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tv   Building Inspection Commission  SFGTV  June 29, 2022 3:30am-6:01am PDT

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servant to find a better way. governance should equalize opportunity not drive inequality. >> quite right. thank you so much. i really appreciate you coming on the show. thank you for your time today. >> thank you, chris. >> that is it for this episode. we will be back shortly. you are watching san francisco rising. thanks for watching.
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mute yours if you are in the speak the first item is roll call. president bito. >> here. >> vice president tam. >> here >> commissioner alexander-tut. >> here >> commissioner eppler. >> here >> commissioner newmann. >> here. >> commissioner sommer. >> here. >> and the next we will have our land acknowledgment. the commission acknowledges on the home land of the ramaytush ohlone who are the original
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inhab tantss. as stewards of land and with their traditions they have not forgotten their responsibilities as the care takes and all people who is reside in their traditional territory. we rescue noise we benefit from living and working on their home land we acknowledge ramaytush ohlone and affirming their rights as first peoples. >> thank you. commissioner. next item on the agenda is item 2. findings to allow teleconference meeting under california code section 54953e. the discussion and possible action. the commission will draft a residence loulgz required under bill 361. that would allow the bic to hold meetings or for commissioners who taken meetings when necessary remote and according
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to the modified brown act in ab361. a second? >> commissioner vice president tam your mic was off >> motion to adopt the findings. >> and a second. >> second. >> all in favor? aye. >> and that motion passes. the next item is item 3. president's opening remarks. >> thank you. good morning to my fellow commissioners to dbi and the public. 2 agenda items about issues that have been my focus as a commissioner and president of the building inspection commission. understanding ways to stream line the permit process and improvements department makes to the presses to better serve customers. setting an expectation on time lines, understanding their pregnant to approvals, how to follow occupy status and the resource to collaborate when
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dealing with a design problem or question. >> this process should be viewed a benefit to the applicant's design and construction. not a bureaucratic headache. i look forward to our work together and want to pass the baton to direct i move by way to the podium. and do a presentation for madison move to a new chapter in her life. if you could join us at the podium.
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i like to start by [no mic] and partner stead hand and especially given the turbulent period with covid and move to a now building and all the challenges we had. and we worked together for probably almost a decade and i always known her to be straightforward and responsible with dbi funds. she was always committed to making our city a better accomplice for everyone. i'm sure she will continue to do that. it would be hard to finds anyone more careful with dbi finances than her. we are in a stronger position do you to her fine work dedication. join mow in recognizing the good
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work she does for dbi and wish her the best of luck in her new endeavour. i would like to present you with this as a recognition for your service. upon >> this message is for tara on behalf of secretary harris and the building inspection commission. as she said she's known her and worked with her the past 20 years. has always always the ever present lead at the helm of the smoothly running finance ship. it will be a bit strange you are no longer there. your reputation for excellence and going by the book proceeds
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you. she has presented finance update exclude budget presentations for commissioners over the scombreers always well prepared answer tough questions. she has also represented the department well and a fierce add roicate of protecting the finances when presenting to the mayor's office our board of supervisors. sonya say its hen a pleasure working with her and as her staff said that she was a supportive supervisor. many people know her as chief financial officer or deputy director of administrative service but knows sonia knows her as her friends and will be truly missed. thank you for all you have done for dbi and the great things you continue to do on behalf of our city. this certificate is from the building inspection commission.
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[applause] well, thank you, everyone i do appreciate that. i appreciate my time at dbi and the support of the executive team. as well as my colleagues. but i really want to take and of course the building inspection commission. i want to take this opportunity to say this should, thank you i appreciate it but this is for the staff and finance. they are behind the scenes people i present to you every month you see mow they are working behind the scenes. i want to put a really special thank you to everyone in finance and hr and records management as well and mis. thank you very much. [applause] >> thank you. our next item on the agenda is 4b. update on major projects.
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thank you. moneastbounding we need to dot director's report first. am i right? i'm sorry you thought that was that's when we were doing. sorry. >> director's report. 4a director's update. >> so i want to start with stating that we have some big news for you today. deputy director of services nevel will present a new initiative to stream line the plan check process introducing a new preplan check station where projects categorized the time needed to rerue and assign to staff in a more manageable way. these are major operational improvements to our business
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that will create more clarity for our customers. i believe that this will be the most important changes we make this year and look forward to rolling it out in the next several coming weeks. you will learn about more about it later in the meeting. and moving on, i'd like to bruce our newest member of dbi. chris. our new compliance manager. chris, stand up and wave. [laughter]. chris's role is critical component of reforms narcoticive to meet our commitments and requirements. will help lead our reform and work on internal audits and other programs for ensure integrity of our service. help the department restore public's trust. chris come from the office of economic and workforce development we look forward to
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share other his work with you >> and just moving on to our small business ambassador program. on tuesday we launched a small business inspection's ambassador program to help small businesses with last minute issues that come up before the issuance of occupancy that being a temporary set of occupancy or an occupancy itself. this will help small businesses open faster and obviously will boost our local xhechl we added a dedicated page on our website and a now program and e mail to customers this week. >> and another item we are working on is our transition to sfgov. president bito you asked for an update on our website transition
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to the platform. is one big city website designed to help access city services quickly and easy low. the pages are meant to provide clear instructions in english, chinese, spanish and filipino andarc seszable to the disabled. the website is move to the sfgovtv platform and working hard to improve the information on our side. permit service move to sfgovtv is nearly complete and working on other service web pages and expect it move to completely the end of the summer. thank you and that comcludes my report. >> thank you. the next item is 4b. update on major projects.
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pulling up our slide deck. >> good morning. today i'm happy to introduce updates to our major projects report. the following slides are intended to highlight the volume and evaluation of projects 5 million and more. filed, issued and completed and to profile a few that bring high value in terms of contribution to housing and community assets. >> we have made adjustments to the report more general low. moving forward the report will represent the last full calendar month and number of units presented is clarified to be the
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now housing units associated with the permit. so -- moving on to the next slide here n. may of 22, 4 perit applications with we have slide 2, allen, please? i believe. thank you. in may of 20224 permit applications with construction value of 5 million dollars or more were filed with dbi. these project says issue anticipated to add 458 new houseings units and are collectively valued over 266 million dollars. this includes an application for 348 unit in potrero development. which it is valued at 175 million dollars. and there was also an application for project 2550 irving.
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in sunset district with 90, 1 huh human % affordable and the construction value of 50 million dollars. last year we issued 8 permits over 154 million dollars. the projects are associated with 178 new housing units. 2 notable permits include 34414 street have 60 units and we have 1501, sunnydale which is part of the hope sf redevelopment of the public housing. and that will bring in 90, 100% affordable units. then moving on to slide 4. lastly dbi issues approvals for occupancy and signs off permits
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for completion. for last mont we signed off 2 of projects. one was a major rehab of sro in the tenderloin. and the other is 1028 market street, which bruin 186 new housing u 26 below market rate. >> together the projects have a construction evaluation of 65 million dollars. thank you very much. >> thank you. kudos on the slide. >> next item on the agenda is 4c update on dbi's finances.
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>> good morning. cristeen assistant director of dbi. we have vacancy in our deputy director for finance administrationil give you an update on the budget process. slide twochl presents the the budget to finance appropriation's committee on may 18. went back a week later to the board to confirm the department is accepting the budget in legislative analyst recommendations. this is the same budget you saw before am i include third degree for reference. total budget equals 93.4 million for fiscal 22-23. and 85.8 million for fiscal 23-24. the 22-23 includes 3.8 million
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increase and 7.4 million dollars decrease. in that fiscal 23-24 budget lower than the prior 3 fiscal year budgets. >> we went over before the revenues are increasing 7.4 million dollars increase in charges for services and that's our 2 primary fee revenues building permits went up 1.8 million and plan check 4 million dollars. they are increasing from the pandemic level but lower than prepandemic. and due to low revenues the department is using funds balance and reserves to balance the budget and expenditure reductions to balance the budget.
