tv Health Commission SFGTV June 26, 2022 3:00am-7:01am PDT
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>> clerk: sorry, commissioners. i'm calling the roll. [roll call] >> clerk: i have a script that i will read now before we move on. good afternoon and welcome to the june 21 san francisco health commission meeting. this meeting is being held in hybrid format, with the meeting occurring in person at 101 grove street, broadcast live on
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sfgovtv, available also to view on webex or to listen by calling 415-655-0003. before we begin, i would like to remind all individuals present and attending the meeting in person today that all meeting protocols must be adhered to at all times. this including wearing a mask at all times during the hearing, including when you speak. we appreciate everyone's compliance in this. hand sanitizer is available at the entrance. there will be an opportunity for general public comment towards the beginning of the meeting, and there will also be opportunity to comment on each discussion or action item on the agenda. each comment is limited to three minutes. public comment will be taken both in person and through
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call-in. for each item, the commission will take public comment from meeting in person and then remote calling-in. instructions for calling in remotely can be found on page four of the agenda. please note that legislation prohibits notifying any single commissioner out for comments. >> it is time for the ramaytush ohlone land acknowledgement. the san francisco health commission acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral
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homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land, and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors, elders, and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their saffron rights as first peoples. next on the agenda is item 2, approval of the minutes of the health commission meeting of june 7, 2022. do i have any corrections or
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notes or, if not, i need a motion and a second. can we take public comment. >> clerk: are there any members of the public who wish to make public comment at this time? and commissioners, a reminder that i'm going to wait about 30 seconds to make sure that the folks on sfgovtv are caught up. okay. it looks like there's no hands, commissioners. >> all right. we can proceed to a roll call vote. [roll call] >> clerk: thank you. the item passes. >> our next item is the director's report. we have director of health, dr. grant colfax. >> good afternoon, director bernal. dr. grant colfax, department of health. some items to review and report for the director's report. i was pleased to join mayor
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london breed, the d.p.h. team, the san francisco health department for a new opening of a project for those with addiction and mental health problems. this is a new 75-bed facility that provides wraparound services designed to aid the transition to independent living after deals with the justice system. it deals with case management, medication management, and support recovery groups. it supports recovery through group therapy, peer support, and medication assisted treatment for substance use
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disorders. a really great project putting 75 beds and making 75 beds available, again, for adults in the criminal justice system who have behavioral health disorder. the next item on the director's report is an update on monkey pox, and dr. bada will provide an update in just a minute after i go over some items. just to remind the commission that we have the agricultural commission, cree morgan, and his direction in the environmental inspection branch. during a routine inspection of the fedex branch in san francisco, these investigators were investigating a shipment of plants from the state of
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florida. among inspection of the plants, live suspect pests were found on the underside of the plant leaves. samples were submitted to the territory, and two pests were identified. a notice of reduction was issued for violating the california food and agriculture code, and this is just one example of the very important work of our inspectors that they do to protect san francisco from unwanted pests, including from other states. also, pleased to announce new grant funding to the d.p.h. maternal child and adolescent health program, which launched an intraagency collaborative council to center authentic
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engagement of youth improvements with an emphasis on youth and families from historically excluded families. it's a collaborative that is meaningfully and financially sustainable beyond the grand funded period and build data capacity of the collaborative to better understand the needs of families in san francisco. so really good progress there. finally, just to let the commission know that there -- we continue with our focus on trauma informed systems of care and, in fact, there's a training that was held on -- or that will be held on june 27, an introduction to mindfulness training by our own janay johnson, our program innovation leader. and i do have an update on
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covid, as well, but wanted to turn over the monkeypox update to our current acting health officer, as well. dr. susan philip is on a well deserved break. doctor, i'll turn it over to you. thank you. >> thank you, director colfax. i just wanted to provide the health department update on our monkeypox issue. we do have a dedicated health team working on the monkeypox issue, and that's been working since the beginning of the month. the total worldwide cases are topping 2500. they're at 2,580. in california, there's 37 -- 32, and in san francisco, there's a total of seven cases.
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the vast majority of cases are in cis men who have sex with men. several california cases have been reported from having sex at bath houses in california, so that's another important piece of information that we're getting out to the public. our outreach includes information on vaccination, treatment, and protection. we want to assure that there's effective, accurate, and culturally reflective messaging for communities, and establishing and maintaining readiness for delivering medical counter measures, including vaccination as well as treatment when available. and then, we want to maintain equity and rights as well as
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evidence-based approaches. we have initiated testing and contact tracing, and the department is making sure that all individuals are interviewed in a timely measure and that contacts are interviewed in a timely manner. we are also implementing vaccine right now for post exposure prophylaxis. there is a public awareness campaign in advance of pride, and it is a key strategy. this includes outreach to lgbtq and other organizations as well as other materials that are available on our website,
3:12 am we are fielding many questions from clinician as they come in, and we are -- clinicians as they come in, and we are establishing treatment at sfgh. we are working on establishing a team for what those efforts should look like and what they will look like in the future. we know that the next few weeks coming into pride will be very important. next slide, please. here are a look at some of our resources. there's city clinic that people can go to, and there's info for community there, and then, or ccdp website has some information for providers. so stop there, and happy to answer any questions. >> commissioners, any comments
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or questions for dr. baba? all right. seeing none, well, thank you for that update. it's particularly important, as you stated, going into pride weekend, so appreciate very much your bringing this all to your attention and to those who may be watching. we can move to our next item, which is -- or do we have public comment on this? >> clerk: first on the line, if you'd like to make comment on the director's report, item 3, press star, three to raise your hand. oh, and actually, commissioner giraudo just raised her hand. >> commissioner giraudo? >> thank you. director colfax, i have just a couple of questions. the first is on the grant award to the m.c. -- the maternal child health grant. are we going to see more
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concrete goals defined other than building a collaborative that's meaningfully and financially sustainable? >> thank you, commissioner, for the question. i'm going to refer the question to hali hammer, who oversees the collaborative. the caveat is dr. hammer just returned from break, so if she's not able to answer your question, she'll get you answers as soon as possible. dr. hammer, please respond to dr. giraudo's question. >> yes, thank you, dr. colfax, and dr. giraudo, i will get you more specific information about the mcah grant in the next couple of days. >> thank you. my next question, i think the
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vaccine program is great. i'm also working with a different ambassador program, and it's been very successful. my question is what are the specific areas that the ambassadors will target with the vaccine information? >> thank you for the question, commissioner giraudo, and i can't see everybody -- >> dr. colfax, i can answer. >> okay. thank you, dr. baba. dr. baba, it sounds like she has an answer for your question. >> the vaccine was focused on foster youth because that's where we found was a deep gap. there were focus groups about what potentially were barriers to getting vaccinated, and ucsf and their prime medical students came in on how to
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develop a program for the foster youth to get information out. so that's where it stands right now. we know that especially now, a lot of the covid hesitancy, it's going to be a long game and having members of the community speak individually, and it might take several months to a long time, but this is a really innovative program, and we look forward to reporting more about it in the future. >> i appreciate it. the information would be great, because yeah, i do see it as very innovative. thank you. >> thank you. and commissioner chow has his hand up, as well. >> commissioner chow? >> yes, and this is more i think to director colfax. recently, there has been information in the papers concerning the closure of the tenderloin center. its success was highlighted as
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much as you had reported last month or last meeting that hundreds of people were using that center. so you've talked about new beds, so i'm just thinking, where in fact are those services going to go? hopefully, it's not just a pilot that goes away, and then, we create more different pilots, but that we're able to take the opportunity from the experience and transport it or have it transported to that level of one-stop shop that seems to be successful for the person that you've seen. >> thank you, dr. chow, for that question. so just to also emphasize, the project is part of the
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expansion of the many beds -- our capacity is part of mental health s.f., and work continues in that regard. as you pointed out, the tenderloin center is now in the current proposed budget. the tenderloin center is budgeted to continue to january 1 of 2023, dr. hillary bonitz and the behavioral health team are continuing to work to determine what the next iteration of services will look like. this will potentially include -- as you know, we've been working hard with other stakeholders in the community on safe consumption sites and working to possibly establish those where people can go to receive safe harm reduction supplies and use.
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we're having conversations about what other facilities and options there may be starting in january 2023, which is the day where the tenderloin center is budgeted to, so i'm happy to have dr. clemens come back to the commission to present on the services that the center continues to provide because it has prevented many overdoses since it has come into assistance. >> i think it would be nice to get further updates and how the lessons learned from the tenderloin center will also get carried out, so i appreciate that very much, director. thank you. >> commissioners, any other comments or questions? if not, we'll move into the
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covid-19 update. back to director of health, dr. grant colfax. >> thank you, president bernal, and thank you again, commissioners. just a quick update on the covid-19 status in our city. next slide, please. you are familiar with the formatting of these slides, so i will run through them relatively quickly. as you know, our swell of cases continues, cases that recently levelled off. they've been bouncing between about 55 and 50 cases per 100,000. you see our latest data point is at 49.8 per 100,000. remember, the caveat here is this only represents cases reported by our testing providers and do not represent the home testing kits, which is one of the reasons that we're filing hospitalizations as the
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metric going forward and i.c.u. admissions especially. next slide. you can see that we had over 100 -- 100 -- 150,000 cases of covid-19 reported. unfortunately, we've had 897 confirmed deaths due to covid-19, and certainly, this is really tragic, and our condolences to the families of the loved ones that have died from covid-19. next slide. you can see on the far right of this slide, the more recent peak of unfortunate deaths peaking at 74, consistent with omicron surge, and deaths have fallen since then. and of course, remember, there's delays with reporting
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deaths, so the numbers will go up as cases are confirmed and reported. next slide. case rates by vaccination status, very, very, very high by people who remain in san francisco. nearly four times the rate of people who have received their initial vaccine series. next slide, please. our hospitalizations, we've peaked at just about 100 hospitalizations in the city, and this includes all hospitalizations, including representing between 30 and 40% of our hospitalized cases are out of jurisdiction. and remember, in addition, these cases represent the total number of people with covid in the hospital even if they've been admitted for noncovid related cases.
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so you can see that these numbers have levels off. the numbers are still high. they've been between 85 and 100 the last couple weeks. next slide. in terms of vaccine administration, you can see we're stable here, in terms of 84% of the population has had their vaccination completed, and you can see our booster rates remain extremely high. and among our five-to-11-year-olds, extremely high. 85% have completed an initial series. next slide. in terms of the booster, all people who are eligible for a booster dose, we've boosted nearly three-quarters of people, and you can see those people increasing percentage when broken-down by age with
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85% 65 or over. next slide. >> clerk: excuse me, director. i apologize. it's time for the two of you to walk over. >> okay. thank you. i will just finish up to say that this is a big day. c.d.c. and f.d.a. have authorized children as young as six months old to start getting vaccinated today. we have about 40,000 children in that age group. you can see the posters that we've created and are sharing with our partners. they will be shared with the providers and pediatricians, and we're working across the city to ensure that six months to four-year-olds know where to get the vaccine and get the vaccine as quickly as possible.
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and you'll excuse me. dr. baba will be sitting in for me when i have to exit to the mayor's office for just a bit. thank you, commissioners. >> clerk: and as a note, commissioner bernal is leaving temporarily. a quorum is lost for the health commission, and for the time being, this meeting continues as an information session. no decisions can be made without a quorum, but the meeting can continue. just want to make sure i clarify that with everyone. dr. baba, is there anymore information? >> i think that was the end [indiscernible]. >> clerk: commissioners, any questions? it looks like commissioner chow has his hand up. >> thank you. i'm wondering, as we're looking at the data in regards to booster doses, and i know it's rather difficult probably to
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work on this, but is there any information about the fourth booster and how well that is going in the population? obviously, we don't know what the denominator is, i guess, but at one point, there was some discussion that there would be the ability to track the update of the fourth booster. >> [indiscernible] there we go. so yes, you are correct. the team is working on this. as you're saying, the data is a lot more disburse, given that the information is not quite as consolidated as it has been in previous vaccines and boosters, but we are looking at getting some updated data in the coming
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weeks. >> and i assume we will be following how well the over five block are doing? >> and i believe the team does have the data set up to be able to gather that. we are anticipating, but we'll see how this works, that most people will be going to their pediatric to get information as well as vaccinated there, but all of our sites are going to be offering this vaccine, so we'll see what the vaccine is, but yes, there are systems in place to try to track that. >> your public announcement or at least advisory to physicians indicate that physicians were being challenged, and i imagine that's the pfizer vaccine, that the department was making some sort of arrangements. what would that be in terms of physicians that might be
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challenged that don't necessarily have the pfizer and don't have the moderna? >> i think it was the barriers. was it a storage barrier or was it other barriers in terms of trying to get the vaccine on sight and really working at the individual clinician level to see if there were other barriers that could be overcome. i think this was with respect to the age group. the team has been working very diligently to see if there are some barriers. the team can definitely work with the state to ensure that vaccines go to local pediatricians, as well. >> very good. i'm sure we'll be brought up to
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date on subsequent reports. thank you. >> and i also see dr. green with her hand up. >> yeah. in terms of what dr. colfax was saying, we've gotten a lot of vaccine hesitancy from the under fives, given the idea of order of vaccines and how many to give at once has been confusing for some people. i guess i have two questions. the first would be, can you read anything into what our probable uptake would be, based on the side of the older group of children. and then, i realize the uptake may be quite haphazard and unpredictable, and we may get delivered an unknown number of vaccines, more like a clinic than an office, and we may
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waste a number of vaccines just because we don't know what the needs will be. so i wonder if anyone has figured out how to best distribute doses so we don't waste doses but we also have them available. and the third thing is are we arming pediatricians to address any potential vaccine hesitancy? >> yeah, thank you for all of those questions. in terms of trying to figure out demand, san francisco has more of a demand than other parts of the country. now will that translate into the 80 to 90% of older age groups that we've been seeing, we'll have to wait and see. you point to this idea that how do you ensure that you're getting the right flow of
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vaccine to meet the demand? that's really tricky. i think right now, we have right now, the amount of vaccine coming into san francisco will meet the demand, but we'll have to see week by week if the vaccine demand goes down and match our orders do that. and i apologize. what was the last point? >> i think it was what are we doing to give pediatricians to deal with vaccine hesitancy. the correlation is a lot of families had covid very recently, since the beginning of this year, and so do we have advice to give to people when a family had it in january? what do we say about they should give their three-year-old a vaccine in july? >> right, and i think this is where these individual discussions, because this is where you mentioned the timeline is going to be varying
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across many different families, and so that's why the individual discussion is so important. we have clinicians that are helping provide technical assistance as needed, and we do send out health advisories as needed, but i think it will be as we get questions from clinicians, developing those f.a.q.s and hearing from the ground itself. i think some of the things that you're saying, we can preempt, but until the vaccine is out, we'll have to see where we can potentially help with some of those answers. >> great. because i think it is confusing for some of the clinicians because people think with omicron, once they've had it -- there's confusion over whether you've already had the disease
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since, let's say, december of 2021, so the more you can provide on that, the better. >> thank you for that. >> any other questions -- oh, i'm sorry. commissioner greene, i didn't mean to interrupt you -- >> no, that's all right. we can go to general public comment. >> clerk: if you're on the line and you'd like to make comment, press star, three. again, that's star, three, and i will wait about 30 seconds. all right. i don't see a hand, commissioners, so i believe we can move onto the next item. >> all right.
