tv SFUSD Board Of Education SFGTV July 11, 2022 12:00am-4:01am PDT
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>> student delegate hansen. >> here. >> student delegate >> here. >> commissioner alexander. >> commissioner boggess. >> here >> commissioner motamedi. >> here. >> commissioner sanchez. >> here. >> commissioner ward. >> here. >> president lam. >> here. >> the first order of business we have childcare that is provide friday 5 to 9 p.m. for children ages 3-10. the childcare is upstairs on the third floor and snacks will be provide. thank you. good evening. this is the 90 board education meeting for the 21-22 academic year. we have a very full agenda this evening. including the review and
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approval of budget and other important actions and informational items this evening. i wanted to acknowledge that tonight is our superintendent doctor matthew's final board meeting before he retires. i want to share my appreciation for doctor matthews. you may then and there is doctor matthew's last board of ed meeting as superintendent of the san francisco unified school district he retires on june 30. doctor math use, thank you for the tireless care and commitment have you shown to the community. and during the past 5 years at the helm of the district. you lead through the most challenging years in public education including once in a lifetime pandemic. you have been a steadfast
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advocate for our mission to educate every student in support needed to thrive in the 21st century >> under yoir your leadership our graduation rates have risen ump made time to support and train new and arc spiring school add administrators. we are fortunate to have worked with you and experience educational leader who was born and raised in san francisco. and a proud of our public schools. doctor math use, thank you for all you have done. ir will miss our laughs even after really hard discussions. and board meetings. but i have appreciated your professionalism and i will miss your singing. your magic tricks. and able to come back at this time work each day in serving with humility for our students. and we wish you the best for a
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long and happy retirement. thank you. [applause] >> i like to open up to the dias to any of my colleagues if you want to share words. >> thank you. doctor matthews, i have known you for a long time you reminded me of when we first met. doctor math use was prior to being a doctor at the time you were a doctor. it was 19, 2001. and doctor math use of the principal at edison charter school a school i taught a was on the board of education. my first year. and we were having a big fight about edson it was a for profit charter school. a big difference people had
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around for profit charters versus nonprofit you have were the principal i remember meeting and you interviewed bite chronicle and saying in the chronicle that we should get rid of the edison charter but keep doctor matthews. i enjoyed our friendship overnight years special your leadership. it has been just a joy to be with you all these years and i'm the only board member on the dias who was here when we hired you i'm proud we did that. and of your service. i will miss your sing as well. and your arc finity for earth, winds and fire. i wish you the best in retirement. thank you for everything. >> superintendent, i just want
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to appreciate i for your commitment to our kids and our schools. and i feel that through my time on the board and through your tenure as superintendent you have shown that. have you have done everything to make sure our district is the best. a lot of appreciation to you for that. and nothing better than having a superintendent who is home grown. which is not a feature our next superintendent come with. and so, a lot of love and appreciation for you and wishing you peaceful days and hopefully no meetings in your future. >> um. i wanted to say, you know we had some of our share of disagreements and fighting together on things but i especially appreciated the way you disagree. i feel you do it with integrity, commitment, humility, respect and it is an honor to work along
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side you in this work and you know, sfu sd owes you a debted of gratitude especially in this hard time your leadership is invaluable. it has been an honor. thank you. >>il say, i feel cheated i have not heard the singing. but the night is not over. being one of the newer members of the board i want to appreciate how any moment that i had a question i know i can reach outer to you i know you are responsive. and i really appreciate the way that you worked to on board me as a new member so i can do the best for the students thank you and good luck with your retirement that i hope is relaxing. >> thank you. >> thank you. all right. at this time, we will have our
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opening items. land acknowledge. the san francisco board of ejsz acknowledge that we are on then home land of the ramaytush ohlone the original inhabitants as stewards of this lands and in accordance with traditions, the ramaytush ohlone have never seated. lost or forgot their responsibilities as the care takers of this place. as well as for all people who is reside in their traditional territory. we recognize we benefit from living and working on their traditional home land. we wish to pay our respects by acknowledging the ancestors and relatives of the ramaytush ohlone community and by affirming their sovereign rights as first peoples. >> thank you. we will now move to approval for board minutes. for the regular meeting of june 14th, twoochl june 15th 2022,
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special meeting of june 16th, 2022 and special meeting of june 22-22. have been busy. a motion and a second? >> moved. >> second. >> are there corrections? >> roll call. >> commissioner alexander. >> yes. >> vice president boggess. >> yes >> commissioner hsu. >> yes. >> commissioner motamedi >> yes >> upon sanchez. >> yes. >> ward. >> yes. >> president lam. >> yes. >> 7 aye's. >> thank you. and now we have our superintendent's report. >> thank you, president lam. good evening and thank you for being here with us this evening. i want to start off with health and safety update. covid-19 vaccines for children under 56 montes to 4 years are eligible to get vaccinate in the
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san francisco. covid-19 vaccines are safe, effective and protect everyone at home. and allow your children to stay in childcare and preschool. talk to your doctor and your family if you choose to set up a vaccine appointment. and you can get more information at sf. gov/getvaccinated or myturn. ca. gov. >> required immunizations. sfunt updated for all required immunizations for school by august 17th. there may be a wait for appointments with your childcare provider. get started as soon as possible. we have a huge celebration. a thank you to the hundreds of san francisco community member who is joined in the pride march this weekend. it was a joy to walk along side family, staff and students to celebrate the diverse idand inclusion at the heart of our public schools.
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virtual tutoring is available through july 17th fo to all p-k through fifth grade families. you can go to sfu sd. edu for virtual tutoring. and finally -- dates summer school is here we are looking to the new school year. remember the first day of school for 22-23 is august 17th. i want to take a point of privilege and start by thanking the students of san francisco unified for your resilience you pushed through a pandemic. i want to thank the parents of san francisco unified students for trusting us with your most precious jewels. i want to thank the amazing san francisco unified staff, members, nurses and add administrators and all staff
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members. thank you for all you do each and every day. i want to take a moment to thank senior staff members who serve third degree district for many years approximate through this pan dem and i can who will be leaving us. now the superintendent of berkeley unifyd and served san front for 6 years. bill sanderson was just named a few minutes ago the superintendent of the saratoga high school district. years back a board member saw that our top add administrators were scooped up to be superintendents in neighboring districts. she said i'm worried that our people are being scooped up. i told her you should not worry when our people are wanted worry when our people are not wanted by others. >> congratulations to those 2
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who have now going to be superintendent in neighboring districts. also moving on to the next champion gent. blithe 16 years of service. lee who has 22 years of service in san francisco unified. [applause] mc crea 3 years of service. [applause] and mineue who will present later 11 years of service. [applause] they are moving on to their individual next chapters. ip want to thank you for your commitment to san francisco for many years and during the hardest 2 years in the last 100 years in public education. i will conclude remarks to this communities this board for the last time with a story. it is the story of 2 families. the first family is john's
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family. john was born in campbell county, virginia in 1796. john moved to texas the time of the texas revolution and settled in jackson county. the 1840 tax records credit john with 2, 200 acres and 7 slaves. 1850 census valued his property at 10 thousand dollars which in today's dollars would be 374 thousand dollars. and showed ownership of 15 slaves. slave population was growing. as his holdings increased a communities developed in the air around his plantation and by 1860 his property included 140 slaves and valued 225,000 in today's dollars would be 8.upon 7 million. that year the enslaved people produced 10 then and there bushels of corn. 589 bails of cotton.
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but as i said this is the story of 2 families. john's family and a second family one of the family's of the people enslaved by john inform 1865, 2 years after the emancipation john's slaves were freed and this family begin share cropping on his property. we know, had was just legalized slavery whchl the families continued to work and barely survive john's family prospered over time inform the 30s and 40s john's family was making multimillion dollars investments and creating college endowments. i will share a story about the other family. in this other family there were 2 brothers willie a 10ier olds and charles his 8 year old brother. they came wurp the idea of how to feed their starving family. the 2 would go to the town store and tell the owner that they wanted any empty boxes to sell. what they would do is take 1
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box, put flat food in the box and the other and put it over upside down so it would look like it was empty. they had a plan to feed their family while the people who enslaved them became richer off their labor. soon, the boy wilgrew up and married the durt of a maid who work in the a white house, ana and had their own children. now i will circle back and let you know the slave over's name was john math use that second family was my family. i started this store we john math use but that is not where it begins. a few years back i did a dna research and learned we are nigerian of the ebo people. during my dna allowed me to know more how i got here and reflect. for enslaved people in america learn to read and write was not an option. it was against the law and the penalty for a slave who was
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caught learn to read was death. i think about what they went lieu and can imagine them thinking one day things will be better. this will not always be our plight. like my dad and uncle they persevered. i wish that they could see that 150 years later their great, great, great, great grandson served the oak land, san jose, ecemwood and most proudly the san francisco community as their superintendent of schools. i wear this tonight in their honor. this story of the 2 families is a story of america. despite the faults and issues in this country where you start does noted always determine where you ends up. so on behalf of my great, great, great grandparents. grandparents, father and uncle and mother i want to thank you. first and foremost this
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community for bestowing your trust and giving me an honor to leading the education of our most precious jewels, our children. thank my first born and my second board with allison, gabriela and matt, kevin, gent and he mark and i want to thank each of you sitting up here tonight my last board ever. i want to thank you for this incredible opportunity. these last 2 years the toughest of public education in the last 100 years and absolutely would not have wanted anyone else at the helm of this district than me. i know you did not always agree with every recommendation. you did with 99%. and i do hope you than it week up every day asking how can i make sure that today we don't waste time making sure the students get the skills than i need to thrive. i did my very best.
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finally, i have a sweat shirt that says i'm i'm ancestors wildest dreams. i will always believe this public education is the greatest requestingizer ever invented. we must help every child achieve their ancestor's wildest dreams. thank you for being a part and making my ancestor's wildest dreams come true. thank you all. [applause]. >> and that ends my announcement, thank you, doctor matthews. student delegates hansen and [inaudible]. our only item is to encourage
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all high school students to apply to the san francisco unified district student council. andis bella will go in the responsibilities. >> responsibilities include attending bill by weekly meeting on monday and student opinions. representing their schools and vocalizing student body's occurrence. resolutions and proposing them to the board of education. >> the application can be found at tien sac22. and more information on our instagram at sfu sd sac the deadline is august first and we will send out acceptance in early august before the school year begins. thank you. >> thank you. for recognitions and resolutions of arc commonedation we have mon. recognizing employees we have 91
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tonight. >> now public comment. for nonagenda items. tonight i'm going to be allocating. excuse me. i will allocating up to 90 minutes of public comment including in person and virtual. i know that -- there is a number of members of public tonight that signed up to provide public comment. i'm going to encourage them speaking on the -- to collaborate -- so i will ask
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public members -- to on speakings on the same topic to combine so the board can hear all viewpoints. we have members who will be commenting on a number of agenda items that are not on the agenda. note, that the board accepts written comments via e mail and we have received your e mails i have a stack that we have hundreds of e mails that have been received over the last 48 hours. so all cardses must be submitted. and please note that public emcomment is an opportunity for the board to hear from the community on matters within the board's jurisdiction and we ask that you refrain from using employee and student names. if you have a complaint you may
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submit it the employee supervisor with district policy. and as a reminder board rule in california law don't allow us to respond to comments or attempt to answer questions during the public comment. if appropriate the superintendent will ask that staff follow up with speakers. in addition, we received i noted earlier, received hundreds of e mails for comment. the comments have been shared with board member and they are available for the public in hard copy if you wish to receive one they will be attached to the minutes offer 45 minutes of in person public comment tonight on nonagenda item zoes more than 45 months worth of speaker cards i encourage you to again, combine comments you can stands up. in recognition of similar support for what you are
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bringing forward. so, at this time -- mr. steel? >> thank you. lineup at the podium. mina young. virginia marshall. reverend brown. timmy >> angela jowl. 1 minute each. i'm mina young. i'm here regarding principal fong at [inaudible] elementary school. i hear that because she said a word that was that's not
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appropriate normally but you need to look at the context of what she said and how she tuesday and you need to look at the intent so it is not good to see that if the intent is not malicious and hold somebody accountable and she is being respected at the school and has helped so many peopleful and has apologized. i think we should keep her as principal, thank you. [applause] >> good evening board and commissioners. president lam and vice president boggess. doctor matthews thank you so much. i'm very sad hi look around the room as a mother nobodiments their child harmed when they go to school. as an educator i'm more saddened the people are coming to this person's defense.