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analyst recommendations the budget legislative analysts recommended under 419 thousand dollars in reductions for fitsical 22-23 and 200,000 in reduction for fiscal year 23-24. and i said earlier the department accept said those recommendations the next steps for the board of prierzs to approve the budget by august first. and thank you that concludes my presentation. no questions. so can you tell mow what it means with the when we accept the we gave a budget and then did we-the recommendations can you tell me what it mean when is
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i accepted them. we did not challenge them. there is a process if you don't agree with the recommendations you can challenge them and try to negotiate a solution. is this something that has to come to us for review or? in terms of process. >> i believe the commission a proved the proposed budget to the marrow office and then approved the revised negotiations. i don't think it guess back for formal prove >> thank you. can you tell me the arctrician does that mean freezing the positions permanent low or because we did not fill them it it is a savings for next year because they will not be fillod july one? >> the attrition savings from delayed hiring and not
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eliminating the positions. >> thank you. >> just i know you mentioned director present third degree to the board of supervisors was there feedback from the board. ? not in particular as -- relating to our numbers. and there was discussions surrounding hiring and if we were on track with being able to hire enough people to give us the ability to do our have the appropriate resources and you know we were able to demonstrate we were in the process of hiring several inspectors and other staff and the board was happy to hear that. >> thank you. i have another question. director. and on the major projects is helpful. but since the correlation between the major projects and the final seeing how that is --
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a graphic something graphic to show how that is trending against other years. the thing that to deputy director's point you are taking out of reserve and how are those projects coming in to affect that. there are way we title out projects. finances and things like that? is that manage this we can do not guilty future so we see like how major projects are trending in terms of permits and revenues. >> yes. certainly we can take a look at that and hopeful low come up with a metric and show you how they share compares with year's past. >> to me and i think you are nodding deputy but -- part of that effort is managing how you
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are doing month to month, quarter low and sick monthses so that you know like making adjustments throughout the year. i think that is a tool for the commission to be able to see. >> yes. we will look at that and see if we provide you with that. information. >> i would add in the past. deputy director madison update the commission throughout the year on -- any changes to the budget projections based on revenue. you are acting as her proxy so -- as you heard many times like the graphics are help my us understand how things how numbers correlate to you know your operations. and permits.
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>> if i may ad. the new slides that we did for the major projects that was the work of our data analyst meaghan. who put those together and huge thank you for her work on that. >> thank you. any other questions? comments? no. okay. thank you. moving on to item 4d. update on proposed or enacted state or local legislation. >> thank you. ef speak into the mic, please. good morning. president bito and vice president tam, commissioners i'm ray law the new legislative
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affairs manager at dbi. noise to meet everyone. today i will be providing the state and local legislative update with a short presentation highlighting items i like to bring to your attention. a local ordinance signed by the mayor in may. subject line suggests the proirm goal of the ordinance to ensure construction workers save full pay and benefits. by adding article to the police code to require construction projects that create 10 or more residential units to min tain a labor compliance for work on the project. and in addition to the please code it also amends the building code to make following with the controller's office a condition of receiving a permit for construction. in other words, the dbi will not be able to issue building
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permits with housing projects subject to this requirement unless [inaudible] vetted by office of controller with the office of labor standards and enforcement. since may, dbi working with our city partners to ensure infrastructure and channels are in accomplice for implementation. for example, in new routing station on the permit tracking system added to the approval of the controller's office. >> we'll continue top work close low with our city partners to make sure the implementation is moved and adjustments can be made if necessary. next slide. the next slide focuses on 2 state bills that are moving through the state legislator. the first piece is state bill ab916. this makes changes to existing law governing units.
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allow for additional square footage on existing residential property. ab2244, requires a local agency to process the residential housing permit in a specified time period depending on the size of the housing project. in is permitting system and model applications for reference. both were passed and are in the anti. that concludes my presentation and happy to answer questions you may have. i have one question. does your presentation capture -- we are looking at a 44 page document supporting document.
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are -- do i presume don't capture that in the document. >> that captures everything. >> it does. >> it does. >> and i believe in addition to the 44 page update per state builds have you a document capturing local ordinance that was passed and the first line focuses on that one >> repeat the last part. the first line is a local ordinance that will signed by the mayor in early may and went in affect in early june. >> okay. >> thank you. >> the next item on the agenda is 4e. update on code enforcement.
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good morning. today i'm happy to introduce a new visual format for inspection services update that was our code enforcement update. trends in the volume and timeliness of work in inspection services include data from our electric and building data. in may of 2022 our building electric and plumbing conducted tlenld inspections. 91% were conducted within 2 business days of the date requested bite customer meeting the target of 90%. in the same month or housing
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inspection conducted 631 inspections with 102 of them routine of multifamily housing. there hen ape trends in houing inspections conduct third degree year and expect to return to prepandemic inspection activities soon. jot next slide building electric and plumbing received 446 come plains and responded 98% within 3 business days. which is exceeding our target of 85%. additional low, code enforcement abated 118 complaintses with notices and sent 91 cases for director's hearing. >> it is next slide. lastly housing inspepgz 264 complaintses and responded to
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91% in 3 business days. life safety and heat. 32 complaints and responded 78% within a business day. housing inspection services arc baited 244 cases with notices of violation and sent 36 cases for director's hearing. i think the next fiscal we will dive in our housing inspection data to improve data processes and refine our performance measures for the division. we will provide updates as this work develops. that concludes my update. i'm available for questions. thank you. >> i do have a question. there are a couple -- after all could we bring update slides. i have questions where the graph spike and bite way, these slide
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decks are helpful. and -- also the architect i think that is incrediblely useful this has i think you talked about -- before in the december spike makes sense. there was another one if prior to this. this one there was a significant spike in april. what are your thoughts on that. that's a nub you can never predict we take complaints as we get them some months are busy somewhere not. winter months when we get december and heat complaintses similar to building we get water going over property lines. people's drains blocking. no one in april what that was
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there is not a reason for it. >> okay seemed to break a high threshold. i was looking and could you is there another one. go forward >> i think that was the only question i had. lookinga the that commissioner. >> thank you. about the bito. question on the responsiveness on the life hazar and heat. doing great work it looks like. this is the only one where it seem its is close to the lowest hit the tart and the highest target. and i know you mentioned trying to get a better data collection. is there other reason why this seems to be the type of inspection we are not able to get as high of a responsiveness? >> good question. and i think the 77th % within a
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business day i think we were looking at that threshold and i continuing is 100%. nobody can be 100% if it is 70 within a day i say 100 within 2 to 3. with that 78 within a business day is good. when we get a complaint to contact someone takes a couple of days. you know thereupon is not a reason but we always focused we are i see the e mails coming in and the response from housing service its is almost immediate. smj will be there this afternoon or the next day. i think we with always improve but i think the problem was it had high when you don't need it you are shooting yourself in the foot. >> you are saying that 95% within 2 day system a better metric. >> the metric is being worked on we mentioned we are changing that a bit >> thank you for that.
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color on that. >> thanks for your questions. >> i have one more. do my fellow commissioners have any. i know you don't have the graphic for housing inspection. you would not speak to that? >> i can try to answer questions on housing but that might be something for the chief housing inspector to are here for a future meeting. do we anticipate he would present next month. >> if you desire, we can ask him to present and you know talk about these things. >> yea, that will be good to put on the agenda. >> okay. on the work for the graphs i like to thank meaghan for her work outstanding as always. >> thank you very much. >> question. >> wave to everyone >> thank you. >> thank you, meaghan. >> a question to my fellow
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commissioners, when i say next month that is something we want let's look at next month is this something we want month low from housing inspection? . yea. thank you. >> thank you. and it is a reminder for public comment call in number is 415-655-0001. access code is 24929071057 to raise your hand on an item press star 3 when prompted bite meeting moderator. thank you. >> good morning i'm jerry. i noticed that was on some projects where there appears to be code compliance questions i noticed that when i look at the
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building permit the inspectors are not prescheduling their visits. i'm wondering one, why does this happen? and 2, are these inspections in the code enforcement performance numbers. and 3, might it be a good idea to report percentage of dbi inspections not prescheduled because -- that potentially indicate there is a problem. thank you very much. >> thank you. is there other public comment? for item 4a-e? any virtual? okay. we will move on to item 5. general public comment.
