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tv   Entertainment Commission  SFGTV  May 7, 2022 12:00pm-1:31pm PDT

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. >> president: all right. we're going to do it. hello and welcome to the tuesday, april 19th, 2022, hybrid and in-person virtual meeting of the san francisco entertainment commission. my name is ben bleiman and i'm the commission president. the meeting is occurring in city hall 408 broadcast live at sfgovtv or listed using meeting id 8 (174) 912-7791. before we begin, i would like to remind all individuals present and attending that the meeting in person today that all health and safety protocols
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and building rules must be adhered to at all times and must result in your removal from your room. also note that hand sanitizer stations are available throughout the building at the there will be an opportunity for general public comment at the beginningover the meeting. public comment will be taken remotely. public comment first from people attending the meeting in person and then from people attending the meeting remotely. for those attending in person, come up to the podium. you'll have three minutes. opportunities to speak during the public comment periods. meeting id 8 (174) 912-7791. or by calling (16) 900-8633 and
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using the meeting id. if using the zoom platform, select the raise hand option when it's time for public comment. if calling by phone, dial star nine to be added to the speaker line when your item of interest comes up. when you're asked to speak, you unmute yourself by hitting star 6. please call from a quiet location, speak clearly or slowly and turn down your television or radio. be sure to mute sfgov tv before speaking for public comment. you may submit a written public comment through the chat function on zoom. please note that the commissioners and staff are not allowing to respond to questions by public comment. thank you sfgov tv and media services for sharing this with the public. we'll start with the roll call. >> clerk: [roll call] for
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. >> president: all right. the first order of business, is there any general public comment? >> clerk: there are no public commenters. >> president: all right. the next item is agenda item number two. approve the minutes from april 2022 to approve these minutes. is there any public comment on approving these minutes? >> clerk: there are no in-person public comment. >> there is no zoom comments. >> president: all right.
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public comment is closed then and we can vote. >> secretary: [roll call] . >> president: minutes have been approved: the next agenda item is number three which is a report from director weiland. >> hi, commissioners. i have been giving quarterly updates to city administrator carmen chiu. i had one just last week and so this memo random that's in your google drive will give all of you information on updates for our commission including updated data including figures which we list out by brick and mortar types by music permits. of note, i will say we actively have 314 place of entertainment placements right which is great
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and stays pretty much in line with the number of entertainment permits pre-covid. so we're really excited about that figure. also notably are just add music permits are now at 452 and have likely gone up since i put this memo together. i'll get a little bit more into that in just a second. complaint data is also there for you. notably last year, we had close to a 1,000 complaints which has gone up by previous years and therefore the need for us to ensure staffing on weekends and we're glad we're fully staffed on our inspection team now. so it just makes sense, there's more sound out there right now. going on, i just wanted to give you all an update.
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although we're more of an advisory body as a commission in terms of our budget submissions through the city administrator's office. i wanted to inform you of one budget submission we put through. katelynn worked really hard on crunching data with me to propose a change to our sound permit. so previously it has been almost in line with the cost of entertainment oufr, we're potentially and much more accessible for folks to obtain:
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i think it was like $700. we are moving into building efficiencies into our program. looking at how we can respond to complaints in a streamline manner and collect our data and be able to look at that data. so a few things we have coming down the pike right now, you may have remembered the name on base. this is the system that we use to put all of our paper permit files, scan them into a system that are now backlogged for all of us to look at on our computers. this makes it feasible for our inspectors to look at permit
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devices and we're looking at the 311 app to be able to log inspection data real time in the field. that's going to be real big improvements to our reporting and how we're able to collect and share that data with you all. and finally, our biggest transition we're preparing right now is we start looking toward our timeline of transitioning eligible jam permits for shared spaces that become permanent into our brick and mortar programs is to actually make our brick and mortar permit applications digital which they have never been. they've been fillable pdfs online that katelynn works very hard to then sit down with an applicant. we have folks in the audience tonight that i'm sure have used that and it's pretty lame. so we're creating kind of a choose your own adventure digital app that will cover all of our permits.
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if you want to get a place of entertainment permit or other permits, you'll answer more. so on and so forth. it will be intelligent and hopefully be great for our applicants. that's set to hopefully be in place by the end of summer so we can make sure that we're transitioning and educating people in an appropriate way when we transition out of jam. finally, are just around engagement and this is really dillon's world and bying a and we'll be getting lunch for everybody and then we'll retreat into a room which will, of course, be accessible to the
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public and afterward, we can go walk somewhere and have some happy hour fun times. and our summit is in the conference spaces down stairs. we're really looking forward to that. it's going to be on june 7th. we have some announcements we're going to be making at the time. we're working with commissioner thomas on training around harm reduction. we're also working with commissioner bleiman who is bringing another fellow commissioner from small business commission sharky laguana who they do a podcast together called 'fun police' and they're going to be interviewing ted eagon who is our city's chief economist to look at what future night life could look like based on the data he knows thus far. that will be great. hope to see you all there. mark the date, june 7th and the
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final information i think you can read on your own. it's just updated data that you should take with you and know when you're speaking to our stakeholders around our digital outreach efforts and, again, thanks to dillon for pushing out tons of newsletters since the pandemic began. so our audience has definitely increased and we have a pretty big opening rate so you can check that all out and let me know if you have any questions. >> i have a quick question. congratulations on all the work that you and the staff have done. i love that we're really utilizing all of the forms that can be viewable remotely and instantly. so that's great. i have a question about the plan to move the music permits
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to regular permits. it's 452, it seems like a lot. so are you thinking about doing a workshop or something to kind of do something one on one information? >> yeah. >> are you kind of thinking of doing a workshop or maybe doing the summit? >> director: yeah. so i think we're still in the beginning phases of this work, but the plan is to be able to better provide a better overview of the commission not only to the retreat but to the general view of our stakeholders at the summit. but our thinking for that just to give you a little more color to those numbers, 250 or so of that 450 are for brick and mortar spots. the rest are going to go back to one-time events which is already set in place and so it's really educating those folks that are going to be
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eligible for a shared space to apply the correct permit. it's either going to be an amendment to an existing permit to include the outdoor space they purely just do prerecorded amped sound outside the plan with that though is we're going to put as many applications on the consent agenda as possible.
