tv Ethics Commission SFGTV May 21, 2022 1:00am-6:01am PDT
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>> this meeting is being held in person the city hall in room 4 huh human as authorized by california gentleman code, section 54953e and mayor 45th supplement to her february 25, 2020 emergency proclamation. possible that some members of the fire commission may attend remote. those members the participate and vote by video. members of the public may attends the meeting to bench and provide public comment at the meeting location mentioned abovement or upon line at the meeting link, which is on the posted agenda on the commission website. you may also watch live at www.sfgovtv to participate by
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phone call 1-415-665-0001. code 24884791320. you can participate during comment the public is asked to wait for the agenda item before making an extent on that item. comments will be addressed in the order received. when the moderator announces the commission is taking public comment. members of the public can raise their hand pressing star 3 and you will be queued. callers hear sill upon 11s when waiting to speak. operator will unmute you. when prompted callers have the standard 3 minutes to provide comment. ensure you are in a quiet location. speak clearly and turn off tv's or radios around you. item one. roll call.
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>> president feinstein has been excused. vice president nakajo? >> present. >> commissioner covington. >> present. >> commissioner morgan, >> present. >> chief of department nicholson. >> present. >> item 2. the ramaytush ohlone land acknowledgment will be read by vice president nakajo. >> thank you very much, madam secretary. good morning, commissioner covington and morgan. chief of department, command staff and the members and general public. the commission acknowledges we home land of the ramaytush ohlone original to the san francisco peninsula. and stewards of this land in
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accordance with their tradition, the ramaytush ohlone have never lost nor forgotten their responsibility as care takers of this place as well as for all people who resign in their traditional territory. as guests we recognize we benefit from living and working on their traditional home land. we wish to pay respects acknowledging the irrelevant tifs of the ramaytush ohlone community. and by affirming their realties as first people. madam secretary. >> thank you. >> item 3. resolution 2022-09. adoption of resolution setting forth findings to allow teleconferenced meetings under california code section 54953e. >> thank you very much. we will need a motion dp a second on this. is there public comment on this
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matter. >> thank you. is there public comment on this matter, item 3. >> there is no public comment on this matter. >> thank you, madam secretary. commissioners. why public comment is closed. >> commissioner. >> thank you. >> i'd like to move this item. >> them. why commissioner covington. >> we have a second? >> i second that. and vice president nakajo? i vote yes. >> motion passes unanimously. item 4. general publicing comment. members of the public may address the commission up to 3 machineos i matter within the commission jurisdiction that does in the appear on the agenda. speakers shall address to the commission as a whole and not to individual commissioners or department personnel. commissioners are not to enter in discussion with the speaker. the lack of a response by the
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commissioners or department personnel does not necessary low institute agreement with or support of statement made during comment. >> all right. is there general public comment. >> yes. there is. proceed, please. hello. nice to see you this morning. i'm bryce peoples a resident of san francisco. and also currently the department of diversity inclusion officer the first one as arc cystant defendant chief. i'm calling i need assistance. it is a transparency issue. ure know the law started regarding the racial equity action plan and how the department and all the city agencies are supposed to interact with this law. i like to ask of the chief and of the administration 2 things.
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2 things, please. number one, this document you have not seen is part of the action plan. it is the budget and the positions on how the plan will be implemented. it has been suppressed. sat on the chief's desk now for 6 months. i asked it to be given to you to have thoughtful consideration as we go in the budge cycle and not allowed to be published. it is part of the law. that document should see the light of day. for transparency. s you know, if the budget does in the go if discussion the racial equity actions plan does not exist. it is dead on arrival they are in conflict with the law. second question is here is a progress report. how we have been doing ournld the racial equity plan. it was supposed to have been
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submitted tried to submit on may second. it has not been done. the leaders have been told not to do this i don't know what the plan is, may be you can ask the chief that is the plan. >> i would appreciate that. secondly or the lastly, police participate in an experiment with me this administration the last 2 years has been the subject of 4 discrimination lawsuits. and that is not the -- horrible aspect. not guilty lawsuits alleged that the individuals have been retaliated against when than i have spoken up about transparency and social justice in the department. >> the experiment i'm requesting mou is i have spoken up see what they try to do to me. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. madam secretary, members of the public. >> i don't see members of the public well is nobody on the
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call in line. >> thank you very much. public comment is closed. madam secretary? >> item 5. approval of the minutes discussion and possible action to approve the meeting minuteses from the regular meeting on april 27th, 2022. >> thank you. an action item needs approval a motion and second. commissioners? >> i like to make a motion to approve. >> second. >> thank you very much. for moving commissioner morgan and commissioner covington. >> president. >> vice president nakajo, how do you vote. >> aye. >> the motion passed unanimously and there is no public comment. all right. public comment is closed on this item. >> madam secretary.
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>> item 6. chief of department's property. >> nicholson on current issues, activities and events within the department since the meeting on april 27th, 2022 including budget, academies, special events. upon communication and out reach to government agents and the public and report from operations, department chief postel on field operations including greater alarm fires. emergency medical service. bureau of fire investigation and training within the upon department, the airport division. thank you very much, good morning chief of the department nicholson. >> greetings and salutations vice president nakajo and commissioner covington and morgan and command staff. this is my report since our last commission meeting and just to let you know i am beam nothing
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from golden gate park i have the mayor's department head meeting at 9:30. i will have to step away shortly after i finish. >> it is a beautiful day here, i have to say. chief will be sitting in. so, next week we will celebrate ems week this year's theme is rising to will challenge. >> my command staff and i will attend several evens and several of our employees will be honored by the board of supervisors with antifollowing at the auditorium. i will give you the list of those people that are burglar to be honored. jennifer [inaudible]. matthew ferris. larry paraand fred salem.
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they will be honored for with a 4 different awards. and i think we agree that our ems employees rise to the challenge every day. and you know, as you are firefighters and the past 2 plus years have tested all of us. thank you to everyone for their hard work and dedication. this month is asian-american and pacific island are month. mou was honored last tuesday. by supervisor chan. i also attended the celebration of heritage month at [inaudible] last week. and spoke with quite a few
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people including phil ting who is heading our legislation up at the state for the piece of court property. so -- i thanked him for that. let's see our focus update we have sick members out with covid. 8 members out on longer term covid and we have -- so that's 14 people and 14 people in quarantine they don't have covid du rather are in quarantine. last week, i welcomed an h3 level 1 and 2 hybrid class. clasdz of emt's and paramedics new to san francisco fire department. and i want to say that 2 of the 4 city emt, 2 of our city emt
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people. 99 are in this class. that pipeline is opening and i'm pleased to see 2 women are in this class. >> this tndz eversunday is the data breakers race. we will staff up a bit for this event. so -- i ask torn take care and be safe and arc void the areas if you don't want to get caught. on may 24th at 9 a.m. there will be a walk with citybeat event at land's end trail at 9 a.m. saddie is our therapy dogs we have brought on board this past year. all are welcomed to participate in that. land's end on the 24th. >> i had meetings with supervisors regarding budget and -- other items. discussions have been
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productive. and final low we continued to work with the mayor's budget office. to advocate for our needs. in advance of the mayor's submission of the budget on june first. once habudget is introduced of course, we'll come back to you and to the budget and finance committee members. with more specifics regarding the budget. and -- i know you will hear from the chief but i'm pleased with our field operations of late. our -- suppression and ems. folks have been doing a great job out there. that completes my report and happy to take questions. thank you very much. chief nicholson. we general low take public comment. i don't know if you want to do this.
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the chief's report. or do we wait? the report from operation from the chief for public comment. why there is nobody on the line for the chief's report. and i don't see anybody standing here in the room. so there is no public comment on the chief's report. >> all right. public comment is closed and we will proceed in terms of the report of deputy chief postel. >> i know that you have to go to your staff meeting with the mayor, chief nicholson. we will have chief postel represented here at the meeting time. >> thank you. >> chief nicholson has a question. >> no, i don't. >> if my hand is raise today should not be. >> thank you. chief postel. >> good morning vice president
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nakajo. commissioner covington, commissioner morgan, chief nicholson. deputy chief of operation this is is my report for the month of april 2022. during the month of april we had an active month. we had 12, 700 calls for service. . 22 working fires. 3 greater arc larch and one mutual aid deploy am. i will put photos on the screen i can discuss with you, bear with me.deploy am. i will put photos on the screen i can discuss with you, bear with me.aid deploy am. i will put photos on the screen i can discuss with you, bear with me. is that showing up?
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here we go. >> what you are looking at is a second alarm fire that happened on april fourth of 2022. happened 8:30. 400 upper terrace on top of the hill. crews arriveed finds heavy fire and smoke on the fourth floor of an apartment building this was a winds driven fire extended quickly through the hall and the attic the crews were upon driven off the roof by the flames. multiple hose lines working were required to advance down the hall and put out the fire. required excellent coordination. we have significant challenges with access for personnel due to location on the hill and narrow street. this was an excellent job by the first 2 companies station 612 and 21 who knew that district and knew this building well.
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assistant chief is here today. what you are looking the at is heavy fire and smoke conscience they saw on arrival this is hatheir concerns were when they got there. and it is dints evolved, you see that the wind picked up. and that's the winds started to push the fire in the building the smoke was not able to vent. you will see admit next series of pictures the development of the fire. as the wind takes place you see how all that fire and motor vehicle is pushed in that apartment building and down the hall. if you look close low you see the roof justifies where the fire is involved in the attic space. we had crews on the roof that had to retreat because of the advancement of the fire that was excellerated by the winds that night. the final photos shoes the extent of the fire how it
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traveled across the roof. we pulled the crews off the roof. we were able to get line in interior and above. and really they did i r okay job of containing this fire to the original apartment and the hallway and this easily account have turned a 4 or fifth alarm fire. i cannot praise them enough. that was the first incident. second i wanted to highlight is the third alarm 2 days later. came in at 5 in the morning on 147 noe. and i will get a picture of that. fire. so -- this was a fire that storied between 2 old wooden frame buildings. the fire quickly spread to the walls and the attic space of both buildings. laddering was difficult for the truck crews due to wires and obstructions in the street. that prevented us from getting in a ladder.
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there was significant damage to both buildings the crews contained the fire to the 2 originally involved buildings. the assistant chief was the commander here. what you are looking at this photo is these crews have to go to the roof and vent this fire so that the engine crew inside can advance with the hose lines. if they don't vent the roof the heat special smokure too intense and they cannot ectinguish the fire you see the firefighter on the ladder. they have the ladder to make their way on the roof. what happened of course wops they got up and cut the holes, this fire rapidly grew and -- you see the intense fire in the
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front of the corner building the crew his on retreat and bring an arial ladder and make a risky 3 with the ladder to get the crews off the roof safely before this fire consumed the roof and put them in a position. this is the fire growing. and then the final photo here is this is where they through the arial between the wieshs and were able to get the crews after the roof. great coordination. really -- outstanding work by the firefighters and the ic and everybody there with really challenging circumstances. so. again they did a great job on that. >> will next fire is april 18th. 301 westportal. a fire that -- started on the officer by roofers in a single story building with businesses on the ground floor.
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fire consumd the roof and pred to the large attic. the businesses it very high ceilings, 18 feet tall and a large common attic space. we had tremendous difficulty getting in the attic. we brought in extension laders to get up in the attic space to pull the ceilings, a lot of coordination and a lot of difficulty to get to this fire. the roof burned away in areas leaving the exposed ceiling joints. on the exterior of the building. the fire spread to the attic of the xhoes exposure building an elevated lost and presented access issues to extinguish the fire. a third alarm in the event the next exposure to the right d2 was involved in fire a 4 story apartment building. if we had got fire in that
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building we would had a tremendous problem. that was precautionary. assistant chief was the ic at this incident and did an excellent job and would be here but at another fire this monk on fifth street. that's the 3 fires. the last thing i want to talk about is the deploy am. i have a video and i will talk about it while it is playing. on april ninth we received a request from the city of beneatia for the fire boat it assist with a pier fire. immediately we approve third degree request. knowing we have the only fire boat with cape at we have on the bay. and after a 3 hour response time the fire boat st. francis provide the needed support to
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contain this stubborn fire. our boat and the pumping capacity is equipped with under pier monitor nozzles nobody else has. they were able to get in close to the burning pier you see here and get the nozzles working under where the asphalt deck and get to where the fire was and contain temperature this was a regional benefit to everybody they used this pier to off load goods but use it part of the refinery and if this refinery was to go off line because they could not use the pier for materials, then that again would have an impact on the price of fuel in the bay area which is already definitely to handle now. a great job by our crew you see the magnitude of the fire and how far it extended. the fire boat was there for 26 hours and on scene filling water for 18 hours.
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we did make a crew switch at midnight with the fire boat and engineer. they were at the controls for you >> 12 hours plus when we made that switch. you can see that video there will shoes the nozzles working. and an outstanding job by resource and proud of the yen they were able to accomplish with that as well. i think you get the idea. i will stop this video. >> all right. . i'm not well versed in technology i hope that was beneficial. from the ems division. last know mob we had 350 calls per day. medics follow calls were reduced on most days due to the staffing from the h3 level 1 and 2 bump
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up academies. april 15th graduateded 13 level 2 paramedics the first level 2 academy since 2010. they are welcomed addition to station 49 and the fire department. on april 18. 183 level 2s and 6h33 paramedic captains entered the sick week program. this would not have been possible to put the people in the program if we were not previously hire and trained the h3 level 2 and 1 that were able to back fill for them to keep ambulances on the street. >> on april 16th work on the upon ambulance. the ems members weekend the new students and look forward to helping them gain the experience necessary to pursue career in ema and the chief mentioned 2 have been hired. a great program and successful.
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finally an h3 level 2 academy class start on march 28 that the is 8 weeks they should be on the street very soon >> the supervision of section chief simon tang. they move in the their new home at 1415 even street they will finalize the mou's 5150's and training is schedule for those members from may 25 and june first. witness that is final the rescue captains will issue 5150 holds the training on april 18th will conclude on may 27th. 2 members will work immediately in a 7th street crisis team on mi28. and then on june 25th a second response team will be added and 4 more street wellness response teams will be added.
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>> em circumstance conditions to connect the 911 system with services and assistance. and in the report it details a case last month. which is actually result in the zero 911 call this is mont after placed in a program which ems6 and her family worked on. what was a problem at the end of the last of march has been resolved in april. great success story there. street crisis response team. you gotta dig in the data to understand what they are doing and how much good they do there. they have 758 calls for service in april. the report details the disposition ranging from ambulance, emergency room. nonambulance transports and those who walked away. it is important to note in the statistics are the real impact numbers. currently 1 out of 4 encounters
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results in a nonambulance transport to a resource or transport to emergency department. given it isville terto participate for the people to participate with our members and engage, this success rate is encouraging. near low 25% of the ambulance transports were for 5150 patients. the street over doze response team responded to 54 over dozes there is a pilot that allows paramedics to give a treatment for opioid dependence they have to be begin by a doctor we are allowed do it in the pilot program. last mont 3 people were start immediate this program. >> street wellness response team usa, dwo 94 encounters for april. 237 of those were on the by the
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team. [inaudible] the fact they are self starters, 237 of those encounters on [inaudible] the team and shoes what the productive program them and will highlights the ability to recognize those on the streets or in need of service. >> 16% resulted in transport to a nonemergency resource. >> somewhere street crisis. street wellness having within and 4 transport rate to shelter being medical care or other care destinations. outstanding program there as well. there are fire prevention investigation. . they are conditioning efforts to process plans for the plan check division. upon 706 were in april. 637 plans were approved. they meet with the mta and the
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transportation safety committee to review street scape changes which impact our fire response and access. weekly meeting miss take place with the design to rerue and provide comments on street scape plans for upcoming buildings and development projects. fire investigation responded 67 fires during april. all schedule inspections continue and finished end of fiscal year. in april fire prevention completed 1, 600 inspections and an inspector test this summer. at the airport they responded 438 calls for service. medics responded to 225 of them as well. and i like to notify chief brown tinlds to retire the end of june we issued an order for his
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replacement and like to thank him for his job at the airport. division of training. 129th academy graduates june third they completed their department testing and completing now some of the live fire training and state required training that has to be done for the firefighter 1 and 2 certificate. the 6h3 level 2 academy graduated april 15th. 13 members. h3 level one number 20 will graduate on may 20, that is 25. h3 level ones in total. the captain from truck 5 selected fur the new in service training captain and in conducted the disaster drill on april 16th. 80 volunteers and we had a battalion exercise with our members the battalion chiefs and division chiefs to practice when
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we do in an event of a disaster such as an earthquake. there are several pictures in the report. that show the type of activities taking place during those drills. our in service training conditions to offer instruction at the training approximate sillity approximate off sight when available. there are you photos showing an off sight location on powell where new firefighters shown in a real building how to open walls and ceilings and look for hidden fire in the buildings. that concludes my not brief report for april. >> [laughter]. >> thank you very much. at this point madam secretary any general public comment on chief postel's report? >> there is no public comment. >> opinion comment is closed. commissioners questions or comments for the chief? commissioner covington. >> i will be brief.
