tv SFUSD Board Of Education SFGTV June 6, 2022 12:00am-4:01am PDT
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please. >> roll call. >> translation, first. sfgovtv will provide closed captioning and american sign language throughout the board meeting live transcription here streamtext. net/player question markevent= sfu sd-board. wish to provide comment and needs an interceptor use the q and a in the zoom box and list the items on the agenda. need to have a function camera in order to community with the interpreter and board. when the arc tendsee's opportunity to provide comment
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[translation in cantonese] thank you. before we do roll call i wanted to note that again, you will see fewer people than usual sitting up at the dias this evening. we just learned that all of our board commissioners may have been exposed to covid and out of caution we encouraged staff who don't node to be physically present here this evening to join the meeting via zoom. covid cases are on the rise and
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take the precautions by wearing masks. and get vaccinated and boosted. if you have symptoms stay home and test. roll call. police. >> student delegate lam. >> here. >> student delegate liang. >> here yoochl commissioner alexander. >> vice president boggess. >> here. >> commissioner hsu. >> here >> commissioner motamedi. >> here. >> commissioner sanchez? >> here. >> commissioner ward. >> here. >> president lam. >> here. this evening we share the devastation felt tonight following the shooting at an
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elementary school in texas. emtonight our hearts go out to the students, families and staff who have been impacted by the upon events in tex feks. grief and heart 80 following in buffalo new york. all 10 who died were black and hearts go out to the victims their loved ones and the buffalo community. >> we condemn this act of violence and hate and have to stand together against violence perpetrated against any member of our community. >> sfu sd dealt indicated to providing education for each student contributing to antiracist in our society.
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we have practices in place to keep our students safe and prepared for crisis that could occur. i like to take a moment of silence. be thank you. head into -- general information -- at this time we announced translation information to observe the meeting and participate virtual and he tonight i like to now move in the opening items. our land acknowledge am. we the san francisco board of education acknowledge that we are unseat the home laged of the
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ramaytush ohlone who are the upon original inhabitants of san francisco. as the indigenous stewards of land in accordance with traditions the recommend ram never lost nor forgotten responsibilities of the care takers of this accomplice. as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests we recognize we benefit from living and working on their traditional home land. we wish to pay respects acknowledging the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their rights as first peoples. >> thank you. opening items. >> approval of board minutes for may 10, 22 a motion and second. >> moved.
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a second. >> corrections? seeing none, roll call vote. >> students delidate lam >> yes. >> student delegate liang. >> commissioner alexander. vice president boggess. >> yes. >> commissioner hsu. >> yes. >> commissioner not mode. yes >>ing president lam. >> yes. >> next we will go to the superintendent's report doctor matthews. >> thank you president lam. good evening, everyone. i want to start by letting you know that since this is the last update before our students graduate and go off to the great places they are going, this tonight's remarks will be longer than usual. as i say good evening.
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thank you for being here. i want to begin by sympathies to the family and staff for the elementary in texas. the terrible events of the shooting rocks us to the core especially whp children and the people who serve them are put in harm's way. why we received many calls we take safety, plans and precautions seriously here in the san franciscouneified district. we have a comprehensive plan in the event of any emergency and schools have security measures to ensurety well being of students and staff is the highest measure. continue to work together to be vigilent in ensuring our schools here and across the nation are safe and nurturing learning environments. now important updates. begin by honoring
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asian-pacific-american heritage month. we look at contributions and honor asian-american and pacific i landser people. they are integral to the history of san francisco. san francisco public schools strife to create a place for each student to appreciate and finds who they are and celebrate the diversity of students every day. embracing and celebrating the upon difference the uniqueness our community is better. i like to share a power update. last week, the hr payroll and technology teams hosted an in power clinic for 100 employees. they got dedicated time with team members to get questions answered, engaged in issue take. develop greater sunday everunderstanding of pay statements and get issue it is addressed. we fielded inquiry based
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questions than issues and see this as a president step forward. another clinic will be offerod june 14th to provide support in person. on tonight's agenda we are seek the board's approval for an agreement on an mou regarding deferred net pay and additional empower impacts several are already under way including additional resources and video self employees not their pay statements. an issue page at sfu sd and the in person clinics i provided in the update. finally, sightos a smoother transition for the upcoming school year first time launching a new year in empower sf. closing outstanding issues and system enhancements need for business processes and ensure
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employees are paid accurately and on time. >> classified employee week. california department of education designated school employee week to honor contributions of employees. san francisco unified our staff are essential to making schools work for young people. school secretary security guards. cafeteria workers and teaching assistants. extent a thank you to each and every one of our wonderful classified staff members you keep our schools running and campuses clean and provide support for student, teachers and families if you know a san francisco classified employee, make a special effort to thank them this week. -- update on our summer programs. during sum upper 20 twoochl our district will be offering summer programs and hosted at cites
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across the city serve thousands students k- 12. there are programming for students at every level. just a name of the few promise. receiving their summer and enrichment back packs may 23rd. all middle schools an accept up program focus building a positive communities orientation and reading our one book one middle school section. a good trouble by lisa moore upon ramie. we have over 800 high school students serving internships and 600 of high school students enroll in the dual enroll am at city college. if you would like more information about the summer opportunities. tune in to the june 13th committee meeting. now a safety update.
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health and safety san francisco unified top priority and our district is actively following guidance. we offer various -- covid-19 testing options including daily pick ups at schools and other testing options to all studentses and staff and regularly host opportunity vaccination. low and stable and forms of illness and rare. remember maskers encouraged but san francisco school districts or classroom require indoor masking. the chief position titles we are e eliminate being chief in job titles and will be using the
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title head for the positions called chief. there are opinions on this matter our team agrees given this term offend native americans we will no long are use it. san front is the largest employers in san francisco and need our leaders who serve to understand this. >> changing how we refer to division heads we are not diminishing the contributions to their district central, service leader work. and finally -- graduation update. will all of the san francisco graduate this is month this statute happiest times of the year. congratulations to our 22 graduates. 2 up here with us this evening.
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we will be providing out door high school graduation next week may 31st through june seconded. at the iconic stadium and the evening more iconic campus stadium over glen canyon. we are grateful for the partnership for the city of san francisco. mayor's office department of children, youth and families and san francisco rec and park to make this happen. tickets may be receives from your home school. all graduation ceremonies will be live streamed.
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check our scheduled state for collect zoom links. congratulations. we are proud of you. joanne lam and agnus. thank you, president lam and good evening as superintendent math used this is a bittersweet since tell be our last student mcgonigleigate report ever. we wanted to start with a recap of our youth summit on saturday may 14th. theme is leaders in action and how perfect we were lucky to have matthews and lam as keynote speakers and sally niece as a student keynote. student arc tendise participated in workshops and we are so
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thankful to staff for helping make this event possible. >> yesterday we had a last meeting with the full council where we celebrated the members of the party, games and music. we spent time announcing the next students delegate who will be cal a rising senior at local high school. we heard speeches from candidates who wanted run for president and student delegate arc lisa may a rising senior from washington high school and interim student delegateis bella hansen. we are excited have them and lastly congratulations. the application for the be counsel is live. we encourage all high school students to apply tiny url/ply
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sac22. you will plan events like the youth summit. leadership train and workshops and gain skills to better serve. host informational sessions over the summer so students understand the counsel >> that is our last student delegate report it hen an honor serving the studentses and under statement to say we learned throughout our time on the dias. we hope that sf stroifs for student policy and up lift student's voice. thank you. [applause] person congratulationses to you both. it hen an honor and the students you represent every day here or through your role and leadership
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has been a guiding light for me and provided that inspiration. i told you both this you can't get rid of me after you graduate. expect regular messages. at this time i would like to offer my colleagues also share any warm wishes. and if not we have some surprises and gifts for you. let's take a photo so we gather while we grab our present and fwaen to thank from the heart. all your contributions and wishing you so much success and joy and enjoy college. du go back. you have served on the board as student delegates during the most difficult of 2 years in the last 100 years of public
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education. you served through coming back. mask, contact tricking. vaccinations, testing, omicron. you have been through all of that and you served with dignity and he integrity. you always spoke your minds and you were -- i would say in my 5 years the most professional student delegates i worked with and i'm proud of you both. we then and there is the beginning because big exert better things are going to happen and we are looking forward to hearing about them and seeing you in the paper and because we know good things are happening. congratulations and thank you. [inaudible]. service to san francisco unifyd and to the students of san francisco and to this board. thank you. [applause] recognition and
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upon good afternoon. to the members of board of education, superintendent, doctor matthews, president lam. vice president kevin boggess and other commissioners, student delegates congratulations. community members. i am victoria cheeks vice president of the san francisco alliance of black school educators and a just a moment tree teacher at philip burton high school. as the scholarship chair person this year we awarded 54,000 in scholarships to 27 deserving
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students. [applause] i'm honored present to you our 2022 scholarship recipient. graduating from balboa high school, arc leah bernie. graduating from burton high school, amber daniels. brown, lillian, graduated from galileo high school. jazmin bailey. nicole and bram. [inaudible]. y i'm sorry i drew a blank. [inaudible] angel short.
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graduated from gateway high school. mia parker alexander. graduating from lincoln high school. constance ford. shalea debus. teric elston. graduating from lowell high school. simone wesley. graduating from mission high school, christian warren. diamond fisher. jaden draper. . ja nia jackson. jordan smith. miracle [inaudible] nicole robinson. timmon howard junior and graduating from o'connell high school sudonna [inaudible].
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graduating from hill top gi mia wilson. graduating from ruth school of arts, dianey dillard and justice townsend. graduating from s footwork international high school, [inaudible] and graduating from washington high school nathannial [inaudible]. okay. on behalf of the scholarship committee. mrs. thomason and i as well as the san francisco alliance of black school educators and members, board and president linda martly jordan congratulations and to our community of supporters thank you e menstrually.
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[applause] [inaudible] [no mic] i'm a cochair of the teacher association of chinese teachers. scholarship committee. i'm cochair this year. before i -- pursue with the names for the scholarship recipients a brief moment to thank doctor matthews for your leadership and service. for the past 5 years. you lead us through times as you mentioned earlier and incredible
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challenges. put together a passionate team of people who stroif to push boundaries and make equal and innovative. we hope you will enjoy and get rest this summer and we wish you the best. thank you very much. >> thank you. [applause] nought recipients we broke 2 records this year. first was the number of applicants. and the second record was the number of scholarships ash ward we award 32 scholarship this is year. each for 2 thousand dollars. from lowell high school. >> mission high school. agnus. galileo ashley joe.
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of san francisco.i follows by e of san francisco.s follows by es of san francisco.c follows by o follows by educators of san francisco. >> good evening superintendent math use and commissioners and staff. i'm emlong the coexecutive director of u nighted add administrators of san francisco. it is my honor to present to you the recipients of 2022uaf high school scholarship award 1500 per student in order by school [reading of names] this year the
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[reading of names] [applause] thank you again to the alliance of black school edindicators. association of chinese teachers and latin teacher association, united add administrators of san francisco and united educators of san francisco. your contributions and scholarship mean a deal i know to the students and as we send them off on to their year's
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beyond, sf unified. thank you. >> now continuing our celebration. i like to tonight on behalf of the san front board of education i want to give a very special recognition to the educators at rosa partials elementary school. who helped rescue elderly residence didn'ts from a burning building adjacent to the school on friday may 13th. we are joined by some of the rosa partials staff. some virtual and he some in person. sarah lee. vincent reyes. rubin guzman and remy were in the middle of recess with than i saw motor vehicle from the building next to their school and called 911. some of the staff rushed in the building others stayed and made sure the students were safe. those who went in the building bangod windows and doors make
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surety residence denials knew there was fire and helped them. many of them elderly get outside where they provide them with assistance and support. the fellow clothesingly at rosa parks jump in the to make surety steeper and students were inside and covered their class. it took the entire school community coming together quickly to achieve this heroic act. we are so glad and proud so happy that all of our students and staff are safe. we are grateful to the san francisco fire department for their quick response and putting out the fire and assisting the victims. >> there were some casualities from the fire which quickly spread throughout the building but know there was a few result of the divisive actions of the rosa park's staff.