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gender health san francisco update. >> clerk: jenna, please pull the slide update for item 6. great. thanks, kenya. >> good afternoon, health commissioners, dr. baba. great. thank you. good afternoon, health commissioners, dr. baba. i'm jenna rapues. i'm the director of gender health s.f. what a great time to provide an update with pride march on sunday and some of the month's pride celebrations. i am joined by some of my colleagues, barry zephen, and
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we'll cover some of the program metrics. just a little bit about gender health s.f. before i dive into the presentation itself. we were established in 2013 by the san francisco department of public health to provide access to gender affirming surgeries and services to eligible uninsured trans and nonbinary individuals in san francisco. i do want to take a note that we are a program of behavioral health services, and as part of the package that we all sent to the health commissioners, one of them is an updated program brochure that provides updates information around our program and services which covers
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eligibility, services, and the peer navigation services program. we covered three stories, which unfortunately we won't be able to premier because of technical difficulties, but we encourage people to watch them. last but not least is some of the evaluation efforts around health care access around some of the people that we serve as well as navigation services. next slide.
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so one of the things that i really want to highlight as part of our program as gender health is we are peer led, and we provide peer services that are congruent. how do we provide services for a population that has been traumatized? we become essentially the program that really coordinates with all the systems of care in our public health system to ensure that patients have access to good health care but also access to surgical access. we have patients that count on
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us who are referred through primary health teams, so our patients are not just patients that have come through the program and are referred but also the coordinating care with all the systems of providers that makes sure that trans folks get the support that they need to to ensure good outcomes. next slide. this is a really good diagram that highlights our priorities. the board of supervisors recognizes that transition related care is medically necessary, and that was back in 2012, and that's actually ten years from now, so really, when we think about when we started as a program, it really highlights our tenth year anniversary in terms of where we came from and where we are today. i also want to point out that when we started, it was a
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collaboration between various stakeholders but really something that provides a sense of support for folks and it was something that the community members advocates for. it's -- advocated for. it's not just hiv. i came in in 2018 at the program. really, my role, when i first came in was really to really build the peer navigation
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service at gender health s.f. so much of our work because we do land in traender health services is gender and non -- transgender health services is -- in 2020, as we all know, we experienced covid, and in march, we went into shelter and place and really pivoted our navigation services to remote telehealth navigation services, so during that year, we were quite a busy year in 2020. we migrated over to epic e.h.r., and that really allowed us to integrate our services and data with our host system
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and really wraparound care for our patient population. as you can see in 2021, we had new staff, particularly a clinical director that joined us and a new practice manager. and 2022 really, again, signifies the tenth anniversary of our program, really highlights some of the things that are important to the program, such as reevaluating the way that we hire and frame living experience of our staff and living system. there has been a lot of effort and work that has been done to advocate and look at trans and nonbinary lived experiences in our hiring practice with h.r. similarly, that same year, we had our lead patient navigator, karen aguilar, who was promoted into a lead national navigator
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position. in the value, we'll be really busy with this collaborating with castro mission health center. the idea is really land be able to be accessible to patient populations. last but not least, we're going to have a physician that's part of ending the hiv epidemic, peer opposition navigation, to really lend in this idea of folks that have been referred for care or access to gender health s.f. next slide. so much what i'm talking about
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is this idea and concept of a unique program to the department, which is integrated system wide access for trans and nonbinary folks. a couple of things that i really highlighted was culturally congruent care for the population. it's important because trans and nonbinary folks have had issues with being able to trust their providers, so we have folks that they can connect to and lead them through surgery access. as mentioned earlier, a bit of the work that we do through b.h.s. and workforce act is service development for trans and nonbinary folks, so we're not just providing navigation services for patients that have been referred to us but also
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providing workforce development for folks who have come in who are from the community and are able to be hired as peers and do really employable work stills in the public health setting. so much of our work is in behavioral and public health, so there's primary care and beverly health to unsure -- ensure that patients get the wraparound services that they need. we provide presurgical assessments and supports, and we do this to ensure they're able to navigate surgery access in a supportive environment. last but not least, so much of
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our work lands in education and surgery access. so much of our work is provide peer health education and really changing the systems of compare and the ways that we support trans and nonbinary folks through the system. next slide. so i always think about -- when i think about the heart and soul of our program, it really is where the patients get the support that guides them through the process of accessing health care. so much of that is being able to connect on a one-to-one basis, patients who may feel daunted by the complex nature of our health care system, particularly with health care
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and insurance having someone from point of referral and postsurgery and after surgery does affect the outcomes that transpeople have with their surgeries. and last but not least, assisting and assuring patients before and after surgery, so just having that one-on-one contact with someone who's going to be their advocate through the process. next slide. and this is the slide that i'm going to have seth talk about. >> good afternoon. thank you for having me here.
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my name is seth pardo. it is a pleasure and honor to continue to collaborate with jenna rapues on gender health s.f. i'll speak a little bit more about the breakdown per year of the program, but far as demographics go, the program, when compared to the 2015 u.s. trans survey, which is the only other national sample we have for this population, we can see the difference that is served here by the department of public health compared to a sample that are surveyed nationally. our population compared to usts
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is mostly trans women, people of color who are really to middle age, educated less than a high school diploma. most of them are unstably housed and have some degree of -- a significant degree of underemployment or unemployment. next slide, please. when looking at the gender health s.f. surgeries and surgery completions in the year since the program's inception, we can see a steady trend, mostly flat, starting in 2014 through 2016. in 2017, new staff was hired toward the end of 2017. that's jenna right there. and some of the staff in 2019 left for permanent positions both in the department of public health or, in one or two cases, the staff had some term limits on their employment as
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peers, so they went onto other opportunities, but it's really important to note that the peer staff that have come through gender health s.f., because of their opportunities through the program, were able to find permanent employment elsewhere in this program, which is a key part of this program and its workforce development. in 2020, as jenna mentioned and as we all know, covid showed up on the scene, and what i want to point out on this slide is where most places closed down or we had shelter in place orders, gender health s.f. did not. we saw to the completion of 182 surgeries during that on set of covid and still fielded about 130 referrals. once they brought on a field director and manager, their capacity increased again back
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to more average lefrl. they went back up to -- level. they went back up to 191 referrals and 130 surgeries. next slide, please. the next two slides breakdown the number of surgery referrals by femininizing or masculinizing the type. they go back to 2021. the average referrals received annually total about 188. that is a significant number of referrals for any clinic, and these are not just any
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when compared to the national sample that i mentioned before, at program intake, based on the program intake, the patients reported better overall health, and we used a brief survey from the w.h.o. the patients on average reported better overall health than the national sample, less psychological distress, less alcohol and tobacco use, but more cannabis use than the national sample. next slide, please. when we established this program evaluation, we were very clear on the outcome that we wanted, and we were
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primarily interested in their quality of life, and we saw that these data are, for 855 unduplicated patients served, these are based on about 155 qualitative interviews conducts over the course of these years, since 2016, so that comes out to about 18% of the unduplicated surgeries served. those were significant in terms of statistical significance, not just felt importance. also improved quantitatively but not statistically significant mathematically, we saw lower distress and better social quality in their lives.
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next slide, please. this is my favorite part. we have a qualitative portion of our program evaluation, and i'm going to read some of the feedback that we experienced. in terms of the care quality, a majority of those had reflections that commented on how the surgeons and staff for those who we worked with for those within the department services and those that we contract with outside of our network are respectful, affirming, and attentive to the needs of our patients. for example, somebody said, this was an interview conducted in spanish, to be truthful, they help you from the beginning to the end of my experience. from the beginning of the program to the time i left the hospital, i have nothing to say
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but thank you. one of the challenges in the care quality, which i'll speak to again in a moment, was that dates were moved frequently, particularly during covid, when hospitals were prioritizing the most ill. despite these surgeries as being medically necessary, for those who had been waiting for more than two years for these appointments, having any date postponed multiple times is a real challenge to their emotional, financial, and relational examples. for example, my surgeries were moved four times, i think. i had prepared everything for my surgery dates, and i had to ask permission in my job, and then, when they cancelled the surgery, i wasn't going to have permission for a new date, so the impact is serious. some patients felt that they
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were discharged from the hospital too quickly, but overall, a majority of those felt that the surgeons and the care staff met their needs. despite the intense challenges of the covid-19 pandemic, the gender health s.f. program has maintained a high level of support for community members who face multiple forms of oppression. there were a minority of patients who were dissatisfied, and their dissatisfaction was rooted in the wish to have more contact with their navigators. but as we know, during 2020 and 2021, that was a very difficult challenge. some of the patients reflected that they felt that their staff at gender health s.f. were over worked or understaffed in general, and they wanted a more follow through and a faster follow through.
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that is a general answer that we received in 2020 and 2021, but i shared it here to reflect the feedback. i'll share some of our feedbacks that we liked best: it's so nice to have that firsthand experience. my navigator was invaluable in having to push things through to get it covered through insurance. it was so nice not to do it myself. there's a whole system set up. my counselors know what paperwork to submit, my gender health s.f. navigator knows what i'm going through and that i don't have to go through it alone.