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we pay educators and principals to be the leaders of their school what about the harm done to this young boy. this young student and fifth grader. the african-american student. the principal has i hear from her letter she has done her job in the district. from my personal opinion she should not have that job the word she used is so deplorable it is heinous. it is evil. it is unacceptable. we have in many meetings with her. she never once apologized. never once apologized. thank you, so much >> thank you. >> madam chair and members of the board, ladies and gentlemen.
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[inaudible] [inaudible] something that happened me just 45 minutes ago. a reporter from c bs called me and asked me had i heard about the most recent, evil report that african-americans are at the top of the list of hate crimes being perpetrated against them according to the [inaudible] and secondly madam chair, i have for you a copy of the state reparations commission i serve as vice chair temperature is documented throughout all of the evils and
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desparities perpetrated against african-americans. finally i will be through, finally, let it be known from the high heavens down to the [inaudible] of hell. that the aacp the black community has nothing but love for everybody. and we were engage and [inaudible] school to provide justice for the principal. and i want to set the record straight, i repeat it again. if you don't believe it, come here mrs. jile. >> thank you, >> i'm not finished. >> your -- >> we are working together. thank you reverend brown. with our community. that's it. [inaudible].
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>> hello i'm angela a parent and i oppose the board of education and school district's decision to remove [inaudible] elementary school principal from the position. this is blackmailing her and unfair and unjustice the school district did not investigate and did not listen to the voice of all the parents. and the principal fong teaching new comers not to use the, n, word and respectful to the community. hard working and treats students the same as her children and has 20 years of contributions. please don't remove her. >> thanks. [applause]. >> i'm timmy young. what happened to principal fong is maddening. and you know [inaudible] thank you. >> [applause]
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>> okay. doug. romey noah. angela san leta. helen argar. lawary hughs. lineup at the dias. >> hello i'm doug. i'm here to talk about the long fellow program. june 14th 80 members of our school community came and call in the to raise concerns about an enroll am cap placed on our filipino program. we wrote an all right to the
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superintendent and the board. 380 of our community members wrote you e mails and set a meeting with the e pc on june 27 they cancelled the morning of. superintendent said to tell our family who is live in the southeast to commute their children to the south of market so they can arc veil of the program there that's a better solution than allowing the school in the neighborhood they live in to offer the program to the full number of studentses that want to be in the program. we are screaming for equity to be recognized our program service the communities traumaticed by neocolonial rule. we want to you lift the cap and let our students enroll. thank you. >> thank you. >> i'm helen. i'm a second grade teacher.
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i have been an educator for 25 years and a mom of my 2 students at long fellow. this cap has a negative view in the important program. if e pc prevent this is first grade from growing this will impact all the grades in the future. how does the e pc expect first grade class to double in size in a full second grade class the following year with a cap. cap will permanently shrink the program and create on going issues that could derail the one of a kinds program. the e pc and the superintendent math used they recognized the importance of the program at long fellow how is it possible if they support this cap this is in the in the best interest of the community if we will you support this program they will end the cap now.
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thank you. [applause] >> i'm angela. an alumni of long fellow and i student in the program which is when proceed us. i'm outraged classes are cut it impacts the education and hurts our community. if not for the program i and many others students over a decade later would not have been able to learn about our culture, learn about our language and build connections within our community. unfortunately, it is a privilege for a filipino to have a program like this especially know thanksgiving is one of only 2 in the only 2 filipino language programs in the counts real. understand you are not just cutting classes you are e racing our culture, history from younger generations, shame on
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you! [applause] >> hello i'm lori hughs. i'm an educator. and a grandparent of 2 children. in the long fellow program. we understand that the district is creating caps on enrollment to address budgetary issues and low enroll am across the district. long fellow is not asking for more money or teacher positions in our request to remove the cap. we have the commitment within our school community to make it work within our current staffing a lotment. all we are asking is for to you remove the cap so we can continue this important program. all it takes for e pc to protect the program is to remove the cap. there is no budgetary reason to keep the cap. if the superintendent and e pc
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support this program as they have stated, they will remove the cap immediately. every response we have received has been about numbers. lift the cap now and let our students enroll. >> thank you. [applause]. >> i'm romey nile daughter and i am a parent. at long fellow. our community feels disrespected by the decision the e pc made we are here to voice our feelings about that. we are here to continue to demands the cap be lifted by the e pc the executive director of e pc and the chief of policy and operations has disrespected our community by declining a meeting we set for yesterday, monday the 20th stating they have nothing new to say to us. what about lynch to when we have to say? how can you claim to value
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equity when the e pc and u sd is making decisions about our class, kids, futures without hearing from our school community. why is it not considered our community who has been actively organizing and committed to the cause may have a voiz voice? we fought for this p.m. during our summer break what will it take for the superintendent to hear us and work with us and not against us. lift the cap. [applause]. >> next group. mary. josephine. chris claus. a lita fisher. lineup at the dias.
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>> i'm mary i graduated from long fellow elementary in james dunman and start school of the art this is fall. i came to talk about my experience and why i believe the cap should be lifted. growing up with it in my life help me become the person i am today taught me about my culture and history. feels like a second home and helped me develop a stronger sevenls self. we don't know ourselves it is important for others to know what the program is really about. another thing is how the same class sticks together from k-third grade. [inaudible]. it breaks my heart to know that future students might not have the same know opportunity as me and my friends did i know we parting ways because of high school i will have my back because of the program and
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experiences we shared. thank you for this. and police consider. >> [applause]. >> hi. i'm sfu sd parent. i say i stand with the long fellow elementary with the filipino language program. instead of not lifting it we should expand it to an emersion program. there is a reason why. people forget this country colonized the philippines and when they did one way they colonnize they forced english in the school systems there they did not identify the school systems that were being practiced. because of american teachers who came and went there and taught english right. that my mom when they same came here they fled, didn't teach me
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my language we grew up in a generation afraid to say anything when i had my kid who is a quarter and like i want to know some words i could not find a place for anyone to learn. don't cut down this service this is part of decolonization work our school district needs to do. demand equity. [applause]. >> i'm chris claus a teacher at washington high school. this summer i'm an esy teacher for a class [inaudible] autism focus class at lincoln this summer has been bumpy for me. thankfully i don't think my students or families noticed. i'm not credentialed to support this class.
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i was told 2 days before esy began what i would teach after the first week half of the parents were reassigned against their preference. thankfully i got a parent position back and things are running more smooth. this is a success i'm begging you to treat educators, students and families with more respect incorporating more paid planning time before the start of the esy and to inform educators of assignments more than 2 days before. and like to add the program in need of your support at long fellow listen to their community. [applause] >> hi. i'm alita fisher on behalf of the committee for special education i would like to thank lee for your advocacy and partnership around state and follow levels of funding and
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resource or o kyiv, access around policy updates. helping to move forward literacy as a priority in early education. families of children with disabilities. mc gray work on behalf of african-american families. bill sanderson and ford for down like a boss during the pandemic and doctor matthews for focus on the each and every and making all of your students, staff and families all of us feel valued, heard and appreciated. it will be hard to follow you --. the next superintendent has large shoes and shoulders to fill. thank you for your work all of you we will miss you.
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>> good evening. i seconded what she said, this message is out to doctor math use. a quote the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stand in thes moment of comfort and convenience but at times of challenge and controversy. i want this to be a reminder to those who are lynching and zoom and the radio and tv that representation matters and thank you doctor matthews for being you. as an employee, i started my career off with you and you guided me and held my hand through all of the steps and ladders i had to climb. you were the first to introduce my little guy and hold his hand and say tell be okay and now 5 years later he will enter k and you will be there too. protected, it is an honor to have a role model a black man
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sitting at the dias and again i reminds folks that representation matters no matter the out come we have remember that a black man lead your babies through education with his staff through a pan dem, budget crisis and staff turn over. jury room i'm josephine. congratulations to doctor matthews for your retirement and remember in 2018 when you came on board and listened to your pitch which was inspiring. i wish you the best for your retirement. in the meantime like to apologize to the families that were harmed with the incidents. all the families that heard the terms as well as the staff that
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have over heard in the circle, if there is not enough apology that was not sincere enough i would love to apologize for from the deepest of my heart to create racial harmony that is not right that our school district with a diverse population between african and asians we need to build alliances use this opportunity to do that and i hope we can have restoration to continue to unite our communities. please restore. >> [applause]. kay wu. jack chin. harriet wong. june yling lynn, hsu yun son.
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words most of us if we don't know those words. principal fong is teaching the kids not to use these words. separate teaching kids and using it to yell at others and i support this teaching and making support teaching and separating it from the truth. thank you. hello i'm hsu a parent at the elementary school. my children are second and fourth grade. i'm angry the team for all this time will keep in the dark about what is happen to mrs. fong. we hear about the complaint from a few public comments at the school board meeting last month the time took the 3 familiesup set mrs. fong's [inaudible] and apologize. and a majority of you your
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community was ready to hear and move on. superintendents decided to remove mrs. fong as a principal of the school and transfer her to another position. this will removal of mrs. fong is unfair and lacks transparency. thank you. hector lee. brandon lee. aaron hughs. elaine [inaudible]. and jose ricardo.
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>> good afternoon. i'm hector lee the assistant principal of long fellow. this last year has been difficult in education due to covid. contact tracing, lack of staffing. one of the ways we got through it is to contextualize it in stories. how does this fit in to the big are picture? how is this related my great grandfather who came to china or grandfather from mexico. how does this fit in the larger narrative of service for others? what opportunity are in these challenging time and how do i respond in a way that moves our school and community forward. the challenges we face are stories we tell and the stories we tell are not divide of
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fellow program. we have a kindergarten family denied placement at long fellow and assigned basic carmichael instead. this is not a viable solution. telling them to go to bessey carmichael is unreasonable for working families in the southeast am this also means that if we have future kindergarten families that wish to enroll, they will be denied the cap has already been reached. we have 7 family who is would like to enroll their students in next year's first grade class. if the cap of 11 students remains and the classroom reached the 11 students now they will be denied. lift the cap now let our students enroll. [applause].
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>> good evening. i'm elaine and here to talk about the long fellow program. families who are being denied enroll am are being assigned bessey carmichael's program instead this is unreasonable and audacious move most working families in the southeast of san francisco don't have the time or ability to travel across town to bessey carmichael. for the superintendent to thank you is a solution is an arc front to our community. some are transfer fist daily city this is an equity issue not a budgetary issue. don't ask long fellow families sends siblings to bessey carmichael. don't ask families to attends another school they love our school community. treat the long fellow community
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with respect. lift the cap now. let our students enroll. don't [inaudible]. >> hello i'm erin hughs and my 2 sons attends the program in long fellow. as a parent and social worker i'm hoish to voice my outrage the district is maintaining arc liege yens to bureaucracy over the needs of the community inform my staff meeting wes start with naming the values of social justice. when faced with a choice to protect this program you will not meet with us or listen to the voices. no one is harmed if you remove this cap. if you maintain it it will send a message to the community that we don't matter the sustainability is less important than a rule that can easily be
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changed this is an equity issue and social justice issue an issue of maintaining the integrity of this important program. please, lift the cap. [applause]. good evening i'm jose rivera the fourth great teacher at long fellow. i'm here to support the program and ask the cap in the k-third be lifted. i want to speak to the tremendously positive affect the program has on the filipino community but the affect it has on the rest of the program in our school including the spanish program i'm a part of and the [inaudible]. this community built this program with love and pride to meet the needs they saw. help ensured success and are successful at what they do. this program and the people who work in it are the best at what they do and all of us look for direction and guidance to achieve the same success.
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i want to to be clear it affects not just 2 class it affects every part of the school. message you say to all minority studentes across the district the country if you tell them a program that meets every core value and embodies your mission and values and loved by the community it serves needs to be capped. [applause]. meridith dodson. john [inaudible], wendi. kimberly. james zon. of >> thank you. [inaudible] thank you for your leadership for our students and good luck in your future
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endeavours and what is next for you. doctor math use an interesting time we got to know you from decreasing the distance and tonight at your last meeting we want to extend our appreciation for all you have done for our students. it was not always evident to all the parents across the city we learned during the pandemic how you believed in getting kids become in the classroom. and we appreciate you for doing everything you could and know it was not all or mostly up to you. you lynched the families whose voices we liftd and pushed and pulled everything to help our students get back in buildings. at a time when the most leaders shutting families out you gave families a chance and allowed them to participate. you will be missed and we will never forget how you cared for you our students especially facing most challenging s thank
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you from sf parent coalition. >> good evening. graduate and product of many of the public schools i speak as an individual and offer the thanks of many for your commitment to improve all schools for all students. your votes last week credited an opportunity and an obligation for all of us. for example, to support returning 10th grade eshs. support the in coming ninth graders. help teach and ares principals promote the 3 band system to make sure communities know about it and welcome middle school students to all high schools throughout san francisco. free admission to football games, rotc drills. working with parent and families and much more. the endeavour that you started with last week takes everyone, all involve am and thank you for taking the first big steps forward for high school education here in san francisco.
