tv BOS Rules Committee SFGTV May 26, 2022 6:00am-7:01am PDT
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>> good evening and welcome to the rules committee of the san francisco board of supervisors for today, monday, may 23rd, 2022, and i'm the chair of the committee, aaron permanent structures kin. and joined by supervisor raphael mandelman and connie chan to our right. and mr. victor young is our clerk. do you have aniance house inments? >> clerk: we have hybrid meetings to allow in-person
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attendance and public comment while providing public comment via telephone. the board recognizes that access is essential and we'll be taking public comment as follows. on each item on this agenda, and those attending in person are allowed to speak first and then we will take those who are waiting on the telephone line. for those watches on channel 26, or 89 and sfgov-tv, the call in number is streaming kreeses the screen. the number is 1-(415)-655-0001. and then enter the meeting i.d. of 2496 905 4544. and then press pound and pound again. when connected you will hear the meeting discussion but you will be muted and in listening mode only. when your item of interest comes up and public comment is called those joining in person should line up to speak and those on the telephone should dial star, 3, to be added to the speaker line if on the tech, remember to
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turn down your television, and all listening devices that you may be using. as already indicated we will take public comment from those attending in person first and then to our telephone line. alternatively you may submit in writing email to myself, the rules committee clerk at and by email it's forwarded to the supervisors and then included in the file. you may also send written comment by usvl to our office, 1 doctor carleton b. good let place, san francisco, california, 94102. and items acted upon today's agenda are on the agenda of june 7th, unless otherwise stated. that completes my initial comments. >> chair peskin: thank you, mr. young. you can please call items 1 through three together. >> clerk: yes, item number 1 is a hearing to consider appointing
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two members, terms ending july 20, 2024, to the public works commission. we have one seat, one applicant, or two seats and one applicant. and item two, a motion approving or rejecting of lynne newhouse sega for ending with the term of july 2, 2026. and item 3, the city controller appointment for a public works commission for lauren post, with the term ending july 2, 2024. these three items if approved are sent as committee reports. >> chair peskin: thank you, mr. young. colleagues, we previously dealt with some of the proposition b appointments to the streets and sanitation commission. and these three items are appointments to the public works commission pursuant to
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proposition b, and notwithstanding, and that you will recall that charter amendment from a couple of years ago required two mayoral appointees to board of supervisors appointees and one controller appointee. today we have before us one of each. and i am informed that ms. newhouse segal, and i wish her well, is aring a medical procedure today so she will not be before us and she will be fine and before us at the next meeting on june 6th, so after public comment i make a motion to continue item number 2 to our meeting of june 6th as we have no meeting next monday because of memorial day. so we'll be hearing item number 1, which is one individual for seat number 5, fady zoubi. and the controller's nominee
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lauren post, to that position. and before we do that, why don't we -- as we did with streets and sanitation commission, get a briefing from the city administrators offices, prop b property manager rachel alonzo, good morning, ms. alonzo. >> good morning, chair peskin and thank you for having me here again. i was here earlier in the month and we reviewed the admin services ordinance and thank you for approving that. it will be heard at the full board meeting tomorrow for its second reading. and we have a second ordinance that we're working on called the code cleanup ordinance and it's 190 pages long now, and we are on track to submit that for your consideration next month, by the july 1st deadline. and i am very excited to have four more appointees here today three for public works and then
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i believe item 4 will be for the sanitation and streets commission. and the working groups that we have convened have been coordinating and discussing what topics to review with the commissioners in their first meeting in july and then subsequent meetings in august and september. as long as we have three appointees or commissioners seated for each commission by july, then both of the commissions will be able to form and begin meeting on schedule. so that's great that our plan can continue moving forward. and i'm most excited about what we're -- we've been discussing for site visits and ride-alongs in august, because the work of the public works department and the sanitation and streets department is so tangible and so physical, that we really want to get the commissioners out in the field with our crews so that they can go out and see what it's like to clean up the tenderloin at 6:00 a.m. and fill potholes at 8:00 a.m.,
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and visit tree and landscaped crews. and then on the public works side it will be site visits to maybe the floating fire station, fire station 35, that was recently finished. and southeast kelp project, and that's wrapping up construction. and we want everyone to get out this and to see what the work of the two departments is. so we're putting that together and i'm very excited that we'll have real people now that we can begin coordinating the schedules with. so that's it from me today. but i'm happy to answer any questions that you may have or we can get on to hearing from our appointees. thank you. >> chair peskin: thank you, ms. alonzo, and thank you for your work. i know that it has not been easy, and that there are 91 points of connection between these two yet-to-be departments as we split up public works. so, a lot of work left in the
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future, if we continue going down this road. with that, if there are no questions or comments from committee members, why don't we go to mr. zoubi, the one and only applicant for seat number 5. mr. zoubi, we are in receipt of your application and i will turn it over to you to make any statement that you so desire. >> good morning, supervisor peskin. supervisor mandelman and supervisor chan. i want to thank you for taking the time to -- to take my application. and -- and i i have been in san francisco for the past 22 years, and i have been very involved with the city departments, business associations, and my family owns a business also in san francisco.
