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tv   Police Commission  SFGTV  June 22, 2022 12:00am-2:01am PDT

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>> clerk: if you could please rise if you're able for the pledge of allegiance. ["pledge of allegiance"] >> clerk: and vice president elias, if i could take roll. >> vice president elias: yes, please. [roll call] >> clerk: commissioner elias, you have a quorum.
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also here is chief william scott from the san francisco police department. >> vice president elias: thank you so much. welcome to the june 15, 2022 police commission meeting. we have a pretty heavy agenda, but not really. go ahead and call the first item. >> clerk: line item 1, general public comment. at this time, the public is now welcome to address the commission for up to two minutes on items that do not appear on tonight's agenda but are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the police commission. speakers shall address their remarks to the commission as a whole.
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members of the public who would like to make public comment, please press star, three now. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> good evening, commissioners, chief scott, and executive director henderson. i'm deputy public defender brian cox, and i'm a member of the commission to end bias stops in san francisco. i called tonight to ask when the working groups will begin for d.g.o. 9.01. it's been about a year that director henderson asked us for
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input. it's encouraging to see how far we've come, but it's also a reminder of how much is left to do. the racial disparities in stops and searches remain the same and won't change until we begin. >> clerk: thank you, caller. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> okay. hello. my name is david calderon, and i wanted to speak with miss rosenstein with the san francisco police accountability department. i currently have two
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complaints, i guess, that have now been erroneously closed, and mr. baltazar has directed all of my communications to go to him. however, i've been reaching out to him, specifically, mr. baltazar since the end of april, and they are ignoring my communications, and this is regarding a financial crime and an investigation that's been handled by the san francisco police department. i wanted to know if there's any chance that i could have miss rosenstein assist me in escalating this matter. that's it. >> clerk: caller, if you can e-mail me your information, i can forward it onto the department of police accountability. >> okay. can i get your e-mail? >> clerk:
12:05 am >> okay. thank you very much. >> clerk: vice president elias, that is the end of public comment. next item, please. >> clerk: item 2, consent calendar, sfpd sb 1421 and sb 16 monthly report, dpa sb 1421 and sb 16 monthly report. collaborative reform initiative update. >> vice president elias: i need a motion and a second.
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>> so moved. >> second. >> vice president elias: roll call, please. [roll call] >> clerk: you have six yeses. >> vice president elias: great. next item, please. >> clerk: at this time, the public is now welcome to make public comment regarding line item 2, the consent calendar. if you would like to make public comment regarding line item 2, please press star, three now. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. and they disconnected. vice president elias, there is no more public comment. >> vice president elias: thank you. public comment is closed. next item, please. >> clerk: item 3, chief's report, discussion. weekly crime trends and public safety concerns. provide an overview of offenses, incidents, or events occurring in san francisco having an impact on public
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safety. commission discussion on unplanned events and activities the chief describes will be limited to determining whether to calendar for a future meeting. >> chief scott: start with the violent crimes. we're at 20 homicides this year. our rapes are up 11% and human trafficking are down 13%. total violent crimes are up 4%, 2,291 compared to 2,248.
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total department crime is up 7%, 21,616 compared to 2152 last year. in terms of auto burglaries, i want to talk about where we're up year-to-date, 12%. we have seen somewhat of a trend [indiscernible] that's everything in the burglaries and other categories. we're up 32%, so that continues to be an area that we need to focus on in order to bring
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these crimes down. [indiscernible] that's something that we're going to work with our service providers to try to see if we can make a difference in making and try to get help, try to get people in a better situation with housing
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and try to get them off the streets through our service providers and the department of homelessness and supportive housing. our shootings were down overall 7% from shooting victims, 82 compared to 88 last year, and our homicides with a firearm, we're actually in the negative year-to-date from where we were last year, 12 to 13 compared to last year. stations, the breakdown by stations, in terms of gun violence. bayview is up. central is even. northern is down by two, and richmond has not had any shootings. park has not had any shootings. ingleside is down by six at least from where they were this time this year. tenderloin is down by three, 13
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year-to-date. mission continues to lead the city in homicides. followed by tenderloin. mission has 8, ingleside has eight, and bayview has two. firearms seizures, we are at 448, and of those, 217 are ghost guns -- i'm sorry. 91 are ghost guns. 271 is the total for last year.
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[indiscernible] the victim was traveling in a vehicle with another person when the suspect who has yet to be identified fired into the vehicle. the victim was hit and was transported to the hospital by a private person and died at the hospital of his injuries. no arrest has been made in that case at the time, but we were investigating the -- we are investigating the lead we have, and homicide is following up on some of the leads we have in that case. couple of incidents of note, there was a shooting in the tenderloin on the 9 of june. no arrests were made, but the vehicle remained in the area for a few minutes, and we are following up on that vehicle.