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the big will take on matters in the commission's jurisdiction that are i'm sorry. okay. go ahead. >> i will finish reading the item the commission rae jurisdiction that are not part of this agenda. we will take public comment in house first. good morning i'm jerry. later this year required to submit the report to the board of supervisors. many of the bic commissioners are new and may not be aware of this requirement. there are you many challenges facing the bic and i hope you are working on them. and you will be addressing them in thenual reportful i like to
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rerowel a few of them. a formal response to the controller's report from assessment of 21. that addresses the changes implemented at dbi to address the weaknesses in the report. the bibbing bic's plan for 30 million dollars operating deficit. the plan should include a time line for changes. 3, a discussion of the specific processes and system changes implemented this year. at dbi to address the corruption problems identified by local media and 4 a release date for the promised report on the bernie kershaw project this is have life safety issues. thank you. >> thank you. >> any other general public comments? okay. caller you are unmoued >> good morning, thank you mr.
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jones. good morning, commissioner his is georgia. i have a quick question i wondered if anything going on with information sheet eg02 the egress in the r2 occupancies single family and 2 unit buildings. i have not seen anything on the code advisory agendas or anything or in front of your commission i wondered, what was happen with that sheet that needed to be revised per the california state fire marshall. thank you very much. take care. >> thank you. are is there other public comment general public comment? we we will new it item 6 discussion of the permit center the function in permitting,
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process and initiatives. >> presentation, please. make sure to speak in the mic. >> okay. >> good morning. commissioners thank you for inviting me. to speak on the functions of the permit center. >> next slide, please. madam secretary. could you -- please introduce yourself. >> yes. sorry i was waiting -- trying to time things with my slide deck. i'm rebecca director of the
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permit center. having technical issues. >> thank you.
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thank you. i'm rebeck at director of the permit center. the permit center was born out of a construction project. of from build of 39 south vaness began as a real estate project to collapse leases. for buildings across san francisco. and move the departments closer together. it was clear an opportunity was presenting itself as we started moving the departments together. that we might be able to look at our processes and create efficiencies across the departments themselves. so in 2018, the permit center team was created. a vision and mission created with the input from the mayor, city add administrator. controller and the regular stake holders. so this slide shows you in
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orange, bright oranges. all of the department in the permit center in yellow are our stake holder department catharsis not colocated. in level 2 at 49 south vaness but share in the same vision of permitting processing that are stream lined and working toward that goal. it is a one stop shop and a team of people and also a set of principles how we can provide and deliver services to our constituents. as a place the permit centers creates a one stop shop where a business and individual can receive services prior to 49 south vaness opening, a customer would travel around civic center to receive service the previous slide the little domains were
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across different buildings. some as far as of the financial district. the traveling to get your restaurant permitted could include 12 stops through the journey of your creation. we colocated 10 of those experiences on level 2 of 49 south vaness. in addition the permit center team delivers friends low efficient and stream lined in person customer experience we will have a team of 8. customer service reps and supervision and managers over them that are there every day to greet people and make sure they go to the right place in the permit sxernt sit with the right department. if they don't know what services they need, we help them understand that. and make sure they are queued in the property order to see people. our team has created services to
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help make that process more transparents than it was before am you know when you enter the permit center. even before you get there how long tell take to see somebody. you can decide if you want to wait instead or get coffee and come become in an hour when somebody will be available to see you. the team has analysts and creating anthropologist and products and processes to make all of these services easier to navigate. and then there is you know the principles that are under all of the work that we do. and these are things that have been developed in collaboration with all of our department stake holders. creating strife to create ends to end services. not asking a constituent to fill a form out 10 times for a single creation of a restaurant or understanding how we are
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connected. and so again we offer construction business and special everyone services. we have departments involve federal all of those pieces. on the floor monday-friday. and again. working toward a vision of being friend low and efficient and stroll line in the how we approach our work. next slide. i wanted share the organization structure. i know this is confusing for, lot of people. permit center are in the an age that issues permits but provide services. so -- permit center sits within the city add administrator's office. we are in the dbi. and we don't report up to dbi i think arc lop of people often believe or feel because dbi makes up a lot of the floor. we are part of the city add
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administrator's office and have a charter that has been adopted again by all of our stake holder departments. we have agreement on how we will work together and the things we want to do together and approach. next slide. and next slide after that. just some fluff. all right. let's talk about the services we offer. the permit center team does a lot we are mall and mighty. we do end experiences for customer service and what that means is we have programs such as. we are working on consolidate e mails and voice mails across the departments. we are our vision, hope, goal, belief is that customers should be able to not have to know where they need to ask a question. if they just want to know how do i open a restaurant. how do i get a building permit
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we created a space where they sends a question and we will figure it out for them. we work with the agencies to build knowledge bases so we pull information and answer general questions. our hope is to remutual a lot of low hanging fruit off of department's place the expert staff that are engineers and do plan review and are specialist in permit services can do this specialized work and we ask and answer the basic questions for them. >> again, part of customer service is having one team on the floor that representatives all 10 agencies to move a customer to any desk on the floor. we have 91 stations that -- 91 stations it it is about you know on a daily base 100 people in the permit center and moving customers to the right place.
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we don't want anybody to get lost. we have a print center that opened up this year. so, partial is part of our experience. we are working to eliminate that and we will talk about that later. for now. paper we need paper to do upon certain permitting. so -- customers is sends a set of construction plan in to the permit center the night before. and we have many note of our experience is that of the largest percentage of workers and customers come in the morning to start the plans and start routing on the floor. during the day, one of the departments asks them to make a revision they revise the plans. walk to the print center. get a new set and slip sheet those in their project and finish up that day. we created the ability for business or contit went customer
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to have you know they can finish their permitting in a single day. we put all the services on the floor for them. we are managing cent rollized cashiering for the floor. all of the department that don't have a modern payment system everybody but dbi is consolidate to a cashier system we are rolling out now. payment kiosks on the floor that take cash, credit card and check. provide cash and manage that on behalf of those departments. and then there are some bigger things around strategy. we have a group that was created last fall that works across the department's to create our portfolio of work. strategic projects that are going to drive efficiencies across the departments. and we meet amongly to talk about new initiatives, an example would be ab2234 the changes needed to impelement that.
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and so we will partner with key diameters like the controller's office. to look for additional resources and dig at that time services. data sf. and then engage with the departments to define problems and finds solution to the problems for them and lastly operational support. there are things we do we manage a floor day to day. health and safety. key management system. getting the video displays up and running. network going. next slide, please. just a visual. on data. this is that the floor looks like now. the pie chart represents the participation and how the counterses are staffed. so 70 -- you know little seventy-four % is dbi. they other largest presence on the floor and then in person
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services matches that. so the majority of work happening now is otc permitting. next slide. >> just a quick time line to show you how we got here the permit team and the idea start in the 2018. when it became clear that moving all of the departments together was presenting an opportunity and honest low a need. we did not want to colocate departments and not address the under lying customer service issues that we will surface had you moved people together. somebody needed to help manage the floor traffic and build systems across the departments to help manage what was going to happen. we you know managed through the pan dem and i can upon present in the building. the first to move in to the building before dbi and prepd and got everything red to -- transition the parking lot in
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the building. worked close low with network teams to get computers ready to deal with the pandemic transition. created scheduling system. we -- are here i think an example of where we will flex to help the departments based on need. and you know typeset it is a group of professionals that have experience and deliver in customer service. we are u nobodyingly qualified to deal with the issue this is have been coming up. and next slide. this th is a snapshot of different initiatives we worked on. i will not go into it a lot. but gives you a sense and flavor of the diversity of w that our team is delivering on. again we do this in partnership with other agencies dig at that time service, city sf and
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customers other stake holder departments. last slide. and so we -- we thrive on feedback. we feed to know how we are doing. we need to know if things are working. we are committed to improve ament we have an e mail we advertise as much as we can in as many accomplices we can so customers now how to get in contact with us and share feedback that feedback is passed to departments or may evolve to a project that come up through our strategy planning group. thank you. >> commissioner. questions and comments? >> i want to open up to my fellow commissioners. what are your measures for
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success? >> so because our catalog is large. it is different things we have set some we have baseline -- around in person service. really monitoring when wait times are exceeding. we get alerts 30 minute when is they exceed 60 minutes we work closely with departments to understands what is happening and see if we can control that. in person is around wait times. and in the digital realm we are just starting there. we will start try to decide where the right metrics are around digital submissions. and agreement largely with dbi to sunday understand control. how much paper can we furn off
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and digital turn of that is a dbd to be honest a lot of what we are doing is so new we are not coming in to say this is our measurement for success in terms of a hard percentage. we are learning as we go along. . data is a problem. for us. because well is in the a lot of rich data to draw on to say immediately here is where improve ams are. individually we look at department by department by department and aggregating for the holistic picture is an narcoticive this year to establish that. is on the road map at the controller's office this year is set k pi's for the permit centers. now it is largely in person and making sure customers are not waiting and getting lost. >> how long are we waiting on average >> it is about 12 millions >> yea.