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and i'm looking forward to add value to the works of this and to learn more about this, and what is done with the department. >> chair peskin: thank you, mr. zoubi. are there any questions or comments from members of the committee? i will note that you clearly have a lot of background in being on the boards of various non-profits. and as well as your experience in the banking and lending industry as set forth on your application. and so why don't we move on -- we will skip over item number 2 and we will continue that to mse controller of san francisco who i, like with mr. zoubi, had the opportunity to meet with last friday.
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and her resume is before us and it is an impressive one, ranging from experience in the u.s. congress, to various civic activities in san francisco, and a robust background in finance. with that ms. post, you are here in person. please come on up and introduce yourself to the committee. >> thank you very much. good morning, supervisors, and how do you do. my name is lauren post, i'm a 36-year resident of the city. and i have been both a renter and an owner. and i have been in the miss, and fallcalow, and the east cut, south of market between 2nd street and embarcadero. the bulk of my career was in municipal finances and an investment banker, and through government clients and analyzing the credit quality of municipal securities. and also a number of years of experience in biotech consulting
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and non-profits. i am comfortable comfortable with financial statements. for the past 10 years i have been active in my east cut neighborhood where i was the first board chair of the benefit district. i currently serve as treasurer and sales of park committee, with t.j.p.a. to oversee the budget and management of sales force top atop the transit commission. and we have worked on a number of projects from clean streets to new park design. and we've had some very positive experiences and, of course, some negative experiences. i also most currently serve on the general obligation bond oversight committee as a liaison to the easter bond program. so i look forward to continuing some of the site visits that i've had as that liaison, putting on hard hats again. and i have enjoyed getting to know the capital project staff but also overseeing project
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deliverables, budget and schedule to ensure that we voters get what we pay for and that we get it in a timely manner. i hope that i'm appointed to the new commission, because i see this as an opportunity to work with the new dpwo director to improve the department's culture and its systems and processes for carrying out its man the day. it's also an opportunity for this new commission to set a standard for how it's run itself, given that it's brand new and we're starting with a clean slate and to partner with our sister streets and sanitation committee to integrate into the city fabric. i've had a number of conversations with former and current employees, and there are many areas where change is needed and improvement. anecdotally this was supported by a report last month that the controller issued on the general obligation program, which summarized a number of areas needing attention. i won't go into all of them, but from regulations to the permitting black hole as it's
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been described by frustrated staff, to the d.p.w.'s own permitting difficulties and compounded by a lack of coordination between the departments and project approvals, and actually something that is an important joint project for the new commissions to address is the lack of planning and project maintenance and responsibility, active capital projects are completed. there's deferred maintenance that costs the city and taxpayers more money than needed and inefficiencies in maintaining our capital assets. so since project maintenance will be handed over to the new streets and sanitation department in about two and a quarter years after we split, i think that we have a nice opportunity to work together and to make sure that handoff is smooth in terms of capital projects once completed. and, again, just overall integration with other city departments needs to be looked at, and better communication and coordination throughout, and i look forward in my role as a commissioner to the extent that i can working with city d.p.w.
