tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV June 13, 2022 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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welcome to the bridge to excellence scholarship awards ceremony. please, give it up. what a beautiful day we've been blessed with. it's warm. it's sunny. and we're going to give out some amazing awards to some tremendously talented and perseverance students. the bridge to excellence scholarship is awarded to seniors who are highly dedicated to their academic success. the award is giving to students so they can overcome the
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financial barriers that come along with attending a four-year university. and so today, i would like to introduce mayor breed. i would just like to say a couple words about mayor breed. she was born and raised in plaza east public housing by her grandmother. fast forward to 2018, she was elected to be the first african american woman to serve as mayor of san francisco. in 2019, she was re-elected and her and her administration have worked very hard and tirelessly to focus on some of the most crucial issues in san francisco including homelessness, public housing, workforce development, and, of course, covid-19
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recovery. we all remember 2020 and we want to thank mayor london breed for taking a leadership role in recovery. the vaccination point was very scary times. but she set up many vaccination sites all around the city. and, today, over 89% of eligible residents are vaccinated, so let's give it up for that. not only did she help the public health, but she also helped the businesses, the small businesses recover. she gave over $65 million in grants and loans to 3,000 small businesses around san
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francisco. since 2020, she's been working on a homeless recovery act where over 6,000 units are being created as we speak to help house unhoused individuals. i can go on and on about mayor breed. she was the executive director of the african american art and culture complex for over seven years and it just goes to show how much effort and how much she cares about the youth in san francisco and that's why she created this scholarship in 2019 to help youth overcome the hardships and barriers that come along with attending college. these students have maintained a very high gpa.
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they have overcome some of the toughest situations of being a young person in san francisco and these students have been dedicated to going to a four-year university and being one of the first people in their family to go to university. so let's give it up for them. once again, i would like to introduce one of my personal heroes, mayor london breed. all right. how are you doing? >> good morning. come on. the first thing i'm going to say is obviously i'm not mayor london breed. so we got that out the way. my name is murell green. my name is dr. murell green.
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i am the newly appointed board of trustee for city college of san francisco by mayor london breed. and she asked me to come here this morning, today to express a couple words to the scholarship recipients. first of all, i'd like everybody to clap for our scholarship recipients and i think you can do a little better than that. please. there you go. secondly, it wasn't too long ago, well, actually it was that i was sitting in your place. a product of the san francisco unified school district, george washington high school off going to clark atlanta university and received a scholarship from various organizations. now, let me tell you what that did for me. if it wasn't for those
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scholarships, i would have been able to afford to go to the college of my choice. someone somewhere believed in me. and, so this is what i did while i was in college. so this is the first lesson for the recipients. college is a time where you're going to have options some good, some bad. you're going to have to make decisions. whatever you do, remember who was that invested in me to get here and i have to make them proud. i have to follow through with what was delivered to me. as you think about the scholarships, it's more than money. it's a privilege. and i want you guys to take advantage of that privilege as you go on to your universities. i've looked over the list of outstanding universities. we have the cal state university system. university of california system. one of my favorites
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historically black colleges and universities. but, congratulations to all of you. but remember there's somebody somewhere that's invested in you whether you know them or whether you don't know them. none of you know me. i'm invested in your future. there are people here today that are invested in your future and there are people who are not here that are invested in your future. so go forth, do well. we are so proud of you. thank you. [applause] and, with that, i will introduce the mayor of the city and county of san francisco, the honorable mayor london breed. [applause] >> i'm so -- testing, one. two. i'm so really excited to be here with all of you today.
