tv TIDA Sustainabilty Committee SFGTV April 24, 2022 9:30pm-11:31pm PDT
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>> treasure island sustainability committee of the due to the covid health emergency, members are participating in this meeting video conference. public comment will be available through each item on the agenda. for members of the public who wish to make public comment, the phone number to use is 415-655-0001. 2494449963 and that's the access code. press pound and pound again. you may address the council. call to world, director tsen. >> here. >> director richardson. >> here. >> director (indiscernible). >> here. >> we have a quorum, thank you very much.
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>> as chair of the committee, i have resigns from the title board because he has opinion called to other duties by the mayor so until he is appointed, i'll run the meeting. we have all -- my favorite topics and other commissioners favorite topic as well. the affordable housing biodiversity sea level rise, so we're looking forward to hearing all presenters and public comment. >> commissioner, i just wanted to --
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>> item no. three, approving the minutes of the october 21, 2021, sustain abld committee meeting. >> so moved. >> second. >> am i voting on this committee. >> i'll second it because they're the two official members. okay. >> i'll take a roll call. >> director tsen. >> aye. >> director richardson. >> aye. >> there are two ayes.
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>> okay. the ayes have it. next item please. >> item no. 4, 2021 biodiversity survey of the ybi presentation by california academy of sciences. >> i'm sorry, on my agenda, there was an update from mercy health. >> that is, i'm sorry. you're looking at the online agenda >> yes, i am. is that revised? >> it says mercy. that has been updated. the agenda set out does not have the mercy hold house.
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>> so the online agenda is not the correct agenda. >> it should be correct now >> i'm trying to pull it up right now but what that may be is the agenda from the last meeting of the infrastructure and transportation committee but yeah, we did not have mercy on today's agenda. >> okay. >> that's fine. let's go ahead with the next of the a could meet, is it the academy of sciences and the biodiversity report. let's go ahead with that, thank you. >> thanks. so, i'll give my brief comments. >> introduce the item. >> go ahead, peter.
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>> okay. >> so really excited to be here today. i love coming to tida board meetings, any manifestation which i have presented many times and for those who don't know me, i'm peter and work for the department of environment and been supporting tida for quite a few years as an oncologist and love working with peter, the two peter's love getting out and about together ask working with all our colleagues and some are here today and so, wonderfully over the last few years, tida has committed and invested in addition to the underground management that we're doing now and of course construction monitoring that we have been doing for years through oncology lens and committed to doing actual ecological monitoring so we've had folks looking at butterflies and birds and
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mammals and then as part of that work, tida contracted or actually did an inter-departmental work order with the department of sciences to do marine monitoring and surveying and monitoring of the marine environment all the way around the environment and so, the cad meet did great work and i'll let rebecca and allyson introduce themselves, but we're really excited to hear them give a summary of their findings, their report is really impressive. peter and i were just, you know, really interesting things came out of this so you're going to hear about it today, so.... thanks for coming to the academy of sciences. >> thanks, thanks for having us. can somebody give me the ability to share my screen again. [laughter] right now, that button is grayed out for me. ah, there we go.
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>> can everyone see that? >> yes. >> i'll introduce myself and my codirector, dr. rebecca johnson. we run the community sciences of california a could meef sciences but we both happen to be marine biologist and we do a lot of inter title community science work so we're excited and when one the peters can if we would be interesting in doing a survey so like peter said, we have sent the report to them and we can't cover everything in the report today, so check out the report for all the information that we included in there, but on a high level, kind of the city objectives we set out to
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accomplish with this was to survey the bio diversist buena inter title areas to develop a species list and do the same for the treasure island community, being in cooper cove, the marina can influence the things you would see especially on the upper coast side of yerba island. we wanted to understand what intertidal habitat has the most diversity on yerba eye lambed. we wanted to -- it got expanded beyond clipper cove and we'll talk about it more. and then based on other studies, we wanted to situate the inter tidal in the context of san francisco bay. how does it compare to san francisco bay as a whole. we're not going to be able to cover all but it's in our report.
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survey sites and i'm going to turn it over to rebecca ask how we connected the surveys. >> thanks, rebecca. so, the inter tidal areas, these are along the shore of the island that are exposed when the tide is low and covered up with water when the tide is high. so all of our surveys were conducted at low tides usually by foot. right. so we would walk along the beaches like this is clipper cove and you can see the tide is low and you can see the algae and seaweed and eel grass is washed up and other algae on the beach. this is a low time when the tide is low and this tide is low number you can walk underneath the golden gate ridge so we would go out and survey and look for as many -- mostly animals without backbones and seaweed and evidence of other animals like if fish washed up
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or shell to get a picture of what species are found along this stretch. in areas like this, you can see it's really rocky. this is under the bay bridge at the torpedo store house. there's lots of rocky rift raft. there are areas of the island, the coves on the western side of the cove that allyson pointed out that's accessible by boat so we worked closely with sf boat to get us out to these incredible psyches, these rocky cabo beaches where we would scour the area to look for as many species as we could. in the marina, the fouling organize -- organisms and they attach themselves to the boats
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or floats and on the right you can see allyson leaning over and taking pictures of the things living underneath the dock. and then for our eel graph survey, we worked with two eel graph experts and you can see then, katie and grace and they would walk when the tide was low with big waiters and walk -- weighters and walk far out into the water scooting their feet along the bottom of the sea floor or the bay floor, looking for the roots of eel grass and the eel grass is a true plant like a grass so it has roots like the grass you would see in a lawn so they would be scooting along looking for visual evidence and then other evidence as eel grass. and then we also used, worked with our partner david mcguyer to use a mini remote operated vehicle so this is a little underwater drone that can go through the water and record video and we also use
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this to look for eel grass and document the species that are living in and around eel grass beds from the boat, that was also from the boat. as allyson mentioned, we run the community science department here at the academy where we work with volunteers to gather data on naturalist and we use this app. this is a way for us to record our observations of all the plants and animals and seaweeds we see, so we looked at all of the observations that have been made on uber buena by us and those use and visiting the app so people interested in nature or want to learn about nature around them can use this app to take pictures and make species occurrence records just on their own so anything that anyone made would be included in that data set or that picture i just showed you but we've worked together for the past five years
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or six years with peter and peter summerville and lots of community members to hold bio blisses which are events where the community is invited to come to treasure island and yorba buena island to look for and document as many species we can. we held one a few weeks ago, but over the years that we've held these events collectively, we've had over one hundred people on the island taking pictures of nature and sharing them and we have made over one thousand observations of close to over six hundred species, and these aren't all marine by we looked at all collected by us and the community. allyson toad you about the study sites and once we looked at all of our data together, we divided those sites into specific regions and we'll use them to tell you about our result, so the regions are
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clipper cove and eastern yerba buena island. this is clipper cove to the torpedo island and yerba is accessible by boat and the treasure island marina and the eastern treasure island field grass and subtitle so we'll talk about what we found and allyson, i'll turn it over to allyson to talk about what we found in these areas. >> yeah. overall, we documented 198 species throughout the four regions through our surveys and through what other people documented. from most species to least we found 115 species over western yerba buena and the inter tidal and 800 -- and the torpedo store house area. 4 it species where we documented