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staff to up the game of the department. i think that there's a lot of potential to make improvements here and i would like to support d.p.w. professional at all levels to strive for excellence and to have the resources to achieve it. so i thank you for your consideration and i look forward to this very valuable and rare opportunity. >> chair peskin: thank you, ms. post, for your willingness to serve and for controller rosenfield for finding you. seeing no questions or comments, open up items 1-3 to public comment. >> clerk: yes. members of the public who wish to provide public comment on these items may line up to speak. on the side of the room by the window. if you are joining us remotely call the public comment number at 1-(415)-655-0001. and the meeting i.d. is 2496 905 4544. and then press pound and pound again. once connected to meeting you
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will need to press star 3 to enter the speaker line. a system prompt will indicate that you have raised your hand and please wait until we take public comment on this item. when you receive the message that you have been un-muted that is your cue to begin your comment. do we have anybody in the room for public comment? please come forward. >> chair peskin: good morning, commissioner. and thank you for coming on friday. >> oh, yes, thank you for having me, supervisors. it's great to be back in the hall. marianne here and i'm giving public comment today in support of fady zoubi for his apquaigz application for the new d.p.w. commission. i believe that it's incredibly important to have representation from arab immigrant and on this commission, given how many businesses we have in the city and how frequently we interact
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with d.p.w. there's fee schedules that are predominantly paid for by our business community under d.p.w. code. so i think in is going to be a really important interface for our community and to be able to give the city more ground level information about how their programs and how d.p.w. programs and fee schedules are administered. with that said, i give my full support for this application for this vacancy. thank you. >> chair peskin: thank you, commissioner. and any members of the public who want to comment on items 1 through three and if not any remote? >> clerk: we are double checking. and at this point it looks like we have four listeners but no one in line to speak. >> chair peskin: okay, public comment is closed. and, colleagues, i want to thank the two individuals and to recog
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>> commissioner chan: thank you for all three applicants for coming forward to provide your service and mr. zoubi does come with many great recommendations, including really talking about his services for both the north beach and chinatown communities so for that i'm definitely in support of his appointments today. and for ms. newhouse, lynne new newhouse-segal and i know her work, and knowing her work and her involvements, and making sure how we preserve the characters and the history of the area of the civic center historic district. but at the same time, being able to move a project forward and
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that is some impressive experience. and, of course, ms. lauren post, thank you so much for willing to continue and to provide your service to the city. it's an impressive resume. with that i am in support of all three appointments. thank you. >> chair peskin: thank you. seeing no additional speakers here at the board, i would like to do a little housekeeping, which is to make a motion on item number 3 to remove the word "rejects" and "rejecting" from that so it reads "approving" and "approves" on. ."on that motion to approve ms. post, a roll call please. >> clerk: yes, on that motion [roll call] the motion passes without objection. >> chair peskin: then to make a
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multifaceted motion to continue item number 2 to our meeting of june 6th, and send items 1 and 3 with recommendation as committee reports to the full board of supervisors for hearing tomorrow. >> clerk: yes, to confirm item 1 would be a recommendation for seat number 5. and item number 3 will be a recommendation as amended on. that motion, [roll call] the motion passes without objection >> chair peskin: next item, please. and you guys will be before the board tomorrow or at least you gal will be before the board tomorrow, and on june 6th we will at least get a quorum so you can talk to ms. alonzo. with that item number 4.