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suspect discharnled a firearm at a daughter and a stepson and injured the daughter. the incident appears to be from a family dispute and the suspect was charged with a willful discharge of a firearm. there's a shooting at bayshore at cesar chavez, 11 june, 2:24
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a.m. the victim was sleeping when he awoke to a sharp pain in his ankle and realized he had been shot. a search of the exterior of the tent revealed that there may have been -- there were multiple holes in it, consistent with bullet holes, so that is also under investigation. the last shooting is a shooting that occurred at third and newcome street in the bayview. the victim was located in the street with a bullet in his chest. at the time of the call, a call said that there was a vehicle collision, and the vehicle was traveling on mackinnon and third when it collided with
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another. the driver of the vehicle remained and was transported with nonlife threatening injuries. the driver was in custody at the hospital as an unfired bullet was found in the vehicle. a search determined that that vehicle was involved in a shooting and the driver was detained. we had a complete organized attempted retail theft. the officers confirmed the suspect had numerous pending cases, and the suspect also had
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the condition of previous cases and was fitted with an ankle monitor as a condition of release. a couple of other arrests before i wrap up. really good arrests by patrol officers on a bank robbery that occurred on the 4500 block of geary. [indiscernible] and all of the stolen money as well as other evidence, so really good
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response by the officer being in the places where they need to be, known in the community, and that led to a really good arrest on that case. and then, the last consider that i'd like to highlight on patrol was on the 10 june, a victim was walking with a friend towards a bus stop when six suspects knocked him to the ground, punched and kicked him numerous time, and stole his jewelry and electronic equipment. two of the suspects were located, and a positive identification by the victim led to those suspects being arrested. it was discovered that one of the suspects was involved in a similar incident four days before, so two suspects were
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arrested and booked for this robbery. last thing, major event was golden state warriors are one win away from clinching our fourth nba title in recent years, and we are happy with that. we will be heavily deployed in that. hopefully they will win, but we will be heavily deployed in various areas of the city. if they do win, we are asking the fans to celebrate responsibly, and for those of you who are celtics fans, accept your defeat responsibly. we will be deployed around the chase center. this weekend, we'll be deployed for all of the juneteenth
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events, and we will be heavily deployed. if it goes to a game seven, we will be heavily deployed at chase for that. so that concludes my report. thank you. >> vice president elias: thank you, chief. just having difficulties pushing the right button there. thank you for the report. i'm going to turn it over to any commissioners. commissioner yee? >> commissioner yee: thank you there, madam vice president cindy elias. chief, i want to first thank you and your staff, i guess, for the -- i guess for the crowd that we had over at chase center during the warriors
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play. it can always be challenging when you have a crowd out there. also want to thank police and command staff for major arrests. i have one question about land's end. a millbrae counselor was assaulted with a seven-inch stone on his head. i wonder if there was any update. i guess that's the federal side of the fence. is there anything on our side? >> chief scott: thank you, commissioner, for that question. we are assisting the park police with that investigation. it is their investigation, and we are assisting. no updates as far as arrests,
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but we are following up and will provide any information as soon as possible. >> commissioner yee: thank you, chief, and go warriors. >> chief scott: go warriors. >> vice president elias: thank you, commissioner yee. sergeant, can we go to public comment? i don't see any comments in the chat. >> clerk: at this time, we will open public comment for the chief's report. if you would like to make public comment, press star, three now. good evening, caller. you have two minutes -- and they disconnected. vice president elias, there is no public comment. >> vice president elias: next item, please. >> clerk: d.p.a. director's report, discussion. report on recent d.p.a. activities, and announcements.
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d.p.a.s report will be limited to a brief description of d.p.a. activities and announcements. commission discussion will be limited to determined whether to calendar any of the issues raised for a future commission meeting. >> thank you. the biggest things that has happened in our office this week is we have welcomed a cohort of summer stach to our our -- summer staff to our office. we have a broad swath of students from all over the state, students from college and high school, and they are eager and excited about the work we do and are going to be very, very helpful. i know they will provide an interesting update at the end of the summer, and that is our
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update to the end of the week. as far as cases go, we are at 306 cases open to date, which is about 60 less than last year. we have closed almost 300, which is a little bit less than last year -- a lot a bit less. pending currently, we have 258 cases pending, we have sustained 33 cases so far this year. last year at this time, we had sustained 27. we mediated ten cases so far this year. last year, we had mediated 16 at this point, and we currently have 18 cases past the eight-month point. last year, we had 22, and seven are tolled. the two stations that are tied
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with the most cases received this week are central and southern. the trends in terms of the types of allegations -- alleged allegations, not concluded, were 35% officers failed to take appropriate action, officers spoke inappropriately, and third, officers filed a complete or inaccurate report. we don't have anything for closed session. senior investigation chris [indiscernible] is with me on the call. i will follow up with the gentleman who commented during public comment. if you need to contact us and he is available, we can be reached by phone at 415-241-7711, and our website
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is, and if anyone has any questions, i am happy to answer them. >> vice president elias: thank you, acting director rosenstein. we look forward to the end of the summer presentation with the interns. it's always a delight to have them in the work that they do, so i look forward to that. i don't see any of my commissioners in the queue, so i am going to turn it over to public comment. >> clerk: at this time, if the public would like to make public comment regarding line 4, the d.p.a. director's report, press star, three now. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> hello. can you hear me? >> clerk: yes.
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>> okay. my name is mary bow. i'm the mother of a murdered child that was killed on november 17, 2007. i actually came there in person a couple months ago. good evening, chief scott and the commissioners. i know i have to make this quick because i was cutoff last time. my bottom line is really -- my son's case is in the cold case unit. it has been 15 years this year -- >> clerk: sorry. i believe you're calling in on item 6, which is the presentation for families of homicide victims. this is for the d.p.a. director's report. press star, three when you hear the item.
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>> vice president elias: don't hang up. the item was placed on the agenda in part because of your inquiry last time, so please call back. >> clerk: good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> okay. hello. my name is david calderon, and i wanted to respond to miss rosenstein. is it okay if i can provide my d.p.a. case number for your reference? i'm going to go ahead and give it any way. >> hello? hello. i'm sorry. don't do that. it's confidential information. i already have it, and i was able to look it up on your name. i will be looking into it. thank you. >> okay. thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> clerk: vice president elias, that is the end of public comment. >> vice president elias: thank you, sergeant. next item, please.
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>> clerk: line item 5, commission reports. commission reports will be limited to a brief description of activities and announcements. commission discussion will be limited to determining whether to calendar any of the issues raised for a future commission meeting. commission president's report, commissioners' reports, commission announcements and scheduling of items identified for consideration at future commission meeting. >> vice president elias: i'm going to turn it over to my fellow commissioners. i don't have anything to report. i'm going to turn it over to commissioner yanez. >> commissioner yanez: thank you, commissioner elias. good evening, chief, acting director rosenstein and community at large. my -- i did want to say that i
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worked with a large part of the community and young people. that was a large part of my career for the last 25 years. this lack of an understanding of how to file reports has come up, and lack of just access to that information. i'd like to know what we can do to continue to promote, you know, access to the system proposed to our reports and how to promote reports, whether it's at the school district level or community level for how people can continue to file reports. it's great that those numbers have been steadily decreasing as far as the number of reports that have been filed, but when we hear comments from the community about their lack of
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understanding or there even is a place outside of the police department to file reports, we need to continue to work on that. so we can go on that just to strategize, but it is something that has been brought to my attention outside of commission meetings, also. and i would just also, based on a trend that i saw in the first quarter, chief, i wanted to ask you that i noticed there was an increase in arrests for young people age 17 and under in that first quarter report. it was something like a 15% increase, and i wanted to get a better sense of whether the department tracks information about whether these arrests are being made in the vicinity of schools, in the vicinity of programs; what the reason for
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this increase in arrest for that younger population might be? and obviously, we will delve into the report at some point down the road, but i just wanted to know if you have any thoughts on that, chief? >> chief scott: supervisor -- i mean, i'm sorry. commissioner, i don't have the details on the trends, but i can follow up with you. i just want to get the right information so i can follow up with you on that. >> commissioner yanez: okay. that would be great. our conversation last week on the report around morale, there was a lot of conversation and there was a lot of information presented. one of the things that came up for me that i really think is something that i'd like to
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understand a little better, one of the comments made by the union reps, i believe it was lieutenant williams, indicated that part of the concerns around morale had to do with an inconsistency in the disciplinary process, and it seemed to be an internal inconsistency in that process, and i'm wondering whether that process, you know, in the field, when you have performance evaluations, when indicators and incidents arising and they're brought up, performance evaluations are used to review this information before it escalates into an actual incident.