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>> to the members of the community we are humbled by your grave real and selfless knows. thank you for demonstrating not just to students butt entire city of san francisco what it means to be a hero. and tonight we have small recognition, certificateers in appreciation for your service and to our community. and i like to invite principal and other rosa park starch here in person to receive on the behalf of the team. [applause] many are joining remote. thank you commissioners to doctor math use. i want to thank everyone and first sends out our condolences from the rosa park's community
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to the families and the community in rob elementary in texas this . is not an out liar. at this school. although this was an extreme event the staff shown themselves to be a group that guess above beyond every day. i'm proud to lead this arc mazing group the last 5 years, thank you for recognizing them. hope 91 of us have to put ourselves in harm's way. if you do you will know there is an amazing group in the fabric of our community that are ready to answer the bell. thank you. [applause].
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thank you we would like to recognize all valuable employees for rewards call on doctor matthews. >> thank you. this evening we have a distinguished service ash ward. this will be begin to robin lee a teacher at graften elementary and presented by the principal katherine walker. mrs. walker? >> hi. i'm so thrilled be here tonight to honor a loved teach are. this is much deserved. i watched him grow i was his coach years ago. you can't find a more dedicated arc mazing teacher inspires kindness and love of others of the planet. of all things. you can walk in his room and
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studenters doing yoga. and he is arc mazing. he is a gift to our community as issest by the student who nominated him we are thrilled have you i could not be more honors to be your principal. [applause] thank you to my fifth grade student for nominating me. she is here. [applause] but i like to thank june robertson, matthew and kate walter for my principals and let me do my magic and don't micromanage me. thank you. and i'm honored to receive this award because -- it is something i love to do. and so i wish everybody could
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[inaudible]. want to express our gratitude. we will go in item c, protocol for public comment. at this time we will be allocating 40 minutes for public comment on nonagenda items. and that i know this we may have more speakers than the time currently a lotted and encourage speakers speak on the same topic to collaborate or combine and yield time so that the board can hear all viewpoints during our limited time. please note that the board accepts written comments via e mail and sends that to board office at sfu sd. edu. at this time all speak are cards on nonagenda items must be
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submitted. and note that public comment is an opportunity for the board to hear from the community on matters within the board's jurisdiction and this we ask you to refrain from using employee and student names. if you have a complaint about a district employee you may submit it to the employee supervisor with district policy. as a reminder board rules and california law do not allow us to respond to comments or attempt to answer questions during the comment time. and if appropriate, of the superintendent will ask to follow up with speakers.
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of the use of the, n, word. and the obvious word is a racial derogatory slur. this issue is deeper, when there is harm and no accountability equal than when others have been held accountable for it is a slap in the face. with no accountability, it is a continue us display of entitle am. inequality and more injustice. as a public safety responder for 30 yers i burr ed many young people. i know the time is going off. things like this contribute to the type of violence. we talk about texas and buffalo you opened up. and think of that. i ask you tonight i stand with
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our team and pacific islanders. do something about this. why thank you. good evening, board, commissioners. receiving a letter now written from our team, i'm rihanna and one of the leaders of the arc pack team the letter states, board of education commissioners, superintendent math use and members of the district leadership team. black parent of a child reasonable asked during a meeting if we had alis on the board of education employmented to know if anyone who cared about black children and families there was a low level of response. a conversation and the sentiment was uncertainty. why?
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because alli help is a verb it is an action verb. serving each and every an action not wordos paper. in april we wrote to you with the pack who called out the acts of the site administrator principal fong used demeaning people african decentful we condemn the words [inaudible] we emplore to you dot same. >> time.the words [inaudible] we to you dot same. >> time.condemn the words [inaue emplore to you dot same. >> time.the words [inaudible] we to you dot same. >> time.condemn the words [inaue emplore to you dot same. >> time. i'm kendall and i hear people talk about bad things at me i
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feel -- like i don't have power but i do. that's my 7 year old i'm hope williams. i'm trying to hole back e motion its makes no sense my mother worked for sfu sd [inaudible] and i'm sick and tired of coming down here and sit and battle for what it should mean to be a black parent in this school. [inaudible] i didn't feel safe with my child being in sfu sd i believed in the mission it is every day for each child. i'm on the ground because i believe in each day for each
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child. does not mean because they are black. i sat here while you campaigned how accountability and making a statement you sit there and are [inaudible] to sit and look [inaudible]. you sit there and allow [inaudible] to be abused andllow us to be violated and say nothing. stop worrying about your campaign seats and doing what you are supposed to do. it makes no sense i [inaudible] i'm still enduring the same [inaudible] my name is hope and, n, ain't one of them. okay. i guess i do get to finish the letter. first off you have additional 3 minutes. thank you. you will yield for 4 speakers. we condemn the word employees
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paid to serve our students and families and immroer you to dot same we dma command you implement a zero policy for use of the, n, word especially if they don't identify as black and that the immediate action taken by the administrator and the currency to restore the harm she caused students and families. since then of the 7 members lected to serve each and every child only 2 reached out to validated voices of the black family who said the word of the, n, word by administrator caused them harm. 2 board member responded the families via e mail or verbal conversation. as of today. not one board member denounced the use of the, n, word public low or taken action to do so in policy. this weekend we received a copy of a letter that came in support
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of the principal flood in boxes with e mails and stated every voice community must be heard. offers said we demand sfu sd and the san front board operate in transparency and due process. we demand both sides heard with staff and parents. we demand to stop the removal and demand to top the witch hunt and resore the reputation of our principal in the school the letter dauzed hurt this position was taken because of the communities was ill furthermored. but there is an on going dismissal of hurt and experience of black people in the nation come in this district. it seems when an offense occurs the system district included finds a way to negate our experiences and truths to justify our explain the behavior
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of the perpetrator rather honoring the voices of those impacted well is no question weather the principal used the, n, word she admitted public low. there has been an investigation that found the principal violated full pull codes the word used by the principal will speak to an auditorium of students and staff could have been misguideod the history of the word. the principal continued to use the slur several more times when speaking to parents, staff and supervisor. there is no disputing that it it is a fact the community of black parents who expressed outrage have been drowned out. there is where you are all supposed show up on truth and responsibility to each and every. that is the notion denied when the harm is black. we don't wish to argue the fact.
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we do stand in solidarity with the black families we stand with every black family that is told when they speak up and out their voices don't matter. we demand the board does the same not in e mails or closed door conversations but public low in policy and action we appreciate doctor matthews who denounced the word and ensour restoration for the students we appreciate that hughes offered to the principal and a model how to engage in professional development and humility with resources and the work of heeling. now it is your turn not 4 this school but throughout. black children are not safe. there are questions why black families are leaving. why black children are not producing on test and black
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students and families lack sense of belonging in the district and why black educators say same there is no wonder. we know why. the actions or inaction ofa district is y. pretty wordos paper in campaign match to the action you regard in policies, practices and when you stands up for. listen to black families and the arc pack. black mindses do matter. arc pack leadership team. [applause] i'm arc lita fisher i'm the advocacy chair for special education. cac stands with the black families of san francisco unified school district. we echo demands for a zero tolerance policy for the use of the, n, word. denounce the use of the, n, word
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in any context and demand the board and all leaders denounce the usage. echo the dmansd of work done. and we ask that the district under take the hard work to repair the hard work done with urgency. earlier tonight you condemned the acts of racial violence in buffalo and held a moment silenceful black lives matter here other thanning too the brilliant black scholars and families matter. listen to black families. thank you.lack scholars and fam matter. listen to black families thank you.rilliant black schola families matter. listen to black families thank you.scholars and families. listen to black families thank you. good evening.
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and i w for the district. but i'm a parent, first. i sit with the pack team and [inaudible] i want to acknowledge hope being here with me i have mrs. wad everyone a teacher from adriana herrera posey who is a first grade parent. i want to come to you and say that blackness is beautiful. it is diverse and i come to you as a filipino parent of 2 girls who have been shared both identities. n word was used at our school and after months we had a community conversation with the naa cpa li human rights
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commission and the principal apologized and sent i letter providing transparency of her use of the, n, word. i want to be clear, we didn't want to harm anybody. we wanted trans paraphernalias and acknowledgment for the hrm and restoration that's all we wanted and unfortunately now we don't feel safe because of po serb backlash. and that's why some of us are not here tonight. this truth of the words come to light we need support to heel as an entire community. please protect us using the trouth to guide and protect us as families we appreciate all the support we received with community partners, doctor matthews. but doctor gibson. we want all of our children to be save. provide resources, support and
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safety to navigate the difficult and conferrings that and from parents first especially black families. we are working together -- as we work together, provide us those resources that support the safety so this we can heel. and i'm going to say this. it will take time. but we need the district to understand and support and be proactive. >> thank you. [applause] good evening i'm daniel i stand with our brown and black families and student in san francisco unified school direct. today board of commissioners i urge you to listen to our black families and throughout our
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district. it is important that we as a district move to institute a zero tolerance policy for the use of the, n, word in any other racial epifet. for any sfu sd employee. anyone receiving a paycheck. work to restore trust. build bridges and work in collaboration to ends this cycle of violence. thank you. michelle is here i will keep it brief. 39 our black families. they have tolled when you they want exclude told what you they need exclude told you the supports they need. we have to do this difficult messy and racist work together. hi. my name is claire turner.
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i am a member of a family of generations work in the sfu sd as teachers. commissioner sanchez knows our family. i'm here with my latina friends and black and brown parents demanding a voice. i'm here demanding a voice in the school temperature is fitting we are talking about violence, one form of violence is segregation. one form of violence is discrimination and a lack of equity net district that some have not noticed yet. my son saendzs the art's school where he is being forced wear a mask. he does not want to wear one. does not need to wear 1. every other school has choice but [inaudible] has no choice we
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are discriminated against. i want to fix that. thank you. i'm a parent of a child that used to go to creative arts charter school. we left for the reasons there was not enough emotional support in the classroom and i want to echo the solution for safety um -- which i have been hearing when you look at studies of how to lower the class room it is not the teacher's fault it is buzz there is not enough adults. >> sorry. i don't think we have speak are cards for you did you turn in i peeker card. i did not. >> thank you. we want to create fairness you must submit a speak are card
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beforehand for your agenda item. and we will also be taking virtual comments it is important that we create the process and procedures and i have it follow through with them as chair we want to also recognize participates that are also joining virtual to create more access, thank you. good evening am my name is arc nita and i am a [inaudible] and i'm sad to be listening what is going on and what other parents are telling. >> we don't have a speak are card for you did you turn in a speaker card. why how do you do that do that before i don't have that but i want to let you have been i did send an e mail. thank you.
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to speak gean the empower issues i want to share this link. my cowork or march 22nd per in arriveed a dental appointment and told she was not covered by insurance. contacted benefit's apartment and dental insurance the issue was able to be if i canned. last week the dentist contacted them his spouse terror a second time was taken off his insurance. teacher again contacted benefit's department. the benefit department has not explained why this happened for a second time and now afraid this may happen again. i recognize that many health dick ticks empower pay issues have been resolve whatted is alarming that 100% of the health tickets come from teachers who themselves poured over their pay stubs and identified the errors themselves.