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we've been on the jam program for a year and a half now and so we've been able to iron out these conditions on the permits to the point where we feel well providing those staff recommendations to all of you and hopefully we'll figure out in the wash if there are neighbor concerns, we'll pull those on to regular. i hope that makes sense, but, yes, we're going to educate as much as we can on this. yep. >> thank you and congratulations again. >> director: thanks. >> hi. just really quick it's been so long since we've done it. the nighttime -- that is a nighttime event. >> no it's a daytime. i would think it's probably going to be 1:00 to 4:00 and then we do do a happy hour situation after that. >> that's expected. >> yeah. so we were thinking of maybe calling mr. tickles or
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something like that since it's nearby. >> sure. >> director: cool. >> was that the retreat or the summit? >> director: that's the summit. they're both very similar. it's a half day. >> is that like noon to 4:00 also? >> director: yep. i'd say. >> president: all right. no further questions, your honors. and is there any further public comment on this agenda item? >> secretary: there are no in-person public comments. >> and there are no comments in zoom. >> president: all right. we'll close public comment and the next agenda item is number four, which is a report from the deputy director. >> thank you, president bleiman. good evening commissioners.
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we have received 31 complaints since our last hearing. i wanted to let you know about wonder lounge located at 673 geary street. previously there was a location under the d.b.a. redford lounge. has applied for their own p.o.e. and is coming to hearing. operating under a temporary permit and they're required in permit lounge conditions. since our last hearing, we've received six anonymous complaints about the business and inspector furintino visited over this past weekend and was able to substantiate any of the complaint allegations he spoke with the general manager and noted and they were doing a good job of keeping the sidewalk clear. as an f.y.i., the owner did send me an incident report over the weekend. he was made aware by his
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security there was an altercation of two women down the block. because sfpd was involved, the owner wanted to send an incident report to let the owner know the incident happened. the next thing i'd like to report is bodega. for their sidewalk dining area, but they do not host any indoor entertainment. we received three complaints about the business since we last met and inspectors have visited the business twice in this response. although the business is in compliance with their jam permit conditions, the location of the outdoor speakers sending sound frequencies down the alley and likely the cause of the disruption for the neighbors. recommended moving the speakers to avoid future complaints and the owner was open to the suggestions. of note, inspectors visited this past weekend and found them in compliance. he decided to do further investigation of the area and he heard the business across
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the street playing loud music from speakers located just inside open windows and thought this may be a potential sound source causing complaints. he spoke with the owners and they told him they play loud music cleaning up for the night, so the inspector suggested they should clean. next, i wanted to give you an update about maze. when the owner said he would look into solutions, but then he also reached out to me and filed a complaint about the late night food vendors who
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play loud music. he feels the complaints are about the food vendors and they're being pinned on his business. after discussing with inspector furintino he was able to confirm there were street vendors playing music at the time of his inspection. who's working on permitting food vendors. my last quick update for you is about hotel via. since our last hearing, i've spoken with the manager and she just e-mailed since we've been at the hearing tonight confirming they do have a new sound meter and their next outdoor roof top daytime party will be on sunday, the 24th. so this up coming sunday. so i'll schedule inspectors to go out and sync meters. check ours with theirs and overall compliance. those are my updates and i'm happy to answer any questions if you have any. >> good evening, deputy director. >> hi, commissioner falzon.
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>> commissioner: when we see these, can we assume these are all coming in from 311? i've got to know from the executive director. >> what? not always. so there are e-mail complaints. is that something you're interested in knowing the source? >> commissioner: i guess i should expand on my question. my guess is i'm looking at wonderland and if this is possibly the same millimeter complainant and if it is, do we track that? >> we're unable to know because they're all anonymous. the way they're written makes me also believe they were submitted by the same person. the language seems consistent and similar, so that is my instinct, but i don't have a way of confirming since they were submitted anonymously. >> commissioner: okay. thank you. >> you're welcome. >> president: any more
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questions? all right. i don't have any questions. thank you very much. kind of a quiet week, two weeks. is there any public comment on this agenda item? >> secretary: there are no in-person public comment. >> there are no comments on zoom. >> president: all right. we'll close public comment and we'll move on to the next agenda item which is if i'm not mistaken, item number five. i'm really excited about this agenda item, it's been a little over two years since i've been able to introduce this person in person and while i've done it many times on zoom, it's been difficult to fully understand the height and majesty of mr. ben van houten unless you see him in person. >> thank you, president bleiman and commissioners.
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it's been a couple of years since i've done this. ben van houten with an update on nightlife business assistance. will this show? excellent. >> president: wonderful. >> so i've got federal, state, and local updates for you this evening. i wish there were more updates on the federal level. the restaurant revitalization fund remains underfunded. this is for restaurants and bars. people could apply for the difference between their 2020 and 2019 earnings. there was $72 billion in need asked for by the nightlife industry nationwide. congress had only allocated $28 billion. and so there's still just incredible unfunded need out
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there. there has been legislation in the house, legislation in the senate to allocate more money to the fund, but really the reason i bring it up tonight is because of recent survey data published within the last week by the independent restaurant coalition around emphasizing that need, that continued need for relief according to the i.r.c. of their surveyed businesses, these are independent restaurants nationwide, of the businesses that did not receive a grant through the restaurant revitalization fund over 50% of them have expressed they are closing within the next six months. there is still significant continuing need for the industry. in california actually, it's' better than one in three applicants received a grant, but still around 20,000 restaurants and bars in california did not receive any funding through this program. on the state level, a couple of legislative updates.