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i want to hear from you what that looks like and how it is used before it escalates into actual disciplinary action. >> chief scott: so if you're referring to the early intervention system? is that what you're referring to? >> commissioner yanez: i mean performance evaluations in general. one of the questions that came up or one of the issues raised or impacts on morale is this lack of a systematic approach to discipline or at least a --
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>> chief scott: it could be incident based, it could be performance based, but the performance improvement plan is just that.
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the supervisor meets with the member and helps the member with a plan to improve performance. there's some flexibility in how long an employee can be put on a performance improvement plan. it depends on the situation.
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we just want our members to understand how the system works, but that performance improvement system has been vetted by our city department of human resources, and it's something that we use when we see issues that need to be improved upon. >> commissioner yanez: right, and i know that was one of the questions i asked for about the last quarter report or the early warning system. but my question in addition to that is, is there also a system in place for performance evaluation systems in general? is there a yearly evaluation of a member, a sergeant, wherever they stand, and how often does that happen and do we
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incorporate the early intervention system kind of warnings that we get to improve performance before it gets to performance improvement plan. >> chief scott: so yes, there are systems for performance evaluation. the early intervention system is not incorporated into that because that was implemented between the labor and the department. it's an alert or series of alerts that alerts us to the need for a performance evaluation. when i do recommendations with the assessment, this is one that we feel is still open, was
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that we needed to improve our performance evaluation process, so that's something that will be in the -- what we hope to handle [indiscernible]. >> commissioner yanez: thank you, chief. i'm glad that we have work on this issue because it was something that obviously was brought up last week. anything that i can do to participate in those developing kind of instructing of a disciplinary process that is more equitable, that is perceived as systemic, i'm more than available to do that, so
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please keep me posted on that. and i do just want to follow up on, i did want to know what the outcome of -- from those early indicator systems -- i believe there were 71 in the last quarterly report, but there were only two performance improvement plans. you said you would follow up to let me know what the outcome of the others were, and obviously, every case is different, but i want to know, what is taken into account.
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>> vice president elias: thank you. it sounds like we can agendize this, too. so i'm going to move onto commissioner benedicto. >> commissioner benedicto: thank you. earlier this week, i had the opportunity to attend the memorial for officer john cox.
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members of the community were present as well as officers that were in officer cox's academy class. there was a representative of supervisor rafael mandelman, and it was great to pay respect to officer cox. >> vice president elias: thank you. acting director rosenstein? >> thank you, vice president elias. just to address your question, commissioner yanez. know your rights is your campaign where we provide information to the youth in general about their constitutional rights, about
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their rights when encountering police, but a big component of that is explaining what d.p.a. does and how they can be reached. there are pamphlets handed out during those workshops. in addition, we are working with the school district unified school district to schedule these workshops during summer school right now, and we always go to private schools in the area. lastly, we are providing our presentation and material to the department of health so
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that when they go into the community, they can provide that information to the young people in san francisco, so i hope that answers any of your concerns, but we welcome any information you have you wanted to go to specific sites or address specific community centers. anything like that, you just let us know and we will go, but that's currently our plan. we've done independence high school, we've done i.w. wells, and we're looking forward to several other schools coming up, but i just wanted to address that. just biggie backing on what -- piggybacking on what chief scott had said, when d.p.a. is involved in the process, we factor in the discipline, we factor in the need for training. we often call in subject matter
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experted from the police department, identified by the police department, to determine whether training is an issue, do determine how we can better serve the officer so that it is clear, so that there are no misconceptions, and it's clear to us whether it is a training, a policy problem, or a misconduct problem. we meet almost monthly with the academy and the training course options team, and we discuss training and issues that may come up and how we can best serve the officers. we're an active participant and partner in talking about these
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things, so just want to point that out for you, as well. >> vice president elias: thank you. thank you so much, acting director rosenstein. commissioner yee? >> commissioner yee: it's a great thing i was muted there. thank you, vice president cindy elias. i just wanted to be on record to go into the san francisco police department call centers for the 911s coming in and also the direct dial-ins and how the calls come into the department and how they go out, just to get a feel, chief. so let me know when is the
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perfect time to meet or go down there and meet up or take a look. thank you very much. >> vice president elias: thank you, commissioner yee. okay. sergeant, can we get to public comment? >> clerk: yes, and commissioner yee, i will set up your tour for the dispatch. for members of the public that are trying to watch the police commission meeting on sfgovtv, we have been bumped by the budget and appropriations committee, but we have posted on the police commission's website on the right-hand side for the meeting today. you will see a link to watch the live stream if you want to do that now. for members of the public who would like to make public comment regarding item 5, commission reports, please press star, three now. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> yeah. with regards to commissioner benedicto's comments about action regarding swift stops, was there some polling done
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that showed that they wanted to see that or is that just the people he's talking to. with regard to d.p.a. case numbers, those are actually not confidential, those are public record. thank you. >> clerk: thank you, caller. and vice president elias, that is the end of public comment -- another caller just came in. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> hello. this is yolanda williams. last week, and also this week, we told you a little bit about the morale, and i did have some other points that i wanted to bring up, which is that first of all, we're just seeking an equitable fair process and a process that we deem to be fair and equitable. performance appraisals are great, however, they also need to have an end goal on it, and i think that there needs to be more training on that so when