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i know it's been a long journey to get here and i want to thank murell for joining us and murell and i are still friends despite the fact i want to gal and he went to wash. are those rivalries still going on? kind of. a lost generation back in the day. anyway, i am really excited to be here because i started this program when i first became mayor. and i started it along with opportunities for all where young people can access to a paid internship and also folks who are first in their families to go to college can have access to a scholarship. and i've got to tell you, you know, i'm the mayor here of san francisco today because i had people who believed in me because i had support and even though i had a lot of challenges growing up, i'm
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here. and i was able to attend college. and so when i started this scholarship fund, i wanted it to be something that really focused on kids who kind of grew up through similar challenges like i did. because i will tell you that people who i grew up with, are they didn't in some cases make it. sadly, they've ended up on drugs. they've ended up in jail. they've ended up dead. and, i remember going to more funerals as a teenager than i can even count and thinking to myself what can change? what can we do to make a difference? and i remember being in college and getting the phone calls of people that i loved and i care about who we had lost. there was a lot of pain and a lot of suffering to the point where i felt like i wanted to give up. i didn't always have all the
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financial resources i needed. my grandmother who raised me in public housing, she didn't have the money to help. she did what she could. every now and then she'll send me a card in the mail with $20 and say stay focused and do good and $20 was a lot. and, what i am so excited about today is with my story knowing that regardless of my circumstances that i could be here with you all today and be in a position as mayor and to tell you directly if someone like me can grow up in the most challenging of circumstances, then you all can grow up in the most challenging of circumstances and you can still overcome that and you can still succeed in life. and, i don't want you to tell anyone -- i don't want anyone to tell you what you can't do
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because the fact that you were able to maintain a high grade point average. the fact that you were able to graduate from high school. the fact that you were able to focus on applying to major universities in this country. and the fact that all of you, each and every one of you has a story that probably most people wouldn't even believe that you've gone through these extraordinary obstacles to be here today. and so i wanted you to know how important you are. how hard it was to make a decision to receive this scholarship. more importantly, this is really about making sure that money is not a barrier to your success. and that's what it means to make sure that we provide scholarships, that we provide resources, that we provide support. and, today, i have a special
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surprise. yes, you're still getting your scholarships, but you're also getting something real special because i also think what you see is what you know you can be. the reason why i brought all these special people here today is because i want you to see yourself in them. i want you to know that there are people who have experienced the same challenges you have experienced and have become successful in life. so today i have a very special guest. this person grew up in san francisco just like all of you. he graduated from lowell high school. he participated in various programs including project level where he received a stipend because of the opportunities for all the programses. all these great things and he went on to be this multi-platinum artist with
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1.6 million, you know that stuff on spotify, streams. thank you. ya'll know i'm old. but here's the special thing about him, he continues to give back to the community. and so ladies and gentlemen, i want to platinum recording artist 24k golden. where's the walk-up song? ♪ oh, baby you you got what i need, but you say i'm just a friend ♪♪
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♪ oh, baby you, you got what i need ♪♪ >> so let me just say, i wanted to invite him here because not only did he participate in some wonderful programs in san francisco, he's really a star. he's performed on the grammy's. he performeded here at what was that concert here? yeah. outside land in front of thousands of people, but he's not just a talented singer and recording artist. he worked so hard to perfect his craft. ment he worked so hard to do everything it is that he's doing and because of his hard work, he's a success and he's right here from the city and county of san francisco. so you should be proud. so i wanted to do something special and i asked him to come
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talk to all of you and he said yes without hesitation. he gets paid a lot of money to show up. so when we asked him to come and talk to all of you about his experiences he said without hesitation, yes. but i wanted to do something special for him because he's been doing a number of things. he has not forgotten where he came from. when he had an opportunity to give to any charity he wanted, someone else's money, he chose project level and i see big rich in the back. thank you for having here. big rich works with project level who works with young people through a number of things, not just using their talents, but their skills and choreography and graphic arts and all these things that you all do and he chose this organization to not only give back, but he continues to be actively engaged in the community in some capacity. he knows that it's meaningful to ensure that regardless of
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your success and how successful you become in life, it's so important that you give back and you provide opportunities to other people. so he's here to talk to you today, but before he does, i wanted to do something special to welcome him back home with all of his success to give him something that i hope would be beneficial, something he can be privileged and honor to carry around the world. today on behalf of the city and county of san francisco, we're going to officially declare it 24k golden day in san francisco. >> thank you so much. oh, my god. yo, can ya'll hear me all right? i'm a little more familiar with this one. first of all, thank you so much, mayor breed. i didn't know that this was going to be happening coming in today. this is a huge surprise and i