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yea. and then commissioner morgan. >> great report, chief, postel. i like the videos with the fire boat. that is interesting. >> impressive to see what it can do. >> that was the beneatia fire. >> yea. >> all right. i have i dumb question, don't laugh at me. [laughter] >> tell me what this expression means when does that mean the full box of struck at the noe fire. what does that -- mean? so, the city is divide in the box essential low response box. and when there is a report of smoke or fire in a building, they will strike and guess back to the original dispatch days with the bell and they will dispatch a pull box assignment. everyone due if that your is dispatched to that incident the
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report of fires and smoke we called it a full box. >> gotcha. that explains it. yea. >> and subsequential second and third alarms the next box assignment due at that box. >> interesting. >> you had a busy month. >> [laughter]. >> they were busy. worked hard and did a great job. we appreciate your service and bravery. don't get enough credit for that. >> thank you. >> appreciate you guys. so that's all i got. when i therein is another engage am on the books soon. that is all i got. i will let the commissioner covington take over. >> thank you. >> thank you very much, commissioner morgan and my arc pol gees. through the chair. i'm working up a video and can't see if you raised your hand in terms of that. commissioner covington at this point questions or comments for the chief in >> thank you, mr. president.
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i had signaled my fellow commissioner he should go first. that's why he jump in the. thank you for your report chief postel. when you have so much to report -- it goes out the window it is a good and comprehensive report. before i get in asking you the few questions i have, do you want to assistant chief to say something she is in the room you did not see her come in. >> anything to add about your westportal fire or upper terrace. good morning any chance i with brag by my division i will be happy to. brevity is solo i will keep this short. so i'm delighted to report there was a third alarm at westportal
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one of our favorite districts we like to shop there. and i can safely say that because of the men and welch san francisco fire department, westportal is safe and sound. there were a number of commercial units in this building the fire started from the roof am due to roofing work being performed. and unfortunately fires extended to the attic pace and as the chief stated about these boxes we have in the san francisco fire department. these box alarms go back over 155 years. fighting a fire is like keeping it to that box. a room in content is a box. once that fire extends and we know commissioner covington you were in my fire class in 2015, can you appreciate this. that our strategies to keep that fire in that box. whether the apartment, once it extended to the adjoining building that box grows big and
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we flank it like a military strategy and tactics. we do that well in the san francisco fire department. and true to form, the men and women of the san francisco fire department employed aggressive, offensive attack, which is what we do well. . and have been doing it over 150 years. we are able to keep typeset to 2 upon buildings. it was a third alarm. consisting of 100 firefighters and we can't say enough about the work they did. so -- kudos to all and westportal is back in business. i will say another thing. as we went back to the build to review analysis and take aways, there were a lot of members of the community including retired assistant chief jim barry. and he was appreciative because who are the folks running these commercial units they are hard working people of san francisco who are operating the nail shon,
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dry cleaners, sushi restaurant, the loved united states post office. some of us in our generation still use. the people in the community appreciated it and i can't thank the members enough. thank you. >> thank you. >> they will be open in a know month. you will be okay maureen. we have chief story the commander can give you a brief description, too. >> good morning. thank you, chief. i think chief postel summed it up limp the thing i would like to add is the 3 battalion chiefs there oshg conel, gearing did an excellent job keeping firefighters safe. and keeping it to a second alarm. >> thank you. >> thank you, both for that.
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thank you very much. it'ds flesh to the bone for fellow citizens who are tuning in. to get a blinds the scenes report as to hagoos. because regular citizens are at street level looking up [laughter] and we see the things are happening but not sure. and as the chief mentioned i did take the semester long course in the introduction to fire science. i forgot how long the semester was. after thanksgiving there were classes. so -- [laughter] i learned a tremendous amount. thank you for that report.
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a very thorough and just as my fellow commissioners have mentioned i love the videos and the level of detail -- it says if we were there. and and that's very helpful because we know that people work extremely hard and do do an excellent job. but it is nice to get the nuts and bolts of how the job was done. so, i appreciate that. and i wanted to ask you oh . when is the house warming for the evans street facility, has that happened yet? >> i'm not sure. you have a house warming scheduled? >> we are working and not planning activities. >> no festivities are planned. thigh busy down there.
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>> i imagine they are. e approximately had you move house in addition to work that takes 16 hours a day. i wanted to make sure. can you talk about the. can't read my writing the new drug hacan being used previously only available. >> yea. >> the chief explain its better than i can. >> vice president, commissioners, secretary. chief postel and the command staff. your question, commissioner? >> what is that new drug that can be administered by members.
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>> it is considered medication assisted treatment. similar to methadone, it it is a way for people who are opioid substance use disorder to substitute this medication for what it it is they are department on. methadone has been around for a long time. but the way it is structured people that are on methadone go to a clinic daily. and have to be benched drinking the methadone and establish a lot of consistency they have take home methadone up to 2 weeks. you see people on methadone it is restrictive. very difficult on take a vacation. you have to have -- several weeks of take home methadone you take with you. this is more convenient.
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you can get it filled at a pharmacy and you can it is you know come in a bottle and a pill bottle and take it home with you. it is not clear why there are difference. between meth tonight and this one perhaps it is a journey generation donald trumping this drug binds much more red low to the receptor cites of bodies than upon ment nal or morphine or heroin. if someone take its the next 24 to 48 hours it helps prevent an over dose. and told's the next 24 to 48 hours it helps prevent an over dose. and told that highest risk factor for dying is survived one. we see it arc last. people that are in our ambulances begin it to leave because when you machine is
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given nar can it precipitates with drawl symptoms the person is immediately not feeling limp not in a good mental pace and they want to go get high again. they get high and find that the second time sometimes in 12 hours they die. it is very, we want to be able to get it in if the most convenient, efficient and rapid manner. >> all right. i appreciate you were saying essential low it is a new generation drug. i remember methadone clinics for those who were addicted to heroin. and i can just with -- eyeballing as i go downtown and back and forth cross the city that heroin seems to be making a come back of sorts. champion is disstressing.
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i'm not aware of the prevalence of heroin or if it is on the rise. i wanted to add you might have heard of another drug. this is the same. it is a different form ligz they have nar can add in the it to -- prevent people from shooting it up. am thank you. i locked at our vice president -- take the floor now and let me look at my notes so i can be brief if i have follow up. great report. >> thank you. commissioner. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. commissioner covington and
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morgan. chief postel, thank you very much for your comprehensive report. your graph and narratives and experience again is greatly appreciated. i wanted to acbuilding and videos i'm not there at your conference room commission room. i wanted to acknowledge the chiefs, thank you very much for you coming and commenting and acknowledge the member and it is battalion chiefs. all of your work is great low appreciated. i will ask 2 questions in terms of chief tang andtermsof chief appreciated. i will ask 2 questions in appreciated. i will ask 2 questions in termsof chief tang and training appreciated. i will ask 2 questions in appreciated. i will ask 2 questions in termsof chief tang and training appreciated. i will ask 2 questions in termsof chief tang and training appreciated. i will ask 2 questions in termsof chief tang and training.
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i wanted to thank the airport chief david brown in terms of he is leaving our department of the acknowledge his hard work and grateful for his service. i would like to ask chief paning tang a couple questions. i don't know if you have the report that we get from our commission meetings. i'm on page 22. and are you there. >> yes, i am >> look to where it is the middle. paragraph and basically talks about the person to person emergency on the street crisis response and street wellness response teams resulted in [inaudible] trans ported to appropriate care. i wanted to acknowledge that. the question in the following line is, it talks about police
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code 800 b. what is 800 b? chief? >> police code 800 a report of an upon mentally disturbed person it may sound #. it is an arcake term that is how the code is defined. b priority mean there is is no report of violence or weapon. >> okay. page 26 to the success component and wanted to acknowledge that these -- report on the success are important. shows how much success we have within our department. and that is what i wanted to comment this morning with the chief. i like to move on to thank you very much. move on to chief in terms of
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training. >> thank you. let me know when you are up. good morning vice president. i'm here. >> thank you very much. and referring to page 47. basically it talks about the training dates for various classes. if you note on top, second line. april 25th delivered the an fran leadership class to [inaudible] i need narrative for myself and colleagues. when you say leadership class with you describe that and describe the content of had that is? >> yes , sir. >> first good morning. vice president nakajo and commissioners. chief and command staff. deputy chief director of training. thank you for this question.
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vice president, the leadership team building curriculum is over 3 days. in the lieutenant's academy we cut this down to 8 to 12 hours. in this curriculum we talk about the san francisco firefighter's mission and values. how those are aligned with our newer lieutenants in making decisions based on our mission and values. talk about team building. talk about operations. we have many discussions we talk about our mepp process and having the difficult discussions with the folks we work with. 24 hours a day. and we also talk about the deil we talk about i believe the last portion is courageous leadership. it takes 8-12 hours.
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we do it in one-two days. >> okay, thank you for that. that helps me explaining things occurs. my question is why i'm asking i assume and don't want to assume in this department. that at the academy or in terms of the course work in terms of our new members who are going through training on the h2 level or lieutenant's level or battalion chief level; we offer in our department [inaudible] with the commission, we make trofrns [inaudible] military structure we have in the fire department. my question is that -- is there ever course work or some reenforce am to the concept of general orders? meaning that if a general order
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is issued the members or officers the enforcement or membership meeting to comply with it -- have comment in terms of my question on general orders and that are dealt with? >> vice president nakajo, general orders are sent out in paper form and sent to each individual member. they get it in their we have an hrms, curator computerized in box. they are required review the general orders and acknowledged they reviewed them. every company officer at roll call at 8 in the morning reviews new or per nan general orders issued. everybody is familiar and from time to time when issues arise, we can refer become to the
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general orders and have them referenced at roll call again, usually we push it down to the divisionor battalion chiefs. everybody is trained up in the general orders and -- [inaudible] >> thank you very much, chief, for that thank you very much. answers my question. chief, i will refer to page 49 and thank you for the following it was helpful. turn to page 49 the top of the page a picture. with green bags and that there is no description hathis picture is. can you describe know what that picture is? >> yes, vice president i should have looked at the report as we were sitting down and saw that picture and thought -- it looks ominous. what that is, this is during the upon 129th wild man training week.
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these are fire shelters used in extreme circumstances. we train to a level so we never get here to this point where we have to deploy a fire shelter. in an attempt to out run the fire or we will experience a burn over. we do training in high winds with the fire shell and getting recruits in the shelters. effectively. we teach them which direction to face. where their feet should be direct. what they do with tools and how to prepare bfrment this deployment and communications during the deployment. you see the relation to the shelters in relation to southern we do that on purpose so that in that situation where there are high stress uncertainty. that those folk in the setters can talk to one another they are
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close enough to hear to keep them encourage exclude in their shelters and safe. and to work as a team. in the situation like that, under that type of stress. the data shown that folks are gotten out of the shelters and have perished because of it. so, that's what you see part of the training they went through during that wild land week. >> okay. >> that does help. again the pictures are self self complaining, i thought i would ask you about these pictures are they men shelter bag? >> those are called. fire shelters. those are training fire shelters that's why they are green. on the outside they look like aluminum to reflect that heat away from the fire shelter.
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the oranges case you see on the ground and that plastic just to the left of the top green shelter that is the case this it it is kept in. that hard case is slid in that orange pouch, which is carried on their side of the body the left or the right. the plastic up top -- is the encasing of the shelter. imagine the shelter on your right side they pull it out. take it out of the plastic on top. open it up in the winds. step in turn and go to the ground. then while there they start to tuck in in the back and sides to ensure that they have a good seal to protect from the heat under the shelter or ambers under the shelter. >> okay.
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chief that is wildfires correct? this realization of the bags are? >> that's correct. this is used in wildfire situations. >> okay. the last question. on page 50 the following page the picture on the bottom with tremendous amount of members, can you describe that picture? what is that supposed to be? >> vice president, that is at 15 where are 0 powell street. we had a unique opportunity to bring the arc cad pee to this building and do training for 3 hours. here they learned building construction. they learned how to investigate. where a pyre s. if you imagine as the chief talked. we have a fire in ail building. once we get water in the fire we open up the walls and ceilings to ensure that fire is not in the spaces and traveling to the
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attic and continuing to be a problem, we instruct our academy how to proper low use the tools to open up the walls. get the ceilings open to ensure we don't have fire in those spaces and traveling to unconfined areas. they learned forceable entry. laddering, hose techniques, all the things we use in our operations daily. that is unique opportunity to do those outside of the training facility in a real building that we go do every day. so that's the academy taking pictures out front and you see on 50th at the top that's what was the ends state of opening the walls and ceilings and even look to 49 at the bottom that is
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utilizing the hooks. and pulling down that ceiling. all right. thank you very much. chooefr. that explains that. last question page 55 . the report. does that [inaudible] who is in charge of that program for the department? vice president that is lieutenant nancy galvin. >> thank you very much. thank you very much, chief postel and thank you very much are report back to commissioner covington if she has more questions at this time. commissioner covington. >> thank you, mr. vice president. and thank you for going over the photographs included in our packets. chief, i remember the great tragedy that happened may be 7
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years ago and was it arizona? where about 14 firefighters were over come by fire was really very tragic. event. the whole squad was wiped out. i will never forget that. so -- thank you for bring up something that is important for people to know about. and thank you for your report. and i did have a couple of additional questions for you. chief postel. i was wondering if you could talk more about the street scape plans. and how those plans are developed and implemented? >> i think fire marshall hawthorn has the best insight in
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that. since he sits on the meetings several times a week. >> thank you. >> i'm interested particularly in how these plans are impacting -- call response times. >> thank you for the question commissioner covington and commissioner morgan. vice president nakajo. and we have different members working with that sfmta a task captain who sits on the committee traffic safety committee. we have we interact with mta they come up with ideas and then they ask for our input and we go back to the field and see how tell affect sponse times we have concerns with activities. and we try to work through that with sfmta. based on responses and street width there are factors.
