tv Public Utilities Commission SFGTV April 29, 2022 9:00am-11:30am PDT
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>> good morning, san francisco. give yourselves a hand for being out here at 4:45. i am a native san franciscan and once again, you hearty, crazy folks have come together to honor the memories of san franciscans who survived being tossed from their beds 116 years ago this morning at 5:12 or 5:11 or 5:13 depending on which native tells the tale. and 116 years ago, powerful seismic waves roared across a prosperous city of san francisco. and experts today estimate the colossal earthquake was around 7.9 on the modern magnitude
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scale. by the end of the first day, there were 26 aftershocks and would succumb to a raging inferno that showed no mercy to the bewildered citizens for 74 hours. the following year is a brief timeline events that they faced and i would like to give you a moment by moment description of what happened to the city and the citizens on this morning 116 years ago. later, i will introduce to you some of the fellow san franciscans who work every day to be survivors of the inevitable next big one. wednesday, april 18, 1906, 5:12 a.m. a great fore shock is felt throughout the san francisco bay area. some 20 to 25 second later, san francisco residents are awakened by a tremor 45 to 60 seconds long measuring 7.9 on that
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modern magnitude scale. the first casualties from the massive quake occur when low rent tenements in the south of market district collapse. hundreds are killed as the liquefied ground swallows the homes and added the death toll as collapsed structures immediately catch fire and prevent rescue attempts and fire chief is fatally wounded during the earthquake and would die four days later on a spire tower of the california hotel collapsed onto the fire station home. and due to severe earthquake damage, telephone and telegraph communication within the city is impossible. a few messages are sent around the world via the pacific cable before that line, too, fails. 6:00 a.m., san francisco mayor eugene schmitz is unaware of the
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severity of the quake and he leaves the safety of his home and heads downtown and sees the enormous scale of that disaster and are available to report to the mayor at the hall of justice and some 1700 soldiers come to the aid of both residents and firefighters. 8:14 a.m., a mayor aftershock strikes and causes many of the damaged buildings still standing to collapse. throughout the day, the city suffers 26 aftershocks. each one slowing the already overstretched rescue effort. fires rage and spread through the city and are not stopped until 74 hours later. many of san francisco's finest buildings collapse under the fire storms. firefighters begin dynamiting buildings to create fire breaks. it is now the afternoon and is 1:00 p.m. that day. the temporary hospital setup outside city hall is abandoned due to the impending fire break. the sick and injured are forced to evacuate to temporary camps throughout the city and in parks
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on the edge of town. 3:00 p.m., mayor appoints a city of 350 comprised of the citizens businessmen and hearing reports of looting, the mayor orders a shoot to kill and the evening is now 8:00 p.m., hopes of saving downtown are dashed as a new blaze breaks out and shifting winds push the fires toward the heart of the city. 9:00 p.m., firefighters make a stand at union square on powell street, but the fire breaches the line and continues relentlessly up knob hill. the california governor arrives to assess the damage and declares the day a bank holiday. the three main newspapers of san francisco borrow the presses of an oakland paper to print a special joint edition. 6:00 p.m., responding to wireless telegraph message, the u.s.s. chicago arrives to help
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in the relief efforts. the great fire reached van ness avenue which is 125 feet wide. mayor finally agrees to let the army create a massive fire break in the hopes it can stop the raging inferno. this decision means abandoning dozen of city blocks, many filled with mansions, to the fire. the rich spectators who spent the day watching the fire finally realize their homes won't be saved an will soon burn. friday, april 20, 1906 at 5:00 a.m., the fire break ativan ness finally holds and the westward progression is halted. mayor schmitz makes a battle and rescue 20,000 refugees, an unprecedented evacuation by sea. saturday, april 21, 1906, and 7:15 a.m. and after all flames were extinguished, the mayor
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declares the fire over. sunday, april 22, 1906, cable cars begin running on market street. and now april 18, 2022. present day. today, no one knows when the next great quake will come. but san francisco is doomed to relive the horrific events of 1906 because the san andreaa fault never rests. it may strike tomorrow or not for 100 year, but it might just strike as the city sleeps tonight. all right. kind of scary. it really is, but good morning once again, everybody. we gather today on the 116th anniversary of the great earthquake and fire to remember those who were lost. every year since the 20s, the hearty san franciscans survived and just as we were doing so today. several years ago once all of the actual survivors had passed, we pledged to be here and as
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carl nolte summed it up specifically and with the applause for that and in a few moments we will hear from esteemed san franciscans including london breed, and mayor willie brown and the sheriff and deputy department of emergency management executive director mary ellen harrell. as you know, covid kept us from commemorating officially in the last few years. and we were caught up with the honorary survivors for the last three years. dave eberly, give dave a nice hand. he is a terrific guy that does so much work on this. lieutenant jonathan baxter, atomic pio of the san francisco fire department. and former chief, fire chief, joann hayes white is probably here. give her a nice hand.
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besides the 3,000 lives lost in 1906, we like to dedicate today's ceremony to the friend and colleague ron ross. ron was founder of the san francisco history association who passed away on february 2. he was a moving force and continuing the traditions of never forgetting our rich history here in his adopted san francisco. although ron is gone, i can feel the new yorker spirit with us on this stage this morning. we are also dedicating today to charlotte schultz, the city of san francisco and state of california, chief of property coal. charlotte was better known as the ambassador of san francisco. let's give her a hand in ab stensia. and she was responsible for putting them on the map. charlotte, you, too, are missed but your spirit lives on during
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so many great civic events like this one. and lastly we like to acknowledge a little known group of commemoration events over the past i don't know how many years but the guardians of the city and give the guardians of the city a nice hand, folks. they are a nonprofit organization charged with the preservation of stewardship and all emergency service history and includes the fire department and the sheriff's department and e.m.s. for the city and county of san francisco. and all this on and gather the last 12 years. give dave a hand. great guy. we would be remiss if we forgot to mention and the housekeeper doing this even longer and told me 34 years and so long you can't remember when he started. and thank you for decades of maintaining this important position of housekeeper,
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everybody. how we doing? we have a few great local celebrities and dignitaries to bring up the first, one of my favorites, and i love spro deucing him and is always fun because he says, san francisco, which i enjoy and love introducing him. known as the mayor from 1996 to 2004 and personified and please welcome former mayor, the honorable mayor willie lewis brown jr. you can take it off if you want. >> i will. i i am not that tall. >> 34 years ago, roaming around late nights as i usually do and still do, i ran this guy lee
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housekeeper. i thought that was a phony name or descriptive. however, he said to me, you are looking for votes, and i said, yes, i am looking for votes. if you can put water in a fountain on third, kearney and market, you will get my vote and my support. first of all, i didn't think he was a voter anyway, but i wanted to amuse him and there is no question of whatever you said about that fountain, it will be fixed. and lo and behold, our own public works department along with the emergency service people actually made it work and it still worked. this is a symbol, literally a symbol of how san francisco can really recover. and i'm going to tell you that i have been here year in and year out since being elected mayor of
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the city. no longer mayor of the city, but i have been here all 34 years. i will continue to come back as often as i can because this is really the spirit of the city. and what i love is this early in the morning, to show up to commemorate how the resurrection of the city occurred and how you represent literally the blood linkage to the people who caused the city to come back. when they talked about -- who would have been able to direct everything during the quake, and then fire chief sullivan is just amazing how quickly everybody else came together without his great leadership for the purpose of trying to save our city and save
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our city did. i would urge every one of you to read the column on sunday. it is a very good one because for the first time, you now know that san francisco had some of everybody then as it does today and making the city what it is. and i am just delighted that at some point you asked me to be your mayor. you didn't pay me much. but then i may not be worth much. all right. thank you very much. and welcome. >> thank you. it is always an event when willie is here, isn't it? >> one more time for willie brown now. come on now. i love this. i get to say this just handed to me and you know who is here today? the grand nephew of mayor eugene schimtz is here today. right here?