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just want to say that this city made me who i am today. you know, it wasn't so long that i was in all your guys' position right there applying for college, trying to get scholarships and i know how crazy it is to grow up in this city, how beautiful it is, how special it is to all of us and even though you've put in a lot of work in the last 12, 13 years in the public school system, that's just the beginning. what ya'll are about to do now, that's the real beginning of your story. that's the real first step. so wherever you're going next whether it's college, university, community college, just make sure that next step is a stride and sorry to my mom because she probably wanted to be here to see this happen but i forgot to tell her. so my bad. congratulations to all the talented scholars for your
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excellence that you demonstrated. >> let's make some noise for 24k golden. 24k golden day. right on, bro. so i'd like to just say that this is a very special moment for our young people right now. and i just want to say give yourself a round of applause once again, please. i'll be mcing and i'll be awarding, not awarding, but i will be telling the young folks to come up here. but before we do all that, are i'd like to introduce a special guest. mike hill gregory. someone who i think is just an
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amazing person. i just have a few remarks to say about mikel. i've known him since i think he was a freshman in high school and he's always been such a hard worker, great leader and just a dedicated and motivated individual. i'm very praud of him. he went to u.s.f. getting his b.a. in communications, kept it going. he got his miner in african american studies and was on the pre-med track to go to columbia. he's getting his medical degree at columbia university. he's striving to help folks that are not usually comfortable going to the medical office or comfortable with doctors. he wants to change that. he wants to intersect communication and medicine. he's super interested in
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medicine and that's what keeps him going. that's what keeps him motivated. mikel, i'm really proud of you and i would just like to say, you're going to do great things and i know it and i've seen it from the very beginning. so please come up here. mikel is so happy that his family, spiritual parents, his parents have all come to support him and it takes a village and that village. yes, sir. thank you so much. >> give another round of applause for nico. i'm from a baptist church. so i like call and response. amen? amen? thank you. i am a village project. my name is mikel gregory. i am a village project. that means 100% college prep. that means more magic. that means collective impact. opportunities for all. college track, seo scholars, the list goes on.
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i can definitely acknowledge i'm not where i am right now by my own merit without my parents and my community, it would not be possible. again, good morning. ya'll playing. i'm call and response. good morning. there we go. my name is mikel gregory. and i'm the first in my family to attend college and now a proud graduate of the university of san francisco. yes, sir, clap it up. where i majored in communication studies and biology on the premedical track. i know that was a mouthful. but each of those identities and i'm talking to you 15 and those accolades were so pittal to my success up until this very moment. i know this time is many speeches and overdone messages so i'm not going to stand before you here long. i want to recognize as a peer, as a peer graduate who stood in your shoes a little over four
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years ago, i know those emotions that you are currently feeling. excitement about the new journey ahead. anxiety over how you're going to pay for it. nervousness as to how it will work out and lastly, fear on whether or not you should be the one that's chosen or if you're capable of doing the work. let me be the first to say although i understand, i know you can do it. if i can do it, that if the individuals sitting here with degrees can do it, then by golly, you can too. and not to mention, you have us here to support you as well. i'm going to leave you with three critical aspects to success. if you remember anything from my words that i've given you, i want you to remember this, own your story. your full authentic self is needed in that classroom, at that university. don't filter it. don't hide it or for the fame. don't filter it, don't hide it, the real you because of shame. stand proud of your story even
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the painful elements because it was the accumulation of that story that brought you to this very place. it's not about where you start, but about where you're going. and, fail forward. and what i mean by that is i always like to tell people their story about me in my biology class and how i failed two tests and how i was asked to leave the major. but trust yourself and your journey enough that even in the times of perceived failure, you can still make it. if i didn't grow to believe that the valleys in my life were necessary to my development, i wouldn't be preparing to attend columbia university in the fall. and, finally, remember to give back and share gratitude about what you've learned. to let people -- to let the people know who've poured into you thank you. the teachers, the relatives, the mentors, the friends. they were individuals that poured into you on nights you didn't want to pour into
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yourself. so be careful enough to offer your deepest appreciation and thanks on this day and forever more. i promise you it will go a long way. but also, your words of wisdom and expertise being shared to the generations coming after you is almost required at this point. because after all, the more you know, the more you owe. again, i'm going to say that for you one more time. the more you know the more you owe. it's not stopping with you. thank you, congratulations bridge of excellence scholars. i wish you the best. please use me as a resource in the future. [applause] >> okay. let's give it up for mikel one more time. please. [applause] so i would like to bring up mayor breed to issue the certificates and i will be announcing the names.