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under the treasure island marina and dock. 15 species in the eastern treasure island, the eel grass area and because that area was only really through leaning over the boat and driving our little drone, that area in particular is not really a comprehensive biodiversity view. you probably want scuba gear to get a look at treasure island. interestingly, looking across four regions, we were tried to see what's unique and what do the species have in common. the three biggest overlap in terms of species were western yerba buena island with eastern yerba island and cooper cove. they had 50 species in common found through those regions and clipper cove and the treasure island marina had 18 species in common and then western buena island and marina had 14 species in common. we actually only
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found, there was one species found in all four regions and that's introduced sphere cease of tuna called the chain tuna kit, and there's a little photo of that there in that slide. focusing, particularly on the yerba buena island and clipper cove region, looking at yerba island, there are 173 species we documented in the inter tidal and clipper cove from yerba island and 56 species had not been recorded around yerba island and that's looking through collections records, so available collections records like museum collections and looking at (indiscernible) records. it's not that surprising we found so many, like, newly recorded species for jb because it's understudied as
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a whole so we weren't surprised we were finding new records for yerba buena island especially the inner tidal being understudied and looking specifically at that clipper cove and eastern side of yerba buena island, we found 108 species in that region including 58 that were only found in that region so we had 58 species we found there. if we think about clipper cove and eastern yerba buena island, it's shelter the community there is similar to what you might find in other inter bay, inter tidal sites so traveling into the east bay or north bay or south bay and what you find there, species that don't tolerate a lot of wave exposure because they like the calm water. interestingly, some highlights -- the rob surveys of clipper cove turned up the interesting species we found in
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that region including slende sea pens and it was documented around treasure island but this is the first record. sea pens are octo coral. we found white -- they have been documented two other times in san francisco bay they're under studied as a whole. looking at western buena island, this is where we found 115 species on western buena island and there were 65 species only found on western buena island. it's not that surprising ear, western yerba buena island is almost directly across from the golden gate and so the inter tidal community reflects this open ocean influence and you can see in the photo, we're standing in an area that has muscle beds like the muscles you would found
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on the open coast of california. so these are species really adapted to having more wave action in their habitat. really excitingly we found 7 sphere cease that have never been before documented in the entirety of san francisco bay so this is looking at historic collection records as well as nationalist record so wore excited to find seven species not found anywhere else in the san francisco bay. and we think yerba buena island is a hotspot for the new species. one because it's really unacceptable so it's under studied so there's not a lot that happens along yerba buena island and the fact it has a huge expanse that face the opening of the golden gate. making it kind of a pretty unique site within san francisco bay. so really quickly, the 7 new species that we found, new records for the entirety of kf bay are the brittle star which is that long armed type of sea stars out there. this beautiful
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titan called a flame line titan. this poly keith worm that has a fringe on the top of it so the name is the fringe wood spaghetti worm and there's a snail called the top snail. it has a beautiful shell so we were excited to find them on yerba buena island. this porcelain crab, this is a relatively newly described species that was split from another see cease so there's a possibility -- species so it's possible it was documented in san francisco and it's in a jar and someone hasn't gone through to see if it's the new or old species but we found this on yerba buena island. the onnox clipper shell has been documented. we were able to document the first one on yerba buena island. and then
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interestingly the sponge which we can identify as a family, they're -- this is actually potentially a newly described species, tom lee turner who is a professor at u.s. santa barbara said the specie you found on yerba buena island is a new species i described -- interestingly, when we're doing our research for this, we wanted to see as we were researching, what species has been on yerba buena island before. there was a 2009 done by applied sciences and they did inter title surveys around treasure island. they were rapid survey but we wanted to see, they were doing -- we were tried to see what species
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they were documenting to see if there were species they picked up. the two that caught our eye was the oca star. between that 2009 study and our study, the disease happened in 2013 and 14. it was the hardest hit species on the open cost of california. and they suffered 80% mortality but in san francisco bay -- the ones found in 2009 and before then were probably died off and haven't recovered since then. and the eastern oyster was important with eastern oysters in the late 1870s. and it was
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found in the 200 the survey. it was interesting to us and they found it commonly. and it was on buena western island but there's two reasons we didn't find it. one it used to be present and for whatever reason, something happened and they're not present on western yerba buena island which is great news for the island. we didn't find them anywhere on yerba buena island
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-- so, the fact that the, it was found in the -- it used to be present and something happened and now they're not present on western yerba buena island which is great news for the island. or we didn't find them anywhere on yerba buena island island but also the fact that it looks very similar to other inter tidal snails we did find. interestingly, the preferred habitat of eastern oyster drill is muddy sites so our potential, we're leaning toward the reason they found it. it was
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misidentified in 2009 and it was actually native inter tidal snail they found. we're happy to report that. in terms of the introduced sphere cease looking at our species list, we wanted to see what introduced species we found. we found 27 introduced species total across the four sites, the four regions we looked at. this is looking at treasure island and eastern or treasure island marine and the eastern treasure island site as well. and our finings were in line with previous studies that, the place you're going to find the most introduced species are the bulk and it's introduced species is the marina. fallon community was famously known for their non-native species and that's where we found the greatest percentage of nonnatives which is in line with other studies that happened in that area in the past and the photos show you what it looks like if you ever stick your head underneath the docks at treasure
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island marina, these are the things you can see under there. i'm going to turn to the eel grass surveys really quickly. clipper cove has harbored a small less than one hector eel grass bed. it's confined to a narrow fringe along kind of the southern shoreline. and so, we did two walking surveys or colleagues did two walking surveys, two in the winter or three walking surveys, two in 2020 and one in the summer of 2020 and did not find, found no evidence of eel grass during the walking surveys so we brought in our friend with the rov and said let's make sure so we did two rov surveys of this region as well in the winter and summer of 202 is and found no eel grass there. in our research, we found the eel grass at clipper cove have been declining over the past 15 years but at its
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greatest extent it was never big. it was .2 hector in 2017. no eel grass detected in previous survey from 20 is a to 2018 so our survey in line with what other people found. which made us excited to check out the eel grass at eastern treasure island because we wanted to see eel grass and we were fining washed up grass in cooper cove. it's come from eastern treasure island and the eel grass bed of eastern treasure island is extensive which is great. we didn't study the extent of the bed but it does kind of extend to the entire length of the eastern shoreline. and this could be an important source for reintroduction of eel grass in eastern cove in -- that's of interest. we found seagrass labor which is algae that grows
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on other seagrass includes -- we have a feeing it's there and in other eel grass sites but no one collected it and put it in a collection and into -- our record is the first one for san francisco bay and we're able to find some great eel grass associated species like this beautiful taylor sea hair that you pretty much find on eel grass which is pretty nice. and so, on the whole treasure island eel grass beds seems to be doing well and there's large fluctuations in eel grass beds throughout san francisco bay. they're driven by big events like lots of rain or big drought events so that tends to be the, what drives a lot of the increase or decrease in eel grass beds in these areas. so, i'm going to turn it over to rebecca to talk about our conclusions from doing this survey. >> allyson, thanks. as you can
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see from the result that allyson showed, the inter tidal habitats of yerba buena island are diverse. they're home to hundreds of species and we didn't talk about the birds and fish much we know we wrooking at invert braves and the diversity of the inter tidals matches or surpasses any tidal site we know on san francisco bay. overall the species composition is similar to the bay. the yerba buena island is unique and have different habitat. ask you saw the pictures -- and you saw the picture was the rocky cabo area and it has natural rock crops and sandy beaches and sheltered bay and a marina with those human made hard substrates. but it has the strong marine as the tides change and the water comes in through the golden gate. so,