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here he is. a nice hand for joe right here. grand nephew of eugene schmitz. wow. i feel like ed sullivan, for crying out loud. anybody else out there? great. and now it is time to introduce someone i have never been able to introduce and an honor for me, he is our fire chief. she hasn't even been in office that long and active in the street crisis response team and worked on firefighter safety, disaster preparedness and is really well equipped to talk about what we're talking about today. would you welcome the fire chief janine nicholson. >> nice to see you. >> and greetings and salutations to everyone. so fies nice to see you and the fabulous outfits. i wear the same thing every year. we are resilient and the san francisco fire department is ready for anything that comes
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our way whether it be fires, whether it be medical calls, whether it be earthquakes. we are here for you and it is just a pleasure to be here, to celebrate our 1906 rising from the ashes. and if need be, we will do it again because we are resilient san francisco. thank you. >> thank you, chief. pleasure to meet you here. gosh, we got lots of dignitaries. the next gentleman, five years and counting after 27 years in los angeles selected to lead us after a national search and i am glad we have him. welcome our police chief bill scott, everybody. i am a fan. >> thank you. >> good morning, everybody. good morning, everybody! all right. thank you, thank you. this is great to be back. to be back here. no rain, great weather, and i
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want to echo what i call the fire chief my pilot because i am her wingman. i wanted to echo what she said about the resiliency of the city and it goes back years and every time we have a challenge, we show the world what the city is made of. i want to say thank you to my public safety partners, fire department, and the sheriff and his team. we have deputy chief here and this is a great city and we show the world how we do it. resilience is san francisco. thank you and good morning. >> thank you, chief. a professional model there. okay, good. this is good. we have more folks here that are really in part of what we are talking about this morning. the next gentleman at 37 and first asian american sheriff in california history and a lowell
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high school grad and a calguy. wow. can you play offensive tackle, choef? we need a couple of those guys. would you welcome sheriff paul miamoto. right here? >> good morning, everybody. just really quick note. i wouldn't want to dismiss my past other than saying i am not actually a cal graduate. i am a davis graduate like our mayor who is about to come up, too. i want to say and echo what the chiefs have all said. we are here for your and will always been and always will be. one thing i want to point out is we can use your help. all of us in public safety have a need to fill the ranks and get more people interested in serving the community in the capacity as a firefighter, police officer, or deputy sheriff. i would ask for all of you to ask all of your friend, family, loved ones and continue the service in public safety and ask
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the family and friends to consider a career in public service as well. and we are here now to celebrate and i know there is other people coming up. thank you very much for being here and thank you for celebrating what resilience san francisco is. >> terrific, all right. thank you very much, sheriff. now, this is really where the rubber meets the road. this lady has been here since only 2018 and she has 25 years experience in emergency management, which is what we're talking about. my pleasure to welcome from the department of emergency management, the director mary ellen carol. >> take your time, too. >> all right. good morning, everyone. every year we come here and i have been here since 2018, but only in this job since then. and every year we come here to honor what happened in the city,
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to remember our resilience and also remember that we live in earthquake country. and we have to be prepared for whatever is going to happen again. and one of -- we have emerged or are emerging from the pandemic and the pandemic proved that san francisco is a global leader in emergency response under the leadership of the mayor. we took the right actions early and at the right time. and here we are again rising from the different kind of ashes. it is an incredible honor of my life to be in the city and work for the mayor and to lead all of us through what was unimaginable probably in our lifetime. and no matter what happens next in san francisco, we know we can get through and we now have
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hundreds, actually thousands of city employees who worked as the disaster service workers who now understand what it is to stand up and respond to an emergency. i am more confident than ever that no matter what befalls us in the city, we will be okay and we will rise. >> thank you very much. >> coup of quick introductions and now give emperor norton a hand. where is he hanging out? and lily is making an appearance and lola. i don't know where she is from and nice hearing from those three. >> good morning. lotta crabtree is here. i knew you were counting on that one, too. and my pleasure to introduce the
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current mayor and the pride of high school and also in the sorority called delta theta sigma. i wanted a few more things to say. mayor london breed. >> thank you. and thank you to everyone who is joining us very early in the morning. in san francisco we take having seriously. i want to acknowledge all the people who came dressed about 1906 including the ladies and gentlemen of decades of fashion who dressed me and we take money having seriously. san francisco is an amazing city and the challenges they have
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faced and this global pandemic, something none of us could have ever anticipated and i am grateful to represent the extraordinary and resilient city. we made that to shut down the city and it was unimaginable to take the serious steps, but guess what? it paid off. san francisco was really the envy of the pandemic because our first responders, and the emergency management and police and fire departments and others and city employees stepped up as disaster service workers, but more importantly, just like in the 1906 earthquake, we came together. we came together to look out for one another and to support one another. we got tired every now and then and tired of zoom and the
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different meetings and ultimately what we saw is one of the lowest death rates in the country, although we are one of the densest cities. one of the highest vaccination rates. we are seeing our city re-open and come alive again and we are stepping up and putting back the pieces just like we did during 1906. this city, 80% of it burned. over 3,000 people lost their lives. and i know there were probably people who were discouraged and felt, what do we do now? i also know there were more people who stepped up and said let's rebuild. let's make san francisco better than it's ever been before and as a result, we came back. earthquake safety buildings and other changes. we learn from that earthquake what to do to make san francisco more strong and resilient than ever before. and those same lessons continue
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to carry us to this very day. i want to thank the first responders of the city and all the extraordinary work they do and chief nicholson, chief scott, mary ellen carol and the cardians of the city and thank you to many of the historians and the people who continue to come here tom and time again to keep this alive and to make sure that although we may not have anyone still alive from the 1906 earthquake, this is a city that will still remember. remember the path and what makes san francisco so extraordinary and so amazing and as probably everyone is thinking today, a reminder of how when we are down, we are not out. and we continue to rise stronger than ever before. thank you, all, so much for being here this morning. >> nice job. mayor london nicole breed. that is her middle name.
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give her a nice hand. she is the mayor, for crying out loud. yes, yes. i got it. thank you. i know what i am doing. okay, good. this year's fountain wreath is dedicated to ron ross and charlotte shut schultz and the memories of san franciscans who died 116 years ago and those who lived to rebuild san francisco from the ashes. now it is awfully close. i have another minute. let's talk among ourselves. i am just kidding. even though maybe we are a minute or two, maybe less than two minutes, it is time for a moment of silence to remember those who perished and those who survived to rebuild san francisco. a moment of silence starting now.
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[siren] they figured it out perfectly. a nice hand for the fire department here today. they do a great job. so i want to thank you, ladies and gentlemen. and now it has been the tradition that i am told dates back to the earliest of commemorations to sing one of two official songs for the 1936mgm motion picture san francisco. and forever associated with both our fair city and the 1906 great earthquake and fire. here so lead us is lily hitchcock. and the executive director of the human rights commission.
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come on up. time far little singing. >> it is a pleasure. >> you got the words? everybody remembers this is my 48th year of coming. and carl nolte and thank you for the beautiful column, carl. mayor, you look extraordinary. really, beautiful job. everybody ready? let's do it. it only takes a tiny corner of this great big world to find a
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place we love. my home upon the hill. i still love you still. i've been away but now i'm back to tell you. san francisco, open your golden gate. we'll let no stranger wait outside your door. san francisco, here is your wondering one. saying i'll wonder no more. other places only make me love you best. tell me you're the heart of all the golden west. san francisco, i'm coming home again. i'm coming home to go wandering no more.
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here is to ron, ross, and charlotte. >> thank you. a nice hand of applause for lily and cheryl. that wrap it up for the commemoration of the 1906 great earthquake and fire. give yourself a nice round of applause, please. it was nice having you here. and if you are so inclined, make your way to the golden hydrant at 28th street and church street with the annual guilding of the fire hydrant that saved the mission district take place here. thanks for being here. thanks very much. we will see you next year. >> good afternoon. i'd like to call to order the april 26 meeting. please call the roll. [roll call 1234678ed
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[roll call] this meeting is being held in person at san francisco city hall room 400 as authorized by the california government code section 54953e and mayor breed's february 25, 2020 emergency proclamation. all individuals present and attending the meeting today that building rules must be adhered to at all times. hand sanitizer stations are available throughout the building and masks are available upon request at any of city hall entrances. we welcome the public's participation during public comment periods. for each item, the commission will take two minutes of public comment, first from people attending the meeting in person and then from people attending the meeting remotely. members of the public may provide remote public comment by dialing 415-6555-0001, meeting i.d. 24958618325 ##and pressing star 3 to raise your hand to speak. you must limit your comments to the topic of agenda item
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being discussed unless you are speaking in a general public comment and remind you if you do not stay on the topic, the chair can interrupt and ask you to limit your comments to the agenda item. we ask that public comments be made in a civil and respectful manner and address your remarks to the commission as a whole, not to individual commissioners and staff. on behalf of the commission, i would like to extend our thanks to sfgov tv staff for their assistance during the meeting. >> thank you. and before moving with the first item, i would like the announce that the spuc is on the unceded lands of the tribe and we also recognize that every citizen residing within the greater bay area has and continues to benefit from the
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use and occupation of the founding in 1932. it is important that we not only recognize the history of the tribal lands on which we reside but also acknowledge and honor the fact that the people have establish add working partnership with the sfpuc and are productive and flourishing members within the many greater san francisco bay-area communities today. madame secretary, please call the first item. >> the first item is item 3, adopt renewed finding to allow hybrid, in-person meetings during the covid-19 emergency and direct the commission's secretary to agdize a similar resolution at commission meeting within the next 30 days. >> there any discussion on this item? if not, may i have a medication and a second? >> we need public comment. >> yeah. and public comment, of course. >> thank you.