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students will be coming up. d.j. carlos will be playing their song. >> i'm going to ask some special guests to join me to issue the certificates. first of all, 24k golden, he's going to issue you your certificates. so he's going to be joining me as well as the president of the board of education, jenny lam. and then there's also a member of the board of education who's here, ann chiu. and finally the people who will make magic happen for students shgts the director of the department of children, youth, and families, maria sue and the human rights director cheryl davis. and, last but not least, when we're done issuing the certificates, we're going to take a group photo and then you all can also take your blow-up
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photographs with you. something you can walk away with. all right. let's get started. you're going to use that microphone. >> yeah. sure. okay. our first recipient of the bridge to excellence scholarship is ayindi hamilton. [applause] [♪♪] ayindi attended mission high school. graduating from mission high school and is going to u.c. berkeley. [♪♪]
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month we were all shocked to read a draft of a supreme court opinion. i decision that would overturn roe versus wade and set our country back by 50 years. this is a very dark momentfor the highest court in our land and our country's rule of law . the potentialconsequences of this opinion cannot be underestimated .we're not just talking about the arrests,
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the prosecutions, the criminal convictions ofwomen seeking reproductive health care or medical professionals providing that care. we know from history that women will die because of this decision . now, over the years that bay area has had a proud tradition of lawyers taking up the cause of justice during the turmoil of the 1960s , bay area lawyers formed the lawyers committee for civil rights leveraging the efforts of thousands of pro bono attorneys. after a mass shooting at a downtown san francisco law firm their area lawyers started the community againstviolence which has led the nationalfight for gun safety . and when no one bought it possible , bay area lawyers in our san francisco city attorney's office teamed up to leavethe fight for marriage equality .today we are here
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to announce that the san francisco city attorney's office, the bar association of san francisco and at this time over 20 law firms are joining forces to launch the legal alliance for reproductive rights. this alliance will seek to provide pro bono services to address the myriad of legal needs of pregnant women and health providers who will be facing civil suits and criminal charges for seeking or providing reproductive health care. our city attorney's office will be looking for litigation opportunities to protect rights, advising our policymakers on how we protect that access to care and will be teaming up with these law firms and the lawyers standingwith us today and hundreds of their colleagues as well as other public law offices . reverend martin luther king
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taught us that the ultimate measure of a person is not where we stand in moments of comfort and convenience but where we stand at times of challenge and controversy. as lawyers, as officers of the court we cannot standidly by during this most precarious moment for constitutional rights in our lifetime . i am very grateful to the bay area legal community for stepping up today during this moment to stand up for justice and the rule of law. and today we invite and challenge legal communities around our states and our country to join us . together, we can dispel the darkness. i am honored to be joined today by significant leaders in our legal community and beyond. we're going to hear from our first speaker, presidentof the bar association of san francisco mary mcnamara .
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[applause] >> thank you david. esteemed members ofthe san francisco legal community , just over a month ago mayor reed declared april 27 the bar association of san francisco day. the mayor was honoring 150 years of work that this bar association has done since its founding in 1872. we have advocated for every major civil rights cause in the country. we've been leaders of the world in this regard and for thepast 50 years we have advocated for reproductive justice . in 1970 four roe v wade we call for the removal of restrictions from abortion in this state. in the 1970s and 80s we advocatedfor reproductive justice causes. we signed on to every major
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brief beforethe supreme court . today as david said we are joining together to form a new coalition , the legal alliance forreproductive rights . we know that the finest law firms in the city , everybody here has not only joined but rushed to join this effort to protect the newly vulnerable cause of pregnant people in this country. they're doing so to uphold the basic rights of legalpersonhood for all pregnant people . the basic right or sisters, supporters, the brothers, sisters, mothers andfathers, the grandparents . everybody who helpsa woman obtain an abortion . these people will now be the subject of civil and criminal prosecutions and hospice country. all these firms recognize that a woman has a basic right to control her ownhealth care . all of them recognized that women are now going to be forced to give birth, even
