tv Board of Education SFGTV July 12, 2022 10:00am-2:01pm PDT
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>> good morning welcome to the july 12 of the san francisco transportation authority board. i'm rafael mandelman i chair the vice chair is aaron peskin the clerk is angela tsao. and then before calling the roll i want to note that supervisor dorsey will not join us today and i'm going to excuse him if there are no objections. and madam clerk. and i want to thank michael from, could you call the roll. >> commissioner chan. >> present. >> commissioner dorsey is excused. commissioner mandelman. >> present. >> commissioner mar. >> present. >> commissioner melgar. >> present. >> commissioner peskin. >> present. >> commissioner preston.
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>> present. >> commissioner ronen. >> present. >> commissioner safai. >> absent. >> commissioner stefani. >> present. >> walton? >> present >> we have quorum. >> thank you, and i think you have a public comment announcement >> yes, thank you. after members of the public interested in participating in this board meeting, we welcome your attendance in person and the legislative hail ber room 250 in city hall. or you may watch channel 26 or 99. or streaming live at remote comment dial 415-655-0001. and when prompted entering 2492
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879 3483. and then press pound and pound again. you will listen at this time meet nothing role time. when public comment is called for the item you wish to speak on press star 3 to speak. do not press again or you will be removed from the queue. when the system says your line is unmuted the operator will advise you allowed 2 minutes to speak. when your 2 minutes are up we will move to the next caller. calls taken in the order which received. best practices are to speak slowly, clear and turn down the volume of televisions or radios. public comment will be taken first from members in attendance in the legislate ever chamber and then after, from remote speakers queue on the phone line. thank you. >> all right. >> thank you madam clerk. >> before calling the next item i'm going to invoke rule 3.26 to limit pent per item for 30
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minutes today. please call the next item. >> item 2 final approval and first appearance approve the resolution findings to allow teleconference meeting under code section 54953e this is an action item. >> thank you, i keep thinking we'll not need to do this. and then we keep having members of the board who need to take advantage of it. seems like we should condition making them for a bit longer. although it sf my hope we can stop the resolutions soon after summer recess. we will see hat public health situation say busy it. i do not see comments or questions. open this up to public comment. and there is none in the chamber. see if there is remote public comment. >> checking for remote public
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comment. on item 2. there is no public comment >> all right. public comment on item 2 is closed. >> and is there a motion to approve item 2? moved by mar and seconded by stefani. call the roll. >> commissioner chan. >> aye. >> commissioner dorsey excused. commissioner mandelman. >> aye. >> commissioner mar. >> aye. >> commissioner melgar. >> aye. >> commissioner peskin. >> aye. >> commissioner preston. >> aye. >> commissioner ronen. >> aye. >> commissioner stefani. >> aye. >> commissioner walton.
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>> aye. >> the item is approved. >> great. thank you. call item 3. >> item 3 approve the minutes the june 28, 22 meet thanksgiving it is an action item. >> don't see comments or questions. i don't see public comment in the chamber let's see if there is any virtual remote public comment. checking for remote public comment on item 3. there is no public comment. >> public comment on item 3 is closed. a motion to approve item 3 the minutes? moved by peskin and seconded by preston. and i think we can take that without objection same house same call. >> all right. >> madam clerk, call item 4.
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>> item 4 community advisory committee report this . is an information item. >> all right we are join in the person by cac chair john larson. [inaudible] vice chair peskin and commissioners i'm john lares an the chair of the community advisory committee to report on the cac june 22 virtual meeting. reflect in the your agenda today the cac agenda for the meeting was shorter than usual. 3 discussion items. cac adopted motion of support for prop k allocation of appropriation request that comprise item 7 on you were agenda. the cac asked for clarification that the uc students recruited run community engagement related to the slow debose triangle study product under the neighborhood association members and the cac looking forward to
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the results of the out reach and concept designs for this area. public works, staff was asked about hair line cracks appear in concrete. a public comment related curb and sidewalk repairs. another part is whether the quality used for repair leading to flaws. staff responded that the specifications for repairs and are consistent and may be more cosmetic. salve said they would commit to examining this issue closely. the cac adopted a motion to accept the pennsylvania avenue extension project initiation report, which is item 8 on your agenda. the issue of resilience tow rising sea levels and flooding of tunnel that is constructed was raised as a concern. and even though the preferred option is a tunnel, to avoid at great conflicts can traffic sea
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level rise will be part of the environmental evaluations in the next phases of the project. staff assured that the project is coordinated with the downtown extension and southeast rail station studies through a group made up of representatives from all the stake holder groups in these projects. skoal timing of the environmental phase and efforts for future funding would be well coordinated for a seamless corridor of transportation in that area. we heard a state and federal legislation update. and the cac heard a summary. helpful summary of the how legislation of the state and federal level system monitored and the process by which the ta takes a formal support motion for certain types of legislation and -- this discussion was -- helpful for newer members of the
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cac. and finally, this is the last meeting reporting to you as chair of the cac. i'm leaving and will not be representing district 7. i have greatly valued the 8 plus years i served and the over 4 years i chaired the group. i have been impressed by the knowledge, commitment and caliber of the community members that served on this committee. i have been told by those appeared before the cac or observed meeting this is cac impresses the benchers and others for the depth of questioning and thoughtfulfulness of thing discussion on transportation issues. i can't take credit for this i chair but i can vouch that these meetings are in depth and we keep the requestors and the project experiences on their toes. why i like to thank former d7
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supervisor yee who gave me the opportunity and reappointed me and commissioner melgar who did the same. i'd like to thank the ta staff, for the preparation, expertise and responsiveness they bring to the cac and the work of the transportation authority in general. there are many challenges before you as the t aboard ini havingerating people's trust in a high performing transportation system for the bay area and san francisco in particular. but you will continue to be well served bite community add sunrise rye committee and the committed professionals of the transportation authority. i thank you. >> thank you, chair larson. i want to on behalf of the board extend our great thanks to you for 8 years of service issue 4 and a half as chair. you sort of become when i think of the c, c i think of you.
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the constants of my time on this the board of supervisors in the ta. i think that we are so luck tow have such smart and competent people willing to sign up for these demanding, unpaid volunteer positions you cyst through all of the materials here from the public. give a lot of thoughtful consideration to things that sometimes the board does not have as much time for. and so, i again,ment to say thank you so very, very much. and it looks to me like others on the board might want to say things. commissioner melgar. >> thank you so much. chair mandelman. i wanted to thank you, chair larson, for so ably, professionally representing district 7 and your neighbors.
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we have been so luck tow have you. you have represents with like indepth technical knowledge, reading and knowing everything and with grace and heart. noticing issues that other folks don't >> making sure that our district which is under served with all things transit is able to get what we need. i thank you so much for all of the time, work and effort that you have spent on the pack and chairing which is another thing to herd the cats. and make sure that people are treated, like you said with professionalism and respect. and things keep moving. thank you for your service. >> you are welcome. why commissioner ronen. >> i wanted to echo my
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colleagues. you know these are volunteer positions. that -- mean that your dedication to san francisco and to making our public transit system, you know, world class. is so deep special profound you are willing to do it for 8 year its is extraordinary. it is always a pleasure to hear from you. and how you run your committee and get feedback from the public and the rest of our representatives that we appoint. i wanted echo the appreciation. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> commissioner walton. >> thank you chair mandelman, i want to extend my thanks when we have positions like this the time consuming the lives and the fact you served in this capacity
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for years, and done it with enthusiasm. making sure i's are dotd and t's are cross. we appreciate your work and service and commitment you will be missed. it is hard to fill voids for positions where they are volunteer. and time consuming. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. commissioner walton. commissioners ronen and melgar. and so -- yes. director chan. >> thank you. on behalf of staff i want to appreciate you and thank you so much for being our longest serving cac chair at the transportation story there is a historical element to today. we all appreciate how thoughtfully and skillfully you handled all of the items we asked to you bring to the cac and accommodate your colleagues
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many requests for information item and balancing this with the work we felt we needed to get through the cac. i know the board relies upon your report every month and listens careful low and takes that in account and gives them great confident to act on their item when is they know it has gone through the cac under your leadership. and behalf of staff our chief deputy mariah and policy and programming you worked closely be, all of us, we are so grateful for your time and for your careful and thoughtful and again -- wonderful leadership. we will miss you very much >> likewise, thank you. >> thank you. director chan and i have done a certificate of recognition for you chair larson come in the well and have the t aboard gather and we can do a photograph.
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all right. with that, madam clerk, call item 5. >> item 5, appoint a member to the community advisory committee this is an action item. >> is -- this is jill jafy council. observe we take item 5 can you go over public comment on item 4. >> absolutely. >> thank you. >> that is some good lawyering. >> do we have public comment on item 4? >> checking for remote public comment on item 4. hi caller your 2 minutes begins now. >> good morning, chair mandelman and commissioners. [inaudible] i like to very briefly echo your comments and
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[inaudible] comments so much more elupon kwan than i could be, thank you. >> thank you, caller. there is no more public comment. >> public comment on item 4 is closed. >> now. go to item 5. item 5 appoint a member to the shill read that again? >> go ahead. >> okay. appoint a member to the community advisory committee -- this is i'm sorry. appoint one to the community advise rye committee this is an action item. >> now we have mike online. the transportation authority has an 11 mechanic committee with each serving a 2 year term the
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board appoints to fill open seats near staff or cac make recommend a recollections. applicants must be san francisco residents and appear before the board once to describe their qualifications. there are a list of applicants and detailed information on each. the vacancy under consideration is due to the resignation of john larson. effective june 13th and i wanted add that district 10 and 8 are seeking candidates who would be consideredad future meetings. applicants see www.sfcts. org to apply. i can take questions and chair mandelman sarah bar system here to speak to her questions of law ifshgzs. >> we received a public comment on this item and it has been posted to our website. >> and -- do we have sarah bars
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online? good morning chair mandelman and commissioners. i see that i have big shows to fill on the cac if appointed. i'm sarah bars. i'm a sunny side resident and in district 7 and a mother and enthusiastic supporter of active transportation. i am the mayor of slow hurst and i co founded friends of slow hurst the volunteer group that organized events and slow steet. i live on hurst avenue and use transportation every day. ir rely on biking, muni or bart to get around but my household does own a car. i am a transportation professional. previously i worked for the
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metro transportation commission. i worked on the clip are card and also worked on the clip are start program the low income transit fare subsidy program. fun fact, i was an intern at the sfcta in 2015. in addition to being a mom i work as a product manager and serve on seamless bay area. a volunteer with kid safe sf and a member of the ocean avenue mobility task force. if appointed to the citizen's committee i am committed to representing the unique transportation interests of district 7 and championing the interests that -- of families and trying to maker transportation system sustainable and equitable. why thank you. >> thank you, mr. bars. let's open this item to public comment. i don't think there are any in the chamber.
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oh . supervisor or commissioner melgar, did you want to. >> okay. >> i since this is the first time i have done this i don't know if there are other applicants. >> we can take public comment. i don't think there are but we will find out. >> i would like to speak about sarah bars after public comment. >> so let's see if there is remote public comment. >> checking for remote public comment on item 5. and there is no public comment. >> okay. public comment on 5 is closed now commissioner melgar. >> thank you. chair mandelman, i recommended sarah bars for this position. i have gotten to know her through all of the efforts in the neighborhood around slow hurst, but also the larger sunny side transportation issues that we have.