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the support is so nice. another patient says, thank you to the san francisco health plan, gender health s.f., and lion martin. this is so important to me. you really cared for me and helped my dream come true. if you didn't help me, no one else would have. when i was in hospital, i was crying. i was so happy to see these dreams come true in my life. i know it's step by step and not immediate, but it's one surgery here and one surgery there, and you have to give it time. but i'm happy because without gender s.f., it would not have happened. i'm so glad that gender health s.f. exists. you make a big difference in our lives. most of what patients like best is that the surgery was even able to take place. most said i cannot have even
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having had this opportunity without gender health s.f. the moral and emotional support from the navigators is bar none. with that, i'll hand it back to jenna. >> thank you, seth. next slide. so i'm just going to highlight some challenges and needs of the program. as i mentioned earlier, there's a lens of, like, advocacy in our program, and one of the things that we're advocating right now and thinking through is for folks thinking about genital surgeries, that causes sterilization, is fertility
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navigation for folks. that is a major issue when folks are thinking to have sterilizing surgeries and cannot have access to medically necessary fertility preservation because there's a host of medical discriminatory practices not allowing these folks to have access to those options. the next two challenges and needs, they kind of relate
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together, the out-of-network surgical providers and access. one of the providers that we work with, the san francisco health plan, so ensure coverage for medically ensured folks to have access to covered surgeries, many of the surgeons that we contract with are out of network. they're good, but it causes programs in care, so i think that has been a barrier, and also, costs, too. i just want to put that out there, and so much of that is related to the hope and the wish that we have to build surgery network and access at
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zsfg. the other challenging need is healthy san francisco limitations, so just want to put that out there. our patient populations that utilize gender health s.f. are of latina and latinx. when you think about the cost of surgeries and then the facility fees and, you know, revisions and complications that may arise out of surgery, that's about $100,000 for individuals just to have, for example, vaginoplasty. so when you think about having to manage a small pot of money for a large group of folks to access surgeries, we've had to
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create an extensive wait list to utilize the program. similarly, the budget hasn't increased with the demand over the past ten years. it's something that we're truly reflecting on and how to manage, and last but not least, it's support around utility management with health s.f. program. we are charged with, you know, managing the $350,000, but again, we are a small program and department, and just trying to maximize our efforts given the demand of our h.s.f. participants. the other thing is we talk so much about this idea of workforce development for trans and nonbinary folks, but what does it mean for me or particularly for us when we've had peer navigators who have been with our program for two
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or three years, gone through our skills development program to be employment in our system. so much of what we envision is a pipeline to the city services. that hasn't materialized, but that's what we would hope would develop as part of our work with gender health s.f. i mentioned h.r. and just how to figure out lived experiences for gender and nonbinary folks. we know it's important to have culturally congruent programs for different folks to ensure good outcomes. so much of our work is really trying to partner with h.r., trying to figure out how we can create really special conditions, trying to
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areas and research that can be developed if we had the supports and capacity to do so and be a leader in gender and transgender health nationally and internationally, as well. next slide. so to close out our presentation, initially, we were going to show a digital story video of jazmine g. jazmine is a patient of our program. her quote is transition is ageless. what matters is that i am. i continue living m -- in my truth. we are going to be continuing these presentations at pride. so important around the stories. they're important about who we
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are and experiences. part of the stories that we embarked on this year was one in english and one in spanish to ensure that we have a fair amount of folks and their voices. since we couldn't provide the video, we're going to leave fans for the commissioners. happy pride, everyone. >> thank you so much. we'll make sure the commissioners get them. >> thank you. happy pride. >> before we go into the
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commissioner comments, can we go into public comment. >> clerk: yes, we have one person on the line. remember to press star, three to make public comment. i don't see any hands, commissioners, but i do see that commissioner greene has her hand up? >> commissioner greene? >> well, first of all, this was such an impressive presentation, and to look back at what you've accomplished in ten years is nothing short of remarkable. just looking at what san francisco does best is bringing peers to support one another, and the vision of where the program is and where it's going to be taken is really
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commendable. in particular, i wanted to ask about the pipeline and you mentioned the people that have been put off from surgery. can you give us a sense of the number of people that are not only ready for surgery, and how you face those bottle necks, but how you help them to stay kind of grounded. never mind the complexities of what you're dealing with, do you have a program or how do you think about that, and can you give us a little more information about whether the barriers are actually physicians able to do the procedures or plans willing to pay for them or procedures in terms of the manpower you have, can you bring individuals into your program and give them the
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full benefit of your skills and ability? >> yes, thank you so much, dr. greene, and excellent question. b.m.i. and smoking are main considerations for moving forward with surgeries, and so much of what we do are ensuring that we wraparound care. so much of what we do is not just access but ensuring good outcomes. what we do is coordinating with referring physicians and providers to make sure that there's a plan for their recovery, that they're -- you know, particularly for our
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higher needs patients, we have a clinician along with the peer navigator, so we're able to do so. along that, we wrap them so that they're kind of walked along the path of surgery. >> and do you have any specific programs for younger adults and teens? do you have any programs for those or particular resources geared to the particular challenges they face? >> excellent question. we have standards of care that we follow to ensure that folks meet the criteria to be
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referred to our program. i'm with the child and adolescent youth centers, and what they do is work with folks 12 and under to provide clinical consultation and supports for families and for young individuals who are thinking about medical transition. there's a lot of considerations for younger folks, right? particularly with folks who might need to move in with parents or guardians
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use of peers, as you pointed out, is one of the great things to bring about confidence and acceptance of people seeking these services. so i actually was curious about the surgical intervention. we've been looking at zsfg to build this out in-house, but it doesn't look like this has happened or perhaps you could tell us in the last ten years what has happened because it sounds like you're still using outside providers for this, so that would be my first
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question. my second question actually relates to what your actual overall budget is for staff and how many people actually work at the center, which is, i guess, moving, and whether it's moving from san francisco general to castro mission, whether that's good for those who don't want to identify in the castro mission. [indiscernible]. >> thanks. so at san francisco general, the breast and chest surgeries are done, hysterectomies, are
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done there. other surgeries, vaginoplasty, and facial femininization surgeries and masculinization surgeries are done there. the rest are done with a range of specialized surgeons that are out of our network and the ucsf network. the other surgeries that we're doing are gender affirming surgeries, and those are out of
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network. challenge of san francisco general is complicated. it has to do with o.r. rooms and o.r. staffing. it has to do with the expertise of the surgeons and the ability for them to have both clinic time and o.r. time, and as jenna said, we seemed to have some momentum building before covid. it's one of, i'm sure, a million issues in which momentum kind of stalled, and we're trying to get it going again, and i think that's what i can report on the surgeries. i agree, i would have hoped that, ten years in, we really envisioned us doing all of these surgeries within our network, budget, and i don't know what else. >> and commissioner chow, you had mentioned, what is the size of our team, and i forget the second part of that question?
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>> well, the extension of that has also been how are finances arranged? that is, especially since we're using out-of-network providers for a number of these? where are we getting the funds or are they insured, and if they're not insured, are they able to partially pay for these services? the reason that came out is you were trying to focus on the healthy san francisco allocation of several hundred thousand -- $350,000, but i wasn't sure what that was supposed to be covering, if that was supposed to cover the surgeries. so it's this kind of wondering what the financial package is and what you might be needing
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and whether or not you even have a -- well, it couldn't be -- well, i guess it would be an average cost of what an individual would need to complete their treatment for their needs so that then, they feel that they have a new completeness that just allows, like the folks said, that they can be themselves. [indiscernible]. >> so i can talk about -- a little bit about the funding for our program. so just in context, so we are a program of b.h.s., behavioral health services, and so much of our funds to support staff and operations are under the mental health services act. and again, this idea of the model that we have is part of b.h.s., and as i say, would
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increase engagement of trans folks and one of those is workforce development. in terms of how we partner with san francisco development and health contracting -- >> sure. just to clarify, the $350,000 is for uninsured patients who are eligible for healthy san francisco. it's unusual to have that thing as a carveout, and the history of that gets lost in historical budget, i'm afraid, for me. some are medi-medi, and when they go to san francisco general, they are paid for in
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the usual ways through our system. when it comes to the private surgeons, san francisco is negotiating a rate, ideally, a universal rate for that surgeon, but sometimes on a case-by-case, and that's coming out of the allocated medi-cal funds for the -- our network, and it's -- we haven't done a financial analysis for quite a few years. it's quite a lot of money, and if it was kept in the network, we felt gee, we could be doing these at san francisco general, but it's not all these other factors that oh, our time and
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staffing that become complicated and honestly beyond -- beyond my tend. but there's a lot of goodwill on trying to get that to happen. i hope that clarifies it, commissioner chow. >> commissioner chow, you're on mute. >> i'll unmute you, commissioner. sorry. >> oh, i appreciate the explanation, and understanding the historical aspect of these ten years, still understanding what is the counting the behavioral health costs, do you have an idea as to what your overall [indiscernible] for surgery -- or not for surgery but for the individual? in other words, you know, what average numbers of surgeries
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are needed for that individual and how much it may be costing? >> yeah. i don't think we have that information, commissioner chow, but we can try to get that, if that would be something that would be helpful. >> i think it's important to see what's being spent for our residents here. we're doing a very nice job in responding to their needs. certainly probably better than other major areas of the country, but just to understand the cost, i'll put that into context. we have a very large budget, but it would be helpful to know what the overall [indiscernible]. >> absolutely, and we will try to see if we can get that analysis for the health
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commission. >> okay. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> commissioners, any other questions or comments? >> i don't see any other hands, commissioners. >> well, first of all, thank you so much for this presentation. just seeing the extraordinary work that you're doing, i think i speak for the entire commission fills us with pride and gratitude, particularly from what you were able to accomplish. i think that anything we say about your work just can't compare to the gratitude that was expressed in the surveys. thank you, again. you're a model for the nation. you're part of the tradition that san francisco has in providing kplenlt care, particularly in the public arena.
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now, i'll hand it over to director colfax, who i think wants to say a few words. >> thank you, president bernal. just a -- some more deep appreciation for leadership in this room and services in terms of that have expanded the challenges and commitments. i expect in five, ten years, we will be reflecting on this day and being able to celebrate progress there. also wanted to celebrate the leadership and prior leadership of the department, barbara
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garcia and colleen chala who supported the work going on in this room. thank you very much, and thank you very much, and it makes me really proud to be in this room. >> thank you, dr. colfax. >> thank you, doctors. thank you. >> happy pride. >> thank you. >> thank you. we'll move onto our next item on the agenda, which is hiv funding overview. we have bill blum, director of hiv health services, tracey packer, director of community health equity and promotion branch, and nyisha underwood, community health equity and quality improvement manager, community health equity and promotion. i thank you all for joining us today, during our last pride month meeting, as well. >> good afternoon, everybody. can you hear me all okay?
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>> yes. >> excellent. so i'm the first of three speakers here to educate you about the hiv funding in san francisco. i just want to start with some gratitude and recognition. you're going to see, at least particularly on the care side of the house, it's been a story of initially the federal government providing the program. on the whole, the bulk of the funds have decreased, but i want to thank this health commission as well as previous health commissions. our current director of health, dr. grant colfax, as well as previous directors of health, the hiv board for all their advocacy, and frontline providers because, really, we're presenting on the work
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that they have done. i'd like to give a shoutout to house speaker pelosi. a lot of people to thank. it's kind of incredible to think of over 30 years of ryan white funding, but here we are. >> it's kenya thomas, who's doing the slides, by the way, and she's not here. >> do i just call out -- >> yes, and she'll do it. >> i'll start by apologizing. i'm in my late 50s, so my vision is not good. if i lose contact, no respect, but i'm trying to read stuff here. so you can kind of see, this is our current state of federal funding. that's our light blue line. we're currently $17 million from federal funding. state funding, we're a little
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bit less than 3.5 million. and san francisco general fund, over $22 million. and our total for hiv care services is a little over $42 million. so if you look to the right, that far graph, you can kind of see the general trend downward over the past 22 years in terms of what comes through federal funding in y.n.y. programs. i do have to say, this is the first time in 23 years we got a $300,000 bump in our ryan white funding. on the right-hand side, you can see the different categories of
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funding, kind of that top quarter there, like from a little after ten to 12 none. just shows the breakdown of the different parts of ryan white. you can see the variety of different parts to it, a, b, c, and f. next slide, please. so this is the kind of overall pluses and minuses and what's happened. and i think the key statement here is, on the left here, is thanks again to the work at a local level, there haven't been reduction in services since 2010, so we've kept the services due to peoples' hard work. this is just kind of some of the pluses that happened and then the minuses. and then, the hiv epidemic, this is a ten-year grant. san francisco is phase one. the idea is to end the epidemic, and we just got an
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announcement of our award after this presentation, so an award of $2.4 million for that for this year. a good work of my colleagues and getting to zero funds, that's happened, a lot of that goes through care contracts, hiv care contracts, and then, of course, the work of the board of supervisors to backfill the reductions as well as new funding for behavioral health for long-term survivors, which i'll talk about briefly because i understand there might be some interest in that. there was one point, about 15 years ago, now, where we took a huge hit of $9 million, and you can see there was some service categories that we were no longer able to fund, and i can talk about these, but that's also 15 years ago, and the system has adjusted to make most of these services happen in different ways. next slide, please.
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okay. so just to kind of restate it, you can see here the bar going up on the right-hand side, that orange thing kind of shows how the san francisco general fund has gone up over time, so kind of the reverse of the third slide, and then, you'll see the pie chart here just breaks out the general fund versus other funding sources. next slide, please. so this is -- i was asked to speak a little bit about mental health funding. so the way that ryan white funding works on the care side, there's different service categories, so if you look at the pie chart on your left here, you can see that about 8% of the overall funding is -- goes to mental health services, whether it's psychiatry, medical case management, short-term therapy, evaluations for different things. we're about 8%, almost $3.5 million. on the right-hand side, you can
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see locally there was a question from -- request from the community for more funding. we started in 18-19 with $500,000 that was increased to 700,000 when we got to 19-20. what we did was use existing organizations that had been using mental health therapists for a long time rather than trying to put it out to r.f.p.s. and then, we have had an additional cost of doing business. if you could switch to the next slide, it should be there. we're at a little bit -- that was a 3.2% increase, so we're at a little less than $750,000 focused on survivors of
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hiv/aids treatment services. i should give you the caveat that this is not the entire population, this is people who get services through something that's funded through public health. okay. next slide, please. this is a comparison, which i have to say, it's not a great comparison because both the numerators and denominators are different, but that said, i'm a little self-congratulatory because once you see we get people into care in d.p.h., we do a better job than the national average, which we should do. but we're about 80%, and as you see different presentations, you'll see that number fluctuate a bit, and we're happy to explain it more, but
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some differences in how these numbers are calculated. next slide, please. i think this is just to give you a sense of the services that we provide and a snapshot looking, again, ten years ago and ten years now for populations that have experienced kind of different health outcomes that ever the overall population. so you can see in the middle, upper middle area. when we look, this is providing services. in 2022, we provided services to almost 400 individuals, and medical services to 3,200 individuals. as we know, the overall hiv is an aging epidemic. you can see how much it's jumped in san francisco. i think perhaps next to the v.a. we probably have the oldest average age of people living with hiv of any
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metropolitan area. you can see it's jumped almost 8% in 2022. women, a different case in san francisco. a slight increase of about a percentage in the last ten years. people that identified as a person of color, bipoc, we have gone from almost 49% to 54%. no stable and permanent housing, from 20% up to 24%, and then, finally, people living below the poverty level, in this case, we're defining it below 200%. we have 82.9% were living with that in 2022, and we're up now to almost 86% -- i'm sorry, 2010, and we're almost 86% in 2022. okay. next slide, please, which actually is my last slide. and maybe it's going to do some magic there. it kind of looked like it had a coffee stain coming through. you see the different locations
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where we fund and we, in this case, being both funded prevention services and funds for care. when you see that color coming through, that's a distribution of folks living with hiv in san francisco. you can see very much concentrated on the east side of the city as well as kind of more towards the north. so we're actually 34 sites that provide services that we fund, but also just want to clarify that this may or may not include the hiv presentation sites. when you look at the southwest part of the city, there's ocean
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view health care, so don't want to leave people with the idea that they can't get care in certain parts of the city, and that's my presentation. i appreciate you guys staying focused. it's a hot afternoon here. >> thank you. happy to be here. >> good afternoon, commissioners and dr. colfax. pleased to be here today. i'll do sort of a matching presentation for hiv prevention funding and incorporate hiv and s.t.i.s as i talked about the committee meeting earlier this evening or whatever -- early today. so this slide shows you the hiv prevention funding in 2021, and you'll see that the majority of the funding is general funding, general funds, and that wasn't always the case. but because of some decreases in c.d.c. funding, there was
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general fund added back to support, to close those gaps. there's a core funding initiative that san francisco's received since the 90s, early 90s, 91, i believe, from c.d.c., and in the last five years, we were provided an opportunity to have a demonstration project, which we referred to as opt-in, which really focused on people experiencing homelessness and hiv prevention. it's come to its last year. it may be extended for one year, we're told by c.d.c. and as jenna said, we had the epidemic funds. there's two components. there's the general or primary funding, and some of it is reaching gender health s.f. through a peer navigator as an example, and then comp c is
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funding san francisco city clinic to integrate hiv prevention into their s.t.i. work. that is -- i see only some of the numbers there, but that's the one i need to talk about, is $450,000 comp c that's just been increased. it was initially five-year funding, but c.d.c. has just informed us that we'll have an additional five years, so that'll be ten-year funding. next slide, please. this slide shows you on the left sort of that same breakdown in general. it refers to state funding. we get very little funding for hiv. in fact, we get none for hiv prevention, but we get some for s.t.i. prevention, which is for
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hep-c funding. dr. colfax, you remember this. we were working together there. c.d.c. reoriented their formula to address disparities, to move towards equity, and they moved much of their funding, or a proportion of their funding to the south, and we said that's the right thing to do, even though san francisco lost funding from c.d.c., but the city and county and its amazing support for hiv work, backfilled that funding. we also received an increase in c.d.c. funding in 2018, both hiv and -- a decrease in c.d.c. funding in 2018, both in hiv and prevention funding, and the city backfilled that. and in 2021, that's the epidemic funding, so you'll see an increase in the bars. next slide, please.