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>> we take in about 200 a day. give or take 20, and i think we are it was on the bar graph we do 600 services that is 220 unique customers keep made policy changes differents than 1660 customer can submit a project at a time or do plan review one at a time they can submit 2 projects but get in line to do plan review each time that allows there to be fairness for every customer they all have their shot at getting to see member that day. and -- so. as a result, we have 220 unique customers but get nothing line doubles and hovers around 400 a day. >> any other questions? yes. >> first of all, thank you for the presentation.
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i think you >> i have been getting feedback not with dbi and the smooth and access to digital platform that they are building but i have been hering great things about the permit center i was a restaurant oour and running to the permit health and the different departments was frustrate thanksgiving is a huge progress. i think the key word that you utilized was efficiency across all the departments. and so thank you for that and thank you to the departments for your collaboration here in building a better product for our users. >> thank you. >> commissioner eppler? >> thank you. i had the opportunity to take a tour of the permit center when i did my dbi tour. it was intutive for a person to see and understand and i imagine the process is much improved.
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it looks like it is going well. my question is, there is a handful of agencies that are not in the permit center and i understand they are more suspectized. but are there low hanging fruit permits correlateed the other stuff this the agencies may be able to staff a desk for and conversations on going or the stats with them? >> this it is a great question. you are correct. i think an example is mary office on disabilities active low talking to them to create office hours. they don't have a high volume but the departments that are not there represent agencies this have their involved in permitting but not they don't have monday-friday type of trafficfully. but an example is mod and we are talking about setting up staff hours for them. and possible low a virtual queue they have a presence and answer
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questions. that is similar to the other agencies in the chart that were in yellow. try to figure out how to right size so we don't affect their operational staffing but create a presentlies for customers. what we do do to bridge that gap is partner with the departments we have them present at the monthly meetings so we build education and awareness so you understand how to engage with the department fist they are not there. and then also build up knowledge base resource in our own team if customers have questions we help them. we have public service computers on the floor. an agency like mod you don't need to see them to start your permitting process. so we know how to walk you over to a computer and get that started for you. or the tax collector is another example. we worked to create and learn
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about their -- a partnership and learn about their resources. if you start your dbi building permit process and get stuck at intake you have not paid business registration we know how to navigate and you get that cleared for you the tax collector on stand boy on a chat red it clear the deficiency and give intake the green light to go ahead and move them through and get them issued. >> great. thank you. >> commissioner tut. >> yes. thank you for your presentation and much appreciation for the work you are doing the vision and the implementation. y want to call out the assignment the random assignment of permit checkers. that solved a couple of problem and so -- that was just refreshing to have like you know
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someone else have thought of a great solution and implemented by the when we heard about it. i proernlt that very much and thank you. my question is i hear a lot of occurrence or complains from most low homeowners or smaller like i only do this once every 15 years. permit. holders of -- i come in get my permit and i check nothing to see where it go and it went to a different department is this experience still happening. is this something the permit centers can help with or a best practice within the departments for notifying permit seekers when something starts in one department and gets routed somewhere else? yea. so -- i would like to say and hope that enemy the construction
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realm it got better. there are was part of the earlier updates the website updates are helping. partnering close low with patrick cannon and dbi to make sure that we are thinking about content that spans the departments. because dbi anchors the building permit process where you get lost is once you leave them and knowing where to go next. i think than i have done a great job at creating some stream line resources and information around the building permit piece. but i think if you are don't speak the lingo of building permits, it can be changing we are trying to write contents more user friendly temperature is a partnership pact 've project and something we will look at with dig at that time services teaching us how to talk. for many years we thought we ksdz do it and we are learning
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from service designers we can do it better. but the process is under way. this year we would like to focus on accidents. and start doing the good work that started with otc permit and in house content. to write better business content and partner with osb and oa wb to stream line that information and sort of e involve the business portal so that so that a nonexpert business can navigate the process as well. >> thank you. >> i want to -- i one thing that isiment exciting when >> is a meeting there is growth and change. it is nice to see that the whole city family is looking at this together. thank you. >> thank you. >> do any other commissioners have questions. i have a few questions. [laughter]. ready. >> one of them is so is your
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tracking your software tieed the dbi website >> it is is in the. we have inspect systems. on our road map is to get a we have a consultant coming nathat project kicked off this week to look at our architecture, technology and infrastructure to better understand when we need to do to be more unified with information and data. all systems are disconnectd that image i had with the data base that is how our architecture every department is their department and little is connected. they don't speak to each other. no. there are some batch updates that happen between departments and data and file exchanges but real time ap i that span all of those data bases it does not
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exist. there is a bit of work that happened on the tax collector's side, obviously with the a social securitior the role happens there. another in unsecured personal property and the tax collector works with public health. along the construction line there is is in the a lot of integrated solutions. blue beam is the close effor electronic plan review. >> blue being session you are talking about when that document could be shared across different departments. >> right. exactly. so -- the intake process starts at dbi and dbi facilitates getting those document in blue beam and ready to then invite all of the departments in that are involved in the review and inviting the customer in when the time is right to do the
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review. for dig at that time plans we look at together. >> the thing that she is talking about is for intake. >> inhouse review. and just to preface my questions. everything i heard like and anecdotal about the permit center and counter. loams and boundses and had a good experience and improvements expressed about level of customer service and the things you are talking about where you have to have arounding of the work load with the different department and permit electronic and the blue beam session is the accomplice an applicant can see how their permit is being processed through the dbi, which covers the techical review and other departments like fire and
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public works that blue beam session and the only place. when they are organizationing that are the departments look at that and blue beam allows to you comment or review those simultaneously? >> yes. >> if this is the case then are they all invited at the same time. >> yes. all the departments invited at the same time in that session. and the pts the commentses which the routes and comments are public low available that information exists for the customers as well. as departments are doing review they should be making and usually make comments. we are working on them to standardsize lingo. you should be able to see information in both the public view of of pts and in blue beam detailed against your construction plans. in pts you see comments in the
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blue beam but in pts can you see if fire is done. yes >> you can see if fire has started and finished or request be revisions this information should be in the public low available view of the permit tracking system. >> in linking all the different departments what are you looking for in your software? you know it is a great question. that's why we hired a consultant. other jurisdictions there is one system that tethers everybody together. i think we that should be for san front people made purchases. and are modernizing now. we are looking at manage that creates a middle ware solution over an across all of the different data bases. where we aggregating data together. and then you know creating and creating a work flow engage or service engage allows to yous
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move information in between people. our goal is to create trance paraphernalias internal and external, starting internal. we want departments to manage and plan and predict when their work will be from dbi or the tax collector that's where accidents start. it it is probably a type of middle ware services and data solution but bring nothing architects to look at that and understands what the existing -- inventory of tech mology and a consult on how what that would look like and what it would take to implement that. so that is a big deal. >> uh-huh. >> um -- i mean given we don't need to re#history given the past history of the permit tracking system that the permit center relaunching that. that is something i think as a commission we want to hear
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updates about. yea. happy to share. i want to make sure well is clarity around the different initiatives. so there is the replace am of the per mir tracking system. and that is one initiative that dbi will manage with their stake holders involved there. we hope to be a part of those conversations and then there is another initiative that is big are than that it is to take all of the pieces and connect them this is the thing that lives in the permit center how do i make everybody's system talk and aggregate everybody's data and how do we create trance paraphernalias for customers and staff. that will happen where dbi in their journey of replacing pts we am have to figure outhow to do this. we need everybody's data and i node to make it work with the tax collector data and work with
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assessment information. so still big probably bigger but dbi has a project and i have an over arching project. >> you are platforms have to speak to each other. >> they do but to be honest we are coming in a situation wree have really old tech that is older than dbi's that has to be a part of this. we will have to figure out how to make everything work and we will taether everything together. tell take -- it will take force. and a lot of data clean up but yea. we have to make sure our systems talk to each other like we need to make sure pts can talk to public work and can talk to the new public work system and the new department of health system. there is a lot of this technology journal sehappening for everybody and we are trying at the same time to laying down the electronic the trains have
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left the station and try to lay down the electronic in fronts of them. >> how does it disconnect now the fact you are implementing a flat form i understand this is a business platform i'm not a softary person i'm talking way out of my depth but how does this affect a customer's experience when you don't have the ability to aggregate information from different departments. dbi has a covers a lot of inner departmental review with [inaudible]. other departments that have to work with them upon how does not having that platform that in place affect a customer's experience. one of them would be the things you tuck about how you create an invoice that is pulls together information from the departments which probably affects the level of effort this was done on that
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project or that application. >> yes, so that's the experience today for a customer they don't know we talked about in terms. a project versus a permit. so a customer has to know about where all of their permits are being issued. from where are they issued? and when we can't say now is the city is what is happening with your project, though. so -- if commissioner tam in his days building a now restaurant space out he had to know where his who he was working with have to known you start at dbi and mean these 10 thing in the routing but once that is done, did you remember to get your business license because you should have start thered the first thing but you probably didn't. that's okay it is confusing and you have operational permits. and that's the experience today. have you to know who are you
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engaging with to see the status of each thing. we are trying to shift that to talk about project we are doing data clean up now. very exciting. meaghan is behind me we can call her oust but we are trying to add business arc counsel wants so the business license number to permit applications. otc permit projects we want to see how much businesses are operating that come in for a permit. are they there in this journey or bodiesing spaces. absent a plat furthermore we are doing in work. >> yea t. is a lot harder >> it is, this is the journey of journey. so you start with the really messy stuff and we will get it in a place where we can repurpose and use it again.