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ultimately we run that throughout chain of command through myself based on field input. how we think we can w with it and do the upon chief post and he will up to see if we are ago to object or work further with sfmta. you may have heard we discussed working on a pilot. a project where we analyze how the projects are affecting our response times. it health care long are than expected. we have a third party. mta is paying for the study. hopeful low in the next few weeks one of the third or fourth phase of the project will come out. it is a global look of how some of the changes whether road diets they narrow down the streets and bike lanes and humps, bumps, cushions and the
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next phase is a couple neighborhoods to analyze how that is working. so my staff and the fire prevention have different people work withes mta and find out what is affecting and go back to them and work back and forth on it. and plan how it can be approved and in the restrict our time response. who has the final word? >> deputy chief postel and the chief of the department has the final word from the department. we put forth and get through the information we can. and ultimately that is that process. >> all right. >> can and -- you said that mta is paying for the study? >> correct. >> we work together on the scope. through the mayor's office. and
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agreed we would work together on the scope of the project. and we go upon biweekly meetings chief postel myself and others and have meetings where we see how things are progress with the study and provide input and sdrekt it will right way. how will this be shared. >> we worked out. we asked for a report so 1 part is how they came up with study or what inputs were put in the study. and they are onliving if you put this and take this out. and get down to the weeds of what may be slowing us down. and you know -- they are verifying our data they are using gps tracking of our
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vehicles. we have a regular report we see where we are in response time wise for different vehicles and they are verifying that. hopeful low tell come in a report once we do it they will present that to the commission you will see it. and so will the sfmta commission and hopefully use that to direct where how the changes to the street scapes will occur in the city. >> okay, thank you. i look forward to seeing that report. >> because i'm concerned about the obstructions that the firefighters and the rigs have to get around in the city. noose i didn't asked who has the final say. >> the fire code we have a section this talked about -- traffic calming. so of -- the fire department has
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a say in the city if anything affects our response time in regards to traffic calming. so that's why we are involved with this anded why mta come to us when they want to make changes to the street. it affects our responses. it is in a way violation of fire code but we worked together to make it a win for everyone. >> okay. i think that this is an on going topic i will put this that way >> it is. [laughter]. thank you for that information. >> thank you. >> commissioner remarks? >> sorry. >> and i want to make sure that i also congratulate the department chief brown who will leave the airport and retiring.
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so. i see my fellow commissioner has questions. i think i posed all of the questions i had. >> commissioner covington and morgan you have questions. >> i was going to make a comment. [inaudible]. i respect the commissioner covington's concern about obstructions in the streets and stuff like that. but there are bright spots like the big project on vaness, that street scape. i don't think it is open but mta designd that should benefit you guys, right. getting down the bus lane. >> therure some changes that are--ing us with response times the dedicated bus and taxi lanes and things allow our routes unobstructed for us. there are some things they do this improve for us.
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>> correct. right. designs like that are a great idea. i know you interchange with the mta and fire department can use the lanes. save a lot of lives. >> they are helpful. are that's all i got >> thank you very much. commissioner morgan. madam secretary. next item. >> item 7, adjournment. >> we are at item 7 i need a motion and second for this adjournment. >> so moved. >> thank you. commissioner covington. >> i second that. >> thank you very much. commissioner morgan. >> and vice president nakajo? i vote, yes. >> this meeting is adjourned at 10:12 a.m. >> thank you, appreciate it very much.
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it takes asking the right questions of people who already have the job so that you have the confidence to build it and it takes someone telling you that this job is a possibility for you. my job has given me 25 years of satisfaction. the primary thing is that i grew up here in san francisco and i'm serving in the city where i grew up. i transitioned to community training and i was able to build disaster resilient padre of volunteers and bringing us all the latest information so that we can be ready for a disaster. pride and loyalty are the heart of a firefighter. it's in the way we do our job from the very smallest thing from our everyday checks we do of our equipment. from the way that we treat each other and the community we come in contact with every day. and loyalty is to our own families is to the pride we have in this department. it's to the other members when we're out in a dangerous situation keeping each other safe. it goes throughout every aspect
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of being a firefighter. i'm really proud of the way our department approaches diversity, equity, and inclusion. i was hired in a class that had 45 people and 17 women. it was an accomplishment at the time, but there were many women that came before me that laid the ground work and i had to see it to be it. someone had to recruit me into this job. i didn't know it was a possibility for myself. and so the importance of young women seeing what it takes to be a firefighter, seeing themselves when they look at me. it really brings myself a lot of pride and joy in this work.
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today we are going to talk about fire safety. we are here at the urban center on mission street in san francisco. it's a wonderful display. a little house in the urban center exhibition center that shows what it's like in a home in san francisco after an earthquake. one of the major issues that we are going to face after earthquakes are fire
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hazard. we are happy to have the fire marshall join us today. >> thank you. my pleasure. >> we talk about the san francisco earthquake that was a fire that mostly devastated the city. how do we avoid that kind of problem. how can we reduce fire hazard? >> the construction was a lot different. we don't expect what we had then. we want to make sure with the gas heaters that the gas is shut off. >> if you shut it off you are going to have no hot water or heat. be careful not to shut it off unless you smell gas. >> absolutely because once you do shut it off you should have the utility company come in and turn it back on.
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here is a mock up of a gas hear the on a house. where would we find the gas meter? >> it should be in your garage. everyone should be familiar with where the gas meter is. >> one of the tools is a wrench, a crescent wrench. >> yes. the crescent wrench is good and this is a perfect example of how to have it so you can loosen it up and use it when you need it. >> okay. let's go inside to talk about fire safety. many of the issues here relate to fire, for example, we have a little smoke detector and i see you brought one here, a carbon
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monoxide smoke detector. >> this is a combination of smoke and carbon monoxide detector. they are required in single homes now and in apartment buildings. if gas appliance is not burning properly this will alert you before the fumes buildup and will affect you negatively. >> this is a battery powered? >> this is a battery powered and it has a 10 year battery life. a lot of times you may have one or the other. if you put in just a carbon monoxide detector, it's important to have one of these too. every house should have a fire extinguisher, yes. >> one thing people expect to do when the power goes out
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after an earthquake about using candles. what would you recommend? >> if you have a battery operated candle would be better to use. this kind of a candle, you wouldn't want it in an area where it can cause a fire or aftershock that it doesn't rollover. you definitely want to have this in a non-combustible surface. >> now, here we have our stove. after a significant earthquake we expect that we may have gas disrupted and so without gas in your home, how are you going to cook? >> well, i wouldn't recommend cooking inside of the house. you have to go outside and use a portable stove or something
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else. >> so it wouldn't be safe to use your fireplace to cook? >> not at first. you should check it by a professional first. >> outside should be a safe place to cook as long as you stay away from buildings and doors and windows. >> yes. that will be fine. >> here we have some alternative cooking areas. >> you can barbecue and if you have a regular propane bark could barbecue. >> thank you for joining us. and thanks for this terrific space that you have in this exhibition space and thanks for
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welcome, jeanine nicholson. (applause). >> i grew up total tomboy, athlete. i loved a good crisis, a good challenge. i grew up across the street from the fire station. my dad used to take me there to vote. i never saw any female firefighters because there weren't any in the 1970s. i didn't know i could be a fire fighter. when i moved to san francisco in 1990, some things opened up. i saw women doing things they hadn't been doing when i was growing up. one thing was firefighting. a woman recruited me at the
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gay-pride parade in 1991. it was a perfect fit. i liked using my brain, body, working as a team, figuring things out, troubleshooting and coming up with different ways to solve a problem. in terms of coming in after another female chief, i don't think anybody says that about men. you are coming in after another man, chief, what is that like. i understand why it is asked. it is unusual to have a woman in this position. i think san francisco is a trailblazer in that way in terms of showing the world what can happen and what other people who may not look like what you think the fire chief should look like how they can be successful. be asked me about being the first lbgq i have an understands because there are little queer
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kids that see me. i worked my way up. i came in january of 1994. i built relationships over the years, and i spent 24 years in the field, as we call it. working out of firehouses. the fire department is a family. we live together, eat together, sleep in the same dorm together, go to crazy calls together, dangerous calls and we have to look out for one another. when i was burned in a fire years ago and i felt responsible, i felt awful. i didn't want to talk to any of my civilian friends. they couldn't understand what i was going through. the firefighters knew, they understood. they had been there. it is a different relationship. we have to rely on one another. in terms of me being the chief of the department, i am really trying to maintain an open
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relationship with all of our members in the field so myself and my deputy chiefs, one of the priorities i had was for each of us to go around to different fire stations to make sure we hit all within the first three or four months to start a conversation. that hasn't been there for a while. part of the reason that i am getting along well with the field now is because i was there. i worked there. people know me and because i know what we need. i know what they need to be successful. >> i have known jeanine nicholson since we worked together at station 15. i have always held her in the highest regard. since she is the chief she has infused the department with optimism. she is easy to approach and is
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concerned with the firefighters and paramedics. i appreciate that she is concerned with the issues relevant to the fire department today. >> there is a retired captain who started the cancer prevention foundation 10 years ago because he had cancer and he noticed fellow firefighters were getting cancer. he started looking into it. in 2012 i was diagnosed with breast canner, and some of my fellow firefighters noticed there are a lot of women in the san francisco fire department, premenopausal in their 40s getting breast cancer. it was a higher rate than the general population. we were working with workers comp to make it flow more easily for our members so they didn't have to worry about the paper
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work when they go through chemo. the turnout gear was covered with suit. it was a badge to have that all over your coat and face and helmet. the dirtier you were the harder you worked. that is a cancer causeser. it -- casser. it is not -- cancer causer. there islassic everywhere. we had to reduce our exposure. we washed our gear more often, we didn't take gear where we were eating or sleeping. we started decontaminating ourselves at the fire scene after the fire was out. going back to the fire station and then taking a shower. i have taught, worked on the decontamination policy to be sure that gets through.
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it is not if or when. it is who is the next person. it is like a cancer sniper out there. who is going to get it next. one of the things i love about the fire department. it is always a team effort. you are my family. i love the city and department and i love being of service. i vow to work hard -- to work hard to carry out the vision of the san francisco fire department and to move us forward in a positive way. if i were to give a little advice to women and queer kids, find people to support you. keep putting one foot in front of the other and keep trying. you never know what door is going to open next.
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>> when i open up the paper every day, i'm just amazed at how many different environmental issues keep popping up. when i think about what planet i want to leave for my children and other generations, i think about what kind of contribution i can make on a personal level to the environment. >> it was really easy to sign up for the program. i just went online to, i signed up and then started getting pieces in the mail letting me know i was going switch over and poof it happened. now when i want to pay my bill, i go to pg&e and i don't see any difference in paying now. if you're a family on the budget, if you sign up for the regular green program, it's not going to change your bill at
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all. you can sign up online or call. you'll have the peace of mind knowing you're doing your part in your household to help the environment. >> good evening this is the meeting of the san francisco commission on the environment. today is tuesday may 10th. the time is 6:21 p.m. ringing use of cell phones and paging devices are prohibited.
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for remote participants ringing of cell phones and pagers and ringing devices is prohibited. please turn your devices off. due to the covid-19 health emergency and to protect commissioners, department staff and members of the public, commissioners and department staff may participate in the meeting remotely. this exception is taken pursuant to the statewide stay-at-home order and proceeding local, state and federal orders, declarations and directives. commissioners, may attend the meeting through video conference or by telephone if the video fails and participate in the meeting to the same extent as if they were physically present. public comment will be available on each item in this agenda. for comments on matters not on the agenda, there will be an opportunity for general public comment. participants who wish to comment in person will be asked to come
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forward one by one and speak clearly into the mic. each speaker will be allowed three minutes to speak. members of the public who are participating remotely, may comment by calling into the meeting. opportunities to speak during the public comment period are available via phone by calling (415)655-0001. access code, 2491 434 4545 when connected dial star 3 to be added to the queue. is also streaming the number at the top of the screen. best practices are to call from a quiet location, speak clearly and slowly and silence any other devices. members of the public may submit public comment by e-mail.
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i will now call the roll. [ roll call ] commissioner bermho is excused and commissioner wald is excused. we have a quorum. as president ahn will be participating virtually vice president stephenson will be presiding over the meeting. the next item is item 2, review and vote on whether to approve resolution file 2022-030coe to allow teleconference meetings under the california government code section 5495e.
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this item is for discussion and action. the commission will discuss and consider adoption of a resolution making guidance by government code requires in order to allow the commission to hold meetings remotely as currently required under local law without complying certain grounds of that requirement. >> v.p. stephenson: any discussion? do i hear a motion? any changes? let's open up to public comment please. >> clerk: le with begin with public comment here in the room. we will proceed to remote public comment. are there any members of the public who are present in the
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your three minutes begin now. >> caller: good evening, this is david pilpel. i have no concerns about the ab361 resolution. i want note that today's meeting is not live on sfgov tv channel 2 and is not listed on the sfgov tv website under live events. i do note i'm watching this on webex if there is graphics, camera or sfgov tv, control room f. i don't know where they are casting it. if they could add that to the live events page age if someone direct me and other members of
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>> clerk: public comment is restricted to this specific agenda item at the moment. this is the teleconference resolution. please save your comment for general public comment which will appear on item 4 in the agenda. thank you. seeing no additional callers in the queue, public comment on this item has concluded. >> v.p. stephenson: roll call vote please. >> clerk: i will call the roll. [roll call vote]
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>> v.p. stephenson: motion passes. next item. >> clerk: next item 3. president's welcome. this item is for discussion. >> president ahn: thank you. good evening everyone. the commission on the environment acknowledges that we occupy homeland of the ramaytush ohlone people who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. ramaytush ohlone understand all things and maintained harmony. we honor ramaytush ohlone peoples for their commitment to mother earth. as the indigenous protecttors of this land, ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, nor forgotten their responsibility as caretakers of this place. whereas for all people who reside in their traditional
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territory. we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland as uninvited guests. we affirm their sovereign rights as first people and wish to pay our respects to the ramaytush ohlone community. we recognize that we must embrace indigenous knowledge and how we care for san francisco and all its people. thank you for your attention during this important acknowledgement. thank you, kyle, thank you chair stephenson for moving along this meeting. apologies for not being able to join you tonight. i tested positive for covid and i will be joining you remotely. my symptoms are mild it's another reminder that as commissioners we do not pick and choose the challenges before us. it was always true of climate change where we seb on the commission on the pandemic, that --i'm grateful to vice president
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stephenson for stepping to the role to push forward a robust agenda today. we have packed agenda with more substantive ones towarded end. thanks to acting director jue i'm looking forward to getting some work done. with that, we can move to discussion on president's welcome. >> v.p. stephenson: any discussion on the president's welcome? let's open up to public comment please. >> clerk: vice president stephenson and president ahn we'll have see if we can have commissioner wald to call in to participate. just one moment.
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commissioner wald, can you hear us? >> commissioner wald: can you hear me? >> clerk: we can hear you. given the technical set up, it will be best we unmute you whenever we have a discussion on an agenda item. we'll start to count you as part of the quorum. thank you very much. >> commissioner wald: thank you for your help and charles. >> v.p. stephenson: let's move to public comment. >> clerk: we will begin with public comment here in the room. once public comment has concluded we'll proceed to remote public comment.
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the meeting is still not listed on the sfgov tv website under live events. although you claim that it is web only until the board of ed ends, which seems unlikely. seem like this meeting will likely be shorter than the board of ed meeting. it appears this meeting is only available to the public on webex and not available through sfgov tv. if you can verify that or if you can get them to listed under sfgov tv live events, that will be helpful. otherwise it is only available for the public currently on webex. thank you for listening.
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gun before. i was urging you to continue to work with the board to implement the climate action plan. i will remind you of your statement in the department of environment is still not financially equipped to tackle the enormity of climate change. that's the overarching job. the city budget should include the following. $1 million for a cleanpowersf incentive program, $3 million for carbonation professional services, $1 million for community outreach on the climate action plan, $2 million for a pilot program electrifying commercial kitchens and another $2 million for a pilot program electrifying affordable housing units.
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$4.2 million to provide services so that they have the capacity to implement the climate action plan. $250,000 for district energy study. to determine how to connect best use of the energy systems available and the $5 million to plant street trees. you saw today that the world leader reported that the world temperature may go higher than the 1.5 degrees than we're worried about. that's a big deal. especially it might trigger tipping points we've been hearing about. we really must have no other goal here and to get off the road to survival. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comments.