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so this is unfortunate because i did not bring my slides, so i have to read that. thank you, mark. i really appreciate that. i almost have them memorized. so starting on the right, as i mentioned, these are aligned to mention some of the positives and strengths and some of the challenges. so ending some of the epidemics funding and comp c funding. we had a health fair in front of the library to reach people experiencing illness. we did hiv, hep-c, and monitoring and screening and covid vaccines. we did 14 vaccines today, and people can be linked to care through those health fairs, as
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well. there's recently been funding added for getting to zero, and then, of course, the backfills that we've experienced. just this july 1, there's going to be $3 million from the mayor's office that's going to be added to hiv prevention. you might know a little bit about it. we made a big shift to our hiv approach, which nyisha is going to talk about in a minute to address the inequities that we've seen persistent disproportional effects with, and there's concerns that some programs would not continue, so the mayor's office put some funds in there that will -- we will use to maintain strong, effective programs and have them focus on equity just like the health access points are that nyisha will talk about. and then, i spoke before, the
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downside, we did experience a 50% decrease in hiv prevention funding. on the left is more of a slide of what has happened the last few years. we have better hiv and hep-c testing and other huge new tools in the toolg box that we believe are contributing to a decrease in new infections. we've also been given an opportunity to integrate hiv with hep-c and s.t.i., and we've really been able to reach people with hepatitis c and s.t.i. programs, which is great, because people don't
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come for just one thing. we've also seen a need for building our workforce. jenna spoke about the workforce, and we have some new initiatives that are focused there, which is great. next slide, please. i'm not going to go over this slide in detail, but essentially, this is telling us that we are seeing a decrease in new diagnoses of hiv over
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the last several years. you will see, it looks like that pink bar goes up a little bit it is end, and it looks like more people are accessing during shelter in place, but we'll see it more when we get the 2022 data. i bring this to you to see the decreases in our new diagnoses here in san francisco. i will highlight that we have work to do around deaths, as well, and then next slide, please. but here, you'll see that while we see decreases, there are populations such as latin americans and latinx communities where the curves are not as steep, the drops are not as fast and in fact remain parallel in some places. if you breakdown this data by
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the purpose of this is to ensure that all san franciscans have access to care and treatment services to obtain optimal health in hiv and s.t.i. wellness, and i read that because that is our equity statement that we came up with as we started to operationalize the r.f.p. we also wanted to be intentional by focusing on disparities, and we included disparities in our criteria for funding allocation.
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next slide, please. this is just to show that this is quite a long process, and we started our stakeholder engagement input in early 2018, and if you look through the timeline, you know, we had to stop -- we had a couple of road bumps due to covid and other things, but we are on target to implement programs in january of 2023. next slide, please. this just shows the stakeholder input that we got from lots of subject matter experts in the r.f.p. process so we could put forth a vision and a framework that, you know, the people that benefit and need services
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could -- well, could benefit from. and next slide, please. and so what's different from this r.f.p. than the one we had in the past, so the last r.f.p. happened in 2010. so what's different about this r.f.p. is we've put together a whole-person care model based on recommendations that we got from all of our stakeholders. we have integrated hep-c with s.t.i.s so that everywhere, people should be getting an s.t.i. and hep-c services. we have integrated syringe disposal and integrated supply
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services. we have services going outside our four walls, involving the community, and involving the community in every aspect of implementation and development. and then, in terms of collaboration, we required all of our agencies that applied for the r.f.p. to collaborate with other agencies to ensure that all of the services that they have to provide within the health access point, we realized that one agency couldn't provide all of the services that we are asking them to provide. this just shows the model that
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we are putting together. it's supposed to be low barrier access, stigma free, status neutral, and it allows all of our community members to have access to all of these services regardless of if it's a -- through several mechanisms. next slide, please. and then these are the service categories or the populations that we are funding through the latinx, gay, asian pacific islander, and then, our black african american category. these are the seven populations
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that we're funding. next slide, please. and i wanted to highlight a category seven which is the black african category, and it provides an access point for black african americans. so this particular category allows for the agency to get some training, to get some capacity building for the things they need. we haven't funded an organization that was embedded in the black community or prioritized the black african american population to do hiv prevention, s.t.i., and hep-c
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work, so part of that funding will be for that. next slide, please. this is the standard -- start of care -- standard of care of all of our services, so all of our access points will provide all of these services here. the top two rows, the lead organizations and/or their subcontractors are to provide, and then, the bottom row were primary care and mental health -- where primary care and mental health services are, we know that a lot of organizations don't provide primary care and mental health services and treatments like that, we're asking that they partner with other organizations or clinics and
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provide warm hand-off to those services. next slide, please. and this slide here shows who we have funded through the lead organizations, so this slide here shows all of the lead organizations that were funded, and the amount of funding that each of those received. one of the things that i wanted to highlight was our latinx health access point, and then, the health access point for the black african american community received about half of the funding that we have for r.f.p. so initially, we have $8 million in funding, and we have allocated half of that funding to the latinx and black african american community because of where the disparities lie and
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they continue to lie. next slide, please and then, what we're doing next, which is going on at the moment, we're meeting with all of the vendors, all of the organizations, and the collaborators. we are in the process of negotiating contracts, so we will be providing on going technical support, technical assistance and support to each of the organizations. we'll also lastly be coming back to the health commission to present the new contracts that are in place, and i think that's it. thank you. >> thank you very much. secretary morewitz, do we have anyone on the comment line? >> no one on the comment line, sir. commissioners, comments or questions? >> i am not yet seeing hands. >> well, first of all, i wanted to thank all of you for this
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presentation today. san francisco is, once again, a model for the nation in how we address the hiv epidemic in terms of care and prevention, and you've really demonstrated how well we're able to adapt to the challenges that emerge. particularly chief among them is the disparities that exist. so again, can't express enough pride and gratitude, especially someone who's been living with hiv for 31 years, since i was 19 years old. i never thought i would be able to live and work with people getting us here today. being 51 now, i'm aware of some of the challenges that people with hiv face, so again, i
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can't thank you again for your leadership and hard month. and also, i wanted to acknowledge, of course, our director, dr. grant colfax who's not only been an extraordinary leader for providing care in hiv not only here in san francisco but also in the obama administration, so thank you, as well. >> thank you. >> and commissioner chow has his hand up. >> oh, commissioner chow? >> yeah, i just want to thank the presentation in regard to the h.a.p. access. it was hard to understand what the depth of the r.f.p. was, and the r.f.p. categories certainly cover all of the areas, and i think we'll be looking forward to
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understanding the success that you all have. instead of emphasizing one or another, you've really taken on the issue of all the elements all the way from young adults to the latinx population and the continuation of the need for the black african american initiative and put them all together, so i really want to commend and thank you all for this exciting -- riveting and exciting presentation. thank you. >> thank you, commissioner chow. director colfax? >> thank you, president bernal. i just want to acknowledge the fact that bureaucracy, the easiest thing to do is to maintain the status quo and acknowledge the work that continues to happen in san francisco in regards to pushing the boundaries around hiv, and
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recognize miss underwood's work on the r.f.p. this was very disruptive. it was the right thing to do, and the presentation was wonderful and may not have fully reflected the controversies and the back and forth and the many conversations that had to happen in order to allocate funding in a truly equitable way. the delays were there, but we are certainly getting there and just want to appreciate all the work and the challenges and the fact that in order to make progress we often need to have difficult conversations and disrupt the status quo, so thank you, miss underwood, and your team, for your support and the work, because especially during covid, this was not an easy thing to do. >> thank you, director colfax. all right. i think we can move onto our next item, which is general
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public comment. i understand we have nobody on the line -- >> actually, it's community and public health committee update. >> all right. community and public health committee update. for that, we have susan andrado, and i had the privilege of sitting in on the meeting. thank you. >> actually, and it goes along with the information that you were provided through both presentations. our committee focused on two different areas. one was the programming for the lesbian, gay, trans, and bisexual communities. let me go through one of the points. one of the things that dr. hammer had shared with us to is the [indiscernible] data is mandated, and within that,
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there's a need for data collection, obviously both on a national and local level, but san francisco was challenged by epic in 2018, and our previous data was lost. now, as we're even wave one, they've made huge efforts in collecting data and focusing on primary care at zsfg and laguna honda. and the capture page during registration that we saw in mock-up should help this, as well. within the healthnet work was presented a -- health network was presented a number of the clinics, as dr. hammer generically put it in the trans community. first was the [indiscernible] clinic in partnership in house
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with san francisco community health clinic. it provides multidisciplinary cases management for trans people experiencing homelessness, so it's housed in the tenderloin at san francisco's community health center, and those people, 78%, were entirely suppressed. the next was the waddell transgender health clinic which started in 1993, and within the last 12 months, 177 individuals have been served within primary care, behavioral health, and integrated case management. the one that i personally was most excited about was the
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dimensions clinic, which began in 1998, which the focus as was mentioned to commissioner greene was the -- commissioner green was the age group age 29 to 45. it offers care for trans, nonbinary, queer youth. it offers primary care, which i think was quite an accomplishment for dimensions health, is 275 young people have been served within the last year in over 2700 visits, so to me, that's real accomplishment of dimensions clinic as they are continuing their work and their outreach. the other clinic that was
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highlighted was the south van ness adult behavioral health services which focused on gender health and hiv. the second area highlighted in the gender health prevention was the goal of the programs, and the goal of the programs is health and well-being. the focus is, as we just heard in the prevention, hiv, s.t.i., s.t.d., and hep-c. the community partnerships, briefly, on the presentation of the health access points, not only the presenters but commissioner chow said it's going to be just a real change
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a change action is well needed but further focuses what we're doing to meet the needs of the community. we also had a presentation to discuss the status of the providing of health in the san francisco hiv community again, and what was extremely important was the presentation of the data improved initiatives and the studies that really make a difference not only here but nationwide as
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a leader in the hiv field. to i don't know if commissioner bernal would like to add, but this was an absolutely excellent presentation and kind of a lead-in to our commission presentations, as well. so i think it was an excellent presentation, and i want to thank all of the presenters for not only their excellent presentations but helping to bring us up to date on the excellent services that you're offering us in our community. thank you. >> thank you, commissioner giraudo, and i associate myself with everything that you said in that meeting, and i encourage everyone to make
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themselves available to all of the materials mentioned during this full commission meeting today. next item on the agenda is -- let's see, the other business. >> i'm sorry. >> is it other business? >> i'm sorry. it's a correct item. i was interrupting you, thinking it was not a correct item. i don't see any other items from commissioners. >> all right. seeing on, we'll move onto the joint conference committee and other committee reports. we'll hear briefly from the laguna honda joint a.c.c. meeting, and commissioner chow.