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[speaking spanish] nog talk about the violence in the school district my child was attacked on may 6. nothing was done about it. the school did not call the police or ambulance i did everything myself. and -- after that, the school they did was offer her transferring from an another school and it felt like my daughter did something wrong
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daughter is naomi she was [inaudible] tenderloin school. and may fifth she was attacked. came from school crying and i'm very upset. she said a classmate of hers following her and insulting her and has not been the first time. she is very upset she does not want to go to school. [speaking spanish] jury room i
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of able to send a message to the teach are. she took a long time answering but foible low did call me back and saw my message. and says was well the kids do play jokes on each other. and they -- they -- display like that. and but this is no joke. this is not a laughing matter. my kid is being bull ied at the school and i said you should you need to call his paraphernalias
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to let him them know what the kid is doing because my child is not the only person who is being abused by this kid.hem know wha because my child is not the only person who is being abused by this kid.him them know what the doing because my child is not the only person who is being abused by this kid. jury room had is not fair that the district will not do anything. that you will not listening to the parents to their occurrence. i have done my part. now the district has to do their part and listen to the parents when it come to the safety of the children. thank you. [applause] >> thank you. doctor math use you have follow
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up with them, too. thank you. we will continue with in person public comment. call up forest lieu, selina chew. jackie zen, angela and anuf and justine. you have i minute. why hi. i'm forest lee and i'm an asian community activist here. and like many members my parents were from china immigrated here. and they raised mow to study hard, work heard to succeed. and never in my life i think that did i think that studying hard would have people accused me of being white adjacent. never in my life i think that -- the n word used against people who look like me.
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by a school board commissioner. luckily we recalled a racist school board. but i'm not here about that. i stand with -- that's not okay. but what i'm here about is lowell. and think about the trauma that the students are experiencing. and they are told to study hard this is an item on the agenda about lowell this is nonagenda items >> thank you. hello. hi. i'm selina chew. i a paraphernalia of a second grader at ul elementary and i believe commissioners and [inaudible] you have received over 22,000 letters of support of our principal and i want you
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to understand as immigrant not everyoneness the word. our school 30% english learning students and possibility they don't know. these are kids. i had to take my years to understand this culture that is happening here in this country. it took someone to teach him to let them know this is in the i good word to use it was not to use to attack. we need to understand the logic. there are differences and i am encouraging to you listen to asian-american voices. you are not listening. first you paid out 200 [inaudible] this is what we d. this month. do better!
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this is my first time coming here. i seen how the teach and staff and principal from the school have tried very hard to provide the best education they could and to all the students regardless of our situation. they have taught students how to care for one another and how to love each other. and one of the thing that the other teacher taught other rules that kids should not be learning. they try to teach all of them. the best way they could. they might give at time the school has a lot of immigrants and might try to try different ways to help these kids.
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i hope there will be equal and trans paraphernalias so we can the board of education is increaseingly hear our voices. for the chinese parents. i hope there to be a formal organization so thateducation i our voices. for the chinese parents. i hope there to be a formal organization so thatof educatio hear our voices. for the chinese parents. i hope there to be a formal organization so that you can hear our voice thank you. the first time i joined the f word was the second month i was in the u.s.
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a daughter taught mow a word that said meant love. i probably went up to my friend in front of their friends say i, f, you very much they were shockd and embarrassed i was 19. the first time i heard the chinese c word was from i classmate. he was excited tell me i learned chinese. and then he spoke the chinese c word to me. he greeted my mom with this. it was 21. the first time i learn about the mrourality of the n word was jackie chan's movie rush hour. tried copy everything that chris rock said and got macked in the face and called racist. i was 23. i want to thank the teachers for putting themselves out well and educating our kids. i want to ask sfu sd what tools
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you provide for our admins so they can teach our kids the proper etiquettes and culture of america. >> thank you. >> at it time i like to open up for virtual comment. we are coming up around the 40 minute time frame i will extend for the evening -- 4 minutes i will upon extend additional 15 minutes. one minute each speaker, please. at this time public comment on nonagenda items raise your hand if you care to peek we will are 15 minute and each speaker will have speak. translation, go ahead. >> [speaking spanish] [speaking
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cantonese] >> thank you. hi. can you hear me? >> yes. >> thank you for taking my comment. i'm calling with an update on out doosh running stuff. last night the build and groundses meeting the application process opened for schools to apply for the out door bond funding this information withstand everwent out through a lead bulletin [inaudible] and the result is [inaudible] vment i am concerned about the communication and timing here. because just today the many
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people i contacted most of them including a number of principals are unaware of the application or of the existence of this out doosh bond funding opportunity. the dead sideline june 7 the last day principals will be here. principals notified the ends of june weather they have been selected had they are not here. it is hard to understand the set up of had press. i'm concern body it and i ask for a fair selection process. >> thank you. >> larry lee. >> can you hear me >> yes >> this is literaly lee. i will be talking about the lower elementary school. i heard the emotions that is
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understandable. i want to know what was the context in which she said the, n, word and why did she say it in a school assembly full of students and staff? i just -- i have friends who is have a child that go to lowell elementary. and she told me n, word not to use temperature she tuesday because one of her students said which n, word. these students are kindergartener to first graders how would they know. and final low i hope that she is in the set up because she is a tough, mean boss and not really because of the n word. since she use today in a learning context to say don't use the, n, word. there you are. i just felt. asian americans leaders are which concept and fed up.
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>> find out the truth. >> final report in the newspaper >> thank you, larry. >> bye-bye. >> mrs. marshall. >> thank you. i wanted to thank the [inaudible] for following getting wayed of the word. [inaudible]. >> one of my pet peeves. howard i'm sad as a mother we don't want our children sent to school and they don't come home. i'm saddened by what happened in texas today. and we need to take our cools and towns back. however at this moment i want to speak of lowell. it is always, always absolutely inappropriate for a school leadtory ever use the, n, word. and i understand use today 9 times. we are not talking about
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students the school leader. the upon naacp was met with the staff and the principal. at this point she caused harm to the students. it is our recommendation the school leader not brought back to lowell for the following school year. thank you. >> order, please. we am not continue. until there is respect for the board to do conduct its business we will not allow adult behaviors to under mine the type of respect this we create for our children. this they deserve. and their class room and
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learning. tony. are you there? >> yes, can you hear mow. >> yes. >> good evening know commissioners and families and friends am i'm tony hines arc pack leader. i'm speaking on behalf of the students at lowell elementary school. all the students exposed hate language. african-american students and on the behalf of the african-american students exposed hate. i'm also disheartened have the principal who caused the harm to let the school divided and taking responsibility for what she said. black folksed are undermine when will you prioritize in want
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specialing black families, children and the families. i'm polite with my closing statement and say we are not your n word but fill in the blank it rhymes with wigger. >> thank you. chris clubhouse >> i'm a special education teacher at washington high school. i'm calling online just to -- i'm floored by what is going on. that was not why i call in the but upon listen to this soupds awful and i hope that the district does due diligence. like to thank you for providing the in person clinics for pay issues but note that staff had less than 24 hour's notice to prepare to attend that. may be why you did in the know about as many, as exist. we need more notice and more time to prepare for those of us
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who limp outside of the city or arrange child care. hard do to do that. especially when it starts during contract hours for some of us and can't make it at the start to get in line. just putting that out. thank you. >> thank you. charles i need to promote you to panel i felt. i'm promoting you now and we will see you. can you hear me. now that there is wind fall from the may revise and 70 million dollars more proposed. don't lose focus fiscal responsible. a state take over is possible in the future. the superintendent just cut 9 million from their office.
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so far will boarded of ed unable to audit cent roll office. the new soup needs to cut cents ral office and the board needs to support it. the elphenotype in the room is why we have funding problems we have enrollment death spiral. create [inaudible] based on research and science. if you believe the achievement gap data [inaudible] must be year behind. how can we have excellent programs if fifth grade is third. graduating students with elementary educational level unless the most expensive cities in america. thank you. kimberly. >> hello. >> yes. >> yes. >> yea.
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hello. hello it is my first time here a.m. a parent from the lowell school. i heard comment and i can't sustained it and i have to voice my opinion. principal we most of us love her. we support her. she treats everyone equal and she worked there for 26 years. people who have known her. knows she is in the this kind of personure perceiving her. and just boy hearing what she did by loss of rumors does not say the truth. he has her reason and she is stands being with the black students. she is telling students not to use the word. however a lot of people there in lowell are new immigrants english learners a lot of them not don't know what that word is. it it is that word [inaudible]
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they don't know. not in hindsight may not be a good choice but -- thank you for your time. >> thank you. i'm the person of c pack i learn about your issue. and i tried say that -- is it consider a discrimination issue than i think this should investigate it open low with transparency. and we need to have really parent listening -- student listening to make sure that everybody is voices heard. so, please. investigate this issue. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> i'm alexa and i have a daughter in kindergarten and fourth grade. elementary school. i'm here to peek in support of a spanish emersion teacher reviewed for the non[inaudible] this she was given. i want to say that this teach are has taught my daughter and inspired love of learning. the quality of education on parwith the quality of education my older daughter received this teacher is capable and caring and [inaudible] to continue teaching in sfu sd. they should be luck and he thankful to have a teacher like her and i hope you confirm this teacher provide support for success she deserves. and to acknowledge her successes in the most left year as a
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teacher. thank you very much. >> thank you. i'm a teacher at washington high school. first i wanted to say that i stand with the black community and under no context is it appropriate to use hate speech. in a school setting our otherwise. special you node to listen to black families, students and staff. she did not need to say it and should be terminate. i come from anim grant family we than word is hateful that is the in anning excuse and don't think this is appropriate. but i'm speaking today about the fact i still have in the been paid correctly. and i upon still in the paid back pi. this is illegal. and it is now multiple month and
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word i had an ins debt where a student called my child n word and brushed under the rug. now it is big and everything calling in. saying this principal been there for 26 years she know better. why are we defending that and what are we doing about it. i'm tired. i don't get to stay derogatory things to other people my son will be kicked out of school and i will not be able to come back. thank you, do something about the word and the people that work for you. >> thank you. david murphy. can you hear me. >> yes. >> i'm also -- [inaudible] the
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decision was [inaudible] teacher [inaudible] [inaudible] [can't understand speaker] and given the chance it is difficult on imagine [inaudible] on behalf of teacher that could not be rectified [inaudible] and reach potential. tonight when you [inaudible] we ask you factor the [inaudible] thank you. >> thank you. >> chelsea i will node to promote to you panelist f to share your comment and we will be able to see you on screen. i'm promoting you now and we will see you. >> go ahead. chelsea. >> we can't hear you can you
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speak up? you sound for aushg way it is heard to hear you. i'm turning my camera on so i can put my face to the board. can you hear me now. >> yes. why thank you. >> i'm chelle i'm a parent of 2 here to speak on on behalf of our deaf and hard of hearing students. who have been served by the early start program through contract with suu sd. i spoke at meetings before the program is closed. out of negligent from the current administration to make sure it was rehoused when the
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school site closed they have language and communication deficits crucial to address during the critical age of year to 3 when language develops. please, please look into rehousing this program. and giving these children a voice. whether they community in asl or oralally they deserve a chance to communicate. >> president lam that is 15 minutes i did see there was one a panelist that will be the final speaker for public had comment this evening. jell nay, go ahead, please. >> hi. yes. i'm a teacher of the deaf at chavez elementary school. i want you to know i'm the sole
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teacher within the entire district who lost an additional teacher of color at another school site. i know our deaf and hard of hearing program has been on the rope and has been starting to dwindle. we realliment to see asl lifted up and supportod behalf of our deaf and hard of hearing students and extended their teachers. asl is the third language in the united states. and yet it is in the on our world language list. it is in the taught at pricylinder i don't or at the high school level. i want to see classes on the roster for deaf and hard of hearing students to see them graduate with diplomas. i would love to see this in schools in the fall.