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sunny side has a commercial corridor, mont riavenue. it is on a hill with multiple intersections this are dangerous. with stop signs could be better. speeding. that goes rampant. and sarah has always impressed me not just because of her knowledge and commitment to safe streets but because she is someone who listens to her neighbors even when they disagree with her i think that is an important part of public service. and -- i -- have been impressed with her add advocacy of pedestrian safety and bicycling and her commitment to our ocean avenue transits study efforts the cta is leading. some of you or all of us received a letter supporting her
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from zack from the rider's union and i'm pleased we are considering her today. thank you. commissioner melgar. i don't see other colleagues with comments. would you like to move the appointment of sarah bars to the cac >> yes , i like to make a motion we arc point sarah bars to the cac. >> a second from commissioner ronen. call the role. commissioner chan. >> aye. >> commissioner mandelman. >> aye. >> commissioner mar. >> aye. >> commissioner melgar. >> aye. >> commissioner peskin. >> aye. >> commissioner precinct. >> aye. >> commissioner ronen. >> aye. >> commissioner safai.
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>> aye. >> commissioner stefani. >> aye. >> commissioner walton. >> aye. >> we have approval. >> great. congratulations and thank you mrs. bars. call our next item. >> item 6, state and federal legislation update. this is an action item. >> and i think we have mark watts remotely and we have amber kraft here. >> that's correct. we will let mark address you first. >> thank you, chair mandelman and americans i appreciate being here tilde will give you an over view of the state budget and several bills of note you have taken positions on. of before i do that, i wanted to
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briefly describe where we are in the legislative process. this point in july we have sick weeks left until the legislator adjourns the summer recess began july first and stops august first with fits cat appropriation committee in the last 2 weeks the be action in both houses with the adjournment on the 31st. very exciting period of time with the transportation package that was included in the updated budget, thank you that looks better. >> the -- original budget was adopt in the time to meet the constitutional deadline and ratified a deal between the to houses of the legislator. the budget different budget items this were approved in the last week of june and the first days of july by the governor
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represents the agreement between all 3 parties. and we are it was welcomeed see and gratify to see that the governor of the letter arrived at an understanding that got in the way of transportation funding last year by approving 4.2 billion the prop arc funds for high speed rail authority. includes language that would prioritize the construction of the merced and bakersfield segment and office of independent inspector general. improve the authority. that opened the door to increasing expenditures for transportation mainly transand i related programs. 10 penalty 8 million dollars is committed over this year and following 2 years. which 5.4 was appropriated for
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the current year. this includes billion dollars for active transportation augmentation, 350 million dollars for high priority grade separation projects and very important, 200 million dollars in funding for local climate adapttation planning and projects. there are other elements and i have briefly described for transit the funding amounted to 3.65 billion dollars in the current year. roughly -- 55% is for southern california projects. and 45% in the north. in the north translates to 1.5 billion dollars and within each of the 2 regions, there is set aside of 900 million for priority projects which additional funding would help secure federal fundings.
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important element. well is also 50 million dollars set aside for development of future project this is could eventual low qualify and get in the federal pipeline. and i'm pleased to say i worked with the [inaudible] at their request and senator cortez office in developing the 150 million dollars in gratifying to see that went through there is more detail but you got the rough over view of the budget. very satisfying and you know very much improved the mobility of california in the coming years. in terms of bill update, there is 1 recommended addition a new support position for bill 1938. that is in your table. the bill previously was going to had included language that dealt
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with the creation of a transit and inner city rail recovery task force. instead that because of an issue arc rose about ab43 from last year; which dealt with traffic, engineering studies the author amended the bill to deal with this. the language is recommended for support. allows clarifying points which a local authority may lower the speed limit below that indicated boy an engineering study. very important. in line with the vision zero strategy and the staff recommending that you adopt the support position as the bill heads to the final stretch. in addition, there are a couple updates bill 455 you take in support position on.
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was the transit only traffic lane authorization bill it has been amended a study bill require cal-trans, data and transit operators to establish speed and relinocaine performance tarts for buses traveling east and west bounds through the bridge corridor and a report would be required -- we are not recommending a change in the position. the other position is a watch, this was very anything bill to watch go through the process. ab2594, as a suite of provisions deal in reforming roadway and tolls in california. it is a sweeping measure. make it easier for driver access and equity concerns -- emerged in the penalty process.
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there is no change that bill has been improved, i believe. and finally, amber crab will provide an update on the seamless transit transformation act by senator becker. and i will stop at that point >> thank you, mr. watts. mrs. crab. goods morning members. so, in may, the senate bill 917, which is senator becker, was a subject of discussion and a number of questions and concerns came up. and chair mandelman has requested that we return with additional information. i'm happy to report that senator beck upper landod had we believe will be a final version of the bill after a lot of negotiation among the bill sponsor, seamless bay area.
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transit operators and the metro transportation commission. the bill has been amended address a lot of the concerns in the major issues that transit operators had previously had with the bill. and an as a result we understand many are no longer considering an opposed position on it. >> as amended, we generally feel the bill does better at meeting the do no harm principle and threshold. however there , are some opportunity costs that will need to be considered during implementation i will get to in a bit. i'm having trouble with the slides. i will go ahead the slides provide a high level summary and
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with additional detail in the memorandum the bill as written would establish a transit coordinating council. of transit operators that would assign responsibilities along with the metro transportation commission. it would still require compliance with the various policies that will be developed. however, account if operators did in the comply, could potentially result in the losdz of state transit assistance funding that is delivered by formula by mtc2 operators and used for transit operations. the bill as amends does say that transit operators shall make every effort to comply with the bill. but does introduce a process if the operator can demonstrate it would result in service cuts or -- fair increases that they can request an exception that mt
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c could grant. and they would not have to comply at that point. >> specific components of the bilt first integrated transit fare structure. developed bite transit coordinating council with mtc. and would have to be effective by july first, 2024. have to include common definitions for pass types like adult passes. senior passes. >> sorry. could sfgovtv, thank you. >> thank you very much. that's not coming out right. on the screen. okay. i will just talk through it. so in addition to the paddle types it includes no cost local transfers and reduced cost with local and regional service. would require at least a year pilot and the metro
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transportation commission has identified funding but if funding was identified could be extend for up to 3 years and would would require the development of cost estimate for a comprehensive regional transit fare structure and funds that if the pilot if funding is identified. the second component is a connected network plan by mtc can the transit operators and would require the identification and adoption of a number of factors by december 31, 25. that include the definition of regional corridors and hubs. service standards and funding needs. it would also another factor is a regional transit mapping and weigh finding system that must be developed by january first, 26. developed by the metro transportation commission. and would also have to include a
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funding plan for the system. and then finally, would require open dast an standards for bay area wide real time transit information. okay. with respect to the questions that came up in may, as amended, we believe the integrated transit fare structure and transfer policies would be subject to funding by mtc. mtc has approved funding for a year of the pilot. and one of the potential opportunity costs we are keeping an eye out for is the question of where the additional funding would come from. a question of -- you know whether it would otherwise be used for transit operations a question of what san francisco share would be. so, something that will be determined as the program is
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implemented. then also as stated previously, or transit operators would have the opportunity to opt out with the approval of mtc and if the policies would lead to fare increases or service cuts. and as written now, the bill has specific provisions that would maintain the rights and responsibles of transit prirts and home rule authority for charter cities like san francisco. and finally there is specific language allowing for jurisdictions and operators to implement benefits above and beyond includes in the legislation such as additional fare subsidies. so, as stated early, there are additional opportunity costs that will have to be considered, in addition to where the xhundzing come from, the question of who will benefit from investing millions in cross
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regional connectivity improvements compared to other investment in operations such as for -- additional shorter, local trips. question of, you know e approximately in the time when operators are facing covid fiscal cliffs, could the funding be used to help, help relieve that? and then also -- other uses of the funding could include things like, additional means base fare programs or increased transit service for low income and transit department users. another fact oror we'll work would be to make sure san francisco is is not disadvantaged for how fund suggest distributes and the subsidy related to the fer and transfer policies. this would make sure the costs are evaluated and the distribution formula is sufficient to cover really
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reflect the costs. and then among other considerations, we want to ensure that the subsidies that san francisco already have in place, are factored to other formula it ises apply all operators are not effectively subsidizing jurisdictions that have not made investments over the years. i'm happy to answer questions and i believe remote i'm joined by diana hammond at mta. with that, just i conclude my remarks >> thank you, mrs. crab. commissioner melgar. >> thank you, chair mandelman, thank you for that thorough analysis. i had a question. besides the funding to the individual agencies, is there any incentive for -- collaboration. you know even though we say it is funding sometimes or often
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time its is in the just is an issue of like mission vision values. is there anything that would you know, incentivize on an approach to that? collaboration? >> thank you for the question. and i think the key to a lot of this is the establishment of the regional transportation coordinating council. will sit transit operators from the region and mtc t. is where they will get in the nuts and bolts of how the any additional funds are distributed. and then i think, you know the funding this hen identified already, is an incentive. in that, it is covering costs. i think everyone is working toward the same goal. we want to see a more connected transit system. i think it is great that there is funding in place to move the important provisions forward.
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. and allowing for future if the subsidies are in the there allowing prirts to be able to take care of their own riders and make sure they are not having a cut service is may be -- it it is a good safety net for the operators. >> all right. let's open this to public comment. i don't see any in the chamber. do we have remote public comment. >> checking for remote public comment on item 6. and there is no public comment. >> public comment on item 6 is closed. this is an action item. is there a motion to approve item 6? moved by mar. seconded by safai.
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thank you. i think we can trache that without objection. same house same call. madam clerk, call our next item. and just to be clear, item 6 was approved. >> yes. >> item 7, allocate 17 million 739,000 in prop k funds with conscience special appropriate 307 thousand dollars for 7 requests this is an action item. >> mrs. lafort. why good morning, commissioners. deputy director for possess and he programming at the transportation authority. >> i am appropriateed share my slides. so the requests before you today include a request from bart for
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just over 1.2 million dollars to leverage, measure r r funds approved by the voters including san francisco voter hos helped approve it in 2016 mitigate impacts of water damage in what is m line that is the bart line that goes through san francisco. and would replace or i'm sorry, it would,llow for currently water seep in the steel tunnel sections via the joints and through the cracks in the segments theory constructed out of concrete. the repairs increase safety and reliability for bart operations. this next request is from the sfmta, this is the annual upon funds thanksgiving is provided from the prop k sales tax for transit operations paratransit
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is the only in the prop circumstance program and has been provided since the original sales tax pass in the 1989. so this funding will support ad a and nonad a services. so these include sedan, ramp taxis and rans to senior centers. shuttles and as well as the prescheduled trips for group van service the amount that prop k we are providing today is slight lead more than the funding that had been provided previously. we bumped up the amount of sales tax fundses from 10 million dollars per year to the 13.3 million dollars over the next couple of years this was approved bite board admit prop karmics plan update in december of 21. this was to provide stability to the critical program during the pandemic. we were worried other source of
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ref nows america ta relies on had been impacted by the budget. it is an operating budget expenditure. we are still seeing things referring to prepandemic levels andmented to ensure this program was fully funded. street repair and cleaning from public works. a funding request we provide on an annual basis to replace vehicles the ends of their live and replace them with air resource board compliant emissions standards. and these are some of the examples of the types of equipment that would be you purchased for clean and street repair. this next y request is also something this we see on every year basis for public sidewalk and curb repair. this is to fund about 560
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locations. throughout the city. currently, there is a backlog of 1700. repair requests in the city. those locations are broken down by district in your materials and folks at home to the packet. the new locations that are identified on going base i continue to be priorities as a result of on going inspections from public works. daily complaints and reports of trip and fall accidents the locations that are on had repair list may change due to higher need locations that are not on that list this moment. but dpw has the flex at for a bases especially if there is an impact to pedestrian access or the highest likely hood of claims against the stele. folks at home question a sidewalk repair at calling 311 and to point out, this is for
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the nontree related damage to sidewalked the tree related damage sfunlded by the prop e general fund set arc side funding street tree maintenance and maintenance of sidewalks that are damaged by street trees. >> this next request is related to the prop e paddleage. this is a category in the prop k plan for tree maintenance and planting. since the passage of prop e in 2016, which is the general fundy set aside for tree maintenance. requested funds for planting only and so going forward in this year this would plant 660 trees and pay for the weekly watering over the first 3 years of a tree's life a more frequency period for watering. and -- dpw is basing the priorities on a canopy survey
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done several years ago for what parts of the city have the least canopy cover and empty basins that are right for planting. the funds will pay for plantings in the bay view hunter's point and tenderloin and soma. >> the next 2 requests are neighborhoods program requests. from the transportation authority. this request is for slow debose triangle at the request of chair mandelman we are veterans thanksgiving to fund community workshops and developing concepts for what is called, vision slow triangle. which would include traffic calming and public realm improvements. work would be done with uc berkeley graduate students who have done work. and so we are looking forward it seeing the work over the sum and are recommendations this e merge from the plan.