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>> thank you. on june 14, we had a joint commission meeting, mostly in closed session because most of the members were working on laguna honda. in the open session, we heard various reports and the medical [indiscernible] report. commission members did request that the joint conference meetings incorporate reports on the certification, recertification efforts in addition to the necessary regulatory reports. we also accepted and recommended dr. green's suggestion that the commission report mite benefit from having the -- [indiscernible] and more
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helpful for the commission in its only closed session, so that was left up to our officers to work with that administration to see if that could work, so that ends my report. commissioner green was also there, and she would like to add more to it. >> all right. seeing no one on the public comment line, is that correct? >> correct. >> okay. >> and i also see no hands. >> okay. so we can move onto our final item, which is consideration of adjournment. do we have a motion? >> so moved. >> and second. >> second. >> i'll do a roll call vote. [roll call]
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it will take city departments and nonprofit providers and volunteers and companies and community members all coming together. [♪♪♪] >> the product homeless connect community day of service began about 15 years ago, and we have had 73 of them. what we do is we host and expo-style event, and we were the very force organization to do this but it worked so well that 250 other cities across the globe host their own. there's over 120 service providers at the event today, and they range anywhere from hygiene kits provided by the basics, 5% -- to prescription glasses and reading glasses, hearing tests, pet sitting, showers, medical services, flu shots, dental care, groceries, so many phenomenal service providers, and what makes it so unique is we ask that they
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provide that service today here it is an actual, tangible service people can leave with it. >> i am with the hearing and speech center of northern california, and we provide a variety of services including audiology, counselling, outreach, education, today we actually just do screening to see if someone has hearing loss. to follow updates when they come into the speech center and we do a full diagnostic hearing test, and we start the process of taking an impression of their year, deciding on which hearing aid will work best for them. if they have a smart phone, we make sure we get a smart phone that can connect to it, so they can stream phone calls, or use it for any other services that they need. >> san francisco has phenomenal social services to support people at risk of becoming homeless, are already experience and homelessness, but it is confusing, and there is a lot of waste. bringing everyone into the same space not only saves an average of 20 hours a week in navigating the system and waiting in line for different areas, it helps them talk, so if you need to
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sign up for medi-cal, what you need identification, you don't have to go to sacramento or wait in line at a d.m.v., you go across the hall to the d.m.v. to get your i.d. ♪ today we will probably see around 30 people, and averaging about 20 of this people coming to cs for follow-up service. >> for a participant to qualify for services, all they need to do is come to the event. we have a lot of people who are at risk of homelessness but not yet experiencing it, that today's event can ensure they stay house. many people coming to the event are here to receive one specific need such as signing up for medi-cal or learning about d.m.v. services, and then of course, most of the people who are tender people experiencing homelessness today. >> i am the representative for the volunteer central. we are the group that checks and all the volunteers that comment participate each day. on a typical day of service, we have anywhere between 40500 volunteers that we, back in,
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they get t-shirts, nametags, maps, and all the information they need to have a successful event. our participant escorts are a core part of our group, and they are the ones who help participants flow from the different service areas and help them find the different services that they needs. >> one of the ways we work closely with the department of homelessness and supportive housing is by working with homeless outreach teams. they come here, and these are the people that help you get into navigation centers, help you get into short-term shelter, and talk about housing-1st policies. we also work very closely with the department of public health to provide a lot of our services. >> we have all types of things that volunteers deal do on a day of service. we have folks that help give out lunches in the café, we have folks who help with the check in, getting people when they arrive, making sure that they find the services that they need to, we have folks who help in the check out process, to make sure they get their food bag,
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bag of groceries, together hygiene kit, and whatever they need to. volunteers, i think of them as the secret sauce that just makes the whole process works smoothly. >> participants are encouraged and welcomed to come with their pets. we do have a pet daycare, so if they want to have their pets stay in the daycare area while they navigate the event, they are welcome to do that, will we also understand some people are more comfortable having their pets with them. they can bring them into the event as well. we also typically offer veterinary services, and it can be a real detriment to coming into an event like this. we also have a bag check. you don't have to worry about your belongings getting lost, especially when that is all that you have with you. >> we get connected with people who knew they had hearing loss, but they didn't know they could get services to help them with their hearing loss picks and we are getting connected with each other to make sure they are getting supported. >> our next event will be in march, we don't yet have a date set. we typically sap set it six weeks out.
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the way to volunteer is to follow our newsletter, follow us on social media, or just visit our website. we always announce it right away, and you can register very easily online. >> a lot of people see folks experience a homelessness in the city, and they don't know how they can help, and defence like this gives a whole bunch of people a lot of good opportunities to give back and be supported. [♪♪♪] >> it's great to see everyone kind of get together and prove, that you know, building our
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culture is something that can be reckoned with. >> i am desi, chair of economic development for soma filipinos. so that -- [ inaudible ] know that soma filipino exists, and it's also our economic platform, so we can start to build filipino businesses so we can start to build the cultural district. >> i studied the bok chase choy heritage, and i discovered this
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awesome bok choy. working at i-market is amazing. you've got all these amazing people coming out here to share one culture. >> when i heard that there was a market with, like, a lot of filipino food, it was like oh, wow, that's the closest thing i've got to home, so, like, i'm going to try everything. >> fried rice, and wings, and three different cliefz sliders. i haven't tried the adobe yet, but just smelling it yet brings back home and a ton of memories. >> the binca is made out of different ingredients, including cheese. but here, we put a twist on it.
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why not have nutella, rocky road, we have blue berry. we're not just limiting it to just the classic with salted egg and cheese. >> we try to cook food that you don't normally find from filipino food vendors, like the lichon, for example. it's something that it took years to come up with, to perfect, to get the skin just right, the flavor, and it's one of our most popular dishes, and people love it. this, it's kind of me trying to chase a dream that i had for a long time. when i got tired of the corporate world, i decided that i wanted to give it a try and see if people would actually
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like our food. i think it's a wonderful opportunity for the filipino culture to shine. everybody keeps saying filipino food is the next big thing. i think it's already big, and to have all of us here together, it's just -- it just blows my mind sometimes that there's so many of us bringing -- bringing filipino food to the city finally. >> i'm alex, the owner of the lumpia company. the food that i create is basically the filipino-american experience. i wasn't a chef to start with, but i literally love lumpia, but my food is my favorite foods i like to eat, put into my favorite filipino foods, put together. it's not based off of recipes i learned from my mom.
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maybe i learned the rolling technique from my mom, but the different things that i put in are just the different things that i like, and i like to think that i have good taste. well, the very first lumpia that i came out with that really build the lumpia -- it wasn't the poerk and shrimp shanghai, but my favorite thing after partying is that bakon cheese burger lumpia. there was a time in our generation where we didn't have our own place, our own feed to eat. before, i used to promote filipino gatherings to share the love.
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now, i'm taking the most exciting filipino appetizer and sharing it with other filipinos. >> it can happen in the san francisco mint, it can happen in a park, it can happen in a street park, it can happen in a tech campus. it's basically where we bring the hardware, the culture, the operating system. >> so right now, i'm eating something that brings me back to every filipino party from my childhood. it's really cool to be part of the community and reconnect with the neighborhood. >> one of our largest challenges in creating this cultural district when we compare ourselves to chinatown, japantown or little saigon, there's little communities
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community partnerships out there. it costs approximately $60,000 for every event. undiscovered is a great tool for the cultural district to bring awareness by bringing the best parts of our culture which is food, music, the arts and being ativism all under one roof, and by seeing it all in this way, what it allows san franciscans to see is the dynamics of the filipino-american culture. i think in san francisco, we've kind of lost track of one of our values that makes san francisco unique with just empathy, love, of being
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acceptable of different people, the out liers, the crazy ones. we've become so focused onic maing money that we forgot about those that make our city and community unique. when people come to discover, i want them to rediscover the magic of what diversity and empathy can create. when you're positive and committed to using that energy,
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stefani not present. >> supervisor walton: present. >> mr. president, you have a quorum. >> president walton: thank you. can i get a motion to excuse supervisor stefani from today's meeting as she has a family obligation that required long distance travel and is unable to participate. made by supervisor safai. seconded by supervisor ronen. madame clerk on the motion to excuse supervisor stefani. >> on the motion to excuse supervisor stefani from the meeting. >> supervisor melgar: aye. >> supervisor peskin: aye. >> supervisor preston: aye. >> supervisor ronen: aye. >> supervisor safai: aye. >> supervisor walton: aye.
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>> supervisor chan: aye. >> supervisor dorsey: aye. >> supervisor mandelman: aye. >> supervisor mar: aye. >> there are 10 ayes. >> president walton: thank you. the motion to excuse supervisor stefani from today's meeting passes unanimously. the san francisco board of supervisors acknowledges that we are on the unceded ancestral homeland of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original inhabitants of the san francisco peninsula. as the indigenous stewards of this land, and in accordance with their traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never ceded, lost, nor forgotten their responsibilities as the caretakers of this place, as well as for all peoples who reside in their traditional territory. as guests, we recognize that we benefit from living and working on their traditional homeland. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors,
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elders and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. colleagues, please stand with me and recite the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. and on behalf of the board of supervisors, i would like to acknowledge the staff at sfgovtv. today, we have kaleena mendoza. madame clerk, can we go to the 2:00 p.m. special order. i do believe i have seen the mayor. >> clerk: yes, mr. president. the special order is the mayor's
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appearance before the board. we have before us. honorable mayor london n. breed to engage in policy discussions. the mayor may address the board for up to five minutes. >> president walton: thank you so much. welcome, madame mayor. as you know, there are no questions submitted for today and you do have time for remarks. >> mayor breed: thank you, president walton, and good afternoon supervisors and members of the public. june is a very important month in our city and there is so much to be done, including getting our budget together which i know supervisor ronen and her colleagues on the budget committee are very focused on, but it's also an important month because we have two celebrations involving two very important communities. there is going to be an event that celebrates juneteenth and
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pride. this is the first year we'll officially celebrate juneteenth as a holiday. next monday, we will all take the day to observe what this historical occasion means for our african-american community, not just here in san francisco, but across the country. i know there are various activities and celebrations that have been occurring and i hope you all can participate. there is juneteenth saturday in the fillmore, and golden gate park and activities everywhere. there is the pride celebration. and as we celebrate juneteenth, i'm looking forward to those activities, but i'm also looking forward to celebrating pride. we raised the flag. we lit up the pink triangle. we unveiled a beautiful mural
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and all sorts of other activities. even announced a drag laureate for san francisco. and what i love about our juneteenth and the pride celebrations in the city, they allow us not only to celebrate the highlights of joy and celebration in the community, they also elevate the struggle behind those celebrations. it gives us an opportunity to discuss our history openly and honestly while still acknowledging the fact that it's in progress, but there is still more work to do. if you think about it, juneteenth is about celebrating the end of slavery. here in san francisco we should be proud we have an african-american mayor and african-american president of the board of supervisors. it's time to take pride in who they are and we have two members of the board who are part of a lineage strong lgbtq leaders in san francisco. we are also continuing to chart
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a path forward, including through our budget and with historic investments in our african-american community through the dream keeper initiative with the funding to advance our efforts on getting to zero h.i.v. infections and ending transhomelessness. can you imagine what these investments would have sounded like to those who started juneteenth way back in the day or those who marched in the first pride parade. that's really our commitment to juneteenth and pride. not just to celebrate, but also to do the work to change policies and to invest resoses. thank you for your support of our communities. i look forward to seeing you all out there celebrating the month of june. thank you so much. >> president walton: thank you so much, madame mayor. madame clerk, this does conclude our 2:00 p.m. special order. are there any communications?
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>> yes, mr. president. the board of supervisors welcomes the general public to be present here in the board's legislative chamber here in city hall, room 250, to listen to the proceedings and advise the board in person. this is airing life on sfgovtv award-winning channel 26, or you may view the live stream at at the board will prioritize hearing testimony or public comment from those who attend in person. thereafter, the board will hear from those who call into the remote system. please note the remote system will only be open one time once the board has heard from all callers in the queue, the president will close the remote system and it will not be reopened once closed, even if you have called in after its been closed and are just waiting in the queue. you will, though, be able to listen to the meeting.
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some best practices for the remote system are to call in early from a quiet location. make sure that your television or computer is turned down, that way the board is able to hear your comments instead of echo. throughout the meeting, the telephone number is streaming on the screen. it is 1-415-655-0001. when you hear the system prompt, enter the meeting i.d., 2485 368 5765 ##. you'll know you have joined the meeting once you hear the discussion, however your line will be muted. once you are ready to get into the speakers' queue to provide your comment, press star 3, listen carefully for the system prompt, you have been unmuted, and begin speaking your comments. today's agenda content eligible for your testimony includes two 3:00 p.m. special orders not to be called any earlier than 3:00. item 62 is a public hearing on the laguna hospital strategy for
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the recertification and submission of a closure and patient transfer and relocation plan. and items 63 through 65 is another public hearing to hear the grant agreements for financial solvency for bakers places and the positive resource center. and lastly, the board will hear general public comment once item 70 is called where you may speak to the approval of the minutes as the president will review them. today's mayoral appearance, items 71 through 76, those are the items for consideration without committee reference. you may also speak to general matters that are not on today's agenda, but within the board's jurisdiction. all other content will have been reported out to the board by an appropriate committee where the public comment requirement has been fulfilled. the board will accept written correspondence on any matter, by u.s. mail, using the address, the number 1, dr. carlton
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goodlett place. here in city hall, room 244, san francisco, california, 94102. or you may send us an e-mail using the e-mail address. in great partnership with the office of civic engagement and immigrant affairs, interpreters will be present to assist the public comment speakers beginning with the 3:00 p.m. special orders. at that time i will invite the interpreters to introduce themselves and the service they provide and the language. if you are experiencing any trouble accessing this meeting or have any questions, please call the clerk's office. we have a live person standing by. mr. president, and members, that concludes my communication. >> president walton: thank you so much, madame clerk. colleagues, before we get started, a friendly reminder to
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please mute your microphone when not speaking. we're now at approval of minutes. today we are approving the meeting minutes from the may 3, 2022 and may 10, 2022 board meetings and the may 4, 2022 and may 11, 2022 special meeting minutes at the budget and appropriations committee meeting which constituted a quorum of the board of supervisors. and i don't see anyone on the roster for any changes. so i can entertain a motion to approve the minutes made by supervisor mar, seconded by supervisor ronen. >> on the minutes as presented, supervisor melgar? >> supervisor melgar: aye. >> supervisor peskin: aye. >> supervisor preston: aye. >> supervisor ronen: aye. >> supervisor safai: aye. >> supervisor walton: aye. >> supervisor chan: aye.
