tv Mayors Press Availability SFGTV June 20, 2022 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT
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businesses so for me it's about how i feel if i'm going to spend my resources so they make me feel like i'm a part of the family as well so i'm going to invest in their success and they add to the community here . one thing i do know is when you launcha brand is that you have to manage it and that has to be based off of what are the benefits , how do we all processed on the amicable culture of the community and i think he to this community is that we have so many different cultures coming together in which we can learn from one another and to this community and right now we're kind of a blank slate in a way so we're waiting for that to happen and so that's kind of where i am right now is definitely the management of it. i love how clean it is and i love for them to keep this budget to be able to keep it clean like's awesome, right?
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and as far as like safety and security i hope that's also a priority here because the community i would hate for something to happen to my neighbors . because we all kind of look out for each other and that's what's running to the businesses aroundhere is looking out for each other so would hope we would create a community of safety and security . andconvenience for everyone . so thank you again to everyone who made this possible . ijust want to let you know that the work that you put in has made a huge difference . [applause] >> good afternoon. my name is now, young chinatown community development center. you know, i had a written speech. it was on my phone.
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forget it, i'm not going to bother. you can't follow zoe dorado with a written speech so i'm going to speak from myheart . this has been a heavy weekfor us so i'm grateful to be here . just yesterday we had a fire in one of our buildings. we had a stabbing. fatality in front of another and sometimes it makes you question how hard this work is. how challenging day-to-day can be. but coming to a moment like this,seeing this building, seeing the residence here , seeing the leaders here reminds me of why we do this and why we struggle through the hard parts of this work to makethe great part-time . i want to thank course all the partners have been here today . i have made thishappen . i do of course want to get a special shout out to our team chinatown. whitney and kim back there, the way your hands. i was going to call youguys up
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but i forgot to read my speech . thank you so much to the hard work ofthe chinatown team . due to the partnership with meda. thank you meda for choosing us to be yourpartners, frankly and i want to make three points . i was trying to be inspirational but ican't after all these incrediblespeakers . one , i find it amazing that this building is not a hold to residents but home to a bunch of community-basedorganizations . because to me housing at the very top level is a place of stability . it's a place to make whole. it's a place to rest and a place to find shelter away from all the hard things in the world but when we care for buildings, when we care for residents and our communities the residence can do miraculous things and get back and i think they can get back by becoming theleaders , the future leaders
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forcommunities like the mission . they can be the next hillary ronan, the next london breeze. that i think is going to be the gift of this building back to this community so iwanted to acknowledge that. that housing is not just housing . it's a place to grow leadership if we do it right and we need to do it right. the second point i want to make is that this relationship that we have with meda i deeply cherish. and i've come to cherish it even more in this moment where we have so much tension and he is in our communities, within our communities, withinour city . the fact that we can sit down with the mission-based organization. do something so special to, physically build a building together means in many ways we are married to this and it means when we have issues with each other we have to talk.
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we have to work it out. we have to go home at night and have dinner. we have to talk, we have to work it out and i hope and i want that relationship to extend beyond this organization but also into our communities andmake this a bridge or communities like chinatown, like mission share so much in common , we are working folks, we're in a way where housing, we the places where in his really really for me incredibly gratifying that we can be part of meda's journey to become an anchor for this community to build housing, to control its assets and fulfill this vision of my talk lead cc and i want topoint at eric because i know you share that vision and that's why i love you . don't know if you talk about it publicly but when we talk behind closed doors eric knows that's where he wants to go and
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he wants his city to go and i think that's exactly where we need to go . sothank you meda for letting us be a part of that . the last thing i also want to say is that chinatown cdc is. we're going to be in this buildinga little bit and continue to property management and provide resident services but i want to be clear about our intention . this is a building run by the mission and it is our intention mohcd, when you guys are ready and of course meda when you're ready our intention to make sure this building becomes meda's so in mission-based organization can run a mission-based building and we canjust be a friend at that point . so luis the entire community, iq for letting us be a part of this. this is an inspiring moment i needed this and i'm so glad i can be here today . [applause]
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>> good afternoon everybody. my name is hillary ronen and i'm the lucky one that gets to be the supervisor of this district and i thought i was goingto be lucky going after malcolm . then they have to give this amazing inspiring speech. you guys havereally the anti-here . i just want to say that we've gotten so lucky. i feel madame mayor that we're always in the mission doing these groundbreaking's and it is the best by far part of our jobs. really nothing brings us more happiness and much more joy and more of a sense of accomplishment but i have to say this building is even extra special. i don't know about all of you but when i write down all.