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and for the next request i am invite rachael or department for planning to speak to the district one neighborhood program request. >> good morning, commissioners, yes, rachael deputy for planning. this is a request from district one commissioner chan's office for a community based neighborhood transportation planning effort. will be a multimodal in scope. so during the scoping process there is interest from the community from transit service planning and reliability and transit -- of priority and features. supporting um -- transit stops. and transit access we know there is interest in pedestrian safety and traffic calming and um -- pedestrian access. and we also have heard there is interest in things like supporting electric vehicle and bicycle -- shifts.
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and -- um -- modes -- so this will be a community based process. we will work with the communities to prioritize. um, among locations and among types of improvements and ultimate low recommend back to the board. we will bridges the final report to the board for adoption projects that can be moved on to implementation through the capitol funding process and other funding streams. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. that concludes my presentation. >> commissioner chan. thank you i want to thank ta staff for not only working with our office and working with our constituents. the study and the goals of the studies were feedback collected from our constituents and those
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sitting on different cac representing district 1. so they all bring different perspective. the goal is to i think mr. high at summarized well. is to think about how do we increase public transit -- assessability. and make sure that you know bike connectivity in district one as well as safety and of course left but in the least but the future of electric vehicle to making sure that in the events that people cannot utilize public transit or bike and walking, and they have to resort to private driving or vehicle and driving around can we offer them an option that is really sustainable and environmental friendsly. i think those goals are equal low important. not one without the other. i really appreciate the ta staff
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and also. to thank my pred seszors predecessors who made progress. they were successful. we need to do more in district one and especially around our neighborhood/commercial. thank you, and chair mandelman. >> vice chair peskin. >> thank you, chair. last year -- with a number of colleagues supervisors mandelman safai and mar, i held 2 hearings on the state of urban canopy. and our tree planting goals and metrics. and the tree planting plan. something we all subscribe to.
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and i wanted to express some concerns thatting bot came out of that hear and continue to monitor our successes and failures, around the planting of new trees. i have noted as we heard in the hearings that -- there are a number of new trees we plant that don't receive proper watering. and the first 3 years. and shockingly, die. and in delving down in to that, trees are plant in the 3 ways. directly by public works and by contractors that they engage with one doing, i think better than the other, friends of urban forest on the one hand and clean
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city coalition on the other. and -- i am troubled, sorry it say that, the clean city coalition's watering regimen has not been as up to snuff as it otherwise should be result nothing tree mortality. so -- this measure before us for 1.5 million dollars mentioned friends of the urban forest. no disrespect to staff, who have informed me indeed, public works intendses to distribute this money between friends of urban forest and clone city coalition. that is not only friends of urban forest is mentioned in the documents before us. i would like to respectful low request clothes, and we can talk to our staff in public works about this, that it be limited
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to friends of the urban forest or by planted and yours by public work employees. given the track record by the clone city coalition funds not distributeed them for the purpose of planting the 600 mrs. tres in the tenderloin neighborhood that is based on performance nothing else. thank you chair mandelman. >> thank you vice chair peskin. and and well, staff can think about whether we need to pull this piece out and think about it or make a change here or -- commissioner melgar. okay. thank you. chair mandelman. i wanted say thank you so much to staph for the inclusion of
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the increase in the paratransit allocation. i then and there is something the communities requested. we -- i was very luck tow have been in communication with jodi who was active in this conversation. and there are so many seniors in district 7 whop live up the hill who rely on paratransit. having the foresite to see that other funding extremes or making up for the prop circumstance funds is great. thank you for taking care of our seniors and disabled. >> thank you. commissioner safai. no clean city from the w than i do in my district they are district 11 based small
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contractor i think they do good work i see them out in district lefrn we planted more trees than any other part of san francisco over 2,000 trees. they other main water approximate contractor. i think they do stellar work. if there are improvement that needs to happen i'm happy to work with supervisor peskin and the ta to make sure they have the right support. i saw the owner the female run business. i saw her the other night and commending her on the tremendous work they do. may be we can have further conversations about that. thank you. why thank you. commissioner safai. i would be happy if we want to pull this 1.5 out and continue that to the next thing and have a conversation with public works about whether our trees are properly watered y. it seems
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like if the will of the board is to do something about this i would rather continue for a week than make the change on the notice here. would be my preference. although see hat body wants to do. so -- open this up to public comment. i don't see any in the chamber. see had we got remote low? looking near comment on item 7, and press star 3 if you would like to give public comment. caller you should 2 minutes begins now. >> good morning. this is brian hogsman the policy manager at walk san francisco employmented to peek in support of 2 requests first i want to
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thank commissioner chan for putting forward this district one modal study. we support planning efforts this can address pedestrian and traffic safety on more of district one corridors that put people at risk. we saw the news last week the california street safety project brought down injury crashes by 64% with the same traffic and know this safe streets are possible. great to see we have street safely with improving transit. than i go hand and hundred and will not have safe streets without reliable and fast trans transit in district one. and allocating sidewalk and curve repair a sidewalk with every upgrade to make it accessible can be inaccessible with cracks. blocks in the packet today for person using a wheel chair or mobility scooter can be a block
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that is impassable. limiting where people can go and older, did you tells the cracks are a tripping hazzard that leads to a serious injury that impacts how they get around for months or longer. thank community living for raise thanksgiving issue and pushing for greater folk us and investment on cracked sidewalks for years. asking for your support. well is in more public comment. public comment is closed. well, clothes, i don't feel prepared figure out who is doing what around watering and whether it makes sense to pull one of the nonprofits out on the tree planting and establishment item.
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i am thinking that we should let staff and commissioners who have strong opinion and those who want to educate ourselves have time to do this. and so -- i guess what i would ask for unless appeal hate it is a motion to approve all of the prop circumstance allocations with the exception of the tree planting and establishment which we ask staff to bring back in whatever next meeting. does that -- seem okay? >> second. >> vice chair peskin a second. is so. i move today seconded do we want to talk about it? >> just to be clear, we are voting to amend the item or. moving everything forward except the tree planting and establish am. >> sever the tree planting item >> yes. >> okay >> other. okay. all right.
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so -- it has been a motion made. and seconded. and i think we can move that without objection same house same call. >> all right. so that motion passed. and we will look forward to getting tree planting and establishment back at our next t aboard meeting. thank you, everybody. >> could you call item 8 in >> item 8 accept the pennsylvania avenue extension project initiation report. this is an action item. and we have received a public comment on this item and has been posted our website. >> okay. >> deputy director wadman. do we have you -- online? i think so. there you are. >> hello. >> good morning. can you hear me and see the
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slides >> we can. tell us about pennsylvania avenue extension. >> yes employees so i'm here today to present the project initiation report for the pennsylvania avenue extension project. this we will -- in this we will go over why the project was conceptualize said. the purpose of the project and key out come from the project initiation phase. we will cover the alternate evers we studied and recommendations for next steps. the pennsylvania avenue extension project neighborhood as a result of the 2018 rail yard alignment and benefit study. the rab study lead by the san francisco planning department. study identified the preferred arc linement for the cal train corridor recommending a tunnelled south from dtx to caesar chavez. the pack's alignment served the foundation for the alternatives
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carried forward in our stud. planning department advanced the southeast rail station in parallel to our project. which examined options for future cal train stations within the broad southeast quadrant of the city. the purpose of this project is to grade separate cal train rail traffic at mission bay and 16th before increased train traffic causes impact to transit, pedestrian and bicycle and vehicle move am. the under grounding increase connectivity between the neighborhoods adjacent w to tie community back together. grade separations improve pedestrian, bike and vehicle safety on the surface and improving cal trains operational officials. under grounding reduce congestion and noise and other
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factors. initiation process collected and analyzed data on rail operations. technical, environmental constraints, traffic right of way impacts and utilities. used a framework ton likewise a range of alternatives for the project. we have identified 3 fees okay alternatives with 2 having variations on the tunnel construction methodology. the alternatives are estimated to range in costs between 2 and 2.5 billion exclusive of potential 22nd station relocation or upgrade costs. if those were to be required. the study explored technical challenges related to interfacing with the future dpx and rail yards redevelopment projects and the contrained conditions southerneding the project area in general. alternative a, is the long alternative. consistents with the broad alignment by the study.
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it it is i tunnel boring machine or tbm that would be extended south from the dtx interface of the north to caesar chavez street. alternate b a medium link ash linement interface near the existing 22nd street station. alternative c a split tunnel with northbound trains using a cut and cover tunnel beneath the existing alignment and southbound using a 26 foot diameter tunnel on pennsylvania with an interface near the 22nd street station. this slide shows arc 1 as a profile the process section on the low are part of the slide sos the complex conditions that the tunnel must navigate at the north term until and caesar chavez the initiation includes diagrams to reference there if
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you are interested they are similar to this one. the benefits and challenges of each alternative. alternative a1 and arc 2 result in the most improved rail operations and have the least impacts. they would require that replace am of the 22nd street station increasing project costs significantly. alternative b1 and 2 allow for continued use of the 22nd street station. but would require multiple excavation making more complex. alternative c allows the use of the 22nd street station with minor modifications, less excavation due to the single diameter tbm but the most surface construction impacts and require a disruption to cal train operations during construction. we are not recommending a preferred alternative through this increase study tell follow
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through later phases of the development process. our recommended action today is to accept this project increase report. we plan to return toft board with an ask a preenvironmental study for the project. preenvironmental study will further refine the alternative recommendations and identify opportunity for costs and risk reduction and determine an organizational approach for environmental review this is intended set it up for a smooth and speedy environmental clearance process in the future. and with that, i'm concluding my presentation and happy to address questions. thank you i don't see public questions. open for public comment. do we have remote public comment.