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see no additional callers in the queue. public comment on this item is closed. >> v.p. stephenson: thank you for the public comment. especially for getting the url up for everyone. appreciate that. let's move to the next item. >> clerk: item 4, approval of minutes of the march 22, 2022 commission on the environment meeting. explanatory document is the march 22, 2022 draft minute. >> v.p. stephenson: any discussion on the minutes from the last meeting? can i hear a motion? let's open up to public comment for this item.
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>> clerk: we will begin with public comment here in the room. once in-person comment has concluded, we will proceed to remote public comment. are there any members of the pub who wish to speak? if so come forward one-by-one. seeing none, we'll proceed to remote public comment. members of the public who wish to make a public comment should press star 3 to be added to the queue for those already on hold in the queue, please continue to wait until it is your turn to speak.
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seeing no callers. public comment on this item has closed. >> v.p. stephenson: please call the roll. [roll call vote] [ indiscernible ] >> clerk: is there a member of the public who wishes to speak? >> caller: yes, david pilpel. on the minutes minor items on page 2, there's reference -- [ indiscernible ] i believe that's the first reference and there's no title
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given. that's at the bottom of page 2. i would add her title on the bottom of page 3. there's a reference to accessory as it relates to ev chargers. i believe the language should be -- along should read and installed as an accessory use on page 7, there's reference to northern california recycling association on the first line of my public comment. i would delete the word the. it would read about the reference to the director's report. on the third lime long -- line,
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it should read left and did not retire. further on that page there's reference to deidre cannonburg. her title is not given. on page 8-11, i believe that the language at the end is agenda boilerplate. it's not necessary to the minutes. it might be considered confusing because of specific information for that meeting. i would end the minutes after -- just before the section labeled, a remote meeting access. i believe that agenda
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commissioner wald? we have you unmuted. commissioner wald is excused. commissioner wan. >> v.p. stephenson: motion passes. next item. >> clerk: item 5, general public comment. members of the public may address the commission on matters within the jurisdiction and not on today's agenda. we will begin with public comment here in the room. once in-person comment has
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concluded, we will proceed to remote public comment. are there any members of the public who are present who wish to speak, if so please come forward one by one and speak clearly in the mic. we will proceed to remote public comment. members of the public who wish to make a public comment on this item should press star 3 to be added to the queue. for those already on hold in the queue, please continue to wait until it is your turn to speak. it appears we do have a pair of callers in the queue. caller, you're unmuted. your three minutes begins now.
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>> caller: david pilpel again. next item on the public integry review raises questions about conduct and ethics but also the basic purpose of the commission. that's why i wanted to address those concerns now under general public comment. i think the role of the commission is not just with regard to policy and programs but also oversight. this commission has historically not been particularly engaged in contract and grants only on occasions, and inconsistently and level of budget detail has varied over time. i would ask you to think about what level of detail is useful for the members of the commission, staff and the public. in staff reports and presentations, the appropriate level of oversight on budget contract and grants issues, the level of detail in the
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director's report. bottom line here, i would encourage the commission now to either step up and be very serious about the issues before the commission and the department. if you're not and we're not all serious about this, maybe we don't need a commission anymore and maybe there will be a charter amendment from supervisor peskin or others to abolish the commission and perhaps abolish the department. i don't want that. i hope you don't want that. i think there's some serious issues and we need to take them with the seriousness they warrant. >> clerk: thank you for your comment.
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caller, you're unmuted. your three minutes begins now. >> caller: my name is elena, i'm with the san francisco emergency coalition and 350 san francisco. i'm calling to express concern about the department of the environment budget request of $3.2 million which this commission supported. we have heard indications it may not be included in the mayor's budget. i'm asking that the commission continue to express support to the mayor for this item and if it is not included in the mayor's budget, that it gets put in it add back process. we also have developed a number of other add back items mostly dealing with the building
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decarbonization pilot. we hope you also would support these addback items. we must start funding the updated cap and it is not apparently within the mayor's priorities to do so. i am sincerely asking this commission to make sure that these budget requests are supported even if they are included in the mayor's budget and included in addbacks. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comment. seeing no further callers in the queue. public comment is closed if this
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item. >> v.p. stephenson: next item please. >> clerk: item 6, presentation on public integrity review preliminary assessment and up update on the implementation of assessment recommendations. the speaker is tyrone jue. >> v.p. stephenson: commissioner s, as we go into this item, as acted director jue gets his presentation, if you have any questions or discussion that you like to take after any of the sections of his presentation, let's take them as they come up instead of waiting to the end. i'm not going to ask for questions off each section. if you have questions, please
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feel free the motion that you like to speak. those who are dialing in remotely, please make sure kyle can see you. acting director jue? >> thank you commissioner stephenson. i want to acknowledge some of the public comment that we heard. this commission does play the role by setting the directions for the department. i did want to mention that your leadership here and convening this special hearing is really important that we're willing to have this open dialogue and conversation in a public setting regarding the issues that were raised in the report. i want to say a few words just to introduce myself. i truly am honored to be here in this acting capacity to serve
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this commission and also to follow in the footsteps of someone that i truly admired and respected. i do want to put that up front because one of the decisions for me and stepping in this acting role was to support the direction and policy direction of this commission but also support the staff that have continued to do their work day in and day out even with this emotional roller coast they've been on over the past month. this is as much about supporting them and obviously supporting the direction of this commission. we're going to talk about this public integrity review that wassing conducted by the san francisco controller office. i think one thing to think about, i did want to mention about audits in general. you can take a half glass full
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approach or a half glass empty approach. what i mean by that, the way to think about audits is really about highlighting areas of improvement. especially in public service. the ability to have controllers office that is an independent group. that's what was done here in this report. i do want to acknowledge the amazing work of our controller audit team who put lot of hours in this report. all 48 slides in total. what we're going to focus on today as part of my presentation, it may go into other discussions, are are the outcomes for the nine recommendations that really are consolidation of all the 48
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slide. when you think about all the individual slides and slide at the very end, which are common for every report are what are the areas recommendations that the department need to improve upon in order to address everything that was raised in the report. that's going to be the focus of my conversation today. next three slides go over what those nine assessment recommendations are. i'm not going to read each and every one of them as we're going to go each of them in some detail later on. i did want to note here that president ahn decided to move item 1 which results in a discussion and the policies this commission may want to consider to the end. i will start with recommend two and work down and then get to recommendation one.
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the other recommendations are straightforward as we'll see as well as the action that we followed up on. starting with recommendation number two. the recommendation in the report was that policymakers should revise the refuse rate-setting process and procedures to clearly define s.f. environment's roles, responsibilities, and involvement in the refuse rate-setting process. these are covered in the recommendations proposed settled to be voted on in the june 2022 election. i want to pause here, as this enacted voter issue that's going to be appearing before them,
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we're prohibited from offering any sort of opinion and having a conversation about this other than outlining what the facts that are presented within the voter pamphlet. the way it works now, the refuse rate board has three members. general manager of the san francisco public utilities commission, the city administrator and the city controller. the proposed ballot measure or the ballot measure that will be voted on by voters will change the composition of that refuse rate board. the general manager to the san francisco public utilities commission, city administrator and a rate payer representative. the city controller instead would act essentially as the rate setting process.
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this is the change that's going to be before the voters in june. that rate payer representative will be a seat that would currently be appointed or offered up by the utility reform network as proposed in the ballot. that organization is currently listed as the organization that will propose the member for that seat or it can be another organization that can be selected by the board of supervisors. in addition, where this commission would come involved in the process and the rate setting process, there will be two hearings that will be scheduled as a result of this new process. one will be a public hearing before this commission and there will be another public hearing in front of our new commission sanitation of streets. which is being put together now. that gives a broad overview what the changes are. there's no specific action for us to take as part of the
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department. obviously the action proposed by mayor breed and supervisor peskin are before the voters in june. >> v.p. stephenson: i have a question. what happens if that ballot measure does not pass? do we take action on this recommendation at that point in time? >> the rate setting process does require a vote to change that process that require a vote of the voters. if this measure does not pass, the existing process would remain in place. >> follow-up question on the public hearing in front of this commission. previously, i feel like this is mentioned in public comment that the lack of detail and some public hearing leads to an inability to provide constructive oversight or insight into what is actually
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happening. i like to hear your candid thoughts on general best practices if this were to be adopted by the voters that you think the commission should follow? >> unfortunately, i don't know the details. the process will need to be developed by the controller's office. they will define what will be presented before each of the commission body. in terms of what i can refer to is kind of my experience over at public utilities commission. as we go through our rate setting process. we do have a rate fairness board that's made up and appointed people, representing different constituencies in the rate payer group. it goes into a commission hearing process and in this case, in accordance with proposition, it's setting of water utility rates. there are two hearings that are held within the commission that
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has to be publicly noticed. members of the public are able to offer comment before commission takes action on rates that are set. >> will this commission be able to make recommendation. >> i believe similar to our current rate setting process, the department will be involved in kind of working with controller's office. we have a portion of the work related to the zero waste goals. in terms of the background work and technical work, we'll be involved in conversations with the controller.
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>> as to this recommendation, the controller's report talked about an order by mr. neuro from 2016 it found was extremely vague as to the department's role in rate paying and rate process. my question about this recommendation is what is the status of that order? if that's part of the lack of clarity of the department's role, how does the ballot initiative address that? is there something else that's needed to establish some clarity? >> that may go into an area i'm not quite familiar as far as what supersedes that order. until the measure is enacted i would assume that the order is
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still in place. however, there's obviously different leadership in department of public works currently. they can offer another order to provide greater detail. i don't think given where we are in terms of rate setting process and when that's coming up, i believe they'll tackle this to see whether or not that ballot initiative passes in june to decide what those next steps are. if it doesn't pass, i'm sure there will be conversations about what to do next.
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>> clerk: do you have a comment commissioner wald? >> commissioner wald: i don't believe i do, can you hear me? >> clerk: yes, we can hear you. >> commissioner wald: i'm not going to comment. >> clerk: you can hear us okay? >> commissioner wald: yes. >> this is recommendation number three in the report. the recommendation is that policymakers should consider codifying the mayor's executive director 20-02 requiring departments to formalize the
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relationships with non-city organizations and defining key components of the agreements. the action here is obviously as an executive director issued by the mayor, we're under that guidance to follow that directive. any new establishment of an organization, we'll talk about the disillusion of the organization later on. it would require following that directive which require us to go to city attorney's office and controller's office for review. also to have that approved at the the commission level in compliance of all local rules and regulations. one action that this commission may want to consider, this is an action by a resolution to potentially codify this within the departmental policy and passing a resolution that's adopting the measure for 20-02 strictly stating that should the department in the future want to
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establish a friends of organization, here are the thing that will be required. this recommendation comes as -- every mayor passes executive directive. through the passage of time, those mayors passed directives. this would establish the requirement for any future department head to establish a friends of organization in the future. we think that the recommendations obviously in the executive directive by the mayor are definitely good recommendations to put forth. if that's something that of interest of the commission, staff will be happy to work on drafting that resolution for consideration of the commission in the future.
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>> commissioner hunter: item number four, each department submitted under the administrative code. the department shaz certify all gifts received. currently we do not have a department annual report. i'm curious if you have thoughts on where. >> the gift reporting is actually done and posted on our website for the public to see in accordance with with the rules and handled by our chief of policy and his team. that is something that we currently do comply with in accordance with the rule. >> commissioner hunter: i'm wondering if it might be an alternative recommendation to include in the commission's report as opposed to the departmental report, any
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donations received from the department just to increase transparency? >> that's the only recommendation that we can take if that's what the commission like. one of the items later on in terms of see how the commission like to receive updates. some of the ideas include reporting any gifts received and putting that in the director's report even as a written memo. also providing updates on any kind of major ethics updates to the commission at that time. recommendation number four is that san francisco environment and all city departments should proactively seek advice from the city attorney's office and the
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ethics commission when questions arise about city ethics rules and ensure full disclosure of relevant facts to facilitate accurate advice. the three actions that we developed are that the department will review are internal ethics policies and protocol and develop written policies including seek the advice of city attorney ethics commission. the department will regularly schedule staff training on city ethics rules and the policy. second is that the department will conduct annual staff briefing and advice. the way to make the process more accessible to staff. it staff has a very clear list of actions in order to seek that advice. here's the process to do so and here's the new contact to seek advice. as part of just beginning four weeks ago, one of the new
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requests that we request additional city attorney resources to ensure that the sufficient budget to account for the work we like to do with the city attorney's office in term of reviewing contracts and other items. these are the three items we're proposing here. >> v.p. stephenson: i'm pleased to see that last point. one of the things that i think is critical for the department like the department of on the environment to make sure -- with so much grant funding, nearly every single piece of revenue that comes in the department is earmarked towards something.
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we have to cover that through other means. we don't have general fund dollars. therefore legal dollars don't flow into our budget. as a commission it's important for us to support especially that third piece of that where we want to make sure that we are -- we want this department to be held as a pinnacle of being ethical in the same way that we have such an international reputation being a leader in the environmental movement. we need to be equally seen as put forward in terms of how we approach other ethical decisions.
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commissioner hunter? >> commissioner hunter: thank you for dealing with all the questions. the only two thoughts here on the department review of internal policy is, i think increasing the robustness of the policy is important. when we did records retention -- [ indiscernible ] on the second one for the staff briefing, the only comment that i have here is i think it might be a good suggestion to make sure it coincides with the larger fundraising period as we go into earth month and earth day. >> that's a great point.
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>> commissioner wald: this commissioner wald. i want to observe that commissioner stephenson's point. i think incredibly critical. i had previously noted in my own review this document that the fact that the department has to essentially buy purchase, it's a real disincentive to having the kind of comprehensive and accessible legal advice that is critical to ensuring that we are complying with appropriate ethical obligations. it does seem to me that -- if the city is truly committed to
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having this and other departments do that. there does have to be some examination within the city of the funding issue and the way the process is currently structured. not just for our department but for others. >> next slide please. this is recommendation number five. this is s.f. environment and all city departments should comply with the mayor's executive director 20-01 and ensure a timely disclosure information to the city attorney and controller's office.
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this is kind of the simple one. in my mind, we should fully comply with any requests from city attorney's office and controller's office. the department suspect committed to ensuring disclosures of all information and providing training to staff, especially around records retention and also disclosures that are required under the rules and regulations for the city. this is recommendation number six. this pertains back to the organization. s.f. environment and all city departments should work with the city attorney's office to create
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a memorandum of understanding. the action here in complication with city attorney's office, the friends of s.f. environment has been dissolved. in your packet today is a letter that on 4/29/22. i sent a letter to the friends of s.f. environment organization formally ending any relationship. as we discussed before, any new establishment will have to go through and follow the mayor's executive director currently. related to the funds that are remaining within the friends it of account, consistent with the city's new behested payment rule, all decisions the remaining fund are sole possession of the friends of
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environment. we were instruct that we are to have or provide no direction. they are free to disperse the remaining funds as they choose. as noted in the letter, we ask they let us know once they kind of close things up. >> v.p. stephenson: can we take one step. can you talk about the friends of organization, how they work and what it means going forward and how the prior directive would change.
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>> i want to start by saying the friends of organization is not unique to the department of environment. there exist other fends of organization. library has have their own friends of organization. thian these organizations are typically up is to support the mission and the work. this department because of how restricted our funding sources are important. these friends of organization allow -- you have vehicle to -- i don't want to say friends of
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organization is totally bad. it has supported many of the initiatives and programs that this commission and city adopted as far as policy. because of all the restricted sources, that could not be used to fund that important work. which a dramatically changed, the passing of the behested language. which restricted the ability to be able to solicit funds from these restricted sources and interested parties. in this case othe -- friends of
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s.f. environment played all important role, it's better for us to move in a different direction and advocate for funding directly from the city to fund these important and critical climate activities. hopefully that provides some context. >> you say with the disband of organizations, it's on their discretion how they will handle the fund? >> that's correct. >> what is the budget sides?