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thank you. good evening, everybody. i'm the parents i want you to know mrs. fong is an excellent principal she has been [inaudible] over 20 years we know and all see it. has been done a lot for our school. she loves our school and our community. please do not [inaudible] do not dis destroy our community. please give her back to us. thank you. >> hello, everyone i'm here to talk about the issue as limp i'm a parent of [inaudible]. okay. so the fact is the board of education cannot make decision on whether principal fong can
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stay. however superintendents matthews and the assistant superintendent gibson they have the power and authority to side on that. however principal fong reviewed all requests made by the complain and ares organizations minds them. and made official apologies to party who is felt hurt. for the people who said she never apologized you are liar shameow. and the 2 superintendents broke the consensus with the parties involved ignored the school community strong will for her to stay. this is not transparency and not fair to principal fong the investigation is unfair to her. we demand her to be restored. thank you.
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good evening. i'm james [inaudible] i'm a parent. i am here to voice my disappointment on superintendent matthews decision to remove principal fong. the community has tens of thousands of petitions and letters to the superintendent as well as the board. on behalf of principal fong and yet we felt that the decision was made disregard the communities voice. i have a dream that one day in this school board asian-american parent's voice and opinion are heard and value and taken into account when decision affecting our kids and communicates are made. i have a dream that one day our highly accomplished educators can be judged by her good intent
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to educate and not destroyed by this cancel culture. thank you. [applause]. shirley wong. our final speaker 45 minute system up after this. students will have the opportunity to speak. >> hello i'm shirley wong. principal fong is working long time in the school. you know she is a good principal. she teach the kid our kid from china. from china we don't something something. then sometimes say something wrong. she just teach the kid don't say that. tell them what it mean. [inaudible] please, be fair to principal fong.
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thank you. [applause]. at this time we will go to virtual comment. >> at this time we will hear virtual public comment on nonagenda items. raise your hand if you care to speak. we will have a total of 15 minutes or sorry? 45 minutes. each speaker has one minute. shandra gray. hello. good evening. i'm shandra ray the school social worker at long fellow elementary. long fellow students already are beginning to fulfill the
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graduate profile of 2025. global dignity, leadership. collaboration and a sense of purpose and self. culturally teaching personalized learning and development that sfu sd claim itsments for every student by 2025. the action of e pc and superintendent are denying access to our marginalized communities. this cap long-term repercussionos our entire school community. lift the cap now so tell serve the whole child approximate community for years to come. thank you. lee?
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lou. >> hi. aye lou chan. i want to comment that i am deeply disappointed by last week's reversal of the local policy. as a chinese-american parent, and immigrant parent i'm saddened our voices are drowned out by the very vocal members in our community to allow hate to spread toward our black latino and other disadvantaged students. san francisco is a beacon of our country. especially in the time when the country is going through play an undoing of progress. is what we want for our district to reverse progress to all
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students? we deserve better. we deserve better board members and deserve better principals from issues of spreading racial hate and slurs. to limiting agsesz to local high school. ensure equity will be achieved for lowell high school. thank you. valerie? good morning. i'm valerie francisco chavez i'm the mother of a rising second grader and a hopefully in coming k. 2 long fellow elementary may not enroll in filipino program. program is one of 2 programs in thez. our community has given you the look cal and reasonable valid talking points i want to ask out
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going board mechanics the superintendent and out going chief of policy maker who legacy do you want to leave of eccollusion of philippinose in a time of antiasian hate or building on ejsz that helped filipino community learn? a legacy of divestment from a community who showed strength in numbers or of investment in enrichment to recognizing the filipino community in san francisco the value the worth of our children. will you find a way to lift the caps. before you leave will you ignore us. this is our arrives. let my son enroll.
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mrs. suzie. hello, can you hear me? good evening. i'm suzie a teach in district and want to express my gratitude for the people who are leaving the district. the first is superintendent matthews. i want to thank you, you have such grace and humility. and i just have been glad you have been at the helm. during the depth of the pandemic, you responded an e mail and came in to work your magic literal magic show and read to my preschoolers. and they will never forget temperature it was wonderful to have you bring them some special magic during hard times on zoom. and i really appreciate that and i wish you the best of everything. and lee. we go back and i appreciated you
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always. your kindness and care and dedication to our district is appreciated. and more recently deputy superintendent marthel. you worked on the online learning program and i admired you thank you very much. >> thank you. >> renee. i'm renee from the california commission onation and american affairs. i would like to speak on behalf my commission state our support for the long fellow program. i like to urge san franciscouneified school district to not divest from the program and to keep the program going this benefits many filipino families and children.
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and it provides a great benefit to the community. thank you jennifer? yes, hi. this is doctor jennifer the principal of long fellow elementary school. can you hear me? >> yes. >> i'm -- last board meeting our community came and call in the to raise concerned about the cap placed onow filipino program. the district response said it is in the fitsically responsible to open the capacities we set a meeting for june 27 to further discuss the issue and they declined because they have nothing left to ad that does not mean we have nothing left to add. families can community to south of market to attend the program. when we asked was to raise the
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capacities so students and siblings that are forced to a different school. a first grade family our community recruited was denied mrasz am. stress of the process left them traumaticized and decided not to pursue enroll am at all. the policies are causing a drop in enroll am. long fellow is a gem many may not know exists provided a joyful learning experience for students including my own daughter. lift the cap and [inaudible] thank you. [applause]. tamar. >> hello can you hear me. >> yes. >> i'm tamar a teacher [inaudible]. no audio.
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thank you i'm speaking on behalf of the [inaudible]. you are cutting out. okay. hi. i'm a teacher at mlk middle school i'm here tonight speaking on behalf of pier resources in middle and high schools. the program combating racism and change lead by youth. so -- we have secured most of funding for this year but in the budget cuts the position of teacher coach was cut. we need this position with no department like other teachers have. each of our programs are an i lands we need support. you know for the safety of our children mental health and sense of belong nothing schools is the most. [inaudible] and peer resources is the program to do it. reinstate the coaching position
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to keep peer resources strong. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> nice work. >> mary. >> hi. can you hear me? >> i'm mary grace. i'm a parent of in coming second grader and i have a son that is will be attending long fellow 2 years from now or next year after this waiting period and would like to talk about the long fellow program this enroll am program cap denied the family access to our program. we have kindergarten families that were denied place am. we work so hard to get other families to come and join our group. to join our program. we have done everything we can
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and we have also -- i'm sorry we had 7 families that would like to enroll next year and they were denied. the cap that is leave to 11 students just getting rid of our program. that's just nonexistent i'm sorry. thank you. >> thank you. [applause]. good evening doctor math use and board and commissioners and everyone in the room tonight. i like to echo the cent am of robinson well is no way i can top that. i echo everything she says. i'm call nothing regarding the issue with principal fong. i would like -- i heard and
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listened individuals in support principal fong it breaks my heart. [inaudible] specifically cognitive dissonance. to allege that the n word is a bad word -- shows your lack of knowing i hope that is what it is. i hope and truly pray you are not trying to cause harm to our african-american community by saying the n word is a bad word terror is a deplorable and disgusting word and should not be used regardless of the situation if anybody needed clarity they could have asked to use it more than once. it was not just with the students it was educators and also with other add administrators. the punishment fits the crime at this point and there is no other way to say it.
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stop justifying ignorance and racism. thank you. carrie. >> hi. i'm carrie a parent and educator in the district. i'm here to talk about the queer transparent advisory council and the audit. the queer transpack is historic we provide better visibility access to lbgt families we than families are partners and the pack will benefit students the creation will be empty if they don't receive it. [inaudible] no audio... are you still there? no audio..
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hong hsu. >> hi. i'm hong hsu can you hear me? >> yes. >> so i'm parent of a first grade and talking about principal fong's removal. to me as a parent, i don't see any wrong to correct another student not to say the bad word i don't know how this position to make to remove principal fong. and also as a parent we did not know the reason any information to the [inaudible]. we want to when is the basis to remove her from the school and how and what this restitution is performd and what is lawful evidence as a parent with demand
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for transparency of the [inaudible] and we demand the restore of of principal fong because she is a [inaudible] and [inaudible] our student. thank you. hello i'm large a former student of the elementary school speak nothing spchlt principal fong. what she did was not motivated by racism or discrimination she did not stay haslur with intention to harm or hate at the school's said it was a misguided attempt at a teachable moment. she said the slur trying to teach an english learner what type of word not to use. told the students what happened was bad and should not have
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happened. obviously that teaching moment did not got best way but officially apologized and took steps to repair the damage it is unnecessary to fire her i get you are trying to champion antiracism but this is in the the way. her actions were not motivated by race or hate what you have done is in the heeling or restoretive and not justice what you have done is not 18 racism what you have done is punishing our communities. thank you. >> thank you. . yes. i'm shirrin. good evening. commissioners, superintendent. congratulations to your retirement and enjoy future life. i'm here to stand for mrs. fong who has been an educator and principal for about 2 decades in
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sfu sd. she won reward in that district. under her leadership the school won numbers of award including national rewards. love and respected by families and students across the communities for 2 decades develop that [inaudible] for future situations and let our communities transform in this teachable moment, thank you. >> thank you. valerie? i am in second grade. i am [inaudible] the program
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>> yes. >> i'm sorry i'm in the 3s of covid. so i have been nodding off i'm here to support the jrotc programs at mission balboa and galileo fully funded by the u.s. army and no reason for the district not to fund the programs. and they are integral to our students leadership and so please reinstate the programs and let those the staff be hired to get programs reinstated. they are an arc mazing program for our students and thk thank you very much. >> thank you. tom. hi. i'm tom i'm a parent and a teach
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in district. i want to support the long fellow staff and families. mainly because i think that i don't know much but sounding who passionate and caringure being it is different than the decision i'm not happy with the board's decision about reand going back to the merit system but with the long fellow what is different they are asking for time and to be heard and it is not. and the district -- there is only one school. for some reason in the district lowell only matters. i can tell the heart and the passion from the staff for the principal to call in each time about this for the vice principal to be there and not give them that is crazy to me. skwoo we say we are about equity but only with may be the wealthy families and families that you know the district is afraid of suing. board members step and up not
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cater to those families cater to all. >> thank you. laura. hello, board. and everybody listening i'm disappointed hear long fellow continues to face low enroll am numbers for preferred language. other language program at long fellow. we invest in spanish prospects in the city. and i see lot it is of great work happen to be culturally comp cent resources at schools. this would be a step back. for sfu sd and all the work we dom to put diversity and inclusion first.
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please, reconsider. we do i understand have funding coming down. i don't understand the cuts. please, work smarter not hard and reinstate and -- language program at long fellow at full capacity. thank you. i'm the executive director for parents of public school in san francisco. and enrecommendment declined impacts time persistence and over all resources available to students. and studies have shown the system works best when it is focused on building partnerships with edgeal partners and the community. this includes parents. it yields out come increasing enrecommendment and impacts
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students. our vision is to promote the value of public education with the key issue around enrollment and imperative to evaluate procedures that are press cultural values and shift to those best shape equity on cullure and language in our city. thank you. >> thank you. melanie. hi. i'm melanie i'm a parent of a circumstance applicant to long fellow denied due to the cap in place. the alternate placement is impossible for us to pursue and adds insult to injury. we are now at a loss where our child will begin their education. long fellow is our community and this cap denies my child the opportunity to grow and develop with peers and educators whom we just. has the opportunity to be a
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model for our state. don't let the legacy be one that missed the opportunity you did not value our children's opportunity. lift the cap! can you hear me. i am here to talk about the removal for principal fong saying this decision is toldly wrong. principal fong. should be the position to be restored. also i think this process to remove principal fong is untransparent and unjustice. so. i really concern about the
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asian-american view in the elements of school. i call for investigation about superintendent of elementary school daughter [inaudible] gibson. about his antiasian hate a concern about the asian-american [inaudible] school will be under [inaudible] asian hate. so -- please, investigate superintendent. gibson. thank you. michelle. hi. i'm misxhel sfu sd parent. my kids are not there i don't have a skin in the game i heard the treatment of fong i call to support long fellow and principal fong.