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that has a huge ocean, oceanic influence and it has the protected conditions on the eastern side of the island. and the combination of habitats and the different salinities and currents and wave action create this amazing mosaic that supports incredible species at yerba buena island. so yerba buena island is an important part of the san francisco bay ecosystem and its diverse habitat should be protected and celebrated. so, we have some specific recommendations about how to protect and celebrate these places. one is something that's incredible that we didn't expected, maybe it's not surprising but unexpected, so the inter tidal edges around rocky points on the island so this is where the island jets out and it's rocky points, these areas around, that start above the shoreline and extends like down into the water, so under
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water, back onto the shore, they have the highest native sphere cease enrichness. these are the places we find the most different types of species. and the really kind of interesting thing is not only do these points have the most biodiversity points, these rocky partnerships are really rare, so on the island, we have a fair number of these points that stick out that have this original rock, so not the rift raft and the rock brought in from other places but the original rock, so this is pretty rare in the san francisco bay, so you can see this map, it's a little hard to see but it's hard to see because that red area represents original rock of san francisco bay. and it's very, very rare in the bay. and so, these areas are just not found throughout the bay, so it's really important to protect
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these areas and not modify or change them in any way because they're quite rare. one of the things we found at these rocky points is if you look up slope so if you turn away from the bay and you look up the slope, the most -- most of these areas have intact native habitat right above where this native biodiversity is, some is the highest. and there are a couple of reasons for this. one is that these are areas where because of this rocky -- there's not fresh water that's coming down in these sites so there's not erosion and no runoff from the hill. but also, this is something we're interested in studying more, there's other benefit to have this intact, native habitat up slope that protects and helps promote bio diversity in the down slope or inter tidal and sub-tidal areas. all right. and so, we, as you
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all know, with all the development and changes, yerba buena island will, people will visit -- people will visit yerba buena island with the fary service and the torpedo house is open to the public. these are areas we think it would be great to have interpretive signage about these places and how special and important they are, about the bio diversity and the history of the island. just a way to engage people to kind of be mindful. these are amazing places to come and picnic and hang out and spend time and explore and fish, but they're places that you know, that nature calls home and we need to protect these places and be mindful of the biodiversity in these places. all right. so, in this eel grass, so we, i think we're pretty surprised about how amazing and lush this eel grass
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bed is adjacent to treasure island so we would recommend doing continued eel grass surveys of this area and continuing to do surveys in clipper cove to see if eel grass returns. i think monitoring this area off treasure island is important to see if things change as treasure island is developed to just monitor this area and also if there ever were plan to reintroduce yel grass into cooper cove and under this as a source into introducing eel grass into cooper cove. l we recommend continuing doing these fun bio blitzes on the island and getting people to explore the nature right in the middle of the bay surrounded by millions of people that, as we have explained today, the inter
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tidal diversity is amazing and we didn't talk about the little tiny things, right. we don't want to go into detail about all the amazing things we found on the island, but just to help san francisco residents, treasure island residents, yerba buena island residents understand the biodiversity and the nature that's under their feet. this buy buy - owe bio blitz is a good source of data for those managing the island. so, with that, we just want to thank you for opportunity to talk with you today about the work that we did, to tie up for the opportunity to do these surveys and really get to know this island in a way that's really meaningful, i think to me and allison and it is an incredible space and we feel honored to have spent this time there and we're happy to answer any questions. >> sure. >> thank you, thank you both,
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rebecca and allison for that report. and i would like to make sure that we get sent the link of the report much i don't know if that was done earlier, but if we can, all the board members, not just this committee but all board members receive it, that would be great. i was won -- in your earlier yerba bio blitz, a tenned that and found out about your app which has been a tremendous app to use not just here but wherever you go. if you see an insect or plant what want to know what it is, you can use this app and take a -- take an a photo and they'll give you ideas. they may say it's amongst these species but it's an
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incredible tool for those who want to learn the world around them. thank you for that. i would also like to say that, as i was introduced to yerba buena island when i was on this buy -- -- on this owe blitz, it's important because as they learn more about the nature around them, i think they have, they develop more of an appreciation of the place that they live in. i think that the outreach to kids is really important and outreach to residents and i like to see more of that. the pie owe blitz for instance, if i known earlier, i would have come as well and so, i'm hopeful that we will have that as an annual
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event but if there could be workshops from the academy to treasure island, maybe it's a summer program, maybe it's only a one-day workshop but if we can do more educational work, i think that would benefit the people who live on island. and also, have it be open to san francisco and the bay area as well. i would like to pursue that and see what we might be able to do. and the -- i'm so glad that we are documenting what the species are and it's such a surprise to hear that we have such an incredible biodiversity and you found over one hundred different species in these different areas. i this that's just -- i think that's quite wonderful so if we can learn more about it, that's great. one thing i wanted you to
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talk about because people may not know, you have done a lot of eel grass surveys but why is eel grass important to us? could you talk a little bit about that. >> maybe allison can add on. eel grass is really interesting species that is really important for many reasons. one -- i'll list some of the reasons, right. eel grass beds will protect the shore from waves and wave action. so it's really important just to protect the upland slopes from wave action especially during storms. there's back and evidence but it's a good car -- holder of carbon like you hear of redwood trees tying up carbon and eel grass does the same and probably more than kelp which we hear
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about. the eel grass beds are nurseries from lots and lots of different species especially fish so you know, if all of you, you have seen people fishing off the eastern shore of treasure island, right, right adjacent to this eel bed and that's because the fish live in this eel grass bed and it's a really great place to protect those fish, also from other predators like seals and sea lions don't want to swim through the eel grass so fish are in there and safe and they can find food and there are lots of efforts throughout the bay especially kathy at san francisco state and her lab about restoring eel grass throughout the day for climate and other protection and for biodiversity. it's an incredible thing to have especially right there off the treasure island, off this rift raft where you can
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see cars going by and the firefighter training and seeing this buy owe diverse eel grass there. it's the most urban eel grass. it's a little off aquatic park in san francisco but it has a little urban feeling. i don't know allyson if you have anything more to add? >> no, i think you've covered it. i don't know if anyone here is in the north bay but we're having thunder and hail pelting my house right now. >> it's coming. >> wow! >> what's going on. yes, rebecca covered all the main ways that eel grass is important in the bay area. >> in the master plan that was -- it was a forward-thinking document and one of the things which was envisioned was the northern side of the island would eventually perhaps become, what they call the wild which could be more wetlands and could be a response to sea level rise
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as well. so, documenting now what is already there and then to see in the future what we can do and to restore and bring back maybe some of the wetlands that were lost when the bay was being filled up, that is something that i think is a remarkable future of the treasure island plan. thank you for coming to me. linda, did you have any questions or comments? >> yes. >> i also have comments. >> >> yes, have i comments? >> go ahead. >> dr. johnson, allyson and i want to give a shout-out to our staff, peter somerville for spearhead this project and i want to remind, we get the