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>> the approximately remaining amount in the account is about $25,000. >> this friends of organization never need to report to the commission in the past. >> this was a relationship between the department and the friends of organization. kind of how that organization supported the department's goal. that was the intersection between the work. given the behested payment legislation that passed, this is why the city attorney -- there needs to be a clear line on you can't direct them anymore. they're already a restricted source on where to put that money. this not allowed anymore based on that legislation. >> generally, this is the most
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concerning aspect to me. money without oversight is never a good thing especially when we have such limited access to funds. those funds can get misappropriated. in the control's report, they recognize yes, friends of did have a board. the staff signed off and directed these funds. are any staff in a personal capacity still directing these funds? >> currently to this day, no. there's no direction of anything from staff and involvement from staff in the friends of organization. they have no input into where the funds will be directed. >> no staff currently hold position with friends of.
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>> that's correct. >> commissioner wald: this may seem like overkill, i want to follow-up commissioner hunter's question and ask my fellow board members to assure me that none of us have any relationship with the friends of organization? >> v.p. stephenson: everyone i see says no. >> commissioner wald: i don't. >> commissioner sullivan: the actions indicated here are that the friends of organization has been dissolved and also that this -- my question is friends
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of organization being formally dissolved. is it an organization that will go through disillusion so it no longer exist or will it sees to exist so that it doesn't exist and it can't just dispurse funds. >> that's a great point of clarification. the action that we have taken as a department is to sever our relationship with with the friends of s.f. environment. that's what we have been told.
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>> commissioner sullivan: thank you. >> to build on question again. the board of friends of, are throes of those board members connected to any other city departments or any other city staff? like was somebody's husband or wife connected to this organization? >> i'm going to have mr. sheehan answer this question. >> can you repeat that question? >> commissioner hunter: i no department staff directly connected to friends of but are aware of any relationships via close friends or family that sit on this board that might be connected to the city
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government. >> this is charles sheehan public affairs officer. i think it's safe to say that the external board members for friends may have connections to the city and or former employees to the city. >> commissioner hunter: beside acting director with friends of, are there any controls in place to make sure there are no back-and-forth or continuation conversation -- the point i'm trying to drive home, i want to make sure we dot our is and cross our ts. to ensure we are not connected with any shame form if possible.
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>> i'm not wear of any back-and-forth other than what has been recommended by the city attorney and transported over to -- i'm not aware of back-and-forth. >> commissioner hunter: in the letter sent to them, it does clarify that prohibition that the dispercentment of funds is -- >> thank you for answering these questions. this is a very complex relationship. it has to come to a close. we are doing as much diligent follow-up as possible. help ease my anxiety.
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thank you. >> we appreciate the questions. there are questions that the public may have related to this. >> this is recommendation number seven. tv environment and allzy department -- the action here is as of 2021, this actually began already. all s.f. environment staff are required to take the biannual
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city ethics training. training is actually part of every new employee's on boarding process. when you become a new policy at the process, you must take this training. in item of 2022, we'll be doing another all staff training with the city attorney use office. the point here is that this anthony a one time thing. it's an ongoing process that we need to continue elevate through discussions, dialogue, meeting and training. today we had a training with managers about the best way of the payment rule. we want everyone to ask
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questions to the exerts. beginning in 2023, there will be an annual requirement to complete the training to align with the filing deadline for form 700 filers. which is april 1st. basically, it's lining up with commissioner hunter's recommendation to the earth month celebration. i think it fights nicely in that timeline. the second is that in addition, this is a new request that was made to the mayor's budget office for additional support to
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>> v.p. stephenson: there's so much conversation around getting grants and getting funds in the door to enact the amazing policies that constituent does. a part of me wants to say this is an amazing opportunity for us to say let's stop that whole process and let the city fund all the work of the department and then all of that oversight in the day-to-day way around grant making, grant writing and getting sponsorship and making
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sure that we're following all the rules. my question for you is, in that training and in the behested payment rules is there clarity around gifts versus sponsorships? to me, this is one of those thing that i never understood. i see a big marquee with a bunch of logos on it. i know that people have given wine at the green business awards, i know that people done different levels of sponsorships. not people but organizations. it's unclear to me after going through the ethics training that we have to go through, where that line gets drawn. i'm hopeful as you're talking about this training, that line gets really clear. as long as we are in position or department is in position where we're having to go out and
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solicit these funds in order to do day-to-day operations it's critical that every single person who has any touch point on that really understands that. i don't think that has been the case today through no -- certainly through lack of understanding there. >> this might be a good time to introduce our deputy city attorney. i will start and obviously turn to her if she has anything to add. i do think that the line is very clear when it comes to new behested payment legislation. what is allowed and not allowed in terms of sponsorship.
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we have relationship with this organization, we are not allowed to ask that organization for funding for our department or funding to another behested payment. like funding to another organization to support something. you bring up a point that the reason why the funds had to be raised it's because there are no dollars in the department to host things like the breakfast. to bring up another point that the behested payment legislation -- the activities it done prior to this year.
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the issue around the recology issue, that's elevated in term of public profile based on all the other activities and things i noted with recology. that takes on a different perception which is ultimately kind of what we're trying to safeguard. that integrity and what all the commissioners said the integrity of the department. those things are really important to be followed. that's why we're asking for additional support. the current resources of the department isn't enough to ensure that. to make sure we don't miss, we
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want to make sure we are every -- even if this department, i hope this department is successful in getting all the funding we need to advance this important work, there will be a component just based on the work itself that will require -- that will basically benefit the public for us to seek grants. there are federal grants closely aligned with our climate goal. all of the money we need to be out there trying to get the dollars into the city so we can advance our goals. i don't think that necessarily stopped even if we get funding. we get to scale that work and make sure that the work is done appropriately in accordance with
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rules and regulations in the city. >> i agree with what you said. i want to underline the point you made. there's no real distinction between sponsorships and gifts when it comes to the behested payment rules. >> can you explain the current staffing situation related to contract and contract compliance. when you adding disposition, what will be the responsibility and who will be the direct reports to? >> we're still working out the details organizationally where that would fit. any initial thought is that the current staff that deal with budgeting that deal with
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contracts and the consolidation of everyone that deals with grants centralized grant function would report to this individual. that individual will provide that oversight. it allows for that oversight. also, there are some judgment calls that have been to be made. we like to think all rules and regulations are, there are circumstances and situations where you have to start put your thinking cap on and say does what applied and having someone -- [ indiscernible ] that first layer is really important to the process. we make sure other points are hit as they are needed if things
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are not clear. >> i'm thinking, this is really robust department that had so many contracts and grants. it's not typical. i'm wondering if one position is that even enough or if that assessment has been done and to figure out a structure to make it as sound? >> that's a great point too. unfortunately, given the timing of kind of everything as far as this report and also myself, we're in the middle of a budget season right now. what i was proposing here we know we need additional controls to get some additional help now that can do that strategic -- to have a very robust contracting grant budgeting team that kind of meets the standard that this
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commission wants to hold. >> commissioner wald: i think i may have missed something here. i apologize. i want to say thank you for moving so swiftly and so comprehensively to address the recommendation. i'm very impressed as we go through what you have done and what you proposing to do. one thing that i was wondering is whether or not you given any consideration to a position like
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an ethics officer for the department? even ideally or prospectively. i agree absolutely with what you said that again and again, there are going to be questions that require a judgment call. i take these ethics courses every single year. i'm a lawyer. i'm used to thinking about these kinds of issues. they are not crystal-clear even to me after multiple years of having the training. the notion that department might have someone who's job it was to
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be an advisor to people when those questions come up so they don't have to hesitate. before they can get the answer to the question while on the term of their tongue. somebody who have responsible for answering those questions and identify as such to everyone. >> thank you for your comments. i agree. that is the intent of this position that we're requesting. at an appropriate senior enough level to be able to provide that level of guidance. i think it's also important to note, it's easy to always find someone to be ethics officer if you will. lot of people have an ethics
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officer. it's important that we understand our role and supporting the ethics department. each individual is a safeguard. i had conversations with staff, we to each other are sources of information. as there are questions the most important thing is to have a resource you can turn to, b, know that you don't have to -- if you're not sure ask questions. in this case it will be initially senior person but it can be anyone in the department for that matter to seek in initial level of guidance and elevate it as necessary until we get to that appropriate level of certainty. that includes going to our city attorney's office, going to the ethics department. all in that process and the
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culture we want to have in place. >> commissioner wald: if i can add one follow-up question. so the person is not specifically -- the supervisor for lack of better word of the contract people, it's a brawledder -- broader role? >> that is the initial thought. i'm happy to bring back a job description for this role. it will be all of the above. obviously they would have oversight over our budget and contracting grant. i believe in my review other organizations we can find an individual with all of those skill sets.
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>> commissioner wald: thank you. i'm sorry i did not understand that from the beginning. >> not a problem. we are going on to recommendation seven. this is more an agreement in the recommendation. we are looking at all the top responsibilities within the department to determine which of these positions do have contracting and purchasing responsibility. tied with that, we'll make sure the appropriate training is died to the individual and disclosures is tied to those individuals that are appropriate. the department will work with the s.f. commission to identify additional sunshine training to include annual mandatory
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requirements. recommendation number eight. s.f. environment and all city departments should seek approval from the board of supervisors if the department wishes to charge fees and ensure that fee revenue is deposited and recorded in the city's financial system. the action here is a slight description also of the fee-based course. we look back when it took place. only fee-based for recology in q22014. the last fee-based presentation happened in q4 2019. this is to raise visiting delegation that were taking up
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staff time and pulling them from other responsibilities and have them cover the cost of those tour. it was done on a limited basis. based on what i've been able to see as far as it was not done regularly or frequently. there's a city process before any department should decide to enact any sort tv fee or charge. as such, i want to note this happened before i began. any fee revenues is recorded in the city's financial system. this goes to there's actually a process to set fees that requires approval by the board of supervisors before you you
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can start charging fees to the public. we definitely will follow up any of those rules and procedures should we ever do fees again in the future. >> commissioner hunter: just a quick question. you said they'll follow-up with the commission and board of supervisors. you mentioned there's process to follow with the board of supervisors. is there a process currently in department policies that requires the department to come to the commission or is this a recommendation to come to the commission? >> that i'm not clear about whether or not the commission has an action. i know that the controller's office is involved in the office and board of supervisors must approve the fee as part of the
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annual salary ordinance. i don't know if the commission has to take this action before going forward. that's a question i'm happy to bring back that answer. we can set that policy that the commission has to approve any sort of fee-based tour in the future before going to the other steps of the city process. recommendation number nine. this was actually directed at the department of human resources. they should consider require interview panelists to confirm that they have no conflict of interest before participating in hiring panel and develop policies regarding these matters. the department already made a comprehensive list of all contracted grantees available to all staff. that's posted on our sharepoint
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page and updated quarterly. i plan to develop department policy after kind of hearing feedback from the commission here that i wish to prohibit the use of contractors or grantees with a financial relationship from participating in any future hiring panel. that panelist will be required to confirm that they have no conflicts of interest. here i want to bring this back. there's no city wide policy on this. there's no prohibition that says you can't have a contractor or grantee sit on your panel. this gets to the perception issue and the public integrity and trust issue that we were discussing earlier. it's my recommendation that we just make it blanket policy and that's something i can do directly. >> v.p. stephenson: can you give me an example of a hiring panel
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that would have a contractor on it? >> i believe that was noted in the report that for several interviews for positions within the department recology sat on the hiring panel for the hiring of the position. >> v.p. stephenson: you know what years those were? >> i don't know exactly what year that hiring was done. [ indiscernible ] >> it's the hiring manager that works with our hr analyst to develop a hiring panel. we abide by the hr's requirement for having a diverse panel and the skill sets that are required to be qualified for the position that's hired for.
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it is a recommendation to seek outside people to sit on your hiring panel from other departments or outside organizations with expertise relative to the position they are hiring for. in this case, i think it was a perception thing of having someone that you're ultimately responsible for working with for regulating or developing policy for sitting on that hiring panel for the position that are actually going to be helping to implement or develop those policies. i think it's a much cleaner break to stop that for all contracts in general that there's a perceived conflict of interest when it comes to sitting on a panel. by having that interest, you maybe steered in wanting to hire a particular candidate that benefits you rather than the department. it eliminates any of that
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possibility. this goes to the commission's desire to be a leader here. this is what we're going to do in terms of stepping up and going above and beyond. >> v.p. stephenson: clearly, yo- [ indiscernible ] thanks for that clarification. if i'm right, the next thing that we're going to talk about is the commission's role. i had a question that goes back to the one of the prior recommendations. again, addresses this funding issue with regard to the way that the department is funded. do we have -- do you have a number? with regard to the new rules
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around behested payments, what percent of our budgets will be impacted? what percent of the department's budget or historical budget would have been impacted by that law and that regulation? >> we haven't done as far as that casting. we're happy to bring that back. >> v.p. stephenson: it's an interest of mine in terms of really looking at the challenge that the department faces with regard to how it's funded. making sure that these new moves which are absolutely essential for public trust, i want to make sure that we don't -- we should be tieing our hand. i want to make sure we can still
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access the funding needed. if that means that we get a general fund dollars, great. i would like to know the size of the problem in terms of what these very necessary restrictions do to our ability that the important work that the department needs to do. >> we can definitely do that in terms of looking back to see how much money applied to support these programs. whatever we need in order to implement the climate action plan. my suggestion to the commission may be for us to come back and provide that comprehensive. look at how much money we need to implement the climate action plan. we're talking millions and millions of dollars rather than -- it may not hundreds of
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thousands. we'll be happy to work with staff on bringing that back you in an upcoming meeting. >> v.p. stephenson: anybody else wanting to speak? >> no! [ laughter ] >> now get to recommendation one. we pulled recommendation one because this deal is kind of directly with the commission. recommendation one is the commission on the environment to ensure that s.f. environment establishes a strong ethical tone at the top modeling the importance of compliance with ethics laws. what we done is propose series of recommendations up for discussion for this commission in terms of getting feedback from the direction relike to
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head. understanding there's a lot more detail for you to take any action. getting some feedback from now on what interest you what help facilitate the discussion. >> v.p. stephenson: commissioner wan has left the meeting. >> number one, the department is identifying opportunities to form the commission about future audits. there are audits that happen all the time on items that are relevant to the department environment. it's something that's a good practice to make sure that the commission is informed of any and all audits relative to the department. there are audits that happen outside within the department as
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part of our good governance check. the second is that the department is identifying opportunities to engage and inform the commission contracts and grants. this relates to whether or not the commission would like to consider having greater oversight over the issuance of contracts and grants. the scale and scope of this would depend on the commission interest, everything from the basic we could report as we discussed. or it can go to actual commission approval of all contracting grants or somewhere in between of contracts and grant over a certain amount. that's kind of the range of options that are available to this commission should they be interested. we would need to bring back information on what that scale might be or that appropriateness might be. what i would note, in order to
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not too much impact the schedule our issuance of grants, grants sometime have a quick turn around. we want to be cognizant of that development. the next one is about identifying opportunities to engage. final one is hostal public forum to talk about all of these issues. we have information on what other departments do relative to contracting grants whenever we get to that conversation.
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>> president ahn: i would love to see that slide held up by kyle actually. to me, the recommendation one is really a heart of the matter. we need to figure out a way to prevent the situation we found ourselves in a month ago from happening again. i think knowing what the standards are, i don't have a strong opinion as of now over what the contracting threshold should be. generally, i don't think it's also good for the commission to micromanage the department as well. there needs to be some oversight of contracts and grants and what that contract threshold is will be dependent upon looking at what other city departments and commissions doing and the overall scope and range of department and environment
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budget. kyle, do you want to walk us through the slide as well? >> clerk: you can see the commission authorization requirement slide, currently the commission on the environment does not oversee budget contracts. in our comparison, we did consult eight other roughly comparable commissions in the city including the yard commission which does have the oversight over budget contracts and grants over $100,000. this is not required. they do have authority to
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approve outgoing grants in 12 months or less. the entertainment commission does not have oversight over any of these items for the fire commission. they do approve budget contracts that are at least $25,000. human services commission approved budget contracts and outgoing grant over $29,000. they do not deal with m.o.u.s. the small business administration does not have authorization oversight over these items. the war memorial board of trustees finally does have the authority to approve budget contracts as well as m.o.u.s but does not generally deal with grants incoming or outgoing.