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an employee receives their performance appraisal, it's not taken as a negative or that we're just not checking boxes. another thing, when an officer reaches their 20 or 25 years, it would be a great time to alert the system or have the personnel alert the department so that perhaps the chief can sit down with the employee to find out how their career has been for them to help them start to transition to civilian life because you're not a civilian, you're a police officer, and i think we ought to offer that support to the
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police officers before they get out of the system. i think if we can do some of these things, this would help boost the morale in the san francisco police department. thank you. >> clerk: vice president elias, that is the end of public comment. >> vice president elias: thank you. thank you. next item, please. >> clerk: presentation regarding sfpd protocols for families of homicide victims. discussion, per request of commissioner byrne. >> vice president elias: okay. who is presenting on this today? >> clerk: that would be lieutenant sanders. >> vice president elias: okay. great. >> i am acting deputy chief raj
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aswani, and i just wanted to thank the acting president, chief, acting director rosenstein. [indiscernible] is part of the cold case staff. lieutenant sanders is in homicide. they'll talk about how they communicate and interact with victims' families of homicides, and lieutenant sanders, are you ready? >> thank you. >> vice president elias: welcome, lieutenant. >> thank you. good evening, madam vice president elias, chief scott, commissioners, and d.p.a. director. my name is calvin sanders. i'm a lieutenant of homicide here, san francisco police department. i also have with me is sergeant
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leavy. he's the lead investigator on [indiscernible], and i have an investigation that i'd like to talk about. so what we're going to do is talk about the homicide detail's protocols for victims of homicides. here in the homicide unit, we have 16 sworn members. 15 of those are investigators, one police officer who's in charge of our video retrieval. we also have two retired officers -- or excuse me, investigators assigned to the cold case unit, along with
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sergeant leavy. okay. kind of disappeared for a second. sorry. the homicide detail was here -- excuse me. let me go back a little bit. then we have one very important civilian staff member, she's our secretary here. here at homicide, we're responsible for investigating any and all homicides, any and all officer involved shootings for outside agencies, either inside agency deaths or outside, any deaths deemed suspicious by the medical examiner's office. as related to cold cases, we have a cold case unit where homicide investigators are designated to work only cold
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cases what these investigators do is work directly with partners regarding cold case investigations. here, san francisco police department will take meetings with san francisco department of public health, san francisco -- excuse me, district attorney's office and families of deceased victims and victims of homicides and provide any case updates, service connections, and support services. [indiscernible] prior to engaging the victim's family, the officer at medical examiner's office must notify the next of kin. they'll arrange an in-person meeting with the victim's
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family. initial contact by our investigators is usually by telephone, but in some cases, the next of kin is account kaed at the crime scene or possible sometimes at the hospital. the initial contact, more than likely a second visit is necessary because the family members may likely have more questions. they may be the first notification. investigator will meet with the person with -- the investigator will meet in person with the victim's family, and it's important for us to remember that -- for us as investigators to remember and know that the next of kin is a spouse, a parent, a sibling, an adult child, it's crucial that both parents and both parties know,
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because in some cases, there may be cases with divorce issues or separation issues. we start out with a greeting, exchange of info, phone numbers, e-mails, contact information and office hours. we explain our role, which is to gather evidence and we represent the victim's voice, and we try to obtain information about the victim, whether it's good or bad, and we need them to open up with us. it's important that we know everything because we would like them to ask questions about that. we explain the process and investigative steps of locating and speaking with witnesses and how that can be challenging for us and it can take extensive
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time. we have to review video, d.n.a. forensics evidence, and it's a lot of time that we have to wait for evidence to come back or results to come back, but a low-density of the times, our families think that we can just put something in the system and get an immediate reading, so we have to explain that to them. we also discuss how we can't share all the information effort we get something because there's certain things that we can release and certain things that we can't release.
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we obtain information from family and friends, whether it's good stories, social media addresses or links that the victim may have, and we listen to the family concerns and expectations. these concerns or expectations may be family concerns, planning funerals for loved ones, relocating family. we answer all questions honestly and to the best of our ability, volunteering information. for example, some families want to know why, when, and how their loved ones were murdered or who committed the murdered.
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sometimes we can't release that information until we find that suspect and book that suspect, because we just can't give out names and put other people in jeopardy. so we have to explain the reason why we do that. next slide, please. okay. so this slide discusses that the services that our department of public health and the san francisco district attorney does a great job in linking survivor victims to services and offering resources. the san francisco public health department is responsible or responds to homicides and critical shootings, which may include response to the scene or hospital. they work with support staff or for the hospital, engagement with support for the family, doing meetings here at the hall
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or victims services, and many times, we've even been at the surviving victims' house. they have 24 hours a day seven days a week support services. they act as a liaison with the san francisco police department or the district attorney's office. they pretty much help us or assist us with -- and then, surviving victims' support. as far as the san francisco district attorney victims services office, they help the surviving families fill out the
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complete applications for the california victims' compensation board that can support the following: crime scene cleanup, funeral and burial expenses, income loss, if it was a surviving member and they have children, or the wife is left behind and the sole provider was killed, then they assist with that. mental health services, relocation, sexual security, homa alarms, and then orientation to the criminal justice system and court proceedings. next slide, please.