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thank you. we will hear from student hos wish to peek on any matter opportunity students have 2 minutes to speak and we will allocate 15 minutes of the comment period for students. and students also may speak at other public comment time on agenda items. >> do i see any students? virtually j. no virtual. >> thank you. so close public comment for students. moving to agenda item d the consent calendars. see if there is a motion and second on the consent calendar. >> moved. >> second. >> thank you.
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>> i will take public comment at this time for consent item. >> there are no handses raised at this time. >> any by the superintendent. >> none this evening, >> thank you. >> any items removed for severed by the board or superintendent. >> seeing none. like to have a role call on consent. delegate lam. >> yes >> delegate liang. >> yes. >> commissioner alexander. vice president boggess. >> commissioner hsu >> yes. >> commissioner motamedi.
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>> yes >> commissioner sanchez. >> yes. >> commissioner ward. >> yes. >> president lam. >> yes. sorry. 6 aye's. >> thank you. we will move into the retroactive contracts for consent calendars board members may remove any items prior to vote. get a motion and second on the retroactive. >> so moved. >> second. >> thank you. any public comment for consent retroactive contracts? >> no virtual public comment. >> seeing none for in person. >> any items with drawn or corrected? >> none. >> severed by board for
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discussion or vote tonight? >> seeing none. roll call on retroactive contracts from consent, please. delegate lam. >> thank you. why liang. >> yes. >> commissioner alexander. >> vice president boggess. >> yes. >> commissioner hsu. >> yes. >> commissioner motamedi. >> yes. >> commissioner sanchez. >> yes. >> commissioner ward. >> yes >> president lam. >> yes. 6 aye's. >> moving to agenda g proposals for action. first item like to have the superintendents proposal in support of naming the gym at claire lillian after karen d. hadley. i like to ask for a motion and
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second. >> so moved. >> second. >> superintendent? introduce the designee, please >> reading this in the record will be assist an superintendent of cohort for jason maman. good evening commissioners. staff issue students public of san francisco. we recommend that the board adopt resolution 222-22sp5 superintendent proposal and support of naming the gym at claire [inaudible] k-8 after karen did the hadley. thank you. at this time i like to open up for public comment. i have 3 speakers in person. like to call upon daniel anderson, a lita fish and can
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cassandra. >> hello i'm daniel and i wrote the resolution. to name the gym after karen hadley. i'm a former lillian parent and been a teacher at the middle school for 35 years karen was my colleague and both athletic directors together. i cannot tell you in words how much karen meant to the upon community at claire lillian if you will went upon there -- new karen she has done more for the district than any other teacher here e pit me of grace and joy and everything that she brought to her j.w. and she has kept in contact with students from that are in college now that are adults will now. she was this wonderful person
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and i want to be able to have the gym named to condition her store and he talk about her. i'm hoping that this is going to pass -- and thank you. i'm cassandra. to speak on behalf of support for naming the gym after karen hadley. professional low many of us knew karen to be an excellent example of our former speaker said. of what it meant to have a well rounded curriculum in every subject. she was an advocate for social justice. physical education. assignmentless well roundd and her colleagues trusted her in a way that has spread for decades.
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and i met karen on a person note doing a master's program. and her absolute passion for education through physical education k-8 was so contagious. it inspired colleagues. and -- her aspoirations for the future were great. so -- i support the resolution. my item is around g3. do we have virtual publicpicomment.picommen
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comment. go ahead. >> we did the notice said it was heard at buildings and grounds committee yesterday x. we have a positive recommendation. >> student delegate lam. >> yes. >> liang. >> yes >> vice president boggess. >> no. commissioner hsu. >> yes. >> commissioner motamedi. >> yes. >> commissioner safrjys. >> yes. >> commissioner ward >> yes. >> president lam. >> 5 aye's. >> moving to item 2 the proposal in support naming of the harvey civil right's academy garden a
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motion and second. >> moved. >> second. intries the dezic neil. read the recommendation. will be our assistant upon superintendent. good evening and thank you doctor math use. good evening commissioners. dap 2238st1 the proposal in support naming of the harvey civil right's academy garden after student moon. who passed away. >> do we are public comment? please raise where you are hand if you would like to speak of the naming of the harvey academy
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garden. >> there are 2 hands raised. >> go ahead a minute each. can you hear me. larry, go ahead. >> thank you. harvey represented a person that fought for gay and lesbian rightis don't think you should rename the school to something else. you should also ask where the school is located the castro community. i think that is wrong you are getting rid of an important of san front history. i'm sure a lot of people in that community believe the same thing. thank you, this is larry lee. >> thank you. i wanted be clear we are not renaming the school for the board we are not renaming the
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school this is the naming of a garden at the school >> i misunderstand >> that's fine. >> thank you. >> you guys are very enlightened. >> thank you, larry. >> [laughter]. >> jennifer. hi. can you hear me. >> yes. >> i'm call nothing in support of this rename the garden. the she was high student die friday a cancer that has 0o percent success rate. her mother is a 2012 teacher of the year. she taught at doctor carver eldorado and it harvey. she was a dedicated educator and true social justice warrior who put everything in her daughter and all children she taught.
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i would like to encourage the board to reach oust to the eldorado community she was a student there and support them they don't have the wherewithal or parent advocacy the harvey parents can bring to have something done this child should be memorialized at all schools she touched. >> thank you. principal stewart. >> thank you so much. first and foremost my condolences to the children families and educators at rob elementary in texas. hearts are with them. good evening, president lam and to all the the district board commissioners. i'm e manuel student i'm a principal at harvey and i'm asking you with open arm and thes heart to move the renaming of harvey school garden after
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moon who was an inspirational student. i was not present at the school at that time. but za mara moon lost her battle on john 18, 2070 and it was not for her mother maracea martinez she would not have lived the 22 extra months in her life. someone spoke about marissa martinez as an educator educator of the year here in san francisco. and who moved to mexico. i med a promise to her mother mrs. martinez that garden will bear her baby's name and the school community is behind the naming of her garden. i will tell you my personal store and he get off the mic. sick years ago i was diagnosed with colon cancer. chemo, ridiation therapy.
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all hurts. it is important that the community at pafshy uplifts where the children play. i urge the board and all members to except this resolution. thank you may god bless you. >> thank you. open up for comments from the board. commissioner hsu >> right this resolution proposal was heard at building mittee yesterdayed and we have a positive recommendation as well. thank you, like to call for roll call vote. >> delegate lam >> delegate liang >> commissioner alexander. >> vice president boggess. >> no. commissioner hsu
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>> yes. >> commissioner motamedi. >> yes >> commissioner sanchez. >> yes >> commissioner ward >> yes. >> president lam. >> yes. >> 5 aye's. >> thank you. at this time we are going to be pulling items 3 and 4 under g that is for board rule and procedures 9320 and 23. they will return at a later meeting. >> so moving into item h. it is first order of business under h. is the employment green light for superintendent with doctor matthew wayne. can i ask for a motion and a second, please. >> go. >> second. >> thank you. i believe we have doctor wayne
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joining us on a panelist tonight. but before i wanted to open up terror some remarks before we do a roll call. i want to thank everyone who was able to make the press, nouns am in the board room feels like a peek ago and excited and thrilled today as we look and thank doctor matthews for his service here at san francisco unified. that we are also looking forward as a school district. and that -- we are very much excited about the real promise and capacity capability that everyone of our children possess
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and i thank you is when we hear approximationate low every time we come together as a board from the public and we are going to continue to go and dive deeper in engagement with community as we move forward. i wanted talk a couple minutes around the process that we have under gone as a board. bear with me. i think it is worth important to review. over the last 2 years with acknowledge am of the life changing affects. of the years of the pandemic and this we than our boarded needed to focus on the needs of overhaul children's first and foremost. and prior to interviewing the school board reinstituted new board you see her before you had long discussions about when we wanted for our student and it is
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role of overhaul next superintendent would play in leadings district there. and part of those discussions we begant process of clarifying our role with respect to governing the district and what the superintendent's job is in running the school district. and we all agreed we needed to focus on student academic and well being out come and need to have a superintendent focused on the same. the journey to get there for students requires a leader with a deep understanding of curriculum and instruction. a leader who can bring together the wonderful diversity of san francisco. and service of children. a leader deep experience in working with a diverse student body, communities, those furtherest away from achieving
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out come. and leader who has a history of partnering with teachers. edkirt and staff on the challenging work. >> and i am very pleased before you this we are putting forward doctor mat win to serve as the san francisco unified school district's next superintendent. i want to give a background to doctor wayne's personal journey in education. i will not lead his full biobut a few highlights is that doctor wayne attended columbia teacher college for 5 years 2 masters in education. and for additional background it is regarded the best and most rescue niedzed teacher and add administrator prep program in thes country. while in new york, he spent 5 years as a middle school teach
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in public schools. and he will share with you his those first years of teaching really oaf00 engrained in him when carried his career forward and made after new york made his way become today bay area and first served as assistant principal at a school in west contra costa unified district. and while he was a principal he started his program in education leadership from uc berkeley. and when if any up in beshg low 2010 he worked here a director of support for elementary schools. only here for tw years matt had an impact on those he worked with and also got a sense of the navigation and working here in
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sf unified. for the past 6 years doctor wayne the superintendent in hayward unified before the superintendent in hayward served the assistant for educational services and he up to this point has been the longest standing superintendent enemy hayward in the past 25 years. as i had mentioned last week, when we introduced doctor matt wayne as our finalist, i had cull mopated around 5 attributes one is commitment. and when you sit down with matt doctor wayne, talk about what drives commitment to children am it come natural leave pouring out. he is collaborative.