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what principal fong did may be wrong by repeating the n word would you prefer her not to do anything to address racism and use that to teach the young kids why the n word is bad and why they should never use it i urge you to reinstate you what you did behind our back is disgusting you choose to take out a principal with 20 years experience and good work just because she used the n word during a teachable moment why did you not stand behind us when allison called us a house network word and doctor math use i have not seen you done anything good from trying to kill lowell. long fellow, principal fong you are like eileen ackerman back then. thank you. thank you.
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victoria. hole are you able to hear me >> yes. >> i'm a fourth grade teacher at long fellow part of sfu sd e spouses in the vision plan it has a strong commitment to equity and he social just across all the community and instills in students a sense of pride in racial and cultural identity. and appreciation for the unique and diverse identities of others. this vision is epitomized by long fellow language program and all the students, teach and ares parents who are a part of it. yet. this district has refused to lift the enroll am caps placed on this program. we are having to turn families
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away from our school who want their children in the program. how is capping enroll am of it equal? our communities push to lift these caps on our [inaudible] and met with disrespect and if anything are pointing. we will fight for it until we get heard and the cap is lifted. thank you for allowing me to speak. >> thank you. >> hello >> i'm a parent of a black student in sfu sd employee and alumni i'm here to speak against reinstating principal fong. we heard a lot from the communities that feels she should be reinstated we have not heard from the community that was harmed. it is unfair to keep bringing up
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how she was harmd and not speak burglar how the students and families that were had to be exposed hearing their principal use that word multiple times as an educator i know there are ways to teach young people how to treat each other and about words without using the word. whether they are english language learnies or not. black students and families have come here multiple times to voice our occurrence whether about lowell, renaming of schools or whatever and every time we are prune that because we are not the largest population, we don't get a voice. please don't reinstate this woman and thank you doctor matthews for the work you have done. >> thank you. >> caller ending in 57.
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i'm doerth clark with parents for public school and would like to speak on the capping of programs. capping leads to families being disenfranchised as well as the equity gap. through equity in schools help everyone in the long run. parents are fighting to continue to get the education for kids they need. and keeping the cap is 100% against educational equity. thank you. >> thank you. charles. >> yes , imented speak briefly and congratulate doctor math use on his retirement and thank him for service to the district.
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i >> the district need to admit the capps are to ensured that students stay in schools that are less popular. close unpopular schools so schools grow that should and are preponder lar and if enroll am declines it needs to sdrifrngs. shift so enroll am increases and attract families back. thank you very much will mason? high. i'm mason and i'm a member of the community. i'm expressing my support of restoring principal fong's role. context is everything. context is everythings. are we going to remove educator if one repeatses an offensive
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term in an context of explaining why it is offensive. principal fong apologized, create promise, raise awareness about race and racism. what message are we passing that the mention of the dark side of our past to teach future generation is contempted. reconsider to transfer fong out, thank you. >> thank you. daniel. yes. >> and calling in support of the decision bite administration to reassign principal fong. i'm a former teacher, add administrator, school researcher now and i want to reminds the board and the public that principals provide leadership on what is acceptable to do and say
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at schools for teachers and add administrators and students. it is important to remember that this word was used in our violent past. it was part of every day discourse when african-americans were being killed, lynch exclude violated. a hate and hate speech should not be tolerated and have consequence. and it seems like the decision to reassign her is the most fair. thank you.
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can you hear me >> yes >> thank you. >> i'm here call nothing upon support of principal fong i understand the arguments from both sides and may be it is something she could have handled better what i'm interested in is the process. i want to know what the investigative process was for this and how it has been handled? want transparency in what how -- what are going on we received none of that as a parent and so00 eye think that's what we are getting at is fairness and transparency. you know was the investigation conducted fairly. was there transparency? i e mailed the board and administration twice and received one e mail from commissioner hsu reiterating my
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occurrence that's what we want. we want transparency in how the investigation was conducted. the results, why they were what they were and what is the end result and what is it to -- be able to00ue know wham the process will be. >> thank you. hello. i'm a parent of 2 public schoolchildren remember principal fong is an effective principal for 2 democracied. knows the students by name. under her leadership they have low staff turn over and won awards. we started to [inaudible] the same practice apply to stafface principal fong apologizeed families and community members
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affected. in moments there were 8,000 letters submitod line in support of her and the community has spoken, can you hear us or choose to ignore parents's voice. look at the parents we will hear in support of principal fong in the room. with her removal the elementary school community lost trust in the district. need be transparents and 20 year veteran >> that's your time. she deserves process. >> thank you. >> hello elaine? yes. can you hear me? go ahead. i'm elaine i'm a parent at the
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elementary school. i have 2 kid i came with a heavy heart because principal fong has been an exceptional principal. snients feel supported and motivated. she has been a place for parentses to feel trusting and motivated. consistent comment i heard is they wish they would add a second store tow stay for grade 6, sxen 8 this . can only be described as the house that principal fong has built. she is human approximate mistakes were made and things could be done bfrment take back your decision and let's learn and move on. thank you. >> thank you. >> hello, greg? hello. yes, i'm call burglar the a lowa
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information hearing i'm not calling about principal fong i was not there or part of the process. as someone listen to this meeting. the idea that people are fighting for their principal by minimizing the impact of antiblack hate is unacceptable. i'm horrified what i'm hearing and the fact that the witness of people is causing harm to our community that the city has demonstrate today does not love regardless being the city of love whom all of the stories i say, nope, nope, nope. done.
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had my hand raised but it was only allow in the galley neither item was about my school i heard misunderstandings and not allowed comment. as a cac member i was calling to lift up the disabled children. reducing virtual comment needs to be considered i'm glad to see it included tonight. yes, you offered childcare bimine provide extra training many have disabled children or disabled ourselves. don't discriminate against people who are immunocompromised i came wednesday and masked. others were not. i likely caught covid at that meeting. virtual comment is access issue. prioritize temperature i wish everyone could help and thank you doctor matthews for your work during the impossible pandemic years. i wish you the best. [applause].
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thank you. >> that concludes virtual comment. thank you. >> we will move on to public comment from students. we'll hear from sfu sd students who is wish to speak. students have up to 2 minutes unless otherwise indicated. and we will allocate 15 minutes of this general public comment period. students may speak at any other public comment time for agenda items later in the meeting. 15 minutes in person or both. why bot >> i will call your name you liven up at the podium. k ai.
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of the excelsior district and participate in the filipino center program. the program has taught me the value of community and pride in being born filipino and the struggle it is of education that those back in the philippines tried to escape by moving to the united states. to see our only taking a safe space for those who migrated here or wanted to learn more take arc wait ability for those to learn is heart breaking and appalling. you as school board are supposed to ensure all student have equal opportunity. we see now what you prioritize and that it does not include multilingual immigrant students. lift the cap. [applause].
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hello everybody i'm mariah a student a resident in excelsior. the cap of the filipino program at long fellow is an example of another way you as the board of education is continuing to fail our brown students especially our new migrated students you shown no initiative to work with the community and families present here that you will directly affect and you deny meeting with us the people you affect >> you should be arc shame federal you vote to cap the program. you will be taking away our student's right for education. you will take away the opportunity, resources, culture and you will continue the colonnizization of our education use to oppress us. how can you support justice while taking our student's right to education at the same time.
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please. do your job and serve sf students use your power to serve the people instead of sweeping our communities under the rug if you are not serving the interests of the people tell me who are you serving? lift the cap on the enroll am of the program, i have something here for you guys. this is a [inaudible] and we have been saying this time don't [inaudible] it is used in the philippines and here in america to sweep. and since you are so adamant about sweeping. and sweeping our community. [applause] i'm kyley i'm a former student
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at long fellow -- you will never want to see me struggle you will tell mow to try and give neil the resources i needed to succeed. so why let my language program the value of my cullure and community struggle? why let the program fail? board members, you are struggling to see my community and you are failing to hear us. i have a message for you. don't wal~ess. don't wal~ess. [singing] okay and thank you. yea this is for doctor matthews -- this is a party gift. here you go.
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doctor math use. whoa! [applause] i'm jesse. i have graduated from fifth grade in long fellow. i have never attentived the program it hurts me to know that others might never get to go. it is part of our community and it is a representation of philippinose and the lbgt of our ancestors they created. xanldz the limits. lift the cap, thank you. [applause]. i'm proud to call myself a part of the program at long fellow elementary school. like my mom i like those here
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along side me to stands up to see all of us who represent affected by the cap on our program. as i was finishing my year of elementary school, i struggled finds something that i could leave behind and take with me. program is where i got into the academic student i am. and it has educate mead beyond just academics provide me with a strong community that embraces me when i succeed and lifts me up when i struggle can you say the same about your legacy doctor math use don't sweep us away as you leave your seat when we were here last time. i heard other languages spoken to translate what is going on in the meeting is language not good enough for you to hear. filipino language is beautiful. we have so many day lects don't
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allow our voices to be swallowed up baudz of the cap let the students enroll the program at long fellow elementary. [applause]elementary.e[applause encourage you allow the students speak before, a recommendation. i'm ethan and i am a student at elementary. i'm here to tell to you keep prince fal monthing fong there. our school needs her to help us. please, listen to us. thank there. our school needs her to help us. please, listen to us. thank you.
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my name is katie. [inaudible] [inaudible]. my name is katie fair and justice for principal fong. >> yes. >> [applause]. >> president lam that concludes public comments. >> see if we have virtual student public comment, please. >> at it time we will hear virtual comment from students if you are a student and care to speak, raise your hands you am have a minute and a half to speak. again if you are a student and wish to speak... nancy. hey.
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sorry. nancy are you a student? translation would you please, ask are you a student, nancy. okay. we will not hear comments at this time this is the time for students to speak. there is no virtual students comment at this time. >> thank you. so this concludes public comment on nonagenda items for the evening. we will move in agenda item d committee report it is. at it time and appointments. like to call up the parent advisory council.
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chair. i'm the chair of the parent advisory council or the nhpi. native hawaii pacific island are council. and -- no audio. i'm a proud parent of a student who attendses robert louie stevenson elementary. i'm joined with fellow pac members who will introduce themselves. >> hi. [inaudible] of >> it has been a long time in person meeting here. i'm emthe covice chair at the parent advisory council and a parent of a male rising first grader. >> [inaudible] i'm a parent of an sfu sd rising fifth grade and
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served as council for the past year. the pac will representative parents perspectives to inform board of education policy discussions and decisions. we are here this evening to present the year end report for the pac. for the school year 2022. 2021-22. tonights's report will -- include appreciations and celebrations. our priorities for the 21-22. [inaudible] [inaudible] [people speaking]. are you able to mute them?
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apologies. i will start over. tonight's report will include appreciations and celebrations priorities for the school year 21-22 along with examples of how we can highlight issues for relates priorities. our may and june pac meeting and updated candidate nomination for 22/23. and in other ways that we are looking forward for the new school year. startings off with appreciations students. you made the transition back to in person learning for some was the first time. some of you the last time. congratulations to all sf students especially those who graduated and moving on to the next step in their lives.
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to teachers, principals and district staff who worked above and beyond to support you know stoots transition to in person learning or online learning we say, thank you. . the challenges that this year presented were unlike any other, required creative thinking, dedication and hours of hard work to make this happen. >> change is never easy and this year got a lot. we appreciate the work and dedication of those who started the year off with us. those who are before and with us now and those who will come in the new school year. we appreciate the stated goals of the board to remain student centered and focused on supports positive student out come. we appreciate the work of eliot and the team that is supported us through the budget challenges. and thankful for the opportunity for families to have input in the qualities we want to see in a new superintendent.
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and we look forward to meeting and working with doctor wayne as he begins his leadership with us. >> we cannot possibly represent the voice of s footwork families alone and are grateful for our partnerships and collaboration with the other district groupless. the african-american parent council. district english learnies committee. communities advisory for special education. native hawaii and islander advisory council and indian education and migrant committee and foster youth services coordinating committee. with community partners the chinese parent council and our family coalition, chinese affirmative action. organizing committee and so many more it does take a village. >> they are not here we would like to appreciate our student
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delegates lam and liang for service, leadership and partnership. wish them well and we welcome new student dealtigates kyle and hansen. we look forward to learning from and working with you as well. we would like to say, a big thank you to doctor matthews. for giving us a year and getting us through the most challenging time in education and sfu sd, thank superintendent liang lee. and hen a supporter for the pac hope you enjoy your lives beyond sfu sd. we like to celebrate to the out going members our chair and secretary. ana is an outstanding advocate and steady rock during this year. and raena produces the most amazing minutes you have seen.