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members of the bhoubl wish to make two minutes of public comment, press star 3 to speak. any members present that would wish to make comment on this item? do we have any callers? >> there is one caller in the queue. >> caller: this is for item number 3, state urgency legislation. >> no callers in the queue. >> thank you. public comment is closed. >> do i have a second? >> i'll second. >> and a second. i'll call the roll, please. [roll call] >> you have four ayes. >> thank you. the item passes. next item? >> next item is item 4, approval of the minutes of
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april 12, 2022. >> any additions or corrections to the minutes. seeing none, please open for public comment. >> members of the bhoubl wish to make two mince of remote public comments, specifically on item number 4, approval of the minutes of april 12, please star 3 to raise your hand to speak. are there any members of the public present which wish to provide comment on this item? seeing none, do we have any callers on item 4? >> madame secretary, there are no callers in the queue. >> thank you. public comment on item 4 is closed. >> and on the minutes of april 12, may have a motion and a second? >> seconded. >> call the roll. [roll call] >> you have four ayes. >> and the minutes are adopted. next item, please.
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>> this item is item number 5, general public comment. members of the public who wish to make two minutes of remote general public comment on matters that are within the commission's jurisdiction and are not on today's agenda, please press star 3 to raise your hand to speak. do we have any members of the public who wish to make general public comment? mr. moderator, do we have any callers in the queue? >> madame secretary, there are three callers in the queue. >> thank you. >> caller, i've opened your line. you have two minutes. >> caller: my name is francisco [inaudible]. first and foremost, i would like to hear what y'all have done or adjudicated on community benefits. this is a very serious issue
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[inaudible] sitting on the chair for nothing has been done about community benefits linked to the sewer system improvement projects. and now i hear that a contractor, alex smith, who was suspended is allowed to proceed on the project linked to the sewer system improvement project. is that the task of operations by adjudications that you commissioners will allow? or are you listening for the first time during public comment about how this [inaudible] way of doing business is being done? and i also believe that [inaudible] now works for city administrator. quit circulating the crooks
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instead of getting rid of them. thank you very much. >> thank you for your comment. next caller, i opened your line. you have two minutes. >> caller: thank you. i'm marty and i have a white water rafting business on the tuowalomi river and i met with sfpuc folks last wednesday and i wanted to thank you so much for supporting the utility's abilities to manage the river with flows that enable white water recreation. this is a significant tourist industry for and vital to the economy and health of touwalami count and since 1984, the san francisco board of supervisors supported the [inaudible] status for the river despite the in aboutsing there were three dams being proposed at the time and that the commission
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has been very supportive since then and i just would like to applaud your support and the continued work that enables us -- enabilities us to [inaudible] to thrive. thank you very much. thank you. >> thank you for your comment. >> next caller, your line is open. you have two minutes. >> thank you. good afternoon, mr. chair. and members of the commission. my name is nate rangel, president of a trade association called california outdoors and we represent commercial outfitters on public resources, including those on the tuolomi. we were at the meeting with marty and your staff last thursday and i wanted to the just reiterate what marty said. we're appreciative of the work that your staff does in balancing the needs of your
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constituents and of those communities, both in that area and across the state. so we look forward to continuing to work with your staff and finding, you know, [inaudible] for the resources and communities and for your constituents. thank you for your time. >> thank you for your comment. next caller, i've opened your line. you have two minutes. >> caller: yes, thank you. my name is teresa. i'm the california stewardship director for american whitewater. our mission is to protect and restore america's white water resources and enhance opportunitis to enjoy them safely. when last i spoke to the commission on april 12, i spoke of the impacts of the hydro power market on recreational flow patterns and i am calling today to, first of all, thank hhwp staff for hosting the annual
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river recreation coordination meetings. i did join marty and i did join may at that meeting and just wanted to say having a tentative flow summary for the season as well as getting answers to some of our questions regarding the impacts of changing energy markets to ours flows was greatly appreciated and i just wanted to add that we look forward to having a further discussion on this topic. thank you so much. >> thank you for your comment. madame secretary, there are no more caller in the queue. >> thank you. general public comment is closed. >> thank you. next item, please. >> next item is item 6, communications. >> commissioners, any questions or comments on communications? provided to us. seeing none, public comment, please. >> members of the public who wish to make two minutes of remote public comments
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specifically on item number 6, communications, press star 3 to raise your hand to speak. any members of public present who wish to make comment on item 6, communications. seeing none, mr. moderator, do we have any callers? >> madame secretary, there is one caller in the queue. hello, caller. i've opened your line. you have two minutes. >> caller: thank you. and good afternoon. this is peter dreckmeyer from the toulomi river trust. we hope to track your request. one recent request that is missing came from former commissioner harrington on november 9, 2021 following the drought conditions update on that agenda. commission kerr harrington stated -- and we have all of this information about supply and demand of the water,
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would it be possible to take a look at this report and see if we can have some environmental measures in there also about the health of the river. to which mr. richie responded, yes, we can do that. but after receiving a response, commissioner harrington brought up the request again in january to which mr. richie said staff would have something in february. but nothing ever materialized and now the item isn't even listed on the outstanding commission request report. i urge you to add that. today's [inaudible] on this log includes inadequate response to president moran's request for explanation of the disparity between plan bay area population projections and those produced by the california department of finance. the population projections in your plan are four times greater than those from the departments of finance. president moran's request on july 16, 2021, which is nine months ago, was be given information about the differences between department of finance and plan bay area and what those
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differences really are. and within that, one portion of that reflects legal mandates such as affordable housing targets and what is more aspirational. staff failed to answer these questions. however, the respobs is in today's agenda pack society you can discuss it. i encourage you to invite staff to answer president moran's questions here today. thank you very much. >> thank you for your comment. madame secretary, there are no more callers in the queue. >> thank you. public comment on item 6 is closed. >> next item. >> next item is item number 7. san francisco public utilities commission employee retirement recognitions for distinguished service to the san francisco public utilities commission and the city and county of san francisco. >> thank you, madame secretary. commissioners, i'm honored to introduce and recognize three outstanding individuals who have recently retired from the public utilities commission after having served in the department for
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more than 25 years. i'm going to read some resolutions for them and, at the end, invite folks up for photos if they're available. the first is john martin. in recognition of his 25 years of service to the city and county of san francisco, i'd like to recognize john who retired in january after working for 25 years as a
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stationary engineer at the southeast treatment plant. while john's not able to appear publicly, we want to thank him and show our gratitude for his service to the p.u.c. and i'm going to read this resolution. whereas john martin exemplifies tireless commitment and dedication to the maintenance of the equipment used at the southeast treatment plant, which improves the lives of san francisco residents, and whereas john is known as the, quote, unofficial centrifuge expert, closed quote, due to his dedication to equipment, old and new for the good of the city and county of san francisco and its employees and whereas the consistent fortitude exhibitsed by john, that of strength and meticulousness, provided a contagious work ethic with his colleagues that led to enjoyable experiences for all and whereas john is passionately worked to improve the longevity of all the equipment assigned to the southeast treatment plant to organizing detail step by step information and mechanical ingenuity and whereas an engaged stationary engineer involved in many projects, john collaborated in multiple engineering matters to setting up equipment and fabricating, brainstorm,ing, sketching and bringing to reality concepts that made a big difference in the waste water treatment process and whereas john has been an active supporter of the sfpuc maintenance program and has developed training that benefited old and new mechanics, apprentices and many more. his talent and expertise led to personal training in the southeast treatment plant and whereas john dedicate add quarter century to the
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betterment of the southeast treatment plant to his selflessness and perseverance which led to a healthier work environment, now therefore it be resolved that this commission hereby offers its highest commendations to john martin in celebration of his 25 years of exemplary service to the city and county of san francisco. the commission honors his accomplishments and wishes him a long, happy, healthy and fulfilling retirement. congratulations, john. [applause] is there anybody to speak on john's behalf? ok. great. there was a little bit of a conflict here and the document [inaudible] so i wanted to make sure. second, is manfred wong in recognition of his 25 years of service to the san francisco public utilities commission.
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i'd like to recognize manfred who retired in january as a senior manager for the infrastructure bureau. the sfpuc commission wishes to thank manfred and show our gratitude for his outstanding service. whereas manfred wong has served faithfully the city and county of san francisco for 35 years with 23 years to the sfpuc and whereas manfred grew up in san francisco's chinatown and has long dedicated to supporting the residents of san francisco in public service utilizing his engineering expertise and whereas manfred was appointed an sfpuc senior manager in 1996, serving the p.u.c.'s utilities engineering bureau, now the sfpuc infrastructure for the past 25 years and whereas during his tenure, manfred managed projects as part of the multimillion dollar clean water program, $400 million for the waste water capital program and
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most recently $2.9 billion for the sewer system improvement program. and whereas manfred spearheaded efforts to rebuild critical waste water infrastructure to the city and county of san francisco and whereas manfred has supported the infrastructure division with development of staff and [inaudible] a dedication to duty and strong work ethic through his willingness to work side by side with them and invest in their personal growth and whereas many of the project managers mentored by manfred went on to become bureau managers and senior project managers and be it resolved that this commission will honor manfred wong for his commitment and illustrious career in public service. congratulations, manfred. and i think we have howard twong say a few words on manfred's behalf.