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>> president ahn: kyle, quick follow-up question. how are these commissions selected and more to the point, was there reason why p.u.c. wasn't included on the table? >> we asked ourselves this question couple of weeks ago when we started thinking about preparation for this meeting. i think our first main ask was to look at commissions and departments that are kind of like size may have similar activities. we didn't take into the full breadth of commissions. one of the reasons we didn't look at the sfpuc commission they are so large and their
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contracts is so large. if i had pick out one thing on the list, our commission is probably the most like our department and commission. that was our intent when we did this project. >> president ahn: that make sense. i think for clarification, do we have a slide that shows the size, maybe like the average size of the department of environment grant. >> sure, that's a follow-up item. >> president ahn: knowing that and measure accordingly -- i think this table is a lot of work. i really appreciate staff putting this together. i think this is good context to have. the reason why p.u.c. comes to mind its connections overall to energy, utilities in the city. it's not a clean overlap of course. it's relatable.
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that's why i bring it up too. that said, i think just knowing how many grants are channeled now through the department and then how much the commission should be involved again like what is the contract threshold amount. overall, the question the commissioners should ask themselves how much more work are we willing to do. we don't want to approve every contract or assert authority over every contract. there's a balance to strike here in other words. >> commissioner wald: it seems to me that in addition to the specific question, we're talking about here, how involved should we be before these things come
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in. we should have a better understanding than we have of where the funds that are supporting the department are coming from. in other words, even for let's say we do adopt a policy of reviewing certain contracts, i think it will be advisable for us to be informed at least about all the contracts and grants that the department enters into. i have never served on the operations committee but i have. i don't know what you all do. but i have. [ laughter ] i have noted that when we do the budget, we are not provided a list of the funding sources of the department.
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we might have conflicts. >> v.p. stephenson: i think that's a good point. i think that in my experience in the operations committee, which i have not been part of the budget discussions for couple of years, generally speaking through progressmatic area, i do see the revenue sources for the major grants that are funding those program areas. i don't think that we ever saw a single comprehensive list of everything all in one line and one page. also think that whatever we adopt in terms -- i think it's a
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>> commissioner hunter: i request few different level of review. if we do incur more general funding, i would want to make sure that we understand how much work to take on. to your point earlier on general funding, i think it is the mandate of this commission to now carry for aggressive ask to the board of supervisors and the mayor for general fund. i do not think we'll be in this situation if we got general funding from the city itself.
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i don't think friends of would need to exist. prior director's and staff have taken up the gauntlet to move forward with the budget process. the commission does direct the department but we do serve the public. serving the public make sure that we abide by ethnics rules. we carry forward the mantle of environmentalism. to do that we need to get you funding. beside all that. generally speaking there were few points that brought up today that i personally would strongly recommend including the stopping of anyone with conflicts on hiring panels. i think there should be an outright prohibition on fee-based tours on this department. i would also request that if a new friends of board to be formed that takes place over a extended period of time. i know that the department has
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immediate needs. this level of detail was refreshing from the department. the thought you and staff have put in these recommendations is great. being a program manager myself, you have about 90 days left. i'm curious how you feel about this timeline and i'll be curious to hear from other commissioners on any of the other points.
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>> the q3 timeline was put there because this is a top priority. in my mind, before we can really restore the public's trust to allow us to begin to work on policies that we have to implement, we need to address these issues first and foremost. just begin to start to restore that public confidence which eroded based on stories before. i do want to complete the task and i will come back to the commission whether the operation can report back on where we are. our goal is to hit one of these by end of q2. does this mean this may not be complete by then? absolutely. we may still be having conversation about what level contracts do you want to have. we need to bring you back more information based on the feedback here. you can determine what that
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level is. q2, i want to get to as many of these as i can. it is not just me working on this. there's a team from our chief of policy, our commission secretary our executive project, our deputy director and others that are committed getting the changes implemented as fast as possible. our goal is to get there. i really do want to get there. i think it's a goal. i don't think there are challenges that are so insurmountable that we can't achieve them within a timeline. >> v.p. stephenson: president ahn, where would you like to take this discussion next? >> president ahn: one thing i
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really want to focus on is that last recommendation for future follow-up. just to confirm for the '24, we're still convening again as a full body? >> we're going to bring that up in the director's report and new business. right now that meetly is currently still calendar. we can assess. >> president ahn: if we could agendize this for future discussion. i think that will be helpful with the further follow-up around essentially the scope of the department's budget and being able to put our finger on how much we need to insert ourselves as a commission. >> that's great feedback. we can work on that and then also kind of the request around the information on the number of -- information that you will need in order to have that
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detailed conversation on contract and grants. typical size of the grants, number of grants. we are fully complying with all rules and regulations as it relates to contracts and grants. what we're talking about here, which is a great conversation, the additional oversight that this commission wants to have on that front. >> v.p. stephenson: is there no more discussion, let's open up to public comment please. >> clerk: we will begin with public comment here in the room. once that person comment has concluded, we will proceed to
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remote public comment. any member in the room wish to speak, please come forward and speak clearly in the mic. seeing none. we will proceed to remote public comment. members of the public who wish to make a public comment on this item, should press star 3 to be added to the queue for those on hold in the queue, please continue to wait until it is your turn to speak. >> caller: this is david pilpel. i have some fairly detailed comments on this item. i anticipate that i may need a
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little more than three minutes probably three and a half to four minutes. i already communicated some thought on that matter to director tyrone jue. i believe he heard me. i support the acting director and the department's approach this issue and the recommendations presented in the matrix. i urge you to commit to at least one special follow-up meeting on this issue perhaps two or three months from now and to incorporate other follow-up reports as necessary. the mayor's executive directives that are referenced in the slides are not available to the public. i think it will be great if the mayor's office posted executive directives when they are issued and include those from past administrations. it is incredibly difficult for
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the public to get access to things like mayor's executive directives. on rate-setting. to my knowledge there is no written guidance for environment department staff interacting with recology now or in it future during or outside the rate setting process. clearly, we need an ethical and productive working relationship with recology. there's a lot of history there. we should have the good aspects of that and avoid any problematic aspects there. i think the department could create written guidance about those interactions. i'm unsure if the commission needs to see written policies and procedures for staff to implement the recommendations here. perhaps, just assuring the commission that those written policies and procedures have been developed and disseminated it future would suffice.
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i understand there's fair amount of work to do in this area. the department in my view should review its conflict of interest code regularly. it's required to do so any way but perhaps now is a great time to ensure appropriate staff are properly categorized. not everyone is appropriately category one form 700 filer. there's appropriate review of the c.o.i. code. i don't think it's a significant revenue source nor should it be. specific policies and procedures are needed relative to subcontractors. subgrantees and task orders who has to create review, approve what level in the department depending on tiers and all kinds
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of things. other city commission, i appreciate the chart, other city commission has various threshold for approval of contracts and grants. the environment department and commission does not have those thresholds. i think this commission should accept those in the future. i think those thresholds should be proportional to the money and scope involved in that work. >> clerk: your three minutes has expired. thank you for your comment. seeing no additional callers. public comment on this item as closed. >> v.p. stephenson: thank you.
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next item. >> clerk: next item is the director's report. the speaker is tyrone jue. this item is for discussion. >> part of what i was going to bring up here was mentioned in general public comment that i did want to note that in the mas budget, the general fund ask was not included in that budget. however, i do want to note that we are still in ongoing dialogue with the mayor's office. they've also indicated they weren't focused on general fund asks at the moment. there's still time to potentially add that. we are still engaged in those conversations. i will bring up one of the reasons why we want to keep the meeting on the 24th is to have a special conversation in case
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we don't find that the funding is inserted and this commission is aware. you can take whatever action >> v.p. stephenson: commissioner s, any discussion? any public comment? >> commissioner hunter: i realized this special meeting really about the current climate. generally for the next meeting on the 24th, we're about to hear about your plan as in turn director running the department beyond putting out the current fires that are in place. something to include in your director's report potentially. >> if i could possibly get a little bit more time on that. i honestly have been majority of my time has been focused on working with staff on this measure. that's been my priority as i
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outlined as well as we're just entering the budget. i think i'll be in much better position probably in the june meeting. we'll be informed by the budget conversations we're having. i'll be in much better position to present that. if we do hold that meeting we can bring back that information that through requested and where the money is coming in from. we can have that discussion alongside with any news we have on the general fund ask. >> commissioner wald: in your opinion, is there anything that we as a commission can or should do at this point in the budget process? >> i believe at this point, we
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still are actively engaged in conversations with the mayor's office who still have the ability to make adjustments. i think the 24th timing is actually the perfect time to revisit this because we'll have probably more information to share hopefully, we might -- if we don't, that's where we'll have the discussion on what other activity the commission can discuss. >> commissioner wald: thank you. >> v.p. stephenson: let's move to public comment. >> clerk: we will begin with public comment here in the room. once that person comment has concluded, we'll proceed to remote public comment. are there any members of the public who wish to speak? please come forward one by one and speak clearly in the mic.
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seeing none. we'll proceed to remote public comment. hello, caller. >> caller: this is david pilpel. i thought it was rude cut me off. i spent lot of time preparing these comments. i will conclude my comments now on both items. department may also have agreements with other city departments and the commission might want to set a threshold
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for review and approval of the agreements with other city departments or other publications. the department should maintain all records related to contracts and grants. regarding income account any changes could benefit the public and the rate payers. otherwise i would question to fund the department. i believe that at the board of supervisors land use and transportation committee meeting of november 1, 2021, the planning director rich hillis
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reported that plans city planning has been dissolved. the fee setting provision can be found in charter section 2.109 and administrative code section 3.7. i can't envision a proper basis to discuss audits in closed session which would suggest i would strongly discourage any talk of that. finally, -- thank you for listening. >> thank you for your comments.
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caller you're unmuted. your three minutes begins now. >> caller: hello. i wanted to express solidarity with you in your work. i'm glad to hear you are as a group, planning to enhance the clarity and transparency of the work so that you can handle greatly increase duties and the amount of money that you will have to be disposing in order to carry out the climate action plan. i really look forward to seeing
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you and mr. jue in particular, move forward. thank you. >> clerk: we can close public comment on for this item. >> v.p. stephenson: next item. >> clerk: next item is item 8. new business future agenda items. speaker is charles sheehan. this item is for discussion. >> thank you. hello commissioners, i think we've talked a little bit about some potential future agenda items. both in the director's report. that may be the budget that we need to discuss on the 24th.
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that is an item that we may move forward with obviously. there's been some talk about other future agenda items in the previous conversation. i have taken note of that as well. coming up at the potential meeting on the 24th and after the 24th and subsequent meetings, we wanted to bring to you a complete presentation on our ev program as well as an update on community engagement as it pertains to our climate action plan. i will pause to see if anyone has questions. >> v.p. stephenson: any questions? i have one. i know it slows us down a little. opening the ability for people to participate remotely in meetings i think it's been that positive in terms of being able to get more people access to these meetings.
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i don't know if that is a decision that's going to be made at the city level in terms how we conduct these meetings. i would to love to talk about that in the future. >> we can do that. there's couple of rules and protocols around how we do these hybrid virtual meetings. they both involve local laws and rules as well as california laws and rules. we can do a quick bit of research on that and come back to you with detailed explanation. that's certainly an order. >> clerk: we will begin with public comment in the room.
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once with public comment has concluded we'll proceed to remote public comment. members of the public who wish to make public comment on this item please press star 3 to be added to the queue. seeing no callers. we can close public comment for this item. >> v.p. stephenson: next item please. >> clerk: the next item is adjournment. the meeting is adjourned. the time is 8:33 p.m. thank you for joining us.
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go into a fund and we're going to use the money in that fund to do local projects that are going to mitigate and sequester greenhouse gas emission. the grants that we're giving, they're anywhere from 15,000 to, say, $80,000 for a two year grant. i'm shawn rosenmoss. i'm the development of community partnerships and carbon fund for the san francisco department of environment. we have an advisory committee that meets once or twice a year to talk about, okay, what are we going to fund? because we want to look at things like equity and innovative projects. >> i heard about the carbon fund because i used to work for the department of environment.