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along with invaluable insights, you will be missed and look forward to seeing you in the future. >> thank you. and -- the priority for 21-22 year education funding. the continued safe and supportive return to in person. learning and the issues of equity. as part of the focusing on the priorities, keep work to support the districts engage am around the budget, balancing plan. and a local control and arc counselability plan. and have followed with the decisions made by the staff and board in regards to retireizing funding for school site budgets and resources to support students. >> we provided space for families to speak up on issues
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of health and safety at the sites and communes. we advocates for masking so we could keep our students, staff and families healthy. we urge the board of education and the district to listen to students when they raised concerns about the own physical safety. and well being on campuses. the places where they should feel safe and welcomed. spent time reflecting on our privileges as individuals and as a group. and how we can use that to be a more powerful and effective advocates for all. students families in sfu sd, we ask the board of education for a clear plan moving forward with the formation of a queer transparent council.
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on may 12 we were joined by commissioner not med and he boggess. pak members got to know the commissioners better and to engage in dialogue about issues related to our priorities. we discussed the situation at elementary and middle schools to engage the parent communities at the cites. at our may 16th meeting received an update from the distributor to the sugar drink committee. had an over view of tax the ways the revenue is used to support access to healthy foods throughout the city and within
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sfusd. during the pandemic money was shifted to provide resources to the children by department youth and families and the san francisco recreation and p parks, june ninth the last meeting for the year we started off with a moment of silence for victims of gun violence including in buffalo, new york and the students and steepers in u uvalde, texas. closed without appreciations and celebrations for the work done by a small and dedicated group of parent advocates. we look forward to the coming school year, we see the need to likely carry forward our priorities from the past 2 years . ensure funding for our schools
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to increase enrollment and funding from the state and funding opportunity locally. ensuring supports so that all sfusd students receive what than i needs to succeed and thrive in 22-23 and ynldz. making sure that our students in school site staff are healthy. and safe. throughout continued recommendation for universal masking and provision of vent lagz. making sure that we as a school district are doing everything we possibly can to prevent and be prepared in case of emergencies. whatever they may be. and that families are informed of the plans. and equal low important, supporting efrments for the continued work to educate all of us. about the ways that racism
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affects us. and how we can worked for equity for all sfusd students. this includes making sure that everyone knows what these things mean and words mean and how they show up in our lives and what we can do to make change. of am the pac is looking how to improve and inclusive and representativive of families. and how we can be effective in the role as advocates for students families. one way is reflecting on what we can improve in our practice and processes. as part of the work, we will be look to make more shifts in the timeings of recruitment cycle in the year to close out our work before the end of the school year. the pac was excited receive more
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than we had in previous years. during the pandemic, we greatly appreciate everyone who applied and interviewed, we are still seek candidates that will help us better represent the full spectrum of diversity in our school district. we are filipino [inaudible] excuse me. we are greatly appreciative of everyone who applyd and seek candidates that will help us better represent diversity in our school district. aftercan american.
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filipino and supporting students throughout english language learner. individualized scomplan foster youth services we would love to partner with organizations and support our unhouses students and families. newcomer family and those voices are not often included. for this reason we postponing and our presentation of the pac candidates for the year until august so we can conduct additionaling recruitment over the summer. applications are available at sfusd. edu/pac. unfortunately at this time the application is only available in english and do apologize for this. the translation department is
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working on our translations for us. home to have them the start of the new year. we are however, if however, anyone is in need of an application in another language, before then let us know and we will work with outside venders to make it accessible. this concludes our report and welcome questions and comments. thank you. >> thank you. members, appreciate your report this evening. at it time i like to open up for public comment. >> thank you we have one speaker josephine. >> thank you, pac members. thank you for your work and dedication. as a former pac member of i see
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the current pac have shared private concerns with the pac and observations i hope they will -- while it is -- attendance -- its -- limiting i would hope that we will continue to receive the parents that are actively and eagerlimented join and be a contribution. while you recall building a bench for full spectrum representation you can also receive parents that are eagerly waiting to help. i hope that we are not limiting pac to scyllos but to having the chance to build a big table to receive different voices so we can resolve the differences right in the pac and that pac
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will be a uniting entity. thank you. >> thank you that concludes in person public comment. >> virtual comment, please. >> we will hear public comment on the pac report, raise your hand if you care to speak. each will have one minute. repeat that in spanish and chinese. [speaking spanish]. [speaking cantonese] >> thank you. >> thank you. >> >> hi. i'm -- can you hear me. >> yes. >> great. i want to thank the members of the pac for their work this
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year. i attended a meeting and they are welcoming and inclusive and i'm grateful for your work. i want to thank you for raising the issue of the queer council, i hope that someone will pay attention to getting this committee going and funded. thank you. parents for public school guests. >> hi. it is vanessa calling i want to thank the leadership for really being intentional on the looking for parents who are representative of a diverse district. and offer the leadership this parents of public schools will translate your application free of charge and languages you request. reach out to my staff and we doll that for you so you can get applicants that represent different cultures. thank you.
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that concludes virtual public comment >> openum colleagues or board members have questions for pac members. vice president boggess. >> i want to thank the pac for your work and commitment and for helping to guide us as a district in a better direction and lift the voice of families across the district. i guess one question i have -- is -- i guess reflecting on the challenges we had like this year and the last few and what ways can we as a board and district better get support you in representing parents and elevating their voice and also in what ways can we decrease the amount of pressure that is putow to represent all parents at all times and funnel all those voices in. if there is anything you have i would love to hear a response.
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>> that soundses like multiple questions you asked. >> i smuk them. i will say them one by one. first thank you for all your hard work and all you do and offer to support the district. the first question is around what can we as a board in a district go to support to you be in more communication with families and really to lift up and elevate the things that are going on for them in their school sites and communities? >> i will take a stab at that. so. at one point the pacup lifted the voices of families from bbhm and we had reached out to board members in the superintendent
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and we didn't the pac did not get communication back on the progress of that. when the pac was involved in that. so -- and then another aspect of that is -- getting the communication back or acknowledgment or -- for example, universal masking. you know again it was something that was very important to the families this we were hearing from. and we did not hear anything back. it was almost like we would just talk and come to the meetings and then it is just okay. come back next month. and as you know, universal masking was -- gone. and without an explanation. communication is key for us
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would be that you know the families are getting heard and that you know if it is something that can't be done for whatever reason. the families need to hear why. and if this means dmog our meeting to explain that that would be a great place to do it. and when the meetings for the board of education need to go in person the pac meetings went in person it created accessibility problem we had a small pac because of accessibility issues and most of the families are not getting heard. you know the again communication and just making it a unilateral decisions without listening to our families that is what it has felt like. and so it needs to be these are this is public and our pac
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meetingers public. everything should be transparent and public. and without having decisions that are made in that does not seem like the families are getting heard. >> i would like to second that. we want to continue to invite you you can come to our pac meetings anyone in the room definitely commissioners and anyone. and also invite open communication. myself -- when i e mailed and get no response from anyone about an issue that the pac saying, what it is the update on this. or -- and no one knows. it is hard. i say being in communication and having building with us and working with parents. making sure that parent's voice is really heard especially like on big issues. like big are, like universal
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masking or the time thing before going forward and doing it. thank you. >> commissioner alexander and commissioner motamedi. >> yea, thank you for your report and following up on that conversation. i think later tonight we will vote on a governors a new approach which i think i'm excide body of trying an approach that is more effective and i want to make sure from my point of view and my colleagues share this we want to make sure it is about increasing community voice and equity and he not about one concern i heard about that it could restrict communication. right. i think -- we want to move in the opposite direction of restricting we want to improve it. so -- just -- as we move in that process, i would love to get the pac and other committees at the
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table and working with us as a board to figure out how you can play a role in that governors of contanlt low you are doing that engagement how are you able to hold us accountable and staff accountable to make sure that is continuing. i will offer to love to work on that and hope we can continue that process and recognize that is my understanding part of the intention of that new sproesz to improve parents and community. hart the mechanisms you have to reach out to parents how do you care about the community at large within the district. before i answer that question i would love to hear your answer,
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first on that same question. i -- things that have happened here you voted on -- us as a pac we are like where are the parent's voice. >> and harder issues parents say we have not had a voice we did not get a say and it is left minute and here and voted on. thank you. >> sure. i will pick that up. thank you for turning it. so along the lines of what commissioner alexander was talking about what i have been thinking about the requirement now in person meeting. right. you are an extension of the board we talked about this when i came to the meeting. the fact that right now there seems to be a gap in the staff support. and even your primary support is
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not a sfusd staff member. she is a consultant but unable to does not have the same mechanism a staff member would. we move forward is when are the ways for the pac and advisaries to be supported by staff and have that work connected to our school sites and upon parents throughout our districts. and because now my understanding or experience of the pac and correct me if i'm wrong, has been learningly coming to a meeting or while we were virtual able to join virtual to a meeting. but i would love to see more mechanisms where the work of parent and community is held bite staff who are then doing
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the work and supporting the work. i don't know if this answers the questions you are asking but now it feels there are parentses and the board and there is the district and the district part is not directly connected to the parent to the board. and the work in between. we don't direct staff other than our superintendent. does that get at what you asked? sort of. not to derail the conversation but if you were -- not directly if you are upon supported by staff rather than the board there will be more opportunity for different meeting mechanisms. because michelle is not here we will pause on the answer for that question. but what i would say in general we would like to invite you all to be in director communication. build with us and come with us.
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but you are mentioning parts like michelle's job and how that and i don't know -- like -- so -- did not money to mutt you on the spot. we don't know those specific thing things. but we invite you continued please when we e mail you e mail us back! that's great. you know reach back out. will when you know thereupon is a big issue that you have on the table, you know every school am be like we want to say. get parent input first. come to our meeting or e mail us. what have you heard parents are say burglar this or anything allow time for public comment and do a public hearing or a survey with the masking that would have been great if there was a survey sent to the families before a change happened so people were not floen thrown off.
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thank you. >> i want to take a stab. i don't think that answer said our question and also we are not staff we are here to advise you as the board. we represent. the parents. we can't as we said in the report we can't report all of them it is not possible. we represent ana is part of the advisory council and represents to an extent her community. and that's why we are looking for more representation throughout the district. to become a part of us so we hear. so we hear i have -- friends that are in differents schools and different parts of the city and they talk to me and tell me that the thing and in my own school community and that's when how we function. we are volunteers. you are volunteers, too. but we are volunteer and here to
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enters when we see and hear. we are not in a position to send out a survey that is not michelle's job or our role. what if you as the district if the district sent out a survey and we reviewd that and went over it at our meet thwack would be public and that would you believe a way we could hear from parents we want parents to come. a lot can't come. that is what why we have a report every among so people with hear from us and also the parents can have public comment on our reports. we know what is going on that way. we, as the pac represent to the best we can. we hear from our communities. within san francisco we try to represent districts. multiple ethnicities and you know -- we try to represent as
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much as we can based on our lived experiences. michelle could explain better. gi will wrap up the discussion but i wanted respond. as -- later this evening we will talk about some of the training the board is going through as an organization how we are setting our vision, values and goals. that will be absolutely imperative in deepning our community engagement with our families and i'm excited at the opportunity to work with the pac and helping with our work in that around landing on the vision, values and goals that's where i think tell have an opportunity to deepen in the coming months for the fall. and that will help as an
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organization you know how are we really focused on where the goals are and we are all able to work within that framework as well. >> doctor matthews. >> yes, i had one question for the board going forward and really dovetails to hacommissioner alexander said in involvement in decisionmaking. so what happens often in many districts we receive information. people advocate for a position and then if the position is not taken it is what we heard we were not heard. and that is -- i will say that is in the the case we heard you. we decided to go in a decision direction. my question is i want one of you we are trying to wrap up this conversation. is what would it look like what will happen this will condition to happen there are time little you advocate for positions the board and the superintendent will hear those and may go in a
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different direction. my question is what would it look like for you if the board or superintendent went in a different direction but you at the ends would feel like you were heard. >> i think -- so far there has been certain times we were not met with before. i think that is you are saying if we were met with before we had a meeting or like the superintendent of school commissioners came and talked about whatever the issue was. right and what it would look like would be different after? what would it lookic loo for you to say even though they went in a different direction we felt heard. we would be engaged with before instead of here we are scramling last minute for me at least itch can't speak on the whole pac it is just us 3 members.
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>> as a parent, i think what you say is -- to mealed be you we had the back and forth conversation. you heard us. we spoke. the decision went in another way. and we would have to get together as parents to see what we can do to add vo indicator to make sure there is equal opportunity for both parties. that's me as a parent. >> thank you, so much. >> thank you. >> thank you again. [applause] >> i like to have our community advisor committee for special education call upon julia martin. and our pac members.