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press story 3 if you would like to comment. hi. your 2 minutes begins now. >> holeo chair mandelman and americans [inaudible] approximate so i would like to briefly touch on the letter in your packet. that highlights potential [inaudible] design issues -- impacting the timely evacuation of mobility in [inaudible]. and -- the letter conclude -- that with the recommendation to drop alternatives a1, b1 and c. >> the letter introduces a new alternative known as alternate
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b3. known as [inaudible] south telephone years ago. 10 years ago. this alternative is a hybrid between alternate b1 and 2. and includes economies of scale [inaudible] 1 billion dollars. i will repeat. 1 billion dollars. in closing, i hope you will consider adding the alternative to your evidence matric and let the best alternative win. thank you. thank you, caller. >> there is no more comment. public comment is close said. staff, if you have combug want to add. why good. >> is there a motion to approve item 8 in moved by peskin and
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seconded by mar we can take that without objection same house and same call. automatic 8 passed. madam clerk could you call the next item. >> item 9 introduction of new item this is is an information item. >> i don't see any colleagues with new business. so -- call next 10. >> general public comment. there is in comment in the chamber. let's check remote line. public comment on item 10. your 2 minutes begins now. >> good morning commissioners i'm richard rossman.
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and -- i was good in transportation projects. but i think you should really consider may be not putting the extension of prop k on the ballot in november. prop arc not paddle and your consultant said people were frustrated with the way mta operates. i worked for the city 26 combroers dealt with many different departments and finds mta very frustrate to deal with. they don't have to answer e mails. and -- you know we want safety improvement and should hard to deal with. i think as a funding agency for mta ask for know audit and how we can improve public service we can get safe streets so people
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feel safely walking across fulton street. we had 4 -- pedestrians killed boy automobiles in the richmond and the recent combroers mta has done nothing about it. so i hope -- you would do a deep upon dive in how we can improve mta and get the services we need in the city. because it is in the working at the present time. and i'm afraid if prop k goes on the ballot it could get defeated again like prop a. got defeated. and you should analyze why prop a got defeatd and why district 1, 2 -- 4, 7, 11. and 10 all voted less than 2 thirds around the below 50% for approving the prop arc. there is a serious problem and
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[♪♪♪] >> i just don't know that you can find a neighborhood in the city where you can hear music stands and take a ride on the low rider down the street. it is an experience that you can't have anywhere else in san francisco. [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪] >> district nine is a in the southeast portion of the city. we have four neighborhoods that i represent. st. mary's park has a completely
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unique architecture. very distinct feel, and it is a very close to holly park which is another beautiful park in san francisco. the bernal heights district is unique in that we have the hell which has one of the best views in all of san francisco. there is a swinging hanging from a tree at the top. it is as if you are swinging over the entire city. there are two unique aspects. it is considered the fourth chinatown in san francisco. sixty% of the residents are of chinese ancestry. the second unique, and fun aspect about this area is it is the garden district. there is a lot of urban agriculture and it was where the city grew the majority of the flowers. not only for san francisco but for the region. and of course, it is the location in mclaren park which is the city's second biggest park after golden gate. many people don't know the neighborhood in the first place if they haven't been there. we call it the best neighborhood
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nobody has ever heard our. every neighborhood in district nine has a very special aspect. where we are right now is the mission district. the mission district is a very special part of our city. you smell the tacos at the [speaking spanish] and they have the best latin pastries. they have these shortbread cookies with caramel in the middle. and then you walk further down and you have sunrise café. it is a place that you come for the incredible food, but also to learn about what is happening in the neighborhood and how you can help and support your community. >> twenty-fourth street is the birthplace of the movement. we have over 620 murals. it is the largest outdoor public gallery in the country and possibly the world. >> you can find so much political engagement park next to so much incredible art. it's another reason why we think
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this is a cultural district that we must preserve. [♪♪♪] >> it was formed in 2014. we had been an organization that had been around for over 20 years. we worked a lot in the neighborhood around life issues. most recently, in 2012, there were issues around gentrification in the neighborhood. so the idea of forming the cultural district was to help preserve the history and the culture that is in this neighborhood for the future of families and generations. >> in the past decade, 8,000 latino residents in the mission district have been displaced from their community. we all know that the rising cost of living in san francisco has led to many people being displaced. lower and middle income all over the city. because it there is richness in this neighborhood that i also mentioned the fact it is flat
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and so accessible by trip public transportation, has, has made it very popular. >> it's a struggle for us right now, you know, when you get a lot of development coming to an area, a lot of new people coming to the area with different sets of values and different culture. there is a lot of struggle between the existing community and the newness coming in. there are some things that we do to try to slow it down so it doesn't completely erase the communities. we try to have developments that is more in tune with the community and more equitable development in the area. >> you need to meet with and gain the support and find out the needs of the neighborhoods. the people on the businesses that came before you. you need to dialogue and show respect. and then figure out how to bring in the new, without displacing the old. [♪♪♪] >> i hope we can reset a lot of the mission that we have lost in the last 20 years.
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so we will be bringing in a lot of folks into the neighborhoods pick when we do that, there is a demand or, you know, certain types of services that pertain more to the local community and working-class. >> back in the day, we looked at mission street, and now it does not look and feel anything like mission street. this is the last stand of the latino concentrated arts, culture and cuisine and people. we created a cultural district to do our best to conserve that feeling. that is what makes our city so cosmopolitan and diverse and makes us the envy of the world. we have these unique neighborhoods with so much cultural presence and learnings, that we want to preserve. [♪♪♪]
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today. my name is leo sosa. i'm the founder and executive director for devmission. we're sitting inside a computer lab where residents come and get support when they give help about how to set up an e-mail account. how to order prescriptions online. create a résumé. we are also now paying attention to provide tech support. we have collaborated with the san francisco mayor's office and the department of technology to implement a broad band network for the residents here so they can have free internet access. we have partnered with community technology networks to provide computer classes to the seniors and the residents.
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so this computer lab becomes a hub for the community to learn how to use technology, but that's the parents and the adults. we have been able to identify what we call a stem date. the acronym is science technology engineering and math. kids should be exposed no matter what type of background or ethnicity or income status. that's where we actually create magic. >> something that the kids are really excited about is science and so the way that we execute that is through making slime. and as fun as it is, it's still a chemical reaction and you start to understand that with the materials that you need to make the slime. >> they love adding their little twists to everything. it's just a place for them to experiment and that's really what we want. >> i see. >> really what the excitement behind that is that you're
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making something. >> logs, legos, sumo box, art, drawing, computers, mine craft, and really it's just awaking opportunity. >> keeping their attention is like one of the biggest challenges that we do have because, you know, they're kids. they always want to be doing something, be helping with something. so we just let them be themselves. we have our set of rules in place that we have that we want them to follow and live up to. and we also have our set of expectations that we want them to achieve. this is like my first year officially working with kids. and definitely i've had moments where they're not getting something. they don't really understand it and you're trying to just talk to them in a way that they can make it work teaching them in different ways how they can get the light bulb to go off and i've seen it first-hand and it makes me so happy when it does go off because it's like, wow, i helped them understand this
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concept. >> i love playing games and i love having fun with my friends playing dodge ball and a lot of things that i like. it's really cool. >> they don't give you a lot of cheese to put on there, do they? you've got like a little bit left. >> we learn programming to make them work. we do computers and programming. at the bottom here, we talk to them and we press these buttons to make it go. and this is to turn it off. and this is to make it control
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on its own. if you press this twice, it can do any type of tricks. like you can move it like this and it moves. it actually can go like this. >> like, wow, they're just absorbing everything. so it definitely is a wholehearted moment that i love experiencing. >> the realities right now, 5.3 latinos working in tech and about 6.7 african americans working in tech. and, of course, those tech companies are funders. so i continue to work really hard with them to close that gap and work with the san francisco unified school district so juniors and seniors come to our program, so kids come to our stem hub and be exposed to all those things. it's a big challenge. >> we have a couple of other
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providers here on site, but we've all just been trying to work together and let the kids move around from each department. some kids are comfortable with their admission, but if they want to jump in with city of dreams or hunter's point, we just try to collaborate to provide the best opportunity in the community. >> devmission has provided services on westbrook. they teach you how to code. how to build their own mini robot to providing access for the youth to partnerships with adobe and sony and google and twitter. and so devmission has definitely brought access for our families to resources that our residents may or may not have been able to access in the past. >> the san francisco house and development corporation gave us the grant to implement this program. it hasn't been easy, but we
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have been able to see now some of the success stories of some of those kids that have been able to take the opportunity and continue to grow within their education and eventually become a very successful citizen. >> so the computer lab, they're doing the backpacks. i don't know if you're going to be able to do the class. you still want to try? . yeah. go for it. >> we have a young man by the name of ivan mello. he came here two and a half years ago to be part of our digital arts music lab. graduating with natural, fruity loops, rhymes. all of our music lyrics are clean. he came as an intern, and now he's running the program. that just tells you, we are only creating opportunities and there's a young man by the name
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of eduardo ramirez. he tells the barber, what's that flyer? and he says it's a program that teaches you computers and art. and i still remember the day he walked in there with a baseball cap, full of tattoos. nice clean hair cut. i want to learn how to use computers. graduated from the program and he wanted to work in i.t.. well, eduardo is a dreamer. right. so trying to find him a job in the tech industry was very challenging, but that didn't stop him. through the effort of the office of economic work force and the grant i reached out to a few folks i know. post mates decided to bring him on board regardless of his legal status. he ended his internship at post mates and now is at hudacity.
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that is the power of what technology does for young people that want to become part of the tech industry. what we've been doing, it's very innovative. helping kids k-12, transitional age youth, families, parents, communities, understand and to be exposed to stem subjects. imagine if that mission one day can be in every affordable housing community. the opportunities that we would create and that's what i'm trying to do with this
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>> sometimes you go down and it's hard to get up. so we see ourselves as providing an opportunity for the unhoused to get up. and so i really believe that when they come here and they've said it, this right here is absolutely needed. you can't ask for nothing better. >> the tenderloin is the stuff that ain't on the list of remedies, liked the spiritual connection to recovery and why would i? why would i recover? what have i got to live for? things like that. and sharing the stories. like i was homeless and just the team. and some people need that extra connection on why they can change their life or how they could. >> we have a lot of guests that will come in and say i would like -- you know, i need help with shelter, food, and primary care doctor. and so here, that's three rooms down the hall. so if you book them, they get all of their needs taken care
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>> i'm sergeant and i'm a transmale. >> i'm an out gay man. >> we're married. >> i knew i was gay when i was 16 years old. >> i was probably in elementary school that i knew i was different. >> i had that fear that my parents would accept me. >> it wasn't as accepted as it is now. >> i was in the navy don't ask don't tell. >> i was in high school and i would have other students come up to me and say pretty awful things. >> it was hard because it was trying to cross that bridge of religion for my family. >> it took almost ten years to be exactly who i wanteded to be. >> we met 0 work. >> we got married in mexico. >> we wore two dresses.
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>> we have my 9-year-old boy and 3-year-old twins. >> here we go. [applause] >> i along with our lgbtq public safety officials will be marching in pride this year. >> it's going to be very symbolic. >> it's a celebration of what our family is. there's a lot of pride with this uniform. >> one of the reasons i initially got into law enforcement was the representation that i wanted to be for other people. >> you know, we're all on the same side at the end of the day. >> i've marched 205 years in the parade. >> i feel like this department has been able to creatively save space for somebody like me. >> a lot of departments across america, it would be a different story. >> it's really great to be a
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>> police commission meeting, we have everyone here in attendance, can you please take the roll. >> >> commissioner bendicto. >> present. >> present. >> commissioner brendan. >> here. >> you have a quorum, also with us tonight we have chief william scott from san francisco police department and sarah hawkins for police beable.