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>> clerk: yes, i guess -- >> chair peskin: did you just say it? sorry. you read four? >> clerk: not yet. confirming that item 1 and 3 are sent out as committee report. item number 4, motion approving/rejecting city controller ben rosenfield's nomination for the appointment of christopher simi to the sanitation and streets commission, for a term ending july 1,2026 and there's a request for this to come as a report. >> chair peskin: this is i nominee of the controller, subject to confirmation by the board, who has background in finance and audits. and mr. rosenfield has indeed found that individual who i had the chance to interview last week, mr. simi, who currently is in charge of barts budget and has plenty of municipal experience here in the city and
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county of san francisco as well as in new york and philadelphia and with that, mr. simi, good morning, and thank you for joining us in person. the floor is yours. >> good morning, supervisors. christopher simi here. and i want to say, of course, i'm honored by this opportunity to help to serve the city. and as supervisor peskin said, i can give a quick overview of my background. so i currently serve as the budget director at bart, where i'm responsible for formulating and developing and adoption and oversight of a $1 billion operating budget. and previous to that i was the cfo at did the of human services, the child welfare and juvenile justice organization. and in that capacity i was responsible for budget, audit, contracting, accounts payable and accounts receivable. so i really have some experience there, sort of understanding all of the various mechanics on the
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fiscal side of a government organization. and then previous to that, as the supervisor mentioned i was just down the hall here in the mayor's budget office for three years. and was sort of responsible for providing different departments being a liaison on the fiscal side, including the department of public works. so i have an understanding of how it operates and some of the issues that it faces. so with sort of all of that background and experience i'm, of course, very excited. you know, i have a policy training is sort what i got my master's degree in and i think that budget, the fiscal side, i think that the budget is the sort most clear discussion of priorities that an organization can have, because it's either funded or not funded. but there's a lot beyond that. and i think when you think about policy, i think that it's actually very important to me just to be really thoughtful about how, you know -- i think
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what any government agency is thought about and how those tradeoffs are articulated and the data that goes in and making sure that it's good data. and thinking about implementation and monitoring over time. i think that those are key things that i really like to focus on, and i enjoy focusing on that stuff. so i think that i can hopefully bring some of that skill set that i have and 12 years working in the public sector to this role and i'm just very excited. and i'm a resident of the city, and i'm a homeowner and i live in district 8, and i just, you know, i really love this city. and i wanted to thank you for the opportunity to allow me to give back a little bit to the city. >> chair peskin: thank you, mr. simi. and when the controller calls, it is always good to respond in the affirmative, so thank you for stepping up. any questions or comments from committee members? seeing none, are there any individuals in these chambers who would like to testify on item number 4?
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seeing none, are there any remote callers who would like to testify on this item? >> clerk: yes, members of the public who are on the line, there are a number of people in the room to speak. if you are viewing remotely, the public comment line is 1-(415)-655-0001. the meeting i.d. is 2496 905 4544. and then press pound and pound again. once connected, you will need to press star 3 to enter the speaking line. a system prompt will indicate that you have raised your hand. wait until the system indicates that you have been unmuted and that is your cue to begin your public comment. and there are -- we have four listeners but nobody in line to speak at this time. >> chair peskin: all right, public comment on item number 4 is closed. and seeing no comments from committee members, i want to thank mr. simi for his
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willingness to serve and thank our controller, ben rosenfield, for this nomination and to make a motion to remove the word "rejecting" and "rejects" from the subject motion on that motion, a roll call, please. >> clerk: yes, on that motion, [roll call vote] the motion is adopted without objection. >> chair peskin: and then i would like to make a motion to send the item as amended to the full board with a positive recommendation as a committee report for hearing tomorrow, may the 24th. >> clerk: yes, on the motion to recommend as amended as a committee report, [roll call vote]
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the motion is adopted without objection. >> chair peskin: thank you, mr. clerk. and, mr. clerk, i don't know if you have been able to send a teams invite to brian chu from the mayor's office of community development, but if you haven't, if you could do that right now before we call the next item. >> clerk: yes, give me one moment. >> chair peskin: and to ms. post and mr. simi, there is no public comment on this, and that is handled in committee and you are welcome to come or to participate remotely and best to make yourself available if any of our colleagues who are not on this panel have a question. and we can forward you an incite inviteif you would like to do tt remotely. >> clerk: i have just updated
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the invite to invite brian chu. >> chair peskin: excellent. with that can you call item number 5. >> clerk: yes, item number 5 is a hearing to consider appointing one member, term ending december 1, 2023, to the soma community stabilization fund community advisory committee. >> chair peskin: okay. i'm giving brian chu 10 seconds to log on to teams. is he logged on? real-time hustling. if not, mr. clerk, i can totally do this all by my little
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lonesome. the soma community stabilization fund advisory committee i am very familiar with because i was on the board of supervisors when we created it way back when. this is an appointment for seat number 4, which individuals have to have the qualifications of being low income, an employee, and labor senior disabled, housing business or youth. and the applicant has those qualifications, and the committee had previously expressed a need for a representative from the lgbt cultural district and the applicant definitely would fulfill that need. and we have one applicant for the seat norman lind, who is joining us remotely. norman, if you would like to make some comments, the floor is yours and we're in receipt of
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your application. >> clerk: mr. chu is on the line. >> chair peskin: okay, bri an, okay, brian, ifyou would like tg in addition to that. >> thank you. and the housing community development and joined by the staff of soma stabilization fund c.a.c. just to echo what the supervisor said, the committee is strongly committed to ensuring representation by all of the diverse communities within the geography. as people know, we have three cultural districts and actually that touch in that area. filipinas and the soma lgbtq district. two of those districts have had representation on that committee. and the committee really wanted to do outreach to ensure that the third cultural district would also have strong representation.