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privilege of this wonderful presentation and the rest of san francisco, the real stakeholders of this important project need to understand that the background we're doing on treasure island has to do with, i don't think people understand and we have to keep saying this, we are one that leads platinum and the highest standard in the world we have. so everything we're doing on the treasure island development is a role model not just to north america but throughout the word. and the commissioner mentioned earlier that the education of peace and we have to accentuate that. why is that? the work that you have just presented has implications to all developments everywhere. not just in california, in the
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west coast or throughout the world. i get calls of people watching where we are because of the broad collaboration we have with universities, with, dr. johnson and with allison, with san francisco commissioner of the environment, we have this extensive for people to be able to come in and so i'm going to recommend some things here because we know we have the covid. everybody was sheltered in but it is -- we have all these studies we need to blow things up and really elevate exactly what we're doing. i would like to see documentaries because we're not just talking to ourselves. we're talking to everyone and why is that? there are developments that are being initiated and there are people talking about that. huge, huge
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developments that have biodiversity and implementations and leading to understand and we're inquiring and we have been able to catch them formally. this is what we're capable of doing, we're doing this. this is a role model. they do not need to reinvent the wheel. they need to follow basically what we're doing because of the high standard. there are developments within san francisco, just imagine when san francisco, all these sanctuaries have had the opportunity that we have right now to capture the biodiversity and here we are, we are fine -- we're finding new species on treasure island. it's unique to that area so when we went about doing the infrastructure development of treasure island, every decision is incumbent on the discovery and where we're
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going to have and share that so i saw some of the slides that you have, it's mind-boggling and we need to capture all this pictures on treasure island website. i know question have a plan to redevelop the website so why don't you all and again we don't have to, how we go about doing this, this is another discussion but it ought to be discussed so i'm going to put it at the table. some education -- documentaries, we need this to be a part of the curriculum of the schools in san francisco. these kid was learning right now and this is a learning, we have it in their backyard and it's not only for san francisco students because all the knowledge here, like i said is universal, so we also need to do that. commissioner mentioned about having the workshops and this is about time we need to
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take this information of the road, how we're going to do that. i know i'm excited about that, we've been talking about this for a long time and so, all this ideas needs to be formulated so i would foresee meeting with allison and dr. johnson and our director, where we can sit down and be able to formulate what are the best way we can disseminate this information? definitely, there are resources that we can talk about to enable treasure island to meet a city standard we have set. i don't want to be the only one and only one excited about this particular information, so i'm going to -- that's the plan that i need to elevate, the dissemination and outreach and aspect of this project. dr. johnson, you mentioned the 27 species of introduced species that you captured, how are we
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treating those? again, if they are plans, people will recommend -- we know the eucalyptus on treasure island are not native species, however, we were able to at least contain -- the location, what are the recommendation and introduce species. what implementation do they have on the native species? are they around everybody or we need to have a plan to look at them based on research to see what we're going on did. i would like that to be a part of the discussion so could you please just elaborate on that for me, thank you. >> allison, to you want to take that one is this >> yeah, yeah. in terms of then produced species we found, the place that they have the most
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impact is in the fat on communities on the dock -- in the fallon communities and that's where you find species and we can clean them off the docks but because they're species found in the rest of san francisco bay it would almost have to be like a bay wide effort to try to remove or get rid of our non-native species in the bay and in some cases, there are, like, scientist aren't sure if they're introduced or cryptogenic because san francisco bay has been a harbor to nonnative species for so long now. luckily in the more natural places especially on western yerba buena island, those introduced species don't really out compete the native species not yet. they're not adapted for
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these kind of more natural more wave exposed habitats. i would say the place that t- would be best to keep an eye on is more like within clipper cove and eastern yerba buena island just because there are more similar conditions to what you would find in the more sheltered docks and harbors and thing like that as well. on the whole, non-native species don't have quite a big effect on the inter tidal effect as the manmade bay. i would like to see a bay wide effort but it would be hard. i don't know if you have more to hard -- i don't know if you have more to add. >> they're introduced but not invasive so they don't cause that many problems. i'm sure the dock owners and boat owners would disagree because getting them off your boat can be extensive and a big problem. there's one species and it's called a thing called, it's a
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tuna kit, the dog vomit tuna kit so it has a terrible common name but it's a -- it's a core date related to us but as an adult it looks like an incresting mass. we it see that in cooper cove and that's what i would like activively removed and get rid of but protecting the native species that are there and providing the opportunity for those native species to do well and not adding a lot of hard manmade structures. >> thank you. i got a message that item 5, the person who is presenting has to leave at 2:00 p.m. which gives us two minutes to talk about sea level rise. as much as i enjoy this discussion and thank you very much for coming and mike, i'm sorry to cut off any questions that you may have but i want to make sure that we have the presentations. thank you so much
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and we look forward to continuing to work with you much thank you very much. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> okay. >> comments. public comment. >> do we have public comment? >> no public comment. >> okay. next item. >> item 5, five-year sea level rise findings presentation by foffatt and nichol. >> philip, you're going to be presenting. i didn't get the message you had to leave earlier or i would have gotten to you earlier. sea level is important and we ask questions about being an island in the middle of the bay and what are we doing so we look forward to having your update on this. thank you. go ahead. >> thank you so much, commissioners. i just sent in a note to my other meeting saying i'll be 15 minutes late. i do want to give it justice here, so
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i will not do it in five minutes and it's too big of a topic. >> exactly. >> already. so what i can do is, let me share my screen and there's a few things i wanted to -- just to set the stage for what work was about. so this was, the five-year update was a part of the regulatory approval process from d cdc and it responds to the development projects approach to sea level rise. as part of that work in 2016, we had led and put together a sea level rise risk assessment for the island and developed an abdication level that might exceed the protections at that point in time, you know, being used. par
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of the permit from b cdc required that a five-year, from the start of construction that the developer come back and provide an updated signs on sea level rise projections so the specific requirements that bcdc put, they reproduced a draft of the five-year monitoring report and i'll skip to the first page which actually lists what b cdc asked for and so their requirements were to describe whether that report that we did in 2016 is still current with any updated sea level rise projections that come out from the signs, the community, and from other agencies itself. provide data on any land settlement since 2016. again,
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the concern there was is it just sea level rise or is it an acceleration, perceived acceleration because the land behind the perimeter is settling so it will increase the relative sea level rise to be a combination of both. the third thing was present observations on water levels so has current data since 2016 in terms of title records monitored in the bay, do they indicate there is an acceleration of sea levels or this time period, document occurrences of flooding and produce this report itself. so we kwent down, basically -- we went down and provided the water levels so this was the section on water levels so this is the
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department of commerce from the oceanic administration that monitors tight gauges throughout the country ask provide statistics and update the statistics because you need a lot of data to compute a main tide level for a certain type gage. you need serve rah years of date it to calculate what the statistical mean and it's called the mean tide or mean sea level and what is the average of all high tides which we call all main tides. so what we have seen is since it requires that -- that period is pretty long. it's 19 years on average that you need data, it's called a title epic and using 19 years of data,