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and again working closely with department of building inspection. and their data team. meg san giving us ideas. where we preserve this work and informing we are doing. next thing will be, build on that. the next thing after this. public works information? more planning information. is if something else. we are starting the work absent motor form. and we will put it in temporary places and hopeful low by early fall we have an idea or have options on where we want to go so we is dot next part of the journey which is budgeting and asking for experienceship and trying to figure out how do we build it together if we want to build it together. >> dbi is 75% of your business. i money how do you function if you are not able to work together. >> dbi75% of in person and you
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know but business permitting is a different it is different it is happening not in person it is behind the scenes and they are large stake holder for the work we do. but we do want to work together it is a collective decision we need all executives bought in the idea of creating the responsibleses. we need ton that we have the resources and the funding and the capabilities they are not turn key they will take time to do. we have to find the right time to get them neighborhood. everybody is butt in the idea of what we are trying to do we need to find the right moment and time to get it done. >> i 19when i joined the commission i read through the report and that report really out lineings how complicate third degree platform and the endeavour you are taking on.
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this is in the -- this is a big, big effort and takes time to implement that. i assume that is in line with the something this did not -- that was boonldzed and you are pursuing something nels lieu of that? is this a correct. >> no the project is that is an initiative that dbi will take on that is the next chapter for them >> yea that is just dbi the thing we are building is some ways probably easier i don't need to build in all of the processes. >> sorry. i mean -- i need to tether everybody's did thea together. most case the departments have done a good job at storing the permit application number in their system we have a footprint about dbi and other agencies already and it is business account number the other big one for business this is is stored
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in many places we have a good starting point t. is in the perfect but people have been think burglar this and did in the know why they were doing it or where we were headed the vision is coming in focus. and -- we want to tether the data so we tell the story how long it takes for a project to get completed a restaurant end to end and this work started with prospect h. the 30-day business efficiency project. so there is a handful of data there. and record this is we can draw on. it is creating that seamless apply in one place. acigate the data tell a business ahead of time. and -- for predictability purposes this is what you node to do and prepared for and how much capitol you need before you get to open up your doors. thank you for having a
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conversation with the commission this is helpful the question i had about your prior presentation you talked about collecting data and aggregated and you used an acronym. i didn't understand. what were you referring to the ends of the product of collect thanksgiving data what are you trying to arrive it. k pi? yes. performance indicators it is understanding our goals and metrics for success building off of commissioner newmann's question. how do we measure success. our challenge now is a lot is new. not just new to san francisco the concept of end to ends yoosz. >> we want to be able to look across and say this is how long it takes the size of a business to get this size and type of business to be established or size and type of construct
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project with this encroachment we have to have enough data to bucket up the experiences to then say, this is our north star this . is where we are trying to these other targets we want to hit as a city. not just as an agency. well, i would certainly like to bring you back at a future date when property to talk about and seems like the fall might be one at least and i'm not suggesting you are going to be anywhere have a complete vision but that might be an another mile stone you are shooting for if this is appropriate i could talk about this every month. i know that it does in the work that fast but fall may be a good time to bring you back. >> yep. i think it is fine. i think you will hear sort of
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ways pers of the permit center come out through the departments updates. because some of them will have shared responsibility in them. or ownership and so -- we are happy to come become whenever you like us back. >> one last question. dbi has their own platform and the other diameters that are trying to work with that is the part you are trying to tether. >> okay. >> got it. >> i don't have any further questions. did my other fellow commissioners. thank you very much. and we look forward to you coming back. [laughter]. thank you. >> thank you. is there public comment on item 6? >> good afternoon i'm jerry. i have a question.
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can permit center customers pick their dbi plan checkers? has this bad practice been e eliminated this hen an historic dbi problem. some contractors and developers developed improper reps request specific plan checkers. these other same customers who under mine the what was called the [inaudible] system a few years ago. it is the type of system you use by the department of motor vehicles to prevent, sweethearting. when you go to dmv they don't let the customer pick the person who will give you the permit or driving test. dbi put this control in for a good reason. thank you. >> thank you. >> so. our concern queue link system is
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a company called queueless does in the allow for a plan shopping. you condition pick your staff member any longer and we don't publicicize staff rosters or schedules so that a customer get in line and see who station they get called to. >> hopefully addressing this problem. >> other public comment virtual? thank you. move on to item 7. client services subcommittee update and discussion on implementation of the preplan review process and backlog.
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we are going to do this in -- a couple ways. said the entire process will
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be -- to embed the plans examiners in the front of the process. this is something this dbi used to do back way back and -- other jurisdictions do successfully. so they when the plans come in they get screened the people that dot work. to check the plans. this is making sure that they the in coming plans are complete. they are of good qualm.
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provide routing guidance a project come in boy our generic routing guidelines may sends a project to multiple review stations when they don't need to be there. an example is that the public health review station may be added to a project when -- there is no need for -- element of public health in this project and we will just be able to -- e lim nit that from the process. the second item is to credit an independent internal w strolls to facilitate sfaul and modium sized projects ahead of learning projects. currently it is i first come
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first serve type of rerowel for every project this come in the become of the house. and so you may have and these are assigned to the plans examiners upon intake you may have a plan checker, signed large projects and then you know a few small sized at the tail end of this -- that line up. and in addition the plan checker have vacation scheduled or unin10ingal time off. that would also further delay that small project behind all the other projects. reorganize the w assignments to take them off plan checkers.