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that is part of the step forward and hayward matt has a track record of working with city government community organizations, believes, parentses and communities. and he knows a school alone and a school district alone can't ensure a child's success. >> and challenges folks shy away from taking on the big challenges but to the contrary matt gets energized. school districts thrive when well is a sense of community. caring for each other and knowing each each other. for the broader community embraces or rich community. leftly centered. most important low. he brings a student and school center happened prop to
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leadership and he is relentless low focused on deeper learning for students at schools. i introduce to you doctor wayne before i take comments from the board i would like to open up for public comment. at it time comment from parents of public schools. president lam. time? a minute. yool and i wanted to take a moment eager we are like, thank you for all your time -- the
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next upon chapter. enrollment coordinator my world is focussed on enrollment as a parent of 2 kids it is enrollment is questions i get asked all the time. we have the tools to build enroll am and we have a platform to help reach so many families our teachers are arc mazing and programs are veteran taftic. people don't know that. conversations i have with families they are like, i don't know about sfu sd. we do know and look forward to spreading the word. thank you for take the gig. and we look forward to working with you. >> so please raise your hand if you care to peek to this you
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have a minute to speak. larry lee. hi issue superintendent matt wayne. welcome. i of course -- i will like to know what you would do with the [inaudible] 8 grade algebra every school [inaudible] grade levels behind the east coast public schools. have a strategy that [inaudible] proven strategy and how will you handle the open enroll am? issue you going to keep extended it one more year until another year and another to forrest open enroll am or -- change it become to merit based enroll am. that has a history of academic
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excellence. and is a top 100 top high school in the nation. that's what i will base his performance on. and i'm being honest. good luck, thank you. mrs. marshall. >> yes. thank you, for the opportunity to president lam and vice president boggess and commissioners and doctor math use. i thank doctor matthews for coming become home and becoming our superintendent. thank you for being in the trenches with us and going to the community meeting and meeting the people where they are in public how doing and we appreciate xu hope you will enjoy your retirement. i thank my president doctor brown is there in the audience and blafl of the black educators and naacp welcome doctor wayne to san francisco. [inaudible] coming from hayward
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there is a lot to do. i suspect you can do it. my pet me peeve is what are we going to do for under served students. the african-american and latino students to raise the achievement gap example another pet project is laurel high school is like any other school in the district and every child needs an opportunity to go and model by example. i suppose you may [inaudible] vacation could be students watching when we have board meeting i expect to serve the commissions to look the part. thank you and welcome >> thank you. >> rianda. so good evening board and commissioners. superintendent math use i had to tah wants to join online. doctor math use your partnership to us meant everything. we miss you so much and
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appreciate everything that you do. doctor wayne we wanted welcome you and wanted to ask you what is your commitment for the each and every student. our african-american and black families. you know we have been underserved and time now that something is done with that and also to make sure our babies get the academic achievement they deserve. we are the supportive and loving environment. we ask that you work here with us to ensure this happens. thank you. >> thank you. >> president lam that concludes the virtual comment for this item >> thank you. i like to open up top my colleagues for comments. >> >> i know we will get to our
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vote soon i wanted say i'm thrilled and beyond excited to have doctor wayne joining us i have a big smile behind my mask and thank you. doctor matthews for your leadership we only over lapped for a bit of time but wish you the very best in your retirement and doctor wayne i look forward to being a collaborative partner with you and with the board to make sure that we are doing right by our students and communities. >> roll call vote. delegate lam. >> yes. >> delegate liang. >> yes. >> commissioner alexander. vice president boggess. >> yes. >> commissioner hsu. >> yes. >> commissioner met motamedi.
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>> yes >> commissioner ward >> yes >> president lam. >> 6 aye's. >> thank you so much colleagues at this time i like to invite doctor wayne the next superintendent at san francisco unified to make remarks. doctor wayne you are on mute. >> okay. >> thank you president lam and commissioners and everyone in the audience for this wonderful welcome. i'm humble exclude exciteded join the san francisco unified school district next superintendent of schools what an honor. i'm sorry i'm not there in person. i have had covid symptoms so far tested negative but enough important work that needs to done i did not want to risk getting anybody else sick. please apologize for not being
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here. i doment to take a moment again to thank you for your support. i got 2 most important votes, thank you to student board sxhbs commissioners and supported this action as well a pleasure to meet and you look forward to future conversations how to best support and you your classmates in the district. and i want you to know i come to san francisco as an educator first. put students at the center. what matter system what happens in the class with our students and this is an educate there is nothing more exciting when the moment the student gets a now concept and learns a new skill. my job as a leader is to work with the board education is ensuring our system supports the class and focus sxejz putting students first. i feel fortunate to be joining a district in a community that
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shared my commitment to social justice and equity. i appreciate this work is under way in san francisco. for me leading equity every school and classroom we learn what each student needs to be success and will determining how to provide that support and having honest conversations about where we are falling short in efforts and when we node to do to better serve our students and families. and proernlt the comments from community members rescue noising the strengths of district and how we need to make sure our students and under served students their needs are being met. and i'm excited join a city and a community that is deeply invest in the public education. and the city of san francisco and long with the mayor demonstrated commitment to the school system time and again providing resources and support.
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beyond when many of the district in california receive. and the district from foundations to nonprofits and community based organizes work to serve our students. when i work in the san francisco i saw the dedication of teachers and staff and the labor partners who represent them. and since the announcement i have seen how committed the community is and appreciated how welcome the community is to me as the next leader of schools and the willingness to partner. from the conversations i had with the board commissioners to parents, discussion with the student's board members and staff, to labor partner leaders it is clear everyone wants the best for the district and students and wants to work together and it is my job to make sure we do that over the past 2 years we have been through so much in sxemgz i know
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that sfu sd faced many challenges. we need to be real. it happy hard and people are tired. we mode to take time to heel and come together and reenergize and refocus our efforts and that's why i'm here. here to help the process. and i like to share this i come in this position understanding the tremendous responsibility we have to ensure every student realize the full potential. as a middle school teach in new york i started each year asking opportunities to calculate how many hour they will spend in my class a language art's teacher they wondered why are you asking no to do math in language arts. they got to work and took time and figured out approximately wan,000 hours overnight school year. my message to them they nodeed
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make the those andz hours count. they left my class better readers, writeers and thinkers than before. for me the exercise brought home how precious my time was with them and nodeed make sure i did everything i could so the thousand hours it the greatest impact on my students lives. and noween though i'm leading a district with several,000 classrooms keep in minds what makes it count, thank you again and i look forward to serving the students and family and staff committed to education equity and academic excellence. thank you. i move to item 2 under special order of business. the agreement on the mem right-handum of understanding with ussf regarding the cba
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extension. like to ask for a motion and second. >> second. >> introduce this in the record, please. >> will be our general council daniel [inaudible]. >> doctor i think you might have meant me. i was going to do actual are right it does. so -- go ahead issue daniel >> the recommended action is approve the agreement on the mou with sf and uasf regarding the collective other baing agreement extension. skwoo thank you. like to open up for public comment. i welcome cassandra if you wanted to spoke. number 2. >> of course.
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>> >> i got held up. want to make sure i did not miss you. that's -- >> is there virtual commenters? seeing no virtual comment for this item. >> comments from the board? all right. we will do roll call vote. >> student demigate lam. >> yes >> liang. >> yes. >> commissioner alexander. vice president boggess. >> yes. >> commissioner hsu. >> yes. >> commissioner motamedi. >> yes. >> commissioner safrjys. >> yes. >> ward. >> yes. >> lam, >> aye. >> item 3 agreement on memorandum of understanding with uef and sf deferred net pay like
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to ask for a motion and second. >> so moved. second. >> doctor matthews. bringing this item forward and reading it in the record. will be our interim head of labor daniel. >> thank you, doctor math use the recommended action tonight is tht board approved the upon tentative agreement between sufud and uesf regarding deferred net pay and empower impacts. >> thank you. at it time i like to call up public comment. like to have eliot, cassandra and jerry. 1 minute each.
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good evening. good evening president lam and members of the board of education. i left my notes. first, congratulations to the board and doctor wayne on your selection i look forward to working with you you will do a great job doctor matthews retirement and just remarkable career in education. i'm sure you have not counted the board middle eastings behind you in front of you wish you the best in rerequirement. i like to put things in the simple concept a caution light. traffic light sitting up here tonight. i'm not red or green i'm that
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the caution light in the middle. it is in the time to slam your foot on the brake nor is it time to slam your foot on the gas. as stated it is experts panelists and i are concerned about any expenditure the district makes regarding the general budget. i'm sorry i did have notes i wanted be careful about the words i was going to say. upon rerespect and commolestly understand the importance of the district's relationship with labor partners. we are concerned about the hardship that anyone has under gone as a result no paycheck, delayed. shorter paychecks. we need the money we work for. the agreement will cost 9 penalty 6 million dollars.
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we monitor -- other state expert and myself the careful low, we understand that there have been financial hardships by usf staff members. intended mitigate the hardship its is not and i want to clarify the fiscal experts approve we want the issue a caution that the district must exercise caution in incurring new expenses. as the district develops the budget tell be important to accounts for low are fund balance by the amount of this agreement and others. more important, will be a sure the staffing with the enroll am and budgetary constraints. since decline in enroll am is
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the most significant rot cause of the deficit it is imperative it be addressed. we have discussed this arc dendzum with representatives and in agreement and they are in agreement that it is up to the district to mitigate the hardships and affects of the new payroll system. that as we are understanding of the impacts i'm available if you have questions. so thank you and thank you for having me here. good afternoon. upon am i'm jerry and the treasurer. we all know this hen a difficult year for all of our educate exclude we heard students and families. you know so i think that it agreement has been reached. with addressing arc loment of
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the facts and the cautionary daily we continue as a union to receive messages of issues with paychecks or now getting issues of cancellations. this is an on going issue and this we want to caution you now and i think we reached an agreement. the biggest risk we are facing is not having enough educators in our class rooms at the start of the fall. that has been a huge problem this year that lead to many issues already. so -- we all know we had tax bills and -- it is our we all need support. this -- july paycheck is an agreement a way for us to get things done correctly.
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hi. cassandra want to be if i canned agreement -- investment of time and effort we moved through this both cautiously and clantive. a significant step toward resolving the final biggest hurdle that we can possible low anticipate from the impelementation of deferred net pay with drawl and with holdings for employees who are certificated. this has caused quite a lot of ease and anxiety for educator who is have seen this agreement and understand exact low what it this will money to be able to pay rent, meet bills. needs or deductions being assured that they can make it
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through july. this agreement gets through over 90% of educators will be able to live through july. some may -- of need to cut a few costs or can throughout operations of the agreement. seek financial assistance this is important in that this agreement includes the first time one on one advise. regarding our financial issues you heard empower is an issue as a new system would be but this is coming after decades of unknown entity for those of us in the district for a long time. this it is a significant step resolving the final largest hurdle of the issue and has been in collaboration with other educators. i want to be clear this was bargained with tw class room educatorings did an analysis of issue backwards to figure out
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what was wrong. and how it could be solved. many different ways and this was the final best case. i urge you to approve of this agreement tonight. and let's lay to rest one of the most challenging and unexpected conscience this we could have expect in the this year. and let's trust that our resilience and he ability to move on in the fall can look forward to thot having an issue like this. and for folk who is feel safe through living throughout summer without undue hardship. thank you. >> thank you. alex. i want to say i'm glad that we have this resolution and making things right with empower. my clarifying question is more of a process. on board docks it say there is is a fiscal impact the amount
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fiscal orment amount is in the listed unlike under the other tentative agreements tonight upon where we have the actual fiscal impact. in the board dock pager under. however for this item thereupon is nothing under it yet to go through the documents itself. which -- might be hard for folks that is something i wanted to know. upon a response to delegate lam. acknowledging of that? or -- we have daniel? can you have a response, please? sure. i would defer to council in terms of when shows up in board
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docks. the student delegate is correct if does in the show we did this prior to posting [inaudible] we have been talking about this for several weeks. you know we didn't and normally we do list that. it is listed however on the attachment which is what we are required to do. so -- that's an oversight on our part and we will correct that. thank you for raising that student delegate lam. >> at it time i like to have roll call vote, please. student delegate lam >> yes yoochl liang. why yes >> commissioner alexander. vice president boggess. >> yes.
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>> commissioner hsu. >> yes. >> commissioner motamedi. >> yes >> commissioner sanchez. >> yes. >> commissioner ward. >> president lam. why yes. >> 6 aye's. will we have a virtual public comment on this item? no. sorry we will not unfortunately. >> since we took our vote. item 4 the tentative green light on memorandum of knowing with sfu sd regarding schools and work cites 21-22 year trough summer 22. i like to ask figure for a motion and second. >> so moved. >> second. i like to call on daniel for read the recommendation in the record. >> thank you. president almost.
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the recommended action the board of education approve the agreement of sfu sd and uasf schools and work site 21-22 school year through summer of 22. >> and did we have public comment? virtual? >> yes. >> if you could peek to this tentative agreement you have a minute can we are that repeated in spanish and schein chinese? [speaking spanish]. [speaking cantonese]. thank you. jennifer. hi. can you hear me >> yes.