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you can compute the sea level. to update sea level rise projections, you need that long-term data. we use what existed at the time was stipts like these from noel with a linear trend. many of us have heard that the long-term trend of water levels in san francisco bay or along the pacific west coast arising -- are rising at two millimeters per year. the updated so this was based on tide gauges itself about 15 years, 20 years ago, they realized that it's waiting for this 19-year period and then computing it is not good enough so they put up the satellites up in the air which are monitoring very high resolution monitoring of water levels and they can
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compute the averages quicker. this is what we updated last year which didn't exist in 2016. this is using five different satellite programs that noaa put out and the earliest was the toe pecks that went through the early 2000s and yes there's been an acceleration in the rate at which sea level was rising that 1.97 millimeter per year and the data from the satellite is showing 2.9. it may not seem like a lot but a millimeter over two millimeters is 50% increase in the annual rates of sea level rise itself. so, that's the first update that we provided on the water levels. the next one was to look at, were there
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anomalies in san francisco and in the san francisco bay area that might go even more than some of these observations. that we it not find. it was a new year so there were more king tides last year than that occurred in the past which is typical with an el nino where the pacific is elevated with a few millimeters and over time, we have seen these el nino occurrences on average are six to seven years a part. that was a linear year so we reported that data itself. the other significant effort that occurred in the region since the production of our report was fema updated their flood insurance studies and when san francisco joined fema, since there aren't any (indiscernible)
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which is what drives fema insurance, san francisco never was part of fema for the past, ever since fema was found. they agreed to join fema only about ten years ago, 15 years ago. it took that long for fema to produce the one hundred year water levels. it did not exist back then so the update in that regard is what we computed using -- we used the same methods that fema uses and we con futed 9.2 feet as being the one hen year water level and there's so many different names given to this water level vagus that occurs on -- water level vagus that -- -- water level elevation that
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occurs. there's a one percent chance that this water level could occur. so that the 9.2 and fema update was six inches higher so 9.6 or 9.7 is what we're seeing fema's update. so that was new information we reported. so the water levels result in a change in the strategy documented in 2016. i'll get to it in a minute here. the other part was flooding events. were there in stances of flooding along -- were there in stances of flooding along treasure island and none reported over the last five years and over what happened in the past given the existing elevation, given the area where no work has been done and the amount of flooding hasn't
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changed. the third thing we had do was to look at sea level rise projections. we had adopted at that point the best signs available and that was from the state, from the state of camacho cal -- from the state of california and it was the office of, what was it? the opc, the office of planning or -- ocean protection council so they put together these summaries and california, washington and oregon had got together and they brought in the academy of sciences back in 2012 and the cad meet issued a -- academy issued a report which we used in 2016, the national research council, nrc. had these projections changed? that's why we went back to the literature after 2016 and presented it.
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this was the strategy documented. essentially captures the treasure island abdication strategy that, given the projection trend that was utilized by the project at that time, when will there need to be abdications made to the perimeter of the island itself. at that time, we envisioned two steps in the sense the first phase of the project was going to be built up to a level that matches this 39 inches, 36 inches is what is shown here, so the plan at that time was build the perimeter for the phase i areas to an elevation that will accommodate three feet of sea level rise. once that three feet of sea level rise was
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approaching, this is the timeline at the bottom, at that point when it's about 30 inches of sea level rise that has been observed, at that point, the community would go ahead and build one abdication and we saw many of the add tigs and schematic theres and they would raise the trail a long the edge and it will give them another two feet of sea level rise protection. that was envisioned for the first phase. the developer recognizing, it really would not be in the best interest to have anything lower than that ban do not -- abandon this lower level of planning which is 12 inches of sea level rise so they have accepted and utilized the 36 inches of sea level rise as a base case. so, everything at treasure island is being built to accommodate three
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feet of sea level rise right now. that would be one abdication so that's the strategy. this is the new data. it was in the news, the intergovernmental panel on climate change called the ipcc issued their report, six is what it's called, assessment report in 2021. last year. that's the best and latest science utilized. we overlaid that abdication strategy on to the new projection lines here and what we see in here is that the strategy will accommodate the ipp are c numbers and they were not larger than the state, you know, numbers that we had used. however, there was much more confidence in these numbers.
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when the state done it, it was really low, medium and high possibility or low, medium and high confidence. the ipcc report had a higher confidence in the rate and strategy and it accommodates the new ipcc report. we looked at the army corps. they issued an update in 2021 even though the army corps has guidance that wasn't applied to the project, there was a lot of thought put into the federal government, so we compared it to those elevated or sea level rise numbers. again, the strategy that we had accommodates all of those and no change is needed to the strategy that was established back in 2016. we also looked at the most recent ones, so in 2018, california has
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always opinion, you know, at the forefront and so they've always used projection numbers that are higher than anywhere in the world. there's a low appetite for risk so that was documented in the ocean protection council. ice range and that's the red range right here. this is higher than the 2016 estimates. but it comes with the probability attached to it. so this is a low probability of occurrence. it's a half percent with basically, what it would mean is there is a 99.95% that the sea level will be below this number. the five percent which is the blues happen to be what the earlier documents indicated so there's a 95% likelihood that sea levels
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will not exceed this number. 95% likelihood that sea levels will not be higher than this blue line which if i were to pick a number and let's say 50 years from now, about 2017, the sea level rise will be about 30 inches, sea level rise will be 30 inches compared to 2000. at that level for that number, the strategy is still okay. in the event this half percent probably is low, there's a likelihood of sea level rise which would be -- which would come along with drastic melt and in the uptick and large scale losses of glaciers in the out tick and if that happens, this number could
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happen. they put this in -- if that were to take place, the strategy that was deployed by the project, it would have to be fast forwarded to somewhere around 2063. so the ten years so the abdication need to be built ten years earlier. what's interesting to see, this goes back to 2000, and what we did as part of this monitoring report, we overlaid what the observations are. since there's to years or 25 years -- if there's 20 years or 25 years or we have 22 years of data to overlay and match against these different projection lines and see what is the data showing in terms of sea level rise itself. is it tracking this extremely
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high low probably number or tracking a likely lower number? what we see from the data i shared was it's tracking, what we call this number here, where it's the two millimeter per year. if that projection holds true, we're looking at a sea level rise of eight inches or so ask that's what you read in the chronicle last month. sea level rise by the year 2050 is probably going to be eight inches or less rather than, you know, over two feet which is what the redline would seem to indicate. so, we reported that data back to bcdc since there was interest there and we updated what happened with the fema maps and the fema maps show that large tracks of treasure island along the northwest
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corner are mapped to be in the flood plains and everything in blue is in the flood plain and the city would not allow development or habitable structures to be below this elevation of plus ten. that's not the case with the project. the project has committed for all finished floors to be at an elevation of, instead of ten, the proposal is build around to 13.5. that's what's being done. i think that was it. the other one was to see are there large scale, is there vertical land motion and accelerated sediment on treasure island and the report was, they're still under construction and we haven't see land motion on any scale different than recorded. this isn't tied to climate change at all. this is not tied to sea