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keep project in the queue and assign work weekly this way we can reasonly anticipate that, that project gets reviewed within that certain amount of time. and -- the public will be able to see where they near the queue. through our website or the wins in this eliminates the constant chatter plan examiners get where am i in the process. hopeful low you allow them to be efficient with their time. >> excuse me is there a slide deck socialitied with when you are talking about. or manage we are supposed to look at a have something had is 8 or 9 pageings. is that it? curious. okay. um -- and lastly incorporating
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check in weekly assign ams the week check work load is not part of our data analysis or -- analysis of the backlog this we have. concern. this body of work is just essential low agreed to with the applicant and plan check and no pai way on a radar so we are going to be able incorporate this body of work in our work load. and we will anticipate to do all of this. starting june 30. july first. we have agreed with the controller's office doing reporting data this way. fro vied certainty for the customer. than i will know coming in at the time of submittal whether
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hay have a complete plan check or submittal. they will be they will be have the opportunity to talk with the plan's examiner at that time to and we will give them a list of deficiencies in the plan set and ask them to return back to before they -- before they get a permit number. >> it will speed review reducing routing errors. we will e eliminate the unnecessary routing that are not part of the plans and able to give guidance to the customers at the counter. currently we have a slew of customers that apply for a site plan review process. incorrectly and what they do later on is finding out what that entails. and -- often entails more time and effort will be able to identify that up front when than i come in the door and able to for the caller if that to let
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them know than i have enough for full plan submittal and, play for full permit. should they choose. and then -- like i said make data driven decisions about resource and plan prioritization. hathis mean system that we will know up front what level of >> the customer will be directed from the public information counter at the first floor to the preplanned check station. this is not any different from what they are right now, as the intake -- intake permit review station where this review will be done, so it doesn't really upset anything as far as the current process. plan examiners will [indiscernible] that station whether the permit is complete, all the relevant documentation
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is provided. now, this is to provide all of the requirements for the plan checkup front on our website. this is no secret. we want people to succeed the first time they show up at this counter, so all of the plan checkers that we'll be using at the intake station will be available on our website. determine which city departments need to be part of the review cycle and then characterize the effort. i want to state that we've reached out from the other departments to come on board with this process because it does make sense for d.b.i. to make sense that one project is a
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inform them that hey, you've got about a week to get this out before you'll potentially be on our threshold. and once the permit has been approved by all departments, it goes through the regular issuance process. next slide, please. so you've seen this a couple of times, some of you. this is our established levels, where the review time is supposed to be anything less than one hour, and this is the calibration of internal review,
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whereby level two, level of effort is between one and four hours. we expect to send that out within 20 business days. level three, between five and eight hours, and hope to get that out within 30 days. level four is anything over eight hours, and we hope to get that out within 60 days. essentially, level two and three and level one accounts for what i know anecdotally for about 80% of our work. so we expect to radically change the expectation for 90% of our work by this program.
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next slide. okay. so i'll stop there before going into my next presentation and take questions from you. >> so you do have another -- you're presenting the -- you have another slide? >> yeah, the number is right. >> you what? >> i know i'm standing between you and lunch. >> no, no, no. do you have any questions from me and my fellow commissioners? -- for me and my -- from my fellow commissioners? i think if you want to move on, the visuals are what's lacking, so if you want to continue on, i'm fine with that. >> okay. >> and we know that this goes
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into lunch, so that's okay. >> okay. so this goes into a deeper dive on levels of effort and what is key performance indicators on d.b.i. like i said, level one is over the counter, and it -- the goal is to get these permits issued within two business days, and as you may have heard, the over-the-counter program here is very successful here at the county. level two, three, and four, the in-house review projects, we're looking to get at least 85% of these types of permits out within 20 business days that we publish. level three is 85% of projects that take four and eight hours,
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and we hope to get those out within 30 business days, so four to six weeks, and level four, within 45 business days, at least 85% of that volume. and you -- some of you may know about assembly bill 2234 that helps or requires thresholds of these kinds to promote housing projects. level two and level three are still changing, we may still modify that to meet that assembly bill. next slide, please. so when we did the baseline data, key this up, we were asked to look at how long it takes all this projects to get
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through the process today, and as a baseline check for b.d.i. so that we can see how well a new program affects these outcomes. in order to do that, we chose to use the 2019 data so that this was -- the effects of the pandemic didn't affect the data, and so we just looked at raw data, understanding that our data is not clean. a lot of this information was embedded in the scope of work, so that's the reason why we didn't necessarily have a large -- a large test data set. we only could look at 151 projects, essentially what we could physically do within the allotted time for us to get the data out. what we've done, the plan check
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staff were -- were given a lot of projects that essentially identified the address where there was a site permit or not, the form type and description and valuation and occupancy type, and based on these discreet pieces of information, we were to imagine how much time it would take for us to review that, and then, we would associate that project with a certain number of hours, and then based on that, we would aggregate that data as shown on the next slide. if you would go there, please. next slide. so the most notable point that jumped out at us showed that it essentially took 43 days --
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let's see -- it took 43 days to get to the building plan checker, and then based on the statistics that i just give you about the time review, 20, 30, or 40 days, based on existing data, it shows how far off we are from that plan check statistic. that's what the right column -- i apologize. i don't have a pointer for you or anything like this. so if you -- if you -- so for plan check category one, in that test data set, 61 projects, it took an average of 43 days. how can that be? how can it take 43 days to get to an over-the-counter plan checker? the reason why, in this data set, we were looking at it blind. we didn't know it was an
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over-the-counter project. we just looked at it blind and didn't know it was an over-the-counter project. there was some data in there that looked like it was over the counter, but the data was skewed. it wasn't reviewed in the expected amount of time. if i draw your attention, though, however, to the bottom line of the table there, it says form type eight. if you look at the form type, a form eight is an over-the-counter project. by this, it shows that we were consistently less than the target of two business days, so the form data proved out. it's just in the way that we looked at it did not. and then, our over-the-counter permits were defined as forms
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seven and eight, and forms seven and eight were consistently less than the two business days. most of our data -- actually, all of our data showed that we were issuing these permits the same day, less than the two business days that we expect. okay. but the -- so this -- this process will ensure that over the counter projects get properly tagged. in fact, all of that data now going into the permit tracking system will have this identifier on it and will regularly check to make sure all of this data is represented with these plan check categories. okay. next slide, please. the one limitation of the baseline study that we did is that we -- it was a relatively small sample set for the reasons stated earlier, and the actual plans not examined by the plan checkers.
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we only had a few days to get it out, so we didn't aggregate it. >> -- the numbers that you've provided, you've provided them unfiltered to our subcommittee,
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and we were enamored by that. it's helpful to see how d.b.i.s holding themselves accountable, at least to a metric that they're trying to move towards? i just want to ask you to go through, if you wouldn't mind pulling up slide deck four, and going through your categories. and slides two, three, and four on your other deck -- what are they? >> category two is between one and two hours for the review, and we expect to get that out in 20 business days. category three is three to eight hours and expect to get that out in 30 business days,
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and category four is more than eight hours and expect to get that out in 45 business days. >> so [indiscernible] it's understanding that data is only from 151 permits, right? >> correct. if you could go back to slide four. looking at table one, again, noticing the era in category one, which is over the counter, it shows on the right most column, that between two, three, and four, or categories two, three, and four, we are between 15 and 45 days off of our targets what we expected to do today. so this is your baseline that you'll be checking this on. hopefully, we'll be meeting these targets, so you'll have zero or a negative number there. >> okay. >> hopefully, at least 85%.