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and i see your gorgeous beautiful face staring down at me all that difficult stuff malcolm was talking about just sheds away and i remember how they had this vision for this space where they wanted part because there wasn't enough green and open space on the side of the mission and how they wanted affordable housing with community-based organizations on the ground floor. maria was there, miriam was there and antonio was there. so much of their families and it was just a dream. to now see the reality, see the kids playing and seeing this marriage between two noxious affordable housing developers but community-based affordable housing developers . it's just like's the load and reminds us that we're going to be okay. at times are tough, they seem
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to be getting taller and tougher but when we got each other's backs and we work together that were going to be okay and we can makedreams a reality . congratulations . thank you forproducing this building . that makes me feelbetter every time i nearest thanks for all your inspiration . congratulations. >> good afternoon everyone. i'm withu.s. bank community development corporation . like malcolm i had written statements i was going to share with you ridof a lot of numbers . things to do and all that but i really can't. i was inspired by your work. the 20 years that you've been fighting for this project . i'm honored to be here. i'm also here to let you know that behind the stereotypical
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bankers there is a lot of people who truly care about what we do. it's not about the numbers, about change. it's about changing people's lives about changing neighborhoods. about asking forwhat you want whenyour voices are not heard . but we hear you . we truly are you. i've worked with an organization with 600+ people atthis point fordedicated to making the world a better place . numbers matter . we're still dangerous,however it's the human story . it'syour stories . it's your poem that was so touching especially during this time . whether it be local or state or international, your poem really touched a nerve and i thankyou for that . i'm going to take your stories. the end of the day we sell a story.
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the numbers are there but it's the story that makes the difference. thank you very much for letting usbe here . i really appreciate it. it's an amazing project. both meda, i really appreciate. [applause] >> good afternoon. i'm the executive director of the california council and i am so excited to be withyou here today . one of the distinct privileges i have within my organization is in partnership with housing and community development leaving the affordable housing sustainablekennedys program which one of the funding streams help make this project a reality today . and our core mission and my organization is to create a lead, thriving communities and
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said to support that self-determined goal and when i look around today i see help and i see a community thathas come together to make an incredible project come to life so congratulations to all of you . one of the things i think is so important about the affordable housing sustainable communities program and where we are today is that intersection of affordable housing, equity goals and climate change. we all know that we need to be creating a community-based that gives people sustainability, both in terms of their daily lives but also our ability to live on this earth. so the goal of this program is to buildtogether all these elements in a way that's holistic , that builds upon one another and gives us better community spaces for our future and that can be hard and one of the things that is important about making this come together is when you have partners that are willing towork together to think about solutions and come
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up with ideas and ways to make it happen . this is an exciting year for us or the affordable housing sustainable community program is in our last funding round we awarded over $800 million to aroundthe state to project like this. in the governor's budget , he proposed another $1.5 billion for projects that create show that housing is climate solutions and that by bridging these two together we can solve some of our most pressing challenges and address the needs in a way that is meaningful and sustainable. so i guess my asked to you all is as more of these applicants and programs and partnerships for to be able to re-create what you have here and webring them here to show you how you've done it ? can we use this as a project show how you can do 100 percent electric, large projects, use san francisco in a way that meets all the needs of the community is what you've done your is game changing and it's something we can replicate acrossthe state .
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ireally appreciate being able to joinyou here today . thank you . >> afternoon. we're almost done. thank you very much. first let me talk briefly to some of the people. [speaking spanish] it is great to be here. you got not one buttwo members of the administration , meaning myself and we are here to demonstrate that for the state of california, this partnership
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is so important. this partnership with the city of san francisco who is doing a terrific job in prioritizing affordable housing. mayor, your administration has been fast in prioritizing affordable housing.the partnership with meda, chinatown tec and the state government. it's very important. and we have in sacramento historic investments at the moment in affordable housing. for the last couple of years we've been doing is we've been entering that we at first that we choose what the state priority is to create more affordable housing and then we harmonized those priorities across the dozens of multi family housingrental production programs that there are . and this project here exemplifies it, embodies so well those priorities.
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let me mention three. first deeply affordable. when i hear that the units will serve individuals and families that earn between 30 and 60 percent of the area median income that is essential. because housing for people with very low income is the housing that has been under produced most in the state of california for many years we have to ensure that housing that is deeply affordable, it costs more money but it's worth it. it's absolutely worth it. the second priority is fair housing. to ensure that we have inclusive projects, inclusive communities of opportunity and malcolm you and i don't agree on everything but i've been learning a lot from you when we know that we have to invest more affordable housing not
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just in the more affluent areas in the more well resourced areas because we know a lot of affordable housing in the state of california has been created in areas of concentrated poverty but it is just as important to continue to build affordable housing in stead of government in neighborhoods and communities where you protect and retain the cultural heritage .where people in good and bad times that were living through stick around and they want to stay in this community so fair housing is essential the third lynn explained so well. the connection between warehousing is being built and the ability to have a cleaner air. less pollution. that is a factor of where we build on the proximity to restaurants and the things that matter mostproximity . get them out of the car.