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so after outreach, the district recommended that mr. lynde consider submitting his application which he did and we're very excited about having his voice and his community's voice represented on the committee. so we are in strong support of this application. >> chair peskin: thank you brian. why don't we go to norman. >> good morning, chair peskin, vice-chair mandelman and supervisor chan, and thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today. i am norm lynde and i support your support of my application. and i'm a big fan of history. soma is less than a square mile of our city, but it's filled with a rich heritage and i believe a more promising future last year during covid, i was able to take the city guide walking tour of the park area. and i saw the reflections pool
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that commemorates the contributions and the heritage of the first people of our area, as well as the inspiring words of dr. martin luther king. my first pilgrimage to san francisco as a gay man brought me to soma. it was in soma at the street fair that my husband proposed, and today it is pretty much the center of our lives here. the deeply rooted communities of both the filipina district and the lgbtq district work alongside residents and businesses to strengthen, build, and renew as we face many challenges. i would be humbled to contribute my skills, time, and services to the soma c.a.c., in support of the city's ongoing work to stabilize the community, promote equity, and mitigate the effects of gentrification and displacement. to join each of you who
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contributes to see san francisco as a city where freedom is celebrated, and dreams realized by all who work together. thank you. >> chair peskin: thank you for that presentation. seeing no questions or comments from committee members, are there any members of the public who would like to testify on item number 5? are there any -- seeing nobody in the chambers for this item, are there any members of the public who would like to testify on this item remotely? >> clerk: just to note i believe that we have -- claudine has raised her hand to speak and i don't know if she still wants to speak? >> no, i was just here on behalf of mr. zoubi in case brian was not able to attend so i had my hand raised earlier. thank you. and we are excited that norm lynde has put forth an application. >> clerk: thank you. members of the public who wish
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to provide public comment and are in the room should line up to speak at this time if you are joining us remotely the call in number is 1-(415)-655-0001. and the meeting i.d. is 2496 905 4544. then press pound and pound again. once connected, you will need to press star 3 to enter the speaker line. a system prompt will indicate that you have raised your hand. wait until you have been un-muted and that is your cue to begin your comment. we have two callers in line for public comment. >> chair peskin: first speaker, please. >> caller: good morning, i'm the manager of the lgbtq cultural district. and i am just calling to say that we're in very, very strong support of norm's application. and he has been a strong ally, not just the cultural district, but in soma in general, and i think that would be an invaluable asset to the
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committee. thank you. >> clerk: thank you. >> chair peskin: next speaker. >> caller: hello, i am vaughn golchef with the lgbtq cultural district. and 24-year resident of the city. and i am just calling to express our strong support for norm lynde's application for a seat on the c.a.c. he's highly involved in the leather and lgbtq cultural district. and with his background we feel that he would be an excellent representative and an addition to the c.a.c. and i urge you to support his nomination. thank you. >> chair peskin: thank you. any additional speakers on item number 5? >> clerk: i believe -- we are double checking at this point. any additional public commenters? >> mr. chair, that completes the
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queue. >> chair peskin: thank you, arthur. public comment is closed. and seeing no comments from committee members, i am pleased to make a motion to forward norman lynde to the full board with a positive recommendation on. that motion a roll call, please >> clerk: yes. [roll call vote] the motion passes without objection. >> chair peskin: all right. next item -- next and last item, please. >> clerk: yes, item number 6 is an ordinance amending the administrative code to extend the expir a date of the shelter monitoring committee from july 1,2022, to july 1,2027. >> chair peskin: thank you, mr. young. and this is a very simple admin code change to extend the sheltering monitoring committee by a five-year period to july
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1st of 2027, which gave me the opportunity to meet with the great staff at d.p.h. last week with regard to how the shelter monitoring committee has been going, particularly through covid. and i just want to thank the staff at d.p.h., clair lindsay and robert hill, and jeff sinby for their work, particularly when volunteers were not able to go into the shelters and they did that themselves at their own peril. so, thank you for your stewardship of the program and the oversight. and i'm happy to extend it. i did in that conversation come at least personally to the conclusion that we've had trouble filling one particular seat because of seat qualifications are too narrow. we were not able in short order to develop that language to havd prefer somebody with those specific qualifications, and it's been vacant for quite some time. so i will either do one of two things.