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>> thank you, welcome chief and director hawkins and my fellow commissioners. can can can you please call the first item. >> line item 1, can we do the "pledge of allegiance". >> oh, that too. so let's do that first. >> okay, if you you can stand if you're able. for the "pledge of allegiance". >> i pledge allegiance tolt flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all. >> thank you, for the reminder. >> item 1, public comment. at this time, the public is able to address the commission. under police commission rules of order during public comment,
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are required to respond by comment but may provide a brief response. or written comments may be sent to u.s. postal service located at 1235 third street. if you would like to make public comment at this time, please press star-3. >> francisco nacosta. what i want to talk today is about emergency services.
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you commissioners should call in a commander who is involved with the emergency services so that, we all can get an idea what it needs to do a needs assessment. this is very variety to our city at this time because of what is happening. with the homelessness, not only with the drugs, but even with the fireworks. you can be a commission and just think that you know, you're going to be involved with policy making and running your mouth on mundane issue while the citizens of san francisco, are suffering because the quality of issues have gone to the hogs. the citizens but we need to do
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this on a raw footing. and that is where the military comes, not the military per se, but who has commanders, we need a commander who can do who can lead the emergency services. and work with the commissioners, not all of you but some of you all, so you really know how to run a first class city. today this is not a first class city. because people from all over the world are writing to me about it, thank you very much. >> thank you, caller. >> good evening, caller, you have two minutes. >> hello my name is cindy guzman i'm coordinateeter for the relations, i'm calling on
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the police commission to consider a proposed ordinance brought by a commissioner carter overstone who was introduced back in february and community groups are overwhelmingly. still has not yet. we want the commission to recognize the urgency of this. you know the fact that there are racial disparity in stops by police, the fact that if you only have 5% of the population in san francisco, the african-american about 27% out of the stops are of african-american that there is racial bias associated with these types of stops. and you know, we can also see that when we have these types
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of stops, that increases the chance of potential violence, on community members. shots to the body and, you know, and this was as a result, you can see that the community is very much concerned about that. and one of the things that we have a sizable community located in san francisco, one of the reasons for pretext stops could be if you have to continue from the rear view mirrors and a lot of them have. like clearviews, hanging from their rear view mirrors, but it has been used as a course stopping form to the community members. including one of my close friends that that has happened to. >> thank you, caller.
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good evening, caller, you have two minutes. >> hello my name is david, i'm a resident of district 1. the following is a quote from our founder if he--felicia zones, i'm going to call it what it is, anti blackness in terms of racial profiling. i've grown tired of talking to commission and to the board of supervisors, what is the urgency? if the tables were turned, i know there would be an urgency, when are you going to address the hare much and unjust statistics which is your responsibility as you took an oath to uphold the law for all san franciscoians, i'm tired, not tired of to quit but tired of beating a dead horse. we sought help from attorney general. in quote, we understand the low
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level traffic stops which was just discussed by the brief color starting to be discussed among officials and take flight nationwide. often disparity has been demanding via traffic stops for months. the black san franciscoian is three times as likely to be stropd for traffic stop. this is one of the worse black statistics anywhere. since the reform, the racial disparity level has gotten worse. routine traffic stops make up a large majority about two-thirds of stops. proven that they stop black people disproportionately and arrest black people even more disproportionately. it's long time to take them off their hands. would also like to understand
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how all matters related along the elimination as we have requested. >> thank you, caller. good evening, caller you have two minutes. >> speaker: good evening, it's chairperson and members of the commission. this is the amos brown, president of the san francisco aacp and baptist church of san francisco. i just talked as a pastor and civil rights advocacy, to pledge my support for holistic approach to the problem of crime and homelessness in the city. san francisco must be delivered from simpletic and realize that it takes all hands-on deck,
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loving mercy and welcome with their principals of their god. we can be better than who we are now. or we're too busy pointing fingers at the chief and at the commission. this needs to be a weighsing and if we don't know how to work together as dr. king said we're all going to perish as fools. in black community, we have over our share of lawlessness, that's because of a lack of opportunity for the most part but in addition to that, we need to be firm about policing and professional and being compassionate in our communities to do the same in all other communities.
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we must work together if we're going to save the city and give o our report that he deserves considering the high professionalism that he has given us in this city. >> good evening, chief, i'm avi fry. i'm here representing the aclu of northern california as a deputy director of criminal justice program and as a resident that it san francisco living in the mission district. i'm also calling to address what seems to delay in implementing stops in san francisco. on behalf of thousands of aclu khafter members in the city, we
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have worked tirelessly in community with other organizations and groups and it's been over a year since, an understanding was presented to the commission. it's been months since commissioner over stone presented the idea. the community is waiting to get this process under way. there is no safety justification for continuing for stops and in the meantime, the delay is resulting in real harms. it's resulting in the hafsh to the community. and into violence and even death. and so on behalf of oufr members and our organizations, i ask for a greater sense of urgency in getting this off the
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ground before tragedy strikes again, thank you so much. >> thank you, caller. >> good evening, caller, you have two minutes. >> speaker: good evening, commissioners, this is from the public defender's office, i have the callers call for urgency beginning the general order. that commission introduced two months ago. we still have weeks and months of working groups and town halls ahead of us, so it's dis heartening to see that we're not months away. but we do have a practical issue that i want to point out that i think the commission wants to claim quickly. seems to have disappeared from the commission website possibly because of the redesign. i'm asking that if you can make those public again so we can see the point coming from the community. thank you.
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>> thank you, caller. good evening, caller you have two minutes. >> leslie senior, glide is proud member of the community driven coalition to end by stops which now representatives over 60 local organizations who are united in our goal of pretech stops. some of my colleagues have called in this evening as well. i appreciate you prioritizing the addition. and we're hoping that it does proceed in a timely manner. this discussion has been formerly initialed, however we have yet to know about when the working groups will convene. i last asked the body on june 8th. we're looking to having a clear timeline and that includes a tentative list of dates and
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simultaneous town hall and a working group that incorporates the voices of community stakeholders and people who are impacted. because these racial disparity as said a couple of times this evening, they're persistent right now and the need to move quickly is doubly reinforced by san francisco ranks the worse in the state when it comes to black rates. so we should proceed aggressively and no approach to addressing these harms. and i ask that we initial these process soon, thank you. >> thank you, caller. good evening, caller you have two minutes. >> good evening, this is proun, kurning my son who was murdered august 13th, 2006. to this day, he has his case has not been solved.
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and as a moerlt i'm still looking for justice for my son. cause is coming up right around the corner. and i'm still looking for justice and helping other mothers and fathers who lost their children to homicide. as i call in for justice, and hoping that the police commission can expedite or do something for unsolved homicide. and with that, i thank you for listening to me. >> thank you, ms. brown. members of the public if you have any information on the
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murder of abry ana costa, you can call the hotline. thank you. >> thank you, very much next line please. >> line item 2, adoption of minutes for june 8th, 15, and 20th 2022. >> i'll make a motion. >> i'll second. >> thank you. >> second. >> on the motion, commission how do you vote. >> yes. >> benedicto yes. >> yes. >> over stone is yes. >> commissioner burn. >> commissioner burn is yes. >> commissioner ye. >> yes. >> commissioner ye is yes. >> and president. >> yes. >> president is yes. you have five yeses. >> thank you, can we go to public comment. >> at this time the public can make comment on item number 2, if you would like to comment
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you can press star-3 right now. no public comment. >> thank you. >> line number 3, public safety concerns providing overview of the census. chief scott. >> thank you, good evening, vice president and commission and director anderson. i'll start this week with the crime and i'll go into significant arrest and incidents. overall violent crime is over 6% homicide is down 4%. and other significant crime, robberies are up 1%.
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14 robberies from this time last year. and results are up 12%. as far as property crime we are up a total of 7% over this time last year, 22372 property crimes compared to to 951. the good news is we're down burglar's 25%. that's 29,015 compared to 29086. our biggest driver is lars re. lars reis up 16,2 19. included in that category with auto burglars which we're up 8%
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from this time last year. 10001, compared to 9264. although we have made some progress in reducing that percentage over the last couple of months which we're going to continue to do what we can to drive that number down. in terms of our violent crime ,z our gun violence is down from last year, 121 incident last year, 103 total incident this year, difference of 15% decrease. come sides with firearms are down by 3. 17 this year compared to last year. and our non fatal shooting victims are down from 101 to 86 this year. homicide clearance rate is around 64%. year to date we did make a homicide arrest this week that i'll talk about shortly. in terms of the station break
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down the significant data is mission station leads the increase in homicides, they have 8 compared to 2 this time last year. they view as a decrease fromle this time last year to 4. northern is down by 1 from this time last year, park is down by 1, remains at 0. terwell is up 2 nr 020 to* 2. and tender lauren is down from 3, from 6 last year to 3 this year. as far as our guns, we have ceased a total of 5 19 total guns this year. and of that, 217 are ghost guns, 91 of ghost guns. that's about.
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significant incident over this last reporting period, we did have two homicides for the weekend ending 3. one is 400 block of arrest there has not been a arrest. the victim was in the street unresponsive as officers arrived they conducted life saving efforts which were unsuccessful. the victim died in the hospital from his injuriesment many heard gunshots and we are canvassed the area for private civilian cameras and we do have some information that we obtained on this case to follow-up. i'll give updates as this case progresses. the second homicide was on june 1 in the day view district at third street and khafter. the victim was lying on the ground next to him.
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initial statement by the vehicles prior to being identified. our video review from evidence that we collected showed that the victim was at a pizza parlor when he got into an argument with this unknown person. the person that's been identified and arrested actually, was arrested the next day. and this was some really good work by our investigators who because they know the area, know the people in the area were able to actually put this case together very quickly and arrest the suspect for murder. so that was really good work by the investigators and the patrol officers in the case. the couple of shooters that
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happened in july fourth, 9:59 there was a shooting. she was struck by a bullet. no suspects were seen and no arrest were made. that is under investigation. victim was a street performer was on the sidewalk when unshown suspect shattered on the foot. we do have follow-up information that we're looking into and hopefully we'll make progress in that case. shooting in the fourth, was in the 200 block of rich in the southern subject. a subject and asked to use the restroom when he was refused by the employees an argument ensued and subject left restaurant. a restaurant employee followed the subject and followed him in the street at which time a fight took place, the restaurant being shot. and wounded.
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the injuries are not life threatening and that case is still under investigation. no arrest has been made in this arrest. couple of significant arrest, on july 1, victim security guard on walgreens was stabbed after admonishing a suspect fortress passing in that store. the victim attempted to place the subject under the arrest. the suspect took out a knife and stabbed the victim several times. while officers were drafting a warrant, the person left his approximately and taken the custody. le and after the arrest for vandalizing pd vehicle.