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>> general manager herrera, president moran, i'm happy but also sad to introduce manfred wong today. manfred has been a servant, a public servant with the city over 33 year, 25 of which with the p.u.c. he started his career in the 1980s during the clean water program. and helped build many of the city's existing critical waste water assets, including transport storage boxes and tunnels. that convey flows to our waste water treatment facilities. many of those assets we now take for granted, but are so fortunate to have today. he's also one of the toughest negotiators i know. maybe that was one of the reasons why he has been assigned on many of our interdepartmental or joint projects with the m.t.a. and the public works.
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manfred helped develop generations of staff he worked with, myself included. so thank you, manfred, and congratulations on a career well done. [applause] >> lastly, i'd like to recognize marge vizcarra in recognition of her 36 years to the san francisco public utilities commission. marge retired in march as the manager of our customer service bureau. the san francisco public utilities commission wishes to thank marge and show her gratitude for outstanding service. whereas on march 18, 1986, marge vizcarra began her career with the city and county of san francisco with
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the clean water program and in 1988, she joined the san francisco public utilities commission as a senior account clerk. and whereas through the years, marge worked her way up the ranks and in 2000, became the director of the customer service bureau, which maintains approximately 185,000 utility service accounts, employs 110 staff and operates on a $16 million annual budget. and whereas marge had a vision of what excellent customer service could and should be and realize many of our innovations to the c.s.b.s and whereas marge had a strong commitment to public service combining her dedication to local government with a willingness to adapt new and innovative best practices and whereas under marge's leadership, the c.s.b. effectively managed and administered customer accounts, field services and business center sections with services that include processing new service installations and service renewals, billing and collections.
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managing customer and cashiering and payment process. metre reading and field investigations. and whereas marge had multiple achievements as director of c.s.b., she and her team utilize technology to streamline communications and business practices, shifted to digital water meters and monthly billing and program into the sfpuc billing system which helps low-income customers save more than $500,000 per year. she and her team upgraded the billing system to improve collection and revenues for municipal electricity customers. she established the sfpuc's first customer contact center and customers can now pay their bills online, saving paper and reducing the sfpuc's carbon footprint. whereas, in 1999, 2006, and 2009, marge was recognized as an award nominee for the public managerial excellence award for good judgment,
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strategic thinking, exceptional managerial and leadership, perseverance, efficiency and energy, and whereas march 31, 2022, after 36 years of exemplarly service to the city and county of san francisco, marge retired from the p.u.c. now therefore it be resolved that this commission expresses its sincere appreciation and gratitude to marge vizcarra to the p.u.c. and wishes her a long and prosperous retirement. [applause] and i'd just like to add -- i know someone will get up and speak on her behalf. she is a great sales person. in my first two weeks on the job, i don't think that there was anybody that had me out visiting their bureaus to tell me everything that they needed in the next budget more than marge. and shes a wonderful sales person and i am -- she does a great job on behalf of her employees and i'm going to miss her.
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>> good afternoon. my name is aleda graham. it is a privilege and an honor to introduce marge vizcarra to you. she served the city and county of san francisco for 36 glorious years. yes. her tenure with the city includes serving as the p.u.c. customer service director for the past 20 consecutive years. i've had the pleasure of working with marge for nine years and during this time, i've come to appreciate her leadership, her dedication and drive for excellence to increase customer satisfaction, to achieve operational excellence, to improve service quality, to optimize employee development and improve i.t. solutions by leveraging technology.
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it is with much gratitude and appreciation that i introduce to you marge vizcarra. thank you. [applause] >> i'd like to -- manfred and marge, if you'd like to come up and say a few words? anybodis? >> honorable commissioners, general manager, council, i'm not prepared to say a word. but i thought everything that needs to be said has already been said and wonderful words have been put on paper so i really appreciate the honor this afternoon. i just want to make a comment that it's kind of a full circle. when i came in to p.u.c.,
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commissioner moran was my general manager. [laughter] so it's almost come full circle for that. that's all i wanted to say. thank you very much. [applause] >> good afternoon, commissioners. general manager. donna. [laughter] i, too, am not prepared but would like to thank everyone for the wonderful words and kind words that have been stated here today. i loved and enjoyed -- i'm sorry -- i love and enjoyed my work at the p.u.c., but in particular until i miss it a lot.
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but most of all, i am grateful and thankful for all the people that i work with, particularly the customer service staff who have been with me all this many years and owe couldn't not have done what we accomplished in customer service without their hard work, their support and cooperation. likewise, i am very appreciative to the executive team, the general manager, the a.g.m.s that i worked with in the past. for always -- as well as the commission because we do have to come to the commission for approval for some of the initiatives that we have implemented. and all that, you know, over all factors, important factors in the success that we've accomplished in customer service. so i am very thankful and
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thank you for this recognition. i greatly appreciate it. thank you. [applause] >> i'm sorry. i forgot to say something. now that i think about it. i really want to say thank you for all my colleagues that i work with. i work in the project management bureau for over 25 years and i think we have the best project management bureau in the entire city. i'm obviously biased. but i work with project management and focus on other departmentses and feel very strongly of the u.p.c.'s staffing capabilities and how competent we are. i just wanted to say that. i really appreciate all the support from all my colleagues over the years and managers for supporting us. and not to mention the folks
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just within the 525, but we work with staffing at the treatment plants, in the collections system division and, you know, everyone has to work together to make these projects happen and i think that we have a really strong team in -- able to work even between divisions and even different bureaus and make projects happen for the sfpuc and city of san francisco. thank you. [applause] >> thank you, manfred. mr. president, your microphone. >> thank you. and marge and manfred, if you could come up here for pictures. >> are we going to be able to say something after? >> what will be best is if you to say whatever it is first and then take pictures afterwards. >> stand by for the pictures. commissioner maxwell? >> thank you. i just want to say that we
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always say that our staff and the people who work with the p.u.c. are our greatest assets. i think you people really proved the point. your dedication, you gave your life, a lot of your life. you're probably here more than you were at home sometimes. so i want to really, again, thank you for all that you do for all the thinking at night in the middle of the night when you wake up and go, oh, what about -- so thank you for all of that and thank your families for all that you give to us as well. >> commissioner? >> thank you. i also want to thank you for your service. and these days that everybody jumps from job job every two years it is a demonstrative value of community and dedication to be able to stay somewhere and grow while you are lifting everybody else around you and i think you both demonstrated that.
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i think we could obviously hear that in words that were said about you and your colleagues mentioning and everything. i also want to say, marge, i do appreciate everything that you have done with customer service. we often forget in the utilities business the importance of engaging with our customers and we need them when we need them. but if we don't forget about them along the way, we have customers that are partners rather than just rate payers and i think i do appreciate all you have done to innovate within your own space and, again, going back to the ladders and rising up, and you know a lot of the business. you can actually bring new ideas to it. the ins and outs and all the different levers. i do appreciate everything that you both have done to make it a better place. and it is sad to see that you
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are leaving but we're sure that you have left trained staff behind to continue your legacy. >> commissioner paulson? >> thank you. i'm glad that we're doing this now, em now that we're live and been having these meetings recognizinging the folks that work here as somebody who's spent his entire life representing workers, or at least trying to represent workers. i always think it's extremely important to thank and to acknowledge and make things work such as the different departmentses here at the public utilities commission. so i just want to weigh in as not just as a commissioner, but as a worker rep to thank you for your service and dedication and knowing that this wonderful agency is as good as it is only because of folks like you that have made
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this work so enjoy your retirement. >> one of the joys of working for the city is working with good people doing important work. we have three examples today. two of them with us. and i thank you very much for that. it is more than a job and we all bring that to the p.u.c. and i think we see that in the comments from these individuals. so, thank you very much. i'm also reminded that we have public comment on this
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item. >> members of the public who wish to make two minutes of remote public comment specifically on item number 7, the employee retirement recognitions, please press star 3 to raise your hand to speak r. there any members of the public present who wish to provide public comment on this item? seeing none, mr. moderator, any callers? >> caller: there are no callers wishing to be recognized at this time. >> thank you. public item on number 7 is closed. >> all right. manfred, marge, come on up.