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one, would be to -- if the city attorney would allow me to without having to re-refer it to committee, introduce what may be a non-substantive amendment to make the seat qualification for seat number 1 more broad, add that at the full board in two weeks. if that is not deemed to be substantive. or, i will have a trailing piece of legislation that takes care of that detail. so whichever ms. pearson, deputy city attorney pearson allows me to do. i had not forgotten but it was not ready for today. with that, jeff, the floor is yours. >> okay, thank you. yay, that's such good news. good morning, chair peskin, and vice chair mandelman and supervisor chan. my name is jeff sinby, with the department of public health. i'm a health services manager for behavioral health services, one of the behavioral health services sites. but part of my role is to
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support the awesome shelter monitoring staff, behind me is angie davis and robert hill who actually -- they make everything run themselves, as two staff. so i just want to shout out to them. i actually was a staff member back in 2013 for around five years, so i have close ties to sheltering monitoring committee clair lindsay was going to share slides -- i'm not sure if you have the slides in front of you? if not, i will try to do my best and run through these four quick powerpoint slides on the screen over here for today. but we're here today because s.m.c., the shelter monitoring committee, is going to sunset, july 1st, 2022. and we're here to seek your support and to ask for a board approval to extend the committee to -- for five years to july 1,
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2027. this comes with a lot of support, obviously, from the committee, from other stakeholders like local homeless coordinating board, h.s.h., homeless coalition, everyone would like to see s.m.c. continue. but just briefly, the description of shelter monitoring committee is that its charge is to monitor the mandated 32 standards of care for the shelters -- for the shelter sites. we do this by doing site inspections. the committee volunteer members and the staff do site inspections. we -- the staff takes complaints, does investigations, and will also do report outs to the appointing bodies to rules here, to the lhcb, and so there are annual reports and quarterly reports to provide that
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information. in 2020, covid happened. shelter-in-place, and s.m.c. was on pause for probably most of the year. at the end of 2020, s.m.c. sunset day was 12/31/2020, and they were kind enough to extend it another year and a half to bring us to july 1st, 2021 to work on what we are doing here today to do strategic planning on changes to the legislation. so that's why we're here today. last year d.p.h. recommended that the committee members not do site inspections just to keep folks safe, in 2020. but in 2021 as we ramped up,
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robert and angie started doing site inspections and started taking complaints to try to get things started. and as importantly tried to ramp up community membership. and one -- lastly, about the committee membership, there are 13 seats. currently, eight are filled. four seats -- well, there's four applicants that are in the process to seek reappointment. oh, i'm glad that it's up now and you will see it here that one is board of supervisors, there's two from l.a.c.b., and one at the mayor's office. it's really -- just a shout out to angie who has been like full-time recruiting, wherever she goes on site inspections and just using the whole network to try to tell members about shelter monitoring committee,
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and give information about membership and see if folks are interested. so, we're happy that there are four members here and thank you again, chair peskin, for helping out for seat one. it's historically been probably the hardest seat to fill. i remember when i worked on s.m.c., we had someone in that seat but she couldn't stay too long. it's, you know, having a child and you're homeless. so anything that you could do to help loosen that criteria, that would be really be cool. >> chair peskin: and during you speaking the city attorney and i and my staff have all communicated and that legislation will be ready to be introduced and we will hit that in june. >> cool, thank you. so, lastly, i'm pretty much done but i just wanted to add real
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quick that i have been out at 9:00 p.m. at providence shelter and doing inspections and meeting with staff. and conducting surveys with clients to provide all of that feedback and information back at places like this. so i feel like s.m.c. gives clients staying at shelters another place to go. right now there's an internal process where they can go but s.m.c. when they come and they talk to angie or robert or they email or they call, it's really meaningful to sit down with someone and just talk about the issues that are coming up for them at the sites. you know, it's a really informal process. the sites have to respond in three days and there's like a three-day thing and respond in writing and address the issue in seven days. so it's really -- it's really helpful for clients and the community to -- it's just really
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important. >> chair peskin: thank you, mr. simi. and i don't know if mr. hillman or lindsay you want to add anything, but you are welcome to do it and i want to appreciate your work and the work of the committee. all right, clair, come on up. >> thank you, chair peskin. hello, and thank you for having us, vice chair mandelman and supervisor chan. i am angie david -- that's okay -- you can call me whatever but just don't call me late for dinner. >> chair peskin: clair is our contact which is in my mind. but i -- i appreciated our conversation last week. my bad. >> that's fine. i have 16 years working with this population, our most vulnerable folks in the city.