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sandra weaner introduced sb 980 which is liquor license. so a number of technical reforms to the liquor license application process. sb 846 is continuing to move forward in the senate. that is the bill to expand on the to-go and delivery sales of alcohol which had been part of the emergency reforms, but then was not included in the adopted legislation last year. and then sb793 remains in the assembly and poised to move forward. that's the music venue liquor license and entertainment zone legislation. and then i've mentioned this before, but just to emphasize that the r.b.s., responsible beverage service training, that deadline, that's a new requirement under the state that was adopted a few years ago. august 31st is the deadline for managers and servers at on sale businesses, restaurants, and
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bars to receive r.b.s. training from a training provider and i also wanted to include here for one day licenses for special events, at least one person working at those events has to be r.b.s. certified as well. so that's going to be -- that's a new requirement that's going to apply to a great number of night life and entertainment businesses here. locally, there are a number of relatively new grant programs that have recently been announced and also some up coming deadlines i wanted to highlight. the sf shines design services grant is open right now. it's access to professional design services for businesses to make improvements to their space. so this is about working with skilled professionals to provide assistance with design, permitting, other technical services as businesses look to make improvements. later this year, there will be an sfshines construction funds grant program, but this right now is about accessing
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technical services. additionally, the accessible business services grant is a new grant from the office of small business providing funding for accessibility inspections for the front entrance of the business or for an accessibility of the entire store front. next, the shared spacings equity programs is not a new grant, but the application deadline is coming up on april 30th, so really encouraging businesses to apply for shared spaces equity grants up to $2,500 in order to comply with the shared spaces. additionally, the store front vandalism for physical damage to their store fronts. last item on my update is just a brief update on the shared spaces legislation. it's been a while since i've
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presented before you and in alignment with director bleiman. if that becomes permanent. last month, the board of supervisors unanimously extended the shared spaces programs until march 2023. and valid pandemic permits in good standing will be extended through that date, roadway, temporary street closure permits do not automatically extend and therefore need to be renewed in order to operate on or after july 1st with the deadline to submit for those permanent or legislated shared spaces permits. the deadline to submit an application is november 1, 2022. that's the deadline that we're really putting out there for businesses to work toward in terms of being able to get a permit, legislated or a permanent permit for shared spaces next year. there's a variety of development around these
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programs, it's currently under way to a number of merchant associations and cultural districts and other stakeholder groups and the most pressing deadline is shared spaces grant applications are open until april 30th. and that concludes my presentation, but happy to answer any questions. >> commissioner: thank you. it's nice to have you back here. do we have information on how many restaurants or venues here receive federal grants? >> we should. admittedly i'm more familiar with the shuttered venue operating grants that the music venue focus grants, we did have access to that granular data. i would assume that that data 1 by spa, i would assume that
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data exists, it must exist for the restaurant fund. that's not something i have looked at recently, but it is a very cross referencing those different grant programs with our existing understanding of nightlife businesses would absolutely be a provide a really clear analysis of what the distribution of relief was. yeah. information, that's -- let's -- i would be interested in doing some of that work before the retreat actually. >> commissioner: and the shuttered venues, do you have a sense of how many venues in san francisco received funding? again, that can wait for the retreat too. i'm just interested in understanding what kind of sort of how well venues did here in terms of being able to access the federal support. >> yeah, i can pull those numbers. i know that broadly, the shuttered venues program had
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money left over even after so for qualifying venues. not every venue necessarily qualified for the venue. to the extent businesses did qualify, they were able to access one round of funding actually supplemental funding as well was available and there's still money left over as opposed to the restaurant fund which was oversubscribed, but i think getting a sense of those data points, i haven't seen data for the state venue fund program yet, but that would be another in terms of existing layers to get a sense of how much relief has been distributed. >> commissioner: thank you. >> commissioner: hi, ben. good evening. i'm curious. you're referencing a lot of state legislation. as the staff of these public officials developed this legislation, does anyone reach out to you?
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are we participating behind the scenes with what we think they might want to do or include in this legislation? >> from time to time, i talk with state staffers. i talk with introduce folks. >> commissioner: i guess the one that caught my attention was the abc reform part. did they reach out to local government. >> senator weener's office. >> president: me thinks he may have had a meeting full of contribution on that. >> commissioner: that's good to hear. i would hope we would have a seat. good job. that's great to hear. and thanks to senator weiner for including san francisco. >> on the a.d.a. inspection grant, the a.d.a. inspection grant, it's just for an inspector to look around and give an evaluation.
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what happens if the business needs repair or does that grant then kick up to helping that business repair their a.d.a. issue? >> it does not. i think, you know, and actually i will circle back with the sf shine folks on whether those funds will be in alignment with supporting that work. the -- but to my knowledge, it does not, i'm happy to circle back with the office of small business to get more detail. >> i know there's a lot of these lawsuits going around. i, you know, unless they're required to open pandora's box, you know, stating, you know, what's the purpose of the grant if it's not going to help make the improvements, so i'm just curious about that. okay. maybe you can check on that.
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that'd be great. >> president: one final question. the sf shines equity grants for is it shared spaces equity grants? >> yeah. >> president: are those for business owners who fall within the previously prescribed equity categories or is the word equity being used in more of a freeway in this sense? >> i would defer to the specifics of the grant program. certainly, i think it's fair to say that the equity lens being used is there's a number of different elements to it that the shared spaces team can do a better job of summarizing on it. but the idea is to look at neighborhoods impacted most dramatically by covid, look at communities where there is significant need around shared spaces improvements. so i think there's a number of different factors as part of their equity analysis. yeah.