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the victim is in stable condition and expected to survive the incident. and series of organized retail thefts. this happened over the past few months and several of them resulted throughout the area being burglarized. police are leading investigating agencies on june 18th, an american while driving the vehicles. and multiple counts for burglary and robbery and warrants out of brentwood and san francisco. the state attorney general office has expressed rate and our investigators will cult
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with our district attorney as well as other interested agencies and the state in this series of arrest. the very significant, we golt a number of these in the city and these were prolific suspects, those were burglar details. couple of some of the strategies, we've had an increase and shots fired in the day view and as a result we adjusted our deployment over this fourth of july holiday weekend. we increased our third corridor and increased our presence with tick post and some of the housing development in the district where we've had multiple shots fired. we plan to make adjustments as
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necessary. also in the ingle side additional resources were deployed. there were three incidents, the station participated in ten community event including merchant laws, meeting with community groups and planning for out coming community and police colob rated events and also to address concerns which is corridor which is a part of this policing plant for this year. so we hope that those strategies will do the couple of things and address the concerns meeting with members of the community. last thing on the investigative side is our driving. unfortunately we had no side shows over this holiday weekend. i do want to report progress
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with really good work being done. that's under the special operations bureau and really in collaboration with the district stations who always get resources to these events and we know about them, when we think that they're coming. this is resulted in approximately 40 vehicles that have been seized as a result of follow-up investigation. and i want to reemphasize if you come to san francisco and participate in these events, even if you're not caught, we will not give up on pursuing you to be held accountable for the danger of these events. with that, our follow-up investigators have done some really good work and approximately 40 cars have been seized. and that has resulted i think in us having some success and
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driving the side showdown in our city. so we'll continue to work on that. and last thing to report in terms of significant incident, there is a west of angel island. this happened on the 30th of june. our boat collided with the sale boat, the victim did not survive the injuries. the marine union was part of that and we were not able to save this person. and that is that is it for my report for this week, thank you. >> thank you, chief. i'm going to turn it over to my fellow commissioners, i don't see any questions or comments. commissioner ye. >> yes, i just want to talk
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about the graduating class, i want to thank for representing us in the graduation class. also i want to thank the chief and her staff for i guess, keeping us safe during the i word is parade, big celebration, pretty close to half a million people and also the pride parade which got to join as well as the chief and san francisco police staff as well. that's all i have, thank you madam chair. >> thank you. >> thank you. public comment. >> if you would like to make public comment please press star-3 now.
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good evening, caller you have two minutes. >> speaker: i want to talk about the walgreens on st. bruno and felton. if we do not support the wal green that is outside of security, we will lose the walgreen. this walgreen helps seniors with their medication and what we are doing is we lying on the board of supervisors. i heard a joke, it's a serious joke. they say that only the wal green shows receipts of over 100,000 in all loss of things stolen than they can have the wallgreen. this is ridiculous.
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the walgreen in san bruno now caters. are we going to wait until the wal green on san brun o closes? i have over 100 complaints about it. we have some offices, like office of percy, because it goes beyond the call of duty to do a good job. but we can do better. and chief of scott knows about san bruno. i accompanied him, he visited a few stores, we do business, we up lifted one another. i'm asking they contribute to the city.
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save the wallgreen on san bruno and felton. thank you very much. >> thank you, caller. sxao and vice president, that's the end. >> next item please. line item 4. presentation of the april and may 2022, report. director anderson. >> start talking while i was muting this time, just making a note that we're improving and getting better. good evening, we have 336 case that's we have been opened. and we have closed 263 cases so far this year. we have 237 case that's are
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pending and we have sustained 38 cases so far this year. we needed 11 cases this year and we have 20 cases who's investigations have extended beyond a 9-month period. this time last year, we had 28 case that's had gone that far. of those 20 cases continued open, 15 of those case right side told. we have commission has 12 pending cases and decision wz dpa and there is one case that is still pending with the chief. in terms of the weekly trend, we have not met in a while so this is a three-week summary. in the past three weeks, we received just 26 cases. and top allegations are 36% of
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allegations have been with allegations failing to take the required action. most of those are for allegations wanting a police report. and 14% are for alleging sfrd behaved or spoke inappropriately to the public. if you want the complete list they're on the website. in terms of the district break down, i just tried to talk about the top districts that have come in and those would be in terms of allegations that have come to dpa and the top district is, mission and again the allegations are concentrated around officers taking failing to take required action and making an appropriate comment.
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and that's a new search permission when which reported three weeks ago, there was only allegation that came out of mission, there were five this time. the largest second agency was outside of the police jurisdiction, one of the new things that we're doing is making sure that when people call, we're making referrals to the appropriate agencies. so it's frequently the case that people will come in and/or call into the office with complaints about ice or dea or other jurisdictions with information and my staff is trained and we make referrals and that's the second largest allegation that came in and referrals were made by our office.
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64 cases were received in april. and in may 59 cased received. there were a total of 109 allegations and total 120 allegations made by the public in april. in terms of the audit, the 22, we held an opening meeting with sspd to initial the annual of compliant with a-coin 8-10. and i'll continue to give you updates with those but we started those meetings last month. in terms of out reach, we had a no your rights presentation at the family youth and family system of care providers.
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the attendees developed a presentation to better integrate families with systems to develop planning and implementation of city services. we also participated in the park district, richmond district and stations. we also had a conversation outlet--i'll let commissioner bendicto talk about it. but all the participants from the mediators that are trained and the work with our program within the past few weeks as well. we have no cases today in closed session. investigators is online in case any issues come up to help with
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today's meeting. if the public would like to get in contact with the agencies, you can find us at sf dot dpa. you can just google dp a or contact us at 415-241-7711 and we will return the calls. we have an agenda item that we worked on and i'll reserve my comments until we get to to it. i would raise the issue again, i know we said we were going to be caring that the numbers that i read off to the statistics and the numbers from internal affairs. i'm raising the flag as continue to give the information. it would be great if we had something to compare the statistics and numbers to the other agency that is responsible for discipline. that concludes my report for the evening.
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>> great, thank you director henderson. >> commissioner do you have any questions for director henderson? all right, seeing none, sergeant can you go to public comment. >> at this time the public is welcome to make public comment regarding line item number 4, if you would like to make public comment, please press star-3 right now. there is no public comment. >> thank you, next item please. >> line item 5, commission reports. commission reports will be discussion will be limiting to determine any of the issues raised for a future commission meeting. commissioners reports and commission announcements and schedule identified for consideration in the future commission meeting. >> thank you, i'm going to turn
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it over to my fellow commissioners for report and updates. i think we'll kick it off with commissioner benedicto. >> thank you. i have a number of updates for the commission and members of the public. the first one that i want today talk with is the update on the department general order draft 9.01. members of the commission have been working closely to rollout i would like to start by thinking. i know tonight you heard from guide and public defender so thank you for the continued engagement for members of the public. we're very excited to partner with dr. davis and they're
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going to help facilitate the out reach to the public which is going to take the form of three different methods of out reach which will begin the upcoming weeks. there will be commissioner staff with materials about this general record upcoming community events in august including national night out. that's an example of communities going. also with the tremendous commission, there will be community listening session that's will be hosted, those will begin the week with locations and dates to come. to allow us feedback from the community. additionally august will feature the start of working groups which will take into
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account. for members of the public who will call who are interested, that's the general schedule. process is on going, we recognize the need for urgency and are moving often and continue to thank the public for their comments on that. i also wanted to as a commissioner ye shared, that the commission spoke at class 275 graduation class. 6 were bilingual it was great to welcome them and to get to meet some of the cadets at that event. as director henderson noted, i also attended a event hosted for the first time in-person since covid.
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i was able to ex speak to the mediator, things were very happy to learn that the commission was represented there. and members mediation program is really a world class restorive program that provides a great way to resolve some of the disputes brought to dba, i think after--we'll work to agendize, because i think it is, it is underappreciated in a tremendous program that the dba can get. so thank you to all the mediator and to the department for the officers who agreed to participate in the program as well. and that's all for me.
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>> can i just say, thank you so much for participating and attending commissioner. the mediation folks and mediators themselves they pay attention to police commission and it's a big deal that you came and did the walk through and answer their questions. they know who all of you are. and they pay attention to the issues that culminate in the cases here. so i appreciate that you came, but i will probably be inviting you and the others to come back in the future as well. it was one of the things that was important to them, so thank you again. >> thank you, thank you, director henderson. also as updated position regarding the group and listening sessions will be provided on the commission
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website. we encourage people to continue to email us with the comments and suggestions. we receive information from the department. for members as well as the public so that's been helpful and he want to encourage people to participate that way and we'll try to make the commission website the hub for all of information regarding this dd g.o. so thank you for the update commissioner benedicto. commissioner burn, any updates? >> thank you, just two quick updates. number one, i have heard, i'm going to reach out to the captain of northern station.
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>> there is building and they call me and they get a crew to fix it and then it's filed again. we have what appears to be drug dealing. i indicated that i saw to discuss this issue. obviously, they are how would i say, they are satisfied right now with the increased employment in the evening shifts. they have obviously noticed an improvement.
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they verified that it's going to go beyond august. that's the information that was related to me. i certainly welcome that, i think it makes a difference for the lives of people in the area. that is all i have to report, thank you. >> commissioner that's correct. >> thank you very much. commissioner ye, i think you gave your report already but do you have any additional. okay. and commissioner carter overstone. okay, great. public comment, sergeant? >> if you would like to make public comment, please press star-3 now. good evening, caller you have two minutes.
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caller you have two minutes. >> speaker: hello i'm a governor intern for economic relations. i just wanted to say that you know, care, really that this concept has been introduced as early as february 2022 and other groups that have proposed this idea in june of 2021. so the need to move quickly, sorry.
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i'm sorry, i yield my time. >> thank you, caller. good evening, callers, you have two minutes. >> speaker: i want to speak on restoring justice. when i first learned about it in in 2010 when i went to new zealand and then we incorporated it here in san francisco. and the supervisor, i think his name was superman.
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i know we're talking in general terms of people visiting certain institutions, but we have to incorporate it in our school so just a suggestion. and this had been tied to the millions of dollars that has been given to organizations to stop hate crime, the portion of that can be utilized for restorive justice. so i would like to thank paul henderson, i would like to see him smile a little bit. i think he's a wise president who made some good comments. i appreciate what y'all do, but i have to run the boat because i've got too many people who ask me francisco do this and do that, and i say come on man, i
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cannot work miracles. all i can do is say something but i'm not even saying something to doing more. thank you very much. >> thank you, caller. >> vice president, that's the end of public comment. >> thank you, next item. >> line item 6. discussion to adopt, hostage and barricade suspect. le discussion and possible action. >> thank you, is anyone presenting or you just want us to vote? >> yeah, i think you vote, let me check my notes.
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>> we have captain simeria on the phone, sorry about that. >> thank you, i hope everybody can hear me. police commissioners, i'm captain john januarymoreno. i'm here with unit and our of all things, g.o., since 2020. this is a g.o.that was originally written in 199 had and either during that time, we worked with pta, and the police commission. to come up with a new department that appropriated g-dog and some verification. there is some additions and
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some areas that have been made more robust and we're happy to answer any questions or have any discussions. thank you. >> thank you, captain. i don't have any questions but i think that you can answer them at the last meeting that this was agendized and i think we also had it in closed session. do my fellow commissioners have any questions or comments or edits? okay, so can i get a vote or a motion actually? >> i'll move to adopt. >> i'll second it. >> sergeant. >> at this time public is welcomed to make any public comment on this item. if you wish to make any public comment, please press star-3 now. vice president, there is no
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public comment. i'll take the vote. >> thank you, sergeant. commissioner benedicto? >> yes. >> overstone. >> yes. >> commissioner burn. >> yes. >> commissioner burn is yes, commissioner ye. >> yes. >> commissioner ye is yes. and vice president. >> yes. >> vice president is yes, you have five yeses. >> thank you. >> thank you, commissioners. >> thank you. thank you for your hard work on this. sergeant. >> line item 7 public comment on all items below closed session and whether to hold item 9 in closed session, if you would like to make public comment please press star-3 right now. and there is no public comment. line item 8, vote whether to hold item 9 in closed session. action.