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walk to a job, to the school, to theplaces they need . this project is such a great example of the kinds of things the state government is prioritizing in a time where we havehistoric levels of investment . we need to maximize those resource andcontinued to create the housing . and with that let me bring to the stage the biggest champion ofaffordable housing in the city of sanfrancisco, arguably one of the biggest champions of affordable housing in california , mayor of london breed . [applause] >> first of all thank you gustavoand let me say this . don't tell the governor this but you are my favorite person insacramento . and he's my favorite person in sacramento because he
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understands why a project like this is so important to the people of san francisco and ha been very supportive of the work that we do . because it doestake a village. in fact , these projects that started as a supervisor ronen mentioned we've been a number of these groundbreaking's in the mission and these projects started when i was on the board of supervisors and you were working for the supervisor of this district and this community rallied and came together with data. also experience about what was happening specifically in the mission. i want to see change. wanted the city to invest and at that time mayor lee made a $50 million investment to begin the process of analyzing this district and looking for properties . this was a parking lot and other sites were in the places
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that we were able to purchase. and to work together to come up with the resources to make sure we made theinvestments . those resources involve money from the city that we couldn't do it alone and get itdone this past in bureaucratic years. we wouldn't be here right now . and the fact is we came together. we worked with thestate . we worked with the speaker of the house who was an important part of this project in particular and others in the mission . as of today, this is a 649 unit that we've been able to open in the mission community so far. with more to calm. and i wish it was a lot faster. but here's thething and what i remember when i started on the board of supervisors as well . there was a lot of push for
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more housing opportunities but what i remembered in the fillmore and what happened to the community i grew up with there is all this housing was built but we weren't always able to get into the housing was built in our community . that's why this community joins me in fighting for neighborhood preference. so that we can make sure that when we tell the community we're going to build housing that there's a real opportunity for the people who actually live here to have access to these units. that was so much more important to me than anything else. a commitment tothe community and because of that we have neighborhood preference with this project . we want to end youth homelessness and shirley adams is here and i'm so glad that we have used speaks that do extraordinary work for young people and our goal in the city is to do everything we can to
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end youthhomelessness so housing for transitional aged youth in this project as well this is a dream . this is what's possible when we come together. this is what's possible when we work hard to do extraordinary things. can youimagine being a kid , hanging out in this courtyard. and i don't know if kids still play hopscotch andjumping jacks and all that stuff weused to play. maybe video gamesbut they need to beoutside anyway . but playing in this courtyard , yelling up to the window, , i'm going to go to the park . heading up the store to the park to enjoy their neighborhoods and to grow up talking about these experiences . this is the dream. it's so much more than housing. it's a community. filled with community-based organizations who been doing extraordinary work.filled with meda and ccc who believe
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in affordable housing for people in san francisco of all ages. this is an extraordinary project and i'm so happy to be here today and so proud to represent the city in this way. now it's time to do what we've all been waitingfor even though everybody's already moved in . covid put us in this situation so we don't want to miss out on these milestones even though we couldn't stop people from moving in needed thesehousing units right now so here we are , ready to cut theribbon . are you ready? supervisor ronen are you ready? yes, let's do this!>> four, three, two,one . [cheering]
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childhood education and after school programs. i have light upstairs and down stairs. it's been remodelled and i like it. some of my floors upstairs was there from the time i built the place, so they were very horrible and dark. but we've got lighting. the room seems lighter. they painted the place, they cemented my back yard, so i won't be worried about landscaping too much. we have central heating, and i like the new countertops they put in. up to date -- oh, and we have venetian blinds. we never had venetian blinds before, and it's just cozy for me. it meant a lot to me because i didn't drive, and i wanted to be in the area where i can do my shopping, go to work, take the kids to school. i like the way they introduced
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the move-in. i went to quite a bit of the meetings. they showed us blueprints of the materials that they were going to use in here, and they gave us the opportunity to choose where we would like to stay while they was renovating. it means a lot. it's just that i've been here so long. most people that enjoyed their life would love to always retain that life and keep that lifestyle, so it was a peaceful neighborhood. the park was always peaceful, and -- i don't know. i just loved it. i wanted to be here, and i stayed.
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>> good evening and welcome to june 15, 2022 hybrid meeting to san francisco board of appeals. joined my lazarus joining remotely, commissioner chang and commissioner jose lopez. alsoprint is deputy city attorney rusy, will provide the board with needed legal advice. (inaudible) and julie roseenburg the board executive director. we are joined by representatives from the
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