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>> president: great. all right. anymore questions? well, you did not disappoint. just as tall as i remember. is there any public comment on this agenda item? >> secretary: there are no in-person public comments. >> there are no comments on zoom. >> president: all right then. we'll close public comment. thank you very much mr. van houten. we'll see you again soon and we'll move on to our next agenda item which i believe is number six. i doodled all over my paper. and this is hearing and possible action regarding applications for permits under the jurisdiction of the entertainment commission. we'll start with the consent agenda and i believe the deputy director will introduce them. >> thank you, president bleimman. we have five consent permits.
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additionally, there is a one as for the one-time indoor entertainment permit, it's not normally you would see this on this consent agenda, but given the ability that it allowed for the director and the commission to approve one-time events exceeding twelve days per calendar year. the business is applying for an l.l.p. permit for ongoing entertainment, but they're unable to come to a commission hearing until june 1st. the applicant is hoping to activate the space 15 times until they come to hearing for their l.l.p. permit. the staff recommendation is for the commission to vote to approve the consent agenda with the good neighbor policy and sfpd's recommendations
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conditions as applicable. >> president: questions. >> commissioner: i move to the consent calendar. >> i'll second. >> president: is there any public comment on the consent calendar? >> secretary: there are no in-person comments. >> president: all right. we'll close public comment and we can vote. >> secretary: sure. >> president: i have an extra one. >> secretary: [roll call] . >> president: all right. everybody on the consent calendar, congratulations. i am really excited to see long standing businesses as aside like churchill be applying for
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limited live permits. this is just more are places for artists to perform. i'm about to apply for a couple myself. all right. moving on, we will go to the first permit application on the regular agenda. >> great. the first permit on our regular agenda is for an l.l.c. permit for the new rooftop bar and restaurant called kaiyo. so they may host occasional live events such as djs and bands. the configuration of kaiyo is unique and it's primarily outdoors but it has the ability to be enclosed by retractable windows. the application would allow kaiyo to have amplified sound until 10:00 p.m. and live entertainment until 11:00 p.m. with the windows closed. sound limit in advance of the
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hearing which you will see outlined in the staff recommendation below. business owners being represented by mark rene and they conducted extensive outreach. and they spoke with eleven businesses in person about their planned business operations. all of these details are included in your file this evening. there was no conditions for the application. which is outlined below. here to speak to you this evening is mark rene and owner john park. >> good evening, president bleiman, commissioners, staff. every now and then you get a few winners in the dark winter and john has been at this for three years and i've been sort of getting the remote blow by blow while we waited six months for a sewer hook-up and he had to literally bring cranes to take stuff to the 12th floor, it was pretty insane.
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but john is an experienced operator. he built the novella restaurant. but this is a beautiful space. it's on the top of the hyatt place hotel not even a block from the at&t park and anybody who's been up there will know this is really amazing views and two and a half directions there's a little slice of the bay bridge north and west. full on views. he has done a couple of permitted events. we just did one-day permits. there was no complaints on those. the sound levels will be minimal. he is in a hotel. the hotel has got a tight lease on the place. so this will not be a sunday afternoon pool party without the pool if you get the drift.
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there are problematic roof tops in the neighborhood, but we're not going to be one of them. this is japanese peruvian. the food is really great. i think his kaiyo in union street set the record for me getting calls for people hey can you get me a reservation. he knows how to do the food. we did go out on the outreach. we wanted to go 150' out. there's a lot of tall buildings in that neighborhood, so that's why we ended up getting a mail house to mail 315 letters. then john and i went around the neighborhood. it was actually fascinating because everybody had either been to kaiyo or had a friend who worked at the rooftop or been to the rooftop and they were very friendly with john and glad to see him and glad to meet the owner. so, i think, john, if you want
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to say a few words about what your concept is, but it's beautiful. that's all i've got to say. >> thank you, mark. good evening commissioners and commissioner president bleiman. the kaiyo restaurant is a food forward concept where we embrace beautiful views of san francisco quote unquote the san francisco mayor herself said this is a different perspective of san francisco because of the magical space we have. we intend to utilize the permit to really activate the space to bring a little bit of ambiance and entertainment to our guests. our guests are mostly dining with us until 10:00 p.m. and a cocktail bar shortly after 10:00 and sunday through thursday, we're closing at 12:00 a.m. and on friday and saturday, we continue about 1:00 a.m. there's no thought in our minds at least at this point to utilize the permit for a full
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on nightclub type parties at all. that being said, also, we have a tremendous amount of neighborhood support. they appreciate we're open there. green business and traffic to the neighborhood that's been grossly dead so to say during the pandemic period. i love to see that the giants games are starting now. they've adapted very well to the environment. lastly, i had 20 +years in san francisco night life as well as food and operational experience. and understand what we have to do to make sure we adhere to all the rules that the city imposes as well as just overrule being a good neighborhood with the businesses and residents in the area. we'll continue to do the outreach, welcome feedback and listen to what our neighbor has to say and make changes and adapt to those recommendations that we hear. that's it. thank you so much. >> president: questions.