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women have been raped. women who have beenabused . women too young to carry achild , too poor to have another child. women who have precarious pregnancies. allof them are going to be in danger through the fall of rome . in a post-real-world as david had said it's not just that women will be arrested or fully prosecuted for doing what any other person can do with his or her body. women will indeed die. women die already in this country and getting childbirth. in fact, we have the highest maternal mortality rates in the developed world and it's a race that has been climbing for two decades. the fall of rome isgoing to usher in a new appallingly high maternal mortality rate . people of color will suffer the most. the poor will get poorer. abortion is not just basic
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healthcare. it's an economic right and without that economic right women are going to suffer from morethe quality and the already . this city leads the state. the state leaves the country. i echo david call for our sister communities across the country, our fellow bar association to comeand do what are doing . form agroup of lawyers who will give of themselves freely in this site . i want to thank everybody here for their civicmindedness , theirgenerosity, there will towards the constitution of this country . thank you. [applause] >> thank you marian and thank you to the leadership of the bar association . we know that as we move forward in the coming weeks, months and
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years there will be many strategies and tactics that will have to be determined to help leave those efforts is executive director and general counsel of the bar association, yolanda jackson . >> morning everyone. thank you to our family. thank you for being here. i cannot express how incredibly proud i am to be reading this organization on this day and during these dark and challenging times. we always standwhen it's needed and when helps themost. in a 150 year history wewalked boldly into the fight for due process , criminal justice reform , women's equality and women's rights , raise the quality once again we are working boldly into the challenge to protect and supportthe rights of people to exercise their reproductive rights . people seeking abortions have a
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right to privacy and liberty. people seekingabortions have a right to privacy and liberty . roe versus wade is on the verge of being overturned. on january 2023 will be 50 yearssince the roe v wade decision was decided by the us report . none of us should be proud of this was we areabout to take incarnation and we all should be very machine . in san francisco we always have a lighthouse shiny. a symbol of hope and security. over 20 law firms and counties have come together to be ready and prepared to assist people with legal issues arising out of there exercising their reproductiverights . these legal services will be provided for free. why? because these law firms are proud to walk the walk when it comes to upholding the rule of law and protecting
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constitutional rights . assisting people when they are most vulnerable is what makes mostlawyers proud to be part of our profession . the lawyers alliancefor reproductive rights is facing a crisis head-on . we had could not be more proud of the 20+ firms for their generosity . we are extremely honored to be collaborating with the san francisco city attorney david hsu and his office in this important endeavor. finally i want to invite and encourage my. executive directors from bar association's from across the nation to replicate this effort in their cities to help people seeking and fighting fortheir reproductive rights . i want to thank all the firms who stand ready to bend the art of the moral universe towards justice. thank you to our president mary mcnamara for this amazing idea tobring these law firms together to protect the rights
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of those seeking the right to choose. doing whatlawyers do best . that is utilizing their unique skills and training tohelp other people .thank you all for being here this afternoon to support this effort . [applause] >> thank you yolanda. i'm going to say to the press corps we don't recognize the attorneys standing to our left or right, these are not only some of the best lawyers in san francisco and the bay and are state, these are some of the best lawyers in the country and i would not want to miss this group. and speaking on behalf of this group is a woman who is representing one of the very first lawfirms to step up for this effort . partner and cochair of capital markets practice from arnold porter kate and scholer, teresa johnson. [applause]
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>> good morning everyone. my name is teresa johnson and i'm a partner with arthur and porter. i'm proud to represent the group of law firms coming together with the city attorney in the legal alliance for reproductive rights. there aremore than 20 firms who put their hands up and more joining every day. our mission is simple : to protect people exercising their reproductive rights and the medical providers providing care and support. as we allknow the supreme court appears to be poised to take away a fundamental right that's been on the books for nearly 50 years . that calls for a public-private collaboration to pool our strength and resources and fight to ensure the personal and professional safety of pregnant people, doctors, nurses and other medical professionals. no one should have toput their personal freedom on the line to exercise a constitutional right . we have a dream team of law
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firms in the coalition as david noted comprising some of the finest alliance in the country. there has been an outpouring of support from national and local firms to what weall see as a tragedy about to unfold . it is my privilege tointroduce the firms are part of this effort . walt schuler, arguilas cassidy, bron katie andgordon , clarenc dyer , catch, duffy andbass , conrad kane, crowle and morgan. martel, glenn bergman and puentes. anson bridgett, lewis and llewellyn.