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>> i mean, commissioner tut, i just have a couple of questions from -- i think one of the things about today's agenda that really highlighted -- was highlighted for me are the structural systems that both the permit center and d.b.i. have to function on and the operational. and in the last year because of, you know, the pandemic, and the events of that, we were really focused on the operational. like, personnel and things like that. this is incredibly dry, but it's incredibly important, that understanding how d.b.i., how they operate, has been illuminating on today's agenda. i just want to state that
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because i think that's something that we have to parse and understand that some of the challenges and things that you're working towards, those two things have to work together. so i'll just say that now, and i'm very encouraged but looking forward to hearing, when you implement this on june 30, what disclaims you used. so i'd like to recognize commissioner tut? >> thank you. so -- thank you so much for this presentation and for the thought. i have luckily been able to answer all of my questions kind of about the structure of this in the subcommittee, and, well, glad to hear what my other commissioners say, and i think that the plan is solid, you know, and i think we -- we'll learn a lot going in. there's been a lot of, you know, work to get to this point, and i want to recognize that. i'm excited about this project for -- for kind of -- on two different also issues, and one, i did bring up in the
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subcommittee, and i wanted to hear your thinking about it. i'll give you both my questions. they're unrelated, but you can answer them however you wish. one of the things that we've been grappling with as a commission is, you know, kind of the unfavorable history of some of the permit expediters. so when i see this data, i'd like to see it parsed out as which project had a permit expediter and which one didn't, and so i'm learning, in that initial intake, is it possible to find out, to ask the question and have people find, do we have an expediter and who isn't? but if there are issues for people who aren't getting
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expediters? >> okay. i'll take a stab at this and megan can jump in behind me and say it's wrong. >> yeah. >> so we have the connection and the database. we have the ability to show the category and show the corresponding project sponsor or expediter or whoever. one of the issues there is, today, permit expediters are supposed to register with us to let us know that they're there, and i gathered that they're not altogether on board with that or we need to get better at registering them so that we can capture 100% of the expediting community. but certainly, we have the ability to look at those two data elements and be able to run correlations and run reports on that. honestly, in putting this -- this presentation together, i gather if there was opposition
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to this, potential, by that community that makes a living off of the process, if i make it better than that. >> there are always people that don't want to do that, that want to hire somebody, but we want it to be an option and not a necessity. >> correct. >> and the other question is i'm very curious about this data and the changes, making sure that they're captured in our fee assessment because we're going to be doing a fee assessment next year, and i'm wondering, in that timeline, will you have a chance, like -- i presume that you'll be kind of monitoring this on an on going basis, but is there kind of a point in time, like, six months and nine months, and maybe it's not a question that can be answered here, but i think with the state implementation, i wouldn't want the fee assessment to not have
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the best data to look at, so maybe it's not a question but a comment of wanting to make sure we capture this, and when we do do our fee assessment, that there's kind of a -- all the best data for that assessment will be ready, including these changes. it's not very -- >> yeah [indiscernible] so the answer to that is we do a pretty good job in monitoring the amount of time that we associate to projects, and that data all goes towards that fee assessment and aggregating that data. this just provide us more accountability for the type of work that we do. when i brought this up to staff in the last couple of weeks, especially today, there was a general prilgsz -- a general
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privilege, when you as a plan checker are checking this project, when you assign 30 hours to a -- for a ten-hour job that was assigned an estimator, you'll be accountable for that. you'll have to talk to somebody, why 30 hours instead of ten, and they're generally good with that. thank you. >> thank you. >> commissioner sommer? >> thank you. this is really great. i love all these ideas. the presentation was really helpful, and i think the whole process sounds really thoughtful, and i'm excited to see where it goes. i'm excited about the intake process, and you answered my
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initial question about the checklist. when you get projects to intake, they'll be compared against the checklist. and if they're not execute, it'll be requested that they go and get them right away rather than taking the project in and taking a bunch of time for that. is that correct? >> yeah. >> i'm curious. i'm assuming this is a checklist for whatever project is available on the website already? >> so we don't currently have it on our website already. initially, there will be a residential and a commercial checklist. >> okay. >> in light of our effort for a small business, we were looking at a change of use type of a checklist, as well. and again, you're having plan checkers looking at this, so they can make a judgment call right there and then. if you don't quite fit the checklist, okay, it's really
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not necessary in this particular case, so we want people to succeed in this particular case. >> yeah, no, so i think the division of the state architect, which is the state agency that do a lot of public schools, they have an intake process. they try to do a similar thing. i think there's always difficulties with any process, and there are sometimes -- i guess i'm saying, the less subjective it could be, the easier it is to try to -- here's the criteria beforehand, make sure everybody knows that. they be you get up there, okay, let's check and see that you met the criteria. you know this already. there's less frustration the more communication, basically. >> and again, alluding to the pending legislation, they actually put us in a position of formalizing that.
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>> the whole thing's a process, but i think i had one more question, but i mite have lost -- oh, i'm cure -- might have lost -- oh, i'm curious. the slide where you did your breakdown, i know that was based on the 151 projects, maybe not fully capturing what the real overages mite be, but, you know, 15 to 49 days potentially are over some of these that we mite target. in your mind, is it mostly just bringing awareness to your targets and you're going to reduce that, but is it mostly changes in the way that staffing is done or the way that the process works? >> yeah, so all of the above.
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it is changing the process, definitely, making sure when plan check supervisors and staff know where they are. if they're assigned at 30 days -- as i said, at ten days in, it's 20 days out, they know they have ten days to get that out. and then, the second part of that was, commissioner sommer -- >> just if there were any changes to the program. >> oh, staffing, there will be. we have four teams, and these teams, they're fairly general. been toying with the idea of creating a specialty team with legally mandated a.d.u.s and so
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on and so forth. that may be something that we try out, rotating, so that everybody gets a feel for that. that's one of several things that we will be looking at. there's a phasing of things as i rolled out this idea to -- to director o'riordan, the assistant director, and staff. we're phasing -- so a few things that we're looking at is initially, we were looking at having over the counter projects screened, as well. that's something we're going to hold back on just because of technical limitations, volume. let's make sure it works for this discreet number of permits right now. we're also looking at bringing reteches into the field.
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that probably will not be implemented july 1 just for staffing reasons. we're probably going to phase that, and then, the ability to publish the queue. like i said, we're currently working to get that done. we just don't know how that's going to be done yet. let's plan check numbers in the orwe received within h.q., and then, how your plan check is progressing on a weekly or daily basis towards the frond of this queue or did you file it this date? if you filed it this date, we will get to you this week or all of the above. >> awesome, thank you. >> i had a couple of commissioners queued and then unqueued. >> i actually -- in-house level two, is that the name now? >> no, it's in-house
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category -- oh, category or level. >> yeah, so i use those terms interchangeably. >> but the higher the number, the -- >> the longer it takes. >> yeah. i have a number of questions. explain what the form type is, again. i know what -- the category, but explain the form type, one to eight. >> okay. i'm going to ask for megan to come and help me on this one. >> oh, is this a data -- is this a data -- is this a data term? >> i know everything else. >> so fore types are associated with the processing types, so forming form four, those are all can be processed over the counter. you can get them and get your work done the same day. forms one, two, three, five, and six are not included here. one is not wood frame, two is wood frame, and three is alterations and repairs, so it's not, like, a starting from
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scratch type of thing. so for the most part, it's dividing them o.t.c. and not o.t.c., but for the [indiscernible]. >> repeat that last part. >> a form one and two is going to be brand-new buildings. >> maybe a legend to accompany this would be helpful. i don't -- do my felly commissioners have any other questions? i think this is a good presentation, especially the last several months on this of committee, so i appreciate this, and i would continue to bring this back to see what work, but this is a very thoughtful presentation. >> thank you so much. >> clerk: is there any public comment on item number 7? >> good afternoon. my name is jerry dratler.
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i think it is a very good presentation. i served on the civil grand jury, wrote the 2012 report that was pretty critical of d.b.i., and i can tell you that the systems being used today are the same that have been used in the last ten years, so it's not a covid problem. data transparency is a great step forward and will certainly build the public's trust in d.b.i. permit expediters courage need to register with the ethics commission only if the expedite permit's greater than $1 million. however, that database could be useful to d.b.i. i'd like to address another current weakness. site plans approved by the planning commission or over the counter are not available when the plans are in the plan check backlog, so this prevents the
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public from looking at the site plan if they weren't involved -- if the project had to go to the planning commission, they might be able to see it, and they can't see it until after it's issued. so the only recourse with the public is to file an appeal with the board of appeals and challenge allege issue of the permit, and that is certainly wrong. so the obviously solution that was mentioned was to digitize all site plans. and that raises the question, when you're looking at fees, maybe there needs to be a higher fee schedule for paper because it's costing d.b.i. money to do it. and that would also certainly incentivize the behavior you want to achieve. thank you. >> clerk: thank you for your comment. is there any virtual general -- or comment? no comment?