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i'm a school education team. my name is marcus major. i'm a founding member of climate action now. we started in 2011. our main goal it to remove carbon in the public right-of-way on sidewalks to build educational gardens that teach people with climate change. >> if it's a greening grant, 75% of the grant has to go for greening. it has to go for planting trees, it has to go for greening up the pavement, because again, this is about permanent carbon savings. >> the dinosaur vegetable gardens was chosen because the garden was covered in is afault since 1932. it was the seed funding for this whole project. the whole garden,ible was about 84,000 square feet, and our project, we removed 3,126
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square feet of cement. >> we usually issue a greening rft every other year, and that's for projects that are going to dig up pavement, plant trees, community garden, school garden. >> we were awarded $43,000 for this project. the produce that's grown here is consumed all right at large by the school community. in this garden we're growing all kinds of organic vegetables from lettuce, and artichokes. we'll be planting apples and loquats, all kinds of great fruit and veggies. >> the first project was the dipatch biodiesel producing facility. the reason for that is a lot of people in san francisco have diesel cars that they were operating on biodiesel, and
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they were having to go over to berkeley. we kind of the dog batch preferentials in the difference between diesel and biodiesel. one of the gardens i love is the pomeroy rec center. >> pomeroy has its roots back to 1952. my name is david, and i'm the chamber and ceo of the pomeroy rehabilitation and recreation center. we were a center for people with intellectual and development cal disabilities in san francisco san francisco. we also have a program for individuals that have acquired brain injury or traumatic brain injury, and we also have one of the larger after school programs for children with special needs that serves the public school system. the sf carbon fund for us has
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been the launching pad for an entire program here at the pomeroy center. we received about $15,000. the money was really designed to help us improve our garden by buying plants and material and also some infrastructure like a drip system for plants. we have wine barrels that we repurposed to collect rain water. we actually had removed over 1,000 square feet of concrete so that we could expand the garden. this is where our participants, they come to learn about gardening. they learn about our work in the greenhouse. we have plants that we actually harvest, and eggs from our chickens that we take up and use in cooking classes so that our participants learn as much as anybody else where food
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comes from. we have two kitchens here at the pomeroy center. one is more of a commercial kitchen and one is more setup like a home kitchen would be, and in the home kitchen, we do a lot of cooking classes, how to make lasagna, how to comsome eggs, so this grant that we received has tremendous value, not only for our center, for our participants, but the entire community. >> the thing about climate, climate overlaps with everything, and so when we start looking at how we're going to solve climate programs, we solve a lot of other problems, too. this is a radical project, and to be a part of it has been a real honor and a privilege to work with those administrators with the sf carbon fund at the department of environment. >> san francisco carbon grant to -- for us, opened the door to a new -- a new world that we
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didn't really have before; that the result is this beautiful garden. >> when you look at the community gardens we planted in schools and in neighborhoods, how many thousands of people now have a fabulous place to walk around and feel safe going outside and are growing their own food. that's a huge impact, and we're just going to keep rolling that out and keep rolling that >> look at that beautiful jellyfish. the way to speak to students and motivate them to take action, to save the planet, they do, they
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care and my job is to speak to them in a way that they can understand that touches their heart and makes them feel powerful with simple actions to take every day. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ >> i was born and raised in the desert of palm springs, california. my dad was the rabbi in the community there. what i got from watching my father on stage talking to the community was learning how to be in the public. and learning how to do public speaking and i remember the first time i got up to give my first school assembly, i felt my dad over my shoulder saying pause for drama, deliver your words. when i was a kid, i wanted to be
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a teacher. and then when i got into high school, i decided i wanted to get into advertising and do graphic art and taglines and stuff like that. by the time i was in college, i decided i wanted to be a decorator. but as i did more work, i realized working my way up meant a lot of physical labor. i only had so much energy to work with for the rest of my life and i could use that energy towards making a lot of money, helping someone else make a lot of money or doing something meaningful. i found the nonprofit working to save the rainforest was looking for volunteers. i went, volunteered and my life changed. suddenly everything i was doing had meaning. stuffing envelopes had meaning, faxing out requests had meaning. i eventually moved up to san francisco to work out of the office here, given a lot of
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assembly through los angeles county and then came up here and doing assemblies to kids about rainforest. one of my jobs was to teach about recycle, teaching students to reduce, reuse, recycle and compost, i'm teaching them they have the power, and that motivates them. it was satisfying for me to work with for the department of environment to create a message that gets to the heart of the issue. the san francisco department of environment is the only agency that has a full time educational team, we go into the schools to help teach children how to protect nature and the environment. we realized we needed animal mascot to spark excitement with the students. the city during the gold rush days, the phoenix became part of the city feel and i love the
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symbolism of the phoenix, about transformation and the message that the theme of the phoenix provides, we all have the power to transform our world for the better. we have to provide teachers with curriculum online, our curriculum is in two different languages and whether it's lesson plans or student fact sheets, teachers can use them and we've had great feedback. we have helped public and private schools in san francisco increase their waste use and students are working hard to sort waste at the end of the lunch and understand the power of reusing, reducing, recycling and composting. >> great job. >> i've been with the department for 15 years and an
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environmental educator for more than 23 years and i'm grateful for the work that i get to do, especially on behalf of the city and county of san francisco. i try to use my voice as intentionally as possible to support, i think of my grandmother who had a positive attitude and looked at things positively. try to do that as well in my work and with my words to be an uplifting force for myself and others. think of entering the job force as a treasure hunt. you can only go to your next clue and more will be revealed. follow your instincts, listen to your gut, follow your heart, do what makes you happy and pragmatic and see where it takes you and get to the next place. trust if you want to do good in this world, thattttttttttttttttt
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long-standing board member of the guardians of the city. i have the honor of being the emcee today through this program. thank you all for being here. [applause]. is it really great to be back in person standing here like this in front of the museum where we get to go and experience firsthand live and in person the artifacts, apparatus, part of the rich history of first responders and public safety in san francisco. you are in for a real treat. board members and the guardians of the city have put time, energy and commitment into preserving the pieces and getting all set up for display. after we go through the plan with speakers speaking i would invite everyone to come in and experience it. it is a little small. now that we have covid restrictions lifted, we have the opportunity to share the
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experience together. as you know, this museum is around 54 years now. i live down the street. what i was growing up we would walk to share in the experience. i wasn't hired as firefighter. i moved to other things. it is an honor and privilege to be part of public safety. this first responder museum highlights the fact that all of us involved in public safety work collectively together to keep community safe. it speaks to the fact we have grown from in a fire station with a museum dedicated to not just fire but to all of us involved in public safety. please enjoy the experience when you have the chance. as i say, public safety, i recognize that many members of public safety in san francisco, all of us from the sheriff's office to police department, fire department, department of
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emergency management, we are all here from may or down with commitment to public safety. i thank everyone from being here. the museum would fought be here without hard work of the guard yarns of the city. we have the chairperson retired fire department captain jim lee. it takes passion and commitment. [applause]. it takes passion and commitment to pull something like this off. especially because all of this is done without public funds. it is done on the beneficiaries and donations and support from the community for the group. she has worked for many years to preserve the public safety history. also helped to produce the 1906 earthquake centennial in 2006 and 150th anniversary in 2016.
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i would like to welcome to the podium jim lee. [applause] >> thank you, sheriff. mayor london breed, supervisor stefani, sheriff and bill scott and chief nicholson and director carroll and command staff from emergency response agencies. distinguished guests and friends, welcome. i am james lee, retired fire department captain. it is my pleasure to welcome you to the grand re-opening of the san francisco first responder museum. [applause]. 58 years ago chief william murray stood at this very spot and dedicated this museum to
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preserve the rich history of the san francisco fire department. he knew to move forward with new ideas and innovation you must preserve and respect the past. guardians exist to preserve the heritage age history of the fridays first responders over 170 years when you include the san francisco police and sheriff's office. we gather today, may 11, by no accident. the guardians of the city staff have been working tirelessly to introduce the exists and days displays of the police department and sheriff's office to coincide with law enforcement appreciation week. i will let them comment on that later. for those that have not seen the little museum. it is, in fact, tiny. we are bursting at the seams
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with artifacts, photos, antique fire apparatus too numerous to display. there are some other fire engines that cannot be enjoyed due to the space limitations. we have a goal of opening a larger museum and event center. not only can we properly share the rich history of public service, but we could train youth in disaster preparedness, expose to public safety career opportunities, first responder promotional ceremonies and graduations and self-sustaining and income generating event center. i invite you to meet the board members today. for now we celebrate the end of two years of being closed. we want to welcome you to the
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new displace and artifacts from the police department and sheriff's office and for the first time ems in san francisco. while there are many to thank today to get this grand re-opening, i would like special attention and thanks to the board members mike, jackie martin and jamie o'keefe. i would be remiss if i didn't be give a special thank you to those who always responded to the aid for help. back to the sheriff. i would like to thank you all for coming and enjoying the day. thank you. [applause]. >> as you knowledge the members of the guardians of the city. i want to point out to my left
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these aren't firefighters that haven't spent money from the uniform allowance. they are wearing vintage union forms and members of the board for the guardians. i want to acknowledge they are here living the history. the next speaker we know very well. born and raised in san francisco with a very interesting history herself. forty-fifth mayor who lives our history by dazzling us every april 18th with a costume that out does the previous year every year. please welcome may orthop mayorn breed. (applause). >> mayor breed: i would have dressed appropriately today. women weren't necessarily mayors at the time. there is a new day and trend to set. when i think about the fact that over 170 years ago when some of
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the first volunteers started the various police and fire departments because of a need in san francisco to protect the public and a number of aspects, they did so because they had a desire to serve. they had a desire to help. in fact, that has not changed much in terms of men and women of our various public safety departments. many of you here today, i know, were in the various agencies. it is because you wanted to serve the public in this capacity. what i want to express today is, of course, appreciation for the preservation of history of what these various departments represent. more importantly, i want to appreciate and thank you for your service and carrying on the legacy what now exists for san francisco especially as we come
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out of the global pandemic. we appreciate that first responders regardless of pandemic you had to show up to work. regardless of the challenges in exist no matter what they are, the people who respond to emergencies in the city have to be on the job. they have to show up. there is no other option. we appreciate your service. thank you so much for everything you do to support the city. we also want to really thank guardians of the city because in reprieving the history they realize the importance of giving back and working with kids, working to do collaborations. one i can think of off the top of my head. i don't know your title with the sheriff's department you were werecaptain of the police statin bringing christmas trees out to the various locations in the
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community and making sure that it is not just about doing the job or showing up and challenging times it is about connecting with the community and building bridges that is what guardians of the city represent a preservation of the history and desire to build those bridges. when we think about san francisco and its very challenging past what happened back then, i can't help but be proud that when you look at the leaders of these various departments you have a woman who is leading the fire department. you have an african-american man who is leading the police department. you have an asian-american man leading sheriff's department. how far we have come diversifying departments and becoming part of the fabric what makes san francisco so special. as we celebrate history of first responders, let us remember how far we come. the challenges of the past but
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resilient of what san francisco is. despite those challenges, how we continue like the phoenix to rise to become a better more inclusive, vibrant san francisco. the way we are able to do that has everything to do with the people who serve and protect the city and put their lives on the line every single day. i want to thank you all so much for being here. thank you all so much for the work that you are doing. know that especially in this upcoming budget my priorities will reflect the need to support and uplift public safety departments in san francisco. the other thing i want to do is really acknowledge again all of the volunteers and the people who are part of guardians of the city. i also want to acknowledge we just had our new member of the
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san francisco board of supervisors matt dorsey join us today. he is definitely familiar to the men and women of the police department. we are so grateful for his service. i also want to acknowledge the fact that a lot of this happens because of philanthropic support and the san francisco police department has the support of chris larson joining us today, a native from san francisco who supports the department and wants to improve moral and support which is a challenging time for the department. so many care about our public safety officials. do not get discouraged what is on social media and other alcohol ings. the an attend of the day the people of the city support you and appreciate you and you are showing up at the most difficult times in their lives. that means something when you have someone that no matter what
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is going to show up, make sure that people are okay, they are safe, served, protected. that is what public safety and what you all represent for san francisco. we appreciate you. we need you. we will continue to uplift and support you. we thank you so much for being here to celebrate that history and what that means to san francisco. thank you so much. [applause]. >> thank you, mayor breed. come back up here. we have something to present, i believe. on behalf of the guardians we have this jacket for you. guardian logo and your name. in case you forget. that is your name. it will be on your jacket. it might be warm. >> mayor breed: it might be a little tight here. >> thank you.
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[applause]. >> thank you again. i do want to mention i am going to talk about the sheriff's office now. i will switch hats for a second. i have the honor of leading a very large work force of deputies and professional staff who contribute to the safety and well-being of our residents. i don't want to forget past. this is commitment to remembering what we have done, where we are and where we will go as part of the public safety community. i want to recognize that we have had support from former sheriffs as well. some are here and some couldn't be here. vicky and mike hen see helped us move forward as we collected many pieces.
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former sheriff here for a long standing period of time because he was part of the history for the long time is now one of the people who manage the history website and who has contributed a lot of information, history and materials to that website to preserve the history that we share here with our public safety partners. i want to shout out karl, one of our former board members. they were a significant part of what you will see inside today for the sheriff's office. thank you for that. [applause]. our next speaker has a special connection to our event. as ad catherine stefani was in the behind the scene works that formed the legislation working for supervisor mark farrell. she helped codify the role as
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protectors of public safety history. she helped pass a resolution to outline the great mission today. a very much supporter of public safety. we are lucky to have her speak here today. supervisor stefani. >> supervisor stefani: i was just thinks. one of the great things about being involved in public service you see great things like this come to fruition. in 2012 working with jim lee and going to different locations around the city like fort mason and oak street to figure out where to house these incredible artifacts to honor the first responders. this is a culmination of the success and perseverance of everyone involved. it is nice to see so many men and women in uniform. i feel protected.
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thank you. i am the district two supervisor. i am hull belled to stand alongside so many first responders. this is one of our district two fire stations. thank you, chief nicholson. i want to acknowledge what the first responders do starting with the dispatchers who field 24 hours each day 3800 calls. 1.4 million calls per year. first responders, the san francisco fire and police and sheriff's office and emergency medical services kept the city and residents safe through earthquakes, fires and emergencies our communities face every single day. these departments hold irreplaceable artifacts that reflect our history as well as their history. the conservation of the artifacts is not just an important part of maintaining
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the history of the city but honoring the heritage. we recognize the contributions and sacrifices made by those individuals who dedicated careers and lives to ensuring public safety of residents. as the sheriff mentioned, i have been a supporter of men and women in uniform. you are running towards dangers. others run away. some of the moral issues are addressed and spoken about in the paper. i know chris larson is here talking about today in terms of dedicating support to maintaining moral and uplifting the police department. i want to thank those who say thank you to our police officers and thank you to the firefighters and thank you to the sheriffs. many times they deserve your gratitude and to show it is one thing you can do every day to really help boost moral. the guardians of the city
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museum, memorial and learning center is a treasure for san francisco. this plays an important role to visitors in honoring the lives of first responders is worthy and important goal. thank you all for being here and supporting the museum. i look forward to celebrating with you and looking at new artifacts stored in this wonderful location. thank you so much. [applause]. >> thank you, supervisor. i do want to point be out i am growing -- fond of this hat. it is very functional. there is one other individual wearing this. park ranger chief murphy with a black hat. we have to coordinate better next time. you may have flowed the fire
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engines around the museum. it was chief william murray who photo house the history 58 years ago. until today this building served as the san francisco fire department museum. it remains that. we have added exhibits and displays thatten comes all public safety departments in san francisco. we have a shared appreciation for recognizing us as partners in the fire station. to give thoughts on the 54 years since that came to pass your fire chief, jeanine nicholson. >> thank you. you look cool in the hat. i would like to change our uniforms. greetings. welcome to station 10 and to the museum. i thank the gott for everything that they have done in terms of preserving our history. i want to thank mayor breed for
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creating new history with the people you have appointed including myself. thank you so much for creating new history. we in public safety, as you know, whether it is our call takers at the department of emergency management, my sister marielle lencarroll to all of you thank you. station 10. thank you for being here today. i want to acknowledge a couple fire commissioners in the house. thank you for being here and for your support. former fire commissioner cleaveland, always supports us. nice to see you as well. we have a proven history of taking on disasters and of
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growing resiliency. this first responder museum can help to preserve that history and carry those lessons forward for touch public servants and residents. i want to note next week is ems versus week. i am grateful we have ems here as well. it is such a huge part of the public safety family in the fire department and city. thank you to gotc and all volunteers who work here and on this. i am going to get out of the sun shortly now. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you, chief. back to the gold rush days now. while we are talking about that. i saw the mounds here. watch where you step. around the same time as the
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sheriff's office was founded another organization was formed in 1849. the san francisco police department has been our partner in public safety providing law enforcement services from san francisco to share everything that happened since 1849. my partner and friend from the san francisco police department, chief bill scott. [applause] >> thank you, sheriff. good morning everybody. it helps when you go at the end when following the mayor and others. i will say something a little bit different. as i look at the artifacts and the nice exhibit in the museum, it goes back to reminding us what public safety and public service is about. when i look at this fire wagon and look at that one.
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night and day in terms of what the members of the fire department had to do to protect the city during that time. it might have been the best equipment forna era. think how difficult this job must have been when we didn't have the equipment we have today. the reason i bring that up is that this museum as great as it is with as many artifacts we get to enjoy and reminisce of our history, this job and public safety and service is about people. it is people that has kept the city great. since 1849. people place those wagons and use the pieces of equipment that i would not know how to begin doing the work. when i look at the vintage ford from the police department and guardians of the city thank you for restoring that car. it is a beautiful car. riding around is good and all of that. there is no air-conditioner.
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it is what we have become used to, but the job hasn't always been that way. we haven't always had modern technology and equipment. when you go through this museum or any museum that is dedicated to commemorate public service, keep in mind be the people are what makes this happen. i want to thank the guardians of the city and the board of directors and mayor for her support. mr. larson for your support of this police department. our community members. people are watching in the windows. thank you for your support. last thing. with our partners, public safety partners and fire chief and the sheriff and chief murphy. these are good times, great times, fun events.