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president lam. >> we want to everyone thatting the pac for their presentation. and -- we want to spends all want to thank doctor matthews. for your years of service. thank you for showing up we asked and you came and joined us and shared stories >> for including studentses with disabilities. i'm julia martin i'm proud to be here as your liaison to the community advisory committee for special education. the cac appreciates this opportunity to present before the board. tonight's report will provide a review of the work and activities from the past school year as well as our priorities and asks for the year ahead. before we start, i like to point
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the art work on this slide and throughout the report create bide students for the schools week art show case and can be seen on our website. we encourage northern check out this work. and now i will pass to ca c member lillian. >> thank you. i'm lillian lim and i'm a parent of student with iep and a cac board member i would like to review the cac defined the california code. cac advice [inaudible] special education department on issue and concern. and [inaudible] priority to the special education leadership. we provide parent education
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through our general meeting and encourage community involve am in special education issue. the cac support activity on behalf of student with disability. race awareness of issue that affect their school attendance and support inclusion of families. in tonight report, we will share how the cac met those responsibility this past year. while also dealing with the issue caused by pandemic. the primary role of the cac is to advise leadership, our special education department. on the policy budget, and services which make up the local plan that was shared with you 2
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weeks ago. cac member meet with special education leadership to welcome the local plan each spring. we meet with them at cac general meeting, board meeting where we share concern and questions from the communities. we have appreciated their transparency. partnership and responsive to family question and on going concern. this slide -- lists some of our main concern and feedback of the cac i shared with the special educational leadership. the primary issue with access to online learns addressing assessment [inaudible] stretcher literacy implementation. covid recovery services and
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extended school year and one of the big are issue we face is staffing shortages. our students need staffing stability. now i share -- hello i'm christina parent and a board member. another responsibility is to recommend annual priorities. these are from the past year. mental health. we are thankful the district made progress with addressing the assessment backlog. our schools are still struggling to provide inclusive and appropriate behavior supports. and students with disabilities are struggling to access online school. economic justice and inclusion.
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cac remains committed to lynch to black and brown students and families the school of the arts neurodiversity and disability summit was impactful and ask sfusd to encourage schools to follow their lead. implementation of the see safe plan has been slow. there are 2 bright spots. shoe strings early education program and bell programming for vocal students. academic innerventions. we are disappointed the literacy resolution did not move but hopeful that sfusd will follow recommendations in the literacy audit. many students access covid recovery service cac has
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concerns about the programs and how we know that they are being effective. we have the same concerns about extended school year. we faced historic staffing shortage this is year. we need traind and appropriately credentialed staff teaching our students with exceptional needs. i'm feeling really -- worried about the year to come. our meetings provide an opportunity for families to increase special education knowledge. we are very thank will to special education head and the many sf lead and community member who is presented at our meetings. all our meetings are open to the public. we average about 65 attendsees
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at each meeting. over 200 attends the meeting we cohosted with the african manner council. featuring weaver and decoding dyslexia. meetingers hybrid and provide interception and closed captioning. we provided slide in 3 languages and translated many documents. we strife to make our meetings accessible. due to the brown act members must now attends meeting in person. however many in families are in high risk group and wish to participate virtual i tochlt do so the brown act requires they share home address and open their home to the public. we ask for an exemption for advisory volunteers. >> next i like to pass to kelly.
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>> i'm a new cac board member starting next year. i have a son with multiple disabilities. families of students with disabilities rely on communities. and city resources to support their students. during the pandemic, needs increase. but resources were limited. in response the cac expanded our out reach to build new and strong are partnerships with multiple groups in the community. we slaberated with napy sf the alliance for mental health to ensure students and care givers have access to free mental health resources. we paymented in the san francisco human right's commission task force. where we listened and learned
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and discussed equity, innersectionality and stigma in special education. in march, the san francisco board of supervisors showed support for universal screening for risk of dyslexia passing a resolution and support of senate bill 237. members advocated for the resolution and participated in the rally held on the steps of san francisco city hall. lastly. we met with the mayor's disability council monthly to discuss inclusion in city programs and including the summer together program. >> support being activityos behalf of students with disabilities is something close to the heart for many member of our advisory who are parents of
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students with disabilities. in december, cac members lead inclusive school's events across the district. a special shout out to the students and alumni who participated in the young adult panel discussion. and the pe department and special olympics of northern california for once again providing inclusive eventses and activities. and in april the cac was proud to hold advocates worth of excellence award each year we recognize the individuals and groups who support and inspire, and teach students with disabilities in san francisco unified school district. we are grateful to all the individuals who are allis to our
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students. their efforts and kindness makes a difference. now i'd like to pass on to a dltd lita fisher. thank you. decreasing attendance is manage we heard about and assists the frns approximate attendance is a top responsibility. attendance is an early interindicator and tells us if students feel safe. welcome, being included and if they are finding academic success. many of many students with studentses from attending school. the 2021 school year the disabilities had absenteeism rate of 22.8% bhon 5 children with disabilities being absent. the 21 district data news letter
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students with sdakts below the average in all areas on the social emotional learning suhave an our graduation rates graduate at 71%. k redness for students with disabilities is 30%. in addition changes to a b 130 -- in restricted access to education for most vulnerable. members vocal for full access to options with students with disabilities and excited that the latest chinks to the inspect study law guarantee online learning per students with disabilities. mental healing, behavior and social aggression were a concern this year. according to researchers at university of illinois teens with disabilities are up to 5 times likely to suffer from meant at and behavior disorders.
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remembers will like to thank you for their presentations. we want to reminds staff that students with disabilities are education students first and have access to wellness centers, counciling supports and any other resources at a school. our students can attends if we can't get them to school. many appreciated the transparency from the zoom app that came with their new transportation proviedz are lack of drivers made it doyle get kids to could go. appreciates the part inship of sf transportation director who lynched concern and transparent in addressing challenges and requiring zoom to update modules. families of students with disabilities had many covid
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safety occurrence. evidence shoes even if a high risk person wears a mask they will not be protected if they are surrounded by unmasked people. safe and access uponable door -- individuals with disabilities in education act. and just today the mayor's office of disability put forth a press release urging that masks made manned story on public transportation again. lastly our hearts with the family who is lost loved 1s to senseless violence. time we move past prayers and we need policy change. gun violence in will 62s is the biggest fierce of families families of children with disabilities because not all students can run and hide. next slide. the last cac responsibility we are going to discuss is the
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inclusion of parents and care givers of individuals with disabilities. it seems more relevant begin the last conversation with the pac. cac works hard to raise voices of families with students through participation on district committees and meetings with staff. cac participation in the joint council. the safe meetings and many ad hoc meetings deepened the partners with advisories. we like to thank the centers for adding. special information to their website and we ask that school websites and tours include special education information. the cac raises concern busy requiring families toup load electronically. and creates a burden on families. lastly we request the time line for second rounds of enrollment adjusted to ends before the end of the school year so meetings
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can happen during the cool year. would like to thank the team in support for families hosting parent education workshop this is year and excited partner to discuss how the dispute resolution grant can be used next year. now i will pass to sam whom is joining virtually. >> i'm sam murphy. a parents of 2 children with i ap. i want to look ahead as we share our priorities for the next school year. most of which the same as the previous. our first priority is staffing stability. we have not we don't want to go through another year like last year. our students need teachers in their classrooms. this is a basic necessity. of all of the staffing recommendations listed here come from senate bill 1113 on special education.
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inclusive sxejz universal design for learning. we ask to review and follow the recommendations. our next priority is professional development. with so much instability and turn over this year we asked all district staff to be trinned in inclusive practices. udl universal design for learning, mtss, multitier system of support. and pbis, positive behavioral interventions and supports. these recommendations dpr come bill 1113. and another important priority is literacy. the cac asked the district to take the findingst crim almost audit seriously and make improve ams to instructional materials. we asked to screen for reading risk as it is established in the state and federal guidance. lastly, the district is doing
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all they can to address mental health and trauma caused by the pandemic. students, staff and families need heeling and access to low sources. as we end our r. we would like to invite torn our 2022-23 monthly meetings. held on the fourth thursday of the month. the topics and dates are here. as well as on our website. i personal low have found the meetings empowering navigating is not easy. and finding communities helps us support each other. and children beyond our own schools. please issue join us. please safety dates of december 5-9 for inclusive school week. we hope you am join us in this year's celebrations. it is fun. in this -- appendix of this report we shared our favorite
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resource. reach out and contact us with any questions or to discussion further. e mail is here. thank you and we look forward to seeing you at our meetings in august. i want to pass you back to one of my parent mentors alita fisher joovment thank you, sam. in closing the cac would like to thank our special educators parent educators specialist and supervisors school psychologist related service provide and alis. in this as doctor math use mentioned the toughest year to in public education. we watched professionals step up to support students. staff covered vaccanceys. increased case loads gave everything they had on behalf students we see and you appreciate your efforts on behalf of our students.
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any year all awards receive a dozen nominee this is year we received 70s. that's how much we saw our folks go above and beyond. thank you, everyone and thanks to those of you sticking around. we love, appreciate and hope next year is easier for you. thank you. [applause]. thank you to our cac and your presentation i will open up to public comment before discussion. there are no in person commenters. >> is there virtual comments. go ahead. chris.
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i'm chris claus a teacher at washington high school. thank you to the cac and thank you for calling out the huge transportation concerns that students have had this year. thank you for calling for more translation services for meetings and documents. as well as advocating for planning for esy i hope you remember my earlier comments and for the programs. they need support. you again have brought up so many areas that need support i thee add more. something also done to support student who is absolutely could and should graduate but disabilities make learning a world language based on current language offerings difficult. sometimes preventing them from earning a diploma. staff, you heard the occurrence many of them more than once now. get on with fixing the issues.
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thank you. >> that concludes in person. jury room we'll hear comment on the special education item raise your hand if you care to speak to this item you have a minute to speak. can we have that repeat in the spanish and chinese. [instructions in spanish] [instructions in chinese] >> thank you. caller ending in 757.
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go ahead. please. hi. i'm with parents for public schools and i would like to hoe our passport for cac and their families. through our advocacy and our educational inclusive and equity programs. thank you. >> thank you. >> hi. i calling in elevate the [inaudible]. many things that the leadership has done for cac for our students and families. keeping the core value and making sure that equity is at its best am thank you for everything you do. julie, alita, [inaudible] thank
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you so much. >> thank you. lee. >> i want to thank cac for their presentation they hit key points early literacy. i. ed to talk about the transportation. that alita mentioned. i want to hear more how they are working with muni or the private company to make sure that kids have access to transportation. especially i'm in the richmond district the bus are always late, over pack and students are waiting and so as she says that they need supportful they need transportation, they need to get to school on time. i have not heard anything the ble about transportation.