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>> i'll make a motion can i get a second. >> second. >> on the motion, commissioner benedicto how do you vote. >> yes. >> benedict ofrjt is yes. over ?nd stone. n.yes. >> commissioner burn. >> yes. >> commissioner burn is yes. >> commissioner ye. >> yes. >> and vice president. >> yes. >> vice president is yes, you have five yeses and i will take us into closed session. >> i make a motion not to disclose can i get a second. >> second. >> thank you. >> on the motion not to disclose. >> benedicto. >> yes. >> commissioner over ?nd stone. >> yes. >> commissioner burn. >> yes. >> commissioner burn is yes. commissioner ye. >> yes. >> and commissioner lie as. >> yes.
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you know, going through this process really reminded me of just how resilient we are as a city. when i think about what we've been through over the years, whether it's earthquakes, a global pandemic, i put the challenges of what we experienced during those times as we went through changes and challenges to what was happening in our city and how despite those issues, we persevered. and i want to also be clear that there is a lot of reddick out there about criminal justice reform, and how we're going to be setback.
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but let me tell you, that is not going to happen. [applause] i talked to so many people all over the city. i talked to folks who have never been politically engaged. i talked to people who cared deeply about what they've seen happen in san francisco. and you know what i appreciate so much about the spirit of the people who are part of this amazing city? is time and time again, despite even being victims of crime and experiencing challenges with our criminal justice system, they have said, time and time again yes, we want accountability but we also
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don't want to abandon our valleys to reform our criminal justice system so that it is fairer and it provides the safety that we need in a city like san francisco. so i want to thank all of you because i see many of you in the audience here today. the people who took time to talk to me and to engage with my office in this process. of the people who spent countless hours doing their homework and trying to figure out what is the best path for san francisco. this was not just my decision alone, this came about because of the input of people who were supporters and opposition of everything that was going on because it's important. that despite who supported or who opposed, at the end of the
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day this district attorney represents all san franciscoians. [cheers and applause] so you're going to meet her in a moment. but let me just say, to also those candidates who put themselves out there. i want to really acknowledge and recognize and thank supervisor catherine stephanie for being here today. [cheers and applause] this was a very hard decision and supervisor stephanie thank you so much for your courage, your work and your love for this city and we appreciate you so much. and i also want to thank another candidate who is joining us today here today who is an extra san franciscoians,
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guaranteed these positions, it's up to the voters to decide in any event and so when we're the gate keepers in the roles, we have an obligation, an obligation to be there for the people of the city. and what i said what i heard time and time again, we want a prosecutor. we want somebody who has compassion. we want somebody who understand the challenges what it feels like to not only be a victim but being on the receiving end of being wrongfully committed of a crime. growing up in the city, i know both sides. i know both sides too well and i've seen the dysfunction and the disparities that exist in the criminal justice system even today.
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so i didn't take this decision lightly and the fact is, when meeting and talking to brooke and hearing her understanding of the issues and the balance that she brings to the table, i am so proud that she stepped up, she put her career on the line because not only did she care about safety and the future of this city for her own family, she cared about it for all san franciscoians. [applause] as somebody who has had to prosecutor for sexual assault, for issues around domestic violence, somebody who has had to deal with hate crimes and homicides, the stories i've
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heard of victims, the issues that exist i know firsthand that she has the ability to look at these cases, to work with a strong team and to come up with a decision where it makes sense for the case making sure that the victim is a part of the decision every step of the way. making sure, making sure that when we have people who arrested multiple times, eventually there has to be consequences. when we know somebody has mental health issues, the fact is, there are things that need to be done within our criminal justice system when they cross that line to help get them the support and services that they need. there is not an easy solution
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to each of these individual case. there is not a one size fits all. and let me tell you, i'm confident and i am trusting and trust brooke jenkins to make the right decisions in the cases with the right team of prosecutors and community members by her side. [cheers and applause] we know that there are challenges in this city. and let me tell you, again when i think about those mothers who have lost their children in the city to gun violence, more so disproportionately in the african community. i know brooke jenkins understands and will address those issues fairly. when i think about the grandmothers in the asian community who i see as my
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grandmother too, i know that she understands those issues and will deal with them appropriately. i know that the challenges around the people who we lost in the city to fentanyl overdoses is something that she will address appropriately so. [applause] we've been through a lot in the city, and there is not one person that is going to fix this. but there is a strong d.a. that will take over and will do everything she can to ensure safety, accountability and justice. [cheers and applause] so before we get to the swearing in ceremony, i want to introduce a few speakers that
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have firsthand knowledge about brooke and her work in the district attorney's office who are going to give you the stories of their experiences. ronny sing, who worked as a prosecutor in the district attorney's office and currently now working in the sheriff's department. edward silva, somebody who will tell you his story about how brooke impacted his life. and finally, commissioner larry ye who served as a commissioner for the police department. and before, ronny comes up, i want to also say something that is so many people in this community said to me that they wanted to see. yes, we want police accountability but we also want a district attorney that can work with the police department. and [applause]
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that can work with the sheriff's department. that can work with the board of supervisors that can work with the mayor. [cheers and applause] time forefinger pointing and blaming other people is over! [cheers and applause] we have got in the interest of public safety, in the interest of turning things around in our city, we have to put the political reddick behind us and work together and move forward to get our city on the right path. [cheers and applause] and with that, i want to thank you all of you for being here today.
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and i want to ask each of the speakers to come up before we swear in our next district attorney. thank you all so much. >> standing room only, has how we like it in san francisco. welcome everybody, i'm going to start by saying, there is no crying in city hall so i'm going to try to do this without shedding a tear. about 7 and a half years ago in then the hall of justice, third floor which has since been closed. i heard a voice coming down the hall, a loud one that equally matched mine. and the chief gave me a file,
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and said, ronny i volunteer for the mentor program and here's your mentee and it was none other than our district attorney brooke. and those who know me, know me as auntie, or pain in the you know what if i'm managing you. but needless to say, it's been an honor and privilege and blessing to mentor brooke. she has been become more a mentee, she has become part of my family. she rows the ranks of the district attorney's office like a shining star. she always balanced, judgment, accountability, and progress. and i want to say something
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about this term, progressive prosecutor. the order inprogressive means moving forward, going forward, sinking innovatively and that's who brooke is. brooke was a staunch supporter of the collaboratives when i managed the courts for six years. she would bring me tough cases and put them on my desk and say, ronny, take a look, i think this is one that deserves a chance. so when mayor breed so eloquently put that the city of san francisco believes in accountability, but also giving chances, she could not have made a better selection in a district attorney than brooke jenkins. [applause] now i have to say a special shout out to my current boss, sheriff miamoto who has let me
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continue to mentor brooke and when she left the office, she didn't tell me she was going to join the recall. she told me the day after she joined, and it was the first time in 8 years that she kept a secret from me and now i know why. because she had to be brave beyond belief, but somewhat silent in her conviction until she made that choice. and let me tell you, she put it all on the line and i'm not going to cry. and she did what few people have the courage to do, she stood up for what was right. she stood up for the 100s of prosecutors that left that office because they couldn't do the work in good conscience, because they didn't believe in some of the implementation of
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some of the policies and they believed in public safety and they believed in criminal justice reform but not at the expense of victims. not at the expense of business owners, not at the expense of owners and renters of property. and that's why brooke understands the daunting task she has ahead of her. brooke is a prosecutor, can be described as courageous, professional, strong in her conviction and empathetic. but more importantly, brooke is a human being can be described as loving, fair, trust worthy and loyal. you cannot get a better accommodation, a better symmetry of personality traits, a more fierce advocate for every person in the room
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regardless of your political convictions, because brooke will hear uno matter what. so i'm proud to call you friend, i'm proud that i've had the opportunity to see you grow, and i'm so excited to call you the next district attorney of san francisco. >> hello everyone i'm edward silva. two years ago, on easter holiday, both my daughters and my life changed by a senseless act of violence where my daughter's mother was brutally murdered. brooke was the assistant district attorney on the case. the trial took place last summer in 2021.
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if not for brooke's hard work and diligence in seeking justice, the defendant in this case may not have been found guilty because of brooke, the defendant was found guilty. my daughters and i are forever grateful for how brooke handled the case. thank you so much, brooke. [applause] >> honorable mayor, distinguished guest i'm here to speak for brooke as a new district attorney. let's give it up for her! [cheers and applause] i met brooke during her campaign for and recall. and i answered, i asked my niece, i said do you know brooke because you work in the
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district attorney and she said, yes i do. she is one of the smartest attorney in that office and i'm looking forward to serving us here in the community. but again, in our community it's throughout the whole city, it's not just northbeach china town. engel side here in san francisco. we need to keep it safer for us, for our grand, so we're looking forward to working with her and in the police department as we talked to our outgoing district attorney and when he did come before us and we did ask a question, it's one of the question that touched me in my heart, it was why did you release the person?
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after he shot somebody and almost killed the person. and his answer was, it's not me, it's the other police department. and i look again to brooks, to bring us out of this darkness and make it better and safer for us. making sure that we're accountable for both the victim and the offenders and making it safe for all us here. so i'm looking forward to great day right here, i'm waiting for this and going forward, i thank you again mayor london breed, thank you! [cheers and applause] >> i want to thank our he
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likted officials including thank you so much for being here. thank you to our bart board member, leticia, we appreciate you very much. thank you to our treasurer jose, our fire chief nickel son and our police chief phil scott. [cheers and applause] i want to thank our assesser, joaquin torres and my grandma, that's my grandma y'all. and i want to give a shout out to the former mayor of san francisco who comes time and
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time again trying to get his job back, mayor willie brown. [cheers and applause] thank you to our school board members who are joining here today and our city attorney david shu and now i'm done with all of that because i know people in the audience and people from our district attorney, judges, and commissioners and our community. i'm so grateful that all of you took the time off your schedule to be here because i know how important this is for you. and now it is time to swear in brooke jenkins, and doing so as a presiding judge for the city of san francisco, judge hanes. [cheers and applause]
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>> raise your righted hand, repeat after me. i. >> i. brooke jenkins. do solemnly swear and affirm. >> that that i will support and defend, the constitution of the united states and the constitution of the state of california, against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the constitution of the united states and the state of california. that i take this obligation
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>> thank you, thank you, thank you for being here. and like my big sis and mentor ronny said, no tears today even if they're tears of joy. i want to again thank mayor london breed for giving me the honor of serving this city as your next district attorney. i know that she gave a lot of thought to this decision and that there were several other very qualified candidates, candidates that are sitting in this room right now. and i am truly humbled by this opportunity and i want to thank nancy and catherine for being here and i want you to both to know that i hope we can continue our work because i will need your help.