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>> i'm calling to [inaudible] you would not do public comment on an issue or asked this [inaudible] public comment tonight not speak as a panelist you are speaking in capacity on something to give comment guess over time with no comment that seeps, i don't know. jennifer -- did you want to give public comment on the item? that is my public comment i have no concerns about the equity of the decisions like this. thank you, good night. >> thank you. miss marshall. i'm sorry did not have my hand raised. thank you. why thank you.
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lina. go ahead, please. that conclude the public comment for this item y. any comments? >> roll call vote. >> delegate lam. >> yes. >> delegate liang. >> yes. >> commissioner alexander. >> vice president gog ~ess. commissioner hsu. >> here >> motamedi. >> yes. sanchez. ward. >> yes. >> lam. . thank you. item 5sf unified and -- sf county the school waiver skw for s footwork community k-8 a motion and second. so moved. second. i like to call upon daniel to
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read the recommendation in the record. please. >> i believe this is doctor castro. yes. why thank you. >> good evening tonight's recommend action is the board approve a program waiver for s footwork community the 21-22 school year and enably to use tiling one resources for the balance of 21-22 school year. regardless of fluct wayings to the population. a bit of context on this. i will open up if you have question its is technical. schools that have met the district average in count for free and reduced lunch program eligible students receive a resource of tiling 1 it is restricted resources. the funds schools have the option of using the targeted option or school wide program. and to maximize the impact of
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the funding operating more efficiently. counts were collect exclude a school provided a count. this fell below the minimum for schools to operate the program. this action will allow them to continue in the manner they were funded at the beginning of the school year. i can open up for questions. >> thank you. before that see if there is public comment, please. i apologize but diget a motion and a second? >> i didn't get that. move and second. we have one public comment. i'm [inaudible] larry lee. how are you. how would this impact the
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fitsically? when is the fiscal impact positive and negative and explain in a quick summary. thank you. >> thank you. larry. >> president lam that conclude the comments for this item >> thank you comments from the board or superintendent. vote, please. >> delegate lam >> yes. >> delegate liang >> yes. >> vice president boggess. >> yes. >> commissioner hsu. why yes. >> commissioner motamedi. >> yes. commissioner sanchez. >> yes. >> commissioner ward. >> yes. >> president lam. >> yes. 6 aye's. >> thank you. at it time i will call for a quick recess. we will come back at 7. . 50 it is 7:44.
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we are going to accept proposal for first reading and the can exciting them to the appropriate committeeings to promote the meeting its is a single item and requires a single motion and second and. with rowels and procedures the board ren couraging the public to address concerns to the committees and board members will not be engaging in discussion on the item. and so -- at this time we are
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going to open up public comment on the following items but limited to 5 minutes and speakers cards are due. so i want to do a foible call. again. knowing that we will have more open discussions or public comment there will be more public dialogue for the items before us as they move forward. i was suggest as rules commito chair to move that to the concept calendar at our next full board meeting i did not see
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a need to refer it and billsod our board discussions about more efficient meets and thought it wouldax cellerate the residence lighthouse of the request. commissioner motamedi. we were going to address that after we deal with the 2 residence lougs i believe president lam would make that suggestion upon your request. you thought we were moving them all at the same time >> you are moving and seconding them all but we will dot assignment to the first 2 arc soin to a special meeting and the board policy will return on consent as you requested, you will ask you to do that separately. you are correct you are moving and seconding at once.
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so moved. second. delegate lam for clarification. could we list out the residence luges we moved and seconded for the public so they know when item we are on. >> thank you. read being the motion and second superintendent's resolution to engage the stake holders in high school initiative criteria. and number 3 superintendents resolution to extend the role policy for the 23-24 school year. and the resunrised board policy for 361 classified unrepresented supervisor and management personnel. and public comment at this time.
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measures of board. ladies and gentlemen. i'm brown and president of branch the national association for the advance am of colored people and pastor of historically baptist church of san francisco. i first. to commend the superintendent for his excellent sterling and outstanding job he has done. to lead us through the years. great challenge. one of the best superintendents to be found anywhere south of heaven and north of hell. [applause] second low i also.ed express appreciation for who is having the presence of mind and felt and good common sense to
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make sure that this black community would get to know our in coming superintendent. came to baptist church approximate had a good conversation and i say that i found, find no fault in him. and we looking for working with him when she right and if wrong we be with him to help him to get right. thank you very much. and leave lowell high school alone we can iron it out together. if i have a [inaudible] that is good and [inaudible] i get it ironed. and i iron the wrinkles out. that's had we need to do regarding laurel high school and the school will not be dumbed down.
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we [inaudible] let's work with us. we will work with you. for there is no need for a public school to be suggestive of being private. laurel is a public school and we must keep it first class public school where there will be equality of opportunity for all. thank you very much madam chair. i appreciate your kindness. >> thank you. >> >> good evening. i'm rex ridgeway exit want to talk about the number 3 on the resolution which is the process will do engage am reading it from number 3 and include engagement of students, staff, city, county based organizations and other entered and impact stake holders. the reason i caught my eye my
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granddaughter was in middle school there was none of this. not proactive and sought out the information on the laurel high to get her this, hi to go to the paraphernalia liaison and gave me everything i nodeed dole with that. what was missing with number 391 was in the middle school my grand daughter was in. where every this goes this must be manage had is serious you have to take this serious. the all the stake holders and the people listed here in number 3 involved them. please. em >> san francisco -- i'm coming up on both 2 and 3 to support superintendents recommendation. mainly the main thing i want to hit on here is that what is
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proposed is a process under which folks want to be involved in. a process that regards more conversation and time and building understanding. and building a foundation for understands with we need to do. moving forward. the steak holder issue. i want to highlight and uplift the fact that educational partners are faeps. the students and the school and the students look to be in the system and moving through there. and the teachers and administration at the school sights. >> the folks that are going to be impacted the most boy the policy set forth with the regulations we have for us as california public schools. engaging not guilty process. it is important the folks coming
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up the school system. i support this recommendation for this process to under go a transparent process so folks engage and get right orientation moving and we can settle this. . i like to have [inaudible] kate lazaret. toms ready and marco. good evening i'm kate lazaret the president of the local alumni association. i'm here to urge you to vote, no on the further extension of the lot row and work with the school district to reimplement the academic system for the upcoming
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year. superintendent math use came before you sick months ago say thering was not time to implement academic for the upcoming year. it was agreed to extend it by a year. 6 months later we are told the district does not have the resources for academic admission this is is unacceptable this is a lot of time when the applications would be due to get this process running. we are red to support you in however we can in making that ham. it is time to move forward. san francisco is overwhelmingly support academic e missions for local it is time to stop whiplashing family and move on. thank you. [applause] i'm thomas ready a lowell arc patrol from 87 and el
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d keeper teach upper at washington high school i'm in support of the resolution about lowell's emissions policy and,llow district to continue to work on the admission's policy that is more inclusive and just please vote to support methodue's new resolution about lowell's admissions. thank you. >> good evening, superintendent matthews, commissioners i'm marco, san francisco native and lowell arc patrol. i'm here to support academic excellence throughout the district. i'm a supporter of public schools have 2 middle schoolers. i think the world is more competitive upon since i graduated in 1980's. we need to make sure that we offer everybody including people
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doing well a way to exceed. because it is irrelevant kwom petitive and i think that really node to support the best components of the city and bring up the other thing this is minot be wing as well. it was when i was there a special accomplice. everything that is special whether a team or school or city, takes arc while to build approximate like to see that going forward soon are than later. thank you. josephine wong. a member of chinese paraphernalia advisory counsel i like to welcome doctor win we wish to work with you and have a great tenure.
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the lowell admission need to reverted become to merit base. this 3 year delay is not arc lined with the spirit last year. families were not notified and the move to the lottery did not conform to the brown act. this move was unfair to span of middle skeerls remust revert become before discussing new strategy. we like matthews butt new position needs to be made under the new superintendent requires mission and discussions. due to the influx of personnel schools the assignment design not be decided and why would lowell which should be revertd and rush again before the during the summer before june 30th is also not including participation. please revert become to merit
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based. thank you. good evening. superintendent matthews and board of edge. i'm anatasia wong a graduate of lowell high school. tonight i urge to you vote against the principles to impelement the lot row at lowell and hiring a project manager to over see the process. the lot row is misguided and discriminatory at worse. i lost the trust of so many we need aid clear admission's process with community engagement and inspect oversight. a practical manager is in the inspect. doctor wayne and the board members hen a hard we are tired
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but not a second time stop until lowell remain merit based. thank you. at this time. michelle and i want to name that we have not gone to virtual hands? i will be brief, it is paraphernalia add rise row counsel i want us to be arc wir and work toward changing the language and leeching stake holders arc side and switch to part nirs in the language. i look forward as the court narrator and machine works with the other advisory and community groups to this public engagement
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work. thank you very much. i have a quick question. du come bien them. 2 and 3 were they combined >> before we went in this item it was going to be all agenda items 5 minutes i'm extending tonight the public comment we do not have extended public comment. >> thank you. we are coming up 10 minutes what i had -- originally allocated i want to take a couple of virtual participates i node to fulfill my commitment i take virtual public comment as well. i will take up to 5 minutes and i encourage we have not heard from tonight.
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great. i'm jessica i grut federal lowell in 2006. i'm hesitant to call myself arc patrol [inaudible] and the rhetoric member whipped up. i'm in favor to engage stake holers. the prepandemic low e mission policy was not working for san front nor kraeth the enriching environment. the let rimay not be preferred i'm fine with using that policy which is used for all sfu sd high school. at lowell for another year during one more year of policy 5101 with an effort to determine an effective, legal and deversity e mission's policy which will serve the whole community. >> thank you.
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>> carrie. >> [inaudible] i'm here. can you hear mow? >> yes. >> perfect. thank you. i'm lowell arc patrol i graduate in the 1969. and i definite low believe in admissions to lowell on merit. lowell has been a distinguished school since required middle school students to apply for admission. it important the city have a high school that is more challenging meeting the needs of gifted students. there are stouts who want to take college prep class in environment with others of caliber few are develop problems the edkirts can focus on learning. lowell has a reputation in san francisco, california as the best public high schools.
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san front parents should feel proud. district meads lowell to continue where stouchts have merit. and personal low i'm a teacher myself and retired school teacher. i believe in it. why mary. i wanted to speak in punishment of the resolution. dpaen. i appreciate all the w that the district is doing to make sure naequity is at the upon center as we look at a high school achieve am of all upon students. specific leave black and brown students. so, again i'm in support of the resolution. make sure we get all commune
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royces involved as we explore this system the merit based system. i can't quote but i don't know if this is in legal per code. so we. to be sure we are compliant. thank you. >> thank you. >> nancy. good evening. no audio:. hello >> go ahead. lowell the crowned jewel. as the wife an honor's math teacher traveled near and for when they hear where my husband teaches. we mode return to the days combh students and parents appropriateed, ploy at lowell
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early. in order to receive a college prep education. for free. this is a democrat irk process. if any student works heard they have a chance to attends a school that will enrich them not only schoolastically with arts and language programs allow them to reach for the stars there is in reason to renege on the promise made. i'm volunteers tonight to come and help with the process and i'm guessing there are alumni withhold join me. please, vote no. >> thank you. tina. upon tina. >> yes. >> thank you. why please reinstate merit based admission's program. lowell has had 3 admission stands consider more creditive ways to address equity other than consist looking at the
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admission's bands and don't 3 the baby out with the bath water. this year was a tough college year for lowell students with many suffering responsible disappointments they were competing against high school students across the country did not suffer from distanced learning. recognize the luster of lowell is diminishing with college recruit am professionals begin the negative publicity lowell received with respect to the change in admissions the deep budget cuts and the deepest cuts of any school in the country that still sustained same enroll am and principal turn over. provide greater stability for lowell. lowell is [inaudible] academic achievement for all of us educate being a fifth of the students.