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and i have had this opportunity to move forward to be with the sheltering monitoring committee, where i truly believe that i'm in a role to have a voice that counts for our people that sometimes their voices aren't heard. i'm constantly and tirelessly recruiting to diversify our committee members, which is something that i believe that every member or every community that stays in shelter should be represented. so, you might not see, because it's not up, but i really and truly are working to diversify our committee. i do think that the clients having an outlet provides them empowering. and so it can be frustrating for our clients when they have only an internal opportunity to have
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something that they disagree with. so i find it very empowering. and sometimes it's just working it out, talking it out, and letting the clients know that they have an outlet and truly that their voice is being heard i think that the extension -- there's a lot of work still to do. and as you can see, you know, we've had a tough time where we had the death of one of our committee members and two of our members had to leave to go care for family that have been stricken by covid and the devastation of the covid that their families have had. so it's an ongoing issue. i'm constantly working for the recruitment and there's still a lot of work to be done but i believe it's a lot of good work to be done and that's why we're asking for a five-year extension. thank you so much. >> chair peskin: thank you, angie and my apologies again. i think that we're happy to extend it.
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any members of the public remotely who would like to speak, and before that i see supervisor mandelman on the roster. >> supervisor mandelman: thank you, chair peskin, and i have some questions about how the shelter monitoring committee does its work. and also why -- why this function is a committee function rather than a staff level function? i mean, are there any members of the committee here? maybe folks are calling in. so that may be during public comment that people will identify themselves. but i am just curious -- i mean, i imagine -- i mean, i would imagine that there needs to be ongoing monitoring of shelters, but given the abundance of bodies that we have dealing with homelessness, why is it important that there be a committee of non-city staff engaged in this function?
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>> that's a great question and thank you for asking that. so we currently are providing oversight to 10 shelters and we are trying to increase through the navigation centers which would be another eight. that would be 18 sites. that would be very challenging for robert and i to provide two announced inspections and four unannounced inspections. so the community members, they enjoy doing inspections, although i think that jeff mentioned that they were on pause for the -- the covid -- like a lot of things. but they all now have submitted their proof of vaccination and boosted to the city. so, you know, it's -- we have -- we need the bodies. >> supervisor mandelman: so is the primary function of the community members to be volunteer inspectors? >> yeah, they volunteer and do the inspections and robert and i
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go out and also do inspections and also train staff members on how to do inspections. and then they turn in the inspections and i digitize them and send them out. so their role is to do just inspections and robert and i are the folks that take the complaints and, you know, we sit with the public to take the complaints and we work on what is the 32 standards of care and whether it's an infraction or not. and we follow through and work with the shelters and robert and i work with the shelter for resolve or solutions or not, you know, there's not always fine news, but, yeah. the 13 bodies are to really help us with the inspections. >> supervisor mandelman: okay. so what happens at the committee meetings? >> pardon? >> supervisor mandelman: so when the committee meets, what do they do? >> robert, you want to take this one? when the committee meets, what do they do? >> chair peskin: come on up, robert. >> this is my colleague, robert i will let him take the question. thank you.