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>> commissioner: hello. thanks for coming in. i just want to ask what would be your policy if just in case there are some neighborhood complaints that come in. what would be your normal procedure to address those issues? >> well, if there's any complaint, it would come directly to me and we would reach out to the person or individual that made the complaint and listen to what they're experiencing. if it was noise complaint, we would ask that we do some sort of sound test based on the music that we're playing and perhaps make adjustments to that. but when we did the sound test with the entertainment commission sound guys, i don't know what you call them, sound guys, they were just well, many decimals below what ambiance noises were. we will always address things directly. i understand the issues are serious and i will handle that
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directly myself. >> commissioner: would you be able to respond in real time? >> absolutely. if it's what came in as a phone call, absolutely. >> commissioner: and who will be managing the performing artist or dj that you're going to be potentially having? is it you personally or do you have a manager on site you'll be managing? >> we have a fairly sizable managing team that consists of two operations imagines and two a.g.m.s that will most likely be overseeing the talent. we don't have any talent that's booked between now and the future. so it's something that we will do occasionally here and there. we are thinking about possibly playing a little bit of acoustic guitar music during brunch hours. during the summertime, we do lunch brunch and that's really the motive behind it at this point. evenings right now besides playing -- streaming music like rob thought, we're not really
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using any type of live entertainment. >> and is there a dedicated phone number where neighbors can call to address their concerns? >> we are manning the phones from two hours in the service. the phone is picked up almost every time we can. >> commissioner: and that's published on your website. >> yes. >> commissioner: okay. thank you. >> president: i got one. >> you have your own dj equipment. or let them bring your own. how did you test the sound? >> it's self-implied music. it's not a dj set up. we have amplifiers and speakers that's connected to a system to an app. so we're playing the music at a good 20% louder than our house level which the sound guys took
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a meter test. >> kind of a simulation. because i'm looking at the inspections, 84 decimals. that's talking. that's kind of talking level because i've gone through this with the inspector myself at one time. so i'm just letting you know if anything above that over talking it's going to be an issue. just be aware of that. >> yeah, we pushed the sound system. they have been asking to play hip hop music which we don't play just because of the bass. >> yeah. if you have guests it's easy to go over 84d.b.s right now. >> is that my limit? >> 84 sounds low. >> the sound limit that's being recommended is 79b.b.a., 84d.b. but that was taken at a sound level measured at a across
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distance of 250' at another roof top at the same level and those were the numbers that the sound inspectors arrived at, but, again, they're reading it from the hostess station not the sound source which is a reminder that the limit may seem low even though it's not because it's farther from the sound source. >> commissioner: yeah. i'm just saying because if the inspector does come out, they'll use that number as a reference, correct. >> that's right. but we did that with them playing their system and if there are issues, we always work with them. >> commissioner: yeah. i'm saying if it's an in-house system and not a real dj, you know how these guys can be, they go deaf after a few hours. so i just want you to, you know, it is a pain when people start complaining. it kind of interrupts your business. i just want to make sure you're aware and, you know, conscious
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about where you're at. >> thank you, commissioner lee. we'll keep an eye on that. >> commissioner: good luck. >> president: is there any public comment on this agenda item? >> secretary: there are no in-person public comments. >> president: all right. let's close public comments and entertain motions. >> i motion to approve the permit with staff conditions, recommendations. >> president: is there a second? >> commissioner: i'll second. >> president: all right. we can vote. >> secretary: [roll call]
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. >> president: so moved. congratulations. excited for you to have music up there. follow up with our staff at your earliest convenience and for your next steps. thanks for coming in. >> good luck. >> president: all right. i'll have deputy osivido introduce the final permit. >> the final permit on tonight's agenda is for a limited live performance permit for emmy's spaghetti shack. the reason this permit is on the agenda this evening is because the applicant would like to include outdoor sound and entertainment in their park lit. for entertainment they're planning to host djs, live bands, and karaoke and live performances from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily. the businesses have distributed 30 outreach letters ten of which are commercial and the other are residential. there's no opposition for this permit and mission statement had no added conditions.
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here to speak with you this evening is owner emmy caplin. >> hello. hi. nice to meet everybody. >> excellent mask. >> thank you. >> you have the best mask tonight. >> thank you. so in regards to the outdoors. we will most likely probably be getting rid of the shared spaces. we're not able to get clarity on what's going on with the shared spaces. and also we've been having terrible graffiti problems and financially it's just starting to not be viable to weather. so that may be not even an issue. but really what we're looking at doing outside is just having like a small speaker for the diners and that wouldn't be every day. we've talked about doing brunch, things like that, but it just doesn't really look like it's going to happen due to everything that's been going
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on. we are one of the restaurants that was not funded from the r.r.s., so we may be closing as well, who knows. hopefully not. so anyway, i've been in business 21 years in the mission and, you know, the music that we're planning on doing is really nothing more than the sound that we had pre-covid. we used to be open until midnight on friday and sundays sometimes until 2:00 just with even our amplified music. we've never had any complaints or any issues with neighbors. we're not trying to do any big, loud, crazy parties, maybe karaoke once a month type of thing, but only until 11:00 kind of keeps that down anyway. so that's kind of what's going on with us. i'm the owner. i'm usually there on the busy nights.