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>> supervisor dorsey: aye. >> supervisor mandelman: aye. >> supervisor mar: aye. >> there are 10 ayes. >> president walton: thank you. without objection, motion to approve the minutes as presented passes. madame clerk, let's go to our regular agenda consent agenda items 1 through 41. >> items 1 through 41 are on consent. these items are considered to be routine, if a member objects, an item may be removed and considered separately. >> president walton: thank you. we will take these items same house, same call. without objection, these ordinances are finally passed unanimously.
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>> ordinance to amend the administrative code to require the city to acquire at least 20 additional dwelling units by march 31, 2023. and to require the department of homelessness and supportive housing to submit progress reports no later -- a progress report to the board no later than 120 days after the effective date of the ordinance and to affirm the ceqa determination and make the appropriate findings. >> president walton: thank you, madame clerk. i don't see anyone on the roster, so we will take this item same house, same call. without objection, this ordinance is finally passed unanimously. madame clerk, please call 43 to 53 together. >> items 43 to 53 comprise 10 ordinances that authorize the settlement of lawsuits filed by the following individuals. 43 is $95,000 filed by lauren
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jones employment dispute. $44,000 by francine austin, employment dispute. item 45, $125,000 filed by and alleges personal injury and wrongful death. item 46, $100,000 filed by anglo dumlao alleging personal injury from a collision. item 47 authorizes a $525,000 lawsuit settlement filed by jonathan tuse and sara falconer with injury from a falling tree branch in huntington park. item 48, $1.5 million for
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climent as an alleged civil rights violation. item 49 authorizes a $45,000 lawsuit settlement filed by scott cranye, alleged injury on a city sidewalk. item 50, $75,000 settlement filed by leslie drapkin. item 51, $85,000 settlement involving personal injury on a city street. item 52, $450,000 lawsuit filed by wong, mak and wong involving alleged injuries from a vehicle collision. item 53, 500,000 its filed by
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lieu wet and involves injury on a city street. >> president walton: i do not see anyone on the roster, so we'll take these items same house, same call. without objection, these ordinances are finally passed unanimously. madame clerk, please call item 54. >> item 54 is an ordinance to fix compensation for persons employed by the city whose compensation is subject to the provisions of section a8.409 in job codes not represented by an employee organization and to establish working schedules and other terms and condition of employment and methods of payment to be effective july 1, 2022. >> president walton: thank you. i don't see anyone on the roster, so we'll take this same house, same call. without objection, this ordinance is finally passed unanimously. madame clerk, please call items number 55 and 56.
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>> item 55 and 56 are two ordinances that adopt and implement two 2018 through 2023 m.o.u., or memorandum of understanding, with the city and effective june 30, 2022, restore a deferred 1% base wage increase originally due on july 1, 2020 item 55 is a second amendment to the m.o.u. and item 56 is amendment to the m.o.u. >> president walton: can we get a roll call vote for items 55 and 56? >> on items 55 and 56? >> supervisor melgar: aye. >> supervisor peskin: aye. >> supervisor preston: no. >> supervisor ronen: aye. >> supervisor safai: aye. >> supervisor walton: aye. >> supervisor chan: aye.
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>> supervisor dorsey: aye. >> supervisor mandelman: aye. >> supervisor mar: aye. there are nine ayes and one no with supervisor preston in the dissent. >> president walton: thank you, madame clerk. this ordinance is finally passed. madame clerk, please call item number 57. >> item 57 is resolution to authorize the executive director of the port of san francisco to execute and m.t.a. or mutual termination agreement for two port leases l-7491 and l-9171. with al oto and the premises located at 360 jefferson street and to authorize the port director to enter into amendments or modifications necessary to effectuate the
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purposes of the m.t.a. or the resolution. >> president walton: thank you, madame clerk. please call the roll on item 57. >> on item 57, supervisor melgar? >> supervisor melgar: aye. >> supervisor peskin: aye. >> supervisor preston: aye. >> supervisor ronen: aye. >> supervisor safai: aye. >> supervisor walton: aye. >> supervisor chan: aye. >> supervisor dorsey: aye. >> supervisor mandelman: aye. >> supervisor mar: aye. >> there are 10 ayes. >> president walton: thank you, without objection, this resolution is adopted unanimously. madame clerk, can you call items 58 and 59 together? >> item 58 is ordinance to amend the planning code to create the group housing special use district to affirm the ceqa determination and make the appropriate findings and item
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59. this ordinance amends the planning code, the add minutetive code and the subdivision codes for density exception in residential districts. >> president walton: thank you, madame clerk. supervisor mandelman? >> supervisor mandelman: thank you, president walton. apparently the city attorney and supervisor melgar have found an issue with item 59. i have prepared an amendment, but i have not had a chance to review it. i would appreciate the opportunity to do that and may make a motion that we continue item 58 and 59 to our next meet ongoing of the board? >> president walton: seconded by motion to continue, made by supervisor mandelman, seconded by supervisor peskin. supervisor safai? >> supervisor safai: thank you. >> president walton: perfect. >> that would be june 28, 2022. >> president walton: correct. thank you so much, madame clerk. to our june 28, 2022 board of
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supervisor meeting. seeing no one else on the roster, madame clerk, on the motion to continue items 58 and 59? >> on the motion to continue items 58 and 59? >> supervisor melgar: aye. >> supervisor peskin: aye. >> supervisor preston: aye. >> supervisor ronen: aye. >> supervisor safai: aye. >> supervisor walton: aye. >> supervisor chan: aye. >> supervisor dorsey: aye. >> supervisor mandelman: aye. >> supervisor mar: aye. there are 10 ayes. >> president walton: thank you, motion to continue items 58 and 59 to our june 28 board of supervisors meeting is approved unanimously. madame clerk, can you please call item 60. >> item 60 is motion to approve the mayor's nomination for the
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appointment of lynn newhouse segal to the public works commission for a term ending july 2, 2026. >> president walton: thank you. and seeing no one on the roster, we will take this item same house, same call. without objection, this motion is approved unanimously. madame clerk, please call item 61. >> item 61 is a motion appointing steven fields residency requirement waived and monique letsar, terms ending june 1, 2024 to the mental health sf implementation working group. >> president walton: thank you. seeing no one op the roster, we'll take this item same house, same call. without objection, this motion is approved unanimously. madame clerk, let's go to committee reports.
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item 66. item 66 and 67 were considered by the budget and appropriations committee at a special meeting on june 10, 2022. item 66 is the proposed interim budget and appropriation ordinance appropriating all estimated receipts and expenditures for the departments of the city as of june 1, 202 for the fiscal years ending june 30, 2023 and june 30, 2024. >> president walton: thank you for calling them together, madame clerk. >> clerk: mr. president, i only called item 66. >> president walton: my apologies. >> item 67 is the proposed interim annual salary ordinance enumerating positions in the annual budget and appropriation ordinance for fiscal years ending june 30, 2023 and june 302024. >> president walton: thank you. >> supervisor preston: colleagues, i voted against last year's budget because it failed to fund social housing and
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because it increased police budgets. this extension of the same terms, while it may only be in place temporarily as we finalize a new budget, still suffers from the same flaws, so i will cast a no-vote on the interim budget. it's really my hope that despite what i view as an unusually cruel budget, that defunds housing, and climate action, it's my hope that under chair ronen and the budget committee leadership we'll find a path to a budget that delivers for the needs of our city and wins unanimous support from this body. but i hope we don't repeat the mistakes of the past and looking forward to working with you all to pass a people's budget in the
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weeks ahead. >> president walton: thank you, supervisor preston. madame clerk, please call the roll for items 66 and 67. >> on items 67 and 67 -- >> supervisor melgar: aye. >> supervisor peskin: aye. >> supervisor preston: no. >> supervisor ronen: aye. >> supervisor safai: aye. >> supervisor walton: aye. >> supervisor chan: aye. >> supervisor dorsey: aye. >> supervisor mandelman: aye. >> supervisor mar: aye. >> there are nine ayes and one no with supervisor preston in the dissent. >> president walton: thank you, madame clerk. these ordinances are passed on first reading. madame clerk, please call item number 68. >> item 68 was considered by the rules committee at a regular meeting on monday, june 13, 2022 and was forwarded as a committee report.
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item 68 is an ordinance to adopt and implement an amendment to the current memorandum of understanding and collective bargaining agreements of an additional 80 hours of accrued floating holidays, accrued in-lieu holidays and to waive the 120-hour limitation on the number of hours of compensatory that z designated employees can carry forward under the m.o.u. with local 21 and made this effective june 30, 2022. >> president walton: thank you. please call the roll on item 68. >> on item 68, supervisor melgar? >> supervisor melgar: aye. >> supervisor peskin: aye. >> supervisor preston: aye. >> supervisor ronen: aye. >> supervisor safai: aye.
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>> supervisor walton: aye. >> supervisor chan: aye. >> supervisor dorsey: aye. >> supervisor mandelman: aye. >> supervisor mar: aye. >> there are 10 ayes. >> president walton: thank you. without objection this ordinance is passed on first reading unanimously. madame clerk, let's go to roll call for introduction. >> first up to introduce new business is supervisor melgar. >> supervisor melgar: submit, thank you. >> supervisor preston? >> supervisor preston: -- >> supervisor peskin: i will submit. >> supervisor preston: thank you, madame clerk. i have two items today. first, i'm introducing a resolution calling on the san francisco housing authority to evaluate as an alternative to the plans currently being proposed by developer mccormack
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redevelopment options that result in 100% of the units on site at plaza east being redeveloped as affordable housing, including but not limited to evaluating an alternative proposal that uses opportunities presented by the relatively new fair cloth to rad program. some of you may remember my office called and held a hearing back on may 6th and then again on july 15th last year. on plaza east and redevelopment plans and conditions of the property. we made requests and those meetings regarding the future redevelopment of plaza east and specifically asked the developer and the housing authority at that time whether there would be -- and there were plans for market rate housing on this public housing site in the fillmore. this is a site that was demolished and rebuilt just 20 years ago by the same developer. and at the time it was redeveloped the first time, it
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was reduced -- the number of units was reduced by 83 units and a lot of black families from the fillmore were displaced. at that time, they failed to provide any clarity about if their future plans involved the rebuild of affordable housing exclusively or whether market-rate housing would be added to plaza east. in meetings with residents and the district 5 office in the year since the hearings, mbs has continued to promote what they call a mixed income model and claimed there is resident support for a mixed income model without providing any details despite repeated requests from our office and residents. what was meant by mixed income. what income brackets were being targeted and whether the income mix would or would not include
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market rate housing on this public housing site. despite dozens of requests for clarifying mbs's intentions, mbs finally provided its first details regarding such plans in a power point presentation to residents at a meeting on february 22, 2022 and then confirmed to our office that the development plans did indeed include market rate housing on the site, including hundreds of units, nearly 300 units market rate housing plan for plaza east and that mbs would be bringing on a private developer for the market rate housing units. my office and many residents at plaza east feel strongly that any redevelopment proposal that increases the number of units at plaza east should include to the greatest extent possible all affordable units. and also must include the replacement not just of the 193
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units currently at plaza east, but also the 83 units that were demolished and never rebuilt by the same developer just 20 years ago. as i mentioned, the prior redevelopment resulted in the loss of black residents from the neighborhood. and we absolutely cannot make the same mistake again this time and we need to undo some of that damage by increasing the number of public housing units on this site. not moving toward more and more market rate housing here. there is an incredible need across the city and especially in the fillmore for housing that's affordable to extremely low-income families who benefit from deeply subsidized and deeply affordable housing. so, we were -- my office was recently made aware of a program. it was announced in april of
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last year by hud called the fair cloth to rad program for public housing agencies which helps create affordable homes in order to address the lack of public housing units developed. the program could provide a pathway for early stage rad conversion approvals and making sure that there would be long-term revenue through such contracts to underwrite these proposals. despite this new program which we've raised with mbs and the housing authority, to our knowledge and confirmed with hud housing authority and mbs have not commenced evaluation of the applications to plaza east and, again, you know, it is baffling to me that despite the residents' request, despite our office's request, even to explore the application of this
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fair cloth to rad program or other tools to fund affordable housing on site without relying on private market rate development, that we continue to not get any proposed alternative plans. we know this won't be easy to fund 100% affordable housing exclusively. but we owe it to the residents to not only involve them in decision-making, but to come up with the various alternatives, take an honest look at what the price tag would be for each of those. challenge all of us to come up with the funds to make plaza east an affordable place for people in the fillmore for generations to come. i look forward to seeing the plans that we've been asking for over a year now. i don't introduce a resolution like this lightly and hope that our informal request would move us forward, but they have not.