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level rise or any other aspect of climate change. so the data at this point really does not indicate there has been a change in the vertical land motion for the bay area so that was a reporting requirement and we concluded that the risk assessment strategy may not need to -- the only place where an allowance may be added to the assessment report is keep in line with this opc guidance, this one right here. if this were -- we would have the data so if data in the next five years indicates that there has been, you know, large scale collapse of i-sheets and glaciers happening and it's in the news which is pushing this trend up, then in that case, we would change the commitment for
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the project to start building those abdications ten years earlier than planned within the document itself. i'll stop there and see if there's questions and stop any sharing screen. >> yes, would you like to go ahead and have i questions as well. >> thank you and i know we have time constraints so i'm going to just pose some questions. definitely we need to bring you back because this is an important matter. let me abstract to the questions you can answer, you can really bring back. the request from the bcdc asking you, is it part of the
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monitoring agreement that we have or is it because they're looking at the data and the acceleration of sea level rise and we know there's an up crease on the king tides and the reason i'm asking those question is it seems to me we need to have our own checkpoint and you can help us -- where we look at this data for the ongoing money train of treasure island, number two i know all these assumptions expectations and if i can present them were built into the development of the island. we get asked this a lot and we have to keep repeating them: based on the information you have and yes or no for those listening are not aware, are you saying that the plan that we have for
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the development on treasure island isn't conformance. we have the new data coming so that's one question and you answered that. >> all the forward looking statements, we put them in a graph. for instance, you mentioned that if the data show the ice glacier, we need to plan ten years for that. the abdication is continue it for eternity. we need to visit and begin to see where we are and where we need to did the planning if all the statements -- is we can have the blueprint and lastly, every -- they're asking the federal government for grants and isn't it time for us and this may be to director
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becker and the commission, to seek the funding we might have in place to put that so we can do this on going study because they're going to be necessary, the development of treasure island. that's what i have for now and i would say we would like to bring you back because i have other questions, thank you, sir. >> sure. >> is there a question linda you wanted answered? which one are you able to answer for me? >> i mean, there's several questions so the question about -- there's the data. -- yes, it's publicly available because this was requirement within the development between tida and b cdc that every five years, the project is going to generate a
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monitoring report which is publicly available. what is opc saying and it summarizes all signs. does the forward looking risk assessment and abdication strategy need to change as a result of the update to sea level rise signs, potentially. if it's higher than the project was built for, we would knee. what are the changes? the changes would be in terms of time. so, if there was a plan to accommodate three and a-feet of -- beyond three-and-a-half feet of sea level rise by the year 2017, we might have to
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accelerate -- that's why i received wore wide attention that upfront so much sea level rise alliance is built into it -- so, for the next 40 years, using the most conservative numbers we're seeing in the world, treasure island is not going to be affect gd for the next 50 years. that's channel, you know, the number was showing. those are the two and i would say -- and i would agree, treasure island become a catalyst and can this -- the documents and the project be leverages to procure additional federal funds for other pieces, yes, i think so. i think things
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like regional land motion and things like techniques for public access techniques and guidelines for setbacks and i think some of those, at least two of the ones i just mentioned, bcdc adopted into their commitment change plan as a part traffic big change itself, so.... >> thank you. did you have your hand up, go ahead? >> i did, thank you. >> thank you, surrender for this really great presentation. i guess one, in the '89 earthquake, i think there was a claim that the island sunk maybe six feet and is that true and is that -- obviously it's a potential problem and i guess this is finally, i wanted to and
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i'm reassured by your presentation that our plan is pretty good now and will go for quite some time without adjustment unless something like a huge earthquake happened. >> so in times of yes, the '89 earthquake had a significant portion along the northwest corner and there was slumping that occurred and the navy had to fix those areas and this was just the nature of the construction practice itself. the way treasure island was built using dredge sand. sand liquifies and the science of lick what fax and techniques did not exist in the 80s and after -- the building codes and the california building codes after the northridge earthquake codes,
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buildings have been up tainted so liquid fashion has to be addressed. the plan with the developer and what they put together is remove liquid fax with the work you're seeing going on, with the surcharge you're seeing, so that will not occur in the future because of all those issues that are being taken care of, so you know, i would -- other than sea level rise, the most significant element that has received international attention for treasure island is the scale of the geotechnical improvements island wide. hopefully that answers -- >> thank you. and would you clarify because in some of your comments, it was that we do expect the sea level rise, the
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abdications to be 30 inches and sometimes three feet and 30 inches and sometimes three-and-a-half. which number was we talking about? >> all three numbers are relevant. the 30 inch number is the alarm going on that we have reached 30 inches, we only have allowance for 36 inches which is three feet so therefore we should start our planning process and start doing the ceqa documents and the, you know, obtains whatever needs to be done so we're allowing for the time that it would take for six inches of sea level rise, between 30 to 36 inches to occur >> i see, thank you. >> the three-and-a-half feet was just the additional allowance that is being built into the finished floors of all
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residential structures on treasure island so even with three feet of sea level rise, the water has -- let's say if no mitigation has been done, the water will come over the perimeter but the buildings will not flood because you have three inches above that. those are the three numbers. >> right. are the ground floor levels of the buildings, aren't they elevated, ground floor levels? >> yes. the ground floor levels and i said first floor. the first floor of the habitable building is elevated to three-and-a-half feet sea level rise allowance. the ground of the first floor, yes. >> and also there's building setbacks from the water's edge and that is also meant to protect those buildings from the affects of sea level rise as well. >> yeah. it gives the room to
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build any additional abdication. if you had to build a ten-foot high, let's say you have ten feet of sea level rise and ten feet of sea level rise we have left so much room on treasure island, you can build an embarcadero edge and you're still protects. >> do we call it the setback? is it one hundred feet or three hundred feet? >> it's three hundred feet all along the west shoreline, the one facing san francisco. it's three hundred feet along that and the north and the east, it's hundreds of feet because you have parks and open spaces there. along clumper cove, you -- clipper cove, there aren't buildings planned so the hangers are within that three hundred feet. >> all the new buildings. >> yeah. >> so, yes. and then is the sea level rise -- the sea level
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different in the bay than along the coast where the ocean water comes in? in terms of the king tide issues, you know, the high tide issues. the once in one hundred year tide, is there a difference in impact for the island in the bay as opposed to the coast? >> there is a big difference only in terms of the energy of the waves that attack the coast verses the waves that would impact treasure island. in the bay, we're protected. we don't have waves that exceed two and a half feet, maybe three feet in certain storm directions and on the open coast, we're seeing more of an impact and that's contributing to more erosion and loss of coastline because of waves. very different than san francisco bay. >> that's right. thank you very
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much. thank you very much for this presentation, as i said, we do enjoy hearing from you. i think that we have a very, again, forward-thinking plan in there was an abdication strategy built into our plan not knowing exactly what the sea level rise was going to be in the future and i think this was very wise that we are able to look at it every five years and monitor and if there's an abdication that's required, we would then do those abdications rather than over build what is necessary. so, thank you very much for your report. >> thank you for having me. >> any public comment, kate? >> no public comment. >> thank you. so, we will go to the next item, i believe. >> eye emnumber 6, legacy household ranking for the transition unit offers.