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outstanding education with the [inaudible]. president lam that is 5 minutes. >> i'm going to ask you to leave if you conditional conduct yourself in within the rules. >> i will ask you to leave the board room if you don't conduct yourself within the rules. of the business this conducted by this board. this is your left warning and i will ask you to be escorted out. >> this brings me to as board chair, i know the issue around lowell. its history and its mission's
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process. torn -- this district and the city apart. i want to give context to what we will be embarking on as a body as a governing body and a representative who create culture for this school district. for our students and their learning their future and educational opportunity that we are responsible for. i know there are strong perspectives, opinions. we have many students's families prohave a direct stick in the matter. current lowell students and
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applicants to lowell, lowell alumni, our educators. it is important this board listens to them. with open hearts and minds. >> there is another group students and families that attend one of our other 16. other high schools. some of the studentses and families invested in the lowell discussion and some are not. and somement the board to have a strategy for their schools. it is also important this board listen to them with open hearts and minds. no upon one person or body can speak for all.
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the board has made makes in the past regarding lowell. and i was per of this. and it does in the matter the mistakes were med boy a prior board. it you in our responsibility as this board to address the matters moving forward. the community expects us from the lected leaders to take responsibility. and i take responsibility in move thanksgiving district forward. it some no small matter that the board was sued. because proposal we did not gift opinion the notice regarding the discussion and the decision around lowell. and in turn, this board of education lost trust with the community we cannot allow this to happen again. . i cannot stress how important
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this is and how much it wes on me on a personal level on my heart. and i know it also weighs here for each and every one of my colleagues that sit next to me. this is the lowell context. and how the board addresses lowell has broader implications and lowell is our first big test. how will the 7 of us work when we don't all agree? how will we listen to one another? how will we come to go -- to our various corners? and as the board's new president i'm committed to doing things in a focused way and order low way. i hope you started to see that tonight. in more important low i know each of my clothe system committed to this new way.
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and it gived me tremendous amount of hope. as wovrn of my fellow board members said that we all have insight in different partings of the communities what community want for their children. and we are like individual puzzle pieces. as individuals we can't faithful low represent the communities vision and values for public education. but together we can. and we must. so there is that bigger topic of how the 7 of us will work together. so this student out come improve. of i know i requested this already to my colleagues but we want to aspire to the higher standard and speaking for myself
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i am a continuous learner and i may fall short of this aspoiration and it my request you all hold me accountable for modelings the higher standard. for tonight for clarity, the resolutions will be moved forward. we will be discussing it as a full board, and i promise you we will be confirming i date in the coming weeks for this discussion and from this discussion as a process of policy it moves to second reading and for action. i wanted reiterate to the public tonight we are novelty taking action. we are not taking a vote. and this it means that we will be discussing it -- as a full
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board. and since this there we have 3 new colleagues joining the board, and acknowledging the 7 of us including our student delegates, have not had the opportunity to discuss the issues before us around the lowell and high school admissions criteria. as well as the future of how we look at our high schools as a body. a collection of the strategic prop in our high school for our students. so i wanted to give some backgrounds and context on to where we are at this evening and where i see us moving forward as a district. [applause] i than we do not also
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have extensive discussion as a board when we have a first reading but i doment to ask if my clothes have brief -- comments if they would like to. as we have offered also tonight through general public comment. commissioner hsu. i'm honored to be be pardon of this new board and move next a direction this president lam pointed us and i'm looking forward to working with everyone. regarding the 2 proposals in front of us. number 2, the engage am of the stake holders, i'm fully in support of the intent. of the resolution. and i look forward to engage
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nothing that process but i recommend this it be lead boy an outside inspect party. not sufu sd. i know the wording of the resolution as it stands needs adjustments i look forward to discussing this when we meet as a full board and regarding the second resolution of continuing let real for i year i think procedural low this matter was settled by court left november. sf was ordered rescind it that made lot row permanent at lowell. in december of left year the superintendent said there was not enough time to bring back the criteria admission for the fall of this year. this argument had merit. but today may 24th, 2022, the same argument has no merit when referring to the fall 23 admission's process. it is now clear an excuse.
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the leadership has had time in the past 6 montes to adhere to the court order and no direction was given to staff. now the 11th hour this is put forth to the board. by the way we see it at the same time as the public. to clarify direction for the staff this is a move to corn other board and as a board member i don't appreciate it. it is clear a sign to divide and not a sign to work together. this past weekends, our full board and new superintendents and 3 day in a conference i'm learn to work as a team for the benefit of our students. i know all of us walked away with a renewed clarity when we had do to bring forth better student out come as president lam mentioned.
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we were challengered to represent the values of our community when dog our work as a team. as i reflect on this lowell issue i realize lowell represents the values of hard work and academic excellence shared by many in our community. granted even these are not all the values of our community nor are shared by everyone in our community. however, the major of voter in san francisco clear voiced the support for the values of hard work and academic excellence. i look forward to hearing more of the values of our community as we engaged in work mentioned in the prior resolution. ir look forward to having a new superintendent over see a process lead by outside, independent party. i look forward to working with fellow board members to improve not just the lowell process but improve all the programs across our high schools so we meet the
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needs of all students with sill verse interests and talents like my twin sons polar opposites and don't go to lowell. coming become to the resolution i think limited partner is nothing to be discuss in the committee. we need to adhere toft court ruling. [applause] >> as i mentioned -- we will be discussing this as a full board we will cop firm a date and that will be am announced through our confirmed to the public. so -- at the request of the chair of the rules and policy legislation committee, resunrised board policy 4361 certified unrepresented management, personnel item 4 is referred or the recommendation -- it will be
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referred to the consent agenda at the next regular meeting. >> we will go in agenda am j a board members reports. reports from standing committees. for the personnel matters labor relations and affordable. chair ward. >> thank you. weave met of last week, the week before i forget the date now. on may 12th. and -- had head hr lead us through -- number of updates focusing specific low on where we were in terms of hiring. and where we had openings we focused not just on the teachers but at the add administrator level at the cites.
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assistant principal and principal openings and deper urs. got an update reflective of the prior update to the full board in terms of where we were on the layoffs. >> thank you. >> and august ammed rules and policy and legislation committee. chair motamedi. >> yes. we had our last committee meeting on may 18th. and we discussed and supported legislative action or legislative support for ab1948. which is around local control funneling formula. and potential increases and adjustments. and ab2598 which is a state wide support restoretive justice
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practices and all -- school districts. we also had discuss around 3 items -- around meetings conducts civility and notices. at this time, and based on the governors training we are currently in the midst of, we are seeking to appropriate upon an update to our governing policies and procedures and bring them become to the full board for consideration at a later date. the exciting item the most exciting item and positive and happy item was -- the update original the community school partnership guarantee from the state. and -- we are pleased that a number of schools have been approved by the state for grants and we will get updates as a board on how that plays out.
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that was irrelevant positive news and cause for celebration. thank you. on augmented building and ground service commissioner [inaudible] >> thank you, president lam the buildings and grouns committee met yesterday. put forth 2 proposals with positive recommendations the item g1 and 2 this we voted on early 30 evening. we had 3 informational updates. irrelevant if on the 2016 bovenld there are self projects that are on going and many more that are in wrap up. the last. crunch of 208 million dollars that will be used to complete our project the seconded the mission bay school. to which be starting construction with the board's
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approval, hopeful low, may be next month and slated to be opened in 2025. it is a beautifully designed school that -- will host about 5 huh huh elementary school students and a high school component where high school students from across the district will have an opportunity to rotate through there and have access to all the intlectual capitol and access to the mission bay area. including ucsf. kaiser, the tray center where the warriors play. there will be programs biotechnology, healing sciences. tell be very exciting and wonderful opportunities for all of the high school students in our district and -- being locate in the the mission bay area on
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the eastern part of your city it it is offers more access to students located in that upon southeast and east region of our schools. we look forward to that project open and leftly a presentation from the real estate and permits department. they are the ones who over see all of our property thap we have 170. and that we lease out and rent out. to -- partners and community. organizations during nonschool hours and generate 20 million dollars worth each year. we'll look for more opportunity -- to generate ref now for the district as well as the properties could be used for possible teacher housing in the future. we are looking forward to
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working with that. >> thank you. that concludes the reports. any reports from delegates to membership organizations. other reports from board members? seeing none. >> any upcoming committee meeting. i think i will pause here we are going adjusting our calendars for able to take care of board business to be pleasured by june 28 the last board meeting of the fiscal year. stay tuned we will announce the updated dates. am move nothing agenda l closed session. before the board goes in closed session i call for speakers there thing a total of 5 minutes for speakers.
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i have 3 speakers josephine, selane and aye. each have a minute, please. thank you, just want today make sure that the ins upon dent is teachable mobile home this should not be used as a weapon to fire member this is the time we learn from it and how do we provide tools and support so that our add millenniums and teachers in the front line can do better next time. i remember my sixth grade everybody went to hoover and the first thing she watched a move
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called scream. talk about pubertyef and other things yndz that the difficult topic could do that why could you not do how to do racial sensitivity harmony. how do you treat asian kids. am hi i would like to see that if the cool board able to help a teach everybodies and staff as well as -- principal to give
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them all the best help to resolve this issue that -- we all think sensitive and should be a way so that you know than i can handle it in a way that it is in the hurting anybody but kids can learn it. and not make the same mistakes. i think this is like -- just -- a teachable mobile home. and then going forward -- not to be happening -- this incident down the road. so i think -- that -- would be saying that -- for just because of this, were finally principal might be #. i'm thinking. known i don't know mush about the press but we wanted points it out for this one. thank you. again i'm selina chew.
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thank you for allowing mow to speak. i wanted let you know that we learned on friday our principal had a meeting with groups everyone other than the chinese american anyone in that meeting. is it fair? if it is involving our educator chinese-american educator and we are not there to hear what is going on? do we have a fair say in this? why we are not invited uninvited guest showing up there. it is not fair to -- many was parents in our communities are hurt or students are hurt. they are -- they just they are recovering for the fact you made a mistake you med a mistake and you sent pink slips to 200 chinese speaking educators to fire them and this said oops we made a make and we did not see
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the certifications. this is right after that how can we believe this is in the asian hate this is not talking [inaudible]. do better. please, again. do better. raise your hand if you wish to spoke on closed session matters. you will have i minute to speak can we have that translated in chinese and tran spanish?
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thank you. i want to request if you have not provided comment earlier, this you the speak are called first. we are limited 5 minutes for closed session that is procedure we have 5 minutes of public comment for closed session items. all of the hand. >> okay. have spoken. we will take public comment until we reach this 5 minute limit. remaining hand has spoken this evening. larry lee. hi. can you hear me >> yes. >> hi this is literaly lee. i. [inaudible] that -- the situation has been settled by the court. so -- this is not related. >> sorry. i'm sorry. >> thank you. >> you know a situation -- good
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evening board commissioners doctor math use and everyone in attendance tonight itch hear this this was a make. an isolated issue. from being one time to now a teachable mobile home. when an administrator is saying something as a head of the school needs to be swift action. in the prior sentiments allison was used an an example on the n word and allison was removed. in same fashion this administrator nodes to be removed. this was not an accident. this was not something that is a teach ash moment when you have the opportunity to makeum for the hrm that you caused. you have to be asked to apologize. even my little ones know when
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you hurt someone you apologize. nobody should have to tell to you apologize when it is sincere. need to take a stance and let everybody know this will not be to the ritted e approximately in the from an administrator. and administrators create save space list is nothing safe about that space. >> thank you. >> thank you. karen? upon karen? upon president lam that is 5 minutes. >> what? not 5 minutes you can't lie like that. that is one comment. that is one minute. >> okay. we will close public comment for tonight for closed session.