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if not, you know, i have managers who are there and we do have employees who are offering to, you know, work the door and kind of if that's even necessary. i'm not really seeing that as being necessary and we really don't have any major plans. the reason why i'm getting this permit is just so we can possibly make more money in order to stay. so that's what's going on with us. >> president: questions. >> commissioner: good evening. i don't have a question specific to your application, but i do sense some frustration and it's valuable for us to talk to actual owners and i'd be interested in your sense of what's going on and what is frustrating you and what can san francisco do better to help you out. >> sure. >> commissioner: that was a big one. >> yeah. that's fine. as far as the shared spaces, it's been awesome. it's been really great. everyone's been great to work
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with. i think just the last year where they keep saying here's the deadline for the application and you look online and there's all this stuff that you have to do. when we first did our shared space, we did everything according to what they asked and then they came and said, oh, we changed our mind and now you need to cut down -- it needs to go down. so that's more money again. then we had to cut the holes in the park lit. so it's been very discombobulated and even now, they said we'll be inspecting and no one's expected. no one's called to set up any kind of inspections and just the graffiti has been so rampant that it looks terrible. i've replaced already the plastic about four different times. and it takes a lot of time to apply for these grants and a lot of energy that i just don't have. >> commissioner: and to not be a recipient is frustrating. >> i'm just talking about the san francisco shared spaces,
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equity, all those types of things and even the san francisco -- i mean, i love the city so i'm not trying to say anything negative. >> commissioner: not at all. >> you know, the grant that was given out last year, like the larger grant, i believe it was $10,000 or something like that. i wasn't able to get because i didn't make a profit. so that kind of blew my mind where i was like oh, okay. >> commissioner: yeah. >> and that was really frustrating. yeah. and so just the deadlines. like we don't as a person who runs the business myself, we don't -- i don't have time to constantly be barraged by deadlines. so and then the changing of things and it's like i just spent all this time doing that and all my resources. so that can be really difficult. and just worried, oh, if someone's going to come along and tell me they're going to
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fine me for the graffiti, but then i don't get any help with the graffiti, it doesn't really make a lot of sense. i have been in contact with the graffiti abatement police. >> commissioner: has that been helpful. >> as far as being able to vent to someone solely. right. >> commissioner: i wish you the best of luck. >> thank you. >> commissioner: we want to see you succeed. we do not want you going out of business. >> oh, yeah. i mean, that would be great. >> president: questions. >> commissioner: it's not really a question. but i'm a big fan of your restaurant and i really want to see you continue to exist and feed all of us. >> yes. well, on that point, if you know any senators, now's the time to talk to them or e-mail them, tweet them, and let them know we really do need that funding. >> commissioner: good point. >> president: i don't really
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have a question, but i know how you feel. there is a grant for cleaning up. >> right. i'm just like i have so much going on, i'm like i can take it down for $1200 and be done with it. >> commissioner: so the speakers are just going to be -- >> it's just a little speaker outside. >> commissioner: it's just going to be playing some background off your ipod, there's no djs or anything going to be into the space? >> that is something i would like to do. i do have my own dj setup. i used to dj and i do have that. i don't know if it still works. it's from the '90s, but i don't have the speakers set up outside and i don't really plan on doing that. it's a lot of ground for us to cover to be inside and outside. so i would just prefer everyone to stay inside and just regular dinner service if we do
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continue with the park let, just have a little speaker out there. like currently, you know, if we wanted to have music out there, we would just put an ipad with a different speaker, you know. >> commissioner: i mean, i think the park let helps because now that masks are being taken away in a lot of places, a lot of people if it's nice weather, they still like to sit outside. so it is a plus to have it, but i get what you're saying, you can't afford to keep it up and sometimes it's not worth it, but, you know, until you use your speaker in there until it's time for you to say i'm getting rid of it. >> yeah. this permit might give us the opportunity to do something out there and to want to sit out there. we're kind of in a wind tunnel because of all the holes in the park let it's not protected and
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we do have the propane heaters. so you can't put a cover on, you know. i'm kind of a rule follower. >> commissioner: that's actually pretty good. i'm done. thank you. >> president: i do have a question. so in 2008, a ran a half marathon and we both ate at emmy's spaghetti shack and after the marathon, there was a booth and it was sign-ups for "the bachelor" and then she got to the end of the bachelor and actually won. >> who? >> president: tessa. it was 2008. so my question at the time, if we had not eaten at emmy's spaghetti shack, do you think
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she would have won "the bachelor"? >> i don't think so. >> president: i've been thinking about this for years. >> i thought you were going to say you got to the end of the marathon and puked out spaghetti. >> president: i kept you all on the edge of your seats for that one. >> that was a really nice story. >> president: i don't have any further questions. so you can have a seat, please, and we will open this to public comment. >> secretary: there are no in-person public comments. >> there are no comments on zoom. >> president: all right. let's close public comment. do we hear any motions? >> commissioner: i move approval with staff recommendations. >> commissioner: i'll second. >> president: we can vote. >> secretary: [roll call] . >> president: all right. your little speaker has been
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granted, but, of course, this allows you the full array of limited live options at your finger tips. we do have the tall man who was here before whose job it is to support nightlife. i have businesses myself. if you connect with us or with me, it's basically like having your own private concierge service. he can't fill out the forms for you but he can help keep you apprised of things that's coming out and if you just e-mail our staff and e-mail me, i'm happy to make that connection. i use him for the same purpose. i highly recommend it. he's very thorough. >> all right. thank you. >> president: thank you. >> commissioner: good luck. stay safe. >> president: all right. the final agenda item is number seven, commissioner comments and questions, new business requests for future agenda
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items. what do we got? >> commissioner: no questions. >> president: agenda items. al, you don't have some amazing party. >> commissioner: come on, al. you always have something to announce. >> president: some cultural thing. >> tomorrow is 4/20. >> president: oh, yeah. are check out are you watching the news? because i'm all over this. >> are you going to tell us what's going on? >> president: so we've put together a website through sf travel calling evergreensf which is a one stop shop for finding all the cannabis related deals and activities for visitors to the city. fisherman's wharf. but if you're interested in san francisco, you go to
1:02 pm we're going to immediately pivot to small business week and pride. we'll have the specials up there and everything for that and then outside lands and fleet week. it should be pretty exciting. we got quite a bit of press and the way we put it together was extremely chaotic. so it was extremely remarkable. >> yeah. it looks really great. is fleet week a big --? >> president: any time there are visitors to san francisco, we want them to be able to go and find out where the cannabis related activities are. this is a place for anybody coming to san francisco and it is a big visitor weekend. dream force. anything. just here come to evergreensf, here are the details and the events. >> and ben helped put on this event over the weekend called 'picking on hulk'.