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>> can we adjourn now? [laughter] it is not going to get any better. ok. next item, please. >> next item is item 8, the bay area conservation water agency update. c.e.o. sandkulla? >> good afternoon, commissioners. general manager herrera. nicole sandkulla, c.e.o. i'm pleased to speak with you once more about your responsibilities as leaders of the sfpuc to continue to provide the reliable supply needed by your 26 wholesale customers million residents, over 40,000 businesses and hundreds of communities who they serve in alameda, san mateo and santa clara counties and whose water interests are protected by bosca under california law. these water users rely on your regional water system, which gets 85% of its supply from the tuolomi river and you are responsibility to protect fish with necessary flows and habitat and i know you take this responsibility seriously and so does bosca. i spoke about these responsibilities last week the general manager including the need for an alternative
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to impart a state water resource control board's bay delta plan. as you know, implementation of the plan could result in the loss of 90 million gallons of water a day and create the need for rationing up to 50% by bosca's constituents during a multiple year drought. this could be a health, safety and economic disaster and obviously it is completely unacceptable. these impacts are well-documented and state required urban water management plans that have been developed by san francisco and our member agencies. so bosca wants to be directly involved in negotiations a about these and other water supply issues to protect its stiefms from. basca's perspective, a fresh commission strategy is long overdue to provide productive discussions and beneficial results. basca urge you to use your skills and experience to get the results that basca needs to protect the water supply interests that we represent. we'll maintain close consult
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twaition general manager herrera to meet its goal. our 26 collective agencis are, by far, your largest water customer and expect you to deliver a high quality supply of water at a fair price. as the revenue structure, including money to pay for a $5 billion delivery system, basca requires a major role in the strategic decisions. your commission supports voluntary agreements and the state board has invited them. we need a new and improved voluntary agreement for the tuolomi river for basca's three counties. residents, businesses, labor, mayor and california legislators also support one. so failure is not an option and now is the time for action. the price for water users will be high but the cost of failure seven higher. let's get this job done. don't miss this opportunity. i am pleased to do whatever i can to assists in this effort.
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thank you very much for the opportunity to speak to you today, i'm certainly here to answer any questions that you might have as well. >> thank you. any questions for [inaudible]. >> i just want to say that i feel that your customers are our customers and so that we all have the same -- you know, without our customers, yours and ours, then where would we be? this is what we do. but i think we're all on the same page. >> excellent. i appreciate that comment. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> public comment, please.
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>> members of the public who wish to make two mince of remote public comments, specifically on item number 8, approval of the minutes of april 12, please star 3 to raise your hand to speak. are there any members of the public present which wish to provide comment on this item? >> hello, caller, i opened your line. you have two minutes. >> caller: i would like you commissioners to go back to the [inaudible] act. and i would like you to pay attention to the many times where basca could have become a more involved in the deliberations of the distribution of the water. [inaudible]. and some of the presentations basca has not been forthcoming.
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[inaudible]. basca is mentioned in the written act. read the act and find out why we would build a dam. [inaudible] and why did some of you, commissioners in the past, send to other entities and waste millions of gallons of water during the computer industry and y'all think that this doesn't need some adjudication, the tenacity and grats -- gratitude to do the right thing. so, stop making general statements that because somebody is a customer that we need to care for them in
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total. thank you very much. >> thank you for your comments. madame secretary, there are no more callers in the queue. >> thank you. public comment on item 8 is closed. >> ok. next item, please. >> item number 9, the report of the general manager. >> thank you, madame secretary. item 9a is a drought condition update. >> good afternoon, commissioners. steve richie, assistant general manager for water. if i could have the slides, please. again, this is the drought update for this week. next slide, please.
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oh. that's right. i can do it. i forgot. you know, i forgot that i wasn't on camera. anyway. [laughter] no. this slide again shows our reservoir storages. up to 325 acre feet. we do expect hetch hetchy to fill this year and we're actually releasing water to make room for snow melt because there is a large amount of water captured in snow up in the sierra above our reservoir so we'll be releasing from cherry to hetch hetchy to make room for those reservoirs to fill up. again, around the state, there are reservoirs that are not in very good condition. principally shasta. don pedro is in fairly decent condition at 82% of its volume but shasta is down to 47% and that is a problem for
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the central valley project. drought conditions around the state haven't changed much. it's either extreme drought or severe drought. although as we get into the precipitation data, you'll see that we actually did have a fairly nice end to the month of april. this shows the hetch hetchy precipitation and this slide is about 21% of -- excuse me, about 21 or 22 inches. it's now up to about 25 or 26 inches so we got about three inchs in this last storm. upcountry snow pack shown on the next slide. also bumped back up above the 2021 line so that it's -- there is a bit more snow that did come in this past weekend. water available to the city has increased slightly.
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so now we have about 182,000 acre of feed available there. on the precipitation slide, precipitation is here, shows that, as of this date, april 17, precipitation at the upcountry six station index was about 50% of average for the month. this last storm caught it up so it was completely equal to the precipitation for the month. for the bay area reservoirs, we had an above average april when you add in this last storm. in fact we chose the year-to-date total of 9.3 inches. and that number is now exceeded that average so the bay area has had higher than average for the year.
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which is -- it seems a little strange because we've had these three big months out of the year while they were in about five other not-so-big months. the national precipitation forecast shows that for, excuse me, this week which is the lower bar there, we're back out to try conditions. we may do precipitation again early in may but has been variable but you see in that first upper bar. this is the chart as you've been following. and conservation will probably occur during the summer months. here you see our available demand is about 1382 million gallons per day.
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which we would see where demand has dropped now below the 2019 line and is very much aligned with the 2015 line. we should be on track now to start to try to stay above that line. and how far up does it go is what you're looking at here. so, we did have a bit of a peak there. but hopefully now we can get settled into a summer where people really get the message that outdoor irrigation needs to be cut back as much as possible. these are the drought trackers on the tables we've been using. so it shows that for the period july 1 through april 15, system wide, we have averaged 7% reduction with most of that occurring in the city and then for the period since the first of january, it's more like 2%.
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and it's a comparison to the same period fiscal year 2020 with san francisco having about 9% reduction. and i'm confident that we'll see good results this summer because i think people really understand that we're in a drought. we're looking at an overall target annual savings to reach that 10% reduction level of about 7.3 million gallons. we're at about 500 million gallons now so we have a long ways to go. but the darker blue periods of 250i78, those are the ones that we really need to see the major reduction that we expect. don't have anymore slides. but i do want to talk about the state water board, which is scheduled to act on emergency regulations on may
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24, implementing governor newsome's march 28 executive order that i talked about at the last meeting. and that executive order called for all water agencis to move to level two of their water shortage contingency plans for san francisco. that puts us into an area where we could have between 11% and 20% water use reduction targets there. we'll be recommending that we basically move from 10% to 11% because really goating back to 2015 levels of demand as i said several times that would be a significant accomplishment and that is the target that i would like us to keep setting. and we would be looking at that and presenting some form of that for action on may 24,
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which would be the same day as the state board's going to act, but it's already very clear from their draft documents that they put out that they'll follow the government's executive order almost to the letter so i think we should be prepared to move forward then, even though the regulations won't actually kick in until june 10. so in summary, basically as i said many times, i think summer is going to be the key period of time for us and the outreach program in the wholesale custom area and san francisco and i'm still quite confident that we can achieve those levels of reduction. and last thing to say, we appreciated the comments of the rafters who did it in the meeting last week with the hetch hetchy staff and because of the amount of snow that is available and the amount of snow melt we expect through the month of june, as
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well as continued operations with generated hydroelectric power and normal operations for the rest of the summer that it will the turn out to be a fairly normal rafting year. every year is different hydrology and this is no different in its difference than any other year. so, ironically, while it seems very dry in some senses, rafting actually will be ok on the tuolomi river and we're happy to work with rafters on that. >> thank you. commissioner paulson? >> you mentioned a couple of numbers if you quickly go over them again. you said something about wholesale, maybe might have to go to 16%. what were some of the numbers you mentioned before that between san francisco -- >> yeah. >> and what have you. real quickly. >> we called for a reduction of 10% system-wide, and that includes 5% for san francisco and averages about 14% for the wholesale customers. there is a meth dog for how
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it's divided up among them. so, if we move to an 11% reduction level the way our agreement with the wholesale customers have set up. and their share would basically add up to a 16% reduction customer-wide. >> i had that. thanks. >> thank you. >> commissioner maxwell? >> thank you. and thank you for your report. if we were going to ask for a condition of the river, as was mentioned earlier in public comment, what two things do you think that would include? >> well, it would -- you know, we worked on the draft and with the change in commission, we weren't sure where we were at. but basically it would be looking at the condition of, excuse me, fishery throughout the san joaquin system because i think one of the things that we, you know, we can control what's on the tuolomi river but looking at
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the entire system, all the tributaries is relevant to do. so we're working with the city attorney's office on how best to present that information to you and we would be happy to be able to do that, if not at the next meeting, but certainly the meeting after. >> great. great. thank you very much. appreciate it. i guess could you -- what would be some of the issues that you're concerned about. as far as city attorney -- as far as reporting. >> everything we do that we do on the tuolomi river in the bay delta system touches in some way or another on pieces of litigation that we have. that is the nature of where we are because of the bay delta plan t water quality certification and other things. if we produce a new report, we all want to make sure that we haven't, you know, done something in the report that is -- >> that could be problematic.