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the san francisco district attorney's victim services often advises of court dates and available resources. they'll also assist families with meetings. family members will also have the lead investigator's cell phone or e-mail and they're able to contact them any time with questions or, you know, if they get new information, they'll forward it to them or a case update. next slide, please. how often are families notified of case updates? we have a state law requiring
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homicide investigators to call family members about unsolved homicide investigations on the anniversary of the homicide to provide any update for the family members and so the family members will also know who the outside investigator is. upon an investigator retiring or transferring from the homicide detail, the homicide investigator pretty much will basically call and let the family know hey, i'm being transferred, or they're supposed to, and here's your new investigator, here's his or her name, number, and/or
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e-mail. thank you. i have nothing else, and if you guys have any questions, i'll be happy to answer them. >> vice president elias: thank you, lieutenant, for your presentation. i'm going to open it up to my other commissioners, but i had just a couple of questions for you. how many cases -- you indicated on slide two, there's 15 investigators, one officer. how many cases are assigned to each investigator? what is their caseload? >> so it depends. we have some investigators with a team of three, some investigators with a team of four, and it's a constant rotation of on-call, and they rotate on call every other week, so it depends on any cases that we have within a year. some people can be in charge of
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maybe four cases a year, some can be in charge of maybe six
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or seven. >> vice president elias: and then, the other thing that i had a question on is with respect to your last slide, slide nine, and you talk a little bit about how, for cold cases, how they reach out to families. what is the turnover rate because we get a lot of calls from families that they haven't heard from their investigator, they don't know who their investigator is, and they try to call the investigator several times, and their call goes unanswered, so can you speak to a little bit about how this works or provide some explanations to the public who are experiencing these difficulties? >> sure. so we currently have one full time investigator, sergeant
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leavy, pretty much who is the lead investigator over there. he's the only sworn member that is full time. then, we also have two retired investigators, 960s, and pretty much, they work two days a week, and they pretty much assist sergeant leavy with investigating cases, and they also have their cases, as well. so there could be times where the investigators are either off, because like i said, they work two days a week, but sergeant leavy would be there, and that's about how that is. as far as the solution, we're always trying to get additional investigations, but as far right now, i know it's been approved, it's just a matter of getting overtime or investigators into our unit,
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but we have been pretty much approved to get two more. we're just waiting to get those gentlemen here. >> vice president elias: and is there a person we should direct the public to when they get these unresponded phone calls or they don't know who is handling their case? >> yeah. they can call 415-553-1145. that's the homicide detail, and if you speak to the secretary, they can forward them to me, and they can talk to me, and i'll definitely have someone get ahold of them. >> vice president elias: great. sergeant, can you also post that on the website, too, for the public? >> yes. >> vice president elias: thank you. commissioner byrne? >> commissioner byrne: thank you. thank you. lieutenant, could you define for the public what you define
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as a cold case? >> sure. a cold case is a case where there was an active investigation at one point in time previously, and there was an investigation, and it came to a halt, whether there was not enough evidence or we didn't have any information to proceed further. the case became inactive, and no one did anything on it for five or six years, and pretty much that's considered a cold case. >> commissioner byrne: so how soon can a case -- >> i'm sorry. how soon can a case -- >> commissioner byrne: so how soon after the homicide can a case become a cold case?
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>> so -- >> do you want [indiscernible] leavy to go over the criteria? he has a microphone but no video. >> commissioner byrne: yes. >> this is sergeant leavy. sorry. if we could just go by the last question, please. >> commissioner byrne: how soon does a case become a cold case? >> so once a case is deactivated, let's say a case is deactivated by an investigator today, and then, that case lies dormant for five years, and typically, a case will be inactivated due to a lack of leads or lack of
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suspect information.
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you know, san francisco -- of the course of history has had a lot of homicides, many solved, many unsolved, so there are a lot of unsolved homicide cases which would call within the definition of what a cold case is. >> commissioner byrne: would that be more than 500? >> yes, likely. i have not ran those numbers, sir, but from over the course of history within san francisco and the san francisco police department, it would likely be over 500. >> commissioner byrne: and there's been recent
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[indiscernible] about the golden state killer. there's a d.n.a. pool up there. is the san francisco police department doing anything with regards to that type of investigative technique to try to resolve some of those cold cases? >> yes, we certainly are. we have numerous cases that have been eligible for geneology, and one of the tools
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that we use, especially within recent years, is gen geneologyd we do that through our crime lab. >> commissioner byrne: and how many times do you do that [indiscernible]. >> you know, i don't have that exact number, but i can get that information and get that information back to you. >> commissioner byrne: and the lady, miss bob, who rang earlier and came to one of our police department meetings several months ago, would it be difficult for sfpd to contact the family at least twice a
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year? because as vice president elias points out, the idea that they need to come in front of us top voice their concern, it's not in the p.d.s best interests. would it be too much of a burden to maybe, twice a year, contact them, these people, so that there's a -- so that they -- again, so that they can feel like something at least is going on? thank you. >> so i will say we do escalate these cases, so we have 21 that we have escalated based on
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leads available based on new technology that might allow us to retest evidence. and once we get those two additional investigators -- and it's not that far. they've already been approved by admin. they're probably just getting assigned by admin to start working -- they will be assigned some of these cases that have been escalated because there's information on them, and we could definitely -- i know that allen leavy does a really good job of reaching out with his team, especially victims that do reach out or do call the office, we do prioritize these cases. >> vice president elias: great. thank you. thank you for being here. commissioner yanez? >> commissioner yanez: thank you, vice president elias.
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thank you. i just had one questions. the retired investigators that are a part of this team, is this by design that they are retired or is that because of the challenge that we're having with staffing right now? >> no, sir. it's pretty much something that we've always done in homicide. i don't know how far it goes back, but we've always had retired officers come back when we had the 960 unit. >> commissioner yanez: thank you. it makes sense. institutional knowledge is valuable, and i know that the chief has highlighted your work, oftentimes, and i commend you for the work that you're putting forward, and obviously, we field questions have community on these cold cases.
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if we could develop a funnel system. obviously, when people experience a loss, communication is important to them. i hope you can take those things into consideration. thank you for your work and your presentation. >> if i can say, sergeant leavy did a great job and the retire members that are in our cold case unit, one retired as a captain and one retired as a sergeant, so we're looking forward to getting them on here to help sergeant leavy and his crew, and hopefully, we'll be able to start calling family members on a more constant
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basis. thank you. >> vice president elias: thank you. i'm going to go ahead and turn it over to public comment. sergeant? >> clerk: at this time, the public is now welcome to make public comment regarding line item 6. if you would like to make public comment, press star, three now. good evening, miss brown. you have two minutes. >> hi, can you hear me? >> clerk: yes. >> i would just -- my name is paulette brown, and my son, aubrey, was murdered august 14, 2006. august 14 is right around the corner, and going through this again, just hearing them talk about active cases, my case, it's been 16 years. is it a cold case or is it an active case? just listening to that, it's bothering me.