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thank you. we will move onto item 8. can we take 8-a and b at the same time? [indiscernible]. >> clerk: okay. item 8, commissioners' questions and matters. a, inquiries to staff. at this time, commissioners may make inquiries to staff regarding various documents, policies, practices, and procedures which are of interest to the commission. b, future meetings and agendas. at this time, the commission may discuss and take action to set the date of a special meeting and/or determine those items that could be placed on the agenda of the next meeting and other future meetings of the building inspection commission. the next regular meeting of the building inspection commission is july 30, 2022. >> i have a combined question
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of a and b or an agenda item. are we prepared to talk about the strategic plan and put that on the agenda for next month? >> i think we need a little bit time, president bito, to provide an update on that. >> okay. i think at some point in the future, we'd like to get that on there. can we do 8-b, as well? i'm assuming so, just because you post-it. and the bullet about the fire escape. and then, i believe, the website, the revisions or updates to the website would be something with the submission i
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think we can do? >> yes. >> those are all my agenda items for 8-b. oh, commissioner tut? >> thank you. i also have one question to staff and one agenda item. my question to staff is do we have a timeline when we'll be able to see a report or a report will be issued on the bernie curran projects? >> i don't have any timelines right now. i probably should defer to the city attorney in regards to that since it's a criminal matter. >> deputy city attorney robb kapla. i actually wasn't sure about the public comment matter on that report. certainly, the audit and checking of permits is on going, and actions on properties that have issues are taken as appropriate in consultation with the city
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attorney's office. i'm unaware of anything that the city attorney's office has promised or any actions after that. >> i understand that these things are sensitive, and when lawsuits happen, understanding in that whole context. there is understanding, when we get to that conclusion, understanding what's been done or a closed session, that would be helpful with that. >> would it be helpful to have an update on the audit? >> yeah. >> set a status? that seems reasonable. >> okay. thank you. and my agenda item was just i want -- a couple months ago, i
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don't remember which month. i think maybe may, we had some presentation on greening of existing buildings, and i think we had some discussion from the department about actions that we'd already taken and if there was any collaboration from the department on the issue of greening existing buildings. >> commissioner tut, i think i added to that, that request was that we wanted to hear from d.b.i. you know, the green building code, the updates to the code, the initiatives they already have in place, the electric code because i think it's somewhat proprietary. i think we need to make it more
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holistic. if we have questions about what is d.b.i. doing to [indiscernible]. >> i agree. there were some specific questions raised in the presentation that i'd like to hear yes, this is us and this is what we're doing or no, this is not us, and this is where they're doing it. i think it would be appropriate with you, president bito, and director, to work with you on that [indiscernible]. >> if we have specific questions to d.b.i., that would make their job a lot easier, besides the update, which is something they could provide fairly easily. but those specifics would make their job easier to understand what your questions are and what they'd need to look into. >> yeah, we're happy to work
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with the commission on that, and through neville, we'll be working with our technical services group what maybe the technical changes to the code are and how we're advancing our efforts in regards to the green building code and things such as that, so we can definitely look at that field. >> we'll definitely put that on the agenda. >> deputy city attorney robb kapla. i'd like to chime in here. it's an area of personal interest. as you can imagine, our building codes are an interlocking system of how we monitor existing buildings. generally, the department of the environment is tasked with finding ways to coordinate all of those different issues, and then, they find ways to
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implement them into our code. we also have the building code, which is all new construction, and then, we have the existing building code, which is buildings that exist right now, and whether there would be changes there, so i would suggest that we probably ask the department of an environment to give us a heads up on the efforts that they're taking and how we work with the department of the environment on these. >> yeah, thank you, rob, for bringing that up. i think that they are definitely integral to the discussion. >> thank you. commissioner eppler? >> yeah, question for the department. when would it be appropriate to get an update on soft story
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compliance and enforcement? >> i think we can probably have that for you fairly quickly. i don't see why it couldn't be available for our next meeting. it's basically in regard to where we are with compliance and our tiers of compliance. >> i guess that gets me to 8-b then. it looks like we may be a little busy next month, but if we could agendize that for august, i'd appreciate it. >> commissioner eppler, i think we can. we'll parse it out. i'm looking around, do we fellow commission -- my fellow commissioners have any other -- okay. madam secretary? >> clerk: okay. is there any public comment on item 8? agenda item 8?
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any virtual comments? no comment. we'll move onto item 9, which is review and approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of may 18, 2022. >> motion to approve. >> second. >> i have a motion to approve by commissioner tam and a second by president bito. do i do a roll call vote? okay. i'll do a roll call vote on item 9. [roll call] >> clerk: the motion passes unanimously, and we -- is there any public comment on item 9, in house or virtually?
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seeing no public comments, we'll move onto item 10, adjournment. is there a motion to adjourn? >> so moved. >> move to adjourn. >> clerk: one at a time, please. motion by commissioner eppler, and seconded by commissioner alexander-tut. thank you. it is 1:06. we are adjourned.
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>> shop and dine in the 49 promotes local businesses and challenges residents to do their business in the 49 square files of san francisco. we help san francisco remain unique, successful and right vi. so where will you shop and dine in the 49? >> i'm one of three owners here in san francisco and we provide mostly live music entertainment and we have food, the type of
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food that we have a mexican food and it's not a big menu, but we did it with love. like ribeye tacos and quesadillas and fries. for latinos, it brings families together and if we can bring that family to your business, you're gold. tonight we have russelling for e community. >> we have a ten-person limb elimination match. we have a full-size ring with barside food and drink. we ended up getting wrestling here with puoillo del mar. we're hope og get families to join us. we've done a drag queen bingo
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and we're trying to be a diverse kind of club, trying different things. this is a great part of town and there's a bunch of shops, a variety of stores and ethnic restaurants. there's a popular little shop that all of the kids like to hang out at. we have a great breakfast spot call brick fast at tiffanies. some of the older businesses are refurbished and newer businesses are coming in and it's exciting. >> we even have our own brewery for fdr, ferment, drink repeat. it's in the san francisco garden district and four beautiful murals. >> it's important to shop local because it's kind of like a circle of life, if you will. we hire local people. local people spend their money at our businesses and those
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local people will spend their money as well. i hope people shop locally. [ ♪♪♪ ] >> hello, my name is jamie harper. in this episode, we are featuring the park locations in your very own backyard. this is your chance to find your heart in san francisco with someone special. golden gate park's largest body
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of water is this lake, a popular spot for strolling and paddling around in boats, which can be rented. created in 1893, it was designed foreboding and -- for boating. it is named for the wild strawberries that once flores. a pleasant trail follows the perimeter past huntington falls, 110 foot waterfall. two bridges connect the trail to the island. the climb to the hills summit, the highest point in golden gate park at more than four hundred feet. you can get quinces of the western side of the city through -- glimpes of the western side of city through a thick trees. the lake is ada accessible. it has a peaceful atmosphere
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where you can enjoy a warm day. walk along the lake and watched many ducks, and swans, and seagulls. it is a tranquil spot to stroll, enjoy each other's company, and sail away. many couples come here to take a ride around the lake, floating under the bridges, past the pavilion and waterfall. for a quiet getaway, it makes for a memorable and magical experience. located on 19th avenue, this grove is the place to wear your hiking boots, bring your family, and bring the dog because it has so much to offer you and your loved ones. it is a truly hidden gem in the city. the part is rich with eucalyptus
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trees. long paths allow you to meander, perfect for dog walking in a wooded environment. >> i enjoy this base and the history behind it. the diversity that exists in such an urban city, the concrete, the streets, cars, we have this oasis of a natural environment. it reminds us of what san francisco initially was. >> this is a section for dogs and plenty of parking. transit is available to get you there easily. and the part is ada -- park is ada accessible. there is also a natural lake. this is your chance to stroll and let the kids run free. it also has many birds to watch. it is the place to find some
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solitude from the city and appreciate what you share with a wonderful breath of fresh air. , an experienced this park and enjoy the peoples, picnics, and sunshine. this is a lovely place to take a stroll with your loved one hand in hand. located in the middle of pacific heights on top of a hill, lafayette park offers a great square a of a peaceful beauty. large trees border greenery. it features tables and benches, a playground, restaurants, and tennis courts. there are plenty of areas for football, frisbee, and picnics. it is very much a couple's part and there are a multitude of experiences you can have together.
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bring your dog and watch the mean go with the community or just picnic at one of the many tables and enjoy all of the park has to offer. many couples find this is the perfect place to put down a blanket and soak up the sun. it is a majestic place you can share with someone you cherish. it is located along the 1 and 10 buses and is accessed from the 47 and 90 buses. it is ada accessible. for more information about reserving one of these locations, call 831-5500. this number is best for special events, weddings, picnics, and the county fair building. for any athletic fields and neighborhood parks, 831-5510. you can also write us.
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or walking in and say hello at old lock cabin, golden gate park. and of course you can find more information and reach us at june 22. rules committee. >> chair peskin: good morning. welcome to the rules committee meeting of the san francisco board of supervisors for monday, june 27. i am the chair aaron peskin joined by vice chair mandelman and remotely by