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hyman and bernstein. morrison and foerster. netheri and jung. ripken, ward and garrison. ramsey and erlich. joseph o'donnell. swanson and mcnamara and loki gallagher. special thanks to all the firms who are part of this effort. on behalf of all of us we look forward to working with the other members to support reproductive rights. thank you . [applause] >> thank you teresa and i want to thank each and everyone of you for being here , for standing up when it really matters . our final speaker today i will
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introduce in the following way it's not everyday lawyers and doctors come together on an issue . but the san francisco marin medical society has been on the forefront of leading important progressive issues and i'm very grateful to the leadership of the medical society for stepping in immediately. we are looking forward to working with our healthcare professionals around the region, around the state and around the country to protect the important work they do every day. here representingthe medical society is president phd doctor michael schrader . [applause] >> thank you david for that generous introduction. so my name is doctor michael schrader and i'm a primary care doctor in san francisco and also president of the san francisco medical society. we represent over 3000 positions living in san francisco and marin. we had a long history of
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advocating for theright to choose . a long history of advocating for access for patients to exercise this right and we feel that abortion is a medical decision tobe made by patient and her physician .i wanted to tell you a story. i was telling this trauma physician as i was coming here today and he told me the story resonated with me and has some real lessons. it was a trauma surgeon and the woman had a traumatic brain injury and she was brain-dead . as part of the evaluation for trauma they checked for pregnancy turned up thiswoman was pregnant . she was stable and she was pregnant. it turns out they were working institution that shall we say is less than forward thinking about reproductive rights . and you know, normally this womanwould have been onlife support for 30 days . i'm sorry, 30 months . to carry this fetus to term. and the right thing to do in
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this situation is to withdraw care on this poor woman who met the legal definition of being dead . i want to tell you the right decision was made in this case but you can see how legislating these kinds of decisions takes away our power and gives power to legislatures who are not necessarily considering the individual rights of the person involved and the best medical care for the persons involved so san francisco marin medical society isproud to be included in this initiative . david has been long been a champion of medical freedom. san franciscomarion medical assistance center defend a woman's right to choose . thank you. [applause] >> thank you very much. thatconcludes today's event.
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i want to say to the press if you have questions for anyone today we can do interviews afterwards but i want to say to all of you who are here, thank you. thank you. we have a lot of work to do together but we are going to do it together and we will prevail. let me ask one final request . when we take a grouppicture everyone face this way and see if we can fill in the front will take a photo and then we can all say hello again . >>
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>> i am iris long. we are a family business that started in san francisco chinatown by my parents who started the business in the mid 1980s. today we follow the same footsteps of my parents. we source the teas by the harvest season and style of crafting and the specific variety. we specialize in premium tea. today i still visit many of the farms we work with multigenerational farms that produce premium teas with its own natural flavors. it is very much like grapes for
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wine. what we do is more specialized, but it is more natural. growing up in san francisco i used to come and help my parents after school whether in middle school or high school and throughout college. i went to san francisco state university. i did stay home and i helped my parents work throughout the summers to learn what it is that makes our community so special. after graduating i worked for an investment bank in hong kong for a few years before returning when my dad said he was retiring. he passed away a few years ago. after taking over the business we made this a little more accessible for visitors as well as residents of san francisco to
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visit. many of our teas were traditionally labeled only in chinese for the older generation. today of our tea drinkkers are quite young. it is easy to look on the website to view all of our products and fun to come in and look at the different varieties. they are able to explore what we source, premium teas from the providence and the delicious flavors. san francisco is a beautiful city to me as well as many of the residents and businesses here in chinatown. it is great for tourists to visit apsee how our community thrived through the years. this retail location is open daily. we have minimal hours because of our small team during covid.
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we do welcome visitors to come in and browse through our products. also, visit us online. we have minimal hours. it is nice to set up viewings of these products here. >> everything we do in the tenderloin, we urban outfit. here, this gives us an opportunity to collaborate with other agencies and we become familiar with how other agencies operate and allow us to be more flexible and get better at what we depo in the line of work in this task. >> sometimes you go down and it's hard to get up. so we see ourselves as providing an opportunity for the unhoused to get up.
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and so i really believe that when they come here and they've said it, this right here is absolutely needed. you can't ask for nothing better. >> the tenderloin is the stuff that ain't on the list of remedies, liked the spiritual connection to recovery and why would i? why would i recover? what have i got to live for? things like that. and sharing the stories. like i was homeless and just the team. and some people need that extra connection on why they can change their life or how they could. >> we have a lot of guests that will come in and say i would like -- you know, i need help with shelter, food, and primary care doctor. and so here, that's three rooms down the hall. so if you book them, they get all of their needs taken care of in one go. this is an opportunity for us here in the tenderloin to come together, try out these ideas to see if we can put -- get --
5:00 pm
connect people to services in a >> welcome to the chase center arena. you guys feel that? [cheers and applause] >> that's that winning energy. okay. [applause] >> let's give a round of applause for the gold letter warriors for last night's performance. that was amazing! [cheers and applause] >> still confetti on the floor over here. well, welcome to the opportunities for all summer kickoff. we're so happy you're here. i'm your mc, niko romand and i'm a program manager, a partner of opportunities for all. [cheers and applause] >> thank
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