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watching this team of people in times of crisis is something special. i have been blessed to be part of this great city at our worst times in times of crisis like the pandemic and the events we had to respond to. i got to tell you i couldn't be happier and prouder to be part of this team. it is the people that are great in the city. thank you very much. [applause]. >> thank you, chief. >> last speaker from a past that took her through the controller's office, public utilities and department of emergency management. she will oversee the staff rubbing the nine one -- running
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the 911 and incredible work during the pandemic to keep us safe. i don't have to introduce her. everybody knows her. please welcome executive director maryelllen carroll. >> imagine having to go last with no fancy uniform to wear. i freelanced. i am the director of department of emergency management. we house 911 center and ems agency. i want to say our dispatchers are first responders. they don't have fancy uniforms. you don't see them out in the street. i really appreciate the call out. they are the first voice that a person hears on the last day. they are also in many ways the eyes and ears for first responders. i want to say to all of my
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public safety partners that every dispatcher that works for me. everyone that supports them and myself it is our privilege to work next to you and to serve, really serve all of you. i also want to say to the ems agency, they were absolutely heroes during the pandemic. working so closely with fire department and ems partners and it is a privilege to lead them. i want to shout out to the guardians of the city. the role that you play in keeping the memory of our history alive is so important, especially from a preparedness perspective. we live in earthquake country and we have natural disasters based on climate change we have to pays. every year the events are so
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important. also, thank you, mayor, for supporting us and showing up to these events. it is important. our police chief, we have been very involved through the pandemic and through the last year in really very difficult problems coordinating efforts around the society problems we have, public health problems. i need to say this publicly that every day i see first responders helping those who are the most helpless in our city who are in the most need and the sickest. that is certainly paramedics and firefighters, police officers, sheriff's deputies. our park rangers. what you do is humanitarian
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work. you need to be really acknowledged for that. it is really my privilege to be your partner. thank you. (applause). >> thank you. we are almost there. at this time we want to open up the opportunity for anyone with questions from the media on the first responder museum and everything we have here today. if there aren't any we will go into heading to the museum. any questions at this time for the other individuals? just as we have done with many of the resources for the city and county in golden gate park, this is free. nobody has to dig into their pockets today. they can make a donation absolutely. that is how all of us here keep
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going with what we have. that is donations and support from the committee members and from other people throughout the community. from first responders who donate not just time and energy but donate to this. on behalf of all of the speakers and all members of public safety community and part of the growth of this organization, i want to thank you all for being here and invite you to all come and enjoy the museum at this time. thank you. one more thing. one group photo for all of the people here today that have spoken and all members here.
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i worked on the it for 16+ years and i workeded an endless cycle of people going to the emergency room. i wanted to address those unmet needs. i have a satisfaction when we make a real difference in our clients' lives. we were getting people housed, connecting them to treatment, and seeing them through sobriety. don't be afraid of failure. i have failed at things in my career and they are
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opportunities to continue on. it's important for women and women and people of color to see representation matters. when i first started my career 25 years ago, there were not that many other women. so it is amazing to respond to meetings and go to meetings and see other female leaders and learn from each other. this career is my dream job from working on [ indiscernible ] to being the chief and overseeing a division. it's been challenging and >> he is a real leader that listens and knows how to bring people together. brought this department together like never before. i am so excited to be swearing in the next chief of the san
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francisco fire department, ladies and gentlemen, let's welcome, jeanine nicholson. (applause). >> i grew up total tomboy, athlete. i loved a good crisis, a good challenge. i grew up across the street from the fire station. my dad used to take me there to vote. i never saw any female firefighters because there weren't any in the 1970s. i didn't know i could be a fire fighter. when i moved to san francisco in 1990, some things opened up. i saw women doing things they hadn't been doing when i was
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growing up. one thing was firefighting. a woman recruited me at the gay-pride parade in 1991. it was a perfect fit. i liked using my brain, body, working as a team, figuring things out, troubleshooting and coming up with different ways to solve a problem. in terms of coming in after another female chief, i don't think anybody says that about men. you are coming in after another man, chief, what is that like. i understand why it is asked. it is unusual to have a woman in this position. i think san francisco is a trailblazer in that way in terms of showing the world what can happen and what other people who may not look like what you think the fire chief should look like how they can be successful. be asked me about being the
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first lbgq i have an understands because there are little queer kids that see me. i worked my way up. i came in january of 1994. i built relationships over the years, and i spent 24 years in the field, as we call it. working out of firehouses. the fire department is a family. we live together, eat together, sleep in the same dorm together, go to crazy calls together, dangerous calls and we have to look out for one another. when i was burned in a fire years ago and i felt responsible, i felt awful. i didn't want to talk to any of my civilian friends. they couldn't understand what i was going through. the firefighters knew, they understood. they had been there. it is a different relationship. we have to rely on one another.
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in terms of me being the chief of the department, i am really trying to maintain an open relationship with all of our members in the field so myself and my deputy chiefs, one of the priorities i had was for each of us to go around to different fire stations to make sure we hit all within the first three or four months to start a conversation. that hasn't been there for a while. part of the reason that i am getting along well with the field now is because i was there. i worked there. people know me and because i know what we need. i know what they need to be successful. >> i have known jeanine nicholson since we worked together at station 15. i have always held her in the highest regard. since she is the chief she has
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infused the department with optimism. she is easy to approach and is concerned with the firefighters and paramedics. i appreciate that she is concerned with the issues relevant to the fire department today. >> there is a retired captain who started the cancer prevention foundation 10 years ago because he had cancer and he noticed fellow firefighters were getting cancer. he started looking into it. in 2012 i was diagnosed with breast canner, and some of my fellow firefighters noticed there are a lot of women in the san francisco fire department, premenopausal in their 40s getting breast cancer. it was a higher rate than the general population. we were working with workers comp to make it flow more easily for our members so they didn't
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have to worry about the paper work when they go through chemo. the turnout gear was covered with suit. it was a badge to have that all over your coat and face and helmet. the dirtier you were the harder you worked. that is a cancer causeser. it -- casser. it is not -- cancer causer. there islassic everywhere. we had to reduce our exposure. we washed our gear more often, we didn't take gear where we were eating or sleeping. we started decontaminating ourselves at the fire scene after the fire was out. going back to the fire station and then taking a shower. i have taught, worked on the
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decontamination policy to be sure that gets through. it is not if or when. it is who is the next person. it is like a cancer sniper out there. who is going to get it next. one of the things i love about the fire department. it is always a team effort. you are my family. i love the city and department and i love being of service. i vow to work hard -- to work hard to carry out the vision of the san francisco fire department and to move us forward in a positive way. if i were to give a little advice to women and queer kids, find people to support you. keep putting one foot in front
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of the other and keep trying. you never know what door is going to open next. you really don't. [cheers and >> hi today we have a special edition of building san francisco, stay safe, what we are going to be talking about san francisco's earth quakes, what you can do before an earthquake in your home, to be ready and after an earthquake to make sure that you are comfortable staying at home, while the city recovers. ♪♪ >> the next episode of stay safe, we have alicia johnson from san francisco's department of emergency management. hi, alicia thanks to coming >> it is a pleasure to be here with you.
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>> i wonder if you could tell us what you think people can do to get ready for what we know is a coming earthquake in san francisco. >> well, one of the most things that people can do is to make sure that you have a plan to communicate with people who live both in and out of state. having an out of state contact, to call, text or post on your social network is really important and being able to know how you are going to communicate with your friends, and family who live near you, where you might meet them if your home is uninhab hitable. >> how long do you think that it will be before things are restored to normal in san francisco. >> it depends on the severity of the earthquake, we say to provide for 72 hours tha, is three days, and it helps to know that you might be without services for up to a week or more, depending on how heavy the shaking is and how many after shocks we have. >> what kind of neighborhood and community involvement might you want to have before an
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earthquake to make sure that you are going to able to have the support that you need. >> it is important to have a good relationship with your neighbors and your community. go to those community events, shop at local businesses, have a reciprocal relationship with them so that you know how to take care of yourself and who you can rely on and who can take care of you. it is important to have a battery-operated radio in your home so that you can keep track of what is happening in the community around and how you can communicate with other people. >> one of the things that seems important is to have access to your important documents. >> yes, it is important to have copies of those and also stored them remotely. so a title to a home, a passport, a driver's license, any type of medical records that you need need, back those up or put them on a remote drive or store them on the cloud, the same is true with any vital information on your
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computer. back that up and have that on a cloud in case your hard drive does not work any more. >> in your home you should be prepared as well. >> absolutely. >> let's take a look at the kinds of things that you might want to have in your home. >> we have no water, what are we going to do about water? >> it is important for have extra water in your house, you want to have bottled water or a five gallon container of water able to use on a regular basis, both for bathing and cooking as well as for drinking. >> we have this big container and also in people's homes they have a hot water heater. >> absolutely, if you clean your hot water heater out regularly you can use that for showering, drinking and bathing as well >> what other things do people need to have aren't their home. >> it is important to have extra every day items buy a couple extra cans of can food that you can eat without any preparation. >> here is a giant can of green giant canned corn.
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and this, a manual can opener, your electric can opener will not be working not only to have one but to know where to find it in your kitchen. >> yes. >> so in addition to canned goods, we are going to have fresh food and you have to preserve that and i know that we have an ice chest. >> having an ice chest on hand is really important because your refrigerator will not be working right away. it is important to have somebody else that can store cold foods so something that you might be able to take with you if you have to leave your home. >> and here, this is my very own personal emergency supply box for my house. >> i hope that you have an alternative one at home. >> oh, i forgot. >> and in this is really important, you should have flashlights that have batteries, fresh batteries or hand crank flashlight. >> i have them right here. >> good. excellent. that is great. additionally, you are going to
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want to have candles a whistle, possibly a compass as well. markers if you want to label things if you need to, to people that you are safe in your home or that you have left your home. >> i am okay and i will meet you at... >> exactly. exactly. water proof matches are a great thing to have as well. >> we have matches here. and my spare glasses. >> and your spare glasses. >> if you have medication, you should keep it with you or have access to it. if it needs to be refrigerated make sure that it is in your ice box. >> inside, just to point out for you, we have spare batteries. >> very important. >> we have a little first aid kit. >> and lots of different kinds of batteries. and another spare flashlight. >> so, alicia what else can we do to prepare our homes for an earthquake so we don't have damage? >> one of the most important things that you can do is to secure your valuable and breakable items. make sure that your tv is
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strapped down to your entertainment cabinet or wall so it does not move. also important is to make sure that your book case is secure to the wall so that it does not fall over and your valuable and breakables do not break on the ground. becoming prepared is not that difficult. taking care of your home, making sure that you have a few extra every-day items on hand helps to make the difference. >> that contributes dramatically to the way that the city as a whole can recover. >> absolutely. >> if you are able to control your own environment and house and recovery and your neighbors are doing the same the city as a whole will be a more resilient city. >> we are all proud of living in san francisco and being prepared helps us stay here. >> so, thank you so much for joining us today, alicia, i appreciate it. >> absolutely, it is my pleasure. >> and thank you for joining us on another edition of building san francisco, 911, what's
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the emergency? >> san francisco 911, police, fire and medical. >> the tenderloin. suspect with a six inch knife. >> he was trying to get into his car and was hit by a car. >> san francisco 911 what's the exact location of your emergency? >> welcome to the san francisco department of emergency management. my name is shannon bond and i'm the lead instructor for our dispatch add -- academy. i want to tell you about what we do here. >> this is san francisco 911. do you need police, fire or medical? >> san francisco police, dispatcher 82, how can i help you? >> you're helping people in their -- what may be their most vulnerable moment ever in life. so be able to provide them immediate help right then and there, it's really rewarding. >> our agency is a very combined agency. we answer emergency and non-emergency calls and we also do dispatching for fire, for
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medical and we also do dispatching for police. >> we staff multiple call taking positions. as well as positions for police and fire dispatch. >> we have a priority 221. >> i wanted to become a dispatcher so i could help people. i really like people. i enjoy talking to people. this is a way that i thought that i could be involved with people every day. >> as a 911 dispatcher i am the first first responder. even though i never go on seen -- scene i'm the first one answering the phone call to calm the victim down and give them instruction. the information allows us to coordinate a response. police officers, firefighters, ambulances or any other agency. it is a great feeling when everyone gets to go home safely at the end of the day knowing that you've also saved a citizen's life. >> our department operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365
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days a year. >> this is shift work. that means we work nights, weekends and holidays and can involve over time and sometimes that's mandatory. >> this is a high stress career so it's important to have a good balance between work and life. >> we have resources available like wellness and peer support groups. our dispatchers of the month are recognized for their outstanding performance and unique and ever changing circumstances. >> i received an accommodation and then i received dispatcher of the month, which was really nice because i was just released from the phones. so for them to, you know, recognize me for that i appreciated it. i was surprised to even get it. at the end of the day i was just doing my job. >> a typical dispatch shift includes call taking and dispatching. it takes a large dedicated group of first responders to make this department run and in turn keep the city safe. >> when you work here you don't work alone, you work as part of
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a team. you may start off as initial phone call or contact but everyone around you participating in the whole process. >> i was born and raised in san francisco so it's really rewarding to me to be able to help the community and know that i have a part in -- you know, even if it's behind the scenes kind of helping the city flow and helping people out that live here. >> the training program begins with our seven-week academy followed by on the job training. this means you're actually taking calls or dispatching responders. >> you can walk in with a high school diploma, you don't need to have a college degree. we will train you and we will teach you how to do this job. >> we just need you to come with an open mind that we can train you and make you a good dispatcher. >> if it's too dangerous to see and you think that you can get away and call us from somewhere safe. >> good. that's right. >> from the start of the academy to being released as a
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solo dispatcher can take nine months to a year. >> training is a little over a year and may change in time. the training is intense. very intense. >> what's the number one thing that kills people in this country? so we're going to assume that it's a heart attack, right? don't forget that. >> as a new hire we require you to be flexible. you will be required to work all shifts that include midnights, some call graveyard, days and swings. >> you have to be willing to work at different times, work during the holidays, you have to work during the weekends, midnight, 6:00 in the morning, 3:00 in the afternoon. that's like the toughest part of this job. >> we need every person that's in here and when it comes down to it, we can come together and we make a really great team and
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do our best to keep the city flowing and safe. >> this is a big job and an honorable career. we appreciate your interest in joining our team. >> we hope you decide to join us here as the first first responders to the city and county of san francisco. for more information on the job and how to apply follow the links below. the tenderloin is home to families, immigrants, seniors, merchants, workers and the housed and unhoused who all deserve a thriving neighborhood to call home. the tenderloin initiative was launched to improve safety, reduce crime, connect people to services and increase investments in the neighborhood. as city and community-based partners, we work daily to make these changes a reality.
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we invite you to the tenderloin history, inclusivity make this neighborhood special. >> we're all citizens of san francisco and we deserve food, water, shelter, all of those things that any system would. >> what i find the most fulfilling about being in the tenderloin is that it's really basically a big family here and i love working and living here. >> [speaking foreign language] >> my hopes and dreams for the tenderloin are what any other community organizer would want for their community, safe, clean streets for everyone and good operating conditions for
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small businesses. >> everything in the tenderloin is very good. the food is very good. if you go to any restaurant in san francisco, you will feel like oh, wow, the food is great. the people are nice. >> it is a place where it embraces all walks of life and different cultures. so this is the soul of the tenderloin. it's really welcoming. the. >> the tenderloin is so full of color and so full of people. so with all of us being together and making it feel very safe is challenging, but we are working on it and we are getting there.
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>> everything is done in-house. i think it is done. i have always been passionate about gelato. every single slaver has its own recipe. we have our own -- we move on from there. so you have every time a unique experience because that slaver is the flavored we want to make. union street is unique because of the neighbors and the location itself. the people that live around here i love to see when the street is full of people. it is a little bit of italy that is happening around you can walk around and enjoy shopping with gelato in your hand. this is the move we are happy to
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provide to the people. i always love union street because it's not like another commercial street where you have big chains. here you have the neighbors. there is a lot of stories and the neighborhoods are essential. people have -- they enjoy having their daily or weekly gelato. i love this street itself. >> we created a move of an area where we will be visiting. we want to make sure that the area has the gelato that you like. what we give back as a shop owner is creating an ambient lifestyle. if you do it in your area and if you like it, then you can do it on the streets you like.
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>> the meeting will come to order. this is the may 18, budget and appropriations meeting. the meeting will come to order. this is the may 18 budget and appropriations meeting. i'm supervisor hillary ronen chair of the budget and appropriations committee and joined by committee members ahsha safai, connie chan and joined by others later. i would like to thank our clerk and sfgov tv for broadcasting the meeting. i want to apologize to all the departments for the d
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