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i first knew i wanted to be a lawyer when i was ten years old watching the mat lock show, that's how old i am. but as a child, you don't know what law that is it's just something you like. so when i first set foot in the university of chicago law school, i didn't know what kind of lawyer i wanted to be. and i got sent down a path of civil law that lasted about 20 years. and it was in 2013 dha my husband and i found out that we were pregnant with our first child and you can imagine the excitement. we found out that it was a little boy, who we decided to name justice. later that year, i gave birth
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to justice and he tragically died shortly after his birth. it was in the search for my life purpose after losing my son that i decided to become a prosecutor. while justice had died from natural causes, i felt that the loss that i had experienced and the pain that i was feeling was the same as a mother who was having to bury her son from gun violence. ttsz a feeling that you cannot describe and it was from that point forward that i was committed to serving my community and victims. and in 2014, i joined the san francisco district attorney's office and since the day i set foot in that office, i have been dedicated to fighting for justice, to being an advocate for victims and for being a
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fair prosecutor to whoever sat in the defendant's chair. as i said yesterday, unfortunately, we have reached a tipping point in san francisco. never in my 8 years of working in criminal justice have i ever heard san franciscoians express the level that they feel about the lack of safety in our city. never have i heard and i was shocked to hear that crime and safety surpassed the concern over covid in the last two years. and we all know how concerning covid has been. the paramount mission of the district attorney's office is to promote public safety and we cannot forget that. as a district attorney, i plan
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to restore the accountability and criminal justice that has been lost in san francisco. [cheers and applause] violence and repeat offenders can no longer be allowed to victimize this city without any consequence. our asian community can no longer be feeling scared to move about our city and conduct their most daily functions without a volunteer escort or without worrying if they're going to be attacked. that must end now. [cheers and applause] san francisco is the city built
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on the american dream, we know that we are a vibrant and community that comes from all over this world because people know that san francisco is a place that is welcoming to everyone. and we have to restore that to san francisco. it has to be a city that continues to be accepting, and respectful of everyone regardless of who you are or where he come from. [cheers and applause] we can no longer turn a blind eye to the gun violence going on in our black community here. the families of this violence deserve justice. it is almost two years ago that my husband's cuss inwas
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murdered. the day before his murder, 6-year-old jason young was killed. i can never forget jason young's father saying, that he always knew that we as black people were disadvantaged as people but never expected to suffer that disadvantage as a victim. we can no longer allow this continue, no parent should have to bury their child and feel that they are alone in their pursuit of justice. [cheers and applause] we vow pursuing justice for victims that is our job.
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we must end the open air drug markets and take back our streets and our neighborhood. [cheers and applause] starting today, drug laws will be enforced in this city. we know the large percentage of children that live in the tineder loin and they should not have to pass through drug dealing, they should not have to endure drug violence and they should not have to see people die of overdose as they walk to school. with my years of experience as a hate crime prosecutor in the sexual unit, i do believe that i'm uniquely prepared to
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address the type of serious crime problems that we're facing in san francisco. but it's not just violent crime that has to be our priority, no longer will we dismiss certain crimes like drug dealing because we know better. chalk that up as a part of big city life. these crimes affect us all, they affect our quality of life and they affect for many who own businesses here, their livelihoods. this is a world renowned city that we live in and we must restore it to what we know it can be. [applause] a city that is safe for everyone.
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now, i'm hoping that everybody in this room and across the city will get to know me, and get to know me not as a face of recall campaign for the previous d.a., there have been a lot of miss conceived notions about what i stood for when i fought to help us restore san francisco. i want to be clear that holding offenders accountability does not mean that we cannot move forward with progressive criminal justice reform. [cheers and applause] as a black and latino women i have seen firsthand the inequities that exist in our criminal justice system. i've had family members charged with crime even in this very city. i've had family members receive
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sentences that would be more fitting for murder. for selling drugs. my family has seen and felt the impact of police misconduct and violence. the inequity in our criminal justice system is not something i read in a book or learned in a classroom, it's part of my lived experience and it's a part of why i decide today do this work to bring more fairness into this system so that when we decide what is appropriate in a case it's not because of what what somebody looks like or where they came from, it's just in that situation.
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and ensure that everybody who comes into this system is treated fairly. i'm determined to enhancing the programs that serve as alternatives to incarceration so we can ghetto fenders serious of turning their lives around a second chance. i'm dedicated to creating programs that can serve as alternative to incarceration. one thing that i'll be dedicated to is developing an alternative court for female offenders. because we know that it's often trauma and certain circumstances that lead women to engage in crime and we need to allow them to address those issues are and not just lock
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them up. as a return to tough on crime but i want to be clear that accountability and justice come in many forms. for some accountability may have to be prison but for the majority of people it may be something else. and i want to make sure that every resource is available to us in san francisco and greater bay area to give offenders a chance to change their lives so we don't continue to have people committing crimes and recycling back into the system. [cheers and applause]
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justice and safety for all. but i cannot do it alone, i see so many of my former colleagues and now, current colleagues from san francisco d.a.'s office here today. your support means the world to me. so many of you have not just been my colleagues but became my friends during my 7 and a half years in the d.a.'s office. i recognize that times have been tough.
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just a few short months ago, i was on the frontlines with all of you and i want you to know that i will be alongside every step of the way as you do your job. i vow to balance what we need to to move this system to become more fair and make sure that every single one of us when we walk out the doors don't have to look over our shoulders and don't have to step over somebody where you're
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concerned if they're dying. don't have to worry about being attacked for the way you look or are that we will work tirelessly to keep you safe. and it will be a monumental task. so i ask today for your support, in this effort, i ask that you give me a chance to get to know me and what my vision is for the san francisco district attorney's office and for san francisco and that, as i go through each community to find out what you're unique challenges are and unique problems that you're facing that you be honest with me and you tell me what we can do to support you and to make things better because i will listen to each and every one of you. and together we will make san francisco, stronger, safer and a for just place for everyone. [cheers and applause]
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>> thank you again for joining us. our new district attorney brooke jenkins will stick around for a little bit. she does have to go to work today. so i ask for your patience and understanding. we'll try to get to people as much as we can but she will be pulled out eventually. but there will be opportunities
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wishes and congratulations the community has shifted a lot of when i was growing up in the 60s and 50's a good portion of chicano-american chinese-american lived in north beach a nob hill community. >> as part the immigrant family is some of the recreation centers are making people have the ability to get together and meet 0 other people if communities in the 60s a 70s and 80s and 90s saw a move to the richmond the sunset district and more recently out to the excelsior the avenue community as well as the ensuring u bayview so chinese family living all over the city and when he grape it
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was in this area. >> we're united. >> and growing up in the area that was a big part of the my leave you know playing basketball and mycy took band lessons and grew up. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> allergies welcome to the community fair it kicks off three weeks of celebrations for the year and let's keep everybody safe and celebrate the
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biggest parade outside of china on february 11th go best wishes and congratulations and 3, 2, 1 happy enough is enough. >> i grew up volley ball education and in media professional contrary as an educator he work with all skids whether or not caucasian hispanic and i african-american cumber a lot of arrest binge kids my philosophy to work with all kids but being here and griping in the chinese community being a chinese-american is important going to american school during the day but went to chinese school that is community is important working with all the kids and having them exposed to
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all culture it is important to me. >> it is a mask evening. >> i'd like to thank you a you all to celebrate an installation of the days here in the asian art museum. >> one time has become so many things in the past two centuries because of the different did i licks the immigration officer didn't understand it became no standard chinese marine or cantonese sproupgs it became so many different sounds this is convenient for the immigration officer this okay your family name so this tells the generations of immigrants where they come from and also many stories behind it
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too. >> and what a better way to celebrate the enough is enough nuru with the light nothing is more important at an the hope the energy we. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> relative to the current administration it is, it is touching very worrisome for our immigrant frames you know and some of the stability in the country and i know how this new president is doing you know immigration as well as immigrants (fireworks)
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later than you think new year the largest holiday no asia and china those of us when my grandparents came over in the 19 hundreds and celebrated in the united states chinese nuru is traditional with a lot of meaning. >> good afternoon my name is carmen chu assessor-recorder i want to wish everything a happy new year thank you for joining us i want to say. >> (speaking foreign language.) >> (speaking foreign language.) >> i'm proud to be a native san
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franciscan i grew up in the chinatown, north beach community port commission important to come back and work with those that live in the community that i grew up in and that that very, very important to give back to continue to work with the community and hope e help those who may not be as capable in under serving come back and give >> you're watching san francisco rising with chris manners. today's special guest is katy tang. [♪♪♪] >> hi.
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i'm chris manners, and you're watching san francisco rising, the show that's focused on rebuilding, reimagining, and revitalizing our city. with us today is katy tang, and she's talk to -- talking to us about assistance and services provided to local businesses. can we talk about the role of the office of small business? many small businesses are struggling to help. how can you help? >> director tang: we are here as the city's central point of information for all things small businesses, so we can help people start, stay, and grow in the city. if you want to start a small business, we can pair you up with small business advisors, who can talk you through your business plan, help you develop it, whether it's regulatory
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requirements, business permits, and just help you understand the journey that was up ahead. and if you'd like to stay in san francisco and perhaps your business is facing challenges, we can also pair you with a business advisor who can assess your business needs and figure out whatside that would best help you. so for example, perhaps you need more marketing assistance or you need to be connected to a loan, a low interest loan or a grant program, if that's available. those are services we can provide to you, whether you're starting out or trying to stay in san francisco. and of course, if you want to expand and grow into a new space, we can help assist you with that and help prepare you for the journey ahead. we have a team dedicated to assist you you with all the small business needs, all the requirements needed to help you establish your small business
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in san francisco. >> do you have an e.s.l. program for people who want to start small businesses? >> director tang: we have staff that can speak spanish and mandarin and cantonese, and we understand if english is not your first language, it can be difficult, so we want to be as helpful as possible. >> excellent. i know that s.f. shines was created to help with restoring and improvement. can you tell us more about that? >> yes. it's run out of a sister development and it's much needed in the small business community. if you are trying to improve your storefront, whether it's outside, perhaps you want to make some interior improvements, a lot of times,
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that involves a lot of cost and resources to be able to do so. for example, you may need to hire an architect to submit drawings so you can get your work done. currently, s.f. shines is offer a pairing of business sign services. you can be paired up with an architect to get your drawings done to help you start to do the actual work. we hope that people will stay tuned, and you can find out more information on our website. that's >> let's talk about the shared spaces program. it's been a huge success, and outdoor dining spaces are very
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popular. >> the shared spaces program, especially during the pandemic, really helped spaces survive. to have an outdoor space where people could safely gather was critical, and the office of small business has been working with these shared spaces during the pandemic. some may or may not have been up to the city's code regulations, so department of public works and other departments have been trying to figure out what violations are and help businesses come into compliance. the planning department and the city have decided that they'll give businesses until 2023 to come into compliance.
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also in the meantime, for businesses that want to start new shared spaces, new parklets, that is still an on going program, a new program, so people can always submit their applications for shared spaces regardless whether they started one during the pandemic or not. >> do you anticipate there being other shared spaces programs in the future and how do small businesses go about finding out about them? >> small businesses can find out about it by visiting our website, sfgov/osb or you can call 415-554-6134, and we can connect you with the planning department and other agencies that would be connected with the shared spaces programs. >> over the pandemic, businesses have been victimized by vandals and other crimes.
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how can you help them? >> the city offers a program called the vandalism relief fund, and this would allow businesses suffering from graffiti or broken windows to apply with the city through our neighborhood services division, and you could get up to 1,000 or 2,000 if you submit certain documentation, such as a photograph of the damage or a copy of the receipt or document showing the amount you paid for to correct the incident. we are so excited that the city now has a centralized permit center, where people can come and get their business done, hopefully, in the same day where there are several different agencies, ranging
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from department of building inspection, planning department, public health, fire department, all here to help people, whether you're building a new business or even new construction, to be able to, again, fit all of your appointments in one day and get things done quickly. so starting in may, our office of small business has actually started working out of 49 south van ness at the permit center, and we have a team of two staff who are dedicated to helping small businesses through their permitting journey. so we do encourage people, you can come to the permit center or you can e-mail us at, and you can communicate with our staff dedicated to helping you with your permitting needs. we hope that people will consider consulting with us before you even sign a lease so that we can help you on the path to success and understanding the journey of
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setting up a small business in san francisco. >> well, thank you so much. i really appreciate you coming on the show, miss tang. thank you for the time you've given us today. >> director tang: thanks for having me. >> and that's it for this show. we'll be back shortly. you've been watching san francisco rising. for sfgovtv, i'm chris manners. thanks for watching.
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