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>> contrary to what we deal with on legal issues. so we want to be very careful about that. >> all right. thank you. >> commissioner ajami. >> i want to make a comment on the fact that we almost got the same amount of average annual precipitation. but we got them in such a nonconsistent way as we used to. and i think going back to the discussions we were having about management and dealing with storage and handling -- handling demand, i think this -- i mean, we have been sort of riding this way for a while now. but if we are going to get more of this, at some point we have to sit back and see how we need to rethink some of these elements that we are dealing with. because, for example, in december we got three times as much as we used to get and
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all of a sudden we got nothing in january and february. and then i don't think anybody was expecting the snow melt -- the snow that we got last week. and then you can see also the demand is sort of -- i mean, it is similar by the nature to other years in the sense that it goes up and down from one week to another. but i'm sure that people are following precipitation as they water their backyards or maintain their outdoor spaces so it is sort -- there is a lot of things going on that eventually at some point they may come to head with each other. [please stand by] [please stand by]
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-- one, we are working with hetch hetchy staff how to actually present how we go about water planning so that people in the operational planning, not -- not drought planning particularly, but you have three times as much water and then you have none. how do you work your way through that. the second thing about demands, one of the things that's kind of -- it's a true statement no matter what, you look at every year and weather matters. you can always see changes due to weather, that is really dominant in people's minds, and like i mentioned previously, it's almost like clockwork.
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the 15th of april it starts up and gets where it's going to go. >> just a quick follow-up to the comment you made. i'm assuming, and not sitting and managing the process but getting a lot of snow or a lot of precipitation in a certain month and then i have to deal with the future demand or future conditions i don't know what it's going to be, and also flood management at the same time, i'm making sure my storage is in the right place, it is -- it can be a challenge, right. i mean, obviously we did not know if we are going to receive any rain or snow beyond that amount we got in december. we hope for the best but could have received nothing. >> could have been 0 the rest of the way. >> and at the same time, those are the months we deal with flood, we have to do flood management at the same time, so it's kind of like these two are
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constantly coming into heads with each other at this point. an yeah, these are challenges and we would like to present on those. >> absolutely. >> commissioner maxwell. >> and so how, and should we prepare our users for what may be coming? we have said it before, we have seen data that's saying that we are going to get rain in bursts, it's going to be different. how are they preparing them and is there an opportunity for us to do that at some time? >> i think we try to do that a fair amount. it's always challenging when people are driving up to go skiing on fresh snow and thinking that oh, yeah, but i'm supposed to turn off the water back home because it's a drought and that's a challenge to make sure people get it, that we can have both conditions in california, it's not uncommon to
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be in that situation. >> that's why it's important to tell them, when you see the snow, you don't leave the water on. >> right. >> it brings me back. the challenge of being a water manager at a time like this is you don't know, and there is tremendous uncertainty, and we have had periods in the past, november and december were wet and then the spring is dry, this is an extreme example of that, but the pattern has happened before and we do have ways of thinking and managing that. the management of storage levels is the key to that, the buffer that helps you manage the peaks and valleys of this thing. but it's why every water manager in the room has white hair.
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>> make a comment on that. we have had major droughts in the past number of decades that has challenged our system and actually we have made it even better over the years to deal with some of these changes but i think what we have been experiencing since early 2000 until now, it's more of a continuous drought that's not going away. maybe a few wet years but it's just keep persisting and i think that is the -- i think that's what scares me the most, i don't want to use the word scares me, but that's what concerns me the most because i don't -- the long periods of droughts, maybe long drought again, a wet year and another wet year and then going back to drought, it's just -- it's something i don't think at least in the modern history of,
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you know, water management, we have had a lot of this in our system. because it was '80s drought and then '90s drought and some years were above normal and our system had a chance to recover, right. and i think that's what we are not seeing as much anymore, the system does not have a chance to recover anymore. and that concerns me. >> commissioner paulson. >> so i want to be clear. i have gray hair but it isn't because i wake up worrying about the drought. i mean, i am a commissioner, and i do worry about the drought, so don't get me wrong. but it's -- i just really appreciate your report and the ongoing stuff that you and the staff have done because it's that talent that is going to -- you guide our decisions as to how we are going to move forward and as a commissioner that's how
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i take it seriously. i take it, you research and the work you do to heart, and that's, as a commissioner, that's the way of approaching things. thank you for the report, ongoing report and continue to be diligent about how we are going to make decisions about the decisions as commissioners, especially on water that we have to make. so, thank you for your report. >> thank you. >> public comment, please. >> members of the public who wish to make two minutes of remote public comment specifically on item 9a, drought conditions update, star 3 to raise your hand to speak. and any members present who wish to make comments on this item? seeing none, mr. moderator, any callers? >> madam secretary, there are
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two callers in the queue. >> caller, i have opened your line. you have two minutes. >> caller: hello, peter dreckmeyer, i appreciate the good news, but there will be a rafting season this year. pleased about that. i have some comments on the drought conditions update and looking at slide eight, this is tuolomi river water available to the city and shows so far the sfpuc, from the tuolomi, and 598. so, these are looking at two different things. 598 includes the bay area reservoirs, the 182 is just the tuolomi. i would recommend you have a slide following this that shows how much water has been gained in the bay area reservoir, and then you have a better
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comparison. and average year 85% of the sfpuc water comes from the tuolomi. dryer years it's higher, but the 15% from the bay area watershed, we'll look at demand last year was 195 million gallons per day, it will be lower this year. 195 million gallons translates to 220,000 acre feed, and take 85% of that, you get 187, that's what we need from the tuolomi and we are at 182. looking pretty good. in an average year, entitled to 750,000 acre feet, sfpuc number. we could have a below average next year and the state will be in drought and worse for the rest of the state. sfpuc could have full storage. so, i have a lot more to say but about to run out of time. let's have these discussions. we have some great workshops,
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let's get to the bottom, and use reasonable numbers. agree on the facts and different interpretations, the facts are the facts. thank you. >> thank you for your comment. next caller, your line is open. you have two minutes. >> commissioners, i want to bring to your attention that at one time brought the water from the hetch hetchy to crystal springs. we now have three huge pipes. how many times have i told you all that we need to do a needs assessment on th leakage? how can we have millions and millions and millions of gallons spilled and don't even mention about it. why don't we have the ability to do an assessment, don't tell me ghosts were using water during
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the two years. how do we turn that into a question. now, we have the people in the region, we have swimming pools, why do we allow that? we have some other computer companies using millions and millions and millions of gallons of water for cooling, why do we allow that? do you pay attention to the citizens of san francisco using less water? and yet still conserve water while the people in the region use more water and you make some comment. this tom foolery must stop. learn how to do a needs assessment. all the water that is leaking into the watershed. we have a pandemic, people are not using water but people are
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there and using water. who is fooling who? who is pulling the wool over our eyes? in broad daylight? learn to do a needs assessment. >> thank you for your comments. madam secretary, there are no more callers in the queue. >> thank you, public comment is closed. >> mr. president, before i conclude my report, i just very briefly, commissioner ajami is aware of this, you may have seen some news reports about a study that we released the city led by the puc in conjunction with lawrence berkeley national laboratory published in a peer reviewed scientific journal, ground breaking exercise and reported in the media yesterday and it was sort of the
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culmination of great work that was done by the puc in conjunction with berkeley national lab and some others which allowed us to really look at what the future looks like for storms, and the substance is -- and the process are equally important, i think. the substance showing that we can expect that in the future a storm total precipitation associated with most common type of storm could result in an increase of about 37% more water by the end of the century, and by point of comparison, that would mean a frequent type of storm like the one we had here in october, which was characterized as a category 5, the highest in the intensity scale for west coast storms. that shows that will not be an
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unusual occurrence, even though that storm was tied to the third strongest storm since 1950 in the bay area, and the strongest in the past 26 years. that's going to be a common occurrence. number two, as important, methodology that allowed us to be able to do the modelling, and through our association with berkeley national lab we were able to get access to department of energy super computers which allowed us to really go down to much greater level of detail and instead of using a 25 kilometer, five and a half mile, say, wide scope, you could get down to below three kilometers, and to really, below two miles, and to really see the topographical, the unique topography of the bay
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area, and ground breaking and the opportunity to use the super computers. that was like the first of its kind study done by a municipality in conjunction with berkeley national lab, and so we have the methodology, what the result is going to be, how do we learn -- we will be putting out a guide book by the end of this year that planners and scientists can use so we can model, not just use the modelling but come up with concrete things about how we can respond to that changing environment. so that's a consequence of that study that was done with berkeley, and got some media yesterday, it was after you had the opportunity to get your packet, so i wanted you to be aware of it. and i think i summarized that commissioner? >> a quick comment, i want to make sure, something very important is that -- this specific study shows that we are go g to get a lot more precipitation in four months
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rain, not as much, and another study that berkeley lab shows we are losing our snowpack very quickly, so, and that's why i know my questions to mr. richie was not necessarily to challenge the amazing work that staff is doing and i know our staff here have been dealing with this for a long time and they have been very much aware of all the research that's being done, but of all the systems we have are built to manage much smaller amount of rain and a lot of, and a lot of snow, so totally getting a very different pattern that we are not used to. so i think to your point, planning and management is important, especially in the city to be able to harness that water and deal with potential flooding that can happen in the region. >> thank you.