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>> hello. >> hi, director. i'll start -- >> i think we lost you kate. we can't hear you. >> hi, can you hear me? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> can we hear -- >> okay. >> yeah. yes, thank you. and i would ask bob, you know, we had put this item on the agenda specifically because it had been asked for by one of the directors who is not here today. and i'm wondering if it makes sense to have this report be given to us at another time. i'll leave it to your judgment, bob? >> commissioner. >> go ahead. >> commissioner (indiscernible) at the last meeting, you're correct, pose a series of
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questions and we happen to have these committee hearing and to accommodate the request, we put it in there, so unfortunately, she's not here today. the question basically that she raise based because there's an upcoming lottery -- raised because there's an upcoming lottery around housing and it sanctions around that and maybe just -- just outline where we are right now, and the lotteries taken place and are the residents apprised. not going into the full presentation of what we would be presenting but the status as to where we are and this lottery, maybe it can be generic enough to answer those questions, so that's my
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suggestion. >> i'd also ask kate, do we have members of the public that are here to, you can see? >> we do not. no members of the public on. >> they may watch later. >> what i would propose though is we did have some slides prepared kind of summarizing what the legacy ranking is and summarizing the information that was shared with residents at the two open houses that were held. and then we also had a summary of the outreach efforts, so what -- i think what i would proposed because we have discussed before the need to do the ranking, what i would propose is we go straight to the summary of the outreach efforts and then potentially bring this back for a future conversation >> yeah. where we are
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specifically with the upcoming lotto so we can bring it back. just something simple. we don't need to go back to all the other stuff that we have done. >> mike wants to have a comment, yes, mike. >> yeah. i think there were some misunderstandings about the lottery and so it might be good to run through it and so we can reference back to this meeting. >> good. thank you. so then we'll go ahead with the presentation and particularly the summary and then, again, refreshing the public's memory about the process, lottery. >> kate, can you allow me to share content? >> yes, you should have it.
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>> i will drive the slide deck for karen and myself today. karen from associated right-of-way services who are treasure island advisors led the outreach effort for the meetings and the -- also co-presented the material there. we're talking today about what we are, what we've called a legacy household ranking ask that's just an effort to -- ask that's just an effort -- and that's just an effort to -- i'm sorry, people see my presentation now. >> yes. >> i see it. >> yeah. >> it determines the order in which households established
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prior to the dda and prior to june of 2011 will be offered the transition unit benefit available to them under the transition housing rules and regulations. the t hr, they established the households would have the offer of a transition unit which is a replacement unit so they can continue to be part of this community as it moves into the future. advisory assistance moving payment and pre-marketing notices, they also have the option, if they choose not to take the transition unit, to take in in lieu cash payment or take down payment assistance toward the purchase of either a below market rate or market rate
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con toe and there are a number of opportunities that we've also provided through implementation policies as we have gone through this process. but the ranking is proposed to be done on -- done on may 5th. and mayor's office of housing and community development will conduct the lottery for us because a, they have the software systems for conducting this type of ranking. and indeed they have the facilities and the systems for live web casting the process so people can observe it in real time as it occur so we're working with the mayor's house of work development. two questions that came up through some of the meetings to mark's
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point, there's no action that's required of households before the ranking occurs. and after the ranking occurs, there's no immediate action or decision that households are going to be required to make. what this ranking will do is allow people to know relevant to the overall population of 164 legacy households, how soon they may receive an office of a transition unit and in our first transition units will be in the mercy -- as the building is being constructed, we will first seek legacy households who wish to be located to that building to volunteer for the opportunity to occupy those 23 transition
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units and then as construction advances, whatever units have, people have not volunteered to take, we will fin the process of -- we'll begin the process of making transition offers to households in the order of the legacy household ranking. based on the availability of appropriately sized units, the remind their this building will include 23 transition units, five of which are four bedroom units. 23, i'm sorry, 14 of which are three bedroom units and four of which are two bedroom units so if people are entitled to a four bedroom unit, the highest ranked person will, who is entitled to a four bedroom unit will be offer one of those four bedroom units but it's not the top 23 offered transition units because perhaps
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the top ten households are all entitled to four bedroom units you we only have four we room units so we'll keep going down the ranking until we reach people who are entitled to three bedroom units and so forth. in terms of conducting the ranking, it is going to be a random ranking but the households that live on avenue b or gate view avenue will be moved to the top of the rankings because those areas are some of the first areas that will be impacted by development and you see here, the future development area in this purple area here is avenue b and gate view, so this is some of the first area that will be heavily impacted by development so that's why those households
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will be at the top of the ranking. just -- this illustrates that same area, this purple area what we offer called the 1300 series housing because most of these households have an address that begins with 1300. that was are the third phase of the navy's build out of the housing and in an area heavily impact in the early phase of development. and so, when -- they offer the transition units, households will have the option of accepting that transition offeror taking -- offer or taking the transition unit and claiming in the in lieu payment that's the transition under the housing and regulations. in either case, they'll need to
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vacate their current unit. just i'll go quickly through this in terms of other options and renting -- or indelusion natury affordable -- inclusionary units and four buildings completed in the same timeframe with inclue nationary rental units or the option of the in lieu cash payment and this shows the pipeline of projects that we expect to see in the next three years, the units at the top are all part of the mercy catholic charities building. the catholic charities replacement units, the '23 transition units and additional 43 units and then in addition to that, there will be more than five hundred market rate units in buildings that have an additional 39
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inclusionary, both rental and affordable units and inclue nation ear below market rate -- inclue natury below market rate units. as we look forward into 2025, there will be a few more opportunities as well. so then i wanted to also really highlight the outreach that was done prior to the meeting and communications that have been made subsequent to the meeting and so, i'll turn it over to karen to describe their efforts. >> great, thank you, bob. as many of you know, we have traditionally used e-mails from resident who's have signed up with us -- residents who have signed us with and encouraged them to join our portal system so that's where the documents live and we can communicate with them and we use door hangers to
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reach different groups, so in this case, our focus was the legacy households. so, as you know, we have quite a few residents at the villages on treasure island but we were targeting the legacy households. in our conversation, legacy household means legacy how hold or mixed household that has legacy residents in it. so, all together we have 164 legacy or mixed households. we reached out to them, originally we reached out to the kag members to let them know what was happening and march 25th, we sent e-mails to 270 legacy residents and that's individual occupants who we need to be legacy, sent 270 in english and 42 in spanish as you can see, we had 162 were open
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does we can track how they're open in english and 20 in spanish. we know that sometimes that's duplicated, we have two or more e-mails per household. so we know at least we reached half the households and we assume quite a few of those folks were sharing it with their roommates or family members as well. we delivered 164 door hangers so we were sure we reached every legacy household and we sent reminder notices on april 5th. the count there, we sent it to 70 and 150 open. 42 in spanish, 18 were open. ultimately, we held the meetings on evening of the 6th and the morning, saturday morning on the 9th. we had a total of 66 attendees. and the graphic on right is just one of the information outreach documents we used. next slide, bob. >> sorry. forgot i was driving.