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>> president: that was fun. i had a blast. >> is it dot com or dot org? >> president: i think it's dot org. is there any public comment on this final agenda item? >> secretary: there are no in-person public comment. >> president: all right. let's close public comment. vote tonight if you're in ad17. and i will adjourn this meeting at 6:34 p.m. thank you everyone. frrdz
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>> it's great to see everyone kind of get together and prove, that you know, building our culture is something that can be reckoned with.
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>> i am desi, chair of economic development for soma filipinos. so that -- [ inaudible ] know that soma filipino exists, and it's also our economic platform, so we can start to build filipino businesses so we can start to build the cultural district. >> i studied the bok chase choy heritage, and i discovered this awesome bok choy.
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working at i-market is amazing. you've got all these amazing people coming out here to share one culture. >> when i heard that there was a market with, like, a lot of filipino food, it was like oh, wow, that's the closest thing i've got to home, so, like, i'm going to try everything. >> fried rice, and wings, and three different cliefz sliders. i haven't tried the adobe yet, but just smelling it yet brings back home and a ton of memories. >> the binca is made out of different ingredients, including cheese. but here, we put a twist on it. why not have nutella, rocky
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road, we have blue berry. we're not just limiting it to just the classic with salted egg and cheese. >> we try to cook food that you don't normally find from filipino food vendors, like the lichon, for example. it's something that it took years to come up with, to perfect, to get the skin just right, the flavor, and it's one of our most popular dishes, and people love it. this, it's kind of me trying to chase a dream that i had for a long time. when i got tired of the corporate world, i decided that i wanted to give it a try and see if people would actually like our food. i think it's a wonderful opportunity for the filipino
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culture to shine. everybody keeps saying filipino food is the next big thing. i think it's already big, and to have all of us here together, it's just -- it just blows my mind sometimes that there's so many of us bringing -- bringing filipino food to the city finally. >> i'm alex, the owner of the lumpia company. the food that i create is basically the filipino-american experience. i wasn't a chef to start with, but i literally love lumpia, but my food is my favorite foods i like to eat, put into my favorite filipino foods, put together. it's not based off of recipes i learned from my mom. maybe i learned the rolling technique from my mom, but the different things that i put in are just the different things
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that i like, and i like to think that i have good taste. well, the very first lumpia that i came out with that really build the lumpia -- it wasn't the poerk and shrimp shanghai, but my favorite thing after partying is that bakon cheese burger lumpia. there was a time in our generation where we didn't have our own place, our own feed to eat. before, i used to promote filipino gatherings to share the love. now, i'm taking the most exciting filipino appetizer and
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sharing it with other filipinos. >> it can happen in the san francisco mint, it can happen in a park, it can happen in a street park, it can happen in a tech campus. it's basically where we bring the hardware, the culture, the operating system. >> so right now, i'm eating something that brings me back to every filipino party from my childhood. it's really cool to be part of the community and reconnect with the neighborhood. >> one of our largest challenges in creating this cultural district when we compare ourselves to chinatown, japantown or little saigon, there's little communities there that act as place makers. when you enter into little
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philippines, you're like where are the businesses, and that's one of the challenges we're trying to solve. >> undercover love wouldn't be possible without the help of the mayor and all of our community partnerships out there.
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it costs approximately $60,000 for every event. undiscovered is a great tool for the cultural district to bring awareness by bringing the best parts of our culture which is food, music, the arts and being ativism all under one roof, and by seeing it all in this way, what it allows san franciscans to see is the dynamics of the filipino-american culture. i think in san francisco, we've kind of lost track of one of our values that makes san francisco unique with just empathy, love, of being acceptable of different people, the out liers, the crazy ones.
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we've become so focused onic maing money that we forgot about those that make our city and community unique. when people come to discover, i want them to rediscover the magic of what diversity and empathy can create. when you're positive and committed to using that energy, i worked on the it for 16+ years and i workeded an endless cycle of people going to the emergency room. i wanted to address those unmet needs. i have a satisfaction when we make a real difference in our clients' lives. we were getting people housed, connecting them to treatment, and seeing them through
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sobriety. don't be afraid of failure. i have failed at things in my career and they are opportunities to continue on. it's important for women and women and people of color to see representation matters. when i first started my career 25 years ago, there were not that many other women. so it is amazing to respond to meetings and go to meetings and see other female leaders and learn from each other. this career is my dream job from working on [ indiscernible ] to being the chief and overseeing a division. it's been challenging and rewarding and inspiring. as latinos we are unified in some ways and incredibly diverse
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in others and this exhibit really is an exploration of nuance in how we present those ideas. ♪♪ our debts are not for sale. >> a piece about sanctuary and how his whole family served in the army and it's a long family tradition and these people that look at us as foreigners, we have been here and we are part of america, you know, and we had to reinforce that. i have been cure rating here for about 18 year. we started with a table top,
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candle, flowers, and a picture and people reacted to that like it was the monna lisa. >> the most important tradition as it relates to the show is idea of making offering. in traditional mexican alters, you see food, candy, drinks, cigarettes, the things that the person that the offerings where being made to can take with them into the next word, the next life. >> keeps us connects to the people who have passed and because family is so important to us, that community dynamic makes it stick and makes it visible and it humanizes it and makes it present again. ♪♪ >> when i first started doing it back in '71, i wanted to do
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something with ritual, ceremony and history and you know i talked to my partner ross about the research and we opened and it hit a cord and people loved it. >> i think the line between engaging everyone with our culture and appropriating it. i think it goes back to asking people to bring their visions of what it means to honor the dead, and so for us it's not asking us to make mexican altars if they are not mexican, it's really to share and expand our vision of what it means to honor the dead. >> people are very respectful. i can show you this year alone of people who call tol ask is it okay if we come, we are hawaii