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[inaudible]. want students this year. inclusion on retirement proud to see you do your work the last couple years, thank you. >> thank you. >> president lam that conclues public comment for this item. >> thank you. colleagues you have questions for our cac? commissioner bogys. i want to start by thanking you for your work and commitment to students and family and helping to make our district better. i think i wanted to follow up on something that you brought up that i was curious to how the district is and in regards to the transition conferences for iep students is that will a
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large are structural issue. hearing that as a recommendation to the district how we are taking that in and what is our process to both give a response back as well as to determine whether or not like that is something we would do and what would we factor in to it if there was anyone who could answer that in a general way without solve thanksgiving problem on the spot. i would love to know and hear how we handle these and approach recommendations of the sort. >> so. a transition meeting happens had a child students moves from 5 to sickth grade. or eighth to ninth. and very often if you go from elementary to middle school the number of academic millions of support you get will change you
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are going to bell periods instead. so what you need to have is a team meeting that includes from elementary school and middle school. if you don't get the assignment to your middle school until summer begun your team does not get to meet you don't get to pull people in from the new school to talk. we got this class here. we got had study skills here your kid might like this. and based on the calendar waits until the beginning of the school year, which a lot of our kids who00ue know are may be ridge and i had need a lot of prep you know like -- my kiddo he has to go walk the halls before school starts and meet there has to be a warm hand off. know his new team, know where the bedroom is prep to make sure hoo he is in the in the hallway during the day he will
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disregulate. he is one example and those things you can't plan for on the first day and set this student up for success. when the you don't find out what your school will be until june, you can't have that meeting and kids ends up a couple weeks behind or saw a lot this year blowing out on the first couple days and having huge escalations that could have been prevented. does that answer your question. >> it does. ir wonder if staff could address like why this is our practice. what we are doing to address it or anything of that sort. i'm trying to get an understanding of this and the context of all of our recommendations, how do we. address these things and assess the meritings of fixing them quickly? so, we have been lucky this year
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to partner a lot with the enroll am department. there have been meetings and e mails back and forth between the cac, e pc and special ed department. so -- some of you may remember we had 3 different enroll am rounds and changed those to make it accessible to families so they had more time to enroll whchl the district made that change that impacted the time line for special ed students. so last year when we brought this up it was something that [inaudible] and enrollment staff heard but not able to make that change. so -- i believe this year they have adjusted the time lines a bit. slightly. so that we can both continue to be approximate equal and allow families as much time as possible to get the application in for second round and meet the
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important need of investigate meetings. it is that very fine balancing act. that's where that communication between the cac and family and district staff has been so important. >> i appreciate the fact that the explanation is -- a response to the group habrought the recommendation and trying to solve and correct the issue. i guess one thing i'm interested about is what safe guards or like monitoring protocols are in check at school sites to ensure students are having all of these things happen when they are supposed to and that people are novelty slipingly through the gaps and does that responsible rest at the central office level or the site level or does it exist in between? upon let me check with my manager. i have thoughts i will let her
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share. a partnership with the cents ral office and the site principals to support the schools to in a minute kids we have to have meetings for and to get in there in make them all happen. >> the partnership. gi appreciate that and understanding how difficult steal to do that cross a district with 100 schools and students with different needs at every school. we advocate for is integrate families and students in the monitoring and assessment and use them as an extra lynch find ensure things are happen and activate responses. i love as we do more this talking and problem solving figure out ways to utilize people at the staff every day not just paid but families, students and parents to help
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make sure we are being transparent and accountable to things we hope to deliver. thank you very much. >> i think one of the challenges that we found at the school site is often the specialist in the special education department did a lot of mentoring and sppth and the administrative work to help support the iep's compliant. check the time line boxes and everything and about every content specialist got reassigned because of the staffing shortages were intense. and so a lot of that staff that was usually there behind the scenes was gone. and so -- this year we saw i mean my day job is an add vo indicate and saw a dash to finish and bring everything in
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compliance and team his to leave things because we ran out of time. so, hopefully we get the supervisors back next year, pretty please. >> can i add? training -- for staff is sometimes a couple years ago the prior principal of my son's school was trained for the first time meaning anybody was trained for the first time in 7 years. i don't have the inside information how often it happens but i can say from my perspective professional development and training. whether you are special ed or general ed it is important so the pieces don't fall in the cracks as a parents that's what i think.
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>> commission motamedi. >> so, i think i have a general high level systemic question. and so as i'm reflecting on my experience having come in xhafrp now heard from many advisories and this update and later tonight. i see how thoughtful the amount of work the thoughtfulness the reflection looking at the calendar of meetings you had and planning that has gone into next year. the recommendations from last year. or this year wrapping up and looking forward, my question is -- is who -- carries these recommendations. so much from an advisory stand point? who holds these? so, when i look at 21-22 i see
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progress and look like 22-3 it is yes and. where there is more work to be done. as a board member what i'm trying to -- wrap my head around is how to support you and how where is the role of staff in district in supporting the work that you are doing on an on going basis? >> i'm going to point to gene in a minute but i want to put stuff on the record because i think this is upon almost the same thing you asked the pac framed differently. not having the position taken does not mean you were not heard but the problem is you will see that recommendation slide it is exactly the same as last year that was the same as the year before. special education is part. lead is part.
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e pc ask part of it and for us as parent advocates that is part of the huge problem i think covid laid that bear in central office we got a lot of communication challenges to work out and who is where and what word chart. so doctor wayne i hope you are listening. but -- above and beyond all that, we say the same over and over and over again. and it feels like it go in a black hole. things might be happening very well. but you then and there is true of well cap commissioner motamedi you felt that. right? when there is not the feedback mechanism to share with the stake holders what is happen something or prove that things are happening with the data and we just we feel like you are telling us okay. thank you now sit down. right.
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we saw that over the pandemic. we had town halless. and nothing. right. and some parent groups sprang up out of that lack of response. right? and here we are -- we are i got a public comment about this later for l cap the recommendations the l cap recommendations that are responding to the joint committee recommendations. it feels like gas lighting we have been asking for year over year over year for concrete data driven actions. to come out of our volunteer work. and instead these if you read the recommendation its is here what we have done. you are not hearing we are recognizing we go above and withstand everdwrond recognize the great work that is happen nothing this district there are a lot of dedicated people working their tails off this year and more to be done andment
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to you recognize that and want to you tell us what you will do about it that's how you make families heard. you want to follow up or should i do the mic drop? okay. i was a slight low different perspective. slightly. i feel supported by everybody. in certain moments. i feel supported by special ed staff. there is a partnership and liaison at every meeting i think that is unique in some ways. i have struggled as a parent is -- the silos between special ed and separation. students and staff at every site team and general ed. and the separation in my opinion come from a variety of different reasons but most television is
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because they don't understand. i feel -- like they don't understand. and so -- if i could fix anything it would go become to the training professional development. i as a parents spend too much of my time trying to decide if i will explain x, y and z and the minute i have time. right for the general ed teacher i'm not worried about the rsp team. i'm worried about the 6 hours a day or 5 hours a day that my son is spending and another environment. and that is the per that is missing. in my world. that's the magic one. separate from that, there is never a moment that goes by i don't appreciate what people are doing. never. no matter who you are.
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mow matter how much you know or how much you bring to the table that is not a question. my feeling upon unheard is because i feel like people still don't understand. >> so. >> thank you very much and student delegate. >> so i'm curious about the transportation piece you mentioned because i remember hearing comment about issues with transportation for special ed students all the way back the beginning of this year and alsoeen become to the ends of left year when school started to reopen i'm unsure of the time line when you met with staff about transportation but begin the things like making zoom update their driver and training has that helped the concerns that you had in transportation? >> so, our occurrence with transportation go back dkdzs. just so you know.
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and -- prezoom the zoom contract is new before that we had first student. and i think our -- comments back then were larger like 10 times larger. we have seen the transparency zoom brought has been great. helped a lot of families be able to engage and see where their kids are if your kid islet being able to see where they are. it is -- its huge. as far as said that the driver shortage has been huge! so -- now we got kids spending you know up to an hour on the bus for some of our kids. that's not fair >> and also as far as muni guess, a lot of our high
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schoolers with support could be on public education bus instead of the zoom busses that cost -- 10 thousand dollars per student? i don't know the cost. that is not fair strike that from the record let's not i don't want to get us in trouble. >> i think it is more. >> well, so -- we could partner with groups like department of rehab and get transportation training, resources to help kids learn how to take muni or that's federal dollars not school district dollars. and -- one of the thing wes mentioned the stigma. there are kids that don't want to get on and off that yellow bus. unfortunately there is a stigma in some places. so i think there is arc loment we can do to increase but still i don't know if this answered your question. good to see you here inside of
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hear you, nice to put a face with a name. >> i like to follow up on the transportation thing. i knowledge if you talked to principals and staff. they can actual the praktd cal issues going on. they need the bus. wrap up i know commissioner ward has questions. >> i wanted appreciate you all for being here this work. i appreciate both of will y'all's comments and i the one the appreciation and recognition for the staff doing great work. i think when it it is appropriate and recognition is deserved it it is a really good way of modelings how we want to engage. thank you staff for your work
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and partnership. i think to -- commissioner motamedi i'm tired i'm sorry all. how long have i known you. [laughter]. to your question and to mrs. fisher's response accountability is part of it. i see this is i different take but not exclues and i have recognizing and uplifting when it is working i know we get remark pendacies in the material. it is your point a different version and this is our own education i'm looking forward dig nothing and i appreciate the acronyms which it is really useful to make us affluent and having the conversations. thank you.
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>> in closing might have appreciation in you in my 3 years of serving on the board. lifting update life experiences of our students and our families and what you all are -- living every day and how the district and how we as leaders must be more responsive and attentive i wanted also. the ral that he we i got to be a part of with you all was inspiring.
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thank you are lifting up the professional development that is something i like to follow up with staff around that progress and opportunity to strengthen and understand where our staff are with their pd, thank you all so very much and look forward to joining your general meetings and discussions and partnership. [applause]ed >> i did not a nounts at the beginning of the meeting and i apologize i am
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like to ask for a motion and a second. >> moved. >> second. >> and like to call upon -- edwin diaz to read the recommendation in the records. >> thank you, president. commissioners and senior leaders. the recommended action is that the board of education adopts the superintendent proposal and approve the public education fund plan for school year 22-23. >> thank you. and i like do open for public comment. there are no in person speakers this evening. >> and virtual e. raise your hand if you care to peek to the proposal. youville a minute to speak. can we have that repeat in the spanish and chinese. [instruction in spanish].
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[instructions in chinese]. thank you. seeing no virtual comment. >> comments from board. members. we had a lengthy discussion left week. role call vote. please. >> commissioner alexander. >> yes. >> vice president boggess. >> yes. >> commissioner hsu. >> yes. >> commissioner motamedi. >> yes >> commissioner sanchez. >> yes. why ward. >> yes. >> president lam. >> yes. >> 7 aye's. thank you. 2266sp42 fiscal year 2021 to 24 the control and accountability plan update. ask for a motion and a second.
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>> moved. second. >> call be doctor math use to read the recommendations. >> reading the recommendation in the record will be our executive director of budget servicean marie gored. >> yes. >> the recommended action this evening is that the board of education approved superintendent's proposal on the annual update to the 2021-24 well cap for the san francisco county office of education and the san francisco unified school district. like on open for public comment, please. we have one speak are alita fisher. >> hello. i sort of cover third degree a bit ago but really -- it is
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noise to see here that we got the responses to the joint advisory report here. thank you for providing that. and -- like i mentioned before families acknowledge that good work is being done. and we are asking for more. still. right. those of us on the committee we spend time in communities asks for passport and feedback. we put together the report and ask for you to develop a plan with action items and budget allocations to address the concerns we raised. and nothing in here is specific enough to be actionable at all. this feels like window dressing and feels like gas lighting what we are asking for year over year and keep asking mawe want real data driven damage supports
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actions. we risk i ask that this get sent back and this turn in this -- we want answers not more [inaudible]. thank you. that concludes in person. public comment virtual. raise your hand if you care to speak to the proposal. each speaker has a minute can we have that repeat in the spanish and chinese. [instructions in spanish]. instructions in chinese] seeing no virtual comment. sorry. one hand just went up.
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parents for public schools. yes. hi, good evening. i'm vanessa with parents for public schools i'm interested in seeing a dliniated plan around how the district is going to engage the community in the new year. it it is part of the process for l cap and one of the foundational elements not something that we saw done limp so -- i'm excited partner with you and share ideas but this is something that will need to be done and the 22-23 school year. thank you. >> thank you. that concludes virtual public comment. >> thank you and comments or discussion from board members? >> vice president boggess. >> yea. i would say thank you to staff
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for preparing that l cap and the work that guess in if and thank you for the different upon community members and the district that participated in the process to the extent you were able. for me it is important to say ha -- i plan to support this i would love to see more from our well cap and process. and really figure out how we close the gap on that. a lot feel an experience from seeing the things they want to see transform and change in the things that we are doing and really to make sure that the documents are as transparent as possible and people have a clear understanding about why year moving forward in the way we do and if you north seeing all the changeings you want to see you seat progress and the success this is we are making as we build toward that goal. i think for mow to say i think for us we are working to perfect our process.
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hopefully staffing and hopefully working more with our community can help us to do a better job of having a stronger process. thank you. similarly, i don't want to belabor this item i want to reiterate what i said at the previous meeting where i'm excited to see this l cap moving forward. and i'm looking forward to the hiring of an well cap coordinator and alignment of other funding sources within a holistic approach around budgeting well is a theme upon around community engagement and reflection an aspect i'm excite body with school cites and visibility of school site plans within our process and
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engagement at that level. just a statement. >> i want to say thank you to the staff and to all of our community engage and all cac's involved in the multicac's and wanted to name that tonight also looking forward to what we have planned for the year and the commitment i think that you have from the board. around more evidence in grounded in data and that -- the monitoring i think that will be key how we are really connecting our funding and investments to student learning and their out come employmented to, thank you. and i like to call for roll call vote >> commissioner alexander >> yes >> vice president boggess. >> yes >> commissioner hsu >> yes. >> not med e. >> yes. >> sanchez. >> yes. >> ward.
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>> yes >> president lam. >> yes. >> 7 aye's. >> moving to item 322614sp3 superintendent's proposal the fiscal 22-23 recommended budget like to ask for a motion and a second. >> moved. >> so moved. >> second. >> i'm sorry. seconded. i heard you wrong. >> doctor math use introduces to read the recommendation in the record >> read thanksgiving in the record will be our head financial upon officer meaghan and executive director of budget servicean map real gored. >> okay. the recommended action this evening is that the board of education adopt the superintendent's proposal fiscal 2022-23 recommended budget. >> open up for public comment.