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and if there are funding gaps, i trust we can come together to fill them to keep low-income residents, particularly african-american families in the heart of the fillmore at this site. the second, colleagues, i'm introducing a resolution calling for a public town hall to be held within two weeks of any traffic fatality which will allow our departments to provide information regarding the fatal incident to the public and to answer any questions. this resolution, sadly, follows a deadly and horrific number of traffic fatalities in the month of may we saw seven traffic fatalities, just in the month of may. 15 in 2022. we are not on a good path when it comes to traffic fatalities. and all of us have received the
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heartbreaking texts, the calls from loved ones and family members, been in touch with all of the first responders in these tragic events and we have a lot of conversations behind closed doors in city hall and with different agencies around what happened and how we can do better. the city does a lot of work behind the scenes when it comes to traffic fatalities. and it's important to acknowledge that hard work, but the public is really left out of these conversations. so a town hall will not only raise public awareness about traffic fatalities, but will help us toward our vision zero goals. the city currently has a vision zero protocol. it was implemented in 2015 after the board of supervisors adopted the initial vision zero policy in 2014 and it requires m.t.a.
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to convene a rapid response call with d.p.h. and sfpd within the week. but the current protocol does not have any public information except for the vision zero website. i believe the current program falls short of meaningfully engaging the public and responding to community concerns and a town hall will allow us to honor victims and raise awareness to prevent further traffic fatalities. i'm looking forward to this being heard in committee and further consulting with the departments and advocates. the resolution urges m.t.a., d.p.h., sfpd to include a town hall within two weeks of a fatality. and i really want to thank supervisor mar for his work to
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get us to this point and it's been a pleasure partnering with supervisor mar on this effort. in particular, i want to recognize his letter of inquiry which really framed a lot of the information that we were able to use in order to move this proposal forward. my understanding is that occurred after a tragic fatality in supervisor mar's district and that prompted his request for information and i appreciate his work on this and his co-sponsorship and also want to thank all the advocates. i know many of them have worked with both the offices from walk s.f. and the bike coalition, d.p.h., m.t.a., for the collaborative effort moving this forward. i'm committed to making sure we meet the vision zero goals and prevent further deaths. i think a town hall is an
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important step in that direction to allow residents and the whole community an opportunity to engage directly with city departments after a traffic fatality and providing us with the space as a city to acknowledge the loss of life and make plans to prevent further tragedies. so i'm looking forward to working with you all on this and the rest i submit. >> thank you, supervisor preston. we'll return to roll call beginning with supervisor ronen. mr. president, it is after 2:30. >> president walton: thank you so much. call our special order. >> the special order at 2:30 is recognition of commendations. i have here supervisor, not in any particular order, but supervisor safai, walton and dorsey. >> president walton: thank you. and we actually do have a few more. today we have several special commendations from supervisors ronen, safai, dorsey, mandelman
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and myself. we will go by roll call order and we will start with supervisor ronen. >> supervisor ronen: thank you so much, president walton. and where are you judge marx? hi. colleagues, today i'm absolutely thrilled to recognize the honorable dana lay marx, a recently retired immigration judge of the san francisco immigration court. judge marx's career as immigrant attorney, advocate and judge spans over 40 years. brief highlights include winning a landmark asylum decision before the u.s. supreme court, being a long time president of the immigration judges and helping literally tens of thousands of refugees and immigrants right here in san francisco through her time and legacy as an immigration attorney and judge. judge marx is a graduate of uc
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berkley and uc hastings school of law. after graduating from hastings in 1977 she worked in private immigration practice representing immigrants before the then called naturalization services. in 1986, she represented a nicaraguaen woman who sought asylum based on fear of retribution for her family's political activities in nicaragua. the appeals made it to the u.s. supreme court. judge marx then only nine years out of law school argued her case and won before the supreme court. the decision i.n.s. versus phonology is a landmark decision. based on the immigrant's well founded fear.
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not an unrealistic standard that most refugees would be unable to meet. our own local immigration rights activist, including my legislative aide and my husband who are both here and huge fans of you, judge marx, tell me that it is no exaggeration that this decision has saved countless lives as it has helped hundreds of thousands of immigrants throughout the country win asylum today. after this historic decision, judge marx formally began her career as an immigration judge where she served nearly 30 years. in the courtroom, she was known for going above and beyond to ensure that unprecedented immigrants due process rights and humanity were fully recognized. judge marx once described the immigration courts -- i've
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quoted you several times -- as akin to holding death penalty cases in traffic court. so powerful. as former president of the national association of immigration judges, she was a staunch advocate which entailed independence from the department of justice where it still sits today. finally, on top of all this work, she has lectured and mentored students at u.s. f., hastings law and countless local immigration attorneys. i can't tell you how much i've heard about you through my life. you are almost a celebrity in the immigrant rights world. so thank you. judge, we recognize all of the work you have done been behalf of immigrants and refugees throughout this country. you are a giant amongst us.
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congratulations on your retirement and thank you for your decades of service. and we'd love to hear from you. [applause] >> thank you very much. at first when i heard that i was going to get this honor, i felt it was counterintuitive and some people might not understand, but when you put it into focus, you realize that in california, more than 27% of the population are foreign-born. i wouldn't be a former government worker if i didn't give you a few statistics. that's how i prove my street cred, but i promise i won't be boring. the state of the immigration population is higher now than any time since 1890. we have the largest share of the population of foreign-born in the united states at 27% where the average is usually 13%. 53% of foreign-born immigrants
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in the united states are actually naturalized united states citizens. something that the rhetoric often ignores. an additional 25% are legally in the united states. so it's a mere 22% of individuals who are foreign-born who are in this country without documented status. so, on behalf of the immigrants of san francisco, i appreciate the fact that you've highlighted this issue for everybody and i really appreciate the acknowledgement. thank you so much. [applause [ ] >> oh, boy. >> president walton: thank you so much, supervisor ronen. and congratulations again, judge marx.
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park. he worked to raise money for the park. he tended to it personally for years and years. and he's one of the people, unfortunately, who passed away during this pandemic. and we're really sad we're not able to honor him when he was still alive. peter ran the friends of the brook park group that deterred crime, planted gardens and used grant money to clean up the park, beginning all the way back in 1994. he was partly motivated because he wanted his son bjorn to be able to play in the park, yet the area was neglected and the park was in disrepair and he wanted to see a space for the entire community to love. as i said, he spent over 30 years tirelessly working with in this park with other residents of the ocean view ingleside neighborhood and worked with students at s.f. state to create public art and tend to the
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gardens. he brought back an environment where there are safe public spaces for neighbors to interact and plenty of community events planned and unplanned. i had the great fortune of meeting him back in 2008 when i was walking the neighborhood, running for office. he grilled me really hard. he wanted to know where i stood on green space and open space, but once i finally won him over, he began to introduce me to many people in the neighborhood which i was very, very fortunate. i called on him for guidance, i looked to him for advice and really appreciated what he was able to do and give back to the community. he was an energetic person and worked tirelessly on behalf of neighbors and cared deeply about making a great space for everyone to love. so he is deeply missed and i know his wife and family are here. today we're honoring peter and we'll ask his brother jan to
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come up and say a few words. and we'll also enjoyed by a longtime gardener at brooks park, cory. by the way, they're very tall people. just f.y.i. [laughter] go right ahead. speak into the microphone, please. >> is that fine? >> yes. >> peter -- >> can you direct the microphone a little closer to you? there you go. you can stand a little closer to it. perhaps in front of it. >> peter is the reason that brooks park is what it is today. peter's vision, talent, initiative, enthusiasm, his ability to motivate and bring people together and his years of work transformed brooks park into a positive welcoming place. decades ago he got neighbors
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together to improve the park. his vision was to create a space to bring neighbors together. therefore, the park has many features that bring those of diverse nature to the park. i'm sorry. the park is thriving. the community garden is thriving with foods and neighbors tending the plants. peter showed it to me. it also has a ping pong table and mini golf course, to provide more reason for the people to come to the park. the tai chi area is used every day. it's also used by young kids to ride bikes. the picnic area brings people to the area for quiet lunches and barbecue park. people come to the park to walk, walk their dogs, they look for birds. kids come to the park to play in the sand and to explore the park to look for bugs.
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peter succeeded in his vision. brooks park is a welcome space that brings a diversity of people together. peter was there every day working in the community garden and walking in the park. when i was there, he would make a point to come out and talk to me. he told me the history of the park. he told me that all the stone walls were built by mrs. brooks. she paid neighborhood kids a nickel for every stone brought to her. he also said the community garden in the tai chi area are school district property, but he got them to lease the areas to the park for $1 for 99 years. he told me about the california pipeline growing along the entrance. he said that plant was collected from the ravine behind brotherhood way and plant is essential for the butterfly.
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and because peter installed this plant, there are pipelines to butterflies brooks park now. he is knowledge about plants and is responsible for the native plants. he knew they provided the most habitat. peter was a wealth of information and knowledge from experience. he was a force of positive energy and enthusiasm. he always engaged with everyone he encountered in the park. there was one time, for example, i was talking with him about the california buckwheat plant. it was literally busting with life, full of bees, native bees, bumblebees and this family walked by and, of course, he talked to them. he pointed out the native bees and pollinators to the kids. and had he not engaged with them, they would have walked by
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without even noticing. i have two quotes. he has been called the heart and soul of brooks park. this is so very true. he also -- there is a clip that one of the neighbors recently found. thank you, judy. and here you read that. this is what he said in an interview. 2014. >> my name is peter and i work in the brooks park community garden because it's where i can meet all my neighbors. i'm a connector. i connect people so they can be meaningful with each other. i make friends with people by building community areas where people can meet and plant. well, on peter's behalf, cory
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from the bottom of her heart, a great thanks to the city of san francisco. stupid voice. and all the local people and volunteers who supported peter's calls for supporting peter to make the garden. of course, a special thanks to the family, to them spending so much time and effort and money to build a green place on earth. thank you, all, for your support. >> thank you. >> president walton: thank you. [applause] >> president walton: thank you so much for honoring peter, supervisor safai.
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and we're celebrating her on her retirement. miss marshall has been an educator with sfusd over 35 years. she hired and mentored new teachers. was a program resource teacher and administrator for saturday, summer and night school. miss marshall was also a liaison for the community for five after-school programs with a focus on increasing academic achievement and social and emotional development at bayview hill gardens, ingleside, western addition, our kids first and chinatown. in the community, miss marshall was a chair person for the african-american honor roll for 18 years as a part of the san francisco alliance of black school educators and is part of
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the san francisco branch of the naacp. the african-american honor roll celebration brings together all black students in the district and their families to celebrate their academic success. in her free time, she raised money for housing to address food insecurity, for funerals so people could bury that loved ones and collective clothing for the homeless. she also raised funds to send first-generation african-american students to college. miss marshall is a huge advocate for african-american students and families at city hall as well as the board of education. she has played a pivotal role in exposing students, particularly black students, to higher education and teaching them about excellence. i'm incredibly honored to know miss marshall and to be able to
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honor the work she has done here in san francisco around education and her advocacy for black children. thank you for all of your work in the community, for our students, for our educators and for our entire educator community. [applause] >> thank you, president walton. you didn't know, but president walton is my son. i go around the city collecting sons and daughters. you didn't know that i call mayor breed my daughter. so i'm in good shape, right? god has brought us this far on our way. when i sat in the chair next to
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reverend brown, i looked a at this facility and thought to myself, a little girl born in a small town of tennessee, here i am in san francisco, one of the most beautiful cities in the whole world and this great body of work here. tina turner sings about nut bush. it is a nut bush. tina and i went to the same high school, not at the same time, she became very famous, i became a worker. i am here because i grew up in a small town where everyone loved everyone. my first grade teacher taught my mother and all my siblings. we grew up in a loving all-black community. when i graduated high school in 1970, it was the last all-black school in that town, but i had loving teachers my whole career. my husband was stationed in germany and i was teaching school there. i worked the university as a
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registrar, but if i came back to america, they'll boycott immigration of integration in black schools. so i've had a varied career. in my whole life, 35 years in the district and more outside the district, i've always tried to go beyond the bell, to do things that my students needed, whether it was raising money for funerals, scholarships, housing and other things that president walton named. i just felt it was my duty because i've been given so much. so along the way, i hope that i've inspired some of my students. i see bella's mother is here. i see chevon's foster mother is here. i want to thank president walton, he hired chevon. that is what it takes to go the extra mile. i hope i inspired students to go
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the extra mile as i enjoy my retire and walk around and read and travel and do absolutely something on sundays. but i want to thank my family. lisa wrote other people's children. when you're an educator you do a lot of work for other people's children. i know my daughters and my daughter in d.c. is watching. my son is working right now and jessica and jinaye are watching online. all my family in d.c. and kentucky and tennessee, thank you for being here and the guiding support for myself and my children. for my church family, thank you for being support for myself and my children. and to my colleagues! my colleagues, who always pushed to do for african-american children. if you say no to a child, i'm going to find way for you to say
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yes, because we have african-american children that need to be successful, so all of us are successful. i worked with phenomenal superintendents, because they know i would be at the board meetings if we didn't get what children need. i have fried chicken provided for me to send students -- i always have the idea, but i always have supportive parents. the last thing is that when it comes to -- we had no way to carry on the african-american honor roll. you're too young most of you here. but the kids throughout the city, they would march down fillmore street and gather for a program. because of a lawsuit, it ended. so i said to my colleagues, we can do it. how, virginia? i don't know. i have a vision. i went to my places and we
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remembered -- but they could not -- so for three years, we were at jones methodist church and it became too small. we moved there for three years and then it became too small. if you've been there before covid, it was busting at the seams. we look forward to having an in-person ceremony next year. so i hope, i just pray, that i touched someone's life along the way. that you'll invite me to your classrooms, invite me to your programs where i will sit and smile and clap for you. again, president walton, thank you so much, awesome. thank you very much. [applause]
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>> president walton: thank you so much and congratulations again, miss marshall. now, we have supervisor dorsey. >> supervisor dorsey: thank you so much. colleagues, today i'm honoring staff and students from youth chance high school. youth chance high school is a county community school that is operated through a partnership between the embarcadero ymca and the san francisco unified school district. they are students behind in credits and haven't found success in their current school setting. it works to provide an alternative educational experience in community-based settings that is optimized to meet the needs of youth impacted
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by child welfare, neighborhood safety, parenthood, probation, truancy issues. the classroom within the embarcadero ymca, a team of staff work collaboratively to deploy a circle of care that aims to reengage these young adults. every student participates in the creation of their own personal map to graduation. once the credits are filled, they earn a high school diploma from the district. they are connected to a wealth of services and supports to facilitate their success along the way. with us today, i'm going to ask you to stand up, is associate director of community engagement and student advocate along with two of their students, anthony and eileen. the director of youth chance could not be here today, but i'm
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honoring her as well. these three ladies have been such a positive influence for the students they serve, their impact was evident at the graduation where sid gave a powerful and emotional tribute to each of their 12 graduating seniors. you know, as we just saw with miss marshall, it was, i think -- i was reminded during the ceremony that even though i am many years removed from high school graduation, i was recalling the students that -- the students that i went to school with, but also the educators who were really special. the ones who saw being an educator not just imparting the things you need to know and remember, but inspiring a love of learning that is something that endures for a lifetime. it is so special. it's something that we saw in the previous speaker and
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something we see here with you. anthony, eileen, youth chance staff, you're families and i are -- your families and i are incredibly proud of your achievements in the face of challenges. i wish you luck in the next steps of your journey. congratulations. [applause] >> president walton: thank you so much, supervisor dorsey. and congratulations to youth chance. i have had several opportunities to visit the school site and love the work that is happening and the partnership between the embarcadero y and the school district. thank you so much and congratulations. next, we have supervisor mandelman. >> supervisor mandelman: come on up.