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>> any other comments by the commissioners? public comment, please. >> members of the public who wish to make comment on item 9b, any members of the public wish to provide comment on this item? seeing none, mr. moderator, any hands raised? >> madam secretary, there are no callers in the queue. >> thank you. public comment on 9b is closed. >> thank you. new commission business. commissioners. knowing none, next item. >> item 11, consent calendar. >> commissioners, items that you would like removed from the consent calendar? seeing none, public comment, please. >> members of the public who wish to make two minutes of remote public comment,
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specifically on the consent calendar, item number 11, press star 3 to raise your hand to speak. any members of the public present who wish to address this item? seeing none, mr. moderator, do we have any callers? >> madam secretary, there are no callers in the queue. >> thank you. public comment on item 11 is closed. >> thank you, additional comments? a motion and a second, please? >> moved and seconded. roll call, please. [roll call vote taken] >> next item, please. >> item 12, approve the terms and conditions of authorize general manager to recommend to the board of supervisors and mayor approval of a first
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amendment to lease with christina aakseth, lilly b.akseth and libkra investment corporation, for warehouse and houses 1980 oakdale avenue in san francisco for a term of eight years, base rent $85,337.85 per month for the first year, subject to annual consumer price increases. city will have the right to terminate the lease without penalty. >> real estate director, reporting with laryngitis. i ask you if you have any questions on this item?
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>> thank you for your service above and beyond. any questions? they have all shown mercy. public comments, please? >> members of the public who wish to make two minutes remote public comment on 12, push star 3 to speak. seeing none, any callers? >> madam secretary, there are no callers to be recognized at this time. >> public comment is closed. >> any other comments? a motion and second, please? >> i'll second. >> moved and seconded. roll call, please. [roll call vote taken] >> thank you, commissioners. >> item 13,s adopt revised san
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francisco public utilities commission fund balance reserve policy incorporating a cleanpowersf reserves and replace existing cleanpowersf reserve policy. >> director of financial planning at sfpuc. here to present on the fund balance reserve policy revision before you to incorporate cleanpowersf fund balance reserve policy. on the agenda today we'll cover the background on the fund balance reserve policy. drivers behind the revision for this policy including cleanpowersf program maturity, the 2020 power rate you will see before you in a couple commission meetings, as well as changing market conditions in the power industry, and finally, talk about the proposed
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revisions for the fund balance reserve policy. as far as background, a couple things i wanted to cover. current fund balance reserve policy was established in 2017, the year after the drought. it supports the sfpuc goal of financial sustainability and follows financial best practices. our current fund balance reserve policy provides consistency in our financial decision making for all of our enterprises and sustainability to investors and rating agencies. it supports continued reliable service and rate stablization in terms of economic instability, drought, natural disasters and other factors. in terms of continued background, the sfpuc policy was
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adopted and revised in 2017. minimum of 90 days or 25% of operations and maintenance expenditures as a savings account, if you will, in each of our enterprises. we also have a cleanpowersf reserve policy adopted by the commission in 2018. this policy speaks to cleanpowersf specific reserves and establishes an operating reserve fund to have 90 days of operating expenditures, a rate stablization fund of 15% annual revenues and one of the things that's recognized is cleanpowersf has specific policy needs as a program that are really influenced by the competitive market it operates in. it's influenced by a volatile power supply market and
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susceptible to competitive measures. and we want to talk about what is driving the need for this policy revision. again mentioned cleanpowersf is a mature program, started in 2016 and how many years later the update of the policy reflects the needs of the program. another one of the drivers is really to simplify. we have two policies that speak to reserves, and we wish to simplify and uni if i it into a single document. also setting adequate reserves for expenditures, keeping in mind volatile power supply market. also standardizing the time of the reserves we are targeting and establishing a minimum and best practices for the programs.
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policy driver in two commission meetings you'll see results from the 2022 comprehensive power rate study and included in the study was a consultant benchmark report that compared our cleanpowersf to other community choice aggregation programs and what kind of reserves exist. continuing the discussion on policy revision drivers. we want to use one metric. really targeting the operating expenditures in each of our enterprises and programs, this metric for cleanpowersf establishes a minimum of 150 days cash on hand or about 41% of annual operating expenditures, and then a target to reach for 180 days of cash on hand or 50% of annual operating expenditures. keep in mind that in our
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operating expenditures for cleanpowersf, we are including operations and personnel costs, as well as power supply costs. evaluate these metrics quarterly as we present our quarterly budget variance reports and fiscal year end we will implement a plan to replenish the reserves to the target within three fiscal years if reserves fall under that target. so the proposed action item before you is to revise the current sfpuc fund reserve policy to discussion the fund balance reserve and replace the stand alone 2018 cleanpowersf policy in, the business practice policies with the unifying update to the sfpuc reserve policy. does anybody have any questions? >> thank you. commissioner maxwell.
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>> thank you very much for your report. and so how does this new policy deal with the volatility? >> it provides more cushion. our current policy for fund balance, among all of our enterprises to maintain a 25% in your savings account of operations and for the clean powersf, target is 50% of operating expenditures, and days cash on hand, so really increasing the amount of fund balance reserve savings account for cleanpowersf to weather through the volatility as a power supply market. >> good, and i'm really pleased that you all are looking for other ccas so our policies can be consistent. so thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. commissioner ajami.
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>> thank you for your presentation. i have a process question. so you do mention that fiscal year end we will implement to replenish the fund, i'm just wondering, what does need to happen to do this? >> sure. there are various processes that we have in place, so at fiscal year end we'll evaluate what our projected fund balance will be and if we fall below the target then we would adopt rates and/or budgets that would get us to the minimum and target within three years. so we have a biannual budget, so adopt two years of budget. every year we adopt a ten-year financial plan update and proebt what rates should be in years beyond the budget to say, you know, this is what rates look like they will need to be in order to meet this target that perhaps needs to be replenished because we had to dip into reserves a little bit because of
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the volatile market or something else. >> okay. so, basically then the past, if we pass this, then we have to wait for that to happen, which means at some point you guys will come back to us and say where we are with the budget and how we need to revisit our rates in order to make this happen. >> and these metrics are reported on a quarterly basis to the commission in each of our quarterly variance reports, budget variance report and also metrics that are identified in our financial plans and budgets that are adopted. so every year you have a chance to see what are the projected metrics on the financial policy targets and minimums on an annual basis, when we adopt the ten-year financial plans and also when we adopt the biannual budgets. so, multiple times we look at and have you adopt plans and budget. >> thank you. and then i, on, as a follow-up
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to that, it would be good to be able to see, obviously it's good to have sort of a cross sector uniformity like the same targets and the same policy in place, but good at the same time to see how our rates would be, how would they compare to all the other associated -- i do recall in the past quarterly reports we would have these reported to us as like ok, this is where we are compared to other ccas, and see both sides of these, equation and see how they are still doing compared to everybody else if they are going to meet this, if they have this in place.