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and then, i think that the investigators should also contact us quarterly, not once a year, even more than quarterly. we're suffering. there's mothers and fathers out here, and there's more than -- we just recently put the digital posters out there at all the ten district stations, and there's more than 100. there's 200, 300, 400, all the way back to the 1960s. these are all unsolved homicides, that they put at all the district stations with a digital display. to hear them say there's 100, there's more. if you go back years, there's so many, and what do we do about getting our childrens' cases solved.
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there's mothers whose cases are still on here, and they got tired of waiting, so hopefully, they'll come here and voice what happened. like i said, it's right around the corner from my son's anniversary, august 14, and the case is still unsolved. what do we do? how do we change things and the -- the time is moving, passing in my mouth. my son don't even have a headstone because the money that they allocated for -- the victims services wasn't enough to buy my son a headstone. >> clerk: thank you, miss brown. members of the public who have information, you can call the tip line at 415-575-4444. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> hello. my name is george duran. i'm here to support pauline
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brown and the healing circle, and i liked the presentation. however, i was thinking -- i talked to an f.b.i. agent who was talking about cold cases. i remember in 1996, the rate of homicides in san francisco was so ridiculously high. and when sanders and somebody -- henderson had to come back to solve those homicides, i think a collaboration with that would help.
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i think inspectors and main staff should meet with families a little bit more to establish trust because a lot of the homicides in san francisco that i know from the position that i work in, everybody in the street knows, but nobody's willing to come forward because the relationship between law enforcement and the community is skewed. so i believe that there's ways, and maybe there should be some t.s.a.s with family members and law enforcement working together to get at the community to talk about getting forward with information. we see a rash of homicides, a shooting in san francisco because a lot of people really
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need to be -- >> clerk: thank you, caller. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> okay. hello. my name is david calderon, and i would like to share my personal experience with going through the san francisco police homicide police protection process. my mother was murdered in 1992. her name was carmen lita holbrook. in 2019, i managed to have her case reopened and assigned, and it was assigned to retired officer james spillane. in my personal interaction with mr. spillane, he refused to complete the investigation because, to quote him, my mother was a junkie and not worth looking into.
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i also filed a complaint with the san francisco police department regarding this, and that the original investigators were found guilty of manufactured and presented perjured testimony. with this information being known, the san francisco police department, mr. leavy, i've spoken with you personally, has refused to reopen and reassign my mother's case, and the san francisco police accountability department has also closed this case and refuses to speak to me. i thank you guys for hearing me and hearing my experience, but i think it's important that you guys know what one has
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experienced, so thank you. >> clerk: thank you, caller. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. >> hello. can you hear me? >> clerk: yes. >> this is mary bow. my son was murdered november 17, 2007, so it's considered a cold case. thank you for asking the questions in defining because i'm getting a lot of misinformation. i was told a cold case was over ten years. tonight, i heard it's, like, five years. i also heard something that was a good suggestion, that the inspectors contact us, like, grieving mothers or family members at least twice a year, and i heard george and paulette say even quarterly would be good. you know, in 15 years, no one
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has ever called me. i've had to reach out and call, and recently, i talked to -- first, i talked to chief scott, and then, i got referred to someone else, and they gave me to daniel dede, who was really nice and offered to call me any time, but what's frustrating is he's still in the queue. 21 active and ten open. 31 open and active. that's kind of ridiculous, and only two retired officers are working on that. my son's case is considered a cold case. it's in a queue, waiting to be looked at. i just want to ask the people on the commission, it may be emotional, if it was your child that was murdered -- my son was
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20. i have an older child that's 40 and a younger son that was 20. would that be adequate if it was your child, for two retired officers to work two days a week? do what george said. bring the f.b.i. in. you have so many active cases in san francisco. they go back to the 40s and 50s. for my son, it's been hard for me -- >> clerk: thank you, caller. good evening, caller. you have two minutes. caller, you have two minutes. >> hello. hi. can you hear me? >> clerk: yes.
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>> yes, my name is kenya hayes. i'm speaking on behalf of my mother and two brothers. my mother lost her two sons due to gun violence in san francisco. my two brothers are tony dougal and edwardo tay. i'd like to share my experience with san francisco homicide department. i noticed that i have been doing most of the phone calls, reaching out. my mom, i guess she doesn't really have it in here to call and talk, so i call and try to talk to the homicide investigators. i've left numerous phone calls. i've been working with scott warneke. it seems like it's very hard to work with him and communicate
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with him. i don't know if my little brother, edwardo tay, is a cold case. i don't know if my older brother, tony mcdougall, is a cold case. i know you said you were going to reach out to the families, but my mother has never gotten a phone call from homicide. you know, it breaks my heart because my mom lost two sons to gun violence, and, you know, it's sad because she doesn't even have it in here to do the -- in her to do the footwork. my older brother has a reward out, but my younger brother doesn't. it's been five years, and i don't know why my younger brother doesn't have a reward out. i don't know what i have to do to get that, but i would like my younger brother to also have
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a reward put out for him. thank you for listening to me, and i hope you can reach out to the families more to let them know that they do have a supportive system with homicide and what they can do when they lose a family member due to gun violence. >> clerk: thank you, caller. and vice president elias, that is the end of public comment. >> vice president elias: thank you, sergeant, and thank you to the callers for calling in and listening to the presentation. d.c. aswani, is there a way that we can follow up and in a couple of months, we can have you come in and give us an update with respect to contacting the callers calling in today and being more proactive in contacting these victims or making an effort to contact them more than just the
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yearly anniversary. >> yes, i can give you an update. and referring just generically to some of the comments that i've heard, we do work with f.b.i. federal partners. we've made arrests on cold cases and homicide cases and do work with federal partners. we do leverage as many resources as we can. i definitely will reach out to the family members. i'll have somebody from homicide go through the callers and pull their case file. >> vice president elias: great. thank you. >> thank you. >> vice president elias: all right. thank you again for presenting. sergeant, next item. >> clerk: line item 7, public comment on all matters
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pertaining to item 9 below, closed session, including public comment on item 8, vote whether to hold item 9 in closed session. if you'd like to make public comment, press star, three now. and vice president elias, there is no public comment. >> vice president elias: great. next item. >> clerk: item 8, vote on whether to hold item 9 in closed session, san francisco administrative code section 67.10, action. >> vice president elias: i'm going to make a motion. >> second. >> vice president elias: roll call. >> clerk: on the motion -- [roll call] >> clerk: you have six yeses. i will take
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>> clerk: item 10, vote to elect whether to disclose any or all discussion on item 9 held in closed session, san francisco administrative code section 67.12 a. >> vice president elias: i need a motion and a second. >> motion. >> second. >> vice president elias: okay. i need a roll call. [roll call]
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>> clerk: you have six yeses. >> vice president elias: all right. can we get public comment? >> clerk: at this time, the public is welcome to make public comment regarding line item 10. for two minutes of public comment, press star, three now. and vice president elias, there is no public comment. >> vice president elias: good. item 11. >> clerk: is adjournment.