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>> yeah, well.... so, we wanted to let you know what the follow up is between april 1st and 9th and we provided information and sent out links to the legacy ffq's which is a the multiple page document where we were laying out information for people so they can reference it as needed and april 6th to the present, we've had phone discussions, e-mails and meetings with over 22 legacy residents and sending them copies of the powerpoint. sending them faq's. we sent them links to the recorded meeting. we discussed legacy ranking date because as director dunlap mentioned, there were confusion and we wanted to make sure the people confused were, we were giving as much information as possible. and we had over 120 residents log into the portal to access documents specific to them or common documents like the faq's and then on the 18th,
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which is a couple of days ago, we sent another e-mail out to everyone with live links and said, hey, this is where you can get a copy of all documents we referenced and we want to make sure you have reference to everything. next slide. so this is just, for those not engaged in the portal and you have every opportunity to do that if you like and we're happy to sign you up, these are the documents that live on that portal and we have 787 resident who's have portal accounts and 120 are accessed since we started this legacy outreach in the sixth. we have the h and r and marketing replace forms and premarketing notices and letters to the residents and frequently asked questions and questions about below market rating -- so they understand their rights. those who live there can access it
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anytime. next. again, this tells you the different things on the portal so we can reach everybody. our next goals really are, we had the virtual meeting in april. and we're continuing to reach out to anybody who contacts us and we're having that rank, legacy housing ranking at noon and recorded. a week leg we will see the legacy households a letter saying you don't have to did anything. we want you to know where you are with the ranking and we're happen tee to talk to you now so you understand what's going on and the benefits available to you and we'll contact you when we're ready to offer you units. that's a quick summary of the work we've been doing the last month or so.. >> thank you very much. and i'm sure we have questions by the
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board. mark, do you have your hand up? >> i have a question. more of a comment i guess. i've heard from some residents that they thought it was important to be at the ranking and it would make a difference to their immediate future but that's not the case, right? >> i would say that's the case. go ahead, bob. >> no, go ahead. >> i would say that's not the case. we're just doing the ranking and then we're going to give everybody the information. it's not an opportunity for any, i don't think, for community engagement there except to observe it and make sure it's all as discussed. >> and just one more question. would tenants
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hopefully people who are potentially facing the prospect of making a decision with the c .13 building, they can explore the other alternatives that may be available to them in the same timeframe, so i think that's the important thing is for people to know relatively amongst where they stand. you know, 23 units is 15% of our legacy household population, so those that are near the top of the ranking, you know, need to be thinking about some of these options and you know, there are options like affordable units, be they for sale or inclusionary where you know, a lot of our residents have been here for some time and they may be thinking for instance of retiring and that
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resulting in a change in their household income, so although they might not qualify for bmr unit today, they might want to look at the other decisions that they're going to be facing in their life and perhaps if they make a design to retire -- decision to retire and they go to a fixed income, perhaps affordable unit may be an option. it's about providing some -- providing households with relevant information so they can really think through this very complex decision. and have it not be a rushed decision when a transition unit offer is made. sorry. >> okay, thank you. linda, you have a question but can i note it's 2:50 and i have to close at
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3:00. so -- >> absolutely. this is important, you know, the item. again, for people that are watching, we pulled this item because commissioner lashando raised this question. i asked for summaries because this issue about (indiscernible) is going to be -- to be asked so i'm glad to see the data you have provided and your presentation shows you're using e-mails and door hangers and using your portal account, so let me ask a question, since the commissioner is not here, we know it's a milestone. we need to keep having these lottos so people know where they are. they have reached this point because this process has been going on for
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years so everybody needs to be on the same page. and hypothetically on may 5th, and mo hcd knows what they're doing ask they do this everyday -- and they do this everyday, will there be household that comes out may 5th or 6th and say they're not aware of this process and you'll be able to look into (indiscernible) and be able to present. give them an opportunity before may 5th because that's going to happen. please, for the sake of this meeting and for the public, that's basically what we need to do there. everybody should be apprised of this process given all the combination of the outreach processes that is being utilized so that's what i want
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to kind of hear from you. >> thank you, director richardson. we intend to did a follow up to everybody right before the ranking but as i said it, it's something we're going to be observing with hocd and we'll sent out letter asks help them understand what happened during the ranking and where their household falls, so again, nothing really happens for at least a year, so we're available to answer questions about each person's specific opportunity. and so, i'm sure people will continue to reach out to us and we'll continue to track our outreach efforts and how successful they are, so but again, the outreach efforts we've been doing are specifically the legacy residents and households and those on the island so when we hear that people aren't hearing
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about this, it could be that they're not legacy residents. >> thank you so much, karen. >> and as a legacy resident, do they need to do anything? you're saying they don't have to do anything, they automatically enter into that ranking lottery by the mayor's office of housing? >> correct. correct. we have a clear records of who we understand are legacy households and we've been reacccccccccccccc in this san francisco office, there are about 1400 employees. and they're working in roughly 400,000 square feet. we were especially pleased that
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cleanpowersf offers the super green 100% clean energy, not only for commercial entities like ours, but also for residents of the city of san francisco. we were pleased with the package of services they offered and we're now encouraging our employees who have residence in san francisco to sign on as well. we didn't have any interruption of service or any problems with the switch over to cleanpowersf. this clean power opportunity reflects that. i would encourage any large business in san francisco to seriously consider converting and upgrading to the cleanpowersf service. it's good for the environment, it's good for business and it's
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>> the bicycle coalition was giving away 33 bicycles so i applied. i was happy to receive one of them. >> the community bike build program is the san francisco coalition's way of spreading the joy of biking and freedom of biking to residents who may not have access to affordable transportation. the city has an ordinance that we worked with them on back in 2014 that requires city agency goes to give organizations like the san francisco bicycle organization a chance to take bicycles abandoned and put them to good use or find new homes
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for them. the partnerships with organizations generally with organizations that are working with low income individuals or families or people who are transportation dependent. we ask them to identify individuals who would greatly benefit from a bicycle. we make a list of people and their heights to match them to a bicycle that would suit their lifestyle and age and height. >> bicycle i received has impacted my life so greatly. it is not only a form of recreation. it is also a means of getting connected with the community through bike rides and it is also just a feeling of freedom. i really appreciate it. i am very thankful. >> we teach a class. they have to attend a one hour
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class. things like how to change lanes, how to make a left turn, right turn, how to ride around cars. after that class, then we would give everyone a test chance -- chance to test ride. >> we are giving them as a way to get around the city. >> just the joy of like seeing people test drive the bicycles in the small area, there is no real word. i guess enjoyable is a word i could use. that doesn't describe the kind of warm feelings you feel in your heart giving someone that sense of freedom and maybe they haven't ridden a bike in years. these folks are older than the normal crowd of people we give bicycles away to. take my picture on my bike. that was a great experience.
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there were smiles all around. the recipients, myself, supervisor, everyone was happy to be a part of this joyous occasion. at the end we normally do a group ride to see people ride off with these huge smiles on their faces is a great experience. >> if someone is interested in volunteering, we have a special section on the website sf you can sign up for both events. we have given away 855 bicycles, 376 last year. we are growing each and every year. i hope to top that 376 this year. we frequently do events in bayview. the spaces are for people to come and work on their own bikes
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or learn skills and give them access to something that they may not have had access to. >> for me this is a fun way to get outside and be active. most of the time the kids will be in the house. this is a fun way to do something. >> you get fresh air and you don't just stay in the house all day. it is a good way to exercise. >> the bicycle coalition has a bicycle program for every community in san francisco. it is connecting the young, older community. it is a wonderful outlet for the community to come together to have some good clean fun. it has opened to many doors to the young people that will usually might not have a bicycle. i have seen them and they are thankful and i am thankful for this program.
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>> in the bay area as a whole, thinking about environmental sustainability. we have been a leader in the country across industries in terms of what you can do and we have a learn approach. that is what allows us to be successful. >> what's wonderful is you have so many people who come here and they are what i call policy innovators and whether it's banning plastic bags, recycling, composting, all the different things that we can do to improve the environment. we really champion. we are at recycle cenl,
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