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>> thank you. >> frank long. jerry al munsa alita fisher. come on up to the podium. >> good evening. i'm jerry the treasurer. i was reviewing the budget proposal the recommendation it is exciting that we have some 60 million dollars coming to the city. i noticed there is additional funding -- the -- epa funding. there are different allocations for money. i have a lot of questions i know you talked about this last week. i'm wondering why we are
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allocating 14.9 million dollars? for expenses? that we are already budgeted for. the 9 million dollars for the anticipated -- sorry. you know the numbers better. the empower mou well is money here we also gave concessions up on. right. gave up ap peer period. i don't understand where that money went. well is money here we spent with the budget from this year but we are expensing next year's budget. >> thank you. >> i think you need to relook at this proposal because it does not look like it is accurate >> thank you.
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>> alita fisher or frank long. >> open for virtual comment. >> raise your hands if you care to speak to this recommended budget proposal we will each speaker will have one minute and can oui have that repeat in the spanish and chinese. >> [instructions in spanish. [instructions in chinese] >> thank you. seeing no virtual comment for this item. >> thank you. colleagues like to open for discussion or questions? commissioner hsu and commissioner alexander vice
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president boggess. >> we know the jrotc program at 3 high schools balboa, galileo and mission were cut starting next year due to our budget constraints. and reasonable, the u.s. army committed quite a bit of fundses that together with what we had budget said, can bring back jrotc at these 3 schools next year. i to understands what is our flon restore the programs for students in time for the beginning of the school year? >> let me start -- bipartisan sanderson is no not here. he worked with his team and the
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principals on restoration. i don't know if you have other information? who is now that bill is go human is working with the principals. bill got this afternoon a few hours. so we will be letting you know over the next couple days. we have to look at who will be step nothing working with doctor wayne, always. that was announced a couple hours ago. you are very aggressive. i'm going to start and head wallace will add-on, but -- i think that the looking at the way that the budget is set up,
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right. what we the -- the enhandled fund from this army means that the districts does not have to cover as much as it did in the past the army will cover the full salary of army instructors and the district will be responsible for covering the benefits. so it is over all less of lower cost to the district to run the programs i think the challenge that we were looking at is -- each the schools that have jrotc programs use their weighted student formula dollars to pay for those positions and so -- this result in a savings to those schools in that they no longer they get money back. right. rather than having to pay for half or more of that the
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instructor positions they can pay for less we will get funding for the difference. twhap mean system that in order to restore the 3 programs -- without taking money away from other schools it would money that the over all cost impact is around 425 thousand dollars. i wanted start with that. the based on the cost an army the district army instructor and restore 2 instructors at each school without impacting our cutting the budget of other schools to off set the costs would be 425 thousand dollars. and -- i think we there was a discussion br about how to move forward with changes to the budget -- taking on new investments that were not a part of the budget intlused at first
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reading. we were looking at a variety of different needs that the our district and the board should be considering andmenting to take a holistic view of the needs weighed against the funding included in the final state budget of and now the state budget is becoming solidified. details are coming out but tell take more time for staff to fully understand how much is on going versus one time. and so -- part of the holistic approach and recommendation of staff is has been and continues to be looking at proposals in august. and looking at the variety of proposals together. in that way the jrotc program we
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are recommending folding any decisions around restoring funds for the program in that discussion. for august. >> i have a follow up. so, next for your explanation and -- mrs. wallace. i can't say -- as i understands, you started with the 400,000 something but the other option was to change the way that we funds jrotc programs. as a. i don't know if we call it a centralized or some type of funding and that's the process the budget process is not up to us board members to say it is up to you working with the new superintendent is that a possibility of -- changing that process so that the net to us is
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very little. in theory, yes. yes, we could work with doctor wayne to talk about the approach to how the positions are budgets. um -- i think that in the immediate -- like this week or even in august i think that the way the weighted student formula approach mean with the structure we have in the way that school it is plan budgets now that -- the approach that would make it that would -- make it less than 2 huh thousand dollars of a budget impact would mean -- cutting the 3 schools that have jrotc program and redistributing the funds to the other 3 schools.
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that is where that it is it would be a different prop than we have taken because those our schools funds the positions with weighted student formula. we have never, considered cutting a school's weighted student formula allocation to give the fundses to a dprnt school without there a basis in a change in enrollment or any of the like students demographic inputs that create the allocations to start with. because we want this program somewhere else we will take 40 thousand from you to give it to this other school or something like that, which -- is a different prop to how schools experienced any refduction they have seen in recent years. without going in a lot of detail on that and i go back to
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something i said in the very first board meeting, we have are the decision makers that if we need to change something we are here you can get a sense from the board of what support we have for any change whether this or that one. right. commissioner alexander you like that. we are the decision makers. i would like to ask that the staff move from we can't do it because we have always done this this way. to say, okay how can we make this happen. because from a layman's perspective, the numbers under like 172 thousand or something to restore a whole thing for the full program. that the benefit of this program to our students and we are moving to a more student outcome focused board and the district. and this program is such a
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valuable program to all of our students especially our will immigrant students the black and brown students. it just offers such great leadership, citizenship, study skills, life skills kind of training. that -- with the army support stepping update support it is it would be shameful for us not to take advantage of this and bring it back. i urge that you change your mind set it say we can't do it move to how can we do it and what do you need from us. gi want to add. the thing i said00 although sanderson had conversations with principals in the instance the board determined that this is
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the direction they wanted move in. and so i think one of the things you begin to talk about the direction from prosecute direction that this board is moving in, one of the things that will be key to remember is from staff's perspective it it is not upon one board member that it it is the direction from the board. if that the direction from the board it is not you were saying change the minds set. when the direction from the board bottom this is statute direction we will move in staff will begin that implementation. >> how do we do that? do we ask the board now questions. privately. what do we do. >> i part of that would be working with the board leadership to put this on the agenda so the staff knows this is the direction in the board o posed from. we know we here your enthusiasm but for staff to move forward and the big part is because what you heard the army committed but had not committed in regards to
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the benefits. and so that's what that meant it is that from school cites they have to kick in. and we need the board to weigh in on that. this is the last board meeting of our school year. school starts august 17th it takes time to hire the hire back the instructors and that should be started in july. so -- what is the way to perhaps get the board's feedback on august ninth 8 days before school starts. you have a discussion with board leadership to so how that can be expedited. >> okay. president lam. may be we can do that. >> deputy superintendent lee i want to provide a comment. >> thank you. i wanted raise may be an obscure
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point of information, commissioners. and this merits confirmation. i will say that up front. i do believe again, any decision could be revisited by the current board or future board. i do believe that -- at one point commissioner sanchez this might sound vaguely familiar or not. i believe of the several board resolutions that have been taken over the many years regarding jrotc i believe one, which i think is in affect again, subject to confirmation did specify that the cost of positions for jrotc instructors should be budgeted and born by school site budget rather than the district central office. so per then about whether it
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could be allocated that would be good to research. i can work with the team and the superintendent sabbederson to make sure we are clear on the record there and again whatever the remember record is certainly could be revisited by the board now or in the future. i just i think there is a bit of a context for why the budget system is set up as it is for jrotc. this was a very pretty recent offer from the army as far as funding. if we if we don't act tonight how does this impact that offer? is that offer a standing off.
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is there a time line associated with it. i want to understands the implications. the timing around thap request. >> i can say the offer was made 2 weeks ago on the 13th. i need to look it up to confirm. whether it is a like -- like -- whether it is on restoring all of the programs that were cut or if the 3 schools that have can already benefit as is. i can get back with that. >> i think i would like that information i would like to understand the implications. i think as far as the path forward would we have i don't know if we have a formal action
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or motion that is required. or -- or the new of doctor wayne to explore and making that effort that is something i also looking toward some recommend, you know implication around the timing. superintendent matthews. implications do we need to adopt a formal action or maebldzed motion to explore directing doctor wayne to make that effort? >> deputy superintendent lee? yes. if i may, and invite mrs. gordon to share their thoughts as limp in some of our internal
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discussions about the process questions, which definitely understand the importance of and -- the time upon sensitivity of questions as well. we were contemplating sort of a few steps in the process that could be undertaken quickly over the next several weeks. one is to design a prisz by which we could whether it is in the course of meetings or other means to try to astain the collective thoughts about commissioners related to multiple budget priorities which the board had several discussions about the order and manage tude of priorities given the uncertainty and the trending and direction about the state budget to -- canvas and innorm
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the staff's work to assemble and frame a set of -- thoughts recommendations, what have you for that first meetoth ninth the next meeting and come in nameeting with inputs. and to have an informational discussion, that evening which would then set us up well, set you up well to have an amendments to the budget on the meeting on august 23rd. so. why don't i check to see if that -- is consistents with what they would propose as well. >> that is consistents. really recognizing that this board may have different priorities amongst each of and you helpful to gather information from each of you and
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able to weigh the priorityings against the options before us -- of different investment types. and -- so -- and -- trying to do home boshg to in in on august ninth with a good, solid starting points. >>ip want to say that if it is truly for 70 thousand dollars that it is a significant investment. that we need to weigh among other priorities. but if it the lower amount 170 thousand dollars i think that is more palatable and if there is an old resolution somewhere we can pass another one to -- void it or something. >> right. and if this is necessary then present that option. or if that is possible then present that option we can act
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typeset you can redot distribution of funds then only 170,000 this is not impact too much of all the, priorities we have. commissioner alexander you want top weight in. >> thanks i was going to say on the process i support the process as being proposed i think there are multiple priority and priorities have been denied so i was work width school community getting a 25 thousand dollars matching grant and denied in the name of fairness to everybody. there was peer resources a program that is research based. and they are looking for like i don't know 200 thousand dollars or something in that neighborhood to provide support. i think there are a lot of
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priorities that remember have been denied and i think if we look at them in small amounts we should look at them all. and weigh them as a board that is my request on that. i have other commentses. >> talk through process. and vice president bog sxesz motamedi. commissioner motamedi. i agree with the many competing priorities. again, my point of clarification is to understands are there options within the funding that the military has agreed to give us where we can move forward without fiscal impact of significant conscience to the district. or what -- what the different options are i'm not clear now it it is presented as one package to clarify as part of the discussion i like to know the
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options and a sunset date where this offer being given closes. >> so looking at the draft of the contract that i have access to looks like it is for the 6 schools and to fund the full salary of the full suite of positions across the full program. it does not from the e mail i see have a date which we must responded and commit we accept it and i don't believe we have communicated with the army to ask whether they would extend the same offer for the 3 schools that are maintaining their programs. so i'm not sure about that. we can follow up to confirm that. what we see now is the full offer without a clear commit by date.
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>> so for process. i wanted to name that -- i doment upon dpr wayne to be engage in the this not only with rotc and the army and colleagues raised about other process and programs that also have been requested, denied or waiting in the wings. so i think -- at this time my recommendation is staff you have follow up that it would be important to community back out around the implications around the you know the funding mechanisms how much it would impact is it 170 thousand or that full package of our00,000 so all board members get the information at the same time i don't think all of us it was although we were alerted of this award a couple weeks ago i want
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to make sure for approximate transparency all colleagues have that information. so -- my recommendation is colleagues if you charge with board leadership to make sure that we communicate out with you all around timing and implications and -- further more i think more important low is around a budget planning session with doctor wayne. so this is i'm cutting into what i was going to raise but -- i know that there are going to be more updates trailer bills. lots movements even though this initial budget has been negotiated at the state level. and that i like tonld and the board tonld what the conditions
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are. things are i feel not settled. and so that's why it is imperative may be staff you can share with the board around work back. you think we will have commitments that we would have to submit to the state, is that correct? mid and youing what is that, what does it look like and do back map being for board members to understand the work ahead. understands and accepted. >> okay. so when do we have to submit an apologies, once things get solidified at the state level. trailer bills. signatures when do we submit amended, updated what are lea's responsible for.
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>> wield submit a 45 day budget revision. and i think we can be in communication with california department education about the timing of that 45 days relative to board meetings. so -- if technically we would need to the revision approved on august ninth in order to meet that 45 day deadline. i want to talk to see if we can have flexibility to submit after that second board meet nothing august. there are things like that we do need to firm up and clarify the deadlines for the board. but general low, it is a 45 day count if the date of the state budget being passed. a follow up then it is important to understand the temperature from cde around upon that 45 day
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