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>> vice president elias: with that, there is no other meeting in june, and we will see you in july. >> you are watching san francisco rising. today's special guest is jeff tomlin. >> hi. you are watching san francisco rising. to show that is focused on restarting, rebuilding, and
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reimagining our city. our guest today is the director transportation of the sfmta and he's with us to talk about the agency's 23-24 budget with the muni equity strategy and new projects across the city. welcome to the show. >> thank you it is good to be here. >> i see the sfmta's budget for 2023 and 2024 has been approved. how will it help provide a strong recovery during the next few years for our riders, operators and staff? >> it has been a challenging couple of years. covid wiped out the basic finances. our agency is funded primarily from transit fares, parking fees and a fixed set aside for a general fund and covid has meant we have lost more than half of our parking and transit for revenue. we are not expected to recover them until 2027. this budget takes a one-time federal release funding and spreads that out between now and
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2025. and our task is to rebuild trust with the voters that sfmta can actually deliver on their goals and that includes things like making muni faster, more frequent, and more reliable. includes making our streets safer and making everyone feel safe riding the bus. it means taking advantage of the amount of change we're going to experience in order to advance equity so that we invents -- invest the most amount of money in communities that need our services the most. it also means supporting san francisco in its larger economic recovery. basically two years between now and 2024 in order to build trust with the voters and figure out how are we going to find muni moving forward because it is in 2024 and 2025 when the one-time federal release fund went out.
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>> are you planning on starting up? >> as a result of covid, we have 1,000 vacancies in the organization. that is why muni service is not fully recovered. this budget allows us to fully staff through 2024, which means we can restore muni service, invest in safety, and invest in other programs in order to make the transportation system work better for everyone. >> can you talk about the mooney service equity strategies? as you move out of the pandemic, how has that plan been updated? i have heard there are elevator upgrades in progress. >> we have been working a lot on equity during muni's recovery. we have been basing our work on the muni equity strategy. this is the plan we update every two years that looks at the changing demographics of san francisco and helps us direct our transit resources where people need it the most. that means people with low
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income, people of color, seniors, people with disability, children, all the folks who have the fewest choices. during covid, when we had to strip back the transit system, 13 quarters of the workforce were in quarantine, we directed all of the agency's resources to the equity neighborhoods. places like the bayview, chinatown, the mission, the valley, and even through our recovery, we have continued to deliver the best muni service's so -- to the neighborhoods that need it the most. right now we are still operating more frequent service in core lines in equity neighborhoods than we did precovid. and the result of that is extraordinarily high ridership. we are finding, for example, by investing in the frequency and reliability on lines like the 22 fillmore, that we are getting
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133% of precovid ridership, even when the overall system is only at about half of the ridership recovery. that is 133%. that is on weekends. we are at about 96% of precovid ridership on our main equity lines on weekdays. we're also investing a whole variety of infrastructure projects aimed at making transit work better, particularly for people with disabilities. on the market street corridor, our elevators to the subway station date back to the 1970s and need significant renovation. right now we are busy working on renovating the elevators at the station. we have completed the elevator upgrade for the eastbound platform. we are now working on the westbound platform. that will modernize the elevators and make them a lot more reliable, and make sure that we can continue to prioritize people with the fewest mobility choices. >> that's great.
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changing topics slightly, i understand the improvement project is halfway completed. have shared spaces made the product -- project more complicated? >> yes. lots of things have made the terminal project more complicated, including things like covid and supply chain issues. we learned a lot on the first phase of the terra vale project, which rebuilt the street from sunset boulevard to the zoo, including rebuilding all the infrastructure of the streets, the underground utilities, to modernize all that infrastructure and make it more resilient, and make sure that we do not have to rebuild the street, hopefully in any of our lifetimes. we also learned about the importance of collaborating, particularly with neighborhood businesses and residents. we want to make sure that we are constructing the city's infrastructure in a time that the city is suffering and we are not adding to suffering. we're doing things like
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partnering with the mayor's office of economic workforce development to support neighborhood businesses through programming during this time. we are also making sure that businesses that create shared spaces in the parking lane, some of those need to be moved out of the way while the utility work is done underneath them. we are making sure that we will either move those platforms and outdoor eating areas back as they were, or help local merchants rebuild them so that we are not adding to the burden of local businesses and that we help everyone recover in this challenging time. >> quite right. finally, many of the sfmta vision zero quick build projects have been well received. can you talk about the evans street project? >> one of the things we did during covid was dramatically expand the rate of what we call quick build projects, which are fast-moving projects using simple and cheap materials in
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order to redesign streets and test out new ideas and see how they work, as well as get a lot of feedback from community before moving into a larger capital project that converts all of that plastic stuff into concrete and trees and, you know, curb extensions. what we have been finding is that our quick build safety projects are able to cut severe injury and fatalities between 25 and 75%, depending upon the location on the techniques that we use. so we are targeting streets that have the highest rate of traffic crashes, particularly injury crashes and fatalities. we focused on evans, which is really important connector for all modes of transportation between the bayview and the central neighborhoods of san francisco. also a street with a terrible track record of severe crashes. on evans, what we are doing,
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again using paint and plastic posts for the time being, is taking the lanes that are out there right now, and converting them to one lane in each direction plus turn pockets. what we found on streets like valencia or south bend this, or -- south van nass, is a street with one lane in each direction plus a term pocket can move just as much traffic as a street with two lanes in each direction. left turning vehicles mean the two lanes of traffic are never really available for through traffic. these road diets that we do have been tremendously effective for improving safety outcomes for all road users, without exacerbating traffic. they do make all cars slow down to the speed of the most prudent driver. this week we are getting started in partnership with the department of public works on
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work to restripe all of evans between third and cesar chavez, and as part of this work will be collecting a lot of data, talking to industrial users in the industrial district and talking to folks in the bayview commercial district and in the mission about how it is working. we will make some adjustments along the way and if it is successful, then we will start another project that is more capital-intensive to make it permanent. if it is not successful, we will turn it back the way that it was, having spent very little money. >> thank you so much. i really appreciate you coming on the show. thank you for the time you have given us today. >> it has been great being here. thank you so much. >> that is it for this episode. we will be back shortly. you have been watching san francisco rising. thank you for watching. [♪♪♪]
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the tenderloin is home to families, immigrants, seniors, merchants, workers and the housed and unhoused who all deserve a thriving neighborhood to call home. the tenderloin initiative was launched to improve safety, reduce crime, connect people to services and increase investments in the neighborhood. as city and community-based partners, we work daily to make these changes a reality. we invite you to the tenderloin history, inclusivity make this neighborhood special. >> we're all citizens of san francisco and we deserve food, water, shelter, all of those things that any system would. >> what i find the most fulfilling about being in the tenderloin is that it's really basically a big family here and i love working and living here. >> [speaking foreign language]
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>> my hopes and dreams for the tenderloin are what any other community organizer would want for their community, safe, clean streets for everyone and good operating conditions for small businesses. >> everything in the tenderloin is very good. the food is very good. if you go to any restaurant in san francisco, you will feel like oh, wow, the food is great. the people are nice. >> it is a place where it embraces all walks of life and different cultures. so this is the soul of the tenderloin. it's really welcoming. the. >> the tenderloin is so full of color and so full of people.