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>> at this time00 autoboard will go in closed session i call a recess of the regular >> thank you. eye like on reconvene to open session. item l -- krm vote on student expulsion matteris move to approve of the agreement of 1 middle school matter 2021, twooshg 18, from the district for the remainder of the spring semester 22 and spring 2022. >> second. >> moved. >> roll call.
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>> yes. >> [inaudible]. >> yes. >> [inaudible], >> yes. >> [inaudible], >> yes. >> [inaudible], >> yes. >> [inaudible]. >> yes. >> i move approval the stip laid agreement of high school matter 21-22 issue 19 for the remarndz of the spring semester 22 and spring 22. second. >> roll call, please. >> [inaudible].
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>> yes. >> [no mic]. >> yes. >> [inaudible]. >> yes. >> [inaudible]. >> yes. >> [inaudible]. >> yes. >> [inaudible], >> yes. >> >> in number 2 report from closed session and the matter of stount ny versus sf2120, 1, 2151 the board by a vote of 6 aye's lex lect absent gives authority of the district to pay the stip laid amount. george washington versus sf and superior court number cps8804 by vote of 4. commissioner lex lect absent gives authority to pay the amount. vote of 5, 1 no commissioner
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sanchez, commissioner lex lect absent the vote the board voted nonreelect an employee. the matter of 1 classified employee the board vote of 6 aye's commissioner lex lect absent approved a resignation agreement. >> that concludes the report from closed session like to adjourn or meeting at 10:13 p.m.
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you can call me miss vickie. what you see over the next hour has been created and planned by our san francisco teachers for our students. >> our premise came about for san francisco families that didn't have access to technology, and that's primarily children preschool to second grade. >> when we started doing this distance learning, everything was geared for third grade and up, and we work with the little once, and it's like how were they still processing the information? how were they supposed to keep learning? >> i thought about reaching the student who didn't have internet, who didn't have computers, and i wanted them to be able to see me on the t.v. and at least get some connection with my kids that
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way. >> thank you, friends. see you next time. >> hi, friend. >> today's tuesday, april 28, 2020. it's me, teacher sharon, and i'm back again. >> i got an e-mail saying that i had an opportunity to be on a show. i'm, like, what? >> i actually got an e-mail from the early education department, saying they were saying of doing a t.v. show, and i was selected to be one of the people on it, if i was interested. i was scared, nervous. i don't like public speaking and all the above. but it worked out. >> talk into a camera, waiting for a response, pretending that oh, yeah, i hear you, it's so
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very weird. i'm used to having a classroom with 17 students sitting in front of me, where they're all moving around and having to have them, like, oh, sit down, oh, can you hear them? let's listen. >> hi guys. >> i kind of have stage flight when i'm on t.v. because i'm normally quiet? >> she's never quiet. >> no, i'm not quiet. >> my sister was, like, i saw you on t.v. my teacher was, i saw you on youtube. it was exciting, how the community started watching. >> it was a lot of fun. it also pushed me outside of my comfort zone, having to make my own visuals and lesson plans so
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quickly that ended up being a lot of fun. >> i want to end today with a thank you. thank you for spending time with us. it was a great pleasure, and see you all in the fall. >> i'm so happy to see you today. today is the last day of the school year, yea! >> it really helped me in my teaching. i'm excited to go back teaching my kids, yeah. >> we received a lot of amazing feedback from kiddos, who have seen their own personal teacher on television. >> when we would watch as a family, my younger son, kai, especially during the filipino episodes, like, wow, like, i'm proud to be a filipino. >> being able to connect with someone they know on television has been really, really
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back right here. all right. let's go. got all supplies out. draw your name lightly in the center of your page. give yourself room. give each letter a little room. all right. now, i want you to draw around each letter like you are driving a car around each letter. next, let's erase the center. take away the original outline and then we will be left just with the bubble letter. make sure you get the center part out of there. okay. we will touch it up. time for color. i chose yellow, orange, and red. yellow at the top, then the
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orange in the center, and i am making a stripe right through the center all the way across. last, my red, which makes a cool fade. time for the outline. unclenate's creative time. figure it out. now we are going to do a drop shadow. a shadow underneath each letter and to the side. it is really going to give it a 3-d look. wow! great job. i bet you didn't think you could draw that. now you can draw bubble letters you can use it to draw things for your friends, cards. it is really useful. i hope you had a good time. i will see you next time on
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>> sfusd's meal program right now is passing out five days worth of meals for monday through friday. the program came about when the shelter in place order came about for san francisco. we have a lot of students that depend on school lunches to meet their daily nutritional requirement. we have families that can't take a hit like that because they have to make three meals instead of one meal. >> for the lunch, we have turkey sandwiches. right now, we have spaghetti and meat balls, we have chicken
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enchiladas, and then, we have cereals and fruits and crackers, and then we have the milk. >> we heard about the school districts, that they didn't know if they were going to be able to provide it, so we've been successful in going to the stores and providing some things. they've been helpful, pointing out making sure everybody is wearing masks, making sure they're staying distant, and everybody is doing their jobs, so that's a great thing when you're working with many kid does. >> the feedback has been really good. everybody seems really appreciative. they do request a little bit more variety, which has been
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hard, trying to find different types of food, but for the most part, everyone seems appreciative. growing up, i depended on them, as well, so it reminds me of myself growing up. >> i have kids at home. i have six kids. i'm a mother first, so i'm just so glad to be here. it's so great to be able to help them in such a way because some families have lost their job, some families don't have access to this food, and we're just really glad to be
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>> it did take a village. i was really lucky when i was 14 years old to get an internship. the difference that it made for me is i had a job, but there were other people who didn't have a job, who, unfortunately, needed money. and they were shown to commit illegal acts to get money. that is what i want to prevent. [♪♪♪]
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today we are here to officially kick off the first class of opportunities for all. [applause]. >> opportunities for all is a program that mayor breed launched in october of 2018. it really was a vision of mayor breed to get to all of the young people in san francisco, but with an intention to focus on young people that have typically not being able to access opportunities such as internships or work-based learning opportunities. >> money should never be a barrier to your ability to succeed in life and that is what this program is about. >> there's always these conversations about young people not being prepared and not having experience for work and if they don't get an opportunity to work, then they cannot gain the experience that they need. this is really about investing in the future talent pool and getting them the experience that they need.
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>> it is good for everyone because down the road we will need future mechanics, future pilots, future bankers, future whatever they may be in any industry. this is the pipe on we need to work with. we need to start developing talent, getting people excited about careers, opening up those pathways and frankly giving opportunities out there that would normally not be presented. [♪♪♪] >> the way that it is organized is there are different points of entry and different ways of engagement for the young person and potential employers. young people can work in cohorts or in groups and that's really for people that have maybe never had job experience or who are still trying to figure out what they want to do and they can explore. and in the same way, it is open for employers to say, you know what, i don't think we are ready to host an intern year-round are all summer, but that they can open up their doors and do site visits or tours or panels or conversations. and then it runs all the way up
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to the opportunity for young people to have long-term employment, and work on a project and be part of the employee base. >> something new, to get new experience and meet people and then you are getting paid for it you are getting paid for doing that. it is really cool. >> i starting next week, i will be a freshman. [cheers and applause] two of the things i appreciate about this program was the amazing mentorship in the job experience that i had. i am grateful for this opportunity. thank you. >> something i learned at airbnb is how to network and how important it is to network because it is not only what you know, but also who you know to get far in life. >> during this program, i learned basic coding languages, had a had to identify the main components and how to network on a corporate level. it is also helping me accumulate my skills all be going towards my college tuition where i will
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pursue a major in computer science. >> for myself, being that i am an actual residential realtor, it was great. if anybody wants to buy a house, let me know. whenever. [applause] it is good. i got you. it was really cool to see the commercial side and think about the process of developing property and different things that i can explore. opportunities for all was a great opportunity for all. >> we were aiming to have 1,000 young people register and we had over 2,000 people register and we were able to place about between 50 and did. we are still getting the final numbers of that. >> over several weeks, we were able to have students participate in investment banking they were able to work with our team, or technology team, our engineering 20 we also gave them lessons around the
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industry, around financial literacy. >> there are 32,000 young people ages 16 and 24 living in san francisco. and imagine if we can create an opera skin it just opportunity for all program for every young person that lives in public housing, affordable housing, low income communities. it is all up to you to make that happen. >> we have had really great response from employers and they have been talking about it with other employers, so we have had a lot of interest for next year to have people sign on. we are starting to figure out how to stay connected to those young people and to get prepared to make sure we can get all 2400 or so that registered. we want to give them placement and what it looks like if they get more. >> let's be honest, there is always a shortage of good talent in any industry, and so this is a real great career path. >> for potential sponsors who might be interested in supporting opportunities for all
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, there is an opportunity to make a difference in our city. this is a really thriving, booming economy, but not for everyone. this is a way to make sure that everyone gets to benefit from the great place that san francisco is and that we are building pathways for folks to be able to stay here and that they feel like they will belong. >> just do it. sign up for it. [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪] [♪♪]
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fisherman's wharf, this is a working wharf and it's part of the beauty of the san francisco area. >> before the restaurant, before the t-shirt shops. >> at first the fishermen would go out and do the harvesting. they process the crab. >> it really is industrial. it is fish processors. >> it's a working, living, breathing place. and it's a great place to visit and there's a lot of history. >> i'm a third generation italian fisherman. we're one of the oldest fishing families at fishermen's wharf. my family's been working here since 1908. my boat's called the lovely martha. sport fishing means when you
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come out and catch your own fish on the boat. commercial fishermen come out, catch fish, it gets processed and they sell it to a store. they're selling crab off the boat. there's nothing more fresh than a crab. our crab are sweeter and better tasting. the meat is firmer. >> more crab. >> we love crab. we love the people out on the boats. they're awesome. >> what a good meal tonight. >> we just barely got down here in time. we would have come earlier if we knew how much fun it was. >> this is the place to get crab if you're looking for it. >> some of these boats have salmon permits. so every boat kind of does a different thing. you can come down here and have wild caught salmon that was just caught that morning or the night before and there's nothing fresher than that. >> that's the whole thing of coming out on a party boat. you can catch your own crab, lock cod, halibut, salmon, you
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can't get that kind of fish. >> now the consumer can just buy here if they want to and take it home which is great. or they can buy it here and take it to one of the restaurants and they can have a glass of wine and enjoy the crab we just brought in for them. >> come on over. it's great. nice and beautiful here in san francisco and the port. definitely come. >> our fishermen are super excited. it's great to have the public come down here and interact. >> it's a whole experience for the family, where they bring the kids and interact and say wow, the crab's alive. it's going to claw me and everything. >> they really get excited they're coming down here and posting their recipes or pictures of the food. or their kids picking up the crab. they're making a whole experience out of it. >> it is going to give the locals a part of san francisco that was taken away from them. >> now i have a reason to come back. >> i had a guy the other day
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>> there is a lot of unique characteristics about visitation valley. it is a unique part of the city. >> we are off in a corner of the city against the san francisco county line 101 on one side. vis station valley is still one of the last blue color neighborhoods in san francisco. a lot of working class families out here. it is unusual.
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