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>> hi, chair peskin and vice chair mandelman and supervisor chan. i would add to what the committee does -- the members of the public -- i think that -- i see it as they are representing the unhoused community. you know, they are able to suggest changes. for example, we have one standard of care that we're just adjusting to add warm water. there was no standard of care that said that the shower had to be warm. and so they see with different eyes than -- i mean, i know that i try to be empathetic, but i just don't have that experience -- that lived experience. so many of our members have lived experience and they are maybe in some ways better at seeing issues. i know that as a supervisor in state service for many years, i didn't have much incentive to notice that there was a daisy
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chain of extension cords there but if a safety inspector came in they would have no problem giving me more work. so that's one element of it. so in the meetings, we also -- the members discuss possible changes. they bounce things off each other. and they look for consensus on what could be done to, you know, to improve the work. there's an additional value i think is when the staff at a shelter has to tell a client about a particular rule, being able to offer the client another party to go to so that the unhoused person doesn't have to simply take what they're being told. they can ask -- come to the committee, and they can join the meetings, the monthly meetings, and offer their personal experience.
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so i believe that there's also that benefit to the shelters that they always tell us that they like us to be there and to come out to visit them and to join in their community meetings, their town halls, and so i -- i would like to think that it is sort of multifaceted >> supervisor mandelman: and what are the consequences, you know, of a report? so your folks go out and they find stuff that is bad and then what happens? >> well, in our monthly meetings we -- we have a public summary of what's happening. so the shelters are called out by name. so if you have four complaints in the month and other shelters have zero or one, i think that catches the attention of management in order to help the- >> supervisor mandelman: to justify -- all right. >> to justify the resource provision to address those issues. and it also, you know, over time, with enough data it can give a picture of how the performance is relative to other
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shelters. >> supervisor mandelman: and that's catching the attention of the management of the shelters or the management of d.p.h. or h.s.h.? >> h.s.h. -- >> supervisor mandelman: [indiscernible] what correlations are between d.p.h. and h.s.h. around these evaluations? >> well, we have one member -- employee of h.s.h., that serves on the committee as the -- so we have a d.p.h. member and an h.s.h. member. h.s.h. member is a fairly senior experienced manager. so that's a huge benefit when people have questions and she is also able to take feedback, back to her colleagues. the h.s.h. has the contracts, and is able to influence i think the shelters to improve their services when -- >> supervisor mandelman: and h.s.h. contract awarding --
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>> i believe so. most shelters are under contract through h.s.h. >> supervisor mandelman: that's my question, you are doing your evaluations and reports, does it land anywhere? >> chair peskin: and i will add that at my meeting with d.p.h. last week and h.s.h. did participate and was actually very supportive of having the s.m.c. and having it continue, and ms. dylan-schneider spoke to the fact that it was helpful and h.s.h.'s evaluation of their shelters. >> supervisor mandelman: okay. all right, thanks, everybody. >> thank you. >> chair peskin: are there any members of the public who would like to comment on this item number 6? >> clerk: yes. there are no members of the public in room for public comment. if you are joining us remotely, please -- you would like to join us remotely please call 1-(415)-655-0001. and the meeting i.d. is 2496 905 4544. and then press pound and pound again.
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once connected you will need to press star 3 to enter the speaker line. once you hear that you have been un-muted that is your cue to begin your public comment. there's nobody in the room. and there are two listeners but nobody in line to speak. >> chair peskin: okay, public comment for item number 6 is closed and i will make a motion to send this with positive recommendation as a committee report on. that motion a roll call, please >> clerk: yes, on the motion to recommend this item as a committee report [roll call vote] the motion passes without objection. >> commissioner falzon: and we >> chair peskin: and we are adjourned.
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>> this meeting am come to order, welcome to the may meeting of the local agency for condition i'm supervisor cone chan chair and i today i'm pleased to be joined by vice chair jaek filter and commissioner mar and singh, yes and the clerk is alyssa sa mara. i like to thank the staff at madam clerk. >> today's meeting is held thro
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