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so with all of us being together and making it feel very safe is challenging, but we are working on it and we are getting there. dev mission's goal is aiming to train young adults, youth so we can be a wealth and disparity in underserved communities like where we are today. my name is leo sosa. i'm the founder and executive director for devmission. we're sitting inside a computer lab where residents come and get support when they give help
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about how to set up an e-mail account. how to order prescriptions online. create a résumé. we are also now paying attention to provide tech support. we have collaborated with the san francisco mayor's office and the department of technology to implement a broad band network for the residents here so they can have free internet access. we have partnered with community technology networks to provide computer classes to the seniors and the residents. so this computer lab becomes a hub for the community to learn how to use technology, but that's the parents and the adults. we have been able to identify what we call a stem date. the acronym is science technology engineering and math. kids should be exposed no matter what type of background or ethnicity or income status. that's where we actually create magic. >> something that the kids are
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really excited about is science and so the way that we execute that is through making slime. and as fun as it is, it's still a chemical reaction and you start to understand that with the materials that you need to make the slime. >> they love adding their little twists to everything. it's just a place for them to experiment and that's really what we want. >> i see. >> really what the excitement behind that is that you're making something. >> logs, legos, sumo box, art, drawing, computers, mine craft, and really it's just awaking opportunity. >> keeping their attention is like one of the biggest challenges that we do have because, you know, they're kids. they always want to be doing something, be helping with something. so we just let them be themselves. we have our set of rules in place that we have that we want them to follow and live up to. and we also have our set of
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expectations that we want them to achieve. this is like my first year officially working with kids. and definitely i've had moments where they're not getting something. they don't really understand it and you're trying to just talk to them in a way that they can make it work teaching them in different ways how they can get the light bulb to go off and i've seen it first-hand and it makes me so happy when it does go off because it's like, wow, i helped them understand this concept. >> i love playing games and i love having fun with my friends playing dodge ball and a lot of things that i like. it's really cool. >> they don't give you a lot of cheese to put on there, do they? you've got like a little bit left. >> we learn programming to make them work.
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we do computers and programming. at the bottom here, we talk to them and we press these buttons to make it go. and this is to turn it off. and this is to make it control on its own. if you press this twice, it can do any type of tricks. like you can move it like this and it moves. it actually can go like this. >> like, wow, they're just absorbing everything. so it definitely is a wholehearted moment that i love experiencing. >> the realities right now, 5.3
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latinos working in tech and about 6.7 african americans working in tech. and, of course, those tech companies are funders. so i continue to work really hard with them to close that gap and work with the san francisco unified school district so juniors and seniors come to our program, so kids come to our stem hub and be exposed to all those things. it's a big challenge. >> we have a couple of other providers here on site, but we've all just been trying to work together and let the kids move around from each department. some kids are comfortable with their admission, but if they want to jump in with city of dreams or hunter's point, we just try to collaborate to provide the best opportunity in the community. >> devmission has provided services on westbrook. they teach you how to code.
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how to build their own mini robot to providing access for the youth to partnerships with adobe and sony and google and twitter. and so devmission has definitely brought access for our families to resources that our residents may or may not have been able to access in the past. >> the san francisco house and development corporation gave us the grant to implement this program. it hasn't been easy, but we have been able to see now some of the success stories of some of those kids that have been able to take the opportunity and continue to grow within their education and eventually become a very successful citizen. >> so the computer lab, they're doing the backpacks. i don't know if you're going to be able to do the class. you still want to try? . yeah. go for it. >> we have a young man by the
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name of ivan mello. he came here two and a half years ago to be part of our digital arts music lab. graduating with natural, fruity loops, rhymes. all of our music lyrics are clean. he came as an intern, and now he's running the program. that just tells you, we are only creating opportunities and there's a young man by the name of eduardo ramirez. he tells the barber, what's that flyer? and he says it's a program that teaches you computers and art. and i still remember the day he walked in there with a baseball cap, full of tattoos. nice clean hair cut. i want to learn how to use computers. graduated from the program and he wanted to work in i.t.. well, eduardo is a dreamer. right.
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so trying to find him a job in the tech industry was very challenging, but that didn't stop him. through the effort of the office of economic work force and the grant i reached out to a few folks i know. post mates decided to bring him on board regardless of his legal status. he ended his internship at post mates and now is at hudacity. that is the power of what technology does for young people that want to become part of the tech industry. what we've been doing, it's very innovative. helping kids k-12, transitional age youth, families, parents, communities, understand and to be exposed to stem subjects. imagine if that mission one day can be in every affordable housing community. the opportunities that we would
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create and that's what i'm trying to do with this
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