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or asian or we are this. what should we wear? what do you recommend that we do? >> they say oh, you know, we want a four day of the dead and it's all hybrid in this country. what has happened are paper cuts, it's so hybrid. it has spread to mexico from the bay area. we have influence on a lot of people, and i'm proud of it. >> a lot of times they don't represent we represent a lot of cultures with a lot of different perspectives and beliefs. >> i can see the city changes and it's scary. >> when we first started a lot of people freaked out thinking we were a cult and things like that, but we went out of our way
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to also make it educational through outreach and that is why we started doing the prosession in 1979. >> as someone who grew up attending the yearly processions and who has seen them change incrementally every year into kind of what they are now, i feel in many ways that the cat is out of the bag and there is no putting the genie back into the bottle in how the wider public accesses the day of the dead. >> i have been through three different generations of children who were brought to the procession when they were very young that are now bringing their children or grandchildren. >> in the '80s, the processions were just kind of electric. families with their homemade visuals walking down the street
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in san francisco. service so much more intimate and personal and so much more rooted in kind of a family practice of a very strong cultural practice. it kind of is what it is now and it has gone off in many different directions but i will always love the early days in the '80s where it was so intimate and sofa millial. >> our goal is to rescue a part of the culture that was a part that we could invite others to join in there there by where we invite the person to come help us rescue it also. that's what makes it unique. >> you have to know how to approach this changing
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situation, it's exhausting and i have seen how it has affected everybody. >> what's happening in mission and the relationship with the police, well it's relevant and it's relevant that people think about it that day of the dead is not just sugar skulls and paper flowers and candles, but it's become a nondenominational tradition that people celebrate. >> our culture is about color and family and if that is not present in your life, there is just no meaning to it you know? >> we have artists as black and brown people that are in direct danger of the direct policies of the trump administration and i think how each of the artists has responded so that call is interesting. the common
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e common >> manufacturing in cities creates this perfect platform
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for people to earn livelihoods and for people to create more economic prosperity. i'm kate sosa. i'm cofounder and ceo of sf made. sf made is a public private partnership in the city of san francisco to help manufacturers start, grow, and stay right here in san francisco. sf made really provides wraparound resources for manufacturers that sets us apart from other small business support organizations who provide more generalized support. everything we do has really been developed over time by listening and thinking about what manufacturer needs grow.
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for example, it would be traditional things like helping them find capital, provide assistance loans, help to provide small business owners with education. we have had some great experience doing what you might call pop ups or temporary selling events, and maybe the most recent example was one that we did as part of sf made week in partnership with the city seas partnership with small business, creating a 100 company selling day right here at city hall, in partnership with mayor lee and the board of supervisors, and it was just a wonderful opportunity for many of our smaller manufacturers who may be one or two-person shop, and who don't have the wherewithal to have their own dedicated retail store to show their products and it comes back to how do we help
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companies set more money into arthur businesses and develop more customers and their relationships, so that they can continue to grow and continue to stay here in san francisco. i'm amy kascel, and i'm the owner of amy kaschel san francisco. we started our line with wedding gowns, and about a year ago, we launched a ready to wear collection. san francisco's a great place to do business in terms of clientele. we have wonderful brides from all walks of life and doing really interesting things: architects, doctors, lawyers, teachers, artists, other like minded entrepreneurs, so really fantastic women to work with. i think it's important for them to know where their clothes are made and how they're made. >> my name is jefferson mccarly, and i'm the general manager of the mission bicycle
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company. we sell bikes made here for people that ride here. essentially, we sell city bikes made for riding in urban environments. our core business really is to build bikes specifically for each individual. we care a lot about craftsmanship, we care a lot about quality, we care about good design, and people like that. when people come in, we spend a lot of time going to the design wall, and we can talk about handle bars, we can see the riding position, and we take notes all over the wall. it's a pretty fun shopping experience. paragraph. >> for me as a designer, i love the control. i can see what's going on, talk to my cutter, my
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pattern maker, looking at the designs. going through the suing room, i'm looking at it, everyone on the team is kind of getting involved, is this what that drape look? is this what she's expecting, maybe if we've made a customization to a dress, which we can do because we're making everything here locally. over the last few years, we've been more technical. it's a great place to be, but you know, you have to concentrate and focus on where things are going and what the right decisions are as a small business owner. >> sometimes it's appropriate to bring in an expert to offer suggestions and guidance in coaching and counseling, and other times, we just need to talk to each other. we need to talk to other manufacturers that are facing similar problems, other people that are in the trenches, just like us,
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so that i can share with them a solution that we came up with to manage our inventory, and they can share with me an idea that they had about how to overcome another problem. >> moving forward, where we see ourselves down the road, maybe five and ten years, is really looking at a business from a little bit more of a ready to wear perspective and making things that are really thoughtful and mindful, mindful of the end user, how they're going to use it, whether it's the end piece or a wedding gown, are they going to use it again, and incorporating that into the end collection, and so that's the direction i hear at this point. >> the reason we are so enamored with the work we do is we really do see it as a platform for changing and making the city something that
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it has always been and making sure that we're sharing the opportunities that we've been blessed with economically and socially as possible, broadening that
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>> good morning. welcome to the rules committee of the san francisco board of supervisors for today, monday may 2nd, 2022. i am the chair of the committee, erin peskin and joined by vice chair supervisor raphael mandelman and committee member connie chan to my left. our clerk is victor young. do you have any announcements? >> reporter: the board of supervisors and communities are convening hybrid meetings that allow in person