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happy pride, everybody. today it is my honor, but it is a bittersweet honor, to offer commendation to dr. tim selig. after 10 years of service, he is retiring this month from the san francisco gay men's chorus. a conductor, singer, teacher and motivational speaker, tim has been conducting lgbtq plus courses for 35 years. in addition, he is the conductor at the turtle creek chorale in dallas, texas where he conducted for 20 years. he has conducted annually at carnegie hall and lincoln center for 25 years. he's conducted the book of world records longest chorale concert and he carried the olympic torch
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as a hero. he holds four degrees, including the doctorate of music arts. he has authored several best selling books and training videos on chorale technique as well as the 2020 memoir, tale of two times, big 'ole baptist, big old gay. >> aids activist and h.i.v. positive, his legacy includes the creation of the artist portal at golden gate park. under his direction, the chorus has commissioned a vast quantity of music that is performed today around the world. this has included stephen schwartz, stephen sondheim.
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while at s.f., he was instrumental in the creation of the queer arts center which allowed the chorus to find a permanent home. for those not familiar, the san francisco gay men's chorus got it's start in 1978 when the original 115 members sang just outside these chambers on the front steps of city hall. one of the first of its find, it was the first to include gay unapologetically in their name. the chorus has fought against bigotry and discrimination. i'm excited to see what comes next. in retirement, he'll spend more time with his four granddaughters. thank you, tim, and
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congratulations again on your retirement and now the floor is yours if you would like. >> if i would like he says. thank you. oh, geez, i love san francisco. i think i'm going to come here. i'm going to come back every tuesday afternoon. who knew we could tune in on tv? it's amazing. i didn't grow up in san francisco i'm sad to say, but i am very happy to say that my granddaughter is being raised here in san francisco and she's quite different than my three granddaughters raised in dallas and we'll leave that right there. my first visit to san francisco was as a 17-year-old in 1968. the i was on a bus. i was on a mission trip with my youth choir from a big baptist church in fort worth, texas and we were here to safe the heathens. as we drove through haight
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ashbury, i looked out the window and said, oh, my good, look at those happy people. they had bright clothes, playing tambourines and guitars. i went back to texas and it was two decades before i realized i was the one that needed to be saved. i came out. it was a difficult one. not for today, it's a long story. i came back often as a gay man and every single time it it was a sad affair to have to pack my bags, go to the airport and indeed, i left my heart in -- wait, you didn't ask me to sing. that was last week in city hall, but thank you for that. 35 years ago in july i walked into a room of about 40 men like me, gay men.
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i didn't even know there was such a thing as a gay chorus, but i was auditioning. i raised my arms, they sang and i cried. i'd never heard anything like that from people like me. on the front row was a young man covered with sores. i had no idea what that was. it was the first person with aids that i had met. and my life changed forever that night in so many ways. and then the big dream came through. 11.5 years ago when i was hired by the san francisco gay men's chorus to come to san francisco. it was amazing. i came to a city that didn't just tolerate me or accept me, but absolutely celebrated me as a gay man, a really gay man, one who is h.i.v. positive and it didn't matter. i didn't carry the pall that i had where i came from. this room is amazing and you
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people are amazing. you helped us do all the things that raphael mentioned. to build a memorial to musicians, singers and dancers all over the world, but also after wandering in the wilderness for 40 years, you helped us buy our first home, which in san francisco is good. we bought a four-story home right on valencia. please come visit it. andrew lippa, broadway composer, we commissioned him to write, i am harvey milk. in it, he penned a love song to san francisco. it tells the story of a young man terribly unhappy where he was in a small town. could have been harvey milk. he says, i need to go some place that gets me, some place that lets me be me. and he goes on and he says, san
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francisco, i am broken, but you welcome the broken to come and to heal. i was one of those. you, in this room, are the people that create this magical place where people can come and heal and thrive and be celebrated. so today i thank you. i thank you for the healing. i thank you for the celebration. and this honor which i will cherish forever. thank you. [applause] >> president walton: congratulations, tim. and thank you so much, supervisor mandelman.
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i just want to say congratulations to all of this afternoon's honorees. and, madame clerk, this does conclude our 2:30 p.m. special order. can you call our first 3:00 special order and let's go with items 63 to 65 first. and we'll come back to item 62. >> item 63 through 65, comprise a committee of the whole, the board of supervisors will convene this afternoon for a public hearing to hear the subject matter of items 64 and 65, the grant agreements for financial solvency for baker places inning. that's item 63. excuse me, that's item 64 is $2
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million for the positive resource center and 65 is $1.2 million for the grant to baker places inc., both not to exceed one-year term, july 21, 2022 through june 30, 2023. >> president walton: thank you so much, madame clerk. colleagues, we have before us a committee of the whole on the grant agreements for financial solvency for baker places inc. at $1.2 million and positive resource center for $2 million. i would like to invite the department of public health to present on both ordinances. doctor? >> good afternoon, president walton, members of the board of supervisors. i'm here to present on the matter at hand. i'm joined by my colleagues as
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you heard, deputy finance officer, department of public health, director of the system of care and behavioral health and chief executive officer of p.r.c. baker places. i just want to extend our thanks to mayor breed for introducing these ordinances. supervisor ronen for introducing the motion for the board to sit as a committee of the whole. president walton waiving the hold so we can address this matter. i will walk through a brief presentation which you can see on the screens in front of you. and then, of course, we are happy to take your questions. next slide. first, let me share with you some brief background about
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p.r.c. known as the positive resource center and baker places. p.r.c. provides emergency financial assistance benefits, advocacy, h.i.v. outreach, workforce development and administrative support to baker places. among other services, baker places provides urgently needed residential detoxification services as well as other mental health treatment programs both under contract with the san francisco department of health. the services, p.r.c., baker places provide form a critical component of behavioral health that includes mental health and substance use disorder services in san francisco. baker places holds a number of contracts with the department. you can see them in the chart on the screen representing more than 200 beds that care for san
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franciscans. next slide. i want to now share some financial background about baker places and p.r.c. these are two organizations that started merging in 2017. that merger is not fully complete. they currently operate under a management service agreement which which p.r.c. provides all administrative functions to baker places. beginning in july, 2021, p.r.c. roached out to d.p.h. regarding a deficit specifically related to the joe haley detox center. during and through this process, baker places and p.r.c. identified additional serious financial issues since december
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2021, d.p.h. has been working with baker places to optimize the contracts that are held by d.p.h. through a variety of measures. analysis confirms a shortfall of $3.2 million, with a deficit at baker place of 1.2 million and deficit at p.r.c. of $2 million. as a result, baker places/p.r.c. has been unable to meet fully its payroll, lease and other obligations and is at risk of insolvency. let me now speak to in more detail with the proposed
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ordinances. these would authorize d.p.h. to award one-time limited grants to both baker places of $1.2 million and p.r.c. of $2 million for a total of $3.2 million. funding for these grants would come from fiscal year 2021-22 contract savings. the primary purpose of these ordinances are to maintain financial solvesy of both organizations through the end of this current fiscal year in order to preserve the important behavioral health services, mental health and substance use. the ordinance would -- the grant would provide short-term funding to enable baker places-p.r.c. complete and implement a financial business plan to
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ensure the city of the stability and sustainability of their programs. if the ordinances are not passed by june 30, the agencies are at risk of closure as a result of their financial insolvency. d.p.h. would then need to identify other providers to potentially transfer services to close this gap. these ordinances are an emergency stop-gap measure. and are to preserve services to patients and clients most vulnerable in the city while baker places/p.r.c. stabilize. i next want to talk through the accountability mechanisms that we proposed to put into place. the city will retain an independent consultant to evaluate each organization's financial condition, including the reasons for baker
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places/p.r.c.'s financial deficit and identify all steps necessary to support long-term financial stability. this will include a submission to the city of unaudited balance sheets and related statements of income and cash for fiscal years 2017-18 through 2021. in consultation with d.p.h. and the independent consultant, baker places-p.r.c. will develop a financial sustainability plan addressing long-term operating and financial sustainability planning at both agencies, mutually agreed upon development milestones, review of scenarios regarding the long-term relationship to the city. the grants are deliverable-based with payment due upon city acceptance of the deliverables
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along the timeline agreed upon by all parties. thank you so much and we're happy to take questions. >> president walton: thank you so much, doctor. colleagues, any questions? i see supervisor ronen. >> supervisor ronen: i don't even know where to begin. there wasn't that much information in that presentation. i've been trying to understand what happened. this is an extraordinary measure to come to a committee of the whole and give $3.2 million so that staff won't be fired and 200 people won't be placed in the street. and i just don't understand how we got to this place and how this is coming to us so last-minute with such grave consequences if we don't pass
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it? i don't feel like we've been given enough detail about how we got to this situation and i'd like to hear from you and perhaps the executive director of p.r.c. we can't just give $3.2 million without understanding, how did this take place? how is this going to resolve the situation? and i guess you gave us some -- some semblance of how we're going to monitor things going forward. but is this just a band-aid to stop the additional closure -- the eventual closure of this organization? is this related to the overall situations that non-profits find themselves in? is this one of many that are going to fall? my questions are so numerous. they weren't answered in the meeting prior to this. i've been waiting for this
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hearing and i don't see much new information in this presentation. but i think this board needs more information before we agree to give $3 million to an organization. so, please tell us more. how did we get here? >> let me start by answering your question and sort of responding to the gravity of, i think, the issues that you are raising, which we and i very much share. this is extraordinary and we hope that this will be instructive for preventing all future instances of such an extreme ask and at such a late moment. i want so how seriously we all feel this is and how hard. all of the city staff, d.p.h.,
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along with fred andrews and his staff, i'mdissecting the trajectory knowing there are unanswered questions. let me just invite my colleague deputy finance officer drew mural to point out the trajectory of how we got here, or believe how we got here and then turn to mr. andrews to speak on behalf of p.r.c.-baker. >> good afternoon, supervisors, members of the board. it has been a long path to get here. we started hearing from baker p.r.c. on a deficit begun in 2021 that was around 2.4 last year and some of that was offset
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by one-time covid loan forgiveness. and that really kicked off meetings starting in july of 2021. originally the meeting started with dealing with one particular issue at the joe haley program and eventually the program continued escalaing. trying different mirr measures -- measures. trying to move budget from different areas of the contract to ensure that they had a continued cash flow, but the measures that we could take under our administrative authority exceeded what we could do eventually. and really, i think got to the point where we needed additional analytic support and fortunately, controllers office was able to assist with a
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financial review that really pinpointed the number. and that number became known end of may at 3.2, which is what we have here between the two ordinances. so the intent here is really to buy us enough time to do a better deep dive and understand the drivers of that 3.2. and to do that we proposed to engage independent analysis, financial analysis, that helps to develop findings that can be addressed in the long-term sustainability plan. the grants are structured in such that the second and third 60% of the grant budget will not be awarded until the city has accepted the sustainability plan that addresses the findings of the independent analysis. we recognize that this is an extraordinary measure that we're asking here today. and it really is critical for the services that we are hoping to continue. we want to make sure that we are addressing what the circumstances are that led to this.
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