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yes, page 19, i'm sorry, not -- page 9 of the report. i appreciate that. yes. >> and then as a precursor to the rate studies, we often provide, how do we compare to other utilities as we are producing our package of rates to adopt. >> thank you. >> the report i thought was very useful, and looked at not only other ccas but took into account the fact we are different organizational structure, we are not a jpa, most are, and that changes your risk posture as
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well. so -- nice job of that. commissioner maxwell. >> so, overall, then, would you say that we are a little more conservative than we were before? >> i would say that we are stepping up the buffer that we need to manage our risk profile. conservatives financially, yes, as a finance person i like, yeah. >> yes. i like that, too. >> any other comments? seeing none, thank you. public comments, please. > members of the public who wish to make two minutes of public comment on item 13, star 3 to raise your hand to speak. any members of the public present who wish to provide comment on this item? seeing none, mr. moderator, any callers? >> madam secretary, there are no
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callers in the queue. >> public comment on item 13 is closed. >> ok. any other comments? seeing none, a motion and a second? >> move to approve. >> moved and seconded. roll call, please. [roll call vote taken] item 13 passes, thank you. next item, please. >> item 14, public hearing and possible action to approve the scope, schedule and budget of the march 2022 proposed revised water system improvement program, sent a notice of change to the state water resources control board and alfred alquist. >> state legislation requires
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advanced public notice and a public hearing for consideration of any changes to the water system improvement program. note that in 2020 we requested schedule extensions to five projects and to the program but no changes to budget. today we are requesting schedule extensions, as well as budget increases since the budgets have not been modified since 2018. today we bring for your consideration proposed revisions to projects, including schedule revision to eight projects, budget revisions to five projects, scope revisions to three projects, in addition we propose as a program completion date extended to february 1, 2027. good news is, the overall program budget of 4.8 billion remains intact. earlier this month we met with bay area water supply and conservation agency to discuss these proposed changes. you have subsequently received
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their comments on these changes. we appreciate and acknowledge their comments and we will bring you a full response in the near future. schedule extensions are requested for eight remaining projects. longest for the regional ground water storage and recovery project i will discuss further in a later slide. several extensions are related to procurement delays and longer close-out periods than anticipated due to covid-19-related staffing and material shortages. budget decreases and increases are for five projects. other completed projected resulted in additional savings, and cost increases for three projects, the total program has a positive balance and thus is remaining at the same overall budget of $4.8 billion minor
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scope modifications for three projects. no projects had major scope changes or deletions. ground water storage and recovery project, construction of the phase 1 contract, the primary contract for this project, is 98% complete. the phase 2 construction has not yet started. [please stand by] and delays during other agencies during the past two years, we anticipate the construction will not be ready to start until 2024, completing in 2026.
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in addition, there have been cost increases since 2018 and anticipate additional cost increases for total increase of about $20 million. due to scope modifications, more expensive bidding climate, escalation costs due to the delays. for the alameda creek project, 8% complete. anticipate the schedule to be further delayed as well as cost increases due to a higher bid price over the engineer's estimate, escalation cost increases due to the delay and most subprojects have been completed. the last subproject was delayed but is now ready to start
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construction, thus schedule with no budget increase. changes requested for the water system improvement program are related to many factors, but all share in common covid-related complications that have resulted in a variety of delays and cost increases over the last two years. we understand basca's share concern it be completed due to original scope and goals. we are committed to the communications with basca and the state, thus we request your support for the program changes to ensure the successful completion. >> thank you. commissioners, commissioner maxwell. >> thank you for your report, and for the work that's going on. i had some, just wanted more several recording the modifications to treatment chemicals. i think it's regional ground water storage and recovery, and you mentioned that modifications
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to treatment chemicals, modifications to chemical treatment process. did you go into that? >> yes, as we were constructing the facilities the design work was done in 2013, 2014, construction started in 2016 and 2017, and as we were progressing, there was a change of consideration of safety requirements with some of the chemicals, so for example, the sodium -- the fluoride, powdered fluoride changed to the liquid fluoride, and the corrosion control chemical was changed from a very strong version for safety reasons of sodium hydroxide, and a gaseous
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ammonia, and changed to a liquid ammonia, which is safer for handling. unfortunately these were missed during the design. they were not considered and change of staff among operations and actually our manager of water treatment comes to us from valley water and has significant treatment experience and recommended some of these changes, which are -- did have costs, but it was better to implement them now during construction than not at all and come back later or have the operation staff have to deal with a much higher safety risk. >> and so the chemicals that you are using, the corrosive chemicals, and it's not as strong, so what does that mean, if it's not as strong, are we going to have more corrosion? >> no, no, no, you just have to feed twice as much. it's bigger pumps that feed faster rate, so you have the same dose but when they are putting the liquid into the tanks it's not as strong -- it's
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more diluted. it has more water in it, water content. like using bleach if you dilute it, it's a little safer to use than using really strong bleach. >> ok. so -- >> it's the same dose into the water system, for the same level of protection. >> ok. >> so those were just some of the changes, and you are aware of the corrosion of the wells i've spoken to you about before. that was a pretty significant amount of this, that was about $10 million of this $20 million. >> than that's what this is for, the corrosion you mentioned last year. >> yes. >> thank you, commissioner paulson. >> there's a $10 million revision. what, under the reasons for the revisions, can you summarize that a little bit more succinctly as to what the glitch was or what the real change was? >> yes, so about 4 million of
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that was cost bid increase over the engineer's estimate, and that was our low bid at the time. that was during covid, and we are not quite sure why it was so much higher, but that's what we got. >> during the original bid process. higher than -- >> that's correct. >> and the rest? >> in addition, there was a cost just for delaying the contract because our permitting took more, many more years than we expected, it was a long, drawn out permitting process, and there were some changes made to the equipment that resulted in slightly higher costs, and now there's some concern, we are putting a little contingency in for some erosion issues this were discovered when we started construction and drew the water level down in the area of the quarry we were not anticipating it. so we have a buffer for work that will probably be coming up
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in the near future. >> thank you. >> we are hoping to not have to come back again. >> thank you, commissioner ajami. >> thank you for your presentation. i have a question about permitting. which permits did we need for these, and why did it take so long, and how do you make sure this does not happen again? >> so, i think for regional ground water storage and recovery the phase 2b contract, i think that we just overlooked how long and complicated it would be. this is to put piping in other jurisdictions, and part of the problem is it's an iterative process and see what you are going through and then contact the agencies and find out if they will give us permission to go that, and to do that they want to see drawings.
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so we have to get our engineers to prepare a set of drawings for them to look at before they will even consider whether that route is acceptable. so we have had some preliminary routes but when we put pencil to paper we saw that the route that we selected, does seem to be the easiest, affects bart, caltrans, south san francisco, kaiser hospital, and i think there's one other one. cal water, we are connecting to. so, it's been a lot of communications with these staff and during covid it was really hard to get responses from people. so we have our best team on it, and they are, you know, we have a tight schedule that we are really holding to now, but it has just taken a while. we also had a change in our requirements for power from pg&e requiring us to put a full vault
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in where we thought we could just connect into power. so this is another example of a project that was delayed by pg&e, and we have not fully resolved that with them yet. so that has a little bit of a question mark to it. >> so it was more prepermit coordination that took time 'til you guys finalized, until we can finalize the route before we even go get the actual permit. >> that's correct. and i think the lesson learned is put that long duration in your planning phase of your project, something that maybe we should have gotten started on a lot earlier. >> thank you.
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end to help people with something in my mind from a very early age. our community is the important way to look at things, even now. george floyd was huge. it opened up wounds and a discussion on something festering for a long time. before rodney king. you can look at all the instances where there are calls for change. i think we are involved in change right now in this moment that is going to be long lasting. it is very challenging. i was the victim of a crime when i was in middle school. some kids at recess came around at pe class and came to the locker room and tried to steal my watch and physically assaulted me. the officer that helped afterwards went out of his way to check the time to see how i
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was. that is the kind of work, the kind of perspective i like to have in our sheriff's office regardless of circumstance. that influenced me a lot. some of the storefronts have changed. what is mys is that i still see some things that trigger memories. the barbershop and the shoe store is another one that i remember buying shoestrings and getting my dad's old army boots fixed. we would see movies after the first run. my brother and i would go there. it is nice. if you keep walking down sacramento. the nice think about the city it takes you to japan town. that is where my grandparents were brought up. that is the traditional foods or movies. they were able to celebrate the
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culture in that community. my family also had a dry-cleaning business. very hard work. the family grew up with apartments above the business. we have a built-in work force. 19 had 1 as -- 1941 as soon as that happened the entire community was fixed. >> determined to do the job as democracy should with real consideration for the people involved. >> the decision to take every one of japan niece american o japanese from their homes. my family went to the mountains and experienced winter and summer and springs. they tried to make their home a
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home. the community came together to share. they tried to infuse each home are little things. they created things. i remember my grand mother saying they were very scared. they were worried. they also felt the great sense of pride. >> japanese americans. >> my granduncle joined the 442nd. when the opportunity came when the time that was not right. they were in the campaign in italy. they were there every step of the way. >> president truman pays tribute. >> that was the most decorated unit in the history of the united states army. commitment and loyal to to the
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country despite that their families were in the camp at that time. they chose to come back to san francisco even after all of that. my father was a civil servant as well and served the state of california workers' compensation attorney and judge and appellate board. my parents influenced me to look at civil service s.i applied to police, and sheriff's department at the same time. the sheriff's department grabbed me first. it was unique. it was not just me in that moment it was everyone. it wasn't me looking at the crowd. it was all of us being together. i was standing there alone. i felt everyone standing next to me. the only way to describe it. it is not about me. it is from my father. my father couldn't be there.
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he was sick. the first person i saw was him. i still sometimes am surprised by the fact i see my name as the sheriff. i am happy to be in the position i am in to honor their memory doing what i am doing now to help the larger comment. when i say that we want to be especially focused on marginalized communities that have been wronged. coming from my background and my family experienced what they did. that didn't happen in a vacuum. it was a decision made by the government. nobody raised their voice. now, i think we are in a better place as country and community. when we see something wrong we have change agents step up to
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