 0 from 3. is there any strategy or is there any i guess thought behind it or maybe to work on resolving some of those issues down there? >> police chief scott: yes. thanks, commissioner yee. those are staggering and concerning in the mission and ingleside district. so the overall strategy remains
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unchanged. the violence reduction strategy. and part of the services and the reaching out and the community safety meetings. the ingleside, the double, of course, is apart of those three for this year. the double i reported on last year. and some of the work that's going into strategies is there are people that we have identified that are consistently involved in violence and gun related incidents. we've served some warrants this past week with some of our fellow law enforcement partners around the area. we actually made a number of arrests i think three arrests and it confiscated several guns including a ghost gun in this particular warrant service this past week and we do believe these individuals are some of the drivers of this violence.
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they were connected to previous homicides, we did not arrest them for homicides, but the gun violence is we believe connected. those types of strategies, we don't want to wait until somebody becomes a victim or a shooter and we have to deal with it reactionary but through our research and cases and investigations have people we've identified as drivers of the violence and that's one of our strategies is to make sure we address that through things like what we did with this warrant which was not connected to a particular homicide. there were other crimes connected to that. that is a strategy that we have to keep going with and it's a regional effort with some of our fellow departments around the region. some of the crimes are connected to other cities as well. so that will be an ongoing strategy that we will keep going and we've had some success with that. in addition to that. some of the community work on the community side of it is
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getting the community engaged. i know there was vigils that we participated in just getting the community energized and it's very difficult for people to come forward on these cases for some time. they're afraid for their lives and we understand that. they're afraid of retaliation and we understand that. but the more we respond as a community, it becomes easier when the time comes for people to cooperate. it comes just a little bit easier. so we have to keep those types of events going as well to let people know it's not just the police department, it's a whole community that's concerned and wants to do something to stop this violence. so that helps and we'll continue to do that as well. we have two individuals that participated last week and we often do that, but it does help, believe it or not. >> commissioner yee: thank you very much, chief. i just want to follow up on the muni, i guess since the
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shooting in new york subways. i guess what would be the allocation of police resource in hours i guess muni subway? have we committed to any i guess amount of officers patrolling recently? >> police chief scott: we adjust when we need to. so there is the bart police that actually has responsibility for the rails and the muni platforms in the city. it's a shared responsibility. part of it is sfpd jurisdiction. part of it is bar jurisdiction. so we work collaboratively with bart when these types of things occur and make sure between the two agencies we increase our presence. we have a unit that responded to work the muni lines, the bus platforms including the city responsibility and the underground tunnels. so those all were increased.
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we also had our motorcycle unit officers, our honda unit officers and our district stations helping in that effort this week when this happened. >> commissioner yee: thank you very much, chief. >> vice president elias: thank you. commissioner yonis. >> commissioner: thank you, commissioner. i want to start off by commending you. i really appreciate any effort that we have to create alternatives, to create positive interactions between our department and the community. so the more i think we can have those events and we can be invited to them, of course, we're going to support those processes. and i have a question around this increase in violent crime. obviously more murders than we had last year. i'd like to hear, is there any bay area wide type of coordination or planning that takes place?
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often times we know that as a result of displacement over the course of the last 10, 15 years, often times families who got displaced in san francisco oakland, richmond, wherever that may be, and these plans may not necessarily be available to some of those folks so are there any efforts to make those connections and create more bay area wide coordination in that response? >> police chief scott: that's a great question and there is. there is coordination bay area wide particularly with these cities that are hardest hit by violence. that's connected. san francisco shootings or homicides and other cities in the east bay and there are good working relationships with those departments, particularly oakland. we as apart of our strategy is we actually our operational command staff along with some of our professional staff, this is three years ago went and sat
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down with oakland and actually sat in there shooting reviews and looked at their models and we fashion some of what they're doing. so they have been a really good partner and vice versa. if we are doing something that we have successful outcomes, other departments are apt to adapt some of what we're doing as well. where this is going the next phase of this and this is good news. we're not there yet. however, there's been a lot of discussion to formalize these regional partnerships. we have our gun crime intelligence center which we partner with and there's an effort to make that a regional effort which would be very helpful because a lot of these crimes are tied together. thankfully the technology is much better these days where we are able to put shell casings into the system and we can match up, it's almost like a
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fingerprint, match up shootings, even if it's just shots fired with nobody hit. there was a time where those weren't given a high priority, but now they are, because it can connect shooters and shootings. so that work is really exciting. we've had some success with that and it's becoming more formal. a lot of the police chiefs and through the northern california regional intelligence center is really formalizing those partnerships and it's exciting and those meetings are ongoing and i'll keep the commission posted on that. >> vice president elias: thank you, commissioner byrne . >> commissioner byrne: thank you, chief. two months ago someone died in an overdose. i understand there was a homicide investigation. i was wondering is it possible maybe not tonight but if you can give an update on that
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investigation? >> police chief scott: yes, commissioner, we can. i don't want to do it off the top of my head. >> commissioner byrne: so if you can provide that. i think for the public at large it was distressing to hear about. and the second question, i know commissioner yee brought it up, but there's been no progress at the shooting in the outer mission at the alice charmer school. there's no update on that investigation. >> police chief scott: we do have some leads. there's no arrests. we do have some leads that we're following up on. so i will keep the commission posted on that as well. >> commissioner byrne: thank you. >> vice president elias: thank you. can we go to public comment? >> secretary: if you would like to make public comment, please step to the podium or dial star three if you're online. good evening, caller. you have two minutes.
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good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> caller: hello. >> secretary: are you there? >> caller: okay. yeah. okay. what i want to say is that, you know, as i understand it when you have events and all, not all the commissioners can go for the events. they have to follow the brown act. so i think not all the commissioners should know that, you know, there is a number of commissioners that can go for an event, but all the commissioners can go for an event. so for the chair to say, okay, you know, we'll be there,
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that's fine. i don't have anything with that, but what i do have is the ability for the commissioners to do a needs assessment as to the incidents and whatever you're talking, action. the chief can do only so much. now, i want ya'll to do a needs assessment on our police force. we're about 1,200 when we should be about 2,000. so in the military, if you don't have a force then you're not going to be able to attain your goals. the other thing is as much as we talk about the chief and the community, we have to talk about our offices. now, i'm not saying we have them, but we need to have a dialog with our offices.
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so this is what i wanted to say and i'm sorry my line was muted on my side and i couldn't get on the phone. thank you very much. >> secretary: thank you, caller. ms. brown, would you like to make a comment. >> is it on? okay. yeah. i just wanted to comment on, you know, that we're talking about the young men getting suited up. i mean, that's a good thing, that's giving them a sense. and i was thinking about back when they had the midnight basketball, you know. that needs to happen. these kids need to move around not just put suits on. and they need jobs. they're still suffering from mental health. they still have to go home and deal with their families and the place that they live.
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so, it's like putting a band aid on it, but it's still a good thing and i was thinking about what i brought up before about tiffany sutton and all of us and mike redman, and calvin sanders and lieutenant fill pod spearheaded the digital posters at all the stations. so i was thinking about the new york subway station. now, if they had that there and that man saw his picture there, maybe he would have thought about not killing someone or shooting someone. i was thinking about the second phase of getting the posters at the bart station too. so i'm just saying that if that had been there, or that man's picture would have been, we don't know if he's going to kill, but i'm just thinking if we get this implemented that and have these pictures at the
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b.a.r.t. station and terra vail station. i'm still trying to get in touch with the president of the board of supervisors. i still need that call made to the board of supervisors. please do. thank you. >> secretary: thank you. vice president elias, that concludes public comment. >> vice president elias: thank you. can we have the next item, please. >> secretary: line item three, d.p.a. director's report, discussion. report on d.p.a. activities and announcements. d.p.a.'s report will be limited to a brief description of d.p.a. activities and announcements. commission discussion will be limited to determining whether to calendar any of the issues raised for a future commission meeting. director. >> director: good evening. currently, we are at 176 cases
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have been opened so far this year. we've closed 180 cases and our current case load of open cases is 272 cases. we've sustained nine cases so far this year and we have mediated four cases. we have 29 cases that have investigations that have gone beyond a 9-month period. this time last year, we had 36 cases that had gone beyond a 9-month period. we have not had a case to go beyond the 3304 deadline which is 12 months since i took over with the agency. 24 of those cases are told cases. only five of the cases are not told. like civil litigation and pending and criminal charges. of the cases we have pending
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decisions, there are 12 cases pending decisions with the commission. and there are five cases pending decisions that are with the chief of police. this week, we had a couple of cases come in that resulted in allegations being made to the agency. the top allegation, the top percentage of allegations were for officers behaving badly or speaking in an inappropriate manner that was unbecoming of an officer. was the primary allegation. by district, i'll just outline the top two allegations for the number of cases, there were three that came up behind you and then three that also came out of the mission district. those were for officers failing to timely investigate a case and for an allegation for officers failing to accept
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evidence and behaving rudely with the public. again, these are allegations and there's a broader list that include 100% of the weekly trends that is piled with the commission is on the website as well. in terms of the audit division and d.p.a., we are working in partnership continued partnership with the controller's the agency does a followup every six months on the status of those recommendations. so that's going on and will continue and that will be
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published as well. on the status of the implementation. the first of those reports with the updates was published in december of last year. anyone who would like to review those updates, please refer to d.p.a.'s website. the director of the street crisis response team which was an overview of the street crisis response team program. and that training was presented to all of d.p.a. staff. the team was collaboration with the san francisco department of
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d.p.a. contracted and one behavioral health peer specialist as part of the team and so d.p.a. wanted to participate in that training as well. we also held an in-house training on de-escalation and active listening to provide better services to the public to our administrative staff. that's just the first step in this training. we'll also expand the training to the rest of the staff at d.p.a. as well and the focus will be on providing our staff with tools to be more effective communicators with folks coming to the office and dealing with our staff that are in crisis and experiencing trauma. in terms of outreach, we coordinated an outreach meeting with the bayview station as part of their community safety
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meeting the first week of april. we have one case that's in closed session for this evening. also, if anyone has any questions regarding this regard here or tonight here in the hearing room with me is senior investigator steve ball. also folks can reach the agency directly on the website at -- i can barely read it. it's and you can also contact us directly on the phone at (415) 214-7711 is the number for d.p.a. we have a couple of items related in the agenda that i'm looking forward to, but that concludes my report for the week. >> vice president elias: thank you, director henderson.
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fellow commissioners, do you have any questions or comments for director henderson. thank you. director henderson, one quick question. when you said the three bayview cases and the mission station cases, were the three, were they for untimely investigation or speaking poorly? >> director: untimely investigation. the second one was for failure to investigate an assault investigation and the third one was an allegation of an officer driving recklessly. >> vice president elias: okay. thank you. >> director: they're all broken down in the report that's also available online if you want to see the full report. moving forward, i'm going to be summarizing the previous number of cases as reported and track them as well just so there's a comparison so we can see specific trends from the
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department by the allegations being made about the complaints coming and i'll probably start that in the next month or so. >> vice president elias: i appreciate that. we do see those trends in some of the annual reports that you provide and the department. we still haven't really understood the full reasons why certain districts have more cases than others. perhaps, some of the data collection will give us those answers in the future. >> director: yeah. i think as long as we recognize it and i try to do a disclaimer that what i'm reporting on before i do the independent investigation and sustained cases. but it's an accurate reflection on what the public is coming to the office and what they're saying about both in the specific communities that's reflected by breakdown and specifically and the allegations themselves to give you a better sense of what those trends are week to week.
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>> vice president elias: will you also be keeping the data on the results so that we can have a comparison between the allegations and the actual outcomes? >> director: if you don't already get that in the annual report. the reason that this is also relevant and i try and explain this to the public pretty regularly, that many of these allegations even if they don't result in sustained cases, do find their way into the policy recommendations. those policy recommendations were made throughout the year are evidence-based on some of these allegations as well. which is why it's important to share that information with that whether or not it can be proven or not because it makes a difference or not. some of it folds into the audit, but it all matters and this is the first time that we actually really had this level of transparency even about the
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allegations. i don't think in the history of the agency we've ever revealed this kind of information before and i'll continue to publish it weekly and address it weekly at these meetings. >> vice president elias: great. thank you. >> secretary: if you would like to make public comment please dial star 3 online. vice president elias, there's no public comment. >> vice president elias: great. next item, please. >> secretary: line item four, commission reports, discussion. commission reports will be limited to a brief description of activities and announcements. [please stand by]
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you have not done so already. >> so commissioners, i want to bring something very serious to your attention. in this community, we have the lgbtq culture district, which is the only district in the entire nation and maybe the world, and i am fed up. the city and county of san francisco pretending to have the best interest of the lgbtq, and then, in the other hand,
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letting them down. we must not tolerate all the [indiscernible] it is time for us to walk the walk. we can talk the talk, but we need to come to the systems of the lgbtq community and culture. thank you very much. >> clerk: thank you very much. vice president elias, that concludes public comment. >> vice president elias: thank you. next item. >> clerk: discussion and possible action to adopt
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revised department general order 3.09, department awards. meet-and-confer draft was approved by the commission on april 14, 2021. discussion and possible action. >> vice president elias: was anyone making a presentation or was it just the revision? >> clerk: just the revision. >> vice president elias: okay. >> chief scott: if i could make a few comments. >> vice president elias: oh, sure. okay. >> chief scott: thank you. i'd like to thank secretary kilshaw, commissioner brookter and commissioner dejesus was a part of this effort. when we talk about
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commissioners being recognized for their valor or work, it's very important. i just want to thank the commission for getting us through. i know it's a long way coming and a lot of work, work with the p.o.a., as well, but it's a good thing, so thank you all. >> vice president elias: any other comments? director henderson? >> director henderson: yeah. i just wanted to acknowledge, in addition to some of those people, i think tippy was involved in a lot of this, back and forth. kilshaw in particular, who i really had to navigate, not
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just personalities, but oppositional approaches to resolving this in a way that i think was well served for the outcome, and from our perspective from d.p.a., i think the awards and the process -- the process for the awards is and the wards themselves are magnified with the validation from the knowledge and the understanding that the folks that are being selected, especially with -- i know some of stuff that d.p.a. particularly cared about from samra was having the resolutions being resolved for any discipline for the stuff.
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i don't want it to be lost, that the fact what we have here in san francisco if you go to other cities, other communities to see how this process is done. i think sometimes that gets lost on the agenda; that even if we think the process is arduous and difficult, that it gave us the best practice. >> vice president elias: sergeant kilshaw? >> director henderson: oh, i wanted to thank commissioner yee because he's right next to
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me. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. i wanted to say that we started this in 2017, and we reached this across the country. without a doubt, this is the most comprehensive awards general order that drills down on what to review for an officer. there's probably a handful that talk about, like, one or two things, but this is laid out, and i would say it's the only one in the nation. >> vice president elias: thank you, sergeant kilshaw. we are so lucky to have you, and i have no doubt that this will serve as a model for other jurisdictions, jurisdictions near us: sacramento, vallejo, san jose, so thank you for your hard work.
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commissioner yee, did you have anything? >> commissioner yee: i just wanted to say thank you to everyone for putting forward these d.g.o. awards for our members. many times, we go out there and have a standard that they need to meet. so much appreciate it, too, as well, throughout the city, so looking forward to these awards going out, as well. >> vice president elias: can we go to public comment, and then you can make a vote. >> clerk: if you'd like to make public comment, please press
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-- come to the podium or press star, three now. president elias, there is no public comment. >> vice president elias: thank you. can i get a motion to adopt? >> so moved. >> vice president elias: thank you. can i get a second? second. >> vice president elias: can you. roll call vote. [roll call] >> clerk: vice president elias, you have five yes votes. >> vice president elias: thank
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you. next item? >> clerk: line item 6, presentation of the department's staffing report pursuant to prop e. in november 2020, san francisco voters approved proposition e, amending the city charter to remove the previously established police staffing baseline and requiring the sfpd to submit a staffing report and recommendation on staffing levels every two years to the police commission. discussion. >> vice president elias: thank you. welcome. >> all right. good evening, vice president elias and commissioners. [indiscernible] up here with me is commander nicolle jones of the administration bureau. >> vice president elias: are you with the department, too? >> excuse me?
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>> vice president elias: are you within the department, too? >> i am. i am with the department in staffing and administration bureau. first, background and context. in 2017, the board of supervisors with support from the mayor, adopted resolution 67.17, which urged our department and your commission to form a task force on strategic police staffing with the purpose of discovering the best staffing levels. in tandem, sfpd hired matrix consulting group, and
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an important thing to note is this does not include calls for services. it is just situations where members of the public calls to request police services. the next model is administrative time, and this percentage of time includes everything from report writing to data entry to signing off on department bulletins, gas, meals, etc. and then, the final component of the model is a targeted time dedicated to the community and also, for example, implementing strategies related to gun
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violence prevention. and one consequence of not having devoted time set aside for community policing and community engagement is that our officers are running from call to call to call without sufficient time to engage with the community and engage in proactive policing. last thing i'll say here is this 30% time target dedicated to reactive policing and community engagement is the exact same model used by mate rick in 2020. the ratio methodology was used to determine the best staffing tactic. the fixes-post methodology is used when recommended staffing is based on individual coverage needs. the best example here is swat
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teams, where officials and staff must be determined with number of staff and day of week. the results of our analysis is that sfpd has a severe staffing deficit across sworn and nonsworn staff. the recommended number of sworn officers is 2,182, and for professional staff, the number is 554. and just couple high-level takeaway on the sworn side. the majority of the resource need identified is in the field operations bureau and at the district stations in particular, and that's both
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sector patrol, but there's also resource need identified in station specialized assignments, so detectives, plain clothes, etc. and these results compare the results of our analysis with matrix two years ago and staffing levels for three different intervals. first, september 2020, then september 2021, and now, finally april 2022. this table has two important takeaway. first is the recommended sworn member. you can see here that the number generated via matrix consulting group is 2,176 members, and our report recommended a number of 2,182.
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the takeaway is that these numbers are pretty level, the difference of six officers is one-third of 1%. the deficit has increased over the last two years, and in particular over the last six months due to the fact that our staffing levels declined and due to decline. matrix, when they consulted their report in september 2021, this is when we started putting the qualitative and quantitative data in our report. this report shows that over the last six months, we have lost
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roughly 100 sworn members. first due to retirement. this is due to department demographics and our aging workforce, but there have also been releases and terminations for various reasons over the last six months. professional staff are critical to our reform efforts. on the analytical, there's analysis and continuous monitoring of our collaborative reform initiative, requests from external and intern stakeholders, and also our department continues to move to data driven decision making. and on the policy side, staff
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is critical to policy issues such as data research, forming working groups, and authoring policies. and then, sfpd has a need for a professional staff who possess specialized skill sets, such as criminalists and police serve aides. in addition, proposition e and pursuant to the resolution adopted in mid-june, our department has engaged with the controller's office on a large scale issue to do a couple of things. the first is to determine the on going workload as scrt becomes fully operational and the second is to assess how
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other departments may absorb the workload. last thing i'll say is this is a large scale workload, and that concludes my presentation. >> vice president elias: thank you. sergeant, did you have anything to add? >> just if you have questions, yes. >> vice president elias: so i'd like to ask one question on slide four, where it has the three buckets, and you sort of quantify the time. what group does this -- these buckets cover? i'm assuming it's just patrol, and it doesn't include the specialized unit or the management staff? >> that's correct. for example, at the station, many of the stations would use the sector control --
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. >> chief scott: are you talking about command staff or all of it? >> vice president elias: we're talking about command staff because there's a lot of people in that category, but there's also a larger category, the sergeants and above, from the sergeant to the command staff, so there's still that area where i think it would be helpful for us to know what those positions are spending that time on and how much time it's taking, and i'm really
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interested in specialized units and tasks and time because i'm interested in what those numbers are. >> chief scott: one other thing. it's not going to be an exact science because we don't track our time that way. i don't think there's anybody in command staff who works a 40-hour workweek. we're able to pull calls for service and actually track administrative time. with command staff and even for captains, there's really not a tracking mechanism other than
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going through calendars. >> vice president elias: what task do the deputy chiefs have, and how much time are they spending, so we have a better idea of their engagements, what their sort of roles so we can get an idea. >> chief scott: i can meet with you and the designee so we can make sure as much as we can, we can meet that because i can tell you, it's very general and you're going to spend 15% of
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your time or 20% of your time, and every day, this is different, depending on what the needs are. i'd like to show it to you, and perhaps we can work from there? >> vice president elias: absolutely. absolutely. i'll start with commissioner yee? >> commissioner yee: thank you, there, cindy elias, vice president. i just want to ask, on the administrative time, is that including training because you had all of these, i guess, new c.r.i. and then these requirements, so i guess that's why i asked previously on the amount of time that's given to each of these.
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administrative. >> commissioner, we could do a better job of tracking all of our administrative time. we really need to be able to look at how much time it's taking, and we're working on ways to capture that accurately. >> commissioner yee: that's all i have on this. >> vice president elias: and also, you have supplemental ways to look at this that would be really helpful. i think there's a lot of information that you cover, and it's not going to be put into a ten-minute report. feel free to give us an
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executive summary on this next time. >> and we do have an executive summary in this. the full report is 217 pages, and the executive report has about 27. >> and it's meant to stand-alone, as well. >> vice president elias: commissioner carter oberstone? >> commissioner carter oberstone: sure. i just had one question, and it may be beyond the scope of the analysis. you mentioned that one of the drivers of the staffing shortfall was age related retirement and then another bucket that was just a recent state of resignation, and is this something that we're seeing in every industry or is there something that's driving the recent resignations. >> yeah, this is something that
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we can address. on the retirement side, this is a trend that's observed nationally. everyone that was hired in the mid 90s is reaching retirement age, so law enforcement agencies across the country are experiencing the sort of aging out of their workforce, and for us, by the end of fisk of year 2022, we will have 518 people that are over age 50, and of course, it will increase every year therefore, so this is very much a national trend. that's a great question. go ahead. on the resignations and releases side, this is something that we've been observing over the last couple years, and what -- i will say that all law enforcement agencies, nationally but also in the bay area are vying for sort of the same pool of candidates, even those that are in the profession, so we
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started this trend kind of mid 19 into 2020, so these are our able bodied members, and in some instances, we have seen people leaving the bay area or leaving the state entirely, so we are -- this is something that we are tracking, and over the last six months, there have been factors, covid vaccine mandate, that have influenced some of these upticks in resignations, but i do want to say it is a trend that we've been observing the last three years. our main three categories are retirements followed by resignations. >> the only thing i would add in terms of people that are
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resigning, it was already happening. yes, covid gave it an uptick in the last year, but it was something that we were already experiencing and should not be attributed entirely to covid. does that answer your question? >> commissioner carter oberstone: thank you. >> vice president elias: commissioner yanez? >> commissioner yanez: thank you, commissioner elias. i got to about page 75 of your report, so i feel like i have a good understanding. is there a checklist of community time or is it having coffee with our community
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friends? >> i will let the captain take this because she was the captain of ingleside station. >> it could be anything from meeting with community, meeting with officers, addressing community concerns. is it something that we put a check next to in a bucket, no. it's time doing these things. if people were going to call to call to call to call, so you go from one call to the next call, there is no time left overfor
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all of the important things -- leftover for all of the important things. if we're going from call to call to call, we don't necessarily have that time in all circumstances, so it's prioritizing that. >> >> commissioner yanez: engagement is going to look different in every community. not that we need a checklist, but i'm a checklist guy, and that's just one recommendation. i'm going to try to take a little bit of a stab at many months ago, vice president elias had requested an
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analysis, a cost analysis of, i think it was by bussed operations or something like that. is there an analysis of existing calls for service either by call, by offense? is there a breakdown because when i looked at the methodology, it said something like, you know, there's .75 of an hour dedicated to a report. report writing is about 1.25, totals about eight hours on average per call, but i know we got to this number of fielding a number of calls, writing the report, and working backwards, but some take longer than others. is there a way to get to that point, where we're looking at cost analysis by call, by incident, and then saying we
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don't need to send so many cars to these calls. is there something looking at data in this fashion? >> well, we're starting with priority c, looking at those priority c call types, and that's -- really, really good. we are also looking at creative solutions for our staffing issues right now, and the shorter answer is yes, we can definitely look by call type.
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>> commissioner yanez: and then, the last thing i will ask is along the same lines. in the report, there was a recommendation for noncivilian positions. as you just mentioned, some of this work may not require sworn personnel. as we look at the numbers here, we're sworn 459 personnel and a few hundred nonsworn personnel. is there a percentage that we're looking at knowing that sworn personnel take a lot more investment -- training and just that initial period of investment? are we looking at that to on board as many people as
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possible to relieve the people that are really doing the hands-on work? >> if we are hiring x number of sworn officers, it doesn't mean that we can't hire the balance of our professional staff that we're also looking to get into our workforce. so those are separate processes. one will not affect the other. true confessions, it's a lot easier to hire professional staff because there's additional things that we still have to do in the department. they're an easier thing to hire for us because they're just so different. it's such a different job. >> yeah, and the one thing that i would add, the fact that sfpd need special staff with special skill sets, for example, that criminalist positions, for example, they're nonsworn but trained in forensic investigation, so there is some opportunities in our forensic
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services facilities for professional staff -- i don't want to say a bridge classification but are trained in a very specific specialized area, and then p.s.a.s, as well. they're able to man the front counter at district stations and assist -- we have a report writing unit on taking lower reports, as well, so we have a unit that's nonsworn but would be able to replace some of the administrative staff that are currently doing that. >> commissioner yanez: i would encourage us to look at that and eliminate some of those
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solely sworn staff. sworn staff is an investment, and we need to look at it like that, but thank you for your report and your analysis. >> and commissioner, it doesn't have to be one for one. we bring in staff to replace the work of one sworn, if investigators don't have to make all of their crime bulletins, there's a portion of their work that nonsworn can do to bring their workload down and alleviate some of the burden. >> commissioner yanez: thank you. >> vice president elias: thank you. public comment, please. >> clerk: if you would like to make public comment regarding
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staffing department work, please approach the podium or dial star, three if you're on the line. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> francisco dacosta. what i was going to say is we need to get feedback from those doing the work and also from the community, so consultants or people who think they can step in or talk for others, that may be the case, but that's not a true needs assessment. and what you commissioners are failing to do again and again and again is to do a needs
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assessment, not by listening to one or two consultants whose report doesn't do anything at all. if you go to the source, you'll find that there's a lot missing in this. it's not really that we have a shortage in the workforce, but there are so many changes happening in san francisco. not really covid, but there are thousands and thousands of families that are experiencing violence on every level. no assessment is done on that. when it comes to violence and all those levels, civilians can't do that. nor can the community do that,
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so don't be talking in circles because you all have not involved the community, and if you involved the community, the community will tell you what's not in this report that they've been doing a long time. thank you very much. >> clerk: thank you, caller. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> hello. my name is [indiscernible] and i'm from wealth and disparities in the black community. if we're talking about a workload issue, i'd urge you to consider what berkeley and other states are doing -- excuse me, what other cities are doing, lowering the workload of officers by eliminating traffic stops on low-level traffic offenses. if we eliminated the bulk of
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work that people did on the streets, you'd find that officers have time for community engagement. >> clerk: thank you, caller. vice president elias, that concludes public comment. >> vice president elias: thank you, and thank you for your presentation. >> thank you. >> vice president elias: next item? >> clerk: line item 7, update on chapter 96-a report and ripa recommendations, discussion. chapter 96-a requires the reporting of certain information on arrests, use of force stop data. the state's companion legislation, a. b-953, the racial and identity profiling an, ripa, requires sfpd to report on, a, all vehicle and pedestrian stops and b,
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complaints alleging racial and identity profiling. >> chief scott: commissioners, while nick is getting ready to open up, i just want to set up the context on this. definitely appreciate the opportunity to educate the public on what progress we've made on implementation. i've said this before, but i just want to put this in the context of our prior report and in the context of our major reform initiative, which is c.r.i. one of the things -- this is a lesson learned from five years ago, where we had a number of reports of -- i think it was over 1,000 recommendations in total, and we were a bit all over the place, so one of the lessons learned was the
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collaboration initiative, but i just want to set that context so the commission and the public knows our methodology of how we plan to implement these recommendations and others as they roll in -- like the c.p.e. had a number of recommendations, but we're attempting to work them in to the existing main body of our reform work, which is the collaborative body initiative, and when it opens that up, i think we can do more with that with other recommendations. i just wanted to say that before the presenter. >> vice president elias: i think 90% of those we've already accomplished, so i think mostly all of them -- there's one we haven't, but i think it'll be important to show where it fits into the 272 as well as these because i think some of the ripa recommendations were some that we had already done, as well. >> chief scott: thank you. >> vice president elias: welcome. >> thank you.
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good evening, everybody, vice president elias, commissioners, chief scott, executive director henderson, members of the public, i will be providing you with a current update on ripa recommendations for this year, 2021-22. as you know, ripa has -- >> could you identify yourself for the record. >> my name is [indiscernible] and i'm one of the newest additions to professional management. >> vice president elias: well. >> thank you. the best practices and recommendations are intended for the whole state of california, not just our city and not just our department.
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the total of 130 recommendations have been classified in 11 different categories or buckets, as you can see on the slide. only first six categories are applicable to sfpd. our testimony has analyzed every single one of those 130 recommendations and has concluded that 106 of them are applicable to sfpd while 24 are not applicable to our agency because they're meant to be implemented by other agencies or policy makers. next slide. here, we have the six
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recommendations or category buckets that are applicable to us. 14 out of 24 have been implemented so far. calls for service and bias by proxy, seven out of 11. consent services, one has, data driven approaches to disability approaches, 27 out of 32, known supervision stops and searches, one has been implements out of three. that leaves us with, so far, 73 recommendations being fully implemented while 23 are remaining. those 23 include recommendations being implemented by other city
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agencies. when it comes to recommendations, 23 require additional analysis and capacity. four recommendations are envisioned for future workload for our units conducting evaluations, reviews, and research, but unfortunately, at the moment, due to our reporting mandates and especially to staffing shortages, we cannot implement those right now. that would be all. any questions?
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>> vice president elias: director henderson? >> director henderson: i'll just keep it brief because i know we've had many recommendations about ripa in the past, and i think you're going to see many questions not just about ripa but in the bigger frame of things when we do the accountability matrix that's coming in the next few weeks and months. d.p.a. has taken it upon yourselves to comment on many reports, so i just want to say that you're about to see comment coming up on the report in the next few weeks, so any way, that's it. >> vice president elias: commissioner carter oberstone? >> commissioner carter oberstone: hey, i just want to say thank you for your
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presentation. [indiscernible] would you mind just clarifying why that is? >> on slide 2, which one, sir? >> commissioner carter oberstone: so pretext stops, fourth from the bottom, it says it doesn't apply to the bottom. there's just one recommendation. i thought i would ask. >> this one should be considered entirely by elected bodies, so that doesn't apply to us. >> commissioner carter oberstone: okay. thank you. >> vice president elias: commissioner yanez?
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>> commissioner yanez: these racial and identity profiling policies, do any of these cover the question of collecting the ethnic level data on people that are stopped for an arrest? >> the city data? is that what you're asking? >> commissioner yanez: at the collection. do any of these require the police department to collect ethnicity level data on the people that are being contacted? >> not by my knowledge. >> commissioner yanez: is there a reason why we're not collecting ethnicity level data on people that are stopped for an arrest? >> i would have to get back on that. i'll turn it over to the chief for that.
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>> chief scott: i'll answer that. that's the perception of the officer. there was a lot of debate about that issue, and i understand the reason why ripa wanted it that way. if it's racial profiling, it's after the stop that's really important, so that's what's reported is the perception. >> commissioner yanez: right. 96-a vote does give us the authority to, after the ethnic has been identified or guessed at by the police officer, to follow through with 5-c, the officer may collect information on age and sex by verbally asking the individual by requesting to see identification. the officer may collect information on race or ethnicity by verbally asking the individual. i've raised this issue many
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times because there are -- the latino diaspora includes really light skinned looking people who may be identified as caucasian by a police officer in their report, but they may not identify as hispanic, latino, or white, and yet, that may lead to a misrepresentation of the people that we were actually contacting, so i really believe we need to delve into that and check that box because it is important to many communities who live, reside, work, and deserve the respect of this department, so i'm going to strongly urge us to prioritize, and i would request we set an action item on this really soon. >> chief scott: we had to basically change our entire reporting system to comply with the state mandates, and the --
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i think the caveat to the ripa data is it is received, so it's not confirmed, but we were, before 2018, when this was implemented, we were confirming those -- those factors. we changed, and actually that was actually discussed with the commission at this time while we were going through the compliance, so the reporting is consistent. it was a contentious issue then, and there were a number of people that still don't agree with those items. i would ask to put that out, and we can revisit the records, and it may provide more context
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for that organization. >> commissioner yanez: thank you for giving me the concept and the history. i think reconciling the ethnicity that an individual perceives themselves to be or appears to be or is will solve some of these racial disparities, so i'm going to strongly urge us to revisit this subject. >> vice president elias: i think we can agendize this. commissioner carter oberstone? >> commissioner carter oberstone: yeah, i would like to comment on this. i would just say i've read a few academic papers on this, and there's a lot of pros and cons. sometimes, you don't want an officer investigating an individual's race right after
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they're figuring out how to abide by [indiscernible] laws. i think i that it's great to have a discussion about this, but i think if we make changes, we really need to -- i think it seems like at least a really complicated issue, so something that i think will take a lot of work to really dig into to figure out what the best balance is. >> director henderson: i would suggest a working group made up of one or two commissioners. i'm happy to send a representative from d.p.a. to figure out what the best practices are and then develop those with the working group.
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it's not going to be an easy answer, but that's my suggestion of something we could do and have that working group come back in a number of months with a recommend of recommendations, a, b, c, and d, and then move forward from there. i wasn't asked, but that's just my recommendation. >> vice president elias: i'm going to let commissioner yanez take the lead on that. i think we raised some issues at one of the 96-a recording because i don't think the department was fulfilling all of the requirements of the 96-a. i don't know what the status is on that, but that could be important as an action item. >> director henderson: that could be independent of what needs to be done. 96-a is mandatory.
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the department needs to be meeting those requirements, but independent of that, they could meet other standards that are important, relevant, and pertinent to this commission that they could be doing as well as for 96-a that could set the department apart and move us far ahead of what the conflicting laws and conflicting interpretations. i think that's the starting point. meeting what 96-a is mandating, and then figuring out are there other requirements that we could be doing or should be doing. >> commissioner yanez: i would well come a group, commissioner, because i think it is way more complex than one presentation, its c.a.d. system, and also, the department is, as well. also, we had to talk about some of the mandates about state and
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national reporting in terms of race and ethnicity, so it is a very complicated issue, and i think to commissioner carter oberstone's point, that it's a valid issue. >> vice president elias: who decided on slide two, who decided, addressing bias and police officers in hiring phase? who decided that it's the one recommendation isn't applicable to sfpd? >> our [indiscernible] that has gone through every single one of those 130 recommendations. >> vice president elias: when you say analyst, do you mean analysts that you are working with? >> in my unit, yes. >> vice president elias: okay.
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when i see this, addressing peace officers and hiring phase, i know that the department has dedicated peace officers and advertisements to help diverse identify the workforce, the police force in the department and the hiring practices, so it's a little confusing to me that a department would engage in those type of practices, and yet on this slide, it's saying that that's not the recommendation by ripa that would encourage this you stuff that the department is doing is not a recommendation applicable to the department. >> this is just a category of recommendation. i'm not sure what an exact recommendation states. i'll look it up and get back to you. that's why the text of recommendation, that's why it was determined that it was not applicable to the department. >> vice president elias: great. and i think the next time you provide this report to us, because we're going to want this updated, it would be important to have a legend with it so we can understand the way that the recommendations are
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because the way that they're categorized is confusing, especially with that one and the pretext stops. i know that the department is working on a d.g.o. dedicated to that, so i think we need to have information on all of the 130 recommendations. >> absolutely. we would be happy to provide you with all -- we have all of those recommendation titles, the text of the recommendations, if it's applicable or not. >> vice president elias: thank you. i'm excited to see that. commissioner byrne? >> commissioner byrne: on slide three, you indicated that seven recommendations have not been implemented. could you summarize or tell us
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what those seven recommendations that aren't been implemented are? >> slide three? >> commissioner byrne: slide three. it's implementation of recommendations, and then, you made the assessment that vice president elias asked about, that 106 were applicable to the police department, three are not, seven have been implemented >> those seven are applicable to sfpd, and three of them are not implemented completely because three of them are in progress with c.r.i., and four of them are not due to a shortage of staffing. >> commissioner byrne: could you tell us what those recommendations are? >> definitely. for the three recommendations for c.r.i., it's recommendations 81, 82, and 83.
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recommendations for the routine review of staff data by leadership of sfpd, recommendations that are recommendations but not implemented due to the shortage of staffing are 94, 95, 96, and 97. and those are recommendations of stop data. >> vice president elias: perhaps that fancy chart that you have, you can forward this to us and we can look at it and bring it back up because the ripa report is 270 pages, and the summary is 27, so it's very hard for us to figure out what recommendations you're talking about.
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>> commissioner byrne: thank you. >> vice president elias: does that address your concern? >> commissioner byrne: i think when you do a presentation like this, there are stuff that are recommended to be implemented, and they're listed as seven. i think the public and i would like to know what are the seven, and then, as vice president elias pointed out, you know, the ones that you don't think are applicable, i think it's important we know who those recommendation -- what those recommendations are that you deem are not applicable, and we discuss that. >> of course. >> vice president elias: it also helps us determine that even if it's not recommended, the department is doing a more proactive report coming up with reports that are helpful with 21 century policing. i can't wait to see this chart, and we'll agendize this in another couple of months, and
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welcome. public comment, please. >> clerk: if you would like to make public comment regarding the 96-a report and ripa recommendations, please approach the podium or dial star, three to be recognized on-line. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> my name is susan buckman, and i volunteer with wealth and disparities in the black community. this [indiscernible] and the 96-a report and regarding the comments on the 96-a report that i was not able to [indiscernible] tonight. [indiscernible] according to sfpds own data, the on going racial disparities in policing
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[indiscernible] according to the quarter report, a black person is six times as likely to be subject of a traffic stop as a white person, 10.5 to be arrested, and nearly 16 times likely to experience use of force. these are not only worse than the last report but worse than when the reporting started. [indiscernible] including 2021. they deliberately omit any graph to show that the numbers are so horrible [indiscernible] thank you. >> clerk: thank you, caller.
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vice president elias, that concludes public comment. >> vice president elias: thank you. next item. >> thank you. >> clerk: line item 9, vote on whether to hold item 10 in closed session. -- pardon me. go backwards. line item 8, public comment on all matters pertaining to item 10 below, closed session, including public comment on item 9, vote whether to hold item 10 in closed session. if you would like to make public comment on-line item 8, please dial star, three or approach the podium. vice president elias, there is no public comment. >> vice president elias: great. next item, please. >> clerk: line item 9, vote on
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whether to hold item 10 in closed session, san francisco administrative code section 67.10, action. >> vice president elias: can i get a motion? >> motion. >> vice president elias: second? >> second. >> vice president elias: roll call. >> commissioner byrne: do we need public comment? >> vice president elias: we did that before. >> commissioner byrne: oh . >> clerk: on the motion to hold item 10 in closed session -- [roll call] >> clerk: vice president elias, you have five yes votes. >> vice president elias: great. can we go to closed session?
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>> we are back inopen session and you still have a quorum . >> line item please. >> line item 11, whether to disclose any or alldiscussions on item 10 held in closed session . for administrative code section 67.128. >> i will make amotion, can i get a second ? >> second. >> rollcall. >> on the motion not to disclose, commissioner yanez .
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internationally >> everybody is cop us right now. >> the people that were in charge of the retail this is where that began. >> i didn't think we would have a location at the airport. >> we've set the bar higher with the customer commerce. >> telling me about the operator and how you go about finding them and they get from being in the city to being in the airport. >> so first, we actually find a table and once we know what we want a sit-down we go to the neighborhoods in san francisco and other people seminary of the retail let us know about the rain water and are excited to have the local operators in the
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airport. >> we have to go going through the conceive selective process and they award a lease to the restaurant. >> they are planning on extending. >> we that you could out the china and the length evens and the travel serve and fourth your minds and it's all good. >> how long for a vendor to move through the process. >> i would say it could take 80 up to a year from the time we go out to bid until they actually open a restaurant. >> i don't know what we signed up for but the airport is happy to have us here. and, you know, even taking out the track simple things there's a learning curve >> with once we're here they are helpful.
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>> it's an award-winning program. >> we're prude of your awards we have won 11 awards the latest for the best overall food address beverage program and . >> like the oscars (laughter). >> the professional world. >> tell me about the future food. >> all the sb national leases are xooirz and we're hoping to bring newer concepts out in san francisco and what your passengers want. >> well, i look forward to the future (laughter) a
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>> (clapping.) >> in san francisco the medical examiner performs the function of investigating medical and legal that occurs with the city and county of san francisco from a variety of circumstances in san francisco there is approximately 5 thousand deaths annually i'm christopher director for the chief mr. chairman the chief my best testimony a at the hall of justice on 870 drooint street that is dramatically updated and not sufficient for the medical chairman facility i've charles program manager public works should a earthquake of a major are proportion occurs we'll not continue to perform the services or otherwise inhabit the building before the earthquake. >> we're in a facility that was designs for a department
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that functions and in the mid 60s and friends scientific has significantly changed we've had significant problems with storage capacity for evidence items of property and also personal protective if you're doing a job on a daily basis current little storage for prirjs are frirnlsz we're in an aging facility the total project cost forever ever commercial is $65 million the funding was brought by a vote of go bond approved by the voters and the locations is in the neighborhood the awarded contract in 2013 and the i'm the executive director we broke ground in november 2015 and that started with the
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demolition of existing facility we moved into the foundation and january so pile foundation and then with second construction of the new facility. >> one of the ways that we keep our project on time on budget and we're having quality to have regular meeting and the variety of meetings with construction process meeting as well as cost of control meeting and i'm a project manager for public works the office of chief commercial we want walk the project site when we sign up and also with a contractor insinuates for a change over we need to verify what or what was instead of. >> the building is 42 feet tall so it is two stories and 46 thousand square feet roughly we're that's a great question to be on time and budget have the
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roof complete a the exterior moving with the site work. >> and as you can see we've got a lot of the interior finishes installed. >> in an effort of an differentiate the facility that designed to work for 72 hours. >> not taking into account there was a lot of structural updates made into this building not seen in other construction throughout san francisco or other barriers we have friday morning examiners from 8 to one public comment monday to friday because of air circulation we literally have to shut the doors and so the autopsy is done without staffing being able to come and go or exit the space and literally lock down the autopsy in the new facility we have bio build one door opens
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and closed behind you you can gown up and go through a second seizures of doors that has its own independent air supply and now in the exterior opt space having that middle space have greater flexibility of staff as they move in and out of the area. >> in the current facility investigative unit has small tiny, tiny place in the area of the new facility is almost doubled in all divisions from the current facility and the new facility. >> the planning we have here gives them the opportunity to have the pool needs to complete theirs jobs in a much more streamlined fashion. >> we're looking forward to have secured parking to minimize
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the egress of you know visiting and the members of the public but really to minimize the investigators remaining remains from our advancing and so the facility. >> we have a new visitors area we're building that is a little bit more friendly to families. >> one thing you may notice in the room no windows there is no natural light not good for most autopsy but in the new facility at new hall we made that an objective they want to insure we were able to look up in the middle of exam and see the sky and see natural lights. >> that's one of the things the architect did to draw in as much light as possible. >> we have staff here onsite
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we insure the design of the new design enables the investigators and other investigators skiefksz to consider to house on site this meant we needed to design and plan for locker room facilities and shower rooms the ability to sleep. >> third of the construction going into the building has been by contributions of small businesses. >> part of the project is also inclusive to the sidewalk have all new sidewalks and new curve cuts and landscaping around the building we'll have a syrup in front of the building and rain guardian. >> the medical examiner's office has been a several if in their contributions of the understanding the exception and needs. >> it's a building that the chief medical examiner has been looking forward to quite a few of the.
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>> it is extremely valuable contribution to the, neighborhood address san francisco as a whole. >> the building will allow is to have greater very much and serve the city and county of san francisco and the neighboring shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do their shopping and dining within the 49 square miles of san francisco. by supporting local services within our neighborhoods, we help san francisco remain unique, successful, and vibrant. so where will you shop and dine in the 49? >> my name is ray behr. i am the owner of chief plus. it's a destination specialty foods store, and it's also a
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corner grocery store, as well. we call it cheese plus because there's a lot of additions in addition to cheese here. from fresh flowers, to wine, past a, chocolate, our dining area and espresso bar. you can have a casual meeting if you want to. it's a real community gathering place. what makes little polk unique, i think, first of all, it's a great pedestrian street. there's people out and about all day, meeting this neighbor and coming out and supporting the businesses. the businesses here are almost all exclusively independent owned small businesses. it harkens back to supporting local. polk street doesn't look like anywhere u.s.a. it has its own businesses and personality. we have clothing stores to
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gallerys, to personal service stores, where you can get your hsus repaired, luggage repaired. there's a music studio across the street. it's raily a diverse and unique offering on this really great street. i think san franciscans should shop local as much as they can because they can discover things that they may not be familiar with. again, the marketplace is changing, and, you know, you look at a screen, and you click a mouse, and you order something, and it shows up, but to have a tangible experience, to be able to come in to taste things, to see things, to smell things, all those things, it's very important that you do so.
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♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ >> the san francisco playground's hitsvery dates back to 1927 when the area where the present playground and center is today was purchased by the city for $27,000. in the 1950s, the sen consider was expanded by then mayor robinson and the old gym was built. thanks to the passage of the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood parks bond, the sunset playground has undergone extensive renovation to its four acres of fields, courts, play grounds, community rooms, and historic gymnasium. >> here we are. 60 years and $14 million later,
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and we have got this beautiful, brand-new rec center completely accessible to the entire neighborhood. >> the new rec center houses multi-purpose rooms for all kinds of activities including basketball, line dancing, playing ping-pong and arts can crafts. >> you can use it for whatever you want to do, you can do it here. >> on friday, november 16, the dedication and ribbon cutting took place at the sunset playground and recreation center, celebrating its renovation. it was raining, but the rain clearly did not dampen the spirits of the dignitaries, community members and children in attendance. [cheering and applauding] ♪♪ ♪♪
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as latinos we are unified in some ways and incredibly diverse in others and this exhibit really is an exploration of nuance in how we present those ideas. ♪♪ our debts are not for sale. >> a piece about sanctuary and how his whole family served in the army and it's a long family tradition and these people that look at us as foreigners, we have been here and we are part of america, you know, and we had to reinforce that.
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i have been cure rating here for about 18 year. we started with a table top, candle, flowers, and a picture and people reacted to that like it was the monna lisa. >> the most important tradition as it relates to the show is idea of making offering. in traditional mexican alters, you see food, candy, drinks, cigarettes, the things that the person that the offerings where being made to can take with them into the next word, the next life. >> keeps us connects to the people who have passed and because family is so important to us, that community dynamic makes it stick and makes it visible and it humanizes it and
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makes it present again. ♪♪ >> when i first started doing it back in '71, i wanted to do something with ritual, ceremony and history and you know i talked to my partner ross about the research and we opened and it hit a cord and people loved it. >> i think the line between engaging everyone with our culture and appropriating it. i think it goes back to asking people to bring their visions of what it means to honor the dead, and so for us it's not asking us to make mexican altars if they are not mexican, it's really to share and expand our vision of what it means to honor the dead. >> people are very respectful. i can show you this year alone
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of people who call tol ask is it okay if we come, we are hawaii or asian or we are this. what should we wear? what do you recommend that we do? >> they say oh, you know, we want a four day of the dead and it's all hybrid in this country. what has happened are paper cuts, it's so hybrid. it has spread to mexico from the bay area. we have influence on a lot of people, and i'm proud of it. >> a lot of times they don't represent we represent a lot of cultures with a lot of different perspectives and beliefs. >> i can see the city changes and it's scary.
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>> when we first started a lot of people freaked out thinking we were a cult and things like that, but we went out of our way to also make it educational through outreach and that is why we started doing the prosession in 1979. >> as someone who grew up attending the yearly processions and who has seen them change incrementally every year into kind of what they are now, i feel in many ways that the cat is out of the bag and there is no putting the genie back into the bottle in how the wider public accesses the day of the dead. >> i have been through three different generations of children who were brought to the procession when they were very young that are now bringing their children or grandchildren. >> in the '80s, the processions
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were just kind of electric. families with their homemade visuals walking down the street in san francisco. service so much more intimate and personal and so much more rooted in kind of a family practice of a very strong cultural practice. it kind of is what it is now and it has gone off in many different directions but i will always love the early days in the '80s where it was so intimate and sofa millial. >> our goal is to rescue a part of the culture that was a part that we could invite others to join in there there by where we invite the person to come help us rescue it also.
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that's what makes it unique. >> you have to know how to approach this changing situation, it's exhausting and i have seen how it has affected everybody. >> what's happening in mission and the relationship with the police, well it's relevant and it's relevant that people think about it that day of the dead is not just sugar skulls and paper flowers and candles, but it's become a nondenominational tradition that people celebrate. >> our culture is about color and family and if that is not present in your life, there is just no meaning to it you know? >> we have artists as black and brown people that are in direct danger of the direct policies of the trump administration and i think how each of the artists has responded so that call is
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interesting. interesting. >> good morning. welcome to the rules committee san francisco board of supervisors for today, monday, april 11, 2022. i am the chair of the committee aaron peskin joined by supervisor mandelman and committee member co n nie. our clerk is mr. victor young. do you have any announcements? >> yes, the board of supervisors and committees are allowing in person attendance and providing
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public comment by telephone. equitable access is essential. we will take public comment as follows. first on each item on the agenda. those attending in person will speak first. then we will take those waiting on the telephone line. those watching channel 26, 78 or 99 and the call-in number is on the screen. the number is 415-655-0001. id is 24938610602. press pound and pound again. when connected you will hear discussion and be in listening mode only. when your item comes up and public comment is called line up to speak and those on the telephone dial star 3 to be added to the speaker line. if you are on the telephone,
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please turn down your tv and/or all listening devices you may be using. as indicated we will take public comment for those in person first. then to the public comment on the telephone line. you may submit in writing. e-mail to myself rules committee clerk. at sfgovtv. public comment by e-mail will be forwarded to the supervisors and included in the file. you may send comments through mail to our office at room 244 city hall. items acted upon today will appear at the board of supervisors -- i did not read the correct date.
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board of supervisors agenda april 19th unless otherwise stated. that concludes my initial comments. >> supervisor peskin: thank you, mr. young. we are joined by supervisor ronan. please read item one. >> clerk: item 1. ordinance amending administrative code to prohibit departments from uploading or storing dna profiles belongs to crime victims that is not subject to the federal and state rules governing the index systems, databases and from storing dna profiles from crime scene evidence in any nonsealed dna database for longer than 60 days to require 15 days after the date of this ordinance the police department purge the databases evidentiary profiles stored for longer than 60 days
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and victim profiles stored for any length much time and limit city departments to used the databases only for quality assurance purposes. not for any investigative purposes. members of the public who wish to comment on this item may line up to speak after we -- when we call for public comment. they may call on the number at 415-655-0001. id is 24938610602. pound, pound. once connected the meeting you will each press star 3 to enter speaker line. system prompt will indicate you raised your hand. wait until public comment on this item. when the system indicates you are unmuted begin public comment. supervisor ronan.
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>> supervisor ronen: thank you so much, colleagues. today i am asking that you send this to the full board with positive recommendations. the legislation would prohibit the san francisco police department from storing victim dna profiles in the database. there is in response to the district attorney's discovery that a rape victim dna was used to identify the victim herself in the robbery case. the fact the crime lab is using victim's physical evidence against victims came as a shock to most of us in the city. the police chief ordered an end to this. we are working on state legislation prohibiting this fis
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practice. one u.s.a. today article cast doubt on storing victim's dna. it is unclear whether a state law will pass. we need to clarify that we will never allow this practice in the administrative code to ensure it never happens again. furthermore, it is already extremely difficult for a rape victim to report this crime. the widespread news coverage will make it more likely victims will choose not to come forward. we need a clear message this violation of victim privacy will never happen again in san francisco. the legislation does three things. prohibits police or city departments from storing victim dna in a local database beyond 60 days.
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during that period it prohibits the use of that data for any purpose other than quality control. 3. it requires sfpd to purge all past data by july 1, 2022. in addition, i have two amendments that i would ask you to include today. neither is substantive. first requires controller to enact audit of the crime lab evidentiary dna database and report on whether or not and how dna profiles were used in past cases. two. within two months of going into effect requiring the crime lab to publish a public notice giving details how the victim dna evidence is handled and stored so the public is well aware of the law and the privacy that will not ever be miss handled again. i hope you will join me supporting this legislation.
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i note very last comment the police department did submit amendments. i don't find the amendments that important or essential. i also don't have a problem with the amendments. the city attorney wasn't able t review the amendments in time to include in the legislation today. it is unclear to me whether or not they are substantive. i would love this legislation to move forward. i don't think we should have any delay. if it turns out they are not substantive we can add at the full board. i don't have an issue with the amendments. i am not going to suggest that we include them because they are not -- >> supervisor peskin: they seem to be resighttals more than -- they don't seem to be substantive. i am not an attorney. i will defer to deputy city
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attorney pearson. they seem to be statements i will defer to deputy city attorney pearson. >> supervisor ronen: i agree and to try to get the attorney to sign off today and she wasn't able to. >> deputy see ann pearson. i agree with your assessment they resite what the state and federal law do. we weren't able to confirm those representations were accurate which we need to do before approving to form. i think they will not be substantive. >> supervisor ronen: i move this forward and include them if they are not substantive at the full board. go from there. i don't want any more delay and ensure crime victims evidence is safe and won't be used against
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them. >> supervisor peskin: no questions on the roster from committee members. let's go to the san francisco police department. we have a number of potential speakers from forensic services director powell to the technical leader, shawn, captain of investigations and diane olivia from public policy and achfairs. the floor is yours however you wish to proceed. >> do i take questions? >> supervisor peskin: i don't see any questions. >> quickly i will talk about how the database used to be. i am mark powell forensic services director. database used to be anything we
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would generate in the lab would go to the database. it was contamination. there was no timeline at all because our turnaround times could be as long as 4,000 days to get a case from the time it was submitted. fast forward to today. we are with the longest case 55 days last year. we are able to put a timeline on the evidence samples in the database. just moved to a new facility to rethink the workload. we are from compliance. one moment. just to our people logging in. item 2. go ahead and mute your microphones and turnoff cameras.
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it would be appreciated. thank you very much. >> so we are the profiles in our contamination assessment database are only evidence samples, no reference samples. a known ample are not contained in the database. we are purged of any reference samples. we are in compliance. we have a policy only 60 day retention time to monitor for contain nation. cases are out the door quickly. no need to have unlimited timeframe. that is where we were and where we are at right now. >> supervisor peskin: supervisor chan. >> supervisor chan: thank you the, chair peskin. my question is that you mentioned that it is already purged. with what you have already
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stored. it is interesting that it takes this ordinance to prevent the practice. i would like to understand that the practice that brought this legislation to us today now is because of the case that supervisor ronan was mentioning. is that started practice of sfpd previously or isolated incident? if you could walk us through what happened, i would appreciate it to help us and educate me at least. >> once our standard practice was to put anything prepared in house along with samples from lab visitors, lab staff, personnel, all of those were in the database. the whole purpose to monitor for contamination to make sure we as
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a lab didn't make a mistake. we spilled dna from one sample in another case and it contaminated another case. that purpose was to prevent misleading investigators putting wrong samples in the matching database. as that grew bigger we were seeing matches not due to contamination. the lab didn't know what to do. notify on those, keep it to ourselves? out of that question came this policy to notify on anything that was seen in the databasena wasn't contamination. that is where we were at in around 2019. that is how the policy went into effect. it was never meant to be investigation. the lab had information. what do we do with it?
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>> thank you. additional comments on behalf of the police department? >> good morning. i am the director of policy and public affairs for san francisco police department. the only comment i would conclude with is stating that we are moving forward with the protocol to make sure it is in alignment and changes have been suggested. we want to thank supervisor ronan for commitment to continue to move this issue forward. we are fully committed to make sure victims feel they can come back to the department and have the trust to work closely with us on any investigation. that is the purpose of the brought to colto make changes in our department. we want to balance public safety and make sure that we are moving forward with the role and responsibility for the city. on behalf of the chief i thank
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the committee and supervisor roman for her leadership in moving this forward. >> supervisor chan: i think what is the amendments you are proposing to the legislation? >> we propose five amendments. you might have a copy if it hasn't been distributed. we can share a version. one of them is to be able to provide clarity on our language to be what we are actually proposing in current be policy and protocol. really the biggest piece is that we want to make sure that we align some language which it comes to expectations of moving forward with dna samples now proposed in the state bill that is the second biggest change. more for transparency when we can collect the sample. final is on the fourth page
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towards the end. you will see that we are underscoring we have federal requirements. we want to make sure there is alignment with the ordinance language in the legislation in place today. >> thank you. >> supervisor peskin: no other representative the police department for this morning, why don't we move to public comment. any members of the public who would like to comment on this item 1? >> yes, members of the public to speak on this item are joining us in person should line up to speak now along by the windows. remotely call 415-655-0001 and enter id24938610602. press pound and pound. you will need to press star 3 to enter speaker line.
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in the queue continue to wait until you are unmuted to begin your comments. there does not appear to be anyone in the room lining up for public comment. we have one person in line for public comment on remotely. >> supervisor peskin: first speaker, please. >> hello, supervisors. what i want to bring to your attention is that we once had this lab in a very dispickcable and contaminated area. in order to understand what happened, you have to go to the source which you haven't gone to. no lab had to deal with that
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contamination and the new lab and director and i believe there used to be a director who was selected by the board in new orleans. this is a new director. what i want to bring to the attention of supervisors not all of you know about criminology, nor do i have an understanding of the dna. the district attorney's fiasco upon this. it is a very rare something comes up. one in 100,000. making a big deal about it. the gentleman from the lab stated our measure to put things in place. you, supervisors, should be more interested in serving the interest of the constituents
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which you are not. thank you very much. >> supervisor peskin: any other members for public comment on item 1? >> any additional callers? >> that completes the queue, mr. >> supervisor peskin: public comment is closed. while there are amendments yet to be approved by the deputy city attorney and in so far as those amendments appear to be nonsub tantive and could be incorporated by the sponsor of this legislation, supervisor ronan at the full board, i would make a motion to send the item as presented with recommendation to the full board of supervisors. supervisor ronan. >> two things. i also introduced amendments. >> supervisor peskin: why don't we start by taking a roll call on the amendments of mine by
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supervisor ronan that are before us on that motion a roll call, please. >> clerk: on the motion to adopt amendments. supervisor chan. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> supervisor peskin: then on the item as amended to send to full board with positive recommendation subject to future amendment by supervisor ronan. row call please. >> clerk: on the motion. supervisor charge. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> the motion passes without objection. >> next item. >> clerk: item 2. hearing to consider appointing
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one member, term ending january 15, 2023, five members term ending january 15, 2024, and one member term ending january 15, 2025. >> thank you: >> supervisor peskin: some 30 years ago the board of supervisors established health authority to create an efficient delivery system for medical beneficiaries. we have a number of individuals up for almost all cases reappointment. there is one vacant seat. these are seats recommended by various authorities as set forth in your board packet. with that why don't we go to the individuals in the order that they are listed. i will add that a residency waiver is not required.
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we will dispense with that. >> board members are invited applicants keep your cameras off and your phones muted until you are called to speak. turnoff any other devices you have on in the room such as televisions or radios to avoid feedback. thank you very much. >> supervisor peskin: everybody who has been nominated will be appearing remotely. we will start although she is in a conference and might appear later is dr. jian qing zhang for seat two. >> thank you, supervisor peskin. i am dialed in from phoenix.
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i am with the hospital council to the seat number two. i am a healthcare innovative healthcare executive with progressive leadership experience in hospital and medical group development and management with more than 20 years of success in hosting performances to people centered healthcare administration. i have been serving on the board member for four years. i sit on other association boards or medical groups. i have also taken care of san francisco members for almost 20 years. when i was a family
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practitioner. san francisco health plan is very important to the populations that we serve. i believe i can bring leadership and clinical experience in taking care of medical patients for more than 25 years. once appointed i will work with colleagues or members. the management team to address the post pandemic healthcare issues. somehow impacted san francisco members such as the behavioral health, substance abuse, healthcare disparity and many more issues. thank you very much. >> supervisor peskin: thank you. we will go to roland pickens for seat number 3. >> thank you, chair peskin.
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i am roland pickens was with the department of public health joining you from lagouda hospital. since my appointment to the board doing business as san francisco health plan i have had the opportunity to represent the san francisco health network, the integrated delivery for the department of public health including hospitals, san francisco general and various clinics. primary care, specially, mental health and substance abuse clinics in the city. it is a pleasure being on the board serving currently as vice chair of the san francisco health plan board. the ability to be a voice on behalf of the department of public health in the city to
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inform medical beneficiaries in san francisco to receive the best care possible. we have been through san francisco health network proud to be the largest provider within the san francisco health plan. we think that we do a good job contributing to the highest performing local health plan providing services to medical beneficiaries in san francisco. i submitted buyback ground another -- my background information and respectfully request your consideration for reappointment. >> supervisor peskin: we will go to seat 4. emily webb. ms. webb. >> good morning, supervisors. thank you so much for considering my reappointment to the san francisco health
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authority board this morning. my seat represents the seat for st. luke's hospital. now as you are well aware it is part of the c.p.m.c. network. they have along standing commitment to working with the plan to collaborate with local health providers to provide comprehensive access for medical managed care members in san francisco. currently we have approximately 40,000 members that we work with two different medical groups to provide comprehensive care to san francisco health plan members. we find that being on the board is helpful to ensure providing care and coordinating care with the plan and those critical safety partners. i am proud to have served in this for the last four years. i look forward to being appointed for another four. i started my career in public health at san francisco health
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plan. i worked in the provider relations department at the time healthy san francisco was formed and i have a longstanding history of working in the safety plan over the last decade in san francisco. i have also served on a number of other community boards, family resource centers, trauma providers and working with community clinics. i have a vast knowledge of the safety net and am proud to be a thought leader from the hospital side in the ways to more effectively serve this very important population in the city and county of san francisco. i hope to continue in this role and representing better health on the board. the plan is very important to how the safety net runs in san francisco. it is highly effective and collaborative. it is very unique.
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i am privileged to represent and work with these amazing colleagues on the board. looking forward. there is quite a bit of opportunity be for this plan as we see medical membership grow with expanding populations to additional age categories, undocumented people in san francisco and across the state. also with the state rollout of more coordinated approach to safety net service delivery. the plan will be an important leader in those efforts as we move healthcare forward for this population. i hope to be able to serve in that capacity to provide input and guidance toward that end. happy to take any questions. you should have my application and resume for the seat. thank you so much for considering my reappointment this morning. >> supervisor peskin: thank you. we will move to seat 6.
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eddie chan. good morning, mr. chan. >> did morning, supervisors. thank you for meeting with us today. my name is eddie chan, current president and c.e.o. northeast medical services serving 50,000 san francisco residents. most vulnerable as you are aware. i have been on the san francisco health board for 13 years. i have been a member of the finance committee during my entire tenure here. we are probably second be largest provider of medicaid beneficiaries in san francisco. my colleagues from the department of public health is the largest. we are probably the second. i do also serve on a number of other boards outside. more on the national level and
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very happy to say that we have provided a lot of services during covid times. we are providing about 90,000 vaccinations to date. i don't have the exact number of tests that we have done but it is very large as well. again, it is most of the most vulnerable populations in san francisco. if you have any questions for me, please feel free to ask. i do ask for your consideration for my appointment on the board. thank you. >> supervisor peskin: next we will move to the only seat where we actually have a new potential member and that is joseph woo for seat number 7. good morning. >> good morning. i am dr. joseph woo.
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i am a new applicant. in a role recommended by the san francisco rural medical society where i serve on the board. i have had many roles. i am currently director of the healthcare association and president of the all american medical group, both of which serve the medical community to san francisco health plan and blue cross. as i mentioned. i am an emergency physician by trade. i served a decade on quality improvement and physician advicement. i am advocate for underserved. i seek your appointment. i am open to any questions. thank you. >> supervisor peskin: next we will go to seat number 8.
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steven fugaro succeeding himself. >> there is dr. steven fugaro. practicing physician in san francisco practices 35 years as primary care. i have cared for underserved during that time and proud to have been a physician. my seat is like dr. woo's seat on behalf of the san francisco medical society. i have been past president before. i have been affiliate for 20 years. probably what i am most proud of board of the san francisco health plan for the last 12 years. served as chairman for the last six years. as you heard this is an extra and collaborative board, individuals from all different
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aspects of healthcare, hospitals, pharmacies and clinics and physicians working together to really do the best job they can for the underserved of san francisco. our organization has grown enormously in the last five to search year was the expansion of medical through the aca obamacare. we do anticipate fairly significant growth in the next few years as more and more responsibilities are being placed on us by the state. you heard emily mention california advancing medical. basically in the hope of offering those in california more person centered approach. that is a big challenge as well as taking care of dual eligibles and doing even more cover age of home healthcare. we are very proud also of the
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fact we have a brand-new c.e.o. several individuals who you have heard from including roland pickens and eddie chan and steve fields you are about to hear from serve on the committee with me. we were able to find an outstanding new c.e.o. former state secretary and treasure government operations and chief operating officer at the san francisco health plan back in 2005 and 2006. she is extra ordinary and we are thrilled to help us guide us through big changes. i ask consideration for reappointment. it is my honor to be a member of this board and chairman for the last six years. thank you very much.
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>> supervisor peskin: thank you, doctor. we will go to the mr. steven fields for seat 12. also succeeding himself. good morning, mr. fields. >> i believe you are logged on twice. that is why we are getting the echo from your line. log out of one log in, it would be appreciated. go ahead and unmute. he logged off completely.
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>> clerk: mr. fields, are you there? we hear you. please proceed. >> good morning, supervisors. steve fields. i have been on the board of the health plan probably the longest before it was yet comprised of an official board. one of the great professional pleasures of my life to bring behavioral health services to the deliberations and to the
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planning for the expansion of medicaid services, medical to services in san francisco. you know the ongoing two plan model has struggled with the process of including persons with severe mental illness in the specialty care area. there are a lot of reasons for that. when i joined the board to provide perspective in the discussions and deliberations about the impact of medical policies on persons with severe mental illness. we are entering a time of excite mend of the possibility of improving and expanding care to persons facing those challenges. i am looking forward to a chance to work under the new executive c.e.o. yolanda richardson and
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with the policies and practices that are expanding to include more responsive necessary to persons with mental illness, and it looks like an exciting time to be on this board. i look forward to continuing my partnership with other members on expanding medical services and improving services with behavioral health challenges. i ask consideration for reappointment. thank you. >> supervisor peskin: thank you for your long many year commitment to this body and its work. any members of the public who would like to comment on this item 2? >> clerk: members of the public to comment are joining us in person join up along the side by the windows. remotely call 415-655-0001 id is
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24938610602. pound and pound again. when connected you will need to press star 3 to speak. for those in the queue please continue to wait until you are unmuted. that will be your queue to begin comments. first in person public commenter, please. >> good morning, supervisor, san francisco health plan. i want to let you know on behalf of the san francisco health plan we are grateful for the current board members seeking reappointment. they are all volunteers. to provide tremendous input and just value on behalf of our 150,000 low income medical members. we are grateful for the doctor for deciding to join our board, dr. woo. thank you for your consideration of their appointments and
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reappointments. >> supervisor peskin: thank you. any remote members of the public for comments? >> clerk: remote public comment. we have one listener on the line but nobody in line to speak. can i confirm that please? >> mr. clerk no caller in the queue. >> supervisor peskin: public comment is closed. colleagues, i will reiterate appreciation to the search seven individuals and make a motion to forward all seven applicants with a positive recommendation on that motion a roll call, please. >> clerk: on that motion.
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supervisor chan. >> aye. >> vice chair mandelman. >> aye. >> chair peskin. >> aye. >> clerk: the motion passes without objection. >> supervisor peskin: next item, please. >> clerk: resolution appointing dennis j. herrara director of the san francisco bay area regional water system financing authority for the remainder of the four-year term ending june 30, 2023. call 415-655-0001. id24938610602. pound, pound. when public comment begins press star 3. the prompt will indicate you raised your hand.
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wait until we take public comment. when the system indicates you are unmuted begin your comments. >> supervisor peskin: good morning, general manager herrera. i will start by saying i remember when the state legislator created this authority 20 years ago. the san francisco seat has generally if not always been held by the general manager of the public utilities commission. in so far as this falls under the jurisdiction of the board of supervisors this would be a good opportunity to check in with our relatively new general manager of p.u.c. some 20 years ago there was concern from customers and partners about the seismic stability and redundancy from fromthe sea ara to to pay.
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-- see ara. in the early 2000s the successor to to creation of the bay area regional water system financing authority. i thought would be a good opportunity to check in on what we call the program, where it is at today and to what extent the financing authority which has now the extended ability pursuant to senate bill 699, which is law to issue bonds through the end of this decade through 2030, whether or not using that finance authority is being contemplated. if so for what kind of projects? with that good morning, general manager. >> good morning.
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general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission. thank you for considering my appointment as director of the san francisco bay area regional water system financing authority. as chair peskin alluded to and as you know the sfpuc provides drinks water to 2.6 million customers including retail in san francisco and wholesale customers in alameda and santa clara counties. sb1870 created the regional water system financing authority when we were getting the program improvement with a way to collaborate on financial decisions related to the regional water system. the financing authority is regional organization that raises money if needed to help improve the san francisco bay area regional water system. this appointment served the
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remainder previously approved term ending on june 30, 2023. previous general managers served. as new general manager i look forward to serving in this position as well. before questions about my potential pending appointment to respond to supervisor peskin. rest assured in terms of overall completion it is well. we are about 95% completed. very few projects left. a big part of my first five months in office has been getting out and seeing the extent of the system, improvements that have been made and marveling not just at physical infrastructure but two other things. one, incredible dedication of sfpuc employees in the field
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every day ensuring the system is properly updated and maintained. it is an incredibly come mex system their professionalism is something to marvel at and to compliment be our partners. not just willing net but eager necessary to collaborate with p.u.c. to make sure the system is up to enough. doesn't necessarilytate intervention supervisor peskin alluded to 20 years ago. there was a reason that happened. i think that we are all the better for it. we have a system that like i said is about 95% complete in terms of work done. it is a testament to what can happen when you work collaboratively and have tremendous expertise. that system now like i said is a
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marvel and is seismically protected as possible due to the good work and good efforts of people at the sfpuc and our partners. with that i am happy to take questions that you have and i look forward to continuing to serve in this position. thank you, supervisors. >> mr. general manager my initial question whether or not the bonding authority of this entity is contemplated for use in the coming foreseeable future. any response to that? >> not to my knowledge. it has that authority as you are well aware. it hasn't been been necessarytated. to my knowledge it is not contemplated at this time. i think what you will find is the collaboration that is going on with this authority in the event it is called for.
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>> supervisor peskin: how often does the authority meet? >> once a year. annually in january. >> supervisor peskin: any questions from committee members? any members of the public? any remote members for public comment on item 3? >> clerk: for those listening remotely call 415-655-0001. id24938610602. pound, pound. once connected you need to press star 3 to enter speaker line. if you are in the queue wait until you are unmuted. that will be your queue.
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we -- two speakers. >> eileen. speak has taken a neutral position on this appointment. that being said we would like to follow up on the comments at the capital planning committee on april 4th. the emergency firefighting water system also known as a wash was brought into service 1913 under the jurisdiction of the fire department. in 2010 it was transferred to the p.u.c. for the purpose of balancing the city budget. since 2010 there are a number of misguided policy decisions. it is now using a wash to replace water mains using the funds which is inconsistent with prop 218. due to the p.u.c. policy
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decisions, speak and others are advocating to transfer to the new department under the city administrator with engineering to d.p.w. which would still be a direct report to the city administrator even after the upcoming restructuring. regarding the remadelyn payne .[indiscernable] they had a hearing on p.g.e. and how it affects p.u.c. operations. supervisor peskin asked p.g.e. if they accepted $2.5 million offer from the city for infrastructure. p.g.e. would not have to be
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addressing this issue. same to a wash. if it were transferred out of p.u.c. they would not have to deal with this issue any further. thank you. >> supervisor peskin: next speaker, please. >> this appointment is once a year. the issues we have the real issues we have is with the san francisco public utilities commission. we are not about the project amount of money spent is over
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the amount budgeted. we need to have a hearing on the project so that san franciscans understand what is happening. while we are on that subject, we need to have a hearing again on the sewer system improvement project. that is important. there is a lot of corruption still going on within the sewer system improvement project. they are not permanent members. we need to find out who are permanent members who we serve and why are we pandering?
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given an opportunity to become a permanent member and it did not. these are questions to ask so that san franciscans can be enlightened. the people who really should know the facts are kept in the dark. thank you very much. >> supervisor peskin: any other public comments on this item. >> clerk: that completes the queue. >> supervisor peskin: public comment is closed. i will not ask about the vice president of the united states and make a motion to send this to the full board with a positive recommendation. mr. clerk on that motion a roll call, please.
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>> chan. >> aye. >> mandelman. >> aye. >> peskin. >> aye. >> motion passes without objection. >> supervisor peskin: we are adjourned. >> thank you, supervisors. the tenderloin is home to families, immigrants, seniors, merchants, workers and the housed and unhoused who all deserve a thriving neighborhood to call home. the tenderloin initiative was
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launched to improve safety, reduce crime, connect people to services and increase investments in the neighborhood. as city and community-based partners, we work daily to make these changes a reality. we invite you to the tenderloin history, inclusivity make this neighborhood special. >> we're all citizens of san francisco and we deserve food, water, shelter, all of those things that any system would. >> what i find the most fulfilling about being in the tenderloin is that it's really basically a big family here and i love working and living here. >> [speaking foreign language]
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>> my hopes and dreams for the tenderloin are what any other community organizer would want for their community, safe, clean streets for everyone and good operating conditions for small businesses. >> everything in the tenderloin is very good. the food is very good. if you go to any restaurant in san francisco, you will feel like oh, wow, the food is great. the people are nice. >> it is a place where it embraces all walks of life and different cultures. so this is the soul of the tenderloin. it's really welcoming. the. >> the tenderloin is so full of color and so full of people. so with all of us being together and making it feel very safe is challenging, but we are working on it and we are getting there.
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sustainability mission, even though the bikes are very minimal energy use. it still matters where the energy comes from and also part of the mission in sustainability is how we run everything, run our business. so having the lights come on with clean energy is important to us as well. we heard about cleanpowersf and learned they had commercial rates and signed up for that. it was super easy to sign up. our bookkeeper signed up online, it was like 15 minutes. nothing has changed, except now we have cleaner energy. it's an easy way to align your environmental proclivities and goals around climate change and it's so easy that it's hard to not want to do it, and it doesn't really add anything to the bill.
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[♪♪♪] >> i really believe that art should be available to people for free, and it should be part of our world, you shouldn't just be something in museums, and i love that the people can just go there and it is there for everyone. [♪♪♪] >> i would say i am a multidimensional artist. i came out of painting, but have also really enjoyed tactile properties of artwork and tile